#if corinne could go back in time by dying she would do it every day to catch up on her tbr and her watchlist
gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Chan: Homewrecker (Part Six)
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Characters: Chan x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, it’s basically all angst i’m sorry lmao
Word count: 1,741
Summary: Chan caught your attention as soon as your eyes met across the market. Something about him drew you to him, and you knew you were meant to be. However, you were already taken and arranged to be married on your next birthday, so you could never be together.
a/n: things in bold are in english
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Rin frowned as she stared at her alpha. He was just reading a book at the kitchen table while she stood at the counter and just watched him, the frown not necessarily intentional, but it appeared because of her thoughts.
“Do you want something or are you going to continue to stare at me until you burn a hole in my head?” Jiung wondered, not looking up from his book.
She was well aware the older wolf knew she was there and had been watching him silently, she just wasn’t sure what to say to him. Whenever she tried to bring up what was bothering her, he just brushed it off and said everything would be fine. Rin absolutely loved Jiung, but she didn’t like how positive he always was. It was going to get him in trouble one day.
“I still feel like Eunjin’s getting closer to us whenever she screams,” Rin stated for at least the tenth time since meeting with Seungcheol’s pack. It had only been two days since then, but both nights, the pack had woken up to Eunjin screaming in the distance -- and Rin was sure it was getting louder each time. “I don’t like this feeling I’m getting, Ji.”
“Her screams were never an issue to you before, and now they are? She was in our house before, Corinne,” he reminded the younger girl with a chuckle, setting his book down on the table and turning his attention to her. “I’m telling you, everything will be okay. That probably has nothing to do with us.”
Rin grimaced at his use of her full name before making a face at him. But despite being playful with the alpha, she still felt immense worry that going into town with Seungcheol’s pack was a bad idea. She understood the pack’s promise to always help others in need, but she’d also heard the horror stories of how doing that had gone wrong for them. She was the newest member of the pack even though she wasn’t the youngest -- Jiung and Chanseong had found her on a trip to Australia  where she’d fled to from New Zealand -- so she didn’t have to go through the loss the pack had faced. But she’d heard they used to have so many more of them, and they’d all died from either trying to help other packs, or from very unfortunate accidents -- like Rika’s mate. And she feared that Jiung’s positive and helpful mindset was going to cause even more causalities, especially with them having to go into town to help. 
But, knowing Jiung would continue to wave away her concerns until she ultimately gave up again, Rin didn’t say another word about it.
Things were normal that morning in the house as Chan returned home. Only a few of the pack were awake -- he wasn’t sure why some of the pack woke at the crack of dawn, but at least it meant that there was usually breakfast for him when he got home --  but Soonyoung wasn’t in the kitchen waiting up for him like usual.
“He probably went into town again,” Junhui shrugged when Chan had asked about it. “He’s not in his room, so that’s my best bet.”
“Why’re you even awake, anyway?” the youngest wondered.
Jun sighed as he continued making his own breakfast, mumbling, “Stupid fucking birds...”
The pup opted to not comment on Junhui’s odd reoccurring nightmare and just ate his breakfast before going upstairs to sleep. He didn’t really sleep much when he was with you -- he might doze off a bit, but it wasn’t enough to make him feel rested -- so he often went up to his room after eating breakfast.
However, his slumber was cut short by an ear-piercing scream so loud that he only recalled one time when he heard it: when Eunjin had first seen Joshua. Chan immediately clamped his hands over his ears and let out a howl at the pain, curling into a ball under his blankets. It felt like it lasted forever, and even when it was over, it still rang painfully in his ears.
Feeling disoriented, Chan stumbled out of bed and made his way downstairs. He could hear the pack was absolutely silent, but he wasn’t sure why until he rounded the corner to the living room.
Eunjin had just passed through the doorway to the living room, frozen where she stood. The pack was all staring wide-eyed at her, but Chan was unable to see where she was looking since her back was to him. He walked forward and peered around her, following her gaze.
His heart dropped into his stomach.
Even though the whole pack was staring at her in horror, her eyes were locked with Hansol’s. The wolf seemed more surprised than afraid, staring back and blinking every so often without saying anything or moving a muscle. 
What broke the silence was Jooyeon whispering, “Is Hansol gonna die?”
The alpha blinked, broken from his horrified trance. The banshee was screaming in the face of one of his pack, and that struck fear straight through him. What was he supposed to do about that? What was he supposed to think?
He shook his head, softly replying, “I... I don’t know.”
Eunjin described it as ‘a bad feeling’. 
“I can’t tell what’s going to happen, I just get a feeling,” was all she was able to explain. But she clearly felt bad for shaking up the pack, quickly adding, “It might not be him dying! He might just...c-cause it...?”
That didn’t really make anybody feel better, but they felt bad for the poor girl. She couldn’t control it.
But with the date of your birthday quickly arriving, the pack was terrified of what was to come, and they had a feeling that Eunjin’s scream had to do with that. Ever since they made the plan with Jiung and his pack, Eunjin had been going out into the woods more and more often. As if the pack wasn’t stressed enough, now they had to worry about tracking down a banshee in the middle of the forest at night.
With only a few days left to work out the rest of the details of the plan, Jiung was going to go back to Seungcheol’s with Hanbin, Chanseong, and Rika while Kyung, Baekhan, and Jaesang went to scope out the town a little bit. Chan was growing more and more anxious as days went by, unable to think about anything else but you and getting you out of there. He knew it was dangerous and risky, but he was also excited that there was a chance of giving you a better life than what you had. It was scary, but it was a risk he knew he had to take.
However, as the countdown to the rescue mission grew shorter, Joshua seemed to grow more and more grumpy. He was even more irritable than normal, and more often than not, he wasn’t even at the house.
“I don’t know what’s up with him lately,” Jeonghan sighed, running his slender fingers through his hair. “He won’t talk to anyone, either.”
“I think I know what it might be,” Seungkwan offered, knowing Joshua wasn’t even around to hear them. “Well, Eunjin might.”
The pack was surprised. The girl who caused the most confusion that morning might have some answers for something else.
She just looked at him silently as the pack looked between the pair. But she seemed too nervous to speak up, so Seungkwan patted her hands he held in his and spoke for her.
“I think the voice she hears a lot is Lilly,” he admitted. Eunjin looked down at her lap, eyebrows furrowed. “She’s been telling me what it says, and she said it sounds female. She’s been saying things like ‘what if it’s like last time’ and, um... Love, what was the other thing?”
“‘He doesn’t want to leave me,’“ she recited, still staring at her lap.
“Right,” he nodded, “so I think he’s going to visit her grave everyday.”
“Why would he have to leave--?”
Soonyoung’s eyes opened as the realization hit him, cutting off Chan’s question, “Because we’ll have to move away.”
The pack fell silent, suddenly feeling heartache for their brother. Joshua was getting irritable because he was upset. All he had to be close to Lilly was the place they buried her which wasn’t too far from the house. But after all of this, they’d have to move farther away to the house Jiung had showed them. They’d be farther away from Lilly, and that made Josh upset.
“Let’s just cut him some slack for a while,” Jihoon spoke up.
Thankfully, a knock at the door broke the somber atmosphere. Jiung had arrived with his pack, so Seungcheol called for them to come in. The small group walked down the hallway and rounded the corner to the living room.
Eunjin looked up.
The next thing he knew, Chan was slapping his hands over his ears, doubling over from the pain. Had his eyes not been squeezed shut, he would’ve seen the rest of his pack -- including the mates -- and Jiung’s pack doing the same as Eunjin’s shriek made their ears feel like they were bleeding.
Once it was over, both packs slowly uncovered their ears and looked up at Eunjin. The banshee was standing up from her spot on the couch between Seungkwan and Seungcheol, staring with her lips parted and her blue eyes wide like she had with Hansol.
This time, she was staring at the other alpha.
At the edge of town, the small group finally composed themselves after hearing the awful scream. It was in the distance, but far too close for comfort. And it was in the direction of Seungcheol’s, which none of them liked one bit.
“What do you think that was?” Jaesang asked, looking to Kyung for answers.
Not wanting to worry the younger wolves, she just sighed and shook her head, “It’s fine, let’s go.”
‘Kyung, aren’t you worried?’ she heard the telepathic pup in her head, and knew Jaesang could hear him, too.
“No, Baek,” she promised, even though it was a lie.
Kyung walked into town with Baekhan and Jaesang flanking her, muttering to herself, “He better not be getting us into more trouble than we can handle, or I’ll kill him myself.”
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@hawkeish you asked for angst, right? Pure, unadulterated angst? 😂
In all seriousness, thank you so much for the tag! Since a chapter of Hearts Like Lions was just posted, I don’t have much to share in regards to Evelyn’s story at the moment, but I do have some of the opening chapter of Sides of the Coin (title possibly subject to change but most likely this is gonna be it), my upcoming Greedfall fic featuring Corinne De Sardet and Kurt.
CW for terminal illness
“What is this?” her mother’s voice called, weak and hoarse. “Have you not been taught to knock? I’ve asked a thousand times.”
Corinne strode over to her quickly, taking her mother’s hand and kneeling before her. The woman was wan and thin, black veins peering through like webs of ink on paper. Her eyes were clouded and dark, sight having long since left her.
“Oh! It’s you, my dear child!” She clutched Corinne weakly, bony fingers grasping on with the little strength she could muster. Her breaths were sharp and haggard, every moment a painful struggle.
“Mother, I’m sorry. I’m having trouble getting used to your condition.” Corinne’s voice cracked as she spoke. She fought the burning behind her eyes and felt a tightening in her chest. The princess had once graced the palace halls with a presence unmatched. Now, the frail figure seated before her was nearly unrecognizable.
“Come now. Let us speak of more pleasant things. I’m so very happy to hear your voice.”
Corinne didn’t want to speak of pleasant things. She wanted to kick and scream, to sob until she was left numb of feeling. Her mother’s light touch on her face, comforting even at her weakest, somehow made her heart ache even more. She blinked back the tears, knowing it was now her turn to be strong.
“You remind me so much of your father,” her mother cooed. “I do miss him so.”
It was proving too much. Corinne stood and paced to the window, staring out at nothing while she tried to wrangle her emotions into submission.
“Today is the big day, isn’t it?” the princess continued. “Ready to set sail to that island everyone is talking about?”
“Yes, but the idea of leaving you behind, alone and ill…” Corinne didn’t turn, unable to face the woman that had raised her and confess that she was leaving when she was needed most.
“Dying, my child. Alas, there is nothing you can do by staying that would ease my suffering. One thing brings me cheer - they say the island is full of miracles. And we might find a cure!”
Corinne shook her head and turned, throwing a hand out in frustration. Did she not understand?
“Even if I were to find it, I would never be able to return in time to-”
“I know. But it brings me comfort to know my daughter has left on a mission to heal her people. Come now - it is time for you to take leave. Here, take this with you.”
“What is it?” Corinne stepped slowly toward her, peering at the object in her mother’s outstretched hand. She trembled under the meager weight of the token. Corinne took it and examined it. It looked like a large coin, but the markings were strange and unfamiliar.
“A family heirloom,” the princess explained. “Something that… Take it and keep it with you. May it bring you good luck!”
Both sensed that the time of parting had come. Corinne pressed her lips to her mother’s forehead, cold and clammy with illness.
“All my blessings go with you, my child. Now, be off.”
Corinne opened her mouth, trying to find the words to say goodbye. The lump in her throat had returned and tears brimmed, threatening to betray her at any moment.
It was too hard.
“I love you,” she said instead. Corinne felt the wetness streak her cheek. It was a small mercy to know her mother wouldn’t see her crumble.
“And I love you. Go, my child. Make me proud, as you always have.”
There was nothing left to say. Corinne took one last look at her mother, memorizing her face and trying to remember how she was before the malichor had reached her. Then she quietly shut the door behind her.
She rushed for her quarters, avoiding the eyes of servants and wouldbe wellwishers and anyone else who may wish to stop her and locked herself inside. Once alone, she slid down the wall, falling to a heap on the floor as her sobs rang out against the stone.
Tagging @potatowitch @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @charlatron @noire-pandora @princessvicky01
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Les Huguenots obv, Don Carlo, Trovatore, Eugene Onegin, Simon Boccanegra, Cav/Pag?
Alright, here we go: 
Les Huguenots: 
Setting-wise, I’m thinking either full-on period drama or modern present-day. (I mean, have you seen social media? People nowadays are often straight-up vicious.) 
Also, little to no cuts, and I would play it straight (as in “no overarching external concept” straight, not “heterosexual” straight because there are definitely some characters who are not straight in the slightest) but I think there’s more than enough in the libretto to keep any director busy. 
Lots of action, lots of spectacle, but at the same time going for an intimate focus on the principals, their relationships with each other, and where they stand in terms of society. No wonder this one’s so hard to pull off.
 Another thing that’s hard is pulling off the “this massacre is pretty much inevitable” thing in the early acts, because there are little signs everywhere hidden within the ostensibly happy stuff that serious trouble is brewing. It’s necessary, though. 
Finally, for Pete’s sake, Nevers will die onstage. 
(Addendum that’s not super-related: apparently there was a production somewhere in Germany a few years back where Nevers was an artist and everyone else were either characters in his paintings or people commissioning his work. IIRC [I only read reviews, I couldn’t find any video] instead of dying, Nevers was just kinda there the whole last act and towards the end he started dumping red paint everywhere and the result was a painting of the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.) 
Okay, after I wrote all that, I found out that apparently people are doing their modern-day cast picks, so mine are: John Osborn or Yosep Kang as Raoul, Rachel Willis-Sørensen as Valentine, Lisette Oropesa or Erin Morley as Marguerite, Nicolas Testé or Michele Pertusi as Marcel, Artur Rucinski as Nevers, Ying Fang or Karine Deshayes as Urbain, and Christian van Horn as Saint-Bris. 
Don Carlo: 
First things first: I couldn’t care less about whether it’s in French or Italian (both work fine IMO), but including the whole Fontainebleau act and the Lacrimosa is a must. (I’d also include the Eboli/Elisabetta mask switchoff scene.) 
I would absolutely go period drama with it, but for sets and costumes, I’d take a little simpler and less elaborate/more abstract approach. Also definitely dark and moody (except for the first part of the courtyard at San Yuste scene). 
The more people in the chorus, the better, not just because grand opéra, but also because then it feels more overwhelming. The production should be overwhelming in just about every way, like getting-hit-by-a-wind-tunnel overwhelming. 
The ending: just leave the ending alone. As much as I understand wanting it to be a more closed-off ending, I actually really like how cliffhanger-y the ending is. (I’d be willing to play the Fontainebleau act as a flashback Carlo’s having before Act II.) 
Cast: Fabiano or Kaufmann, Harteros or Yoncheva, Furlanetto or Abdrazakov, Tezier or Keenlyside, Garanca or A-Rach, and Halfvarson because he’s the classic Grand Inquisitor. 
Il trovatore: 
Ooh, I really liked the McVicar idea of setting it during the Peninsular War, although I’d also love to hightail the plot to Italy and set it during the Risorgimento. 
Manrico is the least interesting lead in the entire thing IMO, but I would find a way to make him interesting, not just the “oh he’s the tenor and the title role so we have to focus on him” deal. 
I’d put a lot more focus onto both di Luna and Azucena, especially Azucena (there’s a reason why Verdi wanted her to be the title character). Maybe the production should progressively get more bizarre as it’s clear she’s more and more traumatized/insane by everything that’s happened. 
I’d have Manrico die onstage, too. 
Cast: not completely sure, maybe Lee, Radvanovsky, A-Rach, and Tezier or Rucinski (considering my first choice is no longer here...) 
Simon Boccanegra: 
Setting: Either keep it in very over-the-top period or (for a slightly more original idea) start the opera at the end of the Risorgimento movement and end it 25 years later. 
Go big or go home on the sets and costumes with this one. 
I’d like to stage the Prologue as Simon’s flashback, but otherwise play it completely straight. Also, cranking up the energy on the Simon/Amelia dynamic is a must. 
(A very interesting not-playing-it-straight concept I’ve toyed with that could potentially go with the end-of-the-Risorgimento setting: make Simon Boccanegra a parallel to Verdi. That would also be incredibly sad, given that Verdi’s two kids died very young.) 
Cast: Tezier (really my go-to current Verdi baritone), Rebeka or Yoncheva, Fabiano, Belosselskiy 
Eugene Onegin: 
Setting can be summed up as “Pushkin or Chekhov, take your pick.”  
I’m envisioning a set that’s half “looks like a charcoal drawing or muted oil painting” and half minimalist, and really beautiful period costumes. Also, snow everywhere in Acts II and III (the current Met production setting the final scene in a snowstorm? Genius. However, I’d probably have the snow raging outside and the two leads raging inside. Related: huge windows for the final scene to see said snowstorm.) 
Eugene Onegin is definitely bi and horribly regrets the duel. 
I would make this production have a huge emphasis on writing: Onegin is the brooding author/hero, Tatyana is a writer of course, Lensky’s a poet... maybe they’re all writing their own part of the story? 
Also, it’s cruel but I think it would make sense for Onegin to commit suicide at the end. 
Cast: Kweicken, Mattei, or Rucinski; Corinne Winters; Michael Fabiano; Alexander Vinogradov 
I know one’s technically set in Sicily and one in Calabria, but because I tend to like multiple-bills more if there’s a dramatic throughline, I’d set both in the same place and try to connect the two operas’ characters somehow. 
To me, both operas are about the personas people project versus who they really are- and God forbid that women don’t fit the perfect public persona and are instead genuine. As a result, I’d try to add a little theater to Cav and for the reverse effect (since Pag does take place on the Feast of the  Assumption), a little bit of Catholic ritual (and guilt) to Pag. 
I don’t think the aesthetic for the two operas should be so different: we’re talking the course of one day for both operas, except Pag both starts and ends later in the day (IIRC Cav starts at sunrise). 
Cast: not really sure tbh, although I heard the Dutch National Opera apparently had a really nice cast for it recently (A-Rach and Ailyn Perez!) 
To end: this is probably a good time to share my hot take that I like Cav more than Pag.
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nolaxrpg · 4 years
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Please allow us to introduce you to CORINNE CLARK. The 25 year old currently resides in FRENCH QUARTER and holds a job as the OWNER & FLORIST @ THE GREEN ROOM. Some describe her as DETERMINED & RESOURCEFUL, while others tend to think she’s JEALOUS & IMPATIENT. We’ll let you decide! TWITTER THREAD:  @lovexnebula: fresh stock of sunflowers came in today! come on by @thegreenroom to place your order before we’re sold out! @lovexnebula: someone meet me at the skyline bar for drinks?! Everyone has a story, here’s hers:
You would think that a child who was raised by two devout, God-fearing Christians would experience a… less than traumatizing childhood. Unfortunately for Corinne Clark, that was never the case. The younger of two siblings, Corinne constantly walked in the suffocating shadow of her older brother, Cooper. The golden child. He was her parent’s favorite, and there wasn’t a millisecond of her life that they ever let her forget that. The stress and isolation from being the black sheep of the family eventually encouraged the young girl to act out - after all, if she couldn’t receive praise, at least she still had their attention when she was defying them. She carried on this way for a couple of years until things took an unforeseen turn at age 15 when they caught her smoking pot in their basement. Instead of grounding her as they normally did, Corinne’s parents made a life-altering decision; they sent her to a Christian reform school in the foothills of the Tennessee mountains, hopeful that the religious program would “straighten her out.” She was promised the privilege of returning home when she learned to follow their (ridiculous) rules - which ultimately just meant conforming to their obsessive enthusiasm to be “god-like.” However, they never imagined that the place they were sending their daughter, the place they so desperately sought help from, was a cult operating under the guise of an all girl reform school. But the Zephaniah House was just that. It didn’t take her long to figure it out, either and every chance she got, she desperately tried to write her parents and Cooper to explain what was going on - but to no avail. Nobody believed her. They all said she was just looking for a way to come home. For three years, Corinne remained trapped states away from her parents, receiving a daily onslaught of abuse. The only positive outcome of being there was that she learned to garden and fell in love with flowers - which would later become her livelihood. Any free time she had was spent in the dirt, planting and growing, and she has only just realized that doing so was her saving grace. At 18, she had a choice; stay at the Zephaniah House and join as one of the wives or leave with nowhere to go, and no way to get there, anyway. So, she left. Hit the ground running. Got the hell outta dodge. Even with the broken mental state that her time there resulted in, Corinne knew there was no way she could stay. She hitch-hiked from Tennessee all the way back to New Orleans - without dying - which resulted in an old friendship being rekindled with a former classmate, Nic, who still lived in the area. He offered to let her stay with him until she could get on her feet. One thing led to another, and eventually, they began dating. Corinne managed to start her own business, and with the funds she made from bartending, she eventually opened her own floral shop - The Green Room. After nearly two years, her boyfriend's bestfriend revealed that Corinne was being cheated on. It was a devastating heartbreak for her, but she immediately broke things off and moved into her own apartment in the French Quarter. She’s had zero contact with her family, despite her mother’s desperate pleas for some form of communication. Instead, she busies herself with work and friends and surviving the tumultuous day to day shit show that is her life. 
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thenugking · 7 years
30 Days of Dragon Age OC Challenge Day 16
Day 16: Consequences: What in-game event(s) had the biggest impact on them (main plot or otherwise)? Why did it affect them so strongly? How did they change?
Isaline: Most of Isaline's game is gradual growing. Haven is the biggest thing, partly because of the Urn and partly because of Sten's mutiny. Isaline has come far enough that she is willing to defend herself when he starts attacking her, and then for very possibly the first time ever since her magic developed, sticks up for herself and puts herself first, by telling him to leave. Isaline let him out of the cage because the rest of her party said it was a good idea, and obviously they know more than her, and she and Sten have never gotten along. Most notably was the time he drove her into attempting suicide (via only-just-joined-the-party-and-not-really-trusted-yet Zevran) by telling her she was a terrible leader and a failure at stopping the Blight. Isaline knew that, and already hated herself for it, and was only in charge because Alistair (who, being a templar, was obviously Really in charge) said she should be and. Sten putting her down did Not help matters. Having Sten around made her miserable, and after he attacked her she went "you know what I?? actually do not have to put up with this anymore" and it was an incredible moment for her!!
And then, as previously mentioned, there was having an incredible Religious Moment at the Urn of Sacred Ashes and deciding maybe the Maker didn't hate her after all. And of course, going back to the Circle, and sticking up to Greagoir and Noodlehair and!!! the Sloth demon giving her a dream of being a tiny scared self loathing circle mage again and Isaline going "No. No I know this is wrong and I am More than this, and I am good and worthy of love and respect, and I will not be controlled like this anymore" She is so strong and good I love my child!!!
Corinne: I think Corinne just has the standard DA2 things; the Deep Roads, All That Remains and the Chantry Boom. All That Remains is fairly obvious; her mother was horrifically murdered and sent her into a downwards spiral of grief, guilt and being a mage self loathing. Also I downloaded a mod that made her hair look a lot messier and less conditioned, and took off her make up.
The Chantry boom I've already talked about. She had to finally take a stand for mage rights and understood that just waiting around for things to get better wasn't necessarily going to work, and she realised romantic love is not the most important thing in the world and broke up with her husband.
Carver died in the Deep Roads, which obviously hit Corinne very hard too, and also changed the whole narrative because up into that point, Carver had essentially been the protagonist. Corinne was a small support mage who hated adventure and just dreamed of love and pretty dresses so was entirely uninteresting to Varric. Carver, meanwhile, did a lot better than in game with a sibling who cast zero shadow and looked to him to protect her from danger. Most Act 1 quests, Corinne was just tagging along behind Carver and his friends. Carver dying means that Varric starts trying to push Corinne into adventures instead, and when the Arishok asks to see Hawke, the Viscount has to send Corinne Hawke instead of Carver Hawke, and the Arishok accepts that Corinne must have taken on the title of Hawke now, so she's the one who's going to have to save the city.
Estella: I mean pretty much everything has a big impact on Estella because it is Estella. Like, she loses a sock and cries about it for three hours, everything affects her strongly. But if I have to list the biggest in-game events:
She  touches the orb and finds herself SUDDENLY NOT TRANQUIL AND WITH TEN MILLION FEELINGS which, you know, changes her from being emotionless to having emotions about Everything
She's introduced to Cullen and flips the fuck out because this guy stood in the Gallows for seven years watching every mage there being abused and did NOTHING and she is NOT staying here if she has to be anywhere near him and that is when a lot of her trauma comes out to the war table but also he gets fired and she gets at least a bit of justice which is REALLY GOOD
She goes to meet Vivienne so she can meet HER DAUGHTER, who is a baby apprentice at Montsimmard, which I guess isn't so much an in-game event but it does start at Vivienne's recruitment and anyway Estella is a MUM now and has responsibilities and cuddles to give!!
She finds the hut of oculara in redcliffe and discovers they're made of tranquil skulls and once again flips the fuck out and swears vengeance on everyone involved in this, which just goes on to reinforce her fight for Tranquil rights.
Putting Briala in control in WEWH because GUESS WHAT FUCKERS the people you have kicked down and shat on for years are TAKING CONTROL and gonna change EVERYTHING
She finds the place where Pharamond got cured in the Western Approach and she is so hopeful and awestruck and she goes through all the notes and uses everything she can find there to START CURING MORE TRANQUIL PEOPLE. And also like. Makes Pharamond's name known everywhere like this guy was INCREDIBLE and she pesters Cole to tell her more about him a whole bunch.
Viv's personal quest because it is one of the things that makes them Help each other and stops them hating each other and constantly fighting and going "maybe she is not so bad??" and it is a big part of Estella and Viv becoming friends which is very good!!!
Here Lies the Abyss happens and she gets her memories back!! Which feels really liberating and Good because she discovers none of this had anything to do with Andraste so FUCK THE CHANTRY and also she killed her rapist when she got her magic back.
Cassandra's personal quest because MORE TRANQUIL REVELATIONS and she tells Cassandra to burn the Seekers to the fucking ground and has another big breakdown because of the unfairness of everything.
When Vivienne talks about how maybe a mage could be Divine and Estella realises VIV YES  YOU COULD DO IT and if they can have a mage divine that would change EVERYTHING and she is SO EXCITED about getting her friend to do this!!!!
not rly much during the end of the game?? who cares about corypheus when there are mages to help
Solas cuts off her FUCKING ARM WHAT IF SHE CAN'T MAGIC NOW it's okay she can still magic but also she has LOST AN ARM this??? is a big deal??? but also he said that EVERYONE SHOULD BE MAGES hey all the fuckers who tell us we're not fucking people YOU'D BE JUST LIKE US IF SOLAS HADN'T FUCKED THE WORLD UP.
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Kingdom Come Pt2
A/N- Sorry this took SO LONG to write, I’ve been pretty busy. My school is performing Footloose and we have had practice every night. Enough with excuses, here you are! (ALSO MY FANFIC ABOUT MARE BEING PREGNANT DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS FIC) Part 2 Mare’s POV I woke up to an empty bed. The sunlight was streaming in from where Cal hadn't closed the curtain, and blinded me with white light. Groaning I got up to search for him. Cal Calore had been a restless sleeper since his brother, Maven Calore, had been killed. I could finally sleep, the nightmares never truly diminishing but not keeping me awake in fear of being killed. Cal had it the opposite. He couldn't help but dream about his younger brother, his little Mavey who looked up to him, dying before his eyes. His loss was greater than mine when it came to Maven. But I knew how it felt, to lose a brother. The pain was great, and heavy. Hell, I was still mourning the loss of Shade. There was nothing that could make the loss any better but time, and now we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by it. But time heals things, and time had given me so much more than the Mare from years ago ever thought it would. I walked down the halls and took a minute to reflect each of the pictures on the wall. The first thing Cal and I had done to the castle was hang up a picture of our family. We felt so awkward standing in this new kingdom, with nothing of ours surrounding us. It was still littered with Maven and Cal’s father’s things. Still had the smell of his step mother lingering in the halls. Since there was only one picture of my family, and my Mom had it, we decided to pass on the Barrow family. Julian had approached us with pictures of Corinne Jacos, and we hung them up. Pictures of Cal and his mother, his father made appearances too. They had been close before Elara came into the picture. We avoided hanging pictures of Maven, due to the pain he still caused. There had been millions of pictures hung since then. Our wedding picture hung proudly in the middle of the room. Next there was a picture of Cal, Sharlene and I at the zoo. Farley had to work that day and asked us to babysit. The seven year old had grown up fast and it was hard to believe that it had been seven years since her birth, since the war ended. There was a picture of Cal, Sara, Julian and I on their wedding day. Beside it was a picture of my family, my parents, Gisa and her boyfriend, Tucker, and my two brothers with Jenna and Caroline, my in laws. Farley stood with us too, holding Sharlene. I smiled at the memory, looking on to see the picture of Farley, Kiliorn, Cal and I at my wedding reception. As I gazed I felt a breath on my neck. Turning around I noticed Cal embracing me. I smiled at him and he did the same. “Hello there.” I said and he nodded at me. “Hello Mare.” He replied and smiled to himself, muttering “that rhymes” under his breath. “Nerd” I laughed and he let out a chuckle and muttered whatever under his breath. “So, where were you this morning? I was looking for you.” I said and he nodded. “And you got distracted?” He finished and I nodded. “Julian needed me for something.” He replied. “Okay” I said and then he seemed to remember something. “Sara needs you later. I mean I would get something to eat then go see her.” He said and I nodded. “Do you know what for?” I asked and he shook his head, but there was a small spark in his eyes. I could tell he was lying. “No clue. I’ll see you later babe.” He said and kissed my forehead, leaving the room. I went to the kitchen and made some breakfast, but started to feel the room spin as I did. I ran to the bathroom only to see Sara standing at the door. She nodded a knowing smiled and pulled my hair back just in time for me to vomit my breakfast up. I looked up to her and she placed a wet rag on my neck. I studied her as she placed a hand on my stomach. It clicked. I’m pregnant. I wanted to cry, and apparently my body was already one step ahead. Hot tears rolled down my face. Sara’s face went from happy to fearful and she grabbed me before I could collapse. “Does Cal know?” I asked her and she nodded. That’s what he was hiding. Julian told him this morning. I knew I should find Cal and tell him and that's what I did. He was pacing outside of his office and when he saw me and stopped. My eyes were still red with tears and he pulled me into his embrace, holding me tight. We both cried and laughed. Six years later I woke up to a little boy and a little girl jumping on me. Shade and Corrine shook me awake. “Mommy, Mommy wake up!” The three year old little girl yelled and was chastised by her older brother. “Good morning” I yawned, pulling the brown haired boy and the darker haired girl into a tight hug. Corrine looked just like her father, where as Shade looked identical to me. The only thing that was switched was the eye colors. They both hugged back and I heard the door kick open. Cal’s POV I was carrying a tray to Mare and I’s bedroom, following the trail of giggles from our young daughter. It had been a struggle to wake them up and get them to make breakfast for Mare, seeing as they shared her love for sleep. I kicked open the door and put my hand under the tray, heating up the food slightly in case it got cold on the way from the kitchen to our room. The kids were in cases in my wife's grasp. She looked up and smiled at me and I set the tray down, waiting for Corrine to jump on me. “Daddy!” She yelled and I swooped her up. “Hey there love bug, I heard you screaming from down in the kitchen.” I said to her and she beamed at me. Mare held Shade in her arms, and they both started pecking at the pancakes. “Happy Mother's Day my love.” I said and Mare smiled at me, pulling me down for a kiss. I still went weak at the knees when it came to her. “We still need to make an appearance today.” I reminded my wife, and she nodded. It was mandatory for people to see the Royal family each holiday. We all dressed and headed down to the ball room. People gathered inside and the trumpets went off. I watched Mare walk over to me, her purple, 1950’s style dress flouncing around her legs as her heels hit the floor. My daughter's hand was inside hers, they had dressed her in a pale pink sunflower dress. I held onto Shade’s hand, and he itched his neck, whining about how itchy the suit was. “I know bud, I used to hate them just as much as you do. I’m sorry” I said and he smiled at me while I tied the bow tie and placed the matching purple flower on his coat pocket. I was wearing the same one. Mare took my arm and held onto me, and I picked up Corrine, shade trailing next to us. “And now stand for Queen Mare Calore, King Cal Calore, Princess Corrine Calore, and Prince Shade Calore.” The announcer said and everyone cheered. I had changed my full title to just Cal, getting sick of hearing such a formal name. We danced for a while and everyone cooed over our little princess. I danced with my wife, listening to an old song about leather and lace (kudos to you if you know that song) and we just talked. “I love our little family.” I said and Mare looked at me with a sarcastic glance. “Wow, I wouldn't have ever guessed.” She said and I gave her a smile. Sometimes old Mare Barrow would break through, the girl who used her sarcasm as a defense from the life she though she would live. I kissed her with passion and felt a tug. Our children stood and grabbed both our hands. We smiled at eachother and spun them around. Before we knew it the night was over and mare and I were carrying them to bed. I tucked in our daughter and mare tucked in our son. She pulled his jacket off of him to hang and cookies started to fall from the pockets. I laughed and she shushed me, but giggled too. We walked out together, each of us with cookies that our son had stolen stuffed in our mouths. “He's like you.” I said and she raised an eyebrow. “Is that right?” She replied and I nodded. “Yep, steals things, loves sweets.” I said and she laughed. “Kind of like I stole your heart?” She said innocently, and I nodded, pulling her close and stealing one of her cookies. “Exactly.” ----—------------------------------------------ Okay I accidentally put in the gif and I don't know how to really take It out so just roll with it 😂😂 but that's me after posting this!!
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