#if we still exist i can let go of my fear { minnie interactions }
trustinginthelight · 4 years
@deathhumored​ sent: “I made this for you.” / from soph for minnie !
One Hundred Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ | accepting
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“Oh, Soph...” Taking hold of the piece of paper, Minnie’s smile grew before looking up to give her twin her full attention. “It’s beautiful, thank you,” Sophie’s art always came from the heart. A lovely gesture that warmed the elder twin’s own. Gently, she’d place it down beside her before reaching out to embrace Sophie.
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shininginyourlight · 2 years
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selcouthfinch-blog · 6 years
Introducing Moi To The Blogging Community
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Here I am alive, awake and well!
Ready to share with you my nightmare and carousel.
There’s more to my name and vessel
I hope you can see beyond those mist, potions and spell.
A, B, C, D, E, F too cliché, ordinary and boring. Can’t you see?
Let’ go to the worlds that I’ve travelled and the battles that I’ve conquered. Let’s start with Z.
Z is for Zealous, the emotion I feel in pursuit of happiness.
By the way my happy color is brown it’s my safe haven from loneliness.
X mark in the map shows where the treasure is
When I use my heart and mind, there’s no goal that I never miss
Science makes me smart and math makes me accurate
The space between it is writing, it’s where I’m incredibly Au fait.
Y looks like lines in a network cross; a node
If you’ll ask me why I didn’t choose writing and went to A different road
Its cause I want to help people directly by preserving mortality
Instead of playing with words ,wondering if they will understand me.
West is where the sun sets therefore I will sail towards the end of the world.
Sail against the currents where I cannot be swirled
I want to seek the truth of my existence and knowledge that I’ve never been told
I’m not like others, my passion and curiosity can never be sold.
V is for my 5 principles in life in search for the great manifestum
1.Willingness will fly you to the moon, 2.be different and break custom
3.Vouchsafe memories and people, 4.I crave for people’s honesty
5.And death is not the antithesis of life so don’t lose your sanity
U is for “unique” which reminds me of the way I think
I’m not crazy ,I just understand the depth of emotions, I sync
Unlike other’s I’m not wealthy popular, mesmerizing and preppy
I’m just me; a combination of art and poetry
These days I feel at ease and blessed
For I’ve just unshackled the handcuffs of misery and dread embedded
I was saved by my family, certain friends and a mere stranger
I want to return the favor by staying alive until the present becomes the future
Sky is my gate away scenery for it bares faces not the same
Its unpredictable and one of the few things no one can claim
So I say if the sky has a reason for existing, even though its unfit
Why cant I? I have brains on my head and shoes on my feet
Remember this will strengthen you:
And this doesn’t:
A name doesn’t define who I am, nor the same people that bares it
No matter how many malwares and haywires. I, Andrea does not forfeit.
I am no north star, big dipper, Orion nor the moon
Cause I’m a daytime shooting star; the one of a kind boon.
Q and A with Dei~
1.    Where do you myself 10 years from now? Was learning in SPUP vital to where I’m heading at?
-       Honestly though? I’m gonna be that person inside the train who stands out. Not because of my beauty nor the way I look but because while everyone is frowning and complaining about their day, I am smiling. Smiling about the things that I’ve learned and the people I helped in the hospital today.  Yes! I’m gonna be a medical doctor- an orthopaedic surgeon hopefully.
I am from CSU-Gonzaga; a public school. I’ve experienced four years of studying without books as a source of reference. Some of our teachers are too old or too new to know what teaching is all about so 1/8 of my academic life is just plainly sitting for nothing. But here in St. Paul University Philippines, the teachers are very strict and industrious. They take no for an answer and starts teaching while the clock is still ticking. Of course every institution has its own downside slope but nonetheless, it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve learned a lot in SPUP not only academically but also socially for it really values attitude the same as education.
2.    Was STEM the best choice after all?
-       It’s normal to have doubts and second thoughts for the path that you will choose in this crossroad will shape of most of your life. Despite the countless times I played ennie-minnie-miney-moe I am sure that STEM is the best choice after all for it covrs the medical courses. Choosing the right strand is very vital after all for it plays a great role in preparing us for the tough fight in college. STEM helps me broaden my knowledge specially about the 4 main subjects, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Calculus. I know medical courses do not have CALCULUS but my former teacher said that tis still important if you want to take the National Medical Admission Test which I hope to take and pass if God will let me.
3.    What course will you take in college?
-       Before telling you what my course is, let me tell you a story about me. My father is a mechanical engineer ,my sister is a petroleum engineering student and as for me? They aspire for me to be also an engineer but there’s an enormous problem, I have a very bad traumatic experience from my math teacher. It haunts me too much that it made me despise and fear math leading to my poor performance towards it. I feel pressured cause I know that the course im gonna choose will be my job until the day I die. And while salt stings my eyes, I started connecting the dots. I thought to myself, “the universe doesn’t revolve on math alone. My weakness is just a speck of what I am and my strengths are bigger”. And that’s when I found my REAL self, that I want a work where I interact with real people and not computers. I’ve realized that I want to be a medical doctor by taking nursing as my pre-med course and take it step by step until I succeed.  I want to help other people directly and I want to show them that everyone, despite their standings in life have the right for mortality. And that hospitals doesn’t exist for money, it mainly exist to help prolong other people’s life.
Scared , disappointed, doubtful are the emotions that I felt in the course of finding my path in life but it is worth it. Being certain about the woman you want to be in the future is overwhelming. And now that I’ve chosen it, I need to fight for winter is coming.
4.    What topic would you like to know more in this subject?
-       I’m guessing it is creating a fully functional website using html?  I’ve created a website before but it’s not a functional one because our teacher didn’t taught us about it. We just created it out of pure imagination and self-study. I want to more about it than just simple/basic codes
5.    Ask sir Carlos anything?
-       What’s the silliest app you had thought of making?
-we are all enigmas waiting to be deciphered-
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trustinginthelight · 4 years
“You? Are dead to me.” Mitch to Minnie (Altered TFS)
Crescent City sentence starters | accepting
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“That’s fine. I’ve been dead to you for a year already– what’s the difference, really?” Of course it’d be Mitch causing issues… making this so much harder than it had to be. If his stupidity got any of them killed, she’d never forgive him. Being dead to him would be a blessing at this point. She was trying everything in her power to make sure they lived. Why wouldn’t they just fucking listen to her? How stupid could they have been? There was absolutely no way they’d be able to get out of this unscathed.
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trustinginthelight · 4 years
❛ you have to try to be happy, okay? ❜ [for minnie!]
undertale starters | accepting
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“It’s not– … Tenn, you know as well as I do that it’s never that easy,” 
From the people they’d used to share inhabit the school with, to their own sadness creeping up and making it feel impossible to come back from… The both of them knew grief, and knew just how negative emotions could take control. It wasn’t like she wanted to be like this. To be a detriment to the group all over again. 
Perhaps she should’ve been thankful that they’d managed to save her life, but after everything she’d done? Dying, it… felt like the only right ending to what happened on the bridge. 
“Oh, Tenn… I’m so sorry,” 
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
❛ I had only just come to terms with losing you. And now you come back? ❜ Violet to Minnie and/or Sophie
resident evil vii sentence starters | accepting
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“You’re… definitely not alone in that,” It took a lot in her not to allow her knee jerk reaction out. To retaliate that none of this had exactly been something she’d had any say in. She’d been dragged away from the school kicking and screaming, and the same could’ve been said for coming back to the school if she’d even been conscious for it. 
A part of her was still locked into the mindset the Delta had forced her into. The trauma of being beaten for the the resistance she exhibited, the trauma of realizing finally that no one was ever going to be coming back for them… giving up and becoming the person they wanted you to become, just to survive. Just so you wouldn’t see your beaten any more, only to later be forced to kill her yourself. On the other than, there was still that girl from before in there. Somewhere. she had to be, right? 
Minnie personally didn’t think so, in all honesty. 
That part of her, in her mind, had been killed a long time ago.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,”
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
‘ what is the point of power if i’m not supposed to use it? ’ (to whoever you think fits best!)
ask meme - growling suggestion edition | accepting
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“What power? You’re more of Lilly’s lackey than Abel is,” 
Minnie’s words spat like acid and her stare was filled with a familiar malice. Oh, no, she barely answered to Troy. She wasn’t scared of him. Not by a long shot. Crossbow in hand, she felt like sometimes she was waiting for a reason to use it on him. He wasn’t the only one she couldn’t bring herself to get along with (Abel being another one of them), but he was certainly one she say way too often for her liking.
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
“It’s not like we do it on purpose,” Minnie tried to reason with herself, quietly berating herself mentally after getting another “talking to” from both Marlon and Mitch. She understood it, okay? What they did wasn’t ideal. They we too passive. Too soft of heart to take down the walkers that were trying to kill them and the people that they cared about it. All three of the Hughes kids found it so difficult, almost impossible to do it without being pushed.
It lead to hesitance, and the majority of the rest of their group was far too protective of each other to just let the twins or Tenn be killed.  Deaths surrounding them... it felt commonplace, but something that never sat easy on their minds.
Yesterday, that had cost the life of Reya. Letting out a quiet sob into her knees, she mourned their friend. She was just... she was thankful, but couldn’t help but it’d finally been her instead. The fact that this was still happening made her stomach turn with regret and self-hatred. Looking up to survey her empty room, she was starting to wonder where Sophie had even gone. Maybe to be by herself. To paint, or cry, or talk to someone. Whatever. Minnie... Minnie knew they needed this time to themselves.
The redhead was startled, however, as she heard the abrupt knocking on her door. Not Sophie, then. Hopefully it wasn’t another person there to scream at her.
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“...Come in,”
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
@gciltyascharged liked for a starter
“It’ll be all right-- I didn’t tell anyone it was you,” With the towel covered ice pack across her cheek, the redhead offered her friend a content smile. Still unfazed by it all, despite the amount of pain she was in from it. With a large band-aid over each of her skinned knees, she was fixed up enough to get through the rest of the day.
The walk home had been a lot on Minnie, even with Mitch’s help. She exhausted, but at least she took it like a champ, right? She was still pretty proud of herself, and was more than happy that she’d get to learn to fight once she recovered. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long, but did definitely need at least a few days to let the swelling in her cheek to go down.
“So, maybe don’t mention the fact that you’re the one who hit me to Vi. Know her, she’ll be pissed regardless of the context,”
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
❝ We don’t karaoke enough. ❞ Vi @ Min!
lucky ☆ star ask meme; | accepting
“We really don’t! We should do it more often,” It had been a great date suggestion from Violet, one that Minnie had been surprised they hadn’t thought of before, honestly. While the redhead was far more passionate about music, they both did have relatively good voices. And even if they didn’t, no one but them was there to listen or judge them. It was just fun.
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“What song did you wanna do next? A duet, maybe? Maybe humor me with a cute little duet for the two of us?” A Disney song preferably. Minerva was a bit of a romantic, and a goof, so her proposal of one of their numerous love songs was nothing new from her. 
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
❝ RUSSIAN ROULETTE. ❞ for you know WHOM -- (minnie)
❝ RUSSIAN ROULETTE. ❞ starters | accepting
15. ❝ You’re such a let down. I expected better from you. ❞
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“I told you I wouldn’t be able to do it,” Dejected, Minnie felt horrible. She’d told all of them she’d try better. Violet, Marlon, Mitch– but, she’d frozen again. Trembled with terror and hesitated. How could she have been expected to take them down without a second thought? Okay. She could admit that she’d been cursed with far too much empathy. To have empathy for walkers? It sounded crazy for her friends, and the only ones that listened to her were her siblings, her girlfriend.
Still, she knew it was a problem. Guilt plagued her horribly, for their friends that died trying to protect her when she’d clammed up in the heat of battle.
“I’m sorry. Really, I’m sorry. I wanted to do it, I just– …” With a shaky breath, Minnie would hold back her tears. You aren’t the victim, Minerva. Crying wasn’t going to solve anything. “…I don’t have any excuses. I’m sorry,”
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
❛❛ This is stupid but… could you sing to me? You have such a nice voice, and I think it might help calm me down… you don’t have to, but… ❜❜ Minnie Or Louis. U pick 👀
soft caring sentence compilation | accepting
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“Vi… of course. You know you don’t have to worry about asking,” Minnieurged, but found herself drawing a blank as to what to sing. It’d been solong since she’d heard a lot of her favorite songs. Truly, she was thankfulthey had the piano in the music room, or else she’d probably go mad, nothaving any music to listen to. 
What sort of songs did she know that were calm? Maybe a Disney song?Gosh, it’d been so long sing she’d watched any of those movies, either.
“–Hey, did you ever see Toy Story 2? It came out before either us wereborn, I think. But I remember, I watched it when I was little. There wasthis pretty song they played during it. I don’t remember a whole lot ofit, but I could try to sing it for you,”
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
@fertilizerbomb | x
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“Mitch, I hate to be the one to break it to you-- but we’re identical,”  What was with the boys at this school being so attracted to Sophie, while casually ignoring that she looks basically exactly the same as her sister. Just because she was with Violet didn’t mean they  that had to accidentally insult her by insinuating she was the not-as -hot twin. 
She wasn’t overly hurt by it. Minnie knew well enough that Mitch didn’t mean anything by it, but christ the boys at the school sure had a tendency of shoving their foot in their mouth.
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
👀 + if you had to go on an island and could only bring one thing with you, what would it be? - for minnie.
Send “👀 + a question” and my muse’ll have to answer with 100% honesty | accepting
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“…A boat? Y’know, to get off the stupid island?”
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
❤️ minnie !
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets | accepting
❤️- For a secret crush
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“I remember– … when I was little, Sophie and I would watch a lot ofmovies. A lot of Disney, at that. I remember Peter Pan: Return to Neverland. Yeah, yeah, a Disney sequel. So sue me. I was little, and Iwas in love with Jane. I felt so bad for her, that she’d been throughso much that she couldn’t believe in things anymore. Faith, trust…pixie dust,”
She wondered if Louis knew the movie. Maybe they’d be able to tryto play “I’ll Try” by memory.
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
@dcadrct | x
That hurt-- fuck, that hurt... Minnie cradled her thin hand, now throbbing with how hard she’d punched Marlon. It’d been an impulse. He wanted  her to toughen up? Well, look here, she’ll toughen the fuck up! And then it’d just. Happened. Shit, she was going to be in trouble for a while. Though, she was sure Violet would be cheering her on one she found out what happened. 
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“You don’t tell me how to live? Bullshit, you don’t! If you’d stop forcing  Sophie and me out there, then maybe you wouldn’t be telling us how  to live. You--!!” Minerva was interrupted, but Marlon pointing at the door, screaming at her. 
“Just admit it. You’re a shitty leader, and you hate having to deal with the kids that don’t want to fight,” 
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