#if u read the whole thing and then you see they haven't taken accountability
anadrenalineslut · 2 years
Idk tumblr we need to start reading through comment threads if we're going to jump in at the end of a conversation when the person we respond to has already conceeded they made a mistake in their original comment and clarified their original intentions/specified the meaning behind the OG comment. I've seen it happen several times now and it's made me much more hesitant to start replying to conversations without reading the whole thing first.
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raw-law · 3 months
light liking The Main Character by Will Wood is very in tune for him. im using the previous Will Wood ask to talk about him myself. overall, i almost prefer the albums he released under the tapeworms name.
im a newer fan for sure (thanks internet friends) but have quickly familiarized myself with his discography. the first song i listened to was Dr Sunshine is Dead. very akin to Noel's Lament from the musical Ride the Cyclone. am absolutely a sucker for theatrics and overdramatics so it was right up my alley.
my initial aversion to listening to Will Wood actually came from I/Me/Myself being a popular tiktok audio. in case i haven't voiced it here, i despise tiktok. it festers negativity. one might argue it is good for spreading activism movements but it is so overrun by misinformation that it loses this purpose. i base this on my personal experience on the app during 2020-2021. i deleted it after that. have only redownloaded it a few times after that to hunt down my old account and cringe at myself. (yes its still public, no you are not getting the @, if u try hard enough, u can find it). all of that to say, i don't like tiktok. thus when songs become popular on there, i used to actively avoid them. it still irritates me sometimes to play songs in the car that are fairly obscure and my friends will sing one random part and I will be like "oh you know (whatever band)?" and they reply "no i know it from tiktok". it has changed how the music scene operates as a whole. there are less localized music scenes and more short form content hoping to get a few lines that make it big on the socials. it makes me sad as a musician and as an artist in this era of over-digitized spread of music. but on the flip side, it does allow musicians to distribute so much easier to a much more vast audience. but there is less close connection with it. i have read books about the music scene of the early 2000s and it is an era we will unfortunately never repeat with the state of the internet.
sorry for the tangent, thats not where i was originally going with that but its where i ended up.
ahhh..... poor noel gruber.. you would have loved will wood.. (oh, the tapeworm albums are a good choice. those have all of my favorite songs. :) )
your thoughts are certainly intriguing though. i see where you're coming from with the whole "festering negativity" bit. it's very... brainrot-y, and it's clearly had a large effect on the overall population. however, i will say that i think all social media platforms do this, and you simply have to learn to control your social media experience to use it in a beneficial way. though it is unfortunate that oftentimes people have to learn that the hard way.
i also very much agree that it's had a heavy effect on the music industry.. it's a bit sad to see, and i don't even consider myself a musician. the only reason i ever liked indulging with music scenes was because i liked observing the community. i've stopped doing it as much as of recent, mainly because it feels like there's less of a community to observe anymore. that can go for a lot of things, actually. everything just feels.. a little less authentic. it's disappointing. i try not to think about it.
despite all that, i don't think it's a crime to enjoy a popular song. simply enjoy the song because of its contents. said song being popular just means it gave you the opportunity to come across it. and who knows, maybe it can give you the opportunity to teach those tiktok friends who only know a section of the song how to appreciate it to its full extent. it doesn't have to be all bad.
i mean... i'll admit, i've taken a liking to taylor swift just today. not sure how i feel about it, but eh.. i couldn't care less. "Picture To Burn" is a fun song. i can't deny it.
Ooh. I do agree with your point that social media fosters negativity. There've been several really good books written on the subject, actually---social media radicalizes people who mightn't have access to reliable information (I think it's mentioned in How to Stand Up to A Dictator and Misbelief) and also makes people feel self-conscious about themselves, thinking that they have to be slimmer or taller or shorter or better-looking and the list goes on (I'm starting a book about it called Perfect, which mainly focuses on body image issues caused by social media in young girls/women).
However, social media also does have benefits, but like everything, only when it's used appropriately and in moderation. It allows employers to connect with employees and for information to get around the world much faster.
But then again, like you said, Tiktok encourages shorter attention spans in those who frequently use it. People only know part of a song because of Tiktok, not because they truly appreciate it in its entirety. This also encourages musicians to create shorter and shorter songs, which isn't exactly where the music industry should be going towards. However, this also has its benefits, like allowing small indie artists to share their work with a global audience and gain more following, so...
I suppose, at the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal preference. Everything is a double-edged sword, and the most important thing is how you choose to use it.
That being said, I guess don't let Tiktok affect you into avoiding popular songs. My view is, songs can be popular on Tiktok, but if you enjoy them, it isn't worth it to avoid them just because of that. I get what you mean, but that's my opinion.
Thanks for your ask!
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1d1195 · 5 months
ohhh myyy godddd that’s so crazy to me. i’ve been going to weddings since i was a CHILD. i think it’s a culture thing tho bc where im from ppl are always getting married andddd you’re supposed to invite LOTS of people, there’s no such thing as a small wedding😭
but i get being tapped out !! when it’s been too many back to back i get tired and stressed abt it. also funny but i think ive only been to like one funeral ??? maybeee two idk
birthday was fun !! vry simple i stayed home all day im not much of a birthday person, or at least just not my birthday bc i love celebrating my friends. the skincare routine is ???? it’s only been a few days so im not sure yet but ill keep you updated
i was going through dresses with my mom today for the weddings that was fun, always love putting together an outfit. i got a new phone case with one of those cute charms that hang from the bottom and it feels like a whole new phone🤭
I SAW ONE OF YOUR ANONS MENTION SHATTER ME ???? SO FUNNY CAUSE IM READING IT RN (i’m on book 5, anon TRUST when i say things change) im also not a huge dystopian fan at ALL bc it’s just getting too real !!! but i picked this up because my friends were BEGGING me saying i had to read it and I HAD NO IDEA IT WAS DYSTOPIAN 😭😭😭 I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS FANTASY ???? but nope !! its taking me forever to get through them but im pushing thru💪
on the topic of books, have you ever read a court of thorns and roses ??? i spent so long avoiding it for some reason but i finally caved and O!M!G!!!!! i LOVED it. idk if u have or haven’t but i will say i think you’d LOVE rhys😉
wishing you every single good thing in the world cause you deserve it !!!!! tell me how you’ve been <3333
The weddings I've gone too haven't been that big either. I think the max was 150 people (but could have been closer to 120). Most of them have really been ~100. It's just so expensive and that's why I'm sick of it. It's a lot to spend on a bridal shower gift, a wedding gift, AND I've been on two destination bachelorette parties so it's just literally been draining my bank account.
I love that you had a lowkey/relaxing birthday! It sounds so nice! I am actually a huge bday fan. It's the only time I want to be the center of attention (or willing to be). What's your favorite kind of outfit? Or your style in general?
Isn't it cute how a little detail can change your whole attitude about something? I got a new screen protector and I'm like "I love this phone again" and last week I was ready to go trade it in HAHHAHA
🎀-anon will hopefully see this! I'm not sure I'll ever read it tbh. Like I said, dystopian really freaks me out now. I was firmly in middle school when The Hunger Games came out and Divergent was all throughout high school. On top of that my friend was recommending a whole bunch of zombie apocalypse books at the time too I was just really stressed while reading which is not what I wanted. It's still not either hahahahaha I don't mind a little conflict obviously but reading about governments and people being horrible to each other for the sake of being horrible (essentially)... I'm all set. I would first watch the news 😂😂
I have not taken the leap to read A Court of Thorns and Roses 😭 I think it's inevitable but I have A LOT of reading to do to get through my bookshelf. I've been making slower progress which isn't very helpful either 🙃 The fantasy side of novels never really piqued my interest either but I've seen lots of good things of course about the series! I'm sure I'll read it eventually, but I don't think I will be doing so just yet. When I do, I will keep an eye on Rhys hehehehe
I've been good. I swear the weekends are getting shorter every week. I'm lowkey dreading May and June but hopefully it will go by as quick as possible 🙃 I'm thinking about taking magnesium supplement because my doctor recommended it as a way to help me get out of my funky moods, boost energy, etc. etc. It's also just supposed to be really beneficial overall. Idk, I'll try anything to fix me hahahahaha I'm reading my book and writing part 4 of Ding...I'm not sure if it'll be done in time for tomorrow. I'm hopeful, but nervous it might be a Thursday update this week. Thanks for asking! Hope you have a great rest of your weekend and stellar start to the week!
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youmyjhope · 3 years
This is as Lil depressing so don't read if ur overwhelmed or if u having a good day (don't wanna ruin it for u)
Since I started high school I have been preparing to apply to American University so that I leave the toxic abusive household I live in, then all of it vanished when covid happened, everything I worked so hard for just went away in an instant, it made me depressed as fuck and the thing is I'm already borderline (a personality disorder) so developping depression on the top of it is just the worst thing ever,
My plan was to get accepted to an American university (take a loan) , leave this shit behind and attend my 1st bts concert. It was the only thing keeping me going, now I have no will to do a yhting really I have a final tmr and I just don't give a flying fuck cause I always tried so hard then get so close to where I wanna get but fail, then other people whom parents are rich and supportive be living my dream life while not doing half the work I put in. It's so frustrating, at some point I started unstaning bts but I got back them though ur account actually, nothing brings me happiness anymore I'm just feeling empty and numb all day, nothing works and I'm just so tired of trying
I tried getting a part time job but I couldn't since it's not a thing in my country (ppl who work at fast food for example use that money to feed a whole family so they prioritize them first. And I tried giving my services online (I'm good at reading birthchart I'm. Not bragging people actually told me that) and that didn't work either, I am stuck literally physically with them because of covid and having no source of income, i don't see a reason to keep going, but I promised myself long time ago that I will move out when I was only 7 and realized how fucked up my family was. I lost all my so called friends, none kept in touch even tho I always send them messages and listen to when they need to complain, I have no one nor nothing left.
Not only is my depression affecting my studies it also worsend my eating disorder and body image, and I tried going to a therapist but she didn't call me back cause mental health dint taken seriously where I live. I literally haven't eaten a proper in months if not years, I mean since covid I ate like 8 proper meals mainly cause mom is no longer buying the ingredients that i need to make the food I make (I'm not picky I just have a really weak stomach) my physical health is as shitty as my mental. And my family is so determined to keep abusing me in all sort of ways. I just wanna escape
I'm sorry you have to go through this love ❤ i wish i could comfort and hug you.
You deserve everything and you're worthy. Its hard for me to say or believe this myself because my mental health is at the worst its ever been now too. But deep down i know it's not our fault, that we can't control the shittiness of the world we were brought in.
I really hope you got something off your chest at least.❤ i want you to feel better, i really do.
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