#or eglantine’s second spouse
transdimensional-void · 6 months
was thinking about an AU where wilfried kept his big mouth shut when ortwin asked if dietlinde would be able to get the grutrissheit and adolphine was able to use that as an excuse to delay her marriage…
but THEN i thought of an even better AU where eglantine sacked up and decided to ensure anastasius’s position as future zent would be secure after their marriage. she could have leveraged her position as future queen to convince aub drewanchel to withdraw from the agreed betrothal between adolphine and the leftover prince. adolphine would have jumped on board enthusiastically. eglantine and anastasius could have offered some other kind of benefit to drewanchel to make it up to them…
then without the backing of a greater duchy, sigiswald would be at a serious disadvantage in the fight for the throne. he could have scrambled to obtain, say, hannelore? or dietelinde? but both would have strong reasons to turn him down. his only remaining pathway would have been to try to steal eglantine from anastasius. in which case, the moment he tried something, they could have used it as a position to fully take him out.
anyway, AU where adolphine never had to marry that sorry excuse for a prince and gets to become aub drewanchel :)
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ct-offical-sexyman · 4 years
🌹 🌹🌹 flowers for my lovely spouse! 😆
D’awww Keke! You’re a total sweetheart! 🌸💐🌷
Melinoe looked down at her hands then back up to the guard. He had a nervous look on his face. Melinoe’s eye flicked over to Eglantine for a second. Who smiled at her. Like she could tell what Melinoe was thinking. Melinoe raised her hands toward the man. Causing him to impulsively flinch back. Melinoe grinned and Eglantine let out a snort.
(The Phantom Menace) Chapter 2
“While your philosophy is admirable, the galaxy is filled with powerful, capricious organizations that will take advantage of your current system. Can you tell me in good confidence that Mandalore will be able to protect itself AND it’s allies?”
Future Dialogue for Force of Nature
Calm down! How am I supposed to do that? There's too much shit going on. First we get stuck 30 years in the past. I got shot at. I murdered a tree! My Mom flirted with me!?”
“What? What do you mean you murdered a tree?” Tessa decided to try and get Marty to focus on that part, due to it being the least traumatising of all of them.
Power of Love - Chapter 4
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simmancy · 7 years
PP Extra: Naming Tendencies
Here’s all the extra info that doesn’t fit nicely onto the Name Scheme page, in case you really care to learn about how I name the Pastilles.
This list will be updated as new kids are born.
Gen 0: Background
I tend to use the OG Berry method--girls get two names, boys get one. Middle names for girls are occasionally related to the color, but tend to be in honor of a parent or grandparent (Blossom, Bloom, Cream/Creme, Moon, etc). 
Raw families tend to use a lot of the same names over and over and over and over again because, let’s be real, there’s only so many white/silver names to use. They occasionally get a little creative with middle names for girls.
Otherwise, it’s more of a free-for-all with names for Shades--if it fits their color, it works and is valid. Sometimes that means off the wall names, sometimes that means super simple names. Depends on the character and what works.
Gen 1: Luna, Dianthus, Vino
Luna took naming cues from the children’s fathers--flowers for the pink children, wine-related things for the purple children.
Luna tends to have clever-but-obscure, kind of frilly names when left totally to her own devices. She’s easily reined in by an attentive partner.
Chantilly Cake “Tilly” seems an outlier--but there’s a Chantilly calla lily, so it’s double the fun pun! Plus her initials remain a reference to CC.
Aside: Cotton’s triplets are theme named in honor of him--Cashmere, Taffeta, Eyelet? Those are fabric terms haha.
Dianthus wasn’t around for Eggsy and PB’s birth--hence their downright frivolous names. PB having “blush” in her name actually refers to blush wines, a nod to Vino. Eglantine Lace is named as a nod to in The Canterbury Tales.... She was going to be heiress, so I wanted a quietly literary name for her haha. Plus it’s just kind of hilarious that they call her Eggsy of all things.
Aside: if Eggsy had been heiress, her spouse would have called her Elle (E.L. -> El -> Elle) instead. And no, the Gen 2 Spouse wouldn’t have been the Riesling we know and love, either--while the original spouse was also initially named Riesling, he looked totally different and had a different personality to compliment Eggsy’s
Verity Vine and Sangria Plum were named with Vino’s input, which is why they’re simpler and have clear-cut nicknames. Vino was deceased when Nebby was born, so Luna was back to obscure as hell names.
Gen 2: Verity Vine & Riesling
Aside: it’s always been super important to me that while pretty much everyone calls Verity Vine “Veri,” Riesling went ahead and just shortened it to Ver. That’s his special nickname for her and only he uses it for her haha
The overall theme this generation is wine names. Wine terms, wine grapes, wine wine wine. It seemed fitting for Verity Vine (wine) and Riesling (a white wine).
Riesling shares Luna’s penchant for kind of off-the-wall names. Verity Vine grew up with siblings Eglantine Lace and Primula Blush and did not want that for her children. Her naming tendencies veer towards the almost-too-normal. Her one tick is alliteration.
Riesling named the dog Mistelle, but Veri agreed to it because they could just call her Misty. Their second dog, Cork, has a much simpler name.
Kabinett was named so because Veri was pretty out of it after his birth. Riesling said “Kabinett” and she said, “Huh? Yeah sure, my son, my beautiful son,” and once she was out of her reverie she realized she agreed to naming her son Kabinett.
Madeleine and Noah are, as previously mentioned, named for white wine grapes--they’re Veri-influenced names, as you can see by how damn vanilla they are. 
The triplets are Arneis, Pascal and Malmsey Melody. These are also white wine grapes, but beyond Pascal they’re slightly more “fanciful.” They’re also a mix of different origins (Arneis is Italian, Pascal french, Malmsey is Spanish/English)--to compare and contrast with Kabi’s German name, Madeleine’s French and Noah’s English. All in all--a very international family. 
Flora Fantasme was named with Luna’s input--and Luna, as previously mentioned, shares Ries’ penchant for frilly. Flora is perfectly normal, though. 
Sylvaner is another white wine grape--he was actually named by @nikasimming.
On their nicknames: Veri & Ries are a little extra with this, and gave their children pet names in French (pet names that Luna straight up ignores). Maddy nicknamed Kabi further (to Bibi, a name her siblings picked up on).
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