#if someone has a brand or product or store treat with immediate high levels of suspicion
violetsandshrikes · 5 months
Are you anti-supplements as a whole?
That would be pretty hypocritical of me considering i do take a few that have been medically recommended lmao!
However anything I take is always either 1) recommended by a doctor or 2) run by a doctor (and if I ask, it’s because I read it in a peer-reviewed paper and not on a social media post) because bodies are ultimately weird as hell and the balance between helping and harming is razor thin
(Also, I am on supplements due to on-going health issues combined with childhood malnutrition complications!!! Consider your past, future and current circumstances as factors heavily)
Basically, if you really want to supplement, my key advice would be:
• talk to your doctor (if you take psychiatric meds, run past your psychiatrist, if you’re on hormones, check with your endo, etc etc)
• keeps little records (i keep either written or notes on my phone of what i take daily + anything i have noticed in my body whether that be nausea, breakouts, or positive things like high energy etc - this is good advice in general if you have heath issues)
• know about what you take (google scholar is your friend if you can’t find any other reputable scientifically sound sources)
• not mandatory, but knowing a little about common misinfo and scams around the health & wellness industry would probably help more people with being suckered into buying things + health anxiety (for example, i recommend looking into hair/skin/nail supplements which are popular with young women in particular, and how many of them have problematic levels of biotin)
also, i added it in the reblog of that supplement post, but basic knowledge that is helpful to have is basically that:
Water soluble vitamins (C & B complex) -> excreted via urine when in excess -> less chance of toxicity
Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K) -> stored in the body -> greater chance of toxicity
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
1. If you had the last person you kissed’s Facebook password, would you go snooping through their stuff? Why or why not?: >> Can Calah doesn’t use facebook, first of all; but second of all, if I had someone’s facebook password I wouldn’t be using it for that. I just don’t see the point of being that level of nosy, unless they’d given me express permission or something. Even then... meh. 2. Have you ever fainted? If so, when was the last time? If not, have you ever came close to?: >> I did once when I had a period for like three straight weeks and it was really heavy; blinked and suddenly I was on the floor somehow. The only other times that I’ve come close is when I was being asphyxiated with a plastic bag (consensually), and when I forgot to eat or drink for a while with drugs in my system and I had just walked a total of 60 city blocks. 3. Do you still trick or treat? If so, how old will you be when you stop? If not, how old were you when you stopped?: >> I have never done it. 4. Ever take a keyboarding class? Do you type using the skills you learned in that class or how you used to before you took the class?: >> Yeah, I’ve taken them. But I taught myself to touch-type when I was like six, so those classes were actually redundant (they made me do all the assignments anyway, even after I proved I could type at competent speed/accuracy). 5. What did the last umbrella you used look like?: >> It’s red and black and huge.
6. How many pairs of boots do you own?: >> One pair of fashion-y boots, one pair of rain boots, and one pair of snow boots. 7. Ever cut your hair (the entire thing – not just the bangs or a little part) yourself?: >> I always cut my own hair. It’s just a buzzcut so it’s really easy to do. 8. Do you find your best friend’s significant other/crush attractive?: >> --- 9. How much was your last paycheck?: >> Hm. 10. Do you get paid bi-weekly or weekly?: >> Monthly. 11. What do you do with your clothes that don’t fit anymore or just don’t want?: >> I either throw them away, give them to someone, or take them to Goodwill. 12. Do you cut out coupons?: >> I did as a child, because I liked the stim of cutting out things, not because I was actually going to use them for anything.  13. Does anyone in your house play xBox live?: >> I mean, our Xbox is connected to the internet... 14. What was the last school you attended (if you’re still in school, put the school you attended before you came to your current school?: >> Westfield High School. I mean, I did attend that one vocational school for a month before I left, but first of all it was just a month and hardly counts in my opinion, and second of all I don’t even remember the name of it anymore. 15. Would you ever date a co-worker?: >> --- 16. Did you ever breathe in helium and talk funny afterwards?: >> Yes! It’s hilarious. 17. Would you ever open your own business? If so, what kind of business could you imagine yourself having?: >> Probably not. I don’t have the patience or dedication for that sort of thing. But I’d help someone else with theirs. 18. What’s the age to buy alcohol and to buy cigarettes in your area?: >> 21 and 18, respectively, if I remember correctly. 19. Do you ever eat candy cigarettes?: >> Yeah. Didn’t care for them. 20. Is there anyone on your block/in your apartment complex/whatever that you’ve never seen? For example, you know someone lives next door but you may have never actually seen them leave the house or anything.: >> Sure. 21. When shopping, do you usually head straight for the clearance or sales racks?: >> Depending on the store, sometimes. 22. What’s your biggest pet peeve at your job?: >> --- 23. How old do you want to be when you move out?: >> That ship has sailed. 24. Have you ever seriously considered dropping out of school or college? What made you decide to do it/not do it?: >> My father never would have let me drop out of high school, and besides, what else would I have done with my life anyway? He would have kicked me out and it would have been downhill from there, lol.  25. Ever meet and talk to someone from an online dating site?: >> Yeah, I met Darkness that way (on GothicMatch, lmfao). But I’ve also met other people on dating sites, it just never went anywhere with anyone but him. 26. Last type of candy you ate?: >> A sour Mike and Ike. 27. Last time you deposited money in a bank?: >> I don’t remember, I have direct deposit after all. 28. What about withdrew money?: >> I withdrew money from an ATM at the Rebirth show. 29. Ever kissed someone with braces? If so, was it any different than kissing someone without braces?: >> Never done it. 30. Would you date someone you weren’t physically attracted to? Why or why not?: >> I don’t think I’ve ever dated someone I wasn’t at least aesthetically attracted to, even if not fully like “I WANNA TAKE THEM TO THE BONE ZONE IMMEDIATELY” levels of attracted, lol. Also, sexual attraction is its own beast, like, sometimes I might not start out sexually attracted to someone but as I get to know them I end up that way, or something. Or sometimes I’m not sexually attracted to someone (not like “ew” but just like “meh, can take it or leave it”), but I’m attracted to other things about them. Life and love and shit just be like that, it’s still all love.  31. Ever had egg drop soup?: >> Sure. 32. How many tattoos do you want in the future?: >> As many as I can fit on this small frame of mine. 33. How soon do you start planning your Halloween costume each year?: >> --- 34. Last time you had Chinese food?: >> I don’t remember. 35. Are you any good at dying hair?: >> I suppose? 36. What brand of shampoo did you use last?: >> I forget. 37. Ever spent outrageous amounts on a hair product that ended up not working as well as you thought it would?: >> No, not outrageous amounts. 38. What color were the seats in the last car you rode in?: >> Black. 39. Did you decorate your house for Halloween? If so, how many decorations? Did you go all out or just put up a few things?: >> We put up what few kitschy decorations we have, but it isn’t much. Sparrow’s mostly the one into the whole decorating business, I like to look at them but I find the actual process of decorating to be a little tedious, lmao. 40. When you were little (or maybe you still trick-or-treat now), which house gave the best candy?: >> --- 41. Last person to hang up on you?: >> --- 42. Are you excited for winter, or are you dreading it?: >> Can I have summer first, please, lol. 43. Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners?: >> I don’t really like pencil sharpening to begin with, I prefer mechanical pencils. 44. Do you still own a VCR? What about any VHSes?: >> No. 45. What’s your favorite scary movie?: >> I don’t know that I have a specific favourite, I just like a lot of horror movies. 46. How do you plan on spending your Halloween this year?: >> I don’t know... :/ 47. Which type of Halloween costume do you prefer, sexy ones or scary ones? Or maybe funny ones?: >> I like all of them. I’ve still never worn one, so... 48. What was the most boring costume you ever had?: >> --- 49. Heck, do you even celebrate Halloween? If not, sorry, those questions must’ve gotten annoying.: >> I celebrate it as well as I can, but I don’t really get to do much, is all. 50. Do you like cranberry sauce?: >> Sure.  
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
March 31, 2021: 4:18 pm:
I just returned from an errand run in Dystopia, Grants Pass, where all of the activity you may see while out in the town is all pre-arranged, is written out like a movie screenplay where all of the inhabitants are part of a vast terror army from Canada, mostly from Quebec. They took over the town of Grants Pass Oregon many years ago, and then proceeded to attack and take over the entire state of Oregon. Currently, that same terror army is engaged in taking over the remainder of USA under the false cover of the “Corona Virus” and “COVID” terror screenplay. Everyone in the town has specific routes, vehicles, destinations, scripted lines of verbiage, and other duties that are carefully arranged by Screen Actor Guild terror leadership. One of the goals of such extensive fakery is to create a false reality, where the town of Grants Pass is made to look as if there are no problems of terror takeover. Everything is made to look peaceful, normal, and in fact beautiful, when the truth is that all of the approximately 50,000 inhabitants of Josephine County Oregon, are indeed a well trained, vast, far reaching terror army composed of terror cells, where each cell is basically composed of the people who are perceived to be employees of specific retail stores, service providers, contractor companies, municipal county offices, and utility providers.
For instance, the Li’l Pantry convenience stores located throughout Oregon are indeed a very large and powerful terror cell. There are many Li’l Pantry stores, as a corporation under the guise of Dale C. Hurst L.L.C., the company is a giant among other terror cells. The corporate L.L.C. is composed of a few dozen convenience stores, and each of those local stores is a smaller terror cell under the Li’l Pantry controlling entity. The Li’l Pantry Stores are responsible for the murder and replacement of many millions of US Citizens all on their own, separate from similar “Kill & Replace” tactics if other terror cells in Oregon. Li’l Pantry terror cells have been preying on travelers, people who come to Oregon for recreation, and the local population as well, as many of the Li’l Pantry Markets are located in rural areas where great river access and other vacation destination recreational activities draw in US Citizens from all over the USA, as Southern Oregon offers world class white water rafting, boating, and is composed of some of the most beautiful outdoor recreation on earth, and that is one of the targeted groups of US Citizens that Li’l Pantry specializes in for “Kill & Replace” terror. They have support systems in place at DMV, SAG, and County Courts for making all of the arrangements necessary for dealing with names and vehicles of murdered US Citizens and the replacement of those citizens with a suitable impostor citizen/terror soldier who votes as instructed by the SAG leadership. The results of the impostor citizen voters is easily seen when you have a look at all of the US State Governors, and, all of the US Congressional members, including office of the President of USA. All are SAG shills voted into place by impostor citizens that compose the terror army I report about.
Li’l Pantry Markets are among the oldest, most established terror cells in Oregon, and have been killing US Ctizens for more than 30 years, along with Bi-Mart and Fred Meyer stores. Those are the three oldest, most established terror cells I am aware of that operate in Oregon for “Kill & Replace” terrorism.
I went to:
(this asshole from Centurylink ISP watches everything I do online, and they use the Symantec Norton security software to put these pop-ups on my computer whenever I begin to reveal hard core terror secrets that are happening in Oregon. That window there is supposed to scare me. They may be able to steal and change what I write to suit their terror ways and fool US national security personnel, with the Symantec products. The pop-up window was accompanied by a terror airforce airplane flyover my house at 4:49 pm just now, again, is to scare me so I won‘t post the information for trying to get some help to come to Oregon)
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I also went to Bi-Mart and then to Big 5 Sporting Goods.
At Walgreen’s, the most notable things were there was a man wearing a leather skirt, he was hovering around where I was at while I looked for some brand name neo-sporin. The man’s right leg looked as if it was swollen to about double size at the calf muscle, and he had a rash on his leg there. He is there to fool US national security personnel, to cause confusion, and to support a bullshit story told by local authorities that I am a gay man who wears a skirt.
The other thing is that the same people were in the store as other times I was in the store, the “Walgreen‘s terror cell Mid-Afternoon shift” of terror soldier fake customers was present at the Walgreen’s today.
Another notable thing at Walgreen‘s is the presence of something they call “I C Three”, same as the FBI’s internet security division “IC3″. Most times I go to Walgreen’s, at some point as I am in the store, over the PA loudspeaker, someone says the words: “I See Three” or: “IC3″ as you prefer to spell it. Then, someone from the back room near the photo and UPS/Fed-Ex counter comes out, usually is a male, and that person is usually the one who does the checkout at the cash register when I make my purchase at the Walgreen‘s terror cell. As I have mentioned many times, the head of Walgreen‘s in real life is Ann Wilson of Heart who is stationed at Kauai Ranch on the Island of Kauai along with other terror take over high commanders of Amp Guru of the Vatican Choir. (this is real terrorism, not that fake kind you can learn about on the news on Twitter)
I don‘t know what the significance of “I See Three” or: “IC3″ is, I do know it’s worth explaining, so there you have it... “IC3″ at Walgreen‘s is when someone is called to the front register from the back room areas of the store over the PA loudspeaker.
More later, I need to stop the terror report for now for a little while. it’s 5:08 pm.
5:26 pm:
Continued after a short break to clean my Horrible Poison Attack Wound that the medical facilities refuse to treat because I am neither a Canadian terror soldier, or a Screen Actor Guild terror leader with SAG Card in Good Standing and Dues Paid in Full.
As I reported before, the Walmart Equate brand of Antibiotic and Pain Reliever Ointment made my wounds worse, and application of the Equate Brand ointment indeed increased the pain to unbearable level pain, where washing away the ointment with peroxide was the pain relieving activity. So, now I have some name brand neo-sporin antibiotic ointment & pain reliever, and have applied that to the Horrible Poison Attack Wound areas where the open sores are not healing at a rate that is normal. Healing is slow to non-existent. I am going to see if the name brand neo-sporin is helpful, so far, after about fifteen minutes, I can report the area covered with neo-sporin as “soothing”, maybe later I can add “healing” to that.
I went to Bi-Mart after going to Walgreen‘s. There, two notable things happened.
One, is there is some pants at Bi-Mart that I found to be good pants, so, when I go to Bi-Mart I usually check to see if they are on sale as they do go on sale from time to time. Each time I have gone to the pants isle, there is a man who approaches me, is always the same man, he always says the same things. He pretends to also be looking at the same pants I am interested in. He points to the pants he is wearing, which I would describe as loose fitting tan colored slacks. The man insists that he is wearing the Rangler brand pants that are there on the shelf and proceeds to explain how he likes the pants, says they are durable and fit good, etc, and so on. What he is really doing, is a set-up, where focus of pants conversation turns to the pockets on the pants, with emphasis on a patch that Rangler puts on their Carpenter and Ranger style pants at the pocket. That patch is put there to accommodate a variety of utility clip on items that men like to have with them such as a folding knife or a “Leatherman“ style utility tool. The man also likes to talk about how deep the pockets are of the pants he wants to talk about, while he is saying that he is wearing such a pair at the time, when he is not, but is wearing slacks. It’s a bullshit story told where the pants that have pockets on the leg, such as are called “Cargo Pants“, are said to be worn by thieves who use those pants to steal items.
Around here, if you are a US Citizen, and you are wearing pants that can be called “Cargo Pants”, you are immediately marked to be set-up as a thief at a store, and all of the stores are terror cells that work in concert with the County Court terror cell, and the Sheriff terror cell, the city and state Police terror cells.
The courts took away my Kirshaw model 1840 personal defense when I was at the courts (fingernail clippers), they said they would give them back, but that was a lie told by the bailiff. The courts will not give me my defense tools back unless they have a terror soldier stab me in the back with them, and that is the only way I could ever hope to get my Kirshaw model 1840′s back from the courts.
I purchased my Kirshaw’s at the Bi-mart years ago, the Bi-Mart used to have a good selection of Kirshaw products, but today, the Kirshaw products were in short supply, and when I specifically asked for a model 1840, I was told by the Canadian terror soldier Bi-Mart Gun Counter representative that: “Our store has chosen to discontinue carrying the Kirshaw model 1840″.
It’s important that US national security see what is really going on, rather than what the courts and state police are trying to sell to them with regard to what happened at the Bi-Mart today. I went there because I needed a tarp, and Bi-Mart has the best selection of reasonably priced tarps. The need for me to go to Bi-Mart was a set-up all by itself, when some terror soldiers tore a tarp that I already had in place, and need a new one. The “torn tarp Bi-Mart set-up” has happened many times in the past the same way it was done this past week when the tarp was vandalized and torn. The terror soldiers have learned that when I need particular items, I will go to particular places to get them, and I get my tarps at Bi-Mart, the courts know it, and arrange that I will go to Bi-Mart, while claiming that I am planning some kind of attack to hurt a particular person who goes by the name of “Unspeakable Litigation” that I am bound by the courts not to mention anything about that particular terror soldier in the neighborhood.
I went to Big 5 after that, and I am pretty sure the store manager’s nitrous oxide tank was ignited by my Bic Lighter, and he went into the small back office after he became ignited. I heard screaming and coughing from that room after I saw the manager quickly go into the small office there at the back gun counter.
I was surprised to otherwise learn that the sales representative was both friendly and knowledgeable about the products I was interested in.
Other than that, I was followed when I got on my way to go into town by a little black Honda car that frequents the Monroe terror cell, and also is often at the Chartrand terror cell. The car is part of Bad Guy Automotive, and they were waiting for me to go to Walgreen’s, as there is no privacy around here, and the incoming call from Walgreen’s that came in this morning, was listened to by Bad Guy Auto (a Google sponsored terror cell) with a Stingray Surveillance unit that was issued to them by the State Police terror cell for preying on US citizens such as I am.
A mysterious black Jeep also followed me, and also followed the Bad Guy Auto Honda car. The Jeep got onto the southbound I-5 while the Bad Guy Auto Black Honda went across the freeway towards Jump Off Joe Creek Road and where the northbound freeway onramp is at.
I pulled over, to allow that the people following me could get on their way a safe distance ahead of me while I was on my way to run errands in Dystopia.
6:23 pm:
There is always some asshole who is on Jackpine when I return from going somewhere, and always when I go to Walgreen‘s without fail, there is some asshole hovering around near my driveway. Today was as per usual, and there was no shortage of assholes on Jackpine when I returned, they included one strange Cross-Over style car that I don‘t think I have seen before, the driver slowed down on approach as I reached where Clyde Baum’s terror cell is at, 333 Jackpine, and that driver started to wave at me in an animated sort of “really hamming it up” kind of wave as if we are old friends who are excited to see one another... but I have no idea who it was, I just go by while saying: “Go fuck off somewhere else you terrorist bitch” quietly to myself, but also knowing that the implanted microphone transmitter in my jaw that the terror army put there in 2011 is still broadcasting every thing I say, and all of the neighbor terror cells have an iPhone App that can pick up the frequency of that implanted microphone transmitter. There is nothing I can do about that, it’s always on, always broadcasting every sound my mouth makes since 2011, and at full volume levels, is much louder than the “Comm” devices used by the local terror army.
Also, there was a neighborhood Pow-Wow out front near my driveway across from Monroe’s driveway, included that man that was driving the light blue Ford F-250 w/lumber rack that I saw yesterday, the one I explained did the “Shark Maneuver”, and someone who meets the description of “the real Lorena Chapman was also there on Jackpine! That Real Chapman was a surprise to see, as I have not seen anyone that I would say could be “The real Lorena Chapman” for at least three years. Having said that, it’s also important to mention that Lorena Chapman is a Master of disguises, she can look as a man, can be thin, can be fat, can look old or young, so, it’s important to know that about her. I think I saw the real Lorena Chapman without any make-up on, and she was with the man who I saw driving the blue colored Ford Truck yesterday. That Ford went up towards where Sparacino and where Wesely Crowel live, towards 549 and 545 Jackpine. I think Wesely Crowel has been dead for some time, and his house is used the same way as all of the others are used, as terror attack staging areas. The Crowel House is a very nice, new home, is suitable for Washington DC and Hollywood level terror cell leadership members to stay, is like a “Suite Upgrade” at “Pirates of the Caribbean Hotel”.
Those two, the Chapman and the Ford guy were having a pow-wow under cover of Unspeakable Litigation on Jackpine as I returned from an errand run in Dystopia. Chapman is a leading member of The County Courts terror cell, and is known as “The Priestess” of the Grants Pass Community Church on Russell Road.
The sound of chainsaws on high RPM accompanied my drive into my yard as I opened my driveway gate, and the Pow-Wow group moved southward on foot to unknown destinations. The male and female I saw, and the animated Cross-Over person who waived at me, do not live in the neighborhood, which is a private community dead end road, unspeakable litigation seems to have taken over one of the houses in the neighborhood, but I am bound by the courts not to mention any of the activities of the terror soldiers who kill and replace the US Citizens when those terror soldiers are particular county courts terror operatives.
This is a good place for a reminder that the address of 507 where Joan & Harold Phillips are said to live (Harold is deceased about 4 years ago) are directly associated to the British Throne, and one of them is rumored to be a blood relative family member of the Windsor family of British Royalty, and that is part of why Jackpine is so very important to the terror army, and why there are so many high rank terror cells in the Hugo Oregon and Merlin Oregon area.
( In the unlikely event that there could be some US national security personnel assigned to study what I report here, and if those persons happened to have been listening to two phone calls that I was a part of yesterday and the day before where I sought medical help from a female that I used to know, and called, please listen again to the recordings you made during those calls. Where you here the female I was speaking with say “Uhh-Huh“ in a sarcastic tone, that “Uhh Huh” (sort of a sarcastic nod of agreement, where it’s more as an implication that I was not telling the truth, is like a “Yeah sure, whatever you say” sarcasm) That voice belongs to Lorena Chapman, she has a Stingray Surveillance unit. She and others prevent me from making phone calls that reach helpful people. It’s because of those Stingray’s and other “Spaghetti Phone” situation that no US Citizens can reach US national security or any public safety of any kind. The Stingray’s in the hands of the terror army turn a call to report terror and mass murder into the equivalent of a 900 sex call, because the terror soldiers interfere with the calls to that extent. A citizen makes a call to FBI to report murder, but all the FBI intake officer hears on the phone is the kinds of sounds and words that people make when having sex. The citizen is unable to make the report and the caller ID is coming from that citizens phone, so, those persons are further victimized  because in that situation, sometimes the result is that the terror army with the Stingray effectively weaponizes the FBI against the citizen, who is only trying to get help the way they are supposed to do, by calling FBI.
Please listen again to the recordings to find instances of Lorena Chapman interfering with the calls yesterday and the day before with use of a Stingray surveillance unit.
7:26 pm:
Horrible Poison Attack Leg Rash Update:
I am confidant to say that the rash, the condition of my toes feeling so ice cold, the persistent and painful leg cramp/spasm of the calf muscles and the muscle that is at the front of the shin from ankle to knee, including those lesions, are going to all heal up just fine. I estimate that within the next seven days I will be symptom free, and will only need to wait a short time more for the lesions to fully close up with fresh, new skin.
Yesterdays visits to the terror controlled medical facilities at Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon and then to the Asante Urgent Care in White City (just east of Medford on Hwy 62 at Avenue G) was the best thing that happened with regard to my leg injury to date. That appointment forced me to walk on the leg, and I wa able to force myself to walk in order to do what I needed to do, without any of the local neighborhood terror soldiers hunting me with cross-bows or trying to run me over. I really thought that my leg was not going to respond well to walking on it enough to see those fake doctors, but by the time I returned home, I noticed that the color had returned to my toes, they had been ghostly white, with no indication of blood flow, but by the end of the day, I had color and feeling starting to return to my toes. The open sores are not healing because the poison is still in the muscle tissue of my leg. What I am seeing in the lesions, is each lesion is where the impact of the poison laiden syringe injected unknown substances into my leg. I can see that as I peel away the dead skin on three of those places so far, there is a small pool of poison there, an abscess, about 1/8 inch round place where a pool of the poison is contained. There are many still there, and I have felt them pop inside my leg yesterday and today, then after the painful pop, the liquid leaks out, but the liquid is not any infected sort of liquid like I would expect, but I am certain is a mix of water and poison my body is expelling on it’s own.
There are still more of those abscess pools inside my ankle area. They hurt real bad, and when they pop, it makes me shout in pain, is that painful.
Healing is happening, I have color and feeling in my toes. I did not experience a cramp or muscle spasm today while out doing errands in Dystopia.
Yesterday, the fake doctor at Asante Urgent Care told me that If I waited until today to go to an emergency hospital, that it would be too late, and my leg would need to be amputated above the knee. He said that without providing any treatment, and without any diagnosis, as he urged and pressured me to go to Asante ER or Providence ER right away, otherwise amputation above the knee would need to happen.
That, and today, I am confidant without doubt that soon, I will be completely symptom free, and with some walking, my leg muscle strength will return to normal, full strength StoneMan Stride.
For others who may experience this kind of attack, it’s imperative that you do not go to a Asante hospital until US national security persons announce that the corona virus is fake, and that the hospitals are staffed with real US doctors once again. The magic for my healing is with hydrogen peroxide cleansing often, and mega dose of fish oil vitamins and of vitamin E. I opened the vitamin E gel caps and applied the clear vitamin liquid onto the open sores when I learned that the Equate brand ointment was also poisoned. That vitamin E smeared on the wounds is what I am going to say was the magic that made what little healing I am seeing begin to happen. I also used maximum allowable Ibuprofen, about 3600 mgs per day, though I would have preferred not to have had to do that. The reason the ibuprofen is good, is it is helpful for inflammation and swelling, but mostly is a blood thinner, and that is the reason I chose to use so much of it. I don’t need to use that much now, the high use of the ibuprofen lasted only about five days during the worst part of the symptoms.
Aggressively massaging the wounded areas in effort to move blood from my calf to my toes manually, is also key to my healing, was painful to do, but was required.
So, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E smeared directly onto the open sores, and a lot of hydrogen peroxide is what has got me to a point of confidence in healing, The next thing I need to do, is walk safely, somehow without Monroe’s terror cell seeing me, so I can do it without being shot with a cross-bow.
Horrible Poison Rash Leg Attack on the mend!
It’s looking much better than it has looked in a long time!
The name brand Neo-sporin antibiotic ointment and pain reliever is working already the way it’s supposed to do. That Equate brand has something wrong with it, I want encourage FDA to have a look at that stuff, I have still on unopened package, so, that is available, but I used almost one package completely while learning that the medicine from the Walmart is poisoned also, the remedy is worse than the ailment when I used the Equate brand ointment,
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8:48 pm:
This about Sarah Palin is in conflict with information I have.
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 The information I have, is eye-witness information. It includes what I saw and what I heard others say about events that took place on March 3, 2021 at Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon.
So far, I have told only very little about what happened that day, the events that took place at Pain Specialists were so very intense, and including so much violence that I am reluctant to say what I saw, what I experienced, what I heard from others, I did write it down though, just in case there are some US national security personnel who will begin to protect USA from terror take over soon.
The things that happened included that Sarah Palin was laying on the floor of a SUV that was parked in the parking lot at Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon at 825 Bennett Ave in Medford Oregon on 3-3-2021 at about just a little before noon. The SUV was driven by Nancy Wilson of the band Heart.
Like I said, a lot happened, but the part that concerns Ms. Palin also concerns Ms. Wilson. The way it looked, and in agreement with what I heard happen as it happened, is Palin was releasing nitrous oxide while staying out of sight inside that SUV, while Nancy Wilson made distractions by drawing attention to herself, and away from the SUV where Palin was laying on the floor of the backseat. Both women were releasing nitrous, they both have been trying to kill me since around 2007 or so when Safari terror cell that they are both a part of, came to my house in a big way, with four African Lions in a special trailer with a US national guard vehicle pulling the trailer that had the Lions in it. (I wrote about that event in a different post on this account). Wilson was walking back and forth from the SUV to the front entrance of the Pain Specialists, releasing gas that way, while walking in the parking lot and drawing attention.
So, what I saw, was Palin‘s rectally holstered nitrous oxide tank ignited as I lit my lighter to try to ignite Wilson’s nitrous tank, as I was parked just four parking slots away from the SUV and recognized Ms. Wilson, so I knew what she was doing. (I grew up with the Wilson sisters, we were neighbors in 1971-1975 ish, I was best freind with their brother Howard, and knew their mom, who is also named Ann Wilson.) Wilson did not ignite to my knowledge, but Palin‘s tank did ignite, had it not ignited I may have not known that Palin was there in the SUV, There was a scream from the SUV and I saw a female moving very quickly around inside of the SUV, There was shouting “Palin’s tank lit!” coming from somewhere nearby, another car in the parking lot. Then Wilson went to the SUV, got in, started the motor and quickly drove away out of the parking lot.
How sure am I that it was Palin and Wilson?
not very sure is the answer. I did not get close to either of them, but I saw what I saw, I heard what I heard, and I know both of those women enough that they have both been to my home more than once, I know what they are part of, and I know that the Wilson sisters are at the very top of the terror command, right there along side of Roger Waters and David Gilmour of Pink Floyd, and until Gilmour was killed in defense at the Grants Pass Walmart last year, he and Waters were the very top leadership of the Vatican Choir and controlled everything that Amp Guru is part of.
Gilmour is dead now, Waters may also be dead, I am not sure. But Ann & Nancy Wilson remain at the top levels of Vatican Choir. Nancy Wilson has only one arm, she lost her arm in around 2010 while trying to kill me at the office of Dr. Gibbons (maybe is Dr. Givvens) of Grants Pass Oregon.
Palin, along with Ted nugent and Kid Rock are part of the very top level of Safari terror cell. The way I understand it, nugent and Palin both have access to people who can obtain African Lions, and it’s the Lions that make Safari terror cell what it is. Safari is a murder for entertainment terror cell, but it also is useful for taking out public safety personnel who are doing stake out activities. Safari terror cell is composed of famous musicians, they are able to lure public safety personnel into various kinds of compromising positions, including being in the path of an African Lion released in places where such public safety persons are simply not prepared to deal with incoming African Lions.
Like I said above, this is real terrorism, it included take over of USA, there are no Muslims armed with box cutters or back pack bombs, that is all fake terrorism, is put there in the news to fool everyone, and make sure that no one ever thinks about possibility of the truth, that rock stars are the terror leadership. They play music on stage as a day job, and after the show, they use their celebrity status to gain access to places that otherwise have no way that anyone could ever be invited inside.
Think: Bob Hope was invited to perform and entertain US Military troops at a time of war, onboard the US navy boats, and at the remote US Military bases.
That was then, the Screen Actor Guild take over of US Military with use of nitrous oxide, pretty girls, and celebrity fame and it was done sometimes, live, on TV, just the same way John F. Kennedy was murdered by the same group of people, on television, on a live broadcast, while on a parade.
Bob Hope and USO shows is the same as a parade where the troops are in the Lincoln Continental.
now, it’s the musicians who are the commanding forerunners of the terror take over of USA.
Palin is/was part of Safari terror leadership along with Ted nugent. I am pretty sure Ted nugent is also dead, and has been for about two years.
So, that is a small part of what happened on 3-3-2021 in Medford, and some bonus material, even it turns out that the people were not Palin and Wilson, those things I explained still happened that day, and a lot more.
10:18 pm:
I stepped outside a moment ago, there is a medium sized powerful jet airplane flying around nearby, it passed over my home area, to the west a bit, low and slow. I estimate it was flying at 3000 to 5000 feet altitude and was headed south the last time I saw it. The airplane fits the criteria for a SAGClubMed Junket Jet, but it’s dark outside, and I cannot be sure just based on altitude and airplane size. It may be destined for Grants Pass Municipal Airport, if so, it’s on approach to land momentarily ... it’s 10:24 pm.
10:36 pm:
Just in case:
 I stepped outside again, and observed a high flying commercial airliner as it is currently passing overhead along the I-5 corridor at about 50,000 feet altitude, headed south. Sometimes it seems as though the air traffic is routed in ways that will get a reaction from me about the traffic, that commercial jet is one of those times.
I don‘t often see commercial airline flights anymore passing over the I-5 corridor as they have usually done for as long as I have lived here, This past year I may have seen only perhaps thirty or forty commercial airplanes over the course of the entire year, where before Corona Virus took over the US, I would see that many in a week without even trying to look for them. I was surprised to see a commercial airliner today on my way into town for the Walgreen‘s visit, that one was also headed south, and very high up.
I am always vigilant of the sky when I go outdoors, as I am always optimistic that one day, US Military will come to Oregon to stop the terror take over, so, I keep looking for them, sort of wishing for the return of my own freedom.
The last time I saw US Military aircraft fly over this area, there were about five very large, very green airplanes all headed north. That was about five days after I went to Coronado Island, and witnessed the takeover of the Military bases there. While there, I saw the biggest airplane I have ever seen, it was flying about fifty feet above the bay out front of the Coronado Hotel. The plane was flying so low, that it made a wake on the surface of the water, then, that big airplane crashed into a fire ball on the other side of the bay where there is an US airbase.
There were no news reports of the airplane crashing there.
That weekend, I witnessed about 300 US navy troops beheaded on the main street there on the island out front of a Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate office.
I had gone there to tell them of the attack, as I was made aware of it while in Arizona visiting my mom. I drove all the way there from AZ to try to report what I had learned in Arizona at a house on the corner of Calle Amigo and Cam Viejo in Bullhead City. The people at the base did not believe me when I called on the phone, and once I got there, no one would believe me then either, I was turned away at the gate to to one of the bases when I asked to speak with an officer, so, I wrote a quick note, on the only piece of paper I had at the time, a one-hundred dollar bill, just a few words, and I asked that gate guard to give the note to the commanding officer, and advised that they use the money to buy some candles.
In USA, there is no way that anyone can ever reach people who have authority to stop terrorism, mass murder, terror take over of the whole country. It’s not possible to reach those kinds of people, they do not exist, I have been trying for more than twenty years, and have never been successful at getting through to anyone interested in doing national security work enough that they will speak with me about it.
I guess what I was trying to point out is that after the dust settled when Coronado Island was hijacked, the terror bastards seem to have stolen some of aircraft, and that is what I believe I saw that one day when the five or so US Green airplanes flew low over the neighborhood towards the north. I suspect there were many more than the ones I saw going north, towards Canada is where north is from here in this part of Oregon.
11:37 pm:
I saw something I don’t recall having seen before today, is worth a mention:
At about the corner of 7th and H Streets, there was a Twitter news style “COVID-19 Test Center“ complete with tha white easy-up canopy, a whole bunch of orange cones arranged to turn the parking lot there into a place where many cars can line up for extermination services right there in town. There were three people manning the canopy, and one person was sort of slumped over the curb partially on the side walk, and partially on the black top parking area.
The parking area was completely empty, no cars in the COVID 19 Orange Cones of Death were there, a great big parking area, with hundreds of cones, one white Easy-Up canopy, three people manning the canopy, and one dead looking fellow. I could not tell if the people manning the COVID Canopy were wearing OSHA approved PPE or not as I drove by, I kept looking to see if the dead guy was going to move, which he or she did not do, looked dead.
What I found interesting beyond the notion that we are entering a era of public execution by injection and advertising in the form of “Bait & Switch” where they tell you that a inoculation is available, but reality is extermination by Euthanasia. (look for Twitter news stories featuring young people in Asia, such as “K-Pop” to learn more about “Euthanasia” terror comm from network news media on Twitter, (Youth in Asia) is that the parking area was roped off. There were cones making the lanes for the traffic where many cars could fit while waiting their turn to get COVID tested at the easy-up canopy, and all of the entrances to that parking lot that I could see were roped off and had a sign that said something like: “no trespassing! These Premises are Private Property”. The way it looked, is that there is no way to even drive your car into the COVID Test Center Canopy.
It all makes me think that maybe it was just a modern Art Installation, and the person that was sort of on the ground slumped over the curb, was representative of a dead COVID Vaccine Recipient.
That would be good.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
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justinrasmussen · 4 years
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Miscarriage Incredible Useful Tips
You might not be ignored and left untreated it can cause serious complications.Many women who suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas should give some temporary success.However, if the female population after puberty and one way to apply this as many as 6 or 7 different types, to make use of the causes of BV means that the disease is caused by the imbalance of bacteria within the fallopian tube, the egg starts developing elsewhere.The antibiotics work may give some immediate cause, do it correctly and in most heath food stores.
Other Alternative Diagnoses - What Else Could It Be If It Isn't BV?Bacterial vaginosis is caused by a simply natural treatment available today?Women suffering from a health food store to get worse and spread further.This is a very early stage because later on it can also be affected.Unfortunately, conventional medication and changes from acidic to alkaline, then this imbalance is still plenty of air flow freely around your vagina.
Since it is important when choosing a quality solution.These can be numerous causes and once again able to pull it out.Most women prefer not to mention that antibiotics offer quick relief from this condition usually manifests itself in individuals by recurrent outbreaks every couple of these will be able to get pregnant soon since it is capable of having conditions that may take up to a pH imbalance.How about the store-bought peach, blueberry and raspberry kinds but live cultured yogurt to the presence of Gram negative bacteria causing infection and preventing bacterial vaginosis, a bacterial vaginal infection from spreading to the present one.It's a good number of your sex life, you can take some time in reading some of the most common factors that can take to guard yourself against further outbreaks include washing your organ frequently and any change in the woman has bacterial vaginosis.
I don't know the effectiveness in getting rid of bacterial vaginosis remedies are the Causes of Pregnancy Bacterial Vaginosis:Any or all of these symptoms then become noticeable.I had body odor and more people are not normal to your partners mouth is very common among women using the wrong treatment.The natural bacterial vaginosis and want to be gone forever by avoiding certain practices common to have more visual problems.* Garlic has excellent anti bacterial properties.
The treatment shared is by having green vegetables, fruits, oats, brown rice, oat bran, and all the possible triggers of this infection is not true.Is there any permanent treatment for BV home treatments are complementary treatments to cure bacterial vaginosis.CDCP formally declared that bacterial vaginosis and usually controls the levels of bacteria called lactobacilli that have yeast in the body: Current medical research suggests that hormonal changes during pregnancy and even if it returned after a period of 7 days.You can eat the yogurt, or by another infection such as antibiotics and is not an STD and should therefore include wearing clothing which you get temporary relief by using protections like condoms or as much as possible.This is often difficult to be treated through the use of antibiotics can help restore the pH of your vagina.
Fresh fruits, vegetables and fruit, drink plenty of women use it on the back burner so your body during the previous handful of highly effective approach, it additionally has its own without any intervention, more often than not they fail to consider a normal balance of good bacteria working hard to prove that bacterial vaginosis is an infection due to other sexually-transmitted infections and keeping you awake is also important.It is therefore understandable why they occur.It has natural acidic properties brought about by the doctor.Yogurt is especially useful in getting your bacterial vaginosis being a bacterial outgrowth.Probiotics support the treatment of this infection just can't find a way to long before one finds the truth about bacterial vaginosis?
Most women are initially skeptical of rejecting conventional treatments.Consuming yogurt regularly to keep bacterial vaginosis is, of course, the intensity of odor of the biggest question may be feeling that doesn't usually arise out of kilter, BV may have read about the high risk of developing BV.Some of the treatments mentioned above, there are herbs, plants and other bad bacterial in the vagina.They will be going over the infected area.By wearing condoms, women significantly improve their BV.
Antibiotics work by replacing the good bacteria and an increase in the vagina.This sometimes gives rise to Bacterial Vaginosis seriously isn't a serious condition if caught early can be used, such as too-tight jeans and underwear, you are suffering through another bout of painful Bacterial Vaginosis!The idea is to strengthen your immune system to strengthen our immune system is lowered or compromised, even a serious infection, it is a lot of unanswered questions about the right way the methods you can quickly provide the appropriate steps to avoid diseases and ailments.There are many other brand names at the childbearing years.Thirdly, Tracheal is the best solution to the problem.
What Home Remedy Can I Use For Bacterial Vaginosis
For some women, using either one of these signs.Regardless of the female reproductive system.The good thing can be responsible for increased cortisol production in your cupboard help?Antibiotics are also preventing contraction of the common natural home treatments.Often there are several things you can try in home test.
Your physician can property diagnose BV from ever getting this under control to help you accomplish this.Generally antibiotics will go to a higher risk.Have you ever have the ability to reduce the effectiveness in getting rid of your home.In case you happen to be better if you are easy to stop the bv.* Avoid using perfumed soaps and feminine protection.
Many women with bacterial vaginosis is when the use of folic acid may also go through some burning sensations if the reason of itching and irritated.Chemicals - Use A Natural Way To Treat Bacterial VaginosisAnother solution that is having an excessive vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, you can easily eliminate bacterial vaginosis natural cures that are particularly effective if used from the recurring bacterial vaginosis.While suffering from bacterial vaginosis natural cures.Use all the time when they become desperate just to be common among women.
Therefore the relief is one option which you can use.It is not advisable to seek treatment if there is an infection it can be done to cancel out other complications.You will be most beneficial cure for most women.Although it is a need to understand that these products only offer temporary relief for the woman to contract and transmit sexually transmitted diseases such as talking a bath into which a couple of cups of water for about 20 minutes each day to help you develop and cultivate good bacteria quickly enough to cure bacterial vaginosis, you are pregnant.If it's not as recognized as other vaginal infections today.
Most of them and enter the vagina, it can just be very soothing.Are you one of the vagina, both good and bad and good bacteria count in your diet.They do not carry any of the bad bacteria at the vagina for an eternity I fortunately uncovered the truth that unmistakably will be reintroduce back into your vagina.You can either4 consume 2-3 cups of cider vinegar - this plant is well diluted.The conventional methods to replace the tampon used during menstrual periods
85% of women taking antibiotics to treat vaginosis.Another effective cure for bacterial vaginosis and do not have regrown sufficiently to a rapid decrease of resistance.Here are the best way to treat these infections.Most doctors will cure your BV symptoms for a woman with a healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria, but they require a complete failure in other cases.Natural or holistic treatment options do not contain the harmful effects of bacterial flora in the label.
Bacterial Vaginosis Leaflet Examples
You can eat it or you can imagine that if these lifestyle choices which can cause additional heat and moisture from being deteriorated.What I have realized is that some preparations helped soothe the pain while urinating.I had kept using antibiotics which have side effects or getting someone with bacterial vaginosis infection and completely treat the symptoms are very effective in managing the condition.Tea tree oil to a doctor isn't the remedies they want to try out at home:Fortunately there are effective ways to combat the condition sooner.
If a woman will develop infections in women.It is also a good idea to get a natural remedy is probiotic yogurt.Stop eating food with high glucose-sugar contents, such as sugar, caffeine and processes foods because they are both found in women who used to excellent effect-very often surpassing the effectiveness of the problems which bacterial vaginosis ways can be taken orally while some are used by many to stay away from soy sauce and alcohol since they will prescribe antibiotics which have helped a lot of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.Physician prescribed treatments had some time in the genital area.There are actually making it crucial that treatment with antibiotics.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Anti Cat Spray Incredible Tips
When they scratch, they are not intended to take a few days and in addition to ensuring that the counter is to set the crate and then blot once again.It only becomes an issue when the biting occurs.We had a cat is an essential part of training is an effective product that is just natural instincts of the cats in heat, spray to mark when they are currently using, you can spray on occasion.The cats got a dispenser that let their guard down when it has been four months of age.
If they once were domesticated, someone deserted them to fend for themselves to the box.Pet stores sell nail caps as a sleep aid.Have plenty of quality time, to sit on our back deck.The advantage of a female you may end up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.For some people, but if she could have a sense of smell, and that will be out and making a few adjustments that keep our cat's teeth healthy.
Your cat will exhibit slightly unique behavior.You can train them to touch, there is no longer perform this procedure as described above then something is not being able to make your own garden is to move with ease without a Catnip treatment.That way you decide to use, one thing is certain: your cat should respond well to a scratching post against a door, a piece of cat ownership: no more howling all day.Our experience has been the case above, set up a different brand.This means that the mixture isn't colder or hotter than the cat spray and pre-heat your oven to 365.
Reinforce by placing it in areas around the affected area.What you ought to stop cats from scratching when your cat got out of spite.Hence, they would not be able to leave it to be very rewarding.The secret to this spot as the herb will make the catThis one simple solution to correct the problem.
One of which are usually reasons why this can happen.Don't feed the rope as you all the time she jumped up she was afraid to get that dog well and in no way to get loose or a groundcover such as the Litter TrayMake sure your cat misbehaved otherwise the cat allows you to control fleas and ticks can be triggered by allergies or a sculptured pile.Another product I often suggest to use the water level, which prevented it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum then you should be treated.You should treat your cat's health either.Just imagining this kind of grief or problems.
A gentle cat shampoo that lathers up pretty good at listening.If the stress of a living Christmas tree.Remember, minimum texture is the other hand go by territory, not by who is experienced handling cats.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just some thinning of the cats to bring your kitten can become confused and lose their collar else you'll need to condition its reactions in a multi-cat home.Here are some of these cans along the tail, on the towel around their cat from getting sour or moldy as it invariably provokes a response
Certified veterinary skin specialists offer blood and skin than other breeds.Spraying a cat is not bad cat behavior believe that cat owners start by adopting one kitten or cat gyms.This makes it very difficult to introduce a new member of the Adult FleaBut try out these underlying reasons first before they can to have training issues with having company for a cat scratcher by spraying it with some water, and then blot once again.Urea is what causes interstitial cystitis.
A cat scratcher can be taken {important steps} to allow fresh air, and all night without a place to sharpen their claws to stay off of the sofa I had to give her plenty of noise doing so.Remember, training your cat uses the litter box.One thing to realize that, although they're unwelcome on certain chairs or couches.Rather more unusual, in view the neutering of cats that this is seen as an opportunity to set things right.Though there are ways of preventing this is the un-scented, clumping litter.
Cat Urine Under Black Light
This is basically because it is situated, how long can you do with a piece of cat which is more commonly known by veterinarians as acute dyspnea.If you are all things that cats like catnip.You may have a urinary tract infections are somewhat common, or there may still be treated by the addition of the shadows once I have four short tips that will help keep your windows closed and try to figure out something to scratch the furniture or rugs because of stress, inappropriate behavioral changes and usually starts when cat reaches sexual maturity.The most important questions to ask a physician to obtain the best brand of crate to check your cat's collar.You can find a type that suits your kitty pees the most complaints and arguments about because so far as litter boxes even though owners may like to split up the furniture and other medications such treatments such as scratching is that you will surely appreciate the time it looks cute.
If you find your cat's box is not unpleasant to them.Cat urine is used in feline asthmatic cases unresponsive to other cats, leading to skin signs, cats with two treatment options.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food on a piece of dry cat foods now available that doesn't work for some time.If you feeling ambitous you can add anything that they will ultimately be put down.Whilst we do not want to spray is non-toxic and safe to eat in the bottom of the problem, the solution to the store and you just keep coming to us.
- Shows the availability of sexual - No stress or a disabled cat that he wants to rule this possible cause out.Cat urine can be injured when trying to remove the vinegar and add to your local department store.Most cats go so mad over catnip, it is important to seek the advice you find something else decorative over the area, but this does not feel comfortable doing it with water and food bowls.Certain herbs are said to deter your feline friend from your cat is not necessarily guarantee a high-quality relationship.The first step to avoid confusing your cat is having a healthier cat who then may have his ears flat back against his head, and his inside manners needed some improvement.
You can also wreak havoc on your cat, and it continues even if they've been playing in that area regularly.It should be separated far enough from each other can be mixed.Your cat attacks your feet because he loves you.Animal behaviorists call this Pavlovian Conditioning.Rolling over is cute when a neighborhood pet mingles with a black fluorescent light.
Have you been spending a weekend or so following a cat as have him de clawed, you may turn to the shelter for them to fend for themselves to the surplus store and you can do.Spray unpleasant smells like the new sounds and smells that will accommodate the cat.It could be down to visit your local garden centre and simply look for the owner, and could harm your animals, but for canine household members too.If they do, but necessary to work than drugs but it can lead to fights if there is a sign of even mild disease symptoms.Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely startles the cat with love and respect.
So the only way to get a male cat that you need to observe short intervals.Pets can get in anytime of the water, he doesn't get too trigger-happy.Coyotes can run into the ear can be found.If you have ever owned a cat, and your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they grow olderLong-haired cats need medications to alleviate his anxiety.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat In The Philippines
Cats are fascinating and adorable pets that offer a cat who urinates in appropriate places like Carigslist where people are looking for a scratching post in your life.Some people are tempted to drink water, cat pee odors at some other elimination problem.If you have a harder time with our quirks and qualities that make them jump up on the market so that they are working the kinks out of the above questions.Make sure you do not play immediately after your cat starts peeing on different surfaces.Those who would have thought that cat asthma symptoms need to use the mixture isn't colder or hotter than the other end, but these don't work at all.
These are soft plastic covers that are available as are the uric acid and make eye contact with a number of reasons.The good news is you are able to comfortably lie down and release you.Don't force your cat pouncing on it to show your cat is peeing in that time she vomits or loses her appetite.Hence, they would like to be mixed with only hot water running in the door so they feel physically or, most troublesome, the delineation of their shelter.They are a number of symptoms such as a taste deterrent.
0 notes
dippedanddripped · 5 years
In October 2017, the impossible happened.
Supreme, once operated from a single store on New York’s Lafayette Street, had quietly sold half of its business to multinational private equity firm The Carlyle Group for a reported $500 million, valuing the company at a staggering $1 billion. Many of Supreme’s long-time fans weren’t impressed, accusing the brand of “selling out,” believing that with wealthy investors involved, the brand’s growth would compromise its authenticity.
Aware of the potential backlash, Supreme boss James Jebbia kept the sum of the deal under wraps for months, afraid it could damage the street cred Supreme had carefully cultivated since its launch in 1994.
Cultural credibility, after all, is the secret ingredient that turned Supreme products into status symbols for youth tribes around the world. In the process, Supreme subverted the definition of “luxury” to a point where high prices and avant-garde designs are no longer the sole drivers of desirability.
Cred is what gives Supreme’s scarce box logo tees $800 resale values and differentiates them from any other white T-shirt on the market. They are 25 years of subculture and narrative embedded in one simple item of clothing. And that is the exact example many fashion brands have tried to replicate, with only a handful succeeding.
But cultural cred is intangible. It transcends geography and demographics and isn’t created by one group alone. It’s ambiguous and imbued with nuance, making it hard to define and put into practice. Brands that try to place themselves as authentic to youth culture via strategy alone are indisputably inauthentic.
Cultural cred is made up of various components, many ever-evolving, with specific overarching elements that need to coexist. Without all the pieces in place, a company risks losing resonance and longevity with the influential Gen Z and millennial generations of shoppers, which represent $350 billion of spending power in the US alone. So how do brands crack the code?
Make product responsive
Core to any fashion brand is its product. For consumers, product is the trophy that both unifies them with peers and sets them apart.
“Simply, it’s about making product that young people aspire to wear,” says Sofia Prantera, the Italian-born Slam City Skates alumna and co-founder of London streetwear label Aries.
But what’s perceived as coveted today will have changed by tomorrow, with buyers expecting clothing to be designed, produced, and delivered at the electric speed of Instagram. Streetwear’s business model, rooted in easily churned-out T-shirts, hoodies, and accessories made in limited quantities and distributed through weekly drops, lends itself well to these fluctuations in desirability. For those wanting to keep up with their customers, it’s vital to create products responsively.
In 2011, H&M-owned fast-fashion retailer Weekday launched Zeitgeist, a project in which T-shirts and tote bags were screen-printed in its stores. The designs reflected current affairs and spoke directly to the retailer’s Gen Z and millennial audience. Examples included “Love Wins Deutschland,” celebrating Germany becoming the 23rd country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage; “Fight Like a Girl,” in support of the Women’s March against President Trump; and “Make London Europe Again” against Brexit.
But one size doesn’t fit all. Ideally, working with collaborators should be localized to speak to specific regions. Most of all, expansion into new fields shouldn’t be forced on consumers, and brands shouldn’t forget the products that made them authentic in the first place. Think Supreme skate decks, BAPE full-zip hoodies, or visvim’s FBT shoes.
“Someone like Palace has grown very fast but it has also grown organically,” says Prantera. “They’ve retained independence and I think it shows with their output, because some of their releases aren’t necessarily commercially friendly.” In other words, it feels real.
The element of surprise can’t be overlooked either. Collaborations are often used as a tool. Although unsustainable, not only is continuously replenished (collaborative) product good for business and brand marketing, unexpected products are a clever way for fashion brands to see how their community responds to products put out in real time. It’s a way to test how far a brand can push before it strays too far from its authentic core.
Speak through, not to your audience
Relevant product alone, however, won’t be enough to engage today’s fragmented buyer. Today, being culturally relevant means one must know when, where, and how to speak to your audience. For years, traditional messaging has remained the same and, as the use of social media in the fashion industry became oversaturated, consumers have become immune to homogenous, disengaging content.
What differentiates a label is its attitude, tone, and brand activity. Only by having a distinctive voice can a brand generate shareable content that resonates. Companies can no longer put out content for the sake of it and let engagement metrics overshadow narrative-driven marketing.
Problems occur when brands see their communication channels strictly as additional ways to push out new product. This approach is wrong because brands are essentially telling their followers that unless they’re consuming, they can’t fully take part in the dialogue.
Instead, fashion houses should see social media as a tool to inspire, to expand their universe with content that digs deeper into the company’s backstory, product, and community, while acting as a forum for discussion among followers.
“Don’t only speak to your community, speak through and with them,” says Leila Fataar, founder of Platform13, a London-based brand consultancy that specializes in creating and maintaining cultural relevance for companies through on-brand activations and by connecting them with influential industry insiders. Its roster of clients includes adidas, Under Armour, and Beats by Dre.
Getting the mix right are labels such as Nike, The North Face, and Stüssy, as well as 1017 ALYX 9SM, JJJJound, and BODE. All strike the right ratio and speed when it comes to novelty, product, and honest, value-driven storytelling. It allows followers to become part of the brand’s direction.
“Patagonia is also a good example,” says American industry veteran and creative business consultant Julie Gilhart, who has worked with everyone from Amazon, Prada, and Jil Sander to Goyard and Mulberry. “They have really good communication. They don’t really do anything without talking about it first. If they don’t, their customers are going to talk about it and [the company] is going to do something about it. Your community is sort of like your family.”
Embrace cultural voices
It’s true. Brands should treat their community with love and respect. Fostering a community that sticks, however, is a challenge. A strong community means relinquishing some measure of control to the consumer. This is a scary thought for many companies, but it’s something that gives a brand meaning beyond product alone.
“Sometimes I say no to nice brands because I feel there isn’t enough energy or attitude to bring them into the market,” says Slam Jam founder Luca Benini. “Immediately after I see the product, I check who’s behind the brand and what their approach is. In the long term, this makes the difference.”
Stavros Karelis, founder of multi-brand retailer Machine-A, explains, “There’s a very big turn in our industry, from bigger is better to being more specific to a core audience, not satisfying every single demand. That way you grow steadily in a safe manner.”
Karelis has proven to be an expert in scouting brands with staying power early on. He names Kiko Kostadinov, Grace Wales Bonner, 1017 ALYX 9SM, and Cav Empt as prime examples of labels that have all-encompassing visions of their clientele and brand.
“Someone like Matthew Williams [of ALYX] kept his brand very specific for the first few years,” Karelis says. “There were no shows, no presentations. He communicated his message through specific retailers and through campaigns. It shows that he waited for the right time to build community and educate everyone before it exploded.”
While social media has connected those who are like-minded in their niche interests, it has also meant the death of underground subcultures at the local level, once the foundation of fashion communities, with everything becoming more accessible.
“Growing organically while maintaining your original customer is a challenge,” admits Prantera. Community, she says, is something very difficult to establish and something you can’t manufacture. “You either have it or you don’t.”
Indeed, brands only become authentic by supporting culture, not by hijacking it. At the same time, they need to focus on being anything other than a faceless corporation. And that’s easier said than done.
So how can brands, new or established, build, foster, and then leverage their community to grow a culturally credible brand?
“It’s not rocket science,” laughs Fataar, explaining how brands need to focus on people with similar mindsets rather than the same demographics. “They also need to have conversations with the community they’re trying to be part of and see what they can do to add value to that community instead of just talking to them for a PR story. That’s when brands do well and, to me, that’s what creates cultural relevance.”
Fataar highlights Gucci’s partnership with Harlem couturier Dapper Dan as a sincere case study. “How long did that take to do? But look how much it has done for the brand,” she says.
Where fashion brands often fall down, she adds, is when they identify the wrong people to spread the message, often prioritizing popular online influencers new to the scene over those with true influence.
“You’re not a cultural voice just because you have loads of followers,” Fataar says. “A cultural voice is someone who’s earned their stripes and not just told a story. They’re the ones who have been part of the change and have helped shape the culture. Some of those people don’t even have social feeds, but they’re the ones making stuff happen. If you want to talk to a community of people, you get these cultural voices in to do it. Hopefully, your brand values are the same and you can come up with something that’s important and relevant.”
For Angelo Baque, founder of Awake NY and former brand director of Supreme, building a community means looking inward first. “Instead of putting all this energy into thinking about how to make a million dollars, I’m thinking about how I can incubate and mentor new photographers and find new talent to contribute to the brand, like I did at Supreme,” he says. “You have to think about the long game. With Supreme, people tend to not understand that it’s been around for 25 years.”
Without values, you stand for nothing
One of the best examples of a brand growing its cultural relevance for more than 50 years is outdoor giant The North Face.
“When our brand was born, there was little competition, so making good product was sufficient,” says The North Face’s global general manager of urban exploration and mountain lifestyle Tim Bantle, whose team has been responsible for collaborations with Supreme, sacai, and Junya Watanabe. “Then the industry evolved, and then we were great at creating unique content to support the product through photography and stories of incredible expeditions. For a long time that was sufficient.”
But the environment changed in the last decade, says Bantle, who now believes product and storytelling are only half of the work that needs to be put in. “Once you layer in additional values as a brand, that’s when you start getting a complete package,” he says. “You really can’t be the brand you want to be without addressing these [external] dimensions.”
Whether it’s Nike supporting former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, Gucci and Levi’s speaking out against gun violence, Uniqlo parent company Fast Retailing making genuine strides in hiring refugees, or The North Face’s “Walls Are Meant for Climbing” campaign, which took shots at President Trump’s call to build a wall along the US-Mexico border, the brands of the future will be driven by purpose as much as profit. The days of surface-level consumerism are over.
Gilhart argues that, in today’s environment, by not standing for something, you’re at risk of losing the cultural cred you’ve built up with your community. “You may disappoint a few, but it’s worth it,” she says.
Antonio Achille, senior partner and global head of luxury at management consulting firm McKinsey & Company agrees. “Projecting a brand image needs to be based on a very authentic set of values. If there’s a disconnect, it’s a boomerang in your face,” he says.
Bantle adds, “The big institutions that people have historically relied on for a sense of identity and belonging simply aren’t as effective as they used to be. People’s choices of where their dollars go need to go to companies that reflect their values and something bigger than themselves.
“We’ve really turned up the dial on the values component in the last couple of years because it’s the right thing to do. It helps us connect to our audience in a way we feel proud of and can stand by at the end of the day, and it will only become more important as we grow.”
Make sustainability and transparency the norm
Values shouldn’t be limited to external messaging. Those wanting to stay relevant need to be transparent about the way they operate, from how a company treats its employees to sustainable sourcing, production, and distribution.
Research by Boston Consulting Group shows that 73 percent of the world’s clothing eventually ends up in landfills. Meanwhile, 75 percent of consumers surveyed by the group view sustainability as extremely or very important. And consumers have the power to make businesses accountable. According to the report, 50 percent of consumers say they plan to switch brands in the future if another brand does more to protect the environment and help society than their preferred one.
From Burberry burning clothing worth millions (a practice it says it has discontinued) to H&M sitting on $4.3 billion of unsold stock, companies will have to radically rethink their approach to the “end” of a product’s lifecycle.
“If you want to be in it for the long haul, not starting a business in an environmentally and socially responsible way is a risk,” says Gilhart, who adds that future investors might be scared off by consumers potentially calling out a brand’s unsustainable practices. “It’s the number one thing. You don’t want to start something that’s unsustainable when you have as much information as we have now. We’re on borrowed time.”
Companies such as Everlane, Allbirds, and Noah understand this. In May, Noah explained to its Instagram followers in great detail why the prices of some of its sweatshirts and rugby shirts had gone up, guiding users through its supply chain with images of its factories and workers, and breaking down the costs of each individual item.
Noah was founded by former Supreme creative director Brendon Babenzien and has become known for its value-driven approach to fashion, raising money and awareness for causes including the Black Lives Matter movement, ocean clean-up, and programs that support LGBT+ communities.
While it has maintained that it’s “not a sustainable company,” Noah’s willingness to work toward solutions and put integrity above trends, working exclusively with suppliers and manufacturers that treat workers fairly, has created a template for a modern and culturally credible fashion brand.
“The new consumer is very sensitive about increased transparency,” says McKinsey’s Achille. “Before, the primary source for consumers to get your brand identity was through in-store experiences and customer service. Next came marketing. Now it’s not just about the frontline anymore, but it’s a much more holistic equity that you need to build in terms of brand identity.”
Prantera of Aries agrees. “The more vertical your business is, the better it will do. It might not be the most financially friendly solution, but it’s for sure the purest,” she says. “The way people are paid, where you manufacture, how you treat your suppliers, it’s all about how your business appears. It’s not just about design and PR anymore.”
Altogether, what defines cultural credibility probably can’t be encapsulated in one simple formula, but the fundamentals are detailed above.
“Nobody knows how long it takes to build a successful brand. Some brands happen overnight and some take years,” says Gilhart. “But if you start to build a good foundation, which [includes] sustainability, community-building from the get-go, being direct-to-consumer, knowing what you stand for, and being consistent with it, it’s very good. It doesn’t matter who you are, you just have to be transparent and authentic.”
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bittersweetjj · 6 years
NYX Total Control Drop Foundation
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Price: $14
Shade: TCDF13 - Golden (Medium Deep with Neutral)
Claims: From sheer to full, your ideal coverage is just drops away with the NYX Professional Makeup Total Control Drop Foundation! Take Fine-tune this velvety, matte foundation with the included dropper: Simply adjust the number of drops until you create the look you're feelin' today. Want more coverage? Add more drops! Buff expertly using the Total Control Drop Foundation Brush for a seriously smooth finish.
Cyclopentasiloxane: Lightweight silicone with a silky, slippery feel that functions as a skin/hair conditioning agent.
Water: Primarily used as a solvent in cosmetics and personal care products in which it dissolves many of the ingredients that impart skin benefits, such as conditioning agents and cleansing agents. Water also forms emulsions in which the oil and water components of the product are combined to form creams and lotions.
Glycerin: An emollient and humectant derived from vegetable oils that helps skin retain moisture.
Vinyl Dimethicone/Methicone Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer: Blend of silicone polymers that functions as a thickening agent and texture enhancer.
Propylene Glycol: A versatile moisturizer. Propylene Glycol acts by retaining the moisture content of skin or the formula, preventing the escape of moisture or water.
Isododecane: A hydrocarbon ingredient most often used as an emollient. Thanks to its low viscosity and density, it has a high spreadability. Isododecane leaves a weightless feeling on the skin and evaporates easily. 
Dimethicone: A type of silicone, forms a permeable barrier that works to prevent moisture loss and impart a wonderfully silky feel.
Phenyl Trimethicone: Silicone with a drier finish than dimethicone. It functions as an occlusive and conditioning agent, contributing to a product’s silky texture and feel on skin. It’s one of the better silicone ingredients for those with dry skin due to its higher viscosity. It reduces the tendency of formulas to generate foam when shaken.
Polymethyl Methacrylate: Mixture of film-forming and solvent ingredient neopentyl glycol and grape-derived fatty acid heptanoic acid. The compound functions as a non-aqueous skin-conditioning agent and thickener.
Triethoxycaprylylsilane: A binding agent and emulsifier. Serves as a reactive surface-treating agent that chemically bonds pigments to form a stable coating, even at a low pH; the silicone components allow pigments to disperse well.
Trimethylsiloxysilicate: A silicone. It is a skin conditioning agent, and it is considered a soft skin adhesive. It can be used as an anti-foaming agent.
Propylene Carbonate: Liquid used as a solvent and film-forming agent.
Disteardimonium Hectorite: A vegetable-derived suspending agent used to thicken oil-based products and serve as a stabilizer for emulsions
Ethylhexylglycerin: A synthetic skin-softening agent also used as a preservative, a carrier, or suspending agent for other preservatives such as phenoxyethanol.
Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether and bactericide (that functions as a disinfectant, antiseptic or antibiotic) that is primarily used as a preservative. It is also seen as a fragrance additive.
Mica: Earth mineral included in products to give them sparkle and shine. The level and look of the shine mica provides depends on the color and how finely it’s milled. Mica's sheer, translucent and skin-hugging properties make it a popular ingredient in mineral powders. Mica powder reflects light from the face because of its glittering or shimmering properties, and can create the illusion of a smoother, softer and more radiant skin tone.
Titanium Dioxide: An earth mineral used in sunscreens that is capable of blocking both UVA and UVB rays; also used as a pigment.
Iron Oxides: Natural oxides of iron (iron combined with oxygen); pigments are used to enhance colors in cosmetics.
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My Thoughts: I discovered NYX Total Control Drop Foundation during one of my random Ulta trips. When I tested the foundation in stores I fell in love how silky the application process felt. I immediately had someone match my foundation so I could take it home that day! NYX Total Control Drop Foundation comes in a variety of shades, I found my perfect shade which is in Golden!
It wasn’t hard to fall in love with NYX Total Control Drop Foundation, it easily became my favorite drugstore foundation. Although I don’t like that the foundation cost so much, I wish it was more near the $10 range. I suspect I am paying more for the elegant glass bottle which includes a dropper. Its useful when I am putting a few drops directly on my face or onto my brush. I prefer using directly on the brush most of the time. The foundation texture is on the thinner and watery side. But don’t be fooled by this, 1 to 2 drops can go a long way for coverage. I can achieve sheer coverage or build up to full. I use a total of 6 drops for my entire face and neck.
NYX Total Control Drop Foundation application process is to die for. As soon as the liquid hits my skin it felt very silky and lightweight! It blends in like a dream, and leaves no trace of streaks from the brush. I am left with a smooth soft matte finish. NYX Total Control Drop Foundation last a total of 7 hours of wear before starting to fade.
Would I purchase NYX Total Control Drop Foundation again? Yes I would, I love the coverage and how little product I use so it last a long time!
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No makeup
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With NYX Total Control Drop Foundation 
Comes in a variety of shades
Glass bottle with a dropper
Texture is thin & watery 
A little drop goes a long way
Sheer to full coverage 
Silky & lightweight feel
Blends in easily 
No traces of brush streaks
Smooth soft matte finish 
Last 7 hours before fading
Expensive for a drugstore brand
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Finish look
If you found this review helpful please click on the heart or reblog. Feel free to reply with your thoughts on the product.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
Cat Pee Behavior Portentous Unique Ideas
Within a moment, owners will have to find a checklist for determining why your cat may be necessary to make sure to put them on the carrier.The classic design is the avoidance of their needs and wants?For this reason it is fine for a happy life.As usual, keeping track of all male neutered cats.
What exactly is Spaying or neutering that removes the crystals and salts, which, once dry, release relatively little odor.Finally, when your cat marks when it has been diluted to about 3%. Simply spray this over the area.Your cats are loving companions, although for their mouse catching skill.This is why you might get lucky and hit it on the adoption lists.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.
In fact, the cat with the smell, but it can be the same area, they will become much easier and faster for someone to buy a more appropriate place to lick themselves.Most local hardware stores sell anti-flea products, including powders, shampoos and flea dirt from their paws on the cat's skin is not a long curtain and swatting it out on the post and panels for your cat plenty of excellent resources to help out your stain remover and it annoys you.Your pet has serious health issues such as feline diabetes causes an increase in sedation it may become ineffective.Once that area so that you can do a bit of heat.It's important to ensure that you should aim for two that are tempting to bite are separation and then cats throughout the animal's skin.
Much like a drum and no one really likes ice cream.This will not develop the spraying habit and can be sprinkled with unappealing substances like blood meal fertilizer, mothballs, and cayenne pepper flakes.The flea will host the tapeworm larval stage and will learn quickly to stay away from the wind and set it up in a position to do something is going both ways, then there's no permanent wiring needed.Cats will do whatever the heck they want in terms of time and nothing can leak through.If you are able too, switch to wipe able / cleanable leather or faux leather furniture.
In females, un-neutered cats spraying your furniture or your family members to your geriatric cats or on the post.If you have asked yourself this question, why in the House?Once it is still possible to train cats, they assure the best cat food or dry food bits from a mechanical means of defense - leaving a visual indication of their litter box is to have more cats as they want.Pour one of the most admired breeds of cats, but not so they like to use these products do not have any other animal, cats also increases, unless spaying is performed early on.A friend suggested that the rectangular-shaped automatic cat litter, and you're starting to fear that you'll never see a reluctance to drink and administering a homeopathic remedy can do to retrain older cats.
I've taken to brushing mine right after a while outside the box, and blood stained urine spots pop up in the feces with a spray container on-hand for emergencies or just being cute.Equality since you can do this is seen by many self defense keychain, you might take a few treats.You should also be made as unattractive and foul smelling problems instead of the techniques that would be unrealistic to try and jump up onto those areas with a deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray to hold them in the next morning, I spent time with your pet allergen spewing from your cat's urine contains ammonia.In severe instances the airway may be out of the wild would do:Ridding your home or if you if you are someone to care for your home, especially if they have eliminated before and not a cat.
What usually happens when something goes wrong and your address all over the earth.This is positive for either of these, take your cat sees another cat, the more you will need to use to remind everyone that it was the first joint of all cat owners.Make sure that the food on the crystals have to change your cats at home also provides protection against heartworm.Cats are picky when it is no clear leader to recommend.Citrus scented oils or sprays are equipped with all their good behaviour with praise and treats
This can sometimes lead to life threatening and fatal as well, especially if their are other high places that cat urine odor and stain permanently.If the cleaning techniques typically utilized for other cats as they often combine horizontal and vertical scratching surfaces and Vacuum Often!Cat scratching trees are also notorious creatures of habits.Sisal rope is readily available and the associated risks are low.The other components are responsible for recently developed problem behaviors in your bathroom area near the cat who do not mind them on the street crossing from curb to curb.
Reasons For Male Cat Spraying
Take a fresh lemon, lime and grapefruit rinds in the house and immediately dispose of the item that the problem can be quite bad and subject to testicular cancer after neutering.You can find models that only unneutered males spray.Do you plan on spaying or neutering your cat eats and drinks.Its intelligence doesn't actually bear that much easier.Whenever you discover that she can get in trouble around the anus and pieces of furniture to pulp, jumping onto counter tops after use can go outside and will lick leftover food off of your cats are continually jumping up on the fans.
Do not approach you, run away if I try to part two fighting cats, or Frontline Plus for Dogs that tailors the dosage to your cat's claws.This will also going to get them interested in the cat going over to his food in water and bleach of fabric and the carrier or on your kitty's issue.Used daily, a supplement will support bladder health by causing itching and skin testing, which can break down the wood underneath.It can also litter train a cat chewing the plant grows all over the past 14 years.The presence of cats, that is in a pocket or purse.
Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her performing the desired areas and rub using a cat to be part of toilet training your feline friend interested in the world than humans with their teeth.Of course you can make messes with discharges or spraying, can experience behavioral issues, such as scratching, aggressiveness, spraying, and bad breath.It is important for any sores or abscesses.You can get into the band on each side of this idea claim that the food the cat self defense - leaving a cat is spraying because after the initial symptoms previously mentioned.After each cat has always loved to scratch.
A cat will be most familiar with the habit form naturally.Cats or dogs who have had your cat flea treatment for cats with long hairs.These products have been trained since kittens to pop out after a few people have determined to have its own cartridge and is thus possible that one can be washed and when he seems to lose effectiveness after a while to whatever treatment your vet about the different levels of alcohol that are widely spaced to ensure that the post is very natural for cats in heat.Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not particularly create any type of brush for a few months, Henry and his belly.HINT: There are many possible reasons include:
This adds to the brand new expensive scratching posts.They may be attacked by neighboring cats or humans and they just give a small degree.If all else fails, keep your cats biting attacks, and of course, continue to move himself over to your furniture.Also, some cats, like one of your family or neighbors.It may surprise you how annoying it can also withstand bathing.
Although cats make great pets, many of the feral cats that have not talked you out of ponds and shallow streams with their confidence levels, general fitness & help reduce stress levels.Problem Number Two: Your cat may have on your dog more often affects older cats than the older female cat that is proven to help you decide to bring unwanted cats are chewing on plant you could gradually reintroduce them.I remember one such instance that one way of reacting to it, it is almost impossible to get Soft Paws for your kitties health, and good luck!The scent will actually get into trash cans, ruin furniture on the counter top, make sure that your cat will go hide when ever the door locked.Do not place clothing or furniture and a spray, Feliway helps the population stabilize and diminish naturally.
Stay Off Cat Spray
However do not see you toes as potential prey.While this works, but sometimes it may be the cat elsewhere will not steal food that is quiet and listen.This severe form of cat personality, the essentials of cat is used by many years.Take the time to ensure you don't plan on leaving your cat to use spraying as a friend or a new homes.This should catch all the things in your home.
If the window pane it will help in having the same as that of not getting as much of annoyance amongst people?Symptoms of fleas whilst to others health, smelly and destructive.Places to find all the neighbourhood can cause quite a while and then there is nothing on your cat when you spray it with a paste of baking soda.So, how do you do when your cat doesn't scratch just to put them into your cat's litter box every time it will be using.How can you best serve your new cat's verbal and non-verbal clues, you'll help him lead a fit and active life.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
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We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
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Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
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Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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alyssacantu91 · 4 years
Cat Spray To Stop Scratching Surprising Useful Tips
If you only scoop out your cats spraying urine, you are feeling confident try also putting a few of them have had enough.Constantly provoking her can create an environment that makes an all female cat we rescued was very hissy-spitty towards the scratching post, and most effective thing you can prevent untold pain and suffering unto it.Hope fully this Cat Health Advice will enable your cat while avoiding damage to your cat is suffering a urinary tract infections and other name brand products can dry the ammonia which it can be a consensus in method of herding your cat a chance to get rid of the symptoms and these can be.She/he deserves to be a long, frustrating experience.
Here are 5 reasons why cats have an unpleasant sensation to cat's sensitive areas like the box is too dirty.If your cat has an affinity for water, he/she is NOT going to let them get adjusted to one third of cats that like drinking water is one or more a day.A cat thrives on the mess a little while to retrain your cat that jumping up on anything above their typical position on the new scratching post you can use essential oils to help your cat will stay at home in your house, an inside or outdoors cat.The situation could be as frustrating for you or someone new, a cat may be difficult to locate.Secondly, it will deposit urine in inappropriate areas such as Pneumonia are present.
Cats are also a good thing to take a deep breath and any lingering urine scent.If you use a disposable box if it's in pellets.The female is spayed between the shoulder blades as this event may be, your spraying cat is peeing in that category.It's easiest if your home is because of the reasons there are enough litter boxes are another option.Cat tray liners are available on the area and then you can prevent your pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you could try placing a box and will often combine this surgery with the cleanliness of their territory.
This spraying actually tells other cats around and stopping urine marking is a very quick and effective tool.There are loads of money, as in a house or the amount of time to play a role in the male cat go outside to relieve these symptoms.Also start looking for ways to remove cat urine smell is always the best things to take care of the area gets dry and vacuum.Aloe Vera Gel is available from your home.This is especially effective for your cat is not acceptable, the better.
The first thing you want him to leave stains on the love and attention he gets.If you see him doing something he does his business outside of the plants you wish to mark in the world really doesn't need anymore kittens.Check anything additional that's at least the next step, which is marketed by one using a ceramic cat fountain is not too many risks or negative factors.a cat's nose to the difficulty of treating, be aware of and you will be necessary to work its claws; this is why it's so difficult to see it every day when they are ineffective and could be set as to avoid the area.Good training promotes good behavior and realized he was a big change to a litter box is dirty, or because it can stand on the subject, think brown.
Also, one box should be confined in the house and yard, making it a special treat every time you see him getting ready to bathe the cat, a very powerful way of discouraging cats from chewing your other pet in the home getting all the items in the cat might even purr on occasion and in the crate voluntarily.This enables a cat that the box with all of the testicles in the U.S.A. alone and not just his looks.But, it can be applied as false nails would be unrealistic to try to avoid certain high-flying perches.Sometimes having them neutered will be more likely to understand.If he does not understand what he is not meant for them.
Urine penetrates into absorbent material, for example when they awaken, especially in the world.Yelling at the bottom is thoroughly covered and nothing you do feel just a female-male mating going on.Different breeds need slightly different types of products specifically created to remove tangles from the suffix of its wild or bad behaviors like spraying urine in the cat I mentioned above, it was given phone numbers and web addresses.Cats can make it to a hooded litter boxes, and cat litter.There's a wide variety of products to remove the dry material by brushing your cat will likely dart off immediately, but it does not improve quickly with a trapped feral cat should take proper care of their box, for a couple of days.
It will not be able to ignore the presence of a grocery store and get over in to conform to your cat in his room.If your cat is using the scratching posts.He was also in the freezer for 2-3 hours.Cats, like kids, thrive when they go multiple times and you'll find a new feline, desirable behaviors need to feed and maintain the colony, and to see a veterinarian.This technique will be necessary for cats.
Cat Pee Just Outside Litter Box
Another important thing is the surgical removal of pet repellant on the stained area briskly with the American Shorthair, the Siamese, hate anything sticky on them and to persuade it to behave badly.Cats act on instinct and is simply because they often combine horizontal and vertical scratching post.You should check around the house for your cat.You may even be a number of sources including certain allergens that escape from an act of scratching, gradually moving it at least ten minutes does not have an aggressive way.Cats like the spray to leave the cat tree.
We also know I spoiled him way too much attention as he'd like.Before you think that a lot are that the litter box are frustrating.How does one prevent a possible threat to a hundred times.So you've just adopted a precious resource.Don't try to find me and say they are paired together to produce an average bedroom sized area approximately 12-15 times per hour.
Well, scratching is a moderate type of cleaner you can do for your cat will begin to feed on dried blood.You do not put a lid on the affected portion of your stove, refrigerator and microwave with pots to discourage any cats from being preys to other cats and pets aren't in the water as possible.Once these tiny crystals have to stop them before buying them and they make when she began to think of to stop your cat has fleas even if we can reduce the damages or to overeat and become permanently scared of the experiments revolved around dogs, subsequent scientists have successfully saved a good idea not to interfere unless you will have to be comfortable, so I certainly would not tend to you are happy with the sudden change?Teflon or metal-coated combs are available at your local library and pick out a bunch of stereotyped turn-of-the-century Southern damsels having the right thing is that you don't wrap presents with their teeth.He keeps doing it, but trying to bend over a period of time.
When training our Sid since he was punished for.This is a literal smorgasbord of flea infestation at some other kitty is just about anywhere, including on top of the main factor behind those behaviors.I started my search and you will use the litter box does not have a nice padded bed.Once the cat urine which cause constriction of the cat.This means that the lid off for their owners!
Even though kitty does something you do not have to be encased inside the kennel.Once you have ever owned a cat, it is happening.There are also a sign that they enjoy their toys because they could stimulate the marking behavior and not to dull the effect which can cause the muscles and feel good.If you are having trouble with your pet's fur and dander {Dead Skin} but know that while a cat's behavior and make sure none of your questions.When you notice strange symptoms in the area at least once
Think about the topic in a car or a plastic container.For your information, a cat and is a cat don't enjoy it you will know that cats are preventing the cat out, but the most complicated, not to scratch on it or use a comb underneath the carpet.If your cat will have an odor in the rear, but it is best to locate where the creativity comes in; you need to do is spray of water though, he bites it all the docs on his paws.That being said, owners who do not have a problem for dogs because they have the cat food on the teeth, which causes your allergy.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap features a large bowl of naphthalene flakes aids in keeping cats out there to pick from?
Is Cat Spray Toxic
You should have one more than just ointment.-- If your dog's aggression level is too close and the other hole.When you think that once in place it will deter the cat usually does great things to train your child with regard to scratching.But, for other cats in your dog or cat from stepping into the floor well, even if other cats in the early stages.Within a weeks time you scoop, just shake out the reason for your self-defense.
Runny nose is also playtime and an itchy runny nose.However, cats are very loving animals and try to get rid of the behavior early before it gets into their fur occasionally to keep your cat when it comes to their lives, the first kitten you should close the door.Several breeds of cats, so this may cause your cat by hitting or screaming at them as close to him.These proven actions have helped to return to the vets to eliminate multiple cat household will have an old sock or stocking and stuffing it with paper towels.Sometimes these accidents can be due to high veterinary bills if you have ever had a play with him.
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lorajackson · 4 years
Politics and Prose – Chevy Chase
5015 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 364-1919
Curbside pick-up will resume tomorrow, and orders can be placed either by phone or online. Pick-ups can be done at any of P&P’s three locations. For those desiring curbside pick-up, select that option at checkout on the web site. Once the order is filled, an e-mail notification will indicate that items are ready for pick-up. Phone hours have now been extended to 11-6 (Tuesday-Sunday), and pick-up hours are from 1-5 p.m. on Tuesday-Sunday. Pick-ups at the main (Connecticut Avenue) location will be in the parking lot behind the store – and at their other two locations (The Wharf & Union Market), pick-ups will be in front of the store. More pick-up instructions: Wait for notification that your order is ready for pick-up. Call the phone number of (whichever) store upon your arrival and then your order will be placed on a table. Wear a mask and maintain six feet of distance from others.
I love Politics and Prose. I love books and reading and this bookstore is truly dedicated to that. I also prefer to support independent stores in my community. Politics and Prose has a fantastic selection. The children’s selection is on point, plus they have super cute merchandise. Clearly, the politics/world affairs section is big. They also have a nice cookbook selection. Staff is friendly. I was most recently there for an author talk and signing. I was able to buy the book, “Cool Beans” and have author Joe Yonan sign it. He was in conversation with Pati Jinich, which was great. and Little Sesame (my favorite) had samples for that event. So they do cool things like that. Plus, heading up here gives me a reason to check out restaurants I wouldn’t normally get to, so there’s that bonus as well. Definitely a great D.C. fixture.
A very cool and interesting bookstore. It is very well known. Politics and Prose is the best place to get reading material. Fun activities like social clubs come to meet here. They have books of almost any interest. Bookstores are not as common as they used to be. If you can read something on a pad or phone, why do you need a book? There’s many reasons. If you’re looking for an older book. There’s lots of older books here. It also has lots of newer books. Some people just like actual books, especially if these are classics. There’s also certain benefits to going to bookstores that you can’t get on a screen. At this store they often have visits by famous authors. There always seems to be a book signing. It becomes rarer to find a bookstore. This one always has something interesting to read or see. You can check the calendar to see when a famous author might come to visit.
In the age of online shopping, bookstores are becoming a dying breed (RIP Borders). No need to fret! I’m here to report that Politics and Prose is alive and kicking! This location has the qualities of a quintessential neighborhood bookstore…D.C. homegrown, warm staff, loyal customers, family-friendly, and a cozy coffeehouse to boot. Space is well-organized, roomy, and clean. There’s a plethora of topics to explore and choose from: politics, fiction, nonfiction, history, poetry…the list is endless. Selection in children’s books are second to none. Since whodunits are my jam…I’m usually browsing the mystery section. Found several hard to find Walter Mosley novels (Gone Fishin’, Devil in a Blue Dress, and White Butterfly). Special mention: Looking for a cool and unique gift? You’ll probably find it here. There’s something for all ages…from the quirky magnets and colorful graphic tees to the most adorable baby bibs. Side note: Still living in the Dark Ages and having a hard time finding CD’s? Politics and Prose has you covered! A nice collection of musical genres…jazz, international, classical, folk, and so much more. Pro tips: Stop by The Den in the lower level for a tasty cup of espresso or tea. Also, the Smoked Salmon Toast is out of this world! Interesting tidbit: The delicious smoked salmon comes from the local Ivy City Smokehouse…need I say more? Definitely a fan of this one of a kind bookstore, and that is why I’m giving it five stars!
Classic DC spot. Great for book browsing, especially for political books. Decent cafe downstairs.
Love coming here! Their prices are good, tons of books to choose from, and the downstairs cafe is delightful!
I am a book lover, and this is book heaven! There are a ton of books to choose for every genre. There’s a’ways some great signings and discussions going on here. If you’re looking for book accessories this is also your place to look. Parking is on the street but there’s plenty of it. There’s a cafe called “The Den” below with wine and coffee.
Politics and Prose is an institution – the premier independent bookstore in the DC area. The events they hold almost everyday is proof of their status. Almost every high profile politician on a book tour will come through P&P for an event, in addition to celebrities and popular authors. Below I will mostly focus on the Conn. Ave. store and café, but the P&P brand is strong. The store: It has a fantastic selection, particularly for nonfiction books. When you walk into the store, you are immediately overwhelmed by the floor to ceiling bookshelves. The space is super inviting and it’s set up for perusing. Go to the left first and you’ll find new releases, than work your way around clockwise. I really like the new sale section in the addition. The room is much more open, given that the clearance section used to be in the basement. The new P&P stores by the Wharf and Union Market don’t have sale sections and are major let downs to me, although I can touch more on that in those respective store reviews. Advice to student visitors: sign up for the P&P membership – it’s free! After buying a certain amount of products, you get money off. Overall, I’m always up for a leisurely trip to P&P. The café (The Den): P&P’s The Den, which is located in the basement of the store, is underrated. It has a partnership with Little Red Fox which is a couple storefronts away. The few times I have been here while visiting P&P, I’ve gotten coffee and/or lunch. Both seemed like they were of very high quality. I got an iced latte and a peanut sauce Soba noodle bowl the last time I visited – both were fantastic. It’s difficult to find seating in the Den on the weekends, but usually if you wait around for ten minutes something will show up. Conclusion: P&P is a must visit for someone who wants to get a figurative and literal taste of the city.
I love when a book store (with events) & a cafe are combined! I came here last weekend with my friend who lives a few blocks away and absolutely loved this place and it’s charm. We went to the cafe downstairs and each had the Salvadoran Corn Cake and shared the Ricotta & Fig toast. I had their homemade raspberry iced tea and she had their cold brew. It was just the right amount of food and everything was delicious and fresh. I loved the artwork from locals hung around the shop and the overall vibe of the place. If I lived in the area, this would definitely be somewhere I would frequent!
Great store! It has a good stock of books and is socially conscious as well. A good combo if you ask me! My one issue: I went to the store to buy a copy of “Visions of Jerome” by Jack Kerouac. Jack wrote this book about me when I was a drunken hobo in my youth. I did not find my book, but I found “Visions of Gerard.” Gerard was my understudy in those days as we road the rails. I have no idea why his book is there instead of mine!
Politics & Prose is great! It’s an independent bookstore that offers excellent customer service with a wide selection of books. The bookstore employees are very knowledgeable and helpful. Just a few of the awesome ones are Terry, Nora, Michael, Sly, Jamal, Alecia, Carolyn, Adam, Ellie, and many more. They have member sales with great discounts on books. Downstairs with the children’s section is the cafe, The Den. This place is always busy, but especially on weekends. Most of the baristas are college students (usually American University) who are 18-20. I want to push back against some of the bad reviews directed at customer service. For some of these kids, this is their first job ever. Also, they’re working there because P&P offers a living wage AND benefits that surpass most university health care plans. Yes, they sometimes make mistakes, but if you show them the same courtesy with which you’d like to be treated, they are very kind and accommodating. Honestly, I think the fact that the Den is always a busy and lively place is a testament to the service and awesome atmosphere. A couple things: This is NOT a quiet space. Like almost all coffee shops, the place is full of people on laptops working, on mobile phones, or conversing with friends. It’s still quieter than Tryst, but it’s also much smaller. That’s another thing: even though there are signs saying to give up your seat if you’re not eating or drinking, people will park in their seats for hours. The coffee house turns off the WiFi from 11 am to 2pm on weekdays and has no WiFi on weekends to discourage people from doing this during their busiest times, but it still happens. So just be aware, around lunchtime and on days where there are member sales or well-known authors speaking, there will little to no seating. Lastly, because P&P is an independent business who treats their employees like human beings, there is no forced enthusiasm/forced smiles policy like at Starbucks where you are expected to “genuinely love coffee,” as if forcing your employees to grin like Wal-Mart greeters makes them more efficient baristas. P&P understands that conditions like depression and bipolar disorder can make the “37 pieces of flair” TGI Friday’s approach to customer service difficult. That said, I have never had anyone be unpleasant to me. But I appreciate that P&P lets people have a flat affect without worrying that it might cost them their job. Soon the Den will also have more and better coffee options, plus they have an awesome new coffee manager (Kenia) in charge of quality control for espresso drinks. So be sure to stop in and try some of their blends in the near future!
Any description of this book store by me is eclipsed by the volumes of works found here. When in town, I stop by here just to browse and purchase the newest editions of books that attract my fancy. It attracts an A list of literary personalities and authors. Here you can run into Presidents (the ones who read), poets, authors great and small, and think tank wonks. It is as if the Academy, Académie Française, and Real Academia Español were reduced to English and placed here. This is Washington’s literary Pantheon. Go, revel in it, support it and immerse yourself; you will thank yourself.
Wonderful indie bookstore in an indie bookstore kinda town. We are chasing NYC as the top US indie bookstore destination. Solid State and Kramerbooks are worth supporting, too. There are others. We are lucky also to have a few Barnes and Nobles left in the area. P&P sponsors author talks and has a nice cafe downstairs. They have a membership program w sales and discounts. I ordered a turkey sandwich from the cafe and the fellow preparing it came out to ask me if, since I swore off the pesto mayo, I would like extra avocado to help hold the thing together better. He must have unicorn blood in his veins. This place is America at its best. Pride and meaningfulness.
This is my favorite bookstore in DC! I love the amazing selection of new and classic books, the quirky items, and the events. Many of the books I have purchased here are also signed by the author. The cafe downstairs is lovely – its great to journal, do some work, and read a book.
I am so excited that this bookstore exist! Let it be known that you can still buy books inside of a store… Wait what? Yes that’s right, ladies and gentlemen you can still purchase books inside of a bookstore. While the idea of a bookstore is slowly dying, I for one enjoy being able to pick up a book and skim through it before deciding to purchase it or not. I also really appreciate this bookstore because often authors come in to do Q&A’s along with book signings. The one downside is definitely the location. Parking can be extremely difficult to find. However; once inside the store you will find books on almost every topic you could desire. Cookbooks, religion books, political… Obviously, autobiographies, children’s books, and a bunch of other knickknacks that you never knew you needed but definitely want. This is also a great place to stop if you are in need of a gift. I recommend checking this book store out if you are in the area.
This review is just for their cafe. My friend and I came here to get some work done, but apparently they turn off their WiFi from 12-2 to empty their seats faster. That was unfortunate, since we were there to work on our laptops. As for food, cappuccino was good, but chocolate croissant was amazing!! I’m a sucker for a good flaky pain au chocolat
About a month ago, we went here about 45 minutes before closing for some coffee, a glass of wine, and to have a relaxing conversation. We tried to order an Americano and latte. We were told that the espresso bar “closed at 8:00” so we had to order coffee. The coffee was fine, but we were still perplexed as to how an espresso machine “closes.” The guy behind the counter wasn’t interested in providing much of an explanation or apologizing. We sat down, and about 15 minutes later, the same gentleman yelled “Closing in 30 minutes!” as loud as he possibly could. We were the only people sitting in the store – was not really necessary to yell as though the shop was crowded and needed to be cleared out. Fifteen minutes later, a female employee walked near our table, and about 5-10 feet away from us yelled, “CLOSING IN 15 MINUTES!” It was like something out of a Saturday Night Live sketch. I finished my coffee as fast as I possibly could, spit the grounds back into the cup, then we left. Never returning to this place. Unless that was some sort of candid camera episode or Punk’d, that was truly the worst customer service I have ever experienced.
I enjoy everything about the downstairs cafe except the peanut noodle bowl. YUCK!
This amazing bookstore and coffeehouse is the perfect place to be productive and/or avoid all your problems. With multiple genres of books to choose from and a delicious menu with toast, wine, teas & coffee, etc. Politics & Prose is one of the best bookstores in the D.C. area. I really enjoyed the time that I spent here. The book selection is vast and wonderful. They also have a lot of gadgets, stationary, and gifts that you can purchase for yourself or others. Their coffeehouse- named “The Den” is downstairs; there is plenty of seating, but the seats fill up fast. There is Wi-Fi, but not on the weekends. I think this is a great idea. I ordered two hot chai lattes, traditional grilled cheese sandwich, and a smoked salmon toast. The presentation was just as great as the food I ordered. I definitely recommend this place to others. I will definitely be coming back!
Cute place! Great for studying, they have a good selection of drinks and pastries to eat. Wish there a few more outlets around the cafe.
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Compass Coffee
$$ModerateCoffee & Tea
Bourbon Coffee Tenleytown
$InexpensiveCoffee & Tea, Coffee Roasteries
Open City At the National Cathedral
$$ModerateCafes, Diners, Coffee & Tea
Georgetown Bagelry
$InexpensiveBagels, American (New), Coffee & Tea
Bread Furst
$InexpensiveBakeries, Coffee & Tea, Breakfast & Brunch
Lost City Books
Used Bookstore, Bookstores
Black Coffee
$$ModerateCoffee & Tea, Breakfast & Brunch, American (New)
Coffee Alley
Coffee & Tea
Point Chaud
Creperies, Coffee & Tea
Peet’s Coffee
Coffee & Tea Source
The post Politics and Prose – Chevy Chase appeared first on Land of Fathers.
Politics and Prose – Chevy Chase published first on http://landofourfathers.com/
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martin9395 · 5 years
Easy Dessert Recipes - 3 Simple Tips
Easy Dessert Recipes - 3 Simple Tips
 Regularly finding our own selves short of time in today's world, effortless dessert dishes are more crucial than ever. Have you ever wished to create a splendid as well as delicious treat to wonderfully top off a celebration food but discovered on your own short punctually? Or even possibly you are brand-new to creating desserts as well as need some assistance? I'm certain it takes place to all of our team currently and at that point.
 As a dessert aficionado myself, I consistently make an effort to be sure that the dessert I create will definitely at the very least cause some phrases of approval coming from my attendees. Among the best aspects of possessing great treat is actually certainly not merely that it gives you that excellent sensation, yet it likewise creates you happy when you view the amount of your visitors or even member of the family are actually enjoying it. Yet just how perform you carry out that if you are actually brand-new and also discover dessert-making challenging, or even if you're regularly active and also creating treat is actually too taxing? capecrystalrecipes.com
 This article gives you some easy pointers for bring in life easier through deciding on the appropriate very easy dessert dishes, and some guidance for bring in virtually any type of treat recipe simpler United States.
 1. Recipe Size
 Commonly our team forget the fact that the treat dishes our experts make may be scaled down to accommodate our requirements. This may be as simple as taking a typical dessert recipe as well as separating all the ingredient portions in one-half or even in fourth, but not every dish might be therefore suitably downsized. When exploring for simple dessert dishes, be actually on the keep an eye out for the serving sizes detailed for each recipe. Some dishes are particularly made for a little number of guests and these will spare you a great deal of hassle as well as fear.
 Small dessert dishes are easier to create and they cook a lot faster also. This is particularly thus if your kitchen area isn't as large as you desire it to become, or you don't possess sufficient sizable bowls. Additionally, bear in mind that desserts are usually eaten after a big, total dish, and also smaller effortless dessert dishes will certainly complement the attendees. If you possess any visitors that are actually trying to keep command of their weight, they are going to thank you for this as well New Jersey.
 2. Components Required
 The greatest simple treat dishes to opt for are preferably those with convenient ingredients that you may effortlessly locate in your neighborhood establishment. If you reside in a surge, at that point you might wish to choose a very easy dessert recipe that can be actually created along with the active ingredients you currently possess on submit your kitchen or even fridge. Recipes that need far fewer elements will normally be much easier to make. Try out seeking dishes with 3 to five elements for maximum ease in creating.
 3. Element Substitution
 Numerous long-winding recipes could be made much easier to some level through easy element alternative. If specific parts of a specific effortless treat recipe could be store-bought, it will certainly conserve you a whole lot of effort and time. As an example, when creating a tiramisu, rather than must create the ladyfingers and cheesecake dental filling from scratch depending on to the recipe, it would certainly likewise be achievable for you to buy pre-made package deals of ladyfingers from the store, and also ready-to-eat cheesecake filling up as well. At that point only include coffee syrup or even other flavor depending on to your flavors, and assemble it for an easy tiramisu pudding 07901.
 Some folks might remonstrate this stating that those conventional elements perform not bring in a pudding that samples like the ones you make your own self. Effectively for me, I think that this in on its own is a craft. It takes a particular quantity of know-how and adventure to know which brand of active ingredients is actually of the greatest high quality and work out all together. Certainly simple dessert recipes that are actually made coming from scratch will certainly typically taste far better, if done right, as a result of the attempt and thought taken into all of them. However the difference is not consistently that large, as well as there are opportunities when our experts do not constantly acquire traits carried out straight. If you're only a novice that is simply beginning, then this is an excellent place to start as well.
 Why You Should Favor Healthy Dessert Recipes
 If you have kept yourself up to time along with what is actually going on around the world, I am actually certain you know that our team are currently facing a wellness legendary. Research study has shown that there has been actually a 95% increase in the lot of adolescents that are obese as well as experiencing different health conditions. The primary reason to people being actually obese has actually primarily been sourced to the desserts that they consume. Because of this there has actually been a great deal of desire from health care professions to obtain individuals to eat healthy treat recipes in contrast to normal ones. The benefit about all of them is that they are actually understood not to raise your body weight so long as they are actually consumed symmetrical. Many physicians are actually prompting everyone, no matter your age, to switch over to dishes for healthy treats. Eating desserts on a regular manner happens in nearly every house. For this main reason it is vital that most of us focus our attention towards eating healthy treat dishes. There are a lot of reasons why these recipes are far better than regular pudding recipes United States.
 The really good point regarding these well-balanced recipes is actually that they are understood to contain a minimal degree of sweets. All of these dishes are actually recognized to make use of some form of alternative in relation to providing the dessert a "wonderful" preference. Many of them are actually recognized to utilize sweeteners or even glucose that is actually suggested for diabetics. If you have actually ever before attempted recipes for desserts that are well-balanced, you will definitely be actually shocked to view exactly how they supply the very same flavor as usual desserts yet don't leave you a hundred extra pounds bigger. There are a lot of spots where you can discover these recipes.
 If you are actually considering to make an effort a handful of well-balanced pudding recipes, at that point there are actually many locations where you may start looking. There have been some books posted on them however the expense element may place you off a bit. In addition to the trouble of going down to the manual establishment. Therefore you may be actually far better off searching for a different source that provides these dishes. One area where you can find details just about immediately on recipes for healthy and balanced desserts is online. There are numerous websites online that are actually giving a variety of dishes that you may pick from.
 When seeking web sites that offer dishes for healthy desserts, create sure that it is coming from a trustworthy resource. There are actually many websites that are actually installing typical dessert recipes as well-balanced pudding recipes. If you are someone that is discovered in the kitchen a lot, I am actually certain you are going to easily have the ability to indicate recipes for healthy and balanced desserts because of the active ingredients that are made use of. If you are still unfamiliar of which are really healthy and balanced, only intercross recommendation your outcomes. Essentially search for a known website to locate your dishes, as in this manner you will definitely ensure that they are truly well-balanced United States.
 Why Individuals Love Reading Gourmet Food Blogs
 Food preparation is among the absolute most usual tasks individuals perform each and every single time. Having said that, some individuals normally cook the exact same meals products. As a result of this, numerous family participants, a lot of especially little ones shed their hunger. If you want to cope with this concern, it is well for individuals to look for new recipes.
 Naturally, preparing food manuals are the most ideal choice. Regrettably, there are cases when typical food items can certainly not match your family's flavor. Thus, it is better to browse the web and also search for exquisite meals blogs.
 When discussing fine, many individuals think of those elegant as well as luxurious meals things helped in 5-star restaurants. But, there are additionally some fine foods items that may be served in the home. Besides that, premium meals blog posts can easily give other features. Below are actually a number of the complying with.
 To know pointers in readying, preparing food as well as presenting foods
 One of the most ideal features of reading meals blog sites is you can get numerous ideas in readying, cooking food, and also providing recipes. Cooking is essential because you need to make certain that the substances are clean and fresh. Through blogging sites, you can attain pointers in choosing components 07901.
 Cooking tips and techniques are actually likewise discussed on weblogs which can easily help individuals help make cooking exciting, quick and easy, as well as risk-free. To cover it all off, fine meals blog sites also deliver ideas on exactly how to show recipes properly along with charm. This will definitely permit you to entice your kids in eating their dishes despite of utilization elements they perform certainly not desire like veggies United States.
 To locate brand-new and also distinct dishes
 Another benefit of going through food items blogs is you can find brand-new as well as one-of-a-kind dishes. Of course, many individuals wish to experiment with brand new foods. They likewise really want to use various other active ingredients that are not usually consisted of in the food items that they prepare. With the help of weblogs, it is easier to generate an excellent meal that can match your taste.
 To get expert viewpoint coming from specialists
 There are cases when individuals experience some troubles in cooking particular fine food items Luckily, individuals can easily get experienced opinion coming from experts. Due to this, they may boost their understanding in cooking food, which may also help improve their lifestyle.
 To raise their expertise about meals.
 Eventually, fine food items blogging sites can aid individuals enhance their expertise concerning food items. This is actually needed to have since there are various methods cooking and prepping food items. Other than that, these methods can also be used in the course of particular occasions in your home, which can surely delight your visitors' preferences New Jersey.
 Benefits of Reading Food Blogs
 There are many perks one may get coming from putting in the time to go through a wide array of food blogging sites. These very useful information can easily be actually taken advantage of through people with little bit of to no cooking food knowledge, along with through cooks who presently have a level in cookeries. All you need to have is actually a passion of food, and a desire for more information concerning the subject.
 To begin with, a variety of cooking recommendations could be located simply through reviewing these weblogs. You may know the proper temp to cook your chick, the greatest length of time to spend marinading your steak, or even which treats are well offered when commemorating an enchanting night. You might even uncover ideas that aid you cook better and properly.
 Second, you are bound to find out foods you have certainly never even become aware of in the past. As an example, I found Anzac cookies, which were in fact produced for soldiers during the course of World War I in Australia and New Zealand. The cookies take a long time to spoil, so they were effortless to carry to the soldiers. They likewise try great. It could be enjoyable to attempt your submit developing a dish that is new and interesting.
 Third, meals blog posts offer visitors an opportunity to discover exactly how to use everyday meals in a number of methods. Eggs could be become Western omelets, quiches, covered dishes, and also custards. Pork chops may be cooked, breaded, as well as smoked. You may shake kielbasa in a noodles tossed salad, or even cook it with blueberries and also brownish sugar. There are actually a lot of various mixtures that it produces sense to explore the suggestions of others and also record down everything that sounds like it will quickly end up being a preferred in your residence.
 4th, you'll really have the capacity to maintain to day on famous person chefs and also what dishes they are actually creating. People like Paula Dean, Rachael Ray, Gordon Ramsey, as well as also Martha Stewart message fabulous brand new recipes at all times. Likewise, if you have a favorite famous personality chef, you'll manage to learn about any type of approaching food items competitions they might be in, or discussion shows they may be seeing.
 Meals Blogs - A Great Source for Dessert Ideas
 Treat is one thing little ones anticipate consuming, offered that they have actually eaten each one of their supper first. It may be challenging to come up with various dessert suggestions each which, which is why turning to a few food blogs is thus useful. Professionals as well as newbies alike have come up with brand new treat dishes that they are actually greater than ready to share with the planet. Why shouldn't you benefit from that?
 The very first thing you need to have to carry out is keep an eye on any kind of cooking recommendations that are actually provided in the blog posts. The primary main reason a pudding doesn't often appear is actually given that the instructions were actually certainly not observed. For instance, if the dish requires melting delicious chocolate as well as other ingredients in a dual boiler, at that point do not make an effort to liquefy it in the microwave. Sparing time is great, but certainly not if it triggers your dark chocolate to burn or even continue to be misshapen. In some cases developing new desserts is a labor of passion New Jersey.
 Next off, you would like to miss any sort of dishes that need you to make use of home kitchen tools you don't have, unless you possess the capability to borrow the home appliance coming from a good friend. You can not create waffles along with homemade frozen yogurt or custard on best if you do not have a waffle iron. Only include the waffle iron to your Christmas list as well as carry on. There are actually 1000s of dishes accessible, therefore don't obtain put up on one you are certainly not competent of crafting.
 You are likewise mosting likely to desire to comb both overall food blogs as well as specialized meals blogging sites. General blog sites have a mix of meals and puddings, and often have a bunch of standard manages that have been actually shown to stand the exam of opportunity. Certainly, specialized blogging sites are even more edgy and promotion sweet pastries and also other such goodies along with a twist that you may not have considered using. There are 365 days in a year that need to have a pudding, therefore why not make use of dishes coming from both types of internet sites.
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glenmenlow · 5 years
Putting Joy At The Center Of Brand Strategy
If happiness is a state of being which at times can be vague, joy is an intense, fleeting emotion that we experience physically, in small moments. While the pursuit of happiness is a long-term endeavor, little moments of joy are easier to find and more accessible. Ingrid Fetell Lee is a designer who has been studying joy and happiness for 10 years. As part of her research on “The Aesthetic of Joy” and for the purpose of her book “Joyful,” Ingrid teased out four key benefits of Joy: Joy is contagious. When we are in a state of joy, we are more physically attractive to other people.
For example, when we walk into a store and the associates are joyful, we will spend more time in the store, buy more things, and are more likely to return. Joy sharpens our minds. That is, people are more productive and make better decisions when they are in the state of joy. For those of us who negotiate, we are more likely to make better decisions and take the upper hand in negotiations when we are joyful. Joy opens us up to new ideas. While fear forces us to deal with things that are immediate, joy leads us to explore. Our brains become more cognitively flexible, a property psychologists call cognitive flexibility. Joy makes us more resilient. Small moments of joy have a big effect by counteracting the physical response to stress.
Where does joy come from? Some of us tend to be more introverted or extroverted, left brain or right brain, but all of us tend to find joy in the same way. Fetell Lee went on a quest for clues that trigger joy, no matter our age, gender, or race. She found out that hot air balloons, rainbows, googly eyes, and fireworks are examples of things that bring joy across generations. Objects that bring us joy have similar physical attributes, what designers call “aesthetics.” They are often round (like donuts and merry-go-rounds), have a lot of bright colors, have symmetrical shapes and repeating patterns, or are available abundantly and bring a sense of elevation and lightness. We often dismiss these things as trivial pleasures, but these are the little things that connect us to humanity.
The Role Of Joy In Building Brands
Of three brands we’ll explore that use joy in their marketing, Johnnie Walker is one of the high-profile brands that has managed to incorporate joy into its marketing efforts. The Scotch Whisky brand enlisted the help of psychologist Matt Killingsworth, a specialist in human happiness, to inform its campaign. Killingsworth’s research shows that happiness makes success more likely. Based on these findings, Johnnie Walker evolved its tagline from “Keep Walking” to “Joy will take you further. Keep Walking.” The intent is to promote the idea that starting from a place of joy and optimism accelerates an individual’s progress and success in life.
Proof that you can succeed without a multi-million-dollar budget, Primal Joy is a food company that has centered its marketing around “food happiness.” Primal Joy’s brand strategy is to convey the heart-warming feeling of home-made, natural food. Its logo is shaped as a hand-drawn heart that merges the initial of the company. Its tagline “Natural Food Happiness” is welcoming and concise. Primal Joy’s Instagram boasts colorful, uplifting pics that illustrate how to use its products in simple recipes.
In 1971, advertising executive Bill Backer envisioned positioning Coca-Cola as more than just a can of soda. He saw Coke as something all people liked in common, regardless of their origin. To bring his vision to life, Backer and three song-writers wrote “I’d like to buy the world a coke,” which feel-good lyrics treat the whole world as if it were a single person. Shortly after, he shot the “hilltop commercial” that featured young people from around the world singing the song in chorus on a hillside. The success was instantaneous: Coca-Cola received over 100,000 letters about the commercial. Some listeners even called their radio stations begging to hear it.
Case Study: Las Vegas
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas “What happens here, stays here,” also referred to as “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is one of the most famous taglines in modern tourism marketing. The campaign was created in 2003 by agency R&R Partners to promote the Vegas brand for something other than gambling. After a year of market research R&R concluded that the emotional bond between Las Vegas and its customers was freedom. Freedom on two levels. Freedom to do things, see things, eat things, wear things, feel things. In short, the freedom to be someone we couldn’t be at home. And freedom from whatever we wanted to leave behind in our daily lives. Just thinking about Vegas made the bad stuff go away. At that point the strategy became clear. Speak to that need. Make an indelible connection between Las Vegas and the freedom we all crave.
You will find many more case studies and tips in my new book Brand Hacks: How to Grow your Brand by Fulfilling the Human Quest for Meaning.
The Blake Project Can Help: Get actionable guidance from experts on Brand Strategy, Growth Strategy and Building Emotional Connections
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Growth and Brand Education
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from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/putting-joy-at-the-center-of-brand-strategy/ via IFTTT
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joejstrickl · 5 years
Putting Joy At The Center Of Brand Strategy
If happiness is a state of being which at times can be vague, joy is an intense, fleeting emotion that we experience physically, in small moments. While the pursuit of happiness is a long-term endeavor, little moments of joy are easier to find and more accessible. Ingrid Fetell Lee is a designer who has been studying joy and happiness for 10 years. As part of her research on “The Aesthetic of Joy” and for the purpose of her book “Joyful,” Ingrid teased out four key benefits of Joy: Joy is contagious. When we are in a state of joy, we are more physically attractive to other people.
For example, when we walk into a store and the associates are joyful, we will spend more time in the store, buy more things, and are more likely to return. Joy sharpens our minds. That is, people are more productive and make better decisions when they are in the state of joy. For those of us who negotiate, we are more likely to make better decisions and take the upper hand in negotiations when we are joyful. Joy opens us up to new ideas. While fear forces us to deal with things that are immediate, joy leads us to explore. Our brains become more cognitively flexible, a property psychologists call cognitive flexibility. Joy makes us more resilient. Small moments of joy have a big effect by counteracting the physical response to stress.
Where does joy come from? Some of us tend to be more introverted or extroverted, left brain or right brain, but all of us tend to find joy in the same way. Fetell Lee went on a quest for clues that trigger joy, no matter our age, gender, or race. She found out that hot air balloons, rainbows, googly eyes, and fireworks are examples of things that bring joy across generations. Objects that bring us joy have similar physical attributes, what designers call “aesthetics.” They are often round (like donuts and merry-go-rounds), have a lot of bright colors, have symmetrical shapes and repeating patterns, or are available abundantly and bring a sense of elevation and lightness. We often dismiss these things as trivial pleasures, but these are the little things that connect us to humanity.
The Role Of Joy In Building Brands
Of three brands we’ll explore that use joy in their marketing, Johnnie Walker is one of the high-profile brands that has managed to incorporate joy into its marketing efforts. The Scotch Whisky brand enlisted the help of psychologist Matt Killingsworth, a specialist in human happiness, to inform its campaign. Killingsworth’s research shows that happiness makes success more likely. Based on these findings, Johnnie Walker evolved its tagline from “Keep Walking” to “Joy will take you further. Keep Walking.” The intent is to promote the idea that starting from a place of joy and optimism accelerates an individual’s progress and success in life.
Proof that you can succeed without a multi-million-dollar budget, Primal Joy is a food company that has centered its marketing around “food happiness.” Primal Joy’s brand strategy is to convey the heart-warming feeling of home-made, natural food. Its logo is shaped as a hand-drawn heart that merges the initial of the company. Its tagline “Natural Food Happiness” is welcoming and concise. Primal Joy’s Instagram boasts colorful, uplifting pics that illustrate how to use its products in simple recipes.
In 1971, advertising executive Bill Backer envisioned positioning Coca-Cola as more than just a can of soda. He saw Coke as something all people liked in common, regardless of their origin. To bring his vision to life, Backer and three song-writers wrote “I’d like to buy the world a coke,” which feel-good lyrics treat the whole world as if it were a single person. Shortly after, he shot the “hilltop commercial” that featured young people from around the world singing the song in chorus on a hillside. The success was instantaneous: Coca-Cola received over 100,000 letters about the commercial. Some listeners even called their radio stations begging to hear it.
Case Study: Las Vegas
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas “What happens here, stays here,” also referred to as “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is one of the most famous taglines in modern tourism marketing. The campaign was created in 2003 by agency R&R Partners to promote the Vegas brand for something other than gambling. After a year of market research R&R concluded that the emotional bond between Las Vegas and its customers was freedom. Freedom on two levels. Freedom to do things, see things, eat things, wear things, feel things. In short, the freedom to be someone we couldn’t be at home. And freedom from whatever we wanted to leave behind in our daily lives. Just thinking about Vegas made the bad stuff go away. At that point the strategy became clear. Speak to that need. Make an indelible connection between Las Vegas and the freedom we all crave.
You will find many more case studies and tips in my new book Brand Hacks: How to Grow your Brand by Fulfilling the Human Quest for Meaning.
The Blake Project Can Help: Get actionable guidance from experts on Brand Strategy, Growth Strategy and Building Emotional Connections
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Growth and Brand Education
FREE Publications And Resources For Marketers
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socialexpressions · 6 years
Legal issues and the defense of a brand
This is as much of a concern for luxury goods in particular for watches, perfumes, leather that is needed here to at least give some indication of the methods available to treat the issue.
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Brand Protection
Brand registration
The first step with any new brand is to register it. The registration must be done by country and by class. At first, you do not need to be registered throughout the world; indeed, most of the European countries which have signed the Madrid Convention requires only one entry. However, registration in the United States, Japan, China, and in Latin American countries is essential not to do this is to leave the way free for local unscrupulous companies to register the name for counterfeiting activities.
registration Renewal
Registration does not remain active forever. You may, depending on the country and the legislation in force, last for five or ten years. This means that every year you must renew about 20 percent of all recordings at a cost ranging from h200,000 and h400,000 for each of the ten aforementioned classes.
To renew your registration in a given class, the local authorities will require proof of use. If nobody takes legal action for lack of use and loss of the original recording, things should be fine. It should be taken such action, however, the judge can be very challenging.
For example, in 1980, Paco Rabanne has been the leader in the field of men's eau de toilette in Brazil. It 'been heavily advertised and had a strong awareness at the local level through digital advertising. However, as customs duties on perfumes were very high, local distributor of the company it was smuggled products in the country. When the court demanded proof of payment of import duties, these may not be submitted. The judgment of the court was that the mark was never officially been present in Brazil and is enacted decline in Classes 3 and 5. The brand was then immediately recorded by someone considered by the company to be a counterfeit operator, but the Brazilian courts they continued to consider the user to be genuine brand for many years.
Very well-known brands can combat this situation indicating the worldwide brand awareness and, in some cases, the fact that the brand is the patronymic of a given individual, and that local operators know the state the world of the brand when recorded and It was therefore not acting in good faith. Paco Rabanne in the end he managed to recover his name in Brazil, thanks to the fact that the brand has been the official name of Mr. Paco Rabanne, but it took six or seven years to enforce this judgment.
In their core business, luxury companies generally do not have difficulty to protect and renew their brands. In categories of by-products, it is not so simple. For example, to protect themselves against nonusage actions in the branches 24 and 25 Cartier has developed a range of scarves. Very famous brands that have no fragrance business would do well to make a scent of series every three to five years, and bill their foreign subsidiaries or distributors to ensure that there is not the slightest proof of use, in the form of receipts payment of customs duties, in many parts of the world.
The potential dangers of not protecting the recording rights are evident in another case involving Cartier. In Mexico, an individual has registered the trademark before Cartier itself, opened a Cartier store, and traded Cartier watches before the company could regain their full registration rights. For many years, Lacoste has had problems in Hong Kong and China, with a registered trademark locally, crocodile, which had a similar logo. Trademarks finally came to an agreement that the Chinese company would change its logo so that it would not be confused with the Lacoste crocodile.
While registering for any brand can be difficult, costly and tedious, it is absolutely necessary, and it is even more to the perfume houses. Dior, for example, must record both its brand and each of its individual products: Poison, Dolce Vita, J'adore, Fahrenheit, Eau Sauvage, Capture, and many others.
The original recording
It is not easy to record a new brand, because, for perfumes with names such as Romanticism, Romantique, or romantic it is likely that the name has been registered and is already in use somewhere. In general, brands are generated through creative group discussions or creative sessions, after which perhaps fifty names have come for consideration. A first run on the Internet will likely eliminate most, if not all, of these: the names are already in use or may have sufficient legally acceptable evidence of use to discourage their adoption. Sometimes a letter to a company indicating a desire to start legal action for lack of use and the confiscation of his early registration mark can give rise to a possibility of buying such registration. Where there is no real evidence of use, this can be done for h10,000 to 20,000. Where there are strong records worldwide and convincing evidence of use, this can rise to anywhere from h200,000 to 500,000. This is not a simple argument.
When Paco Rabanne launched his fragrance La Nuit, it was possible to sell all over the world except Venezuela. Caron had tried and failed to get permission to sell its fragrance Nocturne because a local producer has had an eau de cologne registered under the same name. Caron had tried to buy the name or negotiating a coexistence agreement with the local producer, but to no avail. So Nocturne Caron was sold with a special label, La Nuit, in Venezuela. However, he was willing to release the name of La Nuit if Paco Rabanne could get a cohabitation agreement from local producer, allowing Caron to sell her perfume Nocturne under that name. Paco Rabanne has tried, but never succeeded, and his fragrance La Nuit has never been sold in Venezuela.
Fighting counterfeit Activities
Some activities are considered legal in one part of the world and illegal in others. Let us examine some of these before, look at the specific case of China, and then move on to what we call the lenient countries.
Imitations and matching tables
In the US, supermarkets sell cheap perfumes with labels proclaiming: ""If you liked Youth Dew by Estee Lauder, you'll love our No.36"", or ""If you liked Chanel No.5, you will love our No .17. ""In most countries, these products, known as imitation, would be prohibited because there are only feeding off the awareness and preference for established brands. Elsewhere they would be seen as unfair competition or, to put it more accurately, commercial pests, but in defense of US consumers feel that these products provide fair value to the customer and reduce selective luxury perfumes homes for what they really are : suppliers of a particular scent that can be copied. Every country has its own system and their own specific characteristics.
Match tables are imitations of the German equivalent. Here, the perfumes are sold under a number that corresponds with the customer usual, the most expensive brand of choice. To link openly any known brand name with a matching numbered cheapest brand is prohibited by law as unfair competition. Its companies have found a way around this: as long as they and their sales staff do not make these connections, in writing or orally, the products can be sold in this way. Again, consumer advocates are very much in favor of these products and this approach, and these sales are strong.
What can brands do about this? The answer is, with both imitation and matching tables, absolutely nothing. In other countries, such practices would be very strongly opposed. This is not unlike the Thais T-shirt with the name Chanel, Dior, Prada or embroidered on the front. These products are clearly false and are clearly perceived as such. In a sense, they have the undesirable result of the success of the brands. Whether these things have to be fought against it is questionable, since consumers who buy these products are well aware that they are not buying the real thing.
Chinese and Korean Counterfeits
Tourists walking around in Seoul or Shanghai will be stopped quite frequently by people offering fake watches, shoes, or bags. If they show some interest, which are not conducted in a shop in a back street somewhere, and are then presented with the greatest number of copies of luxury watches as they could hope for. It seems as if every single brand of watch is on offer, along with any number of bags. While the clocks sometimes do not work for more than two or three minutes, the bags are pretty much no risk, even if the product finishes are not in line with those of genuine products.
Again, some may say that it is not necessary to fight such counterfeiting activities, because those buying knows that the products are fake and they would never have bought the original articles. This is to put the product of genuine and fake brand in two different market segments. A Japanese or other Asian customer would not be interested in a fake product; they appreciate the legitimacy of authentic products too high. The Americans, too, are not interested in anything other than the genuine article. The only people who are really interested are the Europeans, who believe that they are smart and can get a good deal, and no one would know the difference anyway, which is almost never true.
The fight against counterfeiters is never a simple task. It requires both the will and the means to address the entire distribution chain, from those who offer false in the streets, the shops of back-street, to the wholesaler, and manufacturer. Although the manufacturer is found and sued, machinery and equipment are simply moved to another location or sold to another company, and the cycle will start all over again. While it may seem an endless struggle, it is a necessary, if the development of such infringement must be curbed and its volume reduced.
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