#if that happened he could become hannelore’s consort
transdimensional-void · 10 months
was thinking about an AU where wilfried kept his big mouth shut when ortwin asked if dietlinde would be able to get the grutrissheit and adolphine was able to use that as an excuse to delay her marriage…
but THEN i thought of an even better AU where eglantine sacked up and decided to ensure anastasius’s position as future zent would be secure after their marriage. she could have leveraged her position as future queen to convince aub drewanchel to withdraw from the agreed betrothal between adolphine and the leftover prince. adolphine would have jumped on board enthusiastically. eglantine and anastasius could have offered some other kind of benefit to drewanchel to make it up to them…
then without the backing of a greater duchy, sigiswald would be at a serious disadvantage in the fight for the throne. he could have scrambled to obtain, say, hannelore? or dietelinde? but both would have strong reasons to turn him down. his only remaining pathway would have been to try to steal eglantine from anastasius. in which case, the moment he tried something, they could have used it as a position to fully take him out.
anyway, AU where adolphine never had to marry that sorry excuse for a prince and gets to become aub drewanchel :)
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