#if the cws r not proper please lemme know!!
delicris · 6 months
strings of blood attached
april 4th | forbid | 849 words | @jegulus-microfic
cw: mcd, blood, mild gore
"James. Look at me."
And he does. Oh, he does – a fevered look charged with anger and a desire for blood. And Regulus knows he can satisfy only one of the two. There's a blade pressed to his throat and a body bracketing his entire frame, rendering both his arms useless, and yet, he has never felt calmer.
Breathe in. Breathe out. A step-by-step guide on how to survive.
Breathe in. Hold the eye contact, feel the electricity of it charging you from the inside out. Breathe out. Take the risks you were taught to avoid like the plague.
"We don't have to do this." Breathless.
Breathe in. The air staggers in your throat, and you hold it there for a few seconds, almost as if preserving this exact moment in time. Your eyes water. And then –
James's breathing is erratic when he shifts his body weight and pushes the blade further. It punctures the skin but doesn't go all the way through to his arteries.
It should hurt, and yet the only thing Regulus can focus on is James – James, who puts his entire being into a kiss so uncoordinated as his breathing. There are way too many teeth and not enough of what they once used to be, and it's sheer torture. It's the next best thing Regulus has ever experienced, and James is pulling away far too soon for his liking. He wants to lick him clean, wants to sink his teeth through his flesh and rip him apart because maybe then he could reach him.
There's a smile stretching across Regulus's face that's bordering on obscene, raw. Breathe out. He knows James is angry. He knows what urges he can satisfy. He knows the rules of survival.
Breathe in. He's calm all the while James keeps fighting for his life, keeps stealing the oxygen, keeps pushing and pulling, even after everything.
I love you. He tries to forbid himself from thinking of it.
I love you. He cannot succumb to his own selfish desires.
I love you. He wishes he could get what he came here for, what was stolen from him – vicious fingers curling around something that was never theirs to touch, not even for them to look at. It was always James and Regulus, always both or neither, always too much or not nearly enough. Is that what love is meant to be like?
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Breathe out.
"I love you."
A whisper and Regulus doesn't know who says it, just knows that the lips are now much more gentle. The kiss screams of softness and care – it urges him to wake up from the false tenderness, the false sense of intimacy, and yet it lulls him in all the same. It's the last sliver of hope.
Regulus smiles softly into the kiss just as James slits his throat clean. It was always going to be the desire for blood that would end them both.
He can't see him, but he feels him hiding in the crook of his neck. He thinks he hears him sob, still drawing one breath after the other, still trying so hard.
James breathes in deep, deeper than ever before, and then, the distinct sound of a blade going through flesh. He would recognize James's body collapsed on top of him every single time, their disgruntled noises fusing into one perfect harmony.
Had the situation been different and the wounds not their last, they would have been bathing in each other's blood until the sun started painting James's skin warm, fingers dragging through the pooling blood, reaching inside.
Regulus trips over the tiny bit of hope that grew inside of him at that very last second and falls into the pit of an eternal abyss with his lover hidden deep inside of him. They were never going to leave this place on their own, the string was always way too tight.
They meet again, eventually. Regulus cuddled up in their bed, placed in the middle of a seemingly endless white floor. The light is overwhelming, yet the bed brings a sense of familiarity that keeps him content. A tiny black cat is keeping him company – a kitten that keeps bugging him for attention as he wakes for the millionth time. But there's a new feeling of an unmistakable weight behind him, and he shouldn't be able to feel the warmth of the body, but if he focuses hard enough, he's certain he can make out that long-awaited sense of comfort he's been searching for.
"How long have you been waiting here, love?"
Regulus no longer has to keep his breathing under control.
"Just a couple lifetimes."
Death looks him right in the eyes, and he smiles again – for the first and last time. There's an arm thrown over his waist and a kiss pressed to his shoulder, death purring right next to his head.
He falls asleep for the last time, their string attached for an eternity.
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reveseke · 2 years
Spontaneous crossover / au time with Spiderverse and Criminal minds about Spiderverse! Reader within Criminal minds ( feat a arcade themed stim board bc i wanted to make one <- TW bright colors & lights + flickering { Glowcore popping balloons } )
(( CW Sooo ~ Rather dark themes, mentions of being a lab rat, kidnapping, possible paranoia at some point even | mention of Jumping spiders ( due to the powers ) | You have been warned, approach at your own risk :3 ( probably didn't get all of it down these were the ones I thought off, if you find more please lemme know! )
Au/tropes — Crossover of Spiderverse × Criminal minds | Sci-fi | scientific super powers | found family (mention/hinted) | Angst(hinted)
Random – concept headcanons | Arcade theme in play
About reader — Masc! Aligned; trans, nonbinary & masc ambiguous friendly ! | He him pronouns used | R instead of y/n or m/n used | teen! reader around sixteen fifteen y.o ? | Hinted to have small amounts of background & a dog! | Tech savvy reader !!
Disclaimer – English is my second language and I'm Dyslexic, grammatical errors are more than going to happen. this is barely proof-read completely, it's just breezed through that's it lol.
DNI — Fudanashis/Fujodashis, fem-aligned, basic DNI criteria(ableists, racists, sexists etc), Maps(+other related terms), Pedophiles, transmeds, TERFS ( + other related terms ), antisemetics, proship/profic, kink/nude/18+ blogs, sh/pro-ana/Ed blogs, blank blogs
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Gif ID. Three gifs in upper row; a gif showcasing the 90s arcade mat designs with varying colors and shapes, second gif of a bundle of cables with small flashing RGB lights in between the cables, third gif of cyan and magenta glitters being stirred.
three more gifts row down; a gif of glow in the dark stars if varying colors being thrown down, a gif of two balloons filled with green and orange glowing liquid Uber a black light being driven over by a car popping them, third gif of three arcade machines against a wall flashing lights and active. Gif ID end
Credits — 👑|👑|👑 — 👑|👑|👑
What if spiderman! Au, masc!reader being something similiar to Spider-Man, a teenager and gets to work for the government when he's caught. Of course suffering through the court etc -> as in assault charges that can be linked to him even if it was against bad guys. Y'know lol .
Also bad guys just being criminals most of the time. And actually being normal people. Ofc there can be an alternative of serums etc etc.
If they were serumed up then there would be more chaos tbh.
But I'm still thinking wether or not it be the known sci-fi type with differences to the actual Spider-Man powers. Also bc i personally love jumping spiders, i think the powers will circle them specifically. ( So the suit design descriped wouldn't be the one Spider-Man actually wears bc originality if i ever continue on this concept lol )
R just swinging around and avoiding cops and agents as he starts to realise he's being chased / targeted.
His powers are seen as something pricy and unique, one could say people may be interested in seeing him fighting in a rink.
I think he would be a lab rat if caught by anybody who has the proper or improper equipment and skill(s) to be used.
I think the first time he'd use his powers would be after being attacked or scared and having the fight or flight response activated.
Most likely panicked and absolutely bat shit scared.
At some point may have had something to do with a murder or being an accessory in it. Koff Koff. Or maybe just do something with a murder of somebody in general bc of not knowing how much power he actually has.
:0 Vigilante good guy misinterpreted to be a bad guy bc his powers went haywire.
Oh yeah heh mentioned jumping spiders above, think about ultraviolet vision as something R would be able to access.
Also bc of 15-16 y.o R he would be in highschool during these times. ( Think about it being the present)
Getting a dog for his own protection, company and to combat the possible paranoia the shit underneath may have caused and is spoke of.
Yes I'm kinda just portraying this origin of Reader to be close to the original spider-man origin. Thinking of ways he could get his powers; i don't like the origin how that ended, bc angst i need angst and the Reader being a full lab rat by being kidnapped for tests with other people. Either they survived it or died during the testing. ( I think he could have been a bit younger when this happened. )
Also kinda wanna include Survivalist intuition(link) to the mix in a way, not only for thee possible danger intuition that will be part of the myriad of things the testing may have given him.
Having a friend group that somewhat knows what's up with the reader and tries to help him as much as they can. Which includes possible not talking to the cops or FBI if being questioned at one point bc the fbi found possible lead to the reader after seeing him appearing around newspapers and the streets of Virginia mainly.
If the reader does have parents they are spoken with aswell, if he does not then he's basically taken in as the shared child of the BAU team in time lmao .
If he does not have parents as in they aren't really there in his life that much.
Finding out he's a student, a minor in general surprises them a little, especially after connecting dots and finding out what may or may not have happened to him when he was younger.
After being caught he's held accountable for the crimes he's committed. And doesn't exactly deny them either. But he's also offered a possible job bc they could actually use someone like him in the forces due to his powers.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what if more sci-fi type of shit is going on and the technology is a little more advanced from the 2000- 2018 (i think?) Technology evolution. And the reader was tech savvy and build his own equipment and instead of actual webs or chemically composed webs it's just wires?? Like grappling hooks but small and study as fuck ¿¿ Lmao
So like in a way he's not smart in chemistry way, but in technology & physics way if you will lol ??
And if the reader liked a more colorful arcade-ish designs ?? :0
The fanfiction would be a crossover obviously, but idk if there would a specific world to be put in. Bc spider verse! Reader sounds really cool. Especially arcade-aesthetic style/ tech savvy(kinda like Peni from Spiderverse, but not completely y'know?) version would be really cool.
AAAAAAAAAAA— just thinking about a case where spiderverse! Reader is already part of BAU and is sent to go undercover in a school campus bc there's a killer and nobody knows anything and he's the only one that could easily without raising any suspicious'
Also how he's secretive about being hurt and sucking it up to bandages himself home bc that's basically what he's been doing. The amount of scars and wounds he has and how's he not dead yet ?? The teams shook lol .
Oh also JJ's basic maternal instinct; he's basically if put to work with the BAU department under Hotch as a trainee also under her, Emily and Penny's gaze. Also Hotch and Derek lol imo would look after the reader a little if they're assigned with him.
Also Derek will absolutely if the Reader is energetic and speaks alot pretend to be annoyed before actually being annoyed bc he can't catch a break off of you ( in this situation he'd voice it out politely. Instead of ignoring R completely lol ) . Also teasing how much of a motor mouth R can be.
With Reid he can absolutely talk about the most random things that come to mind and if he doesn't know what R's on about R can actually educate him on it !
Also i actually think especially if the Reader is neurodivergent Reid would absolutely be the best person to talk about hyperfixations and specials interests. In other seriousness you could pour your interests and likes to him and you'd get a good conversation out of it :³ .
Also mama hen Rossi content. You cannot convince me this man does not hen over the team in general. I have seen too many headcanons and hints off of this, + the show let's it up as well in some episodes and I am headcanoning it myself lmao. He's really caring tbh.
Can you already tell I'm hip deep in found family trope content with the old BAU team lol ?
Absolutely think once Penny gets a sniff at something R's interested in she's going to get him something related to that to keep his mind off of the dark things the job forces him into. She's absolutely the one you could just pour out and she's ready to help, care and possible be doting ;; .
Also just randomly thinking about those roof-top chase scenes where reader would be the dominant one bc he could catch up faster with the target especially if it's jumping roof top to roof top. Bc naturally much stronger and longer leaps than a human can do and more stamina. ( Bc of having a jumping spider specific powers )
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