#if he wants me to be his incubator then go right ahead sir
kaeyx · 9 months
Sea monster Fyodor, using his tentacles to pin us down & shove them down your holes, overstimulating you & filling you up to the brim (especially when jealous)
Y e a h
All it takes is you looking at someone else, or not smelling like him enough, or even seeing the lines of bruises his suckers have left begin to fade. He's suddenly very aware of how empty you must be, poor thing, walking around all tantalising and unclaimed. So he makes it his personal mission to help! Grabbing you off the ground or out of the water, thick limbs squirming over you and holding you still in midair. Working you open slowly around one of the thinner tentacles first, or one that tapers at the end and then working his way up until your hole is properly wrecked, until he can see all the way inside you. But oh no, now you must feel even more empty and neglected :( no worries! He can fill you to the brim, until his thick cum is leaking down your legs. Then of course plug you up with his massive length, maybe even forcing an extra tentacle inside to make extra sure you don't waste anything. Or wriggling the tip of one into your cervix because he loves watching you yelp and cry and try to pull away from the pain and the foreign feeling. And fail of course, he's far too large and strong for you to overpower. Pity, he'll have to keep playing with you until he's satisfied.
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Emergency! Part 3
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Summary: A woman comes back from her trip from Asia but isn’t feeling the best. And is rushed to the hospital. Her symptoms are that of the flue, but worse than. The virus spreads throughout the hospital, Jack falls ill collapsing in the break room. Dean falls ill on a rescue, Cas having to rescue the original victim and his partner. The reader, having to sit by and wait and pray for her friends pull through. But turns out the original patient with the virus got better, now her body has the antibodies to fight the virus.
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean x Nurse!Reader
Word Count: 4,262
Warnings: Scary Situations, Language, Mild Angst, Fluff.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: I could use the corona virus or COVID-19 but decided to use the virus used in the Emergency! Episode of the same name. The virus being a strain of the Asian flu during a bad outbreak in the late 60’s. Also the drugs and measure mentioned are probably not accurate, I’m not a pharmacist.
a/n2: D.O.N = Director of Nursing, DOA = Dead on Arrival, BP = Blood Pressure, O2 Sat = Oxygen Saturation
“Dean,” Cas says, walking into the fire stations garage.
Dean was logging supplies in the squad truck when he heard Cas enter and got his attention.
“What’s up Cas?”
“When you started dating Y/N, when did you know she was the one?”
“What do you mean?”
“I really like Meg, and when she was taking care of me after that accident of mine I found that she and I have a lot in common and I want to know her more?”
“Well, Cas, it’s different for other people. Just ask Meg out. Talk to her, find out stuff about her that she likes, hates, and if you can find yourself still able to love her despite her flaws. Keep it going. Keep taking her out.”
“You make it sound so simple.”
“Nothing in life is simple man.”
Cas nods in agreement.
The alarm sounded in the station.
“Squad 51, someone sick. Respond. 226 south Jasper’s Avenue, cross street South Walker boulevard.”
“Back at it again.” Cas says.
“Let’s hit it.”
Dean getting into his usual spot in the squad, revving the engine to life and heading to the location.
When they arrived, another station had arrived originally.
Dean and Cas gathered their tools and headed into the residence.
“Chuck, what do you got?” Cas asked.
“Kelly McMeyers, 22, her dad said she was fine at breakfast.”
They followed Fireman Chuck through the house to the girl’s bedroom to find her on her bed, sweating, pale and in obvious discomfort and pain.
Dean placed a hand on her head.
“She’s burning up, Cas, get the thermometer.”
Cas did as told handing the thermometer to Dean.
Dean placed in the girls mouth, under her tongue. Cas handing him the blood pressure cuff.
Dean began checking her Blood pressure.
“Get the radio, we need to tell the hospital.” Dean orders.
Cas, pulls out the radio of it’s holster on his belt.
“Rampart, this is rescue 51. Rampart this is rescue five one.” Cas radios in.
 It was a normal slow day at the hospital, y/n having finished her charting, getting reading for her lunch break.
“Rampart this is rescue 51,” she heard Cas’s voice over the radio.  “Rampart this is rescue Five one.”
She picks up the hand piece to the hospital’s radio to respond.
“Go ahead 51.”
“Rampart we have a female, Kelly McMeyers, 22 years of age.” Cas transmits.
 “BP is 129 over 80, O2 Saturation is…”
Dean places a hand over her chest, watching it rise and fall. Counting in his head. But scolding with the low number he came up with.
“Did you pack the pulse Oximeter?”
“I did.” Cas says, handing it to him.
“I got to double check before I give you the wrong number.”
Dean turned on the device, and placing it on her finger.
“Still reading low, O2 Sat, 85.” Dean says.
“O2 sat is 85. Temperature is coming up…”
Dean pulls out the thermometer.”
“105.” He reads.
“Temperature is 105.”
 y/n was shocked she had a temperature that high.
“51, standby, a doctor will be with you shortly.”
 “I just don’t understand, she was fine at breakfast, it happened so suddenly.” The girl’s father expressed.
“Some of these things do happen rather quickly.”
“Could be the Asian Flu?” Chuck suggests. Playing with the girl’s pet monkey.
“Well, let’s not jump to any conclusions until a doctor can see her.” Cas says.
“Kelly, sweetheart, can you hear me?” Dean asks.
The girl nods groggily.
“She’s really drowsy.” Cas mentions.
“Kelly, are you in any pain at all?” Dean asks.
“My head hurts, my chest hurts too.” She whines.
“She threw up a bit before you got here Winchester.” Chuck mentions.
 “51, this is doctor Singer.”
“Rampart, we have new information, patient is experiencing head and chest pain, she’s drowsy and vomited a few times before we arrived.”
“Alright, start IV, lidocaine, two milligrams. And just in case what she has is contagious keep contact with the patient to an absolute minimum.”
“10-4 Rampart.” Cas says.
“I’ll get the IV going, if you want to get the ambulance here Chuck.”
“Already ahead of you, they should be here by now.”
Sirens are heard in the distance, as if on cue.
“How about that timing?” Cas says.
“Alright, she’s set, lets get her to the hospital.” Dean says.
Just as more paramedics came in, Dean grabbed the equipment as Cas walked out with the patient.
Chuck still petting the monkey.
“I love monkeys, bet he’d be a cute pet to have.” He says.
“Yeah, but they’re not meant to be pets Chuck.”
“Yeah, I know. But, cute little guy, isn’t he?”
The monkey sat on his pole that stood in the room. And the monkey started walking over to Dean, walking on his shoulder, messing with his hat.
“Hey, stop,” he told the monkey while trying to shake him off gently.
The monkey got back on his pole as Dean walked out to the squad.
 At the hospital, Y/N, Doctor Singer assisted in the patient, Kelly McMeyer, as Doctor Singer preformed a spinal tap.
Just as he pulled out the needle, gathering spinal fluid, Doctor Kline walks in.
“What’d you got Bobby?”
“Possible strain of the flu, her symptoms are consistent with that of the Asian flu, but the incubation period is too fast. Her symptoms came up quick, she was fine at breakfast.”
“Do we know where she’s been lately?”
“All over southeast Asia, Kelly and her friends were part of her church’s mission trip in assisting kids in orphanages, and adoption homes. Fixing them up, helping kids get adopted. And her dad took her camping when she got back. Took her to the Black Hills in South Dakota.” y/n explained.
“That opens us up to a whole array of fevers, and of course flus. China is always riddled with noval viruses we’ve never seen nor dealt with. And of course, there’s ones we’ve dealt with her, rocky mountain spotted fever, lymes disease, or even parasitic infections. Fungal infections that could have originated from her camping trip.” Jack explained.
“Did Kelly have any kind of protection on either trip?” Jack asked.
“Her dad made sure she packed, bug spray, tick spray, and they had nets around their camp to prevent nats and other flying insects from getting in the tents.” Y/N says.
“So, in which case, we’re back to, what did she catch when she was in China. Because chances of her getting anything on the camping trip are slim I’m guessing.”
“Her dad was pretty adamant that they were covered for their trip. He didn’t want anyone getting sick.”
Jack nods.
“Let’s get some blood work, see if we can’t find the answer in there.”
“You got it doctor.” y/n says, getting her hands sanitized, and ready to draw some blood.
 “Dean, your shift was done an hour ago, go home!” His father ordered.
“Just finishing up the logs for the day.”
“Cas can finish it up for you, he at least goes home in an hour. Now go.”
“Yes sir, you sure you got this man?” Dean asks.
“Dean, I got it. Go home and rest. See you in two days.”
Dean handed Cas the papers for logging their day, what all happened, their end result. He grabbed the keys to his Impala and drove on home.
He could tell he was exhausted. At a stop light he had to really will himself to stay awake just a few more miles.
But as he got to another stop light, he knew he was too tired to be driving.
Y/N’s apartment wasn’t far. He moved lanes before her street came up and Dean drove to her apartment. Giving her a call to make sure she was either up or home.
“Hey Handsome, how was your day?” she asked.
He could hear the background of the hospital.
“Exhausting. Are you still at work?”
“Yeah, another late one. Why? Are you in the area?” she asked. Sounding concerned.
“I’m really exhausted, and I don’t think I’m gonna make it home. I was thinking on crashing at your place.”
“You can stay there Dean; my key is by my hanging plant. I think your clothes from last time are still there.”
“Thanks baby, where would I be without you?”
“Dead in a ditch because you’ve run yourself ragged, now hurry to my place and get to bed. I’ll home when I can.”
“Love you sweetheart.” He says with a tired smile, pulling into her apartment complex.
“Love you more Winchester, sleep well.” She says.
He parked his car near where she parked. Walking up tiredly up to her apartment he found her key easily.
He headed inside, placing the key back but also locking up behind him as he got himself settled.
She had since gotten a new apartment since the plane crash; sure she was farther away from the hospital, but she was closer to him by several blocks.
He had gotten out of the shower, feeling a little bit better, but he climbed into his side in her bed. Pulling the covers over him, and falling fast asleep once his head hit the pillow.
She had hurried with her charting, her replacement nurse coming in late. But at least she showed up.
She hurried to her car to get on home.
She saw Dean’s car parked next to her spot on the street. She parked her car right behind his.
She quietly entered the apartment. Leaving the lights off she navigated to her room seeing his sleeping form in her bed. Sound asleep.
She made her shower quick and simple, washing off the stress of the day and relaxing enough so she could fall easily asleep.
She climbs into bed beside him. He tossed, turning towards her, wrapping his arms around her.
Poor dude was exhausted. But Dean was no fool, he loved being the little spoon. Maybe too much. But when it was her, he didn’t care too much.
 Days followed, and the original patient began to go downhill. Her fever wasn’t breaking.
Y/N had finished getting Kelly’s vitals, updated her chart. She headed back out to the nurses station when she saw an ambulance dropping off a new patient.
“What do we have?” she asked.
“Fireman, Chuck Shirley. Stricken with a fever, 104 temp, slightly elevated BP.” One of the paramedics informed.
“He was fine at lunch time.” His wife said behind the paramedics.
“Are you his wife?” Y/N asked.
“I am, my name’s Becky.”
“Okay, I’ll escort you to the waiting room. I’ll keep you informed of your husbands situation.” y/n told her.
Becky nodded, and she was lead to the waiting room. Y/N walked back into one of the exam rooms.
Hours passed as the doctors looked over Chuck, they learned one thing in common.
He responded to Kelly McMeyers.
“I want everyone who responded to get checked out. Clearly we are up against something contagious.” Jack orders.
“I’ll get right on it.” y/n says.
 As the day wore on, Y/N had called all the stations that responded, the ambulance and even called up her boyfriend personally.
“Afternoon beautiful.” Dean answers.
“Hey babe, you responded on the Kelly McMeyers right?”
“I did, me and Cas both, why?”
“Chuck Shirley is sick with the same symptoms as Kelly, and Dr. Kline has ordered you two to come in and get checked out.”
“Is it really that bad?”
“Dean, Chuck looked bad. Come in, please.” She practically whined.
“Okay, I will. Don’t worry sweetheart. I have to come down for supplies anyway, I’ll bring Cas along.”
“Thank you. See you soon.”
Just as Dean and Cas left the hospital after giving their blood samples to be checked for any virus or uprising in white blood cell count. Questions rose to how and where the original patient got sick.
“Whatever this Kelly chick has must be bad.” Dean says as he drove back to the station.
“Must be, if she didn’t get while camping then where?” Cas asks.
For a beat there was a pause.
“The same place where she got her pet monkey.” Cas says.
“You really think that monkey is the carrier?” Dean asks, unsure.
“Think about it Dean. It’s always animals in other countries that carry all these scary viruses. Swine flu came from pigs. Avian flu came from birds. The Asian flu came from, well, Asia but it was ducks. What if, this monkey one of those viruses and was somehow able to transmit it overseas?” Cas explained.
“You should really be a doctor something, damn Cas.” Dean says, impressed with the information Cas was able to share.
“Also think of the movie Outbreak.”
“Dude, that wasn’t even a real virus.”
“No, but it was a real situation that can really happen. It’s the worst case scenario. But it was a monkey carrying a mutated version of the virus.”
“I think you’re onto something Cas.” Dean says, digging around in his pockets.
“Here, call my girlfriend, tell her what you told me.”
“Okay.” Cas says.
“Y/N, it’s Cas, you got a minute?”
“How’s Dean?” she asked concerned right away.
“Oh, he’s fine, we were just talking about the victims. She brought home a pet monkey from China. And Chuck was playing with it.”
“That is actually something Cas, thanks. Is there anything else we need to know?”
“Not really, but just for the fact that this monkey might carry a virus that could kill Kelly and our friend.”
“And you’re spot on, on that. I’ll tell Jack and Bobby. Thanks Cas.”
 At the hospital, the two doctors were at the nurses station when Cas called. Their attention on her when she seemed surprised with the information he given her.
“Cas of squad 51 just told me Kelly brought home a pet monkey from China. And that Chuck played with it.”
“That’s something, Bobby, get someone to go with Kelly’s dad back to his house. Get the monkey and bring the little guy in.”
“You got it Jack.”
 Cas had handed Dean his phone back.
“You know, Cas,” he says.
Cas doesn’t say anything but has his attention.
“I kind of played with the monkey too.”
 The next following day, Kelly was slowly getting better. But Chuck was taking a turn for the worse. His fever wasn’t breaking.
Jack goes into Kelly’s room to talk to her about her monkey.
A nurse was already in the room taking care of her.
“Abaddon why aren’t you wearing your mask?”
“Oh, sorry Doctor its just—”
“No excuses, you’re taking an unnecessary risk. Not only would you be putting your life at risk, you’re putting everyone else’s lives at risk as well.”
With that she put her mask over her mouth and nose.
“Kelly,” Jack says.
She opened her eyes slowly giving the doctor his attention.
“We got your pet down in the lab. Now, was he ever sick when you had him?”
“Yes, just after I bought him. He had a bad cold, and threw up a bit too.”
“Well in order to help the fireman, and you as well, we may have to put him down so we can perform an autopsy.”
“No, you can’t!” she cried. “I don’t know what I’d do without Oreo!”
“Kelly, it’s the only chance we have at saving lives.”
The tears that built up in the girls eyes fell. Jack took his gloved finger by her cheek, brushing away the tears that fell.
“If you’re right about that,” she swallows thickly. “Then you can take Oreo.”
“Could help you too Kelly.” Abaddon says.
“I know.”
Jack gave a sad smile through his mask.
He doffed off his PPE by the door and left her room to give the go ahead.
 “Dean, we have a group of kids from Jefferson Elementary School to come in for a tour, can you help Gabe clean up the garage real quick.”
“Dad, I’m really exhausted, can you get Cas to do it?”
“It’s not like you to complain, come on now. He’s busy with the logs, come on it won’t take long.”
The alarm sounded.
“Never mind.” John says.
“Station 51, medical emergency. At the top of the Wells Fargo bank at 5535 Woodland Boulevard. Cross street Jackson Avenue.”
The men and women at station 51 jumped into action.
 At the location they climbed up the stairs after they reached the max floor the elevator would allow to go.
“What happened?” John asked one of the men working on the roof.
“Jimmy was over the edge cleaning the windows and he let out a yell, and I saw him collapse. I tried getting him on this thing but it’s jammed.”
“We’ll get him, we’ll hoist one of my paramedics down to get a line on him and we’ll bring him up.” John assured.
“I’ll go.” Dean says.
“Why don’t we just swing the lift through a window?” Cas asks.
“There wouldn’t be a safe way to do it. Just, get me down to him. Drop a line for him and he’ll be up here before you can say Bobs your uncle.” Dean says.
“Just be careful man.” Cas says.
“I will dude.”
Dean has the ropes around him, his harness, Gabe, Michael and Raphael anchored his rope as they helped lower him down.
“Okay, more slack!” Dean shouts as he got closer to the victim.
He got safely on to the lift and began to work the rope around the victim so they could lift him up.
But Dean’s vision began to spin. His hands came up to hold the support of the lift.
“Dean, you okay!?” Cas shouts from the ledge.
Dean hurries to get the rope around the victim and tries to work on tying the knot.
His dizziness got worse, and worse. Just as he was about to ask for help, Dean passes out.
His body falling off of the lift, and hangs by his harness off of the ledge.
“Try lifting him up a bit!” Cas ordered.
The three brothers tried pulling the rope slightly.
Cas could see Dean wasn’t getting any higher.
“No, stop, he’s tangled. I’m gonna have to head down there.” Cas says.
He heads over to Charlie who handed him some rope, getting the lopes around him, and working his harness on.
Cas hurries over the ledge.
Gabe, Michael, and Raphael tied Dean’s rope to hold him steady as they lowered Cas down to the lift.
“More slack!” Cas ordered as he got closer.  
Cas removed his work gloves to check the victims pulse.
“He’s in full cardiac arrest!” Cas shouts out, communicating.
Cas finishes what Dean had going. Connecting the loops around the victims arms and legs making a makeshift harness.
“Okay, lift him up!” Cas calls out.
The victim slowly rising as Gab, Michael and Raphael pulled the rope lifting the victim up.
“Dean, can you hear me man?” Cas asked, trying to lift Dean onto the lift.
He didn’t respond. He was out cold.
Cas furrowed his brow as he grew concerned for his friend.
“Okay, lift him up!” Cas ordered.
Cas seen the original victim made it over the ledge safely. And Dean began to slowly rise up to the top.
Once everyone was safely up, they got Cas up as well.
Cas helped with the cardiac victim while Charlie and the others assisted with Dean.
 Y/N sat at the nurses station charting her days work about ready to head home when an ambulance and squad approached the door.
She quickly typed up her report, saving it and sending it to her Director, she went to assist the paramedics.
Her heart dropped when she saw one of the patients being wheeled in.
“Patient one was DOA, heart attack. Dean has a fever of 104.” Cas says.
“Okay, there’s an exam room open, lets get him in there. I’ll page Dr. Singer.”
“Where’s Jack?” Cas asked.
“He’s sick too. He was about to treat Kelly and Chuck when he collapsed. His fever is 103 and climbing.”
“How is Chuck?”
“Not doing well. Let’s focus on Dean please.” Y/N said, keeping the tears of fear at bay.
 Dean was all settled in a room later that night.
“Y/N.” Bobby says as he entered Dean’s room.
“Dr. Singer.”
“Your director doesn’t want you treating him. It’s against ethics.”
“I know. I’m off the clock.”
“Then what are you still doing here?”
“Oh, forgive me for staying by my boyfriend’s side.”
“Y/N, you’re D.O.N is on the other side of the this door. Relax.” He whispered.
“Bobby, I can’t think straight right now. I want to stay by his side, if that’s alright.”
“You can’t just stop everything because he’s sick. The CDC got back to us on the virus, you know this. It’s a strain of the Asian flu, a newer mutated strain. We have a drug we can use.”
She sighs, rubbing her face hard, trying to not get frustrated with herself.
“I know. I just want to know he’s going to be okay is all.”
“You love him. I know. But you have to still live life. Because that don’t stop. You got to keep going kid.”
She nods. “I’m guessing I can’t stay with him due to isolation protocol.”
“You got it. but once he’s better, you can.” She nods again.
“Please, keep me in the loop with him.”
“I’m sure Meg will. Cas was already on her case about him.”
She chuckles with a nod.
“Go home and rest. He’ll still be here tomorrow.”
She nods, leaving with a slump in her shoulders. Heading to her car. Driving quietly home.
It wasn’t until she got out of her shower, and laid in her empty bed did she let her walls come crumbling down.
A sob escaped from her, shaking her to her core.
“God, Dean. Please be okay.” She sobbed.
 The next day, she heads into work trying to focus on her patients.
She learned from one of the over night nurses that Chuck passed away.
Her anxiety already being high enough with her boyfriend being sick with the same virus, but the same virus that killed a fireman.
She headed up to Dean’s room where Meg walked out. Sweating after being in her PPE for some period of time.
“How is he?” she asks.
“Not good. His fever is not even breaking. He had the first 100 Milligrams of Idoxuridine.”
“Has it been two hours?”
“Close, it’s been about an hour and fifty minutes since last dose.”
“Give him another dose of it. Same for Jack if he’s not getting better.”
“Sure thing, I’m sure Bobby will understand.”
Y/N nodded as Meg went back inside to give Dean another dose of the drug.
Y/N headed back to the nurses station to chart her first half of the shift when her D.O.N approached the desk.
“Y/N, I was told you were by Dean’s room yet again. This time on the clock.”
“Sorry Jody, I just—”
“It’s okay, really. Bobby can be a hard ass sometimes, and I know I can be too. But my husband gets sick really easily. And I’d do the same thing you’re doing.” She says.
“Thank you…” she hesitates.
“I have your replacement coming in so you can see him and be with him. Once Donna gets here, go to him.”
“Thank you, thank you.” She says, as tears rise to the surface.
“It’s not a problem.” Jody smiles.
 Days pass as the doctors and nursing staff cared for Dean and Jack for the virus.
Y/N stayed day and night, her D.O.N giving her the week off on FMLA.
She had lost track of the days when she finally allowed herself to sleep.
Kelly was fully recovered and the doctors and nursing staff encouraged her to donate some blood so they can use her antibodies in her blood to donate to Dean and Jack so they have a fighting chance.
His fever finally broke, he was getting better. She could close her eyes and he’d still be there.
She woke that night to a hand on her head, playing with her hair.
She stirred awake to find Dean awake and well.
“Hey.” She says tiredly.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been hit by a truck.” He answers. “Babe, did you stay here all day?”
“Dean, it’s been a week. You’ve been out for a week.”
“Damn…but still, you’ve been here all week?”
“Yes. You scared me.” She says. Taking his hand and placing it on her cheek.
His thumb brushing against her cheekbone. Catching a tear that fell.
“Well I’m sorry for scaring you. But you’re worrying me, did you take care of yourself while you were here?”
“Not really. Haven’t been hungry. I’m not sick or anything.”
“I know, you’ve told me that you’ll get this way. Either in a good way, like an innocent way of binging your favorite show and forgot to eat. Or in a bad way, like this.”
“Let me get Meg and tell her you’re awake.”
Just as she says that, Meg comes walking in.
“Jack’s awake…oh Dean’s awake too.” She says.
“Yeah, he is.” Y/N Says tiredly.
“I’ll get Dr. Singer so we can see when you can go home. And get Y/N to a bed, she hasn’t slept much since she stayed here.”
“Really, not eating or sleeping.”
“She was worked up. who could blame her?” Meg asked.
Meg left the room to get Bobby.
Dean not saying a word, pulls Y/N’s arm guiding her in the bed with him.
She happily got in, curling into his side.
He felt a residual tremble shudder through her body.
“Shh, I’m here baby. I’m not going anywhere.” He says.
Not even a tiny virus would tear up this team.
A/N: Did you enjoy? How are you liking it so far? Favorites yet? Feedback is fuel and much appreciated. :3
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @jayankles​, @jeaniespiehs20​, @mlovesstories​, @akshi8278​, @flamencodiva​, @anotherspnfanfic​, @megzdoodle​, @lyarr24​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 3/23/2021
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atths--twice · 4 years
Next chapter of Shared Kisses is up! Prompt #11—Reunion Kiss. Hope you enjoy it. 💕
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Together Again and for the First Time
May 2001
The hospital doors closed and Mulder stood outside of them, his pulse racing and head spinning. Scully and his son were on the other side of those double doors. The adrenaline in his veins kept him from falling forward, his body wound tight with worry.
He paced in front of the doors, his eyes looking through the small square windows at every turn, knowing he would not see them, but trying nonetheless. His hands were shaking, feeling empty without the small baby held within them. As soon as the helicopter had landed on the roof, a nurse had taken him from Mulder, as Scully was strapped to a gurney.
Questions were shouted at him but he could not understand them all, the helicopter loud and his mind on the woman he loved, who was unconscious as they pushed her into the hospital. The baby was crying and he felt like he could cry along with him.
“You’re the husband?” They had shouted and he shook his head. No, not the husband.
“That’s my son,” he had said, his voice breaking. “And she’s my… my… Scully. She’s…”
“Sir, if you’re not the husband, I’m sorry but you’ll have to wait here. Sir! Stop! Wait here. We need to tend to them. Wait.”
Not his best trait, especially when it came to the possibility of Scully being hurt or suffering. Add in their baby… baby… how the fuck did they expect him to wait patiently? He glanced up at the doors again and sighed heavily, knowing he would undoubtedly have to do just that, if he was going to be allowed to see them.
Looking around, he saw there was a waiting area close by. Walking over to it, he collapsed into a chair. Leaning his head back, he let out a deep breath and shook his head, thinking back to the sight of Scully on the bed in that dilapidated building.
He had run to her side, kneeling down beside her and saying her name softly. She opened her eyes with an exhausted smile, the baby lying on her chest, her body and hair soaked with sweat.
“It’s a boy,” she had whispered, looking into his eyes. “We have a son.” She laughed softly and her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body went limp.
He had yelled for Monica, as he took the baby from Scully. Grabbing a towel, he had wrapped the baby and handed him to Monica. Uncovering Scully, he had seen the blood on the sheets and he froze.
“Mulder, she needs to get to the hospital. Come on!” Monica had yelled over the pounding in his ears as he saw the amount of blood she had lost.
Covering her again, he had lifted her, blood covered sheets and all, hurrying to the helicopter, Monica following behind with the baby. Setting Scully inside, laying her on the bench seat, he had climbed in and Monica handed him the baby.
“Take care of them!” she had shouted, holding his gaze with a nod. He had held the baby close and nodded back, shouting to the pilot to get them to a hospital.
Monica had shut the door and waved them off, becoming further away as they rose in the air. He had forgone any seatbelts, sitting on the floor beside Scully to monitor her breathing and be sure she was okay, the baby surprisingly quiet as he held him tightly in his arms.
He had rested his forehead against hers and whispered his love for her, the baby, and his pride in her bravery. She remained unconscious, her breathing even, while his own was erratic and heavy. He never looked anywhere but her face, watching to be sure she remained breathing.
“Agent Mulder! Coming up on the hospital. We’re about three minutes out!” the pilot had yelled back to him and he nodded, unable to yell in return.
“Three minutes, Scully,” he had said, his lips pressed against her temple. “We’re almost there. Hold on.”
Those three minutes had felt like an eternity, his worry for her increasing the longer she remained unconscious.
Finally, they had begun to descend and landed. The door opened and everything became a blur of activity, leading to where he was now; sitting alone in the waiting room. His heart felt as though it had been torn into two pieces, each of them holding onto half of it as they were taken from him.
Taking a deep breath, he realized he could smell the baby in his clothes. Lifting the collar of his shirt to his nose, he inhaled, the scent clinging to the fabric. It was indescribable, something he had never smelled before. As he held the shirt, he saw his hands had traces of blood on them and his stomach turned.
Standing up, he found a bathroom and washed his hands, needing to rid himself of the red streaks of Scully’s blood. Looking into the mirror, he took in his appearance. Not only was her blood on his hands, but his shirt and jacket as well. It was nothing compared to what she must have lost, but seeing it made him feel weak.
They had been injured in the past, both of them bloodied and broken, hell, he was currently sporting a gash on his forehead now. But seeing her lying there, the dark red blood against the white of the sheets, watching her body go limp… He felt bile in the back of his throat and he swallowed it down.
He took a deep breath, and scrubbed at his hands harder than before, the water hot, but not hot enough for him to feel completely clean. Her blood on him began to feel like a bad omen and he wanted to be rid of it.
His hands clean, but his clothes still spattered with her blood, he opened the door and walked back to the waiting area. Pacing back and forth, he sighed deeply, his eyes on the doors as he did.
Eventually the adrenaline pushing forward began to abate. He sank into a chair again, everything suddenly feeling very heavy. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, and his head in his hands. If anything happened to either of them…
He looked up and saw the nurse who told him to wait earlier. He stood up quickly and she gave him a small smile.
“They’re okay?” he asked and her smile grew.
“The baby is doing fine. We have him in the neonatal unit right now, just to keep an eye on him. He’s okay, considering his welcome into the world seemed rather traumatic.” She looked at him and he nodded.
“Yeah,” he agreed quietly.
“He’s doing well, in good health, with a very strong set of lungs,” she said with a chuckle. He smiled faintly, worried that something was wrong with Scully and she was not saying.
“And his mother?” he whispered, his heart pounding hard, his breath catching in his throat.
“She’s still in the operating room, but should be in recovery soon. She lost a fair amount of blood, but she will be okay.”
“Did she regain consciousness?”
“Briefly. She told us her name, asked after the baby, and you. I assume it was you, if you’re Mulder.” She smiled and he nodded.
“I am,” he said, reaching for his wallet, showing her his identification. She nodded and he put it back into his pocket. “How long until I can see them?”
“You could see the baby now, but it will be a little while yet before she’s in recovery and resting.” He nodded and the nurse smiled, pushing the doors open, and letting him walk ahead of her.
He waited for her to step ahead of him and then followed her to the neonatal unit and walked inside. He was instructed to wash his hands at the sink before he could see the baby.
“Do you… is there a chance I could get a gown, or a scrubs shirt? I don’t… my clothes…” he said, gesturing down and she nodded, disappearing through a door and coming back with a light blue scrubs shirt and a pink plastic bag.
He nodded his thanks, taking the items into a nearby bathroom and changing hurriedly, putting his sweat and blood covered clothes in the plastic bag. Not bothering to wash his hands, knowing he would need to do it again, he left the bathroom and found the nurse.
Washing his hands and she instructed, he dried them and then held his bag of clothes, walking behind her further into the wing. They passed impossibly small babies incubators connected to breathing tubes and he felt his stomach drop.
“Just down here,” she said quietly, motioning him to the left.
They walked into a small section and he saw the baby, his baby, their baby, sleeping peacefully in an open bassinet under a soft glowing warming light. He was connected to a monitor to register his heart and breathing rate, but nothing like the other babies they had passed. Mulder watched the baby’s small chest rise and fall as he breathed and his eyes filled with tears.
“You can have a seat in the chair there,” the nurse said softly, pointing to the rocking chair he had completely missed. “But first, you need this.” She slid a bracelet around his wrist and he looked down, finding a white band which read, “baby boy Scully.” He looked at the nurse in confusion and she smiled.
“You said you were the father and she confirmed it when we asked. We didn’t have a name for him, so until we do, we go by the sex of the child and the mother’s last name.” She smiled and he nodded, looking back at the baby. “I’ll leave you two alone, but I’m around if you need me.”
“Can I hold him?” he asked nervously, glancing at her and she nodded.
“Of course. I can help you if you’d like,” she said, and he nodded, breathing out a sigh of relief.
He set his bag of clothes on the small couch in the room and stepped over to the nurse who was expertly wrapping the baby and adjusting the monitor wires, before handing him to Mulder. “Mind his head. Yes, just like that, there you go.”
He exhaled a breath as he looked down at the little person in his arms, paying no attention to words the nurse said as she left them alone, and he sat down in the rocking chair.
He watched the baby’s tiny hands opening and closing, as he made grunting noises, his body moving slightly. He frowned with his eyes closed, his eyebrows then rising up and back down as he settled, grunting again as he exhaled and fell asleep. Mulder ran his fingers softly across the top of his head as he stared at him.
Perfect. He was perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth. He placed his hand on the baby’s chest and felt his heart beating quickly as his lungs expanded, providing him with the oxygen he needed.
Unable to tear his eyes from him, he sat in the chair, rocking their son, breathing in his scent. Laughing softly, he cried with relief. The worry he had felt since he came back, the anger he carried inside, despite his knowledge that it was their baby, disappeared at the sight of the miracle he now held in his arms.
He was perfect. They had created a perfect child where the improbability was stacked so high against them, it could only be viewed as a miracle.
“My son,” he whispered. “I have a son. You are my son.” He traced his fingers over the baby’s head, cheeks, and nose. Bending his head, he kissed the small hands, smiling at him as he sat back, watching him sleep.
“Mr. Mulder?” Came the nurse’s soft voice again, minutes or possibly hours later, and he looked up at her. She smiled and walked over to him. “Miss Scully is in recovery and asking for you. I can take you to her, but we need to leave the baby here. Once she’s out of recovery, we will move her to the maternity ward. As soon as the doctor has cleared him to leave this ward, we can have them together in the same room.”
He nodded and she carefully took the baby from him, laying him back in the bassinet, arranging the wires and blankets around him. Kissing his fingertips, he touched the baby’s head once more. Picking up his bag, he followed the nurse from the room, anxious to see how Scully was doing.
Stepping inside the recovery room, he saw Scully lying peacefully, the only person in the room. He swallowed and the nurse squeezed his arm before walking away and leaving them alone. He walked over to her quietly and set his bag on the chair beside her. Taking her hand, he stared at her, watching her sleep, the color back in her cheeks.
“Scully,” he whispered. “I’m here.” He held her hand and felt her squeeze his fingers weakly.
“Hmmm,” she hummed, attempting to open her eyes.
“Rest, Scully. Everything is okay.”
“The baby. Is he…?”
“He’s perfect. He’s safe and completely perfect.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed again, nodding her head very slowly twice and then she was asleep, her grip on his fingers slackening.
He pulled the chair closer to her bed, never releasing her hand, as he stared at her. Sitting down, he stroked her hand with his thumb, brushing her still slightly damp hair back with the other.
“He’s perfect, Scully. I don’t know how he… but he is… he’s beautiful. You did that, Scully,” he whispered, tears filling his eyes as he realized again what they had created, and what she had done to bring him safely into the world. He dropped his forehead to hers and he sighed deeply as he closed his eyes.
“Mulder,” she mumbled and he let out a soft, incredulous laugh.
“I love you, Scully. You continue to amaze me, every single day,” he whispered, over the large lump in the back of his throat.
“I love you,” she breathed and he laughed again. He raised his head, opening his eyes to stare at her, shaking his head and laughing softly, his worry for her and the baby, now gone.
Elated. He felt elated. She was okay. Tired and sore as hell, but she was okay.
They both were. They all were.
Kissing her softly, her lips warm and sweet, he felt his heart nearly bursting. They were a family now, the three of them. He had been so worried and now they were reunited, never to be separated again. They were safe, gaining their strength, and healing together.
Kissing her once more, he laid his head on the bed and took a deep calming breath, her hand held tightly within his own. He smiled at the sight of their white matching hospital bracelets, knowing their son had one of his own around his tiny ankle. The three of them, bound and linked together by blood and small plastic hospital bands.
Closing his eyes, the fear and worry lessening within his body, he took another deep breath, exhaustion finally taking over as he fell asleep beside her.
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forgetmenotaftg · 5 years
La Vie En Klosé
Nicky Hemmick huffed as he walked out of the gate at Berlin-Tegel after a rough Christmas at home. He was just ready to get back to his host family. The Stuttgart airport was never this crowded, so he tried his best to look confident and totally not lost as shit, and finally, with the help of the signs and his growing understanding of the German language, he made it out past the passport checks. Peering out over the crowd, Nicky saw a few people waiting around with signs and advertisements for taxis and rent-a-car services, but couldn’t spot either one of his host parents yet.
“Nicky!” he heard someone call. Nicky stood up on his tiptoes and saw who had to have been Erik Klosé standing by a shitty looking Burger King with a bouquet in his hand.
…And promptly tripped over a little girl’s bright pink suitcase.
As soon as he hit the ground, Erik was offering him a hand.
Nicky suddenly realized that he was staring. He’d seen pictures of Erik around the Klosé home, but wow. “Erik?”
“Hello, Nicky. These are for you.”
“Beautiful. I mean. They’re beautiful. The flowers,” Nicky stammered, taking the flowers and hugging them to his chest as Erik helped him up.
Erik grinned.“You’re telling me.”
Nicky and Erik shuffled their feet along the winding stone path ahead of them. The quiet there was almost unsettling–It felt like the only things in existence were the hundreds of lilies in the gardens around them, the two of them, and one word hanging in the air between them.
“So your parents aren’t okay with it?”
“No. In their eyes, I’m an abomination. They’re stuck perceiving the Bible the way they want to,” Nicky shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets in an effort to keep himself as small and contained as he felt.
“They don’t deserve to claim the title of ‘Christian.’ You do know that, right?” Erik said, stopping mid-step and turning to Nicky.
“I know. That doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
“I didn’t say that it should.” Erik placed a finger under Nicky’s chin and directed his gaze upward so they could make eye contact. “But hiding hurts even more, doesn’t it?”
Nicky swallowed hard and nodded wordlessly, reaching up to wrap his hand around Erik’s wrist. Before he could force the words he wanted to say out of his chest, Erik spoke up.
“Me too.”
“You’re— “
When Erik kissed him, those petal-soft lips made Nicky bloom as excitedly as lilies around him, and for the first time in a long time, Nicky felt the sun again.
“That’s your concerned voice,” Erik said, marking his place in his book and setting it down on the nightstand next to their bed. “What’s wrong, Love?”
“I never talked about him much, but…My cousin Aaron’s mother just died in a car accident. His…You know the long-lost twin thing. Andrew was with her. He survived.”
“Oh, Baby,” Erik whispered, motioning for Nicky to join him in bed. After his boyfriend crawled in next to him, Erik wrapped his arms around Nicky and kissed his forehead. “I’m so sorry.”
“They don’t have a mother anymore,” Nicky started, then paused. “They’re not old enough to be independent yet, either. That means that they’d go to—“
“Luther and Maria.” Erik knew what that meant, as much he didn’t want to acknowledge it. “You want to go take care of them, don’t you?”
“I don’t want to leave you,” Nicky sniffled, but then his voice broke. “I—”
“You know I will respect whatever decision you make. I will be beside you the entire way, if you’ll have me, Nicky. If you want to go, that is what you’ll do. I want to make this work, and if you do, too—”
“That isn’t fair to you, Erik,” Nicky shook his head.
“Nothing is ever fair. Not wholly. I love you, and I love your heart. I trust it. Right now, it belongs somewhere else. And as long as it can share,” Erik smiled. “I don’t mind. We’ll still make time for one another. We can visit on holidays. You should go. They need you. I can wait. I will.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Says the man who is uprooting his entire life to take care of family he hardly knows. No one deserves someone as selfless and bright as you.” Erik reached over Nicky and plucked a long stem of forget-me-nots from the arrangement beside their bed. He tucked the flowers behind Nicky’s ear and kissed the end of his nose. “You won’t be able to get rid of me that easily.”
“Any updates?”
“They found him. He’s alive. He…Well, he looks fucked, to be honest. But he’s alive, and he’s dating Andrew.”
“Holy shit.”
“I think Aaron almost had a grand mal seizure,” Nicky shook his head. “I think I actually did. Anyway. They’re with the feds working through everything. They want him to go into witness protection, but God knows we aren’t letting him go anywhere. And Andrew? I think he’d kill the next person that even looked at Neil for too long.”
“So it isn’t just physical? Andrew actually has feelings for someone?”
“Feelings might be an understatement,” Nicky teased. “He choked out Kevin over the fact that Neil was nowhere to be found.”
“That will make my next visit all the more entertaining, won’t it?”
“Speaking of, you’re still coming to the championship, right?”
“I got approved for time off and already booked the flight. I can’t wait to see you again.”
“I love you,” Nicky sighed dreamily. He could almost see Erik smiling in the stands, now. “Today just—The way Neil looked at Andrew today, it was…The same way you look at me. It was like the day you first kissed me, when you saw me for the first time. It’s…I miss you, and—Today just made me realize how quickly things can change”
“I miss you too, Nicky. I love you so much.”
“I know. I love you, Erik. Be good. Don’t get into trouble.”
Unbeknownst to Nicky, Erik popped open the small box that held Nicky’s engagement ring in his hand and closed it again. It almost made him laugh to know that Nicky would hear the click when it shut but would have no idea what it was. “I’m always good.”
“One: Bullshit. Two: Bye, Honey. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Love. Be safe.”
“Nicholas Esteban Hemmick, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Renee asked, closing the Bible in her hands with a soft look in her eyes.
“I do.”
“Do you have a ring for the groom?”
Neil smiled and pulled the simple platinum band out of his pocket before handing it to Nicky. Go get ‘em, he mouthed.
“Please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring…” Nicky slid the ring onto Erik’s finger, a single happy tear running down his cheek. “I thee wed.”
“Now for the part you’ve been waiting for. By the power invested in me by the state of South Carolina, I now pronounce you to be married. Erik, you may kiss your husband.”
Only Matt and Dan’s catcalls managed to pull the two of them apart.
“You’re insatiable,” Nicky laughed breathlessly, wrapping his arms around Erik’s neck and pressing their noses together.
“What can I say? Mr. Klosé looks good on you.”
Before Nicky could speak, Erik pulled him in again.
“He’s smaller than I thought he would be.”
“Wyatt is just a baby, Love,” Erik chuckled, leaning over to rest his chin on his husband’s shoulder. “They’re small.”
“He was just born so early. He’s too small.” Nicky pressed his hand to the glass wall of the incubator in which their son was placed with a sigh.
“I think he takes after Andrew,” Neil smirked (despite the look Andrew gave him). “Really though, Nicky. He’s perfect. I know he’ll be alright before you take him home to Germany.”
Andrew crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one foot. “Katelyn said we—You have nothing to worry about. He’s finally eating well and he’s been gaining weight for the past week.”
“Speaking of babies, we have to go feed ours. Sir is a menace when she’s hungry,” Neil mumbled, whispering something else and receiving a nod before taking his husband’s hand.
“When we were out late for Wyatt’s birth, she tried to escape in retaliation,” Andrew nodded.
“Thank you for stopping by, you two.” Erik gently squeezed Neil’s shoulder. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
Once Neil and Andrew said their goodbyes, Nicky pursed his lips and looked up at Erik. “Do you think we’re ready for this?”
“I know that we are,” Erik nodded, wrapping his arms around Nicky’s waist from behind and kissing his cheek.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Nicky, you’ve already been a parent. You were there for Andrew and Aaron when they had no one else. Because of you, they went to college. Because of you, they grew together instead of uprooting the support system you gave them. Because of you, they have a family outside of blood. You gave them all the love they never had. I have seen you love and care for people for so many years, Nicky. You are going to be an amazing father,” Erik whispered. “After everything you’ve been through and everything we’ve been through together, I think we can handle just about anything.”
Written by @reaching-my-summit, and posted here with permission.
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prisonrose · 4 years
{ Post Tenebras Lux }
Panicked footsteps echoed through the lonely mine as the boy dashed about in aimless circles. His heart was nearly thundering out of his chest as he stopped for a moment, panting. “Hello?” he cried as loudly as he could. “IS ANYONE THERE?!”
Nothing. “Mum? Dad?!”
The echoes of his frightened voice almost sounded as if it was taunting him. Blinking back his tears, he dashed off in the direction he hoped would get him out of here and once again wracked his brain for answers to his current predicament. 
All he had to do was retrace his steps, right? That’s what mom had always told him! Let’s see… He’d been with his mom and dad, taking a tour through the Macro Cosmos factory on the outskirts of Motostoke. The Chairman himself was there to greet them, and that had been so exciting! He started showing them all the different machines and explaining what they did, though, which wasn’t quite as exciting, so the boy’s mind began to wander. And then…
The boy stopped dead in his tracks, clutching at his hair in frustration as he looked around. He couldn’t even remember how he had gotten split off from the group. Something had caught his attention momentarily, though he couldn’t remember what it was. He didn’t really think he’d gone that far, but when he turned around to go back to the factory, he didn’t even know which way he had come from. 
He’d gone into this mine, hoping it was the way back to Motostoke, where at least there would be other people he could ask for help. Instead, he’d ended up wandering around aimlessly in this dark, Pokemon infested hole without a Pokemon of his own to defend him, and he was lost, and he wanted his mom and his dad and to be back at Postwick and safe!
He slumped to the ground covering his face with his hands and sobbing noisily, then pressed his small body into a secluded corner as he shivered with fear. What if no one found him this time? What if he was going to be lost forever?
“MUM! DAD!” he screamed in desperation. “SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!”
“... Leon?” a distant voice called. 
He froze, holding his breath with shock. “... Hello?” he called again, shakily climbing to his feet. “Is… Is someone there?!”
“Leon! Oh, thank the heavens that I found you!” The voice sounded relieved. “Stay put! Help is on the way!”
The boy spotted a shadow moving out of the corner of his eye. “No, wait! I-I think I see you! I’m on my way there!”
“Leon?! No, no, stay where you are! Don’t move!”
Too late. He’d taken off after the shadowy figure, sniffling and trying to wipe his face free of tears. In just a few minutes, he’d back home and this would all just be a memory! He’d be safe and warm and happy, and--
And that was not not a person.
He screeched to a halt so quickly that he nearly fell over, eyes wide with fear and panic. The Pokemon in front of him made a quick hairpin turn to face him, growling softly. Leon froze in place, feeling as if he couldn’t even breathe. Even when he saw its mouth glow as it prepared to attack him, he felt like his feet were rooted in place. Why… Why couldn’t he move? Why couldn’t he run? It was as if his body had been turned to stone! It wouldn’t listen to him!
As the blistering heat built up in the Carkoal’s body, Leon slowly looked down so that his brim blocked out the sight of it and he wouldn’t have to see his gruesome demise coming. He sniffled, feeling another tear roll down his face as he waited patiently for the enraged Pokemon to end it. But then he heard frantic footsteps coming from behind him.
The Chairman yanked one of his Ultra Balls off of his belt, and tossed it out in front of him, rushing in front of the boy. “Cerys! Defend us!” he cried throwing out his hand to shield the boy from any incoming damage.
Just as the Carkoal shot a powerful volley of flame at the two of them, the Chairman’s Copperajah burst out of its ball. Rose briefly had to shield his eyes from all of the dust his Pokemon had kicked up, but thankfully his Copperajah had managed to soak up all of the damage from the attack, leaving them both unharmed. Leon blinked, his cap plopping quietly on the ground. He looked up at the massive Pokemon standing in front of him with awe. Then he turned his eyes to the Chairman standing resolutely in front of him.
Rose just ran his fingers through his hair, thankful that no one had gotten hurt other than the small amount of damage Cerys had taken from a Pokemon much weaker than her. He could have ended the battle with an Iron Head or a High Horsepower then and there, but it seemed a little excessive. The poor thing had just been startled, after all.
“Here,” he called out to the wild Pokemon, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a toy with a bell attached to the end that Olga enjoyed playing with every now and then. He’d have to get her a new one sometime soon. “Go fetch.”
The Carkoal’s eyes went wide as Rose flung the jingling toy further down the long corridor. It let out a soft noise in delight, chasing after it as quickly as its wheels could take it. Rose sighed, stroking his Copperajah’s haunches. “How are you, girl?” he asked softly, looking over where the move struck her.
She rumbled quietly, turning so that she could gently wrap her powerful trunk around his waist and pull him in for a cuddle. 
Rose laughed softly, patting her trunk reassuringly. “It’s alright, darling, we’re both unharmed. There, there…” She really was quite protective and motherly towards him. He patted her one last time and went to address the young boy still looking up at him, completely awestruck. His face was a mess, smudged with dirt and awash with tears, so Rose took out his handkerchief and got down on one knee to wipe all the grime away. 
“You had us all very worried,” he hummed quietly. “I’m so glad to know that you’re alright…”
“I… I’m sorry…” Leon sniffled. “I didn’t mean to be a bother… I didn’t mean to wander off! Mum says there’s… something wrong with me. I get lost really easily, and it drives her mad. ”
“I’m sure that’s very frustrating,” Rose murmured, tucking his handkerchief back into his pocket once most of the muck was wiped away. “And very scary, too. But just because you’re made differently, it doesn’t mean that you have to let your disability define you. I happen to think you show quite a bit of promise as a potential trainer.”
Leon’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “M-Me?!” he cried incredulously. “You have to be joking! I don’t even know how I got here, and if you hadn’t saved me from that monster, I would have been burned to a crisp!”
“I promise I’m being quite sincere,” Rose replied, rising back to his feet and brushing the dirt from his fancy trousers. “Look where you are, Leon. You came here all by yourself. Through the tall grass of Route 3, and down into the very depths of this place. No adults… Not even a companion Pokemon by your side. The only time you landed yourself in any trouble is when you ran into that Carkoal in a rush, seeking me out. That suggests that you have very shrewd judgement, a natural affinity for befriending Pokemon, and a knack for getting yourself out of sticky situations. I happen to think those are all very admirable qualities.”
Leon looked up at him with wide eyes. “You… You really think so? Most of the kids call me dense, and most adults just think I’m just pretending to get lost, but… But I’m really not! I really try!”
Rose fondly ruffled the kid’s short, purple hair. “I’m certain that you do. You just need some help compensating for the qualities that you lack, but the same can be said for everyone else. Why, I bet that with the right partner by your side, the possibilities for you could be endless.”
The Copperajah lumbered over and nuzzled Leon gently with her trunk, almost cooing softly. Rose laughed, patting her. “See? Even Cerys agrees! You’ve got a bright future ahead of you, Mr. Leon.”
Leon blushed slightly, reaching down to pick up his cap off of the ground and pulling the brim of it down over his eyes with embarrassment. “Th… Thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you to say.”
Rose smiled at him, and patted his shoulder. “You’re welcome… Now! How would you feel about getting to ride old Cerys out of here?”
“REALLY?!” Leon shouted with excitement. “You really mean it?!” 
“Of course I do,” Rose laughed, helping the boy step onto her trunk so that she could lift him onto her back. “Let’s go put your poor mother and father’s hearts at ease. Come, Cerys, this way!”
-- A few days later --
“Lee!” his mother shouted from downstairs.
Leon blinked, pausing his game of Tetris, and looking up from his screen. “Yeah, Mum? What is it?” he called.
“Did you order something off the telly without telling us about it?”
“No???” he called back.
“Well, there’s a package here from Macro Cosmos here with your name on it!”
His eyes widened as he tossed his controller aside and raced downstairs as fast as his legs could take him. “Lemme see, lemme see, lemme see!!!” he squealed.
“Hold on,” she chastised, using a kitchen knife to open it. “... What on earth?” 
Inside, there was a portable incubator with detailed instructions and in egg inside. It also came with an ultra ball housed inside of the incubator and a trainer starter kit of Pokeballs, potions, various status healing tonics, and a blank League Card for Leon to one day print his photo on. There was also a letter on it, autographed by Chairman Rose himself.
Sorry it took me so long to reach out to you. When your mother told me your favorite Pokemon, I knew I had quite a project on my hands! So I got in contact with some breeder friends, and we managed to get you your very own Charmander egg! Congratulations! We even managed to imbue it with a prototype technology that we’re coming out with in the next few years. 
This particular breed comes from a long, proud line that has rescued people in mountainous areas during blizzards and avalanches for centuries. Its excellent sense of direction will ensure that no matter where you are, as long as you have your partner by your side, you’ll be able to find your way back. I’m sure it will be a very loyal and helpful friend.
I know that you still have a few more years before you’re eligible to begin your Gym Challenge proper, but it’s never too early to begin your journey as a Pokemon Trainer. The other sheet of paper that’s attached is my official endorsement for you once you have your tenth birthday. Good luck, and I’m rooting for you.
Chairman Dhimani Rose Macro Cosmos Corp. CEO
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polygamyff · 4 years
27. Part 4
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Staring down at my brother on the floor of my home knocked out “he will be out for a few” Lenny said, but I can’t really comprehend what he is saying to me when my brother wanted to shoot me. I have done nothing but fucking try and love him when my dad don’t care for him, I don’t think he wanted to kill me, I think he was going to aim at Robyn and he knows that would make a bigger impact than killing me because then I would have to live with that, I am numb right now, I am just in shock at this when all I asked from him was to be good, he just lived that good life and I get the shit “what you doing?” grabbing Robyn’ arm “checking if he is ok” she sobbed out, she can barely speak and she is thinking of that “you stay back from him, he fine” Robyn tried to yank her arm away from my grip “stop it, Maurice. I care ok? I need to know he is ok” pulling Robyn towards me “he needs help Maurice, listen to me” hugging Robyn “don’t do it, Maurice listen to me. No don’t” Robyn don’t know if to cry or speak “don’t let your dad get to him, Maurice. You need to listen to me” I am not listening, I won’t listen either “what do you want us to do?” Jay asked, staring ahead of me. He has exposed me, my family, my daughter. We don’t do that shit, we argue but keep it in house but he didn’t, he spoke on our secrets. He exposed my daughter in an incubator, I can’t forgive that “I will deal with it” I stepped back “Maurice, he needs help. It’s just him wanting attention, I don’t blame. Yes I am upset but if you ditch him and let your dad deal with him, he will throw him” I shrugged “he spoke on my family Robyn, he did shit you don’t do. He exposed Reign and said I made her ill and you want me to be all forgiving. No Robyn, we don’t run like that. We don’t do that, we keep our problems in house, not out there! Public fucking image, you need to realise this” she don’t live this life “your dad is going to leave him to rot out there like he did Adam” shaking my head walking “don’t bring that shit up, don’t bring that up! You know what Robyn, go and see your mother” I need a fucking drink “you know I am right, I am not leaving this home until I know he is ok” he is ok, I swear to god I don’t care for him.
Putting out my cigarette, watching Sofia. She is refusing to leave but I am refusing to help him. Let the dogs take him, when I mean dogs I mean my family, they will chew him and spit him out for money, he wants to see golden child, he will see golden child “get away from him” blowing the smoke out from my lips “Jay, call my dad” walking close and closer to Sofia, she is concerned that he is ok “Robyn, I said move. So move” Malik moved, he groaned out “and I don’t want him on my chair” grabbing Malik by the tee “Maurice please” dragging him off the chair “now it’s Maurice please? Oh fuck you, nigga. Fuck you!” dragging him across the floor “Maurice please, just don’t do anything stupid” Malik grabbed my hand, trying to make me get off him “Lenny, make sure Robyn stays away from me. My dad?” Jay held the phone out to me, letting Malik go and let him drop down to the floor. Taking the phone from him “I found your disposable child” turning to Malik as he got up, he is going to run and I laughed “not so fast” Jay grabbed him “he has shamed the family, lied on us and exposed my son to be a bad father, Maurice. You can make the call, he did it to you. Your mother will not say a word to you, you want to be boss, that includes family, they lie also but not to the world. He did it worse, he exposed your daughter” my dad said, staring at Malik because I am hurt by him “you show him who is boss, you’re too kind” licking my lips, clenching my jaw stood in pure confusion but it’s him, he has been doing it to me “why? And me being golden child means nothing because I did nothing but be nice to you, dad is right. You ain’t worth it” Malik laughed “I don’t care, you will be sad in this life. I made money off this, you know how much money I made from your daughter being near dead” I threw the phone and my fist met his face, Jay let him go as I attacked him, punching him like amad man, all the anger I am feeling Malik felt it in my punches.
“Come on, get off him” Jay yanked me back “him, him. You and Lenny. You both drop him off to Texas, and you tell my dad do what you like with him. No help” I glanced over at Robyn, she is not speaking now “I will tell him actually” picking my phone from the floor, answering Nalah’ call “what the fuck is happening, Maurice just please. You both are my brothers, this can’t go on” I really don’t want to hear it “don’t let Robyn cloud your judgement, she text you to call me. It’s done, as the boss of this company, he is dead to me. It’s over and you speak on my name, you done for. I want dad to get you out of this country, a country where they will kill you, you know what. All these years, it’s been you! And you fucking son of a bitch, you told dad about Robyn! Your fault, actually, one minute Nalah!” I shouted down the phone “he thought, tell dad and he will disown me, no dumbass. I need to be dead for that. You fucking bastard” throwing my phone at him “cry now, cry like a little pussy. I want him gone, to my dad. Let my dad make him disappear, I am not protecting him anymore” I want him out of my home “Nalah please help me” Malik cried out on the phone “get him out of my home now, he gets to my dad. He is done, he is fucking dead to me!” Jay and Lenny both marched over to him, Robyn also walked out of the room.
Staring down at the whiskey in my glass, I have sat in the same spot just thinking. Maybe I should have mentioned the fact I got sickle cell but I didn’t want the world to know this, and I didn’t want my daughter to be exposed either, not in that way. I have always been so lowkey, about everything and then it’s like stories getting leaked like that, it had to be someone I knew, my own brother did that to me and I was always so nice to him, I felt sorry for him and he did this. My office phone started to ring, placing the glass down and reaching over the desk, lifting the phone off the hook and then pressed the speakerphone “Maurice” sitting back in my chair “it’s Lorraine, I called you as soon as I could. I did call your phone, sir there is more stories to go out about you. I wouldn’t say it’s bad press because all press is a gain, shares have gone up. I don’t know the full extent but it’s not about your daughter, it is just you. It’s actually the females you have had relations with” rolling my eyes “right” I sighed out “which bitch sucked my dick now, you say it’s not bad press but my dad hid a whole fucking crack head which is me and I am failing at this hurdle, my relationship with the one girl I want to be with is crumbling. You find out what it is, then let me know” it’s a mess and I know there is more mess to come “will do boss” she disconnected the call, placing the phone back on the holder.
Chewing on my top lip as I dragged myself up the steps, I did assume Robyn left the home but she didn’t and she is still here, I checked the cameras. She is in the bedroom, I think she is packing a case which means one thing to me. Pushing open the door “took your time” closing the door behind me “I was thinking, where are you going?” I asked seeing the suitcase “to stay at my mom’ while you and your family argue, I for one don’t want to stay for that” nodding my head slowly, licking my lips as I walked closer to her “so no staying around for me? I want my daughter in my home, you know?” Robyn pressed her finger into my chest as I abruptly stopped walking and she stepped back “nobody stopped you from visiting her but I think me and Reign will stay with my parents until this is over, I don’t think it’s over. Not yet anyways” I sniggered, I had to laugh “right, first sign of bullshit you running. Robyn, this is nothing. You’re more upset that I got rid of Malik, I ain’t fucking with that Sofia. You need to accept that I won’t have it. I don’t care if he needs help, for all I care he can rot. How can you be so kind, you are so blinded by the good that you don’t see the bad, he got what he deserved. Now I am asking, I want you to go and get my daughter and come back here” if she is going back there then obviously Terry going to think things and so will her dad “no Maurice, he needed help. You know this, you know for a fact what your dad will do to him” she don’t get it “but Malik also didn’t help me when I needed, why the fuck should I always be the good guy huh? He didn’t help me when I got married did he? Fuck him, you know what go, if you think I am wrong then I guess you ain’t going to like me when I become the owner of every hotel” walking around Robyn.
I have too many people selling me out, for all I know my dad could be too but that doesn’t make sense either, this whole Naomi business will also upset people, business partners that is why it was best off keeping this low key and to have them on side “Maurice, I don’t want to leave on bad terms” I thought she went already, looking up from my laptop “it’s a little late for that, you know what life I got Robyn but you wanted to accept that” closing the laptop and placing it at the side of me “I had no choice, I didn’t know you was married, you hid that way from me. You didn’t give me that choice, you let me love you. I trusted you that I had sex with you with no protection, even when my bitch cousin said don’t. You didn’t give me the choice then did you, so no Maurice. I didn’t know the life you had, not a wife anyways. I want the best for my daughter and this right now is bad vibes, I am taking Nalah’ advice Maurice and I need to just step back from this. There is a lot of evil in your family, and I can’t help but think of Malik and yes he did that but he needed some help, some attention Maurice. You don’t see it but I do” my work phone started to ring out “well I’ll be out of town, do as you please” answering the call “if it is bullshit I don’t want to hear it, I just want to hear work out of your mouth, is my jet arriving?” my sister would say something but I don’t want to hear it “it will be arriving in two hours as you like” disconnecting the call “I have not fallen out with you Maurice, you know that” getting off of the bed “sure does seem like it, I will be going to Texas. Have fun at your mother’ home” she is right, it is far from over but I would have liked for Robyn to be with me on this.
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Interview With Joel Salatin, Polyface Farms
Joel Salatin is an American farmer and author. He owns Polyface Farms, which is known for its small scale unconventional farming methods. Months ago I heard Joel on a Joe Rogan podcast and was immediately blown away. It’s not very often that we hear people discuss the gut microbiome on one of the most popular podcasts in the country.
Here’s that podcast. I highly recommend listening to it if you have the time.
Along with discussing the gut microbiome, Joel talked about his farm, Polyface Farms. Polyface Farms is located in Virginia, and they do things a little differently than most. The land that is now Polyface farms was purchased by Joel’s parents in 1961. They’re all about regenerative farming through sustainable practices, like pasture-raised meat, carbon sequestration, and working in a seasonal cycle.
In short, it’s a dream come true for someone like myself who is all about organic eco-friendly agriculture, so naturally, I had to ask Joel a couple of questions.
The older generation is a big fan of talking about life when they were young. My grandfather loves to talk about the fact that he was raised on cow’s milk, and he turned out “just fine.” The difference, of course, is that the milk he was raised on was unpasteurized small scale cows milk. What encouraged you to get into small scale sustainable farming? Does it relate back to how you were raised or did you have some sort of revelation in life? Feel free to comment on how things have changed if you have any thoughts on that.
My paternal grandfather was a charter subscriber to Rodale’s Organic Gardening and Farming Magazine when it came out in the late 1940s.  He always wanted to farm but never did.  He had a very large garden, though, and sold extra produce to neighbors and corner grocers.  My dad received his no-chemical indoctrination, then, from Grandpa, so I’m the third generation in the compost tradition.  My Dad was a financial wizard and did accounting work all his life.  After flying Navy bombers in WWII, he went to Indiana University on the GI bill and then headed off to Venezuela, South America as a bilingual accountant with Texas Oil Company.  His long-range goal was a farm in a developing country and Venezuela seemed as good as any.  After about 7 years he’d saved up enough to buy 1,000 acres in the highlands of Venezuela and began farming.  The goal was dairy and broilers. My older brother and I were born during that time, and things looked bright.  But then came a junta and the ouster of Peres Jimenez and animosity toward anything American; we fled the back door as the machine guns came in the front door; lost everything and after exhausting all attempts at protection, (we) came back to the U.S. Easter Sunday 1961, landing in Philadelphia. Mom grew up in Ohio and Texas and all their family was in Ohio and Indiana, but Dad’s heart was still in Venezuela and he hoped after the political turmoil settled to be able to return to our farm.  
With that in mind, he wanted to be within a day’s drive of Washington D.C. so he could get to the Venezuelan Embassy quickly and easily to do paperwork and return. That never happened, but it’s why we ended up in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley.  When I hit 41, I remember thinking: “If I lost it all, would I start over?” That’s what Dad and Mom did in 1961. I was 4.  Dad did his accounting work, and Mom was a high school health and physical ed teacher; that off-farm income paid the mortgage and within 10 years the land was paid off.  Dad combined his ecology with his economic understanding to create some broad principles: animals move; mobile infrastructure; direct marketing; carbon-driven fertility.  I had my first flock of laying hens when I was 10 years old and then added a garden.  By 14 years old, I was our main salesman at the local Curb Market, a Depression-era hold-over that foreshadowed today’s farmers’ markets.  With only 3 vendors, it struggled but after a couple of years, we had a growing and steady clientele for our pastured meats, poultry, eggs, produce, and dairy products (yogurt, butter, cottage cheese). We closed it down when I went off to college and the other two elderly matrons at the market quite as well so by the time I came home, that market and all of its wonderful grandfathered food safety exemptions were gone forever.
I’ve always said we were about 20 years ahead of our time.  Operating that market during my teen years of early 1970s as the nascent back-to-the-land hippie movement germinated was not easy, but the lessons were invaluable when I returned to the farm and started building a clientele on my own in 1980, long before modern farmers’ markets. Teresa and I married in 1980, remodeled the attic of the farmhouse, and lived there for 7 years until Mom and Dad moved out from downstairs to a mobile home parked outside the yard.  My Mom’s mother had lived there for 10 years and passed away, making that spot available.  As an investigative reporter at the local daily newspaper, I realized every business was desperate for people who would show up on time, put in a full days’ work without whining, and actually creatively think through better ways of doing things all made me highly employable.  Living on $300 a month, driving a $50 car, growing all of our own, cutting our own firewood for winter warmth, not having a TV—all these things enabled us even without a high salary to squirrel away half the paycheck.  Within a couple of years we had saved enough to live on for a year.  I walked out of that office Sept. 24, 1982, with a one-year cash nest egg and the jeering of every person I knew”  “He’s throwing his life away.”  “All that talent and he’s going to waste it on a farm.” “Don’t you know you can’t make any money farming?”
We succeeded. 
While we were watching the podcast you did with Joe Rogan, my dad and I had several “Wow!” moments listening to you. One of us would be in the kitchen, and we would run into the living room where the podcast was playing, and share a look of absolute awe. “This guy is talking about the stuff that we talk about! And he’s on Joe Rogan!” We don’t know many people who talk about gut health the way we do. How did you learn about the importance of the body’s microbiome? Is there a correlation between your knowledge of the microbiome and how you run your farm? 
Perhaps the most profound truth in life is that everything we see floats in an ocean of invisible beings.  With electronic microscopes, we can now see many of these things, but because we can’t see them with the naked eye, they are not in our momentary conscience.  It’s hard to forget the microbes floating in the air, on our skin, in our eyes, nostrils, and intestines.  Our farm’s wellness philosophy stems from Antoine Béchamp, the French contemporary and nemesis of Louis Pasteur.  While Pasteur promoted the germ theory and busied himself destroying and sterilizing, Beauchamp advanced the terrain theory and encouraged people to think about basic immunity.  Rather than sterilization, he encouraged sanitation.  He encouraged folks to get more sleep, drink more and better water (much of the water at that time was putrid) and eat better food.  Along came Sir Albert Howard half a century later adding the soil dimension to this basic wellness premise.
In general, we believe nature’s default position is fundamentally wellness and if it’s not well, we humans probably did something to mess it up.  That’s a far cry from assuming wellness is like catching lightning in a bottle, and some sort of sickness fairy hovers over the planet dropping viral stardust willy nilly.  Sickness and disease, whether in humans, plants, or animals are not the problem in and of themselves; they simply manifest weaknesses developed in the unseen world.  Every sickness or disease we’ve ever had on our farm was our fault.  We may have selected the wrong seedstock, crowded things, created incubators for pathogens.  You can stress things a lot of different ways.  But our assumption when confronted with non-wellness is not to assume we missed a vaccine or a pharmaceutical, but rather to ask “what did we do to break down the immunological function of this plant or animal?”  That leads to far more profound truth than assuming we didn’t select the right connection from the chemistry lab.
The fact that today people actually talk about the microbiome in polite company is a fantastic societal breakthrough. Hopefully, it will continue.
The current “pandemic” resulted in a total collapse of our food chain at big grocery stores. While things have since calmed down and straightened out, many people are now aware of just how weak our food supply chain is. The obvious solution- buy small- scale, buy local. The obvious problem- buying meat the right way, (small scale and local) is expensive. Here where I am in Detroit we’ve got a great meat guy, but a couple of weeks ago I found myself at the Dekalb farmers market in Atlanta. I spent $9 for one pound of organic, grass-fed ground beef. What are your thoughts for people who are concerned about the costs of shopping ethically? On a broader scale, do you have any solutions to this? 
Price; it’s one of the biggest and most common questions.  So let’s tackle it on several fronts.
1.  Whenever someone says they can’t afford our food, I grab them by the arm and say “take me to your house.” Guess what I find there? Take-out, coffee, alcohol, sometimes tobacco, Netflix, People magazine, iPhones, flat-screen TV, tickets to Disney, lottery tickets—you get the drift. Very seldom does “I can’t afford it” carry any weight. We buy what we want, and that includes many folks below the poverty line.  
2.  Buy unprocessed. That $9 ground beef is still less than a fast food meal of equal nutritional value. Domestic culinary skills are the foundation of integrity food systems, and never have we had more techno-gadgetry to make our kitchens efficient. The average American spends fewer than 15 minutes a day in their kitchen. Nearly 80 percent of Americans have no clue at 4 p.m. what’s for dinner. In fact, the new catchphrase for millennials is “what’s dinner?” not “what’s for dinner?” So cooking from scratch is the number one way to reduce costs. Right now you can buy a whole Polyface pastured broiler, world-class, for less a pound than boneless skinless breast Tyson chicken at Wal-Mart. The most expensive heirloom Peruvian blue potato at New York City green markets is less per pound than Lay’s potato chips across the street. It’s about the processing.
3.  Buy bulk. Get a freeze and buy half a beef or 20 chickens at a time.  Buy a bushel of green beans and can them.  We buy 10 bushels of apples every fall and spend two days making applesauce; it’s cheaper than watery junk at the supermarket and is real food.  That’s not a waste of time; it’s kitchen camaraderie.  On our farm, we give big price breaks for volume purchasing because it’s simply more efficient to handle a $500 transaction than 25 $20 transactions.  This means, of course, that you must have a savings plan.  Half of all Americans can’t put their hands on $400 in cash.  That’s not an expensive food problem; that’s an endemic and profound failure to plan
Q: Here at OLM we’re a big fan of systems. We also have 10,000 square foot urban farm right in our back yard and are getting chickens very soon. Developing a farm feels a bit like an optimal opportunity to create the “perfect” system. I’m curious as to how the farm is systemized to be self-sustainable. I’m wondering if the farm is carbon neutral or carbon negative? Do you let your chickens work on your compost pile? Do you monitor cow grazing for optimum carbon sequestration? What advice do you have for the many people including us, who have just started growing our food after the current crisis?
Perhaps the starting point is to think of integration rather than segregation.  How many different species of things can you hook together for symbiosis?  So we follow the cows with the laying hens in Eggmobiles to scratch through the cow dung, spread out the manure as fertilizer, and eat the fly larvae out of the cowpats (this mimics the way birds always follow herbivores in nature).  We build compost with pigs (we call them pig aerators).  We have chickens underneath rabbit cages, generating $10,000 a year in a space the size of a 2-car garage and making the most superb compost in the world.  We see trees as carbon sinks to integrate with open land; industrial commercial chippers enable us to chip crooked, diseased, and dying trees for compost carbon.  The kitchen and gardening scraps go to the chickens.  Hoop houses for rabbits, pigs, and chickens in the winter double up as vegetable production in the spring, summer, and fall, creating pathogen dead-ends for the plants and animals growing there at different times of the year.  Integration is everything.
In half a century, we’ve moved our soil organic matter from 1 percent to 8.2 percent.  I don’t know if we’re overall carbon-neutral, but we’ve done this without buying an ounce of chemical fertilizer and using 800 percent less depreciable infrastructure per gross income dollar than the average U.S. farm.  That creates resilience.  Over the years we’ve installed 8 miles of waterlines from permaculture style high ponds that catch surface run-off and gravity feed to the farmland below.  And the rocks and gullies now grow vegetation where none grew before.  This is not pride; it’s a humble acknowledgment of a Creator’s benevolent and abundant design; it’s our responsibility to caress this magnificent womb.
Interview With Joel Salatin, Polyface Farms was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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leigh-kelly · 7 years
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amiyahsoul · 7 years
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Skype Call 💻: Mercedes & Otis Jones
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones & Otis Jones TIME FRAME: Wednesday April 11th, 2017. LOCATION: Mercedes Condo . L. A. NOTES: As Mercedes attempts to bury herself in idle prep for the baby’s arrival she has a surprise Skype call with her father. 
Mercedes hummed along with the music that filled the room.  She was in a cleaning frenzy. The bathroom sparkled and the beds in her condo had fresh, crisp, clean linens. Now she was freshening the kitchen. Her hand circled across the counter wiping down the surface. The house wasn’t messy, just a little dusty from being left vacant for so long.  She blew slightly, starting to get tired. Her exertion was to be expected, but she still wanted to shop for a few extras before heading home for the day. Her hand went to the small of her back, as she was startled by the Skype chime. Seeing Her father's face pop up she rushed to answered the call. as quickly as her short legs could carry her.  She answered the called. Then squinted as a huge teddy bear dominated the computer screen. “Hello, I’m teddy the bear. And I can’t wait to meet my new friend!.” Mercedes snorted, staring at the screen.  “Daddy, that bear is huge. That thing will only scare the baby.”
Otis’ head popped out from behind the bear, huge grin on his face. “You have no proof that it will scare her. She’s going to love it and name him Otis. -I’m having him shipped tomorrow. Your mother would kill me if I tried to bring him on the plane.” He hefted the huge bear moving him off screen.  “Speaking of… tell me you’re having a contraction. Something." He said rubbing his hands together. "I’m excited. A new little girl to spoil and this time I get to do it right.”
Mercedes shook her head. “And she’d be right that thing is ridiculous.” She chuckled, “Sorry," She sung out, "but since last week, I’ve only had some pain but nothing significant enough to go back to the hospital.  She’ll come when she's ready." She smiled.
“Don’t talk about O like that. I know he’s huge but this is my first grandchild.  I am shooting for completely rotten.” Otis raised his eyebrow. “Have you been walking.  It’s what they made your mother do when she was in hospital having you guys.”
“The fact that you have already named him. -DADDY.” She laughed, holding her stomach as she did so. “So you are going to spoil her and leave me with a bratty child. No sir, that is out of the question.” She shook her head no, “Not as much as I should. But she is coming, of that I have no doubt.”
“Spoil completely... Yes, it will happen. It’s my prerogative as a grandparent.  Listen, Mercedes I'm going to give you and her till the end of the week, then I am going to come to L.A. and just wait it out.”  Otis moved closer to the screen. “Umm, Baby…  Why are you in your condo.”
Mercedes raised her hands, “Go right ahead and spoil away. A few days of grandparent over kill shouldn’t do too much damage.” She looked around, the space. “I was cleaning it up for you and mom. I thought you might want more privacy when you’re here.”
Otis smile faltered, “Mhm… well if you want us to stay there we can…” Otis leaned back in his chair staring at his daughter. Since her engagement party this young woman had been on cloud 100 and now her expression was different. “What’s wrong? And before you give me the nothing is wrong cover up, remember I know you better than you know yourself. Even now…”
“Don’t sound like that that. You don’t have to stay here it’s only a suggestion.”  Mercedes shrugged his words off “but there is nothing wrong with me, Da…”
“Bup.. bup.. bup …”  Otis cut across Mercedes. “Don’t hand me that landfill of lies.  You have been a hundred watt bulb for literally months. Now you look like someone snatched all the cheer from you. WHAT IS WRONG?
“I don’t want to talk about it… so can we just leave it. I’m fine, the baby is fine. That’s the focus right now. When she comes and i’m not a human incubator, then I’ll deal with what’s bothering me. It’s private dad. So just leave it.”
Otis sighed, and leaned back in his chair.  “I remember when you lost that little bald headed doll you had as a girl. You stood there with your little arms folded and told me you were fine. But for a week, you barely smiled, and went to bed early and whimpered in your sleep.  Baby girl, you weren’t fine then and you are not fine now.”
Mercedes smiled softly at her father’s little story. “And what did Mom, do to pull me out of my funk?” She asked. She didn’t remember this story at all and was curious.
“Your Mama?” Otis snapped back, shaking his head. “I’ll have you know.  I am a capable parent.  No matter what you and your sister seem to think. “  He told her pointedly. “I took you for ice cream. Double fudge chocolate chip.” he said accenting each word as he went.  “I got you on a sugar high, then took you to the park… I went down the slide with you just the way you used to do with that bald headed doll… What was her name, anyway.” He thought crossing his arms eyes wandering to the ceiling.
“And that worked I talked to you after that?” Mercedes chuckled. “I was a cheap  date.” She grinned.  
“You are my stubborn baby.  Who always takes everyone of your short falls and coming, on yourself. You bottle it all up so tight, trying to figure it out, on your own.  I’ve never understood why you do that. Family is about support. But no one can help you if you don’t open yourself too it.  And the truly messed up part is you want someone to care enough to ask how you feel, while at the same time pushing everyone away.  You were one hell of a maddening teenager I tell you.” Otis told her.
“I’m not a little kid anymore dad.  Aren’t I supposed to figure things out for myself. In less than 15 minutes I’m going to have a baby of my own. I can’t depend on you or mom to order my steps for me.”  Mercedes countered.
Otis snorted, “You and your sister are lucky Mercedes.  You have me and your mother to talk to. You don’t need us to tell you what to do.  Hell, you don't listen anyway, but talking isn’t making a decision, it’s sorting out how you feel.”
Mercedes rubbed her hands over her face. “Not this… Not now. You’ll never understand it will taint my daughter's birth. I don’t want that. I want everything to be perfect when she comes. Not people side eyeing each other. And definitely not your renewed hatred of Sam.”
Otis nodded, “Mhm…” He rubbed his hand down his face and groaned.  “Mercedes I know when I have been defeated.  Now I can kick and scream for days, but you ain’t going to be done with Samuel Evans, especially now.” he said pointing to her stomach. “Until the throw dirt in one of your faces. “As long as he isn’t laying hands on you,” he shrugged. “I’m fine.”
Mercedes wiped at her face, determined to hold herself together. “No, he’d never do anything like that. He’d never hurt his baby…  I’m just kidding. She sniffed. “It’s so much happening in such a short period of time.  I can’t get my footing.” Finally breaking down. “I’ve created a mess. Now I have to live with it.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Leaving that man when you were younger? Mercedes, you have GOT to forgive yourself for that. There was nothing wrong with you deciding not to get married. Do you truly think, that single solitary action created all this.  I don’t know what’s going on NOW  but, I assure you all this is not your fault.” Otis sighed. “I will say this, it was a bad idea not to just leave that man alone.”  He closed his eyes, blocking the protest he knew was about to come, “Nope, hold up. I’m not saying you couldn’t have found your way back to him, but you muddy the water because you didn’t let go. Completely. So now you don’t know if what you are seeing from him now is real, or fake or whatever. Unfortunately, for you, the only person who knows for sure is HIM. And the only way for you to find out  is through time.” He stopped and rubbed the side of his eyes.  “Time I wish you two fools had taken before my grandchild. Or getting engaged for that matter. You needed to feel secure in his changes and him in yours.
Mercedes listen to her father layout her pitfalls. Each lash a whip of truth that that highlighted her real pain. “I know… I just don’t know what to do now. But wasn’t it you who always said a little bit will tell you what a whole lot means? It’s been more than a little bit. And now..." She lowered her face, not wanting to see his I told you so expression. “He already has a son.” She cried “From the woman right before me.”
Otis blinked, and all he could do was shake his head for his child. His poor foolish child. “You still half protecting him so I assume, this child was conceived before you and he were official.”
Mercedes just looked at her father. Even pregnant these types  “Yes, He didn't cheat or anything. but, I… I just… I’ve always wanted what you and mom have and now.” She button her lip and dropped her head again.
Otis thought about explaining his past to his child, all of it. But this wasn’t the time, she was going to have to decide if she loved Samuel enough to stay on her own. That was the only way. It was only luck that kept this situation with Samuel from being himself. But even then building what him and his wife had was hard work. Very hard work. “So… You’re upset there is a living reminder.  I’m sorry baby girl.  This is a less than ideal situation.” He told her, pinching  the bridge of his nose.  “Oh Mercedes.”
“We were building it. Since I’ve been pregnant he has been perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more or better. He was actually getting on my nerves, he barely left the house.  Then the other day, he just up and left. -Stayed out all night and then he told me about being stress by work, and needing a pacemaker. I was upset he just didn't tell me...  And then he told the rest. Why couldn’t he be more careful. I was.”
Otis could kill Mercedes for not listening to him the hundreds of times he’d tried to steer her towards other men. He held his breath. No father wanted to be in this position. To have to brake his own child's heart.  “He tried to bury that information didn't he." he sighed "You know why.” He said simply. “You made a choice months ago. And up until that little party that young man through for you, I was skeptical. But I don’t think any man would go through all that for some one he doesn’t care deeply for.”   
“It just makes me question everything.  I’m I being a fool, dad? I hurt because, I’m not the only mother of his children.. Because I believed that if I could come home and he’d be there, that I was most important.  You know the other day, he told me how hard he tried to replace me. It’s like I’ve heard the words and been looking at the evidence for so long… What if I am being a fool for  continuing to do so?” Mercedes covered her eyes, wiping at her face. “Am I going to teach my baby to be a fool too.”
“Baby, I don’t know.” Otis full lips pressed together, and he looked back up to the display. “Now you want this guarantee?  With him?” He chuckled. “I think you know better then that. Forgive yourself Mercedes for the past. Once you do you’ll be able to make better choices for your future.  And remember that not even your mother and I have a perfect relationship. And as hard as it is to believe. Even if you had married Sam years ago, It would have never been easy. No matter what you want believe. Just think about it. I love you baby girl no matter what you decide.”
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ranya-smut-blog · 7 years
Married to Dr.Woods XV
Raven and Octavia were in the living room watching Titanic the following Friday night. Lincoln and the kids were sleeping already which gave the moms a break from everything and they took that chance to have a movie night together.
“Since I’ve had sex with Anya” Raven spoke up as Rose began her story
“Well maybe if you let her come back, that would solve itself” Octavia pitched in
“Maybe but her job is the main reason why”
“I’d just take her down one night, no matter if she’s exhausted. If I’m in need, I’m getting what I want”
Raven just looked at her friend in shock. Poor Lincoln is what ran through her mind. Her head starting filling up with disturbing images of her friend but the brunette just tried to focus on the movie that was playing for the rest of the night.
The next morning Kaia woke up with the flu. The music teacher should’ve seen it coming, her daughter had been sneezing constantly the day before. She would stay to take care of her but she had a competition to get to and a substitute wouldn’t know what to do.
“O, can you take care of Kaia today?”
“Yeah sure, not like I’m doing anything anyway”
“Thanks 1,000. I’ll take Logan to school”
“Great! That lets me get to my job interview in time” Lincoln says as he enters the kitchen. He was dressed in formal attire, he had finally gotten a call back from a manufacture company 5 miles away.
Everything was settled in the next minutes. Octavia would stay home with Kaia, Raven would take Logan to school and Lincoln would go to the job interview. Kaia loved to miss school but one thing bothered her, she wouldn’t be able to see Natalie today.
“I was going to make pancakes but I’m sure you don’t have an appetite” Octavia told her niece. The little girl shook her head and continued watching the cartoons on tv
Meanwhile Octavia took care of little Woods, Anya herself was taking care of the baby boy she was responsible of. He had gained a pound and that showed excellent progress.
As she stared at the little human, she had flashbacks of when her daughter was a baby. Her and Raven were so happy to finally have their baby girl in their arms. She was quite a kicker inside the uterus and they were convinced they’d have to teach her soccer. When the time came, they realized she was exactly like Raven, lazy for physical activities.
Suddenly Odie popped into her head and all the things he did at home. Gosh, she really needed Raven to forgive her already. It was a week since she hasn’t been home tomorrow and she was getting desperate.
“Anya, they need you down in the pit, something about a very important case” Silvia told the doctor
Dr. Woods took her arms out of the baby’s incubator and took her mask off followed by the pink gown people had to wear when they entered. She gave the sleeping baby one last look and then left with the nurse to the first floor.
Back in Raven’s world, she and her students were in Long Beach for the championship of her class A. The brunette kept checking her phone for one reason and one reason only. Her wife always sent her a good luck text before every competition except today, there’s wasn’t going to be one but she kept checking.
The time came to get in the flanks and to march a mile to the starting line. Inspections were somewhere along the way which they always aced so she didn’t worry. They had reached the place where the bands competed, their rivals were in front of them and Raven just watched them. All that ran through her head was that they didn’t stand a chance.
Back to the ER, Anya had arrived to the very important case. She was ready to order tests and everything like she would normally do but when she moved the curtain out of the way, she was shocked at what she saw. She swore that the emergency room kept getting weirder and weirder.
In front of her was a middle aged man who obviously was in a lot of pain. The strange part was that his lower body was attached to an entire stove. Anya tried to keep professional and asked the intern for further information.
“Anthony Riley, 33, got his baby-maker stuck in one of the stove’s hole” the intern said trying her hardest not to laugh
“Go ahead laugh, I know it was very dumb for me to do” the man said in regret
“No sir, it’s totally okay. Isn’t it?” Anya told the man in reassurance but then referred to the intern who quickly nodded and wiped the smile off her face
“I’m not going to ask what happened, because it’s obvious but how long has it been since the incident?”
“About an hour and a half”
“Okay well we’re going to call maintenance and we’ll figure out a way to get you out in the next two and a half hours”
“Why in that time?”
“Because if we don’t, blood flow to your friend down there will be lost permanently and you will lose it”
The man started to freak out, “Oh my god, please don’t let that happen”
“We won’t, we’ll get you out”
Anthony nodded, “Thanks doc” then Anya excused herself with the intern by her side
“What’s your name again?” Anya asked
“Wilson, Dr. Wilson”
“Right, well Wilson call maintenance and get them to come down here with some tools. Oh and try not to laugh, poor guy”
Wilson snickered, “You have to admit though, that is pretty funny”
Dr. Woods couldn’t deny that so she smiled, “That is very true. It’s sad how extreme people go just to get off the edge” she may start to like Wilson. She didn’t seem to be one to make idiotic decisions like the rest of the interns
Anya got a chance to check up on Jilian and her baby before she was paged to go back down to the ER. The young woman didn’t want the doctor to leave her, she started to complain about not seeing her a lot anymore. The married Doctor noticed that Jilian was starting to be clingy and what Clarke said to her some days before, were probably true and that scared the crap out of the Doctor.
“Okay you’re here, um Paul wanted to use a electric saw first” Wilson told her
Anya nodded, “Sounds good but it’ll give out sparks so clear the area of any oxygen tanks. We don’t want to blow up this floor”
After the nurses took care of that they carried on with the plan.
“Ooh that’s hot” Anthony said in pain
“We need something to cool it down..” Dr. Woods thought out loud
“Uh, I can irrigate water to it” Wilson spoke up
“Excellent idea” Anya smiled, yup she really was going to like her
After a lot of ruckus, a whole bunch of irrigation and grunts from the victim, he was finally free. Anya explained he had to stay for a bit to be checked and then he could leave.
She was in the middle of a conversation with Wilson when her phone rang. It was odd because no one called her while she was at work. People knew they wouldn’t get an answer. She checked the caller I.d and what surprised her more than when she saw Anthony was that it was her wife. She excused herself from her new favorite intern and went to the stairs and answered
“Anya?! Thank god you answered!”
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“Eleanor called! She wants to visit”
Anya frowned. Eleanor and Alex didn’t want anything to do with them ever since they figured out they were dating, much less when they announced their engagement. On their wedding day, Gustus walked Anya down the aisle and Sinclair walked Raven. It was very emotional for the brunette but she got over it in time with help from her now wife and bridesmaids.
“Did you try and stop her?”
“Of course I did! But she kept on insisting, she said she wants to get to know her granddaughter”
“Well now what? What are you going to do?”
“Me? You too! You’re also part of this family!”
“Says the one who kicked me out of my own home. What do you want me to do? Go back there and act like her daughter and wife aren’t sleeping in the same house? I can’t just pretend that we’re one big happy family Raven”
The music teacher stayed silent for some moments, she knew Anya was right. She was the one to blame for this.
“Please Anya”
The doctor sighed “Fine but I gotta go check on my patients. Text me when you want me to go over”
“Thank you”
“Just to let you know, I’m doing this for Kaia’s sake not for you" then hung up.
Yeah she wanted to go home but not like this. Not with Raven needing a favor, she felt used. Like being a prop in a tv show or something. Anya was pissed but like she said, she was going to do it for Kaia’s sake. Who knows what Raven told her but she was ready to see her daughter again.
She had to pull an all-nighter because one of her patients just got out of surgery and she had to keep an eye on her. She was in the cafeteria getting coffee when she got the text telling her to be over by 8 in the morning. Her mother-in-law’s flight was arriving at 8:30.
She didn’t know why Eleanor wanted to come. How did she even know where they lived? Did she expect to be forgiven or what? All these questions ran through the doctor’s head but she had to wait till tomorrow and find out.
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soreillia · 7 years
Faith and Lies - Chapter II: A Feast Without Food Is NOT a Feast!
[[Continuation from this writing. I'm still not sure how to name this chapter-- Chapter DERP YOLO STORY TO CATCH UP- ok I will edit someday. How do monster eggs work? I MAKE THEM WORK LIKE POKEBALLS LOL, Reirei kind of turned... wibu? How does white herbs work to heal wounds? *RUBS ONTO SKIN* Noo Sacred, he is supposed to eat them! *SHOVES INTO MOUTH* Iyaa hentai!! Yamette~~!! ...who is Ragnis btw? I never heard of this name. How to write about an unknown person? /GETAXE ]]
In the afternoon of Sacred Blood’s return to her mansion after years of absence due to her mission in Arunafeltz, the Guillotine Cross Reiru and her best friend the Royal Guard Sacred were planning to have a feast in the evening to celebrate their reunion. “Reiru has eaten all the food, there is nothing left, master.” Riza, the Sohee serving as Sacred’ maid, informed her owner. “Ah…! Well, knowing my friend I did not expect there to be any food left to be honest. Riza, we will go buy food for the dinner. You will stay here.”
“Very well, master.” Riza bowed politely. “I apologize, I am leaving you alone once again, Riza. Oh... that reminds me. There is someone I have to introduce to you.” Sacred walked to one of her bags, she was carrying with her on her journey and rummaged inside it. The Royal Guard took out an oval object; it was a monster egg. Reiru glanced on it surprised. “Is this an ingredient for some special omelette?” “Oh, no! Hihi, must you always think of food, Reiru?” Sacred chuckled. “Master, this is a monster egg, isn’t it? What is inside of it…?” “You will see in a moment! Just a second, let me get an incubator.” Sacred left the room leaving Riza and Reiru in curiosity. After a moment Sacred returned followed by a woman wearing a crimson-colored kimono and very long black hair reaching to her knees. “May I introduce you to my new servant? Her name is Reirei. She will support Riza from today on.” “Konnichiwa, minna-san… It is my pleasure to meet you.” The woman bowed politely. Reiru and Riza stared at the new servant. She was a Miyabi Ningyo monster known to live in the far away island of Amatsu. “She is really pretty, master…” “You mean… ‘pretty’ scary-” Reiru commented whispering to herself as she noticed the creepy creature on the back of the head of the monster woman. “Uh, so you got another demon woman as pet, huh? If I wouldn’t know you, Sore, I would think something strange of you... thehe. But seriously you named her R… Reirei…? Another one starting with an “R”, huh?” “Hihi, hope you will all get along. The name Reirei is actually taken from your name, Reiru! Like I named Riza after my mother Frederica von Creutz. Oh and then there is Rhyrhy also, who is based on Rhyzern! I must introduce him to you too, when we get the opportunity.” “‘Rica’… ‘Riza’…? You just changed one letter…?” Reiru was kind of confused about the namings of her best friend. “...And who is Rhyrhy… or Rhyzern?” “Arigatou for your kind welcome. Ohh… Rhy-san is not here?” Reirei looked around looking for someone. “He was a great help during my mission. He is a Rune Knight, who I met in Rachel. We traveled together for a while till we arrived here in Prontera and then we sadly went separate ways.” “So you were traveling with some guy, huh? Was he good looking and nice? You sound like you were enjoying his company.” Reiru loved teasing her friend. “I-I did not mean it like that! I was just saying he is very skilled with spear and I have not met any Rune Knight yet who was fighting together with his red ferus partner side by side like this!” “‘Skilled with spear’…? I… see.” Reiru smirked. “He must be a really nice person, master.” “Anyways! Reirei will be staying with you Riza. She is very friendly and loves dolls, she also loves sewing dolls! I want to show her my collection later, hehe~ Could you please show her around the mansion Riza, while we are gone? I also want to give her a cute looking maid uniform later to wear~!” “Is this some kind of fetish…?” The purple haired guillotine cross muttered. “Sure, master. I wish that Reirei will feel like home in our mansion.” “Thank you, Riza!” “Hmm… You better tell me the story of how you found these two “maids” later, Sore! I’m curious how an Odin devoted Royal Guard like you is keeping all these demon woman as pets! I hope you won’t get a Succubus next for your collection, huhu~!” “Huh, S-succubus?! I would never keep such a filthy and indecent demon in my mansion! Riza and Reirei might be demons, but you should not judge a book by its cover! Remembering all the troubles we went through I suppose this will be a long evening with a lot of story telling.” ~~~ Sacred and Reiru left together to buy food in the prontera market, while the other two girls waited for them inside the mansion. They walked together through the crowded market to find the ingredients they need. “Walking with you here… feels so safe!” Reiru looked around her surroundings very carefully. “HEY AREN’T YOU THAT THIEF?!” Some merchant from the side shouted pointing at Reiru. “Thief, where?!” Sacred took out her sword, prepared to fight and guard the people in need. “S-sore-- calm yourself! Let’s walk faster! I can already smell some delicious food nearby!” Reiru nervously pushed her best-friend through the crowds trying to get away fast from the angry merchant, who recognized Reiru. Seeing Sacred’s spicky armor, the people on the street immediately took a step away from the Royal Guard to their own safety. “Huuuuh…? Did he mean you…?” The armored woman looked quite confused, while being pushed along the way still, just realizing that there was no thief seen and and angry merchant chasing them for a moment, but then gave up after a few meters losing sight of them in the crowd. “Did you cause troubles again, my dear friend?” Sacred figured, since her best friend was known to steal food in the past from the merchants and many times the Royal Guard went to pay the merchants as redemption. “Hihihi-- well not veeeery recently! However I guess I’m pretty much a known thief here by now! People should not over exaggerate just because I took an apple or two.” Reiru scratched her head feeling a bit embarrassed, that she was caught a few times just because she forgot to use her hide skill. At that very moment a loud “OUCH!!” was heard coming from a male voice, who was calling out in pain. Sacred's sturdy plated armor, which had some spikes on its curves, accidentally poked a stranger who was in their way. “Oh no-- I apologize, Sir! Are you okay-?” The man before them was a Mastersmith rather tall in height; a familiar dark blue color, with light blue highlight coated his hair. The ache was making him cringe, sitting on the ground. “Urgh, no not really- I’m kind of bleeding here-- haha... This is the very first time a pretty lady stabbed me right into my chest...!” Even though he was in pain, the man still jested. “Oh no… we must treat his wounds!” Sacred was shocked seeing the wound, she caused on his body, which was already covered with bandages on his chest. The wound was exactly on a part, which was not covered with his bandages. She kneeled down to him, rummaged in her bag to find a box with a salve made of white herbs, which she rubbed on the wound. It was well-known for their medication effect on external wounds. “AAh- You could be more gentle to me lovely angel-- This hurts even more!” “If it burns it is doing its work. Your pain will ease very soon with this ointment.” “Ragnis, what are you doing here?!” “Oooh hey! Reiru, there you are! I was worried since you suddenly disappeared without a word! Thought this guy did something to ya again….” “Oh… you are Sir Ragnis? I wondered, why you look so familiar. Maybe I should ask for another commission to craft a certain sword or spear, if you are free to work on it.” “I am glad you remember me and seeing you doing well, Lady Sacred! It is an honor to me to be remembered by a Lady like you are, who is also interested in my work! I will create the best weapon ever just for you!” “She only remembered you because I brought up your name, silly…! But yeah… I actually wanted to return fast after checking something, so yeah... sorry to make you worried about me, Ragnis.” Sacred giggled after hearing Ragnis words. “I heard of your heroic deeds, Sir Ragnis. You protected my best friend Reiru, while I was gone and prevented terrible events to happen. I thank you so very much! I just returned today to prontera, so we had the idea to do a little “welcome back” celebration. This is the reason, why Reiru and I were on our way to buy the necessary food for the preparations for dinner. Mind to join our little celebration? It would be rude for us to not invite Reiru’s hero! I also want to hear more stories about what happened.” Sacred friendly smiled at Ragnis and offered her his hand to help him get back up. “You don’t really have to thank me, a prince must help the damsel in distress! I surely cannot decline your offer, Lady Sacred! I’m very honored!” Ragnis took her hand and the sturdiness of Sacred’s gauntlet combined with her strength made him clench his teeth, being a little bit intimidated of her strength. “Hurgh… for a pretty lady you surely have a firm grip. I am amazed by you, Lady Sacred.” “She almost killed you and crushed your hand, but you are still flirting with her, huh? You surely are a weirdo.” Reiru commented, while watching the scene between them. “Let’s go then and get what we need, I’m getting hungry!” The Guillotine Cross walked ahead. “Hihi, that’s so typical Reiru! She is always hungry and getting fast impatient! She is like a hungry wolf, who will eat us if we do not provide any meal soon!” Sacred and Ragnis followed after Reiru, who couldn’t wait for their feast in the evening.
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'We like or we nor’ like Buhari 2019, By PRINCE CHARLES DICKSON
New Post has been published on http://blueprint.ng/we-like-or-we-nor-like-buhari-2019-by-prince-charles-dickson/
'We like or we nor’ like Buhari 2019, By PRINCE CHARLES DICKSON
Whether you like or you no like After you hear this true talk Whether you like or you no like After you hear this true talk If you like e good If you no like you hang If you like e good If you no like you hang If you hang you go die You go die for nothing We go carry your body go police station You die wrongfully I have struggled to avoid discussing the matter of Buhari’s presidency as it concludes it’s first sojourn, not as an act of cowardice, but truly, who am I, to discuss, a president of the federal republic of Nigeria, who rode onto power on the incorruptible toga.
Especially when I am not on a praise singing mission like many are want to do? However with each passing day, I know that I am compelled to make my opinion known, and it’s not just my opinion but it’s that of many Nigerians. And I make these comments so that someday in the future when I am asked what did I say or do, these words would hold me liable. I will not sit on the fence and watch, I will talk, I will write and let my words stand for posterity. Before I go far, let me state the following facts…as of today comparatively Mr. Buhari is a decent man… (Note my word, comparatively).
He is not as tainted as most players in our power block. However trust me, he is tainted. He may have not helped himself to the treasury till, but he is culpable for several indecisions, comments and actions that are ludicrous. Mr. Buhari has proved that he is not the guy you can sit with in Uncle Joe’s palm wine shed, do a bottle or two of palm wine with good Madam Ngozi pepper soup. He has proved that despite that documentary on his human side, you cannot chat him up on one or two issues. He has this smile about him. He is no Donald Duke, he is no Fashola either but then he does not have the guts of Ibori, or Dariye.
He is just there, and trust me that’s part of the problem. I can tell you that since this administration came on board fully, it has been one hell of deceit, after another. A host of us know that the current administration and that which commences come May 2019 will share a lot in common, and that is “living deceptively”. Buhari is a ‘yes man’ and is far from a departure of the business as usual set of leaders that have plagued this nation.
Like Jonathan before him praise singers have again simply caught the messiah bug or reinforced what is known. I am surprised some persons have not called him a god. The expectations were high, and for a nation that has for decades lived below its potentials we had a right to expect much but sadly we are again (saddled with our permission) a government that is largely a deceptive one, or at best performed below par, and wants permission again to continue.
Has the current administration built one school, from scratch to finish, have they built one refinery, have they completed one major road…I mean one original idea that has its conception, incubation, and birth and functionality in this administration.
Millions still lost on subsidies that otherwise would have helped other sectors of the econmy. Besides what really is the obstacle in having functional refineries that in turn would provide thousands of jobs for a teeming unemployed population. Mr. Buhari not just by his will but by powers beyond him has towed the known path. It is the only road we know for now…road contracts abandoned, commissioning of hospitals without facilities.
Schools neglected, strikes within various sectors of the economy amongst many shortfalls and long falls has characterized the administration with a couple of its own fair share of ‘elephant and hippo’ projects. There is nothing Buhari can do about the National Assembly and their outrageous million naira salaries for doing nothing, while as part of the deceit the government cannot negotiate a few extra thousands infact just 50,000 for another set that does at least a ‘small thing’.
Did anyone think that Buhari’s led APC was the answer, than we really needed a re-think? We have all been witnesses to the deceit called change. Or do we need a soothsayer to tell us that the best that we have now is a conglomeration of deceit… By 2019, what will Buhari’s greatest achievements be, (actually for those of us thinking, he will lose the polls, we have very little in choice).
A cursory look at the policy thrust of this government is the very essence of my lamentation. For those who have asked for more time, I have argued that a change in government, if free, fair and credible does not mean that government should restart its engine. On the contrary, it calls for a refueling and moving ahead. Our experience is that government had to start all over again and the same old music is remixed and few months after we notice same old thread in action.
Has it occurred to us that the same issues that the last administration sought to solve or made comic of, is the same ones we are facing again. Obasanjo-Yardy-Jonathan-Buhari… it’s all been cosmetic dressing, in terms of the resources at our disposal. For those that ask for more time, I hope they are aware that we earned 2.8trillion, in 2010, an increase of almost 30% from 2009; fast forward to 2017 we have spent some excess of 6trilion in budget.
We have equally borrowed from everywhere, it remains to be seen if Benin Republic will give us money for some Private-Public-Partnership project. It is strange that we have not seen wild protests fueled by inflation, insecurity, mass unemployment and poverty; all of which are present in Nigeria. However Mr. Buhari may be blessed as Nigerians are so divided on these issues by religion, ethnicity, nepotism, chopism and other selfish modules.
To curtail the downward trend in the country, Buhari and his team do not have the plan, the will; it simple pays lip service to change…just like a labourer changes his shirt day by day without choice to the same work wear he is used in 50 long years. I know that Buhari despite the best of intentions by 2019, his APC cohorts will not have urgently and comprehensively addressed the job issue, nor improved on the business of government. There are no plans that will translate to the provision of housing, water, and education for all Nigerian children to the Senior Secondary School grade. With more billions spent, electricity will still not be available, reliable and affordable.
I beg to re-echo again that except there is a honest search for understanding, education, organization, action that raises the cost of state violence for its perpetrators or that lays the basis for institutional change. There would be no answers; rather we would continually be plagued by the same questions.
Mr. Buhari has not solved our problems, like Jonathan before him, he has not disappointed with superlative performances. I and many like me would surprisingly with shame eat our words if there is a remarkable surge forward, if we can stop complaining about the same problems.
If Nigeria can join the speed train age and stop the government of celebrating borehole water in communities that deserve more. Finally Mr. President, you are not under obligation to read, or listen to me. Besides you are not the root cause of why 50+ years after we are still a nation of potentials and little in achievement.
You cannot do anything about it…but certainly you can do something…You cannot surprise many of us that do not believe in you. But you can shut us up by performing. It’s your choice sir, but really—Only time will tell.
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