#if bash turns out to be a scumbag i will cry because i did not just draw my friend taking a mcdonalds order for nothing 😭😭😭
Everybody complaining that Ariel is black in the live action movie needs to shut up.
1. It is a CHILDREN'S MOVIE. Why are all these grown men out here getting offended??? It's for KIDS. And do you really think kids care about the color of her skin? I'll accept an answer of yes, but only in the context of all those young black girls who see a black Ariel and get so excited because they look like each other.
2. Have you seen the videos of those girls? It almost made me cry, I was so happy for them. As a white person, I'll never be able to be in their shoes or completely understand the lack of representation they have and how important it is to see characters as well-known as Ariel look like them. Let these girls be happy. Let them have representation and role models. Let them enjoy a movie about a fictional character without people hovering and calling out the movie for "blackwashing" Ariel (something I've seen several times on twitter).
3. The live action movie is not "blackwashing" Ariel. Disney whitewashed Ariel. Every one of the scumbags out here bashing the movie is going on about "well the original fairy tale was Scandinavian so she should be white because all Scandinavians are white". First of all, not all Scandinavians are white so write that down. Second, she's a fictional character and the idea of mermaids are based off a manatee. Are you going to start yelling at Disney for giving her boobs or red hair now? Or what about Scuttle? In the animated movie, Scuttle is voiced by a white guy, and in the live action movie, Scuttle is going to be voiced by an Asian woman. But no one (as far as I know) has made a peep about that. I guess it only matters if you can actually see their skin color.
4. Also, it didn't seem like anyone had a problem when the Princess and the Frog came out and Tiana was black and Naveen was South Asian. In the original fairy tale, the princess and the prince who turned into a frog were white. It also definitely did not take place in the early 1900s in New Orleans. Just say you're fine with black characters as long as they're not real black people and get the fuck out.
Ultimately, I hope this movie is great and proves all the haters wrong. I'm so sorry for anyone who is attacked by these racist dickwads. Just remember that "everything's better down where it's wetter" because no one can hear the haters scream while you drown them.
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arcadejohn127-9 ¡ 4 years
Do you think you could do the Brothers reacting to a video surfacing of Male!MC in a disguised child fighting ring? And I’m not talking like “Oh no! look the kids are fighting down in the playground!” but like “Oh my god MC is brutally bashing this kids head into the ground in the middle of a classroom”
I totally get that this is a super dark request but..recently a video of my “Elementary teachers“ cheering me on to hurt my classmates and for them to do the same to me was sent to me and and I just... need the comfort, I guess. (It’s never as obvious as people think it is, and everyone underestimated what sick bastards will do when they want “entertainment”)
Again, totally get it if this is to dark, I could just really use the comfort, and I don’t have the time to get it anywhere else because I’m always working and quarantined so 🤷
That's really deep, this almost feels too personal to share as a prompt but I'll do what I can my best. I can't imagine the disgust and overwhelmed emotions you're experiencing right now
I was a fairly aggressive kid to my peers growing up and that shit eats at me but this kind of level? That's just heart breaking and the fact teacher did that is just sickening
I'm so sorry and hope this can give some comfort even if it's just a fraction. Thank you for coming to me with something so personal and I always feel touched you you guys come to my page for comfort asks and or prompts - it's a privilege to feel this trusted even if you are anons
Also I won't be using canon usernames because bad memory and uuuhhh I'm lazy
Warning: violence, children involved violence, swearing, angst, neglectful adults, hurt/comfort
Yoooo!!!! I just found this video of (Y/N) pop around a few servers
I'm a mod in most of them so I've been able to delete them after watching it and have been getting people to delete it but it's not working
What do you mean? What video? 😮😳 Did nudes get leaked??!!
HUH??! someone's sharing videos of (Y/N)??!! who are they?! I'll go right to 'em If they wanna be like that!
A video? I'm guessing it's quite serious if you're trying to get people to delete it, what is it? we need to tell (Y/N) if a private video has been released to the public without consent
Cat boy (=`ェ´=):
What are you doing just telling us
Cat boy (=`ェ´=):
FORGIVE ME!!!! I've been debating as this is pretty serious stuff
[sent an video]
5 of the brothers opened the video, Levi already watched it and Beel was offline, they all stared in shock. The Devildom can be am agressive and rough place when it can be but this?
They felt sick to their stomach. Seeing such innocent children being tainted and encouraged to be violent by the adults around them. To see such a little sweet looking you grab and beat on another child.
There was blood on the classroom carpet, screams and cheers. Threats ringing out the room by the teacher's whilst you screeched and threw down your small fists. Cries for their mother was the kid beneath you could muster.
The brother's heart broke at this.
Asmo sat there with hand over his mouth, tears lining the corners of his eyes. Mammon threw the phone down and just sat there, hearing everything that was happening. Lucifer could only watch so much of it before he turned off his screen; face to face with his tear eyes in the black screen. Satan felt apart of him shake, he was like this when he was younger but to hear the teachers cheers it just broke him. Belphegor was all for violence and people getting hurt but seeing you in that state at such a young age - he couldn't stand it.
This wasn't the you they knew. You never brought this up and the bigger question was; how did this get online?
Build a bitch:
Whoa just woke up to that
Build a bitch:
Who's been sharing this? How did people get this kind of film?? This had to be done in the human world
Build a bitch:
I'm getting Beel to check his phone
This is just disgusting behaviour....poor (Y/N)..to be filmed like this, I cannot stand for this kind of thing, I trust you've already hacking their accounts of the sharers
I'm working on it! I only learned hacking back in 1990 and procrastinated on learning everything 😬
BBQ foot lettuce:
I just got online, belphie told me there was an issue
BBQ foot lettuce:
Lucifer we need to stop this from spreading and tell Diavolo
build a bitch:
He's useless! I could do more than him in this minute!
Poor (Y/N) 😭😭 I need to go hug my poor darling! That must of been awful! We can't let it spread and have (Y/N) find out
You did find out. You got it sent to you through direct message. This memory felt like such a blur, a nightmare they scratched the back of your mind that you could never tell if it was real or not. It was real.
You looked down at your hands; unstained and non damaged. They were trembling and you couldn't stop. You tried to stop the way your body trembled, your hand flying to your mouth as you let out a pain gag. Stars shimmering in your gaze as tears poured down your face, you couldn't focus on anything other than the pain in your throat. Your throat clamped and hugged itself as if it needed comfort from what you just watched. Your voice unable to escape.
You poured your agonized heart out into your pillow. You couldn't believe it. How did someone get this? How did they know it was you? Why did they send you this? Who else has seen this?!
So many questions filled your heard, you couldn't even focus on your own internal voice. Your vision growing more blurry as a fresh fountain of tears flooded out.
When you finally calmed down you reasurred yourself that no one else knew. You convinced yourself that nobody had to know or would even see it. You stumbled out of your bedroom with phone in hand, your cheeks blemished and stinging. Your throat finally released itself as you made your way to the kitchen.
Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal-
"(Y/N)?" come to the living room, we need to talk."
Your throat immediately closed back up. You thought you couldn't cry Anymore. You thought you were okay and able to push on but fresh tears came. You followed Lucifer to the living room only to be greeted by distraught expressions.
They knew.
Mammon was quick to stand up, charging towards you and hugged you as tightly as he could. You shriveled in his touch; internally demanding him to not do this but you just sobbed, hugging him back.
"It ain't ya fault and you were just a kid, you didn't need to go through that and your teachers were awful."
You cried harder and hugged him tighter. Asmo was the second to come over, hugging you tight.
"I'm so sorry, I know that can mean nothing but I truly am, you don't deserve this or anything bad that happened to you."
Beel and belphie came towards you third, joining in on the hug.
"You're not that kind of person and they're not real teachers, you're okay with us."
"You were just a child, you're not that experience and they shouldn't of sent that to you or anyone - we're fixing it, I promise."
Levi showed you his phone, hesitantly joining the hug.
"I've been hacking the accounts to see who's doing this to you, we'll make sure they can't do this, you're my Henry and i know he would never turn away from Someone in need."
Satan joined, rubbing your arm as he held you tight.
"We'll make them regret making you relive that memory and those teachers, they were no real ones if they treat you like that, we have you, you're safe and they were cruel."
Lucifer was the last to join, patting your head
"I promise we'll fix this, just let it all out."
And you did. Until you were barely awake, you laid on the sofa whilst Diavolo gently asked you do many questions. As soon as he could he came to see you, comfort you and see how you're feeling.
They didn't Leave your side until it was night-time, you were fast asleep and the brothers sighed. They will find out who did this and fulfil their promises. They'll stay with you but they also wanted to make those Teachers pay. They'll be here with you until you're able to feel peaceful within yourself and they fixed everything
"thank you..."
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caffeine-cowboy ¡ 5 years
She steeled herself outside the gates to the Strip - it was dark, there was a light rain pattering down, and still in Freeside she turned to Boone. Trying to get her head into the space where she might have to walk up to the man who stood above her as she knelt, hands tied, at the edge of her own grave. She wanted to tell Boone she had a plan, but she didn’t. Truth be told, she didn’t have a damn clue what she was going to do when she got to the Tops. Kill him? Look him in the eye and tell him the game was rigged from the start, shoot him just like he did to her? Or demand answers, demand the chip he stole, demand some kind of repayment? Lily Bell had no idea. None at all. She sat in the rain, hat pulled low over her face. E-DE beeped quietly.
Boone said, he’d been thinking. Maybe he should go back to Bitter Springs. It seemed as good a time as any to tell her, and she agreed. There was an unspoken if I don’t make it out between them; who knew what would happen on the other side of those gates? She smiled unconvincingly back at him. 
“Maybe you’ve still got your demons. But if it’s redemption you’re after... thanks for helping me see to mine.” 
The Strip was too bright, too loud - she practically pushed Victor aside. His mysterious presence not just everywhere she seemed to go but also apparently at the Mojave Express outpost as she was hired was a mystery she wanted to get to the bottom of, but not tonight. If she let anything else distract her, she’d lose her nerve completely. 
First obstacle was being told to relinquish her guns. They cast a wary eye over the eyebot, but didn’t seem to consider it a threat. Even so, the thought of facing the stony faced killer unarmed turned her stomach. But best not to be suspicous. She handed their weapons over and wandered through the theatre, through the restaurant - slipping quickly and quietly into the kitchen and grabbing a kitchen knife. Not totally defenceless. Good. She shoved it inside her jacket and left. 
Main floor. Checkered jacket. Panic rising. What in the goddamn? Smooth moves. He caught her off guard. She couldn’t just lunge at him, not with so many bodyguards around. But his offer of drinks in the suite? A chance to get him alone. A chance to get answers. Her little mysterious smile and tilt of the hat did the trick, as usual. They walked up together, in silence, no bodyguards. He really lives here, like this, she thought as they rode in the elevator. Rolling in caps, more booze than he could drink in a lifetime, people to attend to anything he could ever want. But he had to go to Goodsprings and shoot a tied up package courier in the head, and for what? More caps, more booze, more cronies? 
He said he could sleep easier now he knew she wasn’t dead. 
“Aw, did you feel bad about it? Lost sleep over it? Cry me a fucking river,” she snapped. Did he expect his admission of a guilty conscience to soften her up? It was a bit late to be having second thoughts about what he did. She wanted answers. 
And she got them. It really was for more caps, more booze, more cronies. To be king of the hill, head honcho. Because what he had wasn’t enough? She hadn’t touched a drop of the drink he poured her, but her stomach burned. How dare he. How dare he. She had stared down the barrel of a gun, far too young to die even by wasteland standards, more scared than she’d ever been, hands tied in front of her, trying to form words, tasted blood and dirt as she fell into an open grave - for this? 
She felt the weight of the knife in her jacket. No bodyguards, and Boone was sat across the room, E-DE floating beside him. He wasn’t wearing a weapon openly, and that headache of a suit jacket didn’t suggest the shape of a gun to her either. And yet - 
she couldn’t do it. Even - or especially - once he’d given her answers, she hated the clean, shiny man in front of her, hated him so much it felt like she was burning from the inside out, but she couldn’t lean forwards and stab him. Her hands were shaking, and even with adrenaline coursing through her veins she didn’t think it would be enough to drive a kitchen knife through sinew and bone. What if he did have a gun and killed her? What if she didn’t finish it and he brought every Chairman in the place down on them? Part of her, the cynical, watchful part of her brain that had often kept her alive, said this is all a ploy - the sitting at the bar, sipping a drink, looking tired and done and harmless? It’s all because he’s worried you’d bash his brains out right here otherwise. And maybe that part of her was right, but it wasn’t enough to carry her the couple of steps that would take her to Benny and put a knife in him. 
“You’re a selfish scumbag, Benny. And you’re stinking up my suite. Get out,” she said, and her voice didn’t tremble. She watched him like a hawk until the door shut behind him, heard his footsteps fade down the corridor, then collapsed against the bar and burst into tears. Boone got up and, after a moment’s hesitation, placed a hand on her shoulder. She sobbed for a bit longer, then raised up her head with a sniff. Went behind the bar, found one of the unopened bottles of whiskey, cracked it open and took a swig. She offered it to Boone, who followed suit. 
“I don’t know if that was the right thing to do. I let him go but I couldn’t do it - I couldn’t kill him, why couldn’t I just do it?” Boone stared at her for a moment, expression unreadable as ever.
“So you couldn’t kill someone in cold blood. That’s not something to be ashamed of. Hold onto it.” And she knew what he meant by that. She didn’t think showing up here and planting lead in Benny’s skull would be as bad as what he did to her - and who knew how many others? - but the fact she couldn’t look him in the eye and just end his life was still one less thing in common with him, and she was fine with that. 
Lily Bell saw Boone tense. 
“Footsteps in the hall. At least four. Get against the wall.” He stepped so he was by the door, and Lily Bell stood so she’d be behind it when it opened. She readied her knife. True enough, the lock clicked and it opened. The click of a silenced pistol was the first thing she registered, then Boone’s grunt, then she was wrestling a Chairman coming at her with a straight razor, ducking two swings, viciously biting the arm that grabbed her and stabbing behind her with the kitchen knife. Hand slippery with blood, she launched at one going for E-DE, stabbing him in the back. The knife handle broke. She swiped his pistol and levelled it at one attacking Boone, whose white shirt was soaked with blood. Click, it went, eerily silent. Click click. And the last attacker was still. Boone slumped back against the wall. 
“Boone? Boone!” she yelled, skidding up to him and kneeling down. He’d been hit in the shoulder and the chest. Scrambling, Lily Bell unfurled the roll of medical supplies she kept, pouring alcohol onto cotton and cleaning the wounds. Being such small bullets from a low power gun, they at least hadn’t gone in deep or done too much damage, but he’d still lose blood. Suppressing a shake in her hands, she used tweezers to remove the bullets, then got a Stimpack in his system. As she administered it, the rage in her chest overtook the fear. 
I’m going to catch up to you, Benny. And next time, you’re not gonna get so lucky. 
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baddieromanova ¡ 6 years
Why do you attack and hate people just because they don’t like Falice?
This is my first ever anon message? Okay, I normally dismiss questions like these but since it’s my first I’ll oblige:
Anon, I don’t hate and attack people for disliking Falice. I mean, if my rants and posts on social media come off that way then all I can do is apologise I guess because that’s not my intention at all but honestly I don’t give a fuck if people don’t like Falice or don’t ship them, I follow plenty of people in the fandom who don’t, we all have our likes and dislikes and ship preferences and that’s fine, what matter’s is that we’re all part of this wacky fandom together for a show we watch and simultaneously wish to get cancelled. 
Now onto my actual issues; I have an issue with Falice anti’s who’s reasons for hating Falice are beyond transparent, problematic or utter bullshit, because one thing in fandoms I absolutely hate is people going out of their way to sound deep and intellectual and listing off reasons (Which isn’t a problem, we all do it) to explain why they hate a ship when in actuality, it’s really a vague, shallow or simple reason behind their disdain and if it’s not that, they’re bordering into blatant hypocrisy or just being all around fake. Allow me to explain some examples of this I’ve seen in the fandom;
1) Suddenly Gladys, a character we knew very little about for 2 whole seasons, other than the fact that she was Jughead’s mother and left her alcoholic husband because he wouldn’t get his shit together, all of a sudden has tonnes of stans and she hasn’t even appeared on screen yet. She had stans before we even knew who was playing her, and who are the very people stanning her? Take a wild guess. Only the very sub section of the fandom who spent the whole of last season bashing her for neglecting Jughead. But of course, now that Falice is happening they’ve jumped aboard the team Gladys train, not because they genuinely like her, but in the hopes that she’ll get in between Alice and FP. I mean, if they wanna stan her then great but I don’t wanna see complaints when she’s written out or killed off, seeing as she’s only being introduced to start up some Falice angst, just saying. These same people have also started a campaign against FP and Alice calling them out as bad parents. This makes me laugh because where was this energy back in early season one when FP and Alice’s parenting skills should have been questioned? That season was definitely not their peak but I think we can all agree they’ve improved vastly in the parenting department since then but back to my point. It’s almost like the lack of Falice back then had something to do with their silence on parenting skills, but maybe that’s just a coincidence 
2) A lot of Falice anti’s genuinely see Hal/ Halice as a better alternative, which it isn’t. Falice has it’s problems, with FP’s alcoholism and both of their marriages still being legal and all, but honestly what fictional ship doesn’t? And fandoms are always gonna find something problematic in a ship they don’t like, but Falice are by far miles better than H/lice, this isn’t even an opinion it’s a fact. First there’s the obvious, Hal is a serial killer who tried to kill Alice and their daughter which kind of trumps every problem with Falice, but even if you take the ridiculous Black Hood scenario out of the equation and pretend that plot never happened, Hal and his marriage to Alice was/is still very problematic. There was never any chemistry between them, not much love either, they always just stuck out to me as that one lame middle aged white couple in TV dramas who seem “perfect” to everybody in town but behind closed doors it’s a different story and have spent so much time being more concerned with keeping up their white picket fence facade that they have yet to realise they don’t actually love each other, mainly because the woman knows she should have married somebody else and is still in love with somebody else, which is exactly the case for H/lice and Falice
On top of that, Hal is kind of a scumbag, even before the Black Hood plot he was a dick and radiated small dick energy 24/7. I’m not going to list all the reasons here, this post is already much longer than I intended so I’m just going to add a link to one of my anti Hal posts (X). Do I think Hal and Alice cared for each other at one point? Of course but do I ever think they were in love? Hell no. Alice saw him as a ticket out of the Southside to a better life for herself and Hal saw her as a bad girl he had a hard on for, that he could tame. If people see that as love, then I don’t know what to tell them. I mean if you hate Falice then whatever but to continue to ship Alice with Hal? Come on, at least ship her with Fred or Hermione before jumping aboard the H/lice ship
3) I’ve actually seen people who spent the whole of season two wishing for Josie and Sierra to be killed off or written out and have attacked them for breathing, conveniently stan Josie this season and demand for Josie/Ashleigh to get more screen time “because she deserves it more than Falice” (She does deserve more screen time and better treatment in general but that’s another argument for another day) and make stupid Falice and Tierra comparisons as if only one Parentdale couple can exist. And they’ve done this all just to have a dig at Falice not because they care about the Tierra ship or are tired of the only dark skin black girl being used as a prop for a bunch of white character’s storylines, never having any storylines of her own and being relegated to a human radio almost every episode. How pathetic can you get? Like, don’t piss in my ear and tell me it’s rain. Fuck outta here with your faux concern
4) I’ve seen multiple lengthy posts highlighting how “damaging” the Falice coupling is FP and Alice’s characterisation and development in general which is bullshit. The minute Alice removed Hal out of her life she became a better mother and a decent person, she was more caring and began putting her daughter’s first, over keeping up a facade for the town, she was no longer the cold heartless cow she was in earlier episodes who was putting on the perfect Stepford wife with the perfect suburban family performance and prioritising how the town saw her and her family over her daughter’s needs. As for FP’s character development and characterisation, he changed his life around for the better for his son because he wanted to do right by him. He quit drinking, got a job, attended AA, quit the Serpents and sternly said he was done with gang life (Yes we all know how that actually turned out but it’s the attempt that matters here and take the circumstances into consideration) and actually began to parent Jughead. It was a far cry from what we were introduced to in season one where we he was drinking his breakfast, lunch and dinner, deep into gang life and appeared to not give a rat’s ass that his son was sleeping on the streets. 
There’s nothing wrong with having a simple or vague reason for not liking a ship, absolutely nothing at all, there’s no need to type out utter bullshit to defend your hatred for a couple. For instance, I don’t like B/ghead because they’re overrated and Roberto’s obsession with them is slowly but surely damaging the show. That’s it! You won’t see me writing lengthy think piece’s on why I hate that ship despite all the problematic aspects within the couple that I do see because I could honestly forgive and dismiss all of it if B/ghead was not constantly shoved down our throats. They would just be a ship I didn’t care about. FP and Alice’s relationship had nothing to do with their development as people/parents or their characterisation, it hasn’t regressed them in any way, shape or form seeing as they changed for the better and became much better characters before their relationship began to blossom. So all of this talk of how their relationship has ruined them as people makes me laugh. Unless I’m mistaken, FP is still showing clear character progression. Alice was also showing clear character progression towards the end of season two, we’re going to exclude the cult story line from this discussion because while it has changed Alice’s character, the Alice we know and love will return to us soon and the Falice relationship still had nothing to do with that, but if these same individuals want someone or some ship to blame for Alice’s involvement with this cult, they should actually look closer to home.
5) Linked to #2 and #4. They also claim to dislike Falice for a myriad of reasons they think are deep when in reality they just hate Falice because it interrupted their already on the verge of dying ship or crackships that involve Alice and FP and won’t (and never will) happen. I don’t like to shit on people’s shipping preferences, I’ve been on the receiving end of that shitty behaviour in fandoms and even the people working on the show before and you really can’t help who you ship at the end of the day but one thing I’ve learnt from that experience is when to give up, admit defeat and accept that your favoured ship isn’t, never will be and never was a priority to the writing crew and show runner and move the hell on. Granted I moved on from that show a little too late but what matters is I did it. I abandoned the show, fandom, cast and never looked back and felt better already because trust me, that shit takes a toll on your mental and emotional state and I was going off the deep end so it’s a good thing I left that show and fandom for good. This would’ve been the case if I shipped H/lice, the minute I fell for them would’ve been the minute I told myself not to get too invested and prepare for heartbreak because it was clear from the get go that H/lice was not a couple the writers had interest in developing or writing well. Like I said prior, they were another typical suburban couple keeping up a facade for their neighbours but deep down didn’t actually love each other and they would’ve divorced eventually and had Lochlyn written out of the show, not only because Hal and Alice didn’t love each other but also because it’s clear that for each of the teens, the writers for some reason only want one parent around for each of them, for the boys it’s their father’s and for the girls it’s their mothers (Hiram’s a different case because he’s a villain but he’ll be killed off eventually). People say the Black Hood story line was only introduced to get Hal out of the way to make room for Falice but I guarantee you, if he wasn’t the Black Hood he would’ve definitely been one of his victims. The Riverdale writers would have gone down the route of having Hal killed off because it would’ve allowed them to put Betty at the centre of the story line, something they like to do constantly but that’s also another argument for another day. If H/lice shippers had realised that and accepted it, they wouldn’t be in the predicament they’re in right now
6) People re write canon and the established history on the show and between the parents to fit their delusions and beliefs and it’s just creepy. I get coming up with theories and trying to make sense of something but there’s a fine line between theories, head-canons and refusing to accept the truth or facts. Take Charles’ paternity for instance, that’s caused up quite a stir within the fandom in general. For some reason, for the longest time people struggled with the fact that FP was the father of the baby Alice had in high school, some people still struggle with this unfortunately. 
Now, I’d understand refusal to accept FP as the father or seeing this plot being a retcon or rushed or even being a little thrown off by it, IF IT WASN’T FUCKING ESTABLISHED IN SEASON ONE, WHICH IT WAS. This is why don’t understand all the debates on Charles’ paternity. The very first Falice interaction had clear implications that the two had a sexual/romantic history and we found out two episodes prior that Alice fell pregnant as a teenager, yet people can’t do the math.
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thedepressedweasel ¡ 7 years
Please don’t assume that everyone had a wonderful family.
My ex-brother (whom I cut out of my life two years ago) has always been abusive to me since I was born and is also an ableist dickbag to boot. He’s also the kind of person who will beat you up, scream at you, call you names, harass you, badger you, cuss you out, etc., but won’t ever take it back.
And yet people always get so personally fucking insulted enough to say “But he’s your brother, you shouldn’t say those things about him, you should just always love, worship and respect him, no matter what!”
Excuse me, go fuck yourselves!
If your brother treats you like some brothers treat their siblings, you wouldn’t call him that either.
I will say whatever the fuck I want about him; therefore, I will also call him whatever the fuck I want!
He had called me many names to boot, such as stupid, fat, ugly, retard(ed), slut, whore, bitch, cunt, skank, ho, hooker, autist (I’m autistic BTW), stinky, smelly, (fucking) animal, useless, worthless, fatass, piece of shit, beached whale, annoying, obese prostitute, unfuckable, etc.
I call him a beast and an asshole because that’s what he is, he’s a fucking monster!
Before I go on to list abusive things that he did, please don’t say things like “Oh I hate my brother because he got an iPhone X for Christmas and I didn’t”. Don’t get me wrong; I won’t try to belittle your problems, but there are times that there’s nothing to belittle.
When I was little, I tried to get him to play with me and he kept saying things like “Go away!”, “Nobody likes you, etc.”, and yet I wouldn’t shut up, so he beat me up.
Also, even when I was little, he wasn’t above and, therefore, thought nothing twice of, belittling my intelligence (even though I was a good student).
One time, I wanted to watch Timon & Pumbaa and when I was watching its one episode in his room, he kept screaming abusive words in my face and even said that he would beat me so hard he could “send me flying to China”.
He even had horrible fantasies about murdering me in different ways and even beat me so bad that he “would send me flying to Australia or China”.
Then when I was in middle school, he became progressively worse; he would belittle me for watching cartoons (when he would do the same, just to be a hypocrite). He belittled me over my healthy appreciation for Pokemon and Super Smash Bros., tried to rip my Pokemon Stadium 2 poster, Pokemon Gold & Silver poster and Pokemon Crystal poster, respectively (just because he hated them), told me that nobody liked me, that everyone hated me, and even told me to shut up all the time. He would also punch and kick doors everywhere within my ear range (which even carried on well into adulthood until he moved out to New York two years ago) just because he could.
One night on my 14th birthday party, he beat me on the head so hard that I was afraid that I was going to get brain damage after that and it was all because I called him a “motherfucker” for being an abusive scumbag (but that’s what he is TBH). A couple of days later, he beat me up again and it was all because I was trying to kill a mosquito with a fly swatter and I called it the same name that I had called him for being abusive. He also became increasingly hostile towards me and even my “parents”, and yet they wouldn’t try to do anything about it.
Oh, and one time, when I rented Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (say hello to Shadow, people, because that’s what I did) and I chose to start with the Hero Story and, therefore, was already fighting the first boss, my ex-brother walked in on me during said boss battle and, instead of encouraging me that I could beat it, he said that I sucked. Also, when I finally got Sonic Heroes for my eighth grade graduation present, he tried to steal it from me whenever he got the chance.
Oh, and the last time we came to Calistoga (my grandpa was having a birthday there atm), my ex-brother was watching TV and at the same time, screaming at my “mom” and my grandma to shut up just because they couldn’t stop talking.
When I was 15, when a family friend’s father died and my “parents” came over to her house for condolences, I was using my “dad”’s computer when that hideous scumbag of a brother chased me around the house and even threatened to bash my head against the wall until it turned into mush (it sadly wasn’t the first time, though, since he also kept threatening to do that a year prior).
Also, when we went to this even in high school called “Breaking Down the Walls” and I misunderstood something and, therefore, embarrassed him by mistake, other siblings would simply sit their siblings down and talk to them about it and how they feel about it. But not my ex-brother; he really took it the wrong way, so when he came home from school, he immediately beat me up (even while I was trying to do my homework) and it was so bad that I came to school with several bruises and cuts everywhere on my body the next day.
When I was 16, I remember hiding in the water closet with the door locked because my ex-brother was punching and kicking walls and doors and even said that he would break and destroy my face; it was all over the fucking heat machine (which also doubled as an air conditioner every summer) working, since he saw that I was cold and just didn't care at all.
When I was 18, he beat me up on Thanksgiving...and it was over a fucking middle finger.
A year later, he beat me up because I was upset and crying after my “mom” verbally abused me.
I remember being mostly homeless (and living with my grandparents) at age 19.
When I was 22, he called me stupid because my “parents” sent me to get him to help and since he was eating something atm, I couldn't get him to help them with their groceries or something while they (and even my grandparents) just stood idly by and did a big fat nothing about it (my grandpa tried talking to him about it, though).
When I was 23, he lied to my “parents” about me writing stuff about him on Facebook everyday (when, really, I was writing more on JustRage.com instead) and forced them to take away my laptop. Then a few weeks later, when we were moving from Henderson to Las Vegas, I was taking a shower and I was going to blowdry my hair and then straighten it (since I took and still take pride in maintaining straight hair) and he took it the wrong way and not only punched and kicked walls and doors everywhere, but also beat me up (even when I finally got the courage to fight back), bashed my head against the wall and even threw away my GameCube, blowdryer, etc. (I did get them back, though) and even stole my phone, only for my “dad” to make him give it back to me. Then the bext day, we were going to Soyo Barstaurant (it is the weirdest Korean restaurant that I know) and I did what other humans did best, such as breathing, to which he took it the wrong way and screamed at me for breathing. Like, do you really want me to die, asshole? He also screamed at my “parents” and told them bad things about me and even said that they should have me euthanized, all the while misgendering me. Then once we were insude the restaurant, he was still screaming in my face, as if he was possessed by some demon and when I tried to reason with him, he screamed things like “Shut the fuck up, you fucking retard! I’ve always hated you since birth!” My “parents”, though, still did nothing about it. Then the next day, he was still badmouthing me, misgendering me on purpose (I was an AFAB), and even terrorized me.
He also did many more bad things to me, even when we moved again a year later.
At age 24, I tried to get some ice cream and he called me a fat pig and even threatened to beat me up over it, since he cared more about sleep instead of my happiness.
At age 26, he not only did more bad things to me, but even beat me up in the head, punched my rib cage to the point where the bruise on it would last for several weeks on end and even punched my belly so bad that I not only almost died after that, but I was also afraid that because of him, I would never be able to have any children...and it was all because I had enough and tried to run away.
Then a few months later, when my “parents” had to go to California to see what was up with my grandpa (he had dementia and was in the hospital atm because he was hitting my grandma, who had called the cops on him, thrice), my ex-brother beat me up for having cheesecake (I called the cops on him for that, even though they let him go after coming over the next day) and then pulled me out of class the next day, even stealing many of my electronics just because he could. Then the next day, he even stole the keys from me and wouldn't even let me check the mail, even saying “shut up” when I nicely asked to have them back...and then eventually beat me up. That was when I started breaking down, crying and even thinking “How can my own brother, my own flesh and blood, hate me so much? What the hell have I done to him to make me hate him so much?”, to which he just stood there and laughed sadistically in my face. I was not allowed to even lock my door or hide anywhere, even when he chased me with a knife and said that he was going to kill me (I think he might've been in gangs or something like that since high school, just an assumption). Then the next day, he punched and kicked my bedroom door as well as the walls upstairs, belittled my intelligence, badgered me, taunted me, laughed at me, called me names like fat, ugly, stupid, piece of shit, worthless, useless, obese, etc., said that all I did was “eat, shit and sleep” (when in reality, I was---am---the one who has always helped even more than he ever did) and even said that I would never be able to drive or get a job (when in reality, I could go to job training and he was the one who had prevented me from getting a job for several years on end) and that I was only good for sex. He also had tried to rape me for a few days and, therefore, a few times. When I was eating a chocolate muffin, he cruelly snatched it away from me and even crushed it into mush and threw it out in order to prevent me from eating, and then he deliberately jabbed at my throat and punched me. He also then told me that if I told anyone about it, he would murder me in cold blood and rape my corpse and that when my “parents” would die from old age, he would leave me out in the cold and kick me out and that not even my uncle and my grandparents would ever look for me neither (when in reality, I’m the one who has spent more time with them than he ever would) and that everyone hated me. He would also only let me have one meal a day and even told my “parents” through the phone that they should buy me lots of extra-strength diet pills. He still beat me up again the next day (my “parents” were finally coming back atm).
Then the next month, he called me stupid again after he called my “mom” and she forced me to pick up the phone for her against my will.
He did everything he could to make me even twice as miserable as himself.
Then when he moved out to New York, I immediately cut him out of my life and as a result, he could never hurt me again.
Please don't say things like “I hate my brother because he's autistic and annoying and I want him dead” or “I hate my brother because he got an iPhone X for Christmas and I didn't!”
Believe me, all I ever wanted for Yuletide/Christmas (or Hanukkah when I was younger) was a brother who was really nice, loving, caring, mutually helpful, mutually supportive, thoughtful, nurturing, protective (but not overprotective) and very kind so we could be best friends for siblings instead of a monster and his broken little ASAB (assigned sister at birth).
I could go on, but this is my story, so please don't belittle it by saying “I hate my brother because he's annoying” or “I hate my brother because he got an iPhone X for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa and I didn't.”
Reblog if you know what real sibling abuse is.
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