#if they try to give him a redemption arc its over boys
corneliushickey · 4 months
#furiosa: a mad max saga #furiosa spoilers
ok i've spoken to a few friends about this but i wanna put my thoughts together more coherently in a single posté, so: furiosa (2024) removes any significance in furiosa's story arc in fury road (2015) by removing her complicity + culpability
in fury road, furiosa (like nux!!!) is a cog in the immortan's war machine. he calls her out by name to the crowd at the citadel. she drives the war rig, a machine so totally her own and so much a part of her that it bears her mark on the driver's side door. she enjoys a place of relative privilege and safety as an imperator, a position in which she carries out the immortan's orders and advances his cause of domination over the wasteland.
yes, she was taken from the green place as a child, separated from the vuvalini through no fault of her own. yes she was doing what she had to do to survive. but she was still culpable. her survival was still built on a pile of corpses. her survival was instrumental in the subjugation + opression of the citadel's citizens.
AND!! CRUCIALLY!!! rescuing the wives from the vault was not her idea!! it was angharad who rallied the wives together with miss giddy and begged for furiosa's help in escaping. she agreed to try the desperate mad dash for her lost homeland because angharad, dag, cheedo, toast, and capable recruited her for the job. before that, she had given up on returning home. she had lost herself in service of the war machine. this is why it also makes sense that capable would reach out to nux with sympathy and compassion, because she's already seen one war boy find redemption and rally for their cause, why not another?
that is why when furiosa learns that the lost promised land of her childhood is gone, it is meaningful that she, the wives, nux, and the remaining vuvalini can turn around and choose to change the citadel instead. because she goes from being a part of the war machine, to running from it and taking five of its victims with her, to turning around to dismantle it.
but in furiosa (2024), furiosa is kidnapped as a child and handed to one mad warlord who murders her mother, then handed to a second mad warlord who means to keep her locked in a vault until she is of a more appropriate age for him to rape. then she understandably makes a daring escape (for which she faces. zero narrative consequences. but whatever that's another post) and sort of hides out as a scrawny silent blackthumb until praetorian jack takes her under his wing and gives her the tools she needs to escape (tools she... would have already learned from the vuvalini and dementus and her life as a blackthumb but, again, whatever, that's another post)
throughout all this furiosa's only motivation is self preservation. she is a child trying to survive kidnapping after kidnapping, seeking revenge against the men who are doing this to her, and then once she proves to dementus that she is nothing like him she just sort of hangs out for a few years until she takes the impetus to bring the wives a peach as evidence of a possible return to paradise. and then she saves them.
but the whole point of fury road was that... the wives saved her. through them furiosa came back to herself. came back to her vuvalini values. came to find values of her own. decided to take a stand against the human suffering she had spent so long enabling. got the chance to build anew.
furiosa is not the protagonist of fury road if she is a blameless victim on an equal footing with the sex slaves she's rescuing. if she were totally uninvolved in the citadel, eeking out an existence as best she could until she had the opportunity to save five fellow innocents..... she would be max rockatansky. uninvolved but committed to helping those he meets in desperate need.
her story is more complex than that. it carries more weight. and unfortunately furiosa (2024) takes that away.
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enemyoflactose · 6 months
To start this off, I want to mention the extremely weird obsession you have with watering Ryou down to this dumb Femboy for having feminine characteristics. God forbid a boy- yes, a BOY, a 16 year old, anorexic and confused guy to not be the manliest guy alive. Also all the overly sexual things directed to him or in relation to him? They are just downright revolting and can be in no way justified. You wonder why people can’t recognize your Ryou art when you dumb him down to a fucking femboy. Ryou bakura is based off many other characters and is supposed to be ANDROGYNOUS. (hence his Female VA and overall appearance.) he is NOT a girl. Also, stop making him to look really fucking dumbed down. If you even read the manga, ryou is actually really fucking smart. He isn’t a bimbo, he isn’t some kind of fucking stupid silly uwu boy. HES A TEENAGER GOD FORBID HE EVEN EXISTS
The next thing I wanted to allude on, Marik's mischaracterization, oversexualization (again) and woobification? How are you gonna dismiss one of the best written Characters in the entire show just for a few petty arguments, rude and impolite at that too. You’re also a giant hypocrite. Being as Yami Bakura (your favorite character) is a bad person AND I WOULD EVEN SAY, HES AN AWFUL PERSON. more so compared to Marik. His redemption arc i can get as to why you’re so pissy about it but you need to realize that this is also a kids show with limited writing due to 4KIDS, manga is more well constructed. Honestly i just have a giant problem with your Marik. I’m not even gonna talk about the thiefshipping, angstshipping, and opinions abt YM..why is Marik in your head like a fuckass. Like, your perception of him is so weird. Marik is equally as bad as every villain in Yugioh, you constantly make him out to be a hypersexual sex craved MANIAC. Also not to mention the blatant racism on your blog (it’s self explanatory.) I don’t understand all the hate, from his arc to the character design…pick a side, do you hate him or do you only like him because he pounds ryou in your head :T
Also the pure, unadulterated watering down of SA in your "crimes of marik/yami marik" post? I can't put into words how extremely shameful it is, to disregard such an important and scary topic and to make a joke of it honestly. IT WAS NOT SA? the scene was ryou bakura about to FALL OVER because he is INJURED. Marik isn’t trying to do anything to him. Thanks for dumbing down real life situations you’re an awesome person
Where did you get that Ryou was anorexic? Being thin and not really eating a lot doesn't make you anorexic. I would know, I was almost diagnosed with it.
I head cannon Ryou as a femboy not because I'm sexualizing him, but because I want to draw a character that I like and relate to in outfits that I just want to see him in.
Do I end up drawing Ryou in sexual outfits? Yes. I'm sorry this upsets you, but I find certain typically sexual outfits such as maid outfits and MEIKO's Blue Crystal model to be very pretty and cute. Not to mention they're just fun to draw.
I have plans to draw Ryou in other dresses and skirts that aren't sexual, I wouldn't have this head cannon if I didn't.
I'm well aware that looking androgynous doesn't automatically make someone a femboy or tomboy. I may be dumb, but I'm not an idiot.
The kind of stupid that I think Ryou is, is the kind that makes you unable to see certain social cues or just be ignorant about a lot of things. I give him the same stupid that I have because I'm projected on to a character that I like and relate to.
I'm also still new to writing, so the way I characterize Ryou hasn't been shown to its fullest. I write him and acknowledge him how he's already written, but I add things to make myself happy. That's how fanfiction works.
I never said that Ryou was a bimbo, I said that he's stupid because he makes objectively dumb choices like keeping the millennium ring and not telling his friends about it. Also, yes I do know that he's being abused. From an outsiders perspective however, his choices just come across as looking stupid.
I am making light hearted jokes about a fictional character and projecting myself on to that same fictional character, and you have a problem with that?
And to talk about your insults to my art, I know that the reason I'm scared people won't recognize Ryou is because I draw him to like this:
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Instead of this:
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I'm well aware of that because despite my low intelligence, I can understand that he doesn't really look like Ryou.
Also, why are you so intent on telling me that Ryou is a boy? I know he's a boy. I constantly say that he's a boy and acknowledge that he's a boy. You need to identify as a boy to be a femboy 💀.
For your Marik takes, I have no clue what woobafication is. I also don't hate Marik because he's a bad person, I "hate" him (it's fucking theatrical you dumbass) because he has a poor redemption that needed to be explored more. Marik is a character that I genuinely like and I think he's fun and hilarious, I just have problems with how he was redeemed since in my eyes, he did nothing to deserve it.
Yami Bakura is also not my favorite character. Weevil and Joey are. I just talk about Yami Bakura way more because there's more for me to say. I like Ryou more than him as well because Ryou is my projection character.
I'm well aware that Yami Bakura is a worse person than Marik, he did almost kill all of Egypt is I'm remembering things right, but that doesn't mean that Marik isn't also a bad person.
Just because someone is worse than another, doesn't mean that that person's sins are cleaned completely.
Of course you don't wanna talk about the angstshipping thiefshipping discourse you little pussy.
Marik is objectively worse than Pegasus, Noah, Gozuburo, and the Douma trio. He kidnaps, brainwashes, steals, kills, abuses his brother, and all the while he still blames Yami Yugi for how he is.
Marik being hypersexual is just a fandom trop. That's why I think he is, because a pretty big number of people also think that way.
Where is the racism? I'm genuinely concerned about this one it is not self explanatory.
I do actually like Marik as a character, it's not because he pounds Ryou in my head, it's because he's entertaining. He's fun, I like fun villains. (His purple shirt is ugly as hell tho)
Now to talk about my biggest issue with you. You think I can afford to just read the manga and watch the sub, don't you?
Well guess what chuckle nuts, I'M FUCKING POOR
I don't have the money to buy more of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga or to pay for a Crunchyroll subscription.
I'm broke, no money, poor, jobless.
You're making the assumption that I can fucking afford to buy the manga. I have to ask my family to buy it for me as gifts for birthdays and shit. I literally have no money.
So let me put everything you need to know in a little list so you, and anyone else, can understand things about me.
I project onto Ryou
I think pretty boys in pretty dresses is cool
I actually really like Marik
My favorite character is Weevil
I happen to like angstshipping
I happen to not like thiefshipping
I think certain sexualized outfits are pretty or look fun to draw
I have media literacy
Fuckass is not a word in my vocabulary and I don't know what that means
Please block me 💕
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bambiraptorx · 10 months
What is your opinion on the mystical magenta goat man? (Draxum)
Good dad? Deserved more screentime/emotional moments with the bois? (they gave us like 2 moments like that in the finale, and I'm sad that it's all we got)
Ooh, I have so many thoughts about Draxum. Buckle up.
First of all, it's worst mentioning that when I started watching Rise, I knew ahead of time that he would get a redemption arc. (Reading the wiki and watching clips/analysis videos is what got me interested in the show, after all.) So admittedly, my view of how his redemption arc went was a little skewed just because I knew from the start that it would happen.
Personally, I wish more of it had been actually shown in the show. We get about ten seconds of him helpless in an alley then a hard cut to him in his apartment being bullied by Mikey, and I would love to see how that series of events played out. Also, his arc from mortal enemy to somewhat trusted by the turtles happened in one eleven minute episode, and I would have loved to see that tension be played with a little more. I do understand that the show was cut short, though, and I'm pretty happy with what we did get.
*looks at all my fics* honestly, I think part of the reason that they're all more or less about Draxum spending time with the turtles one way or another is because that dynamic was so underdeveloped and several things went unaddressed in order to give the show a decently cohesive finale.
For example, the roof incident. Leo is clearly very bitter about it and clearly mistrusts Draxum because of it, but the show just didn't have the opportunity to address it. Another issue that had to go unresolved was Draxum's relationship to Cassandra, because she seriously looked up to/trusted him in their episode together but he more or less threw her under the bus.
Not to mention all the little things that canon hints at but doesn't show. Like, somehow Donnie has Draxum's phone number, meaning they had at least one conversation off screen. How did that happen? Do they hang out or something? And really, the whole story of how Mikey got Draxum to move into an apartment and let him come over is so unexplored, at least within the show.
And speaking of things that canon doesn't show, I find Draxum's position among yokai to be absolutely fascinating, especially given that the only yokai he deals with in the show itself are antagonists to him (Big Mama, the Council of Heads, the cops) aside from the gargoyles.
There's a pretty big hole there about how he interacted with the rest of the Hidden CIty-- did he have friends? DId people know about his research and mutations? What did people think about him? And obviously the narrative doesn't address this because the story is about the turtles, not him. But still.
And why did he choose to create mutants in the first place? Its fascinating that the prophecy that motivates him is never actually shown in the show itself, just referenced. Why was mutating humans the best option to him? Did he try other things? When exactly did the Council tell him not to create warriors?
The timeline is pretty fuzzy, and frankly Draxum's motives aren't actually all that clear. That's probably why there's so many different interpretations of why he's doing what he's doing (and what, exactly, he's actually doing) throughout the fandom-- canon doesn't address it super deeply.
So yeah, his relationships with the turtles are really fun to think about and mess around with, but the gaps in the narrative (not a perfect phrase but the general idea) around him are fascinating to explore in their own right. And whether canon would have explored him more or not, I think its fun so I'm gonna do it lol. I have built so much lore about this man (almost none of which has showed up in my stories) because he's fun.
And he is genuinely a fun character, whether pre or post redemption. He's dramatic, he's arrogant, he makes bad quips (seriously, he has a line about "how very NOT NICE to see you" at one point, and that's how my sister used to talk before she figured out how to actually be sarcastic). He, the big bad of season one, ends up as a lunch lady at one point, which is frankly absurd and absolutely in tone for the kind of show that Rise is. He's a powerhouse at times and completely out of his element at others.
And once he's no longer actively fighting the turtles most of his screen time, there's a goofiness to the nature of his character, a powerful alchemist/warrior trying to live a normal life (mostly because a thirteen year old will yell at him otherwise) and not even trying that hard. Season 2 especially does a lot of fun things with his character, and I only wish that they're been able to do more.
TLDR: Draxum is probably my favorite character, and also I want to hit him with the hammer of 'forced to deal with teenagers'.
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neyliaart · 3 months
hi hello talk to me about junmei :3
i prefer post-canon stuff but i will gladly take anything!! also. do you perchance know of any jun wu redemption fics because i could only find one on ao3 ;;
yes he’s a villain but. it’s fanfic! he comes with a complimentary sad backstory! he’s stuck under a mountain to think about his actions! he’s stuck there forever, he has plenty of time to reflect on his behavior
First up @witch-is-writing do you know?
I only remember ones that vaguely count as redemption really but in my defense I woke up a minute ago, saw "Junmei" and scurried to write this text. Also do tell me which fic you found so I can check if I read that pls :3
Jun Wu is just the personification of 'hurt people hurt people' for me and if you wish I may write an essay about that thazs vaguely structuered and more of a ramble. I do however very much consider mei nianqing to be important to his healing. I dont even call it a redemption arc but oh boy that man needs some Healing. Mnq does too and they really should do that together because their issues are so intertwined. I have so many loose thoughts about this right now oh ma god.
The path to Jun Wus redemption or healing will always lead through the vassal that stayed longer and the vassal that left in the end. The one man he couldn't kill in two thousand years. The one man who knew him before he put on one mask after the other.
And truly they have all the time in the world for that post-canon. Let nianqing (...nian...nyan....nya... Yeah i didnt sleep enough.) visit him in the mountain. Return day after day to make it stick a little. That hes there now. Bring tea, bring books to read, whatever really. They are both so incredibly hurt it makes me sick (positive) and it would be a journey. One thats hard and rocky. One where JW still falls back to lash out and bite because its what saved him for hundreds of years but MNQ stays now no matter how he growls.
Yes JW is just a rescue dog to me and I will never get that thought out of my head ever again but I have one and the similiarities of it are striking. Funnily enough that also means most people should just ignore him (for now). Let one person get closer for now, more than that would be too much and if he starts to feel cornered he will growl and then he will bite. Its an intricate play ot trial and error to figure out when to actually step back and give more space and when to take him by the scruff even if he tries to bite. So MNQ got a lot of work and figuring that out ahead because thats his rescue now (has always been really) and JW will always remain a little more at ease with him than the rest of the world.
At last those who caused the pain have died and after that, by all means, it was all a grasp for control because for as long as he has control he can never be hurt. I believe we all try to hold control over at least something in our lives and its natural to do so. We are all scared to be hurt. But nobody can control everything (much less forever) and he needs to learn to live with that fear and uninternalize the mask of anger that hides it.
No matter what he needs to feel safe first. Not ultimatly safe but at least safe to show that hes afraid. Safe enough to stop wearing a mask of stirkes to hide the vulnerabilty. He needs to be scared and he needs to be vulberable and it need to be safe and okay for once.
And who better to grant that safety than that started the whole tale of his demise and his crimes by telling our main character to the face that this man shone so much brighter than he ever did. A fact i will never get over. The contents of what MNQ tells XL and us is like: War crimes, attempted murder on me, wiping out the heavenly capital, bringing ruin to Multiple kingdoms and how does one start such a tale best? Logically by refering to the man in question as the sun. But thats not enough. He wasnt just any source of light. He outshone you and all of us and all the other gods which are now dead because he murdered them.
MNQ is crazy for that and I absolutly adore that and that is literally all it will ever take for me to ship this. You can not tell me that is not a subtle love confession?? JW attempted to murder him multiple times i don't think people normally talk about such a guy like that??
Uhhhhhhhhhh anyhow
*subtly slides discord link*
I also made this where witch is also inside and so far nobody else but uh yes in case you want that because I dont know how to tell people.
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curlytheintrovert · 1 year
🔹Another Ben Solo Rant🔹
I think what hurts the most about Ben Solo is the missed potential.
Firstly, I really wanted to see he and Rey fight Palapatine. That one motion, turning to face him in unison with their matching sabers raised, was so powerful. I was so excited when I saw this the first time…its SUCH a shame that they didn’t follow through with it. I needed to hear: “We are all the Jedi.” And to see them fight as a non conflicted dyad in the future?! The thought makes me shiver.
But more than that I wanted Ben to have actually been able to revel in love and his relationship with Rey—to understand how healing someone else’s love and acceptance can be. It was obvious from that precious smile before he died (?) that he hadn’t received much of that. And giving him two seconds of happiness was cruel…Let our boi have some good things, damn it!
Like I wanted to see Ben make friends for the first time and have fun—to see him laugh. I would have loved to see that Han Solo sense of humor and sarcasm that I know he would have had. I would liked to see Ben be a skilled fighter for the Resistance, and show off those Anakin-Han pilot skills we briefly got to see. To see he and Rey’s relationship outside of war and turmoil, in quiet moments and peaceful conversations. It most likely would be complicated and difficult. They would had to fight for their future, I’m sure of it, but that’s what would have made it so special.
I also really really wanted to see Ben actually redeem himself. Honestly, killing him gave him the easy way out, just like Vader. Sure he redeemed himself to Rey, but to try and atone for everything he did and everyone he hurt as Kylo? It would have been so incredibly fascinating and complicated and raw and messy…I would have LOVED it. To see Rey defend him to the Resistance and let him be in their midst would have been so tense. The awkwardness of facing Finn and Poe—after hurting them both—and Ben having to win their trust would have been great. I want the awkward and I want the not so straight forward conclusions. That’s what Kylo represented: The morally gray.
To see a villain redeem himself, atone and accept that forgiveness might not be achievable for some in the galaxy would have been so powerful and unique. And with how so many of us connected with Ben/Kylo it would have been therapeutic all around. But I don’t think a movie would be mature and nuanced enough to pull it off. A show on the other hand, all about Ben’s redemption arc would make me the happiest nerd girl possible! I want something like this instead of the Force ghost scenes we’ll probably get in the new movies.😭
And now that my rant is over, I’ll get back to mourning Ben Solo on a weekly basis, thank you and good bye T_T
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starfayy · 6 months
Writeblr Intro (cuz i forgot about this)
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AYUP everyone my name's Fleur, i'm a 19 years old woman, im cishet and painfully neurodivergent (AuDHD and MADD). Im also brazilian and christian so there's that! (Trilingual beast coming at ya!)
I've been a writer since who knows when, started to write fanfiction in the worst fandom i could've started (...the beatles), went to an amazing fandom -that turned out to not be that amazing but my writing and storytelling evolved exponentially so im grateful- to now being more focused in original works
I'm currently writing a book with my friend (@serenity-of-waffles)*, and i might probably work in scripts for comics, animations and maybe games????? Let's see-
yeah im an artist too hehehe
Genres i enjoy reading/writing: Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Horror, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Here comes the lists of things i like to see in a book and that i tend to write it in my own stuff:
A good well written romance sometimes doesn't kill ^.^ (im a cliché beast, careful)
Tragic Backstory? Sign me in
Supernatural ocurrences and creatures. Analog Horror, Psychological Horror as well
Super heroes? Yes
Mythological metaphores
I write for both Youth and Adult (im a sucker for children's books they can get so dark suddenly and is amazing)
Mystery elements yesyesyes a good suspense
Deep relationships
Consequences. I love consequences.
Historical plots and period inspired fiction
Super powers, creatures, magic, a whole well made worldbuilding (Tolkien wannabe)
SOOOO what am i looking for??
FRIENDS! People to rant about my silly stories and worlds!
More writers to follow and engage and and- ykwim
Current WIPS? hmmmmm
• Eden Fables: The Inkweaver's Diary - (*NOT WRITING ALONE) So this one i won't give much detail, just know that me and my friends we're going absolutely insane over this book and the entire possible series and is our child, you're not fucking ready. The best fantasy book i ever written in my life TRUST ME. Blame Tolkien and C.S Lewis for inspiring us so much- (sorry for the vague synopsis muahahahah) A story of a boy displaced in time and space as he finds his heart and returns to his throne, finding a family along the way while dealing with the craziest adventures.
• Boreal City (future comic :O) - A retrofuturistic cyberpunk super-hero universe about many different points ot view and adventures that are actually connected (like the Marvel Comics universe or DC comics). Its being one of my favorites so far im having so much fun doing it hehe
Its very inspired by many superhero and retro-cyberpunk media, i cant count here how many hehe Synopsis (for at least one of the stories): From a family of superheroes, turned into a villain by his own demise, and disappearing for 5 years, GlitchWave makes his stupendous comeback in an unexpected redemption arc, and it all starts when he meets his brother again.....
• Gritia's Great Mystery - An amazing story about a corrupt kingdom trying to hide all evidence that god exists, aside from other...cruel crimes against certain groups of people. The aesthetic is a mix of enlightnment era, renassaice and victorian age, all together mixed with elements of thriller, romance, mystery and BIG drama. Maybe one of my most serious stories, since i wont hold back in the critics n shit
The Crown Family of Gritia, for centuries, tries to make the existence of the Mighty King, aka god, a tabboo, or even erase him from all existence, alongside his followers. Anything that goes astray the status quo is suscetible of punishment (or worse....)
That makes Spencer's life a bit complicated, even if he doesnt know abt the Mighty King's existence, he's part of a secret society...lets see where this goes right?
OOF DAMMT I SPOKE A LOT HUH SORRY IM A TALKER! Hope to find more writer friends along the way ^.^
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cadybear420 · 6 months
If HSS (both trilogies) were made by 2022-2024 Choices.
I've seen a couple of posts on the Reddit such as "If ILITW/TRR/ES/etc. were made today", and it got me wondering the same for HSS. So I've decided to do my own for both HSS trilogies.
Feel free to share your own speculations!
There would probably be only 1 or 2 LIs, both forced upon the MC, and both made race (and possibly gender) customizable. Michael would definitely be a LI, him and Caleb for duo GOC LI because I know PB would not be able to resist the "golden boy jock/bad boy rebel" LI duo. Though I can maybe see them having Michael and Maria. Emma I could see being a third (possibly race-customizable) token canon female LI. Aiden would certainly not be eligible as a LI because modern Choices (with the exception of maybe MAH) seems to hate LIs that are shy, awkward, or softies, especially if they're male or male-coded.
The book would probably still be GOC, thankfully. Then again, I wouldn't put it past modern Choices to want a genderlocked high school book where they default the MC into being a cheerleader. Speaking of which...
There's no WAY modern PB would have the activity choice system, quite simply because the multiple routes and dialogue accommodations would require putting in actual effort. Modern PB would definitely try to do a genderlocked default-cheerleader MC, but I also feel like they could default MC to being a jock since Book 1 was a bit jock centric. Or heck, they likely wouldn't even give MC an activity at all because god forbid we have proactive MCs.
Honestly, I feel like just about all of the different options and possible outcomes- the spirit stick heist, tryouts, junior captain, hoco/prom crowns- we have for the MC would be nerfed, because they would require putting in actual effort. So rather than having a MC where we can actively decide who they are and how they behave, they'd probably give the MC like one random set thing they're into and have all their dialogue choice options be lacking in variation and story impact.
Assuming Caleb is a (or the) LI, they'd make Zoe a full on straw loser villain woman who exists solely to have petty catfights with MC over Caleb and thus make MC seem like the better match for Caleb. They'd probably have her not be caught cheating until later on into Book 1, nerf her Book 3 redemption arc entirely, and instead have her be unable to move on from Caleb by then and hold resentment against MC for "ruining their relationship".
They might age everyone up to 18+ (with our MC being an incoming senior), but probably wouldn't include smut scenes considering the MTFL fiasco. I mean, ID had zero smut scenes despite its confirmed 18+ cast. If this was 2018-2020 Choices, they probably would have a couple of smut scenes, but 2022-2024 Choices would definitely not. Probably a hell of a lot more lap sitting though. But only MC sitting in LI's lap, except for Emma where it's reversed, because having a male LI sitting in female MC's lap might lose them those precious pennies from straight women.
Considering Prime getting sunset in August 2022 and PB having deleted the Twitter account for it, I'm seriously doubting how much modern PB cares about that game. This version probably would not have HSS Prime characters in it at all. Heck, they'd probably just not even make it "HSS".
It would be single LI, Rory being that LI. Ajay and Skye become merely recurring side characters.
I feel like maybe PB would be more likely to genderlock this one. Or maybe not, IDK.
Danielle would be a lot more outwards and over-the-top of an antagonist. As in, we see all her behaviors up-front. She'd be a full-on straw-loser villain woman for MC to compete with over Rory.
The same thing about sex scenes for OG would apply here too. Instead of MC being freshly-graduated from middle school, they'd probably make them a incoming senior transfer student from a private school.
Assuming this continues from the Choicesified version of OG HSS and not from the one we actually have, the OG gang will have graduated by the time CA starts (given that they'd have all been made seniors in this version). In other words, we now have an actually valid reason for CA to throw out the OG gang instead of keeping them around for superficial nostalgia bait. That's one positive I guess.
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darkwolf76 · 2 days
Hi there I wanted to say that the blood and bone fic is amazing and that I hope we see some updates soon.
I aslo wanted to ask a couple of questions especially about Tristan:
1) In the tags there is a Heleana/OC, are Tristan and her going to be having a sort of courtly love relationship? Because it would be kind of funny and tragic at the same time that he falls in love with someone he shouldn't just like his father does in basically every possible universe, but like father like son I suppose.
2) You implied that the biggest part of Criston's journey to redemption is Tristan himself, so I suppose that he is gonna try to teach him true honor and make him avoid his mistakes. Also, does Tristan discover who his father is on his own or someone will tell him? I feel like it's fitting that he is going to have the same insecurities his father had when he was young, but instead that being centered about being half dornish they would be centered about being a bastard, this is gonna be one angsty kid.
I also feel that there is going to be a duality between him and Aemond, one being his natural son that adopts all the ideals and chivalry Criston once believed in and embodied, and the other is his 'adopted' son that instead adopts all the brutality, anger and bitterness that Criston took up over the years.
Thank you so much for the ask! It's really touching to hear about how much interest you have and your thoughts! I'll answer your questions as best I can below the cut. Spoilers, sort of?
1) Besides snippets that I've dropped in summaries and edits I've posted, I don't want to give away too much. But I will say Tristan and Helaena’s arcs in Bone and Blood are very closely intertwined. The way I plan to write them both, it makes sense. Just as I view Criston as a deconstruction of the Lancelot legend, Tristan is a deconstruction of the Galahad legend. That gives some hints to his character. I also can at least guarantee that every pairing in my tags for the fic will happen. Helaena will get her love story.
2) Just as Tristan’s arc is entwined with Helaena’s, his and Criston's arcs are also really closely linked, at least for a good portion of the story. Criston sees a lot of himself reflected back in a young Tristan and possibly a second chance to correct mistakes he made in his own life, which definitely has its benefits for Tristan but also some major pitfalls. The question of how and when Tristan discovers his heritage is one to be answered in the narrative.
Tristan is an angsty boy because he carries not only bastardy on his shoulders but mixed heritage that he can't even lay claim to. He and Aemond are foils to each other in a lot of ways. They are close to one another and raised in the same environment with a lot of the same parental influences, but with some key differences that create a huge divergence. One wants to live up to what everyone thinks he should be. The other wants to defy what society society says he should be.
I am actively working on the next chapter right now.😉 Thanks for your ongoing interest! Please never be afraid to share if you have more!
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
She does also find the subway lair too but by then she's become aware enough to know she needs to step back or risk alienating the kids too much. It was a lot easier to find the lair now that she knows what to look and since Donnie didn't have enough time to put up proper cloaking and defenses after being uprooted so suddenly. It take a hot minutes before the turtles even realize she knows, she's just been having her people watching over them from afar with he expectation they would eventually have to come to her and they'd find a bunch of really expensive and personalized gifts randomly shoved in their hands by yokai whenever they were in the Hidden City. She also cases Run of the Mill out, determining its an important place to her babies.
Oh definitely! She probably finds out about the subway almost as soon as they do lol. But after the whole "Battle Nexus NYC" fiasco (which she set up as a way of showing affection but it backfired pretty bad(i went over it a little more here), she realizes she has to step back and give them some space. especially since even though they her intentions were good (ish?), it doesn't change the fact that battle nexus nyc happened and directly lead to their fight(s) with the shredder. A lot of trust was lost to that (especially in Leo's case. Who was at the "maybe we can trust her" point, and immediately shoots back to "not a chance in hell")
But, like you pointed out, just because she's giving them space, doesn't mean she doesn't want to at least make sure they're safe.
The idea of Mama sending out curriers with gifts for them is both hilarious and adorable. Like theyre just chilling in the hidden city and a random dude runs up like
"Mama sends her regards"
Shoves a package into Mikey's arms, and disappears.
It's the expensive paint set that he had been staring at last week.
Mikey loves it.
Leo thinks he should get rid of it (b/c it's from Mama and she's obviously trying to bribe them)
Mikey threatens to web him to the ceiling if he so much as looks at his new paints. (and he very much doesn't mind being bribed by their mom. At least she's showing that she's paying attention to their interests.)
They'd warm back up to her eventually (Mikey makes sure of it. He refuses to let his family stay angry with one another over, what was essentially, a misunderstanding. Redemption arc starts in earnest about then.) and it's not the gifts that do it, not really. It's that she's showing she cares for them, taking their interests into account, the fact she actively wants to learn who her boys are, that does it. Also the fact she apologies (something Mikey coaxes her through since i doubt apologizing is her strong suit) certainly helps matters.
Tumblr media
oh definitely not. Id imagine she'd keep that a secret for just such an occasion.
Thank you!
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ngl i kind of miss the era of fics after hunting palismen but before season 1b where hunter slowly befriends luz’s friends and family under the guise of studying wild magic/espionage/whatever they were setting up with hunter spying on luz in season 2a that they didn’t have time to pay off in the show. and he finds a loving mother figure in eda and gradually realizes that belos and the emperor’s coven are bad before bravely standing up to his abuser and permanently moving into the owl house to be luz and king’s grumpy older brother.
i know his arc in canon didn’t go like that and tbh despite having more episodes to interact with him than darius or camilla eda ended up being like. the least parental towards him out of the three. but i really like that fic concept? not very action-y so i get why they played his arc out this way in the show but hunter’s heel turn in the show didnt. really feel like it was in his control? he has doubts about helping belos in every episode he appears in bc he was growing to care about luz and her friends. and ofc he finds out that belos is evil in hollow mind and ends his redemption arc by choosing to help hexside fight off the scouts.
but he was forced into all the realizations about belos by outside factors. he leaves the emperor coven not because he made an informed decision about how it was bad but because he knows belos would kill him if he didn’t leave the coven. and then when he helped the students at hexside it was because the teachers were about to trade him for gus if he couldn’t prove that he was trustworthy. i guess in the human realm he does get to learn what counts as a normal childhood and loving family, but that ties more into his post-redemption arc about found family rather than this being what makes him realize that belos was evil.
(this is also why i like to compare hunter to peridot from steven universe rather than zuko. i know on a surface level hunter and zuko are both angsty boys with a scar and an abusive father figure. but zuko had a journey bonding with civilians and the gaang where he learned why exactly the fire nation was wrong. and his decision to leave the fire nation, after zuko got back all his privilege and his fathers favor, was meaningful because it showed he was willing to give all that up to do what was right. meanwhile hunter, like peridot, had nothing left to lose by the time they join the protagonists. they fought against the villains because they were trapped with the protagonists and would die if they didn’t. i’d say even peridot had more agency in her redemption arc than hunter because she was given a chance to go back to homeworld but instead chose to save earth anyway and tell off yellow diamond.)
every confrontation between hunter and the villains during and after hollow mind was forced on him. in his earlier episodes, hunter did some small betrayals towards the coven to help luz and willow. but during the final part of his redemption (hollow mind & labyrinth runners, where he fully does a heel turn towards the protagonists’ side), saving gus from getting his sigil was the only major action he chose to do. in every other instance, his options were either help the protagonists or be killed.
this isn’t a bad thing. i like hunter’s character arc. it’s definitely more about coming to terms with one’s trauma than about anything bad hunter actually did. so they kind of brush aside his redemption arc once it’s over and the major focus is on what comes after. which i think is how toh does most of its redemption arcs? like with lilith or to a lesser extent amity. hell even mattholomule. once the character realize they’re wrong they get on the protagonist’s side and there isn’t much lingering tension about the harm they did. because once they’ve dedicated themselves to helping the protagonists, there isn’t much more they can do to make up for the past harm and toh definitely isn’t trying to preach anything about punitive justice.
so for hunter he realizes belos is evil and going to kill him in hollow mind and decides to help luz’s friends stop him in labyrinth runners. and after that he permanently joins the gang and helps fight belos and the rest of his arc is about finding himself after his redemption. which with how they wrote his backstory and arc so far i am more interested in this than seeing him haggle with the moral quandaries of working with belos and slowly realizing that he wants to be a Good Boy.
but man. those season 2a fics are so good. they’re like an au where hunter’s redmption arc is more like zuko’s than peridots and they give him a LOT more agency. in those fics he might get forced to stay with the owl family at first out of plot contrivance, but by the end he chooses his new family. and he chooses luz and eda and the rest of their friends and family over every privilege he had in the emperor coven, and over belos. and even though it might be a bit cliche, i still think that idea is really powerful.
#toh#the owl house#hunter toh#hunter noceda#hunter clawthorne#the way his arc plays out in those fics and the way his actual arc went are subtlely different#but that difference is significant to me#its taking responsibility for your crimes as a pawn of a dictator and finding that the people who actually love you will still forgive you#its looking at luz and her family of criminals who genuinely love and support each other#and looking at the emperor coven and all its prestige but with the underside of impossible pressure#and occasional praise and manipulation from an uncle that SHOULD love you but only uses that love to hurt you and get you to obey him#and realizing that no. you deserve to be treated better than that#that a humble life spent running from authorities with a family of genuine love#is leagues better than the power and glory from perpetuating a cycle of abuse#its hunter coming to terms that the environment he grew up in was horrible to him and continuing living there with that knowledge#before deciding that hes ready to leave belos. that he has a support system outside of the coven who wont treat him like this#as opposed to having the worst night of your life as you realize everything you know is a lie#and being forced from the only home you ever knew through no fault of your own with no support system you trust#and only after you have nowhere to go and nothing left do you start building everything back up again#and either way hunter realizes there is a light at the end of the tunnel#i think the second arc does have more of a place in the show but man i love to see that first arc explored in fics#maybe in a full season 3 they would have combined both ideas and they definitely planned to have hunter spend time with the owl family#but well never know#shut up pandora
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commenter2 · 1 year
The Boys last season ideas
I thought I posted this already on here? Oh well, here is a post about "The Boys" I made a few months ago. Long post warning is in effect.
Last year I got into the Amazon show “The Boys” a VERY M rated show based on the VERY M rated comic book about a world where most superheroes (called Supes) are selfish assholes, with Homelander (AKA Evil Superman) being the worst of them all. Supes also act as mascots for the evil Vought International company that has secretly MADE all the heroes by using a drug called Compound V to give people powers. Though the public has no idea to how corrupted the heroes and the company are, a vigilante group called “The Boys” make it their goal to bring them down. The team consist of Billy Butcher who hates all Supes especially Homelander, M.M., Frenchie, Hughie, and even some good Supes like Kimiko and Vought Supe employee Starlight, and though they are the protagonist of the show they can be just as dirty as the people they want to take down.
Though very late I wanted to post some ideas for what I hope could happen in the upcoming last season, regardless of what has already been confirmed. Beware of major spoilers for the series and some M rated content I'll bring up. I’m also not going to explain every detail about the show unless it’s important to my ideas. I’m also going be all over the place when it comes to idea, since there are a lot of connections here so sorry about that in advance.
Last season ended with “The Boys” aiming their sights on Victoria Neuman, a lady who pretended to be their ally but was in reality the secret daughter of former Vought International CEO Stan Edgar, and who is now running for vice president of the United States. This will be hard since she is also secretly a Supe that has the power to blow up organic matter (usually heads), and it doesn't help that Billy Butcher only has a little over a year to live so they got to be quick, but I have an interesting idea for what they could do to go after her.
Personally I loved how season 3 had "The Boys" trying to find ways to fight the Supes on equal grounds whether it be temporarily giving themselves superpowers or having Soldier Boy (another former ally) use his Compound V destroying power, and I want this to continue in the upcoming season somehow. Last season gave The Boys several scenes when they got access to Compound V and worked in one of Vought's lab so one idea I like is that they try and find another way to destroy the compound on their own, but since they don’t have access to the whole formula or its creation process, this leads them to trying and find Stan Edgar. Another idea I’d be okay with is that while trying to find dirt on Victoria at her office, they find a lead to a file that Edgar has that is all about the Supes, leading them to looking for him.
While searching for Edgar I can see several storylines happening like Billy going all out while still using his time to make amends with people such as trying to reach out to his dead wife’ son Ryan (the son of Homelander) and making him remember his good side, the team finally killing Nina (Frenchie’s evil ex-employer) and gaining some new allies like A-Train (who last season started going through a redemption arc) and maybe Black Noir. TLDR, Black Noir was "killed" last season and there is a confirmed Noir 2 appearing in the last season but I like this prediction I saw some time ago saying the OG Noir would come back as a RoboCop like cyborg and Noir 2 SHOULD be that, heck make him the DC equivalent of Cyborg. It would be cool to see Noir regain his humanity and FINALLY seek revenge on Vought for all that the company has done to him, even when he was loyal to a T. We could get a proper Homelander vs. Noir fight too!
Maybe there is one storyline where M.M. meets up with his ex-wife who is scared of her new husband Todd as he (as shown in last season) has become one of Homelander’s biggest MAGA like followers, which the writers say was intentional. Though he wants to be with her again after discovering Todd gets info from Homelander personally, M.M. tells her to be strong but sadly uses this to bug Todd so The Boys can get info about Homeland's plans. Yeah stuff like that happens a lot in "The Boys" for those that don’t know however since it’s the last season, maybe Monique finds out but understands what he does is important and tries to help him? I mean what are they going to do if this results in lowers ratings, cancel the show XD. After finally finding Edgar (who maybe wanted The Boys to find him or is grateful as they get him out of a situation) they get a lot of info whether it be how to destroy the Compound V in Supes or Batman like files on all the Supes containing their weaknesses and past misdeeds that Vought has covered over the decades, which The Boys use it to their advantage this season.
Meanwhile we get stories based around Victoria and Homelander going after each other as the other keeps ruining their goals and dreams, plus it doesn’t help that later in this season Homelander learns Victoria was the one that was ordered killed his evil ex-girlfriend, as her death was a bit too coincidental in my opinion. Victoria is using her status as the new vice president to help pass laws that suppress Supes and what they can do as well as laws on business and corporations that benefit Vought, all to make her dad happy but nothing seems to work as Edgar keeps getting disappointed in her and it doesn’t help that The Boys, Homelander, and her actions from last season are the reasons for this. I could see this eventually leading to her coming up with her own plans that would either sting her adopted father a bit OR ruin him and Vought. Heck maybe she kills Edgar so she can do her own thing but again, more on that later. I also could see a subplot where a member of the president’s circle expect Victoria of having superpowers and works with The Boys to expose this, which plays off later.
Homelander on the other hand is living it up as since people accepted his real, evil self last season, he is no longer holding back and is just causing chaos wherever he goes and doesn’t care about the consequences. This in turn is ruining Vought’s image as the other Supes get less popular and since they have to focus more on trying to cover up Homelander’s misdeeds, this has made it impossible for the company to cover other Supes misdeeds and thus Vought and its people suffer consequences while Homelander doesn’t care even though he is the CEO. This could be another reason why A-Train helps The Boys along with making others like the true CEO Ashley and the superhero The Deep slowly fight back against Homelander. Eventually the big jerk gets his just desserts as while his status with the public is good, his relationship with his son Ryan gets worse especially as Ryan starts acting against Homelander by acting like he does. This hurts Homelander as not only does he realize being a parent means actually doing some responsible parenting, but it hurts his ego since he is use to people doing what says. I also could picture a scene where he sees the irony on how this is how he usually treats everyone but of course he doesn’t care and just acts as a bad father to Ryan, who in turn starts to miss Billy even though Ryan left him last season.
Things finally start coming together when after The Boys do something to expose how Supes are useless in an actual dangerous situation, as Victoria has had enough of the Supes society (to a point she starts to hate herself a bit) and plans to put Supes in their place. After bringing up how all the tragedy that has happened over the past few years is because of the lack of discipline and regulations towards Supes, she proposes a bill that parodies of the Marvel Comic’s Civil War Registration Act where all people with superpowers need to be registered on a public, easy to access database and those that wish to use their powers to aid the community or for a job (such as a company mascot) they need to go through proper military training and various test to get a hero license that allows them to do so. Those that don’t will be considered as a criminal/terrorist and will be dealt with, and a hero could lose their license if they are unstable in some way such as what Homelander is doing. She also throws in a thing about companies that use Supes for profit will have to pay higher taxes just to piss off Vought/her dad. While The Boys still don’t trust her, they try and get this bill passed if it means hurting Supes and aid her by doing more to expose the superhero community. Homelander is angered by this bill and tries to stop it, taking his anger out on Ryan while doing so. At some point during a televised meeting with Victoria and Homelander, Ryan takes his anger it out on Victoria’s daughter (who was given Compound V last season) and they have a fight which is seen by everyone, if such a thing is legal to have on a show.
If it is, I see the fight having Ryan causing a lot of property damage and hurting/killing innocent people while Victoria’s daughter makes him look weak due to her powers (which could be something similar to her mother’s like giving people vertigo) that gives the already under practiced Ryan a hard time. This incident makes more people see that Victoria’s bill is needed to prevent more chaos (Victoria also covers her tracks saying she never knew her daughter had superpowers and uses fear mongering to say that anyone could be one) and the bill gets closer to becoming a law. Of course Homelander is mad about this, but he’s even more angered that his own son made him look bad and slaps Ryan. This FINALLY makes Ryan realized that though Billy wasn’t perfect, he is leagues better then Homelander and runs back to Billy, which makes Billy happy. Ryan running away was the last straw for Homelander and we finally get to the finale where like in the comics, he declares that Supes like him and his followers should rule the country and the world and leads a Supes insurrection on Washington, DC. Before anyone ask, this is something that actually happened in the official comic series and could happen given all the MAGA symbolism from last season.
We finally get a lot of action as we see the heroes, villains, and those in between (whether Supes or regular people) fight each other and we get scenes like
Homelander killing Todd and several other of his non-Supe followers when the latter tells him bad news, and showing Todd regrets his life choices and that M.M. was right.
Mallory revealing her secret weapon, which is revealed to be a brainwashed Soldier Boy who uses his powers to fight Homelander’s Supe allies.
Noir’s cybernetics/armor protects him from Victoria’s powers, allowing him to harm her where maybe she gives some touching words before Homelander kills her.
Its eventually Homelander vs. The Boys and their allies and eventually Billy does something that knocks out Homelander a bit before he collapses from exhaustion. When Homelander gets up, Soldier Boy appears showing he got over his brainwashing but after seeing all that Homelander has done (and because he doesn’t want to go back to sleep) he finally does something heroic and sacrifices himself to kill Homelander. The death of Homelander stops the insurrection and all the bad guys and Supes are taken into custody while The Boys and Ryan say their goodbyes to a dying Billy who dies happy.
We get an epilogue to a decade later where we see what has happened since then, such as how Victoria’s bill has become a law and Supes now have to follow unique rules in order to actually be Supes. Vought was acquired by the U.S. government but I can see Edgar (if he is still alive at the end) being secretly hired to run to produce anti Supe tech, making him happy as he got what he was aiming for in season 3. I could see Ashley getting a pardon and now does something crazy like manage actual celebrities or plan jerk celebrity weddings, which to her is leagues better then managing Supes. Vought or whatever it is called now also produces an antidote for Compound V so those that get superpowers can get rid of them whether they like it, or not in the case of illegal Supes. We can see M.M. get back with his ex and couples like Frenchie X Kimiko and Hugie X Starlight have started families of their own and though they are no longer part of The Boys, they do their part on handling Supes that get out of line like Hughie works as someone who give Supes test where he can proper give or deny them a hero license.
Sadly Homelander has since become a "religious" figure in the country, as a cult worships him for his ideas and wait for his missing son Ryan to bring in a new age for the world. Unknown to them Ryan isn’t missing but has changed his name to Ben Butcher and dyes his hair black, to be more like his "real father" Billy and paying a bit of respect for Billy and Billy’s deceased younger brother Lenny. He runs the latest generation of The Boys who deal with illegal superheroes that are out there, maybe there is a joke/reference about the movie "Project Power" which is about a drug giving people temporary superpowers (unless you count temp V as a reference to said show). We also see that though with all this power, he restrains himself from using them (especially his heat vision) and actually does care about protecting others, becoming a real hero like Billy and his mother always wanted.
The ending might be a bit too happy for a series like this, but hey it's better then how the comic ended its story. What do you think about my ideas for the last season of The Boys? What do you hope will happen in it?
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jeweledstone · 1 year
Dream I had last night involving G-E Spamton
(spoiler alert, he’s not a “bad guy” anymore)
Oh boy, here I go dream lore posting again
This dream actually takes place over two separate dreams that had me waking up in between them. The first dream was fairly average, taking place in a universe known as “Prime”, which was apparently smack dab in the middle of Spamton’s empire and considered the “capital” so to speak. Through some strange coincidence, G-E just so happened to be in the same area I was alongside some other higher ups of the multiverse. (I’ve come to call them The Multiversal Council, but idk if that’s their official name or not) I remember he was wearing this red suit similar to what he wore in his Big Shot Era.
Now some of you may be wondering why tf a person so openly megalomaniacal and perhaps even “evil” would be let into The Council. Basically, Spam has been slowly going through a bit of a redemption arc ever since The Web was first created. While he still has control over a large portion of the multiverse, he has stopped trying to expand his territory and instead is focusing more on the needs and welfare of the people he already has power over. Not to mention the whole keeping me safe and (mostly) outta trouble thing he’s been doing since day 1.
The actual action of the dream starts when I have yet another intrusive thought about the universe I’m in being destroyed, which begins manifesting itself due to my reality warping powers. In the past few dreams I’ve had, I was able to successfully stop these kinds of thoughts from becoming real pretty easily, but for some reason it wasn’t working this time, which only made me more distressed. The terror and eventual destruction was luckily stopped by Spam using his own powers (which at this point have become far stronger than mine) to sorta restabilize the universe thus preventing its destruction. I remember waking up worried that he would be mad at me, only for the hypnagogic hallucination I usually have after a dream to be him basically telling me he’s not and that what happened wasn’t my fault. (Thank god lol)
After I fell asleep again was when the second dream happened. In it, I met what I can only describe as a demonic version of Benry from HLVRAI. Basically what his deal was was that he’d give people chances to change or remove something from their life in exchange for their souls. He didn’t tell me about the soul part though until after I asked him to give me a copy of one of my favorite childhood games, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, that had Chapter 6 of it removed (said chapter was and still is my least favorite part of the game cause of how mean-spirited it was towards the player and their partner). When he asked for me to give up my soul for the modified game I ended up admitting to him that I don’t actually have one.
Now, I don’t know if this was out of pity or because he knew what would happen if he did it, but he ended up giving me the game for free along with giving me half of his own soul (a process that was very painful for both of us (The soul thingy not the game)). Turns out, by now owning Benry’s soul, I had also unwillingly taken on his role of making these deals and stealing souls from other people. Which was an absolutely horrid job btw.
I remember the thing that finally broke me was when this woman forced her daughter to give me her soul so she would pass some important exam she had to take or something. It was then I found Benry again and gave him back his soul-half along with the souls I was given by the people I made deals with, stating it wasn’t worth having if it meant I had to cause other people so much agony.
This is when the “climax” of sorts took place. Turns out, Spamton had been watching this whole incident and basically revealed to me that part of his own power was gained from forcefully taking the souls of the people in the universes he previously conquered pre-redemption and that he now felt extremely guilty for it. The dream ended with him giving up all those souls and sending them back to their rightful owners in a final step torwards full redemption, a process he insisted I didn’t watch since he knew how much it’d hurt me to see him in so much pain. (To have a soul removed from your body feels like getting your heart ripped out of your chest, imagine that times billions, maybe even trillions).
I remember waking up from this dream so stressed out that I was seeing stars in my vision and near the point of a panic attack. When I tried to go back to sleep after calming myself down, I wasn’t able to dream again and just laid in my bed until morning,
Luckily, he was able to survive this event, albeit severely injured and less powerful than he previously was. If I remember correctly he’s recovering right now at a hospital in Prime and should still have enough power to control his empire and The Web once he’s better again.
So yeah, that’s what happened last night. Tbh writing all this down made me realize how much dream related lore I haven’t told y’all yet (a lot of which will be really important for the stories of some other dreams I’ve been meaning to post on here) so I guess I’ll have to do that either later today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow cause it’s already 7:30 pm where I’m at. But anyway, that’s all I gotta say for now, bye I guess :)
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brasister · 2 years
Its finally coming to an end. Season 5 is the worst season. The writing is terrible, the characters make zero sense and nothing feels satisfied. I can only see myself playing this season twice for Finn/Suresh. When am I getting bits. This season is so boring, it doesn’t focus on love or lust. Just damn bullying time after time.
Kat- I don’t feel bad for her, if her character was nice to us I would throw Finn to the curb. But her relationship is based on lust. They can only be compare to Lottie/Gary and I would say Lottie/Gary worked better, if Mc is not in their route they only have eyes for one another. Even if Finn plays Kat with Arlo, Kat is also to blame for her fuck ups. She hates us so much she kisses Suresh when we’re with him, just to make us jealous. She kisses Alfie too, and look at her now supporting Arlo/Meera the girls who bullies us the most. So no fuck Kat, I could care less about her feelings or letting her be with Finn.
Dana- I don’t hate her as much as before. She’s an okay friend but she’s the worst female li of all seasons. She will not be getting a chance after bringing Gabi back and being in a couple with her. 
Meera- HATE HER, waste of space. We could have had new characters, potential li if fusebox didn’t decided to bring this bitch back just to leave again. Meera wish she was Hannah, Hannah can make it to the end with new clothes and a haircut. But Meera gets NOTHING and not even Alfie would consider leaving with her. All that bullying for what? What was the reason, what was the purpose? 
Gabi-  I don’t have much thoughts on her, she feels invisible to me. Could be bc I’m not playing Suresh route just yet. But she seems like a background character, so I don’t hate her nor love her, she’s just there. 
Lulu- I would play her route if they didn’t leave it this late in the game. I love her as a friend, the only girl I would ever talk good about. Fusebox keeps leaving last minute li, I can only do that for Angie/Youcef/Oliver/Will and I don’t have the energy to keep playing this season over and over again just for her. Sorry.
Johnny/Nicolas- I will not forgive fusebox for teasing us again, they wasted gem scenes on them and Eddie/Arlo just to be confirm they are not li. Hate them but love their stupid faces. I hope someone can write a good fanfiction of the three boys. *sighs* Why is everything a joke to them and why couldn’t I slap them for making me look like the bad guy. A black eye couldn’t hurt, its what they deserve. Throwing water did nothing but give them a smug face to leave with.
Alfie- Just LEAVE with Meera. His just going to end with Kat, since they wanted to play kissy games behind me & Finn. His not a good friend to Finn either. Alfie is a damn player and played Meera. I did wanted them to work, but fusebox doesn’t like good relationship, so instead we got Meera focusing on us and Alfie just proving my point of being a fake nice guy, who is trying to one up Suresh. Alfie just fucking sucks, his not a sweet guy, and his actions screams player. I rather have Eddie back then to have Alfie stay another night.
Suresh- I’m still waiting for a real redemption arc, why the hell would he mention Gabi like that. Thats not what I wanted to hear. His falling into the background to me because his not standing up for us, or saying his on our side. Hell he even help Johnny/Nicolas pack. Like what the hell is that about, you say you love us but helping the douche who made us look like the villain pack his bags. As if last week wasn’t bad enough with Gabi/Meera kissing and marrying them. 
Finn- His the only good li and thats a shame. His a player, and I’m starting to hate last minute rush relationships. I love him but fusebox refuse to give us what we had in season 2, plenty to pick from and written well li. I can’t wait for this season to finish to start playing season 2 again. Finn is only trash because of his actions with Kat. But I rather have him then what I’m getting from the others. It has its drama and smoking hot redhead finally. I knew I declared to be a Finn stan from the beginning for a reason, even if I get crumbs. But his been the only nice guy and real friend in my opinion 
Lets hope we can finish the last 6 episodes with a good li or the money back in our hands for all our suffering
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serenitas · 1 year
sere can you tell me how lost ended? i fell off the show like 3 or 4 seasons in, right around the time they were dealing with The Others, a rescue boat showing up, etc
oh boy, buckle up because around season 4 was where shit got WILD
it's hard for me to explain the ending without giving the full context of everything leading up to it in seasons 5-6, so basically: the second half of season 5 involves the core cast of characters being split up between being on the island in 1977 (27 years before the crash, during the height of the Dharma Initiative) and 2007 (3 years after the crash) (there were some time travel shenanigans, don't worry about it). some of the characters in 1977, ultimately spearheaded by Jack, come to the conclusion that the might be able to change the past/create an alternate timeline by detonating a hydrogen bomb at the construction site of the Swan station (aka the hatch from season 2, where there was a computer with a button that had to be pressed every 108 minutes), therefore preventing Flight 815 from crashing (because it crashed due to an electromagnetic anomaly caused by the button in the hatch not getting pressed). season 5 ends with the bomb going off with unclear results. but put a pin in the concept of am alternate timeline, because that'll come back later in this explanation.
the beginning of season 6 establishes that the only thing the bomb seemingly did is yeet all the time traveling characters from 1977 into 2007. the plot on the island during season 6 mostly focuses on the final battle for control over the island, which dates back 2000 years to the conflict between Jacob (who you might remember as an unseen leader figure that the Others mentioned a few times in season 3) and his canonically unnamed twin brother who is unofficially known as the Man in Black (he's also the smoke monster and can assume the forms of dead people and is currently stuck in Locke's body. don't worry about it). at the end of season 6, a dead apparition of Jacob transfers his island protection powers to Jack and gives him the mission to protect a light-filled cave on the island, which is the source of life, death, and rebirth (whose power the Man in Black is trying to harness for his own gain), and someone needs to go into the cave and pull out a stone cork to turn off the protective light so that the Man in Black will be killed. Jack and Kate succeed in killing the Man in Black, but Jack is severely wounded in the process. he passes on his island protection powers to Hurley and goes into the cave of light to put back in the stone cork, returning the magic light to the cave. meanwhile, the rest of the remaining survivors, minus Hurley (who stays on the island as its new protector) and Ben (who's had a little bit of a redemption arc since his leader-of-the-Others villain days in seasons 2 and 3), are now able to successfully leave the island, via a plane that brought the characters who were rescued at the end of season 4 back to the island (don't worry about it). the final shot of the series is Jack watching the plane fly overhead as he dies, smiling with the knowledge that he helped save everyone, and then his eyes close in a callback to how the opening shot of the series was his eye opening.
BUT, that's not the part of the ending that everyone talks about. for that part of the ending, we have to go back to the pin I put in the alternate timeline where Flight 815 never crashed. in addition to the on-island plotline in season 6, there's also what is unofficially dubbed the "flash sideways", which take the place of the flashbacks (and later flashforwards) that were used during the previous seasons. at first, the flash sideways timeline seems to show a universe where the crash never happened, with Flight 815 successfully landing in Los Angeles. however, it soon becomes clear that there are other major divergences in the timeline - for example, in the flash sideways, Desmond on the plane instead of already on the island, Jack has a teenage son, and Sawyer is a detective instead of a con man. as we get to see more characters in the flash sideways, eventually Desmond starts showing an awareness of his life on the island and starts trying to awaken the other characters to their memories of the island as he comes across them. the characters all end up gathering at the church where Jack was planning to have his father's funeral (since the reason why Jack was on Flight 815, in both the regular timeline and this one, was to retrieve his father's body in Australia). Jack enters a side room of the church and sees his dead father, who reveals that Jack, and everyone else in this timeline, is dead, and the flash sideways is actually an in-between space between life and death that exists outside of time, where all the characters can meet up to move on to the afterlife together after their deaths (because the most important moments of their lives were spent with the people they met on the island). Jack then enters the main area of the church, where he's welcome by all the other characters, and a flash of light engulfs them as they move on to the afterlife together. this final scene with the characters in the church is interspersed with Jack's dying moments on the island, for some context of how the last scenes of the series all fit together.
with all of that said, the common misconception about Lost's ending that is still circulating to this day is that "it was a stupid ending! they were dead/in purgatory the whole time!" and the thing is, that statement isn't entirely wrong, because it is in fact revealed that everyone is actually dead and in a purgatory-like space in the flash sideways timeline. BUT, that's in a timeline that's completely independent from the present-day events of the show. there's even a moment during the conversation between Jack and his dad in the church where Jack's dad assures him that everything that happened to him (i.e. everything that happened on and off the island from season 1 all the way to the end of season 6) was in fact real and happened to him while he was alive, which in turn confirms to the audience that it was JUST the events of the flash sideways that took place in the purgatory space, not the events of the whole series. but I think what happened was that some people, who either missed that line in the finale or were just going off secondhand information after having not watched the episode for themselves, started spreading the "dead all along" part of the ending without giving the full context, and people who stopped watching in earlier seasons because they didn't like the direction the show was going saw this as vindication for dropping the show, because of COURSE a show that they felt like had dropped the ball was going to have a cop-out ending like "they were dead all along." of course, there's something to be said about how convoluted Lost became in that "yes, they were dead all along, but only in one timeline that doesn't appear until the final season of the show, and it doesn't mean that everything else that happened in the series didn't actually happen" is a clarification that has to be made, but I do think the ending 100% gets a bad rap because of how widely it gets misinterpreted. I personally don't think it's a perfect ending (and I have a lot of problems with season 6 as a whole), but I'll still defend it to the death against people who misinterpret it.
anyway, I hope this very long-winded explanation of how Lost ended made sense! this really was just the express version of the major events/circumstances leading up to the finale, and it leaves out SO many of the bonkers things that happen in the meantime (my personal favorite being "at the end of season 4, some of the characters are told that they have to move the island. this turns out to be quite literal, because if someone turns the frozen donkey wheel located in an underground chamber, the island disappears from its current location and yeets the wheel turner into the Tunisian desert. also if the wheel gets thrown off its axis, the island starts bouncing around in time"). but now you know why I said in the tags of that post how I could easily give a multi-hour presentation about Lost lmao
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what i love about aeon is that how it can be angsty and fluffy and kinky. like, i could ramble about how its tragic that theyre very much compatible in all areas but the circumstances of their life (which caused the compatibility and attraction but is also something that are thrusted into them with both people having little control over it) will never allow them to actually be together. they love each other! they would die for the other! they would try to kill each other! they fucked! they never hold hands! theyre like a married couple! theyre exes! the tragedy of finding and losing someone because of the same damn thing that will consume you. my god. i know a lot of leon ships fits the bill (metaltango, chreon, etc etc) but ada just hits that sweet spot since theyre both purposely written as foils for each other which makes things sweeter. THEYRE DOOMED 😭
but also aeon can be fluffy and cute because ada saw leon when he's just a panicked rookie trying his best but she never really have to force him into a badass, she justs wants leon to take care of himself. leon himself doesn't really expect ada to be her femme fatale persona. well, he never really expects everyone to be strong all the time. i think out of all my favorite leon ships, aeon is the one where both parties could be vulnerable and tender with each other the fastest. toxic masculinity and emotional constipation is hot, but sometimes you just want that sweet sweet hurt/comfort that are heavy on the comfort.
but honestly, i also like the interpretation of ada as an evil woman for the purpose of seeing fics and art where leon gets his ass handed to him by ada. jokes on cleon shippers calling ada manipulative, leon (and me) are into that shit!
also, pegging. what i love from aeon is the pegging.
it's definitely a very multifaceted ship, especially since it's had 20+ years in the making of it. there's so many different stages and points of their ship that i find so appealing.
they love each other! they would die for the other! they would try to kill each other! they fucked! (they flirt in front of helena after her sister dies!) T_T
i think a lot of leons ships where there's a male counterpart are just as interesting as aeon imo. all of the leon x female ships are either problematic or weird. honestly it's just the shippers that has ruined it for me lmao.
aeon is just so interesting to me and just UGHH the desire!!!! the want!! leon stans that hate ada make no sense.. like BOY that BOY WOULD BE DEAD DAY ONE WITHOUT ADA
i do think that aeon fans need to at least acknowledge that ada was using leon in re2r (but then developed feelings) like yes we support women's rights, but also women's wrongs. and i think it's clear that re4r was made to give ada a redemption arc (even though i think that she always had one, particularly in re6)
ada has always been a morally grey character, an anti hero, she helps the heros out when needed, but she has her own desires and wants.
like yes she manipulates?? she looks good while doing it ??
also by the time it's damnation, leon's literally like,
imma let ada do what she wants
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flippythegodzilla · 2 years
Flippy’s Review of Bendy and the Dark Revival! Spoilers below
I absolutely love it! The game, the lore, everything. It was definitely worth the wait since we got all chapters at once and didn’t have to wait months or years on end for the next chapter.
So my thoughts about the game.
Bendy and the Ink Demon being the same person. Completely and utterly glad for it. If they had made the Demon and Bendy different people that would have ruined it. Especially if it was because of Wison. The Ink Demon was the first and only Bendy they could make., no matter how much Joey wanted Thomas and Gent o try again, they could not make another Bendy. I’m a little iffy on how Wilson and the Keepers forced Bendy into his smaller form when Joey nor Gent could... I guess it was because of the rainbow colors towers that Gent made that Wilson used but I wonder how he got them. I understand that Wilson somehow changed the story in the Cycle but how did he put them in there. Did Joey have them and if he did, why didn’t Joey use them when he was going through his redemption arc to give Henry a better life in the Cycle?
Audrey, girl I love you I hope you return. Gosh this girl she just...she has so many emotions. And the way she was so kind to Allison and Baby Benders. You could hear how sorry she was for accidently hurting Bendy. I will say that I don’t like her being a half Ink Creature. I’m totally fine with her being Drew’s daughter. My theories were, she was either Joey’s or Henry’s but I rather her be a human before she went into the studio than an Ink Creature since the beginning. Because now I’m wondering how Joey made her. Its said that the Machine needed souls to create cartoons, and ones that fit the characters perfectly. Like Buddy Boris and Allison Alice... and even if they aren’t becoming cartoons they would end up like Sammy and the Lost Ones, or worse the Searchers. I would have enjoyed it more if Audrey was his daughter but a human, maybe from a one-night stand or from a divorce. If you want to still go on the redemption arc (I didn’t really enjoy that, I loved loved loved it when Beast Bendy crushed that memory of Joey, it’s what he deserves) of Joey instead of Allison it was Audrey coming to visit her dad. Audrey who has no idea what her dad has done over the years, the murders he did and just seeing the good in him, wanting to hear his funny but scary stories which she had no idea were really true.
Oh and Allison and Henery just being copies. I could had done without as well. I love my old man Henry; glad he was in the game but also sad that he isn’t free...and can never be free. All those times I played Bendy and the Ink Machine, trying to find a secret ending that would allow me to get Henry out and learning that it was all for nothing. Because Henry isn’t the real one but a fake copy. While I’m glad the real Henry is free, I’m sad that the old dad that I grew in love with can never be free because he belongs in that world. I hope that Audrey can make the Ink World a better place, at least for Henry.
Now back to my boy the Ink Demon. The Meatly and team knew what they were doing when they gave him that voice and that body. The way he and Audrey reacted with each other...the way my fucking monsterfucker ass reacted...damn. Note to those who see Audrey and the Ink Demon as siblings. I do not and never will. Audrey is Joey’s daughter but in my eyes the Ink Demon will never be Joey’s child. Not with how he treated Bendy and the fact that Bendy is a being made of ink and demonic magic? No relationship between Bendy and Audrey in my eyes instead of possessive boyfriend who may eat you. So if I ship Audrey with the Ink Demon I better not get any flake from those who see them as siblings. You have your headcanons I have mine. Anyway while i wish they kept how Bendy hunted us down, wish there was more times for him to hunt us. More times where I can fucking simp for his voice and his body...D E V O U R  M E  D A D D Y! 
I wish Buddy Boris was there..maybe he could had shown up in the city, maybe try to warn Audrey that Bendy wasn’t what he seem. I know there was some scenes where you could seen him walk by but I wish she had more of an active role in the game. Heck I wish that not all the Lost Ones were so violent...like not all of them should had sided with Wilson! The city should have been a safe place until you went to Gent. Like...maybe even have a point in the game that Boris frees Henry and Sammy and they have to go save Audrey from the Keepers who put her in a cage or something, allowing you to play as Henry one more time. But before they could save her she gets captured by Malice. That way we wouldn’t have poor Audrey still beilieve in fucking Wilson. My really only nitpick about the game. Audrey still believed in that creep Wilson. I would had liked it more if the Ink people on Wilson’s side were actually hunting Audrey down, and they do capture her at one point instead of going...oh Audrey still trustes this guy even though he killed her! Like...no girl your smarter than that he’s creepy someone get her outta of there!
Other than those few things I completely love the new game, 8/10 in my option and I can’t wait to get game once it comes out on console so I can play the game myself. I only been watching people play it on stream (my computer will kill me if I even tried to play games on it) and I’m very excited when it comes out on console (please be Xbox please be Xbox) I’m once again drowining in the Ink of Joey Drew Studios and can’t wait to see what’s more in store, since it seems that Gent finally has the Machine now
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