#if my otp is not canon imma be real mad
Here have this incoherent ramble <333
When I first got into it I really liked Duck, then I grew to really like Yellow, but now… I can’t choose no matter the situation. They’re all my lovely skrungly gremlins, I love them equally, yet in… different ways? Same love, but… different reasons.
Least Favorite character: …………………..the larvae creature from webseries 3. Real ones will get it.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
********DEEPLY INHALES********
Well. You know I don’t… se the characters the same ways that you do. Of course, specifically Yellow and his age. And I deeply respect you for your views, as well as your ships.
I… I quite like fluffybird. It’s nice, ‘classic’. It realy got me into the fandom and I fiit funny. Red and Duck are like those two friends where they both get up  to mad shit when unattended together. Old man yells at old man. Wonderful. Noit much can be said that hasn’t been said already, really. And also, along with that, lately I’ve really been liking….. imma call it rubberduck.
Kind of fruity to longingly look at a picture of your dead mate, hand on your heart, while sitting on his bed and singing longingly about your old life together. Kinda fruity to wear his overcoat and be so grief-stricken that you grab a shovel to dig him up.
Third, uh…. LOVEBUG! I’m as sucker for LoveBug because realistically Warren could NOT pull Shrignold but it’s funny to imagine the most homophobic little insect falling for the grossest ickiest boy ever and believing him  to be a miracle sent from Malcolm himself.
…………………………………………I’m also a PaperWiresandClockwork enthusiast because I believe in ‘make love, not war’. I don’t like seeing people fight over Padlock and DigitalTime, it’s kind of…. Uncomfortable? Especially when genders are brought up. From my own pansexual perspective I see no problem why Tony shouldn’t be with either of them. Unless he’s related to one or one was actually a child, which isn’t likely. Also TimeChild is their son <3 he has his Clock Dad’s posh accent, his Computer Dad’s technological advancement, and his Paper Mum’s creativity.
Fifth….. Lesley and Roy. I like the idea of them being bitter eldritch divorces fighting over the custody of their creations [and son], but I also like their Padlock-esque darkness, where they beat the shit out of eachother and end up fine a second later.
Character I find most attractive: ………again, Christ, don’t make me choose between these cringefail grimy loser men……. With their stupid cute mullet and old man twead dress sense and a literal nudist.
Character I would marry: ………….there’s three of them…………… I can have three wives…………. Wow…………………….
Character I would be best friends with: Hmm… Sketchbook. She seems really chill in comparison to the other teachers and I think I’d get along with them. Also Grampa Chooch [my name for Transport Guy]. Because he’s funny. But in all honesty I want to be friends with all of them because they’re all  so dear to my heart <3
A random thought: Yum yum yum
An unpopular opinion: uh…………………… creativity is creativity, as long as it’s not illegal or would be deemed illegal if it was real.
My Canon OTP: 1920 [Roy and Lesley’s shipname, which I like a lot so props to whoever came up with it]
My Non-canon OTP: ………..FluffyBird has not been officially confirmed, it is basically confirmed but not properly. Also RubberDuck.
Most Badass Character: Duck. I don’t even need to explain he’s just so slay. The serve. Go girl give us nothing.
Most Epic Villain: Lesley. Sorry Roy but she is absolutely serving in that outfit. The reveal. The absolute glamour.
Pairing I am not a fan of: uh………. I’m pretty chill with it. I’m even chill with Claire. I’m  just not fond of incestuous/predatory ships. At all. In fact they can go into the greasefire.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): …no one? They’re all done pretty well to me, there’s not much to add here.
Favourite Friendship: Red and Yellow. Despite me literally F/O-ing the Three of Them, I like Yellow and Red being friends to each other, friends so tight they share a love. Slay.
Character I most identify with: …the reason I love the three is how deeply I relate to all, but all in different ways.
Red because of his deep need to find others ‘like him’, but when he does… they end up not liking him. As a foster child, who never knew much of my own family at all, but then meeting my dad’s side it just… it gets me in the gut every time.
With Duck, it’s the annoyance. I can be annoying, I can awfully blunt, and unknowingly mean without ever even knowing it.
With Yellow… it’s the constant bashing he gets for being him and for accidental mishaps. He just wants to create, be it music or paintings, but nobody wants to let him flourish, they won’t let him think. Sometimes it hurts when I try to think, when it’s too loud or I’m overstimulated.
Character I wish I could be: OATS. REAL ONES’LL GET IT.
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daniellesdarrieux · 7 years
bon. j'attaque la saison 6 d'Engrenages. wish me luck!
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just-a-re-blog · 7 years
Question Tag
My homegirl @evangelene​ tagged me in this, so here goes--more than you’ll ever need to know about me RIP
Rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. coke or pepsi?
2. disney or dreamworks?
3. coffee or tea?
Tea--but fancy good tea, like earl grey, not Lipton
4. books or movies?
Books bring me happy
5. windows or mac?
I only own Apple products
6. dc or marvel?
7. xbox or playstation?
8. dragon age or mass effect?
i don’t know what these are
9. night owl or early riser?
I like rising early, but I am at peace at 1 AM
10. cards or chess?
Cards, specifically ERS, but let me be clear--I am ALWAYS down for a game of Real Wizards’ Chess ™️
11. chocolate or vanilla?
le chocolat
12. vans or converse?
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar?
i don’t know what these are either. sorry.
14. fluff or angst?
Mafia and Soulmate AUs which include moments of both
15. beach or forest?
Redondo Beach and North Cascades National Park forest
16. dogs or cats?
I have always wanted a dog, but cats are my everything
17. clear skies or rain?
clear skies to do stuff in and rain to watch and listen to from the seat by the window like the emo fuck i am
18. cooking or eating out?
I am bad at it, but I like to cook!
19. spicy food or mild food?
listen, I like spicy food, but I never eat it because jalepenos bring my taste buds joy but bring my mouth great pain
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas?
I celebrate Christmas from December 26th to December 25th
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot?
A little too cold. I love winter.
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
23. animation or live action?
I plead the Fifth
24. paragon or renegade?
25. baths or showers?
26. team cap or team ironman?
27. fantasy or sci-fi?
Fantasy (looking at you, Bilbo)
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they?
“It’s like when you are excited about a girl and you see a couple holding hands, and you feel so happy for them. And other times you see the same couple, and they make you so mad. And all you want is to always feel happy for them because you know that if you do, then it means that you’re happy, too.” ~Charlie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” ~Marianne Williamson, Our Deepest Fear
“I am a weak person pretending to be strong.” ~Min Yoongi
“These wings came from pain, but they are wings headed for the light. Though it’s hard and it hurts, if I can fly, I will fly so I won’t be scared anymore.”  ~BTS,  A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone
29. youtube or netflix?
30. harry potter or percy jackson?
Daughter of Apollo with the heart of a Hufflepuff who was sorted into Gryffindor. Yep.
31. when do you feel accomplished?
Those rare moments when I FINALLY finish a chapter/story
32. star wars or star trek?
Give my son my lightsaber.
33. paperback or hardback books?
Hardback yo. I am a destructive human being that can only be trusted to handle things that are sturdily constructed.
34. horror or rom-com?
Hit me up to watch The Proposal any day--I live my love life vicariously through others.
35. tv shows or movies?
TV shows...like I have time to watch them...
36. favourite animal?
Giraffes are great, but I also like elephants. And bears. And dolphins. And I am forever in love with the indomitable banana slug. Also, I like Pikachu. A lot.
37. favourite genres of music?
Classical piano, K-pop, J-pop, Chinese pop (my sister who is Chinese told me not to call it C-pop or Mando pop), soundtracks, 70s singer-songwriters, 80s rock, 90s rap (yes, I know those lyrics are the definition of misogyny, it’s not a perfect art form), 2000s pop, Keith Urban style country (yes, I said it), James Ingram/Yolanda Adams style gospel, Casting Crowns style Christian, WALK THE MOON/The Fold style indie rock/alternative, Charlie Wilson style R&B
38. least favourite book?
Ugh, Matched. I was just really not a fan. Or Gulliver’s Travels. I hate that book.
39. favourite season?
I don’t really have one, actually! There’s good and bad that comes with each. But I guess I’m pretty partial to winter because snow and, you know, Christmas
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head?
Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers???
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear?
whatever’s on top in my drawer (or in front in my closet if I need flannel)
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day?
i live in a constant state of existential crisis. my brand is crisis
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be?
I choose my favorite song of all time--Young Forever. 
44. favourite theme song to a TV show?
That’s a three-way tie between the Teen Titans theme song, the 1960s Batman theme song, and the opening theme of the Chinese drama Eternal Love
45. harry potter movies or books?
I love the books, but literally nothing in this world can top sassy 11-year-old Emma Watson (”It’s Wingardium Levi-o-sa. Not Levio-sa.”) and clueless, lovable 11-year-old Rupert Grint (“Yes, Hermione, I think this is gonna be exactly like real Wizards’ Chess.”).
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it?
Look, if Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok can finally get together like they’ve always been meant to, then my knowledge of tumblr is a small price to pay
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? 
Once upon a time I played viola. Then I played French Horn. Now I sing, and I’ve been playing piano for almost 9 years.
48. what is the worst way to die?
Being eaten. I have had countless nightmares about something consuming me and just the thought of being eaten alive, I goTTa gO
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do?
Probably do cute lil things to make my friends’ days better like flip their textbooks to the right pages when they’re not looking or leave them coffee at their table when they get up to go to the bathroom. i is too cowardly to do those things for my crush, so it would be nice to be invisible
50. What are you planning on doing with your life?
Imma be a music video producer, y’all. Catch my name in the tiny credits
51. Favorite Disney movie?
52. One must have item you always carry with you?
A necklace my sister gave me. It is my security blanket.
53. Drawing or telling stories?
Telling stories because I can do it through so many mediums, ya know?
54. If you could have a superhero sidekick, what animal would it be and what would you name it?
My question: Stuffed animals or figurines?
Tags: @thatirishgirl078 @bts-exo-seouls @callmyexodus @whysoinvisible
Joke’s on you if you thought I was really about to tag 53 people
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fadingemeralds · 8 years
Imma do all three for the ask thing. Can I? Should I? I don't know. But RWBY for fandom, Arkos for ship, and Pyrrha for character.
This was a lot of work let me tell you but I’m still glad you gave me an opportunity to gush about my Arkos feels.
001 | RWBY
Favorite character: I love all the RWBY girls but Blake is who I identify most with. And Jaune is my son. 
Least Favorite character: Prepare your pitchforks, you’re not going to like this. I’m not a fan of Nora - she annoyed me greatly through volumes 1-3 and it’s only recently that I’ve started warming up to her. Idk she’s fine as a part of Team JNPR I guess? Apart from that, Adam can go choke on a knife lmao.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive: I’ll just casually link you to the post that adresses this issue in detail.
Character I would marry: Waiting for Yang to propose any day now.
Character I would be best friends with: I’d try and fail to befriend Weiss but in the end, Ren would be my best buddy.
A random thought: How many fanfiction tropes can you destroy by telling everyone that the citizens of Remnant can’t get hickeys unless for some reason, their aura breaks before making out? 
An unpopular opinion: Jaune deserves better than all the unjustified hate he gets from the fandom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My canon OTP: Arkos!!
Non-canon OTP: All my ships are good ships. Quality OTPs. Many true pairings. Although I’m honestly obsessed with Emerald/Weiss and Black Torch atm.
Most badass character: Probably Neo. She’s scary.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t really care for the whole Bl*ck Sun vs. Bumb//leby feud? I don’t necessarily dislike either and personally I’d like to see the latter become canon for representation reasons, but in terms of shipping I can’t be bothered. Also cutesy Tauradonna can stay 5000ft away from me tbh.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Cinder?? is such a bland??? villain???? She had so much potential and I’m bitter.
Favourite friendship: Team RWBY, especially Yang and Blake!
002 | Jaune Arc & Pyrrha Nikos
Arkos just kind of sneaked up on me tbh, but when Pyrrha started to train Jaune and fell for him hard, I was head over heels.
my thoughts: This is such a tragic and angsty ship?? Volume 3 was a rollercoaster honestly and just when I thought they would end up happy and cute, RT decided to rip my heart out. I’m still upset and I just.. I can’t handle all the feelings I have for these two, it’s not fair.
What makes me happy about them: How proud Pyrrha is of Jaune. How well they understand each other. Jaune listening to her and Pyrrha having none of his self-conscious bullshit. The dance. The way they fight together like it was meant to be. Their awkwardness. Jaune looking at Pyrrha as if she’s his entire world. Pyrrha protecting him when it was necessary.
What makes me sad about them: hahahaha :)) Pyrrha kissed Jaune and they were not aware it would be the last time they’d ever see each other :))) Pyrrha thinking of Jaune in her last moments :))) Jaune’s raw grief and anger as he’s playing the video of her :))) Him always carrying a part of her with him ever since he upgraded his armor :))) The fact that they did not have enough time together :))) I just made myself cry :)))))))))))))
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I’ve yet to read a truly horrific Arkos fanfiction, but people reducing Pyrrha to a lovesick puppy exposed to Jaune’s whims? That makes me mad. Sure she loves him but she can also kick his ass when he deserves it.
Things I look for in fanfic: Angst. Give me the angst.
My kinks: Pyrrha being Jaune’s first. Pyrrha teaching him where and how to touch her.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I love Martial Arcs and Ren comforting Jaune (and vice versa) after Pyrrha’s death will never not get to me. Pain and suffering is a lifestyle.
My happily ever after for them: Pyrrha lives!AU
003 | Pyrrha
How I feel about this character: I love Pyrrha so much, I don’t even have words. She was honestly one of the most compelling characters overall and had a super interesting arc and background! The whole maiden thing?? God damn. I would’ve payed real money to see that play out, but alas.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Jaune Arc and Cinder but in a low-key way. I’ve seen some cool stuff for this ship.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Pyrrha x all the girls. That’s the friendship I’d like to see.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Despite being upset about Pyrrha’s death, I felt like it was well executed (lmao). Unlike many female characters, she wasn’t fridged. Her death concluded her own character arc and within the narrative, it just made sense for her to die. Doesn’t mean I can’t be bitter about it though.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Leaving out the obvious “She could’ve survived”, I would’ve liked to see more of the cereal commercials she was in? And they could’ve extended the fighting scene with Mercury, that was neat.
My OTP: Obviously Arkos. Who would’ve thought.
My OT3 OT4: Team JNPR, happy and in love.
Send me a ship or a character!
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