#if i don't start it after i eat i'm taking myself to the kennels
olesmokes · 8 months
i told myself i'd start writing my fic today but i'm a FUCKING LIAR.
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Friday, July 26th, 2024.
Do you like coffee? I do.
Do your eyes ever twitch? Sometimes.
Do you get excited when you get something in the mail that isn’t a bill? No. Because if it's not a bill, then it's probably paperwork of some sort and I hate paperwork.
What was the last thing you wrote by hand? I signed out after volunteering earlier.
Why did you last feel exhausted? I currently feel somewhat emotionally/socially exhausted. Sometimes things just get to me. It's been a day like any other - nothing all that different or out of the ordinary has happened - but it's like my defenses/reserves just aren't functioning the way they usually do. It's exhausting to try so hard, to continue putting myself out there, but to still feel like a permanent outcast.
Have you ever used emotional blackmail to get your own way? I'm not sure what you mean by emotional blackmail, but have I ever been emotionally manipulative? Sure.
Has anybody ever used emotional blackmail on you? I guess.
Assuming you have any, is your hair soft today? Not really. My hair always feels so dry.
Who did you last worry about and why? I'm not sure who that would have been.
When are you next at work? I'm just going to answer work-related questions with my volunteer stuff from now on. I'll be there again on Sunday, probably for a full day.
Do you enjoy your work? Yeah. I get to spend my day around a ton of cats, and the actual "work" aspect is relatively easy and straightforward. I'll give a basic rundown.
Depending on the day, I'll get there sometime between 7-8am.
Start laundry; fold and put away any clean stuff.
If Alex or Diane is there, then I'll go back to cattery around 7:30 and start getting things set up - line up carriers to put the cats in while we clean the colonies + get the dish/scoop/rag/mop bins ready if someone else hasn't already done that.
Clean colonies and kennels from around 8-10:30 (sometimes it takes a bit longer; sometimes it goes by quite quickly). We wipe everything down, refill food and water, scoop litter, change bedding if needed, and sweep and mop colonies.
I don't do all of the following tasks - it's kind of divided up between whoever is there - but then we wash dishes and scoops, sweep and mop the main room, clean out and put away carriers, take out the trash, and straighten things up.
Then we chill out for a bit and play with the kitties. Go to lunch sometime around 11-12pm.
Come back, continue to chill; help direct other volunteers or anyone looking to adopt.
I think around 2pm is the afternoon feed, so we'll feed the cats, let them eat, pick up and wash dishes. They let me feed yesterday, so that was cool. :')
3pm, second litter scoop + clean scoops afterward.
Shortly before 4pm, go get Smeagle from the office and put him back in his cattery kennel.
4pm, go around the whole shelter and empty and replace trash bags, then take trash out to the big dumpster.
Around 4:30-5pm, see if the dog side needs any help with things; so maybe do dishes, fill water bowls, mop and dry kennels, pick up stuff from the yards, take stuff to the back to spray it down, etc.
Annnd get out whenever all that's finished and final checks are done. Sometimes it's close to 6pm, but yesterday we managed to get out of there at 5:15.
Are you currently looking for a new place to live? No.
When was the last time you ate/drank something gross just to be polite? I'm not sure. I don't tend to put myself in that sort of situation.
Can you see any toys from where you’re sat? Do stuffed animals count? I can see a couple of those.
Last time you heard a growl, who or what did it come from? Probably a cat at the shelter.
Does it bother you when you forget something that you should know? Yeah. Or whenever I forget to do or mess up something simple.
What was the last thing you put off doing? Cleaning the bathroom. I'll do that when I'm finished here, though.
When did you last make up a baby’s bottle? I've never done that before.
What was the last thing you cooked? I haven't done any real cooking in quite some time. Most I'll do is heat stuff up on the stove/in the oven or put something in the microwave.
Do you eat your dinner at a dining table, coffee table or just off your lap? I usually eat in my room, at my computer desk. Sometimes I'll eat at the kitchen table and chat with my dad, though. Especially after full days at the shelter because it's pretty much like - get home, shower, eat, get ready to go to bed.
When did you last see the sea? Not since I was a teen.
Which would you prefer as a view; mountains or the sea? Mountains.
Do you have a mouse for your laptop? (Assuming you have a laptop) I don't have a laptop.
Do you apologise a lot? Not excessively…? I mostly just use it as a variation of "excuse me" if I accidentally get in someone's way or whatever.
Do you have any framed black & white photos in your home? Who are they of? No.
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keefwho · 4 months
May 28 - 2024 Tuesday
This morning I took care of the dogs and showered like usual. I was a bit quicker than usual so that was nice. For breakfast I made Dinty Moore beef stew with some pasta in it. I actually got to take my time and eat it which I don't usually do. Then I had a cookie with my coffee and starting streaming.
I warmed up with a couple of Monster High doll studies and some normal human gestures. I only streamed for an hour since I had planned to move Sporticus's kennel into the fireplace and rearrange my bed. I mostly did commission sketches and worked on a YCH.
Afterwards I had to clean out the fireplace area which meant trying to scrub soot off the walls. Somehow I tore off the first layer of skin on the side of my finger which got tons of ash in it and then I decided I should be wearing gloves. I did improve the fireplace but it's still charred blank in some places in a way I cant just brush off. I got it clean enough to put her in there. Then I started putting all my bed stuff in the laundry to wash throughout the day.
I had planned a sort of meetup with TK a few days ago so we got in VRchat and hung out in this public Minecraft world the whole time. WX joined too. We talked about religion and kids and parents and a bunch of different stuff. I switched to desktop to make lunch while I hung out with everyone.
I started working in VRchat and did today's request which included mild gore, I kept it private. Then I tried working on this Opaline idea from fan idea requests and I barely made any progress like the last 3 weeks. Its getting very frustrating because I don't know why I cant get such a simple pose right. It didn't help I was mentally drained and had a headache. I decided to give up for the day.
I made the minor mistake of taking a tiny hit so I could take some time to enjoy myself. Or maybe it wasn't a mistake, I only consider it one because my loose rules tell me I shouldn't be smoking at all on weekdays. My self enjoyment time was okay but it started getting windy and thundering towards the end of it. It passed by quickly and then I started playing Roblox Toilet Tower Defense until DS was free.
She worked on her fursuit and I played Roblox for awhile. We watched a couple furry con vlogs and took a long look at old IKEA catalogues while reminiscing about furniture. She told me of a liminal place she remembers vividly relating to the IKEA play area from her childhood and I was very interesting in maybe turning it into a VRchat world with some cooperation. In bed we did our puzzles and I played a little Kerbal. It started thundering a lot after she went to sleep and I kept getting startled so I put on my earmuffs. While taking the dogs out, I stood atop the rock in the yard and was watching the lightning. It was very scary for me to do at first but I got used to it pretty quick. Then I started putting my bed together in it's new position but the blanket I use as my sheets had a big damp spot I missed so I have my fun blowing under it right now. It should be dry so I'm going to finish the job and go to bed.
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dre6ming · 2 years
When you’re ready
“I stayed there” series ~ part IV
〘Part I〙〘Part II〙〘Part III〙〘Part V 〙
To be added to the tag list click here
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: cursing, anxiety, crying, fluff, angst.
Plot: you just can’t seem to be able to catch a break from Austin and when he shows up at your door you have a lot of things to figure out.
Word count: 3300+
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It's been a week since I've seen Austin last. I've been trying to go about my life normally, unpacking my apartment, cleaning, going out on walks, but nothing helps. That's why I find myself here, in the animal shelter, looking at cats. I've always begged for a pet, but my parents hate them and I've always been too busy. I don't expect to get less busy now with the residency, but it's time to start doing things for myself. I have to learn to enjoy life and care for my self. Passing kennel after kennel, not really being impressed with any of the cats, I finally stop in front of one. Inside curled in the corner I see a big chunk of black and white fur.
The big green eyes watch me carefully. I look at the tag on the kennel. "Boots" it's the name of the sweet little thing. A female cat estimated at around two years old. "Hey!" I draw the attention of one of the girls working here. "Can I have this one?" I ask pointing at Boots, the little kitty is now sniffing curious around the door of the kennel. "Sure, I'll go grab the papers, it'll be just a few minutes, I have to finish with this one client. Um, you can go shop at the pet store next door, so you don't have to wait." She rips the tag off of Boots's kennel and hands it to me. "She's yours, bring this to the front desk when you get back, to start the paperwork." I nod my head, give the cat one more glance and walk over to the pet store.
I pick up everything google says I might need as a first time cat mom. Litter box, toys, cat beds, a cat tree (how I'm gonna fit it all in my car? I don't know, but I'll cry over it, in a few minutes), cat food, treats, shampoo, claw clippers, brushes, supplements, food bowls, the whole deal. After 30 minutes in the store and minus 300$ in my bank account, I make my way to the front desk of the shelter, I hand the kennel I bought to one of the girls as the other helps me fill the forms. "You can change the name if you, want!" The girl says, but I shake my head, I like the name Boots, it's fit for her, as the pattern of he fur makes it look like she has actual black boots on. "Ok and sign here!" I do as instructed. "Perfect I'll make a copy you can take home, Ally bring Boots out to her new owner" the girl comes back and sets the kennel on the desk, I can see the kitten coiled into a tight ball, poor thing she must be scared.
After all the formalities are done, it's hits me like a brick wall that I now, have to figure a way to fit everything in my car. Struggling for a few minutes, I eventually manage to fit everything in place. I place the kennel on the back seat, buckle it in and get in the drivers seat. Getting home, I turn my apartment into a sanctuary for this cat, girly has the whole place dedicated to her and she been mine for less than an hour. At first Boots seems unsure of her surroundings, so it takes her a minute to warm up to the place. I put some food and water in her bowl. Unable to resist the delicious temptation, she goes to eat. I decide to leave her do some exploring on her own, as I sit on the couch turning the tv on. After a few hours of be binging half of the second season of "Only murders in the building" I get up to make some dinner. Boots is now sleeping on her cat tree, she looks to cute for me not to pull out my phone and take several pictures.
Doing a quick inventory of all that I have in my fridge the best option for dinner looks like an omelette. As I reach to get the eggs out, the buzzing of the doorbell makes me jump, dropping the entire carton of eggs on the ground. "I guess fuck dinner!" I say with a puff, going to answer the door. When the door swings open, I swear I must of died and woken up in hell. "What do you want?" He licks his lips nervously, lifting up my converse shoes, that look squeaky clean, they might as well be a new pair for all that I know. "Brought your shoes back.." I squint my eyes at him, I really can't catch a break with him, can I? "Ok." I sigh and reach out to grab the shoes but he pulls them back before I have a chance. "I give them to you, if you have dinner with me!" I widen my eyes , he can't be serious. That's when he lifts up the bag he's holding in his other hand. "Pasta from that one Italian place you love." The smell slowly reaches my nose and my stomach betrays me growling. He hears it of course, that fucking smirk of his spreading on his face. "No!" I close the door, fuck them shoes, I can buy another pair. Austin's foot stops the door. "Please, let's talk, I-"
"You what?" I'm really curious what more could he want from me, but not curious enough to let him in. "How did you even know where I live?" As the question leaves my lips, he blushes looking down, like a child being scolded for something they did. "Ana, she's still dating my friend, Aaron, so I asked her." I'm going to kill Ana. "She had no business doing that." He looks away, biting his lip. We stay like this, silent and then my stomach goes against me one more time. He smiles at me. "Someone's hungry, can I?" He motions towards the inside of my apartment. He's so casual and chill, while I have the fight of my life in my head as everything telling me to not let him in, loses to those small parts of me that want him here. I say nothing as I move to the side, closing my eyes while Austin makes his way inside.
He's looking around the place, I can't read his face, but if he dares to say something about my apartment, I might just stab him. Nowhere deadly of course, maybe in the left lower abdomen to avoid any major blood vessels or organs with vital importance. "It's nice!" He breaks me out of my planing to kill him, bastard. He takes off his shoes, going to the kitchen. I can't help the smile that creeps it's way on my face when he jumps back. "Ah what the- eggs?" Austin holds his left leg up in the air, showing me his egg soaked sock. I laugh at him and he can't seem to be able to resist joining in. "I was holding them when you rang the doorbell, got scared and dropped 'em" I shrug my shoulders, going to grab the mop from the closet in the hallway, I quickly grab a pair of socks from the load of laundry I've been too lazy to put back. "Here" I say as I smack the socks on his chest and begin cleaning.
"These won't fit me!" He complains, but I pay him no mind. "So you have a cat now? I know you've always wanted one." He changes his socks as he speaks to me, looking over at the cat bed, where Boots is sleeping peacefully. I put the mop away, grab plates and cutlery, then sit down at the small dining table. "I adopted her today." I keep my voice monotone and he seems to notice. Austin sits down and brushed a hand through his hair. "Oh, that's nice, she's cute, what's her name?" Why is he being so casual, what does he want from me? It can't be just the name of my fucking cat. "Boots" he laughs and looks at me waiting to tell him I'm joking. "Wait, you're serious? How- what happened to naming the cat after one of your favorite characters?" Un-fucking-believable.
"I did, named her, after William Turner's dad, Bootstrap Turner, you know I've always had a thing for Orlando Bloom." I tuck my hair behind my ears and watch his reaction, hoping he won't know I'm lying. "Right, of course!" Either he believed me or he just decides it's not worth to argue. "You have a dog!" I say as I start unpacking the food and putting it on the plates. "Yeah, Sheldon." I lift one brow at him, he teased me for my cats name and he names his dog after the kid from "The Big Bang theory". I start eating, but he doesn't, he just watches me. "Did you poison this before you came here, or-" Austin straighten his back as if I pulled him out of a trance. "No, god, no." He eats some of the food as well. It's pathetic, we make small talk? Like we weren't just on the beach a week ago, with me screaming at him. "Talk!" My voice is unfortunately a little louder than I want. He looks confused at me, it really baffles me how he can't understand he's not a happy sight for me. "Um, I wanted to say I'm sorry and before you say it, I mean it, I really do!" Tears gloss over my eyes and the lump in my throat makes it hard to swallow. "No you're not!" I whisper as I look away, fixing my eyes on the window. The sun is starting to set. I blink and feel the tear fall down, i quickly wipe it off, but he notices it anyway. "I really am!" I hear him sniff and I look at him. Austin looks like his holding back tears of his own, but this can't be right. Right?! "Why?" My voice breaks.
He takes a deep breath, bringing both hands to his hair, pulling it exasperated. "Because I fucked up, big time." Tears now fall on his cheek, you've seen him cry before, but it never broke your heart like it does now. "You were right, so right, I-" he pauses the breathe. "I was just to far up my ass to see it. It's thanks to you that I even got the part in the first place." Shock covers my face, how can I be the one to thank? I shake my head and get up from the table, I need water or air, or a slap across the face. "No, no!" I repeat over and over again as I pace the kitchen. He sits up too, but keeps his distance from me. "The night before I sent in my last audition tape, I had the worst nightmare ever and, and when I woke up I just sat down at the piano and sang 'unchained melody', the director loved it and I got the part." I'm now full on sobbing, I know how real his nightmares are. "After I found out the news I wanted to tell you, but I didn't have your number anymore, I was angry that day when we broke up, I deleted. I drove up to your house, but your mom said to leave you alone, so I did." I can't no, he needs to stop, he can't. I lean back on the wall and fall to the ground, hugging my legs.
Austin falls to his knees with a cry of despair and an exasperated look of pain on his face. "I- I tried, I looked for you in every girl. Fuck I kissed them and pretend they were you. Sometimes I would manage to trick myself, but then I'd open my eyes, and all I saw was not you." He dries some of his tears with his hands, shaking his head. "It wasn't worth it, it wasn't - I might win an Oscar or whatever, but nothing will ever bring me back." So it was his number after all, he just didn't have my number anymore. I sniff and try to calm down. I have to be honest, I expected anything, but this. "You still talk like him." I didn't plan to say that out loud, but I did nonetheless. Something breaks inside of him, I can see it. My skin tingles, so I hug my knees harder and I close my eyes tight. "I can't find myself anymore, I- I don't think there's even an Austin in he-" he doesn't finish speaking, as he breaks into a fit of violent sobbing. I can't fight it anymore and I crawl over to him. I position myself on his lap, my legs on either side of his hips. He looks up at me, eyes puffy and read.
I can't look him in the eyes so I hug him tightly. Austin's hands embrace me, while he's crying in my shoulder, his tears soaking through my shirt. I want to say this feels horrible, I want to scream at him, slap him, scratch his face, rip his hair out, but I can't. I can't because I haven't felt this relaxed, warm and at home in three years. I stroke his back up and down, holding him until his body doesn't shake and no more sobbing can be heard from either of us. "Help me fix this? Cause you're all I've ever wanted" I close my eyes and sigh. I want so badly to say yes, but I don't know what to do. His arms let go of me and he pulls back to look at my face, but I avoid his eyes.
"Don't hide your eyes from me, please!" He begs me, he's begging. My heart speeds up and when he grabs my face in his hands, it nearly runs out of my chest. I lick my lips, trying to steady my breathing. Austin closes his eyes when my warm breath fans over his wet face. "Please!" He says again, licking his lips. "Austin, I need time, you don't get it." I get up from his lap and go to sit in the couch, dinner long forgotten. Boots comes up to me and sits on my lap. I pet her and she starts purring.
"I'll give you anything, just- please try with me!" He's sitting in the armchair opposite from me, his eyes burn holes through me, begging for a 'yes'. I look down at my cat, she's so oblivious towards the fact that I'm having a stroke while deciding if I should take my ex back. "You did your talking, now I do mine, I'll be clear, because I don't always speak in half said sentences" he immediately catches on the bite I take at his insult form the other time. He's ready to say something but you shut him up. "You were my first and only boyfriend, it took me a long time to be comfortable to talking to you. I told you everything, I never lied to you, I always supported you, hell when I read the news I almost called you to congratulate you and I cried happy tears for you. I was concerned about you and it seems I was right to be. You took digs at me, where you knew it hurt most." He nods he head and waits to see if I have anything more to say, but when I don't speak, he closes his eyes. "I understand, you hate me." He starts to get up from the armchair, but before he's fully up I speak again. "I don't hate you, that was the only lie I've ever said to you, that's what the problem is."
Shocked he comes to sit next to me and the couch, eyes searching my face for the truth. A little smile shows on his face, when he confirms I was telling the truth. Austin's gaze goes to my lips, so I bite my bottom lips, nervous at his proximity. A strangled sigh leaves his lips. "I think I want to try and fix this, but not tonight." Hie features soften, somehow his calming down. "Sure, yeah, when you're ready." I look away.
"It'll take me time and you have a girl-" he interrupts me "I broke up with her, I didn't love her" I nod, he didn't love her, ok, but did he love me? He couldn't have, you don't break what you love. "I love you, I loved you then and I love you now, I always have" my eyes are so wide I think the might fall out of my sockets. "You don't have to say it back, (y/n)!" He quickly adds and I simply nod.
He’s lying, he has to be, no way he just said that. I loved him, back then, but now? I still feel something, it's clear, but, is it love? My thoughts are cut short by my growling stomach, stupid stomach. "You're hungry, come on!" He takes my hand and we sit back at the table. We proceed to eat in silence and when we're done, I wash the dishes and he dries them, it's all so domestic and simple. I have to pinch myself so I keep in mind where we are and what brought us here. "I should leave you to rest, thank you for talking." I put the plates in the cabinet and nod listening to him carefully. "You have my number, right?" He asks
"Yeah, I do." Austin bites his bottom lip and I'm unable to move my eyes, hope he doesn't catch on, or at least doesn't joke about it. "Ok, text me when you're ready, I'm gonna be in LA for 2 more months." As I listen to him talk I take note of something, of his voice, it's back, it's the voice of my Austin, my sweet Austin. I step forward and hug him tight. "I will, I promise!" I look up at him and before I can think about it his lips are in mine. We kiss for a short moment, a small sweet kiss, it's reserved, fearful, but healing. "I'll go now."
I watch as he goes to put his shoes on, I'm at a loss of words. He opens the door and I come next to him one more time. We kiss again, this time more passionate, he grabs my waist and I tangle my hands in his beautiful hair. When we break apart we breathe hard trying to recover from being without air for a while. Our foreheads are still touching so I can smell him, warm, musky with a little citrus, I recognize the smell to be the perfume I gave to him for his birthday all this time ago. He must of kept on buying it, otherwise there's no way he still has it, my heart fills with a new feeling, something I haven't felt in a long time, love. "Goodnight!" He kisses the top of my nose, let's go of me and leaves.
I close the door and go straight to my bed, I'm exhausted so I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I have a dreamless sleep, unusual for me, but welcomed as the next morning I wake up and for the first time in three years I don't feel empty or numb anymore. I feel hopeful, let's pray it doesn't come to bite me in the ass.
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trashbag-baby666 · 3 years
Make Me Feel Loved Again-Baberoe
(Sequel to How To Mess Up With a Soulmate)
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Thank you @neverendingstories00 for giving me ideas for this!
       Joe and David were a year out of high school. Living together in a small apartment in Cambridge. Joe was both sad and excited to leave Frisco'. Granted Gene and Babe shared the same apartment as Gene was in the Harvard Med program. David, majoring in literature.
Babe sang to himself, tone deaf as ever as he made everyone breakfast.
"Joe's lucky he's completely deaf. Heffron over here can't sing for shit." David spoke and signed at the same time.
"Well at least his sign is better than it was in high school," Joe signed and offered David a smile before sipping his coffee.
"Yeah well I still gotta deal with his off key singing," Gene smiled and messed with his hearing aids as he sat at the table.
"Maybe I'll just eat all the pancakes myself!" Babe pouted as he brought the stack of pancakes to the table.
"We're kidding Edward," Gene kissed his cheek, "I hate to skip your pancakes but I'm going to be late to my lab."
"Leaving already? Take a pancake with you on the road." Joe snickered and sent Babe a wink.
"Shut it Lieb," Gene plucked a pancake off the top of the stack and shoved it into a zip lock bag. Then shoved it in his bag.
"By Gene i love you," Babe smirked and pulled Gene down for a kiss. Gene just nodded and jogged out. Once Babe heard the door close and he sighed.
"Guys do you think Genes acting weird? Almost distant?"
"I mean he's really busy with lining up his residency and getting into the med program is a big deal." David started rambling and signing.
"Yeah he seems to be distancing himself but I don't think he's doing it on purpose." Joe signed and shrugged before cutting another piece off his pancake.
"Best thing is just to talk to him about it when you see him today." David suggested.
"Yeah I just hope he doesn't want to break up with me. I mean like ever since he said those words and they disappeared on my skin I just fell so in love." Babe frowned.
"I've tried to break up with Web three times now and the universe won't let it happen." Joe giggled at his own comment.
"Joey!" David signed then slapped Joes arm.
"I'll just talk to him tonight when we lay down for bed." Babe frowned and dismissed himself from the table. He had to work anyways, he laid down on Genes side of the bed. He pulled Genes pillow into his chest. Babe smiled at the smell of Genes after shave and shampoo.
He needed to figure out why Gene was distancing himself.
Babe bent down and clipped the leash to a dogs collar, "Hey Lew?" Babe sighed and let the pitbull pull him over to Lew.
"What's up Heffron?" Lew sighed and flipped through the paperwork.
"I just I'm having some relationship issues." Babe bent down and pet the brown dog. Babe grabbed a treat up off the counter.
"What's going on?" Nix shut his binder and turned in the office chair to look at him.
"Well I was really excited when Gene asked me to move with him when he got into Harvard. But lately he's been really distant, not saying i love you back. I know he's busy because getting into like a med program is hard but especially at Harvard."
"Babe get to the point," Lew sighed and pet the dog as Babe taught him how to shake.
"Well I don't know if I did something wrong or if he wants to break up?" Babe frowned and let the dog tackle Babe in kisses. Babe giggled and hugged the dog.
"Is he your soulmate?" He asked, Babe nodded and sighed.
"Well maybe he is just busy with his schooling I mean it sounds like he'd be crazy busy." Lew shrugged and smiled as the dog leaned into Lee's grip as he pet the dog.
"Yeah I've been trying to just give him space to work and study." Babe frowned and let the dog basically lay on him.
"Oh yeah can you take Arlo home for the night? Our kennels are full and his owner can't pick him up till tomorrow afternoon?" Nix pointed his pen at the brown pitbull laying on Babe.
"Oh for sure, Arlo is just the sweetest!" Babe smiled and pet the dog and grabbed Arlo another treat.
Babe hummed as the elevator brought him and Arlo up to their floor. Babe was just excited to see Babe and pray that he wasn't too busy to cuddle.
They got off at their floor and walked till they got to the apartment. Babe fumbled with the keys before opening the door.
Arlo instantly started sniffing around. Babe didn't think anything to it and dropped Arlo's leash as he slid his shoes off.
Then mentally face palmed as he heard Joes grunt from down the hall. The taller man came storming out of his room. His hands flying, "Heffron why is there a dog in our apartment!? Web is allergic to dogs!" He signed.
"Oh uh, we didn't have enough room at the daycare for him?" Babe shrugged, "Arlo!"
"Well what're you gonna do about it now, Webs gonna he home any minute." Joe glanced at his watch as he signed.
"Arlo will just chill in me and Genes room," Babe frowned and picked up Arlo's leash.
"No dogs Heffron, no more dogs after this." Joe sighed and walked back to whatever he was doing.
"Come on Arlo, ignore big, mean Lieb. His bark is worse than his bite." Babe led Arlo down the hall to his and Genes room. He opened the door and Gene was working on his homework. Then Babe noticed his hearing aids sitting beside him on the desk.
He sighed and kissed Gene on the cheek to get his attention.
"Hey Babe," Gene smiled and turned around then saw the dog, "And who is this?"
"His names Arlo, hes just staying the night tonight." Babe smiled and got out Arlos stuff out of his bag.
"Can you repeat yourself Babe?" Gene frowned and put his hearing aids back in.
"Oh his names Arlo and he's just staying for the night," Babe signed as he spoke.
"He's adorable," Gene smiled and pet the dog, "Isn't Web allergic to dogs?"
"Yeah that's why Arlo is staying in here, I hope that's no issue? I can try to help with your studying if I can?" Babe frowned and walked over to the desk.
"I love you hun but I don't think you can. It's just, come here." Gene wrapped his arms around Babes waist and pulled him into his lap. He turned the chair so Babe could look at Genes text book.
"I like this unit a lot it has a lot about the science of going deaf or being hard of hearing." Gene smiled.
"That's cool," he kissed Gene gently.
"Babe I gotta get to work," Gene frowned.
"Oh okay," Babe nodded and kissed his cheek again. Babe climbed off of Genes lap and sat on the bed. Arlo jumped up on the bed and he giggled.
"Hey boy," he fluffed around Arlo. He watched Gene mutter something to himself and take his hearing aids back out. Babe frowned and went back to playing more quieter with Arlo.
The next few nights went the same. Babe would come home and Gene would either want to rest in silence or he was working.
Babe ended up watching a movie with Joe and David one night. But that was a bad idea as Joe and David were sucking each other's faces off from the other side of the couch.
Babe rolled his eyes and huffed. He got off the couch and set the popcorn on the TV stand.
He walked to his and Genes room and opened the door.
Gene was sitting on the bed with notebooks and textbooks spread around him and a half eaten sandwich on a plate.
"Genie bug?" Babe smiled as he came in.
"Hey Babe, Uhm I can move if you wanna go to bed." Gene smiled.
"No I was hoping you'd take a break. It might be better for you. I feel like you work non stop." Babe frowned and sat on the bed opposite of Gene. 
"I love you but I just can't I need to get this stuff done it's important," Gene sighed and set his pen down.
"L'amour you're going to work yourself to death just take a break for the rest of the night." Babe sighed taking Genes hands.
"Edward, I really can't." Gene sighed and pulled his hands from Babes.
"It's fine, if you want to break up just say it." Babe sighed and laid down so his vision was fixated on the ceiling. 
"Babe? come here what's gotten into you?" Gene sighed and reached over his textbooks.
"Don't touch me it's fine just go back to your work." Babe huffed turning his head to look at Gene.
"Let's go to bed darling," Gene sighed and closed up his books and notebooks and put them on the desk along with the sandwich.
Babe sighed and slid off his pants then crawled in bed not wanting to put in much effort.
Gene sighed and took his hearing aids out and shut the light off in their room. The Christmas lights Babe had strung up around the room lightly illuminated Babe. He had his back turned to Genes side of the bed. He frowned then climbed into bed next to him and laid there. He began to feel guilty, maybe he was spending too much time on school.
He placed a hand on Babes shoulder, Babe sighed as he knew exactly what this meant.
Babe turned over in bed to look at Gene, "What's wrong?" Gene signed.
Babe sighed, "I'm cold can you just hold me?" Babe signed.
"What?" Gene furrowed his eyebrows at Babes sign.
"I said I'm cold," Babe signed again.
"You're saying I'm dog," Gene laughed.
"Can you correct it?" Babe asked, Gene nodded and corrected Babes hand movements.
"I love you," Gene signed.
"I love you too," Babe kissed his cheek.
"We'll talk in the morning okay?" Gene asked holding Babes hands. Babe just nodded and snuggled into Gene.
The next day Babe woke up to the rich smell of french toast and leaped out of bed. He walked to the kitchen and smiled at the sight of Gene cooking up breakfast.
"Morning Gene," Babe wrapped his arms around Gene and kissed him under his ear.
"Morning Edward," he hummed as he plated the French toast, "I managed to nag Lieb and Web to go out for breakfast so we could have some time to ourselves." Gene winked. A smile grew across Babes face and he felt himself rise in blushes.
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candieshound · 3 years
Houndtober Day 11
{Pet Play}
18+ only content
Contains: Pet Play, Degradation, Humiliation, Dub-Con, Mentions of Abuse.
(GN reader) Characters: Leech
I feel awful.. On my knees, sitting in front of a cat bowl full of.. something. I can feel Leech's boot pressed against my back.
"Eat up kitty. Then you'll get a nice treat"
No treat, or anything for that matter, is worth being abused and treated like an animal.
I place my hands on the ground and scoot closer to the bowl. They're bruised and poorly bandaged up. I lower my head and begin eating.
It's not bad, whatever it is. It's actually very tasty. I can tell Leech is pleased when she removes her foot, humming to herself.
"That's a good kitty~"
She praises me as I eat. Leaning down to pet me when I'm finished. Smiling as I look at her, humiliated.
"Do you want your treat now?" I advert my gaze, and nod.
"Okay then, come on!" She stands up, pulling my leash to guide me.
I really don't want to find out what she has planned, but I really have no choice...
She's dragging me down to her basement. It's.. heavily decorated, to say the least. She must live down here.
My eyes catch sight of the cage and pet bed. Toys and stuffed animals lie in the bed.
"Go on" She takes my leash off, pointing to the cage. I crawl over and sit next to it, raising a brow. Leech's tail swishes behind her, dripping slime onto the ground as she walks to me.
I continue to be quiet, not given orders to speak.
She pulls a chair over, sitting with her legs spread.
I don't... understand?
She lifts her dress, revealing to me her bare cunt.
"Here's your treat."
I stare at her, flushed, and crawl over to her. She puts her hands on my head, pressing my nose against her slit.
"Lap like a kitty, or I'll punish you like the dumb whore you are"
A shiver, putting my hands on her thighs. I hesitantly lick her, earning a soft moan.
"Mm, you're my stupid slutty pet. Hmm? Yeah~?"
Her legs wrap around my head, hands pressing me closer to her. I can't really breathe..
"Do you like being treated like a slutty little pet? Nothing more than a toy~?"
I feel myself getting aroused, shamefully. She's never talked to me like that before..
"I bet you do. You're as- Mm - Disgusting as me"
Her legs are shaking, her breathing is speeding up.. And I'm aching. Needy. I'd beg to be touched if I could.
A loud moan slips past her lips as she shakes almost violently in her chair.
One of her hands slip under my collar, pulling it with force. I choke, squirming around a bit myself. It hurts. My neck was already bruised..
All those noises... She sounds like such a slut, and it's... arousing. Her hips start to thrust against my face quickly.
The warning couldn't come any later. Warm liquid splashes against my face, pooling into my mouth. After I swallow it she lets me go.
Pulling back I gasp for air, hearing her laugh.. I'm confused. Looking at her, her eyes are fixated on my pelvis.
I look down, quickly becoming increasingly more flustered.
My arousal is very obvious.
"Aww, kitty. You're such a slut."
She fixes herself, taking a stand. Pointing to the cage. "Too bad I don't have the time to deal with that"
I whine loudly as I'm dragged to the kennel, thrown in forcefully. Leech locks it, smiling at me. "Maybe if my kitty behaves, I'll help them when I return. Sound good?"
I nod. "Alrighty, take care.. behave"
She leaves the room, turning the light off.
Something tells me she isn't coming back.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
This Alpha was either stupid or sadistic. He knew of Alphas that played the long game with their Omegas so it hurt even worse when they were abandoned. Those ones were usually so desperate to be bought that they'd do anything. Attachment issues, he'd heard their captors speak of. He shuffled on his feet and glanced at Wilford several times, his gaze dropping to the floor after only a few seconds. Well, if he was so insistent on pretending on being a good Alpha then he'd test that. Not now, but he'd definitely be pushing limits at some point. He needed to find the limit and find out how severe the punishments would be. "I'm not nice. I'm not a good omega." Dark stressed. He started to gnaw on his lower lip as he paced in short bursts. "And my heats. Your ruts. What will you do?" Like he had said before, he had never experienced a heat with an Alpha. He'd killed during their ruts but that was it. And during his own heats, at the auction houses, he was given suppressant drugs. "Will I be allowed to nest or am I supposed to go to a heat kennel?" A heat kennel was a boarding center that Omegas were put in during their heats. The conditions were often abhorrent and he had only spent one heat in there. Still, it was bad enough that he never wanted to enter one again.
"I don't mind.", Wilford offered Dark a smile. He didn't mind if Dark wasn't nice, or not a "good" Omega. He was perfectly fine with that, he'd dealt with angry Omegas before. Maybe not quite as murderous as Dark, but well.
"I have a good grip on myself, so I won't be bothered by your heat. If you'd like, I can ask a Beta or Omega friend to come by and help you. Or simply care for you with food and water, if you'd rather not see me at all in your heat.", Wilford replied, smiling softly at Dark. "If you're still uncomfortable with me when my rut comes next, I'll either be taking suppressants or stay with someone, letting someone I trust care for you instead. I don't want you to be bothered by the scent.". He had done this all before. Since he didn't take suppressants regularly, he was fine doing it for one or two ruts. He could ask several of his friends to stay here to care for Dark instead of him as well, if need be.
"You're allowed to nest. You can do whatever you like, as long as it doesn't bring harm to yourself.", Wilford answered, picking up his knitting again. He could tell Dark wasn't happy, but he didn't expect him to be anyways. "There are no rules. The only locked doors are my private rooms, and I can't trust you with sharp objects yet. You're not forced to do anything. I'll be cooking anyways, so you can always come eat what I make too. You can look in any drawer and cabinet.", he knew Dark wouldn't trust him yet, and that was okay. He wouldn't mind if Dark wanted to search for anything bad wherever he wanted to search either. Anything to help him feel safe.
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fifthguidedog · 3 years
Day 13
Tiki did great last night. No moving a lot or any vomiting or gagging noises. She woke a little after 6, but I didn't get up. I wanted to see if she could wait until 7. If she got antsy or anything I was going to take her out. Luckily, she went back to bed and I got to sleep in. My alarm went off at 7 so I took her out quickly and came in to get ready for breakfast.
Breakfast was frittata, which is like an omelet with cheese and other things in it, hash browns, sausage and coffee cake. They had salsa for the frittata if you wanted it. Juices were the usual's. I had the sausage left off, but ate most of the meal. It was a lot of food. Very tasty though.
Tiki got her breakfast a little after 8. She made sure to get every crumb and kept licking for good measure, hoping more would sprout up into the bowl. She was a little distracted while I washed her bowl, so I had to stop and get her to sit again. I then offered her water and another chance to potty.
One of the instructors asked if I wanted to brush her teeth and clean her ears, so I met her on the patio. Tiki is very silly when it comes to both these things. She kept flopping down on the floor when I was trying to clean her ears. She wanted to eat the tooth brush as well. I got it done though. Then I decided to groom her. I sprayed her with my grooming spray in my room and took her to the grooming table. She hopped up there with no difficulty. However, she thought it was play time and flopped down on the table and wanted to roll on her back. I got her up and grabbed the Furminator out of the bucket. Tiki however thought this would be a nice chew toy and tried to bite the handle as I groomed her. I did the best I could. I finished with a finishing brush and again she wanted to bite the handle, but I managed to get her brushed. So, as you can see, grooming will be interesting for me.
Also before lunch, the instructor asked if I wanted to let Tiki play with another dog. I've not gotten to take her to the play yard yet, so I was more than happy to tag along. Tiki played with a female yellow lab named Honor. They both sniffed everything at first, which is normal. They did start to play together. We were told they were kennel mates, so we know they would get along well. Honor liked to do the growling and barking. Tiki did grab the Kong a couple times. They both ran over and jumped on us to say hi. Then they decided to start eating leaves and sticks, so play time was over. They both did well though. It was fun watching them play.
Lunch was pecan stuffing stuffed pork chops and mashed potatoes. There was supposed to be broccoli, but it accidentally was scorched.; Not that I was complaining, since I don't like cooked broccoli all that much anyway. Beverages were the usual options. The meal was very good.
I spent the next couple hours chatting with friends on the phone. Then one of the instructors was nice enough to bring out food to us, since the bag is getting low and it is hard to scoop it out when it is sitting on the cart. Tiki gobbled it up in good labby fashion. No surprises there. I then washed her bowl. Again she was offered water and another chance to potty.
Right after the feeding, there was an optional massage lecture. I like to attend these since I can bond some with my dog and maybe relax them some. The massage therapist started out by going over essential oils. She had lavender and lemon grass going and it smelled nice. She also put on some light classical music. I think most of us attended the lecture. Some people were out with guests. The therapist brought around several oils for us and our dogs to smell. Dogs actually usually like essential oils. They will lick their lips if they like it and pull away if they don't. The first was lavender. Just for the record, Tiki liked them all and gave her approval with a wag every time. I'm not a huge fan of lavender myself, but this one wasn't strong. Next she brought around orange. That one I loved. The last one was similar to cinnamon, but can't remember the name exactly or if I could spell it. I liked that one too. Next we started the massage. You start with the head and ears. Then you move to the chest and front legs. Next you do the ribs and down to the hips. Then you do the back legs and feet. You do the front paws as well. I'll not go into full detail here on massage, since it would take too long. You end the session with 3 long gliding strokes from head to tell. Tiki did well, but didn't relax as much as the other dogs. One dog had his head on the student's lap and due to the angle was making snoring noises. Tiki liked licking my hands as I massaged her. She didn't get overly goofy though. I offered her some water afterwards and walked her around the halls for a minute. This was instructed by the therapist.
Dinner was a chicken wrap and chips. Dessert was brownie moose tracks ice cream. The usual beverages were offered. The wrap was huge, but I managed to eat it all. I also had the chips and one scoop of ice cream.
I offered water to Tiki and a chance to potty around 7. Then her last potty break was at 9. Now I'll be off to bed soon.
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