#if offering a starving man a Human Patty (but telling them it’s beef) is a violation of consent
labyrynth · 8 months
I normally just leave opinions as 'if we disagree we disagree' but I found your post comparing the golden core transfer and consent in remarkably bad taste. I don't care how passionate you are about this fictional book comparing the real fucking trauma rape victims have gone through the shit we have experienced to fictional xianxia surgery is so so disrespectful rape victims are more important then a fucking fictional consent argument. Thanks.
i had to go back and search for what the fuck you’re talking about, bc initially i thought you were talking about this post and i was like ??? and then i realized you probably meant the initial tags on this other post (which…there’s a reason it wasn’t in the actual post, which was a salt/rant post to begin with.)
sorry you found my off the cuff rant in response to some of the abhorrent things people have said about consent while trying to argue that wwx was 100% in the right (see the aforementioned posts), and my comparison of a horrific violation of consent, agency, and bodily autonomy to *checks notes* a different but also horrific violation of consent, agency, and bodily autonomy to be in poor taste but like. not actually.
bc i personally find it to be in poor taste when a fictional character lies to someone whose agency and bodily autonomy was violated and was traumatized by the experience in order to get them to “agree” to another violation of agency and bodily autonomy (but it’s fictional, so whatever.)
but i find it in even poorer taste for real life people to claim that actually that character did nothing wrong; consent was given and there was no violation. or if there was a violation, it’s his own fault, and he should have known better.
bc it’s true that fictional xianxia surgery doesn’t exist, but consent, agency, and bodily autonomy DO, and if real people have used their real world judgement to conclude that THIS situation was consensual—especially if they bend over backwards, unironically using the same arguments used to discredit survivors of rape to argue as such—that’s a red flag.
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
My Bloody Valentine: 5x14 Recap
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The Dean and Sam story sucks
A cute, innocent looking couple, ending their first date, walk up to the woman’s place. Russell asks Alice if she would like to see him again, maybe Sunday? He doesn’t want to spend Valentine’s Day alone…again. (Way to sell it, dude!) Alice shyly agrees. He gives her a chaste kiss, and then a less chaste one. They pull away, explaining away their amorous aggression, but jump right back into it —to the point of eating each other to death.
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After the title card, we find Sam interviewing Alice’s roommate. She found the bodies. She wonders how two people could eat each other to death. Sam tries to get to the bottom of this odd case.
He then heads back to the motel to let Dean know about the lack of leads. Then Dean goes into a very descriptive account of his visit to the morgue. Shudder. Sam tells Dean that he’ll be going over files so Dean can get going. It’s Unattached Drifter Christmas after all! Have some fun. Dean’s a little surprised and tells Sam that he’s “not feeling it this year.” It’s like a little clue! Sam points out, “it’s when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.”
In an office at night, Brad and Jim work overtime on a project. Jim is busy texting his new girlfriend. Brad teases him about being whipped. Just then, Janice, the new girlfriend shows up! And she went all out to make a good impression!
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She tells Jim that he can’t choose work over her. Brad picks the worst time to make a joke, and gets shot in the chest as an afterthought. Janice is 100% focused on Jim —and Jim comes up with a solution to the problem of life always getting in the way —get rid of life!
At the morgue, Sam crosses paths with a suited man that makes his heart beat. He dismisses the moment but knows that something is wrong. They talk to the coroner, who just finished with the autopsies on Jim and Janice, good-and-plenties already tupperwared.
The brothers get to work examining the organs. Dean passes a real heart to Sam and cheekily asks him to be his Valentine. Dean Bean. Sam then notices identical Enochian marks on different hearts. Dean is instantly on the phone with Cas, who’s in turn instantly in Dean’s personal space.
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It appears these marks are marks of union. Cupids, or Cherubs, Third Class, did this. Cas passionately explains that a cupid has gone rogue and they have to stop him before he kills again. Man, I love passionate Cas —and by the look on Dean’s face, he does as well.
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The guys then head to a restaurant to watch for the cupid. Sam and Dean get their food, but Dean’s not interested. Whaaat? Cas gladly takes the hamburger off Dean’s hands. Whaaat?
Cas then senses the cupid and tells the brothers to meet him in the back. Once there, the brothers only find Cas.
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He’s got the invisible cupid tethered, and forces the angel to reveal itself —much to everyone’s discomfort. I guess getting big hugs from strange naked angels isn’t their thing. Cas tells the cupid that his marks are slaughtering each other, and he seems genuinely shocked. Cas tries consoling him, and gets another big hug. He was just following his orders. Whatever these people are doing after getting together has nothing to do with him. Cas reads his mind to see that he’s telling the truth. The cupid reveals that heaven doesn’t normally care who falls in love with whom, except for certain exceptions —like John and Mary Winchester. They had to get together so Sam and Dean would be born. Dean punches him, regretfully, and the cupid flies away. Cas and Sam can’t believe it, and Sam asks if they’re going to talk about what’s up with Dean. That’s a negative, little brother.
Back at the morgue, the coroner has another weird death for Sam to check out. The vic apparently went on a Twinkie binge. The coroner thinks it was a very peculiar thing to do, and takes a deep swallow from his flask. Uh oh. 
Regrouping over the phone, the brothers realize that this isn’t cupid related and there’s way too many ODs and suicides in the town for this to be normal.
Sam sees the man in the suit again, and pursues him into an alley. Demon blade in hand, Sam attacks. The demon gets away, but some of his blood stays behind on the blade. Sam looks at it with a deep craving, before forcefully wiping it clean. Sam notices a suitcase the demon left behind and brings it back to Dean.
They open the suitcase. Immediately the latch springs open and something glowing emerges. Cas appears, a bag of burgers clutched in his arm. “It’s a human soul,” he tells them around a mouthful of burger. The Winchesters are pretty curious about why Cas turned into Hungry Hungry Angel and he tells them it’s because Famine - the horseman - is in town.
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Everyone’s starving for something - sex, drugs, love… The cupid was an innocent in all this. His inspired love was turned into lethal, all consuming love by the presence of Famine. Castiel’s vessel is drowning in desire for burgers.
“And then will come famine riding on a black steed…” Castiel intones.
Enter Famine. A black SUV rolls up, and an old man is extracted from the car, then wheeled into Biggersons. As he enters the restaurant the people in Biggersons begin to frantically indulge in their appetites to the point of killing themselves.
Cas tells the Winchesters that Lucifer’s demons are in town to care for Famine and bring him souls. Famine will consume their souls to gather strength before the Horsemen march across the world.
Cut back to the restaurant. Everyone is dead, carrion flies already buzzing. The demon Sam fought enters and tells Famine about the Winchesters and delivering Sam’s hotel key. Famine wants the soul the demon lost and when he reports that it’s gone Famine sucks the demon dry instead.
Back at the hotel, Sam’s washing up and trying to keep his cool while Cas continues to stuff his burger-hole. Dean asks if they can defeat Famine by cutting the ring from his hand, just like they did with War. Yep, but Cas really wants MOAR BURGERS and Sam’s still swiping a cool washcloth across his face and quietly freaking out. Sam confesses that he can’t go. He’s hungry for demon blood. Cas tells Dean that the hunger is with Sam now - he can’t run from it. The only way to help him is to get Famine’s ring.
No pressure, Dean.
Swoon break!
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Dean and Cas head for the Coroner’s where they find the doc dead, having suddenly decided to drink himself to death that morning. “It’s Famine,” Cas announces, smooth as ever. Castiel lays his hand on the doctor. His soul is still there, so they can wait for the demon to collect it, then follow them back to Famine.
Later that evening, it’s stakeout time in Dean’s super-low-profile-nobody-will-ever-notice-it car. Cas flaps in, a fresh bag of burgers in his lap. He’s worked his way into the low hundreds in terms of patties consumed. He wonders what Dean’s hunger is and asks why Dean’s unaffected.
Dean says he’s well fed. He obeys his urges and instincts so there’s nothing for Famine to latch onto. (Preemptively gives Dean Bean a hug.)
Back at the hotel, the dresser gets moved aside. Two demons walk in ready for a little tussle. Sam breaks free then spears one of the demon’s necks and begins to drink. Sam powers up then uses his mind mojo to blast the other demon (who, for the purposes of this recap we’ll call “Dessert”) across the room. Sam’s got two demons to chomp. Mmm, room service.
At the Biggersons, Dean preps to move on Famine with a highly distracted Cas. Cas flaps off to fulfill his part of the plan, which is to head in alone and take out Famine’s ring. Dean waits moments before feeling like something went wrong. He walks through the back of the restaurant and sees Cas on the floor of the diner, stuffing raw ground beef into his mouth from a metal bin on the floor. Dean gets nabbed by demons and brought before Famine.
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“Consume, consume,” Famine chuckles. America is just a swarm of locusts in stretch pants. He looks at Dean and tells him that, “Hunger doesn’t just come from the body, it comes from the soul.” Dean cockily tells him he’s unaffected and Famine speculates that there’s more to it than strength of character. He rolls forward and presses his hand to Dean’s chest where he presumably gets a peek into Dean’s soul. “That’s one deep dark nothing you’ve got there, Dean,” he cackles. “You can’t fill it, can you? Not with food or drink, not even with sex. I can see how broken you are. How defeated.”
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“You’re not hungry, Dean. Because inside you’re already dead.” Dean starts to crumple when Sam interrupts and tells Famine to back off. Yay! Sam’s here! Oh wait...there’s a room full of demons and Sam’s got a ring of blood around his mouth. (Sam...you’ve got something on your face. I just want to get in there with a washcloth.)
Famine tells Sam that he’s SO strong, he won’t die by drinking too much blood. He and Lucifer are MFEO. Famine offers his demon handlers up to Sam for a little after dinner snack. And Sam, with his clown-red mouth, lifts his hand. He exorcises the demons from their bodies, refusing to drink from them. It’s great because...yay! Self control! But it’s also a terrible reminder of the mistakes of Season 4 and Dean’s face is filled more with horror than relief. We think it’s over, but Famine opens his maw and sucks the demons Sam exorcised deep into him. Sam tries to use his mojo on Famine and Famine chuckles at his little attempt to hurt a Horseman. Then Sam tells Famine that he can’t affect the Horseman, but he can affect the demons inside of Famine. He uses his powers to bust them out of Famine, throwing Famine back in his chair and breaking his hold. Cas lifts his head, the meat-lust abated. Famine is defeated.
Later, Dean and Cas wait outside Bobby’s panic room while Sam undergoes cold turkey detox again. Dean’s head rests against the wall, a look of despair settled over his face as he takes a drink. “It’s not him in there,” Cas tells him, trying to reassure him. No dice, dude. Dean heads out for “some air” - but it’s really just despair. He wanders out deep into the car lot and, with tears glistening in his eyes, looks up at the sky. “Please,” he begs. “I need some help. Please.”
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Hungry for Quotes:
It's when a dog doesn't eat. That's when you know something's really wrong.
Please, Gentlemen. Refrigerate after opening.
Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?
I love love. I love it! And if that's wrong, I don't wanna be right.  
What are you, the Hamburgler?
I’m an angel, I can stop any time I want.
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