#estella trevelyan
dalishious · 1 year
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Started a new game of DA:I replaying with my Trevelyan, and been thinking about his timeline a lot. So I put it into something concrete.
Pre-Birth –Royce Trevelyan has an affair with an elven servant of his estate, named Thea. Thea becomes pregnant, but when she tells Royce that the child is his, he refuses to believe her.
Age 0 – Thea gives birth to Alec in the summer of 9:16.
Age 3 – Alec at this point begins to show undeniable resemblance to Royce—most notably the iconized Trevelyan grey eyes—and rumours begin spreading through the estate. The rumours make their way to Estella, Royce’s wife, who demands the truth from her husband. Royce admits to the affair, but despite Estella’s attempts to convince him, still refuses to accept the child into the household.
Age 5 – The Hundred Days Cough has a minor break-out and spreads like wildfire through Ostwick’s lower class. Thea becomes deathly ill and brings her son to the Trevelyan estate, where she passionately begs the lord and lady to take care of her son. Royce is still resistant to the idea, but Estella goes against her husband’s wishes and promises to do so, forcing Royce to finally acknowledge his child as a Trevelyan. Alec’s elder siblings, Edwin and Valeria, are quick to love him.
Age 7 – Stricken with fatigue, dizzy spells, increasingly pale skin and notable delayed growth, Alec’s parents call upon Chantry healers to assess him. Alec is diagnosed with weak blood, (in modern terms, anemia,) and is put on a strict died of rich foods to try and counter his genetic inability to properly absorb iron, and ordered to spend more time under sunlight.
Age 10 – Alec’s magic manifests itself for the first time, when he sets a tree in the courtyard on fire. Royce is disgusted, calling Alec a sin against the Maker, but Estella’s reaction is even worse; she believes there must be a way to “fix” him. Estella subjects Alec to every superstitious “cure” for magic she can find, including submerging him in water until he almost drowns several times. After two months, Royce finally calls the templars to take Alec away to the Ostwick Circle. Alec is just relieved to be done with his family’s torture.
Age 13 – It doesn’t take long for Alec to realize the Ostwick Circle has its own forms of cruelty. Its reputation as a “sedate” Circle is achieved through authoritarian control by the templars, scaring mages into obedience. Alec excels at his magical studies though, and is favoured by all his mentors because of this. Everyone believes it is enough to keep him out of trouble. At this point though, Alec’s weak blood has worsened without the expensive diet and sun he was prescribed.
Age 15 – Alec receives a letter from Estella notifying him that his elder brother Edwin has died in a skirmish with Tal-Vashoth, while travelling home from his visit to Kirkwall. When the Circle refuses to grant him permission to return home for the funeral, Alec successfully escapes. Edwin’s funeral is interrupted by a swarm of templars who arrest Alec. They escort him back to the Circle, where to make an example for the others, beat him in front of the other apprentices. Alec’s fury against the Circles of Magi is born.
Age 18 – Alec undergoes his Harrowing, where he is confronted by a rage demon that makes promises to grant the power to burn Ostwick’s Circle to the ground. Alec is very familiar with fighting off rage demons at this point though, and is able to draw the willpower necessary to deny it. He passes the test, becoming a full-fledged mage of the Circle.
Age 20 – Alec becomes involved in Circle politics, fed up with the lack of Libertarian representation at Ostwick. He vocalizes his advocacy for a Circle free of the Templar Order. On one hand, this frequently earns him punishment, but on the other, encourages other mages to come out of their terrified shells as well. Thanks to Alec, the number of Libertarians at Ostwick grows into a validated voice.
Age 24 – When the Mage-Templar conflict breaks out, Alec attempts to pressure the Ostwick Circle out of its official stance of neutrality. However, most mages are still too afraid to stand against the Templar Order, who have basically turned to holding them hostage to prevent more mages from joining the fight—they see this as a mercy, as opposed to just killing them all. Tensions run high, and Alec is put in solitary confinement for two weeks simply for being late to get back to his quarters after curfew.
Age 25 –Divine Justinia calls for a conclave at the Temple of Sacred Ashes in Ferelden, to try and put an end to the Mage-Templar conflict. As local leader of the former Libertarians, Alec is among a small group of mages from Ostwick to attend. The events of Dragon Age: Inquisition begin.
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thenugking · 4 years
fun fact - Estella Trevelyan?
She keeps trying to sledge down the mountain Skyhold is on. Bull keeps trying to race her. Solas and Vivienne keep having to stand by with a load of healing spells.
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ocularums · 2 years
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aloria trevelyan (dai) // velora cousland (dao)
estella blackwood (uncharted) // lilith dawn (fc5)
I was tagged by @thefathersbride to do this lovely picrew but I am not tagging anyone though.
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vespidolive · 8 years
If you could wipe certain memories from your head, would you? Why would you? All our OC's, and your personal opinion, if it isn't any problem.
If I could forget certain memories...hmmm... interesting.
When it comes to certain details, I am very forgetful. I’m pretty sure I forgot most of the names of classmates I graduated with 3 years ago as well as their faces. All the gossip, drama caused, and stuff like that I mainly have forgotten. If it didn’t directly affect me, then why dwell on it? I know it sounds shallow, but I kinda had bigger problems to deal with as opposed to the typical high school drama. A dead mother, abusive sibling, and pressure of school really does put things into perspective. 
Now if I could forget anything, would I and why?
I don’t think so if I can help it. I read somewhere that we mature with pain, not years. And while my life hasn’t been a walk in the park, I wouldn’t forget anything if I could help it. 
When characters have their memory wiped, it’s kinda like a relapse of character development. With painful memories comes character development. With character development comes a stronger person. I’ll use me as an example!
When I was in middle school, my best friend started ignoring me and excluding me from things so guys would think she’s hot. While it hurt that I had to go through that, I learned a very important lesson that saved my life: There are some people not worth your time. If people really want to be your friend they’ll have the balls to get to know you themselves and wont be ashamed to talk to you and hang out with you in public. Once I learned that, I cut her out of my life and stopped wasting time with her. We didn’t become friends again until her group started treating her bad and she apologized AND she proved that she was worth my time again. (Seriously I put her through hell.)
If I were to forget all of that, I would still be that insecure kid that clings to any friendship she had no matter how toxic. That’s not healthy and I’m honestly glad that I’m not like that anymore.
Now with my ocs....
Saare, Keeva, Cyran, and Gimli are reasonably proud of where they came from. Their painful memories had shaped who they are and shown others who they are when difficulties arise. 
Alecia and Estella Di Notte may not have the happiest memories from their past, but they are trying to come to terms with their past and grow from their experiences.
Aura, Aurel Leot, Erahel, and Lita’s memories are useful. While they’re not always pleasant (and indeed there ARE somethings they wish they didn’t know), it gives them an edge in their stories. They’re a biiit genre savvy and can recognize shady bullshite when they encounter it. 
The only oc of mine with her memories wiped would be Kit. She doesn’t seem to remember her past life other then being a pawn, but for some reason she doesn’t speak and seems to act like she has a will of her own... Perhaps there’s more then meets the eye and maybe we’ll find out later. But until then, Kit’s past is as much a mystery to her as it is to us.
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divinexvivienne · 8 years
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nexya · 8 years
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INQUISITOR ESTELLA TREVELYAN “There is justice in mercy.”
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girlvoids · 10 years
References to this fic (x) by divinexvivienne.
Solona Amell and Samson have a conversation about a certain Trevelyan.
The Herald’s Rest was even more crowded than usual. The usual thick scent of salted pork, brewed ale, sweat and piss always managed to give Sol a sense of belonging. No matter where in Thedas, the taverns always smelled the same, whether it was located in a back end alley in Denerim or between two ornately designed three-story buildings in Nevarra. Even the people remained pretty much the same. You had your angry drunks, who ended up taking their differences outside only to return bloodied and bruised, asking for more drinks. Then there was the mysterious hooded stranger, seated in the back of the tavern with a pipe and a cup of ale. What was he doing there? No one knew, but it was always exciting to guess. There were the tavern girls who were smart enough to flirt with the customers who both possessed coin and appeared gullible enough to spend it on bad ale in return for a sweet smile. No tavern was complete without the bard, with her silver tongue and odd ability to always know everything about anyone. 
Sol adored taverns. Cullen did not. But he did adore Sol, which was why he ‘d agreed to come with her. After some begging, pleading, flattery and kisses on her part. Since they’d arrived, he’d only ever mentioned the paperwork he had to do once! The man was learning quickly. Her commander was currently loudly discussing the best sword forms, comparing the training of the Orlesian chevaliers and the Fereldan templars. His discussion partner was the ex-chevalier Isala had picked up, Michel De Chevin, with his head of golden hair and typically Orlesian accent. The two men were gesturing wildly, their conversation heated but never veering into disrespectful territory. Sol adored the look on Cullen’s face when he argued about a subject passionate to him , the way his nose wrinkled and his eyes turned completely focused on the person before him. She could’ve watched him all day, but if she did someone would notice and inform Cullen and he’d be smugly pleased with himself all day. She’d never hear the end of it.
Sol took a sip of her ale, turning her gaze to the rest of the tavern. In the back the infamous Bull’s Chargers and their bulking, horned leader were singing a loud boisterous chant, the different timbres of their voices and the alcohol they’d drunk not adding to their ability to keep a decent tune. Still, the people in the tavern seemed to enjoy the song. Maryden had started to play the song’s tune on her lute. Customers were rythmically slamming their cups down on the table, while others were clapping along with the chorus or stamping their feet. Everyone was merry and had good cheer.
All except for one.
Estella Trevelyan was seated alone, staring darkly into a full bowl of pork and potatoes like it contained the reason for her misery. Her mouth was set in a firm line, her forehead creased and her dark eyes appearing far away. She’d been like that for a few days now, quiet and wistful. Sol had tried everything to shake her fellow mage out of her glum mood: puns, pranks, jokes, a box of Anderfel caramel toffees,…She’d even offered to take the younger woman out and get her ‘so drunk that by the end of the evening she would end up in an Antivan’s lap with no smallclothes and smoking elfroot’, but the girl had politely refused with that sweet little voice of hers. Her cheeks hadn’t even coloured as red as they normally did. A great cause for concern. 
Sol frowned as she clapped and stamped along with the others, her gaze burning on the other mage’s back. Plenty of people usually assumed Sol didn’t notice things happening around her, but she did, albeit a bit slower than the average person perhaps. Something was wrong, she could feel it. She watched as Estella sighed almost…wistfully? The look in the other woman’s eyes turning dreamlike. What was she looking at? Sol followed her gaze to the wall, where several pamphlets hung. Between a recruitment pamphlet for the Sinquisition and a poster announcing dancing lesson lead by Harding, a new announcement had been nailed on the wall. 
“Reminder that all scouts who have been to Emprise De Lion should check in with one of the healers before continuing their duties. The effects of red lyrium and how it spreads are still largely unknown, and there is always a chance of infection. Any inquiries can be adressed towards Arcanist Dagna, who has been most successful in her research with the former red templar named….” 
There was more, something about safety coming first and ‘we thank you for your bravery and the risks you’re taking ya da da da…’ but nothing explained why Estella would be so vexed by a mere piece of parchment or why she was behaving like a…a…a….
love sick puppy.
“Maker’s huge hairy arse!” Sol exclaimed, no, screeched loudly. Silence as everyone in the tavern stopped their clapping and turned towards her. (Except for Estella, who was still staring dreamily.) If Sol were another woman, she would have blushed and muttered an apology. If she were another woman, she would have left the tavern with her head bowed in shame. But she wasn’t. Instead she continued her swearing. 
“Andraste’s fucking fiery eyeballs. Of all the….Oh, this is just….By Gaharel’s smelly left foot! I can’t believe…fucking void take me.” 
Cullen coughed besides her and placed his arm around her in an attempt to calm her down. “Are you alright love?” He rubbed her shoulder, nervously looking around the tavern while Sol continued her shouting. When she ran out of swears in the King’s tongue, she started shouting in Tevene (courtesy of Dorian), then switched to Elven (courtesy of Isena), then to Orlesian (courtesy of Sister Nightingale).
Suddenly she stopped swearing and jumped out of her seat, almost knocking Cullen over in the process. She gave her (very very confused) lover a quick peck on the cheek, then sprinted out the door.
Cullen usually kept his keys on him at all times, but Sol happened to know he hadn’t tonight because of the risk that someone in the tavern might pickpocket him and acquire access to the jail cells. It was easy to find them (Hidden beneath his mattress. Oh, Cullen, you sweet darling.) and it was even easier to get into the dungeon. The guards on duty had protested when she tried to enter, but all she needed to do was form a small spark of fire between her fingers and sweetly ask which one of the guards proposed to keep her out.
Sol has been in a dungeon once, but Fort Drakon was a palace compared to this one. If she were a better person, she would’ve stopped to pity the poor souls down here, but she was a woman on a mission. 
“You!” She gestured to a guard. “The Inquisitor needs you.”
“But I-”
“Maker’s sake man, did I stutter?” Sol gave him the stare she’d seen Cullen aim at unruly soldiers, the one which always made the recruits cower away with their tail between their legs. It worked. The guard swallowed and nodded, bowing his head. “Miss.” He scurried away without looking behind, leaving Sol alone with crumbling stones, rats and the person she needed to talk to.
The scowl slid from her face and warped into a smug grin as she slowly walked to Samson’s cell, rattling the keys. The former Kirkwall templar was seated on the ground, playing with a piece of string, making knots in it and untangling them rapidly again. Hm, nimble fingers. She’d have to remember to tell Estella that. He utterly ignored her presence, so she simply waited, crossing her arms and watching his handiwork.
“Visitation hours are over.” A sour voice finally said from behind the bars, blood shot eyes set in a pale face watching her suspiciously. His eyes narrowed as he took in Sol’s smile, the ruffled clothes and hair, the sheen of sweat on her forehead. “You look like hell.”
“Really? I’m the bad looking one here?” Sol pushed a lock of hair out of her face and snorted. “I’ll arrange a looking glass for your cell. Obviously you’ve become disconnected with reality during your time alone.”
“I greatly appreciate the generosity of such a high standing member of the inquisition.”
“What can I say? I’m generous. I can be even more generous.” Sol said slyly. 
“I am simply quivering with anticipation.” Samson responded dryly.
Sol stepped closer, her fingers closing around the bars of his cell as she brought her face closer. Samson backed away, his fingers grasping for his sword before realizing it wasn’t there. The scowl on his features was a beautiful thing to behold.
“She’s about this height.” The dark haired mage held out a hand. “Never stops asking questions. Spends more time with her head in the stars than here on earth. Likes to get all philosophical too.” 
Samson didn’t reply, but Sol hadn’t spend so many hours with Leliana to not pick up on certain tells. His fingers had started twitching nervously again, his adam’s apple bopping up and down. 
“Pretty girl too. Soft, kissable skin. A lovely figure, very easy to wrap your arms around. I still remember the first time I held her hand. Such long, elegant fingers…Such pretty blushes…”
“What do you want?” Samson asked through gritted teeth, trying and failing to keep the jealousy off his face.
“Me? Nothing? But poor Estella has been very upset lately…” Sol moved towards the cell door.
“Someone should do something about that.”
The lock opened easily.
“Flowers would do the trick, yes?”
The man stared at her in open disbelief now. “You’re either a gullible fool or an overromantic idiot.”
“Neither.” Sol replied. “Just a woman who takes care of her friends.”
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thenugking · 4 years
Kas for the problematic meme (my daughter) and estelle
I mean idk whether fandom would so much demonise Kas as like, act as though she’s a Child bc she’s autistic and non verbal and therefore has Never Done Anything Wrong In Her Life and also shouldn’t be in a relationship bc she’s a Baby.
Like I’d say people would claim she was abusive towards Sera, for letting Cole in her head so much and being closer to him but like, that would necessitate fandom liking Sera. Oh and she’s either racist for being close to Sera even though Sera’s awful to Veena, or homophobic for being close to Veena when Veena’s awful to Sera. (I mean Veena would absolutely Also be hated so it’s just a question of Who Fandom Wants To Demonise Today.) Either way it’s totally Kas’ fault that her girlfriend and sister do not get along and she should ostracise and hate one of them.
And oh boy where to even start with Estella. She’s loud about her abuse and that makes people uncomfy. She’s abusive because she’s really mentally ill and prone to impulsivity and black and white thinking. She shows that atually templars are right, because she can’t control herself properly after being cured of Tranquility and when she gets angry she’s dangerous and sets Dorian on fire just because he said he doesn’t see the problem with slavery, and that’s probably racist of her. She’s an abusive cheater because she’s polyamorous. She’s also a Bad Weak female role model for being a sub, and for having been raped. But also she engages in rape play so she normalises rape and was therefore Asking For It. She’s an abusive mother because she swears in front of her child. Worst of all, she is Mean to cullen and varric and is a horrible self centered monster who doesn’t understand that a bad thing once happened to them too :(((
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thenugking · 4 years
all the 'love' questions for Estella Trevelyan and her partners?
Who said “I love you” first?
Estella, in both cases. She was nervous about it for a while, but she only has so much impulse control
What are their primary love languages?
For Estella, words of affirmation mostly, she’s not going to shut up about how great her partners are. For Josie, quality time - she has a busy schedule but she loves being able to make time for Estella. For Bull, I’m not entirely certain, but I’m swaying towards acts of service.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Estella is still cautious about like, making out in public and that being a big Display, but she will cuddle her partners wherever and whenever she can.
What are their favorite things to do together?
If the three of them together, they’re usually shit-talking visitors to the Inquisition that Josie is very tired of dealing with, and Bull has some fun/scandalous insights on. Estella just likes to hear why all the nobles are assholes. Also! looking after Amelia together. Very fun and good they all love their tiny daughter.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Estella is generally not the best at comforting people. Bull and Josie are good at comforting her in different ways.
Who’s more protective?
All of them? Estella will set people on fire if they hurt her partners before stopping to think about whether it’s a good idea. Josie is unlikely to physically fight people for Estella, but she can bring her whole diplomatic weight down on people, with Bull standing behind her looking Intimidating.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Josie prefers verbal, Bull prefers physical, Estella sways between “I Need physical affection” and “do not fucking Touch me”
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Huh, I have several Estella songs, but I don’t think I have any Estella/Josie or Estella/Bull songs. I should get on that. Happily taking suggestions.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Estella doesn’t really do nicknames, and I feel Josie keeps hers traditional, with like, sweetheart or darling or amora. Bull Doesn’t call Estella Kadan bc that whole thing annoys me, and keeps calling her Boss, especially when they’re having sex and he’s being super dominant, because Estella likes to remember she’s still always in control.
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thenugking · 6 years
reading abt all ur inquisitors/wardens has me like :OOO like. I Love Them Already
tbh? all my inquisitors have their own backstories because the default ones are Boring As Shit imo. like for example my adaar is a staunchly anti-chantry rogue who was raised in a den of thieves and eventually ended up as a smuggler/pirate and she mostly sees the inquisition as a means to return to her previous life (and her wife) because she honestly doesn’t care much for what they’re trying to do so she just ends up playing most of them
Aaaaa thank you!! And oooh your Adaar sounds great! I hope she and her wife get reunited eventually!! Feel free to tell me more about her!
Like I find the default Inquisition backstories are… fine, but nothing special. And there are just so many more stories I’d rather tell instead. And like in particular bioware making mage!Trevelyan be from the “good” “calm” circle just feels really fucking cowardly?? No strong opinions on the mage rebellion allowed here!! No strong opinions on anything!! (Like I’m sure there are interesting things to do with an Ostwick mage and I might end up playing one one day but honestly… Estella being from Kirkwall just works better with the plot)
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thenugking · 6 years
listen i don’t care how “overrated" you think Let It Go is it’s a fucking mage rights anthem and you can pry it from my cold dead hands
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thenugking · 6 years
My Dalish rogue inquisitor, Hera, is around 55 years old when she goes to the conclave. She was the head hunter of her clan, and she insisted she would go, as her son, who is her only family, was going to do so otherwise. I wasn’t planning for it to happen that playthrough, but clan lavellan ended up dying right after she defeated corypheus. I headcanon she went looking for her son personally as soon as she heard, and found him and a few others from the clan alive
Aww, I’m glad she finds him!
After the Conclave, Estella Trevelyan remembers she had a daughter while Tranquil, who the Chantry of course took away, and she’s desperate to find her again. Leliana finds out that her daughter Amelia is also a mage and was taken to the Montsimmard Circle after the mages rebelled. When Vivienne invites the Herald to her party, Estella’s only interested in getting her daughter back. Estella and Vivienne immediately don’t get along because Vivienne’s a loyalist and Estella is… very much not, but as Grand Enchanter of Montsimmard, Amelia is technically Vivienne’s ward, so she tells Estella she can only have her daughter if she lets Vivienne join the Inquisition too.
(Estella and Viv eventually become good friends but there is a Lot of fighting to begin with.)
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thenugking · 7 years
mylordshesacactus said: you’ve WRITTEN a mage/templar relationship iirc, just, like you said it’s clearly portrayed as awful and toxic and then MY GIRL eventually gets out and is ok again and im very proud of her
Idk I think you mean Isaline, who I have sadly not written yet. (Ideally I will one day but I suck at fic.) She’s the one in the awful toxic relationship. I’ve written a brief flashback of Estella getting raped by a templar before getting some recovery and the thing where Noodle is creepy to Tarynn and she punches him and runs away but like, neither of them are relationships.
But like, thank u, I am glad you support Isaline or maybe Estella or maybe Tarynn they are all Very Good I am proud of all of them.
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thenugking · 7 years
30 Days of Dragon Age OC Challenge Day 28
Day 28: Three Wishes: If your OC had three wishes, what would they wish for? (No wishing for more wishes.)
So like in general I feel like my OCs wouldn't wish for anything because in Thedas I think the only way they're getting three wishes is from a demon choice spirit, which they're not going to go for. So while I had to convince them it was okay for this question, they're all still adhering to a bit of "be careful what you wish for". And trying not to like, change anyone's else's brains about by doing so. I think they're all ending up with pages and pages of carefully annotated notes on exactly what they want. (Estella gives up and gives hers to Josie to write, since Josie's used to handling trade deals and negotiations.)
An End To World Hunger, or something big and noble that helps everyone like that. She thought about world peace, but then again, sometimes war is better than the alternative. Ending world hunger doesn't really seem to have many downsides.
That her daughters always be safe from bigotry . The second wish was always going to be something that would benefit her daughters but she had a lot of trouble working out exactly what was best. Wishing they never be unhappy is denying them important emotions. Wishing they always be safe means hiding them from the world and important experiences, and like, what if they want to be a thrill seeker?? She thought about "let them never suffer like I have" but there's the suffering she went through in the Circle and then there's just suffering by like, getting a paper cut. It would be nice if they never got paper cuts but protecting them from every slight mishap is just going to be smothering and ultimately unhelpful. "Let them be loved and have a better childhood than I did" sounded nice but surely that would happen anyway if she was even a half decent mother. She almost decided on "Let them always be safe from templars". It would be helpful, and protective but not too smothering, but while protecting them as mages, she doesn't want to ignore that Aneira is an elf, and has other struggles because of that so she ended up on "let them be safe from bigotry". It should keep them safe without hiding all the bigotry in the world from them.
Her wedding ring back. While she was in the Gallows, Cullen threw her wedding ring in the harbour, telling her Gallows mages weren't allowed to be married so she was deluding herself and other mages with false hope, or some bullshit like that. She never got it back and is still very unhappy about it.
The most amazing dress in the world. It's going to be made out of diamonds but like, cotton diamonds? Which can totally be a thing if she has three wishes. It has to look beautiful, and not be uncomfortable or hard and be all nice and flowing and not be see through, apart from the outerskirt which should be see through and made of cotton sapphires. And it should hold itself up in perfect shape and-. Look I know very little about fashion and even less about dress design, but Corinne absolutely does, and she has pages upon pages of description of this wonderful dress and it is going to be the most amazing dress in the world.
Annoying Passive Aggressive Curses on Sebastian. You know, shit like "may your food always be slightly burnt" and "may you always realise you're out of loo roll after sitting down on the loo" and "may you always step on legos". Corinne wishes all of them on Sebastian. She has legos invented just to make him step on them.
The other most amazing dress in the world. But this one's for Josie and compliments Corinne's amazing dress in every way, but suits Josie as perfectly as Corinne's suits hers. Josie's is also made out of gemstones, of course.
Estella's issue is that she wants to change the whole world but also doesn't want to violate anyone's free will by doing so. So her three wishes in order are:
Every mage is safe from templars
But that no mage or templar’s free will is violated to keep mages safe from them
But that no harm comes to the mages, as a direct or indirect consequence, of whatever it is keeping them safe from the templars
She thinks that should work without any accidentally Awful side effects. Of course it may mean mages are kept safe because every time a templar wants to hurt one, the templar suddenly dies of a heart attack, but oh well, what a shame, not like she could have done anything to stop it, I'm sure we'll all get over it. Estella at least will get over it very quickly.
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thenugking · 7 years
30 Days of Dragon Age OC Challenge Day 5
Day 5: Sexuality: Describe how you think about your character’s sexuality. How would they talk about their sexuality/sexual inclinations or lack thereof?
Isaline: She's bi! She's not sure she's Allowed to like girls for a while, but meets Isabela just when she is becoming more confident in herself, and thinks Isabela is very pretty and nice. Zev arranges a threesome for her.
She doesn't tend to talk about her sex life much, because if you're not involved in her sex life, you have no need to know about it. She's quiet and polite and discreet and sometimes shocks people with her detailed knowledge of various sexual acts and kinks. "I'm married to Zevran," she reminds them.
Corinne: Corinne was supposed to be asexual heteromantic, but is now asexual biromantic, because Josie exists. For the ace part, she just finds the idea of sex kind of gross. She'd rather spend her time drawing hearts around the names of her crushes and slowly leaning in to Romantic Kisses. When she was younger, she assumed that when you got married, you spontaneously developed sexual attraction to your spouse, and then became confused when people were fucking each other without being married first.
Corinne is a massive Romantic with some very Traditional ideas around romance and heterosexism. And then she meets Josie, and has a Gay Panic, because the Boy is meant to be older and taller than the Girl, and how does it work if you're both girls?? Is it okay that she's taller than Josie?? Does it mean she has to start acting like a man??? Should she hold the door open for Josie or should Josie hold the door open for her????? She goes to Merrill and Bela for advice, which isn't incredibly helpful since Merrill is confused about what the issue is, and Bela spends several hours just laughing at her.
Estella: Estella is also bi, although would define her sexuality as something like "into people who acknowledge mages are treated like shit and deserve the same rights as everyone else, very much Not Into anyone else." She doesn't make an effort to hide her sex life or sexuality, but neither does she go out of her way to talk about them. She likes having one partner who doesn't feel any sexual attraction and is just always happy to cuddle with her, and another she can have rough, slightly violent sex with (and then also cuddles after).
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thenugking · 7 years
30 Days of Dragon Age OC Challenge Day 30!
Day 30: Free Day!: Is there anything about your character you wanted to say but didn’t? Their favorite outfit? What their Pokemon team would be? Which Hogwarts house they’d be in? Tell everyone about it! (Can be anything at all, serious or not!)
I didn't know what to do with this but I decided to just talk a bit about my three favourite moments for them all. Or three of my favourites, it was very hard to pick. Many of which I've already talked about before, oops. But it felt like a nice thing to finish the meme off with.
The start of the Zevran romance; when she feels suicidal and goes off to pick herbs with him alone, hoping he'll kill her and thinks she's being subtle but Zev is Well Aware this is a suicide attempt. When Zev isn't sure he wants to live himself, but he doesn't want to see someone else feeling as terrible and worthless and self hating as he is, and just finds himself trying to make her feel better. And they talk and begin to open up to each other and just really enjoy being in each other's company and they both make a real friend when they've both alone for so long, and both end up wanting to be alive right now. It's a lovely moment that begins their relationship, and both of their recovery arcs and I just love these two damaged, hopeless people saving each other. I love them.
The end of DA2. Isaline's in the Gallows for months before then, secretly working to destabilise the templars and teach mages to fight them, but appearing powerless to the templars and not feeling as if she has much more than she's showing. If she fights back too early, that could backfire and have a negative affect on every mage in the Circle. And then the Chantry blows up, and the templars run round in panic, and she smiles and fucking destroys them and calmly walks through the Gallows tossing aside every templar who tries to stop her and is a terrifying unstoppable force. And then as the fight against Meredith begins, and Cullen has a Convenient Last Minute Change Of Heart, she turns to him in a wave of magic and tells him to run and he does. And she follows, blasting countless spells at him as she calmly lists his crimes, and all the mages he's hurt. She tells him this is justice for all of them, for every mage, but most of all, it's for her. And she kills him. And I love that she's able to put herself first there and to finish him for every time he's hurt her and finally be free of him. And I just really like mages fucking killing that noodle.
When she comes back from Here Lies the Abyss and her daughter Sindony runs to her in such excitement to show her that look she can do magic now. It feels like the final part of her recovery; it no longer hurts so much to think of when she developed her magic herself, and her fear and shame about it, and the way her parents abused her. How can that memory have a hold over her now, when her  own daughter's here showing off her own magic, so proud and happy? Now that she has children to raise and love and give a better life than the one she had. Maybe magic's still not fully accepted in Thedas, but they've come so far from her own childhood, and there's a world where her daughters are able to grow up loving themselves and loving their magic. And that is so, soimportant.
It's maybe not as serious as Isaline's (I mean. It's really not as serious as Isaline's) but one of my favourite Corinne moments is the scene in Mark of the Assassin, when Hawke and Tallis are trying to get into the Chateau and Hawke can give a funny overdramatic speech about how they saw someone wearing the same outfit as them, and it is the most terrible thing that could possibly happen, and they simply must get inside at once. Except that when Corinne does it, she is 100% deadly serious. There's someone wearing the same dress as her and it is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to her and could ruin her reputation. The jewel is nothing compared to this. I'm really proud of how I made Corinne so unlike how Hawke is "supposed" to be, and this scene I feel kind of sums up the difference really well.
The Chantry Boom. When Sebastian tells her Anders needs to die and she breaks up with the love of her life. I just adore the moment when she realises romantic love is not the most important thing ever, when she realises she has to stand up for something for herself, when she chooses her friend over her partner. It is such a big deal for the girl who's written a dozen novels where people sacrifice everything for true love, who wants to be a fairy tale princess and live a happy ending with her handsome prince. I'm so, so proud of her. And she's able to wipe the tears from her eyes and hug her friends, who are still here, who still love her, who are still important, and go and fight for what she believes is right. Because she's not just the prince's princess anymore, so it's time to take control of her own destiny at last.
Crashing Josie's wedding. It's not the most deadly serious scene, it's a Terrible cliche, but it's so Corinne. She knows it's a cliche, she loves the drama of it, the fact that she's realised there are things more important than romance doesn't mean she's not still an utter romantic who wants to kiss in the rain and ride off into the sunset with her love or, you know, crash a wedding to declare her love. But doing that is still brave and important and how she feels is still serious. Corinne's never made the first move in a relationship before and she thinks it's awfully rude to actually interrupt a wedding and she's only just fully come to terms with the fact that she's into women and her last relationship ended with her and her husband ignoring ways in which they clashed For Love until they ended up declaring war on each other's cities, and now she's approaching love with a wiser, less rose-tinted perspective and she's scared of what that means for the relationship. But she knows she loves Josie, and even if there are things more important than that, her love is more important than her fear. And she gives the most sweet and sincere declaration of love to Josie and Josie runs to her and kisses her and they do the -pick-josie-up-and-twirl-her-round thing, and Otranto tells everyone to clap because he's great and it is Best Romance Scene. It just makes me really happy.
Being cured of Tranquility. She goes to the Conclave with the group of templars that she's been a slave to for the past three years, just because it's useful to have a slave around. One of them decides he wants a quick fuck before the Conclave starts and leads her off to find a back room. He hears a commotion, and the Divine calling for help, and bursts in to see what's going on with his Tranquil behind him. He pulls out his sword, instructs his Tranquil to grab the thing the Darkspawn just dropped. And Estella picks up a ball of Fade and it reopens her connection to it and everything she's ever felt comes rushing back and she's standing there staring at one of the men who's spent the last several years abusing her and raping her and treating her like a thing and she can do magic again. The templar hears the noise she makes as she grabs the orb, part yell of shock, part gasp of amazement, part snarl of anger, part shout of joy, and turns in confusion. He sees her face full of an overwhelming amount of emotion, and lightning sparkling at her fingertips and has a moment to feel terrified before she kills him.
Later on, Vivienne tracks down the two templars from the group that weren't at the Conclave when it exploded, and ran in the chaos. She has them brought to Skyhold's dungeons to await Estella's judgement. Estella is surprised and suspicious, because Vivienne talks like Circles are good and tells Estella she's wrong about everything and steals her furniture and snaps at Estella when Estella sets her furniture on fire in retaliation. But Vivienne says they should face justice for abusing their power, and Estella wants to look the templars in the eye and watch them squirm, and she wants them to not be alive any longer. She goes to see them alone, with Bull waiting outside the dungeon so she can call if she needs help. The first sneers at her, reminds her of all the abuse and degradation she suffered, however well she's doing now. People may see her as a Herald, but she's a mage, she'll always be nothing, is she really pretending to forget that before she was a Herald, she was a slave, a pet, an object? But whatever he says, he has no power now, and he still screams as she kills him. The next one is terrified, and begs her to forgive him, to spare him, tells her he's sorry. But he was never sorry before. Estella watches him beg, tells him to do it more. Kills him anyway. She comes out of the dungeons shaking, she hugs Bull, and runs to find Amelia and holds her tight and reminds herself she's safe now. She goes to Vivienne later, and tells her what happened and thanks her. Vivienne is disappointed she didn't put them on trial, let the world know their crimes, that templars like this will not be tolerated any longer. Estella understands, but she couldn't have dealt with a public trial, with seeing them again in front of other people. Vivienne understands that. They sit together for a while, and try not to talk about things they'll fight over today, and start to wonder if maybe they could be friends.
When the Breach in the sky seals up, and whatever disaster people wanted zir to solve this time is apparently averted, Hawke decides that maybe it's time ze and her husband and kid stopped hiding out in the Anderfels and finally reply to the letters saying The Inquisition requests their presence. So Hawke and Anders and a child they rescued from the Gallows go South, and are escorted up to the main hall, and Anders is almost knocked over being suddenly and enthusiastically hugged by someone he last saw standing in the Gallows courtyard with no expression on her face, unable to feel anything near enthusiasm. They talk about what they've been doing the last seven years, and about mage rights, and Estella eagerly tells Anders everything she's been doing, and how they're going to have a mage Divine now, and Anders is amazed and delighted that the Herald of Andraste everyone in awe of is a mage. The people in power finally care, and there are mages in power who can change things. It's really important and meaningful to Estella to have Anders there at the end; he inspired her to fight, and was the first one to really change things. Her hopeless crush is gone by now - and she tells him about it and they laugh about it - but he's still one of her oldest friends, and her hero. And Inquisition ends with the two of them happy and hopeful for the future, and yelling "For mage rights!" off the top of Estella's balcony for all of Skyhold to hear, and it's a really good ending.
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