#if anyone has any advice abt this id love to hear it but it feels liek s rlly specific personal problem LOL
lycanthian · 7 months
uniquely annoying aspect of the thanksgiving holidays reliance and association with food is when you have extremely bad issues abt food that ur working thru but its going slowly and you cant eat most of the food offered and u try to be polite abt it but everyone thinks ur fucking rude for making your own food that you brought even though its not taking anyone elses time energy or money but yours
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cruelsister-moved2 · 6 months
hello!! im wondering if you have any advice regarding this, feel free to ignore. im so deep into the closet (lesbian) that at this point i feel suffocated mostly because of the scenarios i keep creating in my head when i think of coming out especially to my best friend. I gave her zero reasons for her to think im nothing other than straight so shattering that perception of me is scary. since we talk abt boys, well her i just listen and when i talk abt my thoughts on dating is very vague i feel like such a two faced person, lying to her face ya know? and these little scenarios i create in my head are the worst cause id imagine she wont believe me. thinking this way of her is not fair because is all in my head... im 27 btw
i hate the process of coming out and the like forced vulnerability and i also stayed in the closet to a lot of the straight people in my life for ages (and have no plans to come out to any of my extended family). i never really 'come out' to anyone, I just mention my girlfriend or like say whatever it is i want to say without a preamble. i think this forced sit-down thing that feels like an intervention is not for everyone, and honestly I find it dehumanising. maybe in some situations you decide it will produce the results you want, but it's not essential.
when you talk about shattering her perception of you, i wonder if part of the problem is the inherent discomfort of recognising that everyone creates their own idea of us in their heads that we can't control. It's just that coming out forced you to confront that in a way most cishet people might never have to. it's possible to be proud of being gay and happy with yourself and be anxious about what that might mean for the pictures others create. this is true of most -isms: you can reject the stereotypes for yourself and still recognise that other people might project them on you anyway, and no amout of self-love stops them from doing it.
i know it's hard to hear when you're in the situation, but it's important to confront whether a relationship in which you can't be yourself at all is something you really need. and sometimes it is - I don't need to have emotional intimacy about my dating life with my grandma, so I don't plan to either cut her off or come out to her, though I do keep her at a distance for my peace of mind. this isn't to say that i think your friend is going to reject you - i assume you've been friends a long time and must have some meaningful ties keeping you together despite all this + people are generally better than we think they are. but i do think the only way you're going to be able to do it is by accepting that whatever happens will be the right thing: lets say she flies into a homophobic rage, don't you want to know that about her? do you want to maintain a friendship where the only thing stopping that is you hiding yourself? you don't need to freak yourself imagining worst-case scenarios, you just need to draw a boundary for yourself that you aren't going to spend time in close relationships protecting other people's image of you.
it sounds like you mostly just want to not have to lie to her, so who cares if she doesn't believe you? instead of framing this as about her, and therefore reliant on her reaction, imagine it as being about your need to speak freely about your dating life (or whatever else you want from this), and then you won't be as worried about how she takes it (which you can't control) and more about how it feels for you (which you can). you can just say 'I'm not really interested in dating boys' and now youre free from the obligation to pretend, however she takes that. if you want to talk about girls, talk about them. if she has more questions, it's her responsibility to ask or keep them to herself. we take so much responsibility on trying to make our coming-outs easy for other people and forget abt ourselves!
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kazemiya · 2 years
hi!! its q anon again!! may i ask advice when starting your own enstars writing acc hehe you dont have to but like id love to hear from you ^_^ - 🐧
Hello q anon!!! It’s nice to see you again! Rlly honoured that you would ask me for advice, especially since I literally just set up this blog two months ago and I’m vv inexperienced. These pieces of advice are also from other ppl who gave me advice
1. Enjoy the process of writing and don’t compare yourself to others
Well u should always enjoy whatever you write! When you enjoy the writing process and fic that you write, other people will definitely enjoy it too! And writing should never be a daunting task if you enjoy it, so take breaks when you have to and don’t push yourself to write things you don’t want to write.
Remember that other writing blogs have also started out small and trust me, I know the feeling to want people to like your posts and stuff but rlly if you enjoy what you do, you’re bound to attract people! Just let time do it’s thing.
2. Be neat (although this is just personal and I like it when it’s neat)
When posts are neat, especially the pinned post, I feel like its easier to look at but this is very obviously my personal opinion. And it helps when it is done from the get go, so there isn’t any procrastination on it later on!
3. Interact with others
Hehe from my own experience the enstars writing community is rlly welcoming as long as you urself is nice and respect other people’s boundaries. And it’s always great to reblog posts that you like and read more, helps with inspiration! Plus most of us like interaction anyways.
Other miscellaneous things:
Just be confident in urself! If you ever do start a enstars writing blog, then I wish you the best of luck! There will always be people who like your work and most importantly have fun with it!!
P.S feel free to drop ur blog’s url in my inbox if u ever make an enstars writing acc, and take ur time to think abt it yea!
If anyone has any tips they wanna share feel free to reblog and add on, it doesn’t hurt to do so anyways
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crimsonrosee · 2 years
Hey Emma!! I hope you’ve been well, I love that new coloring of yours :3 your style is quite unique and glittery sparkles I love it haha ^^ I am just checking up because I saw some concerning/worrysome things happening. First, though me saying sorry won’t fix someone else’s mistakes, I’m so sorry to hear what’s been going on with the hate anon. When there are people like that it’s quite hard not to fall into a loop of overthinking and starting to wonder if maybe they are right about everything. But in the end it’s amazing to see you stand strong against them because they are truly wasting their time here on earth judging and not even giving good criticism! Second is about the note situation and how it’s definitely discouraging especially during the time that is the like to reblog ratio on tumblr right now. Times are definitely changing with an influx of users that don’t know how tumblr works but at this point one has to be grateful for whatever they can get right? Lmao. You are so talented and have such great ideas that I only wish the note problem wouldn’t get to you as much. Sure following has a role to play in this and since you started off a little over a year ago I’m sure you have a nice small community (no bad intentions behind saying that I’m just guessing since your blog is still fairly new and you’re still getting used to tumblr)
What I’m trying to get across is this. I’ve been here for 10 years and even to this day I have such a bad habit of eyeing my activity and sometimes it does get to me “why doesn’t this post that I worked super hard on have hardly any attraction? Why doesn’t anyone love it as much as I do?” I suggest not to worry much about how much notes a posts gets and to just love and admire your piece and say to yourself that you did a good job. That you worked hard on that and it’s okay. Whatever you make, never compare to others because that’s where bad habits start to form as well which can possibly lead to trying to steal the style of whoever is successful and just do what they do. Always be unique, and start trying to rid yourself of that habit and I’m positive that it would shift your way of thinking and using the site.
I mean no ill intent with this message And only mean good. Trust me I know how hard it can be to get rid of a bad habit but if you just start, 1% is better than 0%. I believe in your bright and fruitful future doing and making work carefree of the eyes of others. And Ill always wish you nothing but the best Emma. Do what you want, when you want, however you want. And as always if you ever need help or more advice my door will always be open 🤍🤍🤍 oh and it doesn’t matter if you respond to this privately or not, your choice! ^^
i know ive been feeling gloomy whenever i use this app. Since i have only 1 year experience of using tumblr, it saddens me how my creations are not being recognised. Last year, when i uploaded my works, with no self reblog id end up having 1k notes. This year i thought my creations improved way better but I can't attest that ;(
I stress a lot creating stuff but when i see my creations are being ignored by many ppl it hurts me deep core. And yes i will always work with my own floral styles! Since i love using flowers & sparkles everywhere! 🌺✨ Even if it's girlish but its my vibe. I wish i created tumblr years ago so i wouldn't have to feel ignored this way ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
Thank you for ur kind & sweet words alyssa! You didn't have to type long message for me but im ecstatic you care abt my feelings! I LOVE YOU SM! have a fantastic day! ♡︎♡︎
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quilfish-swan · 3 years
I was hoping you wouldn't mind being tagged! And plz id love to hear abt the Nami and Luffy bonding thats my shit 👀👀
omg yes of course!!🥺🥺 love them. bestie vibes🥺🥺
im just gonna put everything under the cut lmao. (op marineford spoilers below)
okay so. this is a nami pov oneshot where luffy comes back from amazon lily after the two years and wants some advice about the whole boa hancock situation?? (like i can't imagine that he wouldn't at least think about how the most beautiful woman in the world fell in love with him and he didn't feel anything about it. (luffy is aroace in this.)) so he goes to nami and kinda awkwardly brings it up. they talk and nami tells him he might be aroace and luffy gets excited about that. and of course bc the nickname for asexual is "ace" they get on the subject of ace the brother (it's corny i know I ALREADY KNOW). so yeah😭 i probably won't ever post it. (especially without an aroace person to like. proofread it, since i'm not aroace) but i liked writing it and i like a lot of the moments in it
anyway i'll shut up heres the end
* * *
Nami watches him bring his hand to his chest once again, a false smile still masking what she knows must be a storm underneath. She waits for him to say something, and when he doesn’t, she speaks.
"Luffy," she says, "you know I'm here for you, right?" 
He nods, his hair now slightly obscuring his eyes. Nami studies him closely, searching for some kind of clue as to how he's really feeling.
"Nami." He still isn't looking at her, but as if guessing her thoughts, he says, "I'm okay."
"I know." She doesn't believe it, but nevertheless she repeats, "I know." After a beat, she asks, "Luffy, can I give you a hug?"
He meets her eyes briefly before looking down again and shrugging. "Sure."
She puts her arms around him, and at first he just sort of leans against her. But after a few seconds he shifts to fully return the embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face into her shoulder.
After another moment, Nami feels him grip her shirt, and for some reason it makes tears spring to her eyes.
"It's been so long, but it still hurts so much." 
The words pierce Nami's heart.
She puts a hand on the back of his head to keep him close.
"Luffy, I am so sorry." She holds him to her, rocking him slightly. "I'm sorry we weren't there. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you." 
Luffy maintains his grip. "It's okay. There was nothing anyone could do."
They stay that way for a minute or so, Nami stroking his hair.
She knows little about Ace apart from what she remembers from their meeting in Alabasta, and of course what she'd learned from the newspapers since his death. She recalls a freckled face and eyes that squinted just like Luffy's when he smiled. (She'd been surprised to learn in the paper that the two were not, in fact, related by blood.) She also remembers Ace falling asleep while eating which had greatly alarmed everyone until Luffy informed them all of his narcolepsy. 
(She tries not to think about the photograph from the paper, of Ace's broken body and Luffy's lifeless eyes staring towards the sky. It shook her to her core when she saw it two years ago, and she has not been able to purge it from her mind since.)
She holds Luffy a bit tighter.
Her captain attracts companions like light attracts the lost. Those who know him love him—and while Nami and the others had all only known him for fewer than six months before they parted, she knows that he would give his life for any of them, and that they would do the same for him. She can only imagine Luffy's devotion to someone who had loved him and whom he had loved for years. 
Suddenly Luffy chuckles, bringing Nami from her thoughts.
"What is it?" Nami asks, pulling away from the hug.
"What if Ace was ace, too? Ace Ace. That’d be funny," he says and giggles. "But he definitely liked boys." 
"Oh, really?" Nami smiles, comforted by Luffy's familiar lightheartedness. "Now that you mention it, I thought he was flirting with Sanji when we met him in Alabasta." 
Luffy laughs. "Too bad Sanji only likes girls." 
Well, Nami has her suspicions about that, but she only rolls her eyes and says, "Tell me about it. Speaking of Sanji," she says. "Are you hungry? Let's go pester him for some lunch." 
"Good idea!" Luffy grins. And before she can say another word, he has flown out the door. Nami shakes her head and smiles. Just as she moves to follow him, he pops his head back in the doorway. 
"Nami," he says. "Thank you." 
Her smile grows, at the same time as something warm and overflowing swells in her chest. 
"I'm so glad you're back, Luffy."
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