#if someone says they’re going to the bathroom tho it’s go piss girl
rui-drawsbox · 2 years
Ehe, my shower was quick and so was my brain, episode three is about to hit your inbox at max speed.
Also I might take a crack at drawing weapons for the knights if I finish my history essay tomorrow, so we’ll see lmao.
After last time, Arashi is about to have so much fun, and so is Shu :):):):)
So we start with Tsukasa actually
its him in class and we hear his internal monologue
He’s questioning what the hell he saw and trying to figure out what class that girl he saw transform is in (he’s walking around during this cuz it’s lunch time at this point and like the scenery would be nicer for animation if he was walking lmao + nicer if my dumbass wants to draw him)
he actually does find Arashi + the besties (no Izumi tho) but he’s too shy to approach them so he just watches them
hes mostly focusing on listening in and looking at that makeup brush that he saw turn into a sword
then he feels a hand on his shoulder
he turns to look behind him and, “Sena?”
izumi is kind of pissed lmao, cuz he found someone spying on his friends 🥰🥰 aww ge cares about them
anyways Tsukasa tries to explain himself but Izumi doesn’t want to hear it and try’s to drag him away, until Leo spots him.
“SENA!!!” At this point Leo is bolting toward him to drag him over to lunch 🥰🥰🥰🏳️‍🌈 love wins: Izumi joins them for lunch + Tsukasa now
These mfers tease Izumi about making a new friend and he’s like “no this is just some weird kid that I found watching you guys”
Ritsu makes a joke about Tsukasa watching them cuz he has a crush on one of them, Tsukasa denies cuz, I mean it’s Tsukasa. The bullying continues <<33
Lunch ends like normal, school goes on
the next day is much of the same
Arashi invites Mika to lunch, he hesitates and then declines
Arashi catches on to his hesitation but decides to change the subject cuz she can tell that it might be a bit of a sensitive topic for him and she doesn’t want to press
she changes the topic to Mika’s friends, and in a panic without anyone else to mention he says “Shu Itsuki”
We then cut to Leo’s class for a bit.
Shu asks to borrow Izumi’s glass pen for a moment so he can write something down, Izumi gets furious and almost punches the guy
then we cut back to Mika and Arashi.
Arashi is like “really??? That guy??? Oh my god you could do so much better” but she doesn’t say this out loud she just thinks it <<33
she only knows him from Izumi’s complaints <<33
Mika can kind of tell that she doesn’t like Shu and immediately starts verbally defending him like a Reddit user defending his favorite anime woman.
Arashi is like “chill for a moment please, I just don’t know him that well, I’m sure he’s a wonderful person once you get to know him :)” (Lmao 💀 with my plans for this outline ma’am you’ll know him a bit too well by the end of this)
Mika is like “yeah <<33” before realizing he’s supposed to be keeping his distance from Shu at school and immediately going onto the “well I don’t know him that well either, he’s just in the craft club with me, he’s just really nice sometimes”
Arashi drops the convo there and decides to show Mika some pictures of the cat
Mika likes cats so she invites him on a friendly study date at her house so he can see the kitty and they can do homework together
Mika, after a bit of hesitation, and also thinking about the pros and cons of listening to Shu vs playing with a kitty, decides that Shu won’t be too mad if he goes to play with the kitty. Also he reasons that Shu would want him to blend in well and get good grades so a study date with a cute girl who he happens to be friendly with can’t hurt.
anyways when they do get back to the house the study date is going well expect for the fact that the cat doesn’t like Mika very much, in fact his hands are scratched to hell and back.
Arashi helps him bandage them up but as they’re doing that they hear a loud bang from outside the bathroom
Arashi has the makeup brush in her pocket so she’s ready to transform if it’s another one of the dolls
she tells Mika to stay in the bathroom and to lock the door if he hears screaming, Mika is like “???😰😰😰☹️😨???” About this
arashi gets back to her room to find it being rummaged through by a bunch of little porcelain dolls. Like the creepy Victorian kind.
all of them turn in sync when she opens the door and after a second they lunge at her to grab the makeup brush.
Arashi transforms and yells for Mika to lock the door.
She fights off the horde of dolls, detransforms and then rushes back to the bathroom to check on Mika
He’s fine btw, just worried about Arashi
she tells him that everything’s fine and it was just the neighbors dog that got in again so she had to escort the dog out cuz the dog isn’t friendly to people other than the dogs own family and her family
Arashi asks if Mika wants her to walk him home, Mika declines and thanks her for the offer before leaving
Arashi texts her friends about what just happened
anyways we cut to a dimly lit mansion, it’s quiet and the only sound is the sound of a sewing machine and the frustrated sighs of the man using it.
The man methodically weaves golden thread into wine red fabric, his work is as delicate as it is precise, practically perfect to the untrained eye, and impressive to one who knows what to look for.
The dolls around him move about his work shop, carrying supplies, organizing shelves, dancing at his whims with the simple flick of the golden strings tied to his finger tips.
the air in the room changes and life sized doll clad in wine red with a frilly veil obscuring his face materializes across the room from his master.
he reports the intel he has found, and the man stirs from his work at the news.
“Another magical knight? And you’re sure the cat was with her?” The man allows his strings to flow freely toward the doll, enveloping his frame in a warm golden glow. “Well, there’s no need for you to bring the cat anymore, if she can transform already then there’s no point. That cat is useless to us now. We need that makeup brush. Make sure your dolls get it next time.”
the doll nods and waits for further instruction.
when he is given none, and is dismissed he stops kneeling and leaves the room.
the man who is sewing (the audience can’t see his face btw) sits back down at his machine and grumbles about there now being two headaches to deal with.
I’m having too much fun with this ✨✨✨
Imma try and draw the weapons tomorrow if I have time, if not, I’m off from school on Monday so I’ll just have my history course work which means I’ll have time <<33
Hello there! Everyone's ready for their weekly Magical Knights AU?! No?! I dont care let's gO
ok tbh the whole sequence has been in my head non stop so i had to animate it, and this time i made a storyboard! who knew that actually planning things beforehand made it easier!
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i swear in krita it looked better
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i know its in 144p i cant do anything about it sobs
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now Mika defending Shu's image like his fav waifu is so canon to me. Is like IzumiP's trying to clean his image in any hate post about him adfkash
Shu VS Izumi who has the worst image 100% real no fake (goes wrong)
and im so jealous of mika for going to a study date w arashi fr i want to live that dream sobs
Also Arashi's cat just knowing that Mika's is not to be trusted is so good, like lil kitty knows things. Poor Mika's hands tho
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fake screencap! i took the bathroom from a 3d printer site, hope that's not illegal akjdfsa
anyways Mika would be hearing how some loUD crashes and tumps and shi and then when he goes out there's nothing broken (by miracle), not suspicious at all nono
and Arashi offering to walk him home, what a gentlewoman 🥰🥰
also Shu and Mika living in a mansion?? so true?? Shu robbed a bank before the main story?? definitely. still it would be so funny if it's just a medium apartament and is just very well decorated--
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take this as a promo poster btw i just like the compo a lot--
nOW i have this idea of the little dolls walking all over the house but not in the floor cuz that would be annoying when Shu/Mika walk, so they have these wood planks in the walls like the ones for cats!
that's all for today! seeya in huh,, dunno! ill see if i procrastinate less!!! :))
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mochamamii · 3 years
yandere!taeyong: no secrets.
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▹ a/n : hello loves, I chose a really shitty title for this but whatever loll this is something I wrote in like a day, sometimes I write absolute filth for no reason, this is one of those times.
▹ triggers : yandere!au, detailed smut, unprotected sex + creampie, mirror sex, daddy kink but like not super heavy tho
▹ pairing : lee taeyong x chubbyfem!reader
▹ synopsis : keeping secrets from your yandere boyfriend probably isn’t the best idea...unlesss they’re lee taeyong (even then that’s risky bizness my friend.)
Taeyong sighed as he stared down at the text message on his phone, his grip on the steering wheel tightening until his knuckles turned white. He peered out the window of his car to glance across the street once more, staring at your apartment building.
He was parked across the street, his car parked far enough away that you wouldn’t be able to recognize his car from someone else’s.
Taeyong was immediately reminded of the lit cigarette he had in his other hand when the unflicked ash fell, slightly singeing the patch of skin on his leg where his ripped skinny jeans had left him exposed. He cursed under his breath, rolling the window down just enough to toss the still lit bud on the ground.
He was so distracted by you, more specifically, the blatant lie he had just caught you in that he completely forgot about his surroundings for a moment, causing him to let the cigarette burn almost entirely without ever flicking the ash.
You see, you and Taeyong have been dating for just a few months now.  You were in that weird limbo stage where you were transitioning from casual dating to exclusivity. At least for you that’s how it was.
Taeyong had already moved past that stage months ago. He was serious about you, he was just being courteous by allowing you time to feel the same. But he was steadily growing impatient with you and all your sudden antics.
Things were going perfectly fine in the beginning. You were perfect, every bit of innocence and naivety that Taeyong wanted. You checked off all the boxes for him. And he didn’t need you to tell him that you felt the same way. Which is why it was pissing him off that you seemed to suddenly start pulling away from him slowly.
You’d begun acting strange. Avoiding him lately, whereas before you always obediently jumped at the chance to spend time with him. You also had refused to be intimate with him for a few weeks now, which wouldn’t have been a problem on it’s own. Taeyong was patient when it came to things like that and he was willing to go slow.
But in this instance Taeyong felt he had a right to be upset. Even in the few short months you’d been dating, Taeyong had managed to turn you into a full on nympho. Molding you into his perfect little sex kitten, ready to do whatever he wanted and whenever. What changed?
All of these things, amongst others, have led Taeyong to conclude that you obviously must be seeing another man. What else could it be? Things were going so well and then you suddenly changed up without any explanation.
And most recently Taeyong had caught you red handed in a lie.
He texted you earlier in the day to ask if he could come and see you. You replied back saying you had been at work. An obvious lie because Taeyong had been parked outside your house since last night, watching your front door to see if he could catch anyone coming in or out. He felt bad for stalking you, especially since he vowed to himself that he would try to be less invasive this time around.
He really liked you and didn’t want to scare you off.
So he left, giving up after nearly four hours of watching your house and not seeing anything out of the ordinary. He had only come back this afternoon in hopes that he might catch you on your lunch break. You worked nearby and it wasn’t uncommon for you to come home during this time.
He got excited when he pulled up to see your car parked out front already, the need to see you face to face building inside him. He hadn’t seen you in nearly a week, you claimed you were swamped with work and that’s why you didn’t have much time to spend with him like you normally did. Taeyong could tell you were lying to him, he had to stop himself from marching up to your apartment right then and there confronting you about your lies.
But he wanted to be sure. He needed concrete proof that he was right about what had been going on with you.
So he texted you a second time, asking if you had decided to come home for lunch today. He had seen you upstairs in your bedroom window, moving around, he knew you were home. If you texted him back with a different response he could confirm you were lying to him.
Unsurprisingly enough, you replied back, saying you were still at work and would probably be working late tonight.
He scoffed as he reread your message. Rolling his eyes in annoyance as he peered up at your bedroom window, straining his eyes to try and see what you were doing exactly.
Taeyong stayed put in the car for a while, trying to decide what the best course of action would be. He wanted to just march up there to you but he didn’t know what he’d even say.
Quite frankly, Taeyong was a little embarrassed. He wished he didn’t feel so affected by you. If it were any other girl he’d have dropped them a long time ago, deciding they weren’t worth the trouble.
But this was you we were talking about...His precious baby girl, the girl who he was actively trying to change for. He had been pegged as the crazy, overbearing, sometimes even violent boyfriend by nearly all of his ex’s.
They weren’t wrong actually. Taeyong was all of those things. But he was trying to suppress that kind of behavior just for you. He wanted you to want him too, he didn’t want to feel like he was trapping you into a relationship with him. Things were so different with you.
As angry and as hurt Taeyong was because of you lying to him, he still couldn’t bring himself to actually be angry with you. He was upset about the situation, but not at you. Honestly, once he saw you in person he wasn’t sure if he’d want to raise his voice and yell at you, or bury his head between your thick thighs.
God...it had been so long since he was inside you.
Only a week actually, but even that was too long for Taeyong.
Not wanting to sit and wrestle with his thoughts any longer Taeyong climbed out of the car. He jogged up the front steps to your door, trying to measure his breathing as he did so. He almost raised his hand to knock until he remembered you always kept a spare under a nearby potted plant.
He had to check under a few before he picked up the right one.
With your spare key now in hand, Taeyong could slip through the front door quietly. Even though during his stakeouts he never saw anyone go in or out of the house he still wondered if there was a chance you were being unfaithful. If not that, what else could it be?
Whatever it was, he was going to confront you about it today. No longer would he be left in the dark like this.
He unlocked the door, slipping in as quiet as a mouse. He pushed the door closed behind him, gently as not to alert you, wherever you were in the house. He kicked his shoes off at the door, knowing he’d be much quieter with sock clad feet instead of the heavy boots he had on previously.
Taeyong’s ears perked up as he heard you drop something on the floor upstairs. Considering the part of the ceiling he heard the noise from he guessed you were in the bathroom upstairs. Taeyong’s feet carried him up the stairs to your bedroom, the door was left open ajar already.
Carefully, he peeked through the crack to ensure you weren’t in the bedroom, even through the tiny space in the doorway Taeyong could see your figure standing in the bathroom connected to your bedroom. He pushed the door open enough to slip inside.
Taeyong stood under the arch of the doorway to your bathroom, watching you with curious eyes, your back was facing him so you were still unaware of his presence behind you, he could see you were struggling to open something.
Taeyong was about to speak up and announce himself to you until he took quick note of how your frustration turned to panic as you furiously twisted and pulled at the cap of…a pill bottle?
Now Taeyong was really curious.
With one last heave you released a large puff of air as the cap twisted off the bottle, Taeyong quickly sprung into action, taking two long strides across the expanse of the bedroom to get to where you stood in the bathroom.
He was too late though and you had already swallowed one of whatever those pills were.
“Taeyong?” You jumped, startled as Taeyong snatched one of your wrists to spin you around to face him.
Your cheeks turned red as you tried to inconspicuously hide your other hand that still held the bottle of pills behind your back.
“Give it.” Is all Taeyong said, his grip on your wrist tightening.
You shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, whenever Taeyong spoke in that demanding tone of his you’d always instantly obey and comply with whatever it was he wanted, not wanting to piss him off further.
But this time…this time you just couldn’t. You were too embarrassed, your hand felt frozen in place behind your back.
Growling, Taeyong spun you around and pushed you against the bathroom counter, pinning your arm behind your back as he retrieved the bottle of pills for himself.
You nearly toppled over because of his quick movements catching you so off guard. His firm hold on your arm pinned behind your back, catapulted you into the bathroom counter, your breasts plopping against the cool marble countertop.
Taeyong squinted his eyes to read the tiny print on the bottle, “What are these?” He asked, unfamiliar with the name of the pills.
You glanced up at him in the mirror, his jaw clenching as he tried to decipher what the long complicated name printed on the bottle meant.
It was as if you’d forgotten how to speak. Everything had happened so quickly and your mind was still taking a minute to process it all.
You had spent months trying to keep this one secret hidden from Taeyong. You went to any lengths possible if it meant protecting your secret. Even lying to him when necessary, which had become pretty frequent as of late.
All of it was catching up with you now.
Today would probably mark the end of your relationship, you were sure of it, there’s no way Taeyong would even be able to stomach the sight of you once he knows the truth. He’d probably think you were pathetic, too pathetic to be his girlfriend.
And you just couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye as your tower of lies came crashing down around you.
Your head fell, hanging shamefully as you tried to ignore Taeyong’s burning gaze.
Taeyong was growing impatient with you, wanting answers and wanting them now. His fingers tangled themselves in your hair, gripping your roots not so gently as he pulled your head back to force you to stare straight ahead, so you were looking directly at him in the mirror.
Your back arched instinctively as you stretched your body out to follow his hand, wincing slightly in pain as you did so.
“Tae…what are you doing here?-
You were cut off by Taeyong slamming his hips into your backside, pinning your own hips firmly against the counter as he trapped you under his weight. His hand in your hair moved to wrap around your throat from behind.
“I’m growing impatient with you Y/N. Tell me now and stop avoiding the question.” Taeyong said
“Tell me.”
Your eyes were slightly red, a little teary as you nervously glanced up at him once before parting your lips to speak.
Your eyes searched his black ones for approval, it’s like you were silently asking him without saying it,
Will you still want me after this?
Taeyong only softened temporarily as he took note of your reluctance, he used his free hand to rub small circles on your back to soothe you.
“T-They’re…appetite suppressants.” You answered shamefully.
Taeyong’s grip on you loosened as he listened.
“Appetite Suppressants?” He echoed, glancing down at the bottle and back at you.
Taeyong felt foolish and annoyed. You had been so secretive and sneaky lately, he was sure it was because you had another man in your life, not diet pills?
Taeyong screwed the cap of the bottle off with ease, dumping the rest of the pills down the toilet.
You had to swallow an audible groan. You had paid good money for those pills. They weren’t cheap over the counter pills, you had gone to your doctor to have them prescribe something stronger for you. Watching the pills be carelessly flushed down the toilet made you wince internally.
“You don’t need these. Stop taking them.” Taeyong demanded as he placed the empty bottle down on the counter.
“Understand?” He asked you, displeased with your lack of response.
“But…Taeyong. I need those.” You breathed softly, slowly raising up from the sink to turn around and face him.
“I need them Taeyong. I can’t just give them up, not yet, not till I’m-
“Why not?” He questioned.
Fat, ugly tears started to roll down your cheeks as you swallowed the lump in your throat, “I’m still not perfect enough for you yet.” You whispered softly.
It was hard to say it out loud but it was true. You constantly felt like a tub of lard next to Taeyong. You didn’t want to feel that way anymore. You wanted to walk beside him with pride. You couldn’t do that. Not yet at least. Not with your current body.
Taeyong really didn’t like that you were fighting him on this. You were so naturally submissive, always going out of your way to avoid conflict with people especially Taeyong, he could say almost anything and you would listen and obey to whatever he wanted or expected from you.
Mostly because it was just in your nature to be more on the submissive side, but also because you felt like you were incredibly lucky to have someone like Taeyong, who were you to be making demands?
Even when there were times that you disagreed on something and wanted to vocalize your opinion, Taeyong would whisper in your ear how much he loved you and how you just needed to let go and trust him.
Usually it worked too.
But Taeyong was in no mood to be that gentle with you, not that it would matter anyways. This is the one thing you know that you will always fight him on.
Your body.
Taeyong never entertained any conversations with you when it came to your weight and feeling insecure about your body. He waved them off as you being “silly” or something like that.
It wasn’t that Taeyong didn’t care. It’s just that he’s a yandere and has never known how to process any of his feelings in a relatively healthy way.
It’s easier for him to ignore the issue rather than confront it. He’s afraid he won’t know how to make you feel better. He doesn’t know how he can make you see the beauty that he sees.
“Don’t make me the reason that you’re desecrating your body this way.” Taeyong hissed, landing a harsh slap against your ass cheek for emphasis.
You yelped, already feeling the numb burning sensation spread across your afflicted skin.
Taeyong grabbed hold of your hair again, raising the top half of your body off the counter until your back was pressed flush up against his chest. He snaked one arm around your waist, locking you in place against him whilst the other remained tangled in your hair.
Your head fell back against his shoulder as you followed his hand to escape the painful friction at your roots.
You fell into place so naturally against Taeyong, your bodies molding together so perfectly.
Taeyong loved the way your body was so soft and squishy, he loved your thick full curves, your deliciously plump body is what had initially attracted him to you.
How could you possibly think that something already so perfect needed to be changed?
Taeyong pressed a gentle kiss to your neck, moving to nibble at your sensitive earlobe, “Darling. What’s it gonna take, hm?”
“What’s it gonna take to get you to stop obsessing over this?” Taeyong asked, his free hand beginning to roam your body.
“To stop…saying all these mean things about yourself?” Taeyong’s voice trailed as his hand slid down the length of your abdomen, his long slender fingers gliding across all of your rolls and stretch marks.
All you had on was an oversized t-shirt, Taeyong’s to be exact. One that he’d left over here before.
Seeing you in his clothes sent waves of electricity directly to the head of his cock, making him harden. He wanted you to wear his clothes all of the time, he wanted his smell to linger on your skin, letting everyone know you were his.
As much as he loved seeing you in his shirt he couldn’t wait to rip it off you.
Especially now with the way your hard nipples were poking through the thin cotton material, practically begging him to turn you around and assault them with his teeth and tongue.
He couldn’t wait.
He was going to do every dirty, lewd thing imaginable to you tonight. No part of your body would be left untouched once he was done.
He needed you to know that you’re beautiful. He had to show you just how in love with you and your body that he was. He didn’t know how to translate those feelings into words, just action.
Taeyong released his hold on your hair to be able to use both of his hands as he groped and fondled your body.
His hands moved up to your breasts, cupping them in his warm large hands through your shirt.
He kneaded them, moving to tug at your nipples through the fabric to make you mewl.
“Do you feel that baby?” Taeyong asked as he rolled his hips into your backside, his cock standing at full attention now, allowing you to easily feel his erection through his jeans.
“Do you see how badly I want you? Look at how hard I am and I’ve barely touched you.” Taeyong said , groaning as he rocked his hips against you once more. Loving the feeling of your round backside rubbing up against his cock. You were wet already and growing impatient with Taeyong’s teasing. Your clit throbbed painfully, desperately needing attention. You rutted your backside back against Taeyong, begging him to take you already.
Taeyong raised one of your legs up to rest on top of the counter, giving him perfect access to your pussy.
His shirt on you wasn’t long enough to cover the full expanse of your ass so as your leg raised up on the counter,  your glistening folds were revealed to him.
“Do you think you deserve to cum? After all you’ve done, all the sneaking around and the hiding? Do you really think I should give you any relief?” Taeyong teased as he used his fingers to slide up and down your slick slit, collecting your juices on his fingers.
“Please…” You begged with a pout, pushing back against him as you felt his fingers on you.
“Aht. Aht. No moving around or I’ll have to pin you against the counter like before.” He threatened as he stopped you from grinding your hips down against his fingers.
Feeling defeated you sighed, relaxing into his touch as you tried not to think about how badly you wanted to cum.
“Don’t look away from the mirror or I’ll stop.” Taeyong warned.
You nearly turned your head away momentarily to peek at what he was doing but decided against it at the last second.
Taeyong knelt down until he was level with your pussy. His warm breath fanned your skin sending shivers down your spine.
Taeyong’s soft wet tongue licked a single stripe along your slit, stopping at your clit to give it a single kiss before enclosing his soft lips around your bundle of nerves.
Your mouth dropped open as a moan fell past your lips.
Taeyong’s tongue worked quickly, alternating between lapping at your folds and sucking on your engorged clit.
You gripped the edge of the counter for support. You wanted to pull away from him when the pleasure became too intense but he smacked your ass whenever you moved so much as an inch away.
He released your clit from his mouth with an audible popping sound as he did so. Standing back up at his full height Taeyong took pleasure in seeing the way your eyes followed him in the mirror, eagerly waiting for his next move.
Taeyong unbuckled his belt and tugged his jeans down just enough, his cock bouncing up and slapping his abdomen as he released it from the confines of his briefs. A bead of precum was leaking from his head. Taeyong teased you by rubbing the head of his cock against your folds.
“Do you want to come? Wanna come as I pound this perfect pussy of yours with my cock? I don’t think you deserve it. You’ve been a bad kitten lately haven’t you? Sneaking around, hiding things from me, saying awful things about yourself, and making me worry…” Taeyong said, resting his chin against your shoulder as he met your gaze in the mirror.
“I’m sorry…” You whimpered, grinding your ass back against him.
“Are you really though?” Taeyong asked, his eyes narrowing at you.
“Yes. I’m so sorry.” You whined, growing desperate for release.
“Are you ever going to do something like this again, kitten?” He asked, slipping his hands under your shirt to roll your nipples in between his fingers.
“I won’t. I swear.”
Taeyong smirked, loving the sound of desperation in your voice.
“Do you promise? Tell daddy you promise to never do this again and he’ll give you what you want okay?”
He didn’t have to tell you twice before you were repeating over and over like a mantra, “I promise I’ll never do it again, daddy.” You fluttered your lashes at him in the mirror, hoping he’d sense your sincerity.
That was all Taeyong needed to see before backing up and sinking his cock deep into your pussy.
He groaned as your walls hungrily sucked him in, greedily accepting every inch of him.
You arched your back, raising your ass even higher in the air for him.
Taeyong was relentless in how he fucked you. His nails painfully dug into the flesh on your soft hips as he held onto them for support whilst he pounded you from behind.
“Do you hear how wet you are? This pussy is practically milking my cock.” Taeyong moaned, his eyes never leaving yours in the mirror.
He was right. You were so wet, the obscene squelching noises your pussy was making around his cock bounced off the four walls of the bathroom.
“Taeyong…” You moaned.
He moved one hand off your hip to rest against your hand that was lying on the counter, he grabbed your hand to lace your fingers together.
“That’s right baby. Look at yourself, look at how well you’re taking my cock…such a good girl for me, my beautiful good girl.”
You could’ve come right then and there just because of how dirty the words coming from Taeyong’s mouth were.
You felt warm and happy as he praised you, calling you a good girl for taking him so well.
Taeyong continued drilling into you, never losing the rhythm he had set or the speed he was going at. He kept repeating in your ear over and over how pretty you looked and how beautiful you were.
Usually compliments like that went in one ear and out the other, you never liked to dwell on them for long because you just didn’t believe them.
But now…right here, right now. Watching yourself in the mirror as Taeyong fucked you, the faces you were making, and the way your body instinctively rolled and grinded back against him.
Even you couldn’t deny the beauty of the scene before you.
You could see him in the mirror, watching as his hands gripped and groped at your flesh, his desire and want for you evident on his face, evident in the manner at which he was thrusting deep inside you as if his life depended on it.
Thrusting with a desperation that matched yours, you needed this, to feel him inside of you, filling and stretching your walls with a subtle sweet pain.
“Taeyong, I’m gonna come.” You warned, feeling yourself clench around him.
The essence of your shared arousal started to drip down your thigh.
“Then come for me.” Taeyong answered, reaching his hand around your waist to rub your clit, propelling you further into your state of euphoria.
You rocked your hips back against him, chasing after your own orgasm.
You moved to throw your head back and rest it on his shoulder but Taeyong was quick to push your head forward, reminding you with a slap on your ass to not look away from the mirror.
“I want you to watch as you come on my cock.” Taeyong growled, determination clear in his voice as he unsheathed his cock completely from your warmth only to slam his hips back into yours.
You squealed as Taeyong angled his thrusts upward to hit your g-spot. Your eyes welled with tears, and your hand gripped the edge of the counter as you braced yourself.
It only took Taeyong a few more strokes before you were clenching around him uncontrollably, your pussy creaming on his cock. You collapsed on the counter, too tired to hold yourself up anymore. You winced a little as Taeyong continued to drill into you, the pleasure turning into a slight burn as he overstimulated you.
You wiggled your hips, trying to bring your hiked up leg down from the counter whilst also inching away from Taeyong’s thrusts.
“Stay still.” Taeyong grunted, pinching your outer thigh.
Taeyong abused your poor cunt until he was ready to fill you with his seed. He made sure he was stuffed deep inside of you when he painted your walls with his cum.
Once the two of you had caught a minute to catch your breath, Taeyong carefully pulled out of you, making a mess between your thighs as he did so. Your empty pussy was now clenching on air, inadvertently pushing Taeyong’s cum out of your hole causing it to run down your inner thighs.
Taeyong leaned down to kiss the back of your neck, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you came down from your high.
Finally, Taeyong pushed himself off of you to allow you to rise up from the counter. He turned you around to face him so he could properly kiss you on the lips.
“Wait, where are you going?” Taeyong asked as you kissed him before untangling your limbs from his.
“To shower?” You answered, one hand already on the nozzle of the tap to turn the shower on.
You were a sweaty, sticky mess, in desperate need of a nice long shower.
Taeyong smirked, pulling you back into his chest, “We’re still not done here.”
Your face must’ve said it all because before you got the chance to whine about being tired Taeyong was already pressing you up against the wall.
“Spread your legs again. Nice and wide for me...Daddy’s going to make sure you get all clean again…”
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flyhighest · 3 years
hq headcanon sexualies but like in depth I just think it's fun and my brain ay work wouldn't think of anything else
atsumu gay boy ,,, he went thru girls like they were going out of season and tried his damndest to justify why he was with them 'uh because she has fat tits?' / 'she's pretty ig?' and broke up with them to justify why he was no longer attracted to them 'her voice was annoying' / 'she was extremely clingy' until osamu bless him being the voice of reason 'maybe ur just not attracted to them and that's ok' which pissed him off but like so true? his first crush was kita anyways; likes to make things more complicated for himself when he's more attracted to the unattainable even tho he's unattainable (or undesirable) himself
osamu a bi boy, comfortable with his sexuality and finds both male female and all in between very nice to be with but he's too busy with his cute onigiri business to really focus on dating atm but he can appreciate a beautiful person when he sees them he's definitely an ass guy; also had a crush on kita
bokuto my trans bi king, will love literally anyone he has 3 passions in life: volleyball, consuming any type of meat, and his partner he loves a good crowd cheer in his games but he is ultimately more pumped up if he sees his significant other in the crowd he will treat u so so so right and the way u deserve and will absolutely call them every day when he's out of country or city let's just say hes the type to have a selfie of u or a picture of both of u together as his phone background; his first crush was namie amuro (a popular jpop artist in the early 2000s)
oikawa gay enby, he loves when a girl pursues him but is rly only with a girl for the attention he receives but is always confused when they break up with him like is it his personality? definitely not, not THE tooru oikawa but in the end he's not rly upset about them leaving has come to accept the fact he's gay when he goes to south america like ah that explains it; his first crush (and love) was iwaizumi
yachi, a true lesbian queen gets intimidated by men (esp when they're taller she thinks it makes them more opposing) but u bring a pretty lady into the scene she thinks they are a goddess incarnate (kiyoko, yukako, hasu) and her mind will go thru so many different scenarios on how to screw it up but also thoughts with nothing but them what were they talking about? she has no idea; her first crush was a classmate in middle school
kiyoomi, gay dude they are also Grey aromantic only in terms where he doesn't pursue romance nor do they see a purpose for it in their life and when they experience a romantic desire for someone it's fleeting generally (totally not self projecting here) he is attracted to other men altho someone to quickly lose his interest will have to show a lack of hygiene (their place looks like it hasn't been cleaned in weeks, not washing hands after using the bathroom, reusing the same pair of socks the next day, etc.) or disregards for others physical health and after he witnesses this in real time theyre like 'actually nvm' but men sexy; his first crush was his captain (ushijima is right there) let's just say if he finds u hot / is actually romantically interested in u consider urself lucky but you'll never ever know it (basically he will be in his grave when he tells u)
hoshiumi love this chaotic bisexual thinks men are hot and women are gorgeous but unfortunately he's too zoned in on volleyball to actually concentrate on one besides if they like u they will tell u outright but if he doesn't find it necessary he won't, he's a bit impulsive so who knows what'll happen; does have an interest in ushijima but doesn't like dating teammates but he's obvious in his attraction
last but not least kenma ace king, doesn't find sex necessary or appealing he would rather play video games and cuddle than do anything sexual but he's not blind to someone's looks he just doesn't find that important tho altho he does find romance to be for that Someone but streaming currently has him bound atm but it's not to say he's not disinterested; his first romantic interest was kuroo but hinata tho ,, much to think about
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songficsbyrissi · 4 years
This X-Mas (Spooky X Reader)
“'Cause this Christmas, will be the Greatest time of your life from me I ain't asking for the diamond rings I ain't really got a list of expensive things I just want you to myself while the children sleeps Santa baby, would you make a little time for me?” - Chris Brown feat. Ella Mai
A/N: hey y’all! I know I kinda abandoned you but being in College during a panoramic (Twitter joke) but I finished! I graduated undergrad so it’s lit! Even tho I don’t really care for Christmas or the holidays and I dislike Christmas music, I love this song and since it’s been a while, I might as well give y’all a Christmas gift soooo Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁❤️
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You were not a fan of the holidays.
It’s not like you never were. You used to be but as you grew up, you grew a disdain for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years', all that.
The most wonderful time of the year, your ass.
From November 1st up until January 2nd, every year, you were annoyed and couldn’t wait for this time of the year to be over. You didn’t like it and if you had to hear “All I Want from Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey one more fucking time, someone was gonna get kicked where they’re more jolly.
You were relaxing on the couch when you heard a knock on your apartment door. You announced you were coming and opened the door to 3 boys by the names of Cesar, Jamal, and Ruby.
“Hey, boys! What brings-“
“BATHROOM!” Jamal ran past you and straight to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Ruby shook his head and Cesar gave a nervous laugh.
“Would you believe we were just in the neighborhood?”
You pursed your lips. “Nope.”
Ruby sighed out of frustration. “We need help getting Christmas gifts for our.....” He swallowed hard. You closed your eyes.
“You’re still struggling to call Jasmine your girlfriend?”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” You waved him off and right then, Jamal stepped out the bathroom, relieved.
“Whew, my bladder was full! Where you get that hand soap, Y/N?! Smells lovely!”
You rolled your eyes, irritated. “At Bath and Body Works where y’all should get gifts for your girlfriends.” You narrowed your eyes at Ruby, who shuddered at the G-word. “Now if you excuse me, I was enjoying my alone time.”
Cesar stopped the door from closing. “Wait. Didn’t you say you were leaving today to go spend Christmas with your family?”
Shit. “Uh yeah. Duh. I needed alone time before I left.”
“I don’t see any bags packed.” Ruby indicated, skeptical.
“Or an airline ticket on the desk. Yeah, I noticed!” Jamal added, folding his arms.
You looked at the 3 teenage boys who were waiting for you to confess. You sighed deeply, knowing the jig is up.
“Fine, 3 wise men!” You stated with a tone dripping in sarcasm. “I’m not going home. I never was going home. The reason why is because I don’t care for the holidays. I stopped a long time ago. It’s never been special to me. Also, I don’t have a close-knit family. Actually, we’re dysfunctional as hell. This isn’t the most wonderful time of the year for me. I lied so you guys wouldn’t know the truth, now are you happy?”
Jamal had a dismal expression on his face and pulled you to his chest. “Now I see what the Scrooge looks like as a black woman.”
You pushed him off and Cesar grabbed your wrist before you could hit him.
“Does Spooky know?”
You shook your head. “Nope and it’s gonna stay that way. I mean it, Cesar. Don’t say shit to your brother about this.”
Were you really depending on the little brother of your gang member friend that’s not really a friend but he’s kind of your boo to keep his mouth shut?
“Cesar told me you lied.” That was what Spooky said when you opened the door the next morning which was Christmas. You sucked your teeth loudly, disappointed that your dumbass trusted a 15-year-old who feared his brother.
“I should really kick your brother’s ass.”
He smirked at your comment. “Talk to me, Mami. Why you not fucking with Christmas?”
You left the door, letting him outside and he closed the door behind him. “Because it’s annoying as hell.”
“Nah, that ain’t it.”
You turned to Spooky with your arms folded. “Why do you even care, Oscar? It’s not like your thug ass cares for holidays and shit.”
Spooky remained unfazed by your attitude and you calling him by his government. When you first met him, he would be pissed at that. Even tried scaring you but it didn’t work. Eventually, he got used to it and only allowed you to call him Oscar.
“You’re wrong and I’ll show you. Get dressed.”
You were feeling dangerous. “And what if I don’t?” You responded with a roll of the neck.
Spooky let a dry laugh that scared you yet turned you on at the same time. Damn. You started to bite your lip then pulled it back. He got dangerously close and stared you down.
“Do you really wanna know, Princesa?”
Yes. No. Shit.
You got out of his face and got dressed as you were told. You’ll let him win this round. You got into his car and he drove back to his house where Cesar and his girlfriend Monse were making a mess in the kitchen.
“Hey Y/N!” Monse greeted you. Cesar looked at you nervously.
“Hey Y/N, how’s-“
You held your hand up. “Save it, snitch!”
“He forced it out of me!” The young boy pleaded and you rolled your eyes in response.
“Whatever. What are y’all even doing?” You asked, confused and disgusted by the sight of the kitchen and glancing at Spooky’s face, he was not too pleased either.
“Trying to do a Christmas brunch but somebody doesn’t wanna listen to the instructions.” Monse gestured towards her boyfriend with a roll of her neck, causing Cesar to groan.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the two. “Alright lemme help so I can fix this. You!” You gestured towards Spooky. “You’re helping too!”
“Nahhhh cooking ain’t my thing.”
“Well Christmas ain’t my thing but I’m here. Now throw on an apron, cholo. You’re on bacon duty!”
You couldn’t lie. Making Christmas brunch with the kids was fun as hell. You found yourself smiling and giggling during the cooking and eating. You even caught Spooky staring at you a couple of times. You pecked his lips just because he looked so adorable but if you told him that, he’ll turn into a jackass. When the boys left to get something from God knows where you were left alone with Monse. You didn’t know too much about the girl but figured you could get to know her more.
“So Monse...you’re spending Christmas with your boyfriend.”
“So are you.”
Your eyes narrowed at her response. “1. Spooky is not my boyfriend and 2. I was forced here. Christmas is bullshit.”
“I love Christmas. Even though I don’t remember the last time I actually spent it with my dad.” Monse shrugged bending over and fix her shoelaces. That caught your attention.
“Wait, you’ve had shitty Christmases and you still love Christmas?!”
She shrugged again. “Well yeah. My dad is always away for Christmas and I don’t have my mom so I’ve always dreamt of doing Christmas stuff with the people I love. When I met the boys, not to sound corny but my dreams came true. Another reason why I need to keep the group together.”
You were lost for words. “Wow, I’m sorry, Monse.”
“It’s ok. Hey, I think I hear the boys coming back.”
The boys revealed themselves and Cesar announced that you guys were being invited to have Christmas dinner with Jamal’s family which was great because you didn’t want to cook.
“I’m telling you marmalade is better than jelly. I don’t wanna hear it!” Jamal declared during dinner. A debate broke out between marmalade and jelly which really entertained you. Jamal’s family was funny and so welcoming to you, a stranger. It felt weird to you that they were showing so much love to you, a stranger. Oscar held your hand throughout the whole dinner which did something to your stomach. You don’t wanna say butterflies. Maybe it’s gas.
When the group stopped by Ruby’s house to pick him up for “friendsmas”, his grandma pulled you aside with a serious look on her face.
“Open your heart, mama.”
You gave her a confused look. “What?”
“You closed your heart. Open it. Even if it’s to Papi Chulo over there. “ she gestured towards Oscar who was lighting up a cigarette and looked back at you. “Open it to Christmas. To any holiday. Just....open it.”
You kept that in mind as you went with the others back to the house for the kids to engage in their “friendsmas”.
“I’ve never heard “Friendsmas.” You muttered as Spooky handed you a glass of wine and you watched the kids from the doorway.
Oscar shrugged taking a swig of his Corona. “Well you hate Christmas so I’m not surprised.”
You elbowed him in his side and he began to laugh in response. “I don’t hate Christmas. I just never found joy in the holidays but now I do.” You looked at him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you. Thank you for making this Christmas special for me.”
Oscar began to grin and pulled something from behind his back. “It’s not over yet, hyna.”
You gazed at the blue velvet rectangular box and opened it slowly to reveal a silver chain that said “Oscar” You looked up at him, speechless.
“Spooky, I....I.....”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just put on my necklace and be mine.” The gangsta in front of you took a deep breath. “I love you, Y/N.”
Your eyes were as big as saucers. “You....you do?”
“Yes, girl he do! It was so obvious!” Jasmine’s voice broke through the moment and everyone glared at her. Her mouth formed an O. “Oooh sorry! I forgot we were supposed to be acting like we weren’t paying attention. My bad!”
You shook your head and felt a surge of love and confidence. You loved this man. You have for a long time but never admitted it because...your heart was closed. Damn. Ruby’s crazy grandma ain’t so crazy after all.
“I love you too, Oscar.” You pulled him in for a long passionate kiss and the crew clapped in excitement.
“Girl put your back in it! You’re under the mistletoe!” Jasmine yelled again.
Ruby started. “Jasmine-“
“Shut up and kiss me!” She grabbed him by his collar, planting a kiss on his lips.
When you finally pulled away from your kiss with Spooky, you smiled up at him and his expression was matching yours. You spoke up through your grin:
“I’ll be damned. It is the most wonderful time of the year.”
A/N: Cheesy as fuckkkkk I know but Christmas is all about the cheese if we’re gonna be honest. I hope you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, y’all! ❤️🎄🎁
Tags: @karmawaelualani @chaneajoyyy @ctrlszn @witchything @sabrinafey @penguinpower17889 @robingreysantos @namjoonwatcheshentai @pananegra @bloatedandlonly @blackmissfrizzle @chonisberonica @flamingweasley @cynthetic @momobaby227 @this-glitter-pussay​ @beyondprincess​ @joyrivh​
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kotsuvi · 4 years
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a/n: okay this is kinda a take on canadian/american thanksgiving—yanno with all the pumpkin pie and the turkeys and the fall colours? i just thought it would be kind of cute.
warnings: swearing, underage drinking for some
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daichi: told-no, COMMANDED asahi and suga to wear fall colours. like seriously wore the brown khakis with the orange sweater and little socks with turkeys on them. it’s at his house, so he insisted that suga and asahi arrive early and sit at the table together, just to make the other guests feel bad about not being dressed up. yells at the guests to stop touching his family’s ornaments and paintings. gets kita to help babysit.
suga: was actually going to dress up anyway, so he took it as the perfect chance to wear his turkey knit sweater. it has tiny little turkeys all over it like it’s so fuckin cute. lowwwwkeyyyy makes daichi blush when he sees him but like we’re not gonna talk about it. brings a delicious fruit salad that’s eaten almost singlehandedly by lev and hinata.
asahi: panics because he doesn’t have a lot of nice things to wear. like FREAKS OUT in front of his closet, close to tears. legit settles on a tan shirt, brown pants and black boots with a slight heel. definitely gets teased by tendou about keeping the beard. “keeping it intact,” he replies. brings cabbage rolls. also brings brownies, and has to fight the urge to eat them all on the way over.
nishinoya: arrives slightly late, but worth the wait. busts through the door screaming about how hungry he is. doesn’t take of his shoes in the house so he trails mud EVERYWHERE. also sneaks in a couple bottles of cider. he’s been thinking about this feast for days, and he just can’t wait. talks with his mouth full of food. probably spits mashed potatos on akaashi at some point. gets drunk off of his secret cider and asks iwa if he likes being second best to oikawa.
tanaka: arrives shortly after noya, despite saeko speeding to get there. you can literally hear him talking from ten houses away. argues with bokuto over stupid things; ends up nearly starting a food fight. eats with his fingers, literally no utensils, and doesn’t use a napkin. secretly grossing everyone out. thinks that he can win a turkey eating contest, but daichi shuts him down before he can get started. is DEDICATED to the kareoke. even sings a song for kiyoko.
hinata: so incredibly excited to eat. this kid could not SLEEP he was so excited. gets cursed with sitting next to ushiwaka and tendou, who bully him about his hair being thanksgiving colours year-round. budges everyone in line for the food. of course daichi then makes him go last. yells at kageyama for getting the best part of the turkey: the skin. atsumu tells him that ginger beer is a new type of “delicious juice” and he drinks it all, nearly throwing up afterwards. lowkey got flustered when tanaka was singing britney spears.
kageyama: tells everyone that he doesn’t want to go, but is actually extremely excited as well. for some reason he snoops through daichi’s house while everyone is eating? he just wants to take a look around, and then suddenly he’s in daichi’s parents’ bathroom, inspecting shampoo labels. literally doesn’t eat sitting still either. he just stands behind his chair? oikawa starts a rumour that he can’t sit because he has hemorrhoids, and kags responds by throwing his drink in oiks’ face. that really starts a riot. really he just wants to be standing so he can run to the kitchen and get more food in an emergency.
tsukishima: brings his headphones just in case he’s stuck next to bokuto or someone really loud and obnoxious. of course he is. bokuto AND tanaka. everyone tries to coax him into kareoke after the meal, and he declines, but really wants to prove to kuroo that he is the most angelic singer there. “accidentally” tips his drink into bokuto’s lap, but the guy is so busy yelling at tanaka that he doesn’t even notice, so tsukki tips another. goes on his phone at the table. tells tadashi to get all his meals for him because he doesn’t want to stand in line.
tadashi: goes through one (1) mental breakdown when he’s seated beside aone instead of tsukki. pours WAAAAAAY too much gravy on his meal because he’s just so nervous. like literally SWAMPS his turkey and vegetables. his mom forced him to bring a green bean casserole. he doesn’t even like casserole. sits across from oikawa and this mans won’t stop asking for photos of him and iwa, so tadashi is tasked with that for the night. offers to help daichi with the dishes afterwards. gets awarded with an extra slice of pumpkin pie.
saeko: handed her cider to noya beforehand because she just knew that daichi would check her at the door. she gets drunk halfway through anyway. challenges iwa to an arm wrestling competition. winner gets the losers pumpkin pie with EXTRA whipped cream. the sexual tension skyrockets. she wins but accidentally shoves iwa’s fist into akaashi’s cranberry sauce. gets scolded by daichi MULTIPLE times. too drunk to care.
kiyoko: also came over early. made butternut squash that is to die for. helps set up even though she knows that it’s just going to become a mess. keeps track of the points for kareoke. may or may not have given tanaka extra points for singing “i’m a slave 4 u” by britney spears.
yachi: of COURSE this girl has to sit between aone and ushiwaka. of course it works like that. and chicky is terrified. spills her drink on the nice tablecloth and pleads for kiyoko and daichi to spare her life. thinks that the kareoke is too loud. nearly craps her pants when bokuto jumps up on the table. brings glazed donuts for dessert.
coach ukai: daichi invited him just to be polite but then he??? ended up??? coming??? literally shocked everyone into the sixth dimension. says he isnt going to stay for long, but mans is there the WHOLE night. busts out with some MR. WORLDWIDE;)))!!
oikawa: his one mission was to be best dressed, and judging by the appalled look on daichi’s face when he first entered, he succeeded. this mans wont shut up either, and even tho everyone yells at him, they’re actually invested in his stories. he tells a whole bunch from middle school and his earliest volleyball memories, and everyone??? likes it??? they’re intrigued the whole time. goshiki and lev listen extra hard. mans wants pictures as well. he needs to show his fans that he does actually have friends. of course he gets the photos before kags dumps the drink on his head, and then he goes feral. teases iwa about the second best comment, but apologizes to him after, assuring that iwa is an amazing ace.
iwa: only went there for oiks. the mans had plans with his family, but he knew that it meant a lot to oikawa, so he showed up. literally goes into a FIT of rage when he loses the armwrestling match, then further infuriated with noya’s comment. chases the kid around the table. nearly knocks out his teeth by tripping into a cabinet. leaves early after throwing a temper tantrum, then receives a formal apology from both oikawa and daichi later on.
matsukawa: i just know this mans smokes at family functions, so what’s stopping him from getting high at friendsgiving? of course he only smokes a lil, just enough to get a good buzz, because he wants to still be respectful. offers to refill drinks when he gets his own. helps pack up the leftovers. tries desperately to catch iwa as he chases noya around, but doesn’t succeed. he can’t really feel his fingers or his face, so he doesn’t smile or laugh like... the whole night.
hanamaki: maybe sneaks out to join mattsun. maybe. no, definitely. and he’s not used to it, so you BET this man is trippin. he tries his best to hide it, but of course suga can tell. he confuses cranberry sauce with champagne, so he literally drinks the damn sauce from a wine glass the whole night. oikawa certainly has pictures for the next morning to prove it too. 
kyoutani: doesnt get invited to a ton of things, but he decided to go to this. brings a pumpkin, which is nice, but daichi is like wtf am i meant to do with this??? but it’s a nice gesture. tries to engage in the conversation between the twins, but only gets frustrated when he can’t hear. threatens to flip the table once. cant find the bathroom and ends up taking a piss in the yard.
kuroo: the one with the kareoke machine. absolutely did not tell daichi he was bringing it, but then pulls it inside. “get a load of this bad boy!!!” “kuroo what the hell is this???” i just know that everyone wants to sit beside this man at the table. he’s cracking jokes and people are straining to hear. it’s a match between him and oiks: who’s telling the better story? also won’t leave. like it’s 2am and he’s still there, swaying alongside bokuto and coach, singing early 2000’s nelly furtado.
kenma: KUROO AND HINATA CONVINCED HIM TO DYE THE TIPS OF HIS HAIR ORANGE. he HATES it. buttttt he’s keeping it even though people tell him he’s a hinata wannabe. “but why would i want to be like shoyo?” “hey kenma that’s not very nice!!” definitely plays games at the table. doesn’t even try to hide it. gets gravy on his switch and uses lev’s shirt as a napkin.
lev: this man has enough food on his plate to feed a small village. like deadass, he doesn’t slow his eating for a BREATH. he didn’t eat the whole day just so he could be extra hungry. like 3/4 of the spread is on his plate. also like cant fit his legs under the table, so he has to eat with his chair super far away. of course this man is going to be dropping food on the floor. literally has a hole in his chin because the gravy keeps dripping out whenever he speaks.
yaku: brings champagne because it’s “an exciting night”. lowkey freaks people out with how quickly he can down a bottle. has a small amount of chicken and turkey, LARGE amount of potatos, but then as many slices of pie as he can. like legit the pieces stack up on his plate. he scolds lev for making a mess, but literally litters crumbs all over the table.
bokuto: thinks that lev and him are participating in an eating contest, even tho lev has no idea what’s going on. of course this man brought his own liquor. he knows it’s time to party. legit as soon as he’s finished eating he’s busting open the bottle. towards the end of the night he’s actually dancing on the table, narrowly missing the forks and knives. daichi, suga and kita try their very best to control him, but he’s in his element. legit was throwing it back to kuroo singing “uptown girl”.
akaashi: also brought champagne but drinks it in a fancy glass. legit with the pinky up like royalty. comes in the cutest little fall knit sweater. does NOT participate in kareoke but hums along to the songs he knows. quietly makes bets with kenma on who is going to win, and he gets a couple of victories off of goshiki. also offers to do the dishes, but unlike tadashi, he doesn’t get another slice of pie because yaku ate it all. also brings daichi a card signed by him and bokuto. he’s very thankful. (sweet bb)
ushiwaka: there is no way this man isn’t excited. tbh he didn’t even think he’d get invited, and he actually ALMOST smiled when daichi offered. mans shows up in a turtleneck. TURTLENECK. legit wearing a rolex. why does he have drip? he’s got drip. for a big dude he doesn’t eat very much. threatens atsumu with his life if he ever DARES to shake salt in his champagne again. cracks a plate from gripping it too hard while waiting in line for the dessert. he’s excited, okay?
tendou: wears something weird. like a headbands with a candelabra on it or a giant turkey broach. brings a whole jug of orange juice for himself, and you bet that he finishes it within the first fifteen minutes. honestly, he probably dips his cabbage roll into the drink. also starts a conga line around the table while goshiki is singing. semi dares him to taste some of daichi’s dish soap, and of course he does it.
goshiki: NEVER HAS ANYONE EVER SEEN THIS MAN SO EXCITED. practically bouncing off the walls. eats way too fast. slips in the kitchen trying to get to the sink because he started choking on a green bean. becomes mesmerized by saeko and insists that he’s going to become the world’s best kareoke singer. picks every song about love. okay sam smith. tries to get suna to participate but receives a look that could kill. gets scared after that, but it motivates him to sing even better.
semi: practically skips the meal and goes straight for dessert. gets a harsh scolding from daichi but he doesn’t care. “accidentally” brings up the fact that ushiwaka cuts his food weirdly because he’s left handed. the whole table goes silent. semi passes away.
atsumu: literally just went to cause trouble. was he even invited? nobody knows. osamu was, but him? well. gets drunk within the first hour. tricks hinata into trying a bunch of kita’s disgusting ginger beers. constantly kicks samu under the table. throws a shoe across the room when daichi doesn’t let him have another drink. he’s loud. VERY loud. swears far too much and violently compliments daichi on the food. “this food is so fuckin good like hella delicious, i fuckin love thanksgiving! this is the shit!!”, “atsumu your brother made all the food”, “what”
osamu: just there for the food. literally made 3/4 of the dishes, including the turkey. makes fun of daichi for being the host and literally not making any of the food. “that’s embarrassing”, but really he offered to do it waaaaay before. constantly tells atsumu he has food in his teeth. over-salts suna’s turkey just because he feels like it. he’s the dude that encourages makki to drink the cranberry sauce. offers to help vacuum the floor clean of noya’s mess, but daichi is SO done with atsumu that samu just leaves early, dragging his brother with him.
suna: catches tendou drinking the dish soap. he’s not surprised. doesn’t say anything, just nods and walks away. legit doesn’t say anything to anyone tho. like mans shows up, eats and dips. has a one two conversation with ukai about court shoes, and then he’s gone. texts daichi later and thanks him, which is extremely shocking but daichi thinks it’s really nice.
kita: hates gatherings. i know this man just despises the loud and rowdy behaviour. puts mad dog in a headlock when the dude tries to fight kageyama over the turkey skin. eats and leaves zero mess. dabs at the corners of his mouth with napkin. washes his hands before and after everything. i just KNOW he’s polite too, but really gives it to semi when he mentions ushiwaka’s left handed eating. other:
aone: dresses cute. gets complimented by hinata and cant stop thinking about it for the rest of the night. like lev, he eats enough to feed a small town but makes sure everyone else goes before him at dessert time. tells yachi that he loves the donuts.
terushima: definitely wasn’t invited but heard through the grapevine. shows up with one plate of cookies and a violent growling stomach. immediately takes to the kareoke, even before dinner is over. randomly bursts into song halfway through his second plate of green bean casserole. thinks that singing louder = singing better.
sakusa: clearly doesn’t want to be there. brings his own food and his own drink, but doesn’t hesitate to down a bottle of noya’s cider. complains about how close hinata is sitting is sitting to him, and then pulls out a ruler for emphasis. “whoa! where did that come from??” “get away from me.”
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kpopscenario · 5 years
You can’t even reach my neck
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Pairing: Reader x Park Seonghwa
Genre: Fluff, a little bit of angst(??)
Word count: 12.2K
Summary: They’re best friends and have feelings for each other but they both don’t know about the others crush, Seonghwa comforts her after another bad date. (Basically friends to lovers college!au) 
Warnings: Some strong language (but not too much) and Hongjoong is portrayed a little bit off 
“Do I look like a whore?”, she asked for what seemed like the millionth time today. She looked at herself in the mirror, still with a frown on her face and still not happy with the outfit she had on her body. “No matter how many times you ask, the answer won’t change, yes you do.”, and there it was again, also for the millionth time. She didn’t take her glance away from the mirror, this time she wasn’t looking at her reflection though, but at the guy behind her laying on her big bed, still with the same somewhat annoyed but also amused expression on his face. “You’re not helping Seonghwa, you’re here to give me advice and not to say the same thing about every outfit I try on!”, she exclaimed as she turned around, now directly looking at him with a stern expression, Seonghwa just stared back at her with amusement in his eyes. “I told you that I liked the first outfit the most.”, “You mean the big sweater which basically covers my whole body?”, she asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. Seonghwa just nodded which made her frown even more.
“I’m going on a date, the big sweater would look like I didn’t even try!”
“Well, the thing is, you shouldn’t try.”, he simply replied with a sigh which also made her sigh.
“I know you don’t like him but-“
“I hate him.”
“Fine, I know that you hate him, but this date is really important to me Seonghwa.”, she said a little softer this time, a pout already forming on her lips. She had known Seonghwa for years, they were in the same class all throughout middle school and high school and now that they were in college they still didn’t even think about going parted ways, after all they were best friends and they couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be without the other one. She knew him like the back of her hand. She always knew what would cheer him up or make him sad, she knew how to make him laugh and how to get what she wanted, Seonghwa is like a book she had read thousands of times without it getting boring because whenever she’d read it again she’d find out a new detail which would only make her like him more. She was definitely whipped but would never admit that, she even has a whole list of things Seonghwa likes and doesn’t like on her phone and if that wouldn’t be embarrassing enough, she also updates it every few weeks, yeah, she knew Seonghwa so it was no surprise that she also knew how to act to finally get what she wanted.
“If you give me some good advice, I’ll come to your next dance class.”, she said with a small smile which made him raise his eyebrows a little hesitatingly. “Deadass?”, “Deadass.”, she smiled happily as he sighed once again and sat up properly on her bed to look at the pile of clothes next to him.
He really didn’t want to do it, he didn’t want to help her pick an outfit for her date, he just wanted her to change her mind and say something like ‘you know what? Fuck the date I’ll just stay here and watch some Netflix with you’, but she didn’t say that and it made him feel like a little child that doesn’t get to stay at his friends’ anymore because it was already too late. The thing was that he knew who her date was, he didn’t know him personally but he had seen him around hundreds of times, his name was Hongjoong and he never really cared about this dude, he only knew that he had the reputation of a pretty heartbreaker and he wasn’t surprised. He had seen him getting drinks poured over his head, girls screaming at him in the middle of the hallway and girls writing down mean things about him in the girls bathroom (yes he had been in the girls bathroom exactly once because the men’s bathroom was way too much of a mess so he decided to go to the women’s one since he knew no one was there, he really enjoyed reading the things written on the walls and even had a little ego boost after reading his name with a heart around it), but that dude still managed to get his best friend to go out with him on a date and that didn’t sit right with Seonghwa.
The other reason why he really didn’t like the fact that he’d take her on a date was the fact that Seonghwa had a big crush on her since 6th grade, he thought that he maybe was a little selfish when he tried to talk her out of the date but he had strong arguments. The thing is that in the beginning he wasn’t aware of his feelings for her, he only thought that she was breathtakingly beautiful and a very funny person to be around since she laughed at his dumb jokes back then, but once she had her first kiss in front of him at summer camp with that damned guy named Yeosang he knew that there was more, he had been staring at Yeosang with such an intensity and anger that the poor guy didn’t even dare to talk to him for the rest of their time there, he felt a little bit bad but also satisfied with the outcome. Ever since then he had been very protective of her, he’d cringe whenever their friends would tell her that he seemed like her big brother and he’d give all the guys she ever dated the same look he gave Yeosang back then at the camp (the guys weren’t as scared as Yeosang was back then but they definitely tried to avoid eye contact with him which somehow made him feel like he achieved at least something.).
So it’s fair to say that he was pissed, how dare this guy who obviously wasn’t good enough for her come around and take her on a date while he had to sit at home and eventually comfort her because he treated her wrongly? His best friend never had too much luck when it came to dating and it on one side made him feel good because that meant that there still might be some hope for him to finally grow balls to ask her out or confess his feelings, but on the other side it made him feel horrible, he just couldn’t see her hurt.
Whenever she’d call him in the middle of the night while crying his heart would just burst into millions of pieces, whenever he’d see her being treated badly his blood would be boiling and whenever he’d see the disappointment in her face when the guys suddenly wouldn’t text her back just made him feel like shit, in his eyes she was the most perfect creature that had ever existed, he never in a million years would even think about hurting her or giving her anything less than the world, but others didn’t see her the way he did.
He looked around for a little before picking out some high-waisted black skinny jeans and a dark red blouse that stopped where the jeans started. He made sure it wasn’t too revealing but still pretty (even though he knew she could wear straight garbage and still look drop dead gorgeous) and handed it to her with a sigh. “There you go.”, he said with a small smile since their fingers lightly brushed. They often touched, it wasn’t anything special, they cuddled, playfully hit each other and comfort each other with touches but they still had the same effect on him like they did a few years ago. His heart would slightly speed up and he couldn’t hide a smile, he’d feel warm inside and craved a little more, he wanted to have her hand inside of his but he knew that that wasn’t an option for now so he just plays it cool and acts like there isn’t a small firework going up inside of him whenever they’d share the tiniest bit of affection.
“I swear to god if I look like a clown I’ll kill you.”, she suddenly said with a frown which only made him chuckle and lean back again. “You’re like 5 feet tall you can’t even reach my neck.”, “I can reach your ankles tho.”, she just replied, this time also with a giggle after he just rolled his eyes at her. “You would never dare to hurt me.”, he said with an offended undertone which only made her giggle a little louder and his heart swell a little more. “Touché.”, she replied with a smile as she walked towards the bathroom which was connected to her room to try on the combination Seonghwa has chosen for her. The smile on her face didn’t vanish while she tried on the clothes, being with Seonghwa was just so… easy.
She couldn’t remember the days they weren’t friends, it seemed like she had known him her whole life. It seemed like yesterday when she got to the classroom where nobody would sit with her except for Seonghwa, at first she didn’t like him because it was a known fact that boys have cooties but once she got to know him a little more she was willingly ready to get them too if it meant that she could be his friend. He always had that warm comforting smile that would immediately bring up her mood, that smile made her feel warm inside and kind of complete, she felt comfortable with him, she felt like she could share her weirdest dreams or biggest fears with him without being judged (too hard) and she felt like no matter what happened, no matter how fucked up the world around her was, no matter how much the people around her changed, she could go back to him and his smile that felt like home and everything would be okay.
She never shared those thoughts with him and how deep her feelings for him were, she was too scared of fucking up something this important to her so she kept quiet and tried to drown her feelings in numerous dates and flings, trying to find something that would make her feel just as good as Seonghwa, someone that also felt like home, but nothing came close and she felt how her feeling for him only got more intense and more serious over the years, she was helplessly in love with him and she knew that those pathetic little dates wouldn’t change a damn thing, she knew that they would only make her feel worse, ironically enough she wasn’t too scared of the pain since she knew that Seonghwa would always catch her if she falls… and he makes some good ass kimchi fried rice which definitely was also a huge factor as to why she had fallen for him.
“What do you think?”, she asked a little unsure as she stepped out of the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror again. She tilted her head slightly as she looked at Seonghwa’s reflection, he had a blank expression on his face with a little frown. “Nope.”, he replied after a while which made her pout slightly. “Huh? Why?”, she asked as she straightened her blouse and looked at herself again. “You look way too good.”, he said with a sigh which only made her laugh out loud due to the sudden confession, she didn’t expect that and felt her face heat up a little.
She shook her head as she walked towards her accessories to pick a matching pair of earrings and a simple necklace. Seonghwa watched her while she was picking out her accessories and bit his lip unconsciously, he was lost in his thoughts and smiled slightly as she turned towards him again. “Thank you for the help.”, she said softly as she looked at herself once again.
“That’s what friends are for, right?”, he stated with a bitter undertone, she felt a little sting once he had spoken those words and her face dropped a little but both of them didn’t notice the others’ reaction, the resulted silence in the room felt a little tense so she eventually sat down next to him onto the bed and leaned against his shoulder which slightly made him smile and side eye her for a few seconds. “You know… the offer to watch Netflix is still out there…”
It was now around 6:30 pm but Hongjoong was nowhere to be found. Seonghwa has dropped her off at the place she and Hongjoong supposedly decided to meet up but she had been waiting there for 30 long minutes and he still wasn’t there, she even checked her phone numerous times to see if she maybe got the place or time wrong but after checking it for the nth time she figured that he was just late, really late at that. She even texted him after a while asking if he was on his way but he didn’t text back, Seonghwa has told her in the car that if anything happened or if she didn’t feel like meeting up with him anymore she could just call him and he’d be on his way to pick her up which kind of made her feel better, but she wanted to give this whole thing a chance even if the red flags were basically everywhere.
They both went to the same anatomy class and she’d be lying if she said that she liked him from the beginning, he was always extremely loud and didn’t take anyone serious which kind of made her feel like she might go up to him one day and just tell him to get his shit together, but she was nice so instead she had decided to go up to him and rather tell him to be a little more quiet to which he only had responded with a wink and a big cocky smile.
What happened afterwards kind of confused her too but this guy was really convincing, maybe it was his beautiful face, maybe it was her desperation to finally distract herself from Seonghwa, she couldn’t tell, but here she was, the sun already gone and her hands freezing. She checked her phone once again, this time a little more aggressive than before, she actually played with the thought of telling Seonghwa to pick her up, yes she would have to listen to his speech about how his gut never betrayed him and how he just knew how people are but at least she could be covered by a nice blanket, cuddled into his arms watching the new season of ‘American horror story’, the thought of that made her smile softly and feel a little warmer inside but she quickly stopped smiling though since she noticed that this weird elderly lady at the bus stop in front of her was watching her with confused eyes, she must have looked like a fool but she just played it off by looking away and fixing her coat.
After another five minutes she finally spotted her date coming into his direction, she expected him to be out of breath, maybe with a guilty expression on his face but no, he walked up to her like there was no rush and just greeted her with his million dollar smile, she actually felt like she could punch him. “Ah sorry, I’m a bit late, lots of traffic y’know.”, he simply said once he stood in front of her. ‘Fuck you’, was what she actually wanted to say, but the only thing that left her lips was: “Ah, don’t worry it’s okay!”, she roller her eyes at herself on the inside and followed him wordlessly inside the McDonald’s. She has watched that McDonalds for more than 35 minutes and the only thought she had had in her head the whole time was ‘please don’t tell me that he wants us to eat here’, it was a small, overfilled McDonalds filled with teenagers who were way too loud and kids who were even louder. She was really close to asking him if they maybe, possibly could go somewhere else but he walked into that McDonalds with so much determination and confidence that she didn’t even have the chance to say something (she also still was very much freezing so she was glad that at least that problem would soon be fixed.)
Once they were able to make their way to the queue that was way too long he finally turned around to face her and properly looked at her, or better said stared at her body with such an intensity that she wished that she had worn the big sweater Seonghwa had suggested, she blushed slightly and unconsciously covered her body with the coat which finally made him look up to her eyes. “No need to hide that body.”, he just said with a smirk which only made her blush even more, but it wasn’t the usual ‘oh he’s complimenting me, I’m getting shy’ blush but rather the ‘he’s already making me feel uncomfortable and I feel like I might kick him soon’ blush, but she just played it off by smiling at him. “Thank you… I guess.”, she replied with a sigh as she quickly looked away to see if the line was moving. “Maybe we should go somewhere else? There’s a lot of people, we might have to wait for a long time.”, she finally suggested as she put her eyes on him again, only to notice that he was typing something on his phone, not reacting to what she just had said.
She pressed her lips together and was about to say something when he suddenly put his index finger up to indicate that she should wait a second which only made her even more mad than she already was, but she just closed her eyes for a second and calmed herself down. “… okay now you can talk, what is it?”, he asked as he put his phone away, she repeated her sentence which only made him roll his eyes.
“Chill, be patient, this is the best place in town.”
“… it’s a McDonalds, there are like 20 other McDonalds here.”
“Your point?”
It was now 7:15 pm and they were still in line, they only exchanged some words, some meaningless small talk, the rest of the time they spent standing next to each other, him still being on his phone texting some people, and her just standing there and questioning her life-choices. Once it was finally their turn to order he just looked at the menu, telling her to order first since it would probably take him some time. She sighed, clearly annoyed as she quickly ordered her chicken-nuggets and pommes. Once she had told the cashier her order she looked at Hongjoong and frowned a little, he still didn’t decide on what he should get and it didn’t only make her grow impatient, but everybody else too. ‘Why the fuck didn’t he think about what to order while we were still in line’, she thought to herself, now crossing her arms over her chest and giving the cashier who was clearly stressed an apologetic look which she only replied to with an eye roll.
“Why don’t you just take a chicken burger Hongjoong.”, she said after what felt like an hour, she didn’t mean to sound that annoyed but it definitely came out very aggressively.
“Chill, we have time, don’t stress yourself princess.”, he replied with a somewhat offended look on his face as he looked at her and then at the cashier, the pet-name only made her roll my eyes for what felt like the thousandth time, she was basically fuming, she was so close to just storming out of that place and never talk to him again, but she took a deep breath, calming herself down once again, she’d probably be able to lead an aggression coping course if she continued like that, if Seonghwa would see her like that he’d probably just shake his head and tell her that she shouldn’t deal with his bullshit and she’d just frown at him because she’d know that he was right, but she kept quiet and nearly started clapping once he finally ordered the food he desired. The girl in front of them typed everything in with a sigh and told them the total.
Y/N took out her wallet and side-eyed him as she noticed that he didn’t take out his. He just looked at her expectantly while she handed the woman her card without saying anything. “I’m a little short on money, you know how it is.”, he said and scratched his neck after she got her card back. “I noticed.”, she replied coldly. She expected him to at least say ‘thank you’ or ‘I’ll pay next time’, but no, he just stayed quiet and winked at her once their eyes met.
They made their way to a free table, luckily they didn’t have to wait for the food since someone would bring it to them, they we’re able to find a free spot pretty quickly since the people that had been sitting there before just got up as they were walking past them. They placed themselves across from each other and took out their phones, she really wasn’t in the mood for talking to him anymore, this date was a complete disaster and if she wasn’t that desperate, she would’ve left ages ago, but she believed in second chances after all. She checked her phone only to see that Seonghwa had texted her which immediately brought up her mood a little.
‘on a scale from 1-10, how horrible is it?’
She chuckled a little as she sent the text and immediately saw the little bubble which showed that he was texting.
‘told you, should I pick you up?’
‘no no, it’s okay, I’m just exaggerating a little, thank you though’
She quickly texted back, not wanting him to be disturbed by her, he probably had better things to do than listen to her complaints, little did she know that Seonghwa was basically just staring at his screen, waiting for her to text him to pick her up. He obviously wanted her to be happy and have a good time but he just knew that Hongjoong wasn’t good enough for her, so he spent the whole time thinking about what could be going on between them right now, the thought of Hongjoong holding y/n’s hand made shivers go down his spine and he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t happy that the date seemed to go badly.
He once again promised himself that he would confess to her soon, knowing very well that it was bullshit but it kind of became a tradition for him. Whenever she would go out on a date he would promise himself that he’s just go up to her the next day and confess his big fat crush to her, he even prepared the right words to say and how to say them without seeming like a creep but whenever he’d meet up with her the next day his heart would just sink and he’d feel sick to his stomach, he would try to speak up and tell her how much he appreciated her and how important she was and how he loved the way she talked while sleeping but instead he’d just stare at her awkwardly the whole entire time while she’d tell him about the dumb dates and afterwards he’d just call it a day and promise himself that he would definitely do it the next time.
He sighed slightly as he got his laptop, looking through the list of series he wanted to watch, finally trying to distract himself a little from the whole situation.
“I’m starving!”, Y/N flinched since she didn’t expect Hongjoong to speak up that loudly even though she knew how loud he could be. He’s always the one that could be heard even if you sit all the way in the back, he just had a loud ass voice which sadly was very beautiful, but she still rolled her eyes at the sudden sound. She was really close to just either running out of the fast food restaurant or slapping him, he didn’t even care to carry a conversation with her, the only reason he’d look away from his phone is when he’d wink at her with a smirk which at first seemed kind of cute and maybe even hot but now it just annoyed her to death, she wasn’t only mad, she was also frustrated, hungry and sad, she didn’t expect it to go perfectly well but this was just horrible.
She pressed her lips together and nodded her head, not bringing up the motivation to tell him how little she actually cared, if she wanted to she could literally scream at him how much she disliked him but she decided to just get over it and stay silent, hoping that she could just go home after that date. After ten more minutes of complete silence the food finally came and they both turned off their phones excitedly. She didn’t enjoy McDonalds very much but she was just happy to finally get something to eat but her face dropped as she saw what they’ve gotten, Hongjoong’s order was completely fine but hers was messed up, instead of the food she wanted she got a fish burger which would be no problem if she wasn’t fucking allergic to seafood. She pressed her lips together and was very close to either just laughing or crying her eyes out.
“Huh? Everything okay?”, Hongjoong suddenly asked as he saw her not touching the burger.
“I can’t eat this.”, she said with a calm voice.
“Why did you order it then?”, he asked as he raised his eyebrows, already nearly finished with his meal.
“I didn’t order this.”, she replied, once again very calmly while scanning the fries which didn’t even look like you could eat them without immediately throwing up. She looked up to Hongjoong who had stuffed his mouth with food and was chewing it with a lot of passion. Her calmness didn’t come from her patience or inner peace, no, she was completely done with everything, she knew that if something else would trigger her, even if it was the tiniest thing, she’d explode. She therefore tried to stay calm and leaned back, pushing the food away from her.
“So… you’re not gonna eat that?”, he asked after he was done with his meal as he looked at her with questioning eyes, she just shook her head and thought ‘wow, maybe he’ll suggest going to the counter to get me something else’ but she wasn’t surprised when he continued talking. “Great, can I eat it? I’m still starving.”, he asked, not even waiting for her permission to eat her food, he just picked up the burger and started eating it pretty quickly, for a second she was impressed of how fast he was able to eat that fish burger but then she just sighed loudly while leaning back and rubbing her eyes. She then took out her phone once again and continued playing that stupid game, nobody was texting her back and she had already seen all of the memes on Instagram, she just tried to get over this date quickly so she could leave and never talk to him again.
“It’s rude to be on the phone while somebody else is eating.”, Hongjoong suddenly said with a full mouth which only made her look at him dumbfoundedly. “Are you being serious?”, she asked after a few seconds, he must be kidding right? There’s no way for him to actually mean what he just had said. He literally was on his phone the whole entire evening but now he tries to make her feel bad about being on her phone? She was staring at him in disbelief and now with a lot of anger in her eyes, she was so done with his shit. He must have noticed how mad she was since he just shrugged and looked at his fries. “Chill, you have to learn how to deal with criticism.”, he replied quietly and with a small eyeroll which only made her even angrier. She was about to just let it all out when he suddenly just stood up and started walking towards the exit.
“Let’s leave.”, he simply said and didn’t even wait for her to stand up. She still looked at him with a frown but stood up and followed him through the masses, she just wanted to go home finally, she couldn’t deal with his bullshit anymore. Once they finally made their way out of the place she took a long, deep breath and enjoyed the coldness hitting her blushed face, it was way too hot in there and it smelled of grease and snot and just things she never wanted to smell again, she definitely wouldn’t go to McDonalds anymore. She closed her eyes for some seconds to enjoy the sounds of the city, finally hearing something other than children singing happy birthday and teenagers talking about big booties, she calmed down immediately and nearly started crying when she thought about Seonghwa, there’s nothing in earth she craved more than him hugging her right at that moment. When she opened her eyes again she hoped to suddenly see Seonghwa in front of her with his usual warm smile that made her feel safe, but instead she was met by a big smirk belonging to the person she didn’t want to see ever again.
“Wanna go to mine?”, he asked with a smirk which made her feel sick, so she quickly looked away and shook her head. “I’m tired to be honest, I just wanna go home…”, “No need to be shy baby-girl, c’mon I know you want me just as much as I want you…”, he said while stepping a little closer to her, she just looked up at him with a confused expression, he has to be joking.
“No.”, she said suddenly with a frown as she took a step back. “I want to go home.”, she said, this time a little louder and with much more determination in her voice, she was done with his bullshit. Hongjoong suddenly stopped his movements and looked at her with an offended frown while crossing his arms over his chest. “Then why the fuck did you agree to go out with me?”, he asked like he was the one being played here, he wasn’t really mad or anything, after all he still had morals and knew about consent so he wouldn’t push her to anything she wouldn’t want but he was a tiny bit pissed, his dates normally ended in sex and this didn’t seem like it would so he was obviously upset. “Because I thought this was going to be a normal date? I didn’t come here with the intention to-“, she became louder and louder as she spoke but interrupted herself in the middle of her sentence once she noticed the stares she received, she just sighed loudly and felt how her hands were already trembling due to the anger she was feeling inside, she was frustrated and mad, this date went horribly wrong and his entitlement to actually feel the right to be offended just because she wouldn’t want to sleep with him even though SHE was the one that should be offended because he expected her to sleep with him after this disaster of a date made her feel like she could start crying any second.
“You’re so dramatic to be honest, like take that stick out of your ass and just have some fun.”, he replied with an eyeroll in the same volume as her which only made her more furious. She breathed in shakily and wanted to reply something, she wanted to finally speak her mind and tell him how much of an asshole he was and how he should fuck himself and never talk to her again but he interrupted her by speaking up once again.
“You know what? With that attitude no one’s going to fuck you anyways.”, he said a little calmer and even proudly which only made her want to smack him right then and there. “Listen-“ “No, I don’t care.”, he just interrupted here like that with an arrogant smile on his face and a little shrug as he turned around and walked away, not even caring about what she had to say.
She pressed her lips together as he did that and was really close to following him and stopping him, making him listen to her but she was tired of this and she knew that she would probably make a scene if she would properly get into that discussion. She always was a pretty emotional person when it came to stuff like that, once she got really mad her body would react extremely sensitive to it, she would start trembling and crying due to the frustration she’d feel inside and she wouldn’t be able to form a proper sentence because of all of that, a reason why she could probably never become a lawyer, she took things like that to heart and couldn’t deal with injustice. She followed Hongjoong with her eyes as the boy made his way to his car, looking like nothing had happened, he wasn’t affected by the situation at all. She once again took deep breaths and closed her eyes while doing so, she calmed herself down a little and the anger was replaced by disappointment and sadness.
She had been on many dates and they never ended the way she wanted them to end, she just wanted to find some love, someone that would make her feel happy and warm, but all she got was cold conversations and empty promises. She began wondering if maybe she was the reason why nothing worked out, maybe she was too boring for people to actually care about her, maybe she wasn’t pretty enough? Maybe she really had a stick up her ass?
She opened her eyes after a few seconds once she felt raindrops on her head, she looked up and felt the rain hitting her face ‘Wow, now that’s the last thing I needed’, she thought to herself as she chuckled bitterly and made her way to the other side of the street where the bus station was only to realize that the next bus would arrive in around 30 minutes depending on the traffic. She pressed her lips together once again and it took her all of her self-control to not just hit her fist against the timetable, instead she just took her phone out and dialed Seonghwa’s number, her lips already trembling even before he picked up the phone.
The phone rang a few times and she leaned against the glass cabin next to her with tears in her eyes, if he didn’t pick up the phone she would probably have a mental breakdown right then and there next to some teenage boys who were fighting about some stupid game. She closed her eyes and was about to hang up when he suddenly heard the only voice she wanted to hear in that moment.
“I’m sorry, my phone was charging, what’s up?”, she heard, and a small smile creeped up her face while the tears finally stared streaming down her face, she sobbed quietly and wasn’t even able to bring out a single word.
“Y/N? Are you okay? Where are you?”, at that she only started crying harder. His soft words and worried tone only made her realize how much she needed him, the only thing she wanted was being hugged by him and being told that everything was going to be okay. The boys next to her abruptly stopped fighting as they saw her basically bawling her eyes out while she was on her phone, they looked at each other in confusion, unsure of what to do.
“C-Can you please pick me up? I’m at the place you dropped me off.”, she replied in between sobs with a shaky voice while trying to dry the tears on her face which was basically an impossible task since the tears wouldn’t stop falling.
“Yes, of course, don’t move one inch, I’ll be there in a second, I’ll hurry, please don’t cry, I got you, okay?”, she chuckled lightly as she basically heard how he was getting dressed while still holding his phone to his ear, his words held so much warmth and that made her feel a little better, she nodded her head slightly before realizing that he doesn’t see her.
“Okay…”, she replied quietly as she slowly hung up the phone and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down for what felt like the 100th time today. She looked to her side confusedly as she felt someone softly poke her on her arm. She smiled softly as one of the teenage boys handed her a tissue with a comforting and shy smile.
“Men ain’t shit.”, he said to which his friends only agreeingly nodded which made her chuckle softly and nod her head while she dried up her tears.
“Men ain’t shit…”, she replied with a sigh as she closed her eyes while steal leaning against the glass cabin, waiting for Seonghwa to pick her up and maybe turn this awful night in a somewhat okay night. She opened up her eyes after a few minutes and looked up only to spot Seonghwa’s car finally, she walked towards the car and waved at the teenage boys who all smiled at her which kind of already made her feel better. Once she saw Seonghwa sitting in the car she forgot everything for a second. He was looking at her with a worried expression through the window, waiting for her to get inside the parked car. She breathed in deeply and already felt lighter since she had let out the tears before and entered the car. She looked extremely exhausted, her make up was smudged and her mascara was basically all over her face, her hair was a little messy and her hands were basically freezing, he was a mess but Seonghwa couldn’t help but smile softly.
“Go on, say it.”, she said as she finally sat down and fastened her seatbelt. Seonghwa sighed slightly as he softly brushed her hair out of her face, it was a simple gesture but it held so much affection and warmth that it nearly made her tear up again.
“I told you he’s an asshole.”, he said softly as he took his hand away and instead softly grabbed both of her hands as he noticed that they were red due to the coldness.
“You’re freezing oh my god.”, he exclaimed as he warmed up her hands with his own warm ones which slightly made her blush and her heart beat a little faster, it was pretty dark in the car but the light from outside lit up the place a little so she was able to properly look at his beautiful face. He wasn’t looking at her but was focused on warming her up properly which made her smile softly, the small concerned frown on his face and the way his hands were rubbing against hers to create some friction instantly made her feel warm inside. She must have been staring at him pretty intensively since he looked up after a while directly into her eyes only to feel his own heart drop slightly, her eyes held so much affection and love but also sadness and frustration at the same time. They were staring at each other for what felt like hours until he noticed that he had completely stopped warming up her hands, the tension in the air made it hard for them to properly breathe but they both started laughing softly as the tension was interrupted by the sudden sounds of her stomach.
“I guess you’re hungry?”, he asked softly as he hesitatingly let go of her hands to grab the steering wheel in front of him, she felt disappointment fill up her body as she felt the cold air hitting her hands again but she just nodded her head softly, she was basically starving. Once Seonghwa started the car and started driving she looked into the mirror of her phone and nearly had a heart attack as she saw what she looked like.
“I look like I’m straight out of a horror movie, oh god.”, she whispered as she tried to clean up her face with the wipes she found in his car, Seonghwa just chuckled softly as he heard her words and shrugged.
“I like horror movies.”, he simply replied which made her roll her eyes, not being able to hold back a small smile that was being formed on her lips. His presence alone made her feel lighter and not as sad as before, she was still a little frustrated, but she tried not to think about the failed dates and the humiliation too much, she just wanted to eat something and go home into her warm bed and sleep for the next 24 hours just to get some proper rest. After she cleaned up her face as much as possible with the wipes she leaned back and closed her eyes, extremely exhausted from the whole day.
“What do you want to eat?”, Seonghwa asked softly which made her sigh slightly.
“Anything but please no McDonalds.”, she replied with a pout which made him smile softly.
“No McDonalds.”, he quietly said as he spotted a burger king with a drive through. He didn’t expect her to be in the mood to actually get out of the car back into a place which would be filled up with annoying, loud people so he decided to get into the pretty long line, he looked at her with an apologetic smile as he saw that they’d probably have to wait for a long time.
“Ah, sorry, the line is pretty long, if you don’t want to wait we could go somewhere else…”, he said as he saw how slowly the cars were moving but she just shook her head exhaustedly.
“I don’t mind it… at least I’m with you…”, she replied softly as she opened her eyes and looked at him. He blushed slightly at that and was glad that it was pretty dark in the car which meant that she wouldn’t be able to spot his red cheeks. Seonghwa is a pretty confident person who doesn’t blush too easily but the girl next to him had a big impact on him. Her smile could light up any room and her tears could turn him into the most caring person ever. When he heard her little sobs and broken voice over the phone his heart nearly broke, he just couldn’t handle her being sad which was why he immediately had gotten dressed and into his car, not even caring about turning off the tv or the lights, he hurried so he could be there for her like she always was there for him. They always got each other’s back.
“So… Hongjoong…”, he started carefully which only made her pout even more, he felt a smile creeping up his face as he saw the adorable expression on her face.
“I hate him, and you were right, I don’t even wanna talk about him, ever.”, she replied as she crossed her arms over her chest and pressed her lips together, her pout disappearing and being replaced with an angry expression which only made her seem even more adorable but he knew that he shouldn’t say that since it would probably only make her even more upset. He was just so soft for her which meant that whatever she’d do he’d be head over heals for her. He nodded his head understandingly, obviously not wanting to push her to talk about something she didn’t want to talk about, but he knew her so it was no surprise to him when she suddenly spoke up after a few seconds and started ranting about the date, leaving in every detail. He listened carefully and nodded his head to show that he was listening, his grip around the steering wheel got tighter the closer she got to the end of the date, he knew it was a mistake going out with him but he didn’t expect him to be that much of an asshole. He just shook his head in disbelief when she started talking about their last discussion, he had to interrupt her though since he had to ask her what she wanted to order.
“I don’t care… anything but no seafood.”, she said with a sigh which only made him nod, he quickly ordered something for her and just shook his head as he saw that she was taking out her wallet to hand him her card.
“There’s no way that I’ll let you pay, dumbass.”, he said as he took out his own car and paid for her food which made her pout lightly.
“Hongjoong didn’t even pay for his own food, I had to pay for this ungrateful asshole… he didn’t even say thank you!”, she exclaimed desperately which only made him shake his head.
“You deserve better, you really do, I don’t know why you even give people like him a chance…”, he said while he was waiting for the workers to hand him his order, she just shrugged as she looked out of the window, her expression immediately changed again at his words, he had said those things millions of times ‘you deserve better’ ‘you’re out of their league’, but she always just stayed silent, what was she supposed to say? That she literally gave everyone that was somehow decent a chance because she finally wanted to get over her crush on him? That she concluded that no one will ever make her feel like he did?
She was desperate, once again really close to the point of exploding and just blurting out the things she thought, but she just couldn’t, her heart felt heavy and it would only feel even heavier if she’d confess her crush to her best friend in a parking lot at Burger king around 10 pm only to be rejected and left for good, the thought of seeing his disgusted or confused expression on his face once she’d tell him how she really felt made her heart drop slightly and her hands started trembling, she really didn’t want to destroy their friendship just because she had those dumb feelings for him, she couldn’t risk that, she needs him, she really does.
They were sitting like that in silence until the food finally came and he handed it to her, he quickly said thank you and goodbye to the overworked guy at the window and then parked his car so she could eat in peace. The hunger she had felt before suddenly seemed gone and was replaced by the sadness and disappointment of the realization that she probably could never be with the person she loved the most.
“I don’t think I’m hungry anymore… can you please drive me home?”, she said with a quiet voice filled with sadness which once again made his heart drop slightly as he looked at her, she wasn’t looking at him but was just avoiding eye contact, knowing very well that once she’d look into his eyes she’d start crying and she really didn’t want to be that drama queen. Seonghwa just bit his lip and shook his head.
“Look… I’m so sorry that you’re feeling sad, and I’m sorry that he treated you like that, but I can’t just drive you home, knowing that you’ll continue being sad…”, he replied quietly which made her lip tremble slightly, she hated herself for being affected by his words this much once again.
“I’ll just bring the mood down…”, Seonghwa just shook his head and grabbed her hand comfortingly.
“And I’ll be there to bring the mood up again.”, she bit her lip as she felt his hand grabbing hers softly, she didn’t take her hand away, but she breathed in shakily as she looked around, anywhere but into his eyes.
“We could go get some snacks… watch some Netflix… you know, fun things.”, he said softly as he traced his thumb over her skin softly, drawing patterns into her soft skin. He really just wanted to see her smile again, once he saw some tears rolling down her face he let go of her hand and brought it up to her face, softly drying the tears. He smiled softly as she just nodded her head and took some wipes.
“I really don’t know why you even keep up with my bullshit…”, she said with a shaky voice which made him sigh slightly.
“That’s what friends are there for, right?”, at that she started eating her burger at a rapid tempo which only made him chuckle softly.
“You really are hungry huh?”, she didn’t even say anything as she continued eating, trying to fill herself up with the food in the bag, she cringed a little as she thought about how she was trying to fill up the emptiness in her heart, she never really liked those fake deep posts she had read numerous times on Instagram but if the shoe fits, it fits. Once she was done with her food she was about to get out of the car to throw away the trash but Seonghwa quickly opened his own door and took her things to throw them away for her which made her smile slightly, she didn’t know whether it was a good idea to go to him or not but his pure existence made her feel at least a little better so she just gave in and didn’t fight against the fact that he was driving into the direction of his own apartment once he was in the car again. There was a little supermarket close to his apartment where he parked the car and got out fast enough to be on her side of the car to open the door for her like she was some kind of celebrity. She giggled while shaking her head as she got out of the car and lightly bowed.
“Thank you, sir.”
“You’re welcome ma’am.”, he replied with a wink which made her roll her eyes lovingly as she made her way to the entrance of the store where she grabbed a basket.
“I thought about getting chocolate and ice cream, it’s what the teenagers in those bad American movies eat when they need comfort.”, Seonghwa said as he appeared next to her and looked down at her to see if she’d agree with his decision to which she only replied with a small frown.
“The movies aren’t that bad… but chocolate and ice cream sound nice.”, Seonghwa chuckled at that and sighed a little.
“I won’t fight against that since your date went horribly wrong but remind me of this discussion tomorrow, I have a lot to say about this.”, he said which made her smile slightly and nod her head.
“Can we get mint chocolate ice cream?”, she asked while looking up to him with big eyes. She could ask him if she could sell his lungs for some concert tickets with that look on her face and he’d say yes, he really was whipped so he just nodded his head a little taken back.
“Sure, whatever you want…”, he replied a little shy which made her smile brightly and go up to the ice cream section of the store where she picked up the mint chocolate and vanilla flavored ice cream since they were her favorites. She excitedly put them into the basket while Seonghwa was just watching her with a small smile. She then proceeded to walk towards the snack section of the store while he just followed her, always keeping an eye on her, he didn’t even care to look for the snacks or to chose something himself, seeing her getting excited over spotting her favorite candy basically made his heart melt and he just nodded to every suggestion of hers, as long as she was happy, he was happy too.
“Okay, I think that’s enough! Why don’t you make a suggestion?”, she asked happily as she looked at him, her face slightly dropped as she spotted the loving and warm expression on his face which immediately made her heart jump a little. He quickly looked away a little embarrassed as he noticed how he was staring at her and just shook his head quickly.
“Oh no it’s okay, I like what you’ve chosen, I guess you have good taste.”, he quickly said, stumbling a little over his words which made her smile slightly and tilt her head a little.
“My taste in candy is amazing, my taste in men is trash.”, she replied with a sigh as she made her way to the check out with him next to her, trying to not interpret too much into the stare she had just received from him, she often had caught him staring at her like that but she never dared to think too much about it, after all his words made it clear that he only saw her as a friend.
She once again was about to take out her wallet, but he just sighed exaggeratingly and pushed her hand with the card softly away, so he could pay himself.
“Seonghwa that’s not fair, you already paid for the food and now for the snacks too?”, she exclaimed with a pout which only made him smile brightly and pat her head softly.
“Let me spoil you a little.”, he simply replied and smiled even brighter as he noticed the slight blush on her face, just like her he didn’t know how to interpret those little things. He noticed that she blushed a lot in his presence and that she also stared at him once in a while but their friendship and love for each other just got to a point where he didn’t know if that was still platonic love he sees in her eyes or actual love, he didn’t want to bring his hopes up though so he didn’t think too much about it even if a small part inside of him told him that there was more than just friendship going on.
After he paid, he helped her put the snacks into the bag only to carry it to the car, ignoring her whines and small protests. Once they were back in the car she felt a lot better, spending time with Seonghwa without thinking too much about every single movement once again made her realize how much she cared about their bond and friendship, he was extremely important to her and she wouldn’t know what to do if she loses him.
“You’re really important to me…”, she said out a sudden while Seonghwa was driving with his eyes fixed on the road. She watched him as his expression suddenly changed from focused to confused and then to a small smile. He quickly locked eyes with her for a second before turning to the road again.
“You’re really important to me too…”, he replied softly which made her smile a little.
“… even though you like mint ice cream.”, he added after a while with a sigh which made her laugh out in disbelief.
“Mint ice cream is superior, and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, tasteless fool.”, she exclaimed loudly with an offended look on her face which only made him laugh slightly.
“Excuse me? So if anyone would come up to you and ask you to chose between me or mint ice cream, what would you chose?”, he asked with raised eyebrows. She only sighed loudly as she leaned back and thought for a while.
“That’s way too hard to answer Seonghwa…”, she replied defeated which made him look at her with a hurt expression on his face.
“Wow, I see how it is…”, “As if you wouldn’t trade me for kimchi fried rice!”, “You’re irreplaceable!”, Y/N rolled her eyes at that but couldn’t help it but smile as she looked out of the window. They fell silent again but this time it was a rather pleasant silence which made them both smile brightly. She noticed how the rain has completely stopped and how people were walking around, pulling their coats a little bit closer, she always loved fall and winter even more. Once they arrived at his she sighed a little and put her hands into her pockets, already preparing for the cold wind to hit her harshly. Seonghwa quickly got the bag full of snacks and quickly followed her to his apartment, he struggled a little to take out his keys but once he finally managed to get them out, he quickly opened the door since it was really freezing. He sighed relievedly once they were outside and he smiled slightly as he saw her pouting a little while getting her coat off. Her nose and cheeks were a little red and her hair was messy due to the cold wind and he bit his lip as he looked down at her, she looked endearing.
“What?”, she asked after she got her shoes off and noticed that he still was in his coat and shoes, just standing there and looking at her with those eyes filled with affection.
“You’re adorable.”, he finally said with a sigh as he got his coat off too which only made her heart jump a little. She didn’t expect to get a compliment suddenly, but she also didn’t mind at all, she loved to be praised, especially by him.
“Thank you…”, she replied a little shily as she quickly made her way to his living room with the bag in her hand. She sighed a little as she saw that the lights were already on and the tv was still running, she smiled slightly when she realized that he probably didn’t turn any of those things off because he was hurrying to get to her, the thought of that made her heart swell and she bit her lip as she couldn’t help but smile brightly.
“I’ll just go change quickly… If you want to you can take some of my clothes so it’ll be more comfortable for you.”, he said while standing in the doorframe, carefully watching her, wondering why she was smiling so brightly. She looked at him as he spoke up and nodded slowly as she followed him to his room where he handed her a sweater of his and some trainers which could be tightened by the waist so they wouldn’t just slide down. She made her way to the bathroom where she got changed and exhaled satisfied, the sweater didn’t fit me whatsoever, but I loved how comfortable it was and the way it smelled of Seonghwa. It felt weirdly domestic, but she definitely didn’t mind that at all. After she cleaned her face properly with some water and soap, she made her way out of the bathroom to the living room where Seonghwa was already scrolling through Netflix on his Play-station, he stopped though once he spotted at her. He had often seen her in his shirt and sweaters since she had forgotten her own pajamas multiple times, so it was no rare sight, but it definitely struck him every time.
She just looked tiny in his clothes, the way the sleeves were way too long so they would completely cover her hands, the fact that the sweaters always slid down a little whenever she’d walk, just knowing that she was wearing his clothes made him feel warm inside and he couldn’t help but smile softly at her. He obviously loved seeing her all dressed up, but he definitely preferred this look much more. She noticed his stare obviously, so she quickly looked away before she’d grow too nervous. After a while he just patted the place next to him to indicate that she should take a seat which she immediately did. She sat down next to him, not too close but also not too far from him, their thighs would be touching if either of them moved a little closer and their hands weren’t touching but they could hold each other’s hand if they wanted to.
Once she was sitting next to him he quickly looked back to the tv and continued scrolling, he would never admit it but having her this close to him always made him grow a little nervous, he was scared that if he’d keep on staring at her he’d be tempted just fuck it all and kiss her right then and there, but he couldn’t just do that, that would definitely cross a line but he would be lying if he said that he didn’t think about kissing her like 89% of the time he was with her, he just wanted to press his lips on hers and kiss her breathless, he wanted to be the reason she’d blush after shily letting out those little innocent sounds, he wanted to place his hands on her soft skin and keep her there where he wanted her, he was completely distracted by his thoughts which resolved into him not noticing how she was staring at him with the same thoughts on her mind.
She blushed slightly as she scanned his face carefully with her eyes, she knows his face by heart, she knows every mole and every small imperfection, and she loves it all. She had often shyly complimented him on his amazing jawline and facial structures, she could basically write books about his beauty, she never was a fan of poetry but him being there made her want to write down her feelings for him in a dramatic but beautiful way, he really brought out stuff in her she never knew she had.
“What do you wanna watch?”, he suddenly asked after a while, breaking the silence and tension in the room, she breathed in deeply after she noticed that she has held her breath the whole entire time while staring at him, leaving her a little breathless.
“Uh… I don’t mind anything… you can choose…”, she replied a little shakily, which made her smile a little. They quickly decided on watching something lighthearted which was why they ended up watching Brooklyn99, or well, they didn’t really watch it, they were way too focused on not staring at each other. They missed basically all the jokes and were dead silent, not even properly noticing whenever a new episode would start. Seonghwa eventually noticed that she was just as distracted as he was, he noticed how she had a slight blush on her face and hos she was biting her lip over and over again, causing him to stare at her lips for some seconds before turning his gaze back to the tv, what was she thinking about? Was she thinking about him? Seonghwa bit his lip as an idea popped up in his head, his heart started beating a little faster only at the thought of it. He didn’t know if he should actually risk it and do it? He didn’t want it to suddenly turn awkward between them.
The tension in the living room was basically suffocating them, they often had this weird tension between them, normally it would be Seonghwa who would make a dumb comment or ask something to break this tension but he didn’t do that this time, this time it should be different, which was why he very slowly lifted his hand and placed it on her thigh very softly, planning on pulling his hand away the second she’d seem uncomfortable, but once he noticed that she didn’t say or do anything that would tell him to stop what he was doing he rested his hand on her thigh completely and breathed out a little shakily.
She obviously noticed his hand on her thigh and held her breath once again, she stared at his hand for a few seconds, her skin was tingly and her heart was racing. She felt like if she’d move even the tiniest bit the tension would be gone and so would the hand on thigh, and she didn’t want his hand to move away from there which was why she froze, she didn’t know what to do or say, she just sat there and didn’t dare to look at him, especially after she felt how he stared at her after a while, this time he didn’t side-eye her like before, he turned his head towards her and looked down at her, his heart just beating as fast as hers. He then took his hand off her thigh only to softly grab her chin, forcing her to finally look up into his eyes. They both expected the tension to be gone after their eyes finally met, they expected to burst out in laughter and just turn back to the series, acting like nothing had happened, but none of that happened, they stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like hours when Seonghwa suddenly leaned in a little, testing out how close he can get before she’d stop him, but she didn’t, she just kept on staring at him, only breaking eye contact whenever she’d look at his plump and inviting lips.
She breathed out shakily once their lips were only inches apart, they still both expected the other to break the silence, but the only thing that could be heard in the room was the tv playing quietly in the background and their hard breathing. Seonghwa’s hand slowly moved from her chin to her waist very slowly, leaving goosebumps all over her body. He was staring shamelessly at her lips now, not even thinking about backing up or saying anything that could break the tension, he moved a little closer and she noticed how his eyes were basically black at his point, staring at her in a way she has never seen before but it made her press her legs together, it took her all of her self-control to net let out a whine that was creeping up her throat. The fact that their lips didn’t even touch but he still had that impact on her made her blush slightly. Seonghwa breathed out once again slowly. ‘fuck it’, he just thought to himself as he finally pressed his lips against hers.
Once he felt her soft lips he sighed quietly into the kiss, his grip around her waist got a little tighter and his heart was racing now, his lips were burning. He moved his lips against hers and was about to pull back once he noticed that she didn’t kiss him back, his heart dropped at the sudden realization and he pulled away breathlessly, staring at her with wide eyes.
His lips were even plumper than before and his heart still racing, his mind was going crazy and he was about to apologize when she suddenly pressed her lips against his, much harsher than he did. She whined softly as their lips touched again and found herself sitting on his lap facing him and not breaking the kiss for a second. Her hands found their way to his hair, pulling on it softly while his hands tightened around her waist. The harsh kiss turned into a passionate one, finally letting out all of the emotions they were feeling, happiness, anger, madness and love. They were drowning in each other, desperately trying to make the other one understand how much they wanted the other. The passionate kiss turned into a soft kiss before they completely parted breathlessly leaning their foreheads against each other. Neither of them opened their eyes, nor did they say anything, too scared they might say something wrong, too scared of what was about to come. They stayed like that for some seconds before he opened his eyes slowly and brought up his hands to her face, cupping it softly which caused her eyes to fall open too, looking at him, unsure of what would happen next, but once she saw the love and comfort in his eyes she smiled softly and breathed out shakily.
“You’re even prettier up close…”, he whispered with a smile on his face which made her giggle softly and shake her head slowly, her hands were now around his neck, keeping him close.
“You too…”, she replied shakily which made him smile even brighter. They both once again closed their eyes, trying to calm their still racing hearts down. The tension in the room was now replaced by pure warmth. They were both blushing slightly and the smile never left their faces, they wanted to live in that moment, they wanted to bottle up this feeling of pure bliss and keep it in their pockets for bad days, they wanted each other in a way they couldn’t put into words. After a while he softly pushed her off his lap which resulted in a big pout forming on her plump, red lips to which he just replied with a soft smile and kiss on the cheek.
He stood up and grabbed her hand softly, indicating her to follow him. She wasn’t even able to stand properly; her knees were weak as she shakily followed him to his bedroom after he quickly turned off the tv and the lights. They both laid down facing each other. She shyly looked up into his eyes only to see that he was already staring at her with an amount of affection and love which once again made her blush, he wasn’t holding back this time, he didn’t look away but continued to stare at her the way he has been secretly staring at her the whole entire time
He lifted his hand up to her face and softly caressed her blushed cheek, the little lamp on his bedside table lighting up the room just enough for him to notice her sparkly eyes and blushed cheeks. She sighed softly as she closed her eyes, enjoying the affectionate touches, smiling brightly once she felt him come a little closer.
“If you continue staring at me like that, I’ll have to kiss you again…”, she whispered with her eyes still closed but still feeling his stare on her. He chuckled softly as he leaned in only to stop inches away from her lips.
“Is that a promise?”, he asked which made her smile even more, she placed her hand on his face softly, mimicking his action, softly caressing the skin under her fingers, now staring into his eyes too, the nodded softly as she closed the distance and kissed him softly, their lips were barely touching but their hearts started racing at the same speed as before in the living room. Their lips were lazily moving against each other while his hand found its way back to her waist once again, her hand still on his cheek. She smiled into the kiss and distanced herself a little as she breathed in shakily.
“I could definitely get used to this…”, she whispered which made him nod slowly, not believing that this was actually happening.
“Remember… back then at summer camp? Remember how Yeosang didn’t even dare to look at you after you guys kissed?”, he suddenly asked softly to which she just replied with hum.
“I guess my kissing skills weren’t good enough…”, “Actually… I was just extremely jealous, so I stared at him with a death glare until he didn’t even dare to think about you…”, “Oh that’s why he always ran away whenever I’d approach him!”, they both started giggling at the memory and her heart only  swell when she thought about how they have felt the same way for ages.
“Remember that one time you were on a date and I called you to tell you that I was extremely sick and needed your help? I wasn’t actually sick at all…”, he looked at her with big eyes but started laughing at the thought of that as he nodded his head knowingly.
“You’re a great actress… and jealous, I think I should keep that in mind, huh?”, he said softly while drawing patterns into her skin which only made her smile and nod.
“If you even dare to think about any other girl than me, I will rip your head off.”, she replied in an innocent and soft voice which made him laugh quietly and nod his head.
“You’re small, you can’t even reach my neck…”, he replied with a teasing smile which only caused her to pout slightly and press a small kiss on his lips which made his heart jump slightly.
“I can still destroy your ankles…”
“Would you at least kiss me afterwards to make me feel better?”
“Hell yes.”
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters and their fave musicals
pretty much an hc’s for funsies type of thing. which characters are absolute nerds for musicals and which ones couldn’t care less? i know not everyone likes musicals but if this is your thing, feel free to read! 
Hinata: he’s one of those people who watched Shrek the Musical unironically and ended up getting really hooked on it but no way is he going to tell anyone
Kageyama: thinks that the Shrek trilogy are counted as movie musicals because ‘the characters sing and everything’. will fall asleep in a theatre so don’t bring him you’ll be disappointed
Tsukishima: loves Avenue Q and The Producers because the humor is right up his alley. also has tASTE and his fave is probs something like Hadestown because it is the best musical. loves to break down the lyrics and listens to an album non-stop when he’s obsessed
Yamaguchi: he tried to watch Grease but ended up throwing popcorn at the tv-screen because of the blatant sexism. yams is not About That. gets his recommendations from Tsukki and has never looked back
Tanaka: likes anything with awesome choreography and really cool special-effects like Hamilton or Be More Chill. when you ask him about the story though he’s like ???
Noya: doesn’t get the concept of musicals. ‘she’s singing about the guy but he’s right there??? doesn’t he hear everything????’ ‘WHY ARE THEY SINGING JUST FIGHT ALREADY’
Ennoshita: also has Taste. watches pretty much anything and loves to keep track of new productions and new casting. if you ask him about his favorite musical he’ll probably specifically mention the cast and where it was performed
Asahi: y’all are gonna hate me y’all are gonna hate me but JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR haha jk. one hundred percent a Dear Evan Hansen kinda guy because he relates to the main guy’s personality. has waving through a window on repeat
Sugawara: LOVES the classics: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon. knows every song and movement by heart. sings them everywhere. would not listen to anything else. also Moulin Rouge because he’s one Classy Bitch
Daichi: appreciates any good musical recommended to him but the kind of person who presses ‘shuffle’ when listening to the recording and all the fans around him die inside. does this more than once just for that reaction
Kiyoko: loves anything with awesome female roles, particularly Legally Blonde and Six the Musical. raises an eyebrow at you if you say you like Grease and you land on her list of people she would barely talk to
 Yachi: practically raised on disney movie musicals. loves to watch and re-watch videos from Broadway Princess Party a lot. is basically a disney princess herself and loves to put some songs on when she cleans the house. 
Kuroo: one of those people who got really into Hamilton back in the day. would sing the vocals, the back-up vocals, the chorus parts, and hum the intros. says he’s a musical fan but that’s the only one he’s watched/listened to.
Kenma: someone recommended Be More Chill to him (probably tsukki) and he ended up actually liking it. once in a while you’ll hear him humming ‘christiiiiIIiine’ under his breath. likes to listen to michael in the bathroom at 2 am
Yaku:  hates musicals ever since Nekoma had a movie night and then decided to watch Lion King and lev dead-ass lifted him up over his head like what rafiki did to simba in That Scene. 
Lev: another one who likes disney musicals but like, the basic ones (frozen, tangled, beauty and the beast). mostly because they’re his sister’s favorites tho. has more than once did the whole ‘do you want to build a snowman’ thing with alisa and probably his teammates
Oikawa: thinks that liking Heathers makes him edgy it doesn’t. practically paid hanamaki and matsukawa to sing Candy Store with him and using iwa as veronica. absolutely vibes to the Mean Girls musical
Iwaizumi: a hard High School Musical stan, now and forever. thinks that Ryan and Chad are definitely gay. one time oikawa was giving them a pep talk and said ‘what team?’ and iwa yelled ‘WILDCATS’ and then everybody looked at him because they KNEW they KNEW HE NEVER GOT OVER THAT PHASE-- 
Matsukawa: Cats. The Movie.* wrote a long-ass thread on twitter about why the female cats should be given six boob and tagged Tom Hooper. was blocked.
Hanamaki: *see above. probably had his sexual awakening when he saw Idris Elba as a sexy cat. there’s nothing gendered about a sexy cat
Kyoutani: likes the leather jacket aesthetic in Grease. looked up the lyrics to ‘Greased Lightning’ once and shut off his laptop when he saw the innuendos. may have tried to replicate the choreography at one point but fell off a table
Yahaba: a romantic at heart. has a copy of the West Side Story DvD and loves to sing ‘Maria’ and ‘One Hand, One Heart.’ he and Oikawa love to duet ‘I Feel Pretty.’ also tried to copy the choreography and sUCCEEDED
Ushijima: you’ve taken him to see an array of musicals, from the much-loved classics to the inventive modern musicals. every time, you glance at him hoping for any reaction. he always leaves the theater saying ‘it was good.’ only one musical has managed to make him crack a smile: The Muppets (the movie ver.)
Tendou: another boy with Quality Taste. is a hardcore stan of any musical by Team Starkid (also loves that they’re all on Youtube). makes so many references to them but nobody else understands. will yell ‘TIGERFUCKER TIGERFUCKER’ out of the blue
Shirabu: thinks that La La Land is Peak Taste. got angry when tendou showed him a video of ryan gosling scenes in the movie but it’s all replaced by barry, the bee from Bee Movie. now La La Land is ruined because he keeps on remembering ‘you like jazz?’ in barry’s voice 
Semi: tells you that he just doesn’t watch musicals but he secretly had such a Les Miz phase. writes enjolras x reader fanfics and his longest one was 200k words. if he hears anything that vaguely sounds like ‘do you hear the people sing’, a tear will fall out of the corner of his eye
Goshiki: was looking for slime tutorials one and stumbled on ‘not hamilton just a 2 hr slime tutorial’ y’all kno what i’m talking about and watched the whole thing. was disappointed that there weren’t any slimes but is now into hamilton
Akaashi: knows and understands the peak performance quality and biblical philosophy of Jesus Christ Superstar. doesn’t tell anyone about it though because they all assume its all church music. ‘it’s not’, he sobs. ‘it’s more.’
Bokuto: akaashi recommended Jesus Christ Superstar to him and he watched it, thinking that he’d see jesus playing an electric guitar. he was very disappointed and sulked about it for a week. LOVES disney musicals though
Atsumu: was one of those kids who would look up the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos on youtube and stumbled in to A Very Potter Musical. ever since jk rowling’s snake side came out he began accepting that fan musical as canon. likes to piss rowling off by posting screenshots of the musical and saying its from the movie
Osamu: the Disney fan but with Quality Taste. loves Hunchback of Notre Dame, Princess and the Frog, Prince of Egypt, and Anastasia (the last two aren’t disney but animated musicals). cries at the sound of Phil Collins’ sultry voice. 
Kita: is in love with Phantom of the Opera because his grandmother loves listening to it. he’d sing THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK pretty much every day until his teammates catch him singing in the locker rooms while they were changing AND NAILING ALL OF CHRISTINE’S HIGH NOTES LIKE ITS NOTHING
Terushima: doesn’t like musicals so his friend recommended that he watch The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals by Team Starkid because of the crackhead humor. watched Robert Manion perform and ending up going on google and searching ‘does watching men move their hips real nice make me bi?’
Koganegawa:  y’all are gonna be surprised but this one’s a hardcore Wicked fan. has watched all of the different castings of it. he loves to imitate Elphaba’s iconic ‘FIEEEEROOOOOOO’ line in the showers and records it, just to see if he’s close to how it sounds onstage. has Idina Menzel’s autograph
Futakuchi: bitch does nothing but roast everyone else’s musical tastes. hamilton? ‘wow, mainstream much?’ dear evan hansen? ‘psshh, basic.’ be more chill? ‘think you’re edgy or something?’ the greatest show? ‘what are you? five?’ his favorite musical is actually Cats
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ghostie-luther · 4 years
Umbrella academy headcanons #1 - sexuality
Takes place in my "I won't hesitate bitch" texting universe on ao3, which you can read, here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24146260
In my universe the hargreeves siblings are 13 years old! !
-luther is pansexual, like Klaus!
-so ik in the series and stuff he loses his v card to rave girl (which was technically r*pe btw....he was drunk out of his mind) but come onnnn Luther with a boyfriend? CUTE
-he probably knew from an early age tbh, told reggie and Reggie was like "haha think again bitch" and basically told him he couldn't afford to be gay as number 1
-which is, by the way, bullshit
-and although Luther is very comfortable in his gender as a cis male, he gotta admit, he loves a good skirt
-like the pink pleated aesthetic ones?? The pastel ones?? Ohmyfuckinggod he drooled
-so Grace made him one!!
-like cmon let the boy wear what he wants. He looks adorable in it >:(
-he and Klaus are very similar in the way that they both like feminine clothing and have both been caught wearing makeup and painted nails
-yes Luther thirsts over luke Evans get with the times
-Diego is straight!
-he attracts alot of female attention while out on missions and interviews and he LOVES it
-hes very confident when he comes to the ladies, despite never having a girlfriend
-although he knows how to paint nails like a BOSS for his siblings. He doesn't even care. He OWNS it
-like he will sit and listen to tea while doing their nails for hours and hours
-lmao he tried to do that "sexy growl" thing men do during an interview and spat everywhere
-girls took the absolute piss out of him for MONTHS
-recently he's had his eye on this girl named Eudora who walks past the mansion on her way to school.....but it'll never happen
-Allison is also straight!
-her and Diego and five are the only "straight" ones tbh
-Vanya says it's a shame because lots of girls would have FLOCKED to Allison give them the chance
-one of her favourite things to do is let Klaus do her makeup after Reggie has gone to bed
- like Diego, she a sucker for gossip
-sometimes her and Diego pick fun at the others but it's all harmless teasing that they're all perfectly fine with
-Luther: imagine drawing your eyebrows on everyday
Allison: imagine hiding in the bathroom for an hour because you were wearing a skirt and dad was looking for you
Allison: couldn't be me
-she's such a diva! She likes to strut around in feather boas with Klaus and talk about boys and read magazines
-its her favourite time of day
-Klaus is pansexual like Luther!
-Klaus, while also is very confident in his gender, STEALS ALLISONS AND GRACES CLOTHES-
-honestly you'd go into his room and he'd be sat there in an prom dress and a boa
-nobody even HAD a prom dress
-he Ben and Luther like to have sleepovers alot to catch up and thirst over men (and women) they like
-Klaus loves to wear makeup!
- not as subtle as Luther though. Where Luther would have maybe some blush, red or pink eyeshadow and lilgloss Klaus would POP OFF
-vibrant eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, eyebrows drawn on highlighter ETC
-i mean...hes not amazing at it but he finds it SO FUN
- he keeps getting Luther to try the eyeliner but he won't, and Klaus gets really mad because IT WOULD SUIT HIM SO WELL
-both he and luther have to do the makeup when there's NO chance at getting caught tho because reggie would go off the RAILS
-straight as a lamppost
-but he's in the community because he is asexual!
-nothing to do with adult stuff appeals to him AT ALL
-at least before he dissapeared oop
-now nobody knows
-"compared to me she's as smart as a newborn baby but GODAMN she cute-"
- this babey is fully, 100% gay
-but you wouldn't really be able to tell because he keeps it pretty quiet and doesn't really show anything off??
-OH OF COURSE you get the sass and the gay jokes but he doesn't really join in with the whole "omg look at this man" type thing
-maybe he's just shy
-hes shy but will paint his nails black any day of the week
-i think he would rather cry in the library than admit he liked someone tbh
-hes so awkward it's adorable
-sometimes the rest forget he's gay because he acts...well...straight or doesn't mention it for AGES and then he'll come out with "-oh PLEASE when me and my husband get married-" or something and everyone fucking JOLTS
- this child is so gay omg she can't contain it
-every joke she makes about herself points to herself being gay (which i mean...same)
- she has posters of famous female singers in her room because:
- "dad these women inspire me to play the violin and are the reason I strive to be better."
-like no sis tf???
- you just like to stare at them
- she deadass outlined Angelina jolies face in a lipstick heart like this was an early 2000s movie
- she gets really frustrated sometimes because Allison likes boys and vanyas all "I like...hnnng girls...women...BOOBS...girls, women are nice ygm?" And Allison's like "..no?💀"
-has exactly 12 flannel shirts in her wardrobe
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Hey, I'm doing good too. Just normal amounts of stressful stuff right now. Just moved to a country I've never been to before but can't complain, things are not as hard as the last time I did this so. Thanks for asking! Yeah, I saw you posting about some pretty scary health issues before, I'm glad you came out of that alive and hope you're healthier now!
The nerve some people have! Haha I know I would be pissed if people were questioning my intelligence like that especially after a couple of drinks in haha. Though I do like taunting people when I play group games, I'll be like "don't need to try that hard guys, you're gonna lose anyway" just to mess with them or just call people sore losers if they accuse me of cheating haha (they're probably right on the accusations tho). People get real mad sometimes it's kinda funny. 😂
Omg literally laughed out loud reading this! Hahaha, how did you manage to fall over a road sign then end up in a ditch? lol omg hope you didn't get hurt too bad 😂 I was trying to downplay my drunken escapades but since you shared yours I should tell you my worst one:
I was at this summer street party at night and got drunk on something made out of tropical herbs and cachaça (which is about 48% alcohol), drank 3 and a half bottles of that like it was apple juice, made friends with a bunch of strangers in a bathroom queue (who tried to talk to me weeks later but I had no idea who they were), had to be held by my best friend while I peed (mostly missing the toilet), fell in the middle of the street and scraped my knee, threatened this boy who was helping me walk and told him not to try anything funny or I would beat him up, then dragged my friends to the beach and left them shortly after to go make out with my ex, came back with lipstick all over my mouth and chin and when my friends asked what I was doing I said I was just talking to my ex and they were like NO YOU WERE NOT, hahaha then I kissed all my girl friends on a dare and we danced under the full moon, then I told my best friend I had to puke so she took me to the ocean but I changed my mind and happened to step on a dead turtle on the way back and started crying bc of it, but last month my best friend told me it was a rock I had stepped on (I believed it was a dead turtle for 7 years!). Had the worst hangover of my life the next day. ✌️✨
Ah I'm happy you liked it! I've never listened to Six musical before but it sounds fun! I can see why you like it haha made me want to dance around my apartment 💃. And hey if liking musicals is your thing then it's great, I'm sure Hozier will understand if he's not your top artist of the year. 😋 Here's my "damie" Pinterest board if you or anyone else wants to check it out, totally recommend making one if you're a visual person like me!
Oh I could talk about Dani and Jamie forever I think. I love the beast in the jungle speech too and it's so painful to watch, VP delivered that beautifully, but I have to admit I'm always a crying mess from episode 1 when older Jamie starts reciting that song about being sad while waiting for her lover to return, this show is fucking cruel I hate it and love it at the same time hahaha. Omg your mom 😂 but I mean it's truly an honor to be compared to someone like Dani, no? She's really great even if she needs a little help haha (don't we all).
Aaah you're amazing! Thank you so much, I'll read this pirate AU soon!
I used to draw a lot, really loved doing it when I was a kid as I said before, and all throughout adulthood too but I haven't done that in almost a year now bc I've got a bit of a case of burnout I guess, it just takes a lot of effort to do it when it shouldn't be like that at all. I used to do fanart too, for other fandoms. Even made one for Dani x Jamie but ended up not liking how it turned out haha. I've got a lot of respect for writers and fanfic writers also! Yall can make words make sense in really interesting and beautiful ways, build worlds so enthralling I can see them vividly in my head. Writing is such an incredibly fascinating skill to have! And I guess the most important thing is that we enjoy doing these things right? Even if we think we're not particularly good at it.
Anyway, have a lovely weekend! 👋✨
Good I'm glad you're doing great but sorry you're dealing with stressful stuff!! Hope living in a new country goes well for you I'm so jealous that you've lived in different countries I'd love to live somewhere else even if just for s few years!! Awwh thank you so much I definitely came out of it alive and am feeling so much better now thank you I mean I do some pretty ditzy things so when people say it to me it's pretty deserved sometimes, I'm secretly smart and people just don't expect it so I never mind too much haha I might have to start saying the things that you do and just taunting them over it I mean, I usually do win even when they make me answer different questions so I will definitely have to start saying things like that to them Haha I love that you're just like "yeah they're probably right in their accusations" I agree seeing how mad some people get over games and stuff is funny (it's me I'm people I hate loosing games depending on what it is and I am very competitive) So it was very dark and all we had for light was my roommates flashlight on her phone but while we were walking home a friend of ours that lived else where kept texting her to make sure we were still safe (my phone as dead at this point) so while she was texting him her flashlight was facing down and someone had moved this road sign to the footpath and it was on that sits on the floor so while I couldn't see it I walked into it and fell over it but while I feel I grabbed hold of it and flipped with it and fell in a ditch with it on top of me... I was fine and was just laid laughing while my friend looked down at me and in the most northern accent ever just said "get up you dickhead." and helped me off of the floor and then asked if I was okay... and I was so it was all good!! Haha 😂 I love this drunken story that sounds like one hell of a night and is a roller coaster from start to finish!! I'm sorry you thought you had stood on a dead turtle for 7 years though, someone really should've told you that it was just a rock!! But that sounds like my kind of night!! I love nights like that... stories that will last a life time... the only down side is the hangover... luckily I have only ever had one hang over in my life and it wasn't the morning after the road sign fiasco... I felt surprisingly good the morning after that haha 😂 It's such a good musical it's about Henry VIII wives and I just love everything to do with his wives and that musical is so much fun and actually gives a little insight to the lives the six Tudor queens had away from Henry and with him because at school we're mainly just taught about him which sucks!! I loved the Hozier song and am definitely gonna have to listen to more of his stuff!! I love musicals so much I mainly listen to musical soundtracks at the minute- usually, Legally Blonde and Six on repeat haha 😂 Ooo thank you I will definitely check out this Pinterest board thanks for sending it to me!! I could talk about them forever too... since watching Bly Manor my niece has been asking me so many questions about it and I am more than happy to talk to her about it haha!! The beast in the jungle speech just breaks my heart every time I relate to it so much and VP just delivers it so beautifully!! Oh yeah now I know at the beginning that it's older Jamie I am just a wreck the whole show is just so beautiful and heart breaking at the same time I LOVE IT!! Even though it makes me sob- I keep putting myself through it!! I mean, yeah I was happy that she said it Dani is great but it was the way she said it... my mum can be something else sometimes... she said she thought Dani was like me the first time she does the accent when she says "I've fallen quite in love with London" because I just randomly do accents a lot too but it was the way she was like "She needs help... but I like her she reminds me of you" I was just like... "Should I go get help?" I still don't know the answer to my question about if I need help or not but I mean I probably do need it You're welcome I really hope you like it!! It's a
great fic I love it!! Yeah I get that if stuff starts taking too much effort and burns you out you're not gonna wanna keep doing it so it's understandable that you stopped!! I think fan art is great and I really would love to be able to do it myself but I just don't have the skill it takes!! Awwh it's a shame you didn't like the Dani x Jamie one you did I would've loved to have seen it!! Honestly there are so many talented writers out there and when I read their fics I am just in awe of the worlds they have built and the stories they have created we are so blessed in this fandom to have so many amazing writers and so many amazing fics out there Oh yeah definitely its important to enjoy what you do!! I know I love writing and love writing fics for Dani and Jamie so I think I'll be doing it for a while even if I'm not great at it haha Awwh thank you very much I hope you have a great weekend too!! ☺️
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jaideite · 5 years
Hc of Older Bakugo with baby fever? Just a thought.
B-Baby fever 🥺 yes this will be done !!!
this turned out longer then what it was supposed to be but it’s worth it for the scene at the end hehehe
dead tho I’m so sorry at how long this is I really got into it I—
Tumblr media
— it was literally the classic “save a baby” situation
— he could hear the kid screaming but where was the damn thing
— you had already left the building so there was no way to ask for some backup so he just went in
— eventually he finds it and
— uh oh
— its like a four month old baby
— he kind of just :/ because his gauntlet explosion thingies dont really allow him to hold things
— so he just kind of takes them off and leaves them, and picks up the baby and rushes out
— and just then the building explodes and you just see Ground Zero hurtling out the building and rolling on the ground
— he watches as one of his gauntlets flies out damaged and he just
— >:/
— but his main concern is the baby
— which he gently pulls the blanket off to reveal a soft face with pretty eyes staring him happily and tiny hands waving up at him
— he gives a soft smile and gently pokes its cheek and it giggles, gripping his gloved hand hand trying to put it into its mouth
— “Ah, ah, ah, no, that could get you sick.” He speaks softly, pulling his finger away and the baby just
— gummy smiles at him
— he smiles back like >:>
— the media is going nuts and they’re all smart enough to not speak and just take their damn pictures
— you kinda make your way over softly and your heart just clenches at the scene
— eventually he looks up at you from the ground and you crouch down to his level to see the baby too
— “hi baby!” You coo
— And this kid is just loving it man
— y’all are fine giving him the attention too because you’ve never really seen your husband interact with kids and he’s never seen you interact with them either
— it makes him wonder would you be good with his kids
— until you know he just spits on Katsuki
— you expect him to place the baby in your arms but he just sighs and grumbles about “damn stupid babies” and gets up
— the baby just sits on his chest and puts its fingers in its mouth and gurgles
— and your jusr gently take it from him
— “Awe you threw up? That’s okay, you’re probably a little sick, too. Why don’t we go see the good doctor and get you checked up?”
— he watches you in awe as you just work your mommy magic on the baby and walk away
— later on when you guys are home he just
— “You were really good with that baby.”
— you look over from whatever you’re doing on your side of the bed and smile “You too. It seems you have a knack for not making little kids cry.”
— “Hey it was one time!”
— “Katsuki that kid was twelve.”
— “Tch.”
— there’s more silence and then
— “Y’know it would be nice to have one.”
— “Hm?”
— “Litte you’s and me’s runnin’ around. . . heh. . .causing chaos.”
— you gotta pause for a second and look over to him from where he’s laying because are y’all serious having this conversation
— “Katsuki...” you start slowly “Do you...want a baby?”
— Theres silence on his end, and the sheets ruffle. “Yeah...Yeah I do...”
— You blink at him in surprise not because of the baby thing
— It’s because you honestly thought he was going to throw a big fit about denying it
— but here he is, staring you in the eye and saying he wants a baby
— and you just
— “Oh, okay.”
— he kind of just stares at you and you stare back
— and then he kinda whispers
— “Are you serious?”
— “Are you serious?” You retort back softly “This is a big decision, and if we make it we can’t back out on it, you know that right?”
— He takes a long pause and hums, nodding and turning around in the bed saying goodnight and just ending the conversation
— you just ‘Mmm’ and follow, heading to bed and wrapping your arm around him softly
— it’s brought up a few days later when the report of you two holding the little baby is brought on TV
— “You didn’t even get mad like I thought you would you just let it slide and moved on.”
— “Life’s too short to be angry over that.”
— “Hmm. And if your kid puked on you?”
— “Depends on how old they are. If they’re puking on me at 12 their ass is getting grounded.”
— “No butt whoopings?”
— “What the hell would that do? Take away their shit—more effective.”
— “Why no whoopings?”
— “You’ve met my mother, correct?”
— The topic isn’t brought up until it’s mentioned again amongst your classmates a couple weeks later
— “Who knew Bakugou was so good with babies?”
— “Can it, Round Face.”
— “Honestly, despite his shit personality, he’d be a good parent, not gonna lie.”
— “Ugh, stop talking would you?”
— and then he overhears you waking to the girls
— “When do you plan on having kids, y/n?”
— You guys kind of just freeze and you give out a little chuckle and fiddle with your clothes
— “We’ve, talked about it...but haven’t made a decision yet...besides we’re still young, we’ve got some time.”
— “Ain’t no time like the present!”
— “Shut the fuck up, Dunce Face.”
— When you guys get home and cuddle up in bed, you kind of just start talking out of no where
— “Y’know I saw a lady and her baby earlier this week. She was so cute, a little mischievous but still cute. Her mother was just so annoyed but she had a smile on her face. It was so cute.”
— he peeks an eye open and listens to you just talk about all the times you’ve come into contact with kids—some good, making him let out a small laugh, and some bad, making him cringe a little until finally he asks
— “Y/N, do you want to have kids?”
— the room is silent until you speak again
— “Of course I want to have kids,” you speak softly, fiddling with his fingers. “But when I decided I wanted to be a hero...kids just kind of left the picture.”
— “...they could possibly come back into it.” He speaks softly and you stop, going still and closing your eyes
— “Do you really want kids?” You speak ever so softly. He kind of just closes his eyes and rests in the crook of your neck
— to you it seems like the whole world seemed to just stop
— and then
— “Yeah...yeah. I want kids too.”
B O N U S:
— so like after about eight, nine months almost a year of talking about wanting to have kids y’all start trying
— and you’re annoyed because oH mY gOd y/N jUsT gEt pReGnAnT —
— so it’s been like six months since you guys started trying and then one morning just about a few weeks before his birthday
— he makes you your morning tea you catch a wiff of it like you usually do
— and then all of a sudden he’s yelling at you for shoving the cup in his hands that tea was hot and you’re clutching the bathroom door and throwing up on the floor
— you’re pissed cause you didn’t make it and now you’re sick so you can’t go into work
— you just ‘huuuugh’ and move to the toilet as you hear your husband make a comment and move to clean it up
— eventually you feel his fingers combing your hair as you throw up your dinner which you’re pissed cause he made a good ass dinner last night
— “Did you get fucking food poisoning or something?”
— you just reply with a caveman like grunt and he snorts
— “Come on. I’ve got to get ready for work so let me get you fucking situated.”
— so while he’s out you make your way up to get some medicine and schedule a doctors appointment
— and so a couple days goes by and at this point you’re just puking left and right
— now you’ve got a bucket next to you full of puke every five minutes and you just feel ewk
— “I remeber why I married you.”
— “Katsuki if you don’t shut your mouth—“
— eventually your trudge into the doctors office and you get a shock
— “Your pregnant, Mrs. Bakugou. Congratulations.”
— “Oh. Oh okay.”
— It finally hit you in the car and you just
— you can’t wait to tell Katsuki but then you remember watching those videos
— and as your walking into the house you realize his birthday is in a two weeks
— so you could give it to him as a birthday surprise
— so immediately you start looking for cute ideas to do
— none of them seem to work until one popped up and you just ‘yes’
— so you’re calling all his friends his family and telling them to just all come and help plan this thing (you don’t tell them your pregnant you want that to be a surprise)
— you are so excited and can barely keep yourself from telling him
— he suspects something is up but your a woman he could have hurt your feelings and not told him wow that sounded sexist dont attack me pls
— he’s learned not to dwell too much when you say “nothing it’s fine”
— but anyways the big day comes up and you guys are in a panic because
— the balloons needed to be blown up
— the streamers aren’t staying up
— the cake hasn’t arrived yet
— everything is just a mess
— you just stare at the mess of your apartment in annoyance and anger and frustration and then you just let it all out
— and everyone’s kind of just shocked because your a tough girl you don’t usually cry
— but now your just curled into a ball and you sound like a four year old
— your crying gets only worse when the keys jiggle and in comes your husband
— he kinda just takes in the mess behind him and then realizes someone is crying so he just looks around and sees it’s you
— hes immediately concerned and crouches down to you and you just cry harder
— “What the hell happened?”
— “This! This—all of this! Today just went so wrong!”
— “Hey, we can still fix this shit up—“
— “No, no we can’t! This was supposed to be special we had all your presents and we were supposed to have a cake and we were supposed to say surprise when you came in—“
— “Surprise...” Someone mumbles and you just start sniffing and curl into him
— “It wasn’t supposed to go like this I was going to surprise you and tell you I’m pregnant but everything just turned out so—uuughh.”
— by now your just red faced and tear streaked and a sobbing mess
— but his hearing kinda stopped after you said pregnant
— You, y/n are pregnant
— “Y-Your...w-what—“
— you look up to meet his eyes “I was going to surprise you and tell you that I’m pregnant but now it’s out there so,” you just wave your hands around “yeah. I’m fucking pregnant. Happy 24th Birthday.”
— he just stares and so does everyone else lmfao and you just pull your knees to your chest and hide your face
— it’s silent for a while and you hear shuffling and a door open and look up
— it’s just you and him now
— “H-How long—“
— “Two months, but I found out a few weeks ago. It was supposed to be a surprise—“
— “Hey hey hey,” he starts trying to calm you down. He takes your face into his sweaty hands and kisses you “it’s...it’s fine...it’s alright...this is a better birthday gift anyways.”
— you sniff “I wanted to surprise you.”
— “Our kid is a big enough fucking birthday gift anyways.”
— you choke on a laugh and hug him, mumbling a soft “I love you.”
— he wraps his arms around you too and whispers a soft “I love you too...”
— “...and I love our baby as well.”
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Survey #300
that’s a lot of time wasted, lmao
If you were a witch, which animal would be your familiar? Could I have like, a melanistic barn owl? That'd be dope. They're fuckin gorgeous. If there's a design on your shirt, what is it? Ha, speaking of owls... Would you ever visit a ghost town? MOTHERFUCKER would I. Bringing my camera, too. What would you do if you found out your life was only a simulation controlled by someone else? I have a very much Detroit: Become Human (phenomenal game, btw) outlook on this: I think, therefore I am. It honestly wouldn't affect me terribly. I sure would hate my creator though, jfc, lmao. What's the scariest thing you've accidentally found on the internet? Okay so there is this one video filmed by some guys who had this really strange, sulking guy in black stalking them, and it ends with the suspected murderer slinking over to the guys (who were by this point finding it almost funny, due to how the man was acting) and charging with a knife, I think, once he was very close. I believe the men were never found afterwards. It is SO goddamn unnerving. Is there anything bothering you right now? Not to be a Negative Nancy, but when isn't there lmao. Thinking of every Halloween costume you've had, which one was the most creative? I never had creative ones, really. What's the picture on your calendar for this month? I don't have a relevant calender, just old meerkat ones on a wall in my room. If you were a mythical creature, which would you be? As much as I love dragons, they're targeted too much in fantasy to kill, so let's not, haha. Being a dryad would be cool. Or druid. Either/or. If you were an animal, which would you be? A housecat, ig. Were you ever bullied when you were younger and how did you handle it? I consider myself very lucky to have not been. Have you ever thrown something away and then wanted it back? Okay so it's "deleted" versus "thrown away," technically, but there are two senior prom pictures in specific I desperately want back because fuck my low self-esteem, I look beautiful in them and so damn happy. I even tried Facebook restore programs that supposedly recovered all pictures you ever removed, but I couldn't salvage them. I'm still pissed about it, haha. What's one random city you want to visit? I don't have a specific city, per se. More so just countries in general. If you owned a store, what would you most likely sell? I think owning a pet supply store would be really cool, with some animals that are actually very well-cared for, unlike chain pet stores. I HATE those, vehemently. So unspeakably ignorant and neglectful. If you had a garden, what sort of plants would you grow? I don't want a garden, but hypothetically, I'd love orchids, dahlias, tiger lilies, a weeping willow tree, some strawberries... What's your favorite phase of the moon? Full, of course. What's the song for your life right now? I've felt extremely connected to Seether's "Weak" lately. Do you believe that when you die, you get to see all your loved ones again? I hope so... Who would you be the most excited to see? DO I ACTUALLY NEED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION?????????? Do you enjoy reading National Geographic magazines? If I'm like, sitting in a waiting room and they're available, I'll go for them. Do you know anyone who's serving in the military right now? Welcome to the South, baby. The boys graduate, they're going straight for the military. I only have one real friend who was one but left tho because he fucking hated it. Does or did either of your parents serve in the military? No. Has anything in your house ever caught on fire? Not in this house, no. As a small child, did you ever feel as if you were different or weird? Absofuckinglutely. I have A LOT of bad memories of instances where I felt like "the weird kid." Can you say "happy birthday" in another language? Omg... I forgot the German phrase. Wow, I'm rusty. What subjects do you or did you get the worst grades in? Math. Do you have photos to go with all of the contacts in your phone? I don't have pictures that go with any. Who was the last person to comment on one of your photos on Facebook and how did you meet that person? I just checked, and it was my friend Summer. I met her because she was actually first friends with my younger sister in pre-k, but we grew closer than they did in our teen years. What career paths are you considering? I just want to be a photographer. So badly. But I've felt super, super discouraged lately. Do you watch music videos? I pretty much never do, but rather listen through the artists' Topic uploads or lyric videos. I don't generally like official music videos because they tend to have other sounds/parts/breaks/etc. in them that distract from the song. Have you ever clicked on those banner ads that promise a prize for clicking? Probably by accident at some point in time. What kind of computer are you using? Acer Nitro. What kind of computer do you wish you were using? I'm fine with what I have. Have you ever had a weight change so drastic you went to the doctor? .-. How cold does it have to be before you put on a sweater? Depends on how long I'll be outside, but in most situations, in the 50s. Do you eat things off the floor? Um, ew. Who do people say you look like? My sisters. Do you usually get your homework done on time? When I was in school, I was very serious about having my homework finished by the date it was due. Have you ever framed your old movie ticket stubs? I've kept some, but never framed any. Do you have a digital camera? A Canon, yeah. Have you ever stuck something inappropriate in an electrical outlet? Bitch I ain't tryna get electrocuted. How many days has it been since your last birthday? My b-day is actually coming up soon; the 5th of February. Do you want any more siblings than you have now? Well, considering both my parents (and stepmom) are in their 50s... How easily shocked are you? VERY. I am extremely jumpy and on edge at like all times. You like the color blue, don't you? I mean yeah. Particularly the lighter tints. Who was the last person who asked you something that made you think? My therapist REEEEAAAALLY makes me do this. She's an absolute pro at getting me to dig deep into myself. Ever fired a gun? No, and I don't want to. From 1-10, how would you rate your cooking skills? Is 0 an option? Do you notice the heat or the cold more? HEAT, JESUS FUCK. It can be one or two degrees above what I consider stable and I'll be sweating. I'm hypersensitive to it I know from being in such a consistent temperature in my room like 24/7. Do you believe in miracles? Probably no. What hurts more: scratches or bites? Bites, if you're talking serious ones. Do you prefer rabbits to mice? No, mice (and especially rats) are absolutely amazing, intelligent animals. Bonus points for being mega cute too, though I do find rabbits cuter. Who out of all the people you know reasonably well is the most "dark?" Sara, haha. Favorite chocolate-based candy? Reese's. Do you call anyone babe or baby? My pets sometimes. Name me a food you used to like that you now don't: Peas, olives. Name me a food you now like but never used to: Mashed potatoes, IF prepared very well (by my standards, obviously). Would you rather live in Europe, The US, or Australia? By this point, take me to Europe. If it wouldn't be such a huge life change and leaving so many people, I would 120% move to Canada, but out of these, Europe will do. Would you rather have a big house, a lot of kids, or a high flying job? Give me the high-flying job, 100%. I don't want kids, and I have no need for a large house. Is crime a big problem in your area? Oh yes. What’s your town/city most well-known for? By the locals, being the crime hub, actually, lol. Name 5 objects that you don’t have but would like right now: Hmmm... I want a 40g tank as an upgrade for Venus, a gaming chair for when I turn the extra room into my "office" so I don't destroy my back sitting there, new glasses and a driving permit, and don't forget a gd tattoo needle pounding my skin. :^) If you were given the choice to choose your child’s gender, would you? Yes, I would absolutely want a girl just because IF I wanted kids, I'd want a daughter named Alessandra. Do you get along well with your family doctor/your doctor? Yeah, she's nice. What types of soups do you like? None. If a color could reflect your current mood, which would it be? Grayish blue. The last time you saw fireworks? I really don't know; it's been years, at least. Have you ever gone to a movie premiere? Possibly for Silent Hill: Revelation, but I'm not certain. Who was the last person to make you laugh out loud? My mom, because she made me remember something funny. What was the last commercial you heard selling? *shrug* Do you prefer fairly common names or a bit out of the ordinary ones? Oh, definitely rare and unique ones. Would you rather have a pet cat, dog, horse or tortoise? At this current time, a dog for Mom, which we're actually probably getting. She misses having one super badly. Is your laugh loud, normal or very silent? My laugh is loud and obnoxious as fuck. What are you interested in that most people would be surprised to know? Tarantulas, probably. I love them, even though spiders kinda scare me. Last movie you watched the whole way through? Elf, I think, with Sara's fam. What's your favorite fruit? Strawberries are where it's at. Last time you drank coffee? I've only ever sipped coffee to try to see if I liked it. Never have. I THINK I last took a sip of Sara's when we went on a breakfast date? Has anyone ever called you rich? Calling me rich would be entirely ludicrous. What makes you feel beautiful? Nothing. How many bathrooms are in your house? Two. Last time you were on a plane and where did you go? A couple years ago, coming home from Illinois. Favorite flavor muffin? Uggghhhh chocolate. Do you prefer stripes or polka dots? Polka dots. I tend to find circles visually appealing. Did you take Music when you were in school? I think all the elementary school students did. I was also in band in middle and high school; I played the flute. Why did you last feel like crying? I'm just sick of how my life is going. Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting, or indifferent? I find it either awkward or terrifying, depending on the gender. It's not a willing thing or intended sexism whatsoever, I'm just naturally afraid of men. Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what? No. Does someone’s background affect whether you'll be friends with them or not? Well, it depends on what they've done. How about their religious background? No. If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? Nope, bye. Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No. How about a fashion designer? No. Do you prefer fire or ice? Fire aesthetically, but ice is certainly less intimidating. When happy, do you become more talkative? OH yes. Are you offended easily by non-politically correct language? No, really. I wouldn't say derogatory terms, but I really don't understand why most people put so much weight into a single made-up word. But again, you won't hear that language coming out of my mouth because I understand that it just does hurt some people, and I respect that. Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right? It's gone overboard, imo. What's your I.Q? I don't want to know, haha. Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? No. Do you know anyone who is scared of you? Um, no. What person who has died would you bring back and why? Probably Steve Irwin. His children have done FUCKING FANTASTIC at carrying on his legacy and purpose, but I feel he could've taught the world so much more than he had time to... Do you like watermelon? No. Too watery. Can you remember the month of your first kiss? Yes, actually. March. What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? I'm unsure, really. Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? Both. What artist's paintings do you find the most beautiful? This is an impossible question. What about the most disturbing? Oh man, I watch this one person on deviantART that makes especially creepy artwork. I follow a loooot of dark artists, though, so it's difficult to pick. Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? A church-related summer thing, yes, as a kid. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Pokemon was/is where it's at. What was your biggest fear as a child? Thunderstorms, holy shit. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? Be able to breathe underwater. What about invisibility or mindreading? Definitely invisibility. Mindreading would just... suck. Hurt. Especially if you couldn't control it. Which stereotype do you dislike the most? Good question, considering I hate a shit ton. Can you remember all your past teachers names? No, not all of them. Do you like talent shows? Which ones? I don't mind watching 'em. I particularly used to love America's Got Talent. Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? Yes; I failed horribly at my final math exam the last time I was in school. Are you on any meds? Too many. Just way too many for someone my age. I'm really starting to think I'm over-medicated to where it's dulling my senses, feelings, and also destroying my memory. But I kinda need like... all of them. I'm talking to my psychiatrist in just a couple days though, actually, and I'm going to talk to him about maybe trying to wean me off my OCD med, since I haven't had big symptoms in a long time. I wanna see how I deal without it. What color is your razor? Black and orange. What is your fave frozen treat? Just the classic ice cream. Which supermarket do you like to shop at? We tend to get our groceries from Wal-Mart. Do you struggle to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do? YESSIREE. Are you friends with someone a lot of people dislike? I don't think there's anyone that is widely disliked, no. Have you ever had to deal with someone close to you going off to war? No, thankfully. Other than yourself, who did you last buy something for? Mom. What's something you complain about frequently? My legs hurting. It's hard to ignore when taking one step is painful. Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out? I certainly haven't talked about it in-depth, but it's been mentioned in some way when I was with Jason. I mean we were together for three and a half years, sexually active (and I ain't doing jackshit if it's that time of the month), and I spent as much time with him as possible, so... it woulda came up. I'm sure he was indifferent about it, he was a mature guy. Have you ever been to an Asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you? No. I've never even heard of one around here. Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without having sex? Back up two questions, haha. That was normal. How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos? Shit man, I love tattoos. I'd obviously not care. How have you been feeling today? Depressed. Where’s your phone right now? On my chest. I'm lying down. Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? ugh When you drink alcohol with friends, do you play drinking games? I never have. What are the best kind of Girl Scout cookies? I don't remember their names, honestly... but the chocolate and peanut butter ones come to mind.
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louu-7 · 4 years
everything i don’t know
on wattpad
I can finally get out of this house. It’s only for a few hours, but it’s better to be a step ahead, and I’m not gonna miss my chance to enjoy the fresh air of the island…
I finish adjusting my outfit and leave my room to rejoin my parents at the first floor, then my sister arrive too. She’s perfect, as usual, with her beautiful red hair and her elegant style. She just always is the one that my parents want me to be, and I really think that sometimes she likes it when they tell me that I should dress like her, but it’s Alyssa.
“Do you know where are we going, young girl?” Asks my mom while I’m checking my phone, waiting for Isaac to come. “Yes, sure,” I look up and shrug, “to the restaurant. What’s the matter?”.
“You should dress up correctly, we aren’t some of these parents who can’t afford a pretty dress for their daughter. Why don’t you put a dress on?”
“Mom, we only go to the restaurant, it’s not like it was an event or some chic parties. But next time I’ll try, promise.”
“Everything that we do does matter. People have to take us seriously. Go put a dress on now please.” My father come back from one of his million business calls. “Dad, please, I don’t want to-”
“You don’t have to discuss this decision. Just listen, we have to go.”
I slightly sigh and turn toward the stairs to climb it and get to my room to look into my closet and grab my favorite one, a simple blue short dress before putting it on. I don’t particularly have a problem with being well dressed but I feel like I’m mocking the people who can’t afford all this get-up when I put something really formal just to go to the restaurant…
I look at myself in the mirror and fake a smile. You can do it Thara, it’s only for a few hours, and it’s your favorite dress, I think as Dad yell my name from the first ground.
I don’t answer, brush my hair so it’s softer and perfume myself a little more. They should be happy of what they see now. Something’s missing tho… my eyes observe the makeup that I got and my eyeliner attract my regard. I decide to do a fine line on each one of my eyes, and I’m ready.
I lay my phone in my black purse, inhale and come back to my parents. They all inspect me and this kind of reaction’s pretty annoying for me, but I’m used to it.
“Can we go now?” I ask while opening the door to get out and prevent them from staring at me this way. “Sure, let’s go.”
“You look stunning Thara, you really should be more dressing up like this.” Says my mom when she starts walking next to me. “Thank you.”
“Being dressed up don’t prevent you from smiling, you should take a leaf out of your sister’s book.”
“Leave her alone OK.” My sister come to my defense and take my hand in hers. “I just say that she could be more enthusiastic than how she is-”
“Shut the hell up Isaac.”
“Kids, don’t make me a scene now and let’s have a good time, OK. Thara, pay attention to your language please, it’s not the language expected from you.”
I apologize and we arrive in front of the car. I give a faint smile to the man who opens me the car door before sitting into the black backseat. The leather make me shivering, and everything’s so dark on the inside, it’s like the night came in a minute.
The chauffeur starts the car, and we’re finally getting out of this house. This restaurant trip is the first thing that we do together since the beginning of this summer. They all seem to be so occupied that they always forgot our diner, or our walk on the beach, until today.
Once in the restaurant, a waiter guide us through the room and bring us at a table in a corner. We all take place and I quickly tie my hair up in a bun before my Dad look daggers at me. I do my best to ignore this look when my mind make me remember about the gun.
I can’t stop thinking about it. Since when does he need a fucking gun? And mostly, did he already used it? This question don’t wanna leave me, and every time I look at him in the eyes I just freak out. My Dad knows everything and if he notices that I get weird with him, he’s gonna questioning me until I “confess”.
“What do you want darling?” Asks my Mom while I get lost in my mind. I would prefer to be at the beach and eat burgers to be honest… “Hum, I don’t know, a chicken salad’s good I guess. I’m not hungry, I just wanna hang out at the beach so…”
“Sure?” Alyssa looks at me and I smile to agree.
We order, and the courses are quickly in front of us. I eat in less than fifteen minute. My impatience is killing me, and also my parents apparently. They take their time, talk business, and anyone of us is talking about something cool.
“Did you choose your options for next year sweetheart?” Dad brings some vegetables to his mouth while looking at me.
“Hum, I...” I shrug and look around to escape from this question. “I didn’t really think about it yet but like I told you, I’m not sure I wanna go to college…”
“And we already answered that it wasn’t an option.”
“But you can’t send me to college without my permission.”
“We’re doing whatever we want, we are your parents, darling.” My Mom fakes a smile at me and I grit my teeth.
I sigh and stand up before excusing myself and rapidly reach the bathroom. I arrive in the big room full of mirrors and decide to put a little bit of water on my cheeks. I feel so bad to be so controlled by them. I would like to have a talk with them, to discuss like adults about my future, not having to listen to their orders.
Dad certainly would like me to work for the vineyard, with him and Isaac. The kind of work where you’re staying in an office all day and come back at home to live a boring life. I don’t like this kinda work, I wanna be outside, feel the warmth of the sun all day and work for something useful. I wanna be useful for the Outer Banks.
My dream job would be to work with sea animals, it would be the goal of my like, working around dolphins, turtles, whales or sharks and fishes, I would love it. There’s a real world in the sea, and we don’t see it until we get interested in it. I just would to protect these fragile world...
The thing is, I don’t know yet if I wanna go to college and study marine biology or find a refuge or an association so volunteer can teach me everything they know. College isn’t gonna make me explore sea depth unlike associations or refuge, if I’m lucky.
I come back with my dear imperfect family and sit to wait until the end of the lunch so we can go to the beach, and feel the sun, and listen to the sea.
It’s the next day and tonight’s gonna be a really good moment, because we’re invite, like everyone on the island, pogues and kooks, at Cameron’s house. Why? Because every year we’re celebrating the union between people. I know, it’s completely hypocrite and kind of disgusting to know that everyone is playing a role to show that they’re perfect, kind, smart and everything.
Anyway, the party’s at 8pm, it’s 6pm and I didn’t start to prepare. I’m chilling since at least an hour and a half, checking my phone, walking around impatiently. Tonight, nobody’s gonna tell me what do I have to do, how do I have to act and with who do I have to talk, because it’s union and love.
Love’s big word but, they’re claiming that it’s a love relationship between kooks and pogues. It isn’t, of course, but that’s great, I’m so happy and I can’t wait. Tonight I have the chance to talk to Sarah and get everything clear with her. I hope she’s gonna forgive me…
“Babe! Did you choose what dress are you gonna wear tonight?” Alyssa’s asking from her room. “Yeah, I’m almost ready. What ‘bout you?”
“What did you choose?” She suddenly appears behind my door and enters to let herself fall on my bed. “Look, I didn’t even know this dress was in my closet but I love it.” I bring the dress that I found before the story of the gun and she smiles while observing it before standing up and take it from me. “Are you sure?”.
I frown, confused, and look at the dress. “Yeah. Is it too much with the sparkles and everything?”
“No. It’s not enough, do you have something else?”
“You kiddin’ me? This is enough for me.” Shes raises her eyebrows while looking back at me, surprised, even shook. “What, there’s a lot of sparkles, and it’s a long dress.”
“But nobody’s gonna notice you. You need a more puffy dress so-”
“No no no, that’s perfect for me if I’m invisible, leave me alone so I can put it on.”
“Babe how can you kick me out?” She asks with a fake sad voice and I sigh while smiling. “C’mon Aly, leave me alone girl!” We laugh and she gives up so I’m alone in my room. I put the dress on and lock myself in the bathroom. OK, I won’t leave this room until I’m ready, even if it takes the two hours left before the beginning of the celebration.
I turn on my speaker and put music so loud that I don’t hear anything else. And Dad’s not gonna tell me anything because he’s not here. And my mother doesn’t care that much. Anyway they’re pissed off against me since the pogue thing. The only one who could annoy me is Isaac, but I’m locked and I don’t hear nothing so I’m not gonna hear him and his complaining.
I start by the makeup, while dancing and singing in front of my mirror, and then I hear someone’s knocking when the song ends. I open and Alyssa’s coming in, dressed up. I know what does that means. Let’s sing and dance in wild dresses for two hours straight…
We’re all ready, and to be honest we took two hours and I only put mascara, eyeliner, a bit of blush and a translucent gloss. That’s it. And we just arrived at Sarah’s house, I can’t wait to have a talk with her, because I’m sure I can ask Alyssa to go and tell her to meet me at the bathroom or something.
I don’t know why am I so excited about tonight, it’s maybe because my life isn’t that fun, so when there’s a party that’s kinda cool. Anyway we’re warmly welcomed by Sarah’s parents, and they come with us to the garden, the big garden where everyone’s gossiping, drinking champagne and acting perfect.
I take the hand of Alyssa’s in mine and take her away so the parents aren’t hearing us.
“OK, I have a mission for you, and I’m serious. Can you please go talk to Sarah and tell her I’m waiting for her at the bathroom. And also tell that it’s serious like, I really want to, and don’t tell the parents.”
“What, why do you wanna talk to her, she’s-”
“My friend. She’s my friend and I love her so much, and since we can’t talk I never had the chance to explain her what happened.”
“And when?”
“Right now, go.”
She looks at me, exasperate by my person, and I smile so she does the same and search for the blond to go talk to her. I come back to my parents and tell them I have to go to the bathroom. They don’t seem to believe me but I don’t care, Sarah’s my best friend, we’ve been known each other for years. They’re not gonna keep me away from her for the eternity.
So I wait, five, or ten minutes, and the door eventually open before letting her coming in. We look at each other for a moment and I sadly frown before walking towards her so I can take her n my arms. She responds to my hug and I smile, relieved.
“I’m so sorry for everything and I didn’t mean to stop talking to you overnight.”
“You owe me an explanation tho babe.”
“I know.”
We let go each other and I sigh.
“It’s kinda simple, you know as well as me that my parents hate the pogues, and when they found out that you were hanging with them they just forced me to delete your phone number and forget you, but I never did, of course.” I let out a little nervous laugh.
“What, really? They really have a problem with pogues, I mean, they’re human, not monsters.”
“Yeah, I know…”
“Give me your phone, gonna write my number so we can talk again.”
I give her my phone and we continue to talk for sometimes before someone literally comes in and caught us. It’s actually her mom, and of based on how she’s, she’s not gonna tell my parents that we talked. I hope so…
She advises us to come back and we agree. At least we have our phones, and maybe I will have the chance to go with her at some moments of the evening. My parents won’t be able to keep their eyes on me all along the night.
“I’m so happy to talk to you again.” She says before hugging me. “Me too babe, I missed you so much.”
“Oh, also, you owe me an explanation about something else, but we talk ‘bout it by text, love you.” She gets out of the bathroom first. “Hum, yeah, OK, even if I don’t know what you’re talking about, love you too. You look amazing.”
“You too babe.” She turns towards me and send me a kiss.
We laugh and I get out of the bathroom at my turn. I come back with my parents again and smile at Alyssa when she shrugs. A waiter is walking through the people and distribute some glasses of champagne, I take two, for me and my amazing sis.
“Cheers! I laugh happily and she does the same.” My parents seem… cold with me. Or maybe they’re also like that with Aly and Isaac. All they have in mind is business, every time.
I spend my night drinking a lot champagne, talking, dancing and singing with Aly, and it’s a really good evening. Moreover, we’re texting with Sarah, everything’s perfect. The only boring thing is this man who’s doing a speech on love between people and everything, even if everyone of us know that war between pogues and kooks isn’t gonna end up that easily…
Moreover, I think I can put my parents in the list of boring things. They didn’t talk to me since we’re here, and I don’t even know why. Certainly because of what happened with this pogue and Nate… if only he didn’t tell everyone what happened, they would never have known.
I keep looking at them, smiling at everyone and ignoring me, and it makes me feel so bad, and abandoned, and it reminds me of everything they’re doing to keep me away from nobody even when I’m always acting like they want. I listen to their orders, I’m smiling to people that I don’t know because it’s polite, I try to do my best every time and it feels like they never notice.
It’s time for changes.
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
TharnType the Series: Ep. 6 Review
THARNTYPE LETS GOOOOOOOO. I’m super excited they have AMAZING chemstry
Section 1
Y'all it hasn’t begun but this girl better not ruin shit !!!!
“Thinking of you” D I S G U S T I N G
Type better not ask Tharn to have sex while he’s being a little hoe ESPECIALLY since he knows of Tharn’s feelings and already told him they are casual lovers not just sex friends so just know imma throw hands
I also love my eggs sunny side up, Tharn love me instead pls
Tharn staring at Type texting that girl has me not uwu tho
Random side not: I’m a graphic designer and I love the posters on their wall
“You sent this handsome angel to save me” Your gay jumped out son lmao jk but I live for this broship
I’m also a musician and Tharn’s hold on those sticks aren’t that bad lol
Also imagine if Techno ended up falling for Tharn LMAO
Section 2
Miss me with that straight shit Type
Type just got back to the dorm and I know Tharn about to beat his ass (metaphorically lol)
Okay y'all serious shit: I know they aren’t dating but Type KNOWS of Tharn’s feelings, and he, HIMSELF called them casual lovers which of course is not the same as dating but he could have at least told Tharn since they never stated no strings attached and when you say “casual lovers” with no established boundaries, you gotta still consider the other person’s feelings smh
Also Type did not have to PUNCH my mans, a simple slap would’ve been fine lol but Tharn shouldn’t have said that especially after Type told him he didn’t like that
Oh Type my boy…
On the other hand, Tharn needs to respect the fact that Type says he’s not interested… like I understand chasing after the one you love but obvious this man has internal turmoil that he has to accept and smooth out before he can try anything
Also Tharn crying got me crying no joke
Klui and Seo are such an interesting dynamic to this show lmao idk how I feel about them 
Also how can Type just go and sleep like that lol
I feel like Techno low-key knows about them 
You can tell Type doesn't want to stop liking him lol
Section 3
The lighting of the room is beautiful
oop, Tharn’s not there when Type arrived cue lonely and needy feelings
that was embarrassing lol
OOP Tharn really said that shit ( basically they are just fuck friends, no strings attached and they can just fuck when the other feels the need to)
I’m not happy about it but whatever the story has to progress 
Type being pissed and thinking too hard while on his date with Pufai got my rolling on the floor 
“Where you thinking of other girls” nah m8 he was thinking of a boyyyyyy
BRUH Type crossing his fingers while telling a lie has me DED
Pufai got balls I wish I had no cap
a pinky promise ooooffffff we already know he will break that shit
OOP sex scene lolololol it’s so awkward (because of what’s going on lol) I CANNOT
Holy shit I forgot about Tharn’s performance :(((((((((((((((((((((((( I’m sad now 
first, you can tell type is stressed and also disappointed he can’t make it which makes it sadder
and it’s even sadder that he struggled to say that he was going to ask Pufai to be his girlfriend
these bitches got to stop playin with my emotions
we love supportive friends :)
“tall, dark, handsome” idk about the “dark” part lol but everything else is trueeeee
unrelated but that wrapping paper and bow work is ASTONISHING (I love wrapping gifts lol)
ooof straight kiss - ight imma head out 
lol never mind they didn’t kiss whew
Plus he didn't look disgusted that he thought of him uwuwuwuw
OHP they better not try shit or I really will throw hands and kachow Type’s ass of to another planet
“it might be a choice when you move off campus” bITCH GET OUTTA HERE NO ONE ASKED
she’s really trying to catch these hands
Section 4
Tharn has gorgeous hair and if Type doesn't wanna run his hands through those beautiful strands then I WILL
?? someone walked in 
He’s hugging Tharn from the back Im allllsdjf aosdjfaos
and he’s apologizing holy crap im
and he’s sorry about it??? 
But he slept with Pufai…
awww my boy Type didn’t actually sleep with her because he couldn’t do it with a woman
Tharn is struggling to believe it fadskjrvfewnio
Type is crying :(((((((((((((((((
but they’re hugging and it’s so cute and obvious than is forgiving
Type is struggling so hard to accept himself for his past and applaud him so much 
“I’ve always been yours” Iisdiofhis urdbfgdshfighsdfliughHOSHD
Highkey EVERY THAI BL has to learn from them because they have sooooo much chemistry and are in the best kissers I’ve seen
BRUH SHE SLAPPED HIM good for her??? idk man
“I told her I’m dating someone” y’all remember when I said Type was gonna catch these hands? Yeah I meant because I’m gonna hug the living shit of him 🥰🥰
“I feel like I’m having sex with a man because I’m desperate” y’all remember when I said I wanted to hug him yeah no I meant STRANGLE HIS ASS
“I was gonna break it off with you” YALL SEE MY BOY TYPE’s FACE :((((
Also Tharn rubbing/playing with Type’s ear/hair is what’s KEEPING ME GOING RN
“But because I was afraid you were going to break it off with me first” IM CRYING DURING CLASS YALL
“I want to hear you scream without holding back” BIEJAJDBSKKS IM SCREECHING RN 😳😳😳
“Then let me have my way with you all night” “suit yourself” WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS I CANT HOLY SHIT
Wow they really cut it off without showing us shit 😡
Bruh type still being unsure is so realistic because even tho he admitted his feelings it doesn’t mean he’s gonna be all content now but it was at least relieving for him I bet to be able to express his bottled up feelings
“I remember that ... we are together” 🥳🥳🥰🥰🥰
That such a weird angle to kiss at tho lmaoooo
Ugh that was so cute imma go and cry
Type still not being able to complete accept his feelings is so realistic I love it
Okay I don’t understand this next couple like at all?? Like their point in the story ? What they contribute to the plot? If someone can let me know that would be litty titty
I can already tell that Types dad is a poopoo head 😤
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“I just make sure you can’t refuse me” HOLY M-
Type’s smile is the cutest thing I’m-
The preview
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softforcal · 5 years
a concept : gang (besides harry) sex w birdie and puppy🥵
I want to first say this would not happen and this peice of writing is for shits and giggles and NOT CANON but if it DID HAPPEN, it would happen before Luke asked Birdie to marry him. so we’re talking like 1 or 2 months after Limerence (Harry/Olivia) (side note this ended up being 1.5k)
it would happen while they’re all drunk as fuck
Cashy is getting to handsy and Michael jokes “group orgy” but then yes?
Dove would be sober and be like nuh uh I am not about to join an orgy, “have fun with your hand Michael and try not to make me up when you get home.” cuz she knows the couples are not about to let Michael join in
she legit gives him PERMISSION to fuck anyone in the orgy he can, because she KNOWS he wont be able to even touch Birdie, let alone Puppy who will have Calum AND Ashton
they get there and Michael goes for Puppy but Calum shoves him away
the couples mainly focus on themselves, so Michael doesn’t know what the fuck to do, he reaches for Birdie and Luke smacks his hand away. Calum gets too close to Birdie and Luke growls. Birdie is low key embarrassed by her bitch boyfriend. 
Puppy finally feels bad for Michael and lets him hold her hand while she’s getting wrecked by cashton. 
Birdie is like “should we invite him?” to Luke because she feels bad and he’s just like 
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Ashton is piss faced drunk, and gets a little tired and is like, “Cal we should let Michael do something” and Cal would not be happy about it, and Ashton would be like “oh so Luke’s more chill than you? seeing as he let you fuck Birdie-” so Calum gives in, and Ashton had seen Luke being super like NO to Michael so Ashton feels bad. 
Michael is a pro with his fingers from gaming, so that and his mouth have Puppy going wild and everyone looks, even Luke and Birdie stop to look cuz wtf. and Puppy has a death grip on the sheets and his hair, and Calum is pissed because he’s supposed to be the king, and suddenly Puppy is making sounds like that. and she’s trying NOT to be loud, and to hold it in for her boys, but JESUS. 
“Michael. hey. Michael. how are you doing that?” Ashton wants DETAILS.
as she cums she screams Michael’s name, and finally Calum goes to pull Michael away because what the fuck, but Ashton is like “no, let him teach us” cuz he is fucking intrigued. 
even Luke is listening to the instructions now, and Michael is just teaching these guys how to finger bang.
Calum kind of turns around to Luke and Birdie and is like fuck Michael, let me join you guys, and Luke is like no fucking way. 
Michael straight up makes Puppy squirt and everyone is like wtf 😦. Ashton is shook and Calum is pissed and Michael is like 😏 Birdie low key looks to Luke as if to ask if Michael can come join them, but Luke gives her a look thats just like no. 
Ashton wants so many lessons, and Cal is pissed so he straight up puts his pants on and goes and sits in a chair but he still watches with his arms over his chest.
Puppy tries to beckon him over again, and Calum is being a big baby and is insisting everythings fine even though its not. 
Michael makes Puppy squirt again and Calum straight up goes outside for a smoke. 
Puppy insists on going out to talk to him, and ends up blowing him on the terrace, and he agrees to come back in for another round but makes her promise NO MICHAEL THIS TIME. 
Birdie is low key kind of salty not to get to try Michael’s magic fingers. 
they all wake up the next day and Cashy gets the fuck out before the others wake up
Luke and Birdie and Michael wake up, and Michael super awkwardly leaves without saying anything.
Birdie calls Olivia in a panic and thats how they find out. 
Harry would be pissed
“honey why are you upset”
“im not Olivia”
“yes you are bub, whats wrong”
“its just… another gang activity they didnt invite me to-”
“fucking their girlfriends is NOT a gang activity Harold.”
Harry calls Luke cuz he’s salty and Luke is like “god harry, it was horrible.” and Harry LOVES that cuz he’s a petty bitch and has the whole phone convo with a grin. 
Luke and Puppy can’t even look at each other after
Puppy doesn’t come in for work which never happens. when she finally comes in she’s covered head to toe in clothing so Luke cant see any skin and Cashton is like, no cleavage, we broke her.
Calum and Birdie didnt really even interact so they’re chill, but Ashton looked at Birdie a few times and even tried to touch her “but you let calum-” “Ashton take your hand away before i cut it off.” Birdie mouthing “im sorry”
no more sexual jokes from Michael. 
Dove is pissed Michael fucked Puppy, because they dont really like each other so she yells at Luke because “why wouldnt you let him fuck Birdie? now he’s fucked Puppy, Luke! bruh i thought i could trust my murder bro.”
Calum and Luke bonding over this shit because uhhh… now cal knows what it feels to have someone eat your girlfriend out better than you. 
Birdie and Puppy talking about it and Puppy is ranting about how amazing Michael is but Birdie’s kind of like “but CALUM, Puppy.”
and Puppy’s like “bitch dont remind me that you’ve had Calum.”
“was he really that much better?” Puppy just stares at her. 
all the guys are super mad at Michael, even Luke, and Michael didn’t even TOUCH Birdie. but Luke KNOWS Birdie is curious about it. 
Dove gets super territorial and turns into such a GIRL because bitch thats HER man and she KNOWS how good he is, and now that Puppy knows too, she is BIG MAD. like all of the sudden Dove is super clingy, fucking Michael in the Luxury while Puppy is working. 
when they exit the bathroom Puppy and Michael make eye contact before Dove drags him away and Calum sees it and gets PISSED. 
so that night Calum has Puppy are at home and Calum calls Michael and makes him give him instructions via phone call on how to make Puppy squirt while he fucks her. and Michael is on speaker phone and oooof. 
he’s still not as good but he’s determined to be better so he starts going over to Dove and Michael’s place to play video games for ‘finger working out’. soon all the guys are there doing it and getting sex lessons from Michael, and they have an entire group chat about what works and what doesnt, with Michael as like the master of it all. 
Luke is hella practicing too but is low key about it and makes Birdie squirt before Calum has made Puppy squirt and Calum is PISSED.
Ashton makes Puppy squirt before Calum does too, and Harry comes in with a joke like :”guess it’s my turn now eh?” and Calum almost DECKS him. 
Harry low key behind the scenes doens’t even try to make Olivia squirt and she’s like “babe i wanna tho” and he’s like “not until Calum makes it happen with Puppy love, after that i’ll do it i promise.” 
Olivia is getting so pissed and sexually frustrated because Calum is taking FOREVER. So Olivia goes to Calum and is like, “bruh, i know for a FACT Puppy likes having her boobs touched so just touch them while you do the other stuff and it will WORK!” like she’s had all the girl talk so she knows exactly what Puppy likes and writes a whole fucking instruction manual for Calum.
he finally makes Puppy squirt after following Olivia’s advice and he calls Olivia after to tell her and they both freak out. she runs to Harry like MY TURN and he makes her squirt in a matter of seconds. He’s the one who taught Michael how to do it back in the day when they were whore bros and Olivia is shook. and he’s like don’t tell anyone it would wreck Cal.
but Olivia tells Birdie who accidentally lets it slip to Luke, who rubs it in Calum’s face after he catches Cal looking at Birdie one day and gets jealous and Cal is MAD. 
all in all, group orgy was not a good idea for Calum
my original answer was gonna be: 
group orgy? Michael just ditches Dove for the night? Michael suddenly likes brunettes? Ashton is suddenly attracted to Birdie? Luke suddenly forgets what happened in ‘the bad idea’ and is chill with not only Calum, but Michael AND Ashton fucking Birdie as well? Luke suddenly doesn’t see Puppy as his sister? Puppy suddenly doesn’t see Luke as her brother and is attracted to him? Dove suddenly is super chill with that and won’t go kill Birdie and Puppy in retaliation (especially Puppy since they don’t really like each other)?
But then i thought this would be hilarious so i wrote it but yeah this is NOT CANON. like. this can’t be canon for reasons that you’ll see in the final chapter. but yeah. this was fun as fuck. thanks for the ask. 
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r6shippingdelivery · 5 years
You said you don't want the whole ask so... Bandit/Lion 2-20?
Listen you little devil, this might be within the rules but you’re on thin fucking ice, you hear me? 😂 To be clear: I’m only doing this once, and because I too would have tested the limits of the rules like this if I was in your position 😅
2) who says “I love you” more?
Neither :) These two are pretty afraid of commitement, as much as they crave a loving relationship. Bandit has many failed relationships on his back and is very cautious about what he says or does, because the more casual it is their fling, the less chances there are of screwing up. Lion on the other hand comes with the baggage of his wild years and the whole fiasco with his ex, so he wants to do it right this time, except he doesn’t know how and he doesn’t want to rush anything or say something they’ll regret.
3) who has trouble sleeping alone?
Bandit. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night, sweating and not sure of who he is anymore: Bandit, Dominic Brunsmeier, the Hell’s Angels persona he created? None of those? Having Lion by his side helps anchor him to reality and who he wants to be.
4) who swears more?
Bandit, because Lion is a good catholic boy now. Although he’s not really surprised nor scandalized by any of Bandit’s cursing so far, so Bandit will keep trying for more outrageous swearing 😄
5) who does more of the housework?
Lion, because Bandit is a bit of a slob and Lion likes the place to be, if not spotless, at least decently tidy.
6) who forgets their anniversary?
Both pretend to forget, but Bandit casually brings him on a date that night, and Lion oh casually knows of a very nice restaurant, followed by a wild night at home 😏 And next year they do the same again, and maybe they don’t call it “celebrating their anniversary”, but that’s definitely what they’re doing.
7) who steals the duvet in their sleep?
More than Lion stealing the duvet, it’s a case of Bandit kicking it out cause it’s too hot for him. So Lion ends up with the duvet piled on him, whether he tries to hoard it or not.
8) who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring?
They’re both used to noise and less than ideal situation when it came to sleep, some snoring isn’t enough to keep any of them awake at night. Although Bandit likes to tease Lion that he certainly roars like one.
9) who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
Lion has an affinity for stray cats, but they usually are too scared of humans to let him get close. However, while Bandit loves dogs, he’s like a magnet for stray cats as well, Lion claims they’re drawn by his chill presence as it happened to him. They agreed to not adopt any pet yet, they have enough occasionally babysitting Diana, and Marsha/Marshamallow often sneaks into their rooms as well.
10) who usually makes dinner?
Lord help them, they’re both fairly terrible cooks 😂 I think eating out and take away are popular choices for them, as well as easy to cook pre-prepared stuff.
11) who plays their music out loud?
Both! And it’s a luck they both like rock music, perhaps not so lucky for the neighbours tho 😄
12) who hogs the bathroom?
Lion, keeping that dashing and slightly disheveled casual look takes effort! 😂
13) who gives the most compliments?
Hmm, I don’t really see either of them as someone who doles out compliments easily, so when you get one from them, you know they mean it.
14) who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
Pfff, take your pick! Bandit’s seemingly detached/indifferent attitude probably rubs Lion the wrong way when he’s angry, and what probably was an effort on Bandit’s side to de-escalate the situation only adds fuel to the flames. Then you have Lion’s cocky and holier-than-thou attitude, which is guaranteed to end up pissing off Bandit at some point. And let’s not forget Bandit’s pranking tendencies, which do not mix well with someone like Lion. I bet they argued almost constantly until they learnt to deal with each other’s quirks. Either that or they end up breaking up.
15) who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
Bandit, it comes with the territory of being a prankster.
16) who gives the other cringeworthy pet names?
Again, Bandit. He maybe loves pushing Lion’s buttons, not unlike a kid pulling at a girl’s pigtails to get their attention. LIon lets it slide cause, well, Bandit says all those things in a way that actually make him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Those pet names might sound stupid, but Lion cherishes and clings to any sign that he’s loved cause he’s starved for affection
17) who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick?
Lion, unless it’s something serious, he’ll try to nurse Bandit back to health without having to go to Doc. And the need to prove himself, coupled with the desire to see Bandit get better, turn him into the kind of caretaker that totally fusses over his charge.
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
Surpisingly, Bandit. I mean, Lion has a lot of pride and pent up anger, he’s the master of holding grudges, and he won’t expose his vulnerable side unless he’s sure he won’t get ridiculed for it. So usually Bandit will be the first one reaching out after their latest quarrel. Good thing Bandit has experience dealing with prickly people and knows how to keep his cool for the most part.
19) who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
Lion, he’s not used to having this kind of support within hand’s reach, and he’s still surprised and stunned that Bandit will unfailingly be there for him. Sure, he will tell him straight when Lion’s being an asshole, but he’s not unkind and will stand by his side no matter what. Lion can only pray he’ll live up to the same standards when Bandit has to lean on him.
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
Bandit, and most of the time it ends in sex. However, I can see Lion being the physically affectionate one further down the line, when he’s more at ease, especially if it’s a serious relationship. He just wants to love and be loved.
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zabdielsdejesus · 5 years
i love how you write, its amazing, you're amazing, your blogs amazing... how do you think that instead of his gf confronting him about not spending time with her she decided to the same as him? Like how would zabdiel feel when his gf is going out almost every night? To different places that he goes to... do you think he'll notice? Or he'll have a problem with it? Or...?
first of all, wow???? thank you sm, that means a lot to me! you guys are so fucking sweet, i love you! 😘😘
omg tho i like the idea tbh because that kind of sounds like something i would do. if he’s out every night and not spending time with his girl then why wouldn’t you do the same? give him a taste of his own medicine. i think that he would totally notice if you were never the type to go out frequently. He would notice, but not say much. I don’t know if this milly girl and him are dating. Kind of questioning it now tbh but for example with her, she’s out all the time and he doesn’t seem to give a shit about it. But then again, maybe it’s because they’re not really dating, idk. But also, i feel like if he’s dating someone for the hell of it and he doesn’t really have feelings for the girl, then he wouldn’t care, yk? But if it’s someone he actually loves, i feel like his reaction would be completely different. 
So like, let’s picture this: Zabdiel came back from his vacations to DR which to be honest, kind of pissed you off. Because spending time with him is already so difficult. So when he had told you that he’d go with his bandmates abroad, that kind of stung a bit. That in addition to the countless nights out with the boys everytime he was back in Miami started to make you feel not so cherished anymore. You’re a good girl, and he knows you’re always waiting for him. So he takes you for granted, and you know this is never a good sign. Your boyfriend finally came back from the trip, his luggage all over the apartment floor you shared. You were happy he was back, but you were also about to show him how it felt to be treated the way he treated you. So when he lie on his bed, arms crossed behind his head, ready to fall asleep and his eyes landed on your curves once you walked out of the bathroom with a form fitting black dress, he almost lost it. First, his reaction was: ooh she’s planning a surprise for me. But once you grabbed your purse and keys, he knew this wasn’t the kind of surprise he had wished for. 
“Where are you going?”
First step to the plan is working perfectly. 
“Oh nowhere, just out with some friends. You know that club you always tell me about? The one you go with Chris all the time? One of my friends hooked me up with a free entry,” you answered, pretending to be completely oblivious to the evil scheme you were planning.
Frustration washed over his face. He knew how men were inside that club. You knew as well. Though, you never knew if he was one of those once he was inside those walls without you to make sure if he was behaving.
“So I just came back from my trip, we haven’t seen eachother in ages pero vas a salir con tus amigas?” animosity laced his voice.
"Ah so you’re out on a trip with your boys and I have to wait for you to come back so I can give you all my attention, is that so? You didn’t think it was unfair that you were out for a week with your bandmates while I was here, right? But now, one night with my friends is an issue?” you retorted.
And maybe at some point, he’ll finally understand that what he’s been doing was wrong. Who knows?
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