#Skype Call: Mercedes
Surprise Visit || Samcedes
Mercedes looked out the window as the driver drove to the Evans Farm. She had flown from London straight to Franklin Tennesee; she didn't tell Sam she was coming; she wanted to surprise him. They hadn't seen each other in person for so long, and she could do only so many Skype and phone calls. As the car pulled up, she stepped out of the car nervously. She could stand on the stage singing for all the world or speaking as a Character, but when it came to seeing the people she loved, someone who meant as much to her as Sam did, nervousness took over. Looking around the farm, she a smile graced her lips as she saw Sam working the fields. He was so very handsome and strong, and as always, just looking at him made her feel at home. Sam was home.
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 142/310
2014 Italian GP
Welp. So last GP was absolutely insane in terms of narrative. Let's see how this one goes. I guess we'll get the final words on what happened last time around but I already explained all that in my last review so I might not go into details here, except if there's new information.
But first : quali report. Raikkonen was out in Q2 because of a lock up, he's 12th. Alonso is only 7th, the highest placed car without a Mercedes PU. Both Mclaren on the third row. Williams filled the second row, while the Mercedes locked the front row. And this time, it's Lewis on pole. 
We get a Lewis interview. This is his first pole since Spain. It's been a long time. He's enjoyed it, he says, but it's a long way to go the next day. She says he's been more chill than she's seen him in a while. She asks if it's experience or age? He hopes it's not age, "cause… I'm definitely noticing that". He does think it’s through all these experiences, he's matured, and he'll continue to make mistakes "and do and say the wrong things" but it'll make him grow. He thinks this year with all the pressure and everything that's gone on, he's learned to recover quicker.
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The journalist says since Spa Mercedes has backed him and supported him a lot and said all the right things in public and she asks how big of a conversation there was between him and the team and between him and Nico. He says it wasn't that big of a thing. He came to Italy with some friend early in the week and literally as he got there he received a message that he had to be at a meeting the next day in the UK.
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And so he asked if they couldn't do it on Skype and they were like "no, we need you here" so he went and first it was just Toto, Paddy and him, and it was just a normal meeting and very relaxed but very serious, and then they had a collective meeting but again it was pretty relaxed "and the end result was 'so we'll leave it to you… to race' and I'm like… 'and you called me all the way here to tell me that?'" he jokes. "Like I could be chilling sipping piña coladas man!" He reiterates it was relaxed even though it's a serious matter as they have the potential to be one of the most successful teams. She asks about his trust in Mercedes and whether he's always felt supported this season or if there were times when he doubted if they would back him. I love her for asking that question because it feeds directly into what I was talking about in the previous review. It's the key point.
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"I've never ever felt that… the team hasn't backed me," he says. "I've felt… I'm sure back in Monaco, felt a bit… weird, it was almost like irony, there's only me that's a certain way and… everyone else is a different way but… it's okay we've moved on from that but generally the team has just been… fantastic. I've never felt so good in a team."
(Note the hints of paranoia again, whether based or not. During his answer about Monaco we're shown images of the GP but once we go back to him he's taking his hand off his ear and we've already established that this is his tell. He might not have moved on as much as he says.)
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She reminds us the stewards didn't see a problem with what happened in Monaco, and they didn't see a problem with what happened in Spa either. She asks if he sees a problem with these or if he's forgiven Nico for these situations. He doesn't take a moment to think before he answers.
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"It's not a case of forgiving, it's in the past, there's nothing– there's no point dwelling on these things. Can't go back and change it so all I can do is shape the future so that's what I'm gonna try and do."
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She asks if he trusts him going forward. He says again it's not really the question. Of course on track you need to be respectful and hope the others will also be. He says he's had incidents in the past and you can't go into the next race worrying about what will happen if you're next to the same guy again. You have to go into it thinking it's not gonna happen again and it's gonna be a good race. She straight up asks who's stronger on track. OK girl. He says (very smart answer) : "That's for you to decide, and for the fans to decide. I mean, it doesn't really matter what I think. I do my talking on the track and that's what my dad has always told me to do." She says then that presumably if she asks him who's stronger mentally he'll give the same kind of answer. He talks over her to say Nico is very strong mentally. She says he is and they tend to think about him as being much more emotional. He doesn't agree. He says he thinks having handled "hopefully not too badly" all the things he's gone through and being 30 points behind and still fighting and still thinking he can win, "it hopefully shows some of that strength". (He's right, it does. And being strong has little to do with being or not being emotional.) She asks what it's going to come down to, winning the championship. He says reliability, it's what he's been struggling with, and yes, mental strength. He says he now has to do what he did this weekend (getting on pole) every weekend. And every weekend he has to do what he hopes, what he plans to do during the race.
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DC says Lewis is a changed man compared to last year, much calmer, much more confident. He says Nico tried to race like him and failed and got chastised and the public didn't like it so Lewis knows he has him beaten in every wheel to wheel situation from now on. "Psychologically he just knows he's the better racer."
On the grid Niki says the mess has been sorted out and they had a good driver meeting in the morning. "The message is very simple : race against each other… but USE YOUR HEAD."
It's time for the race!
Formation lap. 
And they're racing! 
Terrible start from Lewis! A few meters off the grid he's already lost two places. What the fuck. I thought it was Nico at first, wow. Lewis what the absolute fuck. So now it's Nico in the lead then Magnussen, then Massa, then Lewis. And now his recovery systems won't work. Oh apparently it's race start mode rather than recovery system (they're saying RS over the radio everyone is confused about the meaning). Massa overtakes Magnussen for P2. And… yes! Lewis overtakes him as well. Ted says the team confirms it's the start mode that fucked up hence the terrible start. Now he's back on the pace and matching Rosberg. And Chilton is beached in the gravel and DNF. Lewis says his rear tyres are going but he's absolutely flying. OH! Nico locked up and went straight on at the end of the straight! He has to slalom between blocks and he loses a bunch of time! He's still in the lead though. He's lost 1.8 seconds. It could have been way worse. 
Lap 10. Nico, 1.9 seconds ahead of Massa, 0.3 seconds ahead of Lewis. Then 5 seconds down we have Magnussen, Seb, Jenson, Alonso, Perez, Bottas and Raikkonen in P10. Lewis catches up in the pit straight and goes round the outside in the first corner which gives him the inside line in the second corner and he is ahead! P2! Now it's all about the chase. He's been chasing all season, not much of a change. The gap is 2.2. Now 2. 1.6. 1.2. 
Lap 20. It's not a fascinating race. Nico, Lewis +1.1. Then Massa 7 seconds down, Magnussen, Valtteri, Jenson, Alonso, Raikkonen, Daniel and JEV. The pit stops are starting which explains why Seb disappeared from the top 10. Massa pits from 3rd. Rosberg should come in soon as per radio comm. "It's hammertime." Nico pits. Valtteri pits. Lewis comes in. He's still 1.5 behind Nico. Daniel pits. Bono tells Lewis he'll need the tyres at the end but Lewis sets the fastest lap anyway, and then also sets a fastest first sector, so Crofty and Brundle agree that he's clearly ignoring him. And he's already down to 0.6 behind. Imo he knew he had the pace to pass him now instead of waiting for the end of the race and he's going for it. AND NICO GOES DEEP AGAIN IN THE SAME PLACE! AND LEWIS IS AHEAD! Let's gooooo! And there's yellow flags out, Alonso has stopped. 
It's lap 30. Lewis sets another fastest lap. Now it's Rosberg's engineer telling him he has to look after his tyres to attack at the end. Lewis is already 2.6 seconds ahead, a lap and a half after he's taken the lead. I'm bored, which hasn't happened a lot this season. The gap is now 4.3. 
It's lap 40. There's really not much happening, even down the field, very few overtakes. Lewis is still 4.3 ahead of Nico, then we have Massa, 15 seconds down, and Seb 18 seconds down on him. After that it's Valtteri, Magnussen, Perez just overtook Jenson for P7, Ricciardo, and Raikkonen is P10. And Daniel overtakes Jenson for P8, and then Perez for P7. Jenson overtakes Perez for P8, but he fights back and gets his place again. Nothing else is happening. 
10 laps to go. Daniel attacks Seb for P5. Seb defends but can't hold him off too long. 5 laps to go. Nico is not closing that gap. Suddenly Lewis locks up badly and it's down by a bit but that's not even threatening. 3 laps to go. 2 laps to go. Kvyat went straight in the chicane and hit one of those blocks. He's fine and still going. Final lap. 
And it's the end of the race.
Well that was a good ol' boring one but at least Lewis wins! Nico is P2 and Massa P3. That's 238 points for Nico vs. 216 for Lewis. 
"Nice work Lewis, get in there pal! Beautifully recovered mate, beautifully recovered," says Bono. 
Lewis isn't too expansive in his body language as he gets out of the car. Very tuned down. Just a thumbs up. 
While Massa and Lewis congratulate each other and talk joyously, Nico swears in Italian with the Mercedes representative for some reason. Lewis is just hanging out with a towel on his head.
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Forever hiding his hair. It's such an insecurity to him. He turns around asking if they have the caps. Rosberg talks to Massa in Italian as well, he answers in a Latin mix of languages. When it's Seb there he often talks to him in German. Sometimes I wonder if he does it on purpose to keep Lewis out, but I don’t know. Crofty comments on Lewis hiding under the towel. "Doesn't he like his hairstyle at the moment?" he asks. "No idea," says Brundle. "But I'm not one to talk about hair." Yeah you both just stay off the subject, it'll be better for everyone.
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I personally love his baby curls, he's so cute.
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Idk who the guy doing the interviews is (it’s actually Alesi lmao) but he asks Lewis if he likes to complicate his own life. The crowd is a mix of cheering and a little bit of booing I think. Lewis thanks them anyway and comments on how big the crowd is. Doesn't answer the question. The man moves on to Nico. Some people in the crowd have huge poles and one of them gets theirs to him on the podium and there's a marker tied to it and Nico takes it to sign his flag but I think he doesn't do it in the end as he gets interrupted by the interviewer. He gets booed significantly more than Lewis as well. The interviewer asks a question I can barely hear and then turns to them and says "Ragazzi, no!" Nico says Lewis deserved the win and thanks the crowd in Italian, saying the atmosphere was fantastic. He gets more cheers now. Lewis grabs the pole/pen/flag to sign it. Then Nico signs it as well. Someone in the crowd has a Freedom For Lombardy flag which. Okay. The crowd reacts wildly to Massa. Loads of noise. Both the question and the answer are in Italian. He says there's no better place to be on the podium. He thanks the crowd. He says he's not red anymore but he's with them always. The man goes back to Lewis and Nico and says he needs to talk to them but can't do it very loud because it's a secret. "Are you friend again?" Lewis goes "huh???" and the man repeats the question. Nico has his arms crossed. Lewis says "of course" and touches his back briefly.
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"We are teammates" (which isn't the same thing) "and we always will be so…" The guy interrupts him to say it's the best picture to see when they are friends because they've raced all their life together and they like the way they drive and the way they fight so they are very pleased to hear that. "Grazie a tutti !" Lewis says. That was awkward. The man goes back to Massa. He tells him he has to say something in English as well. So he says some normal pr stuff in English. He gets cheered loudly. 
Lmao. So the post race content is from BBC again while the race was Skysports and both broadcasters have the same conspiracy theory : that mistake Nico made was so weird, was that the undisclosed penalty for Belgium? Jordan is crazy enough to ask Toto. Toto says "You mean whether we told him to miss the braking, go through the chicane and let Lewis pass?" with a smile on his face because he knows exactly how insane that sounds, especially when Lewis was supposed to be in the lead as he was on pole. Jordan says "I'm just asking a questi–" "No," Toto cuts him off. Then he laughs. "Sure?" asks Jordan. "Sure," he answers. "100%. I mean this for the drivers' world championship, it's very tight, he was under pressure, this is what you could see." He also says Lewis wanted the win and you can't take that away from him, his pace was amazing. He confirms the start issue was technical and on their side.
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Lewis has a big smile. He says it was another hard day but he loved every minute of it. He says initially when he had issues and knowing how fast Nico would be he thought he wouldn't be able to make it but you can't get stuck in that kind of thinking. He says the issue at the beginning has to do with engine mapping and goes into an elaborate explanation that isn't very interesting to write down here. Anyway he had to floor it and he was grateful he didn't lose too many places.
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She asks about Bono telling him to play the long game and him not listening.
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He smiles as she asks the question. He says he has a great team working with him and guiding him during the race and what they're telling him is advice not orders and they work it out together. (Somewhat interesting that there was a whole issue last GP about him being able to trust his team or not and this time he decides to not listen to them and do his own thing instead.) He felt he had the pace and a good balance and had to seize the opportunity because in the first stint he caught up but couldn't overtake him on his old tyres. "I put pressure on him… you know I did it a couple of races ago and… he doesn't seem to like it so I try to do that always now," he smiles mischievously.
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She says he's brought the gap down to 22 points. He says he still has a long way to go but one step at a time. He's more serious now. He talks of the fan support and his family being incredible so he's gonna take that energy and try to move forward. She asks if he feels like he's regained some control over the events. He hums. "I don't know, we'll see in the next race but… I just gotta take it as it comes, you know? You never know what's gonna happen, I mean, today I still had a problem. But to be able to be successful with that problem is a great feeling, it's even more empowering than perhaps starting from pole and just winning from there so… but I hope– I'm still looking for that weekend which… you don't have any problems."
Maybe next time? 
I read on Wikipedia Lewis said he was uncomfortable with the public booing Nico.
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amiyahsoul · 7 years
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Skype Call 💻: Mercedes & Otis Jones
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones & Otis Jones TIME FRAME: Wednesday April 11th, 2017. LOCATION: Mercedes Condo . L. A. NOTES: As Mercedes attempts to bury herself in idle prep for the baby’s arrival she has a surprise Skype call with her father. 
Mercedes hummed along with the music that filled the room.  She was in a cleaning frenzy. The bathroom sparkled and the beds in her condo had fresh, crisp, clean linens. Now she was freshening the kitchen. Her hand circled across the counter wiping down the surface. The house wasn’t messy, just a little dusty from being left vacant for so long.  She blew slightly, starting to get tired. Her exertion was to be expected, but she still wanted to shop for a few extras before heading home for the day. Her hand went to the small of her back, as she was startled by the Skype chime. Seeing Her father's face pop up she rushed to answered the call. as quickly as her short legs could carry her.  She answered the called. Then squinted as a huge teddy bear dominated the computer screen. “Hello, I’m teddy the bear. And I can’t wait to meet my new friend!.” Mercedes snorted, staring at the screen.  “Daddy, that bear is huge. That thing will only scare the baby.”
Otis’ head popped out from behind the bear, huge grin on his face. “You have no proof that it will scare her. She’s going to love it and name him Otis. -I’m having him shipped tomorrow. Your mother would kill me if I tried to bring him on the plane.” He hefted the huge bear moving him off screen.  “Speaking of… tell me you’re having a contraction. Something." He said rubbing his hands together. "I’m excited. A new little girl to spoil and this time I get to do it right.”
Mercedes shook her head. “And she’d be right that thing is ridiculous.” She chuckled, “Sorry," She sung out, "but since last week, I’ve only had some pain but nothing significant enough to go back to the hospital.  She’ll come when she's ready." She smiled.
“Don’t talk about O like that. I know he’s huge but this is my first grandchild.  I am shooting for completely rotten.” Otis raised his eyebrow. “Have you been walking.  It’s what they made your mother do when she was in hospital having you guys.”
“The fact that you have already named him. -DADDY.” She laughed, holding her stomach as she did so. “So you are going to spoil her and leave me with a bratty child. No sir, that is out of the question.” She shook her head no, “Not as much as I should. But she is coming, of that I have no doubt.”
“Spoil completely... Yes, it will happen. It’s my prerogative as a grandparent.  Listen, Mercedes I'm going to give you and her till the end of the week, then I am going to come to L.A. and just wait it out.”  Otis moved closer to the screen. “Umm, Baby…  Why are you in your condo.”
Mercedes raised her hands, “Go right ahead and spoil away. A few days of grandparent over kill shouldn’t do too much damage.” She looked around, the space. “I was cleaning it up for you and mom. I thought you might want more privacy when you’re here.”
Otis smile faltered, “Mhm… well if you want us to stay there we can…” Otis leaned back in his chair staring at his daughter. Since her engagement party this young woman had been on cloud 100 and now her expression was different. “What’s wrong? And before you give me the nothing is wrong cover up, remember I know you better than you know yourself. Even now…”
“Don’t sound like that that. You don’t have to stay here it’s only a suggestion.”  Mercedes shrugged his words off “but there is nothing wrong with me, Da…”
“Bup.. bup.. bup …”  Otis cut across Mercedes. “Don’t hand me that landfill of lies.  You have been a hundred watt bulb for literally months. Now you look like someone snatched all the cheer from you. WHAT IS WRONG?
“I don’t want to talk about it… so can we just leave it. I’m fine, the baby is fine. That’s the focus right now. When she comes and i’m not a human incubator, then I’ll deal with what’s bothering me. It’s private dad. So just leave it.”
Otis sighed, and leaned back in his chair.  “I remember when you lost that little bald headed doll you had as a girl. You stood there with your little arms folded and told me you were fine. But for a week, you barely smiled, and went to bed early and whimpered in your sleep.  Baby girl, you weren’t fine then and you are not fine now.”
Mercedes smiled softly at her father’s little story. “And what did Mom, do to pull me out of my funk?” She asked. She didn’t remember this story at all and was curious.
“Your Mama?” Otis snapped back, shaking his head. “I’ll have you know.  I am a capable parent.  No matter what you and your sister seem to think. “  He told her pointedly. “I took you for ice cream. Double fudge chocolate chip.” he said accenting each word as he went.  “I got you on a sugar high, then took you to the park… I went down the slide with you just the way you used to do with that bald headed doll… What was her name, anyway.” He thought crossing his arms eyes wandering to the ceiling.
“And that worked I talked to you after that?” Mercedes chuckled. “I was a cheap  date.” She grinned.  
“You are my stubborn baby.  Who always takes everyone of your short falls and coming, on yourself. You bottle it all up so tight, trying to figure it out, on your own.  I’ve never understood why you do that. Family is about support. But no one can help you if you don’t open yourself too it.  And the truly messed up part is you want someone to care enough to ask how you feel, while at the same time pushing everyone away.  You were one hell of a maddening teenager I tell you.” Otis told her.
“I’m not a little kid anymore dad.  Aren’t I supposed to figure things out for myself. In less than 15 minutes I’m going to have a baby of my own. I can’t depend on you or mom to order my steps for me.”  Mercedes countered.
Otis snorted, “You and your sister are lucky Mercedes.  You have me and your mother to talk to. You don’t need us to tell you what to do.  Hell, you don't listen anyway, but talking isn’t making a decision, it’s sorting out how you feel.”
Mercedes rubbed her hands over her face. “Not this… Not now. You’ll never understand it will taint my daughter's birth. I don’t want that. I want everything to be perfect when she comes. Not people side eyeing each other. And definitely not your renewed hatred of Sam.”
Otis nodded, “Mhm…” He rubbed his hand down his face and groaned.  “Mercedes I know when I have been defeated.  Now I can kick and scream for days, but you ain’t going to be done with Samuel Evans, especially now.” he said pointing to her stomach. “Until the throw dirt in one of your faces. “As long as he isn’t laying hands on you,” he shrugged. “I’m fine.”
Mercedes wiped at her face, determined to hold herself together. “No, he’d never do anything like that. He’d never hurt his baby…  I’m just kidding. She sniffed. “It’s so much happening in such a short period of time.  I can’t get my footing.” Finally breaking down. “I’ve created a mess. Now I have to live with it.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Leaving that man when you were younger? Mercedes, you have GOT to forgive yourself for that. There was nothing wrong with you deciding not to get married. Do you truly think, that single solitary action created all this.  I don’t know what’s going on NOW  but, I assure you all this is not your fault.” Otis sighed. “I will say this, it was a bad idea not to just leave that man alone.”  He closed his eyes, blocking the protest he knew was about to come, “Nope, hold up. I’m not saying you couldn’t have found your way back to him, but you muddy the water because you didn’t let go. Completely. So now you don’t know if what you are seeing from him now is real, or fake or whatever. Unfortunately, for you, the only person who knows for sure is HIM. And the only way for you to find out  is through time.” He stopped and rubbed the side of his eyes.  “Time I wish you two fools had taken before my grandchild. Or getting engaged for that matter. You needed to feel secure in his changes and him in yours.
Mercedes listen to her father layout her pitfalls. Each lash a whip of truth that that highlighted her real pain. “I know… I just don’t know what to do now. But wasn’t it you who always said a little bit will tell you what a whole lot means? It’s been more than a little bit. And now..." She lowered her face, not wanting to see his I told you so expression. “He already has a son.” She cried “From the woman right before me.”
Otis blinked, and all he could do was shake his head for his child. His poor foolish child. “You still half protecting him so I assume, this child was conceived before you and he were official.”
Mercedes just looked at her father. Even pregnant these types  “Yes, He didn't cheat or anything. but, I… I just… I’ve always wanted what you and mom have and now.” She button her lip and dropped her head again.
Otis thought about explaining his past to his child, all of it. But this wasn’t the time, she was going to have to decide if she loved Samuel enough to stay on her own. That was the only way. It was only luck that kept this situation with Samuel from being himself. But even then building what him and his wife had was hard work. Very hard work. “So… You’re upset there is a living reminder.  I’m sorry baby girl.  This is a less than ideal situation.” He told her, pinching  the bridge of his nose.  “Oh Mercedes.”
“We were building it. Since I’ve been pregnant he has been perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more or better. He was actually getting on my nerves, he barely left the house.  Then the other day, he just up and left. -Stayed out all night and then he told me about being stress by work, and needing a pacemaker. I was upset he just didn't tell me...  And then he told the rest. Why couldn’t he be more careful. I was.”
Otis could kill Mercedes for not listening to him the hundreds of times he’d tried to steer her towards other men. He held his breath. No father wanted to be in this position. To have to brake his own child's heart.  “He tried to bury that information didn't he." he sighed "You know why.” He said simply. “You made a choice months ago. And up until that little party that young man through for you, I was skeptical. But I don’t think any man would go through all that for some one he doesn’t care deeply for.”   
“It just makes me question everything.  I’m I being a fool, dad? I hurt because, I’m not the only mother of his children.. Because I believed that if I could come home and he’d be there, that I was most important.  You know the other day, he told me how hard he tried to replace me. It’s like I’ve heard the words and been looking at the evidence for so long… What if I am being a fool for  continuing to do so?” Mercedes covered her eyes, wiping at her face. “Am I going to teach my baby to be a fool too.”
“Baby, I don’t know.” Otis full lips pressed together, and he looked back up to the display. “Now you want this guarantee?  With him?” He chuckled. “I think you know better then that. Forgive yourself Mercedes for the past. Once you do you’ll be able to make better choices for your future.  And remember that not even your mother and I have a perfect relationship. And as hard as it is to believe. Even if you had married Sam years ago, It would have never been easy. No matter what you want believe. Just think about it. I love you baby girl no matter what you decide.”
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pitifulbaby · 3 years
business as usual ⤿ eight
pairing: mob!bucky x reader
chapter warning: n/a
a/n: listen i am so sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out, i get into these moods where i am like ‘yes, writing!’ then i get the days of having no ideas. i really am trying so please dont think i am abandoning this story! i am still very new to writing stories, in WDB thats the furthest ive ever gotten in writing a story. on top of this all, me and @youlightmeupfinn​ have started doing some christmas prompts and the requests are open if you are interested in that! also i have made up a little faceclaim list right here! once more characters are introduced i will post another list. happy reading!
wattpad story
spotify playlist
pinterest board
full masterlist
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James stared down at your shattered phone in his hand, after you had ran off he realized your phone was still on the ground. He wasn’t just going to leave it there, so now he was seated in the car, staring down at the phone.
The Mercedes Benz he drove was parked, biting at his bottom lip as he never took his eyes off the small device. Your phone was an older version, it ran slow and couldn’t hold much on it, but it was all you could afford. His thumb gently grazed the cracked screen. He knew he needed to get this back to you, but he couldn’t just show up to your house again.  
Especially after what just happened.  
He was soon pulled from the moment once the phone in his hand started ringing, his eyes widened as he read the name across the screen.
It read with an array of random emojis, in a panic his hands started to fumble. As he fumbled he accidentally pressed answer, without thinking he let out a curse before grasping the phone in a tight hold before pressing the red end button. His heart was racing fast as he breathed out heavily, placing your phone into the cup holder before resting his forehead against the steering wheel.
Soon enough messages started pinging on the phone, the screen lighting up with your background. The photo was of a landscape, causing him to smile ever so at the photo. But the smile slowly vanished as his eyes scanned the messages that kept coming in from Maddy.  
‘I hope you didn’t actually mean to hang up on me!’
‘I’ll fight you, I have no worry about losing against you’
‘Stop ifnorjn me!!’
‘Ignoring lol anyways call me back rn!’
His brows furrowed in nervously biting at his bottom lip. Truth be told he didn’t know what to do in this situation, and Bucky always knew what to do. He softly frowned at the phone, groaning as the messages kept coming in. He resisted the urge to keep reading the messages, huffing as he turned the volume down low to cease the ever so constant ‘ping!’  
James sighed softly before picking the phone back up, turning it over in his hand a few times before huffing and placing it back in the cup holder.
From where you lived and the age of your phone, he kinda figured money was tight for you. And he has this strong and strange urge to just pay for everything for you. He was confused, that’s all he felt lately.  
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 You were currently at home, typing in the passcode to your laptop. You were planning to contact Maddy through skype. She used her laptop at least twice a day, so you have a good chance of her responding tonight. Well, that is if her date didn’t go well and she went back home instead of to some randos house to bang the night away and then never talk to him again.
Finally the laptop is fully on, quickly you sign into your Skype, typing as fast as you could to your best friend with slightly shaky fingers. Once the message is sent you start to nervously bite at the sides of you finger nails. It didn’t take long to get a message back, and the message you got was slightly unsettling to say the least.
‘You mean you werent the one who asnwered the phone??’
You ignored her typos, she was probably drunk.  
‘No I wasn’t?? Did they say anything?’
With a sigh you await her next message, moving to grab a throw blanket to wrap around your shoulders.
‘just som curzsing! It does make sense it wasn’t you tho, the voice was vrerry manly lololol’
Your brows furrowed at that, a manly voice. Of course the first person you think it could be is Bucky, would he do that? How would he have even found it? How did you even forget your phone, you had that thing on you at all times.  
With a sigh you think back a few hours, trying to figure out where the phone was last at the bar. First it was in your purse, then you were playing on it, then that dude was there, then the entire deal. You had it in your hand.
You dropped it and accidentally left it on the bar floor. As much as you hoped that the bar was still holding onto your phone, praying that a kind stranger picked up the probably now shattered phone and turned it in. You know the chances were slim. It was New York after all and most people here weren’t the nicest.
So you knew the chances of getting the phone back were slim to none. But the chances of Bucky having your phone were a little better. And honestly you didn’t know which you would prefer, it be stolen and in the hands of a stranger. Or in the hands of one of the scariest mob bosses of New York who has a weird fascination with you.  
You ignore the incoming spam of messages from Maddy, she was going on about her date and you just weren't in the right mindset to read her basically incoherent string of sentences. It didn’t make you a bad friend to ignore her messages, you would respond in a few minutes.  
Huffing, you rub at your eyes before you let out a groan. You hadn't taken off your makeup so you had just smeared the black eyeliner. You send a quick ‘brb’ to Maddy before getting up from the seated position you had on the floor. Making your way into your bathroom, your blanket had fallen from your shoulders at some point on the way into the bathroom. Before getting there you had grabbed a set of pajamas to change into.
You wanted out of the dress and makeup that felt caked on from the hours of wear. Opening the medicine cabinet you grab out the makeup remover and the face soap.  
After a few moments your face is cleared of the makeup and clean, a thin layer of moisturizer across your skin. A pair of shorts and an oversized sweater over your body. Your mood had lifted ever so slightly from just cleaning yourself up.
You shuffled back to the living room, grabbing the discarded blanket on the way. You once again threw it over your shoulders, plopping down onto the couch. Once you were seated you pulled the laptop onto your lap, eyes widening at all the messages Maddy had managed to send in ten minutes. With furrowed brows you read through her messages, having to reread a few of them being as the spelling was so off in her drunk state.  
Before you could even respond, the sound of the skype incoming call interrupted your writing. You quickly answered it, and soon enough her face was popped up on the screen. Her makeup was smeared a bit and she was still clad in her red dress that you helped her pick out, gold jewelry accenting her tanned skin.  
Her dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun. She was a beautiful mess.  
Her lips turned up into a bright smile at  the sight of you. "Have you read my messages?” She asked, she spoke quick with wide eyes. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from the alcohol taking its course in her body.  
“Yes I did, I assume you had a good date?” You questioned, shifting on the couch. She let out a giggle, nodding her head. “Oh it was the best! He was so sweet and handsome.” Maddy said happily with a sigh, resting her chin in her hand. From what you could tell she was in her kitchen, leaning against her counter.
With an arched brow you slowly smirk, “Do you think there will be a second date?” You questioned her, pushing some of your hair out of your own face before you leaned to grab your glasses on the table. Once the frames were in your hold you glided them onto your face. Blinking a few times to adjust to the lenses.  
Your eye doctor said you needed to wear them all the time, but you forgot to wear them. He recommended contacts but you felt like you would forget about them and leave them in your eyes. And that just didn’t sound like something fun.
Maddy rants on and on about her date happily, you try and listen but the events of the day weigh you down and cause exhaustion to make itself present. With a yawn you cover your mouth, causing Maddy to stop her ranting.
“Am I boring you?” She questions, no sign of an attitude or joke in her question. You shake your head no, moving your glasses to rub your eyes. “No, never. Just, had a long day. And I'm upset about my phone.” You brush off her question. You honestly felt bad for seeming uninterested in her date, and you aren't! You are always interested in anything she says and does, she wouldn’t be your best friend if you weren't.  
She pouts softly before taking a swig of her water bottle, pushing away a few fly away hairs that seemed to slip out of her updo. “I’m sorry babe,” She mumbled out, but you only shook your head with a smile.  
“Don’t worry about it, really! Now, tell me more about this date.”  
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business as usual tag, ( wanna be added? use the form! ) :  @youlightmeupfinn @writing-for-marvel @sarahm2003 @badasseddy @l0st-in-reality @vickybelle @daddys-minty-princess @i4maybank @stillthatbetch @terry2227 @emily-roberts @bideckersdiamonddoll @cxddlyash @boofy1998 @calwitch @striving4averagegirl @stuckybarton @speedysimp @chloe-skywalker  @everythingiloveandcherish 
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
Platonic hevans how would Sam and Kurt comfort each other after all their breakups on glee
I love this omg thanks for the ask! It’s all under the cut cus this got kinda long. Sam deadass dated like every girl on the show 💀
(I’m not doing Samchel bc I didnt watch any of their scenes. I feel like I shouldn’t talk about a ship I know nothing about haha)
Fabrevans breakup: Kurt isn’t at McKinley but he overhears Finn on the phone with Puck bragging about how he got Quinn to make out with him after school even though she’s with Sam. Kurt is like ‘HUH?’ and subtly asks Rachel and Mercedes about it at their next sleepover, which Fabrevans broke up earlier that day. Mercedes and Rachel tell Kurt all of the drama, including how they had a date to Color Me Mine planned for that night that Sam was looking forward to.
Kurt is looks at the time and see’s that there’s still two hours before Color Me Mine closes. Without much thinking, he gets changed into his clothes (since they’re wearing pajamas) and starts texting people for Sam’s address. Mercedes is like “and where are you off to?” Kurt says “I feel bad that Sam isn’t able to go to Color Me Mine anymore, I’m gonna ask him if it’s okay if I go with him.” Mercedes raises her eyebrows and Kurt is like “As two friends who love painting ceramics.”
So he pulls up to the Evans residence. Sam is surprised to see Kurt at his door. He asks what Kurt is doing there and Kurt is straight up like “To take you to Color Me Mine.”
Sam is dating Santana, so Sam says “I cant go on a date with you if I’m dating Santana. Although I think she’d be okay with polyamory if you give me a second to ask her.” Kurt is like “NO! I don’t want to date both you and Santana. I heard that you and Quinn were planning on going to date to Color Me Mine before you guys broke up... and I wanted to know if it would be okay if I took you... as friends.”
Sam says “A bro date to Color Me Mine. I like that. Let me get my jacket and I’ll be right back out.”
Samtana breakup: Sam wasn’t too broken up about their breakup, he honestly saw it coming. He didn’t even realize they were broken up until he saw that Santana was now dating Karofsky. He didn’t care that much, they barley hung out to begin with. But Kurt cared a lot, he wanted to make sure that Sam wasn’t feeling like he was cheated on.
On a night that Kurt was coming over to Sam’s hotel just to drop off clothes, he also decided to bring his laptop and lots of snacks. Sam was surprised to see Kurt bringing all of this stuff, but he wasn’t complaining. Kurt popped in a DVD of avatar that he bought on the way there and they spent the night under the blankets.
Samcedes “breakup” #1: I use the word breakup really loosely as they were never dating the first time around, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t love each other and ending things wasn’t painful.
Sam is living with the Hudmels at this time so Kurt can hear Sam crying from his room. Kurt knocks quietly on Sam’s door. Sam doesn’t answer so Kurt let’s himself in. He see’s Sam bundled under the covers and notices that he’s eyes are bloodshot from all the crying. Kurt sits on the edge of Sam’s bed and tells him that he’s always there for Sam as a friend. Mercedes may be his best friend, but that doesn’t mean he cares about Sam and his happiness any less.
Sam crumbles at this and sobs into Kurt’s shoulder. He tells Kurt all about how Mercedes sing Whitney Houston to him as a way to tell him that she couldn’t do this even though she loved him. Kurt tells him that everything will be okay and that this heartache won’t last forever.... which is true seeing that Sam and Mercedes go to prom together soon after that.
Bram breakup: Sam would, once again, be a sobbing mess. I feel like Sam would be super out of himself, Blaine and Tina are doing their part to cheer him up as their best friends, but Kurt feels like he should do something too seeing as he’s at home when it all happened.
Kurt takes Sam on a bro date, reminiscent of the one that they went on when Sam and Quinn broke up. Kurt takes Sam to see some movie that just came out that Sam has watched the trailer for like 50 times. Kurt almost falls asleep during the movie, but Sam is having the time of his life. It’s the first time that Kurt has seen Sam so happy recently. They leave the theatre and take a short stop to get ice cream. While eating the ice cream, Sam raves about the movie and how amazing it was. He’s already talking about bringing Tina and Blaine to see it with him the next weekend.
Samcedes breakup #2: Sam didn’t see this one coming, they were doing so well. He thought for sure that Mercedes would be the girl he married (spoiler alert: he does marry her, he just doesn’t know it yet).
Before Sam goes back to Lima, Kurt takes Sam out for brunch to talk about how he’s feeling about everything. Sam tells him that he feels like he gives so much love, but the world doesn’t want him to be happy. He tells Kurt that he had a plan for his future with Mercedes. He could see it all so clearly, she was the first person that Sam has dated that he could imagine getting married, raising children, and growing old together. Sam says that feels like he should just give up at love, because it obviously is never going to work out.
Kurt listens to Sam talk in detail about this all for a hella long time, only adding in comments here and there to make sure Sam knows he hasn’t tuned out.
At the end of Sam pouring his heart out, Kurt says “I know my best friends, which are you and Mercedes. I can see how in love you too are and how hard you tried to make it work. From what it sounds like to me, this isn’t a forever breakup. It’s an ‘until we meet again’ breakup, meaning that your story isn’t over. And don’t you give up on love Sam Evans, you are one of the most lovable boys I know. And I promise you that Mercedes hasn’t stopped loving you ever since the summer you guys had your little fling.”
Klaine breakup #1: Sam is in Lima consoling Blaine after the breakup, but he also can’t help but wonder how Kurt is feeling.
One night, Sam calls up Kurt on skype and asks him how he’s holding up. Kurt lies and says he’s fine, but Sam can see right through it. Sam says, “You’re not fine. You don’t have to lie to me” which makes Kurt break out into tears. He tells Sam how much it all hurts and how he never thought he’d have to feel pain like this. Kurt mentions how he feels like he’s not allowed to be sad because he has to help keep Rachel’s spirits up, but it’s just so hard. All he wants to do is have his best friend huh him and help him through his heartbreak.
That gives Sam the idea of visiting New York for the weekend. Sam buys plane tickets with money he’s saved up from working at the tire shop and shows up outside of Kurt’s door on Friday night, completely taking Kurt by surprise. Sam immediately gives Kurt a huge ass hug and tells him that he’s there to help keep his mind off of things.
They have a great weekend, Kurt takes Sam to places in New York that they didn’t see at Nationals two years prior and also takes Sam to all of his fav hidden spots in the city. One of them being a cute little bakery that he spends his mornings in when he doesn’t have anywhere to be.
Sam and Kurt spend Saturday night watching musicals, while Kurt tries to hold back tears because they remind him of Blaine. Sam notices this and makes Kurt turn it off and instead put on Avatar. Kurt is like “Excuse me?” but Sam says it’s because that’s what Kurt did for his breakup with Santana. They might as well make it a tradition.
Klaine breakup #2: Just like with the previous breakup, Sam skype calls Kurt. It’s something they’ve been doing regularly, it helps keep Sam up to date with Mercedes and helps keep Kurt up to date with his dad and Carole.
Sam logged onto this call knowing that they’d already broken up, he got the info from Blaine (since they’re besties). Unlike last time, Sam isn’t able to easily take a day few days off to fly to New York for Kurt. Things at school are ramping up and he’s been needing to work longer hours. So all that he can do is give his support through the computer screen. They stay up all night talking about anything and everything.
Kurt is trying to skate around the topic of the breakup, but he knows that he has to mention it at least once that night. Before the call ends, Kurt let’s Sam know how he’s doing with it all. He tells Sam that it’s painful knowing that the man that you love isn’t the man that you will marry. Sam knows exactly know he’s feeling, as he felt the same way about Mercedes. They fall asleep while on call, Kurt wakes up first and smiles at the sight of Sam’s sleeping face.
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worldoflis · 4 years
Office Romance (2/24)
Written for the Klaine Advent 2020, day 2: Brake 677 words
Part 1
“So what you’re saying is Mercedes is planning on trying to set you up… with me?”
Blaine laughs – that big, hearty laugh of his that crinkles his eyes and warms Kurt’s heart even today, after over two years of dating, and Kurt can’t quite keep himself from laughing along, even though he’s also still feeling a little exasperated.
“God I hope not! I mean – how awkward would that be?”
“I’m sorry,” Blaine says, trying to press a kiss against Kurt’s temple but ending up halfway on his eye instead, what with the subway car shaking them back and forth continuously. The girl holding on to the strap next to them smiles broadly, but quickly looks away when she catches Blaine’s eye. “If I’d known Isabelle was gonna give me a tour of your department I would’ve warned you.”
“It’s fine,” Kurt assures him, “you’re not the one meddling in other people’s affairs here. Besides, we were bound to run into each other at some point, I just didn’t expect it to be so quickly.”
The carriage comes to a stop, and there’s a temporary relief of pressure of bodies pressing into each other as people pour out of the train, before new passengers start pouring back in and increasing the pressure once more. There’s a familiar huff as the doors are released, and then slide shut.
“So who’s making din-“
The voice, a woman’s voice, is shrieking, yelling for help, yelling for the train to stop and Kurt has no trouble locating the source of the voice, or the reason for her bloodcurdling screams for somebody to please, please help. Because the sound comes from the direction of the doors, doors that are not shut as they are supposed to be but instead have a gaping hole of ten or so inches between them. And the train has just started moving.
He’s not entirely sure how somebody has managed to get stuck between the doors -surely there were safety mechanism preventing that?- but there is no point in answering that question now. They need to stop the train first.
The thought hasn’t even properly formed in his head yet when he feels someone push past him and an alarm starts sounding, immediately joined by the high-pitched shriek of the train’s brakes, and the car comes to a sudden halt, throwing him back, and he only barely manages to hold on to the strap he’s been clasping. He immediately looks to his side, where Blaine is supposed to be but isn’t, and his heart skips a beat before he catches sight of him, on the floor of the train, both hands still clasped around the emergency brake.
He launches himself forward, pushing through the people until he can kneel next to Blaine, his boyfriend, his hero.
“Are you okay?” He clasps his hands around Blaine’s face, looking for blood or other signs of injuries.
“I’m fine,” Blaine assures him, grabbing Kurt’s hands and kissing them gently, but Kurt is still looking at him frantically, trying to make eye contact as if he’s not sure Blaine is telling the truth. “I’m fine, seriously, it’s fine. How’s the-”
“You were gone.”
“I was pulling the brake.”
“I can see that.”
“Was I fast enough?”
“I think so.” Kurt looks over his shoulder, though from his position on the ground he can’t see a thing. People seem to be calm, though, which he assumes they would not be if things had ended poorly. “Hey - are they okay?”
A tall woman -though whether she’s actually tall or just looks like it from his perspective Kurt doesn’t know- smiles down at him and nods. “We haven’t even left the station yet. The doors are fully open, I can’t see them but they seem to be fine.”
Kurt sighs, relieved, and then turns back to Blaine.
“You were gone. I looked down and you were GONE.”
Blaine smiles sheepishly.
“Well… at least we have an exciting story for the next Skype call with your dad?”
Part 3
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what-if-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the family, Chris! Your application to KURT HUMMEL was accepted. We’re really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Kurt Elizabeth Hummel CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28, May 27th OCCUPATION: Executive Vogue Editor. FACE CLAIM: Chris Colfer HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: From Lima, Ohio. Currently, New York, New York. SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Cisgender Homosexual Male. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Separated. POSITIVE TRAITS: Caring, Romantic, Enthusiastic. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Materialistic, Judgemental and Cold. CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: Fashion has no gender.
Kurt always knew he was meant for great things. When he was a boy, he loved performing. Not as much as he loved playing dress up and marrying and divorcing his power ranger, but he loved being creative. He spent his childhood trying to better himself in any way he could and while he worried about how his father might see him, it never stopped him being him.
At High School, Kurt was at his lowest point in life. He thought that coming out of the closet might have improved his life, but he was wrong. Things only got worse. He was tormented more for being out and it made him feel low. If it wasn’t for the glee club, his friends and yes, Blaine, then he would have found keeping his head above water a lot harder.
He auditioned for NYADA at the end of his senior year and didn’t get it. Come September, he left Ohio and made his way to New York to move in with Rachel and try his hand at drama school again. On the way however, he started out as an intern at Vogue, his absolute favourite job in the world. He learnt so much from Isabelle and owes her everything, literally!
Kurt was accepted into NYADA on his second attempt and eventually graduated with a glowing recommendation from the woman herself, Carmen Tibbeduex. He gained an agent fairly quickly and started out as ensemble and swings in some of Broadways biggest hits.
His true break came when he starred in Be More Chill as Jeremy Hare. The show was a hit and Kurt adored being on stage as a lead in a musical, it was a dream come true!
His home life was great, for a while. He and Blaine had a baby girl called Serena in 2016 and Kurt adores his daughter, more than anything.
When BMC came to an end, he found himself getting promoted to an Editor at Vogue. That was amazing, an absolute dream! He would take small roles on the side and fell back into ensemble at lot of the times but he adored being at Vogue. It felt like home.
Then, the unfortunate happened. Isabelle past on her job to Kurt. He became an Executive Editor at Vogue and things got busy… He left Broadway and focused on his writing career. He started getting busier and busier and suddenly… It fell apart. He didn’t have enough time for himself, never mind hs husband. It was a hard talk and an even harder decision, but they split up. They haven’t divorced because he can’t do that… It’s not fair. Why should they sign a piece of paper and divorce? He still loved Blaine and he loved Serena. But something had to give… But was it worth it?
ELIZABETH HUMMEL & BURT HUMMEL: Kurt lost his mother to cancer when he was eight years old, but he still remembers her smile and the smell of her perfume. Though he doesn’t have a lot of memories of her, he still misses her. His father is his rock in lie. He is the most supportive and caring father he could ever hope for. Kurt stays active in his fathers life and tries to skype him every Friday night to have dinner together. CAROLE HUDSON-HUMMEL (Step-Mother): Kurt adores Carole and she is a reminder that sometimes, life gives you a second chance. He has always been able to depend on Carole in his life, she is as much of his mother as his birth mother. FINN HUDSON (Step-Brother): Kurt and Finn are brothers and while he loves Finn, he also finds himself bickering with Finn quite often. He adores Finn and is happy to have him in his life but sometimes he wishes he would think before he speaks. BLAINE ANDERSON (Ex-Husband): Kurt and Blaine separated around Oct 2018 due to irreconcilable differences. At least that is what it is officially. Kurt was getting too busy and never had time for Blaine anymore, however, there is still love between them through the things they experienced together. They are now divorced and have joint custody of their daughter - Serena. She will be three from July 2019. Kurt hopes they can still be friends for the sake of their daughter.  Kurt and Blaine are not officially divorced yet as papers never got signed. Maybe there could one day be something? MERCEDES JONES & RACHEL BERRY (Best Friends): Two of his best friends. He loves them both but he definitely see’s Rachel as more of a sister. A sister he could strangle but a sister. Mercedes, he loves with all of his heart and she is definitely his best friend.
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Koi’s Ultimate Friendsgiving (Pt 2)
Part 2/?
Word Count: 790
Summary: Koi attempts a new recipe but keeps getting called. 
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To be honest, Koi had no idea what the hell she was doing. (tbh neither do I so fucking mood kiddo). A lot of these friendsgivings she looked up involved people they had known for years and sure there was that, but she’s known them all for less than a year and good gods help her if she could pull this shit off right. 
The cooking part was no big deal, when you’ve got an adaptive kitchen, cooking 10 turkeys ain’t a problem. Making like a million batches of biscuits? No biggie. Mercedes would be taking care of some of the load from pies, Kacchan went ahead and put himself on vegetable and sauce duty since “he didn’t give a damn about how good the quirk thief could cook, she’s a little shit and I’m doing that and that’s final.” Luckily everyone managed to wrangle all of the dishes out of his grasp because if he could make the entire dinner, the bastard would. Guzma would be smuggling as much Tapu Cocoa as he could, Alm would be bringing wine for the responsible adults, the residents of Lunarc would be bringing homemade fruit juice, pies and apple cider, almost everyone had a role. 
Except she was the damn ringmaster and had no idea how to control these clowns. But she could at least lighten their food load right? That’s why she was currently in the test kitchen (often used for the times it was just her and Sam), testing out a Chocolate Cherry Scone recipe she found floating around. No literally, it was fucking floating in the bathroom as she had brushed her teeth that morning. A quick text to Nishiki confirmed it wasn’t hers so there had to be some 3rd realm keeper before either of them that was leaving these recipes around. As she put the batch in the oven, her christmas radio fizzled out to the familiar skype ringtone. Except somehow it was Kacchan. 
“What is it this time jackass.” Koi asked as she answered, obviously annoyed that her concentration and christmas music was lost. 
“THIS FUCKING JACKASS WHO’S A FEW VOLTS SHORT OF LIGHTING UP THE WORLDS SMALLEST LIGHT BULB COOKED A FUCKING SPARE TURKEY I WAS GOING TO MAKE WITH FUCKING POWERADE AND TURNED THE SHITTER BLUE.” The camera was obviously janky but she could see Kaminari snickering, Kirishima muttering that’s cursed and Tenya having just as much of an aneurysm as Blasty Mcfuckhands over the safety protocols. 
“So you know how turkey makes ya sleepy? I figured if I could combine Powerade, Mountain dew and a turkey, I could have the ultimate filling meal that gives you energy!” The blond explained. 
All Koi could do was sit in awe at how incompetent these pro heroes were, she didn’t even think they realized she was there until one of Aizawa’s cats noticed the monitor on, saw it was Koi and kept meowing.
“Guys, I’m sure Koi has plenty of stuff to do for Friendsgiving, let’s let her go so she can make preparations.” Izuku pointed out. “See ya at Friendsgiving!” The greenette then ended the call, allowing Koi’s christmas music to resume. 
But not before another skype call came in, this time from Bernie.
“Hi, sorry to bug you but we have a problem..” Bernadetta was obviously in a panic as the background was noisy as all hell. “The soup won’t become soupy, it’s just a lump.”
“Have you added cream and some vegetable stock? I’m sure that will help it retain flavor while also becoming liquidy.”
“Oh thanks Koi! Sorry for bugging you!” Bernadetta quickly ended the call, allowing the music to resume for a short time, and the time in between Bernie’s call and the next call was used to pull the scones out of the oven and drizzle them in powdered sugar. 
Koi damned herself the next time skype went off because she forgot to turn off her online status. 
“Hey Koi!” Hector’s voice boomed. “Can I bring this to Friendsgiving?” And in the axe lord’s hand was Nergal’s decapitated head. Koi let out a sigh only Leo could rival.
“No Hector, we are not using Nergal’s decapitated head as a centerpiece no matter how many flowers we put in it. Lyn appeared on screen in the corner. “We are not using Sonia’s carved out body for the veggie dip either.” Koi could get why they wanted to, but that was just weird, and gross, and not very kid friendly no matter how many times those kids say they’re used to it. She quickly ended the call before those two got any more ideas. 
This was going to be a long preparation...
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vin-taege · 5 years
low expectations
summary: after disappearing for six years to pursue law, you come back to Seoul, only to be hired by Jeon Jungkook, tattoo artist on the rise, and your high school ex
genre: angst, eventual smut, l2e2l (lovers to enemies [kinda?] to lovers)
pairing: tattoo artist!jungkook x lawyer!reader
words: 4 700+
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Scattered boxes lay on your newly bought apartment. Some opened, most of them unopened. The only decent room as of now was your bedroom, and even that looked plain. Considering how organized you usually were, this was a severely chaotic. Even though the move to Seoul has been rough - some of your belongings even ending up in Daegu, but thankfully back where they belong now - you were ecstatic. Mainly because you were now far away from your overbearing mother. The increase in salary remained as a mere bonus. To say things between you and your mother were rocky was a bit of an understatement. She was heartless, manipulative, the perfect CEO. You had lived with your father after the divorce, and appreciated his company more. Life wasn't as luxuries as it was with your mom, but he cares for you more than anything. She did her part in paying for child support, funding most of your needs, compared to your father's salary as a small cafe owner. Going back to Korea has always been on your mind, ever since you graduated law school. If it weren't for the aforementioned salary increase, your mother would've never let you get that plane ticket. The new firm you transferred to was more than welcoming. They gave you a three week grace period so you can settle down, and even assigned you an assistant. It was just your luck that person happened to be Namjoon, your best friend since college. After graduating, you split ways. It was ironic how your reasons for going back to Seoul were direct opposites - him to return to his family, and you to escape from yours. He was probably the only person who had his shit together more than you. Not even two days after you landed, he already had your schedule organized for the next month. Even you didn't have enough patience to do that. Admittedly, you were a bit scared to go back. The last memory you had here was one in Busan, and it was far from pleasant.
You refreshed your emails again, not used to the absence of the usual influx of "urgent" files. The first thing you unpacked was of course the coffee machine. The other labeled boxes still had packing tape on, and you were dreading to open them up. Your phone has been on silent mode ever since midnight. You'd rather deal with your mother later than answering all her pressing texts now. Thank God she didn't know your Skype account.
Sluggish from the jet lag, you began picking at the packing tape, finding the edge of it and ripping the package open. In all honesty, you could’ve finished all the rooms in one day, and even have time for a manicure and pedicure afterwards. But this day just seemed so slow.
You never were used to a non-busy schedule.
Box after box, you made your way through your belongings. Throw pillows, small vases, the succulent collection you had. You didn’t have time for a pet, but your cacti were the perfect substitute. They made you feel needed on a deeper level, even though they only needed you to water them once a week.
Lofi music played in the background, giving you a more relaxing atmosphere. You slowly got in the zone, not noticing the hours pass by until you finally decided to take a break and check your phone.
Immediately, you were bombarded with six phone calls from Namjoon. Panicked, you quickly called him back. “Hey, Joon! I’m sorry, my phone was on silent. Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” In contrary to what he said, his voice sounded distressed. “I know it’s your week off, but there’s just this really pushy client. He’s demanding a meeting with you as soon as possible. I told him I’d give you a call, and here I am.”
You grimaced. This client was already leaving a bad impression on you. If anything, you hated unprofessional clients and often turned them down, but you felt sorry for Namjoon. “Does he want to meet today?”
“I can schedule him for next week if you want. Put him on the priority list. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” You considered it for a moment. You didn’t have anything to do tonight except to unpack, and your body was itching for work. “No, I’m free tonight. Did he give a time or a place.”
“He left me an address. Told me to come whenever. I looked the place up, and it’s a tattoo parlor. The customer reviews were nice, and it’s pretty popular here in Seoul too.” Here comes the unprofessionalism again.
“Wanna go at seven and have dinner after?”
“Sure. As your best friend, I wouldn’t mind catching up. As your assistant, I couldn’t let you die unless I want to get fired,” you both laughed. You heard typing in the background, followed by a few mouse clicks. “-And his case file’s done. Pick you up at six?”
“Damn, how long has this guy been bothering you? Case files take hours.”
“Ever since 7 am. This better be some god-tier dinner to make up for it,” he chuckled on the other line.
Somehow, the tattoo parlor reminded you of him again. He always wanted to run one, and you wondered if he ended up doing so. The call ended, and you started to get ready. Surely the client wouldn’t mind you dressing casually, it was a week off after all.
Namjoon picked you up exactly at six, pulling over in his freshly car-washed Mercedes Benz. He was donning a black turtleneck and jeans, mirroring your casual style. It was clear you both just didn’t give a shit anymore. A pair of black glasses sat atop his nose.
“Nice car. When did you start being a popular kid?” He scoffed at your teasing, remembering his skewed fashion choices back in college. 
"Ever since I started hauling your drunk ass home after parties. Ever since I started making you nachos on thesis nights. Ever since-" 
"Okay Namjoon, I get it. College ___ was a hot mess," you conceded. "You got that case file ready?" "Yeah. I forwarded it to your email," You checked your inbox, and indeed received the file from him. You browsed through it quickly, skipping client details and diving straight into the case. False accusations of tax evasion and illegal substance import. The case seemed simple enough, could be handled with a few counter-suits here and there. Just as you finished the case details, you decided to finally check the client info. "You know what makes this case so complicated?" Namjoon spoke up, ripping your attention away from the file. "What?" "Evidence tampering. From the rival tattoo shop, I think," You scoffed. Typical behavior from two business trying to climb to the top. "They, what, planted cocaine packets under the ink refills or something?" Outside, the sun started to set. It's been a while since you've last seen a sunset, long work hours demanding you to be in your office more. It was one of the things you missed in Korea, especially from Busan. "Yeah, something like that. The guy seems too young to be the head of the shop. Must be very good at what he does." You opened the file again, checking the client info. Jeon- "We're here." Sighing, you closed the file again, getting out of the car. You'll have to read up more on him later. Not even a month back in Seoul and you already have a possibly big case on your hands. This could really make or break your career. However, that name sounded familiar. Familiar enough to leave a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Jeon. The memory of soft brown hair came back to you, long enough to frame his big brown eyes. The same eyes that would crinkle each time he showed his bunny smile. There was a pained twinge in your heart. Namjoon knocked on the glass door. There was a purple neon sign hooked on it, blaring a bright "open" to entice customers to come in. On top of the building was a huge sign, lit up by LED lights. "Seoul Ink." The shop had a large glass pane next to the door, resembling a barbershop style. The inside was dimly lit with light pink, giving the shop a retro vibe. You could faintly hear music blaring from the inside. Not long after, the door was opened, revealing a short, yet muscular man. His hair was a vibrant pink, in contrast to the dark tattoo sleeve spanning his left arm. A worn tank top draped from his torso, not doing much to hide his skin. The man looked like the shop personified.  "Good evening, we're here for Mr. Jeon. He told my assistant to set an appointment for today." "Oh, you're the lawyer he hired? Come in, please," He stepped aside, making way for you. "Jungkook! Our lawyer's here!" You froze. No, this can't be the same Jeon Jungkook from high school. Who knew how many Jeon Jungkooks were out here in Seoul? You were hoping, praying, he wasn’t the Jungkook you knew. "Wait. Goddammit, Jimin I told you to sterilise the needles." A lean, young man came out from the curtain-covered hallway. His hair was black, swept back to show his forehead. Sharp, doe eyes stared straight at you. His features became more angular, but it was clear he was the same boy you knew all those years ago. "___?" His eyes widened, expression hardening. "___. Pleasure." "You two know each other?" Namjoon whispered to you, loud enough for Jungkook to hear. "We went to high school together," He dead-panned, leaving it at that. Your cheeks heated up, the atmosphere soon turning awkward. "Come inside. We have a lot to discuss." He led you through the same hallway, pink lighting kept uniform throughout the whole building. Tattoo designs were plastered on the walls; Designs of the same motif grouped together on each tattoo booth. Each door had a different feel to it; one monochromatic, another one clipped with Polaroids and fairy lights. They really brought out each tattoo artist's identity, gave you an idea of their style and aesthetic. You counted four of them in total, including Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook stopped at the last door. Just one look at it and you knew it was his. Lush roses were stuck to the black-painted wood. At the very center of it was a small, golden bell with two red ribbons tied to it. You were too busy staring at it, not noticing the rest of the boys come inside. "___," Namjoon called you. "Yes. Sorry," Jungkook stared at you, eyes glassy. You were the first to break eye contact, shutting the door. °°° 6 years ago "You told me it was my turn to pick the movie!" You whined, Jungkook only laughing at your annoyance. It was your annual Friday movie night. You usually took turns picking the movie, but Jungkook already had one prepared when you came to his dorm. "But this one's really good, I promise," he pouted. "I'll let you pick two movies next time. His offer sounded tempting enough, prompting you to begrudgingly accept it. It was another anime rom-com. You recognized it, seeing enough pictures of the poster saved in Jungkook's phone gallery. He'd talk about it a lot, the mere existence of it shaping his entire understanding of true love. "Your Name?" He grunted, arm wrapped around your waist. You were cuddling on the couch, body on top of him. The popcorn bowl was neatly balanced on your back. "I've always wanted to watch this with you," he whispered, fingers threading through your hair. "Accidentally downloaded a shit-ton of viruses on Tae's laptop just trying to pirate this." "Hey, support artists. Pay for art," You repeated his motto. He rolled his eyes, bringing you closer to his chest. "I want to. I just wish I didn't fall in the stereotypical broke art student category," His tone was sharp. You knew better than to push it, knew this conversation would only lead back to his unsupportive parents. The moment Jungkook told his parents he wanted to open up a tattoo parlor, they shut him out. He didn't talk about them much, but you knew enough to know he didn't exactly have the best relationship with them. His brother helped him pay his high school fees, but only up to that point. Once Jungkook hits college, he'll have to support himself. He's picked up a few commissions here and there to save up, but it was nowhere near the money he needed to take an arts course. "Hey," you brought your shifted, bringing your hand to his chest. "My mom's offering me a part-time job in her firm. She could get you a spot if-" "I don't want to," His eyes were on the screen, though you felt him tense up. "Leave it, ___." "The pay is good. I'm just saying, you should look into it, Kookie," you frowned. It was always difficult to talk to him when money or jobs were involved. You couldn’t even recall how many times you fought over either college or job-related problems. He was so hell-bent on taking an arts course, but too stubborn to accept any help, especially from your mother. He exhaled deeply, dropping his arm from your hair. "Leave it." You watched almost half the movie in silence. He was right next to you, but sometimes he just felt so unreachable. You felt his soft lips against the crown of your head. "I'm sorry, I'm just not in the best mood to talk about that stuff." You reached over, pausing the movie. He sat up, mirroring you. "What's wrong?" His eyes were dull, refusing to look back at you. "Jungkook." "Nothing," he rubbed his eyes, running both hands through his hair. "It's nothing." "Tell me," you placed your hand over his, him enveloping it immediately in his large ones. His thumb drew small circles on your knuckles, just like he did when he was nervous. "My dad is signing me up for a med college in Seoul. I don't want to leave Busan. I don't want to leave you," he lowered his voice in the last part. You cupped his cheek with one hand. "You won't. We'll be together until college, and until after college. You'll always be my own Da Vinci, I'll always be your-" "Muse," he finished, lovingly meeting your gaze. "You'll always be my muse." °°°  "So they did plant cocaine packets in the ink refills!" Namjoon burst out. You facepalmed a little, gaining weird looks from the boys. "Ignore him. Where did you say you got your refills from?" "California," Jimin responded. So far, over the course of the discussion, Jungkook remained silent, arms folded as he stared at the table. Jimin was more than enthusiastic to cooperate with you, answering your questions as detailed as he could. "We've been getting our refills from there for three years now. Taehyung knows the dealer, and we're all positive there's no way in hell he shipped us that." "Taehyung?" you glanced at Jungkook, whose mouth remained pinched in a thin line. You were relieved to find out they remained best friends after everything that happened. You knew Jungkook needed a strong support system, and Taehyung was more than enough for that. "Yeah. He just finished his shift today, but if you need to talk to him, I can give him a call," Jimin offered. "No, it's fine. I talk to him in personal some other time," you scribbled some notes on a scrap piece of paper. "The drugs must've been planted here in Korea. If it were from abroad, it wouldn't get pass customs." "That's exactly what we've been telling the police, but they wouldn't listen to us without a lawyer," he rolled his eyes. "Any suspects?" "Minho. Jung Minho," Jungkook's voice surprised you. He sat up, placing his hands on the table. "He runs the tattoo parlor down the street, that sleazy son of a bitch." "Must've gotten a hold of the package before we did," he continued. He was twiddling with his thumbs, a habit you recognized he never got rid off. "Don't jump to conclusions." "I'm not, but sometimes we have to make decisions, ___." He spat, voice raising slightly. He noticed the everyone staring at him uneasily and slid back down on his chair. "I mean, no one else would've done it aside from them." "Do you have any evidence, at least?" you passed Namjoon the notes so far from your hour-long discussion. He took his laptop out to summarize everything in a single document. "No. But we got the coke bags out. Made sure to use gloves so we won't leave prints behind and give the police the wrong idea," Oh so now he wanted to talk. Though you felt guilty for everything that happened in the past, you can’t help but get annoyed at his attitude right now. He was the one who wanted your help in the first place. "I see. I'll take a look at them after this," you looked over to Namjoon, who returned a curt nod. He was still focused on his laptop. "We appreciate your cooperation," your sarcasm directed to Jungkook. He scoffed, abruptly standing to rustle at his desk. He aimlessly picked up pencils and markers, putting them in their respective holders. "We'd appreciate it more if you won this case." With just one statement, Jungkook managed to push all your buttons. You stood up as well, Namjoon holding your arm down. "Why don't you check on the cocaine bags while I interrogate Jungkook more? Mr. Park-" "Jimin's just fine," The pink-haired boy offered a kind smile. "Jimin, please guide the way." One of Namjoon's winning traits was being calm under pressure. He was the one to hold you back before fights erupted, or the one to retrieve deleted files whenever the computer crashed and you had a presentation in two hours. Basically the one to keep you impulsiveness and short temper on watch. You followed Jimin out Jungkook's workplace. He led you back into the waiting area, and into the employees only room. The room itself resembled more of a hangout than an employee lounge. They had all their stocks and spare equipment neatly placed in cabinets off to one side. The center had a round table covered in sketch designs and discarded pencils. Those were about the only things that made the room look professional. The other side of the room was a whole different world. On the opposite side was a small vending machine next to an arcade game of Tekken. You recognized a D.Va styled jacket slung on one of the chairs. The walls had video game labels and band posters plastered all around. "Oh wow, how you did you get all this?" You blushed, immediately realizing how arrogant you must have sounded. Jimin didn't mind though, even laughing at your awe-struck expression. "The tattoo shop burst in popularity two years ago. We had money to spare, so Jungkook thought he'd pamper the employee lounge a bit," He put a black glove on and reached into one of the drawers, bringing a small sealable bag out. You picked up a stray glove, wearing it before picking the baggie up. It looked about five grams. You crinkled your nose in disgust. After finding some tissue, you carefully wrapped it up and placed it in your bag. Jimin let you check the lounge once more, patiently giving you space. "I'm Jimin, by the way," you looked at him questioningly. "I mean, I know you already know my name, but I wanted to give you a proper introduction." "Hello, Jimin. I'm ___," you smiled. "I'm a lawyer who used to be America-based, but as you can see, I moved here to escape from my insufferable mother." He laughed again, eyes crinkling. You never truly got a good look at him. His cheeks were full, like his plump lips. Although he was shorter than Jungkook, he looked older. It was clear he worked out, but you soon found out he was also very open as a person. "I'm a tattoo artist who specializes in traditional and blackwork styles. We each have our own thing here in Seoul Ink. Tae's good in watercolor and illustrative styles. If you like monochromatic designs, the right person to go to is Yoongi hyung." "How about Jungkook?" you told yourself you were asking out of curiosity, and only curiosity. You were to remain professional, to not get involved with your ex. "He's a well-rounded guy, but likes realism and new-school designs more. Not to pry, but is everything okay with you guys?" he gestured for you to sit on one of the chairs. "Well, I suppose we do need to be open with our clients." Jimin waited for you to continue, the pink light making his features softer. "We used to date in high school. It ended right before college, and I'm pretty sure it ended badly." "I'm pretty sure it ended badly too." You gave him a pointed look, to which he held his hands up in defense. "I mean, you looked like you were gonna tear his throat off a while ago." "I was trying to be civil. I guess I didn't know any better and thought he'd grown out of his childishness or something." "Maybe he didn't get over the breakup? That usually happens when it ends badly." He didn't know, but Jimin got it straight on. Even you haven't gotten over it yourself. You always wished the best for him. A selfish part of you even wanted to get him back, even after all those years. But you weren't here to get him back. You were here to finish the job. You had to push your feelings away. Jimin noticed your silence. "Do you believe in fate?" "I think?" Truthfully, you used to a dreamer, like Jungkook. Law school beat it out of you, giving you a cold facade to put on. "I want to believe in fate." "Maybe fate brought you here so you two could have a second chance then." he smirked. You glared at him, wiping the smile off his face. "At least make up a little. We couldn't get through this if you're constantly at each other's throats." "I'll talk to him." "Great! He already gave Namjoon his number, but here's mine for when you can't contact him," You gave him your phone, his fingers tapping away to input his number. "Thanks for putting up with us," His eyes were filled with sincerity, and you couldn't help but give him a small grin. "Of course." It's my job, you wanted to say, but couldn't find the heart to. You met Namjoon in the waiting area, laptop tucked away in his satchel. He was checking out one of the designs - a man wearing a suit, a bouquet of roses sprouting from his neck instead of a head. "Do you wanna get one or...?" He jolted at your voice. "Jesus Christ, ___." He never really grew out of his nerdy persona. Maybe people never truly change. "Jungkook seems like a nice guy. Lay off him a little, okay?" "I was actually planning to talk to him real quick, thank you very much." With that, you disappeared behind the hallway curtain again, leaving Namjoon with Jimin. You quickly found his room, knocking thrice before opening the door. You gasped, shutting it quickly again. Jungkook was sitting by his desk, shirt off and tattoos on full display. You didn't see much aside from a blur of black and splashes of reds and blues. Your cheeks were heating over, and you guess you must've surprised him as well. There was a thud behind the door, along with rapid footsteps. Slowly, the door opened slightly, enough to reveal a shirted Jungkook "Can I talk to you for a second?" you murmured. He stepped aside, opening the door wider. Wordlessly, you let yourself in, awkwardly standing behind him when he sat back on the swivel chair. "Hey." "Hey," he replied plainly. He always got this difficult sometimes, even back then. "How are you?" You settled for the customer seat, attached to a tray holding needles and a tattoo gun. You took a closer look around his workplace, recognizing messy sketches pinned on a corkboard. The same designs he used to draw back then. He fidgeted for a bit, eyes downcast on the floor. "Good. Been running the shop for a while. My brother calls me twice every month now." He looked up at you, eyes dark. You couldn't tell whether was anger or pain. Or both. He let out a long sigh. "I made it, ___." "I'm sorry," you choked out. You didn't know what else to say. You cursed yourself for not asking Namjoon for more information on the client before accepting the case. But did you really want to give this away? "I never stopped thinking of you." "Do you expect a thank you?" he folded his arms again. Why did he have to act so difficult? You shamed yourself for having these thoughts. It was your fault after all. He had every right to be angry at you. "Jungkook, I'm sorry," you tried again, tone softer this time. He blinked back what looked like tears, or he could've had something in his eye. The light made it hard to see. "Let's just act like adults, okay? Finish the case. And if you want to talk about more personal things, we can do that after." "You never did change, huh? As goal-oriented as ever," he smiled bitterly. “Job over everything else.” "You're still as stubborn as before," you grimaced at him. He chuckled, leaning back, tilting his chin up to the ceiling. He hummed, stretching his back. "I miss you," He opened an eye, peering at you. Your facade has crumpled, and you felt like the same girl six years ago after the breakup. He didn't say anything. Jungkook had so many thing running through his mind. Out of all the lawyers in Seoul, he just had to get you. Even after all those years, he still wanted to see you. But now that you were right in front of him, he felt nothing but pain and sadness. He loved you so much, but now that you were here, the only thing he could remember was the day you ran away from him. The day you left him. He shifted in his seat. Jungkook knew he had to get himself together for the tattoo parlor, for his friends. He thought he cut you off already a long time ago. "You can win this thing, right? I worked too hard for too long just to lose this. I crawled my way up here. I’m finally doing something I love," His voice was low, masking his wavering tone. You nodded determinedly. You weren't going to disappoint him again. "I know you can, ___. I've always believed in you. Would've appreciated it if you believed in me too," The way he said it was so quiet, you almost didn't hear it. But you did. It felt like he wanted to say something else, like he was ready to tell you everything that happened after the day you left, but he stopped himself. He spun the chair, facing away from you. "I have a full schedule tomorrow. I should finish the rest of these designs." You slowly got up. Your chest felt heavy, heart in your throat. All the pent-up emotion hit you all at once. "It's good to see you again," he lightly said. You looked back, seeing a sad smile on his lips. The second you got in the car, Namjoon was looking at you worriedly. "Are you okay? You look like you're about to cry." "The lighting was too much for me," you lied. You've made your mind up. Case or no case, you were glad to see Jungkook again. And you weren't willing to let him go this time. “Let’s get that god-tier dinner.”
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thequeensfan1117 · 4 years
The Call
Fandom: Glee Summary: Set during “The Break-Up”. Kurt receives the support he needs after Blaine cheats. Note: This is my first ficlet in years, and quite rushed at that. But the idea popped in my head, and I couldn’t let it go. I hope you enjoy it!
Deep breaths. In. Out.
It was all Kurt could do to stay sane. He was all alone in the loft at the moment. Blaine had left for Ohio without so much as a goodbye. Finn had followed suit a few hours ago, and Rachel followed him in order to talk about where they stood after Brody. The resulting emptiness threatened to swallow Kurt whole.
Funnily enough, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
His mind was still reeling from last night’s revelation. Blaine--his Blaine--had cheated on him two weeks ago. Guilt ate away at him all over again. If only he’d taken more time out of his day to reach out to his boyfriend...
Just as he was finishing that thought, his phone went off. The generic ringtone told him that it wasn’t Blaine calling. That was a relief; he didn’t know if he could handle another round of explanations and apologies. With energy he didn’t know he still had, Kurt walked over to the coffee table and snatched his phone and hit answer.
He winced at how dull he sounded.
“Kurt? It’s Quinn.”
Huh. That was unexpected. He tried to modify his voice.
“Quinn! What a surprise..."
He knew his voice was too cheerful for her to believe it was genuine. Sure enough...
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He wasn’t about to let his walls down, however.
“Of course I am,” he said too brightly.
“Kurt...” she began. “You don’t have to act like everything’s okay. Mercedes told me about Blaine. And I should probably warn you, she’s planning on going to Ohio and breaking his legs for cheating.”
He was dumbfounded. How had they found out? He knew Blaine liked getting attention from other people almost as much as Rachel did, but this? Being a dirty cheat wasn’t something to brag about. He was just about to ask her how she knew when she spoke up again.
“Apparently, Finn confronted him about this, and Jacob Ben Israel recorded the whole thing and posted it on his blog. Sam sent the link to her, Brittany and Santana sent it to me, and Mercedes called me to vent about it.”
Kurt closed his eyes. Why was he surprised? News spread like wildfire at McKinley, and the seniors would have reason to gossip about stuff like this with the graduates.
“Speaking of Brittany, she’s giving Mercedes wonderful ideas to handle Blaine,” Quinn finished.
Kurt couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on his face. Knowing he had people in his corner, even if he didn’t want to think about Blaine right now (not even ways to hurt him), was another relief.
“Oh no,” he managed. “Can you talk to them? Tell them it’s not necessary?”
“I make no promises,” she quipped.
He laughed, but when she spoke again, it was in a more serious manner.
“Look, Kurt, I know I’m probably the last person to talk to about cheating, but I’m here whenever you need to talk.”
He was touched.
“Quinn,” he said. “You’re not the only one in Glee who’s cheated. I mean, maybe you’re the only one who’s cheated twice...”
She chuckled at that.
“But I can cast no stones when it comes to that.”
“Yes, you can. You never cheated on Blaine. Those texts last year don’t count. The guy flirted with you, but you never reciprocated.”
Ah, yes. The Chandler debacle. Blaine had publicly humiliated him with Whitney over that. But that was different. They’d never held hands, never kissed, never...
A sob escaped before he could stop it.
All traces of humor were gone from Quinn’s voice now. For the first time since he’d found out, the dam broke.
“He said I wasn’t there for him! After all the Skype calls, after I risked my internship at Vogue to talk to him on the phone, after...”
He needed a breather. Quinn was quiet. He figured she was letting him vent.
“After he told me to come to New York. How could he do this?”
She still didn’t respond. Not that he expected her to; what could she possibly say to that? She’d never been particularly close to Blaine, now that he thought about it. She wouldn’t have any insight into his mind.
Finally, she let out a sigh.
“I can’t speak for him, Kurt. But honestly? It sounds like he needed more attention than you could have ever given him, you know what I mean? Because you weren’t there physically, he just... found a guy who could tend to his needs. It’s not right, it’s absolutely disgusting, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it.”
Kurt knew she was right, but deep down he still doubted it. He should have been more spontaneous. An unscheduled Skype call. A surprise phone call when Isabelle wasn’t looking. Something, anything, that would have stopped Blaine from straying.
“Kurt?” Quinn said. “I mean it. I know it’s easy to blame yourself, but this is all on Blaine Anderson. Not on you.”
She sighed. “Look, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got an early voice class in the morning. But before I go... I could come down there for a weekend. We can talk more with our boyfriends Ben and Jerry. We could even get Mercedes on Skype.”
Kurt smiled again. “You know, I’d like that. We have a lot to catch up on. I’ll save your number and call you later.”
The whole conversation was unexpected, he mused as he and Quinn said their goodbyes and hung up. But it was a welcome one. It was a promise, a glimmer of hope.
It was just what he needed.
21 notes · View notes
And the Winner Is...
A/N: This is my entry for @mss4msu 500 celebration challenge! I’m super late on this one too, thank you for being patient! 💕It’s my second work with Zac so it’s still quite plain and simple, although I’ll be posting a smuttier part later on (following this storyline.) I just thought I’d make this a fluffy oneshot and then whoever wants to read the smut will have it in a seperate text. 🤷‍♀️ Warnings: none really, I don’t even think there’s a swear word... Word count: 2.5k Summary: After several calls to your local radio station and five good answers, you find yourself owner of a VIP pass for the New York comic con. There’s that one man in particular you wish to see, and little did you know he had planned this all along.
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You’re holding the ticket in your hands, your thumb runs over the large textured letters. You’re still unable to process the euphoria surrounding the events that lead to this day. Your name is written under the New York Comic Con logo, its beautiful lanyard dangles from your hands as you twirl it around to look at the pattern. The softness of the couch has never been so welcoming as it envelopes you in your downfall from the heavens. The laminated ticket comes to your chest, followed by you giggling in excitement and tapping your feet to the ground. The phone in your pocket rings, and you hurry to pick it up.
“Hello?” You answer without reading the ID.
“Hi Y/N! How are you?” Your friend chimes from the other side.
“Oh, hey! I’m…” You ponder whether to tell or not. “I’m doing great,” you finish quickly as not to leave any suspicion.
“Riiight. Expected someone else?” You bite your lip to keep from laughing some more. She knows where you’re headed to, but not what’s actually hidden behind all this. “Well anyway, if you want me to help you pack for your trip I’m free all night.” She giggles when you stay silent. You end up accepting her offer, unsure if you could go the entire evening without combusting of joy. You figure that having her around would help you stay down to earth - but most importantly, it would keep the scenarios from playing in your mind.
You’re happy to realise that both seats next to you remain empty as the plane shakes off the ground. Once the flight is steady and you’ve lost sight of the city lights, you fold your knees over the arm rest as you get comfortable for the short flight. A variety of films is available from the on-board entertainment, including very recent titles, and some of your favourite series. So much for the book you had packed, you think. The soft vibrations help numb your mind and soon you’re well into a proper nap; an earphone securely playing the soundtrack to a Disney movie, the other hanging over your shoulder as it got pulled out not too long after.
Someone’s backpack strap is what has you jolting up at your arrival. You stretch as best you can in the confined space, reaching over to your left for the cubicle window. The rainy weather is not enough to dispirit you as you close it back and pick up your stuff, ready to have a great weekend at the convention. You’re in the last bunch out of the plane and through customs.
You set your bag onto the plushy bench at the foot of the bed - which is way too big for one person, you think - and let yourself fall on your back; the supple material has you bouncing a couple times. As you take a few deep breaths, you let your hands roam the space next to you, the silky fabric of the duvet-cover allows your fingers to glide easily, and it soon feels like you’re swimming in your own little world. The room is dark; the only thing coming in is the filtered light of the blinking advertisement panels outside. The dim ambiance of Time Square that’s just a few blocks down helps your mind drift off, and as if someone had dropped their knocked-out, fully-clothed kid on their sister’s spare bed, you lay there, content, before finally falling asleep.
A knock at the door pulls you out of your beauty sleep, and you thank the night’s unexpected crash for the fully functional outfit.
“Hi, can I-” You stop yourself when the door won’t go wider than a couple inches, the chain lock still well in place. “I’m sorry. Hi!” A familiar face waits with a white box in hand, and the same sweet smile. It’s his assistant. She had skyped you to explain what the pass included and later to explain the schedule of your plane.
“I hope I’m not too early for you. I’m just dropping this off. The convention starts at ten,” she begins, and then waits for your reaction. She smiles at your confusion. “Feel free to call me if you need a ride. I think you’ll like it. Congratulations again!” She winks as she taps on the box before walking away into the long hall. Suddenly, the furthest door down the hall opens slightly and your heart skips a beat on the spot. His tall silhouette barely makes it under the door frame as he steps out to get his special delivery of newspapers. Dark jeans held around his waist by a black leather belt. No shirt. Before he can stretch back up and see you, you squeal your way back into the room, then slam the door before leaning against it. Giggles escape your lips and you can’t help but dance around a little. Pictures surely didn’t do him justice.
The soft cardboard of the box tears slightly under your tight grip. A small cut gives you a peek at what’s hiding inside. With a slight spark of excitement you rush towards the table in the small living space and lay it on the marble. The small ribbon is easily torn away and you pull out a Nerd HQ t-shirt; the fabric is soft in your hands, the colours remind you of an 80s arcade room. The symbol is spelled out in a neon-like font, and stripes run down the side seems. You pick up the small note at the bottom of the box and gasp as you read it:
“Dear nerd,
Thank you for participating in our contest! I hope you enjoy your stay and that you have fun at the convention. But then again, you’ll get to meet me so that’s pretty rad!
I’ll see you later Y/N,
Zac ❤”
The last few words are hard to read as your eyes slowly fill with tears of joy. He’s taken the time to write a little message for you and it honestly beats getting a like from him on one of your tweets. You had been able to talk to him over the phone for a couple minutes when him and his assistant called to give you the result of the draw. He later texted you a simple hello, which stretched into a pretty deep conversation about mental health and upcoming movies. About a week later he warned you that his phone might have been hacked, and that for your privacy - and his - you had accepted to stop talking until you could meet. Knowing that you’ll be able to see him in person definitely has you nervous and shaking.
Getting back onto your feet, you trot towards the bathroom and hold the shirt up in front of your body, imagining how it would look on you. Then you go back to finish your outfit and get your small bag ready with everything you want signed.
You walk out of the elevator to the basement, where a black Mercedes awaits. A small hand waves you in through the open passenger window, and you settle next to his assistant.
“Told you you’d like it!” Her tone is friendly and she winks at you before pulling onto the street.
Small talk makes the ride down the jammed streets of Hell’s Kitchen a breeze, and with the lanyard around your neck, you walk into the busy halls of the Javits Center. The main area is packed; you wonder if everything is up to fire regulations as you strut around, being careful not to walk on anyone’s heels or break any cosplays. Marvel pretty much owns the place - or rather Disney - as Star Wars ships and maquettes are displayed here and there, comic artists and autograph booths fill the back walls. You walk down the aisles as if you were on a cloud. This is certainly the best initiation you could have gotten. Then, with an extra heartbeat per minute, you come to realise that you’re just a few feet away from the DC gate, which is ironically adorned with Shazam posters, along with Superman gear. An attroupement of people surrounds the Batmobile that roars in a corner. You sigh as the whole event becomes a bit overwhelming, and you can’t help but feel yourself go a bit weak.
You step into the little archway, and a well deserved breath escapes your lungs. You waste some time looking around at the frames and pieces of craft that creators expose proudly. And then your eyes come up to the posters hung along the black curtains behind the autograph tables, a sweet red shade tints your cheeks at the sight of Zac’s picture in the Shazam suit. A small kid bumps into you when your feet give up on their simple task; the flashes of his near-naked body resurfacing from the morning has your mind going foggy. He steps out a few minutes later, along with Asher and Jack, and they are greeted by a roar of cheers which knocks you out of a day dream. Your shoulder finds refuge on a nearby column, and you decide to wait until he has talked to a few people before you can come up with the courage to walk to his booth. He’s a little faster though and spots you from his seat, earning yourself a wink and a bright smile.
“Here comes the smolder!” Someone calls from the line in front of you, making you laugh a little. A strong hand comes to your shoulder from behind, startling you.
“Y/N?” His voice is a bit higher than you expected for someone his size. His square shoulders jump up a little when he sees your frightened face. The company shirt he has on is clearly a size too small; the sleeve bands around his biceps are screaming for their life.
“Yes. Do you need an ID?” You already have a hand in your bag as you ask the question, but he grabs your arm and politely shakes his head.
“It’s alright, love. Follow me,” he adds.
You struggle to keep up with him as he guides you through a crowded area, even though his body creates a rather smooth passage. About a minute later you find yourself alone with him in a small hallway; pipes fill the ceiling and everything is made out of concrete. Had it not been for the bright neon lights, this would certainly feel like a horror movie. You keep walking in silence, hearing the crowd cheer through the small doors you keep passing by. Then he opens a door to your right and motions you inside while holding it for you.
“If you please,” he says cordially.
You enter the room and scan your surroundings. A couch covered in dark green velvet sits by the opposing wall. There’s a barber chair sitting in front of a big mirror, where bottles of makeup and what-not fill a thin shelf. You step a little further inside and then see the fruits on the coffee table along with various snacks and bottles of Gatorade. When the bodyguard closes the door behind you and moves out of the way you see the small post on the door.
‘Zachary Levi’ written in black sharpie on the back of a random list, taped unevenly.
Your jaw slackens a little, your gaze goes back to the treats on the table and you smile at how personal this feels. The man invites you to get comfortable and take whatever you’d like, and you think he said he’d be back shortly with a warm lunch but your mind is already wandering around the subtle items and decor. You run your hands on the soft material of the couch as you let your body relax into it. It has a natural wood frame and feels very vintage. Very Zac. A small TV hangs on the wall in front of it and is already turned on and logged onto someone’s Netflix account. You grab the remote and proceed to ‘get comfortable’ as the man had said. The choice is easy when one of your favourite series is in his list as well.
The first episode is nearly done when faint voices are getting closer in the hallway, and out of panic you turn it off and sit back into the couch. The handle moves but it takes a few seconds before the door is finally pushed open. He’s standing there in the frame, still talking to someone you can’t see from your position. Although you doubt you’d be able to see anything else with Zac just shining in the room. You stand up and he sees it in his sight. He turns his head just a little and sends you another wink along with a little wave, politely asking you to wait another minute. You stand there in the middle of the room, swaying from a foot to another as you try and compose yourself. Then he turns around completely and steps inside.
“Hi Y/N!” His voice is high and bashful. You move your hand up in hopes of reaching for his, but he jerks it away gently and opens his arms instead. “Come on! Bring it in.”
You obey and move closer to him. Your arms hook behind his body but you’re too afraid to touch him. You linger there, your head against his chest that slowly rises with each breath, trying to slow your heartbeat to match his. His actions make it hard for you to actually focus. One of his hands reaches the back of your head and he runs his fingers through your hair before settling lower on your neck.
“You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispers in the crook of your neck. He only lets go when he feels you shiver and your arms fall to your side. He grabs your shoulders, pushing you back a little and looks at you, his face wincing at his clumsiness. “Did I overstep? Gosh. I’m so, so sorry!” He seems  genuinely concerned and bothered with himself until he sees you smile finally, making him shiver in return.
“You shouldn’t...I’m...I can’t lie and say I’m not enjoying this.” He breathes out when you’re done and his shoulders relax. “I guess I’m just startled. You really are so handsome and...” And I saw you half naked this morning and wanted to have my hands on you all day but… You shake your head at the thought with a laugh which seems to amuse him as well.
“What?” He grins and takes a step closer. So close your neck is about to snap from looking up at him.
“I, um…” Your hands come to your face and you lean against his chest again. His hands run down your arms and onto the small of your back, before slowly making their way back up and locking behind your neck. He pulls slightly on your hair, making you face him again. A whimper threatens to leave your throat but his lips are quick to block any sound from coming out of your mouth.
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matthewxdavidson · 5 years
Night Before... || Mattcedes
Tagging: Matthew Davidson & Mercedes Jones Where: Mercedes’ room When: July 27, 2019 - Sometime after 1am Notes: none
Matt asked Blaine to meet with him that night, full knowing he’d not be okay with what’s happening the next day. This year he’d been hit with one blow after the next and his heart and head were tired. He put on the usual charm. Cracked jokes and did what most people have come to expect from him. These faces were well worn and slid on easy but it didn’t mean he wasn’t ready to just set them aside and slip away from the world for awhile. It was well past midnight by this point, Matt unable to hear the sound of music and singing from the room he rented for Mercedes’ bachelorette party. He thought he’d risk seeing her and hope she was in her room and not over at Jackson’s. Or Jackson’s at hers. His hand went up and knocked on her door, hoping this wasn’t some type of mistake.
Mercedes had had fun at the reception dinner and at the at the surprise party, friends and family, everyone came out and she just enjoyed herself.  About 11 she grew tired and knew she needed her rest. So saying goodbye to the girls she made her way back to her room and skype called Jackson like she promised. They had spoken for about 30 minutes when she knew they should both get some sleep. The knock on her door came as a surprise cause she didn't know who would be visiting her the night before her wedding. Opening the door she was shocked to see Matt. "Matt- what are you doing here?"
He thought he’d be a drunk mess by this point of the night but he was stone cold sober, which was for the best. He smiled and crossed his arms. “What? A guy can’t pay his best friend a late night visit the night before she gets married?” There was a small smile with this. “Can I come in? I promise to be a gentleman to Mr. Snuggles.”
"I guess it would depend on why you are here? Why are you here Matt?" She sighed at his question and moved to the side. "What's going on?"
“Why are you making it seem like I’m here because I’m up to no good?” He looked around and then back to her. “I don’t want to do this out here. I actually have something I want to say.”
"Cause ever since I have known you you have been pretty much up to no good." She teased. Looking at him, she shut the door and wrapped her robe around herself. "Okay...."
“I have my good moments! This is one of them, I swear.” Matt went into the room and spied the pink and purple zebra. He walked over and picked it up before turning around with it in his hands. “Okay. I got what I came for. Time for me to go back to my room.” He pretended to leave but laughed at himself. Matt sat on the edge of her bed instead and looked at her. “I can’t believe tomorrow is the big day. There have been many times I’ve thought of how this day would go down. Even considered stopping the wedding but I know that won’t go over well. I also know you’ve got some serious feelings for Jack. I can tell with the way you talk about him. This look you get.”
Mercedes blocked the door the moment he grabbed Mr. Snuggles. She rolled her eyes with a smiled as he pretended to leave but then sat down. She moved to sit next to him. "Yeah it feels like its been longer than six months. Way longer than six months. So much has happened and I don't really know how to deal with all of them. I mean I thought this would be me and you. We would say a big screw you to my dad and I would be your wife. But stuff happens, people change or want different things, or hurt you. And you just have to adjust." She ran her hands through her hair. "But I do like him, a lot. I still just have so many feelings."
Matt listened and set the zebra aside so he could take her hand. “Or people are too scared about breaking contract and dealing with not just the fines and jail time but the fall out. At least with this you’ll have a good man and your family. If I’d have gone and married you we’d have each other but your parents would be out of the picture. As crazy and controlling I think your dad is. After seeing how he was at the fire...he loves you too damn much. I think it would break him if you ever broke his heart.” Matt licked his lips and turned his head. He came here to talk about something else and didn’t anticipate this. Tears stung his eyes and he looked away.
Mercedes shook her head. "If he loved me at all he wouldn't have done this. I am all for people getting married but at least let them choose who they want to marry!" She sighted. "And if it was that important for the two to get married they would of. You wanted to Be with El and she was al-" Mercedes stopped herself from continuing. "Sorry, none of that matters. You came to tell me something?"
He wanted to shake her when it came to Ellie. But she had some sort of selective amnesia when it come to it and would it actually matter? “I swear to fucking God. The next time you bring up Ellie and how I wanted to be with her you won’t hear from me for awhile. Ellie was very aggressive and she basically wore me down and...you’re right. It’s the past. If we’re meant to come back to each other then we will. I just want you happy and not dealing with anything bad.” His hand went through his hair and then he took her hand. “You know I love you, right?”
Mercedes turned to him. "If I am not allowed to say anything else about her then I have to say this. It doesn't matter if she was aggressive, it doesn't matter if its what she wanted. You and I, we had something special. I knew if from the moment you kissed me. It wasn't because you saved my life, or because you were my best friend. It was because you were you. And when I asked you to marry me you said no. And it hurt but I stayed in your life because I got it. But when you came over to my house, and told me you and her were going to be together. That hurt me more than anything ever could. It didn't matter if I was falling for Jack or said we couldn't be anything. It meant you were willing to risk it all to be with her. But not me. Your side is your side but thats all i see when I think about it." She wiped her eyes. "I really do like Jackson, and I am glad that I took the time to get to know him, and that I am marrying someone like him. But I know marrying him means I have to let go of all the past hurt and everything." He took her hand and she nodded. "I know."
This talk wasn’t going at all as planned and Matt looked at their hands and a few tears actually worked their way down his cheeks. It was a fight he knew he’d have to put behind him. If he wanted to make things work with Bri and for Mercedes to have true happiness then what they had. What they shared. It was just a memory. Something they couldn’t have again. He moved and placed his arms around her, hugging her in a way he knew he wouldn’t be able to after today. “This isn’t what I came to talk about but I know I’m going to miss this part of us. The part that is filled with all the love I have for you.”
She laid on his shoulder and sighed. "I am gonna miss you too. So much. I just had to get that out Matt. Truthfully and in my heart I know you never wanted to hurt me, that you loved me, love me more. But it was weighing on me and now I can forgive it, forgive it and let go. But you have to forgive yourself too. We all make choices and its easy to hold on to the pain, because we feel we deserve it. You don't deserve the pain. You were good to me while we were together, so amazing. And despite how I felt about her and her actions I know El truly loved you. Let go of the pain you have from what happened with us and what happened with you and her.  Let go so you can be happy okay?"
His hand went to her cheek and Matt’s lips met her forehead. He pressed a firm kiss there and brought his lips to hers and gave her the lightest of kisses. “I will.” His forehead pressed against hers and sighed. “Jesus. I wasn’t planning on coming over and crying but I know this is something we needed.” His hand remained on her cheek and Matt looked at her. At the love of his life. “I want you to have the best future, Mercedes. I want it filled with so much laughter and promise. That you’ll have that future from that dream you told me about.”
Mercedes laughed. Matt kissed her softly and she smiled at him.  "Crying is good for the soul. You are my best friend Matty and I think in order for us to move on from the past then we need to be honest and I am glad that we are being honest  with each other. Glad we are on the same page about that." She sighed. "I want you to have the best future too Matt. All those things you wish for me I wish the same for you." 
“We’re just going to keep going and going with what we want each other to have.” He brushed her cheek and longed to kiss her again, but he couldn’t. Once was already crossing a line. “Okay.” He moved back but still held her hand. “You know how much my grandmother adored you. How you would hang out. She’d cook and talk to you in the kitchen and always make sure you were invited to everything ala Davidson?”
Mercedes nodded. "I think you and Bri, I think you guy are well on your way." She wiped her eyes and listened to him, she loved his grandmother, the woman always made her feel like family. "Yeah I remember."
He and Bri could have something great, but he knew a lot of that was being held back due to him and with what happened months ago with the whole Ellie situation. Bri rarely brought it up but it had to have made her think he was incapable of getting his shit together. Then again, that could all be in his head. "When she passed away we each got some things of hers. And there was something she wanted you to have, but only on your wedding day. She-" he paused and closed his eyes as he looked away and said, "she thought you and I were going to get married. She'd talk about you like you were my wife." he laughed and pushed his hand into his pocket. He removed a necklace with a sapphire stone. "It was one of the only pieces of jewelry she owned before my family had money. I updated the chain but the stone is all hers." He brought it out and showed it to her. "I know it'll mean a lot to he if you wore this tomorrow. If you make this your something blue."
Mercedes was surprised that his grandmother left her something but she shouldn't have been. Seeing the necklace brought tears to her eyes all over again. "Oh my Gosh.." She took the necklace in her hand. "I always told her it looked like the necklace from the titanic...and she always said that Rose was a self fool and there was enough room for Jack on the boat. Every time." she laughed. "Matt I cant take this. It belongs in your family. She thought you would give it to your wife. Bri should have it."
He shook his head and moved so he could put it on her. "She said you. Mercedes. You and she were close and she loved you." He wasn't going to take it back, not when it always belonged to her. "If only there's a way she can see this but I have a feeling she knows." he said after he managed to get the clasp and moved around to see it on her. "I can only imagine how that will look with your dress. It'll probably be eaten by your cleavage. Lets be real."
Matt put the necklace on her neck and she looked down looking at it. "Its so beautiful." She wiped her eyes. "She was the best. I missed her everyday." She looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Had to ruin it didn't you? Couldn't just let me enjoy this moment?"
"Wouldn't want it any other way," he said with a smirk. "But I'm glad I was able to get that to you tonight. It's kind of why I wanted to know if you'd be with Jack or not. It'd be weird for me to show up and give you a necklace in front of him."
Mercedes sighed. "Yeah, you just missed him though." she said with a smile. "We skyped for a bit before bed." She reached down for the necklace. "This is incredible though. You are so much like her you know that?"
"I heard she was an absolute horn dog in her day, so yeah. I can see the resemblance." That wasn't true and Mercedes knew it. Matt picked Mr. Snuggles back up and hugged him to his chest. "I'm going to miss these late nights with you. Our talks. The sleepovers. How we'd watch the dumbest movies imaginable and mute them to come up with our own dialogue." He looked down at the zebra and pressed his chin atop his head. "I'd say we're growing up way too fast but I'm thirty and you're an age that's not thirty. I know better than to tell a woman's age."
Mercedes laughed hitting his shoulder softly. "She was not and she made me hit you." Mercedes watched him for a moment. "Look how about once a month we have a sleep over. Like we used too. We can even invite Bri and Jack and it will be like us hanging out 2.0?"
"An adult sleepover? Sounds like the start to some of the porns I watch." he teased and nodded. "But yeah. If it's something we can do I'm down. I know Bri wouldn't mind it. Still not sure how Jack feels when it comes to me but I hope he comes around at some point and doesn't think I'm trying to come between you."
Mercedes laughed. "It should be fun, at least I think it will and Jack will come around once we are married and he sees you with Bri, when I saw you guys on Monday it was clear you have fun together. He will see that too."
"I think she's going to start wearing her cold cream ala Mrs Doubtfire. You know, with actual cake frosting." Matt said, laughing. "But yeah. I hope that's what happens. You're too big a part in my life and I can't lose you. I think I might lose my mind if we stop talking." Matt moved Mr. Snuggles away from his chest and he booped her against Mercedes' nose. "Alright. I know you need to get some sleep and I should head back to my room."
"Okay thats cute." She laughed. "Matt you will never lose me we are a packaged deal. Its just weird for him because of you and me and you and El but he will be okay. I think we all will." She laughed at the boop and stood. "Thank you for the talk and for this.."
"Yeah," he said as he got to his feet and started the walk towards the door. "Good thing you were still up." He reached the door and went to turn the knob but stopped. His tongue went between his teeth and he thought to say something. To tell her to give him a sign if she needed him to stop the wedding. Some sort of way out of the whole thing but what way could there be? They were trapped in these arrangements. He turned around and looked at her. A soft smile spread across his lips and he reached to take hold of her wrist and tugged her to his body again. Matt wrapped her into another hug and he pressed his face into her neck, breathing her in and feeling her warmth against his own. It would be so easy to just undo her robe and kiss her the way he used to but he knew better. He couldn't do that to her. "I love you."
Mercedes sighed and looked over to him as he left, and when he pulled her over to him she hugged him tightly. "I love you too Matty." She held him for another moment, knowing they both needed the hug. "I will see you tomorrow. And thank you, thank you for being her for me." She pulled away from him and smiled. Good night Matt."
His fingers went through her hair and he brought them down to her chin, giving it a little playful squeeze before smiling, “Good night, Mrs. Pierce. The next time we talk you’ll be a married woman.” He turned around and walked out. As soon as he was a good distance away Matt pressed his back against the wall and let out a shuddering breath. A cry he’d been holding in after he said her new last name slipped out and he silently wept, eventually dragging his forearm across his eyes and collecting himself. He had no fucking idea how he’ll make it through that wedding tomorrow but he’ll do it. 
He’ll do it for her.
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nubianamy · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lauren Zizes in the Donutverse is about as canon-compliant as one gets. She’s a badass on the show; she’s a badass in my series. She’s a programmer, an artist, and an A/V junkie. I’ve written her in several other contexts as a Domme, and that’s definitely how I have always seen her with Puck. But I did not expect to enjoy writing her quite this much. 
We first meet Lauren as A/V support for various Glee projects during sophomore year, including Kurt and Mercedes’ video of the song Vogue, the lighting for Like A Prayer, Kurt’s oh-so-bad production of U Can’t Touch This in the library, and the music/lights for Kurt’s number Rose’s Turn. Junior year, she agrees to run A/V and manage set construction for the Glee Club production of South Pacific. She has absolutely no patience for luddites and expects her performers to understand at least the basics of stage technology. 
In addition, Lauren is a regular attendee at the monthly BDSM munch at Irene Tibideaux’s coffee shop in Columbus. When Emma runs into her there, we discover she doesn’t bother with a pseudonym because she has nothing to hide. Mistress Tib is her mentor in the scene. She specializes in dealing pain, mostly contractually. She later becomes aware of Kurt, Finn, and Puck’s involvement in the scene, and they become friends, and even helps surprise Puck with a birthday cake for his 17th birthday.
Lauren also emerges during sophomore year as Sarah’s mentor in a conceptual residential housing project. Lauren tutors Sarah in CAD and other computer design tools via Skype and occasionally in person. Eventually it becomes obvious that Sarah’s house project is not a made-up one, and that she intends for it to be built for the Hudson-Hummel family to live in. Lauren admires and dotes on Sarah, and they have great mutual respect for one another.
In junior year, she leads the investigation into the J4J organization that sponsors the “Adventure Camp” where Puck is sent for deprogramming. She is one of the first people Sarah calls when she hitchhikes west to save her brother, and babysits her when she’s brought back to Lima. When Puck returns, Lauren informs him his inner compass is “fucked up.”
Lauren’s current role in the Donutverse is as a support person to Puck while he is reintegrating his attraction for guys with his submissive masochistic self. This begins, appropriately, in episode 2x07 The Substitute, when Lauren is sick and Puck goes to her house to make her matzoh ball soup. Over the next several chapters, she emerges as a patient, creative, and intuitive Domme for Puck, providing him with exactly the person he needs to find his way back home. 
Lauren’s father plays a critical part in future Donutverse stories, which I may never write, but were plotted last spring with a completely unexpected cowriter. Lauren’s extended family, who are hapa Hawaiian-Portuguese, show up in my Hawaii 5-0 crossover story (Am I Not To Know By My Name, written for the 2020 H50 Big Bang). You also get to see a glimpse into Mr. Zizes’ life in the Will/Toby side story, Just That Side of True. 
Lauren lives life as herself, all the time, on her own terms. The consequence, unfortunately, as she explains to Kurt, is that she does it alone. It’s nice to invite her into the Hudson-Hummel household, even if it’s only for a little while, because she’s clearly somebody worth getting to know. 
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pixiealtaira · 6 years
Hide Your Face
Kurtoberfest prompt 2: Masquerade....2017
Pairing: Ultimate Kurt/Sebastian.
Notes: Not Blaine friendly.  mentions Karofsky’s issues
Kurt left the restaurant just after Brittany and Santana had danced while the God Squad sang to them. He was crushed at finding out Blaine had not sent the Valentines.  He was confused to why Dave had done so, why he thought Kurt was free.
Of course he was also really confused about why Blaine was out of school for a bit over three weeks, nearly a full month, after he got the slushy to the face and his eye scratched. When Kurt got scratched in the eye by the neighbor’s puppy, he hadn’t even been allowed out of school for more than one day and have it excused. Nor when he and the rest of his lab table got the chemical burns in the eighth grade when the stupid jock sitting with them decided to play with the chemicals instead of following directions and splashed them across the lab table.  Nor when he got the infection after the whole pee balloon incident right before his freshman year. Now granted the second two incidences had a day or two more excused time, but not much and none bedridden.
Kurt sighed as he fretted again.  Blaine hadn’t even texted him or answered any texts in two weeks, since the day Kurt and Rachel and Finn had headed over and sang Ben to him.  Supposedly his parents had been taking him out of state for surgery, but when Burt called and asked for an update on it Blaine’s mother hadn’t even known what he was talking about.
It was irritating to think Blaine might not have been telling Kurt the truth, yet again.
Kurt turned on his SUV and pulled out, turning to face the entrance to the parking lot when Blaine’s car pulled in, followed by four others. When he didn’t stop or wave Kurt sighed, looking around.  He was one of six black SUVs in the lot, so maybe Blaine didn’t notice it was him. Kurt frowned and backed his vehicle into one of the far spots where he could see into the restaurant.
Blaine got out of his car and waved to someone in a sort of wait motion.  He peeked into Breadstix and then waved again for someone to come forward.
Warblers spilled out of their cars and rushed towards the door which Blaine had thrown open in a grand entrance type of movement.  It reminded Kurt of Blaine and the Pips throwing papers in the halls of Dalton. Sure enough, Blaine headed directly to the stage, pushing the God Squad off as he and Warblers filled it.
The door was propped open by boys standing in the doorway, so Kurt rolled his windows down so he could hear what Blaine was singing.
The Love Shack. Warbler backed. Go figure.
He watched Blaine hang on Trent and Thad before going to hang on Jeff before Nick pushed him away. Blaine did his little wounded puppy face and oblivious shrug.  The one he always did when he knew he did something wrong but was trying to make everyone else think he didn’t know what he was doing was wrong.
He was dressed to party. He was eye patch free.  He was also not even looking for Kurt at all. Kurt turned off his SUV and leaned back into his seat to see how long it took for Blaine to realize Kurt wasn’t there and maybe ask about him.
Six songs by Blaine and the Pips, time to eat Burgers which had been delivered right out to the guys…and two arguments with Quinn which led to them singing three more songs…later and Kurt determined the answer was never.  At least not that night.  Blaine didn’t care.  He hadn’t talked to Sam or Finn or Rachel.  He hadn’t talked to Mercedes.  He had talked to Sugar and Tina and loads of other guys.
An unfamiliar car pulled into the lot as Kurt was fuming.  Kurt watched several more Dalton boys get out and walk towards the entrance before the car went off…presumably dropping kids off.
Kurt was startled with the pounding on his window followed by the opening of his passenger door and someone seating themselves inside.
“Lady Face.”
“Sebastian.  How lovely to see you. I thought the go to term for me was gay-face?”
“Yes well, my father reminded me that that term was insulting to the whole LGBTQ+ community and asked how he was supposed to keep being a good ally when I was going around doing things like that. So, what are you doing here?”
Kurt snorted. “I live nearby, am in the same school and club with Sugar, who is the one hosting this thing tonight, sadly consider this somewhat a hangout…why wouldn’t I be here? You guys however are all a bit far from home.”
“Yeah, but Blaine invited us as we were traveling home yesterday.” Sebastian said. “And the Warblers had fun singing at last year’s little shindig…several got dates out of it…so we decided to come down this year.  But Blaine said you weren’t here.”
“Blaine has never been very observant…at all. Misses even the obvious half the time.  Of course I missed all the time he was spending with you at the Lima Bean and shopping and at Dalton and apparently Skyping and texting and calling, so perhaps I have no room to talk.  Traveling home?” Kurt asked.
Sebastian cringed at the very bitter rant, surprised it was aimed mostly towards Kurt’s own self. “Yeah. But he went to great lengths so that you didn’t know he was hanging with me and the guys…were you trying hard to hide from him tonight? Oh, and you forgot country club activities. Anyway, Blaine went on the History of America tour with us. It was part of his father’s agreement with him changing schools. Blaine would attend the ‘Dalton Experiences’ which his dad paid greatly for in order for him to be able to attend while not actually going to Dalton, he would maintain his involvement in the country club youth programs and activities, he would pull top scores in his classes, he would become involved in worthwhile endeavors at the school and have good standing in them,  he would present himself as a true Anderson and maintain leads in most of what he participated in, and he would refrain from causing scenes and his dad would allow him to go to McKinley.”
Kurt snorted again. “Of course he did…hmm, in both Anderson men’s cases, of course he did.  I’m surprised his father let him go, though.  Blaine said he was mad.”
It was Sebastian’s turn to snort. “He was. He called Thad’s father to find out who to contact about the whole face off thing and then called my father and I was down there apologizing before two days had passed. After that he was just mad at you guys for tossing a fit about us stealing songs instead of just accepting that we are rich and deserve what we want.  His words…not mine.  Blaine of course did not tell him how the songs got stolen.”
Kurt laughed. “You’d apologized even before Santana’s epic take down, huh?  I hope you don’t mind if I don’t tell her that.  She is very proud of herself.”
“Eh, I don’t mind. I actually had fun.  It’s nice to find someone who gives me a run for my money on the whole bad attitude front.”
“I’m not telling her that, either.  It would go to her head and you’d probably never be able to go anywhere ever again without her finding you and bitching at you. So, what are you doing out here anyway? Blaine and your pals are all in there.”
“Excuse me if I figured finding out why YOU were out here and not in there and why Blaine thought you weren’t here at all was more interesting than spending any more time with Blaine when he and the boys are in that mode…”
“You mean the ‘Blaine and the Pips’ mode?  Did he jump on lots of furniture while on his Dalton Experience?”
Sebastian laughed. “He did. He talked about half the Warblers with us into nightly ‘shows’ in the lobbies of the hotels we were staying in. It was annoying.  He wouldn’t let the rest of us sing lead, at all.  Wanted it all back to the way it used to be…he is NOT happy about that change to the Warblers at all.  Of course, the demand we NOT have a single lead that sings ALL songs is back to the way the Warblers were traditionally but Blaine only accepts Wes’ years of leadership as true Warbler years.  Nick and Jeff aren’t happy with him.  He kept hitting on one or the other all for the last week or so.”
“Not you?” Kurt sneered.
“Oh, he hit on me. However, I decided at Christmas time that I no longer really wanted to go there…and I’ll go most places.  The third Country Club Christmas party where his mother fawned over me because she thought I was a better option for his boyfriend than you because we are rich and therefore not after Blaine’s family’s money and asked how many children I thought we should have…after forgetting she asked the same things at both the parties before…I was done.  Not to mention, I just can’t see the whole ‘sex-on-a-stick’ that the Warbler guys kept talking about that led me to even approach him in the first place after watching him completely loose it about seeing two men kissing on the dance floor of Scandals the second…or maybe third…time I took him there.  I am sorry, but there is nothing about a public display of affection that cheapens the act…not in a gay bar.  That is supposed to be one of those places it is SAFE to show public displays of affection. Opps…I wasn’t supposed to let you know about other trips to Scandals.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “It actually explains some things.”
“So, Lady-Face, why are you out here?” Sebastian asked.
“Find another nickname please.  That one is annoying enough from Santana.”
“How about queenie?”
“Nope…that is Quinn’s.”
“It could work. You’ll share it with Puck.  That works though, you two have similar reputations. You just have it with guys.  I do hope you at no point prostituted yourself to older men…as craigslist as you are I really do believe you think better of yourself than that.”
“Ahh, you’re so sweet. Answer?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day.” Kurt said.
“I’ve been getting…things…all week.  I thought it was Blaine sending them, even though he hadn’t really texted me or anything. It wasn’t.  I called today.  Nothing, it went to voice mail.  I emailed him, I texted him.  I sent him Valentine’s treats…picked with him in mind. I was pulling out to head home when they all pulled in and so I parked again where I could watch and think.  Do you know what he got me for Christmas? He made me a ring out of gum wrappers…Said sweet words which he very promptly ignored and didn’t follow through with keeping. I worked extra shifts to buy him a suit he said he wanted and several bowties to match and gave it to him early when he complained about not having anything to wear over the holiday season.  Then I bought him a scarf and mitten and hat set for Christmas itself when he complained he wouldn’t have anything to open for Christmas.”
“You bought him that black suit with the gunmetal pinstripes?” Sebastian asked.
Kurt nodded.
“I thought the taste put into that suit was above his level to achieve.  His parent’s made him wear it everywhere.  Of course, I was privileged to see what HE picked out for a Christmas suit on when he came to the Dalton Winter Fun Fest. It was bright red with a pine green vest and he wore it with a bright yellow shirt.”
Kurt looked at Sebastian horrified.
“I kid you not, I will send photos.” Sebastian said.
“Dalton had a Winter Fun Fest?” Kurt asked.
“They have one every year.”
“And yet another thing I was never invited to or informed of.  I wonder who was responsible for it that time…Blaine or Wes.  I made Wes mad once and would have missed the Career Day if I hadn’t heard a teacher talk about it before class and asked.  If that was around the same time it could have been Wes’s fault. But it is mostly likely Blaine’s.  He was very much against me associating with the general population of Dalton. I just didn’t realize it until I was looking for ways out already.”
“I would make a bet on Blaine. You baked him cookies and bought him a box of chocolates and a new bowtie for Valentine’s Day, right?”
Kurt nodded.
Sebastian snorted. “He brought both the cookies and chocolates to the Warbler practice this afternoon and was wearing the tie.”
Kurt sighed. “Of course he did.”
“Why do you put up with this kind of stuff?” Sebastian asked. The question was soft and serious and so un-Sebastian in tone that Kurt paused.
“I don’t know. I was so lonely without him, before him, maybe I’m afraid of being that lonely again.”
“Were you always though? And are you really any less lonely now?”
“Jeff said not very long ago that you came to Dalton because of extreme bullying which had culminated in a death threat…less than two months after your dad had had a heart attack.”
“And he said it didn’t sound like you had help from your friends at all during that whole time?”
Kurt nodded. “He called the situation well.”
“Kurt, those periods in life magnify loneliness.  The fear of a family member dying, the fear of extreme bullying…even surrounded by friends who were actively helping you you would have felt lonely.  I know from talking to the other guys Blaine kept you isolated while at Dalton.  Are you really less lonely now?”
Kurt leaned his head against the headrest of his car seat and closed his eyes. Leave it to Sebastian to ask the hard questions.
“I don’t know.”
They sat for a few minutes before Sebastian spoke again. “Let’s have some fun.”
Kurt looked over at him. “What kind?”
Sebastian laughed. “God you sounded so dubious of my suggestion there. Clean fun tonight, baby cakes. I have an extra Dalton Uniform tucked in my trunk. You put it on, mess your hair a bit so it doesn’t scream Kurt Hummel so much, and we go join the masses of boys at your little friend’s party there.  I even have some glasses that are just plain lenses. I use them when I don’t want my step-mother to realize I went and bought myself contacts after all.  I’ll treat you to dinner and we can tear apart everyone around us.  I have heard you have quite the bite…even when you aren’t talking to me.”
“A masquerade.” Kurt said.
“Paper faces on parade.” Sebastian replied.
Kurt chuckled. “Oh Look. You are a gay boy.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “So?”
Kurt shrugged. “Why not? It has to be better than being alone thinking tonight.”
Sebastian went to his car and retrieved a garment bag with the extra uniform in it and Kurt changed in the back of his SUV.  After Kurt finally let Sebastian mess his hair up enough to look like a ‘real boy’ and popped on the glasses, he was declared as looking not ‘Kurt’ enough to go in.
Snarking with Sebastian seemed to be what Kurt needed.  Sebastian appreciated the irony of the ‘God Squad’ being led by a girl who got pregnant while head of the chastity club by cheating on her boyfriend with his best friend and who tossed the biggest fit when Kurt said he was an atheist. He had no problems listening to Kurt’s gripe about the whole ‘no shirt, no shoes, no service’ restaurant allowing Joe with the Jesus tattoos to run around barefoot as long as he didn’t try buying anything.  Sebastian snarked right back about Finn and Rachel and their behavior in public (and was just as horrified as Kurt at the thought of them getting married soon), Blaine and his behavior that evening and none of Kurt’s friends saying anything about it, and the entirety of Sugar Motta.  Kurt stuck to drinks and fries since he had eaten between Dave’s appearance and Sugar’s Party, but Sebastian ate while they snarked. It was oddly enjoyable.
Kurt thought he was sunk when Blaine came dancing by, trying to get Sebastian to join him prancing about. Blaine didn’t even recognize him.  Blaine stood there for ten minutes whining at Sebastian and didn’t recognize his boyfriend sitting next to the other boy.
Kurt wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but it hurt and it wasn’t good.
“You want to leave?” Sebastian asked as soon as Blaine stomped off.
Kurt looked around. “How about some cheesecake?”
Their cheesecake had just arrived when Jeff and Nick found Sebastian.
“Sebastian! I thought you’d left after Ricky and John came in without you.” Nick said as he bounced up to their table. “Oh, Hi, Kurt!”
“I thought Blaine said you weren’t here?” Jeff said pulling up a chair and joining them. “Oh! Cheesecake! Are you two planning on eating the whole thing yourself?”
“Help yourself to some.” Kurt said.
“I thought Blaine was over here not long ago?” Nick said.  “Why are you still sitting here with Sebastian?”
“I thought you and Sebastian hated each other?  Blaine said you hated each other.” Jeff said.
“Blaine is blind.” Kurt said.
“No.  The slushy didn’t have any lasting effect on his eyesight. The doctor assured the Dean of activities of that before the dean would let Blaine come with us on the excursion.” Nick said.
“Oh. Oooohhhhh. Really?” Jeff said.  
Kurt nodded. Sebastian nodded.
“Would sorry be the right thing to say?  Is there a right thing to say?” Jeff said.
“That’s why I bought cheesecake.” Sebastian said.
“I don’t get it.” Nick said.
“Blaine didn’t realize Kurt was sitting here.” Jeff said.
“But…how could he miss it?” Nick asked.
“Because he’s an idiot?” Sebastian said.
“Wait. I’m lost.  I thought you were after Blaine?  Blaine said you were still after him last week.” Nick said.
“I haven’t been after Blaine since before Christmas.  I thought we were friends…just friends.  He’s good company during country club parties and things.”
“But…” Nick said. “God, I’m confused.”
Kurt laughed. “Join the club.”
“So, what are you going to do about it?” Jeff asked.
“Tonight? Eat Cheesecake. Tomorrow? I don’t know yet.  But I doubt it will be pretty. I’m not in a sweet and gentle mood.” Kurt said.  “I don’t suppose there were any charges of damage at any of those hotels he jumped about in? And you are all too nice of boys to record the foolish behavior.  I suppose though that I might leak to my dad that Blaine and his family had been lying…and to the school. I’d need the itinerary.  I am certain Coach Sue would be able to find enough security footage to prove Blaine was out and about with you and not tucked in some hospital undergoing surgery. His parents signed him out for eye surgery that supposedly happened last week.  Those are enough unexcused absences to create a problem for graduation, possibly.  I wonder how much his daddy is willing to fork over to keep dear Blaine from having to repeat a grade. I wonder if it would be enough for his foray into public schools to be cut short. I wonder what MY dad will get when he brings Blaine’s being able to get out of it up…since he was told he couldn’t even take us out long enough for us to be there when he was sworn in to congress…because we couldn’t miss school for something so frivolous.”
Sebastian started to chuckle while Jeff and Nick looked at Kurt with wide eyes.
“And I’ll make sure it’s known that the Andersons lied to school officials at McKinley about Blaine’s whereabouts.  I know my dad will find it interesting that Mr. and Mrs. Anderson lied instead of just being upfront about their son going on an excursion with another school.” Sebastian said.
Kurt smiled.  “The whole family isn’t very good at the whole ‘don’t create a scene’ thing, are they?”
Nick started to laugh. “You have no idea.  One of these days we have got to sneak you into one of the country club galas.  Mrs. Anderson is very interesting once she has had a few drinks and Mr. Anderson doesn’t drink but likes to make bets and gamble, so he is off within a half hour and just leaves her at it.”
“So…knowing this…is Blaine going to create a huge scene tomorrow for you after missing Valentine’s Day?” Sebastian said.
“Probably.” Nick said. “He likes the attention and it would make him look good.”
“No, he’ll do something small because he’d look silly doing something big after missing the day.” Jeff made his guess.
“I think he won’t do anything.” Kurt said.
“No. he’ll do something, but not tomorrow. Not until he finds out someone else did something for you all week and you thought it was him. I give it two or three days and I bet it will be big, or at least big enough for him to think he out did whatever else you received.”
Kurt tilted his head and watched Blaine singing on stage with Quinn.
“Dinner next weekend,” Kurt said. “If Blaine sings or does anything big to make up for our missed Valentine’s day tomorrow, I’ll pay for Nick.  If it is something small and quiet, I’ll pay for Jeff and if it is later than tomorrow I’ll pay for Sebastian.”
“And if he doesn’t do anything we’ll take you out.” Sebastian said.
“But that will be right after regionals.” Nick said.
“So?” Kurt said. “Unlike most my glee club I can manage rational thoughts.  I wish you well.  I’d almost like to see you smear us into the ground. Rachel didn’t get to sing in sectionals and so is the focus except when she has to give it up.  I’ll be swaying in the background again, like always, because I’m not one of the guys and I’m not a girl.  She’s even slated Blaine for a solo section even though he missed the last three weeks.”
“You know,” Sebastian said. “I don’t think I’ve heard you sing, not really.”
“No?” Nick said.
“No.  I saw Blaine because he was you guys soloist, and I know Kurt sang a duet with him for your regionals last year, but no one showed me a copy of that.”
“Eh.  It wasn’t what it should have been.  Blaine got Oscar to arrange it for his voice and to make sure Kurt’s voice wasn’t in a sweet spot.” Jeff said. “If you want to hear Kurt, you need to watch Trent’s copy of Blackbird.”
“No.  Flint’s copy of Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.  Or the one we found of Le Jazz Hot.” Nick said.
“You have a copy of Le Jazz Hot?” Kurt said.  “I’d like that sent my way.  I am rather proud of that performance.”
“Somehow Stevie gets copies of things you guys do.” Nick said.  “The things the cheerleaders do, too. I haven’t sat down to watch the cheer ones though.  Stevie keeps saying we really should.  He also keeps saying we were all stupid.”
“Please ignore all of those from spring two years ago.” Kurt said.
“Kurtie’s hiding something.” Sebastian added in a sing songy tone.
Kurt flipped him off.
“Oh, now I know we need to see those.”
“No, you don’t.  I looked absolutely ridiculous in that uniform and I had not had my growth spurt yet…not really.  I was just starting it.”
“You were a cheerleader?” Jeff squealed.
“Yes. We won Nationals.” Kurt said.
“I’m messaging Steve. Maybe he can email all of it to us.” Nick said.
Kurt rolled his eyes. “Look what you started.” He said to Sebastian.
Sebastian laughed.
Kurt sighed. “I am giving you permission now to make fun of my looks then, but I will not accept teasing names based on those looks.  I no longer look like a 12 yr old milk maid, thank you very much.”
Sebastian nodded. “If you catch me teasing you using those years, I give you permission to make me show you pictures of me two years ago as well and you can tease me about those.  Even living in Paris couldn’t erase the horrors of puberty looks.”
“Deal.” Kurt replied.
“Oh My God.” Nick said, staring at his phone. “Your voice and face at the front of this Born This Way performance is just...wow.  We might have been stupid.  Stevie might be right.”
“Hey, make sure you save those so I can watch later.” Sebastian said.
“I am never going to live any of that down.  I can tell.” Kurt said.
Sebastian laughed. “Do you really want to?”
Kurt shrugged.  “Some are more embarrassing than others, but I guess everyone’s life is like that.”
“No, some of us are perfect.” Sebastian deadpanned for all of about ten seconds before breaking a smile. “You ok?  Seriously?”
Kurt nodded. “Thanks. Never thought I’d say this but I’m glad to have spent the evening with you.”
Sebastian smiled. “Call if you need me, got it.  I’m sure Nick and Jeff agree.”
Kurt nodded.
Before the week was finished Kurt had called Sebastian over a hundred times…and Nick and Jeff nearly as often.  Kurt had met Sebastian dad, and Jeff’s folks.  And Dave Karofsky was at Dalton. Dinner was held with Dave invited as well and everyone just paid for their own dinner. Kurt and Blaine had broken up within two days, so although neither Nick nor Jeff had won the bet, Sebastian’s theory hadn’t had time to come to pass.  It was fine though.  Their tentative friendship had been tossed in bud form into an inferno and only come out stronger.  Dave and Sebastian knocked sense into Kurt about universities and applications and managed to get several more out before their cut off dates for fall applications. Dave and Sebastian’s dad, of all people, helped him fill out his CV for them and Kurt realized that what he had listed…with Blaine’s and Rachel’s help for NYADA… was incomplete and inadequate and dealt much more with keeping an image (in Blaine’s case) and not looking very Diverse (In Rachel’s sake) under the guise of keeping it to topic. He also went to Coach Sylvester for a reference letter and Cassius, the co-owner of the garage.  He sent those and an amended CV to NYADA.  Although McKinley won regionals, Kurt felt like Dalton had been the true winners of the competition. Or maybe Dave.  Or Maybe even Sebastian.  His speech between songs about bullying and hate and fear left more than Kurt in tears. The money Dalton raised was used to start programs in the middle schools in several towns, including Lima and Westerville. Kurt knew it made a difference, at least for some kids.  It had made a huge difference watching the growth in them all for him.
Kurt had nightmares for years, waking in a panic covered with sweat, about what would have happened if Kurt hadn’t been on the outs with Blaine and thus had felt the need to listen when Blaine said to ignore Dave’s calls so he could spare Blaine’s feelings. Of what would have happened if Kurt hadn’t responded immediately to Dave’s social media and if Sebastian hadn’t responded immediately to Dave’s social media and gotten his father involved. Of what might have happened if they hadn’t been over when Dave’s mother found out and hadn’t been there with him still and waited until Dave’s dad got home.
But he had been on the outs with Blaine and He had been there to help Dave as he dealt with the fallout of the guys in his new school finding out his sexuality.  He and Sebastian had been able to talk to Dave’s dad and keep Dave’s mom from ranting at him too much before his dad got home. And Sebastian’s dad and Kurt’s dad had got Dave into Dalton for the last few months, where he wasn’t harassed and got counseling to help with his feelings after everything and who helped him deal with issues surrounding Universities and his other school’s response to Dave and the issues of their students against him.  And Dalton backing someone had a lot more clout then Kurt ever realized.  Kurt wished Dave had transferred to Dalton instead of him, because at Dalton Dave made friends. He had friends in every class in the student body and amongst the staff. Kurt was in awe and Sebastian just teased him because he was certain Kurt didn’t realize at all that certain staff members still talked about the boy, as did a few other students.
Kurt ended up at NYU, so he could double major in Musical theater and Costume and design and get in a healthy dose of fashion design as well.  It had been Dave’s and Sebastian’s dad’s idea and Kurt LOVED it.  It took less than two weeks of school and watching the Broadway Wannabe blogs and other drama student blogs to realize that NYADA with Rachel would have been a mistake.  She treated the school like she had high school glee club and already had a reputation for tossing tantrums when she wasn’t praised. Unfortunately she had enough teachers treating her like a queen to not allow those who didn’t to have any good effect on the girl.  But Kurt was just far enough away and Rachel was still mad at him so he wasn’t dragged into the drama.
Sebastian joined him at NYU a year later, but they didn’t go out on their first date for another year after that, even though all their friends insisted that they had been dating since the second weekend Sebastian got to New York and just hadn’t realized it. Dave teased them all the time about it. He ended up with a guy who grew up in Montana and Idaho and had come back east to ‘get some peace’ about his sexuality...and play hockey.  They both ended up unable to play before their college careers were finished because of injuries.  Patrick, Dave’s partner, ended up being a sportscaster and Dave ended up running a scouting agency. Kurt teased him, especially after the guys ended up giving Dave’s dad grand-babies, and several at that, after all when their surrogate had triplets.
Jeff and Nick teased all of them, because they called the domestic bliss they would all find way back the first week Dave was at Dalton and the others laughed at them.  Kurt just smiled as Sebastian signed them up for minding their tots, which are only a year apart so ‘close enough’ to twins to count in Dave’s and Jeff’s book.
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remarkable-mrevans · 6 years
Skype Call - Sam to Mercedes
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Samuel squinted at the screen waiting for his wife to pick up on her end.  Years of marriage meant her could almost read her moods... Almost.  The way she’d answered his text worried him a little.  He was starting to have serious doubts about his bi coastal job. 
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brittanacedes · 6 years
brittana headcanons?
Okay, this has been in my inbox for a month because I kept putting it off. Just because it’s such a broad question and I have A Lot of thoughts, so I wanted to make sure I was able to think about all my random thoughts!
I’ve had this half finished in my drafts for weeks now because I felt like it wasn’t Complete, but I can’t think of anymore, so I’m just gonna post it. If anyone wants to know my headcanons for anything specific that I haven’t listed here, send me an ask and I’ll answer! I can start a headcanon tag :)
I tend to try to make my headcanons as reflective of canon and realistic as possible, as opposed to just straight up ignoring canon, so keep that in mind when reading :)
Brittany came on strong when they first met and while Santana was attracted to her, was put off by how touchy and forward she was, and thought she was weird. Brittany wasn’t fazed by any of Santana’s insults and decided herself that she and Santana were friends and would sit with her in class and at lunch and practice and stuff, and eventually Santana just stopped complaining because it’s not like anyone else liked her much. Until one day, for some reason that wasn’t actually Britt’s fault, she snapped and hit below the belt, calling her dumb or whatever, and instantly regretted it when Brittany finally left her alone. Of course, that made Santana admit to herself that she actually grew to like Brittany and her company and so, for the first time ever, she apologized, and they were best friends ever since. It’s part of why Santana became so protective of Brittany and why she always makes sure Britt knows how smart she thinks she is. That’s the one and only time she ever said it, and normally I am Against the idea that she would ever, but Britt did imply she had when she said Artie was the only one in school, so.
Santana lost her virginity to Brittany, and that’s why she didn’t have a story to tell when the other girls did in The First Time. It’s what made her start sleeping around with guys more, trying to prove to herself that sex with boys felt just as good/better than with Brittany and she wasn’t a lesbian. It never did.
Brittany’s little sister has always had the biggest crush on Santana and was heartbroken the day she found out Brittana were together. She didn’t talk to Brittany for, like, a whole weekend and everything.
Like Mercedes predicted, Santana was obnoxious as hell after Brittany won senior class president, and would try to wield her power as First Lady in the most ridiculous situations; like when she wanted a specific seat in class or in the choir room (“Excuse me, but my girlfriend is your president. Do you know what that makes me? Your First Lady. Wouldn’t you give Michelle Obama your seat?”)
Brittany was bummed they lost prom king/queen, and had brought a crown to give to Santana after just in case they lost.
Santana definitely cried the first time she had sex with a girl after breaking up with Brittany, and only partly because she’s tipsy.
When Sam [redacted], Brittany didn’t say yes right away. Right before he did that, she was telling the other glee club members what she really thinks of them as part of her countdown to dying or whatever. I’ve always thought she tried to get in contact with Santana to do the same with her, to tell her she still loves her and everything, but she gets ignored in one way or another - either she goes to her house and finds out Santana isn’t coming home for Christmas after all, or she leaves a voicemail and never gets a return call back or gets left on read, whatever. And it was that rejection and her sadness from it that made her say what the hell, and does the stupid thing. She just looked so miserable and sad during that scene, and preoccupied.
Brittany hooked up with a couple girls while at MIT. Being in Lima, where she and Santana were apparently the only girls that liked girls, she had only ever had boys as non-Santana options. So once she got to MIT, she wanted to explore more so she was specifically looking for ladies. One was a girl that actually went to MIT - she was cute and nerdy, but not very experienced (that was okay with Britt), and the other girl she met at coffee shop just off campus. They were both just one night stands, but it was the only fun Britt had at MIT.
Santana called Dani and broke up with her right after Brittany kissed her in 100. Even if she didn’t know what she wanted to do in regards to Britt, she knew she still had feelings for her and it wasn’t right to be with Dani while still being in love with someone else.
After enjoying a few days in Lesbos, they locked themselves in their room for like a solid 24 hours and just talked about everything that went down between them and everything that happened to both of them since. They talk about any lingering beef they have with each other and ask questions and tell each other about hook ups, etc.
Brittany didn’t come back to NYC with Santana after vacation because she was finishing up some commitments she still had at MIT. 
The only person Santana told about wanting to propose to Brittany was Mercedes, while they were on tour. While Brittany was busy rehearsing with the dancers, the two of them would go look at different ring shops in different malls until Santana found the ring she wanted.
The real reason Brittany invited Kurt and Blaine to also get married was because she knows 50% of marriages end in divorce and even though Santana did a good job of talking her down from the ledge as far as her superstition went, she just wanted to really cover her bases.
Brittany surprises Santana with a nice engagement ring on their honeymoon, because she knows Santana loves her bling and thinks it’s only fair she gets a rock, too.
They absolutely get infinity symbol tattoos on the inside their pinkies.
They take Lord Tubbington with them to New York, but Lady Tubbington stays in Lima with Brittany’s sister.  At first Santana worries Britt feels obligated because she was a gift from Sam and she thinks Santana would feel some type of way about it, but Brittany promises it’s nothing like that, but because 1) she doesn’t want to leave her family with no pets and 2) she’s not as adventurous as Tubbs and Britt doesn’t think she’d like the big city (she didn’t do well with the move to MIT).
Both of them go back to school, to the same one, but Brittany takes a shorter program because she just doesn’t like school much. She doesn’t hate it and she thinks it’s important to have some kind of college education, so she takes something in media or dance, but she doesn’t go the extra mile to do anything beyond completing a basic program. Santana takes it a bit more seriously, and takes a general program until she decides what she wants to do. She switches majors at least twice, before finally settling on something like business management or something; some kind of job that helps their budding Youtube career.
Brittany starts taking her Youtube stuff more seriously, and after Santana appears in some of her videos and the viewers really respond to it, it starts happening more and more until it becomes their channel. Their channel getting bigger is what finally helps Santana settle on a major, and she really gets involved and helps to make their channel a real source of income for them. They get big and get all kinds of awesome gifts and trips and stuff for their channel, and they travel a lot and vlog it and they just have a fun ass life that they get a lot of say in.
They do odd jobs with/for Mercedes throughout her career, singing with her or dancing with her, appearing in her videos, etc. Same with their other friends, but Mercedes the most; she’s got the best hook up.
They don’t have any kids. Neither of them were against the idea, but it was never something either of them was dying for or even planning for. Then after Kurt and Blaine have their kid, and they see how much their life changes and how boring it gets, they both agree they don’t want that. They love being able to travel when they want to and they just aren’t interested in being tied down by a kid.
They’re totally the cool aunts, though, that always have the best presents and stories to share when they visit all their friends kids.
No skyping or double dates with Kurt and Blaine on their anniversary, but they do text each other on the day, at least. At least Britt does, because she lowkey feels bad about using them.
Abuela still has moments of obvious uncomfortableness, but she really tries and both of them really appreciate it and never push her. They’re always very cautious around her, even as she gets better about it. She is not happy about their decision not to give her any grandkids though.
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