#her first choice would probably be alexandria but that’s not happening lol
transdimensional-void · 10 months
was thinking about an AU where wilfried kept his big mouth shut when ortwin asked if dietlinde would be able to get the grutrissheit and adolphine was able to use that as an excuse to delay her marriage…
but THEN i thought of an even better AU where eglantine sacked up and decided to ensure anastasius’s position as future zent would be secure after their marriage. she could have leveraged her position as future queen to convince aub drewanchel to withdraw from the agreed betrothal between adolphine and the leftover prince. adolphine would have jumped on board enthusiastically. eglantine and anastasius could have offered some other kind of benefit to drewanchel to make it up to them…
then without the backing of a greater duchy, sigiswald would be at a serious disadvantage in the fight for the throne. he could have scrambled to obtain, say, hannelore? or dietelinde? but both would have strong reasons to turn him down. his only remaining pathway would have been to try to steal eglantine from anastasius. in which case, the moment he tried something, they could have used it as a position to fully take him out.
anyway, AU where adolphine never had to marry that sorry excuse for a prince and gets to become aub drewanchel :)
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galadrieljones · 3 years
Some Biblical Symbolism in TWD 10c (Team Delusional)
Okay so I am VERY behind on the times, due to a ton of family engagements lately; however, now I’m trying to catch up and in doing so, I’m just going to make posts looking at all my recent, random notes from 10c and beyond.
This post starts by looking at the symbolism in the Bible verse that’s referenced in 10.19 “One More.”  This one verse in particular lead me down a lot of other Biblical rabbit holes, and I’ll try to talk about how they pertain to existing Team Delusional arguments, plus some other stuff!!
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David and King Saul
The Bible verse I took down in my notes for the episode is 1 Samuel 16, specifically 16:21. This chapter is about God sending Samuel to anoint a new King of Israel after Saul basically pisses him off. Samuel chooses David, a young shepherd and son of Jesse, who is also a wonderful musician. He plays the lyre.
I remember reading about David when I was looking into Daryl/Biblical imagery. Initially I took Daryl’s fight w Beta in season 10 up in that tower to be a David vs. Goliath fight, but after reading more deeply into it, I scrapped the comparison. I read more into David and was actually more taken with him as relatable to Beth. More on that and how this impacts TD in a minute.
In 1 Samuel, King Saul of the Israelites is being tormented by demons (sent by god ofc) and sends his servant to bring him a musician to soothe his brain. The servant suggests David who comes to play the lyre for him and befriends his son. Anyway, consumed with fear that David is going to oust him, Saul tries to kill David, so David goes on the run, as a fugitive, basically until Saul and his son are killed, and then David returns and takes his place as King of the Israelites.
Anytime Gabriel is in the scene, there’s Biblical shit. So I was on top of "One More.” I didn’t really know what to make of the story with Saul and David and why it’s featured in this episode, so I talked to my husband who doesn’t watch the show (which is good because he’s coming at my questions unbiased) but he knows the Old Testament super well. I asked him whether Saul was supposed to be a “villain,” or merely a tortured king. My husband said Saul is not a villain, but a king who is meant to symbolize the unique plight of kings and leaders often characterized as the Sword of Damocles, ie: the sword always hanging over their head, and how the constant threat of death and/or usurpation can push them to great fear, madness, paranoia, and hasty decisions.
As the de facto leader of Alexandria, Gabriel is now in the same exact unique bind for which he sold out Rick to Deanna in season 5. He is potentially becoming a Saul figure, with the pressures of leadership causing him to turn away from his faith. This is a MAJOR shift in character dynamics for the show, as well as a big reference to Season 5 (an important season for TD, obviously). Season 5 Rick is also a very good Saul, as we see him falling to madness, hubris, and fear, and on the clear path to losing his people and his throne. I think we’re witnessing Gabriel now in a similar scenario in which his actions have finally begun to bear the weight of his responsibilities as a leader. He kills Mays because Mays is a killer and unhinged. It’s why Rick wants to and eventually does kill Pete in season 5. Gabriel killing Mays startles Aaron, and it isn’t pretty, but to him, it’s the right thing to do, even as it belies his cloth and belies his faith to do so. 
With his eyes, one light/one dark, as well as his priesthood, Gabriel is a perfect canvas for this sort of Saul struggle, especially now, as Michonne is gone, and Siddiq is dead, and he is not only the leader of Alexandria but now a father to a child, and this only further complicates his motivations. I also think this whole thing, ie: Gabriel as Saul might be another purposeful recycling of seasons 5, which 10c has been doing a lot. As has already been pointed out by @twdmusicboxmystery​, “One More” also rehashes a lot of themes and scenarios from “Still.” The entirety of 10c is consumed with cycles.
Saul and David through the Team Delusional Lens
ON THAT NOTE: Beth is an interesting David figure, since David’s main role before he becomes king is as a musician. You probably remember mention of David in the Leonard Cohen song “Hallelujah,” which references both David’s music as well as his later affair with Bathsheba. David’s music soothes the king, and we could say the same thing about Beth in seasons 3 and 4. Further, Dawn in season 5 is another Saul figure who has lost control of her kingdom due to weakness, fear, and selfishness. Beth, like David, is taken into her service (where she DOES sing, and where she calmly professes, “I still sing”), befriends another of Dawn’s young orderlies (such as David befriending Saul’s son), and then when she becomes a threat, Dawn *attempts* to kill her. Ofc in the Bible David just goes on the lam until Saul is killed by the Philistines, and then David becomes king of the Israelites. In TWD, Beth “dies.”
So by this allusion, if applied in template fashion, after Dawn (Saul) is killed, Beth (David) would return to Grady and become its new leader, something I think TD has discussed before.
Other Biblical Allusions and Curiosities:
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Jesse and Samuel: Characters from 5b-6a. Samuel of the Bible is a child prophet, and Samuel of TWD is a “sensitive” child who, in the opening of 6.8, is surrounded by a lot of prophetic imagery, including a drawing of a blond person tied to a tree while surrounded by walkers, a toy firetruck, as well as the ants, breaching the window and swarming a cookie, which predicts or mirrors the walkers breaching the wall. This scene is full of TD imagery, which I’m sure other theorists have already rehashed, ie: the tree trunk, the number 8, even a cyclops (one-eyed) action figure on the dresser. Jesse is Samuel’s mother in 5b, and until I read more into Samuel, I didn’t realize that Jesse was a Bible character as well, and that he was David’s father, while Samuel is the prophet who anoints David as king. These are mostly minor characters, but as is a lot of stuff in season 5, they pack a lot of symbolic punch.This is also just me pointing to the fact that TWD has used more direct symbolism involving Samuel and David before, as well as indirect symbolism, and just general allusion. Samuel is also connected to key imagery that appears again and again.
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^ (This is not the first blond we’ve seen tied to a tree in TWD.)
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Gabriel the Archangel: Gabriel the archangel is a very interesting character in the Bible, as he is seen as not only a fierce defender of the Israelites, but per Christian tradition, he is also the angel who visits the Virgin Mary and foretells the birth of Jesus Christ. I know that TD has discussed Father Gabriel as a Beth “proxy” or as symbolically juxtaposed with Beth, often referencing him as a Sirius symbol, post-partial-blindness, echoing the one-eyed dog from “Still.” The Biblical imagery is consistent with this argument, especially when combined with argument that Beth is a Christ figure to be resurrected, ie: Gabriel is here to “herald” Beth’s return. Ofc, this could be applied to Rick as a Christ figure as well (who sacrifices himself to save his people); however, we know that Rick is not dead, which is inconsistent with the crucifixion, ie: Jesus literally “died” (or was perceived to have died) and came back to life. Further, in Christian tradition as well as in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Gabriel is credited as the angel blowing the trumpet that signals the return of Christ to the living (Gabriel’s horn). What I’m saying is, Gabriel is a herald. He heralds both the birth of and the return of Christ to the land of the living. It again does not feel like coincidence that Gabriel is introduced during season 4, at the very beginning of Beth’s arc.
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Dark vs. Light: Does anyone else find it extremely fishy that Gabriel, Beth, and Daryl are all shown with prominent costume/features that juxtapose dark/light? What I mean is: Gabriel’s eyes, Daryl’s ankle coverings, and Beth’s shoelaces at Grady--all feature one dark, one light. Tbh I am not sure how this is even a Biblical thing (other than the overt good vs. evil connotations), but it just strikes me as further credence for how these characters must be connected. Gabriel as a reference to the one-eyed dog is more evidence tying them all together, further, the light/left dark/right arrangement is the same on Beth and Gabriel, whereas it is reversed on Daryl. I have always found the choice for Beth’s shoelaces to be strange, obviously correlated to Daryl’s ankle coverings, but I’m not sure why. I do know that this kind of visual imagery is not happening by mistake, though I don’t have a good hypothesis for what this means beyond the connection itself. Or, not yet at least. Give me time lol.
Anyway, I think this is all I have for now! If anyone has any thoughts or additions, please let me know. ^_^
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reachfolk · 3 years
Hihi I don’t normally do this but my OC is a short Breton-Khajiit (let’s pretend that can happen xD) Named Faylin, she likes to travel Skyrim with her brother Jah-Veen who is a full Khajiit and the Dragonborn. Faylin is the definition of chaos.
Her choice of a good time is napping whenever she gets the chance, and randomly poping up giving people a good scare. She spends part her time with her brother helping on any quest she can and she’s apart of most factions.(not the collage of winterhold or the bards collage) she has a bad habit for flipping off her superiors, aka Mercer, but she’ll also flip off and threaten kids who talk to her in a bad way, looking at you Brathe and Frodnar. She’s can be very reserved at first but she is actually the most goofy person sometimes and makes jokes and snide comments at the wrong moments. But she will flip of a dragon and cuss it out, before her brother takes it soul, if it lays a scratch on anyone she cares about. (If this isn’t enough information I’m sorry 😅 but there’s more about her on my profile if you need to know anything else)
ask game: send me an ask telling me about one of your oc's and i'll tell you how i think they'd get along with my own oc's
i'm glad you decided to send this cause ur oc is so cute, i love her !! my main girlie alexandria silver-blood would definitely get along with her really well, but it might take a little while.
alexi's main factions are the forsworn and the college of winterhold, but she's also in the thieves' guild, so they'd probably meet at the ragged flagon! when they first meet, if faylin is more reserved and quiet, alexi would see it as a challenge to break through the ice. she tells dumb stories to make faylin laugh, or she might even pull silly little pranks to get a rise out her lol. whatever it takes to liven things up, yknow?
the real thing that i think would get them closer though? fucking with mercer. alexi can never resist messing with authority figures, and she especially doesn't like him (for a lot of reasons: the way he bosses her around so rudely, the way he tolerates maven's interference with the guild, etc). so without a doubt, one or the other of the gals will shit talk him behind his back, and the other will immediately jump on the bandwagon lol.
between the two of them, the man is probably at his wit's end. while alexi isn't very much one for foul language or snarky remarks, but she can appreciate how faylin doesn't hesitate to talk back! while mercer is fuming at faylin's insubordination, alexi is in the back muffling her laughter. on the other hand, when alexi doesn't like someone, she's more subtle about it and will usually get at them by pranking them mercilessly or, in the case of mercer, intentionally messing up his orders just to have maven go off on him. the two gals definitely give him a run for his money lol
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siancore · 3 years
Hiiii beautiful :), I just would love your opinion on something. So recently I was looking at some old twd articles of Andy talking about s5 & s6 and I was very shocked finding out he said that jessie was the first woman rick had feelings for since lori...which is absolutely not true. He also stated in article talking about richonne finally getting together and again I was very shocked that he stated that without jessie richonne wouldn’t have gotten together bc he said jessie opened rick up to potentially loving & trusting someone again...which again is absolutely not true. So why would Andy say that??? It honestly makes me question if he truly even knows the character he’s portraying ( btw I’m not attacking him just questioning him) . Any true rick stan or twd stan would know during that whole entire jessie/rick storyline, rick was not himself at all. I love rick so much but during that whole entire storyline I didnt like him at all bc he wasn’t the rick I knew and loved so dearly. He acted out of character. I don’t give jessie credit for anything at all bc she did nothing except make rick act out character which was terrible for him as a character and for his fans to watch . I’ll forever dislike gimple for that storyline bc it was very unnecessary and made no sense at all. Ik this old but I just saw those articles and it’s really making me some type of way and Ik It shouldn’t bc richonne is canon and thriving and continues to win but it still bothers me that Andy would say that. I just wanted your opinion on this and maybe you could ease my mind about this. I wrote a lot sorry lol, but pls help. (you can look at the articles to see exactly what he said if you want, but it’s the exact same thing I said)
Hey! I will try to ease your mind. Also, loving the Rick Grimes Asks I’ve been getting lately :’)
So, there was a lot of contrived storytelling at that point and I feel like the articles that were coming out at the time were really pushing for Rick to have a love interest in Jessie. People really missed the point and couldn’t see how far gone Rick was at the time. AL was always asked about it, and including that arc was Gimple’s idea, so no one was really speaking out about SG’s shitty choices. 
Jessie and her family were there for two things:
1. Rick Grimes’ character development 
2. Shock value and gory shit
What they should have done was to articulate better that Rick was still having serious mental health problems. In the comic books, when Rick and co showed up at Alexandria, he was still having hallucinations of Lori. What SG tried to do was show Rick’s unravelling by using the Andersons. Jessie was an obvious Lori stand in (the style of clothing and the way in which she always needed taking care of). And Rick was pulling some Shane level stalker shit. 
SG tried to show that Rick was not healing very well and given a moment of peace and safety, was still acting like he was out on the road. He was regressing and giving Jessie some very dubious attention. He still spoke about the Alexandrians as ‘them’, and Team Family as ‘us’. He was a complete mess. He was utterly dangerous.
The character development came in the form of pushing Rick Grimes to yet another limit. Would he be able to kill an innocent person to save his family? The answer is yes. He cut Jessie’s arm off and kept it moving. There was some really weird catharsis there, I guess. But, again, it didn’t translate well to the screen.
Now, back to AL. He always lets things slip and was always giving away spoilers. I think he was probably feeling obligated to talk about Jessie and Rick in a positive light because it was actually really awful what happened to her and her family. Rick and Michonne killed all of them. I feel like he had to put a spin on it and that’s because he didn’t like the arc for Rick. There were panels where he would make faces whenever that relationship was brought up. AL one hundred percent knows his character. He portrayed Rick unravelling really, really well. What we all hated was how they were making him OOC but not focussing on why. There was a lot of criticism for the writing at that point, so I don’t know; maybe they were told to put a positive spin on it. I don’t think any of the cast members actually enjoyed that arc for Rick. Go back and watch the interviews whenever the Andersons were brought up. It’s painful lol 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
Predictions: How 7x08 Foreshadowed S10-S15
Let me preface this by saying that I’ve had a lot of people asking me for predictions this past week or so. And here they are, but they may not be exactly what you were hoping for. I know everyone wants me to say what episode I think we’ll see her in, but especially given that the finale has been pushed back, there’s just no way to tell, guys. I wish there were.
That said, I think you’ll find this enlightening. I’m SUPER excited about what I found by re-watching 7x08. I just about had a meltdown. So buckle in. This is gonna be a lot to digest but I absolutely love the symbolism in this episode and what it portends for the future of our characters. Including Beth.
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Okay, I’m gonna talk about Maggie first. We start out with Maggie by Glenn’s grave. Then she ascends the scaffold of Hilltop to keep watch. This is where Gregory approaches her with the apple, which I’ll talk about in a minute.
So, when she’s going up the scaffold, I noticed she’s wearing the red shoe laces. And that caught my eye because I’ve long-equated those with the death fake out. But the thing is, this isn’t the death fake out. This is right after Glenn’s REAL death. So I went, “huh. Okay. Why is she wearing those right now? What does it symbolize?” The only thing I could think of was that it simply symbolizes that she’s one of the four death fake out couples.
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Then she got to the top of the scaffold. Look at this shot. There’s colorful paint on top of the wooden posts. I know this was talked about back when the episode aired, because it’s red and green paint. I just didn’t have anything other than the obvious red/green stuff to say about it. But it REALLY jumped out at me this time. There are THREE daubs of green paint and ONE daub of red. We have FOUR fake out couples (Richonne, Bethyl. Glaggie, and Carzekiel) but only three pickle resurrections. Do you see? I think this foreshadows that we have four death fake-outs, and three of them will “return” from the dead, but Glenn is dead for real. This is how they’re showing that.
Furthermore, I want to return to 6x08 when the church fell, and the walkers got in and Maggie had to get up the ladder or die. That’s one big place when we saw red and green together, including Maggie’s red shoelaces. But the thing is, we saw a green cord next to them. So that symbolized death (Glenn’s death fake-out) but that he would return/be resurrected this time (green cord). There is no green cord paired with Maggie’s shoelaces, because Glenn is dead for real.
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So, not anything we didn’t already know, but it’s awesome to see them symbolize it this way. And of course, we simply didn’t understand enough about the symbolism back then to connect these things.
I said after watching 10x13 that apples represent separation from one’s family or loved ones, right? Well, 7x08 is where we see a lot of apples around Maggie. 
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And while I think it could represent her separation from Glenn because of his death—it probably does, at least in part—it also represents her separation from TF. Because after Glenn’s death, she went on to HT by herself. 
Yes, she had Sasha and Enid and Jesus around her, but she was separated from the core group—Rick, Michonne, Daryl (those three in particular are important because they and Maggie are the only ones still alive in the show right now)—who were back at Alexandria, or, in Daryl’s case, at the Sanctuary. So the apples were to show her separation from TF in general.
And that’s SUPER important because where we are now, in S10, she’s been separated from TF for a while. Since S9. But we know she’ll be returning soon. And I do think this was one great big foreshadow of what is happening in the narrative right now. I’ll come back to the reunion at the end. Cuz it’s HUBONGOUS!  (As my nephew would say. 😉)
I want to point out something that actually isn’t in this episode, because I know we talked about it. Back in 6x15, the one where Daryl strikes off on his own to get revenge for Denise, and that’s how he and Glenn and everyone get captured by Negan, we had a bedroom scene between Rick and Michonne where they both ate an apple.
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I think that, too, represents separation. Obviously they’re together at that point, but it’s a foreshadow of two different things. First off, it’s a foreshadow of them being emotionally separated in 7a. 
So, in that bedroom scene, they talk about being on top of the world and being able to deal with anything and hope for the future. That all gets shot to hell when Abraham and Glenn die. And for all of 7a, Rick is bowing to Negan while Michonne wants to fight him. They’re not on the same page at all. The reason I thought of this is not only because of the apple, but because that emotional separation ends in 7x08 when Rick says he’s finally ready to fight Negan.
But just to illustrate, we saw Michonne off on her own a lot in 7a. She went and shot the deer, in this episode she had the one Savior at gun point trying to find out where the Sanctuary was, etc. In the episode where she shot the deer, she woke up in bed with Rick, and they were on opposite sides of the bed, not touching each other and facing away from one another. 
The exact opposite of when they were cuddling in 6x15. So again, just show that there was emotional distance there. So the apple they ate together foreshadowed that. We didn’t see them eating apples together again once they were on the same page again and fighting Negan.
But I also think it foreshadowed them being apart after Rick disappears from the bridge. I have proof that it does, but let me get there. Gotta mention other things first.
Kind of minor things here. He definitely has parallels to Beth (lost shoe symbolism, brings Negan alcohol here, etc). And I know no one likes that fact because Spencer was such a douche.But I usually view him as an anti-parallel to Beth.
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The way I see it, he tried to suck up to Negan and it got him killed. Beth refused to suck up to Dawn. On the contrary, she fought her. And while it did get her shot, we know that ultimately, she’ll live. And I’ve often wondered if they’re trying to establish something saying that the only reason Beth DID survive long term is BECAUSE she was shot. Otherwise, she might not have. I don’t know why that would be, but given the anti-parallel to Spencer, it might be a theme.
So, the thing I wanted to point out about Spencer happens at the beginning. As the episode begins, he returns with supplies. Remember, he found the stash of supplies and a corpse in a tree with a cross bow? Well, he brings them back, covered with blood. One of the male Saviors and Laura (blond gal Beta recently killed) meet him.
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First, the male savior says he did good. He says, “You get it and I like that.”  Beth said “I get it,” so saying “you get it” to Spencer establishes him as a Beth proxy. It’s what first caught my ear about this scene. Then the guy says, “You obviously fought for this and I like that.” So, obviously Beth fought for stuff. But it also reminded me of the what Glenn said to Maggie in Them. “We fought to be here.”
Then Laura hits on him. She’s been seen as an anti-Beth thing as well, especially around Dwight. And mostly because of the blond hair. I think it’s Spencer who represents Beth here, but they might have thrown the blond into the mix for good measure. And let’s appreciate that Spencer brought back a cross bow…
And on top of it all, Eugene is watching this. So we have Eugene kind of observing an anti-Bethyl hookup in progress, lol. (Such a weird sentence.) Anyway, more evidence to me of Eugene’s story line leading to Beth.
Also, I was kind of thinking that Spencer wanted Negan to kill Rick and put him in charge, right? So, he kind of wanted to be…the new sheriff. But obviously he’s not. Beth is. Suck it, Spencer!
Also, also: Carl’s actions led to Spencer’s death. Don’t get me wrong, Spencer was a doofas and made his own decisions, but the only reason Negan was even there was because Carl went to the Sanctuary and Negan brought him back. How many times have we said Carl’s death will lead to Beth’s return?
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I saw parallels (anti-parallels) between Michonne killing the Savior woman in 7x08 and the emphasis they put on her deciding to help people (like Andrea) in 10x13. Mostly, she was in an opposite place here in 7x08 than she is in 10x13. 
And I think that’s why these episodes connect so heavily. Opposite things are happening. Spencer died but Beth will return. Rick was bowing to Negan here, but in 10x13, they’re fighting for their freedom, both from the Whisperers and now Michonne will fight to free Rick from the helicopter people. In 7x08, she actually killed that Savior woman, which was pretty brutal for Michonne. In tonight’s episode, there’s a big emphasis on her choices to help Andrea, and then others. More about the overall arc in a second.
Oh, also, TD made a big deal about this picture of the crustacean on the wall behind Sasha. We were already connecting it to the ocean theme. 
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And there was a lot said about the red hat next to the green coverlet on the bed. In 10x13, we literally see red crustaceans in the water next to Rick’s boat. Not sure what that means, yet. I’m just saying.
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Rick and Aaron (the Big Cheese)
So, when @wdway​ watched 7x08, she said this:
“There was something I wanted to make a connection about water and almost drowning but I wanted to make sure that it was Aaron who went into the water and it was. He fell in, completely went under the water and came back up, surrounded with Walkers, made it to the houseboat and climbed up the ladder. He's wearing a bone handled knife on his left hip, looks a lot like Beth's knife. He collapses on the houseboat with the binoculars right above his head and then he helps Rick onto the boat and both collapse on the deck.
What I want to suggest a possibility about drowning or almost drowning I'm looking at it as a resurrection symbol. In many denominations, baptism is by submersion. You stand in the water, you are lowered completely under the water and then brought back up. It is a symbolic act of being buried and then rising up as a new person, being Resurrected. It's obvious that Aaron is a Beth proxy and we just saw him almost drown, baptized and resurrected from it and then laid next to Rick, the other Christ figure in TWD. And then you just told us that Michonne is told of Rick almost drowning. Actually, twice they believed he might have drowned [because of] when the bridge blew up.
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It gets better, though, because from Aaron and Rick lying side-by-side on the boat deck in this scene.
Middle finger is very much Beth symbol. That is found soon after Aaron gets up from the deck and yes, Aaron's the one that found the finger, tying it to him as a Beth proxy.
This episode is incredible looking back at it. We have FG and Rosita in the AZ Church I think the start or their relationship, we just didn't know it for three more seasons.
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We had Negan playing pool with Spencer who sets the balls up. Look at the numbers here.
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We see a 9 and a 4. s9e4 was The Obliged, the first of the two-part episodes of Rick leaving. The fun thing here is that literally before we see the 9 and 4, they say Rick's name, the conversation consists of getting rid of Rick.
Something I wanted to point out, which we have talked about in the past, but the name of the episode is Hearts Still Beating that damn word "Still" but then it's repeated in the note with the finger. They use the word still in it.”
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Okay, I second all of that. Great stuff. Plus, on Sunday I answered THIS ASK , in which Nonny pointed out that some time ago, Norman tweeted the song, Drowning Man by U2. So this is obviously a theme Norman is dropping hints about. There’s also the fact that 8 is the scriptoral number for baptism. So the 8, while I still think it does represent 8 years, may also hint at that theme.
So everything @wdway said is absolutely true.
I also had the idea from watching 10x13 that maybe Rick almost drowned and Beth is the one that saved him. I went into my re-watch of 7x08 looking for evidence of Beth saving Rick in some way. And I didn’t find that specifically, but I found so much more! First, let’s remember that Aaron is a Beth proxy here. We’ve already established that. So in this analogy, Aaron = Beth, yeah?
Here’s what I’m seeing from the lake/boat house scene. There are actually three boats. That’s obviously purposeful. The first one is full of bullet holes (foreshadow much?) and they know it will take on water fast. So they need to get to the second boat, a canoe, before that happens, and then they’ll take the canoe to the houseboat which is their goal (because supplies). So the houseboat is the third boat.
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I think the first boat represents the first 5 seasons of the show, in which Beth and Rick are together (Rick and Aaron both in the boat). Not always in the exact same place (and okay, season 2-5) but they’re in the same group and on the same page and fighting for the same things.
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When Aaron reaches the canoe, a female walker (dark haired) suddenly sits up. She was completely invisible beneath the life vests. So, what’s unseen, walkers, and resurrection. Mostly, I see her as representing the walker horde that had to do with Beth being left behind. Why? Because this is where Aaron goes into the water Beth). It’s where he disappears and is lost (Beth). We see Rick looking frantic and then really upset because he thinks Aaron just died. But thankfully, Aaron resurfaces in a different spot than where he disappeared (Beth!) and Rick is relieved that he’s okay.
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So reaching the second boat = Grady, Beth being shot and left behind. Rick is then alone in the second boat (without Beth), so it represents the next 5 seasons of the show, in which Beth and Rick are NOT in the same place. Aaron never actually spends any time in the canoe.
Then Aaron makes his way to the houseboat by swimming through the water while Rick goes via the canoe.
I really loved what @wdway said about him and Rick lying side by side, representing the two Christic figures. The first thing I saw was Aaron lying next to the female walker, which is the Bethyl side-by-side theme. But I also think it’s a blatant hint that Aaron = Beth. Because the female walker in that theme is always Beth. So lying him next to her is them showing us that he’s a proxy. 
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But I really love the idea of the side by side theme being about two Christic figures. I mean, even considering Beth and Daryl, they’ve both had their own dark tunnel arcs. They’ve both been separated and come back together. I’m also thinking about Karen and David, who were “sacrificed” by Carol. There’s even two side by side cops (sheriffs) in 2x10 that Rick and Shane stare at. Two sheriffs, represented her by Rick and Aaron (Beth).
Anyway, let me add something to this houseboat thing, though. I think we should take everything that happens in this scene…well, to “literal foreshadow” is an contradiction, but I mean we should read it as things that will happen literally in the narrative it is foreshadowing. So there really could be a drowning/swimming component for Beth on her way to the helicopter people. That would support the drowning man theme and explain all the boat, water, sea, sailor stuff around her.
But what really struck me is that Aaron made it to the houseboat first. When Rick got there, he was already there.
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Do you see? So the houseboat (third boat) represents the final 5 seasons of the show, in which the helicopter people will be the thing they’re fighting against. It represents the helicopter group in general. Beth got there first, and was already there when Rick arrived. But the two sheriffs are there together.
Then what happens? Aaron says something about the wind picking up and the boat drifts back to the shore on its own, where they unload the supplies, including the drawing of the flip off finger with the word “still” on it.
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So my first thought is that they will return together. I mean, Rick and Aaron return to Alexandria together by the end of the episode, right? And are both reunited with their significant others. But I’m gonna show you something in a minute that makes me doubt that will be the case. I mean, it’s true in a general sense. They’ll help each other both return. But I still think Beth will reach Daryl before Rick does. I’ll show you why in a minute.
So then, while unloading the supplies, Rick and Aaron have a discussion about being subjugated to Negan. Aaron talks about how it’s a big decision for people like them, who have fought to be free, to decide to placate a dictator like Negan. But Aaron says they’re doing it to protect the lives of their loved ones.
So it’s basically a convo about imprisonment. More evidence of Beth and Rick being imprisoned together somewhere. But I also wonder if it shows they’ll make a decision to specifically not return to TF right away in order to protect them in some way. It might explain the 6-year absence. But of course, just as TF eventually fought Negan, that decision will change, and Rick and Beth will return, and TF will fight the helicopter people. (Yea!)
Rick and Michonne:
Okay, so now that we’ve established this, let’s talk about Rick and Michonne’s “reunion” at Alexandria. It’s a reunion because of the emotional space between them, but take a look at the symbolism of how this reunion takes place. 
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Rick is kneeling inside a freaking jail cell, holding the paper that has the flip off finger and the word “still” on it. (I’m sure that ax is highly symbolic, too. Aside from just the obvious walker weapon, but I’m not sure what it means.) This is why this emotional distance foreshadows he and Michonne being separated from S9-S10. Because when they reunite, he’s in a prison (helicopter people)…with Beth (flip off/Still paper).
Yeah, this is why I was freaking out watching this episode. There’s SO much. And again, we didn’t even know about Rick leaving in this season, so there’s NO WAY we could have figured this out. But it’s so epic!
 And, for the record, he and Michonne have a make out session. (A.k.a. epic reunion. 😉)
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Okay, you dizzy yet? I have one more major thing to talk about and then I’ll let you breathe. 
The Hilltop Reunions:
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Think about this. We had Maggie separated from TF, which foreshadows her current absence on the show. But she and Daryl came back together first, once he escaped the Sanctuary. That will be happening this season as we know Maggie is returning and then she and Daryl will be in the same place again.
Meanwhile, Michonne has gone to find Rick.
So, as beautiful as Rick and Daryl’s hug was in this scene, it also foreshadows their reunion when Rick RETURNS from the helicopter group. Daryl and Maggie will be in one place, and Rick and Michonne will return together to reunite with them both.
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Of course there are others in this scene, such as Sasha, Carl, and Enid, but they’ve all passed on and won’t figure in the current narrative. I’m wondering what to read into the fact that Rosita arrives with Rick and Michonne. Hmm.
Now, there’s really only one thing this scene is missing: our Beth proxy. I was thinking that I would have liked it better if Aaron had gone with them, because then we would be seeing Beth arrive as well. But there’s a specific reason I think he didn’t, and this is also why I think Beth will reunite with Daryl before Rick will. Who else is in this scene?
That would be Jesus. And I think it’s especially purposeful that when Daryl comes out from behind the building to see Rick, Jesus is with him. Like they’ve been hanging out together.
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So if Jesus represents Beth, then she’ll already be there when Rick arrives. She and Daryl will have already reunited. Which is kind of what we suspected would be the case anyway. But that’s why they didn’t have Aaron arrive at HT with Rick. That would have foreshadowed something incorrect.
And of course, from there, we can actually backtrack the Jesus thing. The fact that Daryl was imprisoned and Jesus went to get him. That could be a Beth thing. We could keep going, but we won’t. 😉
So yeah. I’m so excited about this, I kinda can’t sit still.
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Oh, and about the 15 seasons? Did you notice the number on the side of the boat I sent you? It’s 672. We could obviously assign a lot of value to each of those numbers, but they add up to 15. 
I think that represents the 15 seasons Gimple has said he has planned. And seeing them here signals that we’re moving into the final third of the story. Michonne’s whole arc now will revolve around Rick and the helicopter people. Seeing this number as she goes to find him signals that this part of the story has arrived, and it will carry us out to season 15.
Oh, and 7x08? It’s EXACTLY half way through 15 seasons. You might call it the Shape of Things to Come. (Sorry. This was something my fellow theorists and I were talking about. I need to go back and research this more, but the name of the book Eugene read while sitting on the firetruck in 5x05 was “The Shape of Things to Come.”)
I’m gonna stop there because this is already long, but keep in mind, I haven’t even covered the fact that after this Aaron/Rick/boat scene, we see Boots (with all the Beth symbolism) watching. It’s Tamiel, who’s part of the Scavengers, who just so happen to be in contact with the helicopter group. We couldn’t have known that then, but what a foreshadow!
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I also didn’t cover Daryl’s escape from the Sanctuary, mostly because I’ve already talked a lot about that recently. But this was the episode with the 10:16 clock, where we see his scars, the pickles spilling, him eating peanut butter, etc.
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And then there’s the fact that there’s a CODA to this episode, where Tamiel follows Aaron and Rick back to Alexandria and spies on them. 
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Juuuuuust saying. 😉
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shimmershae · 5 years
Personally?  I'm all for Carol and Daryl experiencing a little emotional catharsis.  My girl has been fucked over six ways to Sunday since Rick abandoned her on the side of that road.  Since before that really.  Being married to Ed Peletier, enduring his physical and mental abuse and being on constant alert that he might try something untoward and evil with their own daughter had to be a living nightmare.  Finally being released from that prison only to lose Sophia so tragically and feel the guilt over not doing more to find her?  Oh my heart.  My girl has suffered in so many ways and for so long.  She's barely had a moment to settle into some kind of peace and be her true self, the person she always wanted and thought she could be, without having to regroup after some tragedy and don another mask.  What we're seeing this season, whether it's ever explicitly spelled out or not, is a cumulative effect of every bit of that.
So yeah. 
 Bring on the angst. 
 Lance those wounds so the ugly infection can start to be cleansed. 
 Do I deny that she's acting recklessly?  That I'm just as frustrated as Daryl that she is almost impossible to reach right now for more than a few, brief moments of clarity and peace? 
 Absolutely not. 
 I'm not that kind of fan. 
 But I am a fan with a long memory and I remember Michonne chaining reminders of her own executed vengeance and always present loss to her person and having them follow in her wake.  I'm also a fan that recollects Rick ripping out the throat of the nasty bastard that would have raped his son. 
 Some might argue that those acts didn't endanger anybody good, anybody not considered family, and I'll give them that.  But see?  Those instances, at those points, were relatively isolated in comparison.  They didn't manifest as a result of soul-breaking after soul-breaking loss mounting one right over the top of the other. 
 Ed Peletier physically, emotionally, and probably sexually abused his wife for years.  He looked at his own little girl with evil in his thoughts and his heart.  Walkers got to him and Carol got to take a pickaxe to the human representation of the traumas of her past.  But did she get a moment to actually breathe and exist peacefully before life hit her cruelly again? 
 Barely.  Because Sophia was lost, bitten and turned, and she had to endure the trauma of not only that but Rick putting a bullet through her little girl's head. 
 Dale was eviscerated. 
 Andrea put herself between Carol and some walkers with the downfall of the Farm, too.  Survivor's guilt is real, ya'll.
 Then they found the Prison and things were looking up.  They really were. 
 Hershel was bitten and from that moment, everything snowballed.  Because Rick had to amputate his leg and Carol found herself promoted to Lori's main source of medical help.  She did what she could to prepare, but it was all for naught because that little punk Andrew got his revenge and ultimately two of Carol's closest friends perished.  And again, she got to carry that guilt.  Because T-Dog sacrificed himself to save her.  She wasn't there to help with Judith's birth.  Can you imagine how she felt?  I can and it was at this point, that a pattern started to really emerge, IMHO. 
 They got Andrea back, only to ultimately lose her again.  Merle was also killed by the Governor. 
 Fast forward some and things were starting to settle again.  Real happiness and peace seemed to be within reach and the sickness started.  Not wanting to lose anymore of her family, Carol made the hard choice to do something to try to stop it from spreading and put down a too far gone David and Karen. She carried the secret for a while, had to put down her friend Ryan and become the reluctant adoptive mother of Lizzie and Mika, and then Rick figured things out.  He took her on a mission, passed his unilateral judgment, and left her on the side of the road like trash. 
 Now, Carol has never been shown to be unfeeling.  Never.  She didn't react with histrionics but she was hurt deeply with Rick's way of handling the situation.  Still.  That didn't stop her from going back at the first hint of trouble for her family and what did she find? 
 She found the whole place in ruins and thought her entire family was dead until she happened upon Tyreese and the girls.
 I don't have to go through the painful details of Lizzie and Mika.  Anybody that has ever loved the character of Carol Peletier and/or afforded her an inkling of unbiased understanding knows how much the Grove gutted her.
 Then there was Terminus and getting her family back again, only to feel like an outsider.  Finding Beth and witnessing her pay for her childish impulsiveness in such a cruel way.  Trying to bring Daryl back from the brink of losing a child himself when Lizzie and Mika and what happened still haunted her.  When the only other person that was haunted by Lizzie and Mika died so tragically so soon, how do you think she felt?  Hmm? 
 They get to Alexandria and she took to hiding herself and her emotions behind masks and distance. 
 She met Sam and echoes of her own abusive past rise up to confront her. Sam ultimately met a grisly end.  Morgan arrived and honed in on her like some kind of morality police, constantly picking at the scabs of the wounds that just wouldn't heal.
 By the time Denise was murdered and the kill floor happened, Carol was thisclose to breaking. To just giving in.  And guess who swooped in again? 
 I won't keep going on in detail because this has already turned into a novella. 
 But Carol has suffered inordinately under these writers' pens. 
 Aside from the people I've already mentioned (more than enough to drive any sane person to break), she also lost Glenn and Abraham, Sasha, Noah, Carl, Benjamin, Enid and Tara and finally Henry. 
 Tell me.  If it had been Judith on one of those pikes, would there be any acceptable limit to the vengeance doled out by the likes of Michonne and Daryl, possibly even Carol herself? 
 I don't think so. 
 In fact, I think any or all three of the characters would have been praised for the lengths they would go.  Particularly Michonne. 
 But Carol's efforts are too much? 
 Paint everybody with the same brush or admit to your own bias.  Stop persecuting a particular character and her fans because you just don't prefer her.  Everybody's welcome to have their own favorites.  I'm certainly not here o police anybody on that.  The objections roll in when the demonization starts because from where I stand, as a fan of both the remaining originals and Michonne? It's just not warranted. 
 Anyway, let me climb back out of that long and winding rabbit hole to reiterate my original point, lol.
 Bring on the angst and the arguments if need be.  It's past time for all the feelings, and I do mean all the feelings to be voiced.
 That is all. 
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whateverisbeautiful · 5 years
Reveling in Richonne
#153: The Chosen (9x14)
One of the main things keeping Richonne alive after 9x05 was the amazing content we got between Michonne and their kids. And this moment right here was one of the sweetest cuz it was a reminder that the family you choose is often the best family you could ask for. 
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First of all, this scene on the stones is really cinematically beautiful. I adore the visual of the two of them sitting on those rocks as Michonne patches Judith up. 🙌🏽
As they sit, we come into the scene mid-conversation with Michonne reflecting on how she “was standing right there and it was like you didn’t know me.”
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And then like a true giving mother, Michonne quite literally gives Judith the shirt off her back when she casually rips off a piece of her shirt in order to patch Judith up. I love this action. 
Michonne ripped that piece of her shirt off like it’s nothing cuz she’ll use whatever she had to take care of her daughter.
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She says, “For a second I thought I was too late. I thought that you’d change and that I‘d lost you.” 
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Michonne being scared Judith had detached from her is so devastating. Apart from RJ, Judith was the last remnant of her Grimes Family so it had to be painful wondering if maybe she’d lost her too because of whatever mind stuff Jocelyn was doing on those children of the corn. 
But again, I love that Michonne got confirmation that this little girl knows you’re her mother when little Judith had ran into her arms saying “Mommy.”
So then older Judith reveals she totally has a recollection of that traumatic time when she says, “You didn’t look like you cuz of the blood. But then I saw it was.”
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And she goes on to say, “I was happy you found me.” It’s a really sweet moment but also…whachu mean you remember, Judith?
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You mean to tell me you know what your mom went through and you’re still upset with her for not letting newcomers in?? 🤔I get she’s young so for her she remembers the past different but still idk about all that.
I love Judith and the actress that plays her and I get why there could be a hopeful tone to Judith remembering that time period but still having a heart for others regardless of that experience. At the same time, Judith knew what her mom went through and still put Michonne through that fear of losing her again by running off today. I was like, listen Judith we can’t be stressing Michonne out anymore...
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What I do love about Judith’s line of saying she was happy Michonne found her is that it shows Judith knew very early on that Michonne was the one who would look out for her and keep her safe and nurtured. And it’s cool that now Judith herself gets to dispel that fear Michonne had that she’d changed and lost her.
It also feels deep in the sense that Michonne both found her that day but also found her a long time ago when Judith was just a baby. Look at these Grimes always so happy to find each other. I’m here for it. 
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It’s also significant for Judith to mention how it was the fact that she saw Michonne covered in blood that made her hesitant back then. 
As many times as Michonne’s been covered in blood, Judith would never have had seen her like that prior since she was almost always tucked behind safe walls as a baby. So it makes sense that was jarring for her. This is where she learned that this is what mom has to do outside these walls. These are the dark and brutal things that can happen and do happen often. So it’s deep to see that intro to the apocalypse is still etched in Judith’s mind.
But it doesn’t change the way she feels. Just like Michonne in 7x08 where she’s like I know the odds are against us with Negan but that doesn’t change the way that I feel. Like mother like daughter. 
Like me, Michonne’s shocked to know Judith remembers so much from that time cuz she thought she forgot. But nope. Judith remembers Jocelyn and the kids and how they were nice and made it all seem like a game to get the Alexandria kids to go with them. 
She even acknowledges that they were bad people and knows that’s why Michonne “did what she did.”
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And Judith says she didn’t bring it up cuz she knew it made Michonne sad. Which shows the maturity of this kid that she’s aware of and attempts to be considerate of her mom’s emotions.  
The heavy trauma of that flashback helped to better understand Michonne’s mindset, but this moment makes you understand Judith more too. When we’re introduced to older Judith she’s a little old soul warrior princess. She’s probably had to see some things to make her that way. So now we know Judith was exposed to one of the most intense things any character has been apart of or witnessed; which is a bunch of slain kids.
Michonne asks why they’re here right now if Judith seems to know exactly why Michonne has closed off Alexandria. #GoodQuestion. And Judith reiterates that their friends need their help. And again Michonne says it’s not that simple. But Judith expresses that it is. 
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And then in my absolute favorite part of the episode, Judith says “You’re my mom.” 
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Yes, yes, 1000 times yes. 😭🙌🏽💯That’s” You’re my mom.” period. Not “you’re like my mom.” You are my mom. With the Grimes, they’ve shed enough blood for each other that they are blood. 👌🏽
And it gets more beautiful as she says, “You chose to be.”
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And then it reaches maximum beauty when Judith says “Because you love me and I love you.” Perfection.  😭🙌🏽🎉
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And Michonne nods and sweetly says “I do.” Cuz their love for each other is always evident.
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There are so many reasons why I love this moment right here.
1. Of course my nostalgic self just loves these two’s journey together. And it’s so meaningful to know that the little baby Michonne first held in that prison is now older and telling Michonne; you are my mom and we love each other. 
2. It’s deep to hear Judith acknowledge the way in which Michonne made the choice to be her mother. (Although it really does feel more like they always were meant to be family). Judith knows that her mom chose her and embraced her and that for both of them there was no looking back. They will be a mother and daughter until the end. 
3. I love the confidence of this statement. Judith knows that Michonne is not the person who carried her in the womb and yet there is no shades of grey on whether this is her mom. And I’m so glad that Judith has this amazing woman that claims her wholeheartedly. 
4. I just love the delivery from both of them. The way Michonne says I do just perfectly conveys how much she really does love her daughter so strongly. How that love fuels her. 
5. These two ladies have lost a lot of family since the apocalypse but I love that, through all the loss and pain, they still have each other and RJ. Rick and Carl were taken from them within about a two year time span and I really feel like had Judith not had Michonne after that and had Michonne not had Judith it would’ve been a much darker time for them. As hard as it’s been post-Rick, I’m grateful that scenes like this serve as a reminder that one; Rick’s love still lives on through them and two; they aren’t alone or without family, they still have a lot to live for cuz they still have each other.  
6.  We’ve now heard Carl, Rick, and Judith tell Michonne “I love you” and I am here for that to infinity and beyond. 
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Michonne Grimes is so instrumental to their family and just a true Grimes matriarch. And it’s so perfect that she gives so much love to them and they gave/give so much love back to her cuz they know they have such a gem as their matriarch. Part of what makes the Grimes so royal is that they are led by the queen.  
So after that precious dialogue, Judith says, “And loving someone means doing whatever it takes to keep them safe, right?” and Michonne gets emotional cuz she knows that’s true and it was one of the core values for Rick and Michonne. Plus this sentiment is why she took out that gang of kids in the first place.
Judith asks when did they stop loving Daryl and Aunt Maggie and Carol and the King. And I was like, baby, when they started being fake friends. 🙃 lol I kid. But I very much agree with Michonne when she says, “We didn’t.”
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Michonne didn’t stop loving these people. If anything it feels like they separated from Alexandria first. Plus even Michonne’s stricter boundaries were done specifically because she loves these people and wants to keep them safe.
But often the acts of the leader aren’t always visible to everyone, and especially a kid so Judith has interpreted this act as a shunning whereas Michonne interprets her actions as saving and specifically saving the ones she loves most, Judith and RJ. 
Judith asks why does it feel that way and Michonne feels for her so she pulls her into a hug and it’s super precious. 😊
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As much as Michonne had her valid reasons for focusing on her own, she loves her kids and values their opinions so she’s always willing to hear Judith out and empathize. And even though I still say Michonne is the one in the right, I appreciate that she and Judith can have this time to connect and have a heart to heart. 
And then we get the last flashback moment with Michonne and Daryl returning to Alexandria with all the kids. And I love seeing Michonne walk back in holding Judith’s hand. You don’t mess with Michonne and her family, especially her children. If anyone was going to successfully bring back to these kids it would be her. Even pregnant.
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Also these Alexandiran parents better put all the respek on Michonne’s name cuz she went through hell and back not just for her daughter but for their kids too. And like a real one she brought all of them back safe and in tact. 👌🏽😌👸🏽
I wanted to fight every character, starting with Tara, for having attitude with Michonne after she brought all those kids back home safe and sound and has PTSD from what it took. 
And then imagine the fear she’d have after returning home and having to worry if what she just went through will effect the baby inside her, one of the last things tethering her to the love of her life. 
To just assume she’s being hard and stubborn when in fact she experienced serious trauma...all those characters can catch these hands for not understanding Michonne cuz...
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Carol broke from seeing children fall apart. It makes sense why Michonne would be greatly impacted by experiencing that multiple times and in an even more magnified situation.
People were annoyed with Michonne for not being more trusting but Michonne doesn’t have the graphic novels, it’s not like she’d know just right off the bat that Magna’s group would turn out to be good guys. She had an old friend show up to the gates, someone she knew and trusted and that person betrayed her, so yeah it makes sense if she’s ultra skeptical and wary of strangers.
All I know,  is Rick would be so proud of Michonne. 😭 Both in the past and present. He would be in full support of her through all this, I’m sure of it. 
The relationship between Judith and Michonne was depicted in a really real way this season, cuz the tension happens but at the root of it is love. I love that Michonne and Judith both know that even when they disagree they love each other. Even thought the ups and downs they both have a sense of respect for each other. You couldn’t tell Michonne that Judith’s not her daughter and isn’t her everything along with RJ.
There really are people out there who are destined to be in your life. And when it comes to the beautiful duo of Michonne and Judith they truly do feel chosen. 
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gifs source: @michonnegrimes @winterswake @ydotome
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
Get to know My OC-Suzie Q
Get to know my character
Doing this for My OC Suzanna, of The Walking Dead. 
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01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? I picked Suzanna (spelled with a z because I thought it looked cool) because I liked that Negan would call her Suzie Q. 
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? Sex lbr,Sue isn’t above being seduced,or doing the seducing either. But only around Merle,Negan or The Governor,who can easily get her to do what they want and they know this. 
03. Something they like about themselves? Her Strength and resilience. 
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)   I’ll start with her first boyfriend Merle Dixon,who she had been with since before the turn. 
Mentally: Would have to be Merle’s humor (crude or not),how he flirts (with her anyway),his cockiness,How protective he is and how unpredictable. 
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Physically: I mean Merle may not be everyone’s cup of tea (or bottle of whisky) but with those baby blue eyes,that mischievous grin,those arms and that swagger,he sure is Sue’s. Oh did I forget to mention she has an older man kink? ;) 
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Next would be Suzanna’s other lover,who she met in Woodbury,of course I mean Philip Blake aka The Governor.
 Mentally: Suzanna was attracted to his intelligence,his quiet confidence,leadership qualities and that mysterious aura he seemed to have around him. 
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Physically: That smile,those eyes,his body isn’t half bad either,but it’s his charm and darkness that really attracts her. 
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Now onto her current lover Negan,leader of The Saviors. How she met him is a tad more complicated...
Mentally: Suzie loves his confidence,humor,and leadership skills,as well as his growth as a person. To her Negan is almost like Merle and Philip rolled into one.
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Physically: I mean Negan is hot,anyone can see that! Especially when he first showed up,those Daddy good looks coupled with that swagger and dangerous smirk. Yeah Suzie definitely fell for him,even when she tried not too.  
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05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? Definitely Confident. Though she didn’t have much experience until she met Merle.
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? lol it’s the zombie apocalypse,what hobbies? Sue’s men are pretty open to whatever she likes,especially Negan since she met him after the turn where pretty much anything goes. 
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? No though she tends to steal some of Negan’s phrases like ‘Easy Peasy’ 
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?  Um the fact that she has no self control lol maybe because of the fact that she grew up in a religious household. Her weakness for the bad boys,or worse. 
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? NOT Summer or Winter since they’ve almost died during both. Maybe Autumn or Spring. Holiday,what’s that? They don’t even know what YEAR it is now let alone day. 
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? A mixture of both.
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? Well her bloodlust kinda kicked in after being with Negan,besides that probably being pushed by one of Negan’s Wives and having her loyalty questioned. 
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? Her Survival instincts & fighting skills,give those up and she might as well be Walker food.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker? She’s a light sleeper anymore and has a hard time sleeping on her own. 
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? Suzie was adopted by Hershal as a young Teen,after the zombie apocalypse happened she got separated from her family and traveled with The Dixon’s where they found a camp,she got separated after reuniting with her family,where she met Michonne,they traveled together until Woodbury where she found Merle again. After that whole thing with The Governor and Rick’s group,Sue went into hiding,until she found out she was pregnant and went to find Rick,Daryl and the rest. They traveled together and finally settled in Alexandria,until The Saviors came and after much bloodshed and fighting,Sue joined them,becoming Negan’s wife.
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. Not really,though her and Philip did not end on good terms and she really cannot stand Simon. 
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? lol Definitely more of The Athletic type now.  She was super girly when Merle first met her. 
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? Technically she is married to Negan and she has two children. 
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? She really doesn’t care as long as her family is with her.
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? She tended to avoid them as a Teen,letting her BFF take the lead,but now yeah she can be pretty hot headed and the only time she caves in is when it’s one of her men. 
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? Dogs all the way.
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? Losing her children,like she lost her family and Merle.
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? Other then her hair changing from Blonde to Brown constantly,no.
23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? Sue didn’t really like school but her parents were strict so she had to maintain straight A’s.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? Personality wise? Since she’s currently with Negan,I’ll just describe him. I’d say to the outside world he’s Smart,A leader,Dangerous,unpredictable,cocky and self assured. To Suzie (and later on when he loses everything) he still is all those things,especially when they first meet,but he’s more open with her,serious and has his morals,he won't hurt or kill children or those that he feels don’t deserve it and he doesn’t rape either,Negan also has deep rooted pain from losing his wife Lucille. 
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? I would say losing Merle,Her Father and a sister in Beth still effects her a bit, Also almost dying at the hands of her former lover (Who also killed her Father and Merle) 
26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? I made A-Z NSFW Headcanons for The Governor and Merle already,I might make one for Negan as well,but their are already really good ones of him out there! 
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? Well there really isn’t any law anymore but before the turn it would probably be for doing something stupid with Merle like underage drinking.
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? lol idk maybe acting.
29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? Almost sacrificed her life.
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? Not much in the way of tv now,but before she liked watching Zombie and B Horror movies,also going out to parties,and listening to her sister Beth sing,watching Wrestling with Daryl and his GF,her BFF,Carol Lynn,dressing up to go out with Merle,she still likes Decorating,Negan’s pretty much let her decorate there room however she likes.
31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? Yes she has,mainly Zombies but she has killed people before out of necessity and protection. 
32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?  As long as she’s with them she doesn’t really care. Her first date with Merle was at a restaurant/Bar,then they went dancing at a club and then back to his place...With The Governor it was sharing drinks out in the garden,though if he had a choice Philip would have taken her out to a nice restaurant. Suzie didn’t really have a conventional first date with Negan but they have their quiet nights alone,candle lit dinners,kinky sex ;) Negan also spoils her with presents every time they go out.
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? Her Room...lol seriously though,what alone time? Though sometimes her and the other wives hang out in Eugene’s room,playing video games and drinking if they need an escape.
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) Breakfast Foods mainly.
35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? Not much anymore,though she is afraid of leaving her kids behind.
36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? No
37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? Being hit on,especially when she’s taken. Her men flirting with someone else.
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? As long as it’s not an extreme weather,she really doesn’t care.
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? Well as Negan said when they first met “You are such a badass!” and he’s not wrong. Others may think she’s easily manipulated and maybe she is,at first.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? Not really,she did try and hide her kinkier side with The Governor but Negan pretty much has done away with being ashamed of anything and told her they don’t need to hide that in The Sanctuary. 
41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? They used to.
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? Sometimes she regrets meeting The Governor or siding with Negan over Alexandria but Suzie wouldn’t really change it.
43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? I think different people see different aspects of her personality and vice versa.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? Her Children or Negan dying.
45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve? A bit of both.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? With Merle,Sue always sat on his lap if he was sitting on a chair or recliner. She does that with Negan too,with The Governor she always kissed his bad eye,if he was having a bad day,just to show him that she still loved him no matter what he looked like..
47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? Sue used to be shyer but now she’s definitely more outgoing and a leader.
48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? Again her men flirting with someone else,especially Merle. Negan favoriting another wife over her. 
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? She used to have nightmares about finding Merle as a Zombie or of The Governor killing her but they have since dissipated. 
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say? With Merle it was after their first time and Merle said it first,he was super nervous about it and Sue had to reassure him that she loved him too.
With Philip it was to reassure him that she wasn’t going anywhere,after he lost his eye and turned dark. 
With Negan it was during a particularly rare moment of confindment after he told her about Lucille,he didn’t say it back until a few months later when he was absolutely sure,and when he knew she wouldn’t leave him.
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When You’re Gone - Negan
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Fic #3 of the Mamma Mia! Prompts! Song: SOS
Pairing: Negan x Reader Word Count: 2,069 Synopsis: The reader left Negan because of his dark ways, but now he says he’s changed.  A/N: I haven’t watched like any of the new season, so I’m just making some of this up lol.
The light of day woke Negan up in his new home in Alexandria, making him roll away from the window. The space next to him was empty, just as it had been for the last year. This time, however, he wasn’t waking up in an empty jail cell. He was starting to adjust to his regular life in Alexandria; he was contributing to the group and beginning to get fewer dirty looks from the rest of the citizens. 
He didn’t care what they thought of him, except that their image of him only further tarnished the way you thought about him.
It had been a year since Negan lost to Rick. He had been thrown into a cell and had all of his power stripped from him, but the worst of it was the fact that you left him, too. You had been by his side through all of this, but when Rick won, you had to decide whether you wanted to be thrown in a cell, too, or leave him.
You made the hard choice and decided to leave him, and within a month, you realized how demented Negan’s ways had been. You came to visit him the first and last time and told him that you were over. 
Since reintegrating himself back into society, he only saw you a few times. You stayed as far away from him as you could, and when you couldn’t avoid being near him, you stayed silent. He was hoping to prove to you that he had really done some thinking in his cell and that he was ready to change. 
He got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, fixing himself a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs. Just as he was sitting down to eat, knocking came from his door. 
“Ah, Michonne, what can I do for you on this fine morning?”
“I need you to go on a scouting mission. A group went out earlier and never returned. I want to know why.”
“Are you finally giving me a weapon?”
“You trust me?”
“I don’t have to trust you. I’m only giving you a handgun. I’ll cut you down before you get the chance to use it against anyone. Besides, you won’t be alone on this mission. Your partner will make sure to keep you in line.”
“And who is this lucky partner?” he asked with a smirk. Michonne smirked back, making Negan drop his own. “Who is it?”
“I can’t believe you agreed to this,” Negan mused as the two of you walked through the woods. You rolled your eyes and kept walking, trying to keep your mind focused on the mission at hand, and not the man behind you giving you bedroom eyes. 
“I didn’t agree to you, I agreed to the job. Michonne said you’d be the only one up to it.”
“Why did she say that?” he asked, stepping next to you. You glared up at him which only made him laugh. 
“She said that you’re desperate to win back in our good graces,” you mocked.
“I thought that would make you happy.”
“You may have tricked Michonne into thinking you’ve changed, but I know you better than that.”
“I know, you knew me real well.”
“You’d think that a year in prison would make you mature a little, but I guess not,” you said as you peered through the forest.
“Can’t change my sense of humor,” he said, grabbing onto your waist and spinning you round to face him. You pushed him away gently, touching him for the first time. He looked down at your hand for a moment, smiling. “But I have changed, Y/N,” he said seriously.
“Because you didn’t have a choice.”
“That’s still change, baby.” You rolled your eyes and walked away from him, determined to keep this mission on track. The sooner you found out what happened to your friends, the sooner you could get back home and back to ignoring Negan.
“Come on,” you called.
“Where are those happy days? They seem so hard to find.”
“What?” you scoffed, spinning back around.
“I try to reach for you but you have closed your mind.” You rolled your eyes again and turned back around. “What ever happened to our love? I wish I understood. It used to be so nice, it used to be so good.”
“It wasn’t good. You murdered and controlled people for years, just to get your dick up.” 
“Hey, hey, come on now,” he said, running to catch up with you, “I don’t need that to get my dick up.”
“Please don’t make me roll my eyes again,” you complained. Negan laughed, biting his lip. He always loved a challenge. “Michonne said the group was looking for supplies near the Sanctuary.”
“It’s overrun with walkers.”
“I know, but she still wants us to check what happened. If they got bit, we report back, if another group is out there,” you trailed off, “We report that, too.”
“What if you and I get back together?” he asked huskily.
“Fuck off,” you groaned, walking away from him.
“Come on, can’t we at least talk about us? It’s still a long walk.”
“There’s nothing more to say.”
“You haven’t really said much, darling,” he teased. You took in a deep breath and slowed so he could catch up. 
“I told you months ago. We’re over. The way you controlled those people was horrible. I can barely forgive myself for standing by you for so long, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive you for doing all of it.”
“I know, but I’m not that man anymore.”
“Are you saying that you aren’t Negan?” you asked, smirking slightly. He smiled back, stepping closer. “Negan.”
“I’m not who I was before. I really have changed. Let me prove it to you.”
“How?” you asked quietly.
“By being on this trip. I didn’t have to come out here.”
“If you didn’t Michonne would have thrown you back in your cell.”
“Nevertheless, I’m here, and I’m determined to get your friends back.” You looked at him seriously, raising a single eyebrow. 
“Well, that would be a start.” He smirked and nodded his head before starting to walk again. You hadn’t even realized you stopped, or that you had stood so close to him. You took a calming breath to regain your composure and followed him. It was still a long walk to the Sanctuary, and there was no way you were going to let him convince you back into bed with him. 
You walked in silence for the next half hour, until you got closer to the Sanctuary. You must have been miles away, but even from here, you could hear the moans of the walkers.
“Wait here. I’ll go look ahead and see what we’re up against.” He walked off, leaving you truly alone with your thoughts.
“You seem so far away, though you are standing near,” you said to yourself, “You made me feel alive, but something died I fear. I really tried to make it out. I wish I understood. What happened to our love, it used to be so good.”
“You say something?” he asked, breaking you from your thoughts. You shook your head and looked at him. He didn’t believe you, you could see it in his eyes, but you weren’t going to explain yourself. You still had to convince yourself that you weren’t still in love with him before you could talk to him at all. 
“What did you find?”
“A set of footprints. I think it was your friends.”
“Really?” you asked, jogging to catch up to him. 
“Come on.” You followed after him for the next ten minutes, not talking as you ran. He seemed to know where he was going, which concerned you, until you realized you knew where he was going, too. The tracks were leading you to a cabin just outside of the Sanctuary, where you and Negan had spent more than a few nights together. It was nothing romantic, but it was private and well stocked. If your friends made it there, they should still be safe. 
Once it appeared in your line of sight, Negan touched your forearm. He looked into your eyes, silently asking if you wanted to do this. You had taken out a handful of walkers on your way, you didn’t know what you might find inside.
“If I need help, I’ll call out S.O.S, okay?” you asked with a smirk.
“Alright. I’ll be watching your six.”
“Oh, I know you will.”
You stepped carefully into the cabin, calling out as you opened the door. Instantly, three guns were pointed at your face. You held up your hands, looking into the eyes of your friends.
“Y/N,” they said, dropping their weapons. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you all still doing here?”
“Albert went beyond the cabin, hoping to find more supplies. We’ve been waiting for him to come back before we come home.”
“Where is he?” you asked.
“Uh, Y/N?” Negan called, turning your attention back to the woods. You didn’t need to question where Albert had gone anymore. Ten walkers were coming up on your group, with a zombified Albert leading the group.
“We’ve got to go,” you said, glancing back at the group. They nodded and you all raised your weapons. Behind Albert’s group of walkers, you saw another, larger group coming. 
“S.O.S,” Negan called. You laughed quickly, glancing around for the best way out. You pointed to your left and led them away from the slow walking killers. 
“Ah!” Just as you thought you were getting away, one of your friends tripped over a tree stump and had lodged their foot underneath a branch. 
“Shit,” you muttered, turning back around.
“No,” Negan called, “Keep going!”
“I’m not leaving him!”
“Go!” You knew you didn’t have another choice. Your friends didn’t know their way back like you did. 
“Come on,” you called to your friends as they started to slow. You gave Negan a meaningful look before continuing on the retreat. Finally, you got far enough away that you didn’t hear the walkers anymore. You instructed them all to take a break, as you looked around for any sign of Negan or your fallen friend.
“You’re wasting your time,” Hilary said, shaking her head.
“Bruce is gone. Negan left him to die. That’s who he is.” You opened your mouth to argue, but knew it was hopeless. She was probably right.
“Have you no faith?” You whipped your head around for what felt like the hundredth time that day, and saw Negan walking up, supporting Bruce. 
“Bruce!” Hilary cried, running up to embrace him.
“You saved him,” you said, dumbfounded.
“I told you, I’ve changed.”
“I guess you have,” you said, looking him up and down.
“Can we get back to Alexandria?” Finn asked. “We’re still not safe out here.”
“He’s right,” you said, smiling gently at Negan.
“Yeah, let’s get going.”
More knocks came from Negan’s door as he was preparing dinner for himself. He groaned as he went to open it, but changed his demeanor when he saw who it was.
“Hey,” you said awkwardly.
“Mind if I come in?”
“No, of course not,” he said, waving you in. “Want something to eat?”
“No, I just came to thank you for what you did. For helping me find them, saving Bruce. It was really nice to see you like that.”
“Don’t lie to yourself, sweetheart,” he said, stepping closer to you, “It’s nice to see me all the time.”
“Ah, so you haven’t changed completely.”
“No, but I’m trying.”
“I know.” You sighed, “I have missed you.”
“Good, I’ve missed you, too,” he said, putting his hands on your waist. You promised yourself you weren’t going to fall for him again, but if you hadn’t ever stopped loving him, was it really falling for him again? 
“I’ve missed you, too. When you’re gone, how can I even try to move on? Although I tried, how can I carry on?”
“Shut up and kiss me,” he said, tilting your chin up. You kissed him, and the moment you did, his grip on your waist tightened. You wrapped your arms him, deepening the kiss, realizing that you had never stopped loving him. If he was willing to change, you were willing to stand by him again.
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jaaryl · 5 years
jaaryl (or if someone beat me to it, daaron)
Some answers are going to be based on the rewrite of my Daaron fic which is going to be set during 9.16 (that one day I will get around to finishing I swear lmao).
So, spoilers for that I guess lol. 
1. Who makes the first move and how?
It would have to be Daryl.
Even though Aaron has the most experience dating another man/ person in general, I have no doubt in my mind that he would find it incredibly daunting to even try and proceed a relationship with Daryl. His friendship with Daryl is one of the few bright spots of the apocalypse and it would absolutely break his heart if he scared him off or was rejected.
Since my fic is set during the 9.16 blizzard, the two of them are going on ahead to collect supplies at the next way station and, of course, it has to have the cliche trope of Aaron being all heroic and pushing Daryl out of the way of cracking ice so he’ll fall through instead… all while they are escaping ice zombies. Cue the trope of them cuddling naked for warmth and waking up with an awkward situation yada yada.  
Aaron: [incredibly embarrassed and freaking the hell out] This doesn’t have to change anything.   
Daryl: [also incredibly embarrassed and freaking the hell out, and just fresh off thinking Aaron could of so easily died one (1) day ago and not wanting to waste what time they have together] Ahhhh I kinda want it too????          
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Being seen as outcasts still bothers them a lot, even if they try their best not to show it. No matter how far into the apocalypse, or how important they have become to the success of the communities, there will always be those douches who look down on people for being different. And the best thing about Daaron is how leaning on each other for support and having each other’s backs when they are feeling this way is literally the foundation of their relationship.          
3. Who is the most romantic?
Aaron’s the obvious choice with his tendency to be extremely tactile and handing out affection left and right while also giving away huge gifts, like the bike. However, Daryl is incredibly sentimental, and loves and cherishes that bike like it’s one of his most precious possessions, and he also shows his love by making sure the people that he cares about are well provided for. So, it’s for you to decide.  
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Daryl is extremely touch-starved but he is also pretty awkward when it comes to asking for affection. Aaron is a mix of very tactile, begging to give hugs and super lonely. 
So, once Aaron figures out that Daryl wants to be touched more than the occasional hug, handhold or brush of arms all bets are off. I can only imagine how bad it will be when they get into an actual relationship.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
I feel like Aaron has said those words long before they started dating, “Daryl, I love you, but no,” and completely mean them (both platonically and romantically). So, the moment Daryl says the words back for the first time…he is kinda worried Aaron’s smile is going to split his face in half.    
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
Season 5: Eric, for obvious reasons.
 Season 9: Paul, most definitely, hot, gay, single and already someone they both trust completely. 
Post 9.08 though? Ah, no one? Aaron is literally the only male character that Daryl is close to lmao.  
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
I doubt there is much to do datewise beyond the wall, even for two bamfs like Aaron and Daryl. Maybe fortnightly overnight camping trips when it gets too stuffy in Alexandria and they need to escape for a bit.   
On the nights that they have the house all to themselves, it is pretty quiet. Just the two of them hanging out, kicking back beer, pressed up against each other, talking about mindless topics, and having sex etc.                  
8. What do they like in bed?
Daryl: when you said “magical in bed” this isn’t exactly what I was exp-
Aaron: *holds up 8 of hearts* is this your card
Daryl: *softly* holy shit
Aaron knows that Daryl doesn’t have a lot of experience in the bedroom department, and is happy to help guide him. I see Aaron as someone who is super into foreplay and body worship, especially on someone like Daryl who needs all the touch he can get and is v receptive to praise kink. As Daryl becomes more confident I do see him taking charge a little more, maybe some manhandling etc and he doeeesss have an oral fixation, always putting things in/exploring things with his mouth so take that as you will lmao.    
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
Honestly, Aaron is pretty hard to embarrass. Like, sure, he does embarrassing things but he’s always the first one to laugh at himself. Things like his over-the-top dorky dances to make Daryl laugh, his celebrity impression of people Gracie has never even seen, or heard of, and she is super embarrassed about when he pulls it out as his party trick, his off-key singing to Disney songs with Gracie and trying to get Daryl to join in (AK can take Disney nerd Aaron from my cold dead hands these people have solar panels and the kids have definitely seen movies).   
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
Damn, I can’t cheat and answer with ‘a book on how to build a raft’ or ‘survival guide for dummies’ because they are both very survival competent lmao.
For luxury items: Daryl’s crossbow and Aaron’s knife.
Ahhh I am worst at music questions! I can see Daryl being a sentimental loser and bringing Rick’s terrible music with him even if he hates it.
 Ross apparently headcanons Aaron’s favourite song as “Hand in Glove” by The Smiths, so why not?
11. What do they hide from one another?
Their unspoken feelings uwu (lame).
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
Their relationship status.
13. When do they realise they should get together?
There has always been something simmering under the surface of their friendship. From the very beginning, Aaron has been incredibly fascinated by everything Daryl Dixon and Daryl in return has found comfort, acceptance and an overwhelming amount of fondness towards Aaron.
It has just never been the right time to explore the unspoken thing between them. But after the six-year time jump, Daryl is finally in the right emotional place to settle down and Aaron has been ready for a long while. Daryl is confronted once more that the world is a dangerous place when Aaron almost dies again (in the fic) and the prospect of leaving their relationship open-ended weighs on him heavily.      
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Aaron has been run ragged by the worrying he has done about sick Gracie all week (even just a cold in the apocalypse is a scary thing for Aaron with all that he’s lost). He probably got one good day in before his own immune system came crashing down hard. Daryl feels a little useless that he can’t really help him get better so he goes out and hunts whatever bird he can find so he can cook him something at least resembling chicken soup, and distracts Gracie for the next couple of days so he can get some rest.        
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
In this house, we appreciate animated films and since Lydia and Daryl are not really accustomed to the broad range of them they get the final vote. It would probably be Jungle Book (after years of rejecting civilization they finally rejoin it) or even something like Spirit (refusing to let anyone tame their wild).   
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Do I need to answer this one lmao?
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
Try and change the events of 8.02? Saving Eric and having the three of them adopt baby Gracie? Changing the events of 9.08, so Paul lives and Jaaryl can happen? 7.01, so Glenn lives? 9.05, Rick never blows up the bridge? 9.15, so there are no pike deaths? 
Ahhh there are just so many options, these two have such a sad life!     
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
19. Where do they go on their first date?
Out on a hike in the woods, a picnic is involved.  
20. Where do they go on holiday?
You and @boltsandashes have given me major daaron beach day feels, it’s an absolutely adorable visual. Aaron making sure Daryl has the best day possible visiting the beach for the best time? I dieeee.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
They are still both not the biggest fan of parties unless it is a family event with people they like. 
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
Waystation cabin.  
Aaron makes sure to ask him if it’s okay if they kiss for the first time after they are already in a heated grinding session, the goober. 
23. Where is their favourite place to be together?
Beyond the walls and out in the woods hunting, hiking, exploring ect just like old times.
24. Where do they first have sex?
Waystation cabin.
25. Why do they fight?
Pissed at each other for being so damn self-sacrificing (“Whether we make it or not, we do it together,” remember that, asshole?!)
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Aaron’s first priority is his daughter’s happiness so it is pretty crucial to find out where their relationship stands before it gets way too deep (which good luck on that one), it would be different if Gracie wasn’t in the picture but she is so he needs to know if Daryl is 100% on board with being a parent to her or not.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
The shifty way they try and keep their relationship under wraps. 
There’s nothing strange about Daryl moving in with Aaron, they are both close friends, right? But what is strange is Aaron turning up to every council meeting absolutely glowing and grinning ear to ear, and Daryl being a super nice to everyone in Alexandria.
Are they sick???   
It goes on and on until Gracie accidentally spills the beans when she excitedly tells Judith that her daddy and Judith’s uncle are dating(not that Gracie knows all the details of their relationship or anything it’s just what she suspects lol).
They probably going to get married one day, and it will make her and Judith related!  
So, Judith goes home and asks her Michonne if Aaron and Daryl are dating, causing Michonne to finally connects the dots on why the hell they have been acting so weird.         
28. Why do they get jealous?
Aaron is super jealous over how cool Daryl looks on a motorbike, while Daryl is pretty jealous over how well Aaron can articulate his words to describe how he is feeling.    
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
When Daryl is being absolutely precious with Gracie, Lydia and Dog. It makes Aaron’s chest tighten and his heartbeat frighteningly fast. Those are the moments that Aaron wants nothing more than to raise a family and have a future with him.  
Aaron is probably being dorky af just to make Daryl laugh, for real not just an under the breath chuckle. Every time he pulls one from Daryl, Daryl can feel his heart expand tenfolds.       
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
Oh man, I could write an entire essay on why these two are perfect for each other but to really simplify it: they already have a super strong bond, they are comfortable with each other and trust each other, both relate to feeling like an outsider, both like kids, they have history, their personalities balance each other out etc
It’s one of Daryl’s healthiest relationships on the show I don’t think there are any reasons why not?
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klcthebookworm · 7 years
My 11 Questions
First time I've been tagged in one of these. Thanks @ta-dala!
My 11 Questions are: 1. What is the “craziest” thing you’ve done for the love of something?
It's probably too tame to be considered crazy, but I shuffled my financial priorities and scratched up enough money to go to New Orleans Comic Con, held the first weekend of January 2017. Turns out I didn't have to skip a bill payment to pay for a meet-and-greet with Carrie Fisher, but my baby sister and her husband got iced in at Alexandria and couldn't go with me. So I jumped up in the Carrie Fisher memorial service the con held and got to tell Peter Mayhew, his wife, T-Bob Hebert, and everyone else there what me and my sister had planned on telling Carrie: my sister's legal name is Leia and it's both our faults.
LOL, okay, really the crazy is that story. I like to joke that Mom had her kids with the Star Wars films: I'm 1977, second daughter 1980, and my baby sister was born January 12, 1984. <i>Return of the Jedi</i> was one of the first films I got to see in the actual theater with my father. This was the pre-VCR days, so I guess I knew the other two from TV showings and storybooks because I knew the story rabidly. So that was 1983 whenever the local theater got the movie.
Fast forward to January 1984. My parents can't agree on my baby sister's name and bring her home from the hospital without one. Mom insists on all of us having the same set of initials and they finally decided on a first name that didn't make the cut when I was born. The middle name was harder, so she called six-year-old me and my three-year-old sister into her bedroom while she was resting and asked us for L-names. "Leia! It's gotta be Leia, Leia's the best name in the whole galaxy!" If you're guessing my three-year-old sister didn't get a suggestion, you would be right. So the baby of the family has Leia on her birth certificate and now she uses it instead of her first name (which turned out to be one of those every other girl has a variation of the same name for her age group).
2. What is your ultimate bucket-list travel destination? Europe, though I'd really like to spend more time off the beaten touristy paths or live somewhere to become localized. Or if that's not possible, one of the river cruises. But I'd settle for one of the whirlwind tours of the capital cities just to say I've gone.
3. Cats or dogs? Cats, even though I'm cat-less right now. But my parents have a dog so I have proof that I am most definitely a cat person.
4. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Right now, I'd settle for a country in which the prevailing attitude looking at United State politics is "what the hell is wrong with those people?" This is also the attitude of a time in the future to live in if I had a time machine.
5. Write me a piece of advise that you’d go back and give to your younger self. Speaking of the time machine, lol. Okay, kid, Mom sent you off to college without telling you that PCOS runs in the family and that leads to diabetes. You have it so here is an eating plan so all the free sugar you're about to get exposed to doesn't lead to weight gain that I'm still struggling with and hopefully we'll put off the diabetes diagnosis for a few more years.
6. Share one sentence of something you’ve written and tell me why you like it. “If you feed them and treat them nicely, they’ll do just about anything you ask of them.” -- Luke from the Byss AU. In canon, Palpatine's clone used Sith alchemy to change rancors to chrysalis rancors. Luke doesn't approve and explains why.
7. Can you still love/be a fan of something/someone and be critical of a choice or decision? Why or why not? That depends. Works put out for public consumption are fair game and fanworks are having a critical conversation with the source material. But the closer you are to the creator, the more tact you should have. "What kind of feedback are you looking for?" should be asked. Critical of a choice or decision should never be a personal attack but a way to make the work or the next work better.
8. Rogue One. Dead or alive?  ;) I'm good with both. Zombie Rogue One FTW! Kidding. In my Rescue the Farmboy AU (current WIP), the mission happened pretty much as on screen without Leia's involvement as a way to get the Death Star plans (she and her copy of the plans ended up on Tatooine) and the Rogue Squadron will be formed in their memory. But I'm enjoying everyone else's stories in which they live.
9. You can only eat one food the rest of your life. What is it? Meat, but you better give me a variety. Diabetes cuts out a lot of fun with these answers.
10. Give me your Desert Island Discs list. Okay limited to eight. Imagine Dragons and Florence + the Machine are high on my replay right now along with Star Wars soundtracks, but those are mostly for inspiration purposes. *Sigh* I know I'd get annoyed with the selection before long. I'd actually probably take the fanmixes I've made for various fics instead. That'll be a bigger selection of musical genres.
11. What is your favorite curse word? I tend to drop the f-bomb far too regularly according to my mother. But it's so versatile a word!
My 11 questions: 1. What's your favorite excuse? 2. Can you vacation with your family? Or would you rather chew your leg off to get out of a bear trap? 3. What is your favorite holiday? 4. Do you get enough sleep? 5. What is the last movie you watched? 6. What is your favorite book? 7. What is a hobby you have that no one who knows you really believes you participate in? 8. Have you ever won Monopoly? 9. Do you have a favorite board or card game? 10. What are your top five fandoms? 11. Can you juggle?
Passing this onto @doctorwhitttaker @eustaciavye28 @sonictoaster @ta-dala @threadsketchier
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Not that anyone cares anymore, but these both arrived today. 
The shadow box was supposed to be here Monday. It arrived in one day instead. Not that I’m complaining. I decided it’s best not to put it together before I move. I opened it, checked it out, no damage, looks like a keeper. So, it’s back in the box for now. And, I’m probably going to just take it easy this weekend, watch movies or Twilight Zone on Netflix. Yesterday morning, realizing too late, my left foot was weak and partially numb. I went to step off of my bed and it gave out on me, and twisted under, mostly the outer side, with my full weight coming down on it. I have a big goose egg right next to my ankle bone, but have been using an ice pack and taking 800mg of Ibuprofen every 4 hours, which is pretty much my norm as prescribed anyway, and the swelling is much improved today. I couldn’t walk on it yesterday. Any slight pressure on the foot and it would send shock waves through it. Well, pain radiating throughout my entire foot. Crutches would have come in handy. But, like I said, the swelling has decreased, so I don’t think I broke or fractured anything. But, quite possibly I ripped a tendon. Anyway, it’s best to stay off of it as much as possible this weekend, at least. I guess packing/things will have to wait.
Besides I don’t think Alexandria wants to move out of state now. T seems a little frustrated by it, too - when here and discussing everything. Her two sisters live in Palmdale and have been trying to convince her to move there. I don’t see why she’d want to when one of the pros of moving out of state was because of her sister’s dependence and use of her. She wanted to create some distance (as well as survive more easily with the cost of living). I keep telling her that if they don’t want to move out there now, let me know, so I can make it happen on my own. Then she reassures me they want to and will keep looking and working with the lender (he’s a dick). The lender keeps jacking her around, later only offering 1/3 of his initial guarantee as lowest, now he’s saying they won’t approve a purchase of a condo (cheaper than any house), and for some reason she won’t move on finding someone else. If we could get a little more we could look in a slightly higher price range with better luck... afford a decent house, a chance to actually find and purchase one because the investors tend to go for the ones in our current price range over slightly higher. And, I’m kinda disappointed that Alexandria didn’t call on a little house I asked her to call the realtor about yesterday, and it’s pending now, for the second time. It went back on the market Tuesday, and when they were here Wednesday night I told her about it, to call right away because a nice, ready to move in house, in an affordable price range for us poor folk, is hard to come by and that it would go fast! Sure enough... and all others in the price range are junk and I’m talking bad roofs, ceilings falling down, holes in walls, no appliances, no flooring or dirty carpet! This place has new tile flooring throughout, tall ceilings with skylights, a fireplace, newly remodeled kitchen with new appliances, a garage with a new washer and dryer, a big yard with a fire pit. It was only a 2 bed, 2 bath, but for the price, it was a nice starter house... with property space to build an addition later when we save or a nice investment to sell later to find a bigger home. I knew it would go faster than we could jump on it, but I thought we’d have half a chance if she called her realtor right away. Closely watching the market, I’m noticing that the nicer places are all being snagged and monopolized by investors to turn into rentals. It’s depressing. Everything.
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Everything I say to her, to help, to advise what to say to the lender and realtor... I get a response like this, but she doesn’t. I’ll post some pics of the little house I’m talking about in a few. It’s not my favorite, but it was for what we could get right now! The yard could easily be weeded, etc. or pretty landscaping stone fill-in for the time being. The bedrooms have different new flooring. The garage could hold any storage, T’s weight machine, become an extra room of sorts. I should look for pics of the other houses in that range and share here. You’d be shocked by the difference. I prefer staying away from condos, because of pet policies, HOA dues, etc. But, if living alone, it would be okay. There are cute one bedroom condos in nice communities that I could get on my own. Two bedroom would be better, but more expensive, and I have to have some of my savings left over for living expenses, and furniture, a reliable used car (I sold mine after it was stolen/recovered damaged), and just getting set up before I figure out what to do to acquire income (could get a loan then). Like I said, I’d prefer something a little larger and nicer together, but with my share and their (current) minimal share combined, this is the Cadillac.
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Approximates: Currently, property taxes out here for same size home is 10K. Out there only 1K. 1/10th the cost & home owners ins is low.
Oh, and on Wednesday, Alexandria’s lender also changed it up further (I think he’s doing it because she’s stalling, and can) saying that not only will they not approve a purchase of a condo now, but he would have to take my share, and add it to the total, charge interest on it combined! He is out of his mind! I know it can be worked out differently. I told her to talk to her realtor, because she’s been most helpful, and will probably help with a different lender for their share (seems their interest rates are just as low) and do up the paperwork right, where my basically 50%+ share/down payment doesn’t incur interest, too. That’s what I mean by he’s a dick! 
When we were first looking at the market, we were searching for places even higher in cost than the slightly above current affordability we’d like to get now. He told her to start looking with an estimate three times more than he’ll approve now... and nothing’s changed in between. In fact, they have more in their savings again from student grant money that just came in (tho he won’t count it, reasonable), but I understand a sudden increase in financials can look like a second loan and make it questionable... but, it’s not. They cut back on extra spending to save towards the move and received this semester’s student GRANTS, not loans, GRANTS! (He’s a dick!)
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And T’s worried about me living out there alone. Yeah, it’s not ideal, but what choice do I have? I’m not going to end up desolate if I can help it! I need healthcare now, too! Moving to Palmdale will cost around $1500+ in rent, I still won’t have healthcare so I’ll be paying out of pocket, I’ll go through the money with no means to afford a home later, unless I can start a profitable home business, but that usually takes time to develop and get to that level, if successful... and I have no ideas right now. There’s just so much! I'll ask T to drive out with me, to help with my two cats while traveling, and to get set up, then fly back. I’ll pay the airfare. Cat-friendly one bedroom apartments are as low as $580. Hope to find one on a month-to-month basis, buy a reliable used car (I don’t want to tow one and plan to drive a small moving van out there.), then shop for a 1 bed condo with low HOA fees (most are between 38-55K), once I really know the different neighborhoods. I feel like I do now. I’ve researched, and scanned so many street views, and read up on all the info about everything of each neighborhood. There’s one neighborhood that I’d like to get into that’s affordable, but most residents stay put, and don’t sell. And, there’s one other nice neighborhood, hard to get into, that has a 3 bedroom townhouse for sale, still on market, and the HOA is only $100. a month. It needs touch-up work, but nothing major. It was just newly painted, with what they call designer colors, lol. But the kitchen cupboards need to be painted and I’d probably buy a new washer and dryer. But, pretty flooring, and new carpeting on the stairs and carpeted areas. It has a nice little fenced in yard with a covered patio, that has a back gate that leads to a sidewalk between townhomes, to walk to a path to a big, green park only a few blocks away. But, it’s considered a condo. It’s a little small... smaller rooms than the one above, but it would only be temporary if we all stick to our plan to work, save, and sell. But nothing’s working in my favor.
P.S. And I say two cats because Marozi is old and really sick, and no way I’m going to make him travel. I don’t want to have him put down, but it’s much closer to that time now, actually past time. It’s going to have to happen soon. I’m dreading it.
He has an autoimmune that won’t stay in remission now...
Happy #Caturday
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s weekly politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarahf (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): You may have thought that with former Vice President Joe Biden as the presumptive Democratic nominee our 2020 drafts were finally over. Well, no such luck. There’s still the question of whom Biden will pick as his vice president. We know thanks to his announcement at an earlier presidential debate that he plans to pick a female running mate, but that’s it.
So we’re back with a snake draft of whom Biden should pick for his VP. How it works is simple: Three rounds total, so between the three of us, nine potential 2020 Democratic veeps. And the draft line up is …
OK, you’re up, Nathaniel.
nrakich (Nathaniel Rakich, elections analyst): Ahhh, I wanted the second pick.
geoffrey.skelley (Geoffrey Skelley, elections analyst): Hahaha, really?
nrakich: Yeah — I think there are two equally strong contenders for the first overall pick. But I will go for the more obvious one: Sen. Kamala Harris.
Harris obviously ran for president already, which means she’s been vetted. She has also long been considered a rising star in the party. Plus, she would make history as both the first African American and first Asian American vice president, and African American voters are probably a group that Biden should reach out to given that he won the nomination thanks largely to their support. And this goes without saying, but Democrats will want to try to get African American turnout in the general election closer to where it was for former President Barack Obama than where it was for Hillary Clinton.
There will inevitably be some “ooh, remember how they attacked each other in that first primary debate” chatter, but I think that moment is overblown. Harris was doing what she had to do to win. And both before and after that incident, Biden and Harris have reportedly gotten along quite well.
geoffrey.skelley: Some say the first rule of vice presidential selection is to “do no harm,” and Harris would probably fit that bill on a number of fronts. She’s been in the spotlight and vetted as a former presidential candidate, as Nathaniel said. In other words, she’d meet the “Ready on Day 1” test that I think is pretty key for Biden.
Additionally, California isn’t a swing state, but Harris’s Senate seat would likely remain in Democratic hands. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom would appoint her replacement and when her seat is up in 2022, Democrats would be very likely to hold onto it.
nrakich: Yeah, I think the home-state effect of vice-presidential candidates is slim to none. That’s going to inform a lot of my picks.
sarahf: In their veepstakes feature on Tuesday, Politico set up Biden’s VP decision as a choice between appealing to black voters and appealing to the progressive wing of the party. So if he were to select Harris — whom I agree does seem like a very solid pick for him — I guess that only checks one of those boxes. But arguably, it’s not really possible for Biden to check both boxes with one VP.
geoffrey.skelley: I think the Biden campaign would argue Harris gives them some of both — she is a cosponsor on Sen. Bernie Sanders’s Medicare for All legislation, for instance.
sarahf: That’s true, but I still think about how she infamously raised her hand in one of the early debates to say she supported Medicare for All, only to walk that back later.
nrakich: Yeah, one downside to Harris is that the progressive wing of the party doesn’t really trust her. (Think of the “Kamala is a cop” meme.) But I agree, it’s hard to appeal to both, and I think African Americans are the more important constituency for Biden.
sarahf: Well, and to the point you raised initially, Nathaniel, Biden won the nomination thanks in large part to black Democrats’ support — think South Carolina in particular — so it’s hard to not think that is a major consideration for Biden when weighing options.
But OK, I’m up. Ugh. At least I don’t have to go last in this draft.
geoffrey.skelley: Sigh.
sarahf: So I’m not totally sure I agree with my own pick, but if part of the optics around Biden’s VP pick requires appealing to black voters or progressive voters, I wonder if he can’t try and do both by picking Rep. Ayanna Pressley.
I know Sen. Elizabeth Warren would be a more natural, high-profile pick to represent the progressive wing of the party, especially considering she ran for president, and Pressley is only a one-term House representative, but I’d argue Pressley, like fellow Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, represents a new direction for the party, which I think is an important characteristic for Biden’s VP to have.
I suppose that Pressley’s lack of experience is what hurts her chances to be Biden’s running mate the most. Massachusetts isn’t exactly a swing state either.
nrakich: Bold pick! Although I have learned the hard way not to bet against Sarah in these drafts…
I think Pressley is an interesting choice, but ultimately, I think the lack of experience dooms her. Biden, at 77, is the oldest major-party presidential nominee ever. That means the top consideration for the Biden campaign should be picking someone who will be ready to become president on day one.
geoffrey.skelley: Yeah, Pressley is fascinating, and it’s no coincidence that her name popped up in discussions about what might happen to Warren’s Senate seat if Warren had won the nomination (or maybe the vice presidency, still). But I agree with Nathaniel that Biden is unlikely to pick a one-term House member.
She’s a rising star, but maybe the 2020 election is just too near.
sarahf: The lack of experience definitely cuts against Pressley. But if Biden’s top VP considerations are appealing to black and progressive voters, I think it’s impressive she can check both boxes. I also thought she was a pretty effective endorser of Warren in the primary, but yeah, I admit that I’m not convinced this will actually happen.
OK, you’re up Geoffrey!!
geoffrey.skelley: Alright, I think my first pick is a bit predictable, but she would obviously fit in nicely with Biden’s political outlook: Sen. Amy Klobuchar.
nrakich: Oh, bad pick.
Maybe my alternative first choice will still be on the board after all…
geoffrey.skelley: She ran for president and has a long history of doing well in a purple state. Plus, she endorsed Biden right after dropping out of the Democratic presidential primary, so that may have also nicely positioned her for consideration.
And again, if the idea is to do no harm, she’s a fairly safe choice. But whereas I can see some progressives coming around to Harris, it’s harder to see that happening with Klobuchar.
Nevertheless, I think that after Harris, she’s probably the second-most-likely senator to get picked.
sarahf: That’s true, Geoffrey, I don’t see progressives warming up to Klobuchar like they might with Harris. In some ways, picking Klobuchar would be Biden doubling down on his base — i.e., appealing to more moderate voters, right?
Why do you say, bad pick, Nathaniel?
nrakich: I just don’t see what Klobuchar adds. She is incredibly redundant with Biden in terms of ideology and appeal to swing voters. Biden should try to pick someone who appeals to a different constituency.
geoffrey.skelley: There’s a chance Biden will view that redundancy as a good thing, though.
nrakich: I’m also not sure that Klobuchar wouldn’t do any harm … While I could see the left grumbling about, but ultimately accepting, Harris, I think they would be much more actively opposed to Klobuchar, who was always toward the center of the Democratic presidential field.
geoffrey.skelley: That’s fair, but at the same time, I suspect Klobuchar wouldn’t turn off some of the voters in the middle the way Harris might.
nrakich: Also, it’s not necessarily a dealbreaker in the same way it would be for some other potential VP picks (cough Tammy Baldwin cough), but if Klobuchar resigns from the Senate, her seat would go to a special election in November 2022, two years ahead of schedule, putting a Senate seat unnecessarily in danger.
geoffrey.skelley: But that’s a concern with almost every senator outside of Harris!
Democrats have a fairly deep bench in Minnesota, too, so that might not be that risky of a move.
nrakich: Hm, I disagree there. Other senators are on different schedules or hail from bluer states than Minnesota.
geoffrey.skelley: Out of the people likely to get picked, though?
Maybe Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.
nrakich: Shhh, spoilers!
geoffrey.skelley: Lol, the Senate special election discussion could take up half the chat.
nrakich: Was that not the plan??
In all seriousness, though, it’s a very important factor in the veepstakes discussion. A President Biden would need every Democratic vote in the Senate he can muster to pass his agenda.
sarahf: That’s a good point, but OK — you’re up again, Geoffrey.
geoffrey.skelley: My next pick is Sen. Tammy Duckworth. The Illinois senator flies a little under the radar, but she’s got a fascinating background as an Asian American veteran who lost both her legs as a helicopter pilot fighting in Iraq. She’s also from a blue state, so her seat would be more likely to remain in Democratic hands (it’s up in 2022).
However, as 2010 showed, weird things can happen — the GOP captured this very same seat that year, formerly held by Obama, so it’s worth noting that Illinois isn’t California.
nrakich: Ah, dammit. Duckworth was my second choice. She would be a great pick, for all the reasons Geoffrey says.
geoffrey.skelley: She also gave birth while in office, the first senator to do so!
There’s just a lot to her story that I could see winning the Biden campaign over.
nrakich: Yeah, she has a great story to tell, on many different dimensions.
And her low national name recognition right now could be seen as a reason not to pick her, but it’s also an opportunity.
sarahf: Right, I mean it’s not like Sen. Tim Kaine had a huge national profile prior to when Clinton picked him in 2016.
nrakich: Yeah, I think people generally overrate people who ran for president and lost when thinking about veep contenders.
geoffrey.skelley: Yeah, honestly the main reason I picked Klobuchar ahead of Duckworth was Klobuchar ran for president and has more of a national profile. But Duckworth might be the better pick — it’s less clear that she would offend any part of the Democratic coalition.
sarahf: OK, let’s see. It undercuts my first pick (Pressley), but I also think Warren would be interesting. Clearly, I have a Massachusetts bias.
nrakich: Massachusetts bias is nothing to be ashamed of, Sarah.
sarahf: But assuming national profile matters somewhat in who a candidate picks for VP (to be clear, the political science on this isn’t really clear, but it does seem to matter to party elites), Warren has got that covered. And apparently, when Biden was still considering running in 2016, he wanted Warren as his running mate! That’s interesting to me, considering the visible bad blood between the two during the debates (thinking about their heated exchange over who deserves credit for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).
What Warren would bring to the ticket is an ideological balance that I think few other candidates could give Biden, but I could also see her being a potential general election risk for Biden. I’m also not sure if the other constituency she appeals to — college-educated whites — is where Biden needs the most help?
geoffrey.skelley: Warren would certainly meet the Ready on Day 1 test, plus she’d unify the party pretty well. I do wonder if she’s a case where the Biden campaign might be concerned that the VP pick outshines the presidential nominee. That’s on top of the concerns that her progressive views might alienate some in the middle.
nrakich: Yeah, Warren was also pretty high on my board. If you decide your goal is to appeal to progressives, there’s no better choice (other than, I guess, Sen. Bernie Sanders, although that isn’t going to happen for many reasons). She has the experience to be president and demonstrated that she has a loyal following with her strong presidential campaign.
geoffrey.skelley: That’s true, but there is still the always-thorny electability question about whether Warren’s progressive positions would harm Biden’s attempts to have a broader appeal.
nrakich: Yeah, I wonder how that would play, Geoffrey. In this age of polarization, it’s debatable whether a presidential nominee on the ideological extremes still puts the ticket at a disadvantage; would a vice-presidential nominee on the extremes do the same thing? I’m not so sure.
geoffrey.skelley: I will say that a Warren pick would be interesting in that, at 71 years old by Election Day, Warren would be less likely to end up running for president should Biden win, so the VP pick wouldn’t necessarily be a launch pad for the next presidential contender.
nrakich: Eh, I don’t know, she could probably run in 2024 if she wanted. (I think there’s a strong possibility that Biden would not run for a second term.)
geoffrey.skelley: That’s true, but with most of these other names, the VP would very likely run in the future if the ticket won — or even if it didn’t. But we’re probably getting a little ahead of ourselves here.
sarahf: OK, Nathaniel, you’re up with your second and third picks!
nrakich: OK, next on my list is Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada. She has risen quickly in the Senate ranks; though she was just elected in 2016, she has already become chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. (I guess you could ding her for being inexperienced, but she was also state attorney general for two terms before that — in other words, she’s as experienced as Harris.) And, as a Latina, she would bring some racial diversity to the ticket, although I don’t want to imply that means she will automatically boost the ticket with Latino voters. Latinos are not a uniform group, and picking a Mexican American woman from the West wouldn’t necessarily resonate with, say, Cuban American voters in Florida.
(And, for you Senate special-election nerds, Cortez Masto’s seat will be up for election in 2022 regardless, so the only difference will be whether it is an open seat or not.)
geoffrey.skelley: Definitely a good pick. She’s under the radar, sort of like Duckworth, but has a very strong resume and a history-making backstory.
But with the Senate stuff, you wonder if the Biden team’s mindset is, ‘Look, we’ll probably lose the Senate in 2022 even if Democrats overcome a tough map to narrowly gain control of it in 2020, so we should make the best pick regardless of what that means for the Senate.’
nrakich: Yeah, maybe. But there is definitely a downside to picking someone like Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who I suspect will go unchosen in this draft. Baldwin’s seat would go immediately to a special election in 2021, and Wisconsin of course is a purple-to-light-red state. So that would cripple Democrats’ hypothetical Senate majority almost right away.
sarahf: That’s a good pick, Nathaniel, and could be a good way for Biden to broaden his base, considering his struggle to win the Latino vote in Nevada relative to Sanders. Although, of course, that has its limitations. What do we know about Cortez Masto’s politics, though? Isn’t she more of a moderate Democrat?
geoffrey.skelley: According to VoteView.com’s ideological scoring, she’s more or less around the middle of the Democratic Party, maybe slightly to the left of it.
nrakich: I think because she is unknown to many voters, she (and/or Biden) could define her ideology however they want, which I think is a plus. (Although she is a member of the establishment, as evidenced by her leadership of the DSCC.)
sarahf: OK, last round — take us away, Nathaniel.
nrakich: For my last pick, I’ll go with New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. She’s arguably the best pick among Democratic governors, many of whom were just elected in 2018 and therefore aren’t that experienced. However, Lujan Grisham also served six years in the House of Representatives, so I think her combined experience passes the bar. Plus, as a Latina, she is Democrats’ only nonwhite woman governor.
sarahf: I was wondering if we were going to get around to including any governors in this draft!
geoffrey.skelley: I think some folks may be surprised she was the first governor taken!
But agreed, she has an experience level that surpasses some other newly-elected 2018 governors.
nrakich: Yeah, even though many governors are getting high marks for how they’re handling the coronavirus crisis right now, Democrats’ gubernatorial bench is just pretty weak thanks to their drubbings in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Plus, Democrats really love picking senators as running mates — 15 of the last 18 Democratic vice-presidential candidates have been senators!
sarahf: Is that some foreshadowing of your last pick, Geoffrey?
geoffrey.skelley: I guess that may depend on what you do, Sarah!
sarahf: So for my last pick, I’m going to go with Stacey Abrams. Working against her is the fact that she probably has the least amount of government experience of all the picks named. Yes, she was a Georgia state representative for 10 years, but she isn’t currently a public official. That said, her 2018 gubernatorial bid against Gov. Brian Kemp was close, which is impressive in a red state like Georgia.
It’s a testament to how skilled of a politician she is too, considering she’s been able to stay in the national conversation, even though she’s not currently in office. The way she’s breaking the (unspoken) rules by actively campaigning for VP is fascinating to watch, too. She had this powerful line in a recent interview where she explained her decision to push for the job, saying, “If you don’t raise your hand, people won’t see you.”
I understand how her outspoken desire for the job will be portrayed as a power-hungry move and alienate some in the party because it violates the norms around how nominees pick their running mates, but I could also see that drive resonating with a lot of voters.
nrakich: Yeah, Sarah, I’m also fascinated to see where her unorthodox strategy of campaigning for the job leads. But ultimately, I think Abrams would be a bad pick for Biden because there would be lots of questions about whether she is prepared to step into the role of president.
geoffrey.skelley: “Unorthodox” is the right word — it’s atypical for someone to actively seek the vice presidency in the press.
nrakich: I could see it rubbing a lot of people the wrong way, but also, I think there would be a racial and gendered element to any criticism. Would a white man be criticized for being outspoken about his ambitions?
sarahf: Exactly, Nathaniel, that’s why I think it’s so interesting to see Abrams campaign for the job in this way. You’re right that it probably does irritate some party veterans, but I think it’s a powerful message that could resonate with a lot of rank-and-file voters.
geoffrey.skelley: Abrams could be an energizing force for Biden’s campaign, too. She’s only 46 and has such a strong profile built off her narrow loss in the 2018 gubernatorial race in Georgia. Maybe there’s a case that she helps Biden with black voters and younger ones whom Biden didn’t do as well with during the primary.
sarahf: True. But OK, Geoffrey, take us home! Last pick!
geoffrey.skelley: Alright, for my last pick, I was a bit torn because there are a fair number of directions I could see the Biden campaign going. But I’ll pick “that woman in Michigan” — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Her experience level is a question mark — she only won her office in 2018. But she’s had a lengthy political career in Michigan, and if her approval holds up on her handling of the coronavirus crisis despite becoming a national political figure, maybe that strengthens her resume enough.
While I, too, am skeptical of there being a significant home-state benefit to vice-presidential picks, Whitmer is from Michigan, a state Trump very narrowly carried in 2016. And more broadly, she might serve Biden well in the region as a whole. She’s also only 48 years old, making her one of the younger possibilities we’ve mentioned today. That could give the ticket a nice generational balance.
nrakich: Yeah, on the experience front, I dunno… She might get a pass from the media or low-information voters because she’s been governor during this time of crisis. And she was the Democratic leader in the Michigan Senate, which isn’t nothing. But I just don’t know if that’s enough to be prepared to be leader of the free world.
Her handling of the coronavirus crisis may not be the selling point that many analysts assume it is either. She got in trouble recently for giving a no-bid state contract for tracking coronavirus cases to Democratic-connected firms. That’s the kind of rookie mistake that comes with inexperience.
Plus, how would it look for her to take a leave of absence from the governorship amid a pandemic to go campaign?
sarahf: One other thing that’s been weighing on me as we’ve chatted about Biden’s potential VPs is the kind of weird place we find ourselves in. On the one hand, we know Biden is going to pick a woman, but we just don’t know who.
And that’s complicated because whomever Biden picks, she’ll be tasked with defending his alleged track record with women, which is daunting — there’s the inappropriate touching claims from earlier in 2019 and now former Biden staffer Tara Reade has accused Biden of sexual assault. That’s something that his VP, especially because she will be a woman, will have to speak to no matter who she is.
nrakich: Yeah, I’ll be watching how these latest allegations play out.
For whatever reason — no room in the coronavirus news cycle? media bias? Trump and Republicans aren’t harping on it? — Reade’s allegations haven’t gotten a lot of traction yet. But with Business Insider finding someone whom Reade told about the alleged assault at the time, it seems like they aren’t going away either.
So far, though, female politicians (not that women are the only ones who care about this issue), including some we mentioned in this chat, are still supporting Biden, or at least aren’t saying anything about the accusations. Hillary Clinton even endorsed Biden on Tuesday.
sarahf: Yeah, it’s hard at this point to say how this will all shake out for Biden. If more women step forward or if we get more corroboration around Reade’s allegations, I have to think this causes Biden serious trouble. But even if that doesn’t happen, whoever Biden’s VP is will have to talk about his relationship with women, and as Rebecca Traister wrote for New York Magazine, that might be a hard pill to swallow.
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