#if this ends up in the tags i apologize for being a hater
fuzzyhairedfreak · 2 months
saw Dune 2 and searched the Dune 2 tag desperate to see people's Dune 2 vs book Dune essays but it's all Feyd X reader where the fuck am I
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yyuangss · 5 months
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summary ! even though he rarely goes, kaveh shows up at puspa cafe. this is the unassigned safe spot for his roommate who has a pretty good idea as to why kaveh’s around.
tags ! kaveh x fem reader, fluff, semi coffee shop au, alhaitham being a kaveh hater and kaveh being an alhaitham hater as they should be.
word count ! 1.7k
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note: hi hi @scarletwritesshit i was your secret santa for the favonius library event !! i decided to write a kaveh fic for you. i hope you like it MWAH <3 🫶
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What is he doing here? Alhaitham glared at Kaveh who had just entered Puspa Cafe. He set his book down on the table, keeping an arm on it so it would stay open. He watched as Kaveh went to an empty table and sat down. The table was at the other end of the room and nearest to the windows. So far, Kaveh hadn’t noticed him. Good, that’s the last thing he wanted.
Alhaitham started coming here for two reasons. One was to study without having his roommate bother him and two was to avoid him.
“Here you go.” You were bringing Alhaitham’s coffee he ordered. He looked away from Kaveh once you were in his eyesight. You held the handle of the cup and the small plate it was on. He asked for the coffee to be hot and the last thing you wanted to do was spill it all over him. Especially since he had his assignments out on the table.
“Thank you.” He said, moving some of the papers so you could place the cup down.
“What are you working on today?” You said, sitting across from Alhaitham. He handed you a sheet of paper that had writing all over it. You skimmed over the handwriting while he went back to his book. “Another language again?”
You were a student from the Akademiya as well and graduated a year ago. Much like Alhaitham, you enrolled at a young age and practically studied your entire life. After graduating, you decided to work at Puspa Cafe to relieve yourself from all the stress you’d gained over the years.
“This one is just for fun.” Alhaitham said before taking a sip of his coffee. You raised an eyebrow at him. His definition of fun was very different than you’d expect.
“(Y/N),” Enteka called out. When you looked over at her, she nodded her head towards Kaveh. Both you and Alhaitham looked in that direction. Once you saw the lonesome guest adjusting his items on the table, you shot up from your seat.
“Ah, hold on. I’ll be right back.” You said and quickly made your way over to the customer you’d missed.
“Take your time.” He mumbled, narrowing his eyes once again at Kaveh.
Alhaitham couldn’t hear the conversation, considering you were on the other side of the room, but he could tell what was being said by your mannerisms. You approached, greeting Kaveh and apologizing for not seeing him earlier. The blond dismissed it. He smiled, a lot more attentive than he usually was.
A few more minutes passed by. As far as Alhaitham is aware, you never met Kaveh while you were in the Akademiya. You might have asked him about the items he had on his table. One of those probably had a symbol relating to the Akademiya. That’s when it clicked.
Kaveh’s not here to study or to have a drink or to even relax after a day at the Akademiya. Alhaitham closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He exhaled loudly, losing his patience.
This idiot likes her. He said to himself.
You eventually left and began to help Enteka with the order. Kaveh was still in the dark about his roommate glaring from across the room.
Alhaitham closes his book and pays close attention as Kaveh does absolutely nothing with the papers on the table. He is pretending like he’s working on some assignment for his class. Drawing random lines and using random tools he brought for the fake blueprints.
When you return to his table, you have a similar cup that all guests received whenever they ordered coffee. You place it down, letting him know something else. All Alhaitham can gather is Kaveh nodding and reaching for his cup of coffee too early.
His hand knocked into the cup. Though, your hand was still lingering around so you assumed you were the one who knocked the cup over. He shot out of the booth while you stepped back. The drink spilled all over the fake blueprints. You were glad you carried a rag around with you for these exact moments.
“Oh, I apologize!” Kaveh said. “You didn’t get burned did you?” He leaned over your shoulder as you pushed the rag down on the table to gather the excess coffee. You’re more worried about the stained blueprints.
“No, I’m fine.” You smiled, showing your free hand. You were grateful you managed to pull back at the last second. “I’m very sorry. All your papers have coffee on them now.” You peeled back one of the blueprints from the table. Kaveh was getting all the sheets that thankfully didn’t get wet in the process.
“It’s alright. They weren’t that important anyway.” He said, shaking his head. “It’s really my fault. I should have waited until you put the cup down.” You gave him a dismissive wave and chuckled softly.
“Don’t worry. I’ll place a new order.” You smiled to let him know everything was fine. “If the papers weren’t that necessary, I’ll clean the mess up. In the meantime, please feel free to sit anywhere else and I’ll bring you your drink once it’s done.”
By now, Alhaitham had gone back to his book. He heard the wooden booth across from him creak. He glanced up from the page he was on to see Kaveh settling down. He was staring at you as you cleaned up the mess and then went to throw away the trash. Alhaitham shut his book, making Kaveh jump in his seat. His head whipped back to his roommate who never looked happy to see him.
“What are you doing?” Alhaitham asked, placing the book down on the table. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“You have to help me out.” Kaveh whispered. “I knocked the cup over and ruined everything.”
“What do you mean no? How can you say no to someone in dire need?” Kaveh clicked his tongue, furrowing his eyebrows and crossing his arms in a similar gesture.
“I can’t say no to someone in need but I can say no to you.” Alhaitham said, organizing his papers. Since Kaveh thought it was a good idea to join him at the table, he’d go to Lambad’s Tavern and study there instead.
“Wait, please!” Kaveh begged. He held his hands together in a pleading manner. “I know you’re friends with her! I just need your help in asking her out on a date. Do this favor for me once and I’ll never ask for anything again.”
After a brief silence, Alhaitham let out a loud sigh.
“Yes, thank you!” Kaveh exclaimed.
“There you are.” You said once you finally found where Kaveh had gone to sit. It was an odd choice since he chose to sit with Alhaitham instead of another table. “Here’s your drink again. I’m really sorry about that. Enteka said she’s not going to charge you anything.” Kaveh began reaching out to grab the new cup from your hands. You were a lot more careful this time to pass the cup.
“No, no. It was my fault.” He said, which it really was. Alhaitham rolled his eyes as his roommate continued rambling. “I was careless and—”
“Kaveh would like to ask you out on a date.” Alhaitham blurted out. The other gasped loudly. The cup clattered against the small plate underneath and his head whipped over to the grey haired male. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. You had become flustered at the sudden forwardness.
“That is— Don’t listen to him!” Kaveh set the cup down. His cheeks were beginning to turn red and pointed at Alhaitham in an accusatory way. “He’s simply making all that up!” He started to wave his hands around frantically. Alhaitham scoffed. He turned to look at you while Kaveh tried to cover up the statement.
“(Y/N), my roommate here is very shy—” Alhaitham said, motioning towards Kaveh.
“Alhaitham, stop it!” He said in return. Of course, he didn’t listen and continued to talk over him. Your eyes flicked from one to the other. You weren’t really sure of what was going on except for the fact that Kaveh might have some sort of crush on you.
“He came today to get the courage so he could ask you out on a date.” Alhaitham picked up his book along with his remaining materials and slipped out of the booth. He kept ignoring Kaveh insults which had a range in variety. They’d go from, ‘Would you shut up?’ to ‘You’re the most unreliable person in the entirety of Teyvat!’. “As you can see, he’s very interested in you. I say you can do better but I’m sure he’ll treat you well.”
“Can do better?! That’s low and you know it!” Kaveh slammed a fist on the table. His face had gone completely red from embarrassment. He placed a hand on his forehead to hide himself from you. If he’d known he would have gotten outed like this, he’d never ask Alhaitham for help.
“I did my part.” Alhaitham tucked his book underneath his arm. He stacked his papers together on the table to get them in a neat pile. “I let her know you’re interested and all you need to do is not come to Lambad’s Tavern.” He doesn’t say another word. He only gave you a knowing look and left the cafe. He didn’t even get a chance to enjoy his coffee.
You glance back at Kaveh. His head hangs, too embarrassed to look you in the eye. His whole plan had been ruined when he knocked his drink over but Alhaitham somehow managed to make things worse.
“That was mean of him to do that to you.” You spoke up and sat in the empty spot Alhaitham was once at. You glanced over at the door to see if any new customers were arriving. “Is he always like that with you?” Kaveh rubbed the back of his neck before clearing his throat.
“We have our moments. I simply didn’t expect him to do all… That.” He averted his eyes again. “Listen, you can ignore him. I understand he took things too far with what he said.”
“It’s fine. I know Alhaitham can be hard to deal with.” You said. You checked the area. There weren’t too many people in the cafe. The ones that did remain were guests you’d already attended to. Enteka is usually willing to let you go early around these times. “Well, if you’re not too busy at the moment. I’d like to go on that date with you.”
Kaveh’s spirits were lifted up. He raised his eyebrows, a soft pink hue covering his cheeks. Maybe he should say thank you to Alhaitham for once.
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cosmicjoke · 10 months
I'm going to pin this post, because I want everyone to see it.
Do not, I repeat, do not ask me any more questions regarding whether or not Levi only cared about Erwin or was only fighting for Erwin, or only cared about his promise to Erwin, etc... I cannot even tell you how many times I've answered some variation of this same question, over and over and over. I'm sick of it. I can't tell you anything that you shouldn't be able to glean from simply reading the manga or watching the anime yourself.
I also can't emphasize enough that you shouldn't care or consider anything outside of canon, that includes interview answers given by Hajime Isayama. Interviews don't indicate or prove anything, as they're always answers given on the spot, and often don't accurately reflect what the author actually thinks or feels, or intends. Very often, an author can't give a fully fleshed out or accurate reply to any given question because it would spoil what they have planned, or they simply don't have it worked out yet, what they're planning. You can probably guess what I'm referring to specifically, that being Isayama saying Levi felt he had "fulfilled his duty" by being there with Erwin at the end, and this post is spurred on by the latest anonymous ask I've received. Apologies to the person who sent that ask. You seemed very polite and sincere, but I refuse to engage in this conversation again.
I don't even understand why people are so fixated on this question. Why are people so upset by some offhand answer Isayama once gave to a vague, open ended question asked years before he actually concluded the manga? Years before he knew at all what Levi's fate would even be? Why do people need constant reassurance that Levi actually cared about and was fighting for humanity when the answer is plain to see within the canon, with numerous, countless examples of such? Do they have such little faith in his character? Do they feel that insecure in their admiration of him? Because a bunch of idiot haters online constantly try to use an instant of deep compassion and humanity from Levi toward one of his friends as some sort of proof that he "doesn't care about humanity"?
I'm going to give an answer here to this question so that anyone who wants to ask me about this, again, (even though if you just scroll through my blog and search the right tags, you can no doubt find any of the dozens of posts I've made regarding this particular question), you'll have your answer, right there at the top. So please, don't send me any more asks regarding this. I'm always happy to discuss Levi and his character, and the various events involving him in canon, but not if it's just going to be people questioning again and again Levi's commitment to the Survey Corps cause, when he gave his whole life, and lost everything for it.
So here you are.
Regarding what Isayama said about Levi feeling as if he'd "fulfilled his duty" by being there with Erwin at the end, that could literally have meant anything. It doesn't remotely prove, one way or the other, how committed Levi was to saving humanity, or that Levi only cared about Erwin and nothing about saving humanity. It proves nothing but that Levi felt a fierce loyalty toward Erwin, and that he felt duty bond to him like any good soldier would their commanding officer. Levi was Erwin's right hand man. He was his most trusted confidant and friend. The man Erwin looked to for support and advice and strength. The man Erwin relied on to keep him in touch with his own humanity. By saying Levi felt he had "fulfilled his duty" or his "role" by being with Erwin at the end, all that says to me is that Levi felt he had served Erwin admirably and with honor. He stayed with his commanding officer and friend right up to the very moment of his death. He never abandoned him, or lost faith in him, despite Erwin's own admissions of weakness and self-doubt. Levi fulfilled his duty to Erwin specifically because he never left his side or stopped believing in and following him as a trusted leader, and he did right by Erwin, repaid Erwin for being that leader to him, by letting him rest.
So, let's get into why it's absurd to question whether this meant Levi only cared about that duty toward Erwin and didn't give a rats ass about humanity. I could write a hundred pages on this, there's that much evidence to the contrary.
Levi's reaction when Erwin admits to him that he cares more about finding out what's in Eren's basement than about saving humanity. Levi is horrified, and shocked, and feels a deep sense of betrayal and hurt at this revelation. He's distraught that the man he put his faith in to lead humanity to freedom and salvation has just admitted to him that he doesn't care as much about that as he does finding out what's in Eren's basement. Now, why the hell would Levi be so horrified and hurt by this revelation, if he himself didn't care about humanity, and only about serving Erwin? The answer is, he wouldn't. He wouldn't have given a shit what Erwin was fighting for if all he cared about was serving Erwin and being Erwin's loyal dog, like these idiot haters claim. He would have just shrugged and said "Okay, what next then, boss?". But, instead, he fell into a state of angry depression, gave up on trying to convince Erwin to stay behind (something he was trying to do in the first place because he believed humanity would be fucked without Erwin's guidance), felt so enraged and upset that he kicked the shit out of Eren and Jean for acting like undisciplined idiots, and went off to sit, isolated and alone, and questioning everything he'd been doing up to that point. He believed in Erwin so much in the first place because he genuinely believed Erwin was an altruistic, selfless, visionary leader who took on the great burden of leading the Survey Corps in order to save humanity. He admired Erwin for his dedication and commitment to that cause, for his ability to put aside personal feelings to do his duty, and for his great insight and intelligence and hope for a future for humanity. And he was so upset after Erwin's admission because that admission shattered that trust and belief in Erwin, and made Levi question whether he himself had made the right decision in following him. That doesn't sound like the reaction or behavior of someone who's just blindly loyal to or in love with Erwin and only cares about where he goes and what he does. Again, canon in your friend. Defer to canon.
Another point. Levi continues to serve in and fight for the Survey Corps, years after Erwin's death. If Levi really felt he had "fulfilled his duty" by being with Erwin in his last moments, and that he had nothing else to contribute or provide, then he would have simply quit the SC. But he didn't. He stayed, and continued to participate in and contribute in any way he could to their cause. He continued to fight for humanity, as the SC has always done. He continued to fight for the dream that every member that had died believed in, for them. People mistake Isayama's comment about Levi feeling directionless after Erwin's death as him meaning Levi didn't care about humanity, (which, I still don't know how you extrapolate that from his comment, but whatever), but that just shows a lack of understanding Levi's relationship with Erwin to begin with. Levi relied on Erwin to be his guiding light. He trusted in and relied on Erwin to use him to further the cause for humanity. Levi let Erwin choose how to deploy his abilities and strength, he followed Erwin's orders, because he considered Erwin infinitely more qualified than himself to determine these things. He believed in Erwin as a leader. He trusted in Erwin's judgment, in Erwin's ability to make the right choice, even if Levi himself couldn't understand or see where he was coming from at first. When Erwin died, Levi lost that guide. He lost Erwin's judgement. He lost Erwin's vision. When Isayama says Levi felt "directionless", he means Levi didn't know how he himself could contribute as effectively to the SC cause anymore, because he didn't have Erwin there to tell him how. Erwin always told Levi what to do, and Levi followed, because he trusted in Erwin's ability to see what he couldn't. But it was always, ALWAYS to serve humanity. Not to serve Erwin, but to serve the cause of humanities salvation. Without Erwin, it wasn't that Levi no longer cared about saving humanity, it was only that Levi no longer felt he had the person who could point him in the right direction and tell him what to do to attain that goal. He was on his own for the first time in this fight, and he didn't know what he could do now to advance it. He didn't know what role he could play. Again, it's not that he didn't care about humanity, or no longer cared about fighting for humanity. It's that he simply didn't know what role he was meant to play anymore in that cause. But even with that uncertainty and doubt, he kept fighting. He kept trying to do what he could. That isn't the action of a man who doesn't care about the cause. Someone who doesn't care wouldn't have kept in the fight the way Levi did. It's why he never quit fighting, even when he was half-dead from getting caught in a thunderspear explosion. Why he refused to run away, even when he was barely alive. That's also why I think it's absurd when people say Levi's choice to let Erwin die was "selfish", because Levi gave up his own feeling of placement in the world by doing so. He gave up his own comfort, his own sureness, his own sense of direction. He took on a massive burden when he let Erwin die, and he did it for Erwin's sake, because it was the humane, compassionate thing to do. That's the opposite of selfish. It's mind-blowingly selfless.
And lastly, Levi keeps fighting, even after he fulfills the vow to Erwin and his other comrades. If all Levi cared about was fulfilling the vow he made to Erwin, the vow to kill Zeke so that he could give meaning to the sacrifices of his comrades that day in Shinganshina, then he would have simply laid down afterward and done nothing to help the alliance win. But, he didn't do that. Even when Levi felt convinced that he wasn't going to be able to kill Zeke, he kept fighting in any way he could and trying to lead the alliance to victory. He came up with plans of action, he gave orders and directions to his comrades, he risked his life and nearly died to save both Jean's and Connie's lives, he helped Gabi to take out different targets with her gun, and finally, after killing Zeke, he rallied Mikasa and Pieck to not give into their grief at what was happening, and urged Mikasa on to deliver the final blow to Eren to finally end the whole damn thing. Without Levi, in that moment, Mikasa very likely could have given into despair and given up. Levi wouldn't let her. Those aren't the actions of a man who doesn't care.
Levi's inner monologue, about not regretting letting Erwin die and choosing Armin is further proof of how much he cares about the cause. He talks about Armin having the same light in his eyes as everyone else, before cynicism and doubt crept in from seeing too much horror. He talks about what they all fought for, whether it was to see people's lives trampled and their freedom stolen, or for a ridiculously idealistic world, and concludes it was for the latter, because that's the ONLY THING that would have made their sacrifices worth it. Again, these aren't the thoughts and feelings of someone who doesn't care about humanity. If all Levi cared about was Erwin and serving Erwin and fulfilling his vow to Erwin, he wouldn't have been thinking about any of those things at that point. He wouldn't have cared what his fallen comrades lost their lives for. It wouldn't have been a question at all in his mind. But instead it's the centerpiece of Levi's character in the final arc.
And then, Levi's salute to his fallen comrades in the end, and the first and only time we see him cry, because what they fought for has finally been achieved. A world without titans, and thus, a world where they could be free. Levi salutes them and cries because it meant that much to him, fulfilling the goal they all fought for, ensuring they didn't die in vain. Again, that isn't the reaction of a man who didn't care about the fight for humanity.
I really don't know what else to say. Again, canon in your friend. Levi's actions speak louder than any words. If you're having some sort of doubt as to how committed Levi was to the cause for humanity because of a bunch of brainless bleating from online haters, then simply do yourself a favor and go back and read the manga or watch the anime, and all your fears will be assuaged.
And that's all I'm going to say on this particular subject. If you want to know my thoughts, well, here you are. I hope it's an extensive and thorough enough answer, because it's the only one you're going to be getting from now on. If not, just go back through my blog and search, because I've talked about this innumerable times before as well.
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
Headcanon: Gooey and the Animal Friends are decently easy at forgiving ex-villains
Remember when I wrote a tumblr post about my headcanon of Bandana Waddle Dee being a big 'hater' that hasn't forgiven the ex-villain dream friends because of the trust issues that he has for them?
Well, these guys are significantly different in that regard.
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When it comes to forgiving ex-villains, Gooey and the animal friends are better than most at doing that. They certainly have a much easier time forgiving people than Bandana Waddle Dee does, and it's also easier for them to forgive certain people than it is for the likes of King Dedede, Meta Knight and others. Yeah... these fellas are quite chill!
That's not to say that they don't have any wariness when meeting ex-villains, though... they will actually try to assess the person before immediately forgiving them, but they're not incredibly strict when doing these assessments, and ultimately they are no grudge-holders.
Well, maybe Gooey could be considered an exception on assessing. He's not exactly the deep thinking type. Generally speaking, he's easily influenced by Kirby and is the quickest out of these bunch to forgive someone because of that, unless by some very rare chance that the animal friends end up having doubts about someone and attempt to cajole Gooey to continue staying on the fence about it.
That hasn't been the case for any of the dream friends that used to be villains, though. The animal friends and Gooey have ended up ultimately forgiving all of the dream friends that went up against Kirby in the past, and don't hold grudges against any of them.
For the remainder of this post, I'm going to summarize how Gooey and the animal friends think of each and every of the ex-villains.
This post will be long, so I'll put a 'Keep reading' tag down below.
First, let's start with Daroach.
When Kirby had Daroach first meet Gooey and the animal friends for the first time, they forgave him easily. Hilariously enough, I headcanon that before the animal friends met Kirby, some of them used to be worse people and have, uh, committed robberies before, so it's not like they even had a lot of room to judge Daroach anyways.
Daroach has been getting along quite well with the animal friends... with Nago having used to be an exception at first. Initially, Daroach didn't exactly get along with Nago, with the reason being that the Squeaks don't like cats. For a little while at first, he'd have felt uncomfortable if Nago got too close to him or any of the other Squeaks, out of a secretive fear that he may suddenly attack them. They have been attacked by cats before, hence their dislike for them.
That definitely hasn't ever happened with Nago, though. He's a nice kitty! In my interpretation, Nago is perhaps the nicest of the animal friends, as he's very gentle and wouldn't even hurt a fly for the most part. He's never had any intention of doing anything to Daroach and the Squeaks, and once enough time has passed, they've warmed up to him just like how they've warmed up to the other animal friends.
Out of the animal friends, Rick is the one that Daroach is closest friends with. These two especially got along like a house on fire, due to both them being rodents, and that they've both got quite the knack of occasional mischievous goofiness. Daroach also has quite the liking for Kine and Coo as well, since they're also animalistic adults that aren't immune to doing some minor tomfoolery with him.
Next, let's go over how these guys handle Magolor.
Before Magolor returned to Dream Land (hah!) to make his grand apologies, King Dedede had told the animal friends and Gooey about the incident. They were all heavily freaked out by it, Coo especially.
With the information they've been given, they were admittedly cautious at first when they finally met Magolor himself. However, when Magolor expressed his regret to them about what he did, as well as the fact that both Kirby and Dedede have grown to take really well to him at the time, they've come to warm up and accept him.
Overall, Magolor is on decent terms with Gooey and the animal friends. The one he's closest friends with would be Kine, as he sometimes likes to hype Kine up as some fantastic fish that can kick ass and take names. Pitch and ChuChu also quite like Magolor, though, as they're silly kids that ask Magolor to do clever or funny things for them to see. Gooey gets a lot of head-pats from Magolor.
It also helps that in my headcanons for the events of Star Allies, there were moments where Magolor fought right alongside Rick, Kine, and Coo while they and the rest of the alliance ravaged through Jambastion. The animal trio to witness Magolor's fighting capabilities, and there was a moment where he saved Rick from a grim fiery fate in the hands of Flamberge. Thus after Star Allies, Gooey and the animal friends grew more appreciation for Magolor.
Taranza up next.
Gooey and the animal friends watched the Dreamstalk form from afar. They were highly shocked by its presence, although they did also notice Kirby flying in a warp star throughout it, assuring them that he was getting the situation taken care of like he always does. They didn't know who Taranza was until after the situation was fixed.
Some time after Triple Deluxe, Kirby introduced Taranza to the animal friends and Gooey. They were able to forgive him when he explained his actions, as well as mentioning the loss that he's recently just had.
The animal friends and Gooey.... feel really sorry for Taranza. They even told him that he's welcome to come to Dream Land and hang out with them any time if he wants to. He does end up doing that sometimes. He's come to really like these guys, as he's a fellow animal just like they are and he has a mutual interest in occasionally doing some playful messing around. They were even courteous enough to give him a visit at his home in the Floralian island of Royal Road!
Nago and ChuChu are the two animal friends that Taranza likes the most out of them. Nago gives him many soft hugs, and ChuChu is a fellow flora enjoyer with a more-than-usual amount of limbs. Taranza also comes to have quite a soft spot for Gooey, too. Hilariously enough, he wouldn't really even care if Gooey were to give him a lick!
Now let's go over Susie.
When the Access Ark made its attack on Popstar, it HORRIFIED the animal friends and Gooey as they witnessed it. However, despite the initial scare they had, they managed to successfully keep themselves sheltered during the invasion. They laid low and were lucky enough to keep themselves out of sight from any of the HWC's army. They never encountered Susie during the invasion, and thus they didn't know about her existence at the time until after Kirby resolved this crisis.
Some time after Planet Robobot, as Kirby brought Susie over to have a tour across Popstar to let everyone know that she's now his friend, he introduced her to Gooey and the animal friends. At first, they freaked out when they learned she was who instigated the invasion... but they've forgiven her when she reassured she's now Kirby's friend and won't attack Popstar ever again. These guys don't hold a grudge.
Susie didn't say it to them at first meeting, but they've eventually come to learn about her past. Needless to say, her daddy issues and ruined childhood were things that were deeply harrowing to them all.
ChuChu has grown to really like Susie a lot. Out of the animal friends, ChuChu is definitely the one that Susie is closest friends with, something about cute pink girls having cute pink girl fun. Susie also came to consider Gooey a friend, too. She isn't too close with the other animal friends, though, other than them being nice acquaintances. Susie doesn't live in Popstar, so she only sees them during her Popstar vacations, but ChuChu is always happy to see her.
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Let's mention Marx next.
In my headcanons, Marx reappears in Popstar shortly before Star Allies to finally make up with Kirby. When Kirby starts to introduce Marx to all his other friends, Gooey and the animal friends were the first ones that he went to. And, well, Marx has grown to become pretty close buddies with these guys ever since he had first met them.
They had absolutely zero idea about the events of Milky Way Wishes beforehand. When they learned about it upon first meeting Marx, it barely mattered to them, since it was a long time ago by that point.
I do have a separate tumblr post that goes over Marx's dynamics with these guys, and I won't cover all that detail in here. To summarize, however, they think he's the funniest person in the universe and are willing to join him in doing sillies, but they also keep him in check from going too far in messing with others. They share a role with Magolor in acting like Marx's 'supervisors' to make sure he behaves.
That being said, Gooey and the animal friends love Marx. They enjoy spending time with him. It also helped out a lot when he often stayed right alongside Rick, Kine, Coo and Gooey during Star Allies! That was one time where they enabled all of his antics, since they were all busy fighting dirty against a doomsday cult that threatened them all.
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Next up to go over is Dark Meta Knight.
These guys didn't meet DMK before Star Allies and had only done so afterwards. Upon first meeting them, they wondered why the hell he looked like Meta Knight so much, until it was explained to them that there's literally a mirror world where everyone has counterparts. They had literally no idea about the events of Amazing Mirror beforehand.
Out of the ex-villain dream friends, DMK is the one that has the least to do with Gooey and the animal friends. He's largely indifferent about them. They don't hold a grudge over his actions in Amazing Mirror and have technically forgiven him like Kirby did, but they themselves don't really think much about him either. DMK lives in the mirror world instead of Popstar, so he rarely sees these guys anyways.
However, one particular interaction is that they've, uh, witnessed his artistic capabilities (or lack thereof, lol). Adeleine is one of the few people that DMK is friends with, and she cajoled the animal friends and Gooey into watching him draw. They did find it to be amusing.
Now, let's go over the mage sisters and Hyness.
Considering that Rick, Kine, Coo and Gooey participated in the events of Star Allies, they experienced the cult's villainy up close.
When they fought the mage sisters, they trolled them as Marx was right alongside them to encourage them to troll the cult. However, they had a couple of really dire close calls. Rick was close to being incinerated by Flamberge (where, earlier in the post, I said that Magolor saved him from that), and Kine was very close to getting brutally electrocuted by Zan Partizanne, but luckily both situations were ultimately prevented from going horribly south for them.
The animal trio and Gooey were absolutely MORTIFIED to witness Hyness weaponizing the mage sisters and sacrificing them to Void Termina, however. It was some extremely harrowing shit that they've never experienced before. Gooey might not be the best attention-payer, but he himself was pretty dang horrified by all of these horrors.
After Heroes in Another Dimension, the animal friends and Gooey came to forgive the mage sisters and Hyness, and were glad to help make sure they got out of everything okay. Nago, ChuChu and Pitch met the cult after HiAD since they were not in the star alliance, and although they freaked the hell out when learning all the things that happened, they came to accept the cult's acquaintance as well.
That being said, despite forgiving the cult, Rick and Coo are still admittedly unnerved by the fact that Francisca vocalizes about keeping her frozen trophy collection. Not that they're seriously bothered by it, though. Kine however has grown to become legitimate friends with Francisca, as she gives him free drinks from her soda gun. Rick and Coo tell Kine to be careful when that occurs.
Between the animal friends and the mage sisters, the closest friendship out of them would be Kine and Francisca. Another notable friendship here would be Pitch and Zan Partizanne, considering that Pitch is a silly little shit that likes giving people nicknames, and he was delighted when he learned that Zan also nicknames people a lot.
Like Susie, the cult does not live in Popstar, since the Jambastion fortress is still concentrated somewhere else in the cosmos. However, also like Susie, the cult does take vacations in Popstar, so those are the occasions that Gooey and the animal friends see them.
Last, but certainly not least, let's go over the Beast Pack here.
During Forgotten Land, the animal friends and Gooey freaked out about what could've happened to Kirby, since he was sucked to somewhere else outside of the planet during the time. They were, of course, more than delighted to see he was okay at the end of it all.
These guys became fast friends with Elfilin when Kirby first introduced him to them. Elfilin isn't a part of the Beast Pack, but the reason why I mention him here is because he's how the animal friends and Gooey could visit the New World and meet the Beast Pack in the first place. He's willing to open up portals for them to welcome them to the New World. (hahahaha!! pun totally intended!!!!)
When Gooey and the animal friends met the members of the Beast Pack, it wasn't too hard to forgive them. They also expressed how they were glad that Kirby was able to save Leon and that he's okay.
The Beast Pack came to really like the animal friends. Heck... they even went as far to try to INVITE the animal friends to join the Beast Pack. The animal friends had no interest in accepting the invitation, though, but they'd have appreciated the kind gesture nonetheless.
Nago has come to really like Carol and Leon. Something about being fellow cats like he is. As a result, he's the animal friend that likes the Beast Pack the most. Well, that as well as the fact that Pitch and ChuChu think that Sillydillo is a friggin' hilarious thing that they enjoy.
That just about wraps up everything I have for this post!
Wow, this was quite a big post wasn't it? Even I didn't anticipate it being this huge. To be fair, I'm aware I can end up being kinda wordy with these posts, as I know I often put 'Keep reading' tags in them.
So, in short, Gooey and the animal friends are no grudge-holders and can easily forgive ex-villains. That being said, I also headcanon they're often bewildered by all the increasingly serious incidents in modern Kirby games, as well as freaked the hell out by all the various and insane trauma that Kirby's newer friends (Kumazaki characters) have been through. Like, bro, these guys lived more simpler lives and they can hardly fathom all the shit that the newer folks went through!
Thank you if you've read this post! As always, stay tuned for me.
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elriel-fireheart · 1 year
Alright, I've had this absolutely ridiculous headcanon about Elain and Bryaxis living rent free in my head forever. Haters, I know how insanely and ridiculously stupid it may sound and the logistics just aren't there, so please disregard this and move along.
Now, I've wondered if Bryaxis could shape-shift. As far as I remember, he is basically cloud of your worst fear and nightmares. So I wanted to give him alittle...depth. This branches off an old headcanon that was made regarding Elain befriending Bryaxis in her garden or in the library. And it just kind spiraled out of control in my mind. But if you're still here just hear me out.
What if he can shape-shift into anything he desires? What if his purest and favorite form is a dragon. What if Elain somehow finds him deep in the forest in the form of a dragon, (I'm talking badass GOT Drogon type dragon) befriends him, and learns that he's actually the bryaxis that's missing from the Library and is tied to her sister? Come to find out, he's drawn to Elain and she essentially ends up convincing him to return home to the library, new window in place, surrounded by his hoard of books and gentle priestesses, on the new condition that he answers to her and agrees to fight for the Night Court in whatever manner she asks of him. In return, the wards are changed to allow him in and out occasionally so that he may find his freedom amongst the stars. After all, everyone is a dreamer in the Night Court.
I imagine the Library to have a large hidden cavern underneath. A warded tunnel that somehow leads to an ominous hidden cave in the forest, and it's essentially how he gets in and out.
Now imagine Azriel and the IC looking for Elain after she gets "lost" in the forest, only to hear a dragon's cry peirce the air and out from the clouds comes Bryaxis with Elain perched on his back. Hair wild and and beautifully windswept. Hands and thighs holding on for dear life. Eyes glowing. A devils grin bright on her face. Bryaxis roaring and flying fast as shooting star.
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Azriel nearly goes feral in a mix of fear and sheer awe of this female. Dragons should only be myths, now. Long forgotten Gods of Illyria's history. And hear she sits proudly on the back of a literal living nightmare. Bryaxis's dark shadows coiling around her in errie delight.
Rhysand and the IC are just 👁👄👁. Speechless. I'm sure Cassian is white as a ghost and nearly faints. Cause what the actual fuck and Holy Mother's Tits.
So, yeah, you can decide how Elain gets lost in the forest, how she befriends Bryaxis, the bargain, how she uses him in the future. The potential dragon history of Illyria. How Bryaxis is part of the fight with Koschie or potential war. Elain being a dragonrider. Etc, etc.
If anyone held on this long, I applaud you and apologize for this purely chaotic thinking lmao. If anyone chooses to write something off of this headcanon, then please for the love of all that is holy please tag me so I can read it.
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
All the lore for my Toh self-insert so far
Tagged canon characters for my own personal organization so i can come back and read this post later,sorry if that causes annoyance!! /gen
@leo-thecactus @peachyblkdemonslayer @user1046 @moonage-gaydream @cottoncandyteeth @cottoncandyspikes @insomniac-jay @julieemarine @theultimatesagavan @catboymoments @rosy-tickles
His name is Verano Azul and he's black/white mixed dominican-Not the Demon Realm equivalent like Willow being korean but as in one of his parent's is from Earth and dominican.The parent in question is named Esta and is something of a dark parallel to Luz,a human who ended up on The Boiling Isles and is instead a magic hater who sides with Belos in that way.His other parent is named Invierno and he has an older brother named Otoño who goes by Oto
Esta and Invierno are abusive to him because of generational trauma from their latino heritage and encourage Oto to bully him and uphold him as the 'sibling they raised right'.Verano had severe self-eestem issues because of this and it was only added on to by being bullied at Hexside for his shyness and obvious hybrid status(see him having non-pointed ears)
He's the same age as Luz and was a trio with Gus and Willow until she came along and made them a quartet.He met his first ever two friends the same day they met eachother when they saw him getting bullied by Boscha and Gus caused a distraction with his illusions so Willow could sneak him away to a hiding spot and Gus hid too to avoid Boscha's wrath.Once school let out,Verano nervously approached them to thank them and hung out with them the next day which turned into every day after that
He's in the healing track/coven and got shit from his family for it because they wanted him to take a 'more useful' one and his palisman is a pink dragon named Fresa
His parents also never truly let him be feminine as a kid and called him an ungrateful brat for asking for things like children's makeup kits and dolls so as part of her redemption arc,Amity teaches him how to be femme and buys him the stuff they refused to and a particularly special item that he's always wearing because it was the first one she bought him is a plain pink choker
His fashion sense is pastel and mostly girly but has some masc hints here and there since he's bigender and it makes him happy with himself.He's short with light brown skin,full lips,a big nose and waist length black hair that's natural thick and curly but he relaxes it and dyes a baby pink streak in it in season 3 as a bonding activity with Willow and Amity until the epilogue where we see he's switched to twists and several streaks and gone from regular pastel to pastel punk
He also has a job making video games since Luz introduced him to them and he learned how to make them as he loved them enough for it to become a special interest
Has a genderfluid pride pin on his dress in Thanks to them
Eda becomes a mother figure to him through his frequent visits to The Owl House to see Luz and adopts him mid-season 1 after finding out he's being abused thanks to him accidentally revealing it during one of their conversations.She went to the Azul house and tricked his parents into giving her custody via adoption papers and easily beat them when they tried to fight her.Oto wasn't around to witness it but is still scared shitless of her and avoids Verano from then on(He does apologize in For the future and Verano says he accepts but dosen't wanna be around him anymore and he respects that).Raine is also his parent due to his and Eda's marriage and there's not a day without both chaos and wholesomeness with them
Considers Camila his official parent too(and she sees him as her son and daughter)and is eternally grateful to her for teaching him about blackness unlike Invierno.Perry,who was never told about Verano's abuse until after Eda came along,did teach him a few things but sadly couldn't get to many because of him still living with his racist parents
And his final parent is Darius.This one has funny reasons because the context is that the two of them got so close thanks to Verano being best friends with Hunter that Darius kept dropping hints to Eda that he wanted shared custody and she teased him into admitting it outright and laughed at his embarrased anger before agreeing to it.Verano was overjoyed when they told him and pulled them into a group hug after giving each of them a platonic cheek kiss,squealing about how much he loves them and what they were going to do as a family
His full name is technically Verano Azul Clawthorne Whispers Noceda Deammone but for the sake of shortness he just uses his first name when introducing himself
When he started unmasking,he turned into a very bubbly and optimistic weirdgirl who slowly became a Team Mom as his friend circle grew.His favorite stims are repeating words and running around,he's good at handling meltdowns,his special interests are dragons cats video games and pink and his safe foods are booding and McDonalds(post/during season 3)
Like the rest of the Hexside Squad,he had an episode dedicated their first meeting with Hunter and his was called 'Little Pink Flying Hood and the Hunter'.It took place post Eclipse Lake but pre Hollow mind and had them bumping forehead first into eachother due to his broom going out of control and getting lost in the forest and trying to find their way back home.They became friends by the end as they bonded deeply,including Verano telling him he dosen't have to be perfect and Hunter responding that they don't need to feel like a freak either.They don't reveal his secret identity in ASIAS but there's a running gag that he thinks they will and at one point they snark that if he keeps at it they'll spill the beans
Verano,Willow,Gus and Hunter are called 'The Four Emeralds' and their group chat that that they created after Darius gave Hunter his phone is titled that and it's extremely chaotic but sweet
His Flapjack tatto is on his right palm
He's Gus and Mat's wingman and finds Mat's cringe to be super cool
Edit:I came up with one more point!!His halloween costume was a pink and white catdragon onesie with blue cat face paint :]
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the-blue-fairie · 6 months
hey, no worries at all about venting in the tags of... your reblog of my reblog of your post, lol!! as i mentioned, i was trying to find a completely different old post by someone else, and then ended up seeing your post in my search and i just feel that it's a great explanation of some of the issues that i have with the ending. i can totally understand why people who like the idea behind the ending and what the writers were trying to say with it want to defend it, to an extent, but i agree with you that they just didn't successfully say that. which only makes me more frustrated with the ending than i imagine i would've been otherwise. and i'm sorry people have been trying to group you in with frozen 2 haters when you didn't want to be seen that way! and to me, the posts of yours that i've read about the movie (including the one i reblogged that prompted this ask) never came off that way either. you always seemed like someone who had your issues with it and criticisms of it, but could also still see positives in it and things to celebrate about it.
Thank you for sending me this message. I apologize for not replying for a day; life got a bit busy.
Looking back on my old discussions of F2, I feel I was hamstrung by not wanting to make my friends angry. I have friends who are fans of F2 and, while I wrote those posts, I was cripplingly scared that they would stop being friends with me, or unfollow me, or dismiss my critiques as mere negativity. In fact, my fears were justified. Some of these people DID unfollow me and DID tell me I was being overwhelmingly negative. This broke my heart - especially because I spilled so much ink trying to balance every negative I discussed with a positive and celebrating the good elements, but it felt like it didn't matter. It didn't matter how anxious I was to be understood, it didn't matter that I was writing in good faith. And that hurt.
I also feel that I was intimidated by the extreme sides of the fandom. If, for example, I wrote a post criticizing Elsa's arc, anti-Elsa people could jump on it and say, "See, this is why Elsa is a bad sister."
So that's why, in my vent, I said I was too kind to the film. I was so constricted by being terrified of other people's reactions - terrified of having an unpopular opinion. So I qualified all my statements with, "Of course, I don't mean to be overly negative" instead of just focusing on my points.
I just want to shake people sometimes when they tell me the point of the film and say, "They followed through on their intent with very poor execution. They DIDN'T DO the things you are saying they did. They tried, but there are scores of reasons why they did not succeed - reasons that go beyond my personal preference, that have to do with characterization, pacing, story structure, etc."
It hurts because... I feel like, in the past, I tried to force myself to like the film more than I do. I've wanted to like it for years, but the last time I put it on I broke down crying and not in a good way and I just... I wish it worked. I wish that all the various thematic threads coalesced into an emotionally satisfying whole. And I know that, because of my emotional response, people might just dismiss all my discussion - no matter how nuanced I am, no matter how fair towards the film I am in my analysis, as, "Well, you're biased from the start."
No. I've spent years trying to see all sides, empathizing with a variety of people in the fandom, sometimes even at my own expense. I do value the parts of F2 that work and acknowledge the beauty of various elements including Anna and Elsa bonding with the Northuldra, the anticolonialist themes, The Next Right Thing, and more.
But at the same time, I argue that my case against other aspects of the film is robust, cohesive, and correct.
And to the friends that can see I am writing not to be a hater, but in good faith with actual analysis and discussion in mind - you mean the world to me. Thank you.
Sorry, this became kind of a vent in itself.
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techorgana · 11 months
thanks for the tag @idontgetanysleep this is so much fun (english is not my first lenguage so i apologize for any mistakes i make)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): kanera, they're healthy AND tragic what else would u want
2. most annoying ship: reylo, rexsoka, obikin, anakin + ahsoka and clone + clone, i just can't
3. second favourite ship: chopper + crime they're so <3 (i'm kidding it's obitine cause i like the banter)
4. favourite platonic relationship: i'm obssessed with the found family trope so every family/sibling relationship, especially the ghost crew, the domino twins and the bad batch INCLUDING crosshair (also asajj and obi wan but in a funny way cause the amount of time they flirt is ridiculous)
5. underrated ship: bail x breha they love each other sm and raised their girl SO WELL
6. overrated ship: i can't say
7. one thing i would change in canon: padmé and satine not being mentioned in the newest shows, when they were so important and did so much for their people
8. something canon did right: the entirety of rebels, it's so well done it's perfect
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: i can't draw to save my live and i'm bad at designing, i have many ideas to write but i lack inspiraton, but i'm always happy to read and reblog everything i see cause people here are talented
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): every clone, ahsoka, plo koon, satine and everyone in the ghost crew
11. the character i relate to the most and why: hera, four reasons: i like to advocate and fight for the things i belive in, i always end up adopting my friends, i'm also working on some issues with my father even tho i'm exactly like him and the most important one i would (i already have) fall completly in love with kanan (i wouldn't be so cool about it but that's why hera is perfect and i'm not)
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: i viscerally hate palpatine, krell, governor pryce, the troopers that punched grogu and the zygerrians and hutts (they are slavers and i hate them)
13. something i've learned from the fandom: NEVER pay attention to the haters, it'll only make you miserable cause they already are
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i don’t use ao3 like that, normally i find fics here or twitter and then click the link
15. a song i strongly associate with my op/favourite character: i don't have a favorite character but the one i'm currently obssessed with is Ezra and the song is Vienna by Billy Joel (mainly bc i like to imagine hera singing the song to him)
tags: @r-2-peepoo @purplezombietumbler @starwarsbean @kyber-kat @plan-of-dissent
it's ok if you don't participate :)
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deiscension · 4 months
A kind of short and maybe not sweet, but hopefully not too mean notice.
TL;DR version of it: For personal blogs following and/or interacting with my posts, this is just an rp blog and I'm here for funsies and I'm totally fine with you also having funsies with anything I write/say, but please don't reblog my in-character content and mega-please don't come into my posts or DMs to start a debate club session on how you don't agree with my hcs or because you dislike the character I'm writing! Also just in general don't be weird about SQX's gender.
Since there are a few personal blogs following me and/or engaging with my posts, I just want to state very plainly that this is a roleplay blog for SQX. Outside of reiterating what we already know to be canon from the books themselves, nothing I say, write, or draw is canon. This iteration you're seeing of SQX is built off the books, extras, interviews + my personal headcanons and thoughts based on how I interpret each character, relationship, and story arc. While I aim to stay as close to canon as possible with my interpretations and writings, I also intend to flesh out what I personally feel I need to in order to rp them both inside canon settings and outside them. Again, none of that is canon and I wouldn't claim it to be so!
I don't mind personals following me and liking my posts, but please please please do not comment on or reblog any of my roleplay threads or asks I have. If you ever come across a headcanon post you like, I'm... somewhat alright with it being reblogged (basically please just ask! I promise I don't bite and it'll likely be a yes). I'm totally fine with having convos about anything related to SQX and t/gcf at large in DMs too! Basically I ask that my roleplays get left untouched.
I also understand some of my posts are inevitably going to end up in search/tag results, no matter if I censor and/or shorten names or not. I apologize if that causes clutter and please do block if you need to in order to get rid of it! But. That is not an invitation for you to hassle me about it. It's also not open invitation to come at me with a bone to pick about how I talk about XYZ character or how I interpret ABC relationship. And it certainly isn't an invitation for you to disparage the character I'm writing and insult me for choosing to write them. Frankly I won't tolerate that about any t/gcf character 'cause this is like... The Superfantabulous SQX Show Supreme, idk why you'd sit down for it and then be surprised she's at center stage. You're allowed to be a proud hater in peace, just don't disturb my peace ya feel? But if you're going to be a weirdo about SQX's genderfluidity and try to start shit about it then you can be a hater in agony. I'm not changing my mind on that.
This isn't aimed at any personals currently following me-- you're welcome to stay as long or as short as you like!
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Hey thanks for answering my ask! It was an honest question I promise!! No hate here just not up to date on the fandom and wanted to find someone who was more up to date with them. It was simple search and your tags were current and informed. I read that there was a lot of gaslighting with the writers and ex show runners about Destial and made it seem like y'all was crazy. As a person from a few fandoms who love a M/M romance I didn't know if there was something I was missing. My apologies if this question was out of left field. All respect to all communities I was not attempting to be offensive just curious. Thank you for your time in answering.
It's good to know that you were asking in good faith. Sorry if I come out as a bit harsh, but there are a lot of haters out there who love to send hate to make us Destiel shippers feel like shit just because we love Dean and Cas. And let me tell you that I have spent more time that I would have liked answering asks that basically shamed LGBTQIA+ people because some people have some really outdated concepts about romantic and sexual relationships. I can't help but being a bit defensive sometimes, so sorry if I sounded really mean. Sometimes it's hard to tell the tone of things from a text.
Anyway, as for the show runners and writers thing, well, there's a lot of lore for that. But long story short, Destiel had been hinted for years and tptb kept saying that there was nothing but in the end Destiel was canon. I know ther'es still some controversy because Cas said I love you and Dean did say it back in the Spanish dub, but well, I think Dean was in love with Cas all along, but he didn't get the chance to say it back because everything that went down in the end. Again, there's a lot of meta on that thing, but Destiel became canon in the end. But yeah, SPN has a crazy story, and it's hard to follow if you haven't been active in the fandom because something is always happening, even after the show ended 4 years ago.
Anyway, thank you for this ask and also I hope you have a nice day :')
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
As a HB/HH liker, I sincerly apologize on behalf of most of the fandom, As someone who actually likes those shows, i'll admit that they do have major flaws (Seeing Stars was meh for me), but seeing how fans, Especially big fans/artists (Like DaniDraws, Teathekook, Elcee, etc) react to any sort of criticism on twitter, is rather embarrasing to say the least.
(You can imagine the releif when I read the rest of this. lol!)
Thank you, its nice to see someone from the main tags being reasonable for once. Very rare when I end up seeing that.
Its not even just the big artists, its people from Spindlehorse too that act childishly about it. Getting suprised when anyone doesnt like an episode and pitching fits about criticism, acting immature in general.
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Speaking about critique in such a condecending way that can only be concluded as "shaming" rather than just dissapointment. Not even admitting to the episode had flaws, but shaming those who critiqued it. Vivziepop being so petty, that she liked this specific post as a way to pretend as if the critiques were "wrong." (putting "ruins the show" in quotations, the way its being said, the emoji, etc.) These being the comments after. With the average "wait for another episode!" excuse when theres now been enough episodes to know most of the quality of how the show will be going forward. This was also written before S2 Episode two, another awful episode, which made this all the more hilarious to read from these people. Also saying "this is just temporary!" or that "im just watching them to prove to the haters that they're "wrong" and they gotta see what happens before they judge them!" as if the last episode didnt fuck up the lore of the past ones (spoiler alert: it did.) which would automatically effect other episodes by default. There also being mostly character decisions that would effect the rest of the show based on how the show is sugarcoating their actions. Not letting them actually develop as a result.
Hince the "ruined" statement the fandom has been saying.
Since- the timeline was ruined, the potiential in certain characters was ruined by the backpeddling and sugarcoating. We dont need to watch other episodes to know this as "ruined". They're that bad.
These episodes are allowed to be judged as themselves Callis (I know there are people from your staff reading this.) we dont need to know "everything" about the show and whats going to happen to stand our ground about how we feel about it. Were not doing this to "assume" about whats going to happen. The show is already bad, this has been proven to us hundreds of times already. No new episode is going to "fix" how much damage thats been done already unless they rewrite the story altogether. The merch, the sugarcoating, and all.
Callis saying that the critiques were "mean" just because they arent the ones who constantly kiss the feet of their favorite ocs and mention that-gasp??? Their "bad people" demon characters are- NOT GOOD PEOPLE?! and- GASP! Should legit be held accountable for their actions?! WOW! Its almost like this isnt the "secretly wholesome" adult cartoon that they wanted it to be but was executed as showing their characters as awful because- GASP! The writers also just happened to not be good people with questionable morals! /j
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A group of bad people trying to dictate what's "moral" or not? Who would have guessed that this would eventually lead to the show becoming messed up as all fuck- not even in a good way, but showing messages from the writers terrible enough to make even a 90's series blush.
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Its almost like all of this whining about people who critique in the fandom is just an attempt to gaslight people into seeing the critiques as "hot takes" and not anything of actual value. When people are upset for actual reasons. No "youre allowed to critique" gaslighting is going to make us hold back our words. Lmao!
Calis also mentioning a nonsensical critique about Lucifer's new design but not even mentioning what people were actually upset about. Its bias such as this that is just that- "Embarassing."
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These people react to the critique like teenagers who just got a f on a test for the first time. Immature, making excuses, and just downright being very condesending, gaslighting, and non-addressing.
So your ask was entirely understandable anon. Thank you for apologizing. It wont do much for how these people effect us, but I do appreciate the empathy. Thank you.
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the-royal-teacup · 1 year
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I posted 404 times in 2022
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321 posts reblogged (79%)
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Longest Tag: 7 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just had a thought, as I watch once again people bringing up Harry and feeling sorry for him. 🙄
The statement he made about people grieving his mother, and having to greet those people and listen to them talk about his mother like they knew her and they didn’t know her, how dare they grieve his mother.
Remember that Harry? Wasn’t that your statement? Weren’t you mad at the British public for grieving your mum?
How did you feel on Saturday then? As you stood there once again, accepting condolences that you didn’t deserve, (Harry from years ago deserved them, but not this selfish man child we see now) were you mad? Probably. You’ll no doubt spew your hate about it, once you’re back in LA or perhaps you’ll edit your book and add it in there? Now that she’s not here, I’m sure you’ll be quickly editing it, to make some money off of your granny’s death and exploit some more of her legacy.
Even the day of her death was made about him and his wife. I agree he should have been there, but the minute it was put out that he and his wife were travelling to Balmoral, it became about that and waiting for him to arrive and him arriving late because his wife caused a stink, again.
Lots of people (especially the media and TV people) may be forgetting the shit you and your wife have spewed, giving you sympathy and saying how nice it is to have you ‘reunited’ with William and Catherine; but I don’t see it that way. You don’t deserve the respect, you don’t deserve the condolences and you don’t deserve to be able to grieve within the public. You should be behind closed doors and only allowed out for the funeral, and even then you shouldn’t have a big role.
I can’t. I can’t put it aside for our Queen, I just can’t. I’m sorry Your Majesty, but I’ve watched as he and his wife disrespected you, and your family time and time again; your legacy was stomped on with their numerous lies and vitriol and now I’m supposed to let it go and feel okay with him being amongst the public, accepting condolences like he’s a good grandson? No. I’m supposed to ‘let it go’ and allow him to grieve the woman he caused nothing but grief for, for the past two years? No. That would make me a hypocrite. Yes, he’s her grandson, but he should not be seen or heard from, until the funeral.
I don’t think we’ll ever hear an apology from Harry, because as far as he’s concerned he’s not in the wrong, he thinks it’s all his families fault. And even when she finally leaves him, which she will, he’ll then blame it all on her. You played your part in this Harry, it hasn’t all been her, you allowed it and that makes you part of the problem.
I don’t forget easily and I can hold a grudge like no other. I’m a Capricorn and we hold grudges until the end!
138 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
Mark my words…
They will use this negative reaction to their advantage. They will go back home and spin it in their favour; how it just proved to them that they did the right thing by leaving. How the royals and the British public are all ‘racist haters’ and how they’re so much better off in LA, where they’re ‘safe’.
And when they do, I hope they are asked the question, ‘if it was as bad as you said, and you still received such a bad reaction when you returned, why did you go back?’ And I don’t want to hear the ‘family’ bullshit. You came back because your wife loves the spotlight and any chance she can to stick it to the Royals, but it pretty much backfired didn’t it Murky?
Enjoy your obscurity back in the US and don’t let the door hit you on the way out, you good for nothing pair of grifters! 🖕🏻
158 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
I decided to take today and just make it about the Queen and saying goodbye, I have thoughts on the one who shall not be named right now, but for now I just want to put a few of my thoughts down, they maybe all over the place, so bear with me!
It feels so final. Our Queen is laid to rest and the Elizabethan era is over. Finality, it feels so surreal and so final all at once. Of course I knew our Queen was gone, but the funeral is the last goodbye and makes it all real, but at the same time it’s so surreal to watch history play out and to be a part of it.
The Royal Family did an amazing job today, they said goodbye with such dignity, grace and sadness all at the same time. Every detail of the funeral was beautiful and such a tribute to Her Majesty. It was a celebration of her life like no other, and it showed every inch of the pomp and circumstance that we are so known for.
Prince George and Princess Charlotte, the moment I saw their little faces I lost it. They did so well and with the help and guidance of their loving parents they were able to say goodbye to their gan-gan and once again I’m sure she would be so proud of them.
Moments that stuck out to me the most, especially at the final service at St George’s chapel; seeing the Queen’s fell pony Emma on the long mile towards Windsor and the staff bowing as she passed them. The corgis, when I tell you I lost it seeing the corgis sat waiting for their mistress to come home, I . Lost . It. Something about animals and children, just really break my heart!
The final moments of the service, as the Crown Jewels were removed from the Queen’s coffin and King Charles laid the Queen’s Company Camp Colour of the Grenadier Guards on top, then the Lord Chamberlain broke his wand and laid that upon her coffin too.
And of course her coffin being lowered into the vault, such a poignant moment and final goodbye as a nation.
It was all so final, it felt like she was being stripped of all the things that had made her our Queen at her coronation and she was now just Elizabeth again.
And so you are Ma’am, you’re now Elizabeth ‘Lilibet’ let your crown rest, your job is done. I hope you are at rest and peace, you sure deserve it after 70 years of service.
Thank you once again for everything. Today we say goodbye, but we will never forget you and what you gave us and left us with.
Rest in Peace Your Majesty.
185 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
I feel like some are judging others for how we are dealing with Harry and his she devil being allowed all the air time they’re getting.
Am I mad? Yes. Have I perhaps lashed out in my anger about the terrible twosome? Yes. Do I feel confused as to why they were allowed to be so public, after everything they’ve done and said? Also yes. Have I slowly, over these past couple of days come to accept it? Yes and no. I understand Harry being here in a grandson capacity, fine. But it’s the audacity and sheer hypocrisy of his she devil, standing there and pretending like she didn’t disrespect the Queen in every way shape and form, before and after they left.
And I know I don’t have to understand, I’m not a part of The Royal Family, but as a British citizen, born and bred, who was brought up to respect The Royal Family, and for the last two years (four if you count Markle coming into the family and disrespecting protocol etc) I have watched as the monarchy and all Her Majesty built has been trashed, by that woman and her grandson, all the while clinging onto their titles and exclaiming at every point they can that they don’t care about titles and being Royal, whilst also still expecting everything and everyone to treat them like Royals, whilst once again proclaiming how much they hate the pomp and circumstance and all the ‘stale’ protocol and traditions.
They are hypocrites of the highest order and they should be called out for it. Maybe not right at this very second, because the family need to grieve, but they need to be taken in hand after the funeral and put in their place, finally. Nobody knows what King Charles will do after he has laid his dear mama to rest, but we can only hope he reigns them in.
Did I in my anger for the hypocrisy and disrespect, and grief for our Queen lash out? Yes, yes I did and my temper will no doubt flare again when I see that woman pretend to care and respect our Queen, now that she is gone when she couldn’t be bothered to do it, whilst she was here. She thinks she can get what she wants from the King, because that is why she’s back, she wants what she thinks she’s entitled to and I only hope King Charles puts her right in her place.
So, yes, I’ve been mad and I’m allowed to be mad at the blatant disrespect and hypocrisy surrounding not only Murky, but Harry as well.
Thee end.
224 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I found the Paddington clip on TikTok, for those who would like to see it. It really made my heart happy, and a little sad too. 🥹🥰
495 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Yeah, I was trying to say without saying and being more long-winded than I already was. That there are a lot of men in the Med writer's room. And that was the quickest thing they could do without completely damaging her character. But it was just enough that it would tack on to everything else they already had planned and I refuse to believe the writers and showrunners don't understand how negative storylines will also get a character trashed especially black and other nonblack poc characters. Because there's no way they thought their writing in 5 made sense. From her and Choi openly flirting in the ED for the first time in what 3 seasons. Then her random crush on Marcel, the kiss. Then her not exactly apologizing for it and being sort of callous when she's still working with CM and Ethans offended. And lord Ethan crying to Ms. Goodwin yeah that will really get to the fans, especially the anti-Chexton fans who want to make it clear they're not anti-the actress they're just so ToXiC. While forgetting that Halstead was a total asshat to Natalie in the beginning and they fought and broke up for dumb sxxt too. And all the people still crying over Ava and Rhodes all these years later as if it isn't weird that all Ava did was basically neg Connor and Robin in the beginning. How is that not toxic? And if April is a B like everyone claims then Choi needs to were an asshole hat too.
I search the tags when I can't sleep and the number of fans losing their shit here and on Twitter when April probably has been on the screen for longer than 30 minutes in the 2 episodes we've actually seen her face is insane. Many of them are mad because their fave isn't back, so that's one aspect. The others are laughing because her show was canceled and basically doing everything but calling her u---ty for daring to leave. And swearing that she's only back because of that when there is evidence to the contrary. We can't hold our breath but if the spoilers I've seen aren't OC trolling us with pictures from scrapped storylines, then these haters better prepare to be sick of me. Because I won't rest if Chexton gets the happy ending Brian wanted in 2020.
There are always too many men. That's it that's the thought lol. The way they play in our face like we don't notice is wild.
The more I thougut about it the more I think that they added Marcel because they remembered that April started the show with a fling with Kelly. Which meant that she was capable of that kind of fun hookup. The problem is they didn't do ANYTHING to further that in six seasons. Neither before or after Ethan. And they are capable of it because we've watched Will and Connor bone their way through Chicago. Like a common problem with One Chicago is they forget to write anyone who isn't white a love interest/personal lives. They forget that many fans find them desirable.
Back when they introduced the Marcel/April story and everyone was crying and whining in my f*cking inbox about poor Ethan I wanted to make a meme of Vicki sipping tea because ETHAN CHEATED ON HER WITH APRIL and NEVER came clean. It was just kiss for both of them but you'd think that April murdered his sister the way people act. Or that Ethan wasn't capable of the same. I guess because it was in service to Chexton no one cared. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I truly believe Chexton is going to get a hopeful ending. Yaya is on her way to joining the cast of The Lincoln Lawyer, it's Netflix which is about as bad as Fox so I hope it works out but I think Yaya was interested in giving her character the closure she deserved and Ethan too. I just like knowing April finished her program and works independently. Now she gets love too and folks can die mad about it.
You don't have to like Chexton but folks might wanna check why they are so bitter seeing these two characters happy in a farewell, KNOWING Ethan has grown is... telling.
And yes it's wild that ppl still bitch about Ava and Rhodes and Manst*ad. Those ships were toxic AF. You have to be an Ava apologist to pretend you didn't see how batshit she was the ENTIRE time, people are like "you ruined her" and I'm like, "Are yall okay?!" Natalie was snotty AF to Will and Will was misogynistic AF to Natalie. Everyone hated her and only cared about her in that ship. Mess.
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chaoticrebels · 11 months
tagged by: @misfittcd​
tagging: everyone
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1. ♫ ❪ Luna, Ember, Blue, Taylor ❫ ❥ Devil's Worst Nightmare - FJØRA 
I felt heaven Shaking hands with angels Never saying never Winds blow turning tables And I've met monsters Drank from the well of poison water Heed me now Satan I'm coming for your sons and daughters Just 'cause I look like an angel Don't mean I won't get down in the dirt Just 'cause I look like a good girl Don't mean I won't do things that hurt Beware evil I'm the Devil's worst nightmare
2. ♫ ❪ Blue, Ember, Ji-Woon {Given the pronouns change for him} ❫ ❥ Vicious - Bohnes
That girl is vicious, she's vicious Got venom in her kisses She's wicked, she's wicked Yet somehow so delicious And I love how she devours me
3. ♫ ❪ Ji-Woon ❫ ❥ "Wicked as They Come" - CRMNL 
First things first, I'm a sinner It's no fun being a saint Heart as cold as the winter And I don't wanna be saved Sold my soul to the devil Got no fear of the dead Cozied up to the dreadful And I ain't scared of the end Only the unlucky they know me Pay me what you owe me I'll be over soon Three, two, one, sink my teeth into you Hurt so bad, make you howl at the moon See you on the dark side when I'm done I'm wicked as they come I'm hooked on the taste of revenge Blood in the water, blood on my hands See you on the dark side when I'm done I'm wicked as they come
4. ♫ ❪ Ji-Woon, Storm, Pan ❫ ❥ "All Eyes On Me" - CRMNL
Knock em over one by one Sometimes we do it just for fun Don’t ask me to apologize Cause we live like it’s do or die All eyes on me (oh oh oh oh oh) I’ve got the rising power I’ve got what you need Take it a little bit louder  If you like what you see All eyes on me Can’t catch me I’m on the run All that’s left is a smoking gun  I come with a warning sign Keep away I’m rough to ride I take the cash, I’m taking names I rule the world, I run the game
5. ♫ ❪ Draco, Billy, Casper, Roxxi ❫ ❥ Tortured Soul - Chord Overstreet
I toss and turn most every night Insomnia is hard enough to fight Whiskey taste is on my breath Part of me is scared to death What if I told you the truth But I chase you down with 90 proof? One more sip for a tortured soul You're diggin' my heart in a deeper hole And a thousand thoughts going through my mind Cigarettes keep it occupied
6. ♫ ❪ Kas, Twyla, Pan ❫ ❥ QUEEN OF THE FREAKS - AViVA
So, I'm a little c-c-crazy Get off my back You're curious but scared I'll give ya A heart attack But I know you're always sick of acting brave I think it's time to come and see I can be good, but I can be bad You think these names would be making me mad Just say my name out loud (freak!) I can be good, but I can be bad You think these names would be making me sad But it don't bother me I'm a freak And you know it I'm a freak Don't I show it? I'm a freak And I own it Won't you come and play with me?
7.  ♫ ❪ Storm, Draco ❫ ❥ Easier than Lying - Halsey
I’m only whatever you make me and you make me more and more a villain every day But you don’t know you reap, you sow Whatever you give to me, from yourself you take. Well if you’re a hater, then hate the creator it’s in your image I'm made
8. ♫ ❪ Billy, Eddie, Steve, Casper, Violet, Roxxi, Storm, Nikita ❫ ❥ Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush
It doesn't hurt me Do you wanna feel how it feels? Do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me? Do you wanna hear about the deal that I'm making? And if I only could I'd make a deal with God And I'd get Him to swap our places Be runnin' up that road Be runnin' up that hill Be runnin' up that building Say, if I only could, oh You don't wanna hurt me But see how deep the bullet lies Unaware I'm tearin' you asunder Oh, there is thunder in our hearts Is there so much hate for the ones we love? Oh, tell me, we both matter, don't we?
9. ♫ ❪ Billy, Casper, Ryker, Jakai ❫ ❥ I’m Not a Saint - Billy Raffoul
But I've had one too many cigarettes burning up my lungs Had the taste of one too many lips hanging of my tongue, oh, oh Sunday morning getting high, drinking here alone Thinking up a brand new alibi for not coming home, oh, oh And I'm sorry I lie so much
I'm not a saint, but I could be if I tried Lord knows I've got habits to break I'm really good at being good at goodbyes I'm gonna give you fair warning that I I'm not a saint, but I could be if I tried Lord knows I don't learn from mistakes And I'm not here unless I'm here by your side
10. ♫ ❪ Storm, Pan, Luna, Draco ❫ ❥ Dark Horse - Katy Perry
Make me your one and only But don't make me your enemy (enemy) Your enemy (your enemy), your enemy So you wanna play with magic? Boy, you should know what you're fallin' for Baby, do you dare to do this? 'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse (hey) Are you ready for, ready for (hey) A perfect storm, perfect storm? (Hey, hey) 'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine (hey, hey, hey, hey) (There's no going back)
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kecleonplush · 2 years
I previously made a post on here reposting something I originally put on Reddit discussing Angel as a queer character and their presence as (mostly) good representation (here if you’d like to read it for context). It generally received good feedback though I did get a little bit of vitriol about it from a couple of people who presumably stumbled across it in the tags. I just saw this post about Hemmer’s representation and treatment specifically (warning: spoilers) and the addition that specifically called out Angel as playing into harmful tropes about trans women - I wanted to expand my thoughts on this a little since this is a criticism I didn’t think of or come across during the lifecycle of my post (I did get called a transmisogynistic concern troll in an anon hate, which was unhelpful and unnecessary, so no thanks to you, rando reading my post, for being counterproductive and hostile). I’d like to expand my thoughts a little bit on both that and the logistical issues that are plaguing ST in general and leading to tokenistic characterization of characters.
I want to say up front that this isn’t meant to be an apologetic defense of the current Star Trek writing staff - they can and should be doing better - but I think it’s also worth considering complicating factors that we as consumers of media should keep in mind as we discuss representation and the barriers to it. This is also mostly for my benefit just to put my thoughts down on paper, so feel free to skip if you don’t care, but I’d welcome reblogs and additions as well.
Firstly, Angel. I fully agree that the choice of a trans villain with an assumed identity was a bad choice - I came close to this realization with my point about making a trans character the leader of a roving band of slavers, but didn’t quite get all the way. This kind of characterization as a trans person as an underhanded, deceptive person who assumes another identity to trick someone is a common trope used to demonize and discredit trans people (and women) in general, and really does speak to the kind of hamfistedness and lack of care used by the writers with queer people in Trek in general. I can understand now with that additional perspective where the anon hater was coming from (though I don’t agree with their methods). I didn’t consider this aspect specifically and I apologize for missing that valid point of criticism in my previous post. In retrospect, it was careless and I should have put a bit more thought into that when writing my post. I wish I had come across it or thought of it sooner because I think it’s much needed context beyond just the sole queer coded villain analysis. That having been said, I don’t think this additional criticism invalidates any of the other aspects of my post regarding how her character post-reveal was integrated into the story and its themes.
Secondly, tokenism. First of all, I don’t think I can really speak to the issues with tokenism any better than the post I linked above - I’m not going to make an attempt to expand on it because I’m not sure there’s much more to say. Characters outside of the main established roster of Pike, Chapel and Spock (and even Una and Uhura to a lesser extent) are getting very little screentime and as such get relegated to one-offs or side stories, and as such, end up at the very best at danger of becoming tokenistic.
Hemmer, I think, is probably more or less just a full on token character - again the post I linked does a better job of explaining than I can - and him and his story specifically has a lot to do with outmoded ableist tropes that are frankly pretty shameful to see used in modern Trek (or any Trek really - we had a blind character who was a main character in TNG for god’s sake). The writers could have found a way to avoid that or at least do better by him.
But, I do want to speak more broadly to the tokenism issue in general and why this shouldn’t be attributed to just a personal failing on part of the writers (I’m not really going to say much about this because it’s not clear to me that it definitively is or isn’t - feel free to draw your own conclusions but I am going to leave that to you to decide). What I want to look at specifically is the way television is structured in the streaming era and why that is actively harmful to attempts to tell diverse and broad reaching stories like Trek wants to do.
I want to get out of the way first that it is entirely possible to tell diverse stories about non-cishet white male able-bodied characters in the current environment. There’s a huge array of these examples so I’m not going to spend much time listing them off. But, Trek specifically has never been a single-character driven show (outside of arguably Discovery but we’ll talk about that in a bit). Trek has always been strongest as an ensemble, showing a wide array of characters of different backgrounds and identities working together to solve big problems. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations is a core tenant of the Roddenberry legacy and Trek isn’t truly Trek without found families from all over running around the galaxy solving space mysteries.
However, the new normal of streaming television is absolutely antithetical to this kind of television. The corporations that produce these shows have given into the demands of the market and are no longer interested in producing long-running tent poles or shows that have an opportunity to grow, expand and explore. All they’re interested in is short-term gain and snappy, attractive media that can be cut down into impressive trailers to draw in or keep subscribers. They will cycle through ten new projects with different casts and only occasional crossover so they can keep things fresh and interesting and get a new wave of people to see the latest thing.
What this leaves us with for a franchise like Star Trek is a constant rotation of smaller, shorter shows that leave absolutely no room for the characters to expand and grow. We get condensed 10-14 episode seasons where we maybe see development for a small clutch of main characters, and a few side characters occasionally get a story line or two. For a lot of shows, this is fine, but for Trek, it’s awful. Trek as a series thrived in the 90′s era of television, where episodes were weekly and shows were long running. You could have downsteps and “filler” episodes that focused on characters outside of the captain and XO, or even things like Lower Decks (the episode) where the main cast was barely in it at all. Now, because of corporate meddling, consumerism-driven trends and profit motivated media production, we’re lucky to get 14 episodes to tell a complex story that can maybe fit five characters’ arcs if they really push it.
Trek tried to adapt to this format - Discovery was decidedly that attempt. And while I think there’s a lot of unfair criticism leveled at it, the one thing that I’ll agree with most people on is how it focused a lot on Michael at the detriment of just about everyone else except for Tilly and Saru. Now, I like Michael as a character and I think she’s turned out to be one of the most interesting and complex captains we’ve had on the franchise, but her characterization and complexity has left nearly everyone else in the dust. Tilly and Saru are the only characters we know anything about outside of what we see on screen happening as part of the immediate narrative, and even then Tilly’s blanks are only filled in on a Short Treks episode. Despite an otherwise pretty diverse cast, we see barely anything of them when it doesn’t have something to do with what Michael is doing right now in this moment. It’s a huge waste and it’s pretty awful to see diverse characters like Owo, who has a really fascinating backstory and is played by an excellent actor, just kind of fade into the background until she gets plopped down in a random episode that has nothing to do with her.
So SNW was supposed to be a return to form as episodic Trek with characters of the week and an ensemble cast. And in some ways, it’s worked - it’s been a lot of fun to see them solve space problems and work together and do sci-fi stuff. The cast is fun - Chapel, Pike, Una, baby Uhura, Ortegas, Mbenga and Hemmer are all great and very 90s Trek in their personalities and writing, and even if I think she’s sort of a weak character, I do love seeing La’an as a Badass Chick archetype operating inside of the utopian Trek universe (shoutouts to Major Kira, the OG). There’s lots to love and I’m enjoying it immensely.
But on the flip side, now we’re starting to see why Discovery was the way it was and still is - there’s just not enough time to look at all of these characters in a 10 episode run and give them the attention they deserve. So we see them slip into tokenistic territory because of it. I’m sure there are ways the writers could have fixed this and tried to give everyone more even screen time, but Paramount is setting them up for failure either way. The production company wants to squeeze every dollar they can out of the franchise and it’s strangling Trek’s ability to be Trek. I don’t think the writers are coming in and adding disabled, PoC and queer people to their cast to get woke points, they’re doing it because it’s what Trek is and always has been. But then they’re not given the ability to really work with that and show why this is what Trek is and resort to tokenism as a consquence.
Hemmer is pretty emblematic of this. Because they have so little time to build complex characters, they have to resort to condensed, rushed, trope-ified characters to make Trek feel like Trek. They overlook aspects that made other characters good and crunch down other aspects for expedience’s sake. They slap in identifiers and one-off mentions to try and shoehorn in diversity. It gives them an excuse to not do a good job and the characters, show and fans suffer and miss out because of it. It’s bad writing, it’s bad show running and it’s bad representation - and it’s bad Trek. And all of it is, in part, caused by corporations who aren’t interested in any of these things, just the monetary reward at the end of it.
As fans, we should demand more - not just of the writers but of the production company and rights holders. They do listen to us - this is why SNW exists at all - and we need to be vocal about our distaste and offense with both how the characters are portrayed and with the lack of resources and time the franchise is given to portray them. I think we should demand not just more characters, but more resources too. Trek is an important cultural property and has and can be a force for good in media in general. We need to tell Paramount not just what to do but how to do it and do it right. Keep posting, keep talking, keep demanding, and keep celebrating too. Show them what’s good, show them what’s bad, help them to do good and tell them to do better.
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first-only · 2 years
Despite the fact that I am getting more comfortable with being SaLS on main, I still get incredibly anxious when I get an anti message
I'm just so scared to have a callout post written about me, and you can never know who will or wont try to set you up for harassment (especially if they are an anti) It doesn't help that I'm incredibly anxious and paranoid a lot of the time
congrats on getting more comfy!! and yeah anxiety is a bitch but i believe in you! at some point you kinda get callous and desensitized to random messages lol
i dont mean to make it worse at all, and if that line of thinking doesnt work for you i apologize, but here's a few things ive picked up over the years:
it doesnt like... /really/ matter what you post. things that you or a wider audience consider "problematic" arent the only way you can get "cancelled". like i got called racist for pointing out that two phrases in different languages can be translated in the same way in english. like literally ranting in the tags about my own language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so for people determined to look and sift for 'material' it wont really make a difference if youre posting incest fic or like.. oogling over the celebrity of the day, they just wanna pick a fight. so do what makes you happy anyway, it wont give them teeth if you dont worry about the content yourself. bc yeah it doesnt matter on the internet if you post fic or just aesthetics, they have the same 'moral' value and if you dont assign them different weights then someone else doing it shouldnt bother you either
in the.. absolute best gentlest and encouraging way to say this. you and like. all of us are just some randos on the internet. the chances of someone leading a /personalized/ harassment campaign against you, or even someone finding you that juicy of a target to have more people message you is like. /really/ low. even if you get messages from time to time, a whole ass campaign is unlikely unless you have a lot of followers/are a BNF/are the lead content creator for a rival ship to the main one (bc lets be real all this is one giant ship war at the end of the day)
callouts or "block" lists are usually mass things in my xp. like you get put among 20 other usernames and then you bond w the others over the experience and are happy that you found new likeminded mutuals. the amount of times ive followed an entire list of ~problematics ive been featured in lol. its ironically a bonding experience and with a few blocks out of the way its kinda.. positive in the best case?
and really. really. i might be like. a bit too callous but at this point. even if there is a harassment campaign. even if you get a huge callout. even if half tumblr blocks you. so what? block out the haters, lie in with the mutuals, vent to some side friends. and just. keep going. so what if a bunch of rabid antis are raging out of their skin because youre having fun and trying to tell the other antis that youre having fun. yes you are. so what. what are they gonna do, make fifty accounts? send more anons? catch even more blocks? (reminder that if you block someone on anon it catches their entire ip so they cant make more accs to harass you). like yes, take precaution not to get doxxed (no sharing of identifying info, including where you live) but thats common safety anyway, and most antis arent tech savvy enough to dox anyway. you'll be fine. even if an account gets mass reported you can always write down mutuals' urls and start over (my own mutuals have a lot of experience, the propara community is fun lol) you can still share content, have fun, be yourself. its not a deadly situation. not to be 'the internet isnt real life it doesnt matter' bc yeah it can very much be anxiety inducing and horrible, but at the same time taking a step back yourself and evaluating the situation can help a lot with emotional regulation (just like in real life! some relationships are worth stepping away from, or getting less invested into if they become toxic)
so yeah thats my general view of the problem, again brains are weird and no two work the same, but these things help me and make me feel better, so hopefully if not you personally they might soothe someone in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
really hoping you find your community and comfort anon. fandom is a great place with it and a barren wasteland without, but imo its worth sharing even if for that one thrill /you/ get when someone likes it or when you find some gem
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