#if there is another kuron i did not know about im going to pass out from embarrassment HAHAHA
💗 (Kuron)
Send in 💗 for me to use a love meter to check the compatibility of our muses.
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"Aw, that's cute-- wait," she pauses. Kuron, like, Mukami Kuron?
"Isn't he a teacher at school? I hope this means we'd get along if ever he taught my class... I'm not exactly on Reiji levels of school-oriented, though."
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"Isn't that the idol I keep seeing around...? He gives me weird vibes," she says. "In fact, I think I'd be able to find out a thing or two about him if we ever met in person..."
"Still, not a bad score. Perhaps my suspicions of him are wrong and he's just a regular guy... or this website is complete bull."
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May I humbly ask a scenario where the reader reuniting with Shiro. Give me all the feels. Pls (Im real lost right now fam this season messed me up, I haven't slept well in days and I'm losing it XD)
I lowkey added the theories from our conspirators on Tumblr about Kuron and the logic behind this mysterious clone. Also, it may not be what you wanted, but I did give you dem feels :’) ~Mod Saffron
Up, down. Up, down. Slap. Up, down. Up, down. Sl-
“Hey, (Name)?” a voice suddenly called you out from behind your quarter doors. You caught the slimy putty that Pidge accidentally created in your palm and warily glanced towards the sliding doors from your pillow. You blinked owlishly and swallowed, saliva burning your dry throat.
“Yeah?” Shit, that came out raspier than you thought. You really needed water, but surprisingly, you weren’t feeling thirsty.
“Can….can I come in?” It was hard to register whose voice it belonged to, but whoever they were, they sounded a bit cautious. You detected a hint of nervousness within the request, but you sighed heavily and ignored it.
“Yeah, go for it,” you called out rather gloomily.
As you mixed the multi-colored slime between your fingers, you heard the sliding doors hiss open to reveal Hunk standing in the doorway. He took a step inside as the doors closed behind him and he proceeded to stand awkwardly near your bed, where you lounged lazily over the mussed sheets.
Dropping the slime beside you, you allowed your hands to fall flat on your stomach as you accommodated your guest. “Hey,” you greeted while your eyes scanned him up and down for any food.
His eyes were painted with sadness and pity. “Hi.”
You blinked once before the tense silence was broken between you two. “So, what’s up? Any recipes?”
Sighing heavily, Hunk crossed his muscular arms with tight fists. “No. Not yet. I’m trying to work on this new tech with Pidge that will allow us to find Lotor’s new ship.”
“He has another one?” You questioned with slight panic racing through your veins.
Hunk’s arms hastily unfolded to open, placating palms, as he waved them around anxiously. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I meant the ship that he made out of the same thing Voltron’s made of! You know, the one from the comet we got from that alternate reality?”
You slumped gently back onto your pillow, suddenly feeling drained. “Oh, right. That one.”
You waved your arm to the area near your feets on your bed. “Make yourself comfortable.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine.” Hunk chuckled a little before clearing his throat. “I just came to see how you were doing. You know, since…”
“Shiro?” You finished with a scoff. “Yeah, I know. It’s not him.”
That statement made Hunk pause to stare at you incredulously. “Wait, what?”
You exhaled a bit exasperatedly and sat up with a hoarse groan. “Look. I’ve been really suspicious about this…‘Shiro’ we’ve been having around for the past few days.”
Hunk finally took this as an invitation to sink down onto the bed, never breaking his confused gaze from your eyes. “But, he’s like your boyfriend! Your man, your “the one” guy! I thought you’d be happier now that he’s back!”
“That’s the thing, Hunk.” You pursed your dry lips, licking them briskly before continuing. “When Shiro disappeared, it was only a matter of time before he came back to us. He returned? Great. No one seems to care about the fact that he had super long hair upon his arrival to Voltron.”
Hunk scratched the back of his neck, thinking. “Yeah, well, he was gone for who-knows-how-long.”
You glared at the mechanic-gourmand, the bags under your eyes creating the impression of an evil woman. “Hunk, you and I both know that you’re a smart guy.”
A tint of rose suddenly slapped his round cheeks. “Well…”
“Think, man.” You interrupted. “We calculated every quintant–”
“Whoa, whoa whoa. Hold up. What’s that again?” asked Hunk sheepishly.
“Got it. Carry on.”
“We counted every quintant that Shiro was missing for Voltron’s formation strategies. It was roughly about four-and-a-half quintants before this mysterious person who claims to be Shiro arrives in a Galra pod.
“Strangely enough,” Your voice began to clear as you spoke more heatedly about your theory to the bewildered Hunk. “This person survived seven freaking days without food or water, and might I add on low oxygen level, and somehow didn’t even need a healing pod for his stomach to recuperate!”
Your gasp of breath allowed an opportunity for Hunk to hum his thoughts. “Yeah…now that I think about it, it all does seem a bit…”
“And that’s not even it!” You jumped at his agreement. “When I ran to hug him, he tensed up for two whole ticks before hesitatingly hugging me back. That’s crazy! The real Shiro wouldn’t even waste half a moment to embrace me! And what’s up with his new haircut, anyways? He looks like a janitor at a drug-infested school! I raised my boyfriend better than that, you know! He never kissed me since and I feel like he’s being so cold to me! Even Keith senses something’s up! I know how his ugly a-”
“Whoa there! Hey, settle down there, girl!” Hunk laughed nervously while grasping your shoulders with a gentle clutch. He pushed you back down onto the bed with a slight ‘bump’ on the foam mattress. You sighed yet again and shut your lids in embarrassment, your mind raging endlessly on more theories you spent nights awake for.
He scooted closer to your torso, cocking his head lazily to gaze at your closed ones. Hunk’s fingers reached out to stroke your dry hair and you sank into his touch. “Look, I know you really miss him. Even if that’s not really him.”
You squeezed your eyes tighter, brows furrowing as tears threatened to spill. “Yeah.”
His palm was warm when it grazed your cheek. “I may not be as caught up on this “clone” version of Shiro as you are, but what I do know is that you have not left your room in a long, long time.”
Hunk’s voice sounded like gravel against concrete when he chuckled under his breath. “And don’t ask me to tell you how long in Altean measurements.”
When you opened your stinging eyes, the first few drops of your sorrow slid slowly down your cheek, only to be wiped away by Hunk’s thumb. You strained to sit up, your empty stomach groaning loudly, as you moved to wrap your arms around Hunk’s plump torso.
You laid your cheek on one of his taut pecs as you silently sobbed into his shirt. It had the wonderful aroma of burnt herbs with a hint of sautéed mushrooms in the mix. The scent reminded you of home, where Shiro used to cook breakfast in nothing but a silly apron early in the mornings, his sheepish smile piercing your heart when he reminded you that he could not cook. You still loved him anyways.
Caught up in nostalgic thoughts, you didn’t notice Hunk tugging your frame against his body as he rocked you back and forth comfortingly. You stayed in his arms until you felt sleepier than before, your eyes brimming with redness. It stung to blink and your throat was drier from the lack of liquid in your body.
“Hey,” Hunk gently called to you once more, pulling back from your tight hold onto him. “Why don’t you get into the bath while I whip something up for you? I know you haven’t eaten in hours and you look like you could use some nourishment.”
You eyed him weakly with puffed lids and swollen lips, nodding in defeat. Hunk murmured a few words of comfort before scratching your scalp one last time and getting up from your bed, mattress creaking form his weight. He pulled you with him and carefully led your heavy feet to the Castle’s giant restroom.
Your footsteps were padded as they sounded through the empty corridors, leaving you with nothing but thoughtless images of people in your head. Keith, Lance, Allura, and the others popped up, all smiles and laughter. 
Shiro’s visage did not show, however, and you weren’t sure if you were grateful for this. Several pangs hit your heart whenever his name rang through your mind. 
Stop, you told yourself. This isn’t like you. Grow up.
You didn’t realize how much time passed since you arrived in front of the restroom, yet you did remember collapsing in Hunk’s arms, exhausted from movement. The sensation of his strong limbs hauling up into a cradle nearly rendered you to sleep, but your senses reawakened when your bare feet fell silently against cold tiles.
“I’ll be back in a few hours,” Hunk’s gravel voice alerted you, despite its softness. “Just take some time to relax, clear your head, and take care of yourself. ‘Kay?”
“Mm-hm,” you hummed back.
When he took his leave, the doors instantly locked behind his figure, insuring your privacy. You sighed and began to strip your clothing piece by piece, each article piling higher in a heap of dirty laundry.
 As you got closer to your hot skin, it became increasingly difficult to unbutton the layers of garb that you had slipped on and kept for the past few days. The room became warmer, but you didn’t bother wiping the beads of sweat from your brow.
Your aching arm reached out to press a few buttons in the round bathtub, hot water springing to life from the spout and slowly filling up the marble bath. You grabbed a few pearls, apparently known for being the best Altean bath bombs, and tossed them into rising water. Within a few ticks, the clear water had become a bubble-filled paradise.
Once the water reached a certain marker in the rings of the tub, the spout clicked shut and water flow ended almost immediately. You hadn’t noticed you’d been standing naked until the sound of rushing water was gone.
 You cautiously lowered a foot into the water for a touch test and once the steamy bubbles sent tingles though your toes, you sank down into the water completely, ignoring the burn on your skin. You hissed slightly through your teeth as your body adapted to the boiling heat of the bubbly water.
Several ticks passed as you sat in silence, the water sloshing every few moments you adjusted yourself. Your thoughts turned up empty when you attempted to think of something other than your missing beloved. The old sky of Earth, the sweet scent of grass, the ocean. Nothing. Every thought reverted back to a connection with Shiro.
You lazily brought a hand up to scrub at your forearm, trailing towards your shoulder. Your pruned fingers traced the dead skin there, mimicking the way Shiro used to when you took baths with him on bad days. 
He would scrap his nails as gently as he could across your skin, giving you the nice sensation of chills and sinking you into a state of relaxation.
You rubbed your eye with a soap-free hand, suddenly feeling the weight above your eyelids. You were being pushed into slumber due to your inconsistent sleeping schedule from the past few days. You took another deep breath and exhaled though your mouth, stretching your arms in front of you.
Well, maybe you could take a small nap. As long as you didn’t slip underwater and die. Then, again, that might not be the worst idea.
Shaking your depressing thoughts away, you reached back to hoist yourself onto a bulging seat in the marble bath and fluffed the bubbles around your breasts until they were hidden from sight.
As you leaned your head against your palm, you momentarily took a moment to close your heavy eyes and simply relax. The soft sounds of the Altean bubbles popping and the rippling waves of the tub allowed you to receive a clear mind.
The harsh lights of the bathroom didn’t ease your lead-like lids any further than they were and soon, you found your head slowly lowering until it settled upon the wet rim of the tub.
Takashi....you thought sadly as you slipped into darkness.
Your eyes snapped open at the echo of the voice. Still groggy from your nap, you hastily rose to accommodate your visitor. Your head whipped around and you realized with a few rubs of the eye that you were not in your bath as thought you were.
You were in a dark plain, the night sky glittered with countless stars. Lavender nebulae danced across your upper vision but if you stared directly at them, they would vanish from sight. An eerie glow illuminated the scenery, giving you a serene feeling.
Quickly glancing down, you saw that you were clothed in ivory garments of some sort, wide and airy. You spun your head around your lower body and noticed that the dress you wore accommodated the style of a loose wedding gown.
Almost immediately, numerous questions filled your poor mind. Where were you? Who dressed you like this? Who called out to you? Why weren’t you in your bath, naked and trembling with tears?
Your heart skipped several beats, each one more painful than the next. You didn’t realize you began to perspire until a few loose beads slipped down your brow, you hand coming up to hastily wipe them away. You twirled this way and that, nearly tripping over your gown in search of the voice.
Then, you saw.
It was him.
In all his glorious wounds and battle scars, Shiro stood in the middle of the plain meadow, the high grass waving around him as he trudged forward in search of you. His armor was still adorned from his last skirmish with Zarkon.
You stared for a few moments, your eyes drinking in the sight of the real Shiro, Takashi, walking around like a lame child. Your brain received no response as you forced yourself to call out, run, something! You just stood with your mouth agape.
Then, he saw.
In all your glorious beauty and waving garments, you stood at the edge of the dead meadow, the low grass blades cutting into your ankles as you made tiny steps towards his figure. Your clothes seemed different than what remembered you last in, pale robes distinguishing you as a bride.
Then, you both ran. Sound was lost as the wind waved in your ears, pants barely heard, tears falling faster than a waterfall when you both crashed into each other’s arms. Broken sobs and hiccups echoed as your hearing was restored. Color returned to your eyes as your arms desperately wound themselves tighter around your beloved Takashi.
He, for one, could not understand how this was happening, nor could he pinpoint where he was. All he wanted to know was if you were okay.
Sloppy kisses were exchanged, and so did the breathless questions in between.
“Where-smooch-have you been-smooch-all this-smooch-time?” you asked as you sucked on his plush lips.
“I-smooch-can’t say,” he panted. “For sure.”
When you finally pulled back to study his face, your lungs were burning for air and your fingers have found their way around his chin, stroking it softly as you placed a few pecks around his face.
Shiro closed his eyes, still breathing harshly, and pulled you into his lap. Girdling his hips with your limbs, you slumped against his chest, still kissing his cheeks and stroking his sideburns with your free thumbs.
You gasped when he tugged the front of your collar lower than appropriate and began to suck on the valley between your orbs “Stay.”
“I will,” Shiro mouthed over your skin.
“I know you’re lying,” you responded softly, curling your fingers into his buzzcut.
You felt his smile against your breast. “It’s alright.”
When you opened you eyes again, you found your arms folded across your torso in a tight self-embrace. You pried your lips cautiously from your forearm, where you could see your lipstains all over your skin.
Releasing your arms in defeat, you allowed your eyes to finally let loose and rain down into the tub water, which had cooled sufficiently since your nap. Your skin had pruned severely from the ends of your body and your locks of hair damp and cold.
“It’s not alright,” you whispered to no one. “Lying is a sin.”
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