#if only they had the kink LOL they don’t see the appeal at all
snzluv3r · 1 year
my ex is one of my best friends (in true lesbian fashion of course) and i’m their ‘witness’ for their autism evaluation so i’m staying with them for the week and their cats are ALL over me so i’m all sneezy and an allergic mess.
and they know about the kink so every time i have a sneezing fit they just give me this LOOK like they know how crazy it’s driving me
i am getting absolutely no work done because i am so distracted in multiple ways
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 months
For I Have Sinned
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Summary: Since Negan was brought to Alexandria, you have been attracted to him. One day you find Negan dressed up like Father Gabriel and instantly find yourself turned on by the attire. After fantasizing about him all night, you decide to admit your feelings to Negan in a confession.
Characters: Negan, Aaron, Father Gabriel & the reader (OC, second person)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57469084
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, Smut, Daddy Kink, Unprotected P in V, Oral, No Use of Y/N, breeding kink, dirty talk, priest! Negan, Public Play in a Church, Rough, etc.
Notes: This is more so Negan as a priest in training lol, but I just ran with it. It's just another filthy one shot from me. I hope you like it!
The unbearable heat was starting to break you down. It had been one of the hottest summers that you could think of in years. After the world fell to shit you thought there would be a lot of downtime, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Living in Alexandria meant you were working all the time. Non-stop. More than you would have ever done before when the world was normal. But it exhausted you. Being a sweaty mess and sore at the end of the day only to know you had to do it all over again tomorrow didn’t appeal to you. It was exhausting.
“Pick up the pace,” Aaron’s voice called out to you when you took a minute outside the gates of Alexandria to catch your breath. Shooting a glare at Aaron instead of fighting with him, you just pushed forward and headed back into town. Aaron slowed down to keep up with you and you kind of were just ready to be done at this point. You liked Aaron and he was a good friend of yours, but you were just exhausted. “Do you need a day off tomorrow? You look whipped.”
“I am,” you confessed feeling Aaron stopping, reaching out to grab your arm to get a look at you. “I don’t mean to whine Aaron, but I’m completely drained. It’s been non-stop with little to no rehabilitation for my body. I’m willing to do some smaller work around here, but out there I’m really putting my everything into things.”
“I’ll get you a week or so working inside the walls,” Aaron promised starting to talk to you about some things, but in the distance something else caught your eye. It kept you from hearing whatever Aaron was saying to you when your eyes followed the movements of what looked like Negan working on the church at the center of town. What shocked you the most was seeing that he wasn’t dressed like what you were used to seeing him in. He was wearing all black with the white collar of a priest. Almost like he was wearing Gabriel’s clothes. It had been a while since you had seen Negan but seeing that shocked you. You must have been gazing away too long because suddenly you had Aaron’s fingertips snapping in your face to get your attention back. “I lost you there.”
“You did. I won’t lie,” you pointed toward the church where Negan was hammering something in. Once Aaron saw what you were focused on, he rolled his eyes and huffed out loud. “I’m floored to see Negan wearing what he’s wearing. Is this a joke of some kind? Is it Halloween or…something?”
“No, this is Gabriel’s way of trying to fix him and prove that he’s changed,” Aaron scoffed, folding his arms out in front of his chest. The disgust over Aaron’s face told you everything about how he felt about the situation. “Gabriel is putting him through the trials of becoming a priest.”
You couldn’t help but laugh hearing that one. Negan? Of all people being a priest? Yeah, that was a crazy thought. Only if hell froze over. After all the time you spent with Negan when you would be the one that brought him his meals and talked with him, him being a priest was almost joke worthy for you.
"I still can’t believe the two of you are friends. You have very questionable taste in people,” Aaron grumbled under his breath and it made you smirk.
“You know, you’re my friend,” you reminded him, tilting your head to the side to get a good look at Aaron, arching your eyebrow in a mischievous way. It made Aaron roll his eyes and he dropped his arms down at his sides. “I like Negan. I think he’s a different man and I got to know him when I went down there with him.”
“You were down there with him because no one else could stand him,” Aaron noticed the way you were staring at Negan again. You were gawking at Negan who dropped the hammer down at his side and reached up to wipe sweat away from his forehead. When he slicked his hair back you felt your pulse leap in your chest and a moment later Aaron was hitting your shoulder. “You are smitten with him. What the fuck is your problem?”
“Language, that’s a priest you are talking about,” you teased Aaron, still keeping your attention on Negan never realizing before that you had some kind of kink for a priest, but with Negan wearing that you were starting to believe that you did. “Negan is a very attractive man. I’m not blind.”
“But you’re crazy,” Aaron commented and you tipped your head from side to side before shrugging. “For the love of God…”
“Now that you say that…” you stepped forward toward the church feeling Aaron reaching out for you. “I guess I could go show God some love.”
“Oh come on,” Aaron called out to you when you pulled away from him. Waving him off without looking back at him, you approached the church and leaned in.
“Working hard?” you whispered causing Negan to jump and he looked back at you. When he noticed it was you, a smirk tugged at his lips and he turned on his heel.
“Don’t you know to never scare someone holding a fucking hammer?” Negan waved the hammer about before moving forward to wrap an arm around you to pull you close to hug you. Having his short beard rubbing up against the side of your face made your eyes slam shut. God, this was what being close to him would always do to you. “Where have you been stranger?”
“Working my ass off,” you informed him with a sigh. It started to make you panic with him hugging you wondering just how much you may have smelled back with you working hard outside all day long.
“Oh?” Negan’s eyebrow arched up, his dimples sinking in when he pulled back to look you over. Urging you to turn on your heel, you weren’t sure what he was going with when he looked down at your bottom. “Nope, it’s still there.”
“Negan,” you laughed when you felt him smack your ass in a playful manner. Turning to face him, you watched the wolfish smile expand over his handsome features. “That’s not very God like. With you being a priest now and everything.”
“I…oh,” Negan looked down at what he was wearing. His face flushed over and he grumbled to himself. Lifting his head, his dimples sank in and he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m brand new at this whole thing. It’s going to take some getting used to.”
“I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked, but why did you do this? You look…ridiculous,” you couldn’t help but giggle seeing the way that his eyes avoided you. “I mean, not ridiculous. You’re very attractive and I like the whole look going on here for you, but you as a priest?”
“Yeah, I know,” Negan frowned, shrugging his shoulders while he tried to figure out what to say to you. “Because of everything I’ve done, Gabey boy thought it would be good for me to get in touch with God. So I guess I’m a priest in training. It really just means that I work on the church, clean things up, pass things out…”
“Did you even read the bible?” you wondered drawing his nose to wrinkle and he laughed.
“I did during my time locked up,” Negan answered with a sigh, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark pants after he set the hammer down. “I had a lot of free time and Gabriel thought it would be good for me. There were some ridiculous fucking things in it, but I read it. I don’t agree with all of it, but if this helps people give me a chance and become a better person—I’m willing to try.”
“You don’t need to become a priest in order for you to become a better person,” you suggested to him hating to hear him say something like that. “I think you were already a better person, you just let these people get in your head.”
“I just want somewhere I feel like I belong,” Negan confessed with a saddened expression, lifting one of his hands to wave it about. “No one has really given me a chance here. You have, but I don’t get to see you much. Judith and Gabriel are the only two that have really put some effort into things with me. Gabriel was always preaching to me and he thought this was the only way for me to purify my soul.”
“So what do I call you now?” you reached out to playfully shove into the center of his chest causing a scoff to fall from his throat. “Father Negan?”
“Haha. Laugh it up,” Negan pulled his right hand out of his pocket and waved it about. “I think I look good you know. Black is my color and while I’m sweating my ass off in this, I can feel my soul purifying as we speak.”
“Oh, I see,” you smirked folding your arms out in front of your chest while gazing him over. “You know, it would be a lot hotter if you tore the arms off of that shirt. It’d be like you stepped right out of my dreams. A stripper priest. I’m getting wet just thinking about it.”
“Fucking hell…” Negan breathed out, his thick eyebrows bouncing up when he inhaled sharply. “You shouldn’t be talking like that. I can’t…I can’t be thinking the way you’re making me think right now with the way you are saying things. We talked about this in the past. The two of us…”
“The two of us kissed and I would have been okay with going the whole way, but you stopped me. Every time,” you reminded him of your past and he sighed, shifting on his feet. Rocking back and forth on them, he shrugged his shoulders and sighed dramatically. “I was never quite your type, huh?”
“That’s not true,” Negan immediately denied, shaking his head and letting out an irritated breath. “I was never good enough for you. That was the problem. This? This feels almost like a punishment doing this whole priest thing. It’s what I deserve. Someone caring about me and wanting to be with me? I don’t really deserve that. You know that just as much as I do.”
“Negan,” Gabriel’s voice called out breaking up the conversation between the two of you with Negan looking over his shoulder. Wiggling his fingers at Negan, Gabriel urged him back toward the church and Negan sighed. “Come along. I need to teach you some things.”
“Sure thing boss,” Negan was sarcastic in his response, giving you one final smirk before walking off. When Negan got to the door of the church, he stopped and let out a long sigh. It seemed like he wanted to say something to you, but he couldn’t. Instead of looking back at you, his head slumped forward and he spoked quietly. “Goodbye.”
After that discussion, you stood there for a moment and pondered the things that Negan said. This really didn’t feel like something that Negan wanted. It was more so something he was punishing himself with. You could have gone after him, but you didn’t. You were tired. You needed a shower and you needed to rest. But all night long you thought about Negan. How wildly attracted you were to him and as fucked up as it was, you were extremely turned on by the whole black get up with the white collar he was wearing.
The more you thought about Negan that night, the more enchanted with the idea of Negan you became. And when you woke up in the morning you had a plan to get Negan’s attention. You were given a day off before you had to start helping out around Alexandria, so you were going to take advantage of it.
You made sure to dress in something that brought attention to some of your best assets. Something you knew that the old version of Negan would have liked. And you headed off to the church. You knew that it would have been best for you to stay home and rest. Hell, they were giving you some time off. You should have taken them up on their offer, but all you had on your mind was Negan.
Once you were inside the church, you were surprised with it being empty. Empty except for Negan at the front of it sweeping something up. With how hard they had been working to fix up the church, you assumed that there would be more than just Negan in there.
Clearing your throat managed to get Negan to lift his head up. When his eyes fell upon you, his eyebrows bounced up in surprise. Setting the broom at the back corner of the church, Negan moved across the way to step before you. A weak smile tugged at his lips and his eyes fell to the dip in your shirt that showed off your breasts. Well that was a success.
“Uhm,” Negan spoke uneasily, forcing himself to look away from your breasts. “What are you doing here?”
“You know, after our conversation, I got to thinking last night,” you looked around the church and saw that Negan’s head tipped, his eyes hooked on you when you nodded toward the confessional in the back corner. “It’s been a long time since I did a confession and I was thinking maybe I should do one.”
“Oh, I don’t really do that,” Negan looked over his shoulder, his body shifting uncomfortably like he was looking for someone else. “I’m really just like a priest in training so to speak or some shit. I don’t know. You might want to grab Gabriel and do that if you really want to talk to someone.”
“Well, I’m not really all that religious so we can train together,” you suggested pointing back toward the booth that was there and Negan cleared his throat. “What do you think? You want to give it a try? I can confess my sins to you and you can help…”
“Absolve you of your sins?” Negan finished for you having your smile grow larger over your face and you nodded. Looking around, Negan seemed nervous before he shrugged his shoulders and stepped forward. “I guess we can do that. Gabriel is around here somewhere and he doesn’t have a service for a while. So…why the fuck not.”
“Are you supposed to be talking like that?” you teased him, moving in beside him when his hand pressed in over your lower back to lead you toward the confessional.
“I’m pretty sure someone said swearing makes you closer to God,” Negan spoke up, his head tipping from side to side. “Or some shit like that.”
“That sounds fake,” you noted, stepping before the confessional with Negan. He let out a long, expressive exhale before looking to you. “You should go first. Since you’re the priest and everything.”
“Right,” Negan frowned, moving forward, opening the door to the confessional that was there and when he closed the door you smiled.
Moving into the other side, you heard movement through the screen that was between the two of you showing that Negan was trying to get comfortable. Once you sat down, a warmth surrounded you and you realized that it wasn’t all that comfortable in here.
“Do I just talk through this screen or…?” you were confused how this thing was supposed to go since it had been so long since you even stepped into a church considering the circumstances.
“I don’t fucking know,” Negan pushed at something on the other end before the screen opened and revealed him sitting at the other end. “Maybe this is wrong. Maybe the screen is supposed to stay closed or…”
“Let’s just…do this,” you calmed him, throwing your hands up in the air noticing that he was looking down toward the ground as if trying to give you some privacy to talk about whatever it was you wanted to confess to him. “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”
Negan was quiet, but it made him smirk and his dimples became more prominent when you started. He was amused. Which was better than him actually taking this seriously, “It’s been a really long fucking time since I’ve done one of these things…”
“I don’t think that’s what you’re supposed to say,” Negan offered and you gave him a glare. Throwing his hands up in the air, Negan shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. “Go ahead my child.”
“God don’t say that,” you snickered hearing him laugh in return before you got even more comfortable where you were sitting. “You see father, I haven’t been a very good girl. For the longest time now I’ve had feelings for this guy that I met. He was a prisoner…” a bit of color flushed into Negan’s face when his dark eyes slowly lifted to meet your stare. “And yesterday I saw him in his priest get up for the first time and I was so very turned on by it. After talking to him, I went home and all I could think about was him. I could barely sleep.”
“What are you doing…” Negan breathed out, his long eyelashes fluttering when you hushed him and shook your head.
“You see father, I kept thinking about his hands. He has the nicest hands and they are so big. At first I thought about him undressing me with those hands. I thought about how long it would take him to caress all over my body. And then I started to touch myself…”
You made sure that Negan was looking at you when you dragged your fingers down over your shoulder, over the center of your breasts before dragging your hand across one of them. It had Negan shifting uncomfortable, licking at his lips.
“The way I wanted him to touch me,” you whispered squeezing and palming at your flesh leaving his lips to part. Nothing came out, but you could tell that you had him hooked. “I thought about his hand traveling lower between my thighs…”
The movement of your hand followed your words with you dragging your palm down over the lengths of your abdomen between your thighs. Pressing your legs further apart, you palmed in over your body purring out causing his breathing to grow louder.
“And then all I could think about was him using his fingers to pleasure me,” you panted, biting down on your bottom lip while your caress continued over your body. “But then I got to thinking about his cock. And how hard it would be straining against his pants. How badly I wanted to take him out of his pants and into my mouth.”
A grunt fell from Negan’s throat and you couldn’t help, but smile seeing the way he looked like he was sweating on the other side of the confessional, “I want nothing more than to have his throbbing cock in my mouth. I want it so bad. And the very idea of it just makes my pussy wet father. Once I get his cock nice and wet, I want him to fill my tight little cunt with his cock and fuck me senseless. I want him to fill my pussy with his cum until it is seeping down my thighs…”
“This is wrong,” Negan went to get up, but you shifted quick, stretching your arm out to curl your fingers around the back of Negan’s neck. Pulling him to you brought his lips to yours. Over and over again you tried to kiss him into temptation. And at first it seemed like he was fighting it, until the flick of your tongue drew his lips to part. Accepting the warm brush of your tongue over his, Negan growled against your flesh and it had your heart hammering away in your chest. “Fuck it…”
Pushing further at the window that kept the two of you separate, Negan managed to grab a hold of you to pull you into his side of the booth with him. You both laughed at the way you struggled to fully get in before Negan fell back into the corner of his side. Once you were firmly on your feet in the cramped space with Negan, your hands palmed up and over Negan’s body hearing him breathing loudly.
“How hard is your cock right now?” you whispered, lowering your palm over the front of his pants to give his body a firm squeeze. It had his hips bouncing forward into your grasp with a proud smile tugging at your lips. “You’re meant to be a daddy figure Negan, not a priest. No matter how fuck hot you look in this.”
Negan was breathing loudly, his hands squeezing at your hips while his lips hovered just over yours, “Your cock is just begging for a release after this long, isn’t it?”
Teasing him, you brought your lips close enough to drag them over his and swiftly worked to open the belt in Negan’s pants. Unhooking it, you undid the button and his zipper, pressing your body up against his with his breathing growing louder. His thick eyebrows furrowed when you started nibbling at his bottom lip. Dipping your hand beneath the material of Negan’s pants had him moaning out when your fingers curled around the warmth of his flesh.
“You’re meant to be a bad boy Negan,” you slurred, working his erection from the confines of the pants that he was wearing. Unhurriedly you started to caress over the length of his manhood, taking your time to watch his reactions while you touched him. “Your cock is too big to waste. You’re meant to breed Negan. Not preach.”
“Breed?” Negan muttered, the vein at the side of his neck bulging when his eyelids grew heavy. “But the people here…”
“The people have no idea what you are capable of and you shouldn’t give a shit what they think,” you urged him, the motions of your hand over his body growing stronger and it had him biting down on his bottom lip. Bringing you two closer together, Negan lowered his hand and it pressed between your thighs touching you in the ways you had wanted for so long. “Good boy.”
Pumping your hand over Negan’s cock, you got a nice throaty moan out of him with his forehead pressing up against yours.
“You have a choice Negan,” you licked your lips hearing him moan faintly under his breath. “Do you want to continue to sweep the floors and be these people’s minion or do you want to put that fat cock of yours inside of me? Because more than anything, I want to fuck you so bad it hurts. My pussy is throbbing just thinking about it…”
“Fuck me,” Negan hissed out, his hands desperately pulling apart your pants so he could make enough room to push his hand beneath the material. It had you stepping up on your toes when he palmed in over the warmth of your flesh. It had his eyelids growing heavier, his breathing louder when his fingertips traced over the length of your sex.
Reaching for Negan’s wrist, you pulled it from your pants and lifted his hands to his lips. Urging him to take his finger between his lips had him groaning out when the taste of you lingered over his tongue. Humming out, Negan dropped his hand and you lowered down to your knees. Instead of the worried glances he had before, a wolfish smile tugged at his lips when you press a wet kiss at the tip of his cock. Dragging your tongue out, you teased at the slit before taking him between your parted lips.
“Fuck,” Negan hummed out, his head dropping back. Both of his hands pressed against the walls of the booth and you took your time to lower your head over the length of him before pulling back. Grasping firmly to the base of his cock, you gradually allowed your movements to grow harder and faster. Wincing out, Negan dropped his hands down with one hooking into your hair and the other caressing at the back of your neck. Starting to thrust his hips up toward your mouth had you gagging with the way his cock hit the back of your throat but you were doing your best to pleasure him while he fucked your mouth. “That’s enough.”
A wet popping sound filled the small booth with Negan pulling you up. Swiftly pushing at the material of your pants, Negan pressed you firmly against the wall of the confessional and reached for his girthy length. Teasing the swollen tip between your slick folds had you purring out.
“Come on daddy, take what you want,” you urged and it had Negan chuckling faintly before working one of your pant legs away from your body. Pressing you against the wall, Negan persuaded your leg around his waist before eagerly sinking into the warmth of your body. The moan he made was loud, there was no hiding it at this point. Holding tightly to Negan, the first thrust of his manhood inside of you was hard and you didn’t want to fall over. Then the next thrust followed suit. “Don’t hold back. Just fuck my pussy as hard as you can. With how long it’s been, I want you to be balls deep inside of me by the time you come and fill me with all that you’ve been holding in.”
“As you wish,” Negan’s nose nuzzled in against yours, his thrusts starting off hard and fast. It had your flesh smacking together while you desperately tried to hold onto him. Your lips met his and you tried to kiss away your cries of pleasure. He was doing exactly as you asked of him. Fucking you hard, fast and it felt so fucking good. The extra added sensation of knowing that this was in a church in a confessional just turned you on all the more. Crying out, you tipped your head back feeling Negan’s hand loosely wrapping around your throat. Once the pressure started to be applied you hummed out in pleasure enjoying the pain that came with it. “God you feel so fucking good.”
Gasping out, you felt Negan tugging at the material of your shirt at the neck. Pulling it down, Negan managed to drop his head low enough to take your breast between his lips. Kissing, sucking and nibbling at the flesh until he had your nipple into a tight peak. Tugging at his hair, you brought his mouth back to yours and dragged your tongue out over his lips.
“I’ve wanted you to fuck me since the first day I met you,” you informed him with a purr, wincing out when Negan’s hips bounced firmly up toward you having him fill you completely with his cock. An amused expression flooded Negan’s face when you shook your head. “You don’t need to be a priest to be close to God Negan…”
Dropping your hands, you tugged at Negan’s black shirt using the strength that you had to rip it open. It had the buttons hitting the ground and an amused rumble fell from Negan’s throat, “All you have to do is be inside of this pussy and it’s yours. It’s all yours…”
“I like the sound of that,” Negan growled as you pushed into the center of his chest to get him to fall back onto the bench. Crawling in over his lap, your nails bit at his chest and he growled out. His hands palmed in over your ass when you took advantage to lower yourself over his throbbing length. “You make a good sell…”
“Don’t get me wrong, you make a hot priest,” you sucked faintly at Negan’s bottom lip, wincing when you allowed him to fill you again. Smacking at his shoulder, you weren’t used to the sensation of this since it had been so long, but you enjoyed the small amounts of pain that came with it. “But I want you to be mine.”
“You want to be mine,” Negan corrected you, his right hand reaching up to grab a hold of your jaw while you bounced your hips over his. Eagerly, his hips matched your movements and you let out a surprised sound at the sound the booth was making with the two of you inside of it. Hovering his lips over yours, Negan smiled and a moan fell from his throat. “I accept.”
“Good boy,” you complimented him, brushing your fingers through his hair to mess it. Adjusting your position, you found a way to move that made both of you louder in the way you expressed your pleasure. Each plunge of his cock into your depths had the two of you crying out in unison. “Come on Father Negan…”
Reaching back, your fingers caressed over his testicles having him hum out at the sensation with his thighs flexing beneath you, “You know you want to come inside of me.”
“So fucking much,” Negan growled, his hazel eyes hooked on yours dropping his hand down between the two of you. Circling the rough pad of his thumb over your clit, Negan was working on your sensitive bundle of nerves having you pant out with every movement you made. Your hips bounced up toward his thumb when you would allow his cock to pull out of your body before you swiftly dropped them back again. “You take that cock so good honey.”
There was a fire building in your belly and you rolled your hips faster over his, desperate to reach a moment of bliss that had been building up for you. With a cry, you threw your head back and Negan hungrily kissed over the side of your neck. Your orgasm hit you hard, but it didn’t give you the time to relax when Negan pressed you slightly back so that you were pressed against the wall opposite of him. Reaching down for your wrists, Negan hooked his fingers firmly around them and started bouncing his hips up toward you over and over again. His testicles smacked up against you with every hard pounding thrust and you couldn’t hide your moans.
“Almost there,” Negan informed you, his jaw tensing and the lines in his forehead growing. By how hard he was holding onto your wrists and with his jaw clenching you could see that his orgasm was quickly approaching.
“Make that pussy yours Negan,” you urged with his thrusts growing even stronger. You knew that you would be feeling this later, but you didn’t care. You wanted this so bad and you were thankful that you were able to make it happen.
Pulling you forward, Negan had you falling in against his chest with your head resting against his shoulder. Squeezing his hands firmly over your ass, Negan continued his thrusts until his groan filled the air and one final thrust upward had you bouncing upward feeling the throbbing of his cock inside of you. Moaning into the side of your neck, Negan stroked his fingers over your hair and you reached back to feel his balls straining while he filled you with line after line of his cum. You both were soaked with sweat. It was like a sauna in this thing, but neither of you seemed to care.
“Is everything okay in here?” the light from the church flooded into the confessional with you gasping out and pulling yourself in closer to Negan after the door was opened. Negan’s hips were still partially bouncing up toward yours with his orgasm and you whined out. The voice you knew too well and you knew that it was Gabriel that had just found the two of you right at the end of your sex act together. “What the hell Negan?”
“Goddamn it,” Negan grunted one final time, biting at your chin when you felt your thighs twitching over Negan. “Gabey boy, you are incredibly bad at timing.”
Negan’s breathing was loud, but you could tell by the sound of his voice that he was amused that Gabe was still there. Stealing a quick look you could tell that Gabriel was shocked and locked into position. Burying your face again had Negan laughing and he wrapped you up in his arms.
“Can we fucking have a minute with God here?” Negan requested and Gabriel shakily reached for the door to close it. It had Negan laughing against the side of your neck and you felt like everything was spinning. “Well that was…”
“Unexpected,” you finished hearing Negan snickering against the side of your neck. Lowering your head, you looked down between the two of you to see Negan’s cock still filling you. Keeping your eyes locked on it, you slowly lifted your hips enjoying the way his cock looked as it slowly left your body. When you reached the tip, it pulled from you with a wet sound and smacked up against his lower abdomen. Whimpering out, you watched some of his cum dripping from your body onto his thighs and you licked your lips.
“Did that feel good?” Negan lowered his hand to rub at your sensitive flesh. It had you whining out and he smiled when two of his fingers pressed inside of you to thrust them into your already highly stimulated body.
“So good,” you replied, meeting his lips in a drawn-out kiss that had him humming against your flesh. “I feel like you’re capable of more though.”
“Is that a challenge?” Negan smirked, looking down at his cock twitching and he growled out.
“That’s me begging you to do your worst,” you alerted him and he smirked. Tipping his head to the side, Negan shook his head and then passionately kissed you. Giving you a minute to gain back your strength, the both of you got dressed to the best of your ability before Negan reached for your hand. Once you moved out of the confessional with Negan, you could see that Gabriel was sitting at one of the benches giving you both a disapproving look.
“Sorry Gabey boy,” Negan reached for the white collar that was in his shirt, tugging it out and tossing it to Gabriel who fumbled with it. “There are some things I won’t give up, even for God. We’re going to my cell so I can actually fuck this beautiful lady right.”
Dropping his hand down, Negan squeezed over himself and you felt a rush of heat flooding into your face, “My crystal balls are telling me that we are going to be so fucking naughty that it’s something your eyes wouldn’t want to see again. These babies are aching after years of not being used, so they are ready to flood this hot little pussy with ready and willing swimmers.”
“God,” you choked out at the expression that Gabriel gave after Negan blurted all of that out.
“Also, there is cum all over that confessional. You might want to clean that up before you even think of using it,” Negan pointed back toward the area that you were in together when he started to lead you toward the door to church.
“Negan!” Gabriel called out to him and you could tell that Gabriel was not happy with how this was ending up.
“Sorry father. I’m on a mission from God here and I’ve got to do this right,” Negan hooked his arm around you, throwing you up over his shoulder and firmly smacking his hand over your bottom. “This whole father thing…it’s just not gonna work for me. I’m sure you understand.”
Tags: @slutlanna976​ @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @pixelb4rbie @ibelongtonegan
@smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan
@redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted
@akumune @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03​
@sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @ayumi-wolf
@promiscuousbarnes @tone-stark @lanadelnegan @peachihellcat
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90ekz · 10 months
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connie springer x fem!black!reader
in which: connie never lets you jerk him off, and you show him what he’s missing.
tags: hand kink, bondage/shibari, sub!connie, black feminine reader, nicknames (princess, baby, ma), snowballing (im sorry.)
notes: been gone so long and my first fic back is about this bum :/ i missed y’all tho lol
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“pleaseeee con! this would be a dream come true!” you beg to connie as your head rests in his lap. he makes a face as you mention this fact, still not understanding the appeal in all this.
see, in your almost year of dating, connie has never let you touch his cock with your hands. blowjobs? he welcomes them, just no hands. titfucking? great, take your bra off, but handjobs? he’ll get all red in the face and lock himself in the bathroom for hours if you even get close to it.
you can’t pull off his pants for him, or put your hand on his thigh, or tug him by his belt—yeah, he’s that squeamish.
“why are you so obsessed with jacking me off anyway? we do everything else in bed already—“
“exactly! we do everything else kinky in the damn world, just lemme give you a handjob, boy.” you flick the middle of his forehead lightly, watching as a blush spreads across his cheeks. you really wanted to go through with this, and he could tell.
to be clear, connie is by no means shy about sex or his own dick, considering the things you two have done in bed. despite this…
handjobs scared him.
it isn’t the act of getting one, so much as it is his fear of cumming as soon as your pretty little nails wrap around his cock. your hands were his weakness. whenever you touch him, he has to run to the bathroom just to keep from ruining his pants in front of you.
connie eyes your hands that are currently playing with the strings of his sweatpants. you’re giving him those doe eyes that you know he can’t resist, and his cock is already hardening in his pants.
“only if you want to, of course. but ya know… don’t knock it ‘till ya try it.”
“…you’re real annoying, you know that? fine, do your thing.” he smirks down at you as your own smile widens, and you spring up and begin to pepper kisses along his cheeks and neck, whispering to him how much he’s gonna love this.
somehow, none of that begging prepared for what you had in store for him.
“baby, are you sure all of this is necessary? this is… a lot for just a handjob..”
connie felt his cheeks rapidly heating as you tied not only his hands, but his arms flush against his back as well. he could barely move his upper half, due to the nature of the ropes. they extended all the way up to his biceps, and looped around to his waist and chest in a way that restricted most of his movement.
he’d always loved bondage in bed, and this was a bit excessive for his tastes, but he couldn’t complain with the way your eyes were twinkling with excitement.
“i gotta make sure you don’t try to ‘run’ like you claim i always do. you gon’ take this shit.” you lay your head on his waistband, trying not to sound condescending as he turns red.
you start slow, your hands run along his bare chest a bit first, eventually moving down his abs. the sight of your fresh set of acrylics (that he paid for; what a man) with a “C” in cursive on your middle finger sliding down his body made his dick throb.
your hands were perfect to connie. he adored everything, the size, your knuckles that were a few shades darker than the rest, your nails—even when you let them grow out a little too long, the rings that decorate them, it all just made him so weak.
at first (much to his displeasure), you just massage him through his underwear, letting him adjust to the feeling first. he lets out a few grunts and his arms instinctively buck against the restraints.
“…ma, you gon’ joystick my shit all day or you gon’ get to work?”
“don’t be a queen. i’m having my fun, so just sit back and enjoy princess.” you hold in a laugh at the whine that slips out of his mouth because of the nickname. you rotate your palm against the head of his cock, still not bothering to take off his ethikas just yet.
connie’s breath comes in a little sharper when you repeat this motion, which makes you smile. he was reacting just as you wanted him to. he takes a deep breath just as you slip your hand under his waistband and tug at the base of his cock.
“haah—oh fuck!” his hips snap into your grip as you properly jerk his cock now. you tug his underwear down, and smile when he springs to life.
meanwhile, connie is trying to find any excuse to not focus on the way your hands were pleasing him. you begin to find your rhythm and he’s making sounds you’d never heard from him before. you were doing this shit on purpose, hell, your nails were done and scraping his thighs, your fingers accessorized with golden rings on each finger and currently adding a whole new feeling to the motion on his cock.
your movements were slow and deliberate, yet so fucking good.
“oouuu shit—slow d-down!”
“‘m not even going fast, con.” you chuckled, completely enamored by your boyfriends moans. you run your teeth against the skin of his neck, your free hand holding his jaw in place. you wanted him to see what he’d been missing all this time.
connie’s eyes squeeze shut with every stroke on his sensitive dick, but you reminded him to focus. there was something so embarrassing about this compared to everything else the two of you did in bed, yet he couldn’t put his finger on it.
all that was on his mind was: “don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum.”
your thumb grazes over his slit and suddenly he’s forgetting all of his previous thoughts, spurts of cum shooting out of his tip all over your hands.
“awww, there you go baby, that’s it…” you peppered his face with kisses through his orgasm. you were a bit surprised, since you didn’t even notice how close he was to cumming. connie twitches in your grasp as overstimulation sets heavy in his bones.
“okay—okayyyy, baby! too much, shitshitshitshit-“
you giggled as you released him, watching his abdomen twitch with the waves of his orgasm rolling over him. a smug grin rested on your face as he came down, rolling his eyes when he caught you looking at him.
“bae, look at my hand! you liked ittttt.”
you had a point—your fingers were completely covered in your boyfriends load, now dripping onto his lap. he’d never cum that much before, you were honestly impressed. you licked a small stripe onto your tongue before pressing your lips against his. connie gasped against your mouth with wide eyes before relaxing, his tongue swirling around yours.
you pulled away, watching the blush bloom on his face.
“ewww, nigga you gay. you just ate nut!” connie smacks his lips dramatically, exclaiming that it was your fault.
“you ain’t never jackin’ me off ever again.”
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matchavellichor · 1 year
Omg ok I have an omi request again ❤ I haven't seen anyone write a scenario like this yet, and it's very appealing to me for some reason.
Ominis becomes a school prefect intentionally. He's naturally a night owl and an insomniac anyway, so it gives him a productive excuse to stay up late, but also he wants access to the relaxing prefect bathroom he always heard about.
After a while though, the power goes to his head a bit. He starts flexing his authority over people he doesn't like. (Duncan hobhouse) Lol. He often catches Sebastian, or mc, or both sneaking about, too. After a lecture or two, he of course, let's them get away with it. Eventually omi gets fed up with mc sneaking out and talks mc into paying him back for often turning a blind eye (pun intended) in the form of a blowy and/or other such activities in the prefect bathroom. 😏
A.N: I LOVE PREFECT OMINIS ugh it works so well w him. ty for the request!! enjoy some gratuitous dominis smut bc i just can't resist
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC - NSFW - 2.4k words - ao3
Tags: Prefect Ominis, Dominis, Praise Kink, Oral m!Receiving, Dub Con If You Squint
Summary: Ominis expects compensation after bailing you out of trouble yet again. Such compensation involving some very indecent behavior on your knees on the floor of the prefect's bathroom.
“You’re letting this prefect thing get to your head, mate.”
Ominis rolled his eyes, setting down the shiny, silver prefect’s badge he was polishing for the tenth time that day. He pinned the badge proudly to the front of his robes, shooting Sebastian an innocent shrug. “I have no idea what you mean.”
“You’re barely even sleeping! You spend all your time patrolling the halls at night like a madman.” 
Ominis scoffed. “With great power comes great responsibility, Sebastian. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
“See what I mean?” Sebastian waved a hand at the blonde and looked to his other friend for help. “He thinks he’s bloody Caesar. Just last week I saw him deducting ten points from Ravenclaw because Hobhouse was breathing too loud.”
Ominis rolled his eyes. “He was disturbing the peace.”
“Whose peace? He was alone!”
“Mine. I was passing by and my peace was disturbed.” 
“Lay off him, Sebastian,” she chided, deeply amused. “Frankly, I think it’s good for him. If he weren’t spending his time controlling others, he’d be spending his time controlling us. Plus, are you going to pretend you don’t take advantage of his good will? No midnight soirées in the prefect’s bathroom?” 
“What midnight soirées in the prefect’s bathroom?” Ominis turned to Sebastian with an inquisitive eyebrow raised. “I certainly wasn’t aware of this.”
Sebastian chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Have I ever told you how dear of a friend you are to me, Ominis?”
“It appears Sebastian isn’t the only one taking advantage of my good will, hm?” 
She startles, looking up to find a stern looking Ominis standing over the tub, arms crossed over his chest, foot tapping impatiently.
“Shit, Christ, Ominis — I’m naked, do you mind?” 
Ominis rolls his eyes, his patience at a breaking point. “Oh, how dare I, next time I’ll close my eyes.” 
He summons a towel and holds it out for her as she steps out of the water. She takes it, murmuring a sheepish thanks, dripping droplets onto the slate gray of his slacks as she tries to dry herself off amidst the impending scolding.
He huffs with impatience, casting a drying charm over her and summoning her discarded clothes to shove into her hands. His hands brush briefly over the exposed section of her midriff and she has to suppress a squeak. She quickly pulls her blouse over her head to spare herself from any further mortification. 
His jaw works as he waits for her to finish dressing, dragonhide oxfords tapping against the marble tiles. “I had to confundo not one, but two prefects who were on their way over here to investigate ‘strange noises’, are you aware of that? Do you realize how much trouble you could’ve gotten in? This is getting ridiculous, I can’t keep—”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know, okay! I’ll make it up to you, I promise!” She interrupts his angry spiel, hands raised defensively. 
“Will you? It’s funny, that’s the same thing you said the last twenty times I’ve bailed you out.” 
“I mean it, anything you want, Ominis,” she pleads, already trying to plan an escape route from the bathroom. “I owe you big time.” 
She tries to step around him but he blocks her before she can get away, eyes narrowing. “Yes. You do.”  
She sighs, shoulders sinking in reluctant acceptance. “Fine. Name your price.”
He scoffs. “I don’t need your money.” 
“Then what do you want?” 
His hands find purchase on the granite countertop on either side of her, effectively caging her in. “Anything?”
She nods fervently. “Anything.”
“Alright then,” an amused smile pulls at his lips, almost predatory in nature. 
She has an inkling of a feeling that maybe she’s made a grave mistake. Knowing Ominis, he’ll make her write a hundred lines, or read Hogwarts: A History for the thousandth time. What comes out of his mouth however, is probably the last thing she’d ever expect. 
“Get on your knees.”
She sputters. “Get on my…I’m sorry— what?”
“What was unclear?” 
She gapes at him. “You’re…serious?”
He leans in to her, her body still boxed in between his arms. She instinctively leans back, but her back only presses further into the cold granite. His breath smells like spearmint. “You said anything, didn’t you?”
Several emotions cycle through her — utter shock, mild offense, and then deep fascination. She isn’t necessarily opposed to the idea, but she’s certainly taken by surprise that someone as proper and austere as Ominis would be asking for such debauchery —and in the prefect’s bathroom, no less. 
Just a few weeks ago Sebastian was trying to convince her Ominis didn’t even wank.
The deep intrigue she feels, coupled with the heat that courses through her from the commanding, aristocratic lilt of his voice, fixes this urgent, persistent tug just behind her navel that has her wanting to obey his every word.
She can’t deny she also feels an urgent, persistent desire to leave him in shambles.
Giving into both urges, she huffs her acceptance. “Fine.” 
She wastes no time in sinking to her knees, her hands immediately going to the waistband of his trousers, tugging at the buckle of his belt. Before she can even get the leather through the first loop however, he lays his hands over hers and stops her.
She looks up at him confused, and her cheeks burn red as she prepares herself for humiliation. Maybe she misinterpreted what he wanted, maybe he was simply joking. Instead, he guides her hand to palm at where she can feel him already achingly hard through his trousers. She gasps. 
“Slow,” he murmurs, as if he wants to savor it, drag it out as long as possible. “There’s no rush, angel.”
She hesitates for a moment before she obliges, rubbing slowly up and down his length through the linen. He lets out a contented sigh. “Just like that, that’s it. Nice and gentle, baby.”
She feels herself getting worked up herself as she looks up at him through her lashes, studying him intently. The terms of endearments rolling off his tongue, the way his brows knit together, the soft part of his lips as his breathing grows heavy. It’s enough to make a wetness begin to pool in her knickers.
She squeezes her thighs together where her knees are pressed to the cool tile of the bathroom floor and grows even more determined to ruin him.
“Can I touch you?” she just about begs. “Please?” 
Ominis stifles a groan at her pleading, his own composure faltering. He brushes a thumb over her bottom lip, probing at the wet, spit-sticky seam, reveling in the softness.
She parts her lips to let him inside and this time he can’t suppress the moan that slips from the back of his throat. She feels so deliciously warm and wet, her plush lips wrapped around his thumb, so eager to please. 
“Is this where you want me, baby?”
She nods, little pink tongue swirling around the pad of his finger, and he feels himself throb in his pants.
He pulls his thumb out of her mouth, wiping it messily on her cheek as he grabs her chin to tilt her face up for him. He can’t help himself when he leans down to press a chaste kiss to her lips, just enough to satisfy his aching desire to taste her. 
He rights himself and begins to pull his trousers down his thighs, unable to contain himself any longer. She watches, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip in anticipation, as he unsheathes himself. He’s so much bigger than she would’ve imagined.
He brings a hand to pet soothingly at her hair, tucking stray strands behind her ear as he waits for her to touch him, sensing her hesitations. She looks up at him and can’t help but find it a bit endearing the way he looks so terribly fond. 
“Kiss it, angel,” he murmurs encouragingly. “Go on.” 
She obeys, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the sensitive spot just under the tip. He hums in approval.
“There you go,” he coos, fingers carding gently through her hair to collect the silky strands in his hands. “You’re doing so well.” 
She dips her tongue out to lick tentatively, lapping soft kitten strokes around where she knows he’ll be receptive to. She revels in the way his lips part in a gasp, where he caresses her almost as if in adoration.
“Gorgeous,” he sighs, breathy. “You’re so perfect.”
She preens under the praise, licking a long stripe down his shaft, eliciting a hiss from him from the sensation. She does it again, determined to pull more noises from his throat.
“Fuck,” he grunts, his self-restraint crumbling. He hooks a thumb in her mouth, pulling her jaw open. “Open your mouth.”
She doesn’t have much choice, his fingers in her mouth ensuring that. “Stick your tongue out for me, princess,” he hums his approval when she obeys. “Just like that, such a good girl.”
Drool dribbles down her chin where he keeps her mouth pried open, though she doesn’t mind. He places the head of his cock on her tongue, barely inside the warm confines of her mouth. He curses under his breath when he finally pushes more of himself inside, achingly slow, just enough to the point where it’s still comfortable for her to take. 
He takes his fingers out of her mouth and brushes a wet thumb over the ridge of her cheekbone, doting and gentle. “Suck, baby.” 
She doesn’t need to be told twice. 
She hollows her cheeks around him, his fingers tightening where they’re still tangled in her hair. She instinctively sinks down on more of him, choking when he reaches the back of her throat.
“Fuck, angel, slow,” he hisses, tugging her head back with his hand fisted in her hair so she can breathe. “I won’t last long like this.”
She smiles to herself, satisfied by the flushed appearance of his cheeks, the faint swashes of pink creeping up from under the collar of his oxford when she looks up at him. He looks so disheveled, such a stark contrast to his normal prim and proper exterior, and she’s deeply pleased with her ability to turn him into such a mess.
She pushes herself down on him again, despite the pinprick of tears at the corners of her eyes, despite the dull sting of where his hand is still fisted in her hair. She presses further until her nose is buried in the coarse, blonde hairs dotting his pelvis and he’s grunting an array of expletives under his breath.
He doesn’t pull her off him this time, instead holding her pressed down to his base until her nails are scratching red marks down the pale porcelain skin on his thighs. He hushes her whines. “Breathe through your nose, baby, you can take it — that’s it.”
He eases his hips back slowly, before pushing back in just as patiently— sharp, shallow thrusts at first, conscious enough to let her adjust to the intrusion. She whimpers around his length, the noise tearing a groan from him. 
She wills herself to relax her throat, to breathe through her nose just as he asked, and only then does he pick up his pace, fucking her mouth in earnest with her hair wrapped around his fist.
“Wanted to fuck your pretty little mouth for so long,” he grunts, voice hoarse, his breath coming out in hot, heavy pants everytime he hits the back of her throat. “Gods, you have no idea. You’re so fucking perfect, baby.”
She moans from the praise, the vibrations making his jaw fall slack, pushing him right up to that edge of bliss. 
“Fuck, I’m so close. Can I come in your mouth, angel? Please?” 
She nods as best as she can with his cock still thrusting into her mouth, hums her approval, until she feels his hips begin to stutter, his fingers tightening around her hair. She can feel the way his entire body tenses, so close to release she can taste it on her tongue.
She ignores the sting of tears as they carve a path down her cheeks, pushing herself down on his length until he’s spilling down her throat with a strangled groan, her name falling over and over again from his lips like a prayer.
“Swallow it, baby— fuck, yes, all of it,” he pants as if she has a choice, as if he isn’t pumping himself straight down her throat. 
He pulls out of her with a shudder, his chest heaving, his cheeks a bright hue of red from overexertion. He sinks to his knees before either of them can even begin to regain some semblance of composure, crashing his lips to hers and stealing the little oxygen she managed to get into her lungs. He moans when he tastes himself on her tongue.
“You’re a dream,” he murmurs, thumb swiping at the wetness on her cheeks, pressing kisses to her temple. “You know that, don’t you?” 
She smiles from the praise, and he smiles back, huffing a soft, incredulous laugh against her lips as he collects her in his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck as he kisses her, slow and gentle, mindful of the dull ache in her jaw, the swollen tenderness on her lips.
He lifts her up and sets her on the bathroom countertop, the cold granite making her gasp as soon it comes in contact with her thighs. He hitches up her skirt to her waist, trailing kisses down her neck, lower and lower, until he’s hovering over the bare skin of her navel where her blouse has been rucked up as well by his impatient hands.
He plants wet, open-mouthed kisses to the sensitive flesh there, moving down and nosing at her hipbone as if he can’t get enough of the feel of her skin.
She tries to close her legs, but he’s already positioned between them before she can try to stop him. “What are you doing?”
His breath is warm against the inside of her thighs. “Returning the favor.” 
“But the whole point of me having done…that was to return you a favor,” she protests, fingers curling into his robes to try to tug him up. 
“Oh well,” he sighs, the slightest, amused curl of his lips as his mouth hovers over her clothed core. He hooks a finger into her knickers and tugs it aside, making her squirm. “I guess we’ll just have to do this again until the debt is settled, hm?”
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hrryshoney · 9 months
you got the antidote
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A/N: did somebody say continuation? pt. 1, hope u guys enjoy again. so happy that yall find this Man as appealing as me! ty to everyone who bounced ideas w me bc u probs made this part 10x better😋 and again, don’t like it then don’t read it. p.s. there’s a scene where reader is texting! Bold is matty. Italics is reader.
warnings: smut 18+, p in v unprotected sex, inappropriate actions in a doctors office, loss of virginity, size kink (so, reader being implied as smaller), corruption kink, use of Y/N, taboo topics/power imbalance (doctor/patient), fingering, oral (f receiving), light choking, light spanking, dom and sub dynamics, problematic age gap maybe (reader is 22/23, matty is 29/30), dirty talk, lots more lol etc..
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It was 6:00 pm on a Wednesday, and you were getting ready for sleep. Well, not sleep exactly, but you were going to shower and get in bed. You had gotten back from class about an hour ago now, and after having a light dinner all you wanted to do was have your ‘everything shower’ and relax.
Then, your phone pinged with a text message. You walked over to your nightstand to see who it was, assuming it would be one of your friends, or even your partner on a project for one of your classes. You were confused, though, to see a text from an unknown number.
It was even more confusing that they were speaking like they knew you.
Unknown - Today 6:04 PM
Come by the office? Need to discuss some things.
You furrow your eyebrows, trying to remember who this could be. Or, if this text was even meant for you. You could ignore it, but something in your gut told you not to. You decided on sending a simple text back.
sorry, i think you’ve got the wrong number!
You clicked your phone off, throwing it on your bed and walking into your bathroom. You turned the water on, turning it to the hottest setting and letting the bathroom steam. Hearing your phone ping again from the other room, you sighed inwardly and hung your head. Stepping out of the bathroom, you went to check your phone again. This time, there were two messages.
Don’t think so.
This is Y/N, correct?
You felt your heart drop to your stomach, gripping the phone in your hand tighter. Okay, who the fuck was this? And, why did they know your name? However dumb it sounded, you were going to ask them just that.
who is this?
and why do you know my name, lol
Even though this was the number one way to get yourself killed in a horror movie, you gave the stranger the benefit of the doubt. You saw the 3 dots appear on your screen, and decided to wait. When the text came through, you felt immediate relief.
Sorry, Princess.
This is Matty.
You found yourself smiling at your phone, now. Of course, why wouldn’t it be Matty. But then it struck you that your gynecologist was not only texting you, but calling you princess. And you never gave out your number.
doctor healy lol!
how’d you get my number?
Files, and all that.
You giggled, and decided to put his name in your phone as ‘Doctor Healy’. Swiping back to your chat to respond.
ahh, not very professional
Why not stir the pot? You were bored, and it was a bleak and boring Wednesday. You had nothing better to be doing, really. You walked into the bathroom to shut the shower’s tap, it could wait. You showered yesterday, and you wanted to talk to Matty.
I think that’s the least unprofessional thing you have to worry about, Princess.
Your heartbeat sped up slightly. You jumped into your bed, rolling on your stomach and pulling the cold comforter around you. All the responses you could think of were poor, so you settled for a lame one in the end.
don’t call me thatt
Unfortunately for you, Matty’s response was almost immediate.
Perhaps ‘brat’ is more fitting, then?
Are you coming to the office?
Embarrassment surged through you, and you dropped your phone to put your face in your hands. Despite the fact that he couldn’t see you, he was still having an effect on you. And you know you shouldn’t be having these thoughts about him.
yes, sure
what for?
Just wanna go over some of your stats.
Your eyes widened, and as if he could see you through the screen, Matty sent you another text for clarification.
Don’t worry, though. Everything’s alright.
okay, great!
It’s only me here, rest of the staff went home. Just park out front and come in, door’s open.
You hearted his message and decided to change your clothes before you went. You thought it was a little strange that Matty would have you come in after everyone had left, but you supposed he knew what he was doing.
Since you figured you would be coming home right after, you decided to forgo a bra. You threw an oversized sweatshirt on over your head. Changing your jeans out for leggings. You slipped on your sneakers and laced them up.
You took the elevator down from your apartment to the lobby, quickly walking to your car that was parked in the parking garage. Luckily for you, it was still daylight outside.
The drive was quiet and quick, you unplugged your phone from the aux and parked out front of the offices. When you walked to the glass double doors and pulled them open, there was no resistant, just as Matty had said.
The lights were on, but the office was barren. It was that same sterile smell and harsh, bright lights from the day of your first appointment. Goosebumps raised on your arms from the slight chill of the space, and you walked towards the open door of one of the examination rooms.
You could hear faint whistling and typing coming from it, confirming your suspicions that it was the one Matty resided in. You made your way to the doorframe, knocking twice on it to alert him of your presence.
Matty’s head immediately shot up from the computer screen, dark brown eyes meeting yours. “Y/N,” He called out once he saw you, a grin on his face. “Come here, then.” He rolled his chair out from under his desk, coming to a stop in the middle of the room.
You walked toward him hesitantly, still nervous and unfamiliar. But, with that smile on his face, how could you ever be nervous. He stood up once you got in front of him, the height difference now visible. You smiled back at him.
“So… what was it you wanted to go over? I know you said it wasn’t urgent, but I was a little jittery about it on the way.” You rambled, picking at the skin on your finger nails. His smile was beginning to look more and more like a smirk as you held his gaze apprehensively.
“Ah, yes. Just one thing I wanted to take a closer look at. Feels like I didn’t get the whole point of view before.” His hand came to rest gently on your shoulder, reassuringly stroking the spot with his thumb. “And, I thought it would be best if I saw you again privately, so I could spend as much time on you as needed.” His pupils almost got larger then, hand slipping down to cradle your elbow.
You felt your body heating up. Giggling, you blindly agreed with his reasoning. “Whatever you see fit, Doctor Healy. What do you need me to do?” You asked him honestly, bouncing back and forth on the balls of your feet. The way he was staring at you made you restless.
He cleared his throat, an attempt to snap himself out of the daze. His eyes dragged up and down your body noticeably, “Would you mind removing your jumper?” He asked, eyes glued to the piece of fabric.
You swallowed thickly, now flustered at the choice you had made earlier in your room. “I- Well, I don’t really have on, um, a bra underneath?” The statement came out as more of a question, and the way his mouth went slightly agape had you fumbling to explain yourself.
“Sorry! I’m sorry if that’s unprofessional, Doctor. I just- I hadn’t realized you would be examining me. I thought this was more of a paperwork thing.” You smiled awkwardly, hoping to ease the tension. His hands twitched by his side, one coming to pull slightly at the front of his trousers.
His chuckle was enough to make you shiver. “It’s nothing to apologize about, really. Just makes my job easier. Are you comfortable to remove it, still?” You whispered your agreement, pulling the sweatshirt over your head with both your hands. Once it was off, you laid it on the examination table, turning to face Matty again.
His gaze was unwavering on your chest, the distance between you two seeming even shorter now. “I can touch you?” Matty asked, breathless. But with your nod, he was shaking his head.
“Come on, Princess. Need your words. Should know this one by now.” His eyes almost gleamed.
“Right, sorry. Yes. You can touch me, Doctor.”
You can almost feel the heat radiating off his body before he touches you. And then, Matty’s hands immediately landed on your hips, tracing them up your body. He started to walk closer to the examination table, backing you up until your heels hit the foot of it. First, his hands were on your bare shoulders. Then, you were being abruptly spun around so your thighs hit the table.
His hand rested on your stomach, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Gonna start your appointment now, okay? Let me know if you need a break.” His fingertips never halted, now playing with one of your breasts. He tweaked your nipple and you let out a gasp.
“Sorry, Princess.“ You can hear the smirk in his voice, and you know he’s not sorry at all. He walks his hands up to your bare neck, letting his hand softly lay in place. You let out a squeak when his fingers suddenly squeeze either side of your neck.
Keeping his hand on your neck, the other comes to grab roughly at your hip. “Small, could do anything to you.” His fingernail trails the rest of your neck, going down the valley of your breasts. Suddenly, both his hands disappear from your body. Before you can whine and beg him for more, you feel his palm flatten on your back.
There’s a slight push, and he’s clearly giving you an out. You give into his strength, bending at the hip over the examination table. “Can I take off your pants?” Matty’s bent above you, leaving a trail of kisses down your bare spine.
Your nod is almost instant, only hindered by the way your cheek was pushed against the table. You can’t help pressing your thighs together. “Please, Doctor Healy.” You feel his hands fiddling with the waistband of your leggings.
“Gotta bend you over and inspect you.” He mumbles, and you don’t think you were meant to hear it. Matty is pulling the leggings down your thighs torturously slow. Once your pants pool at your ankles, you hear him take two steps back. He’s staring at your white panties, and you hear him click his tongue twice.
Matty presses the growing bulge in his trousers right on top of the growing mess in your panties. He leans down once again, a hand on the back of your neck as he whispers in your ear. “Gonna take a look at your little cunt now, okay baby?”
You moan out a noise that sounds somewhat like a yes, and it’s good enough for him. Matty pulls away, pressing a thumb atop the wet spot that has now stains your underwear. “Naughty girl.” He chuckles, and you feel yourself clench around nothing.
Suddenly, you hear a loud tearing sound. You feel the shock when you realize it was Matty ripping your panties from behind, the elastic snapping back on your skin. You gasp feeling the cold air hit your cunt, and the dull sound of your ripped underwear hitting the floor.
Matty runs his fingers down your body, outlining your pussy. “Spread yourself for me.” It’s a demand, and your throat runs dry at the tone of his voice. You bring your two hands back from your side to grab your inner thighs, spreading yourself open for Matty.
Matty’s middle finger prods at your hole, circling it. Your incessant moans making him laugh. “Quiet for me, checking to make sure everything’s okay.” The tip of Matty’s finger slips inside you, stretching you out. As soon as you moan, he’s pulling his finger out again. Teasing.
“Doctor- Matty. Please, please.”
His fingers travel up and down your slit, feeling you out. Your wetness is dripping on his fingers, and you can't help the whines escaping your mouth. Matty makes a noise in the back of his throat, pushing his middle finger into you again. "Feel good?" Matty's voice is a deeper tone than usual, chestnut colored eyes now an almost black.
You moan in confirmation and wiggle your hips, "Another please?" Feeling the constant stretch from his fingers is too good. His unoccupied hand comes to lay flat on your lower back. "Need it, Doctor." You'd beg if he asked, and if he didn't, too. A wet gasp tore through your throat when his thumb came to circle your clit from behind.
"Stay still and I'll make it better, okay? Whiny little girl." Matty says, tone all amusement. In your state, you don't really find it that funny. It's all okay though, when he slides his ring finger into you.
Now, both his fingers are moving in and out of your cunt at a steady pace. The friction is so good, and you can hear the wet sounds your pussy is making. You’d have half the mind to be embarrassed, but you don’t have the energy for your cheeks to start burning.
You can’t stop babbling for him, mostly nonsense. Matty can make out that most of it is you begging, though. He curls his fingers inside of you, plunging his fingers even deeper. “Such a good girl for me. So agreeable, just let me do anything? Yeah, you would. Bent over like a good pet and taking my fingers. Made you into a little slut, huh?”
“Oh my God.” You manage to choke out in between the moans that are shaking your body. You feel yourself get even wetter for him. “Doctor, please. Yes.” You’re shaking your head so hard that you know it’ll hurt later. Matty grabs a fistful of your hair to lift your head up slightly, fingers never stopping.
“Fucking like that? Like being called a slut? Can feel how you clench around me, s’pathetic.” Matty curls his fingers inside you, speeding up his pace even more. He takes his fingers out of you completely. Before you can protest, his hand comes down to slap your cunt. Three quick taps that have your mouth hanging open in silence, and then he slips his fingers back inside of you.
Matty’s hand lets go of your hair, slinking it around your front to rub tight circles on your clit. “Come on, princess. Cum for me, cum for your Doctor.” And when he pinches your clit, you’re gone. You squeeze your eyes shut so tight that you see white behind the lids. Loud moans are pouring out of your mouth and your torso is writing against the table.
His fingers never cease their movements, working you through your orgasm. Once you come down from it, you feel overstimulated. “Too much, Matty.” He slips his fingers out, and you turn your head in time to see him put his fingers in his mouth to taste you.
Matty licks his fingers and holds eye contact, smirking when he’s done. “You taste fucking sweet.” He takes a step closer, and your lips part. Matty slips his two fingers in your mouth, then. His grin goes even wider when you immediately close your lips around his fingers and suck.
“Good girl, don’t you taste good?” He’s chuckling when you nod your head around his fingers, agreeing. He pulls them out of your mouth with a pop, and he moves backwards to his original position.
“Need it right from the source.” He mumbles, and that’s when you see him sinking to his knees. You automatically shove your face down onto the table again, your muscles tense in anticipation. He trails his fingers down your thighs teasingly as he does.
“Been dying for this, you know that? Need to taste you.” His hands hook to the front of your legs, limiting your movement. Your upper body is still bent across the examination table.
He pries your legs apart even further, fingertips gripping hard on your thighs. “Please, Doctor. Do something.” Your whines are met with a chuckle, causing you to bury your cheek further down onto the cold surface. The noise you make is loud when you feel a firm hand come to slap your ass once.
“I’ll decide what you get. I know what’s best for you, Princess. Don’t fuckin’ forget it.” Without warning, he pushes his face into your cunt. His warm tongue licks a long stripe up your folds, and you scream out in pleasure. He moves his tongue down to your clit, flicking it in rhythm. His fingers trail to your hole for a minute again, but they’re gone as soon as they came.
You jolt in oversensitivity when Matty takes his mouth off you, just staring at your pussy. You try to close your legs, but the strain of his large hand against your thighs remind you that you can’t. He blows cold air onto your cunt, and then spits onto your hole.
You clench, and Matty laughs. “Doctor Healy, I-I can’t.” Instantly, his tongue is being shoved inside you. Licking the mess he’s made, and fucking his tongue in and out of you.
“You can and you will. Don’t be a brat.” He speaks against you, and the vibrations of his words just make you moan more. “Just a pleasure drunk whore, and you’re trying to deprive me of this?” His lips purse around your clit, sucking hard.
You’re shaking your head, and your hands raise behind you, tugging slightly at his hair. It’s a poor attempt to push his mouth away from your over sensitive nerves. One of his hands comes up to grab both your wrists, pinning them behind your back.
“Let me eat.” He pins you down even harder, and the feeling is sending you over the edge, and you clench your thighs the best you can.
“Matty.. Fuck. Doctor, please. I’m gonna cum, need to.” Your whole body tenses and you feel yourself teetering on the edge. The slightest thing could set you off, and Matty knows this.
His hand comes up to spank your ass again, and he speaks as he licks over your clit. “Let go, you’re so good. Letting me prep you, stretch you out for me.” And that’s what does you in for the second time of the night.
You cum in Matty’s mouth, and he is working you with his tongue the whole time. One of your hands is gripping the side of the table, trying to ground you in some sense. “Fuck! Thank you, thank you.” Senseless curses and strings of the same words are all you can get out of your mouth.
When you come down from the high, Matty is rubbing your back gently. “Good girl, baby. Did so good for me.” He says it so softly, you almost can’t believe this was the same man who made you cum twice in a row just a second ago.
You turn to prop yourself up on your back, feeling a bit tired from all that just took place. Matty’s smiling at you, but there’s a dusting of pink across his cheeks. His eyes practically black. You look down to his trousers, bulge straining against the zipper.
“Does that hurt, Doctor Healy? I can help you.” Your eyes are wide, and you want to return the favor. Last time he made you feel good, he didn’t get to cum either. It’s only fair.
“Don’t have to, could take care of myself if you’re too worn out. Know it would be your first… and I understand if you want to save that. Make it special.” He’s trying to be polite, be a gentleman. Though, it’s not very gentlemanly when his hand goes to palm himself. You shake your head.
“No, I want to. I wanna give myself to you. And, I can go again, you’re not that good.” Of course, that last bit was a lie. You roll your eyes teasingly, but Matty’s pupils dilate. He steps closer to the table.
“Not that good, baby? Don’t eat your words.” He grabs your wrist and places it on top of the tent in his pants, moving your hand up and down. “Wanna be inside you so bad.” Your head rolls back at his words, desperately needing to feel him in you.
Your fingers work at the zipper of his pants, and before you can look up to gain his consent he’s undoing them himself. He drops his trousers, stepping out of them. Your eyes are glued to his black Calvin’s. Matty is big, and you haven’t even see him yet. There’s spots of precum on his boxers, and you commend him for having the strength of not cumming in his pants.
You pull at the hem of his shirt. He’s got his lab coat on, and you need both items off. You feel so bare before him, he needs to catch up. He gets the message, and quickly takes his coat off. It falls to the floor with a clink.
Then, his button up underneath. He loosened his tie earlier, and quickly pulls it off his neck to discard of. Matty undoes the buttons of his shirts with such diligence, and your mind can’t help but wander to how experienced Doctor Healy really is.
When he shrugs his shirt off, you feel like drooling. The black ink covering his body is truly mouthwatering, and his abs aren’t helping the situation. You bring a hand to trace the tattoo on his hip, but when your eyes trail down to his boxers again, your mind is back on track.
Your hands find his waistband, looking up at him with wide eyes. He nods encouragingly, mouth hung open slightly. As you peel his boxers off, you fight the urge to squeeze your thighs together. This is all so erotic.
Matty’s cock springs free from his underwear, and he is big. His cock is pretty, long and thick. The tip now a slight red from being pressed against his zipper. You run your hand along him, pumping him twice. The moans that come out of his mouth are throaty.
He’s heavy in your hand, and all you want is for him to be inside you. Matty notices your dazed expression and can’t help but smirk. “How do you want me to take you?” His hands rub circles on the exposed skin of your hips.
You think for a moment, before ultimately deciding. “Think if I bent over again, it’d be the most comfortable.” Matty audibly moans at that and throws his head back. You giggle, getting into position.
Matty brings himself behind you, letting his dick run through your wetness. “Got you nice and ready for me, I could slip right in you.” He taps the tip of his cock against your folds. You moan at the weight of it.
Matty’s hard cock prods at your hole, and he’s moving himself through your arousal. The noises coming out of your mouth never cease, and neither does Matty’s dirty mouth. “Don’t know if I’ll fit inside you, baby.” And you can hear the faux pout in his voice without having to turn.
“No, please! Please, Doctor. I can take it.” Your chest is heaving, and your throat feels scratchy from the constant noises falling from your lips. Matty just laughs, clearly enjoying the state you’re in.
Your head feels fuzzy, and you try to clench your jaw to bring you back. Matty sees this and soothes a hand down your back. “Know you can. Always an eager whore for me, baby.”
Matty slides his cock in you, putting only the tip inside and then pulling out. You whine out, please and more being the only coherent words. You feel delirious, and his teases don’t make it better. You’ve been aching for him. “Matty, please.”
“I’ll give you what you need, don’t worry that pretty little head.” He hums, rubbing your back again. You feel him rub himself through your folds again, the head of his cock bumping against your clit. It has you arching your back unintentionally.
Then, just when you think you can feel the yearning in your spine, Matty is thrusting into you. It’s half his cock, and you feel stuffed full. You scream out, hearing his reassuring shushes behind the blood that’s rushed to your head.
“Good girl for me, so fucking tight. Made you cum twice and your cunts still gripping me like this? Should keep you in bed all fuckin’ day and train you.” He grunts out, jaw clenching and head rolling back. He taps your ass twice lightly, and you know what’s coming.
Matty thrusts into you again, and your whole body jolts forward. He stays put, but you can feel the bruising grip he’s got on your hips. You’ve never felt so full, so whole, and it’s almost all too much.
Matty’s finally, fully, inside you, and you feel like you can’t breathe. “Made for me, princess. Weren’t you? To just be my little plaything.” He’s still, waiting for your instruction on when to move. He’s so big, it’s all too much.
“You- oh my god, Doctor.” It’s the only reply you can get out, and you unintentionally clench around him. You feel a quick but sharp slap to your backside, making you moan even louder.
“Be a good girl for me, c’mon.” He takes a fistful of your hair, bringing your head up so he can place a kiss on your cheek. He turns your head even more, wrapping his other hand around your throat and kissing your lips.
“P-please move. You’re so big.” You’re in an arousal induced daze, feeling yourself dripping down your thighs. You squirm, hoping that will get him to move out of you. You don’t get very far though, because Matty is bringing his hand back to your hip and holding you in place.
As your back is to his chest, you turn far enough to see the smirk on his lips. He pulls out of you, and you let a gasp fall from your own. “Yeah? Big enough for you, Princess? Know nobody’s taken you before, gotta make it good for you.” Matty punctuates his question by thrusting back into you, hard. He grabs a handful of your tits, pinching your nipple.
You know it���s a rhetorical question, but you’re too drunk off him. Nonsensically nodding your head and babbling. He’s set a rhythm with his hips now, and it’s nothing like you felt before.
The room is filled with sounds of skin slapping together, and you can hear just how wet you are. Matty’s pace is unrelenting, his groans never ceasing. You think you could break the examination table.
His cock is moving in and out of you, every thrust of his hips brining you closer to the edge. You’re overstimulated from coming twice earlier, and you feel your orgasm building.
Matty is two steps ahead of you. When he feels your pussy clenching around him, he knows he’s right. “Gonna cum for me again, baby? So I can fill this slutty fucking pussy? Not an innocent little virgin anymore.” He coos, and goes even faster, bringing a hand under you to your clit and rubbing tight circles.
The pleasure is too much, and you feel your legs about to give out. The prospect of Matty coming inside you excited you too much, and you can’t stop thinking about it. “Please, Doctor Healy. Can I? I need it so bad.” You don’t know why you’re begging for your release, but you want him to grant it to you.
His fingers speed up, still pounding you into the table. “Perfect fucking cunt, so tight and warm f’me. My little fucktoy, right? Cum, let go.” And if his words didn’t do you in, when he moves to pinch your clit certainly has you.
You come with a scream, vision going white and your body turning hot. Matty’s hips are still moving, and he’s fucking you through your orgasm. When you come down from your high, the moans are still spilling out of your mouth.
Matty is moaning, to the point of whimpers. You feel his dick twitching inside of you, and you know he’s about to cum. “Please, Doctor. Cum inside me, I need it.”
Matty’s eyes roll back in his head at your words, and his jaw is agape. He thrusts inside you twice more, until he finally falters. “Fuck me. I’m coming. Gonna fill this cunt up, stuff you full.”
Matty spills inside of you, and you feel the warmth immediately. He slumps over, now bent on top of you in your position. He’s kissing down your spine, and rubbing your shoulders all whilst inside of you.
After a minute, he alerts you. “Gonna pull out, now. This might hurt a little. I’m sorry, Princess.” And it does, but you only wince a little.
As you lay there, you notice Matty looks mesmerized. Then you see he’s staring at his cum that’s now dripping out of you, down your thighs. When you catch him, a light blush dusts his cheeks and he’s quick to defend himself.
“What? I’m a simple man, s’hot.” You just giggle and nod, brushing him off. You turn to lie on your back on the table, propping your legs up. You knew you’d be sore tomorrow.
“Thank you, Matty. Was so good. I’m so happy that you were my first.” You say airily, with not much thought. You were just saying what you felt. And Matty’s grin was worth it.
“Always. Let me get a towel. Gonna clean you up and drive you home.”
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fuckedupheadtotail · 11 months
Survey results
First of all, I'd like to thank all 37 people who took this survey for trusting me with such sensitive information, I take this trust very seriously and my lips remain sealed.
To clarify things, I'd like to explain why I use the word interest in survey questions. Some people would call it their kink, some their fetish, and some neither (but still think it's of a kink- or fetish-aligned nature), and just defaulting to calling it an interest just made sentences flow more smoothly than just going "kink/fetish/whatever you'd call it" ad nauseam.
In the questions with freeform answers, my commentary will be in red to distinguish from quoted survey answers
Q1: What is your gender identity?
I expected this, as well as the two following questions, to mostly line up with general tumblr demographics, which they for the most part did, but with some exceptions. The largest demographic here was cis women (41%), followed by unaligned non-binary (24%), cis men (16%) trans men or transmasculines (14%) and others (6%). I was expecting slightly more trans men & mascs and I certainly expected a handful of trans women & fems but other than that this checks out. Additionally, the cis to non-cis ratio is 57% cis and 43% non-cis.
Q2: What is your sexuality?
The largest demographic here was bisexuals (30%), followed by straights (22%), asexuals (19%), pansexuals (16%), tie between gay and lesbian (5% each) and others (3%). Surprised with the number of straights, especially since all straight respondents were also cis - certainly more cishets than I would expect. This isn't a bad thing of course.
Q3: Where do you live?
78% of respondents were from North America, 14% from Europe, 5% from South America and 3% from Oceania. No respondents from Africa or Asia. This lines up with what I expected, except that I did expect more from Oceania.
Q4: At which age did you discover or realize your interest?
This was a very even distribution trending toward younger ages. 35% responded tweenhood (8-12), 27% early childhood (7 or under) and 24% it's been with me for as long as I can remember. 8% responded adolescence (13-17) and 5% adulthood (18 and over).
Q5: Which of the following options would you say factor into your interest?
The four options I had here are things I personally default to when an outsider asks me why I'm into this. 36% responded vulnerability, 33% intimacy, 14% shame and 13% taboo. The respondents who chose other responded embarassment, control/dominance and the noise itself.
Q6: If you'd like, elaborate on the appeal you personally see with your interest
"I don’t consciously see an appeal, other than it’s cute sometimes? I do have a thing for vulnerability to be fair so that’s probably the main factor."
"The vulnerability of knowing that you're hungry bc your belly is rumbling. Also just love to lift up my top and let my tummy growl whilst I'm alone and in bed lol"
"desperation. an aftercare aspect is also important"  
"Just the concept of your body having its own alert system telling you when something is or isn’t inside it is really cute to me, plus I’m a sucker for ‘unusual’ things causing people physical arousal, and the idea of a belly rumbling giving someone that feeling is very nice"
"Always thought bellies were cute, liked to role-playing stomach issues as a kid and wrote sic fics as a preteen. Still into that stuff - primarily as hurt/comfort- but also became about it sexually. Stomach noises aren't my main but I like them as an indicator of discomfort."
"The sound, especially when it's persistent and loud (which is why hunger works so well). The feel of it growling against my or someone else's hand or body. The empty feeling right before it growls"
"90% of the time for me, I only enjoy this kink in more soft and fluffy scenarios. Torture and stuff like that is too intense for me personally, but I will occaaaasionally dabble in whump. Hurt/comfort with hunger is my favorite thing ever. Teasing and embarrassment are a big part of it for me, not sure why. Personal fave scenario is when it involves typically stoic and/or prideful characters. Takes 'em down a peg to have such a basic human need to embarrass them."
"The last one said vulnerability and I very much agree with that. But it's hunger it's soooo hunger"
"Noises and various round/roundish stomach shapes. Calming to hear"
"I just really like the noises, and how unique they all are :)"
"I enjoy the variety of sounds a stomach can make, though my main interest lies in hunger sounds. I love the different reactions stomach growls can get out of the people who hear/experience them, from embarrassment, shame, arousal, and even disgust (in the case of someone being degraded for the sounds their stomach makes). A major appeal for me is that it’s something the body does on its own, completely outside of your control. You may be the most composed businessperson but you’re never safe from the embarrassment of a growling stomach in the middle of a conference. I enjoy how stomach sounds can sound hollow and sad, or loud, or borderline cartoony. Personifying the stomach by describing its sounds as representing emotions is also enjoyable to me."
"It's honestly very hard to explain. I just like it a lot and I'm not too sure why. I definitely like the fact that people will feel embarrassed and try to hide it. I also like when people act stoic and try to pretend that nothing is happening x3"
"Just feeling the rumbles themselves always feels so exhilarating and sensual. I want to share that kind of fun and intimacy with someone with the same kink or someone who would be willing to indulge irl someday."
Q7: If you can clearly pinpoint a single moment that awakened your interest, which of the following best describes it?
72% responded media exposure, and 8% each on trauma and non-traumatic real life experience. The respondents in the other category were primarily concerning having no clear memory.
Q8: If you'd like, elaborate on this awakening moment
"It was always cartoon characters stomach growling when I first discovered this kink"
"I found a post on IsItNormal asking about the interest, which is what made me realize that it was something I was into."
"Courage the cowardly dog, flan episode"
"The interest had already been culminating ever since I was young through stomach growling scenes from various shows but one of the ones that really sealed it for me was an episode from Hannah Montana where Miley sneaks out and her friends Lily and Oliver pretend to be her through the door when the dad asks what’s up. All of a sudden a super loud growl emitted from Oliver’s tummy and he whispered in a panic to Lily that he hadn’t eaten all day. I definitely remember feeling quite hot and flustered during the whole thing."
"I liked the idea of stomachaches even younger but around 10-11 I read a lot of young adult novels centered around illness ? So not an awakening bc I already knew to choose those books. I also read the part of Stephen King's It where Ritchie pukes until the page fell out."
"Thinking it was "weird" and being in denial most of my life, then embracing it"
"I was watching cartoons with a family member. A character’s stomach growled onscreen, and I immediately felt embarrassed and hot in the face, almost uncomfortable. I got squirmy and felt the need to leave the room."
"It had to be when I was 3-5? Because I was watching Wonder Pets. There was an episode where they were by a geyser and it was about to go off and Tuck the Turtle said something about thinking it was his stomach growling. Or maybe the other guys said "hey was that you" I don't know. But I thought about that so much afterwards and then it bled into every child interest I had. I was embarrassed by it even though I didn't see it as taboo, it just felt really personal to me"
"I don't think I had a particular awakening moment, but I do remember several times when watching TV with my family, how I'd get really embarrassed whenever a character's stomach growled. I remember one specific time where I saw the title screen for an episode quite literally about stomach growling, which I had already seen, and I had to physically leave the room bc I knew I could not handle it lmao (side note the episode in question was like. good god man. tbh I refuse to believe that not a single writer for that episode didn't also have this fetish bc it was so over the top and in your face. [If anyone's curious the episode is Rabbid Tummy Rumble from Rabbids Invasion. Shit was wild.])"
"I think it was when I joined the internet and I saw other people engaging in similar topics to what I was interested in, and when I found out they were doing it because of a ‘fetish’, I was like “Whoaaa I didn’t know I had that.”"
"I don't remember the exact moment, but I remember watching a cartoon where a character's stomach growled multiple times in a scene, and I was ENAMORED. I kept rewinding the scene back and back to listen to the character's stomach :)"
"I was in 2nd grade when I first became exposed to vore content through Youtube. Even at the time, I knew there was something about it that appealed to me, but I didn't know what exactly it was until I was older. I realized that me discovering those videos ended up leading me down a rabbit hole where I also discovered that it wasn't just vore I was into, but rather bellies in general. I still feel shameful about it since I doubt I'd be into this kind of stuff had I not come across those videos, but I also feel that I've become more accepting of myself over this now that I am an adult. Looking back on it, I am also a little bit disappointed that it was Kphoria videos of all things that exposed me to this kind of stuff instead of something of better quality. I am also a bit mortified of the fact that my dad has caught my 2nd grade self watching those videos not long after I've discovered them. I just hope he doesn't remember that moment."
I'd say there's no right or wrong way to develop a kink or fetish, it's not like you can help it, so no need to beat yourself up about it.
"i wouldn't necessarily say it's a single moment so much as i experienced neglect growing up and the brain does strange things"
"Caught my siblings watching something they shouldnt have and got stuck watching it before I remember that it wasn’t appropriate for them. It was an animated vore video on YouTube."
"I think i can recall in very early childhood having a lot of weird feelings around this interest. Being very young and feeling like ‘hungry’ was a dirty word to say and things like that. Feeling kind of scandalized when something involving it would happen, the way I now feel as an adult if someone were to speak about sex way too casually. It was around when I was 12 that I saw a compilation on youtube of anime characters stomachs growling and that was when I realized my confusion around the subject was sexual in nature."
I can definitely relate to feeling weird and scandalized as a kid! I hear a lot of people say they as kids would always rewind kink-suggestive scenes to watch over and over but as for me, I wanted nothing to do with rumbling bellies, because they just made me feel a very strong emotion I could not understand (arousal) and being confused like that just made me angry.
Q9: Do you have any related interests?
41% of responses included hunger, 25% stuffing/feedism, 14% vore, 6% eructophilia, 5% eproctophilia and 10% others, including (most to least picked) emetophilia, cardiophilia and scat. Overall, 95% of respondents had at least one related interest.
Q10: If you have related interest(s), would you consider it a chicken-or-the-egg situation?
83% of respondents answered yes, with 50% saying their interest in stomach noises inspired them to develop their related interest(s) and 33% vice versa. 17% responded no, that they arose independently of one another.
Q11: Which cause(s) of stomach noises interest(s) you the most?
56% of responses included hunger, 27% digestion, 12% indigestion, 3% nausea and 1% no preference. I was surprised to see hunger be more popular than digestion, I was under the impression that it was the other way around given that a lot of YouTube content leans more digestion than hunger. Then again, this may be sampling bias at play since I did post the survey in the hunger kink tag.
Q12: How noisy is your own stomach?
49% of respondents answered only in certain circumstances (example: only if I'm hungry), 27% somewhat, 14% not at all :( and 11% very.
Q13: Do you have any bowel issues or food intolerances that manifest with a noisy belly?
This is a question I was particularily curious about because on the rare occasions I've seen kink negative people try to justify hating this interest in a way that makes them seem righteous about it, they'll often go for the angle of "fetishizing chronic illness". As a certified lead belly this has embedded some insecurities in me, namely that I'll meet a potential partner who happens to have a bowel issue and would feel fetishized should I divulge this part of myself, and if I fumble particularily badly that my ass will be spread wide open on r/relationships or r/AITA. I'm sorry if I just gave y'all a brand new fear. But I digress, I was curious if there were people in the community with pathologically noisy bellies who may or may not have this interest in part to cope.
62% of responses included no, 23% yes, bowel issue(s) and 15% yes, food intolerance(s).
Q14: If you have partner(s), do they know?
72% of respondents answered no, with the remainder tied between yes, they share my interest and yes, but they don't share my interest, at 14% each.
Q15: If your partner(s) know(s) but don't share your interest, how do they feel about it?
"he likes teasing me about it in a good-natured way. i am still processing too much shame to bring it up or be particularly responsive much"
"They like that I'm into it so he'll purposely make his belly noisy typically with digestion but sometimes hunger"
"Currently broken up, but when we dated we were actually both into the same things, they leaned more into the feederism side of things while I did more so the hunger. But we both enjoyed both overall, so it played a huge role in our intimacy"
"I'm single now but ex didn't mind and was happy that it could turn me on"
"I don’t have a partner at the moment but I like to imagine if I did then they’d be perfectly fine with it, but I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t indulge. I wouldn’t want to make them if they weren’t into it"
"This is my first time sharing this stuff w a partner (We met on Tumblr!) and it's a fucking dream. I never explicitly told exes. Most recent ex actually discovered my tumblr and was loud about his disgust but who knows if he would have acted differently had we been together at that time. (That ex was v normie and told me he didn't understand how anyone could get sexual satisfaction from anything non-sexual. How boring)"
I think you could have a partner indulge even if they weren't personally into it, many are prepared to indulge in things they don't necessarily like because just knowing it gets their partner off is enough reward for them. YMMV though, and obviously consent still matters.
Q16: Do you prefer to listen to somebody else's stomach, or to have your own stomach making noises?
46% of respondents answered no preference, 43% prefer noises from somebody else's stomach and 11% prefer to have my own stomach make noises.
Q17: How do you explore and manifest your interest?
I totally forgor to add an option for listening to belly recordings other people have uploaded, when I totally should've. Shout out to the people who added this through the "Other" option. 19% responded consuming fiction, 16% consuming art, 15% consuming prompts, then a tie between creating fiction and fasting at 11% each, then 28% other entries which include (most to least picked) creating art, recording my stomach, creating prompts, listening to partner's stomach and eating things my stomach tends to digest loudly.
Q18: How do you tend to react if you hear a stomach growling in public, or if it's mentioned in public?
"I feel a little embarrassed. I don’t tend to enjoy fiending over people unless I know it’s consensual- or rather if its in a context where people are aware that theyre being viewed in a sexual way, if that makes sense- but that isn’t to say I dont sometimes take inspiration from real life scenarios if they interest me. Usually if my body has a physical reaction to hearing someones stomach growl i feel a little ashamed."
"Well the rational part of me takes over thank god. I usually will just stay silent to not embarrass whoever it was, but if it's bad for them I might tease them but probably suggest they eat or offer anything if I had it. I Will Not Lie I do find these situations very attractive though. In the back of my head I am not normal at all. Like I'll start tapping my fingers or shift in my seat probably."
"I try not to react; I'll sit there still faced and if someone addresses it in front of me, I'll kinda nod and laugh to clear up the tension."
"i ignore it as much as possible"
"If it's regarding someone else I just try to act as normal as possible while keeping a straight face. If it's regarding me, I'd easily get embarrassed about it and quickly try to change the subject."
"I'm good at hiding my kink, so I'm able to just ignore it."
"My body reacts involuntarily, I’ll squirm a little and sometimes get aroused because of it. I also get embarrassed, though I put effort into not showing any visible reaction. If it’s mentioned, I secretly wish the conversation would stay on the topic of it, so I could listen in."
"Would act like it was no big deal but internally trying not to over enthuse about the moment."
"It actually makes me uncomfortable because my brain is hardwired into thinking it's sexual."
"Immediate embarrassment. The same way a normal person would react if someone started talking about something sexual next to you. Like I know that to them its just 'omg my stomach was growling so loud today I'm starving ahah.' but to me its like your describing your last hookup like dude are you not ashamed?? why're you saying this so casually-"
"I usually get very flustered."
"Don't really respond or acknowledge it, but internally it depends. Usually it makes me uncomfortable when ppl mention it, oddly enough."
"Try to ignore it and might feel awkward/embarrassed but turned on and flustered if it's someone I'm attracted to"
"Interested/attentive to the details"
"Depends on the person. If it’s someone I know personally, especially relatives, I get uncomfortable. If it’s a person I barely know, I feel a mix of excitement and embarrassment"
I can definitely relate to feeling uncomfortable when it's relatives!
"Growling isn't my main thing but visible/obvious bellies get me"
"I'd probably blush and try not to get aroused by it >w<"
"I’d normally feel awkward and try to ignore it but if someone I was attracted to had their stomach growling or mention being hungry or whatever I’d secretly be really turned on."
"Silent on the outside but intrigued on the inside"
"I don't react. Weirdly, it's only hot when it's my belly rumbling whilst I'm alone. I think it's bc I've seen too many creepy comments from cis men sexualising other people's growling bellies without their knowledge e.g. a man talking about a "young lady" with a hungry tummy in the library and how he found it hot, but the poor thing was probably just trying to study and could have been embarrassed."
This was the main outlier in this question. I definitely understand feeling creeped out by cis men - no offense to the cis men who responded to this survey, y'all seem to have good heads on your shoulders - but my two cents is that hiring a cop inside your head about it isn't very productive, it won't stop the actual creeps and you'll just feel guilty over thought crimes. Maybe I feel this way because I see more of people swinging in the opposite direction - thinking the best way to combat fetish mining is to assume every kinky person is out to assault you if you happen to do something that turns them on. As I've put it in a post on my personal blog, it's beginning to approach "I don't mind gay people as long as they don't hit on ME ;)" territory with a dash of white woman human trafficking posting. I can't dictate how you personally feel of course, but I think it's important to emphasize that merely the act of getting a boner over a stranger isn't a moral failing.
Q19: How do you think your interest is viewed by outsiders, generally speaking?
46% of respondents answered unsure, 32% there's significant stigma, 16% split down the middle and 5% most people would accept it.
Q20: If you've experienced stigma over your interest, feel free to elaborate on what was said and how it made you feel
Before getting into the answers, I'm gonna drop one comment in particular I've seen a couple of times, namely that there was a very infamous murderer who appeared to harbor borborygmophilic desires. Even putting aside the fact that we all should understand that guilt by association is a logical fallacy by like, age 11, I do find it curious that this exact same person also seemed to hold cardiophilic desires, yet that's never mentioned when the topic of cardiophilia is brought up. I'm not saying this to gatekeep cardiophiles or whatever, you're awesome and I'm sure you have to deal with shit too, but it's curious when outsiders have this cognitive dissonance, the layman just has an easier time understanding the appeal and intimacy of listening to heartbeats because we put a lot of emphasis on the heart in many cultures, while the digestive system is considered more "unclean". I consider it similar to how hand fetish is usually seen as more "inoffensive" than foot fetish by outsiders.
"i don't tell anyone but i've seen people's disgusted comments on content"
"I'm not really sure? My besties know but after I told them I try to keep it downplayed as much as possible, especially since my main focus is hunger and that is such a normal every day thing. So it's a little awkward basically alienating one of my main needs as a human being and delegating it to some Weird Methods just to avoid saying the words "I'm hungry" but you know how it is"
"I have not personally experienced stigma due to this fetish but I have seen comments about it in a derogatory way, which has lead me to feel insecure at times (I understand most of the negative reaction comes from the more pushy side of the community but it still reaches the calmer side which is how I managed to see it)"
"I constantly hear how the feederism community is promoting obesity and how the hunger fetish community is promoting anorexia. I do get it in all honesty, theres obviously the people that take it too far sometimes, and I'm not for that. I honestly still struggle to be attracted to these things if its outside of fiction because my rational brain kicks in and I worry about their safety. I honestly see it as every kink has its dark side, but you just gotta know when too much is too much and if this part should just stay fiction. Like BDSM is a much more popular and accepted kink, and you could also argue that its promoting dark subjects, but if done right with safety in mind, its fine and great for everyone."
Yeah, it really grinds my gears when people assume hunger kink by default means starvation and disordered eating. Like grow up most of us just like "whoops I forgor to eat and now my tummy's bothering me about it" type of scenarios followed by a well deserved meal, and those who like more intense scenarios than that either keep it in fiction or take long breaks between play sessions and make sure to do adequate aftercare. If you can understand that people who like say, impact play, don't want to literally beat the shit out of people, they just want to inflict mild and fleeting pain to a partner who derives pleasure that by far outweighs the pain, you should be able to understand this too
"I think some people who do not understand the nature of how fetishes work may be quick to label this one as gross or degenerate. I also fear the stigma coming from the eating disorder community, and being misunderstood as supporting that kind of behavior."
"I've seen people call it weird online, never personally but that alone makes me feel ashamed"
"Not quite stigma, but my friend (the only person who knows about me being into this thing) sometimes teases me about it, but only bc I'm okay with it and they've never mentioned it around anyone else."
Q21: Pick a favorite onomatopoeia
This was mostly just for fun, but I was also curious if there were preference patterns between say, people who prefer hunger and people who prefer digestion. 30% of respondents answered growl, 16% rumble, 14% gurgle, then a tie between grumble and groan at 11% each and 19% other entries, including (most to least picked) howl, roar, whine, moan, churn and borborygmus. Squelch was an option but was not picked by anybody.
The strongest preference patterns I saw was the correlation between growl and hunger, rumble and hunger, rumble and digestion and gurgle and digestion.
Q22: Do you consent to your freeform answers being quoted in a summary of the results of this survey?
Just so we're on the same page, by freeform answers I mean answers to questions 6, 8, 15, 18, 20 and 23. I don't think the results of this question are super relevant to my analysis though.
Q23: Any closing thoughts?
"i feel like it's telling how stigmatized and shamed having any kind of kink is that i can barely even discuss it with my own partner who has no problem with it in private because i've internalized so much shame just from seeing how other people are treated"
"Sorry if I'm not exactly your demographic but this was fun"
"Hehe tummy go grr"
Co signed!
"Not entirely relevant, but I think I might be one of the only people to have both borborygmophilia but also emetophobia. Haven't heard of anyone else in the same situation, so I thought I'd mention it."
"This quiz felt very thought through and welcoming, and it was very interesting exploring my fetish outside of the little scenarios I make up in my head haha. Thank you for creating this, it was fun to do <3"
"I used to think my interest was a fetish, and theres a potential that it still is. Because I used to only be able to experience arousal when listening to stomach noises or imagining them. However I’ve found that in doing trauma processing in therapy, I am now able to experience arousal from ‘normal things’, like porn or erotic fiction (even if its vanilla). The arousal is not as strong, consistent or frequent as the arousal I experience due to my stomach kink, but it is real all the same. 
I think it may also be worth noting that I noticed growing up that a lot of people on tumblr with the same interests as me (who were also fem, female or woman adjacent in any way) were lesbian and/or ace, but had a preference for male stomach noises over female stomach noises, myself included."
I feel really reluctant to share this ‘kink’ with anyone in my life, even including my partner, because I feel a lot of shame and like I’m weird for having this interest. As a result, I typically only ever want to read about fictional scenarios and have little to no interest of incorporating real life instances of my kink into my love life. I’m only just now beginning to consider telling my partner about it. 
I haven't noticed the pattern of lesbian/ace women and fems, but that's interesting! Maybe it's a matter of trying to avoid objectifying women, similar to how some male musicians get homoerotic on stage seemingly as an outlet to be horny without objectifying women. Idk, I'm just spitballing here.
"This was honestly a pretty cool survey. Thank you for the opportunity! ^^"
"Thank you for this survey! It makes me feel less alone in my experiences when people openly discuss things like this that are normally considered taboo."
"I really appreciate you making this survey. I’ve always found it strange that other belly related kinks like vore and feederism are fairly well known (though are often made fun of) yet the stomach growling kink which goes hand in hand with the others is seemingly quite uncommon and under the radar. I can’t wait to see the final results and know the full scope of this community."
I think one reason we fly under the radar is because there's no widely used term. This is why I throw around borborygmophilia a lot, once it sticks maybe more people will realize this is a thing that exists, and in the meantime it's just a fun way for me to be pretentious and namedrop my vice while having it fly over the heads of most people.
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xocasper · 2 years
Holy Holy, Lift Up Your Dress
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader Summary: Kinktober Day One: Formal Wear Warnings: NSFW content Tags: formal wear, semi-public sex, oral sex, dirty talk, light choking kink, masturbation Word Count: 4909 A/N: Punctual as fuck. Joking, I’m twenty minutes late. Happy Kinktober everyone! This actually doesn’t suck in my opinion! Anyway, I don’t want to keep anyone waiting, so I’ll be more prepared on Monday lol. 
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His name rang out across the hall, Gerard only one door down from the bedroom, fussing with his hair as you got dressed. The two of you were off to a gala tonight, some pretentious party to celebrate his company’s anniversary. Gerard wasn’t exactly thrilled to be going, growing increasingly anxious at the thought of being around his coworkers all night. With luck, he could get out of interacting with his superiors, but his peers were unavoidable. Nonetheless, he had spent almost all afternoon toying with his suit and fine-tuning his hair, asking repeatedly, “Do I look okay?”
The words were already bubbling up in his throat as he wandered down the hall, knocking quietly before pushing through the door. His lips parted to ask his never-ending question, riddled with insecurity, but he found himself rendered speechless at the sight of you. Wrapped in fine fabric, you turned to face him, narrowly missing the zipper as you reached back.
“I can’t get the zipper,” you frowned, becoming frustrated as it slipped past your fingers once more.
Still awestruck, Gerard strode over to you, chewing his lip to distract from the juvenile tinge of his cheeks. God, he was in his thirties and married to you–why did you still make him blush?
“You look beautiful,” he murmured, hands brushing over yours as the zipper glided back up.
He could see you in the mirror, how you reacted to his touch, watching his hands trail back down to your waist as he traced your figure. His breath was warm against your neck, head settled against your shoulder as he pressed kisses to your skin, gradually reaching your jaw and further still. As his hands landed higher, he tilted your chin towards him, eyes shining as he gazed down at you.
“So fucking beautiful,” he reiterated, his nose brushing against yours as he leaned in, and his hand firm on your waist as he kissed you.
The world seemed to pause for a moment, the air stilling while his lips moved with sweet caution, deep and languid as he pulled you closer. It was passionate and slow, running your hands along the hem of his button-down, freshly ironed and undoubtedly earning a few wrinkles. Spending the night getting cozy with Gerard seemed far more appealing than surrounding yourself with strangers, but you knew deep down that this was important. Gerard had no issue with it either, evident in the way his tongue playfully swept across your bottom lip. Responsibility beat temptation though, and you pulled away with a small smile.
“Later,” you promised, pecking his lips quickly.
Frowning as you took a step back, Gerard protectively kept his hand on your waist while you fixed his tie. He could’ve sworn it was on purpose, how close you had gotten as you tightened it, or the way you flattened out his shirt, your hands running smoothly across his chest. Admittedly, you were having a bit of fun, but you played it off with feigned innocence. You had always appreciated it when he dressed up, from the way he loosened his tie to his rolled-up sleeves. Everything about it was attractive and confident, and Gerard was no stranger to the effect he had on you.
“Are you sure we don’t have time?” he asked, beaming with pride as you considered his question.
As convincing as his kisses were, he had already promised his attendance. You were slightly surprised by his willingness to skip, as Gerard was one of the most punctual people you knew. With you in that dress though, he had lost more than just punctuality, his self-control hanging on by a thread.
Leaning in, your lips ghosted his, feeling them quirk up slightly in triumph. But instead of an amorous kiss, you grinned right back. “We’ll be late.”
Betrayed by your teasing, he opened his mouth to protest, swiftly cut off as you actually leaned in this time. It was one hell of an apology, your hand resting against the base of his neck as you gave him a single heated kiss, savoring the last of his salacity. It could’ve been to tease him, or maybe you were being indulgent, giving in slightly to get him through the night. You left it up to his interpretation, a small, flustered smile forming as you pulled away.
“Now we really have to go.”
After another sigh, Gerard gave in, off to find his keys while you slipped on your shoes. At the very least, he wasn’t as anxious as this morning, but the thought of making small talk with a bunch of arrogant pricks certainly put a damper on his day. Even still, you would stay by his side the whole night, and that seemed like a pretty good compromise.
The car ride was quiet, Gerard humming along to the radio as he drove, one hand on the wheel and one on your thigh. He had been behaving so far, giving you stolen glances at red lights and keeping his hand perfectly placed above your knee. You were sure he’d be fine for a few hours, as his sudden rush from earlier had dissipated, but you were proven wrong as his hand inched higher.
He was bored, the once light traffic beginning to converge, thankful you had forced him out of the house on time. Sitting at red lights was draining, Gerard half full of regret as he stared at the frozen vehicles. Slowly, his gaze traveled from trees and license plates back to you, sitting peacefully in the passenger seat. To his surprise, you were staring back at him, eyebrows raised as you glanced at his hand, then back to him.
He gave you an innocent smile, disguising the pure sin that flooded his head. God, he knew how easily he could break you, but you resisted. Instead, you placed your hand over his, telling him neither to stop nor to continue. The light was still red, cars standing still—if he hiked up your dress right here, no one would know. You must’ve been able to hear his thoughts, giving another teasing smile before lacing your fingers together.
It was a promise, dripping with lust and sincerity as you kissed his knuckles, giving him eye contact that made his breath hitch. You were fucking mesmerizing, and he certainly would’ve stayed stunned had the light not flashed green, his hand falling by your side as you stared out the window once more.
The awestruck feeling never faded, leaving Gerard in his thoughts for the rest of the drive. His arm snaked around your waist as you walked through the foyer, the two of you feeling out of place as you scanned the room. There was light chatter echoing through the hall, and dozens of employees were dressed to the nines. He could feel you tense up, knowing you were uncomfortable with the crowd of strangers, making an offer to soothe your nerves.
“Do you want to play a game?” he whispered, squeezing your waist gently.
It wasn’t ominous, but playful instead, sparking curiosity. “Okay.”
He grinned madly as if it were hysterical, “You see all those people, with their noses in the air? Don’t let them intimidate you. You look better than all of them tonight. I think we should act just as luxurious.”
He made a fair case, his idea the epitome of "fake it til you make it." It could be a fun distraction, so you nodded along, still staring curiously at him.
“So act like a cun—“
Before you could let out the last consonant, he was shushing you, unable to stay serious as he snickered all the while. “Yes, but a little quieter.”
“Okay,” you shrugged, glancing up as he began tugging you towards the first of many coworkers, who were already waving and calling him over.
They must’ve chatted for at least an hour, Gerard giving you side-eye the entire time, holding onto you for dear life as his ear was talked off. You could hardly count how many people you’d been introduced to in the process, or the number of stares that had lingered longer than appropriate. The whole night had been a bust so far, though your anxiety had ceased upon learning how self-absorbed everyone was.
Luckily, Gerard was granted an escape, practically falling to his knees as his coworker was dragged off. You had gained even more respect for him through their one-sided conversation, shocked that Gerard could put up with that man every day.
“Are they all so insufferable?” you asked, eliciting another laugh from Gerard.
He brainstormed a way to sugarcoat it but came up blank. “Yup.”
“C’mon, let’s dance,” he said after a minute, certain that it would save him from the incessant blabbering.
The music was light, airy, and of course, pretentious as fuck. It didn’t matter to you though, laughing as he pulled you towards the center of the room, the floor already occupied by a handful of boring couples.
“You think we’ll look like that one day?” he asked, nodding at a pair behind you.
Amused as you craned your neck indiscreetly, he turned you around, passing it off as a poorly executed spin.
“I hope not,” you grimaced, watching the miserable elderly couple behind you. Honestly, they looked like they were being held at gunpoint.
You searched the floor this time, staring at another older couple, one that actually looked pleasant—and maybe a little drunk. “What about them?”
Gerard giggled softly, “As long as I don’t get his balding pattern.”
He leaned in close, biting back a grin and looking around cautiously. “He’s cheating on his wife with his secretary.”
Wide-eyed, you gaped at the admission. Again, Gerard nodded towards a woman in the corner of the room, mumbling something about a redhead. Lo and behold, a woman with short, auburn hair stood with a large glass of wine, shooting daggers at the couple.
“Well, you better not cheat on me because you’d look really terrible bald.”
Another radiant giggle spilled from his lips, and he spun you back around, pulling you flush against him. “I would never,” he promised, smiling as he kissed you.
After a moment of dancing, the song switched, growing painfully slow and drawing a groan from Gerard. You raised your eyebrows, and he rolled his eyes lightheartedly.
“Can they play anything else?” he said, shaking his head. “I mean, I’m not asking for a rager, but maybe that’d get people to lighten up a little.”
The mental image was funny enough as it was, biting back a laugh as you pictured the same elderly couples from earlier acting like drunk college kids. “I could flirt with the singer, maybe he’ll play something else. Ever heard contemporary Baby Got Back?”
“As enticing as that sounds, I would greatly appreciate it if you only flirted with me.”
That sounded enticing, taking him up on his request as he continued to sway to the rhythm. “I’ve kept you waiting all night, haven’t I?”
You were a bit closer now, still wearing a faint grin as your eyes flicked down to his lips. “Mhm,” he hummed, holding your gaze.
“Are you hard?” you whispered, lips now pressed to his ear, listening to the sound of his breathing.
He was sure he’d been concealing a semi since the car ride, praying it away throughout the party. Heaven couldn’t help him now though, his mind taking up residence in the gutter. “Yeah,” he confessed, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
“Mm, and what should we do about it?”
It was light and teasing, Gerard sensing the amusement in your voice. From across the room, it looked like you were dancing, simply swaying in his arms. The truth was so far from its exterior, Gerard resting his head against yours as he offered a suggestion.
“I’m sure no one’s in the bathroom right now,” he told you, adrenaline coursing through him. “What do you want to do about it?”
Truthfully, you were planning on waiting until you got home, surprised that Gerard would fuck you down the hall from his boss. It was definitely a turn on though, leaving you dazed as you replied.
“God, I want to suck you off,” you breathed, Gerard swallowing thickly as you continued. “Do you want that? Do you want me to get on my knees for you and make you moan loud enough for them to hear? I could do that, baby.”
There were people around, and he swore he could feel every set of eyes on him. He settled on an easy response, flustered by the company. “What else?”
“You want more?” you teased, toying with his tie as you spoke. “I’ll let you fuck me in the bathroom. Use me. And fuck, you can do it again when we get home.”
Gerard had to stifle a moan at your request, “You’re so fucking hot.”
“So are you,” you grinned, pressing a kiss below his ear. “You look so sexy in this suit, you know that?”
You were one to talk, he thought, running his hands over your dress-clad waist. “And you look incredible in this dress.”
“Fuck me in it,” you said earnestly. “Fuck me in this dress. Come on it, mark me. Let all these assholes know I’m yours.”
It was filthy and so fucking arousing, Gerard certain that if he didn’t pull you away now, he’d come in his pants instead. He looked around for a moment, making sure that everyone was distracted, forming a plan in his head as you nipped lazily at his neck.
Scanning the room for a final time, he took your hand and backed away slowly, walking out of the room in casual strides. It felt obvious and shameful, even if no one had bothered to watch. You could feel his worry, laughing quietly as you returned his advice.
“Just act like them.”
He smiled, “Mm, like a pompous ass?”
“Confidence is key, my love.”
He supposed you were right, taking leisurely steps until you wound up at a sign, reading Family Restroom. Was this completely unethical? Absolutely, and you wouldn’t have done it any other night. Besides, there weren’t any kids here—and who the hell uses family restrooms anyway?
Gerard was already two steps ahead of you, so far gone that he didn’t have time to consult his moral compass. Luckily, the door had a deadbolt, filling him with some sort of consolation.
“Just wait until someone catches wind of this,” you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck again. “I’m sure the company would love to hear about your sex life.”
He rolled his eyes jokingly, “Fuck the company.”
Humming in agreement, you gave him a lazy kiss. “How about you fuck me instead?”
“Cliché, but I’ll allow it,” he nodded after a moment.
He gave you another lopsided smile, the tip of his nose brushing against yours as he kissed you again. “You’re too kind,” you breathed, bidding fluency farewell and pressing your lips to his.
Easily, you backed him into the countertop, his hands resting on your hips as you kissed him. It was fulfilling, and after every seductive stare and teasing kiss, he had earned something real. 
His suit coat slipped off like butter, tossed haphazardly on the corner of the sink, your hands pressing against his chest. The bathroom was surprisingly small, but as pristine as you had expected, being just as lavish as the rest of the hotel. The tight-knit space only meant being closer to Gerard, which obviously wasn’t an issue.
Each kiss had gradually grown more heated, starting slow and breathy, lashes fluttering shut and lips ghosting each other as you leaned in again. His hand trailed higher, following every curve as it landed on your throat, pulling you impossibly close. It was a placebo, a lack of pressure but the placement still left you breathless, sighing softly as you pulled away.
“I wanna fuck you,” he mumbled against your lips, pressing kisses to them between sentences. “But first, I want you on your knees. Can you do that for me?”
Gerard’s voice was lower than usual, hoping to keep quiet and avoid getting caught. It didn’t work much better than whispering, but it made your stomach twist in knots, feeling yourself grow more aroused with every word.
“Yeah,” was really all you could say, tangling your hand in his hair and pulling him in for one last kiss.
It was heated and messy, Gerard’s grip on your waist tightening exponentially as you leaned back. His hand remained on your neck for the duration of it, holding you in place as he parted your lips, his tongue dipping inside with a single fluid motion.
He had always been a good kisser, and on occasion, he liked to take control, propping up your jaw as he licked into your mouth. The satisfaction of finally being able to have you, taste your temptations, and feel the risk of it all drove him wild, moaning as your tongue glided against his. He tugged gingerly on your bottom lip as he pulled away, sucking and catching it between his teeth, nipping softly before letting you gravitate to his neck.
Scattering kisses across his skin, your hand slid across his chest, loosening his tie and skating across his waistband. You could feel him relax beneath you, his head tipping back as he leaned against the vanity. His eyes had fallen shut, and he had swapped to focusing on his breathing as you cupped him through his slacks. Any friction had him shifting greedily, longing for your touch as you finally lowered to your knees.
Usually, you would’ve cared a bit more about your dress, rather than letting the fabric pool around you on the bathroom floor. Still bothering to spare a glance at it, Gerard noticed your mild grief over dirtying it, and tilted your chin up to meet his eyes.
“If you let me ruin this one, I’ll buy you all the dresses you want.”
Ruin was a term used lightly, as he had no intentions of shredding it, but there was plenty of potential for stains and snags. It was a bargain you couldn’t argue with, rolling your eyes with a contradictory smile as you reached for his belt. Relief washed over him, grateful for your compliance as you tugged at his pants. You always looked so fucking pretty down there, Gerard watching with parted lips and bated breath as your fingers slid beneath his waistband. You weren’t taking your time, not tonight, shucking them off and wasting no time spitting into your palm.
Holding back a bit, you stroked him steadily, the tips of your fingers barely ghosting over the head of his cock. He was already dribbling precum, and so hard that it hurt, clenching his teeth for some sort of restraint. Graciously, he gave you a moment to revel in the sight of him, a privilege that you took full advantage of. Everything about him must’ve been handcrafted and carved out of marble, his legs and calves flexed as you took him into your hand, kissing the tip in subtle admiration.
As fun as it was to watch Gerard writhe, you were both short on time and had inadvertently promised your mouth instead, locking eyes with him as your tongue lolled out. The minute he received real contact, he was ready to start spewing thank yous, but let out a shuddered sigh instead.
“Fucking Christ,” he choked out, all of the teasing and anticipation increasing every sensation tenfold.
You were eager as ever, licking at the underside of his cock in thick strokes before wrapping your lips around him. The swirl of your tongue and gentle sucking was worth the wait, Gerard reeling in the warmth and crumbling under your gaze. God, he went fucking weak when you looked at him like that, wearing the same wonderstruck expression that he had given you a couple hours ago. You wanted to taste him, hear his stifled moans as you sucked his cock, striving greedily for his blasphemous whines.
Squeezing his thighs gently, you brought one hand back to the base of his dick, pumping him with steady strokes as you took him further into your mouth. Gently, he rolled his hips, biting into his fist to muffle his moans. For a moment, he gazed down at you, spotting the sheer fucking desire in your eyes, bobbing your head with an unrivaled passion, so desperate to get him off. With your hands working him at the same time, Gerard was certain he wouldn’t last much longer, choking out a request.
“Fuck,” he breathed, jaw going slack. “Touch yourself. Please.”
The power was in his hands, but the whine in his voice made it far weaker, hot and needy as he begged to hear you too. He couldn’t see your hand as it wandered under your evening gown, watching as you toyed with your clit, or the way you curled your fingers inside of yourself, wet and aching to be filled by him. He didn’t need to see it, not when he could hear it, feel it, even, every moan vibrating through his cock.
As much as he wanted to come right then and there, thrusting into your mouth as he cradled the back of your head, one brief glance at you had him reconsidering. That dress was so damn tight, flattering every dip and curve, but just loose enough that he could see beneath it, his eyes meeting your bare chest. Besides, he was a man of his word, clinging to the promise of fucking you right here, right now.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, wait,” he breathed, his words slurring together.
You came to a stop, still holding him in one hand as you looked up at him curiously. With his chest heaving, he licked his lips, letting his brain catch up for a moment.
“I wanna fuck you, please.”
A sweet smile formed on your lips, pressing a few more messy kisses to his cock before standing up. He pulled you in by your waist, leaning in to kiss you, only to be stopped short. His nose barely grazed yours, the pads of your fingers meeting his lips instead, coated in arousal upon his request. Cursing softly, he stuck his tongue out, moaning as you pressed your fingers to his tongue. You were so close to him, watching as he sucked greedily, tasting your desire and licking your fingers clean.
Just as quick, you pulled them away, grabbing his tie instead as you tugged him in for a kiss. He tasted like you, and you tasted like him, an erotic mix that spurred him on more, spinning you until your back was flush against the countertop. Swiftly, he helped you onto the porcelain, hiking up your dress in the process. His eyes raked over you, pausing as he reached your thighs, no longer hidden under your skirt. With impeccable timing, you spread your legs for him, watching the heat rise to his cheeks as he stared down at you.
Unable to resist you any longer, he shuffled forward, pressing another kiss to your lips and placing his hands on your thighs. With a bruising grip, his fingers sunk into soft flesh, kissing you wet and open-mouthed. He moaned as you tugged him closer, swirling his tongue against yours and sucking lightly before pulling away.
“Are you gonna fuck me or not?” you teased, settling back against the mirror while he adjusted your legs.
He hummed questioningly as if he wasn’t begging for it a few moments ago. “I don’t know, how bad do you want it?”
In his opinion, shamelessness was one of your finest attributes, and you knew its effect on him. Devilishly, you leaned in close, lips parted as they pressed against his. “I want your cock so fucking bad, Gerard. I want you to ruin me.”
Part of him wanted to taunt you for having such a dirty mouth, but he was too far gone for that. His mind had fogged over as you spoke, forgetting how to function as you kissed him sensually.
“I think you deserve it,” he said after a moment, peppering a few more kisses on your skin before returning to your lips.
It was tantalizing, Gerard gliding the head of his cock between your folds as he murmured lewd words to you. His kisses slowed as he rubbed himself against you, resisting the urge to grin while he waited for you to break.
“Gonna let me come on your dress too, or are you too greedy?” he taunted, gradually sinking inside of you.
You remembered your deal, nodding as he nipped at your lips. “Mm, you can come wherever you want if you fuck me when we get home.”
It was always remarkable to him, knowing how much you wanted him. He gave you a real smile and a leisurely kiss as he pushed in, enveloped in warmth once more.
Surely, you didn’t have time to hang around, Gerard allowing you a brief moment to adjust before building a rhythm, rolling his hips steadily against yours. Your arms dangled around his neck, legs hooked around his waist with a half-hearted apology, your heels undoubtedly digging into his back. He didn’t have a care in the world though, moaning against your lips as he thrust into you. Every noise seemed so much louder, quiet gasps and muted moans echoing throughout the restroom. Maybe he was sick for getting off on the idea of someone overhearing, snapping his hips a bit deeper at the thought of it. Not necessarily his coworkers, but the idea of letting people know how well he fucked you brought him that much closer.
A slew of slurred curses poured from your lips, running together with Gerard’s name while he continued to thrust at a desperate pace. “You don’t want them to hear, do you?” he mumbled, letting out soft sighs as he buried his head in the crook of your neck.
At this point, you didn’t care, sliding further down the vanity after wrapping your legs tighter around him. It allowed for a better angle, something quickly learned by both of you as he pounded his hips once more, hardly muffling your sudden cry.
“Shh, what do you want?” he asked sincerely, still snapping his hips relentlessly.
You weren’t sure, letting out a nonsensical, “More.”
It wasn’t very helpful, but Gerard didn’t mind in the least, only propping your knees up further to thrust deeper. Momentarily, your eyes had opened, half-lidded as you watched him. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth, all swollen and kiss-bitten from keeping quiet. The sleeves of his button-up were pushed just past his elbows, his shirt half unbuttoned with a handful of wrinkles. Once in a blue moon, you got to see him like this, his attire that had once screamed perfection now as disheveled as him, and all because of you.
It was overwhelming, the smell of his cologne and taste of his lips stealing your last bit of discretion. Gerard was intoxicating, the tight sensation in your abdomen whittling away as he captivated you, thrusting until you hit your breaking point. His hand clamped over your mouth as you came, listening as you mumbled a chorus of swears, the irresistible combination of your voice and his name sending him down the same spiral with a guttural moan.
True to his word, Gerard quickly pulled out, needily pumping his cock until he came, staining the evening gown with impurity. You were a sight for sore eyes, panting as you laid back against the mirror, clad in a dress that clearly screamed who you belonged to. Through your haze, you searched for something to say but only came back with a soft laugh.
“I really liked this dress, you know.”
“I did too,” Gerard grinned, now leaning against the counter as well. “We can always get it dry cleaned. Or I could buy you a million more dresses.”
You shook your head, laughing at his proposition. “A million? Would you ruin those too?”
“Darling, if we could do this a million times, then absolutely.”
It was suggestive but sweet, your smile lingering as he pulled his slacks up again and tried his best to unwrinkle his shirt. There was no way you could get out of this inconspicuously, especially not with the obvious stains you were modeling. As if he had read your mind, Gerard handed over his suit jacket and helped you down from the counter.
“I guess I should go tell them that the Mx. isn’t feeling well, huh?” he asked rhetorically, filled with a more innocent warmth as you adjusted his tie.
You smiled gently, “I guess you should.”
With a hint of a smile, he led you back to the parking lot, his jacket tactfully covering his marks. If luck was on his side, he could live the rest of his career in peace, carrying the truth about the gala to his grave. As he re-entered the foyer though, he was hit with a new perspective. He was lucky either way, he had decided, setting his worries free as he thought back to you, already waiting for him in the car.
Even if his company totally heard about his sex life, he still had one hell of an evening ahead of him.
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kinktober taglist: @clichedlovers @halloweenbitch2764 @lubbockshusband @cigarettesandalcohol @couldbegayer1234 @doc-martens-enthusiast @yachiik0 @becausethedrugsneverwork​
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katareyoudrilling · 2 years
Couples Getaway (Kinktober: Partner Swapping)
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Reader and Dave York x Carol
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Words: 1.6k
Content Warnings: Partner swapping (everyone is enthusiastically consenting), swimming pool sex, voyeurism, unprotected PIV (this is fantasy, please use protection in real life), oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, a bit of praise kink, physical descriptions of named characters, reader is a blank slate
A/N:  I had this thot and I didn’t see “Partner Swapping” on any of the kinktober prompt lists, so I’ve declared it to be today!  Special thanks to @just-here-for-the-moment for the beta!  This does not line up with any sort of canon timeline or anything, it is just filth for filth’s sake lol.  Enjoy!
UPDATE: There is now a Part 2!
Series Masterlist
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The warm water caresses your skin as you wade into the waist deep pool, trailing your fingers along the surface.  The evening air is just slightly cooler than the pool water so that, after you dip your shoulders under, the gentle breeze lifts goosebumps across your skin.  Behind you, you hear your husband Marcus enter the pool, followed by your best friend Carol and her husband Dave.
It’s your annual couples’ trip and this year you splurged on a two-bedroom villa with a private pool.  You’ve been taking these trips for 5 years now.  You all get along wonderfully.
Both men are gorgeous.  You and Carol continuously fawn over each other’s photos.  Remarking on their chiseled jaws, soulful eyes, and broad shoulders.  Marcus is a bit softer than Dave in physique and temperament.  He is easier to smile and laugh.  Dave is quieter with a wicked sense of humor.  His years of military service show in the taut lines of his body.
Marcus and Dave make themselves comfortable on the built-in bench along the edge of the pool and pull you and Carol onto their laps.  Marcus nuzzles into your neck as he strokes your bare sides.  You see Dave whisper something to Carol that makes her laugh.
After a few minutes of cuddles, you make eye contact with Carol and share a secret smile.  Your men don’t know that the two of you have a special surprise in mind tonight.
Carol has never been shy about the fact that her and Dave’s sex life was adventurous.  You know they have welcomed a third into their bed on multiple occasions.  You and Marcus have never done that – the idea of a stranger just didn’t appeal to either of you – but you know he finds Carol attractive.  You’ve convinced him that you don’t mind, in fact, you like it.  It gives you a little thrill thinking about it and teasing him about it.
You’ve made no secret of the fact that you find Dave attractive too.  Marcus doesn’t mind that either.  He is secure in your love and commitment to him.  Whatever fantasy life the two of you have, it only leads you back to each other.
Carol winks at you and you both stand up from your husbands’ laps.  Marcus’s forehead furrows in confusion. You smile at him and hold his gaze as both you and Carol remove your bikini tops, letting them drift away in the water.
Marcus’s mouth pops open in surprise.  Dave smirks.  Rivulets of water run down your exposed breasts.  The evening air blows across your nipples making them hard and sending sparks of arousal down your spine.  You feel sexy and powerful standing nearly naked beside your best friend and in front of her husband.
“We thought we would have some extra fun tonight, if you boys are up for it?” Carol asks the men with a naughty smile.  Her milky white skin practically glows in the moonlight.
“Definitely,” Dave replies confidently.
“Uhh… ok,” Marcus’s chokes out roughly, his face flushed pink to the tips of his ears.
“It’s ok baby,” you smile at him encouragingly.  “You can look at her… touch her.  I know you want to.”
You take Carol’s hand in yours and pull her closer to Marcus.  “Isn’t she beautiful?”  You run your fingers down Carol’s arm, watching her pretty pink nipples pebble against the night air.
Carol stands between Marcus’s knees.  “Touch me, Marcus.  I want you to.”
Marcus glances at you and you nod encouragingly and back away.  Tentatively he reaches for her hips and draws her closer to him.  He looks up at her, eyes wide with surprise and heavy with lust.
Dave has been watching this exchange with laser focus, his eyes black with arousal.  You wade over to him and his gaze snaps to you.  You’d almost call it predatory the way he looks at you.  You squeeze your legs together involuntarily at the sudden rush of heat that floods your center.
“Come here, gorgeous,” Dave says, pulling you to him.  You straddle his lap and immediately notice the hard ridge of his cock straining against his swim trunks.
You grind your hips down into him and he lets out a hiss.  He grips your thighs and ass as he drags you over his cock again.  The thin material of your bikini bottoms and his trunks are the only barrier between you.  He drags his nose up the column of your throat and you shiver.
You look over at Marcus and Carol.  Her head is tipped back and eyes closed as he sucks on her breast.  His wide hands grip her back and pull her towards him as his tongue swirls around the stiff peak.  It’s such a beautiful sight you moan as your pussy flutters around nothing.
“You like watching them, don’t you?” Dave rumbles seductively in your ear as he continues rocking you over his cock.  “My wife has beautiful tits.  I’m glad Marcus is enjoying them. Let’s give them a show of our own.”
Dave lets go of you with one hand to pull his swim trunks down and off.  He looks at you questioningly as he tugs at the tie on the side of your bikini bottoms.  You nod and he pulls the bow loose on one side then the other.  He gathers the wet material and deposits it on the pool deck behind him.
At the sound of the wet slap of your swimsuits, Marcus looks over and you lock eyes as Dave lines you up and lowers you down on his cock.
Marcus’s mouth falls open, “Fuuuuck, that’s so hot,” he breathes, entranced.
“Look at her Marcus, taking my cock so well,” Dave growls as he pistons his hips up into you with long languid strokes.  He’s not as long as Marcus, but he is slightly thicker.  The stretch is delicious.  You moan as he bottoms out each thrust and grinds your hips into him.
“Fuck, she feels good, Marcus,” Dave continues.  His filthy words drive you higher and higher.  “You better take good care of this pussy.  I know I’m going to.  Let him hear you, sweetheart.  Let him hear how good my cock feels.”
Carol kisses down Marcus’s jaw and nibbles at his ear while he watches Dave fuck you.
“My husband seems to be enjoying your wife’s pussy,” she whispers into his ear.  “Would you like to try mine?”  Marcus turns to watch her as she backs up off his lap and shimmies out of her bikini bottoms.
“Your turn.” Carol beckons for Marcus to stand.  At his height, the water laps at his upper thighs.  Keeping his eyes on her, he pulls down his swim trunks and his cock springs free above the water.
You told Carol he was impressive, but it’s another thing watching her see for herself.  Carol steps towards him then quickly lowers herself to take him in her mouth.  Marcus curses and reaches back to steady himself with one hand on the edge of the pool.
You clench around Dave as you take in the sight of Carol’s lips stretched around your husband’s cock.  Dave’s thumb reaches around your hip to begin circling your clit and you shudder against him.
You are already wound so tight from the evening's events - the adrenaline rush from surprising Marcus and Dave, the forbidden nature of swapping places with another man's wife, the wrecked look on your husband’s face as he fucks Carol right next to you.  Now Dave is winding you even higher with the sound of his voice in your ear and the scrape of his teeth against your skin. You feel yourself careening toward your orgasm at record speed.
Though your eyesight has gone fuzzy, you see that next to you Marcus has sat down and pulled Carol onto his cock facing away from him.  One of his large hands cups her breast while the other is hidden below the surface of the water.  You know how good he is at playing a woman’s body.  Your pussy flutters at the thought.
Carol is making the most beautiful sounds.  Your lust-addled brain can’t tell which noises are hers and which are yours.  Water swirls around your waist as Dave angles your hips and circles your clit faster.  Carol cries out next to you as she comes undone and you follow along after her.
“Yes, I want to hear you,” Dave encourages you as you fall apart.  “You feel so good coming on my cock.  Listen to her, Marcus.”  His strong arms support you as you pulse rhythmically around him.
The world is a swirl of feminine cries and masculine praise, warm water and cool air.  Both men murmur in their deep voices how beautiful you both are, how lucky they are to have you.
You feel melty and loose, weightless in the warm water surrounding you.  Part of your brain notices that you’re being handed into familiar arms.  You open your eyes as Marcus runs his fingers down your cheek, looking deep into your eyes.
“You ok?” he asks softly.
“More than ok, you?” you can’t help your loopy smile.
“Yeah, that was incredible, thank you,” he answers with an eye-crinkling smile of his own. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marcus.”  You press a tender kiss against his plush lips and breathe together for a moment.
“I don’t want this night to be over yet,” he whispers against your skin.
“Mmm mmm,” he nuzzles into your neck.  “I want my turn with you.”
“Yes, please” you breathe, feeling arousal pool deep in your belly once again.  Next to you, you notice Dave and Carol having a similar moment together.  Carol glances at you and winks.
Perhaps a new vacation tradition has just been born.
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Series Masterlist
@neddrollsdice @lovesbiggerthanpride @kirsteng42 @pedrohoe04 @greeneyedblondie44 @pagannightwitch @kaitieskidmore1 @alexxavicry @mandoblowmybackout @mswarriorbabe80 @nothoughtsjustmeds @loonymagizoologist @aynsleywalker @maievdenoir @ruhro7 @amneris21 @tionmeh @theravenreads @bravopeach @bport76 @eppy816 @harriedandharassed @mandobi @littlemisspascal @whataperfectwasteoftime @just-here-for-the-moment @thirsty-flygirl @yespolkadotkitty @deadhumourist @wheresarizona
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Wahoo I beat armored core (just now now!) thoughts below (and spoilers of course)
I can’t believe they made me fight an upgraded balteus lmao but what balteus wasn’t ready for was an upgraded ME 😈
Good game! Visually very very pretty to look at, mentally I’m clapping a lot at the credits rn lol
And the choices the game made me do lol aaaaaghhh. I almost considered putting the game down for the day when it asked me to betray carla. Same thing with eliminating G1 Michigan, only because I thought VIII Pater was my friend (turns out he’s sick in da head!! Scary guy. Really lives up to his AC name “dual nature” whew) less messed up arquebus members the better. In the end I went with ayre all the way but not because I like ayre but because of 2 things
1) carla she did try to kill me once (she made up for it by saving my ass out of prison tho)
2) (the more important reason why I sided with Ayres idea) — who knows what the ecosystem of the planet would be like with the complete removal of coral, not to mention coral is semi sentient so it’d be like super massacre if I went with Carla (and Walters) idea of destroying it all. ALSO, the destruction of the giant space ship crashing into that coral harvesting place, like what would life be like for the rubiconians? Even worse? Nobody has their interests in minds bc as far as they’re concerned they’re always caught in the middle of some corporation war, so if I sided with Carla it’d be adding fuel to that corporation war fire :(
Like ayre says at the end though, I’m sure we can avoid a fires of ibis situation 2.0 if we work really hard together. 621 is a human that didn’t lose their mind completely after contact with coral voices and maybe it has to do with the fact that they’re a fourth generation human (since the later generations worked out the kinks of not having to hear coral anymore)
Also. During the very sad heartbreaking (for me) killing carla mission, do u know how excited I was to beat the shit out of snail lmao
After reading that his augmentations were only perfected thanks to who knows how many innocent deaths, and his mind re-education shenanigans I’ve hated his ass since DAY ONE. Even IF he’s a sassy funny guy
Ok the ps just told me the trophy for this ending is called liberator of rubricon. Whatever ending that is lol idk what ppl are calling it
God I already miss Walter why’d they make me kill him too lol
ON THAT NOTE I MISS RUSTY I THINK WALTER MAY HAVE KILLED HIM. I’m gonna stick to anime rules for this one and that’s “no body seen no death” yup rusty is still out there (<- copium)
Oh wow ok I guess NG+ just starts like that huh, that’s ok w me I’ll do a NG+ run just to see the other endings, they better not make me actually kill rusty tho that’d break my heart more than it did to take out carla and chatty : (
Also pvp is fun but I’m ok at it lol I keep losing a ton but I’ve had a couple of close matches and won like 4 matches so far
Oh right about snail tho, back in the Carla mission? I was talking mad shit while fighting him like “I ALREADY BEAT YOUR DATA IN THE ARENA YOU THINK YOURE HOT SHIT??” that sorta thing. And u know how dissapointed I was that I didn’t kill him right then and there? His ass escaped that ass beating. Don’t matter tho I terminated his ass for good when he was riding that toddler ass upgraded baby chair balteus 2.0
Idk how from soft does it but they keep making these super super climatic boss fights and super fucking awesome attack patterns that are both visually appealing and difficult to evade/survive but when you do it’s like you’re really in the fight in that moment it’s awesome :) this happened with balteus, balteus 2 purple laser moment, and the fuckinnggggg icewormmmm, malenia elden ring comes to mind (alongside demon souls king of storm)
And I can’t believe they got me with the sekiro monkey “it’s not dead! It’s getting up again!” Moment too god damn that flying boss whew, sad the game wouldn’t let me use that boss’ sweet ass wings as a part to equip :(
Rusty really warmed up to me, initially I was a hater because his ass was always setting me up with these missions that always had an extra lil spice in them meant to kill me or set me up in some way (probably arquebus’ fault) but he…. Waghhhggg………”the first to join” ok cool….ty for being so eager to reunite with me rusty…I honestly thought he was dead after the ice worm mission….and the fucking line he says “there’s only one person who can keep up with me” with 621 in on the comm to listen in on….what are we…….(we’re buddies…)
Great game. And amazing cast of characters, like maybe it’s the voice acting that really nailed it but for me to care about a bunch of people (g1 Michigan…..) that you never actually see in game and only hear is wild lol
I do not care for ayre tho. I’m sorry I’m a hater, she always said some common sense stuff like “remember to dodge” baby we been on how many missions together now please. If she was a deep voiced lady I would’ve been on my hands and knees tho, and if she had a male voice I’d be even worse lol
Cortana ass!!!! Anyways cutest ayre moment was 621 and her watching these giant nuke missles hit a massive structure and she’s like (cutely) “they’re really like fireworks” & I had to laugh and be like we gotta get u some real fireworks ayre they don’t look like this gsvdvdvd
Right and do u know how much I was pogging when the fake raven or Rather the Real Raven showed up??? Damn what was that guys situation about and their handler too? Hmmmmm (dlc potential?)
Fun ass game! Slow start but momentum wise it keeps speeding up and then the end is like WHAM did ya like it and I gotta be like YEAH. I DID. Now I have the urge to play the other endings in ng+ since my AC is geared the fuck up to handle anything I feel like. Kinda wish the pacing at the start stayed the whole way as in slow pacing the entire game with the game letting me kill more shounen protagonist types lol (although that would mean killing ppl like Rusty hmmm my sadism for wanting more murder of naive protagonist types and love for rusty is like oil and water when it comes to that idea lol)
One complaint tho just one, the ost can be somewhat lacking. It has its moments tho!! There’s like 3 tracks that really kill it, and they’re at important moments too. Iceworm, balteus 2.0/snail showdown, and Carla fight are good. The rest went over my head tho sowwy
Now that I’ve achieved credits in this game im a certified armored core fan (even tho this is my first one) and I’m glad this game is getting attention! I really hope they release more AC games bc this kicked ass, maybe they can take a break before taking that on though, because every single mission is pretty breath taking visually, and MASSIVE in terms of sheer size sometimes like damn. Lots of love!
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Love and light to Bridget but idk how she puts up with Valentine in Duke of Sin lol - he’s like an angry little Pomeranian. I love how Val is short. He absolutely would be and I don’t think it bothers him a bit (I always picture Eve as taller than him/the taller sibling). And lmao to when Bridget is forced to go “well turns out he wasn’t lying about his *personal attributes*” in that nude painting of him. Like, Elizabeth Hoyt!!! Your brain!!!
Side note/question - if you had to FMK the Maiden Lane heros, how would you categorize them?
Honestly, I think Bridget has a lot of kinks that the text would probably deal with more if it was published today. There's some shit going on with her. In a lot of ways, I see Val/Bridget as a contrast to Maximus/Artemis, wherein you have a wacky duke paired with what appears to be an imminently sensible and calm woman, but there are key differences in that:
A) Maximus, while clearly being insane, is more of a general ass re: his relationship with Artemis, while Val is COMPLETELY off his rocker, and demonstrates this to Bridget.
B) I'll be super real... taste is taste and this is TOTALLY PERSONAL, but Maximus sounds a lot hotter on a purely physical level to meeeeeee. Jacked severe duke with some salt and pepper going on > super pretty duke. Val is hot because of who he is/his insanity/the fact that we see him do sex things, but on the street I feel like I wouldn't be into him? And people in the text are like "he's very pretty but also SUPER WEIRD-PRESENTING". But GOOD FOR HIM.
C) Bridget has experience, Maximus is Artemis's one and only. While I do nOT see Artemis as a meek heroine at all (quiet, yes, meek no) it's kinda not a surprise that she'd fall in love with the rich hot duke who pops her cherry AND gives her multiple orgasms. Bridget.... should know better lmao.
So basically, Bridget REALLY loves Val, which means she's a bit twisted.
Re: FMK, I'd fuck em all because they all sound good in the sack, but I'd MARRY: Winter, Mickey, Maximus, and Asa.
A more accurate ranking would tier like this:
Tier 1: God Tier/Would Suck Him Off In A Public Venue
Winter Makepeace, Thief of Shadows--Obviously, I love Winter with all my wasted heart. He's not even as much of my usual romance hero type because he's nOT a rat bastard, but he's so wound up and stridently self-confident while at the same time possessing the heart of an absolute freak who wings it. I love an undone man, and he's so. undone. Also, how can one man be so cool and yet so deeply uncool at once? Like, he's Zorro but he also is basically cosplaying because some random guy showed him how to once. Also, he spends time being like "my God, am I just a lustful wretch" because he got a boner oNE TIME.
Charming Mickey O'Connor, Scandalous Desires--Mickey is probably like. The sexiest Maiden Lane hero. He is a river pirate who somehow gets away with saying things like "you're me lady now" on the force of sheer sex appeal. I imagine him wearing leather pants and a flowy pirate shirt that's open to his navel all the time. Don't ruin that for me. He's also deeply weird, as any hero of my heart is. 10/10 would let him lick my tears off my face.
Maximus Batten, Duke of Midnight--Lots of people hate Maximus. They are wrong. Is Maximus a total asshole? Yes. Is the main obstacle to Maximus getting everything he wants, in fact, Maximus? For sure, no doubt. Is it truly bizarre that he's like, fucking the shit out of this woman, clearly in love with her, and then being like "sadly, we cannot be together, because I find you embarrassing". Oh yes. But that is... why.... I love him? I love Maximus because he's his own worst enemy. Because he has the whole "TAKE MY COME BECAUSE I CAN GIVE YOU NOTHING ELSE" (not true lmao) line. Because he honestly fucks like a champ and is then like "oh my god Alfred, (Craven), look away, Diana's (Artemis's) tits are out". Because of that scene where he just sat down before Artemis and dragged her forward and ate her out like she was breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. Because... he's such an idiot. 100+ "he called his heroine by not her actual name first" points.
Asa Makepeace, Sweetest Scoundrel--Asa is iconic to me because he mixes filth and sweetness so well? Like, he's not as decent as Winter. He's kind of a trashbag himbo who puts on this big rakish show. But he's..... incredibly sweet with Eve. Like. So tender. So understanding. I don't respond well to "we fall in love while he comforts me about my sexual trauma" romances often, because it can often feel... exploitative, somehow? But this one nailed it, and while Eve is an amazing heroine, I think it's in part too because of how Asa is like... not a perfect guy, but a guy with a deeply good heart deep down. Which makes sense, because he comes from a family that has some of the most deeply decent people (Winter and Silence) in the series. Also, on a shallow note, that scene where he jacks off in the carriage is A LOT.
Tier 2.1: Iconic, But I Have Questions
Valentine Napier, Duke of Sin--Yes, Val is hot, he is iconic, I see why everyone loves him, I don't take anything at all away from that. But does he sometimes veer in a direction where I'm like "oh he can plow, but in the cool light of day I'd wonder some things about his fashion choices"? Sure. I am not. A HUGE fan of all his frothy lace. Elizabeth Hoyt will sell me on basically every hero. The Serpent Prince is another one where I was like, "oh! He has jeweled buckles on his high heeled shoes and he is battling!" Sometimes, the heroes just feel extra Georgian, and this is one of those times for me. I also, as someone with two cats who are basically parasitic creatures attached to me, do struggle sometimes with the cat murders.
Tier 2.2: Time to Call My Shrink About the Daddy Issues
Godric St. John, Lord of Darkness--Initially, I don't think I ranked this book that high in the series. But upon re-reads of... certain passages, I am more into Godric than I once was. I mean, he's hot. He's deeply daddy. He's like, one of the more normal Maiden Lane heroes, for sure. I actually own this book in paperback and need to do a complete re-read. I find Godric to be unfortunately placed between two of my favorite heroes, so it's hard to like... hold him up against Winter and Maximus. But he's objectively so hot.
Captain James Trevillion, Dearest Rogue--OOOOOOOH HOT. It's only recently that I realized that he's Georgian Jim Gordon, which, weird. But man. When he dry humped that girl he was supposed to be taking care of, who's a lil YOUNG FOR HIM BUT NOT IN A WEIRD WAY, who's his CHARGE!!! And then felt DIRTY BAD WRONG ABOUT IT??? Oh, that's hot. Also, I love that he's like. Wounded and fucked up about it. Yes sir, tell me all about all your SELF LOATHING. I liked his farm family less though.
Hugh Fitzroy, Duke of Kyle, Duke of Pleasure--How fun is it that this guy is a king's bastard? So fun. Also fun: that iconic scene where he's like "Alf, pretend to suck my dick so everyone moves past us and ignores our espionage" and she just. Sucks his dick for real. And then he's like, "Alf legit they're gone" and she's like "I'm gonna do anyway" and he comes in her mouth? And then he's like "Jesus Christ bitch" and mAKES HER SPIT INTO HIS NICE HANDKERCHIEF??? Anyway, I don't love the CSI: Maiden Lane arc because it's so dark, but that scene, man. I also am a sucker for any time a hero has a Shang From Mulan moment where the heroine is dressed like a man and he's like "you know what.... for that twink... I would..."
Tier 2.3 Yeah My Man's A Slut
Griffing Remington, Notorious Pleasures--I really have nothing to complain about here. Griffin's book is kind of an outlier in that it's like... more Maiden Lane than the previous book, but still not quite there, but it's very good and fun. (To me, Scandalous Desires is when Elizabeth Hoyt REEEEEALLY hits her stride.) He's a hot fuck who isn't above boning his brother's fiancee, and I respect the hell out of that. A true slut. I believe he's amazing in bed.
Tier 2.4 Well Now I'm Sad (But We Love Him)
Raphael de Chartres, Duke of Desire--His story is so well done and I love him and he's a great hero, but his book is VERY, VERY sad. His backstory is crushing. I'd recommend this book (with the necessary TWs) and I'm sure I'll reread it, but it's not an easy read and though I found his love story romantic and cathartic, it was darker than Sweetest Scoundrel due to its proximity to ongoing issues, and... yeah. Hard. But I love him.
Tier 2.5 Further Evaluation Needed
Lazarus "Caire" Huntington, Wicked Intentions--Yeah so I don't recall much of this one and I need to do a full reread, but Caire is hot and all, despite his weird hair. I find him to be less in line with most Maiden Lane heroes, but that makes sense because he's the first one. Would bang, but need to brush up on everything.
Apollo Greaves, Darling Beast--I know this book is great, but I also read it at a bad mental health time so I need to re-read it. Apollo is a biiiig guy, which I love. He's also got a very difficult backstory, like Raphael, but not *quite* as intense. I remember him being REAL GOOD AT SEX, I just need to reread his entire story.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
114 of 2023
NSFW Asks (yeah again lol)
1:When did you lose your virginity?
At the age of 24.
2: Rough sex or soft sex?
No sex.
3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?
No. I’m a boring dude XD
4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex?
Our car.
5: Favourite sex position?
“Leave me alone so I can sleep”.
6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive?
7: Have you ever had any one night stands?
No, and I don’t see the piont if I have no interest in sex whatsoever.
8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor?
No sex, thanks. In bed if he really wants.
9: Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Does our car count?
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Almost. I’m still ashamed.
11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
I don’t wear anything like that.
12: How often do you have sex?
Once or twice a month, because my husband starts complaining if we don’t do it for too long.
13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with?
Nope. I’m not interested in partnered sexual activities.
14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?
I hate both.
15: Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
Farting, probably.
16: A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
What, I dobn’t get the appeal.
17: A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
See above.
18: Are you into dressing up for sex?
Not at all.
19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?
20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?
21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?
No and no.
22: Do you/would you use sex toys?
23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?
Ew no. Not appealing at all.
24: Would you have sex with your best friend?
My husband is my best friend so yes, but only for pleasing him.
25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
Biology, I’m a man lol.
27: Early morning sex or late night sex?
No sex.
28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex?
I’m not attracted to the opposite sex.
29: Favourite body part on the same sex?
Eyes and arms.
30: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
Dead bodies.
31: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:
Nothing too extreme.
32: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
Lol no. I can’t bring myself to doing it. Bodily fluids are certainly not my thing.
33: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
Well, maybe when heterosexual couple is trying to have a child.
34: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:
35: Worst possible time to get horny:
Anything in public places.
36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
I hate it. It’s so irritating.
37: How much fapping is too much fapping:
Doing it for days with no end? I don’t know, really. It’s a personal thing.
38: Best sexual complement you ever got:
I don’t care about sexual compliments.
39: Favorite foreplay activities:
Jeez, foreplay is boring. Such a waste of time, just get to the piont.
40: What do you wear to bed?
Nothing, actually.
41: When was the first time you masturbated:
I don’t know, at the age of 15?
42: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
No, I’d be so embarrassed.
43: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
44: Have/would you ever have sex in public?
45: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
God no.
46: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
I don’t use random objects, just my hands.
47: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?
Couples having sex don’t turn me on. I’m more likely to get some excitement from watching one guy playing with himself.
48: Do you like oral sex? (why/why not)
No. Too overwhelming and too messy.
49: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
It’s cool if he has them, but it’s not a must.
50: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?
If they gave consent, then okay.
51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
What do you even have in your head?
52: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
53: Do you watch porn?
Rarely, I find 99% of it boring.
54: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
No, I haven’t.
55: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
No, I don’t.
56: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
Hair doesn’t matter, I always have a problem with “going down on someone”.
57: If you could give yourself head, would you?
Ew, no.
58: Booty or Boobs?
I don’t see any reason why a gay dude would be interested in boobs.
59: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
No, I haven’t. If I find sex personally pointless, why would I be willing to do it with yet another person?
60: If you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do?
Crying, feeling disgusted with myself, hating myself, can’t think of more.
61: have you ever watched someone masturbate?
Only on videos.
62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate?
Hopefully not.
63. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed?
I still hope he didn’t.
64. What is your method of masturbation? (ie. toys, clitorial, prostate)
Like the average guys do it, I don’t need anything more.
65. What is your bra/penis size?
You want to know too much. I’m not gonna say a meter because it’s ridiculous XD
66. What is the strangest thing you have ever put up your vagina/anus?
67. When was the last time you masturbated?
Three days ago or so.
68. When was the last time you had sex?
Also three days ago.
69. When was the last time you watched porn?
Long time ago, it’s boring.
70. Have you ever bought a sex toy? If so, which one did you buy last? First sex toy? If not, which one do you plan on buying when you do?
No, ny husband did, but I have no use in them.
71. Guys:Circumsized?
No, I’m not.
72. Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched?
By others, none. By myself, thighs maybe.
73. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched?
Again, none if done by others.
74. Girls:Are you able to achieve orgasm just through breast stimulation?
75. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone on tumblr?
Nope, I’m not interested in sex lives of other people.
76. When was the last time you have had a wet dream?
When I was a teenager probably.
77. Which wet dream was your favorite?
None. I’ve only had three and they were all ridiculous.
78. Is there a friend you would willingly have sex with?
No. Not even my husband.
79. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with?
No. I find someone out there attractive, but in every possible meaning excep^t sexual.
80. Favorite sexual position?
Leave me alone.
81. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed?
No, it would seriously annoy me.
82. Are you into any BDSM?
Not at all.
83. Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone but knew you couldnt for any reason? Why?
I’m kind of curious about one guy (not like I’d act on it anyway), but he’s 21, too young for me.
84. Do you like dirty talk?
I hate it.
85. Are you loud or quiet during sex? Masturbation?
Very quiet. I don’t make any sounds.
86. Have you ever been inturrepted during sex or masturbation? Who/what?
Lol, “inturrepted”. XD Yeah, my parents when I was a teenager.
87. What kind of porn do you like to watch?
Solo guys, and even that tends to be boring.
88. Have you ever confessed to someone that you got an erection over them? What about masturbated to them?
No, I’d die of shame probably XD he doesn’t need to know.
89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them?
No. I don’t need any sexual partner. Myself is more than enough.
90. Have you ever had a one night stand? Do you still keep in contact with them?
No, I haven’t.
91. Have you ever had a friends with benefits? Are they still beneficial?
I’m not interested in such things.
92. Ask whatever you want
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daisyneptune · 10 months
Hi daisy! I’m your Secret Santa! Sorry I didn’t message you yesterday. I was busy. But I’m here now! I saw the post that announced this game and I thought it sounded fun. I don’t speak to other people on Tumblr very often so the chance to make a new friend appealed to me. Why did you join if I may ask? Same reasons as me? So you got your Spotify Wrapped I see and The Beatles came in third in your top 5 I think? For me they were the 4th. I much prefer the bands The Zombies (#1), The Kinks (#2), and The Turtles (#3). Odessey and Oracle is easily my favorite album ever. Did you know they actually mispelled Odessey and it wasn’t an artistic choice? I found that out on their twitter page. They still perform! I really got into 60s music after listening to a playlist Spotify made. I made an entire playlist full of it and I listen to it pretty much every day. How did you get into 60s music? I know a lot of people are either introduced to it by someone else like a parent or they found it on their own. For me, it was just a playlist I randomly listened to one day and then I was hooked. By the way, did you listen to Now and Then? It’s amazing that a Beatles song can be so popular in 2023 decades after the band broke up and two members have passed away, isn’t it?. That shows you just how much they’re loved. I listened to the song and I thought it was good but not amazing. I thought it sounded a little off honestly but I guess that’s to be expected since the original recording is so old. Do you have a favorite Beatle lol? I especially like George myself but I also really Ringo and John. Anyways I think that will be it for now. Have a great day! Until you know my true name, you may call me Sunny☀️:) Bye!
Hi Sunny! I think I got into Secret Rocker Santa for a similar reason to yours - I wanted to meet more classic rock/oldies fans on Tumblr, and I thought it was a great idea. I helped a little bit with it last year as I'd done secret Santas in other fandoms before, but this year I was a little burnt out to do official stuff.
My Spotify Wrapped was messed up this year by all the sleep music, haha. But yes! I did listen to a lot of Beatles and George's solo music. I really like the Kinks, too, but I haven't heard much outside of their most famous songs. Which albums would you recommend?
I got into 60s music from my parents. Since I'm a bit older, my parents were alive back then and had a lot of stories to tell. I used to have a bunch of my mom's old teen magazines from those days, but I don't know where they went ...
I really like Now and Then. It made me so emotional, especially when they released the music video. I understand how it sounds off, though. There's a difference in how the parts of it were produced, so they could only do so much when they put it all together.
My favorite Beatle is George, too! I decided that when I was in middle school, when I saw the movie Help! for the first time. He's been my favorite ever since.
See you soon, Sunny!
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
March 5: Don't Worry Darling
Finally watched Don’t Worry Darling, and you know what, I was pleasantly surprised. I’d had such initial high hopes but then some middling reviews and allllll that drama just really made my expectations deflate, and when I sat down to watch I figured, well, at least it will be pretty. But honestly, I quite enjoyed it.
It was enjoyable to watch, didn’t seem to drag or make me bored, built the creepiness at a pretty steady pace, and had a really great aesthetic: the outfits, the sets, the music, were all so beautiful and just really so precise without any missteps. And I enjoy a beautiful picture.
The story was not exactly something groundbreaking and new, but I have no problem with a classic tale told a new way, or even just in a new setting. Yes, it’s Stepford Wives, yes it has a lot of utopia-turned-dystopia elements that we’ve seen many times, and yes it has that ‘it’s tech!!’ twist that I was semi-spoiled for, but that’s fine. I have low patience for media that I feel is just tropes lazily stitched together but when they’re mixed up in a new way, with actors I like and in a setting that’s beautiful, I’m fine with the classics, remixed.
Also I love Florence Pugh. Never a misstep. Always magnetic to watch.
And I thought, in my biased way, that CPine was very well cast because it’s easy to believe that someone with eyes like the deep end of the pool would become a sort of cult leader. I mean he was very charismatic.
The aspect that I thought was the most interesting, and that will require some thought and/or a rewatch to wrap my thoughts around was the question of whose fantasy was being played out and how. What I was expecting was basically a men-trap-the-women scenario, the women are Stepford Wives, forced to be the subservient helpers, kept from any sort of power or independence like jobs or the ability to drive, and the men are the breadwinners and the head of house etc. etc. And so if it turns out to be fake in some way—and it’s pretty obvious it’s fake and probably fake in a simulation/computer program way, given the types of glitches going on—then it’s a prison created by the men for their own pleasure and egos. And yet it’s not quite that way. First, there’s Bunny, who knew and chose the simulation, and I liked that that was included, because to be honest, I can see how that life would be a fantasy, that you could get things there you couldn’t IRL: beauty, for example, or simplicity. I mean ‘50s housewife’ is a straight up kink real people really have lol. And the whole place does look appealing as its first introduced: that’s the concept of utopia-turned-dystopia. The reason she gives for wanting the illusion hints at something tragic and awful, and it would make sense, if she did lose her children, that she would give up anything to have them again, even her own reality. So even though it was just rather quick at the end, there was a twist to the narrative there.
But more importantly: what male fantasy is this? It was so intriguing to me that the men did not live in Victory. They have complete control over the situation—complete at least as compared to the women—and they exert it in really gross and horrific ways. The intrusion on the body and the mind. Making their partners feel crazy if they get any hint of what’s happening. Taking away every possible choice or bit of bodily autonomy they have. At least Alice was with her real-life partner and didn’t have fake kids. Whose fantasy is it for Peg to be “always pregnant”? And how many of the married couples even KNOW each other IRL? And yet, the men also do no live in Victory full time. They have these pathetic real lives that they obviously hate, so of course they’d want the 50s planned town fantasy. But they only go there in the evening. During the work day they’re somewhere else—outside of the simulation, in the real world—and they’re doing something. They’re “working every day to afford it” and “hating it.” What do they do??? What keeps them in this situation? That the simulation is so great when they are in it? That it’s hard to leave? That they’re indebted in some way? Is the fantasy Victory at all or the idea that they are white knights for their women?
Because that’s a really common male fantasy, too, right? Being the savior of women. Being the problem solver and provider and hero. Alice must be unhappy because she works so hard. Wouldn’t she be happier in this perfect house with nothing to worry about but cooking and cleaning and gossip? Or is that just a story he tells her because HE wants dinner made for him and sex on the dining room table? Is it a story he tells himself, so he can have all of the above: the clean house and subservient wife and also the sacrifice of working for the dream and also the martyr complex that he is really helping her?
None of this is a defense of any of the men, by the way. I’m not saying oh poor guy his ego was crushed by losing his job and having a partner who’s better than him and so he has no choice but to totally strip her of her free will and autonomy. I just thought that it was a deeper exploration of what the injury is to both parties and what the cause of the injury is, what was exploited in the men, than I was expecting.
One thing I didn’t like, and it was largely the only thing, was Shelley killing Frank at the end, because it felt like it was a distraction from the ending, and brought confusion to the story. I don’t mind if stories leave questions unanswered, especially stories like this one that are more about the conceit than about answering all the specifics. But they need to have the confidence to know what they are about. What is the core narrative? That narrative should be resolved and questions pertaining to it should be answered. Everything else should be set aside. So, here, the narrative is Alice’s awakening and escape. We know what HER life is in realty, we know how she comes to learn the truth, and then at the end we have her daring escape. It’s interesting to speculate on, but unimportant to know, things like what happens to the bodies or how exactly the tech works or what was Margaret’s ultimate fate. Similarly, it’s unimportant to know what happens to Victory without Alice. Shelley killing Frank wasn’t necessary for Alice’s escape. He wasn’t chasing her and he wasn’t in control of his goons in any specific way. So killing him got me thinking about all of these other things, and expecting all of these other last minute plot points, that weren’t important to Alice’s story and that were just a distraction at that point: stuff like what happens to the bodies, where is Frank IRL, what is his relationship to Shelley, what does she know and what is her role in the simulation, why does she think he is a stupid man, what is she planning on doing with Victory, how long has she been planning or fantasizing about a takeover, etc., etc., etc.
But ultimately this is a small point. Overall, I didn’t mind, even liked, that many questions were left unanswered, including how exactly the simulation works, what Frank is like in real life, what the men do outside Victory, what promotions mean, how the women are ‘recruited,’ who Shelley really is, how the cracks in the façade happened for Alice, to what extent the hallucinations she experiences are accidents and to what extent they are planned (perhaps as a way to silence or scare her), and what happens to Victory after.
Another thing I’d need a rewatch to get coherent thoughts on is the question of kids: that Alice doesn’t have them but Jack suggests a child at a time when he is afraid that she is learning too much, that Frank mentions kids to Alice, that none of the kids are real, that losing a child is a method of control over Margaret, and so on. I suppose having a simulated child would bring Alice farther into the construct, give her a reason to stop poking around and want to stay—attachment to the child that seems real—and maybe it’s no more deep than that.
I also want to repeatedly watch the conversation with Frank and Alice. Obviously, it’s menacing. A part of me thinks he was just setting her up to watch her fall—encouraging her to make a grand gesture so that he could immediately shut it down and paint her as a lunatic, putting everyone on his side, making them defensive, and priming them to accept it when Alice “goes away for treatment” for her obvious illness. In other words, he never sees her as a threat, because he knows he’s in control of her entire environment, but he wants to hurry along her inevitable fall, and he does it by imbuing her with false confidence. But then another part wonders if some part of what he was saying to her was true—if he does want to be challenged. But to what end? And why from Alice—why not Shelley, who’s obviously not dumb?
Anyway, that's a lot of thoughts. I need to go back to work tomorrow, and I'm not prepared for this week.
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izzy-enjoyer · 2 years
Izzy hands NSFW alphabet (gnc reader)
18+ please!!!
inspired by @run-me-through-but-not-like-that ‘s sfw alphabet, definitely go follow them for some excellent izzy content!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
izzy is so soft and gentle with you after sex, he is such a puppydog - he would do anything for you. Water? you got it. A bath? he’s infiltrating the captains bathroom just to get you clean and comfy. Just a cuddle? say no more
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on him, he’s not so sure. he’s not unhappy with his body, he just never thought about what is particularly appealing about it. on you he’s especially partial to your thighs, and loves to leave little hickies on there too. if you have boobs he’ll be delighted to squish and rest upon them, if not he still loves your chest area, because it feels intimate to him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
my boy,,, he cums a lot. look, he’s been so touch starved for years, and he finds himself too prideful to jerk off too often. so when he’s with you and really let’s loose there’s a lot going on. it tastes slightly salty, but not unpleasant
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he loves to get pegged/get fucked in the ass. it’s happened with Ed a couple of times (not going to mention how toxic their relationship was, he’s way better off with you), and while at first he felt ashamed and emasculated, he very quickly found himself enjoying it a lot.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s had his fair share of sexual shenanigans when he was younger, but most of it was in his past. he certainly knows what he’s doing, but he’s a little rusty at first.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
anything where he can see your face and hold your hand. he’s a romantic at heart ok, he just loves you so much and can’t help but want to see all your expressions. he also does this to see if he’s “doing a good job”, he’s very adamant about pleasing you properly
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’s not goofy at all lol. the only time you MAY see this man goofy is when you both bitch together about your irritations and make fun of people you don’t like. but in bed? never. he’s either too busy pleasing you, or being completely lost in cloud 9 pathetically trying not to cum immediately
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
pirates don’t really take the time to shave down there, no one really did at that time. if you asked him too he might find it strange but would certainly do it if that’s what you wanted. on you he doesn’t mind at all, he’s not scared to go properly down on you regardless, nose buried deep in your pubes. he’s no coward after all
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he tries his best to be intimate, but it’s very hard for him to let go completely at first. the first time you got him in sub-space he was on the verge of crying the whole time, just so happy to have someone he can be unashamedly open with. so after that it’s always very intimate, like i said he likes holding your hand and being as physically close to you as possible.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
like i mentioned he doesn’t pleasure himself very often, if at all. only when he’s more desperate than usual. he thinks he’s above it, thinking it’s a thing for people with less willpower than him. once he starts pining for you though, he gives in a bit more frequently - he just can’t help himself when it’s you on his mind
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
anal (on him), humiliation (on him), praise (both), corruption kink (on you, if you’re not a pirate), being submissive. hair pulling (on him) !!
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
mostly his chambers, but if you tease him in a public place he won’t hesitate to beg you to jack him off right then and there.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
pretty much everything. this man is so touch starved and attention starved in general, that any positive attention gets him going. he’s ready whenever, as long as its ok with you and you’re not uncomfortable (consent king <3)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
not a lot tbh, but he doesn’t love degrading you in fear that you’ll think he’s serious and leave him. i think he doesn’t love inflicting pain on you in any way unless you explicitly ask for it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
this man was born to please, he loves sucking you off or eating you out, seemingly desperate to give you every ounce of pleasure he has to offer. he’s also been known to cum while going down on you, unable to resist your praise and pulling his hair
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
really depends. he loves it when you are fast and rough with him, but in the rare moments he tops he likes taking it slow, and really savor the moment with you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
prefers to be able to take his time with the act, but again, if you tease him in public you might just have to sneak away for a quickie
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s willing to experiment with you, but not super willing to take many risks. he might die on the spot if you ever got walked in on in the moment, so he prefers the safety of privacy
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
when he tops he can last pretty long, but when you dominate him he’s a goner. he can go for many rounds though, so the night is still long :))
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
wouldn’t mind toys being used on him, it kind of adds to his humiliation kink, but he prefers using his fingers or mouth on you as opposed to toys.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
if you catch him in a rare confident mood sexually, he might tease you. he also teases a bit during foreplay, but that’s mostly brattiness as he expects you to take over at any moment. mostly though, he’s too impatient and wants the pleasure just as bad as you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
gets pretty loud, the rest of the crew definitely knows what you’re up to. makes the most beautiful pathetic little moans, and grunts when he tries to hold back the embarrassing sounds
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Izzy expects himself at first to be controlling and dominant, but the second you just look at him or god forbid - smile at him, he just melts. he would do anything for you, so eager to please. he’s had some bad experiences with this before (namely with blackbeard), so you’ll have to guide him into the ropes of a healthy relationship. he’s forever grateful when you do though. ((i have so many izzy thoughts UGH))
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
pretty average length, but thicker than usual. he knows how to use it if you let him, and especially loves when you take it to the hilt, cock warming him until he can’t stand it anymore
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he’s not crazy horny all the time, but he definitely yearns for you. he yearns for you in every way imaginable, and while his sex drive isn’t the absolute highest it doesn’t take him very long to get into the mood
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
not really. he’s so in awe of you, after you sleep with him he’s like a lost puppy and just wants to be as close to you as possible. he stares at you with so much love in his eyes, even after you’ve fallen asleep. loves watching you sleep actually, it’s one of the main reasons he doesn’t fall asleep immediately
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cloudystevie · 4 years
red, white, blue’s in the sky, summer’s in the air, baby heaven’s in your eyes
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pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 2,540
summary: sunday’s are for football games and attention
warnings: dom/sub, daddy kink, heavy degradation, thigh riding, ignoring kink (?), fingering, asphyxiation, teasing, orgasm denial, poorly written aftercare and ending because i dont know how to end stuff
author’s note: i hope you enjoy this after more than a month of not writing anything lol. fair warning its kinda messy and all over the place. let me know your thoughts and dont share my work anywhere or ill have someone steal your toes <3
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It was Sunday evening, meaning Chris had called the flatscreen in the living room for his football game. Now you didn’t know the first, last or anything in between about football. The sole purpose behind you sitting on the couch across from him was so you could get a front seat view of him getting all riled up over the events of the game. The way his jaw clenched and hand tightened around his beer bottle, and you couldn’t help but picture it being your neck instead. Or the way his biceps bulged against his ridiculously tight merchandise and thighs spread out in gray sweats, emphasizing his bulge that he would occasionally adjust with his thick fingers that were buried in your cunt earlier that afternoon-
He can feel your hungry gaze on him, he knows what he does to you and he tries to suppress a smirk when your thighs rub together to quell the ache that was no doubt rapidly growing.
He startles you when he speaks, “you’re missing the game sweetheart.” Lips curling upwards from behind the beer bottle he was currently drinking out of, and when you take too long to respond, still completely dumbstruck, he chuckles and pats his thigh and you mindlessly get up and walk towards him. He leans back on the couch and he looks every bit of pure sex appeal that you have ever seen. His sweatpants hang low on his hips, his tight Patriots shirt clinging to his wide chest and defined torso making your stomach wild with butterflies and he can see where your mind is at behind your glassy eyes, he knows you better than anyone else. And yet-
“What’s been going on in that pretty head of yours honey?”
His voice is gravelly and it reaches your core, making you stifle a whimper. In all honesty you aren’t usually this sensitive to Chris and you don’t know what has gotten into you and why you are unable to form a single coherent thought. You take your rightful seat on his inviting lap and he feels the heat from your bare lower half roll onto his thigh. Though he says nothing yet, deciding to draw out his teasing for a little while longer.
His hand rubs up and down your back in slow strokes, his touch makes your skin erupt with goosebumps and he notices the effect he has, the way you close your eyes and shivers run up your spine and you absentmindedly begin grinding against his thigh. Your head falls into his chest as your hips continue grinding and he smiles when he hears soft whimpers pull from your throat.
“Is this what you needed? That dumb pussy needed attention?” His words are condescending and they make heat bloom in your stomach, you whine loudly and fist his shirt and he grabs your face, squishing your cheeks together and making you face him.
The intensity and dominance in his stare makes you slip further into a mindless space where all you can think about is him. “When I ask you a question, what do we say? We say yes daddy. Now, let me ask you again. Does your stupid cunt need Daddy? Is that why you’re so dumb for me?”
Tears prick your eyes and you jut your bottom lip out, “yes daddy please!”
“Please what?”
“Please make it feel better!” You try to move your hips against the hold he has on them and he smirks at your desperation. This is his favourite part, rendering you to a pool of arousal and need and then declining you from reaching that peak.
“Daddy’s watching the game, shush.” He dismisses you suddenly and it makes you whine because you thought he would finally help you out how you needed him to. You’re about to begin your begging when he covers the bottom half of your face with his large palm, “I don’t wanna hear it. You wanna cum, you do it yourself, you don’t need Daddy’s help with everything like a stupid girl do you?”
You bury your face into his chest and sob out of frustration, your panties are sticking uncomfortably to your pussy and you’re sure you’re leaving a wet spot on his sweats with how aroused you are.
You rub yourself on his thigh until you find a steady pacing and position, his shirt balled up in your hands as he continues to ignore you riding his thigh sporadically. He lazily sips his beer, scrolling through his twitter feed and responding to texts occasionally but still not paying any mind to you.
You did everything in your power to grab his attention, you whined loudly but that only got you a sharp glare and warning, you grinded slow and rubbed your knee against his bulge which surprisingly also gave you nothing. It made you want to scream with anger.
You whimpered, your clit catching on your panties and dragging against the material of his sweats in a way it hadn’t before and your body tenses up at the new sensation flooding your veins. You close your eyes and bite your lip, trying to rub over that spot again and your hole clenching immediately when you do. You continue rubbing yourself like that and now Chris knows you’re nearing your peak. He smirks to himself and lets you get your pleasure for now. He’ll let you think you’re going to cum and then take it away from you so you can squirm and cry some more. Now you are unable to hold your cries in, your legs shaking as you near your peak and you gasp out his title as you’re about to fall over the edge, you can already see the stars and your mind going fuzzy-
He pulls you off his thigh and it takes you a moment to register the orgasm that was touching the tips of your fingers that was baited to you and now stolen abruptly. You bite your lip and rub your swollen core with your thighs as you tug on his shirt, tears staining your cheeks. “No fair! You didn’t- That-”
He shuts you up with a calculated swat to your thigh, it makes you quiet up immediately but the tears and an unsatisfied pout remains on your scrunched up face.
“I never said I would let you cum, stop whining. I can’t hear the game. One more interruption from you and I’ll tie you up the bed and leave you there with a toy shoved up your tight pussy all night. Understand?”
You mumble out an obedient yes daddy and lay your head on his chest, trying to ignore the throbbing need in your cunt with tears streaming down your face. Chris knows how sensitive you are, he knows that a simple touch from him would make you come undone which is why he has so much fun with this. Truth be told, the game is at the back of Chris’ mind, all he can think about is teasing you some more. Maybe this time he’ll use his fingers-
He does exactly that.
Trailing his fingers up your bare thighs as your legs continue to twitch pathetically so. He plays with the hem of your oversized t-shirt, thick fingers flicking the soft material upwards and chuckling when you jolt upwards and gasp sharply as he explores your wetness, spreading it around.
You look at him through wet lashes, whispering his title in question and he continues to ignore you, pushing the tip of one of his thick fingers into your tight hole and you squeal loudly, unable to help yourself as you finally get your crying cunt filled. You moan directly into Chris’ ear when he pushes his finger inside you and begins pumping. This is the first time in this whole ordeal he showed that he was actually paying attention to you since he was unable to stop the groan that pulled from his chest at the wrecked noise.
“Daddy ‘m gonna cum please!”
He scoffs, “already? I’ve barely touched you.”
“Please daddy please let me cum!” You sob, pushing your hips back against now two of his thick fingers massaging your walls.
Chris took pity on your squirming body, chest heaving and legs twitching against his. He sighs as his thumb finds your clit. “Tell you what princess, if we win the game, I’ll fuck your little cunt so hard just how you want me to, but if we lose Daddy gets to decide whether you cum or not and I’m not gonna feel very generous if we lose.” He negotiated with you, though it’s not much of a negotiation because you know you have no say in what he decides.
“Okay daddy.”
And now you place all your hopes on his team winning. You spare a glance at the TV to get a look at the scoreboard and your heart clenches when his team is behind a few points. Maybe he did this on purpose, he knew his team would lose so he proposed the idea.
He continues fucking you with his fingers, your cunt clenching around them and trying to cling onto the relief he was giving you. You dig your fingers into the thick muscle of his bicep, more slick pooling out of your pussy with every thrust in as you try to muffle your moans.
He curses under his breath when his team scores again and you crane your neck uncomfortably to the large flatscreen TV, which is when Chris manhandles you so you’re sitting upright in his lap and his fingers reach even deeper inside of you. You yelp immediately as your legs tense up, you could barely handle it when you were leaning on him for support, you had no clue how you would handle it now.
“Keep your eyes on the fuckin’ screen.” He demands and you comply immediately, looking at the screen as he adds another finger to your core making you scream into the room. You whine, “daddy please, I need-”
He cuts you off with a hand around your throat, making you clamp down pathetically against his fingers. “What did I tell you about talking?”
“T-to not do it.” Your voice breaks and hands wrap around his wrist in a plea.
“Then shut the fuck up princess.” He growls meanly and a fresh wave of arousal pangs your body and tears cloud your vision and your mind is going foggy so you can barely see what’s happening on the screen while three of his fingers thrust into your desperate core-
It’s when the screen erupts into blurry red, white’s and blue’s and chanting of the Patriots you’re thanking the stars that he would finally fuck you the way you wanted him to.
His fingers come to a halt inside of you and press up right against your spot and you’re unable to hold yourself back as your creaming pussy clamps down tight around his fingers, eyes rolling back into your head as you convulse around him, bucking your hips wildly.
Chris can’t tear his eyes away from you, he can’t even find it in himself to be mad because you looked so fucking sexy when you lost control of your body like that, your desire overpowering your articulation.
His cock twitches in his jeans.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, growling when you continue to ride out your orgasm until you can’t hold yourself up anymore and fall against his chest. He coos at you, rubbing your back and slowing the pumping of his fingers.
He lays you down on the couch and your mind is so foggy you barely register it, legs twitching and hole quivering, desperate to be filled. You hold your hands out and make grabby hands for Chris and shushes you, pulling his pants down and impaling you on his cock in one motion and your back arches off the couch.
His hands hold onto your hips as he leans down to connect his lips to yours, hissing into your mouth as your tight heat stretches around him. “I know, no need for you to think, dumb babies like you are made to take cock.” He degrades you, and your boyfriend calling you these things shouldn’t make your back arch but they do, and you want more of it.
He pounds into you, skin slapping against skin and his cock repeatedly hitting your sweet spot making you scream. Chris seems to get bored of the position and moves himself so his feet are on the ground and he flips you over, pressing your face into the couch pillows and grabbing your arms and locking them in place behind your back. He roughly shoves himself inside of your cunt and the new position makes him go all the more deeper. You were completely at his mercy and this was exactly what you had been craving. And Chris knew that.
“This is what you wanted isn’t it? For daddy to pound this tight pussy. Whose pussy is this?” He punctuates his question with a spank to your ass and you scream out at the sting, clenching around him.
“Your pussy daddy.” You whimper, meek and broken.
“Louder, fucking louder.” He demands.
You’re unable to make your voice any louder and Chris knows this, and it makes him fuck you even harder. His cock pumping into you with more ferocity than before as he snakes his free hand around your body to rub your sensitive clit. You clamp down immediately and he hisses, moving his hand that was holding both of your wrists together up to the back of your neck and pulling you upwards so your back was to his chest as he wrapped his bicep around your neck. Your mouth drops open in a silent moan and Chris grunts directly into your ear.
“That’s right, all you can do is take daddy’s dick. Poor baby doesn’t have any other choice.”
Your chest begins to rise and fall quicker, your slick pooling down your thighs and coating Chris’ abdomen and the couch as you begin to fall over the edge, body buzzing.
“Daddy ‘m cumming!” You scream, and Chris smiles against your neck, “do it then slut, make a mess on Daddy’s dick.”
You do exactly that, clutching his bicep as he tightens it around your neck, restricting your airflow and making your mind dizzy. You don’t know how long you orgasm for until Chris is pumping you full of his cum too, burying his face in your neck and biting down with a strangled groan of your name. And your sloppy cunt greedily takes all of him.
Whining when he pulls away and he chuckles, gathering you in his arms and carrying you upstairs. You wait patiently while he starts a bath for the two of you, allowing him to fully undress you and himself and wiping your core with a warm wet rag with soft kisses placed over the skin he may have bruised. He takes you both into the bath and you lay against his chest, already dozing in and out of consciousness.
“Go to sleep sweetheart, I’ll always be here to take care of you.”
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tags: @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @hermayone @donutloverxo @sambucky8 @tvckerlance @ilovemarvel-andcats @aikeia @chuckbass-love @littlegasps @chris-butt @rat-420 @brattycherubwrites @captainsdolly @psych0crybaby @evansislife @unknownmystery22 @rebloggingeverything @zaddychris @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @flovds @stardust-galaxies @starstruckpersonearthquake @kleohoneyao3 @pspice639
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lacheri · 3 years
follow me
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I do not consent or allow this to be posted on Tik Tok, or any other social media
pairing: switch!Eren and switch!fem bodied reader
content: college au, OnlyFans/sex work, masturbation (m), praise kink, oral (f and m receiving), squirting, penetrative sex, drug and alcohol use, classic college party, Eren is down horrendously bad, I believe in long haired Eren supremacy, minors DNI
summary: when jean finally convinces eren to crawl out from under his rock to join society on instagram, he finds there’s a whole lot more than just pictures of food. there’s you.
wc: 15.4k (I know it’s a long one, hope you enjoy tho)
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Eren Jaeger had recently found himself in a very, very deep hole. It all started innocently, when one of his best friends Jean had convinced Eren to crawl out of his hole and create an Instagram to join society.
“C’mon Eren,” Jean had teased over a week ago as they studied out on the lawn of their school. “You have no idea what you’re missing out on. No one even uses Facebook anymore, it’s all for moms who want to brag about little Timmy’s genius for figuring out one plus one equals two.”
“What do you even do on Instagram?” Eren’s brows knitted together in confusion, Jean whipping his phone out to show Eren exactly how to use it.
“You post pictures,” Jean navigated to his profile, tapping and sliding down to show Eren all of Jean’s shameless selfies.
“Of just yourself?” he breathed, not comprehending the appeal at all. Don’t people look at his face enough?
“Well, you can post anything you want, that’s the beauty of it. Plus, when you’re not doing that, you get to see and like other people’s pictures.”
“But it says here you follow, 1,536 accounts? And you have 5,000 following you back?” Eren asked incredulously, surprised about how popular his friend’s online persona was. “How do you even know that many people?”
“You don’t,” Jean shrugged, making a few taps to his home page as posts began to load up. “Celebrities have Instagram, our friends have Instagram, fuck, every attractive person on the entire planet has one.”
“How do you even find these people?” Eren’s questioning never seemed to end, the concept out of his comprehension. Facebook was one thing, he personally knew every single one of his friends and family there, and honestly he really enjoyed people just talking about their day to day ordeals.
That’s when Jean forced Eren to hand his phone over and download the app. Jean snapped a quick picture of Eren, to which Eren had no reaction time to. Before he could protest, Jean had already uploaded the candid with some random song lyrics as the caption. To be honest with himself, Eren had to admit that Jean had taken a very flattering picture. He had his knee brought to his chest while his arm dangled over, back slumped and relaxed while he sat on the blanket they had set down before lounging there, hair in his signature sloppy man bun. It was mid day, so all the shadows casted behind his body as the sun’s rays illuminated every high point and contrast of his stoic face.
After a few follow backs from his friends, Armin and Mikasa, he had accumulated a few dozen likes, and Eren couldn’t help the feelings of instant gratifications wash over him, “Okay? So, now what?”
“Now,” Jean began to instruct him, putting the phone back in Eren’s hands after showing him the basics of social media. “Go to my page, and start following whoever you want from my following list. There’s some really hot girls.”
And when Eren laid in his dorm bed that night by himself, he did just that. He really didn’t want to give Jean the satisfaction of showing him who he followed, or why he decided to. His finger scrolled and scrolled through the following list on Jean’s Instagram, hitting the follow button on a few bands he really enjoyed. But then, his hand stopped at one username in particular. The avatar showed a pretty girl, smiling brightly into the camera, sun’s golden rays blooming behind her hair.
Eren tapped on the username, and the first thing he took note of was the bio. ‘Connoisseur of mimosas and rock and roll’, he had to smirk at that, what a simple sentence to sum yourself up with. His eyes flickered to the link in her bio, titled, OnlyFans. He titled his head, Jean hadn’t mentioned what OnlyFans was? Did everyone have an OnlyFans too, like Instagram? He tapped on the highlighted link to be met with a page of prices. What the fuck was so exclusive about it that he had to pay ten dollars for a single picture? As he scrolled down a bit more, he noticed the pricing rising to the final payment cost.
“200 dollars for a personal Snapchat and to talk to me every day?” he read aloud, mouth open in disgust. “What the fuck is this?”
He hit the done option in the upper left corner, returning to the Instagram page in question. He tapped on the first photo, the girl’s back facing the camera, completely bare as her hair trickled down the center. She was sitting in a pretty pink bath, floating flowers all around, staring out a window, captioned, ‘wishing you were here’. His gaze lingered on the dips of her waist, before scrolling down to see the girl in some more clothing. This one was a much prettier picture, glasses set on the brim of her nose while she sat comfortably at a wooden table in a library. She stared directly into the camera, a pretty smile on her face while her hands sat perched under her chin. Some books were open on the table, and Eren took note of the quilted skirt peeking out from the under the bottom, her knees tightly crossed. ‘finals week is going to be the death of me, thank the universe for coffee’.
Eren back tracked out of the photo after double tapping, trying to drink in a comprehensive idea of what exactly people were paying so much money to see. He scrolled, and landed on his answer. The girl sat on a stool, phone angled in the mirror to take in her frame, wearing nothing but black lingerie and heels with a smirk on her face, the caption simply, ‘follow me on OnlyFans, link in bio’.
‘Hey Jean, what’s OnlyFans?’ Eren typed a quick text to his now mentor, patiently waiting as three bubbles appeared from his friend’s end.
‘Lol I see what you’re using Instagram for now, Jaeger’, was Jean’s only reply, and Eren could feel himself getting frustrated. Before he could type back an angry text, those bubbles popped up once again. ‘It’s basically porn, you pay for people’s pictures and videos’.
‘Why would someone want to do that? It’s free almost everywhere else’.
‘Because, young grasshopper, girls are hot and I’m trynna see some titties’.
Eren rolled his eyes at his friend’s stupidity. Deducing that Jean was obviously one of these paying customers, Eren felt a little more secure in himself as he tapped the follow button on the girl’s page. What he wasn’t expecting though was a notification informing him she had followed back, followed quickly by another one liking his only post. Eren couldn’t hold back a blush, heart thumping in his chest. Did this girl think he was good looking?
The thought didn’t sit for long as yet another notification popped up, this time a comment. The girl had simply put a heart eyed emoji, followed by a fire emoji. Eren retreated in haste back to her profile, analyzing every picture and caption.
That had been a month ago, and now Eren had a full blown addiction to the website, more specifically her Instagram. Eren was even paying for her OnlyFans now, making excuses that the money he spent would be used for coffees and lunches anyhow, and he really had to nip his caffeine addiction in the butt so he might as well spend his cash on her.
She had just posted a photoset, one of many on her page, completely naked aside from a gold necklace adorned on her neck, a simple initial of ‘E’ rested prettily on her collarbone. It was like she knew Eren was devouring her social medias on a daily basis. It was all for him, Eren had concluded. There was no coincidence that she had followed and liked his own page, it was all fate and meant to be. Eren had figured out how to DM someone, thanks to Jean showing him how to during one of their classes, and he had taken full advantage of the girl’s inbox. Unfortunately with no reply or read receipt to even prove she had received his messages, introducing himself and showering the girl with compliments. Oh, Eren was down bad. He even brought himself to pay out the $50 tier on her OnlyFans for the month, tired of entering his card information for every daily post.
His dick twitched hard as he drank in her form, curvaceous and beautiful and feminine. It wasn’t even like he just wanted to fuck her either, if he needed relief like that he’d just hit up one of the handful of girls he had saved in his contacts. Eren Jaeger wanted to take this girl out on a fucking date. They had so much in common, they were practically soulmates. She liked and followed all the same bands Eren did, posted on her stories all about her favorite foods and her zodiac sign. While he didn’t really believe in that shit, his Google search history of checking if Aries was compatible spoke to something completely different.
And then Eren began noticing something. How the library she frequently posted pictures in was the same library on campus. All the restaurants she went to were in an hour radius of him, half of them being his usual hangout spots. She lived locally, which thoroughly surprised him. Had he seen her around before? No, definitely not, he would’ve definitely remembered her pretty face. None of the girls that he knew looked like her, and if Eren didn’t know what a woman’s body felt like, he would’ve sworn her body was made of plastic.
Eren was practically an expert at Instagram now, and had plenty of opportunities to follow other beautiful women, but he chose not to. He felt guilty one night as he maneuvered through another pretty girl’s pictures, quickly retreating back to the comfort of his favorite girl’s instead. This was one of the reasons Eren had fought getting online for so long, whenever he found something he liked, he got obsessive.
His attention was drawn back to her naked photos, and he slipped his hand under the fabric of his sweatpants as he began to fuck his fist to her pretty image. All for him, he panted as he imagined what she would look like in front of him, beautiful and begging for his touch.
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“Thank you so much,” you smiled graciously at the Starbucks employee in front of you, taking your large iced coffee from his hands.
“No problem, have a great day!”
You tossed your hair behind your shoulder as you turned around, the smile still vibrant on your face. Today was a good day, you decided almost as soon as you woke up. After studying for finals for nearly two weeks straight, you finally had a day off to enjoy yourself. Your best friend, Sasha, had convinced you to go on a small shopping day with her. You eagerly agreed that morning, toothbrush forgotten in between your teeth as your fingers rapidly tapped away to schedule a time. You were running out of sexy outfits for your OnlyFans content, and frankly, you really need some new summer clothes. Spring was drawing to a close, and you couldn’t just wear hoodies and leggings all year round, no matter how much you wanted to.
The mall was about two blocks away from the Starbucks, and as you chugged down your coffee, you slid your phone out of your back pocket of your jeans to see multiple notifications from Instagram. Just more people liking your posts, and some DMs, but you just rolled your eyes. You got tired of explaining on your stories that they were broken, and Instagram had no intent on trying to adjust it so you’d be able to view your messages and reply. You sighed, slipping it back into your pocket as you made your way through the entrance of the shopping mall.
Sasha was seated at a table in the cafeteria near the entrance you had just walked through. She jumped out of her seat, a wide smile on her lips as she strutted up to your form.
“You ate without me?” you pouted, smelling the leftover scent of pizza wash over you.
“Yeah, but don’t worry, I’m still hungry,” Sasha waved her hand. This girl had the fastest metabolism of a person you had ever met, so her statement didn’t really phase you.
“Okay, so, before I spend all my money and forget, we have to go to the lingerie shop,” you stated, stomping your way to the escalators.
“I’m guessing your OnlyFans is doing good?” she asked, knowing just how expensive this certain store was as she lingered behind you.
“Dude, you literally wouldn’t believe it,” you sighed dreamily. “If I had known how much money I’d be making, I would’ve done it way sooner. You should seriously consider making your own.”
“Nah, I’ll just let you have the spotlight on this one,” she snickered as the both of you stepped on the moving staircase. “Are they all creepy old men?”
“No, surprisingly, there’s a few people I have classes with that follow me,” you gossiped. “You know Jean from economics?”
Sasha nodded, eyes widening, “No fucking way, he’s my friend! I’m not that surprised though, he’s always talking to girls and asking for their Instagrams.”
“He’s never even talked to me, right? But he buys every single post I put out! Which is crazy, considering it’d just be cheaper for him to buy the subscription,” you shrugged, stepping off the escalator and walking shortly afterwards into the lingerie store. “That’s what most my viewers do, anyways.”
“Seen anyone else interesting?” Sasha hummed, eyeing the various garments surrounding her in intrigue.
Your eyes honed in on a strappy bright red one piece, “Just a few of his friends, I think. One of them is pretty cute, actually, but he’s only got one picture up.”
“You talking about Eren?”
You nodded, eyes lighting up, “Yeah, do you know him? I’ve never seen him around campus before.”
Sasha was beginning to plot, “Yeah he usually hangs out with Armin and Mikasa, but he goes to a lot of house parties. You know, actually, I think Jean is throwing one soon. He rented a cabin for after finals, you should come!”
“Won’t that be weird?” you scrunched your face, picking up the red one piece and moving onto the next garment that caught your eye. “Like I said, I’ve never even talked to him.”
“Yeah but you know Mikasa and me,” she raised her thumb towards herself. “Eren will be there too.”
“All I said was that I thought he was cute, Sasha,” you laughed her off. “But I’ll think about it. Text me the details and I’ll let you know if I’m free.”
“Something tells me Jean would be very happy to see you there,” Sasha chuckled, you giggling in response to her suggestive comment. The two of you picked through the selection of skimpy clothing, taking it up the cashier to check out.
You walked out of the store together, giggling over small banter. Your trip to the mall was quick after that, and in the end you held a grip full of medium sized paper bags, walking outside the mall with Sasha.
“Oh, hey!” Sasha suddenly quipped, placing her bags on the sidewalk, pulling her phone out of her crossbody bag. “We should take a picture!”
“Sasha I’m not even wearing lipstick,” you half heartedly complained, getting ready to pose next to your best friend.
“Literally, you’re so fucking hot,” she deadpanned, turning her head to look you directly in the eyes. “Shut up and get in, bitch.”
You threw your head back in laughter, leaning in on the left side of her frame, pushing your hair framing your face behind your ear. You smiled widely while Sasha did the same, hearing a soft click of her phone, indicating the photo was taken. Your phone vibrated in your pocket, bringing it out to see a notification stating she had posted it to her story. You’d repost it to your story later after you grabbed food, you decided, the conversation turning to the topic of where the two of you would eat before heading back to your apartment to get drunk in celebration of your semesters ending.
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Eren and his two friends sat crowded in Jean’s dorm room bathroom, passing around a blunt. He could hear Connie coughing harshly as it was passed to Eren, the boy taking a deep drag of the backwoods cigarillo. Exhaling slowly, Eren brought his phone out of his hoodie pocket to open it up to change the song playing, his phone instantly opening to Instagram.
Distracted now by his favorite obsession, he glanced at the stories section, her name front in the line, glowing in that now familiar pink and purple circle. Eren couldn’t have tapped faster, and when he did, his mouth hung open.
“Yo,” Eren spoke loudly, shoving his phone in Jean and Connie’s faces. “Sasha knows this girl?”
“Yeah, they’re like best friends,” Connie quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t know her?”
“No, I just saw we had mutual friends,” Eren’s eyebrows knitted together. “How come we’ve never hung out with her before?”
“I don’t know actually,” Jean said, exhaling the blunt after it was passed to him from Eren’s fingertips. “I had a class with her this semester, she seems nice.”
“You’re only saying that because she’s hot,” Connie chuckled. “I bet you’ve never even talked to the girl.”
Jean’s face ignited in a fierce blush as he found interest in the ceiling tiles, “Shut up. It’s harder to talk to girls than it looks. You should know that, Connie.”
“Hey! I talk to girls!” Connie leaned up from his seated position on the floor.
“Idiots,” Eren sighed, rolling his eyes. “Neither of you have any game.”
“Not all of us are as gifted as you are, Eren,” Connie protested, a smirk spreading across his lips. “You could talk to a fucking mouse and it’d figure out someway to talk back.”
Eren rolled his eyes again, harder this time, “You just talk to girls like they’re human beings, it’s not that fucking hard.”
“Oh yeah? Betcha’ won’t be saying that whenever you see that girl around,” Jean teased, finally passing the blunt to Connie in the rotation, Connie muttering something about hogging it.
Eren shifted uncomfortably on the closed toilet seat, “Whatever, Jean.”
“Speak of the fucking devil!” Jean shouted, scaring the very high pair of boys at the suddenness. “Sasha just texted me asking if she can bring her this weekend to the cabin!”
Eren’s heart erupted into a flutter of uneven beats, his face heating up. This girl he had been drooling over was going to be at a party, with him? He suddenly felt like a teenager, the idea of seeing his precious addiction face to face giving him full blown anxiety.
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Soft thuds of the bass of the stereo filled the room, catchy pop music drawing Eren out of his stupor to gaze hastily around the room, searching.
“What’s up with you tonight?” Armin had asked him, drawing his attention away once again. “It’s been an hour since the party started and you’ve barely drunk anything.”
Taking note of the full red solo cup in his hand, flickering his gaze between the liquid and his best friend, Eren shrugged and tipped the rim back in his lips, opening his throat and taking large gulps until the cup was empty. “Happy?”
Armin laughed loudly, although only having two strong drinks, his best friend was beginning to feel the numbness of intoxication, “You’re really out of it tonight, everything alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine, just waiting for the smoke sesh so I’m not cross faded,” Eren smirked, lying easily. “Last time I got too drunk and decided to rip Jean’s bong, I woke up in some random front yard with one shoe on.”
Armin shook his head in disbelief, “You really need to start making better life choices, Eren.”
Eren shook the empty solo cup in front of his friend, “I’m trying here.”
Truthfully, the reason Eren wasn’t halfway to getting shit faced was because he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of the girl of his dreams. She still hadn’t shown up yet, and Eren was getting anxious that she wasn’t going to show. Sasha and Mikasa hadn’t shown up yet either, which gave him a resemblance of hope that the three of you were together, and on your way currently to the party. His heart thudded heavily in his ribcage as he heard the jingle of the front door turn, and his attention was fully concentrated on the door frame ahead of him. His jaw dropped at the sight, his breath caught in his throat.
You asked Sasha earlier that day what you should wear to the party, and Sasha had just waved and told you whatever you felt looked the best. Not exactly helpful, you had just decided on black ripped jeans and a low cut shirt, paired with your favorite leather jacket and trusty Vans. You felt incredibly undressed as Sasha drove to Mikasa’s house, watching her modelesque frame saunter out her front door towards the back car doors.
“Mikasa, you could make a paper bag look hot,” you showered her with appreciation, her face blushing in response as she tugged her long sleeved body con dress towards her knees. “Fuck, should I have worn a dress? How nice is everyone else dressed?”
Sasha couldn’t have given two fucks about how she dressed in front of her friends, adorned in blue skinny jeans and a causal crop top, although her face was beat to the Gods, “Shut the fuck up, you’re one to talk about making paper bags look good. Besides, knowing the boys they probably made minimal effort, probably all wearing sweatpants.”
The three of you snickered at this, and Sasha pushed the car into drive and set out on your 45 minute journey into the mountains. Nerves hadn’t set in until you were face to face with the cabin door, nervous that the girls’ friends weren’t going to like you. Putting a brave face on, Mikasa grasped the door knob and pushed it open, the three of you gliding in.
Eren honestly had wanted to drop down to his knees and kiss the ground you walked on. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Your eyes were searching, for what neither of you knew, until your eyes had finally landed on him. You smiled politely, moving your hand up in a quick wave to both him and Armin.
Eren couldn’t fathom moving any single part of his body, so awestruck by you. Jean shook Eren out of his dumbstricken state with a hard pat to his shoulder, “Why don’t you go introduce yourself, Eren?”
“Fuck off, horse face,” Eren spat, trying to will himself to either make strides towards you or to break his gaze, neither working. “Why don’t you?”
“I’d love to,” he smiled wickedly, inspired by liquid courage to lock arms with Eren and force him closer to the trio of girls that had finally made their appearance. Armin followed behind, Connie emerging out of the bathroom to give his hello’s to his best friend Sasha and company.
Eren could hear his heart beat in his ears as he stopped right in front of you, forcing his mouth closed in a tight lipped grimace. He felt like a fucking teenager with a crush.
“Hi,” you introduced yourself, smiling widely. “It’s so nice to finally meet you guys!”
“Nice to meet you too!” Armin spoke up, oblivious to his friends’ reaction to the fresh pretty face of yours.
Jean and Connie wouldn’t admit it, but they were feeling their own nervousness. Jean’s out of guilt as he scanned your body top to bottom, Connie’s natural shyness kicking in due to the newcomer. Both were able to overcome it though, and offer up their own introductions. Your eyes landed on Eren once again, tilting your head, waiting for his intro.
“I’m Eren,” he swallowed. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” you looked down, smiling softly. You raised your hand then, looking up at the boys in front of you, revealing a handle of vodka. “I brought a gift with me too!”
“My kinda girl!” Jean spoke just a bit too enthusiastically. “Shots, shots, shots!”
Connie pumped his fist, chiming in, the rest of the party joining as well as the crowd made their way into the kitchen. Eren purposely hung back, trying to keep as close to you as possible.
“You happen to bring any chasers with you?” he had leaned in, tickling the side of your head with his breath.
“No, I totally forgot,” you sheepishly admitted.
“Looks like we’re all gonna get plastered then,” he chuckled smoothly, sending goosebumps down your body.
“Is it really a party then if at least one person doesn’t have their head in a toilet?” you had easily quipped back, feeling more comfortable now that the introductions were out of the way.
Eren hummed in half hearted agreement, feeling slightly more relaxed himself. Besides, his attention was being grasped by the plastic shot glass being shoved in his hand, as well as your dainty one. The group held up the shot glasses, a few phone cameras capturing the moment to post on their stories, and you all swung your heads back to allow the bitter liquid to trickle down your throats. Eren made a mild face, taking a stolen glance at your own to see your grimace, sticking your tongue out in disbelief at the taste.
Another hour had passed by, and Eren was running out of reasons to follow you around the cabin as you shifted between conversations to get to know the group of friends better. You hadn’t really noticed him trailing behind you, nor did you really care because you were very quickly warming up to Eren. It also didn’t hurt that he looked exceptionally better in person. His hair was lazily swung into a half top bun, wearing a couple of gold chains with his white tee tightly hugging his torso, tucked seamlessly into black ripped jeans displaying his muscular knee caps. Eren was definitely a looker, you shifted your gaze up to his face as he made some witty comment to Sasha, his eyes flickering to your face to catch your reaction.
“Oh my god, there was this one time,” Sasha spoke your name. “She had gotten so high during last year’s spring break, and the two of us and Mikasa came up with the brilliant idea of becoming one with nature. So, naturally, we ran to Walmart and bought this tent on clearance. Turns out it was made for kids, so none of us actually fit inside when we got back to Mikasa’s house. Mikasa and I curled up in a ball, surrounded by snacks, and this smart girl over here decided it was the best choice to just lay out on the lawn and pass out.”
“I wanted to watch the sun rise!” you laughed, trying to quickly explain yourself to Eren’s amused smirk. “And the grass was just so nice that night!”
“The grass was basically straw,” Sasha countered teasingly. “Twenty degrees outside, absolutely freezing. She was MIA for like a week afterwards with a cold.”
You shrugged carelessly, “Worth it.”
Now the two of you had sleeping on lawns in common? Eren scoffed inwardly. Yup, it was official, you were his soulmate. Still though, the topic of why you were so casual in person while your naked pictures existed online tickled his thoughts. He was hoping that somehow it’d get brought up naturally in conversation, saving himself the embarrassment if you were to get offended by his questioning. So far it seemed you liked him, not having said a word about him trailing after you like a lost puppy. Jean had been sending him knowing looks all night, Connie shooting two thumbs up at Eren while Armin looked on in confusion.
Mikasa had strolled out of the bathroom finally, joining the trio who stood casually in the living room, simply stating, “I’m starving. You guys think they deliver pizza out here?”
Sasha’s eyes widened in excitement, “I don’t care if it takes an hour to get here. We’re ordering right now.”
Already ahead of the two, your phone was pulled out in your hands to open up the Dominoes app, punching in the location of the party and placing the order online. Eren watched this all, peering over your hands to see the total.
“Guys, we should chip in,” Eren called out, grabbing the boys’ attention. “We’re ordering pizza.”
“No, no!” you protested, confirming the order. “It’s really fine, my treat.”
“But that’s really expensive,” he frowned, the group all joined together in the living room.
“Don’t worry, she’s got that OnlyFans money,” Sasha waved off Eren’s concern.
“OnlyFans?” Armin questioned, darting his eyes in between Sasha and you. “What’s that?”
Jean hid his blushing cheeks and your eyes flickered to him, then back to Armin, “I sell naked pictures online.”
“So what, a bunch of old guys give you money?” Armin had asked innocently, not judgemental in the slightest.
You giggled, relieved he wasn’t asking in a demeaning manner, “Actually, you’d be really surprised about who you know follows me. There’s a lot of people from school.”
Eren’s blood ran cold as he felt a sudden onset of embarrassment. Did that mean you had known this entire time Eren was one of these followers? If you did, you didn’t let on to it, smiling shyly as the questions ended. Eren hadn’t been done with the conversation, but pride from exposing himself in front of his friends kept his mouth shut.
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It was around one in the morning when the party was at its peak. Sasha was being held up by her legs by Connie as she did a keg stand, you and the group cheering the girl on in your own drunken hazes. She tapped the large can, indicating she was finished, Connie settling her down on solid ground as she belched loudly.
“That was fucking awesome, Sasha!” you giggled, throwing your arms up and around her. You were definitely feeling the shots you had been feeding yourself all night, holding your red solo cup high above the girl so it wouldn’t slosh on her.
“You should totally try it!” she encouraged devilishly.
You pouted then, taking a moment to consider, “I’ve never done a keg stand before, what if I can’t do it?”
“I’ll help you!” Eren all but pounced on the opportunity, your smile turning into a tipsy giggle. “It’s not that hard, you just keep chugging until you can’t anymore. I’ll hold you, you got this.”
You lightly blushed, nodding your head at the encouragement, bringing a fist to your chest as a salute, “I’ll do it! We gotta’ put on a cool song though, if I’m going to fail miserably I might as well have a good song to do it to.”
Mikasa volunteered, as she was already DJ, having the best music taste out of everyone in the group. She dug her phone out of her pocket, switching over to a ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ remix. Connie whooped at the choice, and everyone began to chant your name as you hovered by the keg, very nervous. Eren then placed his large hand on the small of your back, leaning in to reassure you once again. You gulped, nodding that you were ready to get into position.
“Okay, so you’re going to lean your arms on the top of the can, and I’ll grab your legs. Like when you were a kid and you’d do that stupid wheelbarrel thing,” Eren easily explained, chuckling lightly. “Use your hands to let me know when you’re done.”
You did as you were told, resting your upper body against the keg as Eren hooked his arms around your calves. He couldn’t help but admire how strong your legs felt in his grasp, and how right it felt to finally have some bodily contact. He had been trying to figure out a natural way all night, and he was bubbling over in excitement, the chance had arisen, glorious in the promise of touch.
You placed your lips hesitantly around the tap, opening it up into your mouth, and began to chug. ‘Chug, chug, chug!’ was chanted all around you, even Mikasa joining in on the fun. Fists bumped in the air, and you felt like the coolest fucking person in the world. Doing a keg stand wasn’t exactly in your goals list, but fuck did it feel like it should’ve been as your ego inflated.
“That’s it, you’re doing great!” Eren’s thumbs brushed the inside of your knees, leaning in to whisper. “Good girl.”
You sputtered around the tap, choking harshly. You removed your mouth quickly to gasp for air, and the tap shot up all over your shirt, jacket long forgotten resting on the sofa in the living room. Eren moved your legs down to the floor quickly seeing this, and wrapped his arm around your waist to steady you as your arm shot out to grab onto something, in this case his other arm.
“You alright?” Jean asked, a look of concern washing over his features as you finally got some air into your lungs.
“Yeah,” you coughed again, blushing in embarrassment. “I definitely made a mess though.”
“I brought some extra clothes with me,” Eren offered quickly. “One of these idiots always manages to somehow spill something within the first hour of drinking. I’ll show you where my bag is at.”
You smiled in appreciation, biting your tongue to accuse him of purposely throwing you off your game with his little praise that had your knees buckling. He unwound his arm, taking your hand and leading you to the staircase by the entryway, your smaller form following behind him as he thudded up the stairs. Three doors greeted you at the top, and he led you into the master bedroom, plainly decorated and lacking personal belongings. You watched as he chucked a duffle bag onto the mattress, unzipping it and going through his clothes. He found a sweatshirt, smirking inwardly as it had been one of his old sports ones with his last name embroidered on the back. Proud he could provide a claim to you, he extended it to you, and you gladly accepted it.
“Well, you did really well in the beginning there,” he chuckled, whisking his stray baby hairs behind his ear. “Sucks about the shirt though. The first time I tried to do a keg stand, I barfed everywhere.”
You laughed lightly, fingering the hem of your shirt, “I guess it could’ve been a lot worse. Still, at least I can check this off my bucket list.”
Eren’s eyebrows shot into his hairline as you lifted your shirt to reveal your bare stomach, and he whisked his body completely around so you didn’t see his reddened cheeks, “You could’ve asked me to leave.”
Behind him, you let a mischievous smirk cross your lips, “Nothing you haven’t seen before.”
Eren’s mouth fell open at your bold statement, letting his words leave before he could stop them, “You know?”
“Of course,” you discarded the sodden shirt to the floor, sitting on the bed instead of tossing the sweatshirt on. “You’re my favorite viewer.”
He caught your movement in the corner of his eye, and he turned his head to take in the sight. Fuck, you were even more beautiful in person. Your bra was white and pretty and dainty, pushing your tits together, accentuating cleavage that Eren wanted to bury his face in. His gaze moved up to your face, smiling so innocently at him as he let out a dark chuckle, “Is that so?”
You hummed, leaning back to expose your form a bit more, feeling confident from the alcohol, “You like every one of my pictures, you buy all my content, you’re pretty cute, of course you’re my favorite.”
Eren’s ego soared as he turned his body completely towards you, taking a small step forward, “You’re just so beautiful, how could I not? I do have to ask this though, how come you never answered any of my messages?”
“Oh, my DMs are broken. Instagram doesn’t let me view them or respond,” you explained easily. “You know, you could’ve hit me up on OnlyFans, I definitely would have answered you.”
A blush crept up on Eren again as he averted his gaze to the floor, “I didn’t think about that.”
You giggled softly, “What’d you send me anyways?”
“I asked you out on a date,” he admitted, growing more nervous. “Told you that you were really pretty. Y’know, stuff you probably get all the time.”
“Most of my messages are from guys trying to take me out drinking and to get a quick fuck,” you scoffed. “Y’know, if the offer is still on the table, I’d really like to take you up on it.”
“Really?” Eren’s eyes met yours in surprise, you watched his Adam’s apple bob along his throat as he gulped. “You’d want to go out with me?”
“Yeah, who else is going to hold me up when I try to do a keg stand again?” you smiled sheepishly, batting your eyelashes. Eren’s hands twitched at his sides, fuck, you were so pretty.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked seriously, his gaze hardening as he felt a wave of possessiveness. In his mind, you were already his girlfriend. You had accepted his date, and he’d be damned if he didn’t try to push his luck further.
Eren had never felt the way he feels right now. He took immediate notice of your blushing cheeks, your confident lean turn into a shy arch as you pushed your body into a hunched over seating position. Eren had experience with girls, that everyone knew as a fact, he was very far from being a virgin. You made him feel like a fucking virgin, heart beating wildly in his chest. All he wanted to do was to grab you and hide you away for his own greedy pleasure, the darkest parts of his mind tickled by the thought. He had laid a claim to you way before he had ever met you, and he wouldn’t let you escape now that he had you here, alone.
You didn’t answer his request, you pushed yourself off the mattress and met his staggering stance halfway. Unknown to his wicked thoughts, his past month of obsessing of you, you leaned up, gently brushing your lips against his. No one had ever asked you this simple question before, instead just taking the action as if they had owned you, and you thought to yourself that you could really love this boy who presented himself so innocently to you.
The soft placement of your lips to his was not enough, and Eren buried his mouth with your own, moving both of his hands to cup your face. He could feel your jaw beneath the pads of his fingertips as you attempted to meet his pace, sensual and passionate. The need for air forgotten for the both of you, sucking in deeply through your noses as the space continued to close between your bodies.
“Gonna take you someplace real nice,” muttered Eren as he pulled away slightly to gaze his half lidded eyes on your fluttering eyelashes, your gaze now hidden from him. “I know you like that one place in the city, I saw your little post of you wearing that tight dress. You looked so fucking pretty.”
Tingles shivered up your bones, a sharp intake of breath as you fluttered your eyes open to take in his deep lustful expression, “I’ll wear it for you, if you want.”
“Wear my necklace too.”
You pulled away completely this time, baffled, “Your necklace?”
“The one with the ‘E’ on it,” he breathed, moving forward to accommodate the sudden distance, his lips meeting the corner of your mouth. You realized then what he was referring to, a small smirk uplifting his kiss. You wouldn’t tell him though that the necklace in question was just some random trinket with no meaning you had purchased, or that you hadn’t even recognized the pretty cursive as a letter. You figured out very quickly Eren’s little crush was a bit more involved than just him attached to your hip at this party. No, it was way deeper than that. All of the likes, the money, the new information of messages made sense to you. Eren had believed you were his, and he had sought out confirmation all night to prove it.
“Okay,” you played along to his fantasy, an expert since it was your job online already to provide this to your viewers. “What else do you want me to wear?”
“There’s this one set of lingerie,” Eren was the one to pull back now, letting his teal eyes trail downwards to your chest, displeased by the lack of skin shown to him in that instance. “The black lacy one, fuck, wear that. You look so fucking sexy in that.”
“You don’t like when I wear white?” you pouted, bringing your hands to rest against the peak of your breasts, framing them like a picture.
“I like anything you wear,” a smirk crossed his features, eyes locked in on your tits. “Or what you don’t wear.”
You were met with two choices then. One, kiss Eren and get dressed and save yourself for your date, or two, fulfill his now present fantasy of his that was beginning to morph into your own. You mentally battled the decision in your mind, feeling the desire curl in your stomach at each option. If you were to give in now, Eren might not want to continue to chase after you, the promise of an actual date forgotten. Not to mention the party of people down stairs, the thud of music softened behind the closed door of the bedroom indicating it was still in full swing. Eren saw your hesitation, and let his hands travel to your elbows comfortingly.
“I know we technically just met,” he started, eyes now locked in on yours in genuine honesty. “But I really like you. You’re all I’ve thought about for the past month, so if you don’t feel comfortable going any further, that’s okay, I’ll wait. I’ve waited this long.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” you bit your lip as you watched his teal orbs flicker to your mouth. “It’s just — oh God, this is embarrassing to talk about so soon.”
“Shh, it’s okay, I won’t judge,” he cooed, bringing just a hand up to soothe over your cheek.
“I’m not exactly quiet,” you admitted, gesturing towards the floor. “I don’t really want to be the girl who fucks someone at the first party they show up to.”
Eren hadn’t predicted you to be loud in his fantasies, but he was really wishing he had. He held back a groan at your confession, images of what could be filling his dirty mind, “Fuck, okay, no problem. I don’t have any condoms with me anyways.”
“Actually,” you drawled. “I’m on the pill, so as far as that goes, that doesn’t really matter. I’m clean too, I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.”
Boxes were being ticked quickly off of Eren’s checklist, and he let his jaw hang open, “I’m clean too, I don’t fuck anyone without a condom, to be honest.”
I’m going to fuck her raw, is all that was going through his mind. Treat her so good, take her out wearing her pretty little dress and treat her like a fucking princess.
“Please tell me you’re free tomorrow,” Eren pleaded. “I’ll take us fucking anywhere you want.”
“I am, actually,” you batted your eyelashes.
“Cool,” he muttered, beginning to feel drawn into your lips again. As you began to lean back in, a sharp knock sounded at the door.
“Hey! Everything alright?” you both froze, recognizing the voice as Armin’s. Of course he’d be the only one to dare interrupt, and the party below had discouraged him. Eren had taken you upstairs, and while they were all aware of the possibility of the two of you would be hooking up, Armin was more concerned that one or both of you had gotten sick and were in need of help.
“Yeah, we’re fine! Be out in a second!” Eren shouted, feeling suddenly frazzled from the intense interaction between you two. If Armin had opened the door, seeing the two of you locked in together so closely, making out feverishly, it would be completely mortifying. Especially since it wouldn’t be the first time Armin had accidentally seen his best friend in a suggestive situation.
You pecked his lips quickly then, breaking out of his embrace to throw his sweatshirt over your head. Eren was counting backwards in his head to rid himself of the half erection in his pants, nearly impossible as he thought about how pretty you looked in his clothing.
“C’mon,” you tugged at his hand, urging him to follow you back downstairs. “We have a pizza to eat and friends to convince that we definitely didn’t just fuck for ten minutes.”
The group hadn’t made a single comment when you two rejoined the party, only just knowing smirks from Jean and Connie to Eren. Sasha had wiggled her eyebrows at you, and you quickly pulled her and Mikasa into the bathroom to recap what had just occurred upstairs. The girls clapped drunkenly at your news of a date, incredibly excited that their best friend was finally going out with a boy. The night had ended around three in the morning, bodies scattered throughout the house to pass out wherever they pleased. Eren had continued to stay by you the rest of the night, this time, not shy at all as he stole touches to your back. And when it came time to pass out, you felt smugness as he rested his head on your back while you laid on your side on the same bed upstairs, his arm thrown tightly around your waist. Sasha curled up in front of you, your own head snuggling into her shoulder as the room spun you into a deep slumber.
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You sat at a vanity in your apartment bedroom the next evening, applying various makeups to your face. Mikasa had awoken you and Sasha pretty early the next morning, wanting to go home so she could get ready for her job. Eren snored quietly behind you as you tried your best to maneuver out of his grasp, and the three of you cleaned up the cups and plates scattered around the house as a thank you to Jean for the invitation. Sasha had driven you all the way back to your place when you realized you were still wearing Eren’s hoodie, and you smirked. Now he definitely had a reason to get you on this date tonight, you had something that belonged to him.
When Eren had woken up, he truly believed for a few minutes that you had just been a dream. Pictures and videos posted all over Instagram had shown him differently though, the two of you leaning against each other on the leather couch smiling drunkenly on Armin’s story had his heart pounding. His arm was around your shoulders, your head was tilted in the crook of his neck, and then Eren remembered that he was going to see you again tonight. He took a screenshot before the story moved on to a video of the group in a heated discussion about music tastes, a quiet chuckle made its way out of his throat as he recounted memories that would become very fond to him.
He had posted the picture then to his Instagram, a few others followed after that included him and his other friends. Eren tagged all of the people, but most importantly, the picture of the two of you was the first in the line up of the photo set. A few messages hit his inbox after he hit the post button, some classmates asking if you were his girlfriend, because you were wearing his sweatshirt in the photo. He decided to not respond, because as much as he wanted to tell them yes, he knew he’d be jumping the gun. His heart raced as a notification popped up — you had liked the picture, and added a comment, ‘last night was a movie’ with a kiss emoji. When he refreshed the page, your lit up story showed him that you had even reposted his photo set. His ego soared, his affections no longer one sided, and he couldn’t fucking wait to take you out later and show you the best time he could.
Eren had gotten your phone number from Sasha not long before your date, asking for your address and trying to pick out a time to head out to dinner. You tapped a response quickly, and looked at the clock to gauge how much time you’d need to be fully ready. That had been about three hours ago, your body had been scrubbed and shaved, hair curled prettily down your back as you added the final touches of lipstick to your lips. The dress Eren had talked about was laid out on your perfectly made bed, a pretty satin champagne colored fabric, and your apartment was fairly clean, fully expecting his company after the date of all went well. You dressed yourself easily, slipping on black heels when you heard the chime of your phone, letting you know Eren was awaiting you outside.
When the elevator doors chimed open as you walked into your lobby, you saw from the entrance doors Eren leaned back casually against the Uber he had offered to pay for. His attention immediately focused on your form as you exited your building, his gaze flickered all over your body.
“You look incredible,” Eren easily complimented, pushing himself up to stand straight. He leaned in to kiss your blushing cheek as you muttered a quiet ‘thank you’, and he pulled the door handle of the sleek black car, ushering you inside. He slammed it closed after you had positioned yourself comfortably, giving the driver a soft greeting as Eren circled around the back, getting in on the opposite side. The directions were already plugged into the driver’s GPS, and it took less than twenty minutes to get to the restaurant in question.
This gave you enough time to take in Eren’s appearance, and damn if you wouldn’t have allowed yourself to do so, the sight practically mouth watering. His hair hung low in a messy bun, a few complementary strands hanging out to frame his sharp jawline. His torso was adorned in a sheer white long sleeve button up, a small portion of his chest revealed as he had left the top buttons alone, chains hanging against his collarbones, silver in color this time. Black slacks that tightened around his thighs and calves had you biting your lip in appreciation, his legs spread as he took up space in the backseat.
“Staring isn’t very polite,” he had leaned in, taking notice of your devouring gaze.
“Stop dressing like a whore and maybe I won’t stare,” you teased back, chuckling quietly when he swatted your exposed thigh lightly. He kept his hand there for the rest of the drive, enjoying the comfortable silence as the quiet hum of the radio filled in the gaps.
When the Uber had slowed to a stop outside of the fancy restaurant Eren had insisted taking you to, he swung the door open before you had a chance to reach for the handle on your side. He raced to the other side of the car, pulling open the door and extending his hand out for you to grasp onto. You circled your fingers around his palm, and he tightened his grasp as you swung your legs over the flooring, and stood before him. The two of you thanked the driver, and he sped away shortly after. Hand still locked in with yours, Eren led the way inside the opened doors of the restaurant. Inside, a hostess wearing a very classy black uniform greeted the two of you.
“Reservation for Eren,” he spoke smoothly, and your eyes widened in surprise, expecting to have sat and waited for at least a half an hour before you had been seated.
“Right this way,” she smiled politely, two menus in her hands as she welcomed you into the dining area. You followed behind Eren, realizing that this place must’ve been a lot more expensive than you originally had gauged. All the guests appeared in their very best formal attire, and the chatter was soft as the beautiful notes of a piano resounded throughout the space. While you couldn’t pinpoint exactly where the music was coming from, you had a strong feeling that there was a physical player somewhere in the midst, it sounded so clear and professional. When the hostess had sat you down in a booth secluded against the furthest set wall, she smiled politely once more and informed you that the waiter would be with you soon.
“Eren,” you hissed as you sat opposite of his smirking form. “This place is stupid fancy!”
“Don’t worry about it,” he waved easily. “I got it, I promise.”
“How are you able to afford this? I’ve got a little bit of money and even I couldn’t go some place this nice,” you questioned, feeling a small pang of guilt. He was going to go broke trying to treat you to a very nice, albeit expensive, meal.
“My dad is a doctor,” he shrugged, picking up the menu and eyeing over their drink selection. “He sends me money whenever I come around and help around his office.”
“Following in the family footsteps?” you tried at the conversation, realizing you virtually knew nothing about the boy in front of you.
“Nah, I’m more into the business side of things,” he smiled up at you then, showing off his pearly white teeth. “What about you? What are you majoring in?”
You spoke of your major, Eren carefully listening in of your passions and your goals for your future ahead. He was pleased to hear that you were ambitious, smiling as he was enamored by your speech. Not that he minded a single bit about your online job, but to hear that you had a legitimate career goal soothed his worries.
A finely dressed waiter greeted you shortly, introducing himself and taking the both of your orders in one go, and stole away the menus. The rest of the date flew by quickly, tipsy from your cocktails and full of giggles as the two of you got to know one another. Although Eren was already knowledgeable about a number of your likes and dislikes and personality quirks due to Instagram, you had the undisguisable pleasure of learning his right then and there.
“So,” you leaned your elbows onto the table, resting your chin atop of your closed fists. “Tell me, how many girls have you taken here before?”
“Not a single one,” he chuckled lowly, passing the black booklet encasing his credit card as the waiter stopped at the table. “This is actually my first time taking anyone out somewhere so fancy. Usually I just hang out at the more lowkey spots around campus.”
“I would’ve been totally okay with going somewhere like that instead,” you frowned, that same guilt flooding back to your stomach. Eren hadn’t even let you see the bill before he had given it away, so you were completely ignorant as far as how far the total rang up. “You really didn’t have to take me out to such an expensive place.”
He rolled his eyes playfully, smirking as he did so, “Had to take my favorite girl somewhere nice, show you off in that gorgeous dress of yours.”
You blushed, moving your fists to hold your cheeks to try and contain the heat, “Fine, but next time, I want to see one of these ‘lowkey spots’.”
“Next time, huh?” Eren mused cockily.
“Yes, I guess I had a really great time tonight, consider yourself honored,” you giggled half heartedly.
“Oh believe me, I do.”
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Eren had walked you to the front door of your apartment like the gentleman he was. Really, he was just trying to procrastinate leaving you, not wanting the night to be over with quite yet. Luckily, you were on the exact same page as he stood awkwardly behind you while you unlocked your front door.
You turned, an eyebrow raised, “Well? Are you coming in or what?”
“Say less,” he sighed in relief, following your sauntering frame inside your apartment. He was initially impressed as you flicked the light switch on the wall up, illuminating your precious space. Very clean and organized, he felt a pang of jealousy, knowing his own dorm room was scattered with clothes and empty water bottles. If he had only seen what your living space looked like before you had straightened up, he might have felt better about himself.
“I have some róse in the fridge,” you offered, making your way to the kitchen. “Would you like a glass?”
“No lie, that’s literally my favorite wine,” Eren groaned. “How are you this perfect?”
You laughed loudly, grabbing two wine glasses from your cabinet, opening your fridge and retrieving the bottle. Filling the glasses generously, you left the bottle on your kitchen counter and turned around, Eren a lot closer than where you had left him a moment ago. You extended his cup, which he graciously took and sipped. You mirrored him, gulping down your own mouthful.
“Y’know,” he started, gazing around your kitchen space. “For all that talk of mimosas in your Instagram bio, I really expected there to be a lot more pictures of you drinking them.”
You chuckled once again, “Believe me, I have plenty of orange juice, vodka, and champagne here. We had such a classy dinner, I thought I’d try and match it with some wine. Besides, vodka brings out the worst in me.”
“Ah, lady in the streets, freak in the sheets,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. You rolled your eyes, swatting his bicep harmlessly. “I get what you’re about at brunch with the girls.”
“If I had a nickel for every time Mikasa had to peel me and Sasha off the pavement after mimosas and scones, I’d be fucking rich,” you giggled once again, raising the glass to your lips.
“I’m really surprised we hadn’t met each other before last night, especially because Mikasa and I have been best friends since we were little,” Eren raised an eyebrow. “She’s basically my sister, and never once did she say anything about you, I only met Sasha because Connie’s attached to her hip and they share the same brain cell.”
“If it makes you feel better, I only knew Jean existed because we had a class together this semester,” you shrugged, purposefully leaving out the part where he consumed your content almost as much as Eren did.
“And of course me,” Eren smirked cheekily. “Because I’m your favorite viewer, like you said.”
“Don’t make me regret telling you that,” you pointed your glass towards him in a fake threat.
“It’s okay, you’re my favorite girl, so it evens itself out,” Eren placed his half drunk glass on the counter top, his gaze much more seductive. “Besides, you wore my necklace like I asked, I gotta tease you a little bit.”
“I wore pretty much everything you wanted me to,” you smirked, copying his actions and settling your own cup down.
“Did you now?” he took long strides to stand in front of you, toying with the necklace that he had laid claim over.
“I can show you, if you want to see,” you leaned up with full intentions of capturing his kiss.
“There’s nothing else I would rather do, pretty girl,” Eren cooed, licking his lips before meeting you in the middle. His arms circled around your waist, your hands wrapped around his shoulders as the pace started out slowly. Gentle was not what either of you wanted though, the desperation seeping in fast as his fingers explored your sides.
“Bedroom,” you gasped as he removed his lips and attached them to your jaw. He had no qualms of fucking you right out here in the kitchen, so he made no effort to move. Realizing you had to take the reins, you moved backwards from Eren, smirking as he groaned from the sudden distance. His eyes followed you predatorily as he began to chase after you, your back meeting the wooden paneling of your bedroom door. He attempted to recapture your mouth, but your hand was faster in turning the door knob, and you began to lead him back until your mattress met the backs of your knees.
“Want you to show me what you’re wearing under that dress,” Eren demanded, playing with the short hem that rested on your thighs.
You nodded, giving him the silent okay to take off the fabric encompassing your frame. You turned so your back faced him, moving your hair out of the way so he could unzip the back. His eyes followed as he fingered the silver zipper, agonizingly teasing himself as more and more was revealed to him. Seeing the straps of the black lace he had requested drunkenly the night before, his patience snapped as he pulled the metal piece down faster. You slid the tiny straps off your shoulders at the sweet feeling of release, and Eren’s dick was rock fucking solid as it pooled around your feet, you kicked the silky fabric to the side and faced him once more.
“You’re wearing everything I told you to,” he stated, drinking in the sight of your scantily clad body. “Good girl.”
You bit back an embarrassing moan at his praise, feeling the heat pool between your thighs. It came as such a shock to you to be so reactive to his words, and it came slamming into you that maybe you weren’t as vanilla as you had previously believed. You had a kink! It all made so much sense, why you felt such pride and arousal from complete strangers giving you their attention and compliments online. You yearned for it, craved the affections, and now that Eren stood in front of you, more than willing to shower you with pretty words, all the moisture in your mouth dried up. You wanted him so fucking bad.
Eren’s hands met the naked skin of your waist as his palms etched over your soft stomach. They met in the middle of your back, leaning your back onto the mattress as he climbed on top of you, a single hand coming up to work on discarding his button up. You rushed to help, pads of your fingers working the buttons open until he revealed his bare chest, his chains hanging above you. He worked his arms out quickly, tossing the fabric onto the floor. He brought his lips to yours, this kiss much more desperate and needy than the previous ones. His hands explored every inch of your body, the tops of your thighs to the swell of your breasts. He tugged on the soft lace at the top, slowly bringing the black fabric down to expose the complete fullness of your breasts. A sight familiar yet somehow new made Eren groan, the pads of his thumbs brushing against your pretty nipples, instantly hardening them.
You moaned lightly, throwing your head back and arching your back into his touch. How many times had Eren pictured you just like this?
“I fucked my fist so many fucking times thinking about you,” he confessed as he pressed slow open mouthed kisses to your collarbone. “You have no idea what your pictures did to me, no idea what you’re doing to me right now.”
He leaned his bottom half forward, pressing his thick clothed erection into the meat of your thigh. You let out a whimper, head foggy as his words made your pussy clench around nothing.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” he licked a stripe up your neck, leaving a wet saliva trail as he wrapped his lips around where he could feel your pulse the strongest. “My pretty girl.”
While Eren wanted to talk about what you did to him, all you could think about was what he was doing to you. The want and need that coursed through your veins was like a drug, you could feel him worming his way into your bloodstream, straight to the center of your heart and out to the warmest parts of your body. And you felt like an addict in that moment too, and every moment you would spend with Eren there after. You could feel his kisses as if he was underneath your skin, his entire body pressed against yours. So, so close, yet not close enough.
“Take off your pants,” you demanded shakily, placing your hands at the button of his slacks. He seemed to be on the same page of you yet again, and he followed his instructions without delay. He kicked out of the tight pants with ease, and you were more than pleased to see he had rid himself of his boxers too when you heard the thick slap of his cock meeting his stomach.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, eyes widened. “Eren, that’s not going to fit.”
“Don’t worry,” he soothed your hair back from your face, pressing a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose. “I’ll make sure you’re nice and wet for me.”
He started to move south, licking and giving attention to your right nipple as he did so. While the idea of him giving you thorough attention was erotic, you really wanted to please him for your first time together, unknown to you as Eren had thought the exact same thing, wanting to make you feel so good you’d come crawling back to him for more.
You pushed yourself up into a seating position, Eren’s eyes flickering in confusion as you stood up. This look didn’t last for long as you switched positions, pushing his torso onto the bed as you rested atop of him, feet placed firmly on the ground. His mouth hung open in disbelief as you began to return his assault on his neck, sucking and kissing and even biting along the columns. He let out a shaky groan, unable to hold it back as your hands traveled down his chest to his abdomen, feeling over the muscles there.
“What’re you doing, princess?” Eren questioned teasingly, not trying to get his hopes up on what your plan seemed to be.
“Wanna’ make you feel good,” your eyes flickered up to meet the dark green of his eyes, watching as his pupils expanded as the realization hit him like a brick.
“Fuck, okay,” Eren subconsciously widened his thighs then, bringing himself up to lean on his elbows as your kisses followed shortly behind the trail of your fingers.
Your mouth met the defined muscle of his stomach, and your eyes drifted up to catch Eren’s reaction as you neared closer to his aching cock. His eyes were hardened on you, brows knitted together, he almost looked angry. You kitten licked above his navel, and knew the anger was superficial as he threw his head back, letting out a quiet groan. You leaned your body in closer, pushing your exposed chest against his length. He whipped his head forward again at the contact, his lips opened as he inhaled shaky breaths.
Part of you had kind of wanted to hear Eren beg for your mouth, but the thought had quickly left your head as he entangled his fingers into the back of your scalp, massaging gently as he did so. Without a moment of hesitation, you lowered your face so you were eye to eye with his thick shaft. Honestly, you really hadn’t expected Eren to be this big. You had caught a glimpse of his half erect member tenting in his pants the night before, but as it stood to full attention, you were very much intimidated by the sheer size. You gulped, putting on a brace face as you continued on.
The sound of Eren’s groans growing louder as you licked a bold stripe from the bottom of his base to the tip of his head had stirred your cunt deeply. You were on your knees now, feet tucked up under you when you felt the wet patch of your panties touch the back of your heels. You licked a few more times, your right hand trailing down from his stomach to grip him more upright. You pulled all the saliva in your mouth onto your tongue, and wrapped your lips around his tip while your hand secured a purposeful grip at his base. You started slow, only sucking in your cheeks and moving your tongue along the underside of his head, pumping him at the same pace. You could feel beads of spit meet your knuckles, circling your tongue around the entirety of his fat mushroom tip. You smoothly licked along his slit, collecting his gushing precum and tasting the salty liquid.
Meanwhile as you had just started your worship of his cock, Eren was watching you in disbelief as your eyelashes fluttered along your cheeks, mouth prepping yourself to take in his full length. He had pulled himself into a sitting position now to provide you the best angle he could. He was in complete awe, furrowing eyebrows and his mouth hanging open, he knew in that moment there was absolutely no point of return. He would follow you from here on out, whether it be online or in reality, wherever you would go. Soulmates, he reminded himself while he collected your hair into his fist and away from your mouth. You were his fucking soulmate.
You pressed your knees upward, eyes opening. Eren’s pupils were blown out, his breathing irregular, and you wanted to watch him completely unfold as you angled your head to drop lower onto his shaft, hand working just a little faster.
“Fuck —“ he stuttered, eyes blazing into yours. “That’s it, take all of me, you’re such a good girl.”
You moaned lightly at his praise once again, and Eren’s cock hit the back of your throat. You pulled your lips up slowly, tongue caressing the underside of his member the entire time, and quickly brought your unoccupied hand into a fist. This was the first time you would be trying out this trick, reading it in a magazine since your gag reflex was very strong and this helped soothe the impulse. Eren was not prepared in the slightest as you removed the hand gripping him, letting his dick fall forward a bit more. You took a deep breathe through your nose, spit coating his entire cock now, and pushed your mouth fast back down his shaft.
Eren let out a strangled gasp when your nose brushed against his pelvis, “Holy fucking — fuck. Shit, yeah, just like that. You look so fucking pretty right now.”
Tears were threatening the spill over your lash line and you bobbed your head furiously, taking in as much as you could before you gagged. You stared up at him the entire time, watching his face screw together as you lapped and sucked his cock. Your jaw was aching already from his size, minding your teeth placement as you quickened your pace. You returned your hand to wrap and pump whatever your mouth wasn’t able to reach as you set yourself into a more comfortable pattern. Your other hand cupped his balls, swirling them softly in your palms.
Eren’s fingers yanked you back, his dick falling out of your lips in a soft pop, as you looked up in confusion, “Gonna’ stop you there baby, gonna’ make me cum.”
His hand in your hair guided you back up to his lips, and Eren could taste himself as his tongue pushed through your swollen mouth to enter yours. You moaned into the kiss, so sloppy and messy, you took no notice of Eren’s hands wiping away the leftover dribble on your chin. He yanked you back, a bit rougher this time, and you panted, rubbing your thighs together at the force. He eyed you up, your beautiful tits still on display, the fabric of your lace bra folded underneath them.
“Get naked for me, princess,” he cooed, untangling his fingers from your scalp. You did as you were told, practically ripping the lace set off your body as you soon stood stark naked in front of Eren. He pushed his legs up, joining you. You felt very small then as he towered above you, playing with the tips of your hair, he guided you around until you were forced to lay yourself flat on your back on the mattress once again.
Eren caressed your shins as he stood tall in front of you, never breaking eye contact. You could still see the glistening of your saliva on his cock, and heat continued to pool in between your thighs in anticipation of his next move.
“Look at you,” he whispered, wrapping his fingers on the tops of your bent knees, legs closed together. “So pretty, it almost hurts to look at you.”
His darkened eyes shot down, drinking you all in before settling on your closed legs. With his hands, he gently forced them to part, and he let out a quiet moan at the sight in front of him. Dripping in arousal, almost sparkling and shining like the gem you were, your pussy spread open for him, begging for his attention. His gaze darted up back to your face, trying not to get too carried away as he admired your beautiful body.
Eren let out a dark chuckle, stroking his hands to the meat of your thighs, “You have no idea the things I have planned for us, princess.”
You whimpered, unable to voice a single word. His right hand moved towards your center, and you gasped sharply as he gently grazed your folds with the lightest of touches. His thumb landed a hair above your clit, and you squirmed, desperate now. He circled so slowly on your pearl, gazing on with an inflated ego. Eren wanted you to beg for him, to tell you all about those ideas he had going on in his head while he fucked his fingers into you.
He decided to go easy on you though, you had plenty of time ahead of you to learn exactly what he wanted when it came to the bedroom, he cooed, “I’m gonna’ show you off, just like you deserve. Gonna’ buy you pretty things, treat you like the fucking princess you are — gonna’ be my pretty girl.”
“Please, Eren,” you whimpered, attempting to push your pelvis into his hand, failing miserably as his other one gripped your thigh in place. “I need you.”
“Tell me exactly what you need, baby,” Eren smirked.
“Everything,” you breathed out. “I want you to keep calling me pretty, wan’ you to fuck me.”
“We’ll get to that part soon,” he paused, lowering his head to your inner thigh, getting to his knees on the floor. “Just need to make you feel good first, pretty girl.”
Eren licked a bold stripe up your pussy as you mewled, feeling a shred of relief as the tip of his tongue circled your clit. You felt a bead of saliva, probably mixed in with your own arousal, travel down the seam of your ass. Eren was starving, and you tasted so delicious, a sweet tart flavor exploding across his taste buds. He flattened his tongue, and looked up to watch your gorgeous face as his lips engulfed your clit.
You threw your head back, eyes rolling into the back of your skull as you attached your hands to your breasts, pulling and tugging on your nipples. He positioned his hands to the back of your thighs then, somehow managing to spread you open even more. The sounds he made in between your folds were wet and sloppy, and he rubbed small circles with the pads of his thumbs into the creases where your legs met your ass.
He never broke away from your face, watching everything unfold before him. Now that you were free from his solidifying grip, your hips were rolling. He watched your ribs expand and fall as you moaned unabashedly, rubbing your cunt into his mouth. Eren had never seen a more beautiful sight, and suddenly, it wasn’t enough to satisfy him. His right hand itched closer to your opening, and you trembled at the prodding of his index fingers. His tongue flopped around sloppily, slurping your bud in between his lips as he entered you slowly, cock pulsing at the feeling of your slick velvety walls greeting his finger.
Here he was, on his knees before you, eyes heavy and swirling because of you. You arched your back as he pumped the single digit in you slowly at first. He felt the tight clench of your walls as his tongue flicked at a certain angle, pleased that he had discovered very quickly how he was going to get you to cum. Eren was impatient, and as much as he wanted to stay between the heat of your thighs for hours if you’d let him, he really needed that orgasm from you. The tip of his pointer finger left you briefly, and you whimpered at the sudden loss, quickly becoming breathless and he slammed it right back in alongside his middle finger. They curled inside of you, brushing right against the soft spongy wall that was your g-spot. You were gushing for him, the sloppy noises of his assaults resounding around the bedroom.
“Fuck, fuck,” you panted, feeling your breasts bounce as he fucked his fingers into you at an alarming pace, tongue following the pattern eagerly. “Oh my god, I’m so close, Eren, I’m gonna’ cum.”
He pulled his mouth back momentarily, voice husky and pleading as he told you, “Cum for me, baby.”
You slammed your hips down onto his knuckles, feeling the underside of his palm and your slick. He had been reduced to curling and angling his fingers inside of you, watching in adoration and awe as you bounced yourself on his fingers, rubbing your pretty pussy against his mouth. Eren had just become a bystander at this point, he was pretty much forced to be stilled as you used his mouth and hands so greedily, feeling an unfamiliar swell in your cunt.
And when your back arched, and your walls clenched so fiercely tight around his drenched fingers, Eren found his forever love. He’d do anything, be anyone, whatever the fuck that was asked of him, to see this sight for the rest of his life. You were vibrating, legs shaking so strongly, Eren had to mentally catch up when he felt a gush of hot liquid soak him. He shifted his gaze down in shock, and holy shit, you were squirting.
You swore you had never orgasmed like this before, it was more than stars you were seeing behind your closed eyelids. It was pure black, absolute nothingness as your brain short circuited. It was like your pussy was taking a deep breath, because when the onset of contractions hit you, you thought you were going to pass out. And poor Eren, who stared dumbly in front of him at how intense your muscles were flexing, was already so deeply in love with you and was confessing his eternal devotion to you in his mind.
When your cunt had settled down, and your hips relented in pushing yourself against Eren’s face and hands, you let out a low moan as he slid his drenched fingers out of you. He stared at his hand, shining with your cum, and flickered his gaze up to you.
“I’m going to fucking marry you,” he growled. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.”
You let out an exhausted laugh, “Would you believe me if I told you that was the first time I’ve ever squirted?”
“I’m buying you a goddamn ring tomorrow,” he placed a kiss to your inner thigh, moving his body up to hover above you. Eren’s hands wrapped around your thighs once again, propping your knees to your chest. He saw the slight trace of fear in your eyes, and he paused, “You okay?”
“It’s just,” you gazed at the point between your bodies. “Are you gonna’ fit?”
Eren leaned forward, feeling slightly relieved, his face still dripping in your essence, and he placed a sweet, romantic kiss to your lips, pulling away to murmur, “I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
You nodded your head, letting the worry roll off your body as one of his hands caressed your cheek, never breaking eye contact with him. The other hand reached in between your centers, grabbing his throbbing cock and sliding himself along your pussy. He was soon coated in your juices, and both of you were letting out quiet moans. As he sunk his tip into your entrance though, you were gasping loudly.
Eren really had wanted to be gentle, he had no intentions whatsoever of hurting you, but he had realized very quickly that you were going to be the one to set the pace in the relationship. Because as soon as half of his shaft was anchored in your heat, your hips slammed upwards to engulf his entire length. He bit back a yelp at the suddenness, fisting the sheets by your waist in a tight grip. If Eren didn’t feel like a virgin before, he sure as fuck did now.
You didn’t realize just how prepped that orgasm had made you, or how sensitive. What you had believed would’ve been pain was insurmountable and mind blowing pleasure, and you smiled in pride as Eren’s jaw fell open. You felt his hands fall from the underside of your thighs, and you took the opportunity, leveraging your legs, and thrusted upwards. Eren bottomed out inside of you, and you winced slightly at the mild pain of his tip meeting the wall of your cervix, the stretch of your walls accommodating him as you fluttered around him.
“You’re so big, Eren,” you moaned out, moving your hands to grasp his flexing biceps. “‘Feels so good.”
Eren was fighting an internal war — go as slow as physically possible as to not bust in your heavenly pussy in three strokes, or give you the best two minutes of your fucking life. Because it was absolutely all way too much, your gorgeous face, your soaked core, the way you gripped his cock so tightly. You were a vixen, Eren’s personal vices wrapped up in one human body. He couldn’t help but take notice of how perfectly your bodies fit together, your pussy made for him.
“Eren, move, please,” you whined, attempting to squirm your hips. He shot a hand down to your hip, stilling you as he gave you a warning glare.
“I’m trying really hard not to cum inside of you right now,” Eren groaned, finally moving his hips. “You’re so fucking tight, baby. Making it real hard for me right now.”
Little was Eren aware of your pussy still on edge from the mind blowing power of your first orgasm, and you mouth lolled open as he slowly fucked you. If you were to touch your clit, or have any type of pressure there right now, it would be over for you as well. You’d have all the time in the future to have long, drawn out sex with Eren, but the two of you were just way too turned on and aroused by each other to have anything but heavy and fast sex. With a slight hesitation on your end, also not wanting to cum so quickly around his length, you rocked your hips into his fastening pace.
Eren chose the latter of his two options then, feeling the ridges of your pussy pulse and flutter around his cock. He pulled all the way back, tip daring to fall out of your little hole, and he flung himself right back in to the hilt. He repeated this a few times, and you were trying your best to hold back screams. Eren was drooling at the sight of your pretty pink pussy taking him, sloppy and messy from his saliva and your cum. He brought his attention to your bouncing breasts, molding one into his palm, rolling the nipple in the center.
Eren’s thrusts quickened dramatically, and he knew that your warning from the previous night had been true. You were screaming, calling out his name and several swears and ‘oh my god’s. This only encouraged him more, ego pretty much stroking his own cock as he plunged into you at a dangerous pace. He knew he was going to fast approach his orgasm, but Eren wasn’t stupid either. He could feel the clench tightening around him as he fucked right into that pretty spot inside of you, the way your breathing changed after a few seconds of that. Eren would become your number one expert, knowing every tell tale sign of your body, and what you were feeling. From one orgasm, he knew how your breathing changed, and Eren was determined to take you to those heights again.
Keeping the flick of his hips at the slamming pace he was at, he brought his thumb to your swollen clit. At the impact, your eyes screwed closed over the overwhelming pleasure. You felt a twinge of pain, just so sensitive from how strong you came before, but didn’t stop Eren as he rolled your pearl in fast circles, putting delicate pressure on the very top. It took maybe three strokes of his cock and a slight unsteady irregularity in his pattern to get you right where he had wanted you — desperate to cum alongside him.
“I’m so close, Eren,” you moaned out, lower body buzzing in anticipation.
“I want you to cum on my cock,” he demanded, a shocked moan crawling out of his throat at the first clench. “Oh, fuck, good girl.”
You spasmed under him, eyebrows shooting up in a furrow as you arched your back uncontrollably, the wave of your second orgasm slamming into you like a train. You could hear the squelching of Eren fucking your pussy as you contracted around him, or as he tried to. It was pure ecstasy, a feeling of wholeness filling you entirely. Half way through your orgasm, he grabbed the base of his cock, sliding out of you as he pumped himself fast above you. You held your legs open, breathing heavily as Eren watched your muscles contract in astonishment. He had never made a girl cum like this before, so hard and so visually. Your beautiful face, eyes encouraging him to cum, was all he needed. His dick was covered in you, his fingers sticky and soaked. It was all so fucking sloppy, and the thought and sight of it all caught up to him.
You felt the hot ropes of cum hit your belly, moaning at the sight. Eren was fucking his fist, cock thrusting in his grip like he had been doing in your pussy. His head hung forward, eyes drinking in the entirety of you. He shot his load on your lower half, stroking himself down after a couple of minutes, breathing heavily.
He eyed the box of tissues on your nightstand, and grabbed a few, languidly wiping his cum off of your abdomen as the two of you tried to catch your breath, or bring a ration thought back into your minds.
“We just had porn star sex,” you giggled tiredly.
“Oh yes we fucking did,” Eren smirked. “Not to like hype you up or whatever, that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
Your pride and ego swelled as he finished wiping up his cum, discarding the tissues in the bin on the floor. He hadn’t given you much time to respond, asking where the bathroom was so he could grab a rag to clean you up. You were humbled, affection rising in your chest when he returned to take care of your exhausted body. No one had bothered with aftercare before, and right then and there, you knew Eren was a keeper.
“Thank you,” you yawned out, stretching your legs in front of you. Eren hung around a little awkwardly, not sure of what to do. “You can spend the night, if you want to.”
He raised his eyebrows, a smile crossing his face, “Do you want me to?”
You rolled your eyes, pushing yourself back until your head met your pillows and lifted your comforter, gesturing for Eren to join you. And that he did, pouncing on the offer and sliding into bed with you, not hesitating for a second to wrap his muscular arms around your waist. He kissed you gently, pulling away to place his lips on your shoulder as you began to drift off.
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You awoke alone in your bed, the bright rays of the sun hazy as you blinked the sleep away. You could smell and hear the sizzling of breakfast in your kitchen, your bedroom door swung wide open. You threw your legs over the mattress, stealing a quick look at yourself in the mirror. You cringed at the mascara stains under your eyes, taking a tissue and wiping underneath your lashes to look presentable enough for the man looming in your kitchen. You discarded the tissue, and slid on a pair of fresh panties and Eren’s enormous sweatshirt you had yet to return, and padded your bare feet across your floor to join him.
Eren’s back faced you, his form only clad in a pair of boxers as he focused his complete attention to the frying pans in front of him. You smirked, leaning against your counter, placing your chin in your open hands.
“Good morning, Chef Eren,” you teased, catching him off guard as he jumped a bit.
He turned to face you, hair a complete mess as a boyish smile graced his face, “Morning, princess. I hope you don’t mind my mess.”
“It smells amazing, so I guess I can figure out a way to forgive you,” you sighed dramatically. “Only if there’s coffee involved, though.”
“Way ahead of you,” he moved his legs over to your coffee machine, a pair of steaming muga awaiting his hand. He grabbed one, a plain white mug that matched the rest of your kitchen set, and set it on the counter in front of you.
“If you’re trying to earn extra credit, it’s working,” you said, dumbstriken.
“Gotta’ show you I’m boyfriend material,” he wagged his eyebrows, turning back to the frying pan before cutting the heat off. “I couldn’t find your plates, though.”
“Cabinet above the sink,” you directed, pulling out a stool from underneath your kitchen bar. “Forks and stuff are in the drawer by the refrigerator.”
Eren nodded, collecting two plates and the necessary utensils from their designated areas. The sight of eggs and bacon made your mouth water, and you were about to get a key made specifically for Eren to waltz in every morning to cook you this glorious meal every single day. You thanked him as he set your plate in front of you, and you dug in.
“Eren, it’s so good,” you complimented after chewing. “You really know how to treat a girl.”
He simply laughed, and the two of you fell into a pleasant conversation. And then by the time mid day rolled around, the two of you had talked all about where you’d be spending the evening. The night had ended just like the one before in mind blowing sex, the morning after repeating itself, and again, and again.
A month later, you had updated your Instagram bio. ‘Connoisseur of mimosas, rock and roll, and Eren Jaeger’. And when it had come time to update your OnlyFans content, you were more than happy to have your own personal photographer to use at your discretion. Just as long as you continued to wear his necklace, Eren would take as many pictures as you needed him to, knowing you’d end up in each other’s beds at the end of the session anyways. And he’d continue to follow you, this time though, you’d gladly send him his favorite pictures for free.
LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations. this is my only account.
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