#if gabriel seems ooc to you
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"We'll make it together, or we won't make it at all."
… Somehow, he thinks they both knew he wasn't just talking about that specific hell of a situation.
He made a promise, one he would make again in different words at a different time, one that he's kept to this day, as unwaveringly as the one he made then.
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reverseexorcist · 7 months
★ 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐝 ★
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"If it's alright could I request Carmilla Carmine x a fem reader who's a fallen angel? Like maybe they met during extermination and got their wings ripped off for not wanting to kill Carmilla's kids or they were already in hell with Carmilla for some time before the extermination? If you don't want to do this that's totally fine, and sorry if this isn't how to request stuff :)."
Honestly, with how this ended, I'm really tempted to write a much fluffier part 2 to this
Part 2 ↫ Right here
➲ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 Carmine + !Fallen Angel!Reader
➲ Romantic ☐, Platonic ☒
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 3,462 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, descriptions of gore/blood, canonical Lute slander (sorry Lute), romantic or platonic wasn't requested so I went with platonic to fit the story more (if the requester wants romantic just feel free to ask me), mother mode Carmilla (she might be a bit ooc because of this),
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Oh wow.
Oh wow were you shaking.
You couldn't tell if it was from the excitement or the nerves - Probably both if you were being honest with yourself, but you couldn't shake off the vibrating feeling tingling beneath your skin that made you want to fly laps around heaven. Your stomach was doing flips, but you led mask only reflected your nearly psychopathic grin and twitching eye.
Even after your lieutenant Lute shot you a stern look, no doubt pissed off because you couldn't sit still for five goddamn seconds, you still couldn't resist fidgeting with your spear. It was sparkly, and somewhat heavy, and a murderous weapon that was entirely yours! It was also cold, freezing almost. Even against your gloves it made your palms feel numb and seemed to shine in sync with your own valiant excitement.
Baby's first extermination, basically. While the name certainly sounded scary, you'd been waiting for this day for six months (you and the other forty-five cadets in your platoon) and you were ready to do your best! Sure, you were still technically a rookie, hanging around the flock and bringing up the rear of the exorcists, but this was how you proved yourself to rise the ranks, right?
Your heart stopped beating in your chest when you finally reached the front. Holy shit, that was the high seraphim! Sera, right? Oh wow, she really was much much taller in person, towering above the clustering sea of black and white murderous intent. Her outward vibe was motherly and caring, but you could see the glint of distain, guilt and regret sparking in the deepest depths of her eyes. Which was confusing, because you were doing a good thing, right? Ridding the divine planes of sinners irredeemable souls.
The thoughts crowded your mind - Evil, twisted monsters crawling around like bugs in the brimstone crowded crevices of hell. You could only imagine the satisfaction of killing your first hell spawn.
It would have to be cool no doubt. Something big with lots of teeth and claws and that could breathe fire! You had to come home with a cool story to brag about. You'd heard the tales from all your superiors. From everyone including the first man Adam himself, your respectably awesome (if a little terrifying) lieutenant Lute, to the other lieutenants like Michael and Gabriel. You'd have to off a demon built like a mountain to get their attention.
And by the big man himself, you were going to do it. Even if it took you a hundred years, you could already see yourself commanding a group just like yours, bearing a helmet with horns big and curved and bold, black stripes stippled along your ivory wings.
With a very particular pep in your step, you saluted the high seraphim Sera respectively, head cocked up just so you could regard her kindly warmth in fullness. Her smile didn't reach her eyes, and although she swiftly sent you on your way with the rest of your platoon, you couldn't help but let your nerves sway your resolve ever so slightly.
It didn't matter though! You unfurled your wings with perhaps a bit too much of a dramatic flair, but with your spear in hand and helm polished so it shined with malevolent glory, you kicked off without a second thought, tailing right behind where you were supposed to be.
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Your first impression of hell was the heat.
With the extermination already well under way, raging fires were already burning up half of the city sending whorls of smog up into the air. You easily battered it away with a few strong flaps of your wings. With your head on the swivel, your eagle-eyes peered around the desolate land for the forms of the sinners struggling to thrive below, silhouettes hidden by the thick layer of smoke and ash blanketing the landscape.
Lieutenant Lute furled out her wings below you, a screeching war cry echoing throughout the battlefield as she all but left your rookie platoon in the metaphorical dust. The sound itself only spurred you on, itching for the blood of a demon on the blade of your angelic spear. Without a second thought, you tucked your wings to you sides and dived below, headfirst into the fray.
Billowing flames licked past you harmlessly, though they burned like hell (which seemed rather apt, considering where you). You didn't falter, flying through the embers like a goddamn phoenix ready to cleanse the realm sprawled out beneath you. The solid wingbeats of two of your fellow cadets only strengthened your resolution, a holy fire burning in your soul - An itch to clear the filth of devil scum away. This was the chaotic strength that your captain had sought to build in you, and now you were finally able to act on it.
But everywhere you looked, you only found simple, humanoid souls running and screaming in terror. Eyes wide, half-dead or bloodied beyond belief as they scrambled to find shelter from the onslaught of exorcists like yourself. Nowhere could you see the mangled forms of the demons you'd been taught to slaughter. Descriptions from your seniors before you passed through your mind - 'gleaming eyes with with wrath and lust', 'gangly limbs twisted to an unholy form', 'mouths filled with rows of sharp teeth, and claws like knives'.
You faltered, confused. The words of Lute rang out in your mind.
"Of course, it's not like they can actually hurt you. You're all warriors, the toughest, just use your spears to stab the shit out of them!"
You were alone now. You couldn't hear the comforting sounds of your fellow rookies behind you anymore. They were well in front of you now, peering around with a similar confusion to yours. But to your absolute horror, they simply shrugged their shoulders and dived forward with bloodlust evident in their glowing white masks. Silver points of spears were jammed through the heads of the terrified demons below. But were they demons? They didn't look like them at all. Every single book you'd seen depicting demons drew them as eldritch monsters with too many eyes to count, tentacles and claws and fangs with nary but bloodlust and vile thoughts hidden within their slitted eyes.
But the demons in front of you looked just like people. You could see the way their faces contorted in terror. You could see them scrambling to help what you could only assume were friends and family, pulling them along and carrying the ones who couldn't run for themselves. You could only feel your heart fall as you watched one of your best friends land on top of a sinner already crushed by rubble, turquoise skin stained red. The begged and pleaded and cried, but their voice was silenced as the spearhead sunk into their skull.
You flinched. The world around you ignored you completely, and for once, you were completely happy to go unnoticed.
Shakily, you touched-down in a nearby street. It was littered with already oozing corpses, but other than that it was peacefully empty. At least here the sounds of violence and pain and terror was muffled, far away enough that you could at least try to distance yourself and get your breathing under control.
You barely reeled in a gag as the smell of blood invaded your senses.
Was this really what you wanted to do for the rest of your life? You could still see yourself in your mind's eye, a model exorcist like your lieutenant now leading her own platoon into another extermination. Maybe this would be a one off, just a shock to the system that would get your mind reworked into killing mode. But, the more you thought about it, the more your heart clenched in pain and terror that seemingly matched the suffering souls around you. You were an agent of heaven, you thought you were killing mindless monsters, not those with human souls! Sure, there were probably shitty people fucking around down here, but what about all those who had to sin in self defence?
A chorus of startled gasps startled you out of your panic ridden stupor. Your wings flared up, trying to make yourself look bigger, more threatening as you wheeled around. The spear in your hands looked more like a prop at this point, and it was clear that you had minimal idea how to use it inside a proper battle. But still, you fumbled with it and pointed it threateningly in the direction of the two demons that had appeared right behind you.
They clutched each other, stumbling backwards and further away from the danger of your angelic weapon. One of them placed an arm in front of the other, her eyes narrowing behind her red-tinted glasses as if she was both terrified by you, but was daring you to do something about it.
But still, you could see them shaking from where you stood. They both seemed rooted to the ground, the one with platinum blonde hair refused to take her eyes off of you, but the demon behind her (maybe her sister? A friend?) was looking around nervously.
You could see yourself reflected in those crimson specs, and for once it made you freeze. You'd seen yourself in uniform plenty of times before, the steel boots and guard gloves and the led, horned helmet, but it always seemed almost comforting before. When you were surrounded by your cohorts, it made you fit in. Out here, you realised, you were the monster.
The ever-present smile on your mask shrunk, falling into a grimace as your grip on your weapon tightened. Your wings drew in, you shrunk backwards, almost stumbling over your own feet in the process of trying your hardest to get away. You never wanted to scare people.
So drowned by your own confusion and fear and reckless thoughts of worry about the future that you didn't notice the confusion growing the faces of the demons in front of you turn into abject horror as a far more ominous silhouette grew behind you.
"I thought I taught you not to hesitate," Lute growled in your ear, placing her free hand on your shoulder and digging her fingers in till your were sure a bruise was marred into your skin. You didn't respond, couldn't even if you wanted to. The trembling that rattled you only grew stronger, and you fumbled as your hands cramped painfully. With a resounding clatter, your spear dropped from your grasp an on to the brazen brimstone floor.
Lute growled.
She didn't say anything, but she knew. The both of you knew by now. You couldn't kill a sinner.
Lute didn't even hesitate before shoving you to the ground. Your head collided with solid stone painfully even with your helmet on, stars shining behind your eyes as her words blurred together as she pressed her foot firmly between your shoulder blades. Your wings shivered and spread involuntarily, and you feared the moments that would come next. Lute was unpredictable, but this could only end with bloodshed.
The two girls still hadn't moved, transfixed in horror as they watched the scene in front of them play out.
Asphalt stung your hands and you tried to claw your way to freedom, fingertips digging into the scorched Earth as you started crying. Lute, however, was stronger than you. Of course she was, she'd been doing this for centuries, and you were still a fledging on her first trip out of heaven.
You never thought it would end like this.
Lute dug her fingers into your wings, tangling into your still downy feathers before she yanked with all her might. The scream she tore from your lips was hellish, agonising, yet the blended with the sounds of violence all around you. You were sure you blacked out several times throughout the process, but by the time your old lieutenant was done with you, barely anything but feathery stumps and golden blood remained of your wings.
You could only curl up, cry and watch as Lute tossed clumps of feathers aside as she stalked toward the two demons that still hadn't had the thought to run. And for the first time in your life, you felt sorry for the sinners that populated hell's ring of wrath.
She would make them suffer, that was for sure. If she was happy enough to tear of another angel's wings, you could only imagine what she would do to a sinner. You didn't want to imagine, and your mind was fuzzy enough that you thankfully didn't have to.
The sound of something sharp rang throughout the air. It made you groan in pain, the sound piercing your ears and making your brain rattle in your skull. Sharp - 'Tink tink tink tink tink.' If you could see the look of relief coming across the demons faces, a part of you might've urged Lute to run. Only, she had just torn your wings off with little qualm, and now you had no shits left to give if she lived or not.
The exorcist never got the chance to strike, her weapon torn from her hands and thrown across the street till it collided with a bloody body. Lute herself barely had time to react before she was struck over the head once, then twice in rapid succession. A whirlwind of white and angelic steel and pure fury launched herself in the path between the two demons and the exorcist. It was almost exhilarating to watch, seeing Lute strike out with her fists in a pathetic attempt of hand to hand combat against her new foe. Whoever they were, they were really fucking fast, almost too fast for you to keep up with.
The fight was over before it started. Without her weapon, Lute couldn't do much against the sinner she was pitted against, and as ruthless as she was, she knew when a battle was lost. In a flurry of black and white feathers, she fled. And then the newcomer's attention was shifted to you.
At this point, you would've welcomed death. The pain alone was making you drift slightly, and you didn't even have the energy left to groan when whoever nudged you slightly with something hard and cold.
"Mother.." The words were so soft, floating away from your ears.
"We need to leave." It was undoubtably her. That voice was the one who beat Lute into the ground.
"What about..?" That was the one who called out for mother.
"Won't she tattle?" So that had to be her sister.
Those words sent a dose of adrenaline through you. With as much strength as you could muster, you clawed yourself into an upwards position. You could feel the clotting blood running down your back, but if you were going to die, you at least wanted to do so with some dignity.
Shakily, with much more effort than was really desired, you reached up and peeled your helmet off.
It clattered noisily like glass against the floor, and suddenly the world was much brighter, much more red and the air was laced with more sulphur and death than you could imagine. But what really surprised you was the look of shock written across the sinner's face.
She was tall. Really tall. The only person who could really compete was Seraphim Sera or maybe Adam, but you really couldn't tell with how delirious you were.
"Una niña?" They all looked surprised.
The one called mother took a few steps forward, confusion and anger clearly present in her eyes. But, as she kneeled down in front of your comparatively tiny form, you realised the anger wasn't directed at you.
"Did she try to hurt you?" She turned back to face her daughters. They both shared a look, but ultimately shook their heads no. That right there, was your saving grace.
She looked back at you, hair pinned into high horns, and took your helmet in her large hands. She passed it off to one of her daughters, before gently scooping you into her hold.
You whined, writhing minutely in her hold as the searing phantom pain of your wings being torn off returned. Fat tears rolled down your cheeks, and yet the demoness tutted softly, shushing you like you were a baby.
Her daughters followed without a word, and you and the family unit moved swiftly through the desolate roads. So many questions were running through your mind, and yet you couldn't find the answer to any of them, your thoughts to lost to the fog of blood loss to ever truly return.
"You better not betray me," Were the last words you heard before promptly passing out.
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The plushness of a soft blanket was the first thing you felt waking up. For a moment, you felt nothing but relief realising the entire thing had been a horrid nightmare, but when you tried to rustle the numbness out of your wings, the relief was replaced with horror when you realised that your wings were just straight up missing, only two feathery stumps remaining in their place.
That made you shoot up in horror. You didn't even care about the sharp sting that ran down your spine and into your very being, you were a bit too concerned about your current predicament.
"You're awake."
That made you promptly scream before ducking under the covers like you were a nestling again. A soft sigh reached your ears, but you dared not to venture out from the warmth of the thick covers.
Not like you had a choice, though, as you were soon pried away from their safety. It was her, the demoness with the high-pinned buns. She looked down on you, red eyes glowing in the low light, and yet, you couldn't sense a smidge of hatred towards you. Only distrust and sadness laced her expression.
"How old are you?" She asked after the silence had gone on long enough.
"I'm a fledgling," Is all you said. You didn't really fancy giving too much information. Although, the look of horror the crossed her face maybe suggested that you'd already given away plenty.
"Obligan a los niños a hacer esto?" She raised a hand and carded it through her snowy tresses, locks of white hair threaded loose as she paced back and forth. You only watched her, slowly sinking back into the comfort of the warm blankets.
"You're still a child." It was a statement.
You hated being a child. You didn't want to be a child, at least, you hadn't wanted to be a child in the past. You wanted to join the ranks of the exorcists, and to do that you at least needed to be juvenile. Hell, you were lucky enough to make it into the cadets while you still had baby feathers decorating your wings. But now, the fact that yes, you were still technically a kid made your saviour look upon you with more than just disdain and hatred like any other exorcist, but rather she looked upon you with an emotion that you'd never seen before, and not one you could really name.
"You are a child, and now you have fallen," She eyed your mostly healed wing stumps, and you couldn't help but reflexively flex them anxiously. The literal weight off your back made you want to cry.
"Was this your first extermination?" She gazed upon you with a guarded look. You nodded.
"And you didn't hurt my daughters?" Another nod from you. That seemed to make her relax just a tad.
"Could you ever hurt someone?" That made you pause, the memories of the extermination rushing back to you full force. Tears grew at the corners of your eyes, and still, you answered with a simple 'no'.
She exhaled a sigh of relief before closing the distance and kneeling down to your eye level.
"Carmilla Carmine." She reached a hand out toward you. So that was her name.
You clutched your hands close to your chest, fearing her touch, but gave her your name anyway.
"What are you gonna do with me?" You asked, voice cracking. Her gaze softened, finally letting her guard slip for just a moment.
"Well, you weren't going to make it out there by yourself. You'll be staying with me," The words took a moment to sink into your mind. Well, at least it was better than death.
Gently, like she was working with a scared animal, Carmilla coaxed you out from the comfort of the bed, slowly ushering you to her side. With your wings missing and their remains bandaged, head bare and missing your exorcist helmet, it felt like the safest place in the world.
"Welcome to Hell."
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lumierexfics · 8 months
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Chat Log Name : Original Sin
Chat log description: After eating the forbidden fruit, Archangel? Gabriel soothes your distraught behavior.
Online Users : Alternate Archangel Gabriel, You
A/N: I’m really rusty for tmc!
❗️ CONTENT WARNINGS : Religious references / undertones, Second person POV, Alternate Gabriel being OOC. ❗️
<< AO3 link
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It was a mistake, you didn’t mean to take a bite of the fruit. It just looked so delicious with the cooing of the snake that had graciously pulled the fruit with its tail and handed it to you.
The tears came in floods, it was never ending. Hot sand engraved itself onto your skin and beside you was the half eaten fruit, a heavy sensation was pressed on your chest and it couldn’t be the weight of the white burning ball in the blue sky that decided to burn your skin. You didn’t have a origin nor a name since it was forsaken the moment you decided to bite into the fruit nor the feeling of the weight didn’t a name but it had origin; you.
The you before was special, crafted to match your partner that remained in paradise; nothing more. Special before you were polluted by the disgusting sin that you caused. It was your fault, wasn’t it? You should’ve stayed near your partner and you wouldn’t have been drowning in the sin. It was a breeze of wind touching your skin, your hands scraping the pearl walls of the garden and your throat ached from incoherent begging for an entrance back into the garden; why couldn’t it realize it was a mistake? It was an accident.
It seemed to be an Angel flew down from the heavens, beautiful soft feathers shielded your burning skin.
“Born from soil of the garden and dust of the cosmos. Do not weep anymore, favored one.” His cold hand wiped away the tears. “I’m here to guide you to a new paradise.”
“A new paradise?” you said. “I don’t deserve the paradise that you will bring me too.”
The angel’s eyes held warmth that only existed from the fireball in the sky. His lips grew and tugged a faint smile as he tilted his head.
“The paradise that I will bring you too is where you will not weep these tears nor feel the despair on you,” he said, softly. “You are too feeble alone, favored one.”
The boiling sand underneath your feet dissipated and was replaced with strange things that covered the bottom, shoes. These so-called shoes were uncomfortable and shielded you from the aching burning of the sand. He offered his hand for you to grab, the angel’s right. You were feeble alone, outcasted by the very thing that created you. You took his hand.
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cholecalcferol · 7 months
gabriel post christmas card story [6p]
so i don’t know what went down in raphael’s christmas story and im never gonna finish michael’s bc i don’t have his artifact. alas, i can only imagine how they would react to gabriel’s souvenir from hell.
doodles/comic & rambling under the cut!
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hello i need to get these thoughts out lest i turn hysterical from bottling it all up.
i’ll be honest i have bare minimum info on raphael, all i know is that he owns a punishment room and he doesn’t seem to hate the mc (why in the world would kidnapping the mc into heaven be a good idea ever).
based on what i know, i think raphael is more knowledgeable, or at least open to talk about, these tools than michael & gabriel. i have no idea if he plays with himself in his free time or if he’s as celibate as michael or gabriel but he seems like. he’s the former LMFAO i’m sorry this seems so ooc when his profile info is basically him killing everything on sight 😭
anyway my thoughts on michael based on what i was able to read in his christmas story: he’s so fucking hot. i mean he probably knows what goes down with toys and such, he just actively chooses to not talk about it. one glance and it’s “if i see that again it’s the time out corner for you”
I WANNA MENTION THAT while drawing this i had the sudden realisation that gabriel, intentionally or not, fled the pub once 12 am hit, even when he was close to finishing. this info is insane to me bc this was his first time ever being naked naked??? so like he has never once looked down and got curious about his chastity belt (nice design btw) while he was in heaven? whattaheck
what about angel blood aphrodisiacs or moons when they get horny? lmao
maybe he thinks being played like that is not fun bc he never got to finish, maybe he didn’t like the thought of being exposed to anyone except god, or maybe it’s a different reason entirely, but he still LEFT once the christmas miracle shindig wore off and that’s insane to me. he must hate the mc that much
no matter. i still ship mc/gabriel bc the hate-slash-sexual tension idea that gabriel will do whatever it takes to clear the mc’s porn addiction corruption (whether he kills them, beats it out of them, or gets fucked trying) is what keeps me going HAJSJSJ
thoughts/counter arguments/etc on this are encouraged! i’d love to hear what everyone’s opinions are of the card stories or the seraphs in general.
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tio-trile · 1 year
can I ask, because I'm a GO book fan too and I decided ages ago I didn't care enough about the show to watch s2 - what made them so OOC? I always felt that their book personalities basically got swapped in S1 but it seems like people are even madder about this. ngl it is kind of inspiring me to write more fic with book canon dark-haired Crowley in it lol
So first of all towards the end I couldn't take much of it anymore due to various reasons, including that somebody was kind enough to spoil the very ending (of them breaking up and that that's the ending of the show) on the 27th, so I didn't even feel like finishing the show, but I pushed myself to and therefore was half-watching it towards the end, so my memory may not be the most accurate but I can't bare to go back and rewatch it.
From the very beginning I hated that it was retconned that they knew each other as angels. The point, the THEME is that they're friends despite being on opposite sides. And it was said that Aziraphale DID remember Crowley as an angel. So did he only become friends with him because he remembered Crowley when they were friends as angels??? I hate how this changed the beautiful beginning of the book and their first meeting, and the THEME. (Oh BTW Aziraphale is also a landlord who takes rent from this poor lady although he doesn't need the money at all??? But that's beside the point)
In ep3 Aziraphale driving the Bentley was pretty cute and at one point A and C had the canon conversation in the book with where you start vs. upbringing so those are fine. But Crowley in Aziraphale's bookshop tossing all of Aziraphale's beloved books around carelessly......Crowley would never.
In ep4 it was said that Aziraphale owns a gun which I thought was very in-character XD. And that Crowley has never fired a gun.
EP6 was where all the shit went down......first of all I was making loud retching noises in my office @ the Gabriel x Beelzebub thing that came out of nowhere......and the plot goes that Gabriel and Beelzebub basically ran off together somewhere, so Metatron was like "the supreme archangel job position is open now and we want YOU, Aziraphale, to fill it. You can even make your friend Crowley an angel again" and Aziraphale accepted??????!?!?!???!?! Aziraphale's entire arc in the books and in season 1 and THE THEME is that they don't agree with their uppers anymore, he and Crowley are on the human's side, and on their own side. And suddenly, Aziraphale believes that working as a higher position in heaven is a good idea? And agreeing that turning Crowley back to an angel is better basically means that he thinks that angels are inherently better than demons, WHICH IS THE IDEA THAT THE BOOK AND SEASON 1 SPENT THE ENTIRE PLOT TO OVERTHROW???? And also I hate hate the idea that Aziraphale and Crowley must be somebody important. THE POINT is that they are nobodies, and that's what makes them great and relatable. They are NOT EVEN MAIN CHARACTERS in the book nor Season 1. In the show, Crowley also disagreed with Aziraphale's idea and they argued about it and then Crowley angrily kissed him (??) and then left and Aziraphale went to Superheaven to take the job ig. OH and Aziraphale said "I forgave you" to Crowley????? WHAT??? I've overlooked every little nitpicky thing I had about their characters in season 1, but these actions are irreversible and inexcusable. I'm done with the TV show. Nothing they do in season 3 can fix this. I'll just pretend this show never existed now.
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sweetcloverheart · 29 days
Tell me, do you think it's kind of weird that Kagami's mom was such a monster in season 5 when she seemed to be warming up to Kagami's friends at the end of Ikari Gozen?
A little, but also unsurprising - The writers have a bad habit of using post-hoc retcons to justify a sudden twist or a character suddenly going OOC (see: Chloe's S4-5 downward spiral, S5!Felix when compared to his intro episode, Andre's terrible acts as mayor suddenly getting blamed on his wife who only showed up two-three seasons ago, and Kim in "Derision"), so suddenly turning Tomoe from an extremely strict but ultimately caring mother into this cold ruthless tech villain who's apparently been allied with Gabriel in his scheming from the start (despite "Animaestro" implying their interactions were only just recent) is pretty par the course at this point. Besides, they needed some way to both justify shoving Kagami back into the Adrienette ship drama and also help soften Gabe up for his eventually "death by redemption" by having a worse still living parent around, and poor Tomoe just happen to be at the right place at the right time ripe for the condemning. It also didn't help that there really wasn't much given to us about her outside of being Kagami's mom and being blind, so the sudden personality change likely didn't really register as weird
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mrs3vil · 1 year
𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐕 𝐌𝐄𝐍 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 “𝙝𝙤𝙩“ ★
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐟. gabriel o'hara, miguel o'hara, peter b parker ❞ 🎀
𝐢’𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 with gabriel o'hara I had to insert him. also this is not smut or sexual (i mean technically it kinda is but whatever) only tws, old men and flustered spider people. also gabriel is kinda ooc 𓈒*◞🎻
𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 tried to keep the reader as gender neutral as possible! sorry of there are any specifications, also sorry for any mistakes but english isn't my first language!! 𓈒*◞🎻
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He thought you were talking about another Gabriel O'hara at first. You were mindlessly talking on the phone with one of your "spider friends" while walking right next to his private lab, loudly enough so that he could hear. He stopped doing whatever he was doing for a moment, moving his goofy goggles on his forehead. His heart beated faster against his chest, as if it was about to destroy his rib cage and come out just for you. It was the only thing on his mind for a few days, how your voice shaped perfectly those words, he would do anything to be called such things by you again. Now that he knew you liked him back, he was much more confident when awkwardly flirting with you.
He couldn't believe his ears. He's been "flirting" with you for some months, if of course, you consider being treated like a normal human being with feelings and opinions a flirt. He thought you weren't really interested, when really you just didn't even realize he was being "extra nice" to you, or at least, his idea of extra nice. But you had to admit, he wasn't bad looking, he wasn't at all actually he was hot, and apparently you were happy to admit it to Jess too. He swallowed as he leaned closer to the core of your voices, paying attention to staying hidden. He didn't know why he was being so dramatic about it, he felt like a little school girl, but suddenly, he desperately wanted to hear you praise him again.
It immediately boosted his ego, a proud grin spreading across his features, finally his terrible dad jokes paid off. He listened carefully as you talked with one of the many Spiderwomen that were friends with you as you two giggled like to little girls at a pijama party. You started complimenting things he never realized about himself, and he couldn't do anything but lean closer to hear further how hot you thought he was. He could have listened for hours, if only he didn't trip on a wandering peace of paper that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. Your eyes widened, your hands reaching to cover your mouth, trying to hide your red face. "Hello..."
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‧₊˚ ୨ HAHAKS im sorry if i didn't include hobie i just didn't have any inspiration for him today :( if yall liked this post tho i could include him in a pt 2 or smth. also reblogs and comments are very appreciated! goodnight and stay safe babes <3
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Hello Marinette Salt prompts!
After coming across a post that someone gave you an ask about the deconstruction of Maribat and how Adribat makes more sense, I (admin of Maribat Menagerie) took a look on the blog and wanted to commend you on the job you have done.
Maribat as a fandom tends to salt on Adrien's character a lot and make Marinette OOC. Adrien as a character already has enough parental trauma yet Marinette, who has a great home life, seems to get hers stripped away somehow and there are times when Adrien gets told off as if has no family troubles at all.
Adribat has a lot of potential for the Marinette salt lovers out there. For example,
Hawkmoth is defeated and is revealed as Adrien's father. Chat Noir holds onto the butterfly miraculous because Ladybug wants him to know that she trusts him. Ladybug and Chat Noir meet up to do their reveal. Ladybug goes on a tangent about how her parents could be as bad as Gabriel because of xyz from Lila. She claims that having Hawkmoth as a parent would not nearly be as bad as her parents believing a liar. Chat Noir is already disliking the comparison when Ladybug decides to reveal herself first. Seeing that it was none other than Marinette as Ladybug, Chat Noir's view shifts entirely. Marinette asks for the butterfly miraculous and tells Chat Noir that he does not have to reveal to her until he is ready. He refuses and backs away. Chat Noir pops off on Marinette for her dismissal of her parents and her audacity to say she would rather Hawkmoth had been her father. Once he has said all he has, he leaves Marinette up on the rooftop. Cue Adrien leaving Paris and ending up in some DC city with Marinette trying to manipulate the Justice League to help her get the Butterfly and Black Cat miraculous back.
There is other baseline potential for Adribat that feature Marinette salt.
Marinette Wayne (Bio-Dad Bruce AU) envies Adrien having a fashion designer father and says that Adrien should be happy about it
Justice League member of choice reaches out after learning about the Paris situation and only will talk to Ladybug because Chat Noir is not "mature enough" or "the leader" of the Miraculous so they only wish to talk to the one who has been through it all (aka Adrien relevance erasure)
Bruce Wayne comes to Paris undercover to investigate the situation and ends up trying to adopt Marinette because of a couple not-so-great Lila influenced moments instead of listening to his kid(s) that noticed the home life problems of Adrien (More of Bruce salt with added Marinette salt if she backs him up)
Ladybug gets offered a position on the Justice League, but Chat Noir is either not offered any spot at all or is designated to the Teen Titans/Young Justice instead
The classmates give credit to Marinette for Wayne Entreprises related events (class trip to Gotham, visiting Paris branch, etc) when Adrien is the one who reached out for Marinette because the Agrestes know the Waynes as well as Oliver Queen
Ladybug moves to Gotham, does vigilante type things, gets caught then tries to make it out to Batman and Co. that she was the only one to defend Paris, but little does she know that Adrien followed her (Perhaps Catwoman helps teach him how to steal stealthily and he gets a miraculous back from Marinette to make a point)
Apologies for how long this ask is. For those attempting to come up with a new way to do Maribat and make it flow a bit better, hopefully one of those helps.
Happy Creating Everyone!
P.S. I would love to hear the fellow admin's thoughts on any of these if they would like to. Adribat plus Marinette salt is always a sweet combination.
As someone who was cautious about any prompt involving Maribat, I (the admin of this blog) am grateful that you saw some of the prior prompts and chose to not come with pitchforks blazing, given the stance on this blog against the topic for salt-related reasons. And thank you for the commendations!
I do not know if I said this before, but I don't feel particularly against the idea of a Miraculous/Batman crossover. For what its worth the idea does have some merit, and despite the difference in tone and medium, I don't think that the idea is too far fetched given there has been more crazier crossover ideas than two franchises involving animal themed costumed superheroes.
However, I do take a strong stance against Maribat (as it currently is), due to the fact that the "genre" was created for, and is still strongly based on, the idea of creating salt against other miraculous characters one way or another. In all honesty, some if not most of the ideas created by Maribat creators do have some merit for interesting fanfic ideas, but they are largely utilised as excuses for salting on characters.
The idea of Maribat came across with the salty backlash against Chameleon, and the whole Damian x Marinette ship was made to cause as much Adrien salt as possible. Bio-dad Bruce Wayne is a bit out there, but it could at least be fun to read (especially if you consider they made a similar idea with Terry in Batman Beyond). However, the number of Maribat fics that take this idea without bashing against Marinette's parents (which itself makes no sense considering canon itself shows how much they care) can likely be counted on one hand. And that's assuming they don't go full on fanfic and make Marinette an orphan.
But back on topic, thank you for reaching out! I had a look at your own blog and I can appreciate the idea of taking the Maribat idea and trying to make it it's own thing rather than just another salt prompt. I appreciate your suggested ideas, and I hope that you will find much joy in my blog as I do in yours!
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imthepunchlord · 3 months
do you think gabriel would work better as a villain if he had another miraculous? because his motivation is to heal emelie but his miraculous easily allows that and doesn't seem to fit his personality as he's very brash and forceful so... do you think he would work better with canon tiger or is there another miraculous you think would fit him better?
Yes and no.
At the core, the biggest struggle with Gabriel as a villain is his polarity and how it just doesn't balance out well, how it feels like he ping pongs between two extremes. They want him to be the BIG BAD that we take seriously and there's supposed to be some level of fear towards him, which is why we get see Butterfly and Peafowl be so OP and limitless in what they can do; but they also want Gabriel to be the campy Saturday morning villain, which you laugh at his idiocy and you don't take as seriously.
Gabriel is now the best example on why you don't mix these two polar types of villains. If Gabriel is meant to be a very serious and dangerous threat, you can't really do so when you know he's an idiot. Why, the start of s5, he could've won then and there cause he had the time traveling Rabbit. Success was right there at his fingertips, and he botched it.
And that there is the biggest struggle for Miraculous in general, they need to pick a lane and stay in it. Now, if they want to weave out of that lane a little, they can do so as long as it doesn't clash with the route they're taking (doing something far out of your lane will make the character OOC). So no matter what Miraculous Gabriel has, it's not going to work unless it's decided if Gabriel is meant to be the cartoony Saturday morning villain or if he is meant to be a serious and dangerous threat.
I will add, what Miraculous he uses can shape that too.
Butterfly and Peafowl, both being long range Miraculous, set their users up to be long term villains. As they can hide themselves away and have minions do the work for them, they control how long this game goes on. They end things on their terms, whenever they are ready to come out of hiding.
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By set up, I'd say they'd work better for a serious threat. Butterfly works off emotional manipulation, which typically is a serious threat; and Peafowl can take whatever you imagine and bring it to life (which I'd vote that's more fitting of Creation). So these two Miraculous would best serve with someone that's a more serious threat. Butterfly is set up to force people to try and learn emotional control, to shut down what they feel, less they get taken advantage of. And Peafowl is peak unpredictability, you have no idea what this user is going to throw at you.
So these two are best set up to be used by a serious threat.
To add to it, things would need to be cut or changed with Emilie if Gabriel is meant to be a more serious threat. As what we see with these two is kinda limitless in what they can do. So they should grant healing power or make a healing entity and revive Emilie that way, and to my knowledge, we don't really have a good reason on why Gabriel hasn't tried it (aside from possibly he's an idiot who hasn't thought of it). So it may serve better to just cut reviving Emilie out entirely, go with Gabriel's apparent want for world domination.
OR you go with Emilie being deady dead dead, and she's been dead for a good long year, and the one thing these two Miraculous can't do, is revive Emilie the way Gabriel wants. Butterfly could maybe only make a champion that could either reanimate Emilie's corpse (which doesn't go great) or summon her soul back to the material plane, but she's a ghost now. Peafowl could technically create Emilie, but that wouldn't truly be Emilie, that'd be a copy, an imitation. This latter reason could back Gabriel needing that wish, for these two Miraculous, for all that they can do, can't truly bring Emilie back to him. Not in the way he wants her back.
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Now, a Miraculous that will have him out in the open, like Tiger, is better set up for a Saturday morning villain. Now, not to say that Tiger wouldn't be a threat if misused, but the sheer factor of being out in the open, throwing hands with kids, and having more of a risk of having that Miraculous taken, that's a better set up for Saturday morning villain vibe, especially as he'd get to directly banter off the heroes.
Like, with the Tiger example specifically mentioned, you can even have the fun of him and Adrien getting into a "cat fight" over puns, as it is canon (s1 wise anyway) that while Adrien likes to crack puns, he doesn't like other people making puns. So there's some fun you can have right there.
Also, him being out and about, close to heroes, it puts a limit on how long he'd be a villain, as all they have to do is get that Miraculous off of him, and they'd have direct access to him vs waiting for him to come out of his lair for once. And that can set Gabriel up to be a one to two season threat, maaaaybe three if you have him work off other villains who can help him last, but depending on how it's handled, that could also push it.
As for what other Miraculous, well, to work off color coding, Dragon does stand out to me, as Gabriel does have that similar color scheme that Kagami initially had in her intro, having the red and white to contrast Longg's red and black. Dragon would also be the best choice for having an offensive power that has you out and about, but also allows him to be elusive and escape from the heroes as he can become literal elements and escape them that way, as it's impossible to grab air or water.
Also, by set up, other Miraculous can better work off him just not having the means to revive Emilie, as they just don't really have that power too; though exceptions are Rabbit (due to time travel), Rooster (it has the power to hop into other dimensions/realities, so healing should be a cinch), Ladybug (through the Cure), and possibly Cat (cats are tied to healing in various mythology, and technically destroying does play a part in some healing, so could destroy the coma state and revive her that way? maybe?).
At the core, no matter what Miraculous Gabriel has, what sort of villain he is needs to be decided on, else it still won't work. Either he's a serious threat to take seriously, or he's a campy villain to laugh at his dramatics and idiocy. He can't ping pong between both like he does in canon.
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I have a slight au idea. The concept has been done before, but I'd like to flesh it out a bit! I'd love to know what you think and hear your input!
For this au, I have the idea that Heaven put in a little failsafe when creating Adam. I feel like Lilith would be included, but because she fell for Lucifer and went to hell with him, her failsafe doesn't work.
The whole idea is that if Adam dies, questions Heaven or the angels, that his memory and body will reset. Basically making a new Adam (while it's still our Adam, he's different).
The angels (and maybe God if the reason for the reset warrants his imput) can add and remove memories, information, and personal traits from Adam. The first time they did this would have been right after Lucifer betrayed him and started a relationship with Lilith. Not only could they see how much distress he was in, but they could see new emotions developing, depression, anxiety, and his unwillingness to continue with his basic needs, like eating and tending to the animals.
But they main reason the angels interfered was because Adam had stopped naming things around Eden.
So they reset him, and they decided to remove Lilith from his memory completely, they also rewrote his memory of Luicfer. To Adam, he doesn't know him but has heard of a rouge angel who should be avoided. For angst reasons I would love it if Lucifer went to see Adam after a month or two, to see how he was doing only to see a carefree Adam naming plants around a new pond that the angels just added to Eden.
Lucifer: Adam! Buddy! Please don't run, I'd like to talk with you-!
Adam turns to look at Lucifer, brows furrowed.
Adam: I'm sorry, who are you?
Lucifer: What do you mean? You can't just pretend to not know me because you're still mad about Lilith! Michael said you stopped naming things- I won't lie, I'm worried about you Adam
Adam: Lucifer? I don't know who this Lilith is, but the angels have told me about you, that you spread lies that damage Eden
Lucifer: Lilith? You're wife? Well, ex wife- and I haven't lied about anything!
Adam: You're lying right now! I don't have a wife, I'm the only human here! Michael and Gabriel have told me about an evil angel trying to taint Eden!
Ignore my horrible ooc-ness of Luci and Eden!Adam, fanfic writing isn't my best skill lol
The idea is that he's been reset a few times, the angels adding in details about Lucifer and Lilith, how evil they are, and to not believe their lies.
Sera: they even hurt you once before Adam, their too far gone for heaven to do anything about. Do not forgive them, don't listen or interact with them!
Eve has always been worried about the angels treatment of Adam, and mentioned it to Lilith and Lucifer the few times they came to to earth. Lilith wasn't shocked and seemed to have other things to worry about. Luci on the other hand was more worried but also angry at Adam for not believing Eve when she brought up the angels treatment of him.
Now to the present time, Adam dies in the extermination, but wakes up as Eden!Adam, and weireldly enough, he has memories of Luci when they were friends, before Lilith and before Lucifers betrayal. Lucifer was confused when Adam walked into the hotel (everyone else was ready to attack but Lucifer stopped them, he could tell something was off, especially when Adam hugged luci, saying how happy he was to see him).
That's all over got so far, I'm not sure of it's interesting or not, I just wanted some angst lol
Maybe Lucifers whole the deal, is trying to stop heaven from resetting and taking Adam back?
I don't know 🙈🙈🙈
Very good stuff right here 👍 love it. Poor Adam the angels just can't leave him alone
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alea-says · 4 months
H50, season 6, episode 1
Okay, I gotta be honest, the almost pirates of the carribbean music is throwing me off.
The way Danny always dances with Grace is just adorable.
Okay! And having kissed and dances with Catherine, Steve is now dancing with Danny. I have never seen a show do this with the two main male leads before. Never.
Interesting how much Danny wants to know where Steve is standing with Catherine... his protective instincts are just awesome regardless of whether you see it as romantic or romantic or whatever.
But I am intrigued as to why he's so happy at the idea of Steve proposing. Is this forced cheer? Does he really think she's gonna say yes? Can he not imagine someone not saying yes to Steve? Is he just happy that either way Steve will have an answer?
Danny spilling the beans to the team... okay, that seems ooc for him. Danny are you trying to sabotage? Are you unable to cope with your own feelings? What is going on?
(He's also assuming that of course she'll say yes to Steve despite the fact that before Steve mentioned proposing he was worried she was gonna run off and break his heart again)
Kono is bamf. As always.
Not Adam!
Really had wanted Kono to put a bullet in Gabriel but I guess they need a villain for a season...
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baenyth · 23 days
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-19: The Rooster Miraculous: Felix Stalks and Kidnaps Kagami
I'm reading the synopsis of this episode on TVtropes and dear God. So soon?
Adrien's real dad
Pod chair that heals you
Wait a minute, Kagami was totally done with Adrien in season 4. Why is she still having feelings for hi-oh right.
Dad's Shitty-Ass Pancakes
So were Adrien's other stalkers. This is the closest we've gotten to Marinette admitting she stalked Adrien and he doesn't seem to gaf. That's not good.
Nice to the waiter
Suspiciously nice
There it is.
Dad's Shitty-Ass Pancakes
Fame and Fortune
Ironically, this is how in-universe Adrienette shippers sound.
Really good fits!
Get his ass! I can't believe I'm rooting for Adrienette. Just shows how evil Gabriel has become.
Roasted Dad and his Shitty-Ass Pancakes
And then she panics when out of sight.
Wait, you want Kagami to be a slave to you, not a master! Your allegory sucks!
Is he trying to make himself the ultimate criminal?
Honestly a really cool akuma design! I like the dog head!
Hit him! Hit him!
Also wait, is Kagami just okay with Marinette's stalking? She really is OOC. Don't trust a word she says, for she would not fucking say that. Mostly.
I think the enemy mine could work, actually.
Flip him! He has it coming!
Tomoe wtf you're making them bond
Kagami, he tricked Ladybug into losing all her lesser Miraculous, making you unable to help Ladybug out as Ryuko, and then proceeded to kill everyone in Paris. Was he always planning to kill off that red moon as well? Why are you saying that?
Thinking about how at the start of the season Ladybug and Chat Noir said they were going to take the Miraculouses back from Monarch. They only got one back. They couldn't even get the Peacock back either.
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This doesn't add up. A rich blonde girl with parental issues that bullies people, getting them akumatized, was kinda clingy towards her 'crush,' and was groomed by Hawkmoth into supporting him is apparently an irredemable villain, but a rich blonde boy with parental issues that impersonates his cousin to get people akumatized, creeps on Ladybug despite her saving him, uses Ladybug to give Hawkmoth all her auxillary Miraculous, stalks a girl, and commits genocide gets a redemption arc? This just sounds like Misogyny. In a girl show. Either that or my more complicated theory. But I'll save that for another time.
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meatballlady · 5 months
Thoughts/Questions about ambiguous wording in GOS2: Looking Where the Furniture Isn't (somewhat unorganized) (also biased towards episodes I rewatch more)
PSA to not tag/ask Neil about any of this!! Metas/speculation are for the fans, not for the writers/production team.
Episode 1
"I worked very closely with upstairs on it" what/who is "upstairs"?
Why does Aziraphale have so much more knowledge than angel Crowley? Aziraphale has seen the plans and knows about the Earth and humans and Crowley doesn't at all (is this future Aziraphale with og Crowley? going back in time)
"Most of it [isn't] visible from earth" this implies there's more that Crowley knows about than we do, but does this mean anything?
Misspelling of urgency - This must mean something, otherwise why dedicate screentime to it?? Is Maggie possessed? I always get caught on this.
"I got your note" is that the same note we read?
Why aren't Maggie's internet orders not coming? What is that?
Why hasn't Maggie brought this up before? It doesn't seem urgent. Is she angling for an invitation? a welcome?
Shostakovich symphony is not 21 minutes, yet Aziraphale calls that out.
Repeated line - "i brought your mail"
"Hell doesn't care how jobs get done" "yeah I remember, they just care that somebody does them" look this whole scene is a book reference, but this line does it mean Crowley has been helping Shax out?
Crowleys "it's all rather pointless" line. It... I mean we know he thinks this already. It sounds very out of place. Is he trying to get a read on Shax's opinion? Is this a future scene? Is there a separate plotline that's hopeless that we're missing?
"Something's going down in the up" - weird wording, never addressed.
"Through your contact in the bookshop" who is the contact? Which bookshop?
Beginning of last movement is when Gabriel knocks - when is 21 minutes before that?
"Where here is and who you are and who I am" is this significant?
"I'm not saying anyone is complicit... if anyone is found helping him..." Then just says "book of life" - maybe those are two separate things?
Also! Michael never specifies Gabriel. "helping HIM" could refer to anyone.
Why tinking sound coming from Aziraphale so much? Pocket watch or something else?
No really, what is the Something Terrible?
"Terrible" and "Awful" used to mean... AWE full. like Great and Terrible. is that something?
What thing does Jimbriel have to give Aziraphale? Aziraphale only assumes it's the box but what is it?
"arms were aching because I had to carry that box for so long" 1. How long? are we missing something? 2. Is this the same box we see, or a different one?
When Aziraphale says "you aren't Gabriel" Jim responds, "then WHAT am I?" not who am I?
later he asks "what box?" and much later Aziraphale asks the same thing. Maybe they mean "which box of the ones we know about" and not "box, what do you mean, box?"
"something CLEVER you did before you pop" vs "it's nice to tell someone about the GOOD things I've done, now that I'm not reporting to Heaven" which one is it - clever or good? Does it matter?
Why isn't Aziraphale forthcoming about needing to discuss things outside of the bookshop when they're having coffee?
Why does Maggie leave her shop open when she goes to get a coffee?
Aziraphale's blinds are not closed during coffeeshop conversation, but it looks like a/c have only just walked in during next scene!!
Why is Crowley so careful to be ambiguous about talking about the execution, and then later just tells Jim? I noticed the bug (Real Gabriel) seems to be in the room with them during the e1 conversation. Maybe he and Jim are alone during the e5 conversation.
Why does Crowley get so publicly angry? Seems a bit ooc to me tbh
Why did Maggie/Nina's phones stop working?
"There is, of course, no question of replacing the surpreme archangel" Does that mean that they're definitely going to replace them or definitely not going to replace them??
"Heaven does not have a supreme archangel" ... "There is ALWAYS a Supreme Archangel" "Yes, and who is that?" oof. Yes who is the supreme archangel? why always?? they aren't in Heaven but they exist
Why didn't they think he'd gone to Earth before seeing the matchbox?
Crowley mentions Beelzebubs new face - he hasn't seen them since before they started dating Gabriel
Crowley does seem very convincing that he thinks extreme sanctions mean nothing
Crowley does do a Miracle on the traffic light
There are writing noises after Crowley comes in to apologize and says "you were right" for the first time. Also at the end of the dance there are shuffling noises.
Does Crowley really do the apology dance for trying to get away from Gabriel? A/C never specify. What was Crowley "wrong" about?
Crowley does say "let's hide him until we sort this all out"... "while we figure out what's *actually* going on"
"and now I have two friends" does Jim actually count Crowley in that or is he referring to other(s)?
We make sure nobody notices he's here while we "sort all this out"? Aziraphale is confused that he says "together"
move the miracle dials? Does this mean anything or just worldbuilding?
"short for James but people call me a lot of different things" ooh like what?
Aziraphale TOTALLY knows about Shax! Crowley's like, "you'll never guess who Shax asked about" They're 100% on the same page
Is the alarm the "awooga" noise????????!!!!?!!?
"There's a FORMER angel in this up to his bookshop owning neck"
So Mx. Anthony J'"compelled to walk on the grass instead of the path" Crowley respected the "This way up" sign for a whole week? 🙃
Episode 2
Gabriel personally witnessed Eve's birth? Does this have significance?
"absolutely I made an ass of myself" Are we missing something here? Is she just nervous? Or is.. like what??
Aziraphale gives a Look when Maggie says they were locked in the coffee shop last night. Was that significant?
"Right now I'm a bit out of miracles" - what?
There's a lack of using "bad" to mean good in hell, etc.
Love that Aziraphale implies that Maggie being his tenant has something with an obligation to be involved with her love life
Crowley also said they need to talk about last night's miracle. Why?
Aziraphale specifies the "Gabriel" miracle. idk is that something?
"we've got a problem and it's in your bookshop right now" is this the problem we know about? Crowley seems to think the love thing isn't the big deal
"amd there is an actual mystery associated with that song and That is the clue" i feel like this isnt exactly the same thing as what it actually is.? Does that mean the song is the clue or does it mean that the mystery itself is a clue? Does it matter?
"three nice people in the shop just now... they were in the shop. just now." like just now just now? like while they were in the pub??
"nah you can do better than that" has a miracle noise after??
Was Gabriel's first memory "when the morningstar sang together and all the angels shouted for joy"? or was their first memory God *saying* that? Also is it Gabriel we're talking to here?
Who are Keziah's "usual" angels?
love the detail that Job says "i loved my children" and immediately starts crying whereas sitis doesn't believe it at first. Job really does have faith.
Episode 3
Is their private discussion we see the same one Muriel is talking about?
"The miracle we seem to have accidentally performed" did they accidentally perform a large miracle, or was the miracle only "seemingly" an accident?
Do devices just bend to Aziraphale's whim like that, or is there another weird thing going on?
Aziraphale says "dr dalrymple" and Crowley corrects to Mr. Is that something?
when Aziraphale calls Crowley he says hes found "clues" plural
is it significant that Crowley hasn't done rain in a while?
"you have the advantage on me" does she? is Aziraphale humoring her?
Episode 4
Heating's knackered... girls won't go onstage because it's so cold... is this significant?
How do the zombies know to look in the bookshop? Do they think Aziraphale will be there or Crowley? Is it just that that's how they contacted him in the first place?
What's with the timeline on 1941? They're all out and about... is it a couple days later?
While demons like me... for hundreds and hundreds of millennia ???
Episode 5
Why is the big transporter out of service?
"If you're not him, then *what* are you?" Jim also says this ep 1. seems like a distinction.
The matchbox is still in Heaven.
When did Muriel meet Jim?
Jim leaves the window open after he stops jumping out the window
Crowley's test doesn't really prove much for me. If Jim was trying to get back to heaven to tell on them, death would be the fastest way
"If you aren't him, then WHAT are you?" again, what are you not who are you in reference to Gabriel.
"check in on Nina and Maggie and make sure *they* are on their way" does they refer to someone(s) else??
During the ball, where is Crowley between the Gabriel face thing and the dancing??
"I don't plan to harm you, only the humans in there with you" Why? Why isn't she threatening Aziraphale? Doesn't she want Gabriel? What is this line for??
After Jim comes back in after declaring himself to Shax, he's off screen for a long time. In a different outfit when we see him again
Aziraphale's box when Crowley starts bringing people outside. this is the same box that he leaves Nina and Maggie to fiddle with in ep6
might be a miracle blocker?? but Muriel brings back the elevator
Nina's questions for posterity:
what is happening? (not simple)
why is everything so weird? (not simple)
This all started last week when the power went out, didn't it?
no, this all started a very long time ago, but also, yes.
"last week when the power went out" that's a different timeline than portrayed in the show. What's that about? It could be a cleverly hidden time skip.
Crowley knows Muriel's a 37th class scrivener?? Do they tell him when they arrest him? Or do they hang out offscreen?
Muriel catches onto the bee metaphor immediately. "you look like a murder hornet, or a snake"
"I have to tell you: You can all leave now, and no one will be hurt" Does he *have to* tell them?
clock ticking in last intro
"Where's the cardboard box?" "What box?" !!!
"Apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well" Why say this?? Also. Apparently? As in "we discovered that..." or as in "in an apparent way, but not a literal way..."
There's stuff in the cardboard box. Why?
"every day, something IS getting closer" -beez - why??
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ask-husk-anything · 6 months
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OOC Information
Name: Sashy
Level up day: 16th June 1993
Main blog: @sashybash
Papermint ask / rp blog: @papermint-at-your-service
Charlie Morningstar ask / rp blog: @charliechasingrainbows
Gabriel Eveningstar ask / rp blog: @gabriel-eveningstar
Turnip sinner OC ask / rp blog: @turnip-an-oc-sinner
Open to dms: Yes
Open to rp starters: Yes
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Rules of interaction
Minors do not interact. I don't care how close you are to 18 or how mature you feel, this blog is not for you.
Please give me time to respond to rps/asks before reblogging them to get my attention. As in you've replied and are waiting for me to respond so reblog your reply. If you think I've missed your response you can dm the blog.
If I've misread / misunderstood a response please do dm me and let me know, I'm open to changing my response.
I have dyslexia please be patient in terms of spelling and such, I do try to put my posts through a spell checker before posting but even then things get missed.
This blog is open to ships with canon characters and origional characters. If you are really wanting a ship or really not wanting to ship with the character then please let me know in dms. I can give you tips in how to rizz the character if you'd like too.
I don't like to rp in dms so please only through the blogs, but I'm happy to talk about plot and interactions in dms.
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IC information
"I lost the ability to love a long time ago." ~ Pilot Episode
Name: Husk
Occupation: Hotel bar tender
NSFW Headcanons
Overlord Husk's Casino
Husk Ask/Draft/Queue info
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"Welcome to the Hazbin hotel, can I help you with anything?" Husk stood behind the bar as he recited the well rehearsed line to the new guests of the hotel. He wasn't one for making small talk yet there was no one else here so it seemed it was down to him to 'entertain'. At least for now.
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okay ahem so-
couple of things!!! first off, we know from the two below pictures that:
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first pic shows crowley with short sideburns, the second with long
can't quite tell but i think the glasses have changed too
also is it me or has aziraphale's hair gotten longer???
both show crowley in the turtleneck which is now suddenly like a Thing™
dirty donkey obvs very prominently in place in both pics.
now this has sent me for a loop bc im still adamant that the sideburns indicate a time skip, so let's go with that for the moment. i think we can be fairly certain that the first pic can't be around the time of the 'naked man friend' incident bc its a different top etc and aziraphale has the record so this must presumably be toward the end of ep1 or in ep2. and tbh doesn't it seem really ooc for aziraphale to suddenly be frequenting a pub??? or even crowley for that matter??? and they're not even drinking wine (that's THEIR drink)
so this led me to an absolutely insane idea that crowley is picking up part time work as a bartender in the donkey (which honestly is hilarious to me and i hope it's true, but times are tough and a girl has to eat!!!) (and which when you consider on the table that aziraphale's drink is finished but crowley's is not... is he on the clock???)
in any case there must be an interaction between crowley finding out about gabriel, and the force lightning scene, and then the pub scene. crowley's lewk (ie chic office fit) feels a deliberate departure from his standard wardrobe (something he dug out of the back when he had to vacate the flat?) and a return to the 1967 scene when he first wore it- we don't see him wear it at any other point after '67 and before now, so when exactly is this new photo set?
so what if aziraphale gets the record sent to him as a clue to solving the goob mystery/second coming, goes to crowley as he's arriving for/in work, "something has just been delivered to me, and i think it might be ✨A cLuE✨"-
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-gets told to get stuffed by crowley (ie first photo), but aziraphale reattempts to speak to crowley later on (second photo) and this time he agrees? SHAX SPEAKS TO CROWLEY and says he needs to get aziraphale on side, and then that's when crowley saunters back into the bookshop "I'm back"?????
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i don't even know what im saying anymore someone help me
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Bout-time-for-a-pinned Pinned
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Hello there. You can call me Pointy or Yasumi. (She/her)
This is both a character blog for Yasumi the lala witch, and a general gaming blog for everything FFXIV, Dragon Age or Mihoyo.
I have an FC of OCs with my partner and most of my posts are different OCs of mine simping over different OCs of hers. You won't see much OC x Canon stuff here.
Not spoiler-free, but I try to tag spoilers. Feel free to let me know if I forget to.
I follow from my non-gaming related main, and reblog to either @eorzeanadventures for vanilla stuff or here for modded stuff and non-ffxiv related games.
Occasionally NSFW but not very explicit. Minors DNI. Will tag with #nsfw or #nsfw gpose
This blog supports and encourages cringe. If you're allergic to cringe keep yourself safe and stay away.
OOC: I play on Chaos (Europe timezone) so sorry in advance for the weird hours (and broken English)
WCIF? my lala isn't visually modded all that heavily aside from a body replacement and a C+ template. But do feel free to DM me if you see anything you like or have any questions on using posing tools.
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Common tags:
My gposes: for all my own gposes, vanilla or modded
House of Beans: Everything related to our FC characters, gpose, comic, art, writing or otherwise.
Bean GIFs: all my own gifs
Bean comics: all the comics I create with gpose
OC Prompts: for questions, memes or prompts started by others
Pointy Ears: Everything I reblog to do with elves, elezen & lalafells
Pointy Hats: Everything I reblog to do with magic & witches
Stars: STARS, man. They're pretty.
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Character tags:
My OCs:
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Yasumi: my main lalafell. Appears to be in her 30-40's but is allegedly 69 years old. Astrologian who lives in a cave under her own plot in the Lavender Beds and is rarely seen.
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Gabriel (@eukrasiancrisis): The Ishgardian prig who bought her house, used as a front. Besties with her wife, to her chagrin. He talks a lot and says little. But his astrological chart is the only one Yasu has trouble reading other than her wife's, so she keeps him around out of curiosity. For science.
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Theneras: Ex- Dreamer of Everlasting Dark from the First with a shameless amount of Dragon Age references
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Goose (@goose-ffxiv): That loud Limsan butch who keeps visiting and making all sorts of noise. Besties with sister-in-law, so Yasu tolerates her. She's more fun than the elezen, at least.
Not my OCs:
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Yuusei (@pocketyoukai): Yasumi's wife and saving grace. Our household's favorite smith & friendly neighbor who moved over from Kugane. Older sister of Yuuko. Has a family of spriggans.
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Fyrstyrm (@fyrstyrm): Yasumi's gardener and probably the only person other than Yuusei she's completely comfortable around and trusts with her home and plants.
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Yuuko: The little lady of the house & adopted daughter of Fyrstyrm & Gabriel
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Amalthea: Yuuko's miqo'te friend who occasionally visits that Yasu detected some pretty strong ass aether with. She seems to have the echo. Not someone she's comfortable having around for too long.
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