#if we do well enough we can finish his FC in one season
wyrddogs · 2 years
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We had a GREAT, extremely wet, field trial weekend! Third place on Saturday, and first place on Sunday! And Sunday Open Dogs was done while the sky was dumping buckets on us!
I'm so incredibly proud of Kermit; he's my first field trial dog, and this is his third field trial weekend. He only needs 6 1/3 points until he earns his Field Champion title!
He is such a good boy. He’s pictured here suddenly realizing he’s cold while waiting for second series. (He got his coat, bed, and blanket about thirty minutes later.)
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notbythemoonrp · 2 years
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Swear not by the inconstant moon, Empress Adalheidis. You are the Dark Witch in Aura. As an immortal, you are quite the powerful half-demon, especially with your water and shadow magic.
Can you find your way out of the darkness?
Name/Alias: it’s a-me, qin
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 21+ fight me
Timezone: CEST aka GMT+1/2
Biography Information:
Skeleton: The Dark Witch
OC Name: Empress Adalheidis
FC: Li Qin
Species: Immortal (Aware), Half-demon
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her, but doesn’t allow anyone to address her with such familiarity. Your majesty/highness is what her subjects call her. Usually uses the royal we when speaking about herself.
Age: True age unknown, appears to be in her early 30s.
Abilities: Shadow Magic and Water Magic
Biography:  (TW: Child abuse/neglect, arson, murder)
The origin of the Dark Witch is a thing of legend. Countless tales about who she was before she took the throne for her long reign have been made over the years, but in the end no one claims to know the truth. Adalheidis has done a lot to keep it that way. Before she became Aware, it was simply the obvious thing to do. What villain does not try to hide how they came to power?
Heidi was born an illegitimate daughter to a minor noble. Of course, nothing is that simple. Heidi’s mother was not human in the slightest, but rather a powerful demon with grand plans for her child. However Heidi’s father grew scared someone would find out about his affair, and brought his forces to slay the demon. Afterwards, he claimed the infant Heidi was a child the demon had kidnapped and graciously offered to adopt as his own.Thus began Heidi’s life as a kinda-but-not-really bastard daughter of a noble.
Like one might expect in a world like Elestren, being a bastard is not a kind existence. Heidi quickly made herself fade into the background in order to survive, living a life more akin to a servant than a noble. On the bright side, this gave her ample time to practice her magic. She realized at an early age that her command over the dark was not something normal, and thus only showed her mediocre aptitude for water magic in public. The years went on and on, each season like the last one, until she came of age and finally had enough.
She confronted her father about her heritage - her powers, who her mother was, why he allowed her to be treated like this. It was a conversation accompanied by crashes of thunder and heavy rainfall. Eventually her father let the truth slip. Not all of it of course, but more than enough for her to finish the puzzle. Exactly what happened that night in the study is a mystery faded to the ages. All anyone knows is that suddenly the small manor caught on fire, and even with the weather in their favor, it burned to the ground. “Magic” was of course the whisper on everyone’s lips. Heidi’s father, and the rest of his family, and no small amount of enemies.
The only survivors were Heidi and a few servants that had lived in the outhouses surrounding the manor. While on the surface, the scorned bastard daughter was a good suspect, everyone knew that Heidi was a gentle and shy soul with no friends or admirers willing to go to such lengths. The titles and lands were passed to a relative, and the manor grounds became a ghost story. As for Heidi, no one was really sure what happened to her. The most common theory was that she was married off to someone, or that she eloped. “Such a tragic fate”, they whispered in the same breath that not once spoke in her defense.
What happened in between that moment and the one where a young lady known as Adalheidis appeared in the capital is unclear. Most historians consider this the first recorded appearance of the Dark Witch, although the details (like most of her life) is highly disputed. At this point in time she was a master of shadow magic, able to manipulate shadows in alleys and human hearts with a twitch of her fingers. Through this, as well as some clever political manipulations, she came to sit on Elestren’s throne as the undisputed and eternal Empress.
The years became centuries and Adalheidis showed no signs of time holding any grip on her. She stayed the same as she had when she ascended the throne, both in appearance and temperament. Advisors came and went, as did lovers. The only thing that stayed was the slight smile on her lips as she spoke soft words of cruelty. Resentment and unrest grew by each passing season, and culminated in an otherwise insignificant year. It was the year the Dark Prince was born. Most believe that he is the child of the Dark Witch (usually by the demon to which she swore a covenant), which is what she happily lets them believe. After all, the truth is much more human and filled with emotions.
Even after leaving her old self behind, Adalheidis did keep tabs on her family just in case. She’s always been the paranoid son. When she heard whispers of a bastard son being taken in, the memories suddenly became too raw and she rushed there under the soft light of the lonely moon. She saw in the child the same thing she had discovered in herself, that touch of darkness. There was not a moment she hesitated, as she grabbed the child from his crib, erased the memories of the family and servants, and took him to raise as her own in the palace.
This was a big change. An heir hinted at the fact that the Empress once believed eternal might not rule forever. The people of her court started choosing sides, fighting amongst themselves, either to support this new powerful player, or to take his place. This was the moment the rebels had waited for. As morning broke, there was fighting all over the capital and her side was losing rapidly. Adalheidis, with her new son in her arms, fled to the Darrien Vale and into the arms of the Demon King. He had courted her, or tried to at least, for centuries and was glad to take them both in.
Initially she was happy to be a co-ruler, being able to focus more on giving her son the childhood she never had. That was of course until she realized her new husband didn’t like the fact that her heir was not of his blood. She’d barely seen the hint of that shadow in his heart before his headless body dropped to the floor, head dangling in her hands. Thus she once again was the sole monarch of a kingdom. and life continued as it always had. Until it didn’t.
She can’t pinpoint the exact moment she started awakening. It was small details that didn’t make sense, things that were too easy to accomplish, and opponents that suddenly grew a spine. As the sun set below the horizon, a letter from one of her spies in the capital telling her of yet another ball soon to be held, she realized the truth. Since then she has been vigilant to the extreme, and noticing all inconsistencies in the people around her. Some of the lies and obvious traitors that she had not seen because the story would not allow her simply horrified her. As did some of the decisions she had made during both her reigns.
For now she is biding her time, as she has noticed some other players of the story moving in weird ways. As the final villain, she is confident in her ability to survive. However, what does she want? The story had her goals and motivations neatly lined up, but that person is no longer her. The one thing she knows is that this story will not have a happy ending.
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nbrook29 · 4 years
💞 My ultimate Sobbe fic recs 💞
Recently, I have gone through Robbe/Sander tag on ao3 and I decided to compose a list of fics that are absolute gems for me. A few disclaimers first:
✔ I didn’t include works in progress (WIPs), however I did include fics that are only on tumblr
✔ the order of the fics below is random
✔ this is the list of my personal favorites so if your favorite fic is not on the list it doesn’t mean it’s bad or that I consider it bad - we just vibe with different things :)
✔ if there’s a fic on this list that you decided to give a shot and loved it, please remember about leaving a comment under it to let the author know that
✔ I’ve been trying to add the “read more” thingy but it doesn’t show, I’m sorry, I know long posts are annoying af
under 1k
we’re keeping it simple by noobishere | G
Summary: Sander comes over unannounced and attacks Robbe’s very person (a.k.a the one where Sander teases Robbe on Eenvoud)
This is a guaranteed mood lifter. It’s short, sweet, to the point, and oh so funny. The banter. And I’d die to see that in the show. 
1k - 5k
Fizzy Colas by Foxsake5 | M
Summary: Let’s say this is a clip (hopefully not as short as the standard 1:40 of this season) with Sander as the main on a ‘bros night out’ 🍻
This author is my queen/king alright? They take a simple idea and turn it into the most lovely/cute/soft story. This fic is exactly that. Sobbe’s chemistry here is out of this world and the banter is to die for.
high for this by flowersmaze (@bowieskam) | G
Summary: In which Sander remains a Flirt™ and in love with Robbe even when he can’t feel his face after a medical procedure
The summary says it all. Loopy Sander is the cutest and funniest thing.
Pull Me from the Dark by TheOceanIsMyInkwell (@theoceanismyinkwell) | T
Summary: Sander discovers that Robbe has recently been prescribed antidepressants, and Robbe opens up to him about the night he almost stepped off the bridge. Only love will show how much they’ve grown and pull them through.
This time, the boys talk about Robbe’s mental state which is unusual in fics. This oneshot is communication 101. And this line is just 👌🏻 “But after the dust of their first kiss and their first vows of commitment settled around them, Robbe took a look at the space in which he floated and realized, somewhere along the line, that finding the love of your life doesn’t fix you.”
diminuendo by noobishere
Summary: Waking up feels like an ordeal. His eyes are heavy, arms a dead weight, he isn’t sure if his limbs are even in the right places, but eventually, Sander comes to. (a.k.a a take on how Sander fairs after Robbe left for school.)
Sander’s POV after Dinsdag 7:27. It’s a great insight into his headspace during that time. This could be a scene in the show because it fits so well.
you’re wonder under summer sky by nothingbutniall | M
Summary: Two city boys go camping. What could go wrong? (Everything, apparently.)
Those boys are a chaotic mess okay? They’re such dorks. This fic has the best kind of grumpiness there is and sobbe is written so in character here.
if we can make it through december (maybe we’ll make it through forever) by nothingbutniall | G
Summary: Robbe and Sander at the Christmas market.
Can you imagine those two dorks at the Christmas market? Well you don’t have to anymore because this fic is everything you need and more. And this line “Couldn’t,” Sander sulks. “You can’t hold hands properly with mittens on.” makes me go all gooey inside every.single.time 😍
A New Sunday Feeling by Foxsake5 | M
Summary:  Sander before Robbe: Ugh, Sundays 😒 Sander after Robbe: 😏🥺🥰
The way this author writes sobbe’s intimate moments is just pure talent. They have such way with words.
memories painted with much brighter ink by nothingbutniall | G
Summary: Saint Nicholas is the perfect excuse for an evening of gifts and banter with the flatshare. (Basically all five of them being cute together, and then Robbe and Sander being cute with just the two of them.)
This is the perfect fic for an October evening, when Christmas is just around the corner and you’ve just made yourself a cup of coffee and want to read some heart-warming well-written christmassy fluff. 
5k - 10k
Let’s Dance by msleviss (@sander-driesen) | G
Summary: Robbe and his friends go to a club to check out Amber’s DJ cousin.
THIS PERSON PREDICTED DJ SANDER Y’ALL. And Robbe thirsts over him. And there is an instant connection. And Robbe dances. And it’s so cute.
video phone by tokyometropolis (@luludemauryyy) | E
Summary: AKA OH MY GOD, THEY WERE QUARANTINED…except not together, because life is cruel. Thankfully it’s 2020 and when Robbe has an…er…intense dream about Sander in the middle of the night, all he has to do is press one button and Facetime him about it. Thing is…sometimes FaceTiming isn’t enough.
Look. I get that smut fics are not everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s totally fine. But. If you’re looking for a well-written smut that’s in character and where you can feel the love between the characters, this is it. Hands down. Sorry not sorry 💁🏼‍♀️
10k - 20k
our camp of dreams by robbesanderx (@robbesdriesen) | M
Summary: a summer camp!AU where robbe and sander are both co-counselors
Misunderstandings lead to pining. Teenage angst at its finest. I really like camp stories, it’s my thing.
Falling For You by silver_etoile (@azozzoni) | T
Summary: Robbe only knows one thing about football: that Sander Dreisen is the hottest player on the FC Utrecht team. When Jens drags him to a match, the last thing Robbe expects is to meet someone so perfect, and it’s all he can do not to mess it up, but will he succeed?
Sobbe in a different setting with a bit different dynamic yet still having that special something. It’s a nicely written story of the development of their relationship, first meeting, falling in love, ups and down, all the best things in fics. And Sander as a soccer player is a pretty 🔥 concept (and I think Robbe agrees).
This isn’t our first time around by noobishere | E
Summary: One moment they are in the kitchen of their shared apartment, the next, they’re in this strange but familiar room.(a.k.a the au in which they accidentally go hopping through multiple universes)
The universe takes matters into their own hands and shows those silly boys that they are meant to be. Sign me up for the ride.
Coffee and Croques by peaceoutofthepieces (@peaceoutofthepieces) | G
Summary: Sander works at the on-campus coffee shop with Eliott, and he might just have a crush on the cute boy in the brown coat.
I’m a sucker for coffeshop fics. There is just something so good about them. This one is the coffeshop!AU that sobbe deserves. Oh the pining, and the secretive looks, the silly boys, and a pinch of Elu. Me likey ☕
The finest of the meadow by allforyoumylove | M
Summary: The universe brings two lonely boys together in a flowering meadow. They fall for each other fast and hard among delicate daisies, warm summer breezes, and shooting stars.
This is magical. My comment on the work was “So soft, so beautiful, so THEM, ugh.” and I MEANT that. This is just the right amount of sweetness. This is a must read. I’m not messing around. 
two side of the same coin series by MajorAccent (@acespaceacepilot) | E
Summary: the valleys and mountains of sander’s bpd
How the boys handle Sander’s ups and downs. Robbe being the best boyfriend ever. I love how good he is for Sander, being there for him, not treating him like a baby, and not controlling him. How much he tries to make it at least a little bit easier for him. If you don’t want to read explicit stories, at least give the first part a try since it’s not E rated. 
Zaterdag 9:58 by Foxsake5 | M
Summary: What happened after the croissants dropped to the floor 🥐🤭💕
I meant it when I said Foxsake5 has great way with words. Every single piece of theirs is just “chef’s kiss”. This fic is a definition of a domestic fic. Oh, and it happened. Totally. It’s my headcanon now.
its an unrequited love by eggsntoast | G
Summary: Sander works part-time at a museum every Sunday. Robbe is a frequent visitor.
A Sander POV fic. I was sold from the beginning. The development of their relationship here is so cute, and they’re being so stupid with their pining instead of just talking to each other and you just want to shake them but at the same time you’re rooting for them so hard. Oh and did I mention pining?
Jij Verliest series by ravenbrenna09 (@djsander) | M
Summary: For the past three months, Robbe’s life—and what it once was—had been stripped away and rearranged. Now, if anything, his life had become a bit repetitive: homework, stream, ignore Thomas’s Instagram, repeat. But one Friday evening, Robbe meets a hurricane in the form of a platinum-haired tattoo artist who just might show him everything that he’s been missing.
This is a long series okay? But oh so worth it. It’s captivating and you don’t want to stop until you finish. And once you finish you’re sad it’s over even though you’ve just spent 8 fucking hours reading it. It’s amazing. But you probably know that because it’s quite popular (rightfully so). The best thing is that you expect it to go bad halfway through because it’s difficult to keep the quality on the same level in a fic that long. But it doesn’t.
Visitations by lucidpantone (@lucidpantone) | E
Summary: Does Robbe and Sander’s relationship survive into adulthood. This fic takes place in two simultaneously timelines: the past and the present.The present occurs in one entire day. Both timelines are completely out of chronological order. Everything is in clips.You can be dropped in at anytime of the day in any timeline. So clip by clip you will need to piece together what happen to Sander & Robbe and why the present looks the way it does and what happened in the past that got them there.This love story is a journey. So be prepared.In the words of one of our Even’s. It’s a complicated love story between complicated people.
This is not a regular fic. The author put so much thought into it, there are so many gems, so many little things that you have to pay attention to because it.all.matters. And there is not one interpretation. Don’t you just love when a story forces you to think and use your brain? Cause I do. Not gonna lie: this story hurts, and like the author says themselves, it’s a journey. But oh my god get in because it’s amazing. And the ending is just sjsjsjsjsddhdhsdsgdsg 🤯
the night we met by themoongirl (@dearsander) | T
Summary: Robbe Ijzermans has a brain that won’t let him sleep, a chest that feels far too heavy and thoughts that never stop.During his first year of college he meets Sander Driesen. Robbe finds what he never went looking for.
A college AU. This fic is a journey of pain and fluff and humor. It has awesome friendships. And sobbe falling in love. And liminal spaces. I read it a while ago so I don’t remember it as well as the others but you know what? I still remember that it was great and I’m lowkey happy I don’t remember it that well because now I can go and read it again. 
The Stars Look Very Different by @peaceoutofthepieces 
Summary: Robbe is bored. He’s bored of listening to his friends talking about girls, and his other friends making out, and no one ever doing anything. He’s tired of having to put in all the work, of making his own fun. He’s tired of feeling nothing so he doesn’t have to feel like nothing. His party stunts are pushing the limit, his thrill seeking beginning to worry even his friends, and his carelessness is toeing the line of dangerous.
He’s a little tired of being ‘dangerous’, too.
Sander may or may not have a crush on the older boy with the apparent death wish. He wouldn’t mind a little danger.
Once I started reading this fic, each day I was waiting for an update at the edge of my seat which was a feeling I expected from s4 that did not deliver. TSLVD definitely delivered. My favorite sobbe social media AU
Ziggy Stardust Series by skamsnake (@skamsnake) | M/E
A collection of fics taking place throughout the season. Most of them are E rated so be aware of that but it’s a really cool mixture of fluff and spice *fans myself*
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bestsportmedia · 4 years
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Luis Suarez talks about his future at Barcelona in an interview with El Pais
El País: You are already the third scorer (198) in the history of FC Barcelona, ​​behind Messi (634) and Kubala (194). A sufficient argument to justify your continuity in front of those who argue that it is time for your departure despite the fact that you have a contract until 2021? Let’s not forget that you have scored 20 goals this season despite being injured.
Suarez: Goals are important in any team, but the demand at Barcelona is absolute. As a striker, I not only try to score goals but also help the team in other ways. There is talk of some names given by the president, of changes that can be made, but no one told me to leave, if that’s the club’s desire, it would be good if the person in charge chose to speak directly to me. I've been at Barça for six years, enough time to say what they think. I also want the best for the club and my idea today is to continue, but if the club thinks that I am expendable, I have no problem speaking with those who decide.
El País: Do you feel jointly responsible for the situation at Barça?
Suarez: We are all responsible [ for the defeat against Bayern]. That is clear, it would not be fair to single out one player or someone from the club. Sometimes it does seem that they want to personalize, but honestly I think that nobody can doubt my commitment to Barcelona.
El País: Would you accept being a substitute next season after what happened, the change of coach and knowing that on the president's list you are not essential?
Suarez: Obviously. I would accept it here as I always accept it in my career. Competition is always good and if the coach considers that I should start from the bench, I have no problem helping with the role they give me. I think I can still contribute a lot to this club.
El Pais: You are considered one of the heavyweights of the team and, in addition, it is known that you are a friend of Leo. Does that penalize you?
Suarez: When you talk about heavyweights, you look at all those who have been in the club the longest. It is normal, but there is a lot of deception in all that because in reality everything changes from one year to the next. I don't like to compare, each place is different, but I remember that in Madrid the year that Ajax eliminated them from the Champions League they said that Kroos was finished, they wanted to retire Modric, they said that Ramos was a disaster and suddenly he was no longer worth No player. And the following year everything went better and again they were all phenomena and formed a legendary team. And of course it was and they are a great team, but with the defeat it is already known that it shoots against everything and everyone. And it's a shame because that's the way it is all the time, people have opinions on everything and above all they can be judged very easily: what is white today, tomorrow is black and vice versa. I honestly think that sometimes there is a lack of coherence, patience and especially memory. When there is a lack of knowledge or arguments to explain things in depth, an easy and simple reason is usually taken, a phrase to repeat, but football is more complex. And, on the other hand, being friends with Leo is a pride for me, because there are no friends on the court, there are teammates and we are all here to help each other with a common goal. And, off the court, I'm extremely lucky to have  an excellent person like Leo as a friend, a friendship that goes beyond playing together today, which is circumstantial.
El Pais: Do you have a diagnosis of what happened against Bayern? Suarez: It was one of those days where everything went wrong. We were overwhelmed and did not know how to fix it. It is not an excuse but it has been a very strange year for everything, and of course the format influences; Bayern adapted much better for an atypical tie. Perhaps we came with some doubts and Bayern had it all very clear. El Pais: Was Bayern the problem? Suarez: They are very good, very strong. In a double game we will never know what could have happened; surely they would also have eliminated us, I don't know But it is true that we at the Camp Nou we play better and that playing away from there always costs us a little more.
El Pais: Would you like to stay? Suarez: Yes, as long as you count on me, I want to continue contributing as much as I can. I have felt the support of the people since I arrived and that also gives me a lot of strength to continue. El Pais: Have you spoken to Koeman? Suarez: Not yet. El Pais: How are you doing after a year complicated by injuries? Suarez: It  is a very strange year. Rest is going to be better for me psychologically than physically. On the day of Bayern I noticed that I was already well, that I was already adjusting to the return, after the operation. El Pais: Kubala already has a statue, should Luis Suárez have his? Suarez: I don't think so. Kubala was a phenomenon. If my work is valued and everything I did and still do for the club is taken into account, it already serves me and leaves me very happy.
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cypher2 · 5 years
Andonovski says that the framework for this season was laid out last autumn, as he and owner Bill Predmore attempted to chart the course of how the upcoming season would go.
“Our year started, for (Reign FC majority owner and president) Bill Predmore and myself, last November,” Andonovski said. “We had 11 different lineup predictions that covered things like pre-World Cup, during the World Cup, after the World Cup, with Jess Fishlock coming back from France, without her, with different players coming in and out. We projected 10 or 11 different lineups. Bill was instrumental in all of this. He helped me with the preparation and made a lot of things happen behind the scenes. I had to do a lot on the field to manage all of those players and incorporate them, but I think the most important thing is the preparation before the season even started.”
The roster was bolstered with a mixture of newcomers, like Shea Groom and NAIA standout Bethany Balcer, and returning veterans like captain Lauren Barnes and midfielder Allie Long.
The club itself was in for a big change. After half a decade at Seattle’s Memorial Stadium, the club was informed that the venue was no longer suitable to host NWSL home games. Instead, Reign FC found a new home in Tacoma’s Cheney Stadium. The response to the move was incredible – fans  in the South Sound helped Reign FC set new attendance records in 2019, including an increase of 1,389 on average per match from 2018.
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Not all of the changes went over as smoothly, however.
The club sent nine players to the World Cup to represent seven different countries. Six more players would suffer season-ending injuries, while others were waylaid by shorter term injuries.
To boot, the club stumbled out of the starting gate, opening the year 0-1-3 after failing to convert a late penalty in its season-opener against Houston and settling for a 1-1 draw against Orlando in its first match in Tacoma.
“Historically, if you look at teams that I’ve managed, I would say with the exception of last season, my teams have started slow and then started picking things up toward the middle of the season,” Andonovski said. “That’s something that I’m going to have to look at myself and see if it’s something I’m doing. Am I giving too many formations or trying to add too much in a short period of time? Maybe it takes a little time for things to click and once they do things go well.”
More players arrived in time for things to start clicking, even as a large chunk of the team departed to chase glory with their national teams at the World Cup in France. Among them was forward Ifeoma Onumonu, signed as a National Team Replacement Player just six days after being waived by the Portland Thorns.
For Onumonu, the spirit of the squad hadn’t dampened, despite the early sluggishness.
“Coming into this club, I was going through my own type of challenges,” Onumonu said. “That did help when I did come and join Reign FC. It was like I’d been through some things and the club had been as well. It helped with the camaraderie. It was an experience where even though the club was going through a hard streak, it was still very positive.”
The hard streak ended quickly. The club recorded its first win of the season against Sky Blue FC on May 18 and went on to win four of its next six matches, rising from seventh in the league table all the way to first following a July 5 road win against rivals Portland Thorns FC. The stretch also saw Onumonu record her first NWSL goal in a win over Utah on June 28, the same day that she was signed to the club’s supplemental roster.
“It was really special,” Onumonu said of her goal. “I had been waiting for a goal for two years now, so it was nice to finally get it. It was an important win as well. On any given day in this league, a team can pull out a win against anyone else. We knew that and we used it to our advantage. I thought we had a lot of doubters, so it felt good to prove them wrong. In that time we were going through quite a bit of injuries, which is always tough. It didn’t stop from there. It felt really good to score and contribute to that success we had during that run.”
The return of Fishlock provided a big boost to the club in the early summer. The midfielder returned from her loan to Olympique Lyon in France and knocked in two game-winners for Reign FC. Fishlock’s immediate impact on the squad led to her being named the NWSL Player of the Month for June before being sidelined with a season-ending ACL tear.
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Just when Reign FC looked to be getting on a roll, more obstacles presented themselves.
June gave way to a grueling July. With two road matches against North Carolina and tough home losses to Utah and Chicago, Reign FC endured a 2-4-1 stretch that dropped them into fifth place entering the final six matches of the season.
“The fact that we have two of those teams (from that stretch) in the final says a lot about the quality of the teams that we were facing,” Andonovski said. “Playing North Carolina twice on the road didn’t make it any easier, but we didn’t have a choice, we had to prepare as best as we could. One thing that made it easier was that even when things were not going well, there was nothing negative about it. We used every single game as a learning opportunity to get better, regardless of the result. We kept moving forward, we kept getting better and the results were coming as the season was going by.”
With six games to play, Andonovski challenged his team to push for a playoff spot:
“Going into the last stretch of games, Vlatko said ‘we’ve made mistakes in this portion of the season and now we’re on to the last quarter of the year,’” Onumonu said. “’We’re going to have to win the majority of games to make the playoffs.’ We had a mini-season where everything that happened prior to this last stretch of six matches didn’t matter anymore. It was about winning or getting points and moving on. We erased all that we had done because it was over and it didn’t matter. Our objective was to make the playoffs.”
Reign FC fought its way to a 3-1-2 finish over the final six matches, thanks in large part to an Onumonu equalizer at the death of a 2-2 draw against Washington on September 14. Jodie Taylor also notched a late game-winner against Utah in a September 25 match that had to be pushed back a week due to a waterlogged pitch at Cheney Stadium. With a win over Portland in the final home match of the season on September 29, Reign FC clinched its second consecutive playoff berth under Andonovski.
Despite all the bumps and disruptions that the season’s path had taken, Reign FC was playoff bound once more.
“The struggle and the tough times we went through in the first 18 games helped us prepare for the last six games,” Andonovski said. “We did decide that this was a little mini-season that we felt we had to win or finish well, which I think we accomplished, we were talking about how this mini season has to be a reflection of the whole season. It has to be a true picture of who we are: warriors, fighters who are intense in their goals. That helped us take on those games the way we did.”
Reign FC’s semifinal match against NWSL Shield-winners North Carolina was a game of grit and determination. When the Courage scored a go-ahead goal on a penalty kick in the 88th minute and had dominated possession all match long, Reign FC looked like they would be unable to mount a response.
Onumonu changed that. In the third minute of second-half stoppage time, the forward received a ball from Celia Jiménez Delgado and fired a shot past Stephanie Labbe, forcing extra time.
“I feel like that moment summed up our season,” Onumonu said. “Fight to the end. That’s how I took it. I was really thankful for that goal because I know how much it meant to still have a chance and still be in it. To be able to score in that moment was special. North Carolina is a good team and has been for years, but we’re not going to go down without a fight. The end result wasn’t what we wanted, but this game is hard, it’s tough. Being able to keep us in there for as long as possible was so special.”
Reign FC came up short in extra time, but the club had gone down swinging.
“I’m very proud of the players,” Andonovski said. “Every single one of them. The way they approached the game was tremendous. To be able to go to North Carolina, against that team and an incredible coach in Paul Riley and battle all the way until the last second and tie the game 1-1? It’s incredible. I’m very proud of them. Unfortunately, in the last 30 minutes we didn’t have enough in us to make a miracle happen. We didn’t have enough to be able to match North Carolina and their quality.”
Onumonu’s final strike was emblematic of Reign FC’s spirit, but her path over the course of the season, like so many of her teammates, mirrored the club’s year.
“When I look at it, I would agree that Ifeoma’s season is how our season looked,” Andonovski said. “But it’s also Rosie (White’s) season. It’s Balcer’s season. It’s Celia’s season. Young players came in who were unknown or had in some ways been rejected that wanted to make a name for themselves and prove people wrong. They just needed an opportunity and in the end they did it. It was similar for our club. I don’t want to say that we were an unknown, but people didn’t believe in us. We were rejected to some extent and we just needed a platform and a chance to prove people wrong and in the end we did.”
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For Onumonu, that drive and determination were the major lesson from 2019.
“I would say the biggest lesson is to be resilient,” Onumonu said. “I think how I started out my season, where I started with Portland and then everything with Reign FC has been a challenge. You have where you expect to be, then you have to go somewhere else. You switch and all your emotional attachment with a team has to change. Now, you have to fight for your new club. It made me grateful for the club, honestly. I’m very thankful for the club. As a player, it taught me that one person’s opinion of you does not define you and I think that’s something that this season has taught me.”
For Andonovski, the year was proof that no obstacle is insurmountable.
“If there’s one thing that I’ve learned this season, it’s that there is always a way to be successful,” Andonovski said. “If that way doesn’t work, there is always another way.”
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virtuoso-lol · 5 years
2020 LEC Pre-Split Team Power Rankings
It’s that time of year when everyone following professional LoL has to aimlessly make an attempt at predicting the strength of teams they’ve never seen play before. Although I am entirely self aware of this, I continue to try irregardless. I’m sure there’s something to be said about pursuing futile objectives at 2 in the morning, but I can’t concern myself with such matters. Time is of the essence! Below are my League of Legends European Championship, or LEC, team power rankings.
It doesn’t take a genius to make this prediction. G2 is the most dominant team to ever play in Europe, making it to finals essentially uncontested last worlds, and absolutely smashing all of the competition until they had to face their Chinese overlords. No roster changes were made over the off-season, but the one wildcard for this team is the Perkz and Caps role swap. Judging by the success of the Perkz roleswap last year, I don’t see the roleswap hurting the team too much, and even in the worst case scenario, I don’t think there’s a world where they don’t come top 3.
In my opinion, Fnatic is the only team that has a chance of contesting G2 for the European title. The only roster change they made in the off-season was replacing Broxah with Selfmade, which I honestly consider an upgrade. Both players are exceptional, but Fnatic seemed to have stagnated with the roster they ran last year, despite Nemesis getting comfortable throughout the year. There was allegedly some internal issues between the team, and I think changing the jungler is the best way to change the team’s pace. There are few junglers that could fill the shoes of Broxah, but I think Selfmade is more than capable. Only time will tell whether or not the change will garner Fnatic another championship.
This is where we start to get into the more controversial opinions. Despite this, I feel very confident in my picks for top 4. Rogue shocked fans across the world last year after they gave their rookies starting positions and surged to a startling 3rd place finish in the summer split, where they even defeated Splyce, who would eventually go on to represent Europe at the world championship as 3rd seed. Rogue is filled with young talent eager to prove themselves, and I think that this is their year to do just that. The main detrimental factor of Rogue last year was their ADC, Woolite, who they seemed to win in spite of, rather than as a result of. This year, though, with the acquisition of European staple ADC Hans Sama, their roster is stacked and I expect great things from them.
Origen absolutely has the potential to come top 3, but there are too many question marks for me to grant them that spot on this list. Origen looked absolutely lost at the end of the 2019 summer split, and made roster changes accordingly. Acquiring Upset and Xerxe is arguably the best 2 pickups they could have made. However, I’m left with two big questions revolving around this team; firstly, it’s impossible to tell for sure how their support, Destiny, will fare against European competition. Origen followed the trend of importing OCE talent that several orgs seem to have been on this off-season, and it could pay off big, or bring the whole team down. Additionally, it’s difficult to tell whether or not we will get 2019 summer split Nukeduck or LEC finalist Nukeduck. His play was a perfect epitomization of how lost Origen was at the end of last year, and if Origen wants to compete for a worlds spot, he’s going to have to step back up to his peak level of performance that we’ve seen from him in the past.
Excel reaped the benefits of the Splyce and Origen boom. Picking up Patrik and Tore (formerly Norskeren) gave this team a serious upgrade in the bot lane, which had essentially been an empty void for the entirety of the org’s existence. Both of these players are top level competitors in the region. On top of this, the return of Mickey brings a solid player back to the mid lane, another role in which Excel struggled to fill in the past. Despite his apparent interpersonal issues (none of which are confirmed to be true), Mickey is a player that has proven he can compete with the best and I think he has what it takes to bring Excel to the playoffs. Expect has also been a pretty consistent rock in the top lane for Excel, so his return is no surprise, and more than welcome. The one issue I have with this team is keeping Caedrel in the jungle position - perhaps they tried and failed to acquire a new jungler, but I worry that Caedrel will simply get outjungled by the stacked jungle competition in the LEC and will prevent the rest of their team from realizing greater success. I wasn’t impressed with what he brought to the table last year, but maybe he will surprise us this year now that he has a real bot lane to play around.
I’m not entirely confident in my placement of Schalke here, and I think any one of the teams below them can and likely will surpass them, but Schalke has the benefit of being a team made up of familiar faces. Odoamne and Abbedagge both performed quite well last year, which is why I give them an edge over the other teams. Additionally, if Forgiven is still in form, his pickup will be huge for them, but it is a high risk for a pretty low chance of reward. Dreams is a player that I have found to be mediocre and unimpressive, but perhaps being paired with Forgiven will allow him to shine more. My biggest issue with the team is, similarly to Excel, the jungle position. Gilius has shown fairly high highs and significantly low lows. If we get peak Vitality Gilius, then I feel more confident in granting Schalke playoffs positioning, but if he flops, then I don’t expect the team to come higher than 7th. Schalke is a coinflip team that mostly depends on the performance of Forgiven.
As we get lower on the list, you’ll notice these teams will be increasingly filled with rookies, which makes it more and more difficult to predict where they will place. I personally put Mad Lions over the other rookie-filled teams because of two reasons. One, I think Humanoid is the best individual player on any of these rookie rosters, and his presence in the mid lane should be able to lift the ceiling for his teammates. Additionally, Carzzy is one of the few rookies that I know enough about to consider promising. His performance in the academy scene gives me confidence that he can compete with the best ADs in the region, and I think he will quickly become a staple in the league. Ultimately, the loss of Splyce created a lot of opportunity for other European teams to snatch up their talent, and I don’t think the sole return of Humanoid is enough to even approach the level of success the Splyce squad had - but I think in comparison to the other rookie squads, it has a higher ceiling for success.
SK has a lot of promising rookie talent on its roster, but I’m less impressed with its returning players. SK retained its AD and Top laner of Crownshot and Sacre, which I think both performed sufficiently but failed to really break through into the top tier of competition. Sacre has had praises sung about him by pros and fans alike, which I think gives him an edge over the lower half of the LEC competition. Additionally, losing Selfmade hurts SK a lot, although acquiring former G2 and Schalke jungler Trick band-aids this hole somewhat, I don’t think Trick has as high of a ceiling as Selfmade did. On the other hand, I’ve seen and heard a lot of good things about SK’s returning mid laner, Jenax. If he’s as good as the rumors suggest, perhaps he will be able to help carry SK to a lower seeded playoffs position. He looked solid last split, but insider opinion suggests he can perform at even higher levels, which I would be eager to see. I haven’t heard much hype about their rookie support LIMIT, but his high placement in EU masters gives me hope that he will be able to compete against other European bot lanes, especially being paired with Crownshot, who I think has a lot of potential. As with all rookie squads, as we saw with Rogue last year, this team has the ability to contend for a playoffs position, but they lack the confident veterans that many other teams have.
Similarly to MAD, Vitality has the benefit of retaining Cabochard from last year, which gives them a rock in the top lane who is almost guaranteed to perform. However, I don’t think that top lane is as influential as mid lane, so MAD gets the upper hand there. Additionally, keeping Jactroll is a penultimate failure and I think is a main factor holding Vitality back from a playoffs position. Somewhere along the line he lost his way that allowed Vitality to go to worlds as second seed two years ago, but his play last year was absolutely atrocious, and he had some of the worst stats for a support in the league. I don’t know enough about Vitality’s rookies to make confident statements on them. Although I’ve heard good things about their rookie ADC Comp, I don’t have as much faith in these rookies as much as I do other teams, and I think failing to get an upgrade or rookie support hurts this roster big time.
Misfits as an organization has been on a downward velocity ever since their series against SKT in the 2017 world championship. This team gave European fans a glimmer of their chance against the Korean giants that teams like G2 and Fnatic would soon realize. However, since then, a series of unfortunate roster acquisitions wrecked this team. In 2019, they built what should have been a superteam, and likely cost them a lot of money, and it was an absolute trainwreck. Despite being filled with historically great players, the team just didn’t mesh, and failed to achieve anything. In light of this, Misfits is taking an alternate approach and fielding a few rookies. However, their decision to retain Febiven and pick up Bvoy perplexes me. Febiven was one of the worst looking players on the failed 2019 squad, but perhaps with a change of environment we can see him succeed as much as he did on Fnatic and Clutch. Bvoy, on the other hand, has struggled a lot since leaving Young Miracles in China and hasn’t found success since. Maybe Misfits still sees potential in him, but from an outsider perspective this is a head scratcher. Additionally, the pickup of Razork and Denyk from Giants in the mid and support positions respectively is a bit of a coinflip. On one hand, they have past synergy, but on another, they weren’t even the best team in Spain’s amateur scene, so it could fail horribly. I do think that promoting Dan Dan from Misfits Premier to the starting roster is a good and safe move, but it’s not enough for me to see this team placing any higher than 9th unless several teams completely collapse.
Well, that just about wraps up what I have to say about these teams before the season starts. Feel free to send me pms or asks with any questions or statements about these rankings! I’m more than open to criticism, conversation, or clarification. Keep an eye out for my LCS power rankings tomorrow, and expect more content on LCS and LEC players, champions, meta, strategies, and more as the season starts up!
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dartmoorsfinest · 5 years
‘Back on Home Turf’ (Devon Life, November 2019)
Here’s a new interview from Josh for Devon Life Magazine (November 2019 issue) where he talks about his upcoming tour shows in Plymouth and Exeter and of course, growing up in Devon.  If you’d like to read the screenshots, you can view them here and be sure to zoom in! Or you can do the old fashioned thing and read it below (yours truly has been silly enough to type it up!)
One of Devon’s own hillarious award-winning comedians Josh Widdicombe is back with his much-anticipated stand up tour “Bit Much?” and he guarantees local audiences will enjoy a bespoke show. “What is different to my last tour is I now have a baby. But the whole ashow is me trying not to talk about having a baby as no one wants to hear about that. It is mainly me trying to avoid that subject, which has dominated my life,” Josh says. “Actually, I will be honest there is ten minutes about the baby as I needed to fill that part of the show,” he laughs.
The comedian and TV host adds how much the Devon audience are in for an exclusive treat: “There will be a lot more Devon-based material in these shows than anywhere else in the country.”
Perfoming at Plymouth Pavillions and Northcott Theatre in Exeter, Josh explains these are the dates he islooking forward to most. “I didn’t book this tour, but when I heard about some of the venues, I was like bloody hell! It is by far the biggest tour I have done and I really can’t wait. However, the two Devon venues are the ones that jump out most to me. Performing as big venues like this you realise, oh this career has gone quite well for me so far, how am I playing those?!”
As the star doesn’t get to visit his home county that often anymore, the tour is the perfect opportunity to visit old favourite haunts and reminisce about his favourite football team Plymouth Argyle FC. “Every time I go we lose! I went to the Newport game and that was the only game they lost in the league this season. I should stop going but I don’t get to go that much - maybe two or three times a season.”
The Devon comedian and television presenter is best known as co-host of the triple BAFTA nominated and multiple Broadcast and RTS award-winning show The Last Leg on Channel 4. With 16 critically acclaimed series under their belts Josh, alongside co-hosts Adam Hills and Alex Brooker have been praised for their reaction and topical coverage of the weeks most harrowing of news stories. “I just want to keep doing things that interest me and what I enjoy. If I can earn a living  from that, I think that is all you can ask for really.” 
He has also made a number of appearances including three series of his critically-acclaimed BBC sitcom JOSH which he created and starred in, team captain on BBC Two’s Insert Name Here as well as regular appearances on BBC Two’s QI, BBC One’s Have I Got News For You, Sky One’s A League of Their Own and on Dave’s Taskmaster. “Winning ‘Task of Champions’ against 25 comedians on Taskmaster was an amazing moment for me as I love that show,” he adds. 
He hosts his own hugely successful ‘90s football podcast Quickly Kevin, Will He Score? alongside Chris Scull and Michael Marden. In early 2019 Josh returned to Dave to host the brand-new series Hypothetical alongside James Acaster, which has recently been commissioned for a second series. “In fact, I don’t get to do anything that isn’t work or parenting. I would consider moving back to Devon, but I do most of my work in London so the commute would be hellish. But once my career crashes I might as well, yes.”
Josh was born in Hammersmith but lived in Haytor Vale growing up. “I grew up in such an idyllic place in Dartmoor; it was lovely. Problem is when growing up there you don’t realise how idyllic the area actually is until you move to Manchester or London. I have so many wonderful memories of the moors and it was amazing during the summer. In the winter, you could get a week off because of the show, it was insane! A bus couldn’t get through, it was like a Postman Pat scene or something. You don’t realise this is weird at that time, only when...” (DF NOTE: looks like part of the interview is missing!! But it does finish with his recommendations below!) ---
Josh’s Devon Recommendations:
Haytor Rocks was near the village where I grew up, it is absolutely stunning.
Dartmoor of course because it is beautiful and the tours are fantastic. If you want to see football in Devon, Home Park - home of Plymouth Argyle FC - is the place. There are no other options but I would implicitly back that one!
House of Marbles in Newton Abbot - it is a great tourist attaction. It was a little shop when I was growing up but now it is like a big brand. Now, you can go to shops in London and have things made by the House of Marbles.
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torunarigha · 6 years
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We are playing in Leverkusen next year - as of right now! 
Julian Brandt und Kai Havertz are considered to be the future of German football. Here they will discuss offers from other clubs, piano lessons, and haircuts.
aka a translation of something that could have easily been just done by google translate but i wanted to give a stab at it!
Interviewer: Out of the DFB-Pokal against Heidelheim, out of the Europa league against Krasnodar on Thursday, and yet at the same time Leverkursen is the best team in the second half of the Bundesliga season. How does that happen simultaneously?
Julian Brandt (J): It’s hard to say. Being knocked out of both competitions, entirely deserved, is a bitter pill to swallow. Krasnodar was very good and we were bad that day. We didn’t try hard enough for a goal.
You can make up for it against Dortmund?
Kai Havertz (K): That’s right. We travel there with confidence after winning the last four games in the Bundesliga. That gives us momentum, even when there are easier tasks than an away game in Dortmund.
Is the season unsatisfying for Leverkusen?
K: I wouldn’t say that, seeing that were are in 5th place. Eintracht Frankfurt is rightfully hyped up and behind us, so we can’t be too bad. Of course the first half of the season was disappointing but now we have chances to finish the season off on a good note.
And then next season will be a fight for the first place?
K: Of course but we say that before every season (smiles)
J: (chuckles) Be careful! Soon, the headlines will say, “Havertz wants to be Bundesliga champions next season!”
K: Champions might be a stretch. But with our way of playing football, we can definitely achieve a lot. We will see if that is enough for first place. It depends on many factors.
J: You’re right. As a player, you want to get the most out of it and that means first place in the Bundesliga. You don’t say, “My goal is around fifth place.” For me, my goal is the top ranking although I can realistically assess how difficult that is, of course. 
Can you guarantee that you will try to reach this goal next season together? (hinting at transfer)
J: As of right now, yes.
K: I agree although football is a very fast business with no guarantees. But Jule said it right: We are here now and we both have contracts so we will both play together for Bayer Leverkusen next season, as of right now.
Everything a question of money?
K: Also a question of money, of course. That is how it is in professional football and applies for clubs and players.
Now on this topic, we must ask the FC Bayern question and about the big interest they are reported to have in you.
K: There is a lot of talk about that. My focus is on Leverkusen. Everything else does not interest me right now.
And you are also in FC Bayern’s focus, Mr. Brandt.
J: The question is the same as always: where do these rumors come from? And do they come from the club itself or from other sources? Of course it is a nice recognition as a player when you are connected with big clubs. But you can’t buy anything else from that.
Do you, as young players with high potentials, need to leave Bayern Leverkusen to become a big star?
J: Everyone must decide that for themselves. For me it is clear, that Leverkusen offers the stage to become a star. Then again I also believe, with players like Arturo Vidal or André Schürrle, that you can need to choose another way. 
You two are good friends. Would you tell each other about offers that exist?
J: We are very close to each other but so far, that has not been the case. It is also not the case that our agents call us daily and tell us who wants us. 
K: If there was something concrete, I would tell Jule...
J: And then I would negotiate your new contract (smiles)
You’ve known each other for three years...
K: True. But I followed Jules’ path longer. When he made is debut at 17, I was 14. His path was a model for me, I wanted to get it right like he did and tried to learn from him.
J: Now I’m turning red.
What did you learn from watching him, Mr. Havertz?
J: Nonsense!
K: Of course that’s ridiculous! (grins) But Jule has already been in a World Cup, won the Confederations Cup, played in the Champions League. One can risk taking a look at someone like that. As a person and a footballer, we work well together. We function very similarly and are both very down to earth.
J: I can only affirm that.
Do you still play piano, Mr. Havertz?
K: Yes. Actually, I used to play almost every day and take lessons. Unfortunately, I do that less these days.
J: He has played on the piano for me before.
K: “See You Again” by Wiz Khalifa from the movie “Furious 7″
And you played the Guitar?
J: No but I have actually tried to start learning guitar a few times. Unfortunately, I let that go a bit during the World CUp.
You should make a boyband.
K: We don’t have a singer. 
J: Maybe we can persuade Wendell (teammate on Bayern Leverkusen). He is good. And Kevin Volland also plays guitar, that would be the fourth man.
What does making music mean to you?
J: It’s a great balance, good for the head. Kai plays really well. Maybe he will become the new Beethoven.
Both of you contradict the cliché of the young superficial player, that only plays Playstation.
J: We do that to, it’s fun. But not only that.
Do you order a hairdresser before going into a Hotel?
J: Those people play for Dortmund. To be honest, I can’t get upset about it at all. I don’t do it and I couldn’t care less if others did it. I always have the time to regularly go in the city to get a hair cut.
K: Yeah, there are players who get the contours of their hairstyle redone before every game. I don’t need that but anyone can do what he wants.
You are considered as carrying the hope in a dim time of German football.
J: I know the discussion but I don’t take part. I think the 1995 and 1996 years have many good players: Goretzka, Kimmich, Süle, Gnabry, Werner, Sané, Amiri, Dahoud, Weigl - all these people have shown that they can do it. After them, one must wait for further development. Kai definitely stands out, also Arne Maier and Fiete Arp. But that’s just how it is. Of course, that’s a certain amount of pressure but we are still young. The national team still has a good framework for the next years.
Let me know if I made any mistakes in this translation :)
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, MEG! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklistand send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; preferred pronouns: Meg, she/her
Age, Timezone: 27, EST
Activity, short explanation: I work a full time job (36 hours a week, Mon-Fri) but I can usually get online at least one hour a day after work and sometimes before work and on the weekends, I have no life so I can be on quite a bit.
Ships: /Chemistry
Anti-Ships: /No Chemistry
Triggers: RFP
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): https://www.essence.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/images/2015/09/25/gettyimages-480406134_master.jpg
Anything else: Just that I thank you for reading my application!
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Lincoln “Link” Richard Jones
FC: Michael B. Jordan
Age/Year at University: 26, Junior (3rd Year)
Birth date: September 22nd, 1992
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Baltimore, MD
Gender/Pronouns: CISmale - He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Major(s): Business Studies
Minor(s) [optional]: N/A
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Off-campus apartment - preferably quad or triple
Extracurricular: Basketball (Captain)
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush): N/A
For most of his young life, Link has only dreamed of one thing - to become the next big NBA star. He had big shoes to fill - both figuratively and literally - but he was determined to be the best. His father had made sure to support his dream, but to an extent - he saw his son’s interest and decided to use that as a carrot to get what he wanted, so as long as his son maintained great grades, he’d be able to continue with the pipe dream that was basketball.
Of course, as he got older, he became more and more focused on the game. He would practice early in the morning before any of his teammates got there, and long after his teammates left the gym, and though he wasn’t the tallest of his teammates… he made up for it with more heart. And he used his size to his advantage, becoming a quick and nimble point guard that could make his way through the towering trees that were the forwards with practiced ease.
With the combination of his great grades - he had a 3.9 GPA - and his athletic success, Link managed to get the attention of a lot of universities that wanted him to play for their team, but ultimately he decided to go with the University of Kentucky. They offered him a scholarship to play with them, and knowing that they had great success in getting even freshmen recruited to the NBA… he was quick to sign with them. And his father… well, his father was glad that he was going to college.
But that changed after he signed to play for the Golden State Warriors just after the post-season his freshman year. Fumed by the fact that his son was more interested in putting his childish dreams ahead of his practical future, he disowned him - just as he had disowned his daughter - and left him with nothing. But he didn’t need anything, really. He was going to be a great basketball player, and he planned on becoming one of the best - with a name that would ring in infamy like Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal and Magic Johnson.
Playing for the Warriors was great, and he was even instrumental in getting his team to win the NBA championships in 2015 and 2017… but that all changed after he wound up getting a freak injury during an early scrimmage. As he had come down from a jump shot, he had landed on his foot wrong and his leg wound up snapping in half as it bowed underneath him. After surgery, his doctors pressed concerns that he wouldn’t be able to play anymore and his team wound up paying out his contract early, doubtful that he’d be able to return.
Needing to get better, Link decided to finish his college education and persue a degree, choosing Joie because of his family - both his younger sister and his cousins attended the school - and because he knew it would be a safe place, away from the stress of the press that California had, so he could recuperate in peace. It’s been a year since he’s attended the school, and now that he’s in his third year, he’s ready to show the world that he’s able to play again - this will be his first year back on the court since his faithful injury, but because of how well he showed up in practice over the summer and because of his past career, he was already named Captain.
One thing people don’t know, however, is that to help keep himself healthy, Link has taken up boxing to help strengthen his leg and work on his agility and feet-work. And the more that he takes to the ring, the more he realizes he likes boxing and he begins to wonder if maybe, just maybe, he should hang up the sneakers and trade it in for a pair of boxing gloves.
STUDENT CENSUS SURVEY: (Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? Honestly? My baby sister is here. We kind of lost some time over the past few years and I want to make it up to her. Besides… as her big brother, it’s my job to look after her.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? Shit, what don’t I possess? Nah, I’m kidding… But I’d say I’m ambitious, athletic - though anyone that knows me knows that that’s a fact - and I’m confident. Some bad qualities? I’m stubborn as hell, though it’s a Jones trait so don’t go blaming me… blame my Pops on that one…. I’m also restless and I guess I can be resentful too.
Which of your traits do you value most? My athleticism… Without it I wouldn’t have got to where I am today… All jokes aside, I value my ambition. ‘Cause without ambition, I really wouldn’t have gotten here. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you aren’t ambitious enough to put your foot down and make some use out of it? What’s the good of all that talent?
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? Well, I don’t know about you, but usually ambition is good - especially for a university. If you get students that are ambitious, you have a higher rate of graduation… and that ambition may rub off on other students as they may decide to try and keep up with others, thus creating even more ambitious students which in turn increases the rate of graduation among the college.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? My pro career back, a better relationship with my sister, and I guess some long-lasting friendships with people that see me as more than the former Warrior? And yeah, okay, maybe it’d be nice to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, too, but right now… I’m gonna fly solo.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.” - Salvador Dali
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seaside-roleplays · 6 years
Hiya ♡ Just a terribly bored girl who likes to spend her free time writing out the lives of fictional characters! You can find me using discord more than anything, as I can use it wherever. If you didn’t already see, I’m 21 and a Female. That matters for some people, for example, I won’t write out mature topics with people under 18.
I double, triple, and enjoy F//, M// and M/F. Fandom and original are both fun! I have a list of fandoms further down that I am happy to discuss or rp ♡ As far as fandoms go, I am OC friendly, and will absolutely play your desired love interest ♡
If you find yourself wanting to write together, shoot me a message! It is the fastest way to catch my attention! please include what plot/pairing you are looking to do rather than just ‘hey, are you looking for an rp?’ 
- Kingdom Hearts, I finished playing 3 and really want to roleplay with someone. Oc/Canon or Canon/Canon if I ship it. I can play your character's love interest if you can play mine ^^ My first girl can be paired with Saix, or Axel if that is an easier character to play. My second girl has Demyx as her love interest. I would be happy to tell you more about them if doubling up is something you want to do. I have played all of the games //or at least watched all the cut scenes hehe// So I have confidence in playing most characters. Shipping wise feel free to ask and I can tell you. It's faster than me listing them.
-  A Love Live School Idol Festival Themed rp, we make our own unit of school idols and roleplay their adventures, highs and lows, could be a F// or completely platonic! also open to a M/F romance between 2 idols of different units //ex.Starlight Four vs Phantom Five//
- Miraculous , I want to do something with my girl who is a ballerina with a swan Kwammi, who has Marinette/Ladybug as her love interest. Can play Adrien/Cat Noir for you, otherwise I'm not as confident with the other canons. Could also just use Oc's and do our own thing. I just REALLY want to play my favorite black cat superhero. Chances are I will 100% make a pinterest board or something for the roleplay *-* I do have a couple ideas in mind regarding some villans // Jellyfish and Monarch Butterfly??//
-  Something with an animal cafe, where the workers there have animal like traits, a maid/butler has a crush on a human patron or fellow worker. A cute magical slice of life. A slow burn romance, that can play out as the seasons come and go
- Something like "A Simple Favor" . 2 single mothers meet each other through their children wanting a playdate. One being very bubbly and cheery, the type to make beautiful home cooked meals, do arts and crafts and run a blog. The second a chic business woman who lives a life of lavish events and the finest clothes money can buy. These two women over time fall in love, despite their different worlds. Sharing their passions with one another and watching their children grow. A sweet F// really 
-  F// spy or partners in crime kinda plot! need help building this one!
-  A witch curses a princess so that no man will ever fall in love with her! This backfires when the princess thanks her, as she is actually very into women. A cute F// rp
- A Fire Emblem rp with oc's? Basically build our own world? this one would be a lot of work. I do also have one Nohrian Cleric who I would love to use, fairly open minded about who I pair her with, so you don't have to worry about me claiming anyone. Happy to double!
- Something based off the mangas Beasts of Abigaile , the Case Study of Vanitas or Mermaid Boys I am very into these recently and am happy to do oc's or canons. or, build something similar of our own.
-  Magical girl stuff. Sailor Moon, Winx Club, Shugo Chara, Pretty cure, etc. I would love to do something akin to a second gen or using various anime as an inspiration to the rp!
- A Marvel rp, specifically with the Thor universe. I would like to do an rp with Loki x Oc, where I play as Loki, since I miss playing him. I saw Thor Ragnarok and didn't know I needed to see Loki in a suit. Prefer that your character had a faceclaim, and not picking on if they are male or female really, like I said, I just really want to play Loki and have him fall in love, and yes, I have seen infinity war
- Adding to the Marvel fandom, I am also happy to play spiderman/Peter Parker for your oc, or Venom/Eddie Brock for your oc. I'm looking to get some experience playing as them, so I would not be expecting us to double, as I don't have an oc of my own that could fit with them.
- Black Butler, I really got back into this and am dying to do something with oc's or canons //maybe even a good canon x oc?// I want to use my oc who would be a maid, similar to Seb, a demon who also has a thing for ciel, not so much romantically. Happy to play Alois, Sebby, undertaker, ciel, or claude for you. 
-  A cute slice of life rp? a pinch of magic? Maybe a young wizard and witch? one from big city the other from a small town in the country?
-  Peter Pan based rp, I had a few pairings and ideas in mind, the 2 I most crave are Captain Hook//TinkerBell and Captain Hook//Peter Pan. I just want to play a captain hook using Hugh Jackman as Hook's FC. BxB or BxG is fine by me, I'm just looking to have the roles reversed, where Hook is the good guy, taking in the lost boys who peter intends to 'thin out' when they start to grow up, and having them join his crew for refuge. He tries to save as many as he can, but sometimes he shows up too late or things get in his way //peter's trusty pet croc?// I like the idea of having there be a routine of Peter collecting a new 'Wendy' Perhaps as a sacrifice to keep him young and keep neverland's magic? Plot with me?
- Very much wanna do a Red Riding Hood style rp, can be cute and fluffy or dark and eerie! The cuter plot would be an academy that teaches two entirely different crowds, the first being the Red Hoods, a class made up of boys and girls who will go into the world and become protectors to ordinary folk. While the other class is the wolves, those either willing to learn to control their gifts, and those thrown into the academy in fear of them running loose with no supervision. Dark and eerie plot could be more historical fantasy, again, there being a group of Red Hood's, who protect their villages and towns from the werewolves that stalk the borders, ready to pick up one weak and foolish enough to stray from home. A red goes hunting in the woods, as they are the only ones experienced enough to fight back, and finds a trapped wolf, and chooses to help them. The wolf then taking shape into a human thanks the Red Hood and promises they won't forget the kindness. This could also be swapped, where a Red has harmed them self and can't get back to the village, and a wolf assists them. Can be F// M// or F/M. I prefer to play the wolf if I can, but am just as happy to play a Red Hood. ^^ we could do multiple pairings for this as well
- Something inspired by ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ with the seasons and times of day each having a court/kingdom? 
- Fantasy stuff! Give me your zodiac based rp's, take me to lands where princes and princesses are made to wed, throw all your wizarding and witchy worlds my way. These are what I want! I want to be able to do something that will be imaginative and exciting! Elves, fairies, royalty, fairytales [modern and historical], werewolves, vampires, I love it all!
- Horror, I love me a good scary plot! I've gotten in to playing corpse party again, and would love to see something under the genres of haunted school, a town with a murderer on the loose, dealing with supernatural creatures with morbid tendencies, and ghots with traumatizing pasts and violent deaths. I love me some gore and horror.
- Romance, give me a rp where there is drama, heartbreak, love and friendship. I love love love romance based roleplay's. High school based ones with angtsy teens, day to day living, coffe shop romance, I will take it if it has a compelling plot and a character I can fall for!
- Harvest Moon, I mean, it could be pokemon based, or just straight up village living, I crave that simple life kinda roleplay, it's a game series I do adore, and will always find joy playing
Marvel~Overwatch~Kingdom Hearts~Love Live~Miraculous~Fire Emblem~Case Study of Vanitas~Mermaid Boys~Sailor moon~Winx Club~Shugo Chara~Precure~Kuroshitsuji~Aikatsu~Corpse party~Final fantasy~Harvest Moon~Rune factory~Persona~Pokemon~Tokyo Ghoul
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
Five Things To Draw From The Contender Series Season Two
August 20th
It has JUST enough Dana White in it
Do you wanna know why the Dana White Contender Series worked and Lookin' For A Fight doesn't? One show has too much Dana. Too much Dana and his friends doing stuff you just can't possibly care about no matter how big of a DW stan you are. Too much Dana White and his friends eating food at Guy Fieri-esque "average guy" restaurants. Too much of Dana and his friends doing EXTWEME sports stuff or making food or just being dudes. Every MMA fan watches Lookin' For A Fight for a few minutes of Dana White being rich with his not as rich friends (Din Thomas, Nick The Tooth, Gian Villante and Matt Serra) to the yuk yuks and ha ha's and for whatever fight recap we're getting. The series to me fell off a cliff when it became less about the shows and more about Dana White.
Dana White's Contender Series is JUST the right amount of Dana White. The show is named after him and the concept itself is based around him so that much makes sense. Where the Contenders Series gets it right is that it captures Dana in the place we WANT to watch him at. We watch Dana watch fights, react to fights, gush about fighters, freak out about finishes and showcase the passion he still has for MMA. That's the Dana White that made the UFC a big deal by being a relentless borderline desperate madman with a product he would not allow the public to forget about. Watching Dana White, Mick Maynard and Sean Shelby freak out after a great finish is something we can all get behind and something that's genuinely cool about the Contender Series. Seeing Dana flip out about refs, judging or just be the world's richest fan may wear thin on some but again, it's reminiscent of what made Dana White a big deal to begin with. To the fans, he IS a fan---just the one with the highest decision making power in the sport. The best parts of the Contender Series are when Dana just arbitrarily decides to fuck over Mick Maynard and Sean Shelby by saying something like "We agreed on two guys but I'm going to bring in one more guy!" is easily the most real part of the Contender Series and gives you a reason to remember the guy who Dana pulled the executive decision on.
The first season was an attack on weaknesses, the second season was an attack on size
Here is how the Contender Series breaks down across their two seasons. I've listed the number of signings and the number of fights per division. I did not include guys getting developmental deals EXCEPT for Greg Hardy because I think his deal is probably different than what guys like Bevon Lewis and Chase Hooper are getting.
DWTCS Season 1 Total Signees: 16 (15 men, 1 woman) Signees By Weight Class, signings per fight: Bantamweight- 3 3/6 Middleweight- 3 3/5 Featherweight- 3 3/6 Light Heavyweight- 2 2/6 Flyweight- 2 2/8 Lightweight- 1 1/2 Heavyweight- 1 1/3 Women's Bantamweight- 1 1/1 Welterweight- 0 0/2 Women's Strawweight- 0 0/1
DWTCS Season 2 Total Signees: 23 signings (21 men, 2 women) Signees by Weight Class, percentage of signings per fight: 
Lightweight- 5 5/8 Heavyweight- 4 4/7 Middleweight- 4 4/7 Light Heavyweight- 3 3/3 Featherweight- 2 2/7* Welterweight- 1 1/3 Bantamweight- 1 1/2 Flyweight- 1 1/1 Women's Strawweight- 1 1/1 Women's flyweight- 1 1/1 Women's Bantamweight-
The UFC hid absolutely nothing as it pertains to what Season One was really about. The deepest division in MMA (lightweight) got two fights in it, the second deepest in theory is welterweight and it got two fights as well. The top division to get contender series fights was flyweight which, I suppose, might be surprising to some. The Contender Series though was about finding new talents in divisions of need and in truth, there's no doubt that flyweight needed depth. Maybe not a wealth of talent but depth to fill  up the ranks. Light Heavyweight was targeted as the organization seemed to finally realize that the DC/Jones/Gus trio was in need of something new to switch it up. The same could be said for bantamweight where the UFC is probably as tired as the rest of are of this Cruz/Dillashaw/Assuncao/Garbrandt chokehold at the top of the division. Light heavyweight is tied with bantamweight and unsurprisingly enough featherweight for the number of Contender Series fights.  Season two sees a return of dominance from lightweight but ALSO a rise in heavyweight, middleweight and MORE light heavyweight signings even if there's less fights. This season was a predominantly "big" one as signed 11 fighters in weight classes 185 and up. They even managed to double the number of signed females as well which is kind of good but also kinda trash since 2 women is probably STILL not enough for a series that runs eight weeks. That's gotta get fixed up.
All in all, I think we're seeing what the pattern for Contender Series' is going to be; they're going to try and sign guys and gals when they need them at specific weight classes. The nature of 145 and 155 lbs suggests that talent will always be there but as we've seen the divisions like 125, 185, 205 and HW need primary care. These divisions will get the attention regardless of what's poppin' at other weight classes.
The LFA Situation
23 fighters were signed  by the UFC this season. 12 of those fighters were immediately coming to the UFC from LFA with no stop in between. That number includes Greg Hardy who had every amateur fight in LFA. The other promotions that pop up? Bellator (!), Brave FC, Valor Fights, Alliance MMA, Phoenix FC, Hex Fighting Series, CXF and CFFC. Over half of the signings came straight from LFA to the DWTCS and that number balloons if you extend it to, say, "fought in LFA within their last three fights before the Contenders Series." In many ways this really isn't much of an issue since LFA is the top regional organization in the world. It's also worth remembering that Mick Maynard probably knows more about every single fighter who has ever walked into one of those shows than he does any other organization. He may know a guy like Ryan Spann better than any fighter on the UFC roster to be entirely honest. This is more about the underlying issues when it comes to MMA organizations OUTSIDE of just LFA.  This sport needs a healthy group of regional organizations producing top talent at a healthy enough clip to keep the UFC and Bellator beasts alive. Bellator can't survive just on whatever California based amateur wrestler they've signed or whatever SBG flunky they can bring in. The UFC can't survive just on whatever Alexis Davis based Brazilians and LFA champions they rack up. The sport needs to have a healthy stream of places for young fighters to fight, get paid and get experience. LFA only holds so many shows a year and as such, we need to always be cognizant of whether or not there are alternatives out there for fighters to make it to the UFC. Clemson and Georgia and Bama don't deliver EVERY NFL prospect to the NFL; you gotta have options for guys.
There will always be snubs
Rule of life for ya boys and gals; There will always be competent folks left out of jobs when the number of capable applicants outweighs the number of open positions. It was said that in season one of Dana White's Contenders Series, the UFC went into it unaware of how good the show would be and as such had a limited number of open slots available for signees. Per twitter scribes like Nolan King, they went into this season signing LESS talents because they knew the Contenders Series would take up a much larger portion of talents. Even so, there's still going to be folks who leave disappointed they didn't get signed. For instance dudes like Chris Curtis, Austin Vanderford, Julian Erosa and Dontale Mayes off the top of my head were quality fighters who didn't earn themselves deals. Don't get caught up in who did and didn't get signed because the agitation is not worth the effort. Just accept that snubs will happen and take solace in the fact that a snub just means you're going to get a short notice call eventually. If anything, the snubs from Season One created quite a few promising prospects for Season Two.
This is an unsustainable product
MMA scribes always love to talk about NEW and FRESH ideas as if those translate to money. We've seen the PFL's NEW AND FRESH idea struggle to generate an impact with the MMA consensus. Bellator's ratings are way down with "NEW AND FRESH" tournaments all over the place (and by the by, since when are tournaments new and fresh) and the Contender Series is the latest NEW AND FRESH idea people are gaga about. Dana White at the end of Season Two made what I think was the most honest statement of all the honest statements we got during the Contender Series. When asked about doing more of these on ESPN, he made it clear that they pretty much drain what they feel is the talent pool and as such, they need to let a year go to build them back up. Eventually we're going to hit a year where there won't be an immediate build up of talent on the regional circuit to put all the great fights on. Eventually there's going to be a season where you don't average nearly four finishes an episode across eight weeks. Things will eventually hit a rough patch because that's life in MMA.
We also need to accept that the value of MMA is in its quantity, not its quality. We've seen that quality fights don't do the numbers you'd expect them SO a large percentage of what is "value" is in the sheer scheduling. I hate to hurt the feelings of "LESS IS MORE!" people but the brand of MMA lives on not its immediate impact but it's impact over a 364 day stretch. The UFC doesn't do a 40+ event a year schedule because it wants to but because networks pay when you do it. "Make sure every fight feels special" sure SOUNDS awesome and great until you squint, look at your schedule and realize that to make big money in this biz, you need to almost be omnipotent on a spiritual level. Can't do that with an eight week stretch where every fight MEANS something. My suggestion is to just enjoy the Contender Series as it is and not get caught up in trying to make everything into the Contender Series.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Inside the journey of Notre Dame's David Adams and life after football
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/ncaa-football/inside-the-journey-of-notre-dames-david-adams-and-life-after-football/
Inside the journey of Notre Dame's David Adams and life after football
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The magic is in his story now, in the climb that couldn’t reignite the smothered dream but perhaps launched something even better.
Even if it looks and feels like limbo at the moment.
Four months in the NCAA transfer portal for former Notre Dame linebacker David Adams produced curiosity from three Power 5 schools and slightly more than that from roughly half the schools in the Mid-American Conference and a handful of programs from the FCS.
During that same stretch, he also muscled up impressively, completed his final 10 hours of coursework for his ND degree in business as an Econ major and contracted COVID-19 twice in a 90-day span — the reinfection in April serious enough to send Adams to the hospital twice.
► More:Notre Dame athletes embrace NIL opportunities on first day of new NCAA policy
► More:Notebook: For Notre Dame OC Rees, the summer push to get better starts with himself
A litany of injuries that coaxed Adams to accept a medical disqualification at the end of his freshman year, before he could ever take a snap in a college game, was also the lingering reality that ended the comeback and prompted Adams to remove himself from the portal without a landing spot on June 14.
The original inventory of ailments Adams brought with him from Pittsburgh Central Catholic High included multiple concussions, a torn labrum of each shoulder, a torn elbow ligament, a torn medial collateral ligament in his knee, cracked knee cartilage, a knee hyperextension that required surgery, patellar tendinitis and four broken fingers.
That doesn’t count breaking both ankles during his AAU basketball days.
“I both wanted to try the comeback and needed to do it,” Adams said. “Wanted to, because I love football. I love the game. I love making tackles. I love playing defense.
“I needed to, because whether it was actually going to happen or it wasn’t, I’d get closure on this chapter in my life. If it didn’t work out, I’d get closure at the very least.”
What comes next is what the 4-for-40 mantra that Notre Dame bakes into its recruiting pitch really looks like in the real world in real time.
The gift in Adams having it thrust upon him at age 20 and reinforced at age 23 is his reaction to it.
The uncertainty of tomorrow doesn’t bother him, because the resolve and ambition that have been building inside of him are being channeled this summer into something truly inspiring.
“I’ve been stuttering my entire life,” Adams said. “Before I go looking for a job, I’m giving it my full attention. I’ve never had the time to do that before. I have it now and the belief I can overcome it.
“That’s my No. 1 focus right now. Well, that and my golf game.”
He’s working with Arthur Joseph, a renowned author, teacher, communication strategist and voice coach.
“I know it’s not going to go away overnight,” Adams said. “I’m just hoping I’m going to gain some more control for now. 
“There’s a lot of people who have had it. Joe Biden. Tiger Woods had a stutter. Shaquille O’Neal had a stutter. He told stories about when he was in school, where he’d be called on to read and he couldn’t get any of his words out, and everyone would just laugh at him.
“I know how that feels. I also know it can be overcome. It’s time to give it everything I have.”
What might have been
On a November Friday night in 2015, with a road game at Pitt set for the next day, Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly and four assistant coaches clustered on the sideline to be seen at — every bit as much as to see — Pittsburgh Central Catholic’s WPIAL Class AAAA home playoff game with Upper St. Clair.
The targets of their efforts were Adams, at the time a junior and ranked as one of the top five linebackers nationally by Rivals and third by 247Sports, and senior defensive back Damar Hamlin, who’d eventually land at Pitt. 
Emerging as another player of interest following the 49-0 romp by PCC was an unheralded three-star defensive lineman named Kurt Hinish.
To put in perspective of what an ascending prospect Adams was at the time, the Irish allocated just one assistant — then-QBs coach Mike Sanford — to venture 20 miles north to Pine-Richland High School that same night to scout a vaunted sophomore QB named Phil Jurkovec, to whom the Irish offered a scholarship the very next day.
Adams verbally committed to the Irish the following March, and Hinish two days later. 
“I love my hometown, but I wanted to get out of my box,” Adams said. “I wanted to take the hard road. I wanted to challenge myself athletically and academically. I wanted to grow as a person.
“I had never been to Indiana until I took a visit there. I didn’t even know … I just heard it was a bunch of cornfields.
“And it is a bunch of cornfields — and so much more.”
In the fall of 2016, though, Adams’ preferred hard road took on added and unwelcome dimensions. The injuries began to accrue during his high school senior season, and he played right through them and the pain that came with them.
He did so to the point where Pittsburgh Steelers head orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Bradley, upon examining Adams, said that he had been misdiagnosed and that one of his shoulders was actually “hanging by a thread.”
The consensus top 100 prospect nationally, unsurprisingly, began to fade in the recruiting rankings. By the time he signed with the Irish in February of 2017, Adams was a three-star prospect.
By the time he enrolled at Notre Dame in June, he was a constant in the Irish football training room, seeking treatment, rehab and hope. When the 2017 season rolled around, he not only didn’t play, he wasn’t even allowed to suit up for the games.
Over the next few months, head athletic trainer Rob Hunt, team physician Dr. Matt Leiszler, special teams coach Brian Polian and defensive coordinator Clark Lea each pulled Adams aside and tried to gauge if he really wanted to continue to try to play football.
Each time it took him aback a little bit. But when Kelly brought Adams into his office for a one-on-one at the end of his freshman spring semester, in 2018, it had a different vibe to it.
“He pretty much said the player he recruited out of high school would have played a lot of football for us,” Adams related. “But, he said, ‘Your body has changed a lot since then, and I’m worried about your health.’ 
“That was very hard for me to hear, knowing everything I had put in since I was a young kid. I finally get to this high level, and I wanted to go even higher.
“I obviously had NFL aspirations, All-American aspirations, everything. But to hear that after my freshman spring ball was very difficult, because it wasn’t something where he says to me, ‘You’re just not playing good. You need to step it up.’ 
“In that case, I adapt, I get better. In this case, there wasn’t a whole lot I could do, because of my body. So it was tough.”
Adams stayed home that summer, not sure he’d ever be back.
“They left it open — ‘We would love to have you back’ and ‘you’re always welcome’ — that type of stuff,” Adams said. “But that summer was very hard. 
“Then I came back in the fall. Initially I didn’t plan on going around the football team. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, but I thought it would be too hard emotionally. After I got back, I realized it was even harder to be away from it. 
“I’ll always remember this. When I got back my sophomore year, I heard the band playing one day. And it was just like, ‘Wow, I’m back here. All my dreams are now shot. I don’t really know what to do. It’s hard being here and hard being away. But it’s harder being away from football.’
“So I decided I definitely wanted to go back and help out any way I can and hang with all my good friends.”
During Notre Dame’s 2018 playoff run Adams, then a sophomore, attended every practice and every home game. He watched film and made breakout tapes of ND’s opponents for Lea and senior defensive analyst Nick Lezynski.
He’d help oversee the scout team defense in practice. He’d help organize meetings.
“David was a throwback, in a sense,” Kelly reflected last week. “He was a downhill, knock-you-in-the-mouth linebacker. That’s how he played the game. So to have the game pulled from him so early in his career, a lot of people can’t handle the void. 
“On top of that, David had to deal with his speech impediment. He already had a challenge in front of him as it was. And I don’t know that there’s anybody I’ve ever met that has handled it quite as well as David did, given all the things that could and probably did go against him.”
Making a difference
The function of medical disqualifications/hardships is to allow players to remain on scholarship and finish their education without it counting against the team’s 85-max scholarship limit imposed by the NCAA.
It’s college football’s Mulligan.
But Adams never personified that. He counted and mattered off the field, and at a particularly critical juncture.
In 2016, the Irish cratered and went 4-8. Kelly responded with a coaching staff makeover, lots of self-reflection and a reboot of his entire philosophies when it came to the way he related to his players and how he ran his program.
None of which plays well in the cut-throat recruiting arena.
After wide receiver Michael Young’s July 20, 2016, verbal commitment, the Irish whiffed on every opportunity to add to the class through the end of the second-losingest season in Notre Dame history.
There were also a Kelly Era-high six decommitments in the cycle, including linebacker Pete Werner and cornerback Paulson Adebo, eventual stars at Ohio State and Stanford, respectively. Over the other 11 completed recruiting cycles the Irish have had 15 decommitments combined.
“Decommitting never crossed my mind,” Adams said. “I knew what Notre Dame had to offer and it’s sports, you know. Everybody has bad years. And so it was, ‘Ok, they’re having a bad year. I’m sure they might make some changes in the offseason.’ I didn’t waver at all. 
“I know some guys, who are on the team now and who have already graduated, and a few of them did waver a little bit. And me, along with others, tried our best to hold it together.
“I believe I was the first defensive commit in the class, so I took pride in trying to hold things together, making sure we got the best class possible.”
They also helped reverse the momentum late in the cycle.
Notre Dame broke the drought with the December commitment of offensive lineman Aaron Banks and closed with six commitments in the final week before signing day. Three of them, including future All-American Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, made their decisions on the actual National Signing Day, in February.
Four years later, the group reached graduation day with the same number of losses in four years combined as the 2016 team amassed in one (8). With it, that class helped fashion 43 wins and the first two playoff appearances in Notre Dame history.
And on Nov. 7, they played their part in upending No. 1 Clemson, 47-40 in double-overtime, at Notre Dame Stadium for the first victory by the Irish over a top-ranked team in 27 years.
“The memories are special — I’m glad I have those,” Adams said. “The people are even more special. Coach (Mike) Elston, coach Kelly. There are so many of them. They make a difference in who you become. Now I want to do that for other people.
“I don’t know what that’s going to look like yet, but I know my decision to come to Notre Dame was the right one. Football was my Plan A. My Plan B — if it doesn’t work out — I have an economics degree from one of the best universities in the world. I couldn’t go wrong either way. 
“I wanted Plan A more than anything, but I ended up getting Plan B. So yeah, I’m happy. Going to Notre Dame is going to help me in a lot of ways in my life — with opportunities. Our alumni are very strong in helping each other out. 
“The beautiful thing is when you know you have people in your corner. It makes you feel like you can still dream and accomplish anything.”
Follow ND Insider Eric Hansen on Twitter: @ehansenNDI
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calacuspr · 3 years
Calacus Weekly Hit & Miss – Kiyan Prince & Liverpool FC
Every Monday we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the previous week.
Kiyan Prince was young teenager with significant footballing talent who played in the youth academy at Queens Park Rangers.
His life was tragically cut short in 2006 when he was murdered as he tried to break up a fight at school. Sadly, his potential was never realised.
To mark the 15th anniversary of his death, Kiyan is fulfilling the life dream he should have been allowed to achieve.
As a result of an incredible initiative called ‘Long Live the Prince’ led by the Kiyan Prince Foundation, Kiyan has been brought back to life into the virtual world.
By using a combination of AI technology and old photos, a lifelike image of Kiyan has been developed to generate how he would look like today. The campaign has been orchestrated by the likes of QPR, EA Sports and other major brands including Adidas and JD sports who are now supporting it.
He has also been recreated as a playable character for QPR in the world’s most popular sports game, FIFA 21. Match Attax will also issue a special Kiyan Prince playing card.
Elsewhere, a short film has been created to help vulnerable young people engage with the key principles of the Foundation across social and earned media, along with a series of ads fronted by virtual Kiyan in the media, social media and advertising, including at the billboards in Piccadilly Circus.
This campaign is one that brings so much positivity to light. It has gained considerable media coverage through the press and online sources through the brands involved.
But the real impact of this campaign comes from the use of unconventional PR techniques, which target an audience who probably wouldn’t see it via traditional means.
By using something as big as FIFA 21, a game played by millions of children, to bring an issue like knife crime to the forefront of their attention, is so effective.
Kiyan’s father, Dr Mark Prince, who set up the Foundation in 2008, and was awarded an OBE in 2019 for his charity work through the Foundation, believes the campaign’s brilliance lies in the way it is helping to inspire young people.
He said: “I want my son to be remembered not for the tragedy of his death but for the triumph of his achievements. Through this campaign my hope is that the world finally gets to glimpse Kiyan’s incredible potential fulfilled.
“We get to honour his talent. And, hopefully, we can inspire other kids to honour their won talent, too – whatever their own strengths might be.”
All proceeds raised during the campaign will go straight to supporting the work of the Foundation; raising awareness for the dangers of knife crime and helping young people fulfil their potential.
Having renamed Loftus Road in honour of the Kiyan Prince Foundation in 2019, the collaboration was an obvious next step for QPR. 2021 would been Kiyan’s 30th birthday and his former club have listed him as an official squad member, giving him the squad number ‘30’ for the 2021/22 season and have added him to all matchday programme team sheets. A lovely touch from the Championship side.
Paul Morrissey, QPR Head of Media and Communications said: “We are very keen to help support this campaign. It’s such a wonderful innovative idea and it’s really reaching the people that Mark’s work tries to reach.
“This campaign is creating a conversation around who Kiyan is and within the FIFA 21 game we wanted Kiyan to be a player that people would want in their team.”
In such a challenging period for so many people, this campaign is built on hope, optimism and collaboration, shining some positivity on what can happen when major brands work together.
It’s not only honouring the life of Kiyan but sending a powerful message on the issue of knife crime, the role of sport in helping change the lives of young people, as well as the vital the work of the foundation.
A fitting tribute to Kiyan. Long Live the Prince.
There’s a lot to like about Liverpool FC.
Even before their charismatic manager Jurgen Klopp too over and guided them to the Champions League and Premier League titles, they have been renowned for a culture of community and inclusivity.
Just as with some of the other biggest clubs in the Premier League, their values and reputation have taken something of a knock after they initially joined the ESL.
One thing Liverpool have prided themselves on is looking after their own, so it’s a surprise to see their own internal communications fall short with regard to the Women’s team player contracts.
Kirsty Linnett and Becky Jane have criticised the club after learning that contracts they had been offered were being retracted.
Linnet posted on Twitter: “My time at Liverpool has come to an end... I have seen a lot of similar experiences to what I have explained below in women’s football recently.
“Something needs to change, people need to be treated better, it’s not good enough.
“"It would have been nice if someone from the club had the decency to tell me that they were retracting the contract offer they'd previously sent my agent.
"I felt that after three years the least I deserved was a face to face meeting the moment they knew they wanted to let me go.
"Football is football but where does this stop? I've no hard feeling with being let go, it's part of the game.
"What upsets me is the club support campaigns for mental health yet treat their own players with such little regard and respect.
"Let's hope clubs can do better by their players during these difficult times and act with more care for the people involved as manners and morals cost nothing."
Linnett makes a strong and reasonable statement about the communications lapse from the club, which was compounded by her team-mate Becky Jane.
Defender Jane wrote: “Unfortunately, similar to @kirsty_linnett the club have retracted my contract offer in a similar way.
“As female footballers with zero security as it is; the least we deserve is to be treated better and with respect. It takes nothing to be kind.”
Liverpool, who were relegated from the Women's Super League in 2019-20, finished third in the Women's Championship this season.
They re-appointed former boss Matt Beard as their new boss last week and the manager has been making decisions on his squad for next season.
The club did at least make a statement in response to the players’ claims and said: "Like all professional clubs, Liverpool Women are in the process of compiling their retained and released list for the forthcoming season.
"With the players two weeks into their off season holidays, the club has been informing all affected players of decisions as early as possible. With players contracted until the end of June this gives them the best possible chance of securing new clubs and making plans for next season. Players' agents have also been informed as is standard practice.”
Although the response is polished, the fact that not one but two players have spoken out like this underlines the shortcomings in Liverpool’s internal communications activity.
Clear and consistent communication is essential, particularly in relation to staff departures to limit the sense of shock or anger that those affected may feel when being let go.
There’s also a strong argument that this lack of communication would not occur for the Men’s team and no doubt Liverpool will undertake a review to ensure no such repeat of this in future.
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pavspatch · 3 years
How the football rich have got richer
THE saying that money can't buy happiness but makes misery easier to bear is particularly true in football. While fortunes are easily wasted on the wrong type of player or big contracts for fading stars, in general the rich will always do better than the poor.
If my years of researching and covering the non-league game have taught me anything, it's that clubs only talk of youth policies and "bringing the kids through" when they're struggling financially. If they have the funds, they buy the finished article.
That's why the Premier League elite work so hard to make sure they get by far the biggest cut of the cake, if not virtually all of it, leaving only crumbs for the also-rans.
Operation Big Picture, which caused such a frenzy last month, was only the latest idea in a string of "reforms" that have continually increased the power and wealth that lies in the hands of the biggest outfits.
While there have always been rich clubs and poor clubs, and a big-city side is going to be richer than a provincial equivalent, you could argue that the abolition of the maximum wage in 1961 was what started the widening of the gulf. Quite clearly, an Arsenal or an Everton would find it easier to manage the increase in salaries than Ipswich or Sheffield United.
Move on 22 years, and we come to the change in the way gate-money was apportioned. Pre-1983, the home team received 70 per cent of admission money, the away team got 20 per cent, and the remaining 5 per cent was levied by the Football League. Since 1983, the home club has taken 96 per cent with the visitors only able to reclaim some administrative costs.
That may seem fair, but think about it. Manchester United are getting 96 per cent of 75,000 every home match. Brighton, if they're lucky, will get 96 per cent of 30,000. It's quite plain which way the money is going.
You can see the effect of this change by looking at title wins. In the Sixties, eight clubs won the championship. In the Seventies, it was five with one of them being Nottingham Forest. In 28 Premier League seasons only six clubs have taken the title.
In 1992, the Premier League was established to put even more cash in the pockets of the juggernauts. A few years later the European Cup was converted into the curiously named Champions League — which was no longer the sole province of champions — so that the Continent's biggest clubs were almost guaranteed a place. Qualifying groups made it even more difficult for smaller sides to progress.
The Cup-winners' Cup was dispensed with and the UEFA Cup, which was once such a hotly-contested competition as it featured ambitious title-challengers, has been much diminished in status as the Europa League.
Throughout this "evolution" the motivation has always been money and its engine has been the constant threat of breakaways. Big English clubs threatened breakaways until they got the Premier League. Now, many of those protesting clubs have been left behind in the slipstream of Manchester City, United, Chelsea and a few others.
Between 2000 and 2008 Europe had the closed shop that was the G14, which later expanded to 18. Membership was by invitation only and it was established to provide the biggest clubs with a unified voice in negotiations with Fifa and Uefa. It successfully lobbied for a new deal over the release of players for internationals and a "fair" share of proceeds from the World Cup and European Championships.
What about getting a rich benefactor? Well that depends. Somebody like Jack Walker, who was extremely wealthy and made such a difference to Blackburn 25 years ago, wouldn't really cut it now. His millions wouldn't compare with those of Manchester City's Sheikh Mansour, and even in the 1990s Rovers were effectively one-season wonders. They were unable to keep spending at the necessary level for a prolonged period of time.
This element of football finance was put into perspective by Bob Ratcliffe when he appeared on the much-missed BBC Radio 5 Live programme "Sportsweek" a year ago. Ratcliffe, who is one of the richest men in the UK, heads the football division for Ineos which is owned by his brother, Sir Jim Ratcliffe.
Ineos, which is perhaps best known for taking over the Sky cycling team, recently bought Nice FC. When asked why the company saw French football as a better option than a Premier League club, Bob Ratcliffe answered: “We looked at a lot of clubs in the premiership, including Newcastle United, but you come back to a valuation in the hundreds of millions and it’s very difficult to contemplate.
“In the UK you couldn’t play Champions League football through Newcastle without spending what you’ve paid for the club every year in transfers. So you rationalise that. In France we pay a fraction of that and you’ve got three Champions League places.”
Ratcliffe went on to add that the only Champions League certainty in France is Paris St Germain. The other places are up for grabs.
So where does all this leave us? Will there be another breakaway by the richest clubs, possibly to form a European elite league? Would people watch it? It's easy to scoff at the idea but the super- inflated prices charged by Premier League clubs don't seem to have dulled demand.
A few years ago the cheapest ticket available for Manchester City fans wanting to watch their team at Arsenal was around £65. This caused a Sunday afternoon discussion on 5 Live in which the answer to the question "how can a club get away with charging so much?" was "because people are prepared to pay".
Things might change if enough viewers decide they are no longer willing to pay BT and Sky subscriptions. But it's hard to see a time when the richest clubs are forced to loosen their grip on the game.
**It's worth noting that Sky have played a key part in helping the rich clubs get richer. Much of the Premier League's wealth is based on the Sky TV deal. The original rights contract, in 1992, cost £304 million over five years. In 2018 Sky and BT paid nearly £4.464 billion for a three-year deal.
If Sky are opposed to the European Super League they're quite possibly crying crocodile tears. They have done as much as anyone to create the chasm in English football.
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junker-town · 3 years
Each MLS team in 2021, previewed by the experts who know them best
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Previewing the new MLS season by the people who know their teams best.
MLS enters its 26th season still trying to figure out exactly what it is, but probably stronger than it ever has been before in terms of its standing on the world stage. No, it’s not yet a “league of choice” — something Commissioner Don Garber has long promised — but it is financially stable and competitive from top to bottom, something few other leagues anywhere can boast right now.
Once considered a bit of a retirement league, MLS continues to bring in more and more international-quality players either in the primes of their careers or on the upswing. They’ve also got three new stadiums opening this year, one of which will house a brand new team.
We reached out to our team blogs — and a few other subject experts — to explain why their teams are worth watching this year.
Eastern Conference
Atlanta United
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For all the completely understandable reasons that Atlanta United fans may have checked out last season, this may be a season in which fans can’t look away. Everything about the team feels reinvigorated, from the coaching staff to the new and returning players. Atlanta United set a low bar after failing to reach the playoffs in a season in which 10 (!) teams from each conference qualified. The season may not be an instant success from day one in terms of results, but it should be a highly entertaining product on the field.
Josef Martinez is poised to make his return, George Bello could have a breakout season under new head coach Gabriel Heinze and Ezequiel Barco will be itching to show teams in Europe his quality. Why shouldn’t you be excited? Even if the team doesn’t win any trophies, Atlanta United’s tactical setup and philosophy should be exciting enough in itself to make this season so much more fun than 2020. Oh yeah, and there’s the whole thing about fans potentially returning to stadiums across the league. - Joe Patrick, Dirty South Soccer
Chicago Fire
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Gaston Gimenez and Alvaro Medran gave the Fire one of the best midfield combos in MLS last season. They’re both back, and they both have a year of experience in MLS under their belts. Playing in front of them will likely be Luka Stojanovic, who played all of 60 minutes in 2020 before a season ending knee injury. Stojanovic should provide both a scoring punch, and more creativity in the attack, two things he was signed to add before his injury. Mauricio Pineda, who went from Homegrown signing, to the team’s leader in minutes played, to the Fire’s Defender of the Year, should continue to improve in 2021. Veteran Johan Kappelhof is back after an injury plagued 2020, looks as fit as ever, and may actually see time in defensive midfield. And Robert Beric, who was one of the hottest strikers in MLS at the end of last season, should pick up where he left off in 2021.
Last season was a mess at times, and the team didn’t put together many complete, 90 minute performances. This season will be different for the Fire. As defender Miguel Navarro said recently, “This year, there aren’t any excuses.” - Patrick McCraney, Hot Time in Old Town
FC Cincinnati
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FC Cincinnati has got just about everything you need for an entertaining season. They’ve got some of the biggest crowds in the league, passionate and loud fans willing their team on. They’ve got a brand new home with the team opening up their very own stadium in the historic West End neighborhood in the center of the city. The club’s got some of the flashiest and most expensive attacking talent in the league in the likes of Brenner and Lucho Acosta. And, finally FC Cincy has that bit of dysfunction that you need to keep everybody on their toes.
Look, the team’s got the talent potential to legitimately be a good team in MLS. But that’s only come with the team’s own self-inflicted hardships. That means that, while it’s hard to make predictions, it’s definitely safe to say that the club is going to have its ups and downs. Success will come down to whether the team can make that dance on that precarious line between success and catastrophe. Fans will certainly be hoping the team lands on the right side of that line. But however it ends, it’s going to be quite the trip. - Adnan Ilyas
Columbus Crew
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The easy answer for why to watch the Crew is that the team is the defending MLS Cup champions. What makes the Black & Gold even more exciting is that they managed to improve over the offseason. The Crew’s offense was already fun to watch with MLS Cup MVP Lucas Zelarayan, U.S. international Gyasi Zardes and Portuguese winger Pedro Santos, but Columbus added one of the top scorers in MLS history in Bradley Wright-Phillips and winger Kevin Molino.
The team also became deeper with acquisitions of Perry Kitchen in the midfield to go along with Darlington Nagbe and Artur and Marlon Hairston to back up Harrison Afful at right back. It’s hard to win an MLS Cup and get better but it very much looks like the Crew did just that this offseason. - Patrick Murphy, Massive Report
Inter Miami
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You should keep an eye out for Inter Miami this year because of settled expectations. After years of controversy around rushed stadium plans, an overhyped transfer mindset, and a rushed roster; Miami are ready to settle in.
Miami’s shine wore off quickly last season. The David Beckham owned and marketed squad never seemed comfortable under Diego Alonso. The Uruguayan coach was quickly sacked after the team’s tenth place finish.
In comes Phil Neville, to no one’s surprise, and now Beckham has his man and no excuses. The ex-Juventus duo of Gonzalo Higuain and Blaise Matuidi should be more motivated than ever after uncharacteristically poor seasons. A long offseason can only do two well-seasoned… - Josh Sutter
CF Montreal
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Sporting Director, Olivier Renard has been successful previously in Belgium with player recruitment. With each of KV Mechelen and more especially Standard Liege, he generated significant profits from recruiting, shrewdly, players that each club was able to develop and sell-on at significant profit.
The Belgian is optimistic about the new season and feels confident CF Montreal will make progress. Although fans and media may still express doubt over the quality of the new workforce, one thing that everyone agrees on is that Renard’s prudence has ensured more than adequate cover for every position. He’s also recruited players for similar positions with differing attributes, providing greater flexibility of systems for the coach. - Paul Vance, Mount Royal Soccer
Nashville SC
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After a successful inaugural season that saw the Boys in Gold reach the MLS Cup Eastern Conference Semifinals, Nashville SC is back looking to build on its success and establish themselves as a contender for the foreseeable future.
SC had a phenomenal year defensively allowing .96 goals a game, the best mark by an expansion team in MLS history. Nashville was also third in goals allowed with 22, and SC has one of the better backlines in MLS led by centerbacks Dave Romney, Walker Zimmerman, the reigning MLS Defender of the Year, and keeper Joe Willis who at age 33 had the best season of his career.
With a strong backline allowing for more chances on the offensive end, expect Nashville SC to challenge for a top-five regular season finish in the Eastern Conference. - Zachary Junda
New England Revolution
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The New England Revolution are coming off a disappointing loss in the Eastern Conference Finals. The only way they can be pleased with their performance in 2021 is by making the MLS Cup.
New England actually improved their squad with the acquisitions of Arnor Traustason, Christian Mafla, and Wilfrid Kaptoum. The Revs also have key players like Matt Turner, Henry Kessler, and Tajon Buchanan along with DP’s Carles Gil and Gustavo Bou returning to the squad.
In 2020 Revs fans saw just how much Gil means to the club. Once he returned from injury the club looked completely different. They had their heart and soul back on the pitch.
This season New England should compete for an MLS Cup. With how deep the squad is there should be plenty of goals scored and some exciting soccer being played throughout the 2021 season. - Sam Minton, The Bent Musket
New York City FC
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What NYCFC lack in star power, they more than make up for in fundamentally sound role players and younger guys who are beginning to show exactly how high their ceilings really are. Maxi Moralez is one of the more fun playmakers in the league to watch. James Sands is a stud Homegrown defensive midfielder and will probably be moving to Europe sooner rather than later. And Anton Tinnerholm is by far the best right back in the league.
Another fun tidbit is that as of right now, New York City has two free Designated Player slots. This means there is the potential of some eye-opening additions once the summer window opens. Even if they aren’t the best in the league — or even their conference — right out of the gate, there are few MLS clubs with higher upside than NYCFC. - Christian Smith, Hudson River Blue
New York Red Bulls
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The Red Bulls have never been more committed to the energy drink soccer philosophy than they will be this season. Former Salzburg academy and reserves manager Gerhard Struber was recruited from Barnsley by Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz personally, and former Wolverhampton Wanderers sporting director Kevin Thelwell has brought in a diverse array of young signings for him to pursue an extreme high-press scheme with.
The Red Bulls will continue to disappoint fans seeking Hollywood signings, but the specific attributes and profiles sought out by the club’s new technical leadership promise to give the team a coherent and dynamic tactical approach. It’s an approach that could potentially run other MLS teams off the field, the way New York did in the Supporters Shield-winning campaigns of not too long ago. - Ben Cork, Once a Metro
Orlando City
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Simply put, Orlando City are fun. They play an exciting brand of possession-based soccer, typically building out of the back but perfectly willing to have Robin Jansson or Oriol Rosell send a long ball out wide to catch the opposition napping and create a quick transition opportunity.
Up and down the roster, there are exciting players at almost every position. That starts with Nani, the one-time Portugal international. Daryl Dike was a revelation at forward last season. Chris Mueller is a hard-working and creative player with a motor that only runs at full power. Pereyra is a sorcerer with the ball because, as Falcon says, a sorcerer is a wizard without a hat. And let’s not forget Ruan’s (and Benji Michel’s) blazing speed, Junior Urso’s passion, Pedro Gallese’s highlight saves, or Moutinho’s magical crosses. - Michael Citro, The Mane Land
Toronto FC
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On paper, Toronto FC are still projected to be one of the best teams in MLS, led of course by the reigning MVP: Alejandro Pozuelo. Michael Bradley is expected to contribute more offensively than in years past, while Jozy Altidore appears to have bought in to new head coach Chris Armas’ vision, as he’s apparently working hard and pushing others in training in hopes of bouncing back after a disappointing 2021 campaign.
The club is also extremely high on some of their young Canadian talent, like Ayo Akinola — the league-leader in goals per 90 last season — Jayden Nelson, Ralph Priso, and Jahkeele Marshall-Rutty, as TFC arguably boast the best prospect cupboard in all of MLS. The youngsters are expected to earn quite a few minutes under Armas, which should be intriguing to fans who have been waiting to see what some of their local talent could do. - Michael Singh, Waking the Red
Western Conference
Austin FC
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If preseason is any indicator of how this team will approach the offensive side of the game, and goals on goals on goals is your kind of thing, then Austin FC may just be worth it. Austin has shown they’re willing to attack, throw numbers forward and certainly not lacking in any creative ideas at the moment.
Austin hasn’t lacked in finding goals during the first two pre-season games against Houston and Dallas (total of 5 goals scored) and are finding their offensive joy from everyone across the attacking line. Plus, you just never know when Matthew McConaughey is going to make some kind of cameo. - Jason Poon
Colorado Rapids
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Last season, MLS adjusted the playoff qualifications more or less for the Rapids since they would be playing significantly fewer games due to a COVID-19 outbreak within the club. Despite playing just 18 games in 2020 (every other team in the conference played 21-23), Colorado still made the playoffs the old-fashioned way: overall points. Sure, they didn’t look great and got bounced in the first round by Minnesota United, but they finished the season on a three-game winning streak AND won the Rocky Mountain Cup for the first time since 2015.
The front office may not have signed a DP in the offseason like fans wanted, but without losing any key players and only bringing in more talent, spirits should be high in what will hopefully be Robin Fraser’s first full regular season as head coach. If things go how they’ve been trending over the past season and a half, the Rapids will do well and make it to post-season again. - Abbie Mood Lang, Burgundy Wave
FC Dallas
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Normally it would be the Homegrown players and which ones will be next up. But after transfers for Reggie Cannon and Bryan Reynolds last season, it appears that while the pipeline of academy talent is still there for FC Dallas it may be their young South American talent that is more intriguing this season to keep an eye out on. Jadar Obrian was the leading scoring in the Colombian top flight last year, while Freddy Vargas appears to be a dead-ball specialist on the wing that the club has lacked since the departure of veteran defender Reto Ziegler.
If they can tie it all together with the Homegrowns like Jesus Ferreira, Tanner Tessmann, Ricardo Pepi and a returning Paxton Pomykal, this club could make some serious noise in MLS. - Drew Epperley, Big D Soccer
Houston Dynamo
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You will want to tune in to Dynamo games because there really is no telling what is going to happen. Houston can look like an unbeatable juggernaut at times when they are playing at home and other times when on the road, they will look like a group of guys who just learned how to play the sport. You’ll also want to watch Dynamo games to see that maturation of Tab Ramos as a coach and how his tactics and system begin to become ingrained in this team.
They may not be the best team, heck, they might not even be that good, but Ramos is going to have them playing his way and playing hard. The Dynamo are on the path to becoming a relevant team again and at times it may not be pretty, but you’re going to see a team learning, growing, and becoming the embodiment of their manager out on the field. - Dustyn Richardson, Dynamo Theory
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This is the most exciting team to watch in MLS, period. If you’re a neutral, you’ll love the goalfests that LAFC frequently are involved in. They not only score a ton themselves, but two of the last three seasons have also conceded bucketloads. You know how every coach who has an introductory press conference says, “We want to play exciting, attacking, front-foot soccer”? That’s what this team does. It can be nervy for fans, but it’s also fun to root for a team that can seems capable of scoring four goals against any opponent.
Beyond the goals and the high-octane style, LAFC have a growing group of young and young-ish talent from around the world that is showing just how successful the club’s scouting network has been thus far. Yes, they’ve struggled to get the 3rd Designated Player right, and their current one, Brian Rodriguez, may or may not return from his current loan to the Spanish second flight, but when the first choice XI is available they are a ton of fun to watch and they are rightly considered title contenders in 2021. - Alicia Rodriguez, Angels on Parade
LA Galaxy
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There’s been holes in the roster in the past, to be sure, but again, this squad has been better than their performances have shown. If they can be back to their best — if Chicharito can finally find traction in MLS and become a consistent scorer, if Sebastian Lletget can play as well for club as he does for country, if the defense can stop shipping goals, if Jonathan dos Santos can play at Best XI standard again, if Victor Vazquez can stay healthy, if newcomer Samuel Grandsir can have an immediate impact, if a Homegrown player or two emerge to be regular contributors — then they can be near the top of the standings in relatively short order.
It won’t all be fixed overnight, but the combination of Vanney’s arrival and the roster re-tooling, plus hopes of bounce back seasons for several players means there is considerable optimism that the Galaxy have finally turned a page and will be elite again soon. - Alicia Rodriguez, LAG Confidential
Minnesota United
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Minnesota United comes into 2021 off what is by far the club’s best season since entering MLS in 2017 and best since overall their 2012 NASL runner-up season. A Western Conference final appearance, and ultimately late loss, capped off a weird year.
While MNUFC might be lacking a major striker and scoring threat up top, they definitely aren’t lacking in other areas. The Loons’ midfield from front to back is filled with great players and depth. Adrian Heath’s typical 4-2-3-1 and alternate 4-4-2 formations gives Minnesota plenty of options with midfielders Osvaldo Alonso, Jann Gregus, Emanuel Reynoso, Ethan Finlay, Robin Lod, and Hassani Dotson leading the way. Behind them is a stout set of defenders, albeit one that may once again be lacking Ike Opara. However this defense showed in 2020 how capable they can be even without the Ace of the back line on the pitch. And clearing out the look is the 1-2 combination of goalkeepers in Dayne St. Clair and Tyler Miller. That 1-2 punch is surely the deepest set of goalkeepers in the league.
Provided the defense holds its 2020 form and Heath’s squad can create some scoring the Loons could be a threat near the top of the Western Conference and an overall fantastic team to watch in 2021. - Ashle Norling, E Pluribus Loonum
Portland Timbers
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There are plenty of reasons for this, but let’s start with arguably the most important: Sebastian Blanco is back, or at least will be back soon. The best player on the Timbers was absent for the majority of the 2020 regular season, and Portland were still good enough to finish in the top three of the Western Conference. They had one of the best offenses in MLS last regular season without Seba. With Seba, they earned a Concacaf Champions League Tournament appearance thanks to Portland’s victory in the MLS is Back Tournament last August. The prospect of a Timbers squad with Blanco back is exciting in and of itself.
And there are other storylines, too. What’s going on at the No. 9 spot? Jeremy Ebobisse is a talented young player, but are the Timbers going to wind up starting Felip Mora instead? Will Father Time catch up to Diego Valeri and Diego Chara or will they continue to be two of the best in MLS history at their respective positions? Will the defense continue to give up goals in the final 15 minutes? All these questions need answering, and the best way to do so is to watch the Timbers. - Kyle Garcia, Stumptown Footy
Real Salt Lake
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There’s a huge amount of untapped potential here. Albert Rusnak could be a 10-goal, 10-assist player, even if he wasn’t last year; Pablo Ruiz has been a revelation in the midfield; Rubio Rubin might prove a hugely underrated signing; and Bobby Wood could find form again.
The narratives around so many players could prove a level of excitement we haven’t felt in years, and there’s a real chance the team feels untethered from ownership. This could be the year things start to look up again. - Matt Montgomery, RSL Soapbox
San Jose Earthquakes
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In the Matias Almeyda era, games have largely been goal-fests. Beyond that, the Quakes have a self-belief that can sometimes look misguided, but a decade-long track record of coming back in games, plus Almeyda’s ace man management, have combined to make this team believe they are in pretty much any game. Beyond that, Almeyda’s playing style is unique in MLS. A disciple of Marcelo Bielsa, the Earthquakes use a man-marking system and utilizew an incredibly vertical style of play.
They are far more accustomed to chaos than most teams, and while it does fall apart, spectacularly, on occasion, their frantic approach usually unsettles opponents and leads to stretches of beautiful play among the blunt force. If you are a student of tactics then Quakes games are a treat, as you watch the chess match between Almeyda and his opposite number on the other bench. - Alicia Rodriguez, Center Line Soccer
Seattle Sounders
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No MLS team has enjoyed the level of sustained success as the Sounders. They’ve qualified for the playoffs in all 12 of their season, have been to 4 of the past 5 MLS Cup finals and won two league titles since Schmetzer took over midway through 2016. While every season has seen at least some turnover among the starters, this year feels different.
There’s reason for concern, but also reason to be excited. The Sounders have a host of young players who could contend for significant minutes this year and a new primary formation for the first time during their current era. If the Sounders are to continue this run of excellence, it will need to be through evolution. That should make them worth watching. - Jeremiah Oshan, Sounder at Heart
Sporting KC
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It would be easy to list Alan Pulido and Johnny Russell in the attack as one reason for excitement but it might be the number of homegrowns on the roster that is the most interesting. With 10 of 27 players coming from SKC’s Academy, there will be a lot of youth. Academy products Gianluca Busio and Jaylin Lindsay are looking like regular starters and Daniel Salloi, Felipe Hernandez and Cameron Duke seem slated to get regular time so the team will be young.
But it may be Wilson Harris who scored 4 goals in the first three preseason games and scored consistently for SKC II that could be the surprise and have a breakout year. Add in Tyler Freeman, Grayson Barber and Ozzie Cisneros and there could be a youthful revolution in Kansas City for the next couple seasons. And Puldio and Russell in the attack will still be a great reason to watch as well... - Thad Bell, The Blue Testament
Vancouver Whitecaps
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In the absence of an Attacking Midfield talisman, the hope is that Vancouver gets creative with how they create (I know, stick with me). Adding Bruno Gaspar gives the Whitecaps balance at fullback, something they’ve desperately needed. Meanwhile, Deiber Caicedo will complete an all-Colombian winger pairing that Marc Dos Santos has been craving since he first took the job. With these moves, all signs point to a team that is going to spend a lot of time getting busy in wide areas, and that could make for some pretty exciting football. Lurking in the box will be Canadian stallworth Lucas Cavallini. Although last year was tough for the target man, he still scored six goals in a short season, and if the service is even slightly better than last year, there’s no reason he can’t flirt with the 15-goal mark.
Finally, if the defenders and goalkeepers stay healthy, the Whitecaps could have exciting position battles at both spots. Olympic Qualifying standout Derek Cornelius is battling Serbian International Ranko Veselinovic for a place at centerback, while two young Canadians in Max Crepeau and Thomas Hasal will vie for a spot between the sticks. - Sam Rowan, 86 Forever
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
What I’m Watching In The Second Season Of DWTCS
The UFC found a bit of a hit through Dana White's Tuesday Night Contenders Series. It was basically in so many words its own regional promotion, running through the summer there were five fights a week with a winner (or two and in some cases three) getting contracts into the UFC. It worked to restock the shelves at the higher weight classes (Julian Marquez and Karl Roberson had successful debuts, Mike Rodriguez has some upside plus they got two HWs) while giving us a bantamweight or two to get giddy about. In many ways it stripped away the silliness of Lookin' For A Fight and gave us the nitty gritty of seeing a few well known regional guys plus some under the radar prospects getting an opportunity to showcase their stuff.
It's returning this summer across two different continents; a version in the States rumored to be projected for a TV run and a Brazilian version which is apparently going to be pre-taped on Fight Pass. Either way, the format is returning and the awesome folks at MMA-Today have amassed a crazy amount of names, fights and dates. You can take a peek at it yourself here (https://mma-today.com/complete-guide-dana-whites-tuesday-night-contender-series-season-2). Taking a curious little gander at what we've got so far, here's some of the fights I'm really excited to take a look at:
Nick Newell vs TBA
The concept of Nick Newell fighting in the UFC seems hard to believe even at this current point in time. Newell's an inspirational story but also a fighter who was twice (maybe more?) sent home from TUF try outs and had to basically fight his way up the ranks from regional AXS shows to an NBC spot on WSOF. The UFC has always been risk averse when it comes to signings and Newell is a risky venture. Whether he's UFC quality enough is irrelevant compared to whether he can be presented to the UFC audience/sponsors/mainstream TVs in a fair manner. Newell is not a charity case; he's a good fighter worthy of at least this opportunity. I'm mostly curious to see who they match him up with and whether or not it's a lay up or a serious regional lightweight. By this point we know there's no shortage of good lightweights out there looking for work.
Greg Hardy vs Brandon Sayles
Okay. I totally understand the agita and the emotion behind seeing Greg Hardy wearing UFC gloves and getting ready to fight for the DWTCS. Here's the reality though; somebody ultimately was going to take a chance on Greg Hardy. This is a guy who will walk in the door as one of the best athletes in any organization he's involved in. He's simply far too talented and far too controversial to not get this opportunity. I lived through the Greg Hardy saga in 2015 as a Cowboys fan and he's everything they say and then some be it positively or negatively. It's honorable to not want questionable characters in the fine sport of mixed martial arts but to deny the correlation between bad characters and combat sports is a bad idea. The Contender Series, if you're going to take a chance on a Greg Hardy type, is the place to do it. If he works out then you've at least had him test himself vs a pretty decent regional big dude before signing him and you can dip your toe into the waters of public backlash without getting the full assortment. If he loses? You milked his name value to find a HW and pop a number.
Jordan Espinosa vs Riley Dutro
The UFC brought Jordan Espinosa in thinking that he'd be a good filler for Jon Dodson teammate and Jackson-Wink fighter Nick Urso. Espinosa left no doubt who the better fighter was as he dominated Dutro en route to a first round submission win. Espinosa didn't get a shot (likely due to his so so record) but he's getting a second shot to earn a spot. He'ss one of those dudes who carries a journeyman style record at 12-5 but features some good names to suggest he is a UFC quality type of fighter. Wins over CJ Hamilton (another DWTCS guy), the aforementioned Urso and previous TUF 18 prospect Rafael De Freitas. Riley Dutro is riding a seven fight winning streak with 4 straight finishes with some familiar names like Darren Uyenoyama and Yusaku Nakamura.
Maki Pitolo vs. Chibwikem Onyenegecha
So as someone who watches way way too much of Victory FC, I've seen my fair share of Maki Pitolo. He reminds me a bit of a Frank Camacho type fighter; the sort of brawler who can do a little bit of everything and have some exciting fights. I thought Pitolo was for sure on his way to the UFC but then he lost two straight in humiliating fashion to Kassuis Kayne (who he had previously swept) and regional gatekeeper Dakota Cochrane. The tongue twister-y Chibwikem Onyenegecha is an undefeated prospect who is the top protege of former UFC fighter Matt Grice, so much so in fact that Grice helped dude move from Oakland to Oklahoma. He's coming off a brutal finish in LFA.
Kennedy Nzechukwu vs Dennis Bryant
The UFC really wanted to sign Kennedy Nzechukwu going into his first DWTCS appearance. He's a big athletic dude who trains with some UFC quality dudes like Damon Jackson, Stephen Peterson and Alonzo Menifield. His story is unique; an immigrant from Nigeria who fights to care for his mother who is battling Lou Gherig's disease. The problem was he simply didn't perform well enough to actually get a deal from the organization. Now perhaps that's a fault of matchmaking since Anton Berzin was a TUF castmate and had double the experience of Kenneddy Nzechukwu, all in all painting the picture of a dude who survived an opportunity that maybe wasn't ideal for him. He's had a fight since and gets a rebound chance on the second season against a dude who is essentially a filler name. Dennis Bryant is straight out of Alaska Fighting Championship so we made it, fellas.
Antonina Shevchenko vs. Silvana Gómez Juárez
This really doesn't have much to do with Silvana who I don't know a ton about. Instead it has to do with Antonina who is almost a lock to be signed unless she has a total stinker. 125 lbs could use more faces and unlike anybody else, Antonina has some hype coming into the UFC. I don't expect her to be as good as her sister (and competing in the same division as Valentina caps her upside tremendously) but she absolutely has a chance to make the roster with a win.
Juan Adams vs Shawn Teed
I mean let's be fair here; these are big men. Every big man fight on Dana White's Tuesday Night Contenders Series is sort of kind of a big deal given how thin the HW division remains. As such, a fight between Ricardo Almeida product Shawn Teed and LFA's Juan Adams is a fight where the winner stands a better chance at getting a contract over a fight between two great welterweights.
Oscar Cota vs Greg Rabello
One thing the Dana White Tuesday Night Contenders Series spoke openly about was wanting to find a way to incorporate not just American fighters into the mix. Oscar Cota is an interesting attempt to dig into some different areas to find a fighter. Sporting a 10-1 record, Cota's the ultra rare Mexican HW and he was one of the first big names added to the second season. He gets a REALLY tough matchup vs Greg Rabello ho is the sort of tried and tested regional level doughy guy who competed on the first season of the Contenders Series.
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