#he could become charlotte’s consort
transdimensional-void · 6 months
was thinking about an AU where wilfried kept his big mouth shut when ortwin asked if dietlinde would be able to get the grutrissheit and adolphine was able to use that as an excuse to delay her marriage…
but THEN i thought of an even better AU where eglantine sacked up and decided to ensure anastasius’s position as future zent would be secure after their marriage. she could have leveraged her position as future queen to convince aub drewanchel to withdraw from the agreed betrothal between adolphine and the leftover prince. adolphine would have jumped on board enthusiastically. eglantine and anastasius could have offered some other kind of benefit to drewanchel to make it up to them…
then without the backing of a greater duchy, sigiswald would be at a serious disadvantage in the fight for the throne. he could have scrambled to obtain, say, hannelore? or dietelinde? but both would have strong reasons to turn him down. his only remaining pathway would have been to try to steal eglantine from anastasius. in which case, the moment he tried something, they could have used it as a position to fully take him out.
anyway, AU where adolphine never had to marry that sorry excuse for a prince and gets to become aub drewanchel :)
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A Royal Misunderstanding (Prince Friedrich x f!Reader)
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Rating: Explicit - 18+ only
Word Count: 7k
Warnings / Tags: SMUT, virgin Prince Friedrich and experienced(ish) reader, kinda switchy Prince F, unprotected sex (for the plot).
Summary: He's looking for the future Princess Consort. You're looking for a life out of the spotlight. It'd never work.
A/N: K and an E and a T and a T, E and an R and an ING. T and an O and a W, N. Kettering Town. F.C. Also thank you to my regency queens @stealsteels and @shinytalent for reading this 👑
There’s an unnecessary knock on the open stable door as you move to untack your mare. She needs a thorough brush after the ride you had today.
“You are the stable hand?” inquires a young man’s voice.
You whirl around, ready to deliver a sharp retort, but hesitate when you see his earnest, slightly incredulous expression. You’ve never encountered him before, you’re sure of it. His handsome face, tuft of blonde hair and wide-eyed demeanour would certainly have been memorable.
“I was told I would be meeting the stable hand here,” he continues, still uncertain. “To collect a horse.”
An accent. Foreign. He must be part of Prince Friedrich’s contingent, newly arrived from the Kingdom of Prussia this morning. And he must be exceedingly green to mistake you for a stable hand. Despite your riding breeches being muddied from your ride, any discerning footman would recognise that the fine tailoring is not typical of a servant's attire. Even one in the employ of the Crown. His own attire, however, is old-fashioned and ill-fitting - it bears all the marks of a hand-me-down from another household servant or perhaps an older family member.
You purse your lips to stifle a smile. The opportunity to toy with one of the charmingly naive lackeys from the Prussian delegation sparks your mischievous side. Besides, he’ll need to toughen up if he’s to survive in London. “Don’t they permit women to become stable hands in Prussia?”
He blinks. “No.”
“And this horse is for Prince Friedrich?”
“Yes.” He raises his eyebrows, as though it should be self-evident why he’s here. As if everyone should recognise Prince Friedrich’s footman. The man pulls his shoulder back and there’s a subtle hint of authority in his stance. You’re unsure if it’s the language barrier or his presumption, but his curt answers irk you.
“Very well, then,” you say, gently guiding your horse towards him. “This is Artemis. She’s the finest in the stable.”
“This is your finest horse?” He chuckles heartily and your mouth becomes a thin line and your nostrils flare. 
“Perhaps His Royal Highness would prefer a pony?”
He straightens, a haughty glint in his eye. “It’s covered in filth.”
“My lady is a keen rider and has already been out this morning. But if Prince Freidrich can’t handle a little dirt -”
“Of course, I can manage.”
You arch an eyebrow, his tone further irritating you. “If you say so,” you reply, handing him the reins.
As he mounts Artemis, you can’t help but decide to give him a parting gift. You give her a firm slap on her hindquarters. Artemis bolts forward, sending the young man bouncing precariously in the saddle. You watch with satisfaction as he disappears down the path, his shouts of alarm fading into the distance. 
Perhaps now he’ll think twice before assuming someone is a servant.
With a contented smile, you leave the stables, already brimming with excitement at the thought of telling your ladies-in-waiting about your encounter. 
As far as you’re concerned, there isn’t enough wide open space in London. Far too many locked doors and whispered secrets. Or worse. Written down secrets. Specifically, the sort published by Lady Whistledown. You’d much rather be at home than endure another visit to the capital but when Queen Charlotte invited you to stay at her residence for the duration of the social season, you could hardly refuse. Not when Her Majesty and your late father, the Duke of Kettering, were such dear friends.
You suspect this invitation to spend the season at the palace might be the Queen’s ultimate attempt to honour your father’s memory. It was expected that you’d be desperate to find a husband after he passed. On paper, it should have been simple enough - your inheritance is decent enough to tempt a husband.
But finding a suitor hasn’t been easy. You’re not asking for much. You don’t want titles or wealth. Just a husband who’d be content to let you spend the day out riding rather than attending social engagements. Events like this one are your idea of hell on earth. Although it wasn’t as bad as yesterday when you had to present yourself to the Queen as one of the eligible misses of the season. 
As you stepped into the centre of the room, your palms turned cold and you could feel your stomach turning inside out as you waited for the Queen to give her verdict. There’s an old saying: the brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn. And you’d rather not find yourself turned to ash at the hands of the ton. 
You exhaled an audible sigh of relief when Her Majesty remained seated and deigned to give you a small nod of approval. Neither the diamond nor the disgrace of the season and you’re glad of it - it means fewer eyes on you. But even that short burst in the relatively dim limelight made you want to flee from the room and vomit. You put yourself through your paces in the saddle this morning just to shake off the lingering feeling of dread.
You should be grateful that the Queen did not wave you away dismissively. This is your second social season after all and your value is quickly plummeting. You just need a husband who is content to stay out of the spotlight. And is resigned to the fact that you’ll probably prefer your horse’s company to theirs. 
If only you really were a stable hand instead of the late Duke of Kettering’s daughter.
As you mingle in Queen Charlotte’s banquet hall amongst other guests, waiting upon the arrival of Prince Freidrich, you feel a twinge of guilt about your encounter with his footman this morning. Perhaps after this welcome dinner, you’ll discreetly invite him to meet you in the stables as a gesture of apology.
The footman was handsome, after all, despite the blonde whiskers he must have grown in an attempt to appear more mature. You wouldn’t mind ruffling his perfectly coiffed hair before letting him bend you over the stable door.
Your companion jolts you from your daydream by squeezing your arm with her silk glove excitedly. You turn and smooth the front of your gown as Queen Charlotte and her nephew Prince Friedrich’s arrival is announced. 
The doors open and it takes every ounce of your self-control to maintain a dignified composure as Queen Charlotte walks in, arm-in-arm with Prince Friedrich’s footman.
Or the man who you thought was Prince Friedrich’s footman.
Of course, you sent Prince Friedrich himself chasing across the palace grounds on the back of your startled mare.
While your face retains a dignified composure, you can’t do anything about the prickle of embarrassment flushing your chest. It’s only a matter of time before the Queen introduces Prince Freidrich to you and you will need to eat copious amounts of humble pie, slathered with grovelling apologies and dusted off with begging for forgiveness.
There’s no avoiding it. Even though tonight’s dinner isn’t an official event of the season - just a small dinner for the fifty or so palace guests and members of the Royal Family, Prince Friedrich is still introduced to every eligible woman in the room. Including you. 
Queen Charlotte, eventually steers him towards you. “Allow me to present my nephew, Prince Friedrich of Prussia.”
You curtsy and allow him to greet your gloved hand with a kiss but your stomach twists in anticipation, waiting for him to admonish you in front of the Queen.
“Lady Kettering, your gown - it is exquisite,” he says, in the usual formality. “And I hope your ride this morning was more pleasant than mine.”
You take a breath to compose your apology but you’re saved from the necessity.
“Yes, the Prince had a simply awful time this morning. First, his footman forgets to pack his riding wear so he has to borrow some from the Viscount of Paisley. And then a common girl posing as a stable hand gave Prince Friedrich your horse and sent him galloping across the plain.”
“I see,” you say cautiously but the corners of Prince Freidrich’s mouth twitch like he’s trying not to laugh. You ask, “And is my horse alright?”
Queen Charlotte laughs at this. “I should have known that you would be more concerned about your mount than the Prince of Prussia.”
You smile. “Forgive me, Your Majesty. It’s only that I’m confident a duplicitous stable girl was no match for His Royal Highness.”
“Your mare was returned safely,” smiles Prince Friedrich, a roguish glint in his eye.
Prince Friedrich bows and Queen Charlotte bustles him away onto the next group of eager girls. 
As you watch him greet the next group you wonder: why is the Prince of Prussia making excuses for you?
In the grand dining room, you search for your place setting at the far end of the table beside the other noble families from minor houses to no avail. They’ve missed me, you think in horror as you look around at the filled seats but one of your friends nudges you and nods at the empty seat next to Prince Friedrich. 
There must be some mistake. 
But when you glance at the Prince, still standing behind his chair expectantly at the middle of the table, he catches your eye and places a hand on the empty seat. 
Barely daring to breathe, you wonder if this is his way of getting back at you for the events of this morning. Perhaps he arranged for your table setting to go missing and you’ll be publicly humiliated when you dare to assume the seat next to him would be for you. 
You walk for what feels like a very long time to the other side of the table, feeling eyes on you as every step is like your shoes are made of lead. You do your best not to clench your fists as your face grows hot in anticipation of being embarrassed in front of everyone. 
Dipping your head, you refuse to look at Prince Friedrich and instead discreetly look at the place cards as you pass. The titles become increasingly grand as you approach the centre of the table until you reach the grandest of them all.
Her Majesty, Queen Charlotte.
His Royal Highness, Prince Friedrich.
Then you see your name. Etched in gold on eggshell paper. At the place setting beside Prince Friedrich’s.
You blink, feeling relief course through you. You’ve never sat this close to the Queen before. The centre of the table was reserved for distinguished guests like, well, Prince Friedrich.
“Lady Kettering, I hope you don’t mind me stealing you away from your usual dinner companions,” says Prince Friedrich, looking at your friends staring wide-eyed at you from the other end of the table.
“It’s my pleasure, Your Highness,” you say, giving them a sharp look. As the servers remove the cloches from the banquet before you, conversation erupts around the table, giving you the chance to swallow your pride. “And I do apologise for this morning,” you add quietly. “I had mistakenly assumed you were Prince Friedrich’s footman.”
“A footman?” He grins, and tilts his head, picturing himself as a footman before adding. “I too would like to apologise. I should never have assumed a beautiful woman such as yourself was a stable hand,” he says. 
“When did you come to the realisation that I wasn’t?”
“I knew your horse’s name. When I asked who owned her, I was told it was a lady who was as wild as the horses she keeps.” Your mouth twists into a reluctant smile. “Is that true?” he asks, his green eyes twinkling with interest.
“Oh no,” you smile, sipping your freshly poured wine, aware of his eyes following your every movement. “My horses are very well-behaved.”
He laughs. It’s a pretty laugh. “Can I assume that means you are looking forward to the season beginning?” He gives you a wry smile. His eyes are alight with enthusiasm as he waits for you to share in his excitement for the beginning of the social season. But there’s something else in his gaze, something more intimate.
You must put an end to this before he gets the wrong idea and you’re made a spectacle of. Prince Friedrich will be the most sought-after man of the season and you don’t want the attention that accompanies competing for his affections - to be thrust into the spotlight and have Lady Whistledown write about you would be more attention than you could bear. 
You glance around to see if anyone is listening before lowering your voice. “Your Highness - may I speak candidly?”
“Nothing would please me more,” he says sincerely, his tone softening.
“Why did you arrange for me to sit here?”
Prince Friedrich looks taken aback. “Well… after this morning, I knew I had to find out more about you.”
You nod sadly. This is what you were afraid of but you had expected it nonetheless.
“This is my second - and hopefully last - season. You see, I’m not used to being in the public eye and I find the social season to be entirely mortifying.”
“I see…” says Prince Friedrich slowly.
“You Highness, please don’t mistake me. I’m honoured to be in your presence but -”
“Lady Kettering -” Prince Friedrich lowers his voice. “You told me you would speak candidly. Please disperse with the airs and graces.”
You push your food around on your plate. It’s risky to speak so plainly to aristocracy. Their fragile egos normally demand a guarded formality. “I am sorry but the idea of competing with other women to become the Princess Consort of Prussia is more publicity than I can handle. I need to find a husband quickly. A marriage of convenience.”
“Convenience…” He nods thoughtfully. “I understand. A marriage to me would certainly draw attention.”
He’s not offended. Thank god. “Exactly, Your Highness. Being in the public eye. The scrutiny. It would be unbearable.”
“It is a pity,” he says quietly. “Because I’m sure a mutually convenient marriage would have its benefits.”
Mutually convenient? Your own inheritance pales in comparison to the riches that Prince Friedrich is heir to. What would he gain from marrying you?
You look up from your plate to see that he’s brazenly smirking at you. 
It’s undeniable this time. He’s flirting with you. You feel heat creeping up your neck and you know you must look feverish when his eyes roam across your corseted chest.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Your Highness,” you say, your whisper barely audible.
“I mean that sharing a marital bed would have its… advantages.” Prince Friedrich takes a sip of his wine, seemingly pleased that he’s made you flustered. Now, you can’t have that.
You glance over his shoulder to make sure Queen Charlotte is occupied. “I don’t need a husband to reap those sorts of advantages.”
When you say that, he slops half of his wine down his front in surprise. “You - you don’t?”
You arch an eyebrow. “You don’t have other companions for that sort of thing?” You pass him your napkin so he can clean himself up, your fingers grazing his knee under the table, making him inhale a sharp intake of breath. “You’re not worried about being unable to please your new wife?”
He stares straight ahead, momentarily stunned. Like he never realised sex was something you could be bad at. After a beat, he shakes his head. “It would not be prudent if people knew I was having - ”
“You mistake me. It is not my intention to get caught.”
Prince Friedrich sighs, a sad smile playing on his lips. “If only it were that simple. I’m surrounded by people. Always.”
The two of you sit quietly, allowing the servants to replace your empty plates with dessert. You can practically hear the cogs in the Prince’s head as his brain works overtime, trying to decide how to respond to this new information. Prince Friedrich takes a polite bite of chocolate cake and sits back.
“Once again, being the Queen’s nephew complicates things,” you say, sitting forward and sliding your fork through a sizable portion. “Don’t you have an appetite after your ride this morning, Your Highness?”
“I think the news that you do not wish me to court you has disappointed me so much that I never want to eat again,” he jokes half-heartedly before returning his focus entirely to you.
“If only we really were a stable hand and a footman - waiting until all the palace guests had gone to bed to meet in the stables after dark,” you say after eating the last bite of cake on your plate. 
Prince Friedrich swallows thickly and your eyes move from his Adam's apple to the almost untouched piece of cake on his plate.
“Are you - are you still hungry, my lady?” he asks.
You lean forward and steal a scoop of whipped cream from his plate with your fork. You eat the whipped cream and he watches with bated breath as you take several seconds longer than necessary to drag the polished silver fork from between your lips.
"I'm insatiable, Your Highness."
You scratch Artemis’s head in the dark stables, wondering if you’ve made a mistake in being here. Mostly you were interested to see if the sweet, naive Prince Friedrich would turn up. But you know how noblemen are. Their egos are so easy to bruise that an adverturess could scare them off simply by existing. 
Which is why you can scarcely believe it when there’s a knock at the closed stable door. You don’t breathe for a second before remembering that only Prince Freidrich would knock before entering a stable of all places.
He opens the door and for a moment is visibly relieved to see you. You stare at each other. The only sound is the soft rustling of the horses, that is until he closes the door behind him and moves to you with an agility that surprises you, considering how unstable he was on your horse earlier.  
If he had no appetite earlier, it has certainly returned now. Prince Friedrich has a hungry look in his eyes as he pulls you close by the waist and kisses you. You squeeze your eyes shut, expecting a clash of teeth but his kiss is passionate, even skilled. Your shoulders untense as you relax into it and slide your arms around his neck, allowing him to pull your body against his. Even through the many skirts under your evening gown, you can feel that he’s hard.
His tongue enters your mouth, licking and swirling it against yours - it’s surprisingly good. And he smells good. A beautiful sandalwood cologne that can only be from the finest perfumery.
You pull back breathlessly before you can allow the inebriating scent and feel of him to rid you of your senses. “Prince Friedrich, I -”
“Please, just Freidrich.”
“Friedrich.” Even with his permission the name feels strange in your mouth. “How much romantic experience do you have?”
“I’ve read books,” he says quickly and you press your lips together to stop laughing.
“You mean romance books? Like Miss Butterworth and the Mad Baron?”
“No, I mean… instructional.”
“Instructions on how to fuck?” He nods and flushes a deep shade of pink at the question and this time you can’t help but laugh. “Remind me to spend time in the palace library in Prussia if I ever visit.” You study him. “I meant more… practical experience. It’s not the type of thing you can learn from a book.”
“I have a little experience.”
“Like what? Just kissing?” He hesitates and you move your hand down between your bodies and brush his hard cock through his trousers. “Or has anyone ever touched you like this before?”
Friedrich swallows. “Before now, you mean?” You nod and he hesitates again, guessing that it’s not the answer you want to hear. “No,” he says, truthfully.
You withdraw your hand. “Maybe this is something you should save for your future wife.”
“Marry me, then,” he blurts out, his voice trembling slightly with urgency.
You groan inwardly, shaking your head. “Friedrich, I wasn’t being coy when I told you I don’t want to be wed to a Prince. Besides, the season is starting tomorrow and you’ll be introduced to a hundred wealthy, beautiful women. Each one of them would be a better match than I.”
“You don’t know that -”
“I know that nobody has ever spoken to me the way that you did tonight. Or this morning for that matter.”
You smile despite yourself. You can believe it. If you were trying to secure the Prince’s hand in marriage, you would have carried yourself with much more grace and dignity than you have thus far.
“That’s because I have the manners of a common mule and the propriety of a common whore,” your grin falters and you look at him seriously. “And both of those qualities make me thoroughly incompatible with the Prince of Prussia. Marrying you is out of the question.”
“I understand,” he says, clearly worried that you’re reconsidering lying with him. “Let me be one of your companions. Show me how to do it.”
“Will you promise not to ask for my hand in marriage when this is done?”
Your hands undo the lacing on his trousers as he hitches his breath. “Anything. Sh-show me. Please.”
You remove your gloves and toss them on the stable floor. You slide your bare hand into his underwear and feel him shudder when you grip his cock. Christ almighty. It’s bigger than what you had expected from the innocent Prince.
“Since we’re practising so that you can please your future wife,” you tell him as you jerk your hand along his length. “I’ll tell you what feels good and what doesn’t. And you must do the same.”
He exhales shakily. “This - this feels good.”
“That’s a good start,” you smirk. “And you have a nice cock, Your Highness. The Princess Consort of Prussia will be a very lucky woman indeed once I’ve shown you how to use it.”
“Oha,” he breathes. 
“So eager,” you tut playfully, your face inches from his. 
You pull him close and he moans into your mouth as you kiss him. The sound of his evident pleasure sends heat tearing through you. You make a mental note to tell your future lovers to share their vocal appreciation because the sounds Prince Friedrich is making are driving you wild. 
As you kiss him, you lead him over to the loose pile of straw and get to the floor. The straw is scratchy on your bare arms but your legs are thankfully spared by the protection of your skirts. 
“When the time comes to do this with your lady wife, you should both undress. But our clothes will remain on - mostly. This is more convenient if there’s an unexpected intruder. Plus, this hay is itchy.”
“Allow me,” says Prince Freidrich, sitting back on his knees and pulling off his jacket. For a second you wonder if he’s misunderstood what you said about undressing but then he flattens his jacket on the straw behind you for you to lie on.
If you were the swooning type, you might just have fainted then and there.
“May I?” he asks, touching the hem of your skirt at your ankle. You nod and he pushes up your skirts. You lift your hips, allowing him to remove your satin underwear. “Verdammt,” he breathes. He moves his head between your legs and you almost sit up in surprise. You don’t mind him having a better look at you if it’s his first time but this feels extremely personal.
“What are you doing?” you ask. 
He looks up at you and you pull your skirts close to your stomach. “My book - it said to kiss you here to make sure you are ready.” His face is so close to you that you can feel his hot breath against your pussy.
“Your book said to kiss me… there?” Your eyebrows knit together but you think about how his tongue felt swirling inside your mouth and a stab of ache pierces through your ribs. 
“It is not customary?” You shake your head and he frowns in confusion but doesn’t move. 
And you realise that you don’t want him to go anywhere. That the idea of him kissing you there in the skilled way he was kissing your mouth inflames you. Out of amused interest, you lift yourself up onto one elbow only to find him looking at you intently, hanging on your every word, waiting to find out what he should do. You realise that you rather like the look of him here, between your legs.
“You -” You swallow. “- You may try. If it pleases you. But I warn you, I - oh -”
Your warning dissipates into the air as Prince Friedrich leans down and glides his hot tongue deep into the seam of your pussy with absolutely no hesitation. You feel yourself relax as you let him get on with this custom he’s learned from his book. You admit, it’s not unpleasant. But you’re not sure what he’s trying to achieve. 
It sort of feels like when you touch yourself. Maybe less dextrous but it’s hotter and wetter and - and - 
Good lord.
Much to your surprise - and your delight - you feel a soft, delicious warmth spreading from your core as he kisses you where you’ve never been kissed before. You splay your fingers through his blonde hair - your other hand still clutching your dress as his velvet mouth envelops your clutch of nerves and a wave of pleasure cascades through your body.
“Oh - oh fuck,” you curse, not caring that you’re swearing in front of the Prince. He pulls back abruptly and you pant.
“My lady?” he asks. “Are you okay?”
“Yes - god, yes,” you whine, impatient for his mouth to return to you.
He looks at you with that same subtle glint of authority he gave you this morning and says, “In that case, you are not keeping up with your side of the bargain. You promised you’d tell me what feels good.” 
Prince Friedrich dips his head and resumes, going from sucking on your clit to lapping up your juices and back again as you squirm and rock against him. This time you remember to hold up your side of the bargain. You pant and tell him how good his mouth feels - how good he feels. Everything is soaked, from your skirts to his chin and nose as he lets you grind yourself against his face. 
The flat of his tongue slides across your heat and it’s heavenly. Usually, when you’re with a partner, you’re used to working hard for your release - at the exact right position and tempo to pry yourself apart. But right now you’re just lying back and taking what Prince Friedrich’s tongue offers to you. And it’s offering exactly what you need.
“Don’t stop,” you mewl. “So good. S’good. So good -”
You feel yourself unravelling, your praise and words of affirmation turning into an incoherent babble as your orgasm breaches the surface. You must be making some semblance of sense because he listens - he keeps going and it’s all too much and not enough at once as your walls squeeze around nothing while Prince Friedrich continues his delicious assault on your bundle of nerves. 
Damn. You do your very best not to cry out and draw attention to the stables as Prince Friedrich gets closer and closer to making you cum on his tongue. But it’s nigh impossible as you feel the heat rise from your stomach and pull back like the tide. 
And then there’s the drop you’d been waiting for. 
“Oh - god,” you moan, drawing out the last syllable so that it drips as slowly as treacle. Ecstasy courses through your body as your release washes over you, making your thighs tremble on either side of the Prince’s head. Your chest heaves and you gently tug on his hair, away from your oversensitive cunt. “That’s - that’s good. It’s good. It’s enough,” you gasp before collapsing your head back onto his jacket.
Prince Friedrich gives you a few more slow, gentle licks and murmurs, “So feucht.” before drawing a finger over your twitching, soaking wet entrance, admiring his own handiwork. You don’t know what his words mean and you don’t have the cognizance to ask as you stare up at the wooden beams and try to regain your senses. 
After what feels like a lifetime of bliss, you’re happy for your view of the stable roof to be interrupted when Prince Friedrich moves up your body to kiss you and you taste the unfamiliar taste of your arousal on his lips. You kiss him back, slipping your tongue into his mouth and nipping at his bottom lip. God, this was supposed to be you teaching him a few things - not the other way around. When you anonymise this encounter and retell it to your friends later they will certainly be hearing about this.
“Good?” he asks when he pulls back and you nod, before swallowing air.
“I have half a mind to sell my estate and move to Prussia after the social season is over if that is what they do there,” you say breathlessly. 
He smirks. “I have told you that it could be arranged. Come home with me and we won’t have to be discreet. We could do this every day.”
You pout playfully and push a loose curl from his forehead. “But I like the stables,” you joke even though your back is aching and a palace bed sounds much more appealing. 
“Well, we have stables in Prussia. You could bring Artemis.”
He remembered her name. 
Your face softens as you picture her as a royal steed, wearing a white feathered plume like she’s the diamond of the season. 
But then the fleeting daydream disappears when you tell yourself that it’s a fantasy you can’t allow either of you to indulge in. As much as Queen Charlotte favours you, you know it would be seen as unacceptable for the Prince to marry someone from such a minor house.
And besides, you remind yourself that you don’t need a royal husband. You have your own home. You have your own horses. You have your own friends. You have everything you’ve ever wanted. But then, why does the thought of him making his social season debut at the ball tomorrow make your heart ache?
“There’s something else I’d like to ride, presently,” you say, in an attempt to rid the thought from your mind as you gently push on his shoulders until he lies on his back. 
You straddle the Prince and unfasten his trousers so you can pull his cock out. The sight of him, hard and ready for you and the way he twitches involuntarily in your palm makes your heart pound as hard and steady as horses hooves galloping.
You wriggle forward until you feel the smooth underside of his cock sliding under your messily slick folds, still wet from the orgasm the Prince had bestowed upon you with his mouth. A flicker of dark enjoyment ignites in you when you see a line between his brows as he knits them together and watches as you lift your skirts so he can watch you sliding back and forward along the length of his cock.
“Do you enjoy watching me do this, Your Highness?” you ask as you grind against him.
“I would enjoy watching you do anything,” he says, pushing your gown out of the way to take hold of your hips. “Du bist schön.”
You pause. “Do what?” 
“Nothing. Please. Don’t stop.” He presses his thumbs into your hipbones, urging you to create friction against him again. 
“You don’t want to fuck me?”
“Isn’t - isn’t that what we’re doing?” stutters Prince Friedrich. 
“Oh, my sweet Prince.” You bring your hand to his jaw as you lift yourself so you can position the head of his cock between your soaking folds with your other hand. “We’re only just getting started.”
You lock eyes with him and watch his face contort in pleasure as you slowly sink down, inch by glorious fucking inch. “Oh gott,” he whines. Your German is poor but you’re pretty confident you know what that means. 
“Let me know when you’re going to spill - I don’t want to carry your bastard,” you murmur, still cupping his face. “Do you understand?”
“Ja,” he says through gritted teeth. “I understand.”
You’re not sure he really does but that primal part of your brain that wants to fuck him now and worry about the consequences later tells you to shove your hips down against the resistance. You force the rest of his thick cock into you and inhale through your teeth, feeling the delicious way he stretches and fills you. His hands clamp down hard on your hips, his thumbs pressing fresh bruises into your hipbones. 
They don’t make them like this in Kettering. Or London for that matter. Equal parts sweet and naive yet firm and decisive. He doesn’t know what he wants yet but he still wants it. Desperately. 
As if proving your point, you lean forward to feel the beautiful way he drags out of you and he seizes the opportunity to bury his face into your cleavage, your corseted dress making it exceptionally easy for him. 
He moans open-mouthed against your chest, his tongue sloppily trying to find your nipple. You move your hips back and down and wildfire bursts in your lower belly when his cock nudges against that sweet spot you’ve been longing for. 
It’s not enough for him - he wants more. He lifts his hips and the tip of his cock drives against your G-spot.
“Oh - fuck. Freidrich. That feels good.”
“So it is okay for me to move too?” he asks.
“Please,” you murmur, closing your eyes and feeling him slide back into you at that perfect angle. 
You don’t need to tell him twice.
He rolls his hips upwards to meet yours as you ride him. You can hear how fucking wet you are.  Everything is slick and hot and drenched as you roll your hips up and down on top of him and he fucks himself into you.
“So schön,” he grunts and the foreign words sound guttural to your ears. 
“I hope that means ‘good’,” you tease, leaning forward to breathe hot air onto his neck.
“Pretty,” he murmurs in your ear. “So pretty.”
“Oh,” is all you can manage as his hips pick up pace. Fuck - you like him being under you like this. Even here, in the stables where someone might come looking if they notice that Prince Friedrich is missing from his chambers. 
The sound of your stretched, wet cunt fills the stables so obscenely that it peppers shame into your consciousness. But he hears it too. He jerks up so fiercely that his balls slap against you. You suck air in through your teeth at the sharp sting and he looks concerned but you reassure him. “It’s - oh fuck - keep going. Right there.”
You go from slamming yourself down on him to your whole body stiffening, letting him drive up into you as your hot orgasm approaches, creeping over you in pulsing waves. Your walls grip him, tightening and convulsing as -
“I should - tja - remove myself from inside you -” he stops thrusting up into you and you almost wail with disappointment.
“No - fuck - keep going.” What are you saying? You rock your hips and bounce on him, every nerve inside you applauding your decision to ignore your conscience as you manage to hang onto the precipice. “Don’t stop.”
“I’m going to -”
“Fuck it,” you heave, your walls squeezing impossibly tighter as you fuck yourself on him. “Cum in me. I don’t care.” What the fuck are you saying?!
“Yeah,” you breathe. 
It’ll be fine. 
You’ve had an accident or two and have been lucky so far.
You may as well have told the Prince that Christmas had come early. The sight of your flushed face, dishevelled hair and the way your tits are threatening to spill out of your dress with every bounce of your hips drives him wild. 
Frankly, you’re the most deliciously intoxicating thing he’s ever experienced. He just doesn’t have the necessary vocabulary to tell you this in English.
By this point, “Oh gott,” is the only thing he says that you can understand. You hardly hear the rest as he babbles away in German - you can barely hear anything over the pulse of blood pounding in your ears as Friedrich picks up his pace again. Your body locks down around him so tightly you wonder if you might break him. 
“Just like that - fuck, there,” you whimper. He takes the instruction well, driving his cock deep into you - exactly where you need it. The coil of heat in your core tightens impossibly tighter as he chokes words you don’t understand into your ear as he pulls you close to his chest
Maybe one day he’ll teach you what those words mean and you’ll find out that he was telling you what a good girl you are for taking his cock like this.
“Fuck - I’m - that’s it,” you sob, your chest heaving against his fine silk shirt and your fingers entwined in his soft blonde hair. You squeeze around him like a vice. “Friedrich, I -”
“Do it,” he groans. You hadn’t expected him to say that. And certainly not with the commanding tone he chooses. “Let me feel it.”
The coil inside you snaps. A blaze of white-hot fire bursts through you like stitches being ripped. You seize and cry out as your release whips through you with such force that you think you might go cross-eyed. You bury your face into his neck, smelling the rich sandalwood scent splashed on his skin, mixed with his sweat. 
Freidrich keeps his tight hold of your hips, fucking into you even as you shake and tremble. 
“Ich komme,” breathes the Prince. “Ich komme, ich komme.” It only takes a few more rough, slapping thrusts until you don’t have to guess what that means. You feel him finishing inside you, thick ropes of his spend painting your insides. 
You lie here like this for a few moments, collapsed onto his chest and feeling his seed leaking out of you. You feel dizzy as his chest rises and falls underneath you and his fingers tenderly trace lines up and down your back. He closes his eyes, feeling the satin of your gown as his fingertips dance across it.
You could easily fall asleep like this.
Instead, you hoist yourself off him and lie flat on your back as if unattaching yourself from him will place a barrier between you. Put a halt to the immense surge of affection you feel for him in this moment. But he doesn’t let you get far. Prince Friedrich rolls onto his side and cups your face, his thumb tracing your cheekbone and skirting across your lips before he leans down to kiss you. You close your eyes, letting the kiss dissolve into a wet, lazy haze.
He pulls back and looks down into your eyes. “I promised I would not ask for your hand when this was over. So I have nothing else to say.”
“At least now you are prepared for the social season beginning tomorrow.”
“I don’t care about the season. I want to leave. Tonight. To take you with me.”
“I don’t have the wealth or the beauty for that to be allowed to happen,” you say. “The Queen would never find us to be a suitable match. Never mind Lady Whistledown having a field day.”
“You have more than enough of both for me.”
“For you, Friedrich. But not enough for Prince Friedrich. Not enough for The Crown,” you say, your heart breaking as you do. This was a bad idea, after all. You adjust your gown and get to your feet, pretending to ignore Prince Friedrich’s attempts to help you up.
“And what about my - my seed? What if you’re with child?”
You laugh mirthlessly. “We’d have to be exceptionally unlucky for that to happen on our first try. Put it far from your mind. Go and meet with the diamond of the season tomorrow and all of the ladies queuing up to become the Princess Consort of Prussia. They will make you much happier than I ever could.”
You walk towards the stable door but he takes your hand and gives you your discarded gloves. “Please don’t go.”
“I’m sorry, Friedrich.” You can’t. You can hear the gossip already. A thousand people whispering behind your back about how you’re not good enough for the Prince. It would be like that every day for the rest of your life in the spotlight if you did marry him. You tear your eyes away from him and open the stable door. 
“Will I ever see you again?” he asks after you.
You pause and turn around. “Perhaps.” You smile at him sadly. “Who knows? If I am with child, maybe you’ll have no choice but to whisk me away back to Prussia and marry me, never to be seen in London ever again. And everyone will wonder why.”
You turn back before he can see your face crumble, leaving the stable door open behind you as Prince Friedrich watches you leave into the night. Your mare whinnies, nudging him gently over her stable door.
Prince Friedrich gives in to her pestering and scratches her neck, much to her enjoyment. Before dawn, he will write a letter. To make sure a stall is prepared for Artemis in the palace stables in Prussia.
Just in case.
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quotergirl19 · 2 years
A Polin Carriage Story:
While sharing a carriage to that evening’s ball, Colin felt the need to warn Penelope away from a number of gentlemen but the conversation did not go as planned:
Colin: Not all gentlemen conduct themselves with honor Pen, and some are not the sort you should consort with at all, trust me. Take Lord Fife for example. He gives the impression of being quite gentlemanly but did you know that he compromised Miss Goring at the Featherington Ball last year? It was not in Whistledown but I have heard it spoken of and they were not betrothed until nearly two weeks later. He took her into a closet with the entire ton just outside and showed no regard for her reputation as a lady or his honor.
Penelope: That’s rich, do you think yourself his better because you proposed to Marina immediately after your intimacies? Because I know for a fact that you have given in to passion yourself. There is no need to play the part of the perfect gentlemen for my sake. I do not fault you for what you have done & I would never tell a soul, but you should not expect me to avoid any eligible gentlemen simply because they might have passion for me. I deserve a man who wants all of me, do I not? Mind, body and soul.
Colin: Excuse me, but what precisely is it that you believe you, “know for a fact,” that I have done with Marina? And what do you know of passion?
Penelope: I am a lady and a true innocent Colin. I know nothing of passion except for what I have read in some deliciously scandalous French novels I hide from my mama. Though I hope to know what it is like someday. To be in love. To have someone to steal kisses with in secret because we are so desperately overcome by the need to be in each other’s arms. How romantic and naughty it would be, to be so truly freed by love.
Colin: Penelope!
Penelope: Forgive me, I should not have been so frank. But, to answer your question, I overheard Marina telling my mother her plan to seduce you so you would propose & not question why she wanted to wed quickly. You were betrothed to her within days. I merely assumed she succeeded in her… task.
Colin: Well if you must know she tried but I did not so much as kiss her. I maintained my honor because I am a gentleman. I may have been an immature and reckless fool, but I am a man of honor Pen and I thought you knew that.
Penelope: I am sorry Colin, I should not have assumed the worst but you have taken so many small liberties with me that I could not help but believe it likely that you gave in to your passion for her.
Colin: Passion will never control me, I am a gentleman as sure as I am a Bridgerton. And what liberties have I ever taken with you?
Penelope: You are too familiar. You feel free to call me by my name, touch me and take my hand. Even when we are in company. Do you not recall how you walked me out of a packed ballroom and led me behind closed doors at my family’s ball? With the entire ton and Queen Charlotte herself in attendance! You could have ruined me. You were lucky my mama did not insist we marry. You came extremely close to becoming betrothed to me that night. You may have had the presence of mind to protect your honor and Marina’s but you do not care to protect my honor at all. So the gentleman I should be most careful with it seems, is you.
Three hours later after changing the subject to enjoy the party, Colin watched all he could bear of Penelope flirting, dancing and drinking far too much champagne. He decided she had enjoyed herself enough and it was time to take her home. But Colin Bridgerton learned very quickly that there was something utterly irresistible about being alone with Penelope when she was happy, flirty and tipsy. Because a mere five minutes into their ride, Colin had torn Penelope’s bodice and was thoroughly enjoying the way she giggled and gasped from his kisses and touching. That was the night Colin Bridgerton discovered his life’s purpose: taking naughty, delicious liberties with Penelope in the back of a carriage.
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
Is there ever a universe where Jon becomes the king consort of tamaran and Mari is the empress and they rule together with their children
Technically this one, my Omega squad verse
Jon and Mar’i are married on Both earth and Tamaran, with their coronation being the same day as their second wedding. Jon jokes he’s just arm candy for his queen, but did learn Tamaranean so he could be a good king.
Mar’i still lives on earth, but goes to Tamaran for two months each year. She has weekly video conferences with the council (hand picked by her, who mange the day to day), attends UN meetings to secure alliances and offer her support to earth, and defends her people and culture with her life. She is a beloved queen and Jon is proud to rule with her
As for their children, they’re both hybrids, making their chances of natural conception practically 0. Mar’i, knowing this and her own childhood experiences, passed a law with the council that the throne will pass on to whichever child of her, adopted or biological, most wants it. The responsibility will not be on any one of their shoulders.
They save and adopt three Meta children from a CADMUS lab, make sure they receive the therapy and support they need, and love them like they grew inside Mar’i. They, eventually, have a biological daughter, Lane “Laney” Christine, through a form of IVF, after a long discussion with their older kids. Laney does not have any of her parents powers (can learn languages through lip contact, but that’s more a tamaranean trait), yet is some how the biggest menace of the four 😂
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Just a king and queen devoted to each other
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From Left to right: Princess Charlotte Elisabeth (aged 25), Prince Peter Jonathan (aged 23), Princess Mary Margaret (aged 19), Princess Lane Christine (aged 15)
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opotakuism · 3 years
OP WHAT IF AU: Vinsmoke Judith
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Vinsmoke Judith (AKA, The Valhalla) is the first ruling queen of Germa 66. Born as middle and only daughter among seven, she lived her life being mocked and insulted by her older brothers; Blade, Scourge, and Claude. However, she was what the kingdom needed; beautiful, strong, and ruthless. In her teen years, she was forced to leave the kingdom by her jealous brothers who felt threatened of her possibly surpasses them or killing them someday. But she learned science from Vegapunk, journeyed through the world(even learning secrets from the process). On her way, she found a boy named Sorage (male!Sora), an injured chore boy of Marine Base due to the war taking place. Took pity on him, she recruited and protected Sorage, training him to be a warrior. As her father Rage was beginning to invade South Blue due to his desire to take over the world, Judith encouraged South Blue countries to rebel against tyrannical king and his sons. Eventually, she killed her older brothers, executed her father for good... banished her younger brothers for their lacking power to stop them. She was known as anti-hero, succeeding her father and become the first ruling queen of warmongering kingdom.
Time goes by, now adult Sorage become a "king consort" of a woman who saved his life and fell in love with. They had first son Reiji, and few years later, Judith was expecting quadruplets. However, when she was on labor, the war took place in North Blue as few kings there were afraid of her increasing power. To keep her and the unborn children safe, Sorage decided to volunteer leading the army. But one defeated kingdom unleashed the poison, heavily infecting Sorage's health. With Ichiji, Niji, Sanjina and Yonji born, Sorage was satisfied of their healthy birth. Judith witnessed how Ichiji, Niji and Yonji inherited her older brothers' trait, but sees Sanjina inherited Sorage's personalities and passion for cooking, which made Judith fear this "weakness" would get her daughter harmed, or worse, get killed. To keep her husband alive, Judith kept him in a tube of sleeping state so she could find a cure to recover him. As Sanjina didn't have any superhuman strength, this caused a strain between Judith and her daughter. She didn't want Sanjina to go through similar childhood she had, so she had no choice but sheltered Sanjina in a tower. When Sanjina attempted to escape Germa, surprisingly, Judith allowed but with one warning; never reveal her relation with Vinsmoke family, fully aware that Vinsmoke clan has many enemies and should they figure out of Sanjina's bloodline, they would hunt her down. Judith decided to be a cold mother to protect her.
But 13 years later, Judith received a letter from Big Dad. A letter said he knows about Sanjina's relation with Vinsmoke family and wants to arrange the marriage between her and his son Charlotte Pudding. Judith was furious of possibility that he would threaten the lives of her husband, sons and daughter but reluctantly agreed to get Sanjina back. According to Reiji, Sanjina still have hard time approaching to her cold, strict warmongering mother. When meeting Charlotte family, Judith did not stop glaring at Pudding with suspicion and distrust. During bachelor party between Ichiji, Niji and Yonji, Judith scolded them due to their carelessness and slight debauchery, but she did plan to keep Pudding in Germa so the boy won't make any foolish decision towards Sanjina. However, her suspicion turned out to be true when Reiji confronted Pudding who have insulted Sanjina for falling for his "charming" act but that Germa 66 will be doomed as soon as Big Dad would get his hands on Germa technologies as the Yonko disagreed of having them used for violent, cruel wars as Pudding added if there would be any "experiment" inside, that would be annihilated as well. However, heartbroken Sanjina overheard and saved Reiji in secrecy. She was shocked to learn that their father Sorage is not dead but is kept in a tube until the cure would be found. This triggers Sanjina's determination to stop Big Dad. At the Whole Cake Island arc after the wedding trap broke out, Judith was held hostage along with her sons, but she remained fearless... no, she MUST be fearless. She remained her head held up high, refuse to let Big Dad have her kingdom's technologies. But discovering his sons attacking her daughter, this inspired a strength within maternal instinct, brutally attacking the Charlotte brothers. Chopper, aware of the situation with Judith's husband, sneaked in with Reiji inside the Germa 66 castle healing Sorage while the battle broke out. As the Straw Hats finally got Sanjina back, this brought conclusion between mother and daughter were Sanjina bid goodbye to now recovered Sorage, Judith, and her brothers.
Some says Judith is an evil queen mother, some says she's a warrior, and some says she is a tyrant. But she had finally conquered her past traumas, at least earning Sanjina's trust. Judith may have been inadvertently gave her daughter a harsh childhood, but tough love is the only thing she can express to her family. Oh and.... although she and Big Dad have their misunderstandings resolved, that doesn't mean Judith would approve Pudding... well, she won't likely approve any man Sanjina would ever involve with. 
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azomi · 3 years
The Curse of the Oracle: Corvids in Myth and Lore
by Giles Watson, A Witch’s Natural History
There are cultures in which corvids are revered. For the Koryac, and other tribes from within the Arctic Circle, Big Raven is at once the world’s creator and denizen. It is often remarked that the mischievousness of corvids is derived from boredom, like an intelligent child deprived of toys; Big Raven and his wife cure their ennui by becoming demiurges. The mountains are his excrement, and Raven himself is both celestial and earthy. His human weird is cantankerous, swallowing the sun in anger when his love-designs are thwarted, and puking it out again when he is tickled by his beloved. During a deluge, he resumes the form of a raven in order to fly to the heavens, so that he can plug up the vulva of the universe’s wife, which is shedding unremitting rain. This Siberian mythos has its counterparts across the Bering Strait, for the Raven is also regarded as creator amongst the Inuit and the Haida tribe of the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Pre-Christian myths about corvids are characterized by not hatred, but by awe. Crows have always had the dubious honour of carrying the curse of the oracle, baring uncomfortable truths to those with too much power. In Greek mythology, the crow, originally white and personified as Cronus, was an oracular bird, and was said to house the soul of a king after his sacrifice. The crow was cursed, blackened, and banished by Athene after he reported to her that Herse, Pandrosos and Agraulos had plunged to their deaths from the Acropolis. Variants of this story, reinterpreted by Ovid, remain sympathetic towards the crow or raven, who is turned black for telling Apollo quite truthfully, that his lover was unfaithful, and given a croaky voice for being tardy in fetching a cupful of water after being distracted by a meal of figs. A Christianized variant from the Tyrol has the child Jesus blackening the raven for soiling water he was about to drink. Perhaps this in turn was part of the genesis of allegations about Jews and witches poisoning wells...
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A thirteenth century bestiary insists that “the raven signifies the blackness of sinners”, but rather than dwelling upon this notion, proceeds to contrast the raven’s supposed neglect of its nestlings with assiduousness of the crow: “Men should teach themselves to love their children from the crow’s example.” However, the bestiaries were quick to deride the classical reverence for corvids: “[The Greeks] say that the crow can reveal the purpose of men’s actions: it can disclose the whereabouts of an ambush, and predict the future. This is a great offence, to believe that God entrusts His counsels to crows.” Christian hegemony ensured that corvids, once the oracular birds of classical and Celtic paganism, were now suitable only as auguries for the heterodox. For Shakespeare, a fearful faith in the prophetic utterances of corvids could only be suitably expressed by a villain:
Stones have been known to move and trees to speak;
Augures and understood relations have
By maggot-pies and choughs and rooks brought forth
The secret’st man of blood
(Macbeth, Act 3, Scene 5)
Macbeth feared that corvids would denounce hi as a murderer, as in the case of the child-murderer Thomas Elks in Knockin, Shropshire, in 1590, but it was now left to witches to consort with them directly, or even to become them. Isobel Gowdie’s confession (1662) included crows amongst her favourite forms taken by witches for the flight to the Sabbat. Possession of familiar crows was a sure sign of an old woman’s isolation, a folk belief summed up neatly by Seldiy Bate’s lyric:
There was a woman by the hill, if she’s not dead she lives there still.
The henbane all around her grows, her only friends are big black crows.
Most damning for corvid reputations was the advent of the Black Death, which swept Europe in the mid-fourteenth century, killing between a third and a half of the population of England. Whole villages were wiped out, and survivors were often to few, or too terrified of contagion, to bury the dead. This unprecedented human tragedy can only have been a boon for carrion birds, whose taste for human flesh had previously only been indulged on battlefields and hangman’s gibbets. The sight of great flocks of black birds descending on the waste land, and picking the eyes from the skulls of one’s neighbors or relatives can have done little for the estimation of corvids in the minds of survivors…
By the nineteenth century, it seems, the demonization of ravens was complete. The Romans had interpreted its call as “cras”, Latin for tomorrow, an expression of hope. Poe’s raven only says “Nevermore”, a prophecy of doom.
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catherinestuart-a · 4 years
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HSHQ TASK eleven —– FAMILY the royal house of stuart
late king william iv & dowager queen anne ( donald sutherland & julie andrews )
grandpa william came onto the crown at age seven. his father passed away when he was merely five, and his grandfather succumbed from his wounds from the war just a few years later. a joint regency was established by his mother, the dowager princess charlotte, and his uncle: prince thomas. as soon as he reached majority age, he married his childhood sweetheart, lady anne egerton, third daughter to the earl and countess of morton. all things considered anne wasn’t important nor particularly special, but they fell in love, and the king had the luxury to marry whoever he wanted. king william had a lot to prove, which was why he was so deathly strict to all of his children, for they were a chance to prove his legacy.  he had to prove that decades of regency would be worth it when he ascended the throne. when he passed, the dowager queen retained some of his trademark stuart rigidness towards her children, but spoiled her grandchildren immensely.
the late king and dowager queen had four children:
queen mary iii of scotland
princess isabel, the duchess of queensberry
prince james of scotland
prince robert, grand duke of greater bavaria
queen mary iii & prince consort christian ( gillian anderson & iain glen )
queen mary did not know the meaning of love. her love language is acts of service, and she truly believes that the best thing she could do for her family and people who were close to her, was to provide them with safety, riches, titles, and the like. conversely, people who did not provide her any service was treated as if they had gave her a personal slight. prince christian of poland was a respectable catholic match, especially for the ever so pious mary, and with one suggestion from the cardinal, she investigated the manner fully. kristijan, the youngest son of king stanisław had the easy confidence that mary was desperately lacking, but with the same sort of innate duty to his country. he’s perfectly content with standing one step behind his wife, to be less important with less responsibilities, he had many hobbies that occupied his time when he wasn’t pushing his nose into his children’s lives.
catherine, euphemia, & george ( sasha luss, elle fanning, danny griffin )
family dynamics task coming soon ig.
princess isabel & lord archibald douglas duke and duchess of queensberry ( amy adams & ewan mcgregor )
and their children:
lord sebastian douglas, marquess of whithorn ( cameron monaghan )
lady amelia douglas ( annalise basso )
princess isabel is the society darling, president of the debutante board, patron to numerous finishing schools and various social clubs. uncle archie fell in love with her, hard, and did everything he could to win her hand. king william had approved of the marriage just because he would like more family control alongside the ever important southern border. sebastian has the same sort of passion as his father, having married at age twenty-four to his childhood sweetheart ( and debutante of the year ) lady rose murray, daughter of the duke of glasgow, a close family friend. mia, however, was determined to take her time, and make her own way in the world, despite the meddlesome way her mother had moulded her into becoming the next society darling.  
prince james & princess eléanor ( simon baker & ashley judd )
and their children:
princess marie-adélaïde ( india eisley )
princess ava ( mackenzie foy )
prince edmund ( samuel joslin )
prince james, the wild-child, had met the utterly beautiful daughter of the duke of aiguillon and prince of turrene, princess eléanor de la tour d'auvergne and decided that all of the girls he dated before her had paled in comparison. she was the very image of french sophistication, and despite his higher rank, her air of lofty superiority had prompted deference even from him. they played the game for a while, chasing each other through the continent and making eyes across glittering ballrooms. that was until eléanor became pregnant unexpectedly with james’ baby, and both sets of parents decided that a marriage was necessary to avoid scandal. the young couple was hastily married, and marie-adélaïde came seven months later. they lived a slightly tumultuous existence, especially since they weren’t ready to get married and settle down in the first place. but with immense therapy and growing determination from both parties, they hadn’t given up yet. eight years after addie then came ava, and a year after that came edmund.
prince robert & lady wiebke wittelsbach grand duke and duchess of greater bavaria ( kevin mckidd & angela sarafyan )
and their children:
lady anna-amalia wittelsbach of greater bavaria ( lauren de graaf )
lord mathias stuart of greater bavaria ( george mackay )
ya’ll know wibbie. they’re adorable. the stuarts can’t figure out just how robbie   the absolute clown   had gotten wiebke to take him seriously! a miracle tbh.
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royaltysimblr · 3 years
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Early June, 1809, Days Away From the Capital
Viktoria: Look who is here, Sophie! Hello my darling. Louis: Hello mother. Viktoria: Now why don’t you two take a walk and enjoy the nice weather? I’ll be walking to the inn with the maid. Sophie: Louis, how are you? I heard about the engagement, Charlotte is a nice girl. Louis: I’m doing good. Charlotte told me she would start writing to you as soon as you arrive at Belevda.  Anyway, Soph how are you adjusting to this? Sophie: I’m … doing just fine. Louis: Sophie. Sophie: No I promise, I will do what must be done. I just … this person who I don’t even know will be the rest of my life. My life will be dedicated to serving him, to be his empress, to have his children, to do everything he wants. My life is just over. And it does not help that I have heard horrible things about him. Louis: Sophie, I am so sorry that this is happening. I know that marriage is much more different for me than you but you cannot let this ruin your life. You may not love your future husband but you will have children and can improve and help Beloshov. Sophie: You are right, I know. Beloshov is a mess. But do you think I could really help fix it?
Louis: Of course!  Queen Maria of Wardenburg was the one who convinced the King to allow use of the printing press. As a consort you might not have direct power but you can still make a difference. And of course you will support many charities as Tsarevna and eventually even more when you become Tsarina.
Sophie: And maybe I could love him after all, I have never met him. Louis: Exactly, for all you know he could be the one. Sophie: Five days until we arrive at court. Louis: Poor Maria Gisele, she’ll be next once you’re married. Sophie and Louis Laugh.
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It must be love... (Happy ending)
For the lovely @marilynmonroefanfics 
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Seeing Rafael getting further and further away, Charles rushed after him.
"Rafael, wait!"
"I don't have time for your excuses, Charles!"
But the Prince of Wales was quicker and stood in front of the Duke of Porto.
"I beg you to listen to me. Please!"
The Portuguese prince rolled his eyes and sighed:
"Fine, I am listening to you, but beware if you talk down to me!"
Immediately, Charles knelt before Rafael and took his hands.
"Rafael of Braganza, I sincerely want to ask your forgiveness for all the evil I have done to you lately. I behaved like a real lout while you were making an effort to adapt yourself to this country and its customs."
He was silent for a few minutes before continuing:
"To tell the truth, I did not expect to cross paths with such a handsome, intelligent, and kind young man as you. Given what has happened, I can understand why you would want to seek your happiness elsewhere. But please, give us a chance! Let me prove to you that I'm much better than this!"
This statement did not leave Rafael indifferent. Even though he was still angry at Charles for making him suffer, he could see in his eyes that he was sincere.
Sighing, he replied:
"Very well. Since you seem sincere, I agree to give you a second chance. But on condition that you don't lie to me again!"
"I swear I'll be sincere, no matter what!"
Charles stood up and declared:
"From now on, I will live up to your expectations!"
Hiding behind a tree, Anne, Andrew and Edward watched the scene with relief. It seemed that Charles and Rafael's relationship was making a new start.
Three months later.
Sitting in their living room, Elizabeth and Philip looked on fondly as Charles and Rafael made their official visit to Ireland. The welcome had been warm, and everything was going well.
But what caught the monarch's attention was her son and the young Portuguese prince.
Since last Christmas, the relationship between them had developed into something positive, and sincere chemistry had developed. 
One only had to see the tender gestures and affectionate looks that the two young men exchanged to understand that a real closeness existed between them. This vision warmed the heart of the queen, who secretly hoped that Rafael would become her son-in-law.
As for her husband, he was pleased to see his son become more reasonable. He could see that Charles was investing in the relationship and making an effort. But what reassured him was to see that a bond united the two princes. It could only be positive for the future.
A feeling that Pedro and Charlotte of Portugal shared. Indeed, they received reassuring news from their son. Charles became a modern-day Prince Charming since last Christmas, and everything was going well.
"Look at them, Philip. Aren't they both adorable?"
"Indeed they are. Our son and Rafael are getting closer and closer, which is reassuring for the future. Can't wait for Charles to propose!"
"Let's not rush things, dear. We need to make sure their relationship is solid before we talk about marriage."
The Prince Consort grinned.
"You're right. But I can't help hoping that Rafael will become a member of our family!"
"And so do I, Philip."
Meanwhile, in London.
Seeing images of her lover with the Duke of Porto, Camilla Parker-Bowles was seething with rage.
She convinced herself that Rafael de Braganza was stealing her lover. How dare he? 
The woman wondered how the Portuguese prince had managed to keep Charles away from her. It had been several months since she and her lover had seen each other again. Of course, she had telephoned him several times, but her attempts were unsuccessful: either she got the answering machine, or Charles quickly hung up, claiming to be busy!
This situation could not go on! Camilla had to win back Charles' heart before it was too late!
Walking over to the phone, she dialled a number and waited a few seconds before a male voice answered:
"Prince of Wales Service, may I help you?"
"Good evening, this is Mrs Parker-Bowles. I need to speak with His Highness as soon as possible, please!"
On the other side of the receiver, Howard was annoyed: decidedly, this woman was stubborn! But he supposed that her desire to wear the crown of Queen Consort must have motivated her.
"Her Highness is busy, but may I take a message?"
"No, I want to speak to him now: it's urgent!"
The butler refrained from lecturing her on her rudeness and merely replied:
"Well, I'll see what I can do. Please wait!"
He put down the handset and walked towards the living room where Charles and Rafael were. Howard smiled as he saw the couple growing closer together. Just a little effort and the UK would have a Prince Consort of Wales.
In the meantime, there was a problem to deal with named Parker-Bowles. Clearing his throat, he announced:
"Your Highness, the phone for you. The person asking for you has given me to understand that it is urgent!"
Intrigued, Charles stood up and declared:
"I'll be right back, Meu Anjo!"
"See you later, Amor!" replied Rafael.
Amused by his companion's tender name, the Prince of Wales quickly kissed the young man before following Howard to the telephone.
In the hallway, the English prince asked:
"Who is asking for me?"
"I didn't dare say it in front of Sir Rafael, sir, but it's Mrs. Parker-Bowles!"
At these words, the Prince of Wales became annoyed. Camilla did not want to let him go! He thought that she would have understood that their story was nearing its end, but no!
Picking up the receiver, he answered:
"Charles here!"
"Ah, at last! I was wondering how long you were going to avoid me like that! It's been months since we last saw each other, and we barely have a real conversation on the phone!"
"Sorry, but I've been busy!"
He heard her scoffing on the phone.
"But of course! You were busy making eyes at that whiny Portuguese!"
"Don't you dare talk about Rafael like that! Do I make myself clear?"
Camilla was surprised: it had been a long time since her lover had been angry with her!
Regaining her composure, she tried to coax him out:
"Charles, come on! You know that this story will never work! I'm the only one who loves you. Come to me, darling!"
The Prince of Wales bit his lip: Camilla knew how to talk to him to make him fall in love. But not this time!
Regaining his composure, he replied calmly and firmly:
"Listen carefully to what I am going to say, Camilla. It will be the last conversation we shall have."
"What are you talking about?"
"Let me finish! I am explaining to you that our story is over for good. It's all over between us!"
He heard his lover screaming on the other side of the line:
"You have no right to do this to me! Not after everything we've been through!"
"Maybe, but there came a time when I had to choose. And I chose to spend my life with Rafael. I soon realised that I would be happier with him."
"You don't have the right to abandon me!"
"Goodbye, Camilla!" replied Charles soberly before hanging up. 
With that, the Prince of Wales felt lighter: he was done with Camilla. 
Now it was time to start a new phase of his life with Rafael...
One year later.
In the meeting room of Buckingham Palace, dozens of journalists were waiting impatiently to discover the reason for their invitation to the palace.
Wild rumors had been flying around the country for several days, but no one was able to confirm anything. 
The excitement was palpable in the room. Suddenly, the doors opened on the Crown spokesman arrived.
The press began to understand what was going on and started to make a hypothesis until the Crown spokesman requested:
"Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet!"
Everyone fell silent and waited for the announcement from Buckingham Palace:
"Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, His Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, together with His Majesties Pedro VI and Charlotte of Portugal, have the joy and honour to announce the engagement of their children, Prince Charles of Wales and Infant Rafael, Duke of Porto!"
Immediately, exclamations of amazement and joy were heard in the hall, followed by various questions.
"Who proposed?"
"Has a wedding date already been set?"
"Will the Portuguese royal family be coming to the wedding?"
The spokesman again called for silence before continuing:
"There will be an interview on television tonight, and we will try to answer all the questions as clearly as possible. Thank you!"
As the spokesman left the room, the journalists rushed to pass on the day's news to their respective newspapers. This engagement was going to be the talk of the world!
Meanwhile, at the Queluz Palace, the entire royal family, including Marie-Agnès d'Orléans, was sitting in front of the television, impatiently awaiting the interview.
"And I thought this story would never work! Anyway, if Rafa is happy, that's fine with me!" said Joao.
"Deep down, Charles is not a bastard!" replied his sister.
"Come on, kids! Watch your language!" their father gently lectured them.
"I hope Rafael won't be too stressed about doing this interview. It's not an easy exercise!" worried Marie-Agnès.
"Don't worry, Mum, he'll do fine... Oh, I think it's starting!" exclaimed Charlotte.
Everyone turned their attention back to the television as the BBC credits rolled.
The first image from the camera showed two journalists smiling at the camera.
The man, a blond, athletic man in his thirties, introduced himself:
"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I'm Alistair Barnes..."
His colleague, a lovely thirty-something brunette with green eyes, greeted the audience in turn.
"I'm Aliyah Foster. Good evening everyone!"
Alistair took over and announced:
"Tonight, my dear colleague and I have the great privilege of conducting a momentous interview: that of His Royal Highness, Prince Charles of Wales, and his fiancé, Infante Rafael of Portugal, Duke of Porto!"
The camera turned and fixed its lens on Charles and Rafael, smiling and happy.
"Oh my God: my little brother is handsome!" smiled Catarina, moved.
"Rafa was always good-looking!" replied her brother mischievously.
At the same time, the interview began:
"Your Highnesses, good evening!"
"Good evening!" the two fiancés answered in chorus.
"First of all, our congratulations on your engagement."
"Thank you!"
Aliyah asked the first question:
"Your Highnesses, what is your state of mind at the moment?"
Charles answered first:
"We are ecstatic. I am relieved that Rafael wanted me!"
This reply made the young Portuguese laugh, and he replied:
"How can you expect me to refuse? More seriously, I am happy to be able to marry the man I love!"
Alistair continued:
"Could you tell us who proposed?"
"I did!" replied Charles.
"Could you tell us how it happened?" questioned Aliyah.
Rafael said:
"It happened last week. We were on holiday at Sandringham Castle, which is a beautiful place. And while we were walking around, Charles wanted to stop in front of the lake behind the castle. There he got down on one knee and officially proposed to me! I thought Charles was joking, but I soon understood that he was dead serious! So, of course, I said yes!"
"How romantic!" smiled Aliyah.
Alistair asked:
"What were your families' reactions? I imagine they must have been delighted to hear the news..."
"Everyone congratulated us! I think they can't wait to celebrate our wedding!" joked Charles.
"There's no doubt about that. But I think the Portuguese royal family must have been even more delighted. Am I wrong, Sir Rafael?"
This question intrigued the Duke of Porto.
"What do you mean?"
Despite his colleague's disapproving looks, Barnes continued his question:
"I meant that the announcement of your engagement to the Crown Prince of the British Crown must have sounded like revenge to your family. After all, they have been in exile since the fall of your grandfather and the establishment of a dictatorship. Only the return with great fanfare of your father, thanks to the support of the Portuguese people, brought back the house of Braganza on the throne. What do you think?"
On the Lisbon side, this question shocked Rafael's family!
"How dare he ask such a question? To hear him talk, you'd think we weren't legitimate!" said Pedro.
"Not only are we legitimate, but we have restored democracy!" added Charlotte.
The reaction from Buckingham was the same!
"What a bastard, that journalist!" grumbled Philip.
"The lout! How dare he embarrass Rafael on such a beautiful day!" exclaimed the Queen Mother.
"I couldn't stand that journalist, but now he's getting on my nerves!" snarled Anne.
Everyone was waiting to see Rafael's answer to this indelicate question. And they were not going to be disappointed!
"You talk about revenge, but why? Do you think my family should punish the Portuguese people for kicking out my grandfather all those years ago? You are far from the truth: in fact, my family only wanted to come back and bring back stability and democracy in Portugal. I am sad that my grandad died in exile, and he could not see my father reconcile our people with the monarchy. But at least he could be buried with his ancestors."
He paused for a few seconds before continuing:
"You know, I was born and raised in France with my brother and sister. And yet, I never stopped loving this country that I longed to know! Oh, of course, I will always be grateful to France for giving me a wonderful childhood. But I am Rafael of Braganza, Infante of Portugal, and I will remain so! So no, marrying Charles is not revenge. It is a gift of destiny!"
Quietly holding his fiancé's hand, Charles took over:
"Sir, you wouldn't be the first to doubt the legitimacy of Rafael and his family. But believe me when I tell you that the House of Braganza is composed of dignified, hard-working, and courageous people who love their people! And my future husband has inherited all the qualities of this noble family, whether you like it or not!"
"Far be it from me to doubt the legitimacy of the Portuguese royal family!" stammered Alistair uncomfortably.
Aliyah tried to change the subject before her colleague embarrassed himself further in public.
"Sire Rafael, would it be possible for you to tell us how your integration into the English royal family went?"
"It went very well. Everyone has been charming to me and very helpful in learning English etiquette."
"Who acted as your tutor?"
"Princess Margaret. You know, I've grown up around some extraordinary women with strong characters, but Countess Snowdon is probably the most volcanic of all!" explained Rafael, making Charles laugh.
"I wouldn't argue with that!" added the latter.
On hearing this, Margaret was shocked!
"Me, volcanic? Come on!"
"I always thought you were a stubborn one, Maggie!" laughed her older sister.
"Me, a stubborn one? You'll see, Lizzie!" cried her younger sister, tickling Elizabeth.
"Ah ah ah ah! Stop it! I can't breathe!"
"Worse than children!" laughed Philip.
In response, both women stuck their tongues out at him mischievously.
"At times, I remember of the two little girls who used to love to drive their governesses crazy!" smiled the Queen Mother.
Meanwhile, the interview continued.
"Your Highness, what do you think of the popularity of your future husband?"
"I am pleased to see that the English people have quickly embraced Rafael and have already accepted him. I hope the Portuguese people won't mind me taking their little Prince Charming from them!"
This compliment made Rafael blush slightly.
"Has a wedding date been set?"
"Not yet, but you'll have the answer in the next few days!" assured Charles.
Aliyah asked:
"Sire Rafael, may I ask you a slightly difficult question?"
"Of course!"
"Are you a little sad at the thought of leaving your native Portugal for England?"
"Indeed, I am. But I know I'll still be able to visit my family whenever I want, so I'm fine with that!"
"I know Rafael has a strong bond with his family, considering what they've been through during the last years. To me, it seemed like a natural fit to help him keep in touch with them. And if he's happy, then I'm happy," Charles explained, looking at his fiancé fondly.
"Anyway, just by looking at you, we're guaranteed a modern-day fairy tale! Thank you so much for giving us this interview!"
"Thank you!"
Aliyah Foster couldn't have meant it better when she said modern-day fairy tale...
Four months later.
In the UK, all eyes were on London, where the most anticipated event of the year was taking place: the wedding of Prince Charles and Rafael of Portugal.
Huge crowds gathered near Westminster Abbey, where the ceremony was taking place, and cheered the newlyweds.
The applause resumed as Charles and Rafael left the Abbey, followed by their families.
While the entire Windsor family had come for Charles' wedding, the Portuguese royal family and the House of Orleans had also come. All the journalists complimented the elegant outfits of Charlotte, Catarina, and Marie-Agnès, worthy representatives of French charm.
Pedro and Joao were also well dressed and walked proudly with their loved ones.
They all got into the carriages and drove down the street to Buckingham Palace. On the way, the newlyweds waved and smiled at the cheering crowd. 
Charles turned to Rafael and said:
"You're doing very well, as always."
"And yet I'm scared to death!" 
The Prince of Wales took the young Duke of Porto's hand and gently squeezed it:
"Everything is going wonderfully well. There's nothing to worry about."
He smiled.
"Enjoy it: this is our day to shine!"
Rafael was amused by this remark and laughed.
A few minutes later, they all arrived at Buckingham Palace and went up to the balcony.
Just before appearing before the crowd, Charlotte kissed her son on the forehead and whispered:
"I'm so proud of you, darling."
"Thank you, Mother."
His father and his siblings took him in their arms and whispered words of support.
As for Charles, his parents gave him an encouraging hug. 
"This is your moment, son. Be happy!" his mother said.
"We're all proud of you," added his father.
The English prince turned to his siblings and grandmother, who gave him encouraging signs. As for his aunt, she gave him a mischievous smile.
As the crowd shouted Charles and Rafael's name, Marie-Agnès said with a smile:
"I think the people are waiting for you, boys."
"In that case, let's go!"
Holding hands, the two newlyweds made their way to the balcony and appeared to the crowd, who shouted with joy.
Rafael and Charles greeted the crowd with their families. The Prince of Wales heard people asking for a kiss from the couple.
Amused, he turned to his husband and said:
"Rafael, did you hear that?"
"Yes, I did. I guess we have to give the people what they want!" the latter replied with amusement.
"Do you object?"
"Not at all."
As their lips sealed to the cheers of the crowd, Charles and Rafael knew that their new life began under good auspices.
A second chance can change everything...
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darkesthourrpg · 3 years
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NAME: Livia Hastings  GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her DATE OF BIRTH: June 1st, 1993 PLACE OF BIRTH: New York, New York CURRENT RESIDENCE: Manhattan OCCUPATION: Artist/Part-Time Employee at Blank Slate FACE CLAIM: Phoebe Tonkin
Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping, Abuse, Blood, Violence, Murder, Suicide, Psychiatric Hospital
Livia Hastings was all, but a ghost. A faint murmur of a name fed to the wind to be forgotten and the coven made sure to keep it that way. Her mother, Charlotte Jane had been Ainsley Hartley’s beloved best friend. A fellow witch and a shoulder to cry on whenever her and Richard got into it. And, boy, did they get into it. Ainsley turned a blind eye as much as she could to Richard’s discretions so that she could provide a father for her children. But, little did she know, Charlotte, the woman who was supposed to be her support system, was fooling around with Richard on the side. The two of them consorted with each other behind closed doors for quite some time and continuing for long after Ainsley chose to kick Richard to the curb.
Livia marked his 5th child. At least out of the ones he knew about that is. And a pawn, as the story goes, when Richard decided to take matters into his own hands after he was passed over as the supreme. He was obsessed with fixing what was ‘broken’ within the coven, so during a blood moon, he snuck his five young kids out of their beds. Little Livia tripping over her own feet as he carried them away from the party the rest of coven was holding. But, before Richard could go through with sacrificing his own blood, the women of the coven, the children’s mothers and the supreme, were able to put a stop to him. Or so they believed.
It wasn’t until that afternoon that word broke of Richard’s escape. The eldest four had been in school, while the youngest, little baby Livia was missing. Charlotte, in a fit of panic, desperately pleaded with the coven to go after them- to save her baby girl before who knows what would happen to her. But, the coven hardly shared a sliver of sympathy for the woman who intentionally sought after her best friend’s man. Instead, they chose to close up the traumatic chapter that was Richard in their lives and were determined to tie off any loose strings with that of a pretty façade of bow.
The coven brewed potions to erase their children’s memories, burying the evidence of their baby sister as if she was no more than collateral damage in a mildly unfortunate string of events. And as for Charlotte? The coven toyed with her mind. The goal had been to keep her quiet, to keep this particular matter within the coven, rather than make a scene or rope in the council. But, when the same potions they had used on their children didn’t seem to work on her, they painted Charlotte as being unfit to take care of herself. They locked her up, declaring her a woman consumed by the guilt of her discretions until it drove her mad in the process. And they got away with it too. Years passed by and life went on with none the wiser to the violent father the Hastings named shared. If only that was where the story ended...
Richard, powerless and power hungry, fled the City of New York with the one key he had to reclaiming what he truly believed belong to him in his arms. Livia may have only been an infant, but his blood still ran through her veins and he had given her, her magic then who was to say he couldn’t take it away? As they moved around from City to City, Richard devoted almost every waking moment to training her, his perfect baby girl, or so he called her. He pushed her to be the best and cursed at her when she wasn’t improving as quickly as he would like. But, finally, when she was still no more than a child, barely of seven years of age, he deemed her ready to perform the most important task she could for him. He had painted it like they were playing a game. Like she was the chosen one from those books about witches she adored so much. Like she was Marnie Cromwell in that Halloweentown movie she couldn’t seem to stop watching and if she could just perform one spell perfectly, then she would have done it! She would have saved the day and they would be able to book the first flight back home to New York City. She would be able to see her mom again. Rescue her even. He had spun a train of well crafted words to have her wrapped around his little finger. And Livia had no idea she was performing dark magic. She had no idea that all of spells he had her enact before was leading up to her offering her magic up to him in some new twisted ritual. Only once again, things for Richard didn’t go as planned. Livia gave up her magic alright, but it didn’t go to Richard. Instead it just disappeared. And like a snap of one’s fingers, everything her father had adored and cherished about her vanished into thin air.
She was useless to him now. A verbal punching bag and nothing more. As time went on and Richard continued to hear news of his other kids back in the City’s crowning achievements, the now all-too human Livia would be reminded of how he should taken one of them instead of her. How Logan would have been able to complete the spell or Leo or Lucian or Lorelai for that matter. Any one of them would have been able to succeed where she had failed. Life carried on like that for quite sometime. The perfect daughter turned perfect disappointment, Livia spent the next handful of years of her life never receiving a birthday gift and barely being acknowledged when she came back to whatever motel they were hauled up in except for a gruff murmur of her name under her father’s breath as he gestured towards the empty beer bottles he wanted her to pick up. That was until she finally decided it was time.
It wasn’t as if her dad paid much attention to her regardless. They had moved to New Jersey during Liv’s last few years of High School and as much as she fought for his attention, he couldn’t seem to care less, barely batting an eye her way when she came home at odd times of the night or snuck out for days on end. As long as she paid the bills, she could pretty much do what she wanted. She had complete and total freedom. And yet, all she wanted to do was cross the bridge into the City to see the mom she had heard so many stories about. And when Alina came into the picture, she realized there was nothing left holding her back. It wasn’t as if she was included in the conversations between the two of them anyhow, but she noticed how her dad quickly seemed to change almost over night. His loathing nature shifting into an almost sinister form of excitement as he cooked her breakfast in the morning and told her that ‘today was going to be a good day’. He was up to something. She knew that much to be true, but it wasn’t as if a daughter as worthless as her was going to be looped in on any of it, so she left.
Livia hopped the first bus into the city and headed straight to where she knew her mom was being held. She had imagined the meeting a hundred times over in her head. Ever since she was a little girl, she had dreamed about the day she would get to see her. Only, when she looked into her own mother’s eyes, those deep blue eyes that were a perfect mirror for hers, Charlotte Jane didn’t recognize her. She didn’t know what coven had done to her, but Charlotte barely knew her own name, let alone the name of her daughter. Liv had never been much of crier nor was she one to easily show her emotions and yet, as she stepped back out onto the street, drops of rain beginning to fall from the sky, her eyes were brimming with tears.
She was more than a complete stranger to her mother. It was as if she had become a ghost. As if the coven had purged any trace of her existence from the City of New York. There were no records of her birth at the hospital and it didn’t help that her father and her had been living under aliases all of this time. As far as anyone seem to know, Charlotte Jane never had a daughter and, to make matters worse, her siblings, the ones who had hung back around the city for college seemed... happy without her. Not that she had approached them directly, but the image of them standing across the street blissfully unaware of her presence, couldn’t help, but sting. They had forgotten her. Worse. They had never even been looking. Her dad had been right all along and, as much as she knew she should just face the facts and head back to New Jersey, she didn’t want to see him smile when he said ‘I told you so’. Not yet anyhow. So, did what any lost soul would do. She wandered aimlessly around the city till god knows how late into the night, before standing on a street corner trying to twist the top off of the bottle she had nicked.
Shit, She murmured to herself, nicking her thumb as she finally popped the top of bottle off. A bitter laugh breaking from her lips as the warm liquor greeted her lips. But, as she turned to address the club member of Sinners whom had stumbled out the side door entrance, only a few feet away from where she was standing, she knew something was wrong. Shit, she swore again as the vampire lunged at her. She tried to pry him off, letting out a blood curdling scream as the vamp went for her neck. But, luckily someone pried him off before his teeth could sink into her skin. And that someone was a Seraph who went by the name of Jace Devlin.
Liv had known about Supernaturals her entire life, but after she lost her magic, she had felt so incredibly... human. She had felt helpless to the world around her, but as she watched Jace detain the supernatural before her, she realized that maybe she didn’t have to be. She didn’t have to struggle, doing whatever was needed of her to scrap by.  Maybe there was a way for her to reclaim her own sense of power. Maybe there was a way for her to find her own justice. She hadn’t been training to be a Seraph she was kid and she had a lot of catching up to do, but with Jace taking her under his wing and helping to set her up with a place to crash that wasn’t as temporary, Liv felt like she might finally have a sense of purpose. She started using the name Cromwell, finding it fitting given her circumstances. Maybe she could truly be the hero in her own story.
Only life showed Liv that she may just be the villain. She had been doing well on her own. She had passed the test to be an agent and was one of the top rookies when her dad found his way back into her life once more. She had apparently redeemed herself in his eyes and she hated how good it felt to hear how proud he was of her after all this time. He had a plan in motion and he had figured she would want to get in on it. Only, she told him no. She didn’t want to have any part in what he was scheming. Or so she had thought. But, in January of 2020, a month before the Supreme died, she had shown up for her regular visit with her mom only to be informed that she was gone. They told her she had taken her own life even though Liv quickly discovered that was far from the truth. The Binicis had apparently received news that Richard was back in town and deemed her mother too much of a liability to let live any longer, so they took her out discreetly.
I told you, you would want in on this, her father would later tell her and maybe, just maybe, he would be right...
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alarriefantasy · 4 years
Hey! can you please rec me some arranged married fics please? I just saw your tier list 🌟🙏
I cannot believe I don’t have one already because I love these fics so much!
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                              Arranged Marriage Fic Rec
First Comes Marriage by jacinth
Words: 1k
The boys continued to bicker and failed to noticed their mothers' smirking into their tea-cups.
“Lots of children.” Jay murmured.
“Oh yeah. No less than six.”
Frozen by jacinth
Words: 5k
When an accident occurs six months into the miserable Mating, Louis is forced to care for a man who so clearly despises him.
keep me safe, keep me sane, keep me honest by hilourry
Words: 8k
Louis is the Prince of England. All past omega princes and princesses have been married and pregnant at age 18, so his parents arrange him to be married to Harry Styles, the royal family's PR guy.
Oranges, Whipped Cream and Blueberries by Jennifer_Kaid
Words: 9k
Louis was an omega of a pure bloodline. He had known since he was merely eight years old that he was to be bonded with a high ranked alpha. Not the one of his choice, but the one deemed suitable for him by the elders.
Little did he know that the alpha would be the leader of his pack; the greatest pack known to their kind.
infinitely all for me by swallowsmateforlife
Words: 10k
The Alpha Louis' been betrothed to since he was 14 has finally come of age and Louis' been delivered to his home.
or: the one where they figure it all out.
Make It Work by fanshae 
Words: 10k
Prompt: Arranged marriage AU. Harry is an omega who has reached the age where he must be married due to his family's income status. Only the aristocratic omegas are exempt. His parents try to hide him but eventually the government gets word and in punishment, gives the omega to a spoiled aristocrat son of a lord, Louis. Louis is more than thrilled to have his own omega and once Harry goes into heat, he explores the boy with fascination and unintentionally impregnates him. This leads to a boy used to living carefree and drinking the day away with other nobles to having to face fatherhood.
Moments Like These Are To Die For by alienharry
Words: 12k
Harry is an Alpha prince working to open his territory's minds up to love. Louis is an omega prince whose land is in need of resources and protection. For the good of their people, they're arranged to be married.
Winter Pines and Ocean Eyes by binarysunsets
Words: 14k
Or, the arranged marriage au between young viking Harry, son of his clan's chief, and a certain caesar by the name of Louis, heir to the empire.
daisies & dying by xaz
Words: 14k
Harry’s eyes stayed cemented to the marble tiles, engraining the memory of his shiny loafers and their contrast to the flooring as he heard the footsteps draw near. An icy hand yanked his chin violently, forcing his face forward.
Hand still clutching Harry’s chin, the man gave a toothy smirk, “I’ve waited centuries to have you as my bride. I won’t settle for less than your full attention, my love.”
OR Hades!Louis and Persephone!Harry but make it pirates
Sail Across Me by iwillpaintasongforlou
Words: 21k
Harry is a prince that is about to be forced into marriage against his will and running away to sea seems like a much better option. Louis is the captain of the infamous pirate ship The Rogue and he has a thing for helping defenseless creatures. Especially when they're as pretty as this one.
the sanctity of patience by scrunchyharry
Words: 22k
When young Lord Harry was chosen by King Louis of Bavaria to become his husband and prince consort, Harry thought all of his dreams had come through. His illusions came crashing down when he understood it meant living in isolation in the alpine castle of Neuschwanstein with a husband who turned out to be far from what he had hoped for.
His illusions vanished, Harry will have learn to appreciate what has and even, perhaps, fall in love with his imperfect husband and his castle.
Compete Against the Stars by amomentoflove
Words: 30k
An ABO au where Louis finds out he's claimed to another Alpha. Angst ensues.
I Sail With You by AFangirlFantasy
Words: 35k
Against his wishes, Omega Prince Harry Styles is arranged to mate with someone he doesn’t love, much less knows. Though he pleaded to his parents incessantly, they not only refuse to comply but force him to depart on a ship days later. Harry prays for fate to step in, to change what’s to come, however, the answer he is given is not exactly in the form he had hoped.
Enter Will Tommo – deadliest pirate captain of all seven seas.
Watch the Sun Coming Up by SadaVeniren 
Words: 36k
As Louis approaches his thirtieth birthday his pack is desperate for him to find a mate.
Harry has always expected one day he may settle down with a nice alpha and they would continue to live in his small hometown.
Together they somehow will make this work.
Canyon Moon by delsicle
Words: 40k
For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry.
Then Harry’s father dies in a violent accident, and Louis’s future alpha disappears on the wind.
An A/B/O Lion King AU
Just for Tonight (I can be yours) by SadaVeniren
Words: 42k
Harry, prince of Cestrescir, has been betrothed to Ludvic, prince of Yorvik, since birth. He'd accepted a loveless marriage as his duty to his country, until an accident threw him in the path of a gentle alpha
As Cold as a Whisper by panda_bear21
Words: 48k
A fairy tale au where people in Louis' village are disappearing and Louis is married off to uphold a centuries long agreement.
Anything for a Vote by louispalooza
Words: 62k
Harry was used to his father controlling his life. Everyone in the family was used to it after all the years his father had been in politics. But perhaps he should have drawn the line at an arranged marriage. So why had the sight of Louis Tomlinson made all his defiance disappear?
Louis Tomlinson loved his job. Most people didn’t understand why, but he just loved being involved behind the scenes of a political campaign. He was quite shocked however when the senator suggested Louis marry his son to give his campaign that extra edge it needed. He was even more shocked that he had agreed.
adjudication by bottomlinsons
Words: 75k
Harry's been engaged to Princess Charlotte of Ryde for as long as he can remember. He's come to know her, to love her, through the letters she's sent him over the past three years.But when the wedding finally arrives, Harry quickly learns that nothing is as it seems. With his crown and country at stake, Harry must decide who to trust in this strange new land. And the sly Crown Prince of Ryde doesn't seem inclined to make things easy.
Teenage Rebellion Never Worked Out So Well by panda_bear21 
Words: 55k
Or the super cliché arranged marriage fic where things escalate way too quickly.
London is well worth a mass by dolphinaaaa
Words: 93k
Louis is an Omega prince of France. When he is 13, he is betrothed to Harry of England for politics. The wedding will seal the alliance between the two coutries. This is their story.
Blue Ice by purpledandelion
Words: 102k
An AU where Louis finds himself in a marriage he didn't bargain for.
Be My Omega by Louis_Stylinson
Words: 138k
It all started when the alpha laid eyes on the short curvy omega and he knew at that moment that his life would never be the same, in a good way of course.
♡ credit to the owner of the manip
♡ past themed recs here
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We need to talk about Friedrich
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Beware - there’s a level of assumed knowledge here. It’s mostly speculation but there’s a couple of spoilers for people who haven’t read the books.
Back in October last year, it was announced that Freddie Stroma would play Prince Friedrich in three episodes of Bridgerton. The news went under the radar, nobody in the fandom seemed to care because he’s an unknown character but his casting raises a few questions.
Of the cast, Freddie Stroma probably has the biggest American profile. (By no means is he famous, but he’s arguably better known that a lot of the lead actors in the cast. He’s been in Game of Thrones and Pitch Perfect and the TV show Unreal.) He’s LA based. It seems very unlikely to me that he would be cast in a minor role; there’s plenty of UK based actors who could have played the role for cheaper. It’s also unlikely that he would take a bit part. So here’s some thoughts
Golda Rosheuvel has been cast as Queen Charlotte. Charlotte really was the queen consort at the time (there’s no mention of a casting for George III), and she did indeed have a son called Frederick. He was her second born son and the Duke of York. However, Prince Frederick was born in 1763 so he would have been 50 in 1813, considerably older than Stroma’s 33. If he’s playing his age, it makes him just a little older than Anthony, Benedict and Simon.  By 1813, Frederick was married and living in Prussia.
So, they’ve cast a relatively known actor as Friedrich/Frederick/Friedrich (the above tweet and IMDb have different spellings of the name) and made him significantly younger sexier that his real life counterpart. All this indicates to me that Friedrich is not an insignificant part. But, you say, Shondaland released character profiles for all the characters including the butler and housekeeper so if Friedrich was important, why didn’t he get a casting announcement? To that I say, Chris Fulton has been cast as Sir Phillip Crane and there was no character description or casting announcement for him either and we know he’ll play a significant role in a future season. So perhaps it’s a similar case here, where Friedrich is introduced now to lay the groundwork for a larger role further down the line.
But, in the character description for Queen Charlotte, it says that Lady Whistledown “takes aim at the palace”, so my guess is that we’re going to see Friedrich is involved with some sort of shenanigans with somebody from the main cast this season and that’s what Lady Whistledown is writing about.
So who does Friedrich get involved with?
Daphne? Could he be a rival for Daphne’s affections? It seems improbable because the whole point of the deal with Simon is that having the attention of a Duke will help her attract a husband. Simon becomes redundant if a Prince is paying her attention.
Siena Rosso? She’s apparently having an affair with a prominent lord. We all assume that’s Anthony, but  could it be the Duke of York instead? Also unlikely, why have a random opera singer with no connection to the rest of the cast having an affair with a prince with no connection to the rest of the cast, plus Siena and Anthony are canon.
Benedict? This would be a real divergence from canon, I know. But there has to be some LGBT+ rep in the show somehow and it’s got to be a lead character. I think it should be Eloise but her love interest has already been cast so probably not her. Kate/Anthony and Colin/Penelope are way too popular to mess with. Making Benedict gay or bi would definitely make him more interesting as it would give him some stakes, and he’s depicted as an arty outsider who wants to break free from the ton. A gay or bisexual man in 1813 would certainly be an outsider with good reason to want to get away from the intense scrutiny of the ton.
Anthony? For some reason, this was my first guess when I wondered if Friedrich could be gay; maybe because Jonathan Bailey has been quite open about been drawn to roles that “humanise the homosexual experience” by playing characters who happen to be gay/bi. But Anthony already has two big storylines for the season, adding this third one seems a lot.
Someone else? Well, it follows if it’s not any of the above characters it has to be someone else. But I don’t think there’s only the Featherington sisters who are around the same age and that’s definitely not going to happen, everybody else is too young.
(If I had to bet, I’d put my money on Friedrich and Benedict)
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catherinestuart · 4 years
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HSHQ TASK eleven —– FAMILY the royal house of stuart
late king william iv & dowager queen anne ( donald sutherland & julie andrews )
grandpa william came onto the crown at age seven. his father passed away when he was merely five, and his grandfather succumbed from his wounds from the war just a few years later. a joint regency was established by his mother, the dowager princess charlotte, and his uncle: prince thomas. as soon as he reached majority age, he married his childhood sweetheart, lady anne egerton, third daughter to the earl and countess of morton. all things considered anne wasn’t important nor particularly special, but they fell in love, and the king had the luxury to marry whoever he wanted. king william had a lot to prove, which was why he was so deathly strict to all of his children, for they were a chance to prove his legacy.  he had to prove that decades of regency would be worth it when he ascended the throne. when he passed, the dowager queen retained some of his trademark stuart rigidness towards her children, but spoiled her grandchildren immensely. 
the late king and dowager queen had four children: 
queen mary iii of scotland
princess isabel, the duchess of queensberry
prince james of scotland
prince robert, grand duke of greater bavaria
queen mary iii & prince consort christian ( gillian anderson & iain glen )
queen mary did not know the meaning of love. her love language is acts of service, and she truly believes that the best thing she could do for her family and people who were close to her, was to provide them with safety, riches, titles, and the like. conversely, people who did not provide her any service was treated as if they had gave her a personal slight. prince christian of poland was a respectable catholic match, especially for the ever so pious mary, and with one suggestion from the cardinal, she investigated the manner fully. kristijan, the youngest son of king stanisław had the easy confidence that mary was desperately lacking, but with the same sort of innate duty to his country. he’s perfectly content with standing one step behind his wife, to be less important with less responsibilities, he had many hobbies that occupied his time when he wasn’t pushing his nose into his children’s lives. 
catherine, euphemia, & george  ( sasha luss, elle fanning, danny griffin )
family dynamics task coming soon ig.
princess isabel & lord archibald douglas duke and duchess of queensberry ( amy adams & ewan mcgregor )
and their children:
lord sebastian douglas, marquess of whithorn ( cameron monaghan )
lady amelia douglas ( annalise basso )
princess isabel is the society darling, president of the debutante board, patron to numerous finishing schools and various social clubs. uncle archie fell in love with her, hard, and did everything he could to win her hand. king william had approved of the marriage just because he would like more family control alongside the ever important southern border. sebastian has the same sort of passion as his father, having married at age twenty-four to his childhood sweetheart ( and debutante of the year ) lady rose murray, daughter of the duke of glasgow, a close family friend. mia, however, was determined to take her time, and make her own way in the world, despite the meddlesome way her mother had moulded her into becoming the next society darling.  
prince james & princess eléanor ( simon baker & ashley judd )
and their children: 
princess marie-adélaïde ( india eisley )
princess ava ( mackenzie foy )
prince edmund ( samuel joslin )
prince james, the wild-child, had met the utterly beautiful daughter of the duke of aiguillon and prince of turrene, princess eléanor de la tour d'auvergne and decided that all of the girls he dated before her had paled in comparison. she was the very image of french sophistication, and despite his higher rank, her air of lofty superiority had prompted deference even from him. they played the game for a while, chasing each other through the continent and making eyes across glittering ballrooms. that was until eléanor became pregnant unexpectedly with james’ baby, and both sets of parents decided that a marriage was necessary to avoid scandal. the young couple was hastily married, and marie-adélaïde came seven months later. they lived a slightly tumultuous existence, especially since they weren’t ready to get married and settle down in the first place. but with immense therapy and growing determination from both parties, they hadn’t given up yet. eight years after addie then came ava, and a year after that came edmund. 
prince robert & lady wiebke wittelsbach grand duke and duchess of greater bavaria ( kevin mckidd & angela sarafyan )
and their children:
lady anna-amalia wittelsbach of greater bavaria ( lauren de graaf )
lord mathias stuart of greater bavaria ( george mackay )
ya’ll know wibbie. they’re adorable. the stuarts can’t figure out just how robbie     the absolute clown     had gotten wiebke to take him seriously! a miracle tbh.
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opotakuism · 3 years
OP WHAT IF AU: Vinsmoke Sorage
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Sorage, male!Sora, was formerly a chore boy of Marine base. When he was 12, he was found by traveling princess of Germa Judith. As she found him injured, she took him and tend his wounds. He begged to join her in journey and eventually, she allowed him to follow her. Have been an aspiring cook, he made her smile just by making her a tomato pasta or simply steamed the lobster properly. Judith also trained him to use basic weapons so he can defend himself. 
When Judith claimed the throne, he was allowed to stay in castle as head chef for a while. But when he become an adult, Judith proposed to him to be her consort, in which he happily agreed. They were happy with having a son Reiji. But when Judith was in a labor of unborn quadruplets, Sorage volunteered to go to the war. The war ended with Germa's victory but one defeated kingdom left a toxin gas that affected his health negatively. Although he wasn't able to move from his room, he would daily ask Reiji about Judith and others. 
However, Judith feared Sorage would die, so she had him kept in a tube of sleeping state. He wasn't aware of what has happened after he was in coma, but Reiji often visits and watches over. Many years passed by, anguished Reiji struggled to tell Sanjina about what really happened to their father but eventually told everything after discovery of Charlotte family's trap as the Yonko's plan can kill their father. Afterward, Chopper learned that the toxin Sorage must have got has partial chemical from Amber Lead, but he knows the cure as Chopper and Reiji went in a castle's laboratory as he made an antidote that could get rid of the toxin that has been effecting Sorage's body. Fortunately, Sorage was awaken and alive. Hearing of what happened when he was in coma, he wanted to see Sanjina before she and her crew leave. When he sees Sanjina all grown up and so are his sons, he was in relief as he waved to his daughter goodbye, wishing best for her adventures to find All Blue.
After recovery, he would still have to be in wheelchair as Reiji would sometimes take his father out to castle garden. As it was first time Ichiji, Niji and Yonji ever met their father, they take slow steps bonding with him. Though, Sorage insists he should sometimes cook for his family. Despite the personality differences he and his wife has, he genuinely love Judith and she is to him as well, even though she doesn't express it a lot.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
I think it would have been funny if Big Mom tried to marry Brook and make him her 44th husband, even though he's a skeleton and she no long can make children. She probably would think he's impressed her enough that he could be made her consort. Cue face fault of her children because now they have a skeleton as a step dad and it's basically their mother committing necro. Also cue a lot corny dad skull jokes.
Poor Brook. First he's kidnapped and made into a cuddle buddy, and now he's being forced to become a husband to a Yonkou and stepdad to over 80 children.
Honestly most of the Charlotte siblings aren't even fazed by it. They thought she'd reached the limit of weird bullshit when she slept with a Tontatta, but somehow she managed to outdo herself and marry a skeleton man. The only upsides are that he can literally use her panties as a blanket, (which for Brook is pretty rad) and that he gets as much milk as he wants all day, every day.
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jovialyouthmusic · 5 years
Uneasy Lies the Head
Followup to Charlotte’s Choice, a Royal Romance AU Fanfic
8 Savannah
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Drake finds Savannah, but why did she leave Cordonia and what part did Anton have in it?
Drake didn’t know where to begin telling his sister about Anton. The revelations of the last few minutes were more than enough for him to cope with, without divulging how mistaken she was about Lord Severus’s intentions.
‘Savvy’ he said gently ‘I can’t begin to imagine how things have been for you since you left. Please believe me, I never wanted you to feel you couldn’t come to me and tell me your troubles. We need to regroup, work out what to do next.’ He looked at the table set for dinner – that might be a start. ‘Are you hungry? We could send for something to eat.’ Savannah shook her head.
‘No, I don’t think I could eat a thing. I could do with a drink though – a glass of wine perhaps.’ She answered. Kiara nodded and set about contacting room service. Bastien left, letting him know they would leave a guard on the door. Drake dared not drink, though he craved a glass of whiskey. Savannah was obviously uncomfortable in her cocktail dress, and Kiara promised to lend her something more casual while she stayed to talk to Drake. She returned after a few minutes with a pair of jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt, and Savannah went to get changed.
Kiara lingered, and put her hand on Drake’s shoulder.
‘I am so pleased you found her, mon ami. Be gentle with her, she needs to adjust to seeing you again’
‘And I need to adjust too, Kiara. Thankyou for your help, I’ll take it from here. I expect I’ll see you tomorrow.’ She nodded
‘But of course. I will travel back with you. I hope there will be an extra passenger in the car.’ Drake nodded, and Kiara left as Savannah came back in again, looking more like the sister he remembered. She had taken off her makeup and let her hair down, which had been put up in an elaborate style. She came to Drake and hugged him. He held her tenderly, glad beyond measure to have found her, but not looking forward to having to disillusion her. They separated and she sat with her glass of wine.
‘Tell me how things are in Cordonia’ she said ‘I was sorry to hear of Constantine’s death – do you know who was behind it all?’ Drake felt a stab of pain, and his face must have showed it, as she looked concerned.
‘Savvy, what have you heard? When did you last see Anton?’ She blinked.
‘Just after the coronation.’ She said, matter of factly. ‘He came to visit for a day or two and told me the news. He told me he’d attended the social season as a formality, he hadn’t expected to be picked. I was so surprised when he told me you’d been entered on the list – and Charlotte picked you? Is it going to be a marriage of convenience? I know she’s more like a sister to you’ Drake swallowed.
‘Savvy, it’s not like that at all. Don’t you watch the news?’
‘I saw Anton had been accused of some terrible things – but it’s not true, he’s just not like that’ she said innocently. ‘Bastien must have had some wrong information, surely’ Drake closed his eyes.
‘Brace yourself Savvy, you’re not going to like what I’m going to tell you’ he said.
‘I’m listening’ she said in a small voice, shrinking back into herself.
‘Savvy, Anton has not been honest with you. I know for a fact he tried very hard to win Charlotte’s hand in marriage – I saw first hand how he manipulated and plotted against her and the King.’ Tears started to his sister’s eyes.
‘But – but he told me he’d marry me’ she said ‘Only the other day, he – he proposed to me.’ Drake groaned. His poor sweet innocent sister had been taken in by Severus. What he intended to do once he had married Savannah he could only guess. He was surprised he hadn’t already used her as a pawn in his power games.
‘Savvy, he hacked into the national TV transmitter and demanded Charlotte resign or acknowledge him as King and become his Queen – has that news not reached you?’ Her face was flushed now, and a single tear trickled down her cheek.  
‘I – I didn't believe the broadcasts so I stopped watching – he told me it was all lies’ Drake looked at her with compassion.
‘No Savannah, he’s the one that’s been lying. He entered as a suitor with the full intention of becoming consort. When he realised he wouldn’t succeed, he plotted to assassinate the King. I was at the coronation – Charlotte was about to name me as consort when the King was shot. Anton took her away – he kidnapped her, Savvy’ Tears flowed down her cheeks freely now, but Drake went on.
‘I followed Anton – he was going to take the Princess out of Cordonia, force her to name him consort or perhaps kill her. Thank god we didn’t find out because I stopped him.’
‘You – perhaps you misunderstood’ she sobbed
‘No Savvy, he told me exactly what he intended to do. Why would I lie to you? I’m your brother. Bastien will tell you the truth too, he’s got solid evidence if you don’t believe me’ His sister had curled up into a ball, crying hard. He went over to her and she uncurled, to throw her arms around him and sob. He hadn’t got the heart to tell her more, instead changing to more positive news.
‘Savvy, come home with me. I promise you I’ll look after you this time. I love Charlotte with all my heart and she wants to see you back too’ She calmed slowly and sniffled as he stroked her back.
‘You – you love Charlotte? It won’t be a marriage of convenience?’ He laughed softly
‘No Savvy, we love each other, we just took a little time to realise it’ He rubbed his thumb over her wet cheek. ‘You can stay at the palace, or you can make Valtoria your home – I’m Duke of the duchy now, you know’ Savannah smiled through her tears
‘What would father say, I wonder, to you being a proper Duke?’ she said softly. He rested his chin on her head and smiled
‘I don’t know, but he’d make sure I kept my feet on the ground, remind me that I’m responsible for the happiness of the citizens of Valtoria’
‘He would. I miss him so much, Drake’ She hung her head ‘He’d be so ashamed of me, Drake’
‘He’d understand, sweetheart – and if he were still here maybe this wouldn’t have happened at all. We can’t know these things’ he replied. ‘Will you come back with me?’
‘I – I don’t know. How can we keep all – all this secret? Someone’s bound to find out what I am – how I make a living’
‘We can face it together’ he said ‘I’ll defend you. Anton deceived you, if he’d told you the truth you could have come back and it would never have happened’
‘But it would reflect on you, and why should Charlotte be associated with the brother of an escort?’
‘I’m sure she’ll understand you were forced into it to make a living, and the good opinion of a Queen is a powerful thing to have. Trust me, we’ll face it together.’ Savannah smiled again.
‘It’s been quite a meeting’ she said ‘I’m so tired. Can I stay here for the moment? Nobody will miss me – I’m not working tonight’
‘Savvy, you don’t have to do that any more’ he said ‘Of course you can stay. We have to go back soon though – won’t you come with us?’
‘I – I need to think, Drake. I want to make the right decision’
‘Of course. Will you be alright alone? I can sleep in here on the couch if you like, and you can wake me any time and we can talk more’
‘That would be nice’ she smiled ‘I don’t know how much more I can take, and it would be good to have you near’
‘Okay’ he said ‘I’ll go and get some things. This suite is a lot bigger than my small room’ he grinned. Drake left, nodding to Lewis standing guard in the corridor outside.
It was a few minutes before he returned, and went in to find her standing by the window just as she had been before, this time dressed simply, and when she turned she was glad to see him. They hugged, and she murmured into his shoulder.
‘I’ll miss this place’ she said ‘But I miss Cordonia more. I’ve got more happy memories than sad ones.’ He patted her shoulder.
‘Charlotte and I won’t be the only ones who will be pleased to see you back, you’ll see’ he promised. ‘Now, let’s get you to bed. Do you remember me reading you to sleep after mother left?’ She laughed properly, and it lifted his bruised and shattered heart to hear it. They were on the mend at last.
Savannah apparently slept soundly, as he woke when she came through to the lounge as the morning sun came in through the window. The couch had not been the most comfortable place he had ever slept, but the fact that he was in the room next to his sister helped him to rest better than he had expected. He ordered breakfast for them, for Kiara and the guards, and they all assembled together. They spoke of their plans to return, and Bastien smiled fondly at the young woman that he had looked after as a daughter.
When they had finished eating,  Bastien and Lewis went with Savannah to her flat to help her fetch some things. She told Drake she didn’t want him to see where she conducted her business, so he stayed behind with Kiara. He was going to tell Savannah about travelling to Texas later.
‘Oh Monsieur Walker – do you have the keys to the car? Kiara asked ‘I left a bag in there. Perhaps you could go and fetch it pour moi?’ Drake agreed, as it would mean less time making awkward conversation with her, and took the keys to the SUV into the lift. On exiting into the underground car park, he saw Pascalle coming toward him and greeted him – too late to sense the two men standing either side of the lift doors, one of whom grabbed his arms and pinned them behind his back, and the other dropped a sack over his head. Before he could fight back, he felt the snap of handcuffs and he was bodily lifted despite his struggles, and dropped into what he presumed was the boot of a car. He kicked and hollered, only to hear a harsh voice.
‘He’s making too much noise – knock him out or we’ll never get him out of here’ and at that, he felt a blow to the head and all went black.
He came to his senses again, his head throbbing and he brought his hand up to feel it, only to realise he was handcuffed with his hands in front of him, although otherwise unrestrained, sitting on the floor propped up against a wall. He gasped as someone threw cold water over his face, and he blinked and brought his hand up to clear his eyes. The floor was cold and hard, and the light was harsh, shining into his face.
‘What the hell?’ he started, and heard a familiar laugh. Kiara was in the room, standing over him holding an empty glass, and he shielded his eyes from the light.
‘Be careful what you do monsieur, my friend here has a firearm’ she said harshly, walking away, her heels clicking on the stone floor. Pascalle was in the room too, sitting on a chair, casually holding a revolver.
‘Why Kiara? Why are you doing this?’ Drake asked. She laughed, the sound echoing slightly.
‘Why indeed Monsieur Walker. You could have made this all so much easier if you had not rejected me in the car. All you had to do was show me some affection’
‘I thought I made myself clear’ he said hoarsely ‘My heart belongs to Charlotte’
‘But your body?’ Kiara asked. ‘You gave your body to every lady in Court – except me’ she paused and stabbed her finger at him ‘Pourquoi? Why, Monsieur Walker, did you not give yourself to me? They all noticed you know, all of them pitied me, rubbed it in my face that you spurned me.’
‘I – it was Charlotte’ he croaked ‘She was jealous’ His mind went back to that fateful day.
Drake hated dancing lessons, and if Charlotte hadn’t told him he should make the effort, he would have stopped attending long ago. In the ballroom he felt the looks the other women gave him – those that knew how awkward he was looking with pity and disdain, those who knew first hand or by rumour how eager he was to please in other ways looking with lust and curiosity.
He watched Charlotte gliding effortlessly with Maxwell, but when she caught sight of him and his stupid clumsy feet, she stumbled in sympathy. The dancing master reprimanded her and took over, but again she looked at Drake and missed her step. It dawned on him suddenly that he wished with all his heart that he was her partner, that magically if they danced together neither of them would miss a step.
Charlotte was dismissed in disgrace, and he watched her retreat to the changing rooms in her ballgown. He bowed awkwardly to Kiara, with whom he had been about to dance, no doubt to tread on her toes and kick her in the shin.
‘I think the lesson’s over, please excuse me’ he said curtly, and left to stomp off to the stables. He went in to Sultan’s stall to confide his stupid thoughts and frustrations to the stallion. As always, he felt more comfortable in the stables than he did in the ballroom. After a while he was calm and became aware that Kiara had entered, and she found him quickly despite his effort to hide.
‘Monsieur Walker’ she smiled ‘You left so suddenly, I was looking forward to dancing with you’
‘I doubt if you’d have enjoyed it’ he growled ‘I can’t dance for toffee.’ Kiara came close, putting her small hand on his arm, her touch soft.
‘I have heard that you dance in other ways that are more pleasing’ she whispered, her scent reaching his nostrils ‘I have heard that you give – riding lessons’ She nodded toward the hayloft, her eyes black. How easy it would be to take her up there, but he had a sudden memory of himself and Charlotte huddling together after the death of their parents, comforting each other. He realised suddenly that she was the one he wanted – but she was the Princess, untouchable, inviolate. She was also his childhood friend, and his emotions battled each other as Kiara leaned in to kiss him.
He stood back, taking her hand off his arm.
‘No Kiara, I don’t think so’ he said ‘Please, leave me alone’ Her expression changed in an instant, her lovely face disfigured by a scowl.
‘You reject me Monsieur? You have never been so discriminating before’
‘I’m sorry – I guess I’m not in the mood. Please, I don’t want to – I’m sorry’ He pulled away from her, and her face contorted again in fury.
‘I will let you be – this time’ she fumed ‘Perhaps another day you will be more accommodating’ She turned on her heel and stormed off.
He breathed a sigh of relief and patted Sultan before leaving also. He had not gone halfway back to the palace before he saw Charlotte approaching, dressed to ride. His heart lifted at the sight and he ran to meet her, stupidly happy to be in her company. She was not in the best of moods and had seen Kiara leaving just before him. She was moving fast and he couldn’t remember his words, but he had followed her. She had stopped and asked him what Kiara had wanted with him, and he had thanked his lucky stars that he had turned her down, otherwise Charlotte might have interrupted them in the act.
He had followed her into the stables, and she had confronted him about how he played around with the ladies of the court. He had wanted the ground to open and swallow him up but had stayed cool. She had softened at last and confided in him that she felt lonely and frustrated, and envious of his sexual freedom. Her father kept her on a tight leash – of course, she was heir to the throne, and had to wait until a far distant social season even to be allowed to consider the advances of chosen suitors. There were rumours that the royal doctor examined her regularly to ensure she was a virgin. He had told her that his assignations were meaningless, that he never gave his affections away. Boldly he found himself asking his childhood friend whether she pleasured herself and her face gave her away, her cheeks turning pink as she carried on grooming her pony.
Then everything changed. His heart went out to her and he almost watched himself as he offered to bring her pleasure without endangering her virginity. It was an eternity before she answered, as he wondered if he had gone too far and ruined their relationship. But she had agreed to meet him the next day and go riding – and he could take her somewhere private and seal their bargain.
He had been so scared of not being able to please her, but she had opened like a flower, woken under his careful hands and fingers and tongue. No other woman had been so open, so ready, so in tune with him. He almost wept with pride as she fell apart, and felt awkward when she offered to return the favour, gently turning her down.
After that, he was eager to please her whenever she wanted – and he had awakened her passions. He could barely think about anything else, and saw her in every woman he saw, talked, touched and pleasured. Her face was always before him when he was intimate with others – he could not stop his other assignations for fear of the King discovering them, and she allowed it. She was an eager student when it came to returning the favour after he had overcome his shyness to let her see and feel him.
He snapped back to the present, to the cold barren stone room, to Kiara confronting him again.
‘So you passed me over because of her? You would have fucked me if she had not disapproved?’
‘I – that’s not what I…’
‘Well monsieur, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart does not grieve over’ she said ‘You had the chance to – how do you say – complete the set.’
‘Kiara, please’ he said ‘It’s too late, I would never betray Charlotte’ She laughed bitterly
‘Still you do not reject me outright, can you not hear yourself It was Charlotte – it’s too late’ she said mockingly. ‘You desire me, or you would be saying Go away, I never wanted you.’
‘Kiara, any man would be a fool to turn you down’ Drake croaked ‘But I am a fool. The reason I’m not saying those things is – I never wanted them either – not one of them. Charlotte was the only woman I ever wanted, even when I didn’t realise it. If I could undo it all, I would. If I could turn back time, I would never have slept with anyone else. Once I knew, I couldn’t stop. Constantine would have me killed if he had known I wanted her, so I had to carry on bedding every woman that came across my path. But it all stopped once I became her suitor. It’s not personal Kiara, at least not on my behalf. I just never wanted anyone else.’ Kiara snarled.
‘If it made no difference who you fucked, why pass me over?’ She stopped ‘Of course, the Princess – she always got what she wanted, while the rest of us bowed and scraped and swallowed our pride to be ladies of the court. Do you know what it was like to not have her approval? I have had to work twice as hard as every other lady of the court to get where I am. Every time I tried to move forward and asked her permission, she was too busy to talk to me, even to write a letter of recommendation. And all because she was jealous that I had dared to approach you – you who fucked every other woman at the palace. Where was the jealousy then? Why did I deserve to be punished? It was sheer misfortune that she focussed on me’
‘Kiara – I’m sorry that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don’t think anything I said would have made any difference. You were unlucky – but look where you are now – you’re an accomplished diplomat, you could work anywhere. Would it really have made any difference if I’d given in to you without Charlotte being jealous?’
‘It does not matter, Cherie, the damage is done, and you will regret it. If you were hoping to keep your sister’s secret, think again. I will splash her name all over the papers, make the name of Walker so shameful that Charlotte will have to think twice about going ahead with the marriage.’
‘No please Kiara, don’t make Savvy suffer. You were friends…’ Kiara’s face contorted again.
‘Friends – with that little mouse – with the sister of the man who was my undoing? Think again monsieur. Who do you think told her not to reveal her shame to you? Who do you think threw her in the path of Anton Severus? That upstart commoner who made eyes at Monsieur Beaumont – no, we were never ‘friends’, I just made sure she would suffer and in turn make you miserable. Did you not notice me trying to comfort you when she left? No, you were obsessed with the Princess and your disgusting trysts.’ Drake gaped at her revelation
‘You - you knew?’ he gasped
‘But of course – all your morning rides, her flushed face when she returned. I noticed, monsieur. Don’t worry, I kept your secret save for one person – Monsieur Severus was very interested in the information. It was a pity he did not take advantage of it and tell the King, or you would most likely have suffered an unfortunate end’ She moved closer to him ‘and that can still happen. Bastien has no idea where you are, so get the idea of rescue out of your head’
‘What do you want with me?’ Drake rasped, his throat dry.
Want – me?’ Kiara laughed ‘Now you are interested in me after all this time. I want you to suffer monsieur, and I want Charlotte to suffer too. I want you to know that you are somewhere she will never find you. I want you to know that she will have to marry someone else to keep the crown – oh yes, that is yet another clause that you didn’t discover. She has to marry within the year or forfeit to Anton’
‘You’re going to keep me – for a year?’ he said incredulously ‘Bastien will find me’
‘Mais non monsieur, I am sure of that, you are somewhere nobody will search or think of searching. I have contacted Anton’s men and they can use you as they will – as a bargaining chip to release Anton, or to dispose of you if she refuses.’
‘She won’t agree to that, no matter what. She won’t give the crown to Anton’
‘I think you underestimate your love – Charlotte will do anything to save you. She won’t know I am involved - shortly I will be ‘released’ by Anton’s men and claim we were both kidnapped and I don’t know where you are – of course I may be able to drop hints that take them in entirely the wrong direction. Suddenly your dear Queen will hang on my every word, treat me like a victim – poor Kiara, she must know something that will lead her to her darling consort’
‘You won’t succeed’ Drake croaked ‘you underestimate Bastien – he will find you out and you will pay for your treachery.’ Kiara laughed
‘I do not think so monsieur – now, I shall take my leave of you. I doubt we will meet again – Pascalle’ She nodded her head, and he and another man stepped forward to haul Drake to his feet and hold him immobile though he struggled wildly. Kiara stood close to him, her breath on his face. His mouth was too dry to spit in her face and he was held too tight to do anything other than turn his head away as she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.
‘Goodbye Drake, you will regret turning me down for the rest of your days – and it is up to Anton as to whether those days are many – or few’ Pascalle threw him to the floor and kicked him, winding him and the three left the room, the door clanging shut behind them and he heard the door lock.
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