#if theyre queerbaiting theyre doing it wrong
demadogs · 1 year
hello loveliest person ever. would you consider no byler to be queerbait ?
hey bestie
if byler didnt happen i would genuinely believe that their intention was to go through with it but they dropped it or were told to drop it. because if its queerbait theyre literally doing it all wrong? the ultimate goal of baiting is to gain an audience from a selected community, in this case the queer community, by promoting the media as potential representation and yet they have done everything in their power to AVOID this with byler.
for starters the majority of queerbait is usually achieved in the marketing side of things. and yet there was ZERO joint press with noah and finn, where they could have promoted byler the most. almost all of their scenes are together but they deliberately separated them so there wasnt even a chance for spoilers about byler. that is not how you queerbait.
queerbaiting is supposed to be obvious. it shouldnt require elaborate theories, it should be thrown in our faces. this article shows a clip of a trailer from riverdale that includes a gay kiss. i think the kiss was just to distract the character, it wasnt intended to be romantic at all and yet they put it in the trailer? that was obviously for the goal of getting queer audiences more excited and more likely to watch this (absolutely fucking horrendous) show.
on the flip side!! theres also straight bait and again, aaaaalll in the marketing.
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i cant even believe these are real lmao.
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they did this for s3 too. theres a flash of this in the s3 trailer, which had lots of mlvn shippers thinking this was the season of nothing but love for them and yet el broke up with him in the second episode. we also get audio of mike saying “we’re not kids anymore” but no visuals that showed he was talking to will and definitely not the “its not my fault you dont like girls” line, which would have been such a clear opportunity to queerbait.
and s4 was very gay and they could have so easily grabbed a LOT of peoples attention and curiosity by adding some byler scenes in the trailer but there was nothing.
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could you imagine if they showed one of these in the trailer?? they had such a clear opportunity to queerbait and they didnt.
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the only thing they did include was this and i didnt even notice will the first time i watched it.
the only things we’ve seen in the marketing that relate to byler are from netflix accounts in other countries that loosely imply that they ship byler but thats literally it. and these accounts dont actually have any access to the writers room. theyre not implying or confirming anything theyre just trying to be relatable and a lot of people would relate to the post if they mention byler.
aside from them just avoiding the topic in the promotion for the show, theres also the fact that byler has inspired loads of in depth theories and analyses based on how they portray them in the show. the point of queerbaiting is to throw it in your face. “look a gay kiss! watch our show to see gay people!” the fact that we’re reading into shit like lighting, colors, music, framing, all this stuff that the ga doesnt read into is a big sign that their goal isnt queerbait. one time i got an anon that summed it up perfectly, “why would they queerbait only to gay film nerds?” and its so true.
queerbaiting should not have people thinking too hard. like the kiss in riverdale, its supposed to be shoved in our faces in order to actually achieve what theyre trying to do. not everybody has time or cares enough to read entire analyses on specific film choices, and because of that, they would be completely failing to bait people. the goal is to gain their audience and no one has been baited for this because it doesnt seem obvious that its actually going to happen.
because of all this if byler didnt happen i dont think queerbait would be the right word. itd be a whole different thing entirely and i would genuinely believe they were forced to not go through with it if it didnt happen. but i highly highly doubt that would ever happen. its netflix’s biggest show and they trust the duffers and its the last season so even if people dont like it its not like theyd lose money because people would stop watching. by then theyd already finished the whole show.
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
please tell me people are joking when they say sonic prime is queerbaiting with sonic and shadow. that is not whats going on here please be serious you guys just see sonic and shadow interact in any way and become unable to turn your shipping brains off
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tootalltech · 1 month
I JUST FUCKING FINISHED LAB RATS: ELITE FORCE AND. IT ENDS? LIKE THAT?????? I KNEW IT WAS ONLY ONE SEASON bc lets be real you cant beat lab rats and god knows wth theyre doing with the writing in elite force BUT THE CLIFFHANGER???? like i knew i was coming up on the last episode. i was perfectly aware of that. I THOUGHT THE THING WITH ROMAN AND RIKER WAS GOING TO BE RESOLVED. LIKE. HELLO. amazing to me that the writers of that show were so confident theyd get renewed for a second season that they just let the finale end like that.
i also just couldnt look at roman properly the entire show bc thats just jay from descendants. thats just booboo stewart. disney has like 5 actors and its okay <3 but thats just him.
i also desperately need someone to explain what the thing with chase and kaz is to me. dont get me wrong, i dont dislike either of them or the ship itself. i love chase. and i dont know mighty med very well but kaz is silly. i understand they could have a dynamic going on. but like. where. did it come from. what evidence is there. in the show. i was expecting so much more based off what ive seen on here. like i was ready to be at least A Little queerbaited. i think there might be more evidence for chase and sebastian guys im SO sorry but if anyone wants to try and tell me something i missed then feel free!
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kiwinatorwaffles · 5 months
my friends keep asking me why i always get the saltiest hate anons and tags and. I DONT KNOW? my takes are usually lukewarm to cold and sometimes there isn’t even a take at all like where is all of this coming from
me: we are too complicit in discord's changes and the only way we can change anything is if we actually push back hater anon: wow youre so whiny and immature. companies are always doing what they must to help the customers hater in tags: why are you being PARASOCIAL discord is not your FRIEND
me: [uses "shiny duo" as an example for the overabundance of duo names making it easy to confuse who it pertains to] tags: ummmm shiny is obvious? gem and pearl? why are you making it about a man? sexism is alive and well. UGH! me: hey man isnt it a little misogynistic to say people should immediately assume that shiny pertains to women hater anon: you are utterly incapable of detecting a joke
me: aromantic people are constantly tossed aside with the insistence of romance with this popular phrase fandom uses hater in tags: actually youre wrong because people use this phrase to not queerbait and also when people look like theyre going to fall in love they should fall in love because if they dont its queerbaiting
me: i have adhd. therefore i will post about adhd. hater anon: why do you post about adhd. stop
LIKE WHAT CAN I EVEN DO TO STOP IT. maybe baldsuma is better
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pomegranatecookiez · 2 years
i feel like starting some shit so im just gonna come out and say it. the way devsisters treats m/m relationships (and honestly? any kind of straightn’t relationship) is really starting to bug me
its not at a point where i feel comfortable calling it “queerbaiting” but by god it is getting close. i was already iffy on the way they treated espresseleine (remember the valentines day post? i try not to) but the way wildberry and crunchy chip were written in odyssey and ESPECIALLY odyssey chapter three really sealed the deal for me in terms of, yeah, theyre pandering to fujoshis here. it hasnt been long since odyssey ended but i have a gut feeling that wildberry and crunchy arent gonna show up again for a long time, if ever. which when you consider how often they dipped their toes into “hohohoehoho oh man isnt this kinda gay? aint this kinda fruity” territory (the scene where wildberry carries him. they absolutely knew what they were doing) without ever doing anything that implies any kind of unambiguous romantic attraction between them started to feel really skeevy the longer it went on. like, haha, look at these two guys being stupid and gay together. too bad you’re probably never gonna see them again and we’re never gonna elaborate beyond that lol :) i could be proven wrong but i’d be genuinely surprised if i was.
and thats not even getting into how they have a tendency to use same sex crushes for comedic purposes. theres milk cookies crush on dark choco which, at this point, can NOT be interpreted as anything other than romantic. and while not a m/m example, pomegranate’s in a similar situation where they’ve done everything to imply she has some kind of psychosexual obsession with dark enchantress cookie that isn’t just making her say “man i sure do wanna fuck my boss” in the game itself. thankfully sea fairy and moonlight’s relationship hasn’t been used to tease fans or played for laughs, but that should be the standard, not the exception. 
it’s important to mention that cookie run generally hasn’t dabbled in any kind of explicit romantic relationships between its characters until recently, mint choco and cocoa cookie’s relationship is the first time they’ve shown it so openly and even then, they aren’t officially dating. but still, their relationship is played completely seriously, while gay ships, m/m ships especially, have to linger in some weird state of either being used for comedic effect, or used to tease fans who start foaming at the mouth uncontrollably when two men have any interaction that could be interpreted as even SLIGHTLY homoerotic.
i dunno man, just. let two men have a relationship on the same level as mint choco and cocoa’s without it being played for goofs. stop using pomegranate cookie’s unhealthy obsession with a woman who it’s heavily implied is manipulating her for “haha shes a SIMP” jokes. i know its a little dumb of me to expect good lgbt representation from a gacha game owned by a big company but they’ve done a good job with handling things like nonbinary characters and AGAIN we have sea fairy and moonlight proving they can do it at least somewhat decently and. im tired
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gadunkie · 1 year
spiderverse 2 sucked shit and was performative twitter.com fuckery. hi reddit in this rant Im going to talk about why I think the second spiderverse movie gave me a queasy uneasy feeling after I left the theater. spoiler warning and all that.
Ive been seeing a lot of praise for this movie lately and a lot of fan stuff and while that is cool I think spiderverse 2 really doesnt deserve it. to me it feels like baffling performative bullshit where they checked off certain "woke" categories and forgot about everything else. Im bad at formulating rant posts so Im just gonna randomly bring up my feelings on certain things.
ok so first of all the number one thing that pissed me off was the in-movie dialogue of people telling miles, the first black spider-man, that he was never supposed to be spider-man in the first place. that is incredibly tone deaf, especially when the first movie's message was that anyone could be a hero, regardless of who you are. you could argue that this story beat is used to reinforce that message being that miles' reaction to that line is rejection and finding his own way to become spider-man after all. but thats stupid because, again, anyone could be a hero no matter what, even if theyre not supposed to be 'canonically' a spider-man. what this tells me is that theyre going for the same fucking message, again, but this time its padded out in 2 movies rather than the one that weve already seen.
second, and this one was much more brief, there was a disabled spider-man amidst the roster of the multiverse spider-mans whose only line of dialogue was making fun of their own disability. thats some travis mcelroy bullshit, I thought we were past the point of making disabled character's only personality being their disability. to me that was also incredibly tone deaf and just completely unneeded.
third, there was an Indian spider-man by the name Pavitr Prabhakar whose only personality was that he was Indian. of course theres nothing wrong with Indian culture or just being an Indian person, but to me its like if they had a Japanese spider-man and made them only talk about katanas and sushi. theres no way that indian people act like that and constantly boost about their own nation, it just rubs me the wrong way and makes them feel less human.
fourth, that "gwen is trans" shit is utter queerbait, I cant believe anyone is fucking falling for this shit. it literally infuriates me that I see fellow queer people look at the most basic off to the side decoration in a room / police officer's uniform and jump to the conclusion that what we are seeing is trans representation. like sure she could be trans! but it can also be read as her just being an ally, same with her father. "what ally has a trans flag in there room?" are you fucking kidding me? like are you being serious? hey heres famous content creator Ludwig, who is cis and has a trans flag in his room:
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fucking anyone, literally anyone could have trans iconography anywhere in their house regardless of their gender. side bonus, heres how you can have a real confirmed trans character in your art without it being bait! - have them taking transition medication in a scene - have them wear gender affirming clothing, like chest binders - have them tell another character that theyre trans - have them literally look into the camera and say "Im trans." crazy how easy it is to do all of these things and yet gwen did none of it! dont fucking search for crumbs and pretend that its a feast.
fifth, theres a character called spider-punk who goes by Hobie and his entire character is being a punk and making fun of The Establishment™ and Capitalism™. I thought he was dumb because it just reminded me that anti-capitalism is just a form of entertainment now and not a real message to start a change.
sixth, there was so much fucking nostalgia pandering and repetitive dialogue. there were many scenes showing footage of older movies, cartoons, or real life actors that were only there to be pointed at the screen by audiences. next, the dialogue was so expository that any time miles' parents were on screen they would only talk about miles and how worried they were about him. I swear to god that 70% of spider-man 2099s dialogue was about his disturbed past and wanting to capture miles. at several times throughout the movie I thought "ok I get it" and hoped that were was something new to be seen in the next 5 minutes, which wasnt the case most of the time.
seventh, evil miles was fucking stupid. you cant just reveal such an easy counterpart villain and expect me to believe that he has any bearing on the story whatsoever. that shit was so laughably bad that I can easily imagine him getting defeated in the same old hero vs villain shit in the next movie. here let me have some fun and say that miles is going to do the most predictable "Im going to fix you to become good" trope only for evil miles to deny it and fuck off forever in some weird way.
anyway this post is already too fucking long so Im just gonna add personal peeves onto it because Im on a roll. I had a hard time paying attention to several fight scenes because they were mixing with too many visual styles, like the vulture scene at the beginning of the movie was too disorienting for me. I think there shouldve been subtitles, sometimes characters were inaudible for me and the audio mixing during some scenes didnt help either, unless there was a slow moment in the film I just couldnt understand what the characters were saying.
I thought the movie sucked so bad that what they got right in certain aspects (cast diversity, parent and child struggles, etc.) felt like nothing to me after how they treated the parts that Ive listed. its like they fucking checked off a Progressive Bingo Sheet and left everything else in the dust.
I left the theater disappointed and feeling worthless because all I felt was that these movies were just trying to sell me something and didnt push for a change like the first one did. what a fucking shit show.
conclusions. if you liked the movie, awesome Im glad, and you should decide for yourself how you feel about it and what it means to you. Im simply just putting my frustrations into a little text post because that is how I feel. Im not in charge of your enjoyment and you should decide that on your own regardless of my opinions. be responsible with your enjoyment.
but I wont, if you try to argue with me on any of these topics then Im blocking you forever and if you dare type "let people enjoy things" on my post then Im killing you,
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the-autism-album · 3 days
Okay warning this is gonna be a long long rant <4
Firstly it’s that utena is Queerbait and no im not kidding, people do think this
Even without the movie like its so obvious that its not queerbait like??
and its funny bc they said it abt the scene where utena says “I’m a totally normal girl who wants a totally normal boy” Like that scene isn’t super to be ironic and literally contradicted in the show MULTIPLE TIMES the fucking next scene is touga showing up and being like “hello I am a totally normal boy” and utena rejects him LIKE OH MY GOD
The movie literally exists to show stupid ppl that theyre canon bc they cant fathom not being spoonfed a queer relationship
Bc apparently its not queer unless they look at the camera and say “im in love with a girl” which funnily enough IS EXACTLY WHAT UTENA DOES NEAR THE END IN THE BADMINTON SCENE
(But also ppl saying “just wait till the movie” is kinda annoying bc you don’t NEED the movie theyre gay enough in the show its VERY CLEAR)
Another is that Anthy has no personality which like??? Literally no, it’s true she hides her real emotions but if you actually PAY ATTENTION she has a very clear personality
And what’s worse is that the person who said this fave character is MIKI like…okay.
Theres “Nanami is so funny and pretty but shes wasted bc all she cares abt is her brother bc the author is a creep” WHICH IM GONNA LOSE IT
Saying a grooming victim is wasted is soooo??? Like also when Touga tries to kiss her she pushes him away BECAUSE SHE ISNT IN LOVE WITH HIM THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF HER ARC!!
There’s also “Utena romantizes abuse” which like??? No??? “It’s too grotesque and grizzly” THATS THE POINT????? And also no? At least not to me, Utena doesn’t shove in your face that utena is being groomed and assaulted, in fact if you aren’t paying attention you probably won’t understand whats happening during ep 33
An example of something that IS too grotesque is the assault scenes from Berserk which are literally hentai scenes and shows you the characters getting assaulted in a way that’s yes supposed to be horrifying but is also framed in a way that you’re clearly supposed to find the scenes appealing
Being uncomfortable by the raw depictions of these topics in utena to the point you don’t wanna watch it is understandable but its not a thing against the show
Also the take that 90s sailor moon is better than Utena bc of Harumichi which is so stupid but thqts a whole other rant
The entire point can be kinda summed up to "abuse bad" just cause it's got a pretty art style and doesn't slap you in the face with the message in the first like 3 episodes doesn't mean it's romanticizing abuse wha t ,,,,,,,
also nanami is one of the bestest characters and I love her and anybody who disagrees is wrong and stupid . Except pretend I had an elegant moral way 2 say that
And QUEERBAIT ??????? HELLO ????????????? DID YOU WATCJ THE FUCKING SHOW ?????(?????????????
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theglitchywriterboi · 2 years
Some of y'all are so fukcing disgusting omg.
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Like this is so depressing, I feel so sorry that people practically forced him to come out because MAYBE he MIGHT'VE been straight ??? The fuck is wrong w/ some of y'all ???? [I'm pretty sure he also I.D.ed as unlabeled at some point, but even if he didn't, this is still disgusting]
Someone's sexuality or gender identity IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS & the fact some of y'all feel entitled to that information is terrible. I've seen so many people say [both regarding Kit & other unlabeled celebs] "If you're unlabeled but date the opposite gender, you're just straight trying to get queer points" & shit like that. AND NO !!! IF THEYRE UNLABELED THAT MEANS THEY DON'T USE A LABEL !!! People shouldn't have to tell you "I'm unlabeled, & to me that means I like guys & girls & other genders, idrc !! But I just don't resonate w/ bisexual or pansexual, or any other label at the moment" because YOU feel entitled to their identity. Maybe they're unlabeled because they simply don't like other labels. Maybe they're unlabeled BECAUSE THEY'RE STILL FIGURING THEMSELVES OUT !!! Maybe they know a label they like, but they don't wanna tell hundreds->millions of strangers ???
"Bu-bu- but what if a stinky cishet is playing a queer character I like/making songs about liking the same gender or questioning your gender 😨😨" WHO FUCKING CARES ?? Just hope that 1: they aren't a bigot & 2: The creator sought out queer people to play queer roles & if they didn't, sure that sucks, but it's never that deep.
I personally would rather the most cishet person ever play a queer character than to forcibly out ANYONE, let alone someone who's not even twenty yet.
Log off & go outside. Needing to know a strangers identity & harrassing them isn't normal or healthy.
Stop making jokes about someone else's identity ???? "Well they haven't said they're queer [& maybe even said they're cishet] so they shouldn't care, in fact - if they do, they're bigoted !!" [Real take I've seen] W H A T ?? For one, cishet people are ALLOWED to feel uncomfortable w/ strangers jokingly calling them slurs, saying how gay they are, making jokes about their mannerisms, etc ??? Like y'all are just rebranding homophobia & transphobia. "But I'M gay/bi/trans/a lesbian" that's crazy, you can still spread bigotry while being in that group. Which is what you're doing. But also, THEY MIGHT BE IN THE CLOSET !!! I'm not saying "Everyone is queer, even if they've said otherwise" cause no, but a lot of queer people [including queer celebs] have said "Oh I'm cis/straight" before either later realize "Oh shit, I'm not !!!" Or before feeling comfortable w/ coming out.
They're strangers, not your mutual who thinks those jokes are funny. You're just harassing a stranger & brushing it off because you think just because you're queer you have the right to behave this way when you don't. Grow up. You're not doing any woke LGBTQ+ progressive win, you're just making life harder for other queer people.
Real people can't queerbait & trying to say they can HURTS people
Idc if someone who insists they're 100% cishet constantly plays roles where they're kissing the same gender or makes music videos where they're kissing the same gender. They're not queerbaiting cause real humans can't queerbait.
Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm sick & also really mad at this so it's hard to articulate everything well-
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5ivebyfive · 10 months
Can i ask whats going on with the actors of gap the series? Or rather the "fandom"? Im not that 100% invested but i follow them on instagram and suddenly theres all sorts of negative comments. Is it because one of them has a boyfriend now? Why the fuck do people ship real life humans, theyre ACTORS, i thought we left the problematic real life people shipping in 2012
Sorry if this is random lmao just wondering
Sorry this took me a few days to get to.
So basically, Freen and Becky have always been really close. They're cute and flirty and sweet in interviews, and pose like a couple in photoshoots sometimes. A lot of people shipped them together. Rabidly. Recently, an individual stalked Freen and recorded her in her home where she was with her boyfriend. Apparently, this person caught footage of them kissing. And it got out. And everyone who had shipped them freaked out.
People bashed Freen, blamed her and both of the women for everything between queerbaiting, deceiving, betraying, and lying to them. A lot of Becky stans turned on Freen and said she broke Becky's heart, as though Freen had led Becky on and hurt her. IDF made Freen go on camera and apologize to her fans. I was too disgusted to watch, so I don't know everything they made her say.
The entire situation is ridiculous. If anyone pushed the "they're dating" narrative, it was IDF. But from what I've seen that's common in Thai shows. Not saying it's right, but it's common. Becky and Freen and Gap the Series just happened to get HUGE and built up a big following. To an extent, yes, Becky and Freen went with it. But it was a part of their job. They were promoting their show. A lot of people think this whole thing is new and different, but it's not. It's happened all over with all different ships. Again, not right, but it's a part of promoting these ships/shows.
I already made a long post about this, so I won't get too preachy, but to call the ladies manipulators or liars is wrong. To call it queerbating is even more wrong, and fans these days don't understand that term at all. Becky and Freen were just doing their jobs, whatever was in their contracts, and they were being friends. I think most women/girls have had/have that one friendship with another female that's especially close. It just happens.
So yeah. People found out Freen has a personal life outside of Becky, and they went crazy. It's unhealthy really. And it's why you don't ship real people. For me, I make the exception for RL couples that are together. And at that, not often. Like..my fave and her husband. But I'm not rabid about it.
I don't know. I'm still so annoyed and sad for Freen. She has opened up about anxiety and panic attacks, and none of this can be good for her. Luckily, there are still a large number of fans supporting her through this. But, that's what happened. Whether this will affect them in another project together or not, we will see. I could see them starting to put some distance between them to keep the rabids at bay. Or, they won't care, they'll still fulfill their contracts, and keep on keeping on. We shall see.
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buckieduckie2 · 1 year
PSA- Not a St3ddie Shipper (no hate ig if u are)
i made a stupid little silly comment on a post about how byler wasnt queerbait and yes omg thats so real yeah okay but so in the reblog i was like "if anything was queerbaiting it was steddie 🤭🤭🤭" and okay but i didnt manage to put the SECOND part of that thought which wouldve been "yeah but it wasnt even queerbaiting lmfao" because I DONT SHIP STEDDIE so obviously NEVER IN MY LIFE have i ever believed they were CANON and yeah i know it was a stupid comment to make in the first place cause yeah now that i think about that most people wouldnt have read it the way i intended because unfortunately people cant read my mind so yeah most people would read it the wrong way BUT DO THE EMOJIS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU 🥺🥺🥺 DO THEY MEAN NOTHING???? aughAUHDFJHDJFH I CANT HAVE PEOPLE GOING AROUND THINKING THAT I SHIP STEDDIE AND THINK THEYRE ENDGAME NOOOO THAT CANT HAPPEN 😟 CAUSE THE OP MADE A POST MENTIONING MY COMMENT AND HOW STUPID THEY THOUGHT IT WAS 😭 AND THEN THEY ASKED IF I "HAD EVEN BEEN WATCHING THE SAME FUCKING SHOW AS THEM"- YES BITCH 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I WATCHED THE EXACT SAME FUCKING SHOW AS YOU 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I DONT SHIP STEDDIE I DONT SHIP STEDDIE I DONT- sorry steddie shippers this probably sounds really rude what i SHOULD be saying is I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE IN STEDDIE ENDGAME I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE IN STEDDIE ENDGAME I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE IN STEDDIE ENDGAME I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE IN STEDDIE ENDGAME I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE IN STEDDIE ENDGAME I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE IN STEDDIE ENDGAME I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE IN STEDDIE ENDGAME NNRHEHRJHRJJJHHH
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judesstfrancis · 1 year
Hello again I happened to come home from a Culver's run just as my mom and sister were finishing 9-1-1 and like. I get that cable TV is like this but also. No <3
Perhaps fox should've let the two repressed firemen kiss but instead they did the end of this episode
This whole ordeal has led me to a very interesting conversation with my sister where she apparently thought destiel had been normal canon and wanted that for buddie and I had to be like "no yeah they made that canon by killing one of them"
it's just like I'm not even mad about the queerbaiting anymore I'm used to that I was doing great just being like THEYRE IN LOVE meanwhile knowing that would never happen on screen. it's the fact that these two only ever have the same storyline every season and nothing changes in their attempt to fix it like I'm so tired!! like I know this show knows how to write a satisfying relationship I genuinely cannot understand why they can't figure it out for these two specifically. and even beyond that why they feel like they have to like the obvious solution to both of their problems to me is for them to both be alone for a little while but then they just. do the same shit I am TIRED
also that is very funny bc I realistically in my brain can only conceive of them ever saying they love each other if one of them dies. like maybe I'm wrong I hope I am but I am so positive it won't happen unless someone is dead. everyone say thanks supernatural for ending homophobia by sending them to superhell instead <3
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demadogs · 2 years
one thing that makes me think theyre still going the byler route despite volume two not being nearly as byler leaning as volume one is the fact that they didnt initially plan to release the season in two parts. that decision was made because they didnt finish the finale yet and they needed more time but still wanted it out by may so they divided it in two.
so its not like any of their thought process while writing and shooting could have been “lets make it look like mike likes will back in the first volume to try and grow our audience for volume two”. they wrote it not knowing there would be two separate volumes.
people usually binge new seasons of this show in one or two days. if they hadnt split this in two, it wouldnt really serve the purpose of queerbaiting because there wouldnt be any time to gain that new audience.
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
No but acc i dont think the byler thing was queerbaiting shdkekdjen i feel like we all know will is gay SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT SKANKS
and based on the way he looked at mike during his love confession to el…idk man i feel like that in itself was enough to stop him from confessing his feelings for mike, like genuinely keeping him closeted and having him in love w his best friend acc kind of works???? Like i hate being that queer bitch thats like NO ITS NOT QUEERBAITING!! But genuinely i feel like it fits the plotline, esp bc literally in what episode one we hear el narrate that wills been painting something for someone he likes (el assumes its a girl) then the second theyre in the airport will has the painting for mike but when he literally gets rejected by mike in the moment he backs out of giving it to him. Lets also not forget during like what season 3 i think when mike and will have that huge fight bc mike is like ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU DONT LIKE GIRLS, like we all KNOW what that meant, we can read betwen the lines, and we know the duffer dickbags do everything purposefully. Now dont get me wrong here bitches i think making him the insecure gay character is overdone and overplayed in hollywood but given the time period??? The 80s??? In Indiana???? Or a small town in california???? Mmmmmmm, It makes sense :/ like ya i think bylers cute and mike is def fighting homosexuality somewhere deep down but hes just rlly genuinely in love w el cause yk thats his first love and shi.
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bellalaloca · 2 years
Guy you just reblogged and tagged as "who" is Wyatt Cushman. He's known for being an infamous OF queerbaiter and for badly photoshopping his bulge to make it bigger (seriously, look at it in the pic you reblogged it's like so bad)
thanks for letting me know about him!
oh, well, i love being queer-baited lmaoo at least hes pretty to look at and sometimes thats enough (so long as you know what theyre doing is wrong and youre not supporting them)
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if i see one more person call good omens ‘queerbaiting’ and comparing its “““lack of representation””” to our flag means death im going to kill someone
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spnshameblog · 3 years
I HAVE to be fascinated by this, otherwise i would just be sad and angry. This was an absolutely unique opportunity. They could have washed themselves clean of All queerbaiting accusations if theyd just said they were planning the slow burn the entire time. We wouldnt have believed it, but the public eye would have absolved them. They could have spun this into a progressive thing, make it about gay repression or something.
It trended over the fucking election, that means everyone checking Twitter during that time was at least confronted with the term 'destiel', even if they hadnt known about it already. It continued to trend several more times and they just.... did nothing with it????
This is incomprehensible to me, you could have had all these obsessed gay people eating out of your hands if youd just... leaned into it. At that point its literally harder not to do it, they would just have had to do the bare minimum, but that was apparently still too much.
So why? You have to be incredibly stupid or live in a cave to not have seen what an enormous impact the confession had, i dont buy that at all. They definitely knew what they had and what a huge financial opportunity it was. And they just said no. Why??? Why act against your financial best interest? Do they honestly still think the ultra conservatives (who are somehow ok w a bisexual evil god but not a bi lead) are their best bet? Are they just THAT homophobic? But then why air the confession in the first place? Were they that reluctant to play into the "demands" of their young/queer/mostly female Fans or misha? Are they THAT petty??? Did a cw executive have 2nd thoughts in the 11th hour and forced them to cut/rewrite? But then why do they say that things like the confession or deans death were planned from the beginning of the season?
I dont know what it was, probably a mix of All with a good bit of lies sprinkled in.
My only hope is that whoever was responsible is still screaming into their pillow bc they bet on the wrong horse. But seeing the narrative theyre still trying to feed us about how this ending was apparently the most satisfactory (it wasnt. It demonstrably wasnt) i think they have their heads too far up their asses to look at this objectively and maybe learn from their mistakes. Which is super frustrating.
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