#if i don’t get an A in GEN CHEMISTRY im going to drop out
mysicksecrets · 5 months
my chem professor (who i despise with every cell of my body) put in our exam grades and the class adverage was a failing, and i ended up getting a 91%? so not bad.
BUT THEN THID FUCKING BITHGXAGDGDGS sent aNOTHER email saying that she typed in the scores wrong and so basically all of our grades went down significantly more (i got a 87 technically ….. :(). BUT ITS LIKE. DUDE. SHE fucked it up originally and now she’s going to decrease l the grades even more?? the failing adverage??!? like isn’t that so messed??
idk i guess she had to do it or whatever but like could u imagine seeing ur failing grade and then coming back hours later to seeing it get even lower. horrible. I HATE HER
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
Bakery AU - Decorating the Cupcakes
On the discord last night, we talked about the Bakery AU a bit, and that got me inspired to write some cute fluffy shit.  Because you can always use some cute, fluffy, cupcake-involving writes in your life.  Enjoy.
              Stan walked into the kitchen.  The person Lute had sent him in to talk to, Angie, was decorating a three-tier wedding cake.  The tip of her tongue stuck out of the corner of her mouth.  Stan had noticed before how that always seemed to happen when she focused intently.  He inhaled.
              “Smells good in here,” he said.  Angie looked up from the wedding cake.
              “I sure hope so!” she chirped.  “Since I baked some cupcakes earlier, if it don’t smell good, then somethin’ went wrong.”  Angie nodded at the wall hooks by the door, where Stan’s apron was hanging.  “Get suited up, boyo.”
              “Boyo?” Stan mumbled, putting his apron on and tying it around his waist.
              “I’m older than you by a couple months, I can call ya that,” Angie replied. She frowned at the wedding cake, then sighed.  “Well, that’s as good as it’ll get fer now.  C’mon, join me.”  Angie strolled over to the counter by one of the ovens, where a large number of cupcakes had been laid out.  Stan followed, dread building.
              “Uh, when Lute said you were gonna teach me, I thought it was more baking lessons.”
              “Nope!  Decoratin’.” Angie grinned at Stan.  “It’s high time we got ya started on that.”
              “Shouldn’t Lute be teaching me?  He’s got the nicest handwriting.”
              “Sure, but I have steadier hands.  That’s why I’m the one who does the more important decorations and finer details.” Angie walked over to the fridge and opened it.  “Havin’ steady hands was really useful back in labs in school,” she added, seemingly as an afterthought.
              “Labs?” Stan asked, hoping to delay the decorating lesson.  Angie nodded.
              “Science labs.”
              “Was it a gen ed requirement or something?”
              “Pardon?”  Angie frowned at him, bemused.
              “I mean, if you went to culinary school or majored in uh…I dunno…food or whatever, why would you take science labs, if they weren’t gen eds?”
              “Well, yer mistake there was assumin’ I went to culinary school.  I didn’t.”  Angie began to dig around in the fridge.  “Went to a fancy science technical school.  Got myself a bachelor’s in science.  Major in biology, minor in chemistry.”  She removed a few containers of frosting.  “‘Course, the whole environment or atmosphere or whatever ya want to call it, it was rough.  Very competitive.  Dog eat dog.” She closed the fridge door with more force than necessary.  “Rich snobby folks who didn’t like the charity case farmgirl from Arkansas,” she spat.  Stan grimaced.
              Fuck.  The last time I saw her this pissed off, it was when I let slip that I got kicked outta the house.  She and Lute seemed ready to drive to Glass Shard Beach and beat up Pops themselves. Angie let out a long sigh.
              “I’m not that heartbroken over bein’ done with that school,” she continued. “Didn’t like just about anyone there.”
              “…What school was it?” Stan asked.
              “West Coast Tech,” Angie answered.  She carried the frosting over to the counter.  Stan’s jaw dropped.
              The fancy-ass school Ford couldn’t get into?
              “I know, I know, I don’t seem like the type to get into a place like that,” Angie said, setting the frosting down.  She began to dig through drawers, pulling out various utensils.
              “No, it’s not that, it’s just-”  Stan chewed on his lip.  “Remember how you tricked me into blabbing about my twin brother, Ford?”
              “Vaguely.”  Angie’s tone was light, but her shoulders tightened.  Stan recognized this behavior.  She was getting ready to jump to his defense.
              “Don’t worry, this isn’t about him being shitty or my dad being shitty or anything like that,” Stan said quickly.  Some of the stress left her shoulders, but Angie was still visibly on edge. “It’s- Ford’s a genius.  Like, legit genius.  And he didn’t get into West Coast Tech.  So to hear that you got into it, it’s-”  Stan winced.  “There’s no way for me to finish that sentence without insulting you, is there?”
              “Nope.  But it’s fine.”  Angie smiled at him.  Stan felt his heart flutter.  “I get it. And thank you fer sharin’ more ‘bout yer past.”
              “Well, you were telling me about yours, so fair’s fair,” Stan said with a shrug. Angie chuckled.  “But if you went to West Coast Tech for science, how’d you end up owning a bakery with Lute?”
              “I took a gap year after I got my bachelor’s.”  Angie leaned against the counter, her gaze distant.  “Needed it, after the awful climate at WCT.  They accepted me into their grad program, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stay there fer it or not.  Anyways, while I was tryin’ to decide, Lute visited.  And signed the two of us up fer a bakin’ competition.” Angie shook her head.  “Still don’t know what possessed him to do it.  Maybe he saw a flyer while he was out at a club or somethin’.”
              “And you guys won the competition?”
              “Oh, heavens no!” Angie laughed.  “A professional baker beat us.  But we got second place, and managed to impress one of the judges enough that he told us if we wanted to start a bakery, he’d give us the money we need to get it off the ground.”  She shrugged. “And we took ‘im up on the offer.”
              “Really?  Just like that?”
              “What about your science degree?”
              “What about it?”
              “You didn’t do anything with it.”
              “Eh.”  Angie pointed at him.  “Don’t think I can’t tell exactly what yer doin’, by the way.  Lute ‘n I used to pull the same thing to get out of doin’ work. Yer tryin’ to get me to jabber ‘n jabber ‘n jabber until we run out of time fer ya to learn how to frost some cupcakes. No sirree bob.”  Angie handed him a pastry bag.  “First, we need to put the frosting in the bag.  Then we can get to work on frostin’.”
              For about fifteen minutes, they worked quietly, Angie preferring to show him how to decorate, rather than tell.
              “Oop, yer a lil off,” Angie said in a soft tone.  She reached for Stan’s hand.  The second her skin touched his, Stan froze.  “Uh, Stan?”
              “I, uh, um-” Stan stammered.
              “Somethin’ wrong?”
              “Uh, no.  No.”
              “Okay, well, here, let me help.”  Angie carefully put her hand over Stan’s, guiding and steadying him.  Her fingers were much smaller than Stan’s, slim, warm, and gentle.  Stan could feel his face beginning to flush.  “Like that. Got it?”  Stan’s face burned.  “Stan?”
              “Yep.  Yep. Got it,” Stan mumbled.
              “Good.”  Angie let go of his hand.  “Oh dear, yer shakin’ like a leaf!  Are ya sure yer okay?”
              “Y-y-yeah.  I am.” Stan set down the pastry bag.  “So, uh, it seems like a bit of a waste to have me decorate these, since they won’t be good enough to sell.”
              “Oh, that won’t be a problem,” Angie said cheerfully.  “We can always sell ‘em at a discount.  Or donate ‘em to the food bank.  We’ll prob’ly do the second one.  Folks always want cupcakes fer parties, and people with money issues should have access to ‘em, too.”
              “…You and Lute are good people,” Stan said quietly.  Angie began to set aside the decorated cupcakes.
              “We try,” she replied.
              “You succeed.  I’ve seen how much stuff you donate.  Most people wouldn’t do that.”
              “We were raised right, is all.  And I can tell yer tryin’ to get out of yer lesson, again.”  Angie wagged her finger at him playfully.
              “Heh.  You caught me.”
              Not really.  Stan watched Angie continue to pick up a few small things here and there.  You guys really are good.  A lot better than I am, that’s for sure.  Better than Ford, too.  Angie gave up science to bake cupcakes and brownies with her twin brother. Ford gave up on me to go do science.  A thought occurred to him.
              “Do you miss science?” Stan asked.  Angie eyed him.
              “Stan, we really should get back on track.”
              “Yeah, yeah, I know.  But before we do, will you answer that question?”
              “…Fine.”  Angie looked down at the counter.  She brushed a few stray sprinkles away.  “Yes. I do miss it sometimes.  I really liked bein’ in biology and chemistry.  I mean, I’m happy now, and I don’t think I’d give up what Lute and I have goin’ fer us.  But I definitely miss bein’ a scientist.”  Angie smiled faintly.  “It really…spoke to me.  Y’know?”
              “Yeah.  I do.” Stan rubbed the back of his neck. “Hey, uh, if you miss science, maybe you should sorta, um, mix it with the bakery.”
              “Ugh, I can’t fuckin’ talk sometimes,” Stan said with an awkward laugh. He coughed.  “You could combine science and cupcakes.”  Angie was now watching him intently.  “Like, um, make science-themed cupcakes or whatever.” Angie’s eyes widened.  “Make stuff look like beakers or test tubes, or do those uh, those stick drawings.”
              “Yer referrin’ to molecular diagrams.”
              “Ooh.”  Angie’s eyes sparkled with excitement.  “Oh, goodness, Stan.  That’s brilliant!  Yer a genius!”
              “I don’t think-”
              “No, seriously, that’s an amazing idea.  We could partner with a science camp or somethin’, make it a whole event and have science-themed pastries all day.  I love it!” Angie gushed.  Stan blinked.
              “Yes!”  Angie jumped excitedly.  She walked over to Stan and took a hold of his hands.  A slow smile began to spread across Stan’s face.  “Oh, I have to talk to Lute, and we’ll set up a whole thing. This’ll be great.  Perfect way to indulge my scientific side and it’ll be a good promo thing.  Goodness, goodness, goodness.”
              “Glad you like it,” Stan said, now grinning broadly.  “I guess we should get back to-”  Angie kissed him on the cheek.  Stan’s face immediately turned deep red.  He stumbled back, knocking over the tray with the wedding cake on it.  The wedding cake went flying, collapsing into crumbs and bits of frosting.  Once the air cleared, Stan met Angie’s eyes.  Her mouth was open in a silent “O”.  “Angie’, I’m-” Stan started.  Angie burst out laughing.
              “What a day!” she chortled.  “I find out more ‘bout yer mysterious twin brother, you tell me I should have a science-themed day fer the bakery, we destroy the weddin’ cake I spent the last couple days on.”  She wiped a tear away from her eye.  “Dear me.”
              “You’re- you’re not mad at me?” Stan asked quietly.  Angie laughed again.
              “What?  No!  I was the one who startled ya.  Sorry ‘bout that.  It was a bit forward of me.”
              “I- um, it’s- it’s fine,” Stan mumbled.
              If you wanna really apologize, you could always kiss me again.  The suggestion died on Stan’s tongue.  I shouldn’t say that.  She kisses Lute on the cheek all the time.  It doesn’t mean she likes me romantically.  Honestly, it almost definitely doesn’t mean she wants to be more than friends.  And if I tell her to kiss me again, she’ll get pissed and Lute will get pissed and they’ll kick me out, and-
              “Stan?”  Angie’s voice broke off Stan’s panicked thoughts.  “Uh, not to end our lesson early, but I think I need to get to work on replacin’ the weddin’ cake.  So maybe you should go help out Lute up front.”
              “Oh!  Yeah. Yeah, I can do that,” Stan said quickly. Angie nodded, still smiling.  Emboldened by the fact that she wasn’t upset with him, Stan took a step forward.  “But before I go up front…”  Angie looked up at him, curiosity in her bright blue eyes.  Stan plucked a large cake crumb out of Angie’s hair.  He grinned at her.  “You had something in your hair.”  Angie turned pink.  “All right, now I’ll go help Lute.  I’m sure he’s completely failing without me around.”  Angie chuckled softly, her cheeks still flushed.  Stan winked at Angie and walked out of the kitchen.  Lute, organizing a few pastries in the display case, looked over.
              “Uh, did ya have a food fight with the cupcakes?” he asked.  Stan ran his hands through his hair, combing out the crumbs.
              “Nah.  I knocked over the wedding cake.  So she’s gotta make a new one instead of continue teaching me how to decorate.”
              “Wait, what?  Oh man, I bet Angie gave ya quite the dressin’ down.”
              “No, she didn’t.”  Stan joined Lute by the display case.  “She laughed, actually.”
              “…She did?”  Lute’s voice was quiet.  Stan looked at Lute.  He seemed to be thinking hard about something.
              “What’s on your mind?”
              “Nothin’,” Lute said after a moment.  He cleared his throat.  “All right, let’s get this place shipshape.”
              “You got it.”  As Lute bustled around, getting the bakery ready to be opened, Stan glanced back at the door leading to the kitchen.  Stuck in his mind was the sound of Angie’s laugh, the sparkle in her eyes, her blushing face.
              “Hey, daydreamin’ Steven,” Lute’s voice said, startling Stan out of his reverie. Stan looked up.  “You ready fer the customers?”
              “You know it,” Stan said confidently.  Lute flipped the sign over to read “OPEN”.
              It’s showtime.
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scholarstudy · 7 years
i'm going to be taking honors physics, honors english, honors math analysis, french 3, and probably ap us history! i also do long distance track and field. i'm considering dropping ap us history and taking regular us history so that i can double science and take ap chemistry along with honors physics, but im not too sure yet!
that’s a big decision to make! before dropping apush, i would consider your possible scheduele for the year after next. would it be better to push ap chem or apush until then, and take the other now? i would think pushing apush would easier, even if you take another ap history class with it, if it means that you don’t have two ap sciences (chem and physics or bio). or it doesn’t really matter, think about which you’d enjoy more/be better at! you don’t want to take an ap that you don’t like or think you’ll do well in. if you’re still on the fence, check and see if the college you want to go to requires an american history or chemistry class as a part of their gen ed requirements, and take the one that they require (to get it out of the way). good luck!
tell me what classes you’re taking next year!
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sasslightertm-a · 7 years
I. Mun and muse are separate entities. Please treat them as such.
II. Feel free to ask questions directed at my muse. Also, feel free to tag me in a starter or rp. I’m up for three-ways and/or group rps so long as the other partner(s) already agree(s).
 If it takes me over a week, drop a notice in my inbox. However, don’t flood my inbox just because we’re both online. Sometimes I only have muse for certain threads or I just might not feel up to RPing at the moment.
If it takes a while for me to respond, it will because of these reasons: (1) I do not have Internet access; (2) the thread is in my drafts and I am stuck on how to respond; (3) I missed the inbox ask or reply/Tumblr ate it; (4) I have a life away from Tumblr; or (5) I may need to take a break from role-playing so I can recharge and my muse can come with with ideas. It will not be because I am ignoring you or I don’t like you or your muse.
III. If you ask to RP, you write the starter.
IV. DO NOT REBLOG MY ROLEPLAYS IF YOU ARE NOT INVOLVED. Message me or go on Anon if you have a comment about a thread.
V. Personals, do not reblog my OOC posts (unless tagged 'Charmed' or 'Chris Halliwell'), headcanons, drabbles, and roleplays. Doing so once will result in a warning. If it happens again, you will be blocked.
Regarding NSFW content:
NSFW material (gore, violence, blood, etc.) may happen on this blog. However, please let me know if you want to smut with Chris before we add it in a thread. I tag NSFW and trigger warnings as such. I do use Read Mores for smut on this blog. I'm also perfectly fine with doing a fade-to-black.
I don’t have any triggers; however, threads with suicidal themes, self-harm, and sexual assault on my muse make me extremely uncomfortable. Please discuss it OOC first.
I will not RP smut with minors. (This should be pretty self-explanatory.) If you are a minor and want to RP smut with me, I will do a fade-to-black.
I am of age to RP smut, as is my muse; however, I play Chris as being grey-asexual. He does have a very low sex drive, but it's very rare that he wants to act on it. (That being said, he is fine with both men and women.)
Basically, don't do it. If you want specifics, this includes:
Metagaming (using OOC information in an IC thread).
Killing off my muse
Forcing history on my muse
Forcing a ship
Speaking for my muse
Describing my muse’s thoughts or emotions
Doing an action for him
Forcing a situation upon him without giving me, the mun, a chance to respond.
Doing ANYTHING for my muse
Having your muse know mine when they’ve never interacted.
In short, you write your muse and let me write mine.
I. This blog is multi-verse, multi-ship, and selective.
II. I track the tag #twicebornwitchlighter.
III. Mun's FC is Sally McKnight (aka Thorn) from the Hex Girls as she appears in Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost.
IV. On my writing style: I use sentences, paragraphs, one-liners, and gifs/icons/icon gifs. If you don’t use icons, gifs, or one-liners, that’s fine. I’m okay with just writing sentences/paragraphs. Basically, I tend to use everything and my style can be rather fluid as a result.
V. My portrayal of Chris is taken mainly from the TV series and is very heavily headcanon-based. I do not read the comics, but I do consider the tie-in novels to be canon to the TV series.
I. If you come to me with an rp idea, I request that you write the starter. Please don’t ask me to write it. In addition, do NOT come into my inbox with "Hey, wanna rp?" or "Can we rp?" and not have an idea for what you want to roleplay.
II. I prefer to use the IM messaging system solely for OOC chatting and plotting. I won’t role-play or respond IC over the messaging system.
III. I will not tolerate hate directed at me or my partners. Anon hate will be deleted or responded to IC (if it is directed at my muse), and I am not responsible for my muse’s actions.
IV. I do not smut out of the gate, with a couple exceptions: (1) It has been plotted out with the other mun; (2)  it has reached that point in a thread where both muns feel it is appropriate.  
V. I do not roleplay with muses that have no bios or rules pages. I also do not roleplay with cartoon/anime muses (unless they have a faceclaim), self-inserts, YouTuber faceclaims, and Mary-Sues.
OCs / Crossovers / AUs
I. I am willing to crossover with the following fandoms: 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Teen Wolf 
Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments  
Witches of East End 
The Vampire Diaries  
The Secret Circle 
Wizards of Waverly Place  
Ghost Whisperer
If I am not familiar with your fandom, I will not write with you.
II. On OCs: I am extremely wary and selective when it comes to playing with OCs. I won’t always say no, but I won’t always say yes either.
For OCs (and all potential partners), I check out the bio page, rules/guidelines, and read some posts to see if our writing styles will click and if your muse will be a good foil for mine. I’ve had a few bad experiences in the past with OCs, so please respect this. (This also goes for Phoebe and Cole's unborn son.)
I will not roleplay with OCs if
there is no about page
they are a next gen sibling to Chris (my Chris has zero right to regard your muse as his brother/sister/half-sibling/step-sibling)
their sole existence is to be in a romantic/sexual relationship with Chris (or it is part of your OC's backstory that they are in an established relationship with him when we have never interacted). I am not writing Chris solely so your muse can get laid by a pretty witch.
III. All that being said, I do love OCs and AU muses. Hit me up.
I. I ship Chris with chemistry. That’s it. However, I do headcanon him as a demiromantic grey-asexual—he has a very low sex drive and will have sex if it is what his partner wants, but he rarely feels sexual attraction. It will also take a long time for him to fall in love with your muse.
II. Don’t assume relationships. Do not assume my muse is best friends with yours, knows who your muse is, that your muse is an acquaintance of or related to Chris, or that they are in a romantic/sexual relationship. The only time this is okay is if your muse is one of the Halliwells or a character Chris has met in-canon. (Even then, I am extremely selective when it comes to Halliwell muses.)
III. Related to the above, do NOT force a ship. If your muse makes sexual advances towards Chris and he shuts them down, do not have your muse continue to pursue him. It is okay if your muse falls in love with him, but he is under no obligation to return your muse’s affections. Also, PLEASE talk it out with me first if you want to ship your character with Chris—and keep in mind that I have every right to say “No” to a particular ship.
IV. I do not write incest or mpreg.
V. Again, I am not here solely to write smut. If that's all your muse wants Chris for, then it would be best if you found someone else.
VI.  All ships are independent of each other, so Chris is not cheating on anyone. That being said, the set ships I have for Chris are the following:
I am not associated with The WB, Charmed, or Drew Fuller in any way, shape, or form. Nor do I own the character of Chris Halliwell. This is just a roleplay/ask blog for fun.
Most icons are from hunts done by charmedindiehelp (found here). I also make my own icons. Gifs and all the background images seen on this blog are my own. That being said, it's best not to take anything you see on this blog.
My version of Chris is TV and heavily-headcanon based. I do not take the comics as canon, nor will I accept the upcoming reboot as canon (if anything, it will be in an alternate universe from this blog). My anti-reboot tag can be found here.
Call me Jess. Timezone is MST, USA. I'm a 20+-year-old undergraduate student, so I will not be on Tumblr all the time. This is also not my only RP blog.
English is my first language. I know a little bit of Spanish and am an intermediate German speaker/writer (I've been learning German for 4+ years). Sometimes I may lapse into Standard German (code-switching is a problem for me, since I'm at the point where the languages are clashing in my head). If I do, forgive me and I'll provide a translation.
Mutuals can contact me on Skype.
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