#if yall let this flop i swear
gothmoneyswag · 1 year
no show has the range and commitment to fuckery like gintama does. no other show could pull the shit that gintama does at the consistency that gintama does while simultaneously maintaining the high level of quality that gintama has. like its actually insane how in the world did they do that
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chipperdusk · 1 year
Hey Deltarune Fandom
I know its 3am as I wright this but I think I found something online that might be important- or at least, be something to consider- food for thought and all that jazz-
you see, I was scrolling thought reddit when I came upon a particular post...
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it starts of seeming very normal, right? I mean, it's just your average detarune fan asking about equipment advice, right?
but.. somethings... off, to say the least......
Not only is the wording weird when talking about Spamton, (with the phrasing of "Spamton dude" being particularly odd, as to get to Spamton's shop, you need to get fairly familiar with him and his character, but this user seems to be acting like this is their first time meeting him.) But Spamton HIMSELF seems to look... Different than usual. Or, at lease, different than his usual shop sprite that is...
and I was not alone on this sentiment, as the comments noticed too!
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which leads to wonder....
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... yeah, that...
To which OP provided an... Interesting answer....
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D-.... Didn't have the money? But, deltarune is free game? Or, at least, Chapter's 1 and 2 are...
you see, a while back, Toby mention online that Chapters 3, 4, and 5 would all be released together, and, unlike the first two, cost money. (or as a certain salesman would phrase it, cost some [[Sweet, Sweet KROMER]]!!!)
Not only that, but its kinda ironic that this user pirated a copy of a free game, and have the one character who has a history with shady links (or in other words, [[Hyperlink Blocked]]) be the one who's changed... Almost as if this bootleg game has its own bootleg of Spamton... The one character who literally tries to be a bootleg of ANOTHER character in-universe. *Cough cough* Swatch- *Cough cough*
But this also leads to question... are there any other differences in the game? I mean, it is a pirated game, surely there has to be some other differences from the original game other than some seemingly random shop sprite of spamton, right?
luckily, I was not the only one who was curious about this and a user by the name of kuro50 ask OP to quote:
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To which OP responded:
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how... convenient.....
I mean- don't get me wrong- I get that feeling not having any program to record with (though than again OBS Studio exist)- but even still, all of this seems a little bit too, odd to just let off as something "normal"...
but, than again, its not like there's anything necessary wrong about it either, right? I mean, sure, it weird that someone pirated a free game, but, maybe they're just some gullible kid online?
...Except, a user by the name of ThePotatoPerson510 pointed out a few striking things...
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And then... it all stared to click...
I went to check the profile and, just as ThePotatoPerson510 had said,
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"u/ThatDudeTobias, Cake day December 27, 2022, made 12 hours ago..." the same hour as the spamton post was made... almost as if the account was made just so they could post this.... (Note: the previous image in this post of the spamton post says it was made 10 hours ago. This time gap is because I have been writing this post for 2 hours straight now- coming onto 3 hours- as such, I give you this screenshot showing both the post and the profile, and thus, showing they were in fact made in the same hour-)
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MID WRIGHTING UPDATE: It seems as if there WAS a time gap between the two post, as its 5:24am and I just took THIS screenshot showing the time gap. Take this how you will I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Now, about the name... It seem kinda... on the nose, to say the least. I mean, Toby, Tobias, seems a little to similar, right? But, at the same time, knowing Toby, he would be the type to use a seemingly obvious while still not TOO obvious name to fuck with us (he DOSE have a history with being a troll when it comes to his games ¬_¬||)
Also, looking back at the spamton image and comparing it to the name "Tobias", they both share one thing in common... They're both SIMILAR to their originals, to the point where you can tell what they're based off of, but, somewhat off...
As for the one other post on the account, well...
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... A comment on MeIRL?
Well, what's the original post?
A..... Video of some guy walking up the stairs, only to keep looping up the same steps, unable to get to the end?
Well, that's... anticlimactic..... Sooo.... Is this just some random account then? Was all of this just for nothing? Was it all red hearings in the end? Well, that's what I thought..
For you see, I realized something....
Toby Fox is a well-known fan of anime, but, not just any anime.... specifically, JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. How do we know this? Well, in undertale, there is an item in the game called a Punch Card
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When this card is used in battle, it says, "OOOORAAAAA!!! You rip up the punch card! Your hands are burning!" This increases your attack. "ORA" Is a common phrase screamed in JOJO' when one of the Jostar's are attacking.
Not only that, but in deltarune, main antagonist of chapter 2 is Queen.
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her battle theme? Attack of the Killer Queen
Killer Queen is the stand of Yoshikage Kira. The main antagonist of JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Diamond is Unbreakable. Which is the 4th Chapter of the series.
So, what dose ALL of this have to do with the video "Tobias" commented on? Well, you see, in JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Stardust Crusaders, when Polnareff, one of the main protagonist, tries to walk up the stairs to face DIO, the main antagonist, he finds himself in the same loop as the man in the video. Continuously walking up the same set of stares, unable to reach the end.
Meaning, the video that "Tobias", or, as we presume, Toby commented on was in fact...
...... And so with that last tidbit out of the way, we are left with 3 conclusions that we can come to... 1. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox teasing us about Chapter 3 and or some other upcoming scheme of his he has up his sleaves.
2. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox just fucking with us
and 3. This is some third party not affiliated with Toby but still making something and teasing it (possibly and ARG or something of sorts) .... That or I've just spent over 3 hours of my life typing this up only for it to be a shitpost by Temmie or something :/
either way its 6:41am as I type this and I have not slept all night so I hope you liked this deep dive analysis into this possibly important reddit account that could hold significant lore for the upcoming chapters of deltarune and if you'll excuse me I'm going to go collapse on my couch for the rest of the day :) have a wonderful time zone <3
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diorsluv · 4 months
i just finished a two week long project in less than 24 hours 🙉
comes to show how bad my procrastination gets.. anyways i’m actually speeding through this chapter BUT I HAD TO MAKE THIS VERY IMPORTANT INQUIRY
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I ♡ storyboarding!!
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inkyray · 2 months
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a/n: send more requests i love doing them for yall
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3k words
warnings/content ahead: bsf!chris x virgin!reader, smut, oral fem!receiving (eating out yess), suggestive, p in v, fingering, pet names (princess), Fritos, missionary, and more come find out
Your roommate had just left to see her family for the next week, which meant you had the apartment all to yourself for a full 7 days. You were ecstatic, immediately letting Chris know.
guess what rn
You type excitedly, your fingers practically shoving a hole through your phone screen. The message immediately goes to seen, and you watch bubbles pop up, indicating he was typing.
You finally came to your senses and decided to move out of that disgracefully small apartment ?
dude no
you know i can't afford that shit
im staying here until i start making the bag i deserve !!!
now guess
You cut all your hair off and went bald
Please tell me you went bald
Actually no
Please tell me you didnt go bald
nah not bald 💔
Holy fuck
The caps had me go BLIND trying to read
where's the happiness and the cheer
you better start typing back in caps.
god bless ☝️ now come over so we could politely watch a movie
hmmmm Depends
what movie is it
Ya Momma! 😂😅
sounds amazing
I'll be there in a few
You close your phone, getting up to quickly clean the place around you.
Chris was no stranger to you, you two had known each other since the day he threw up on you in middle school. He had caught a bug and unfortunately he sat behind you. You didn't really understand how throw up could reach past a desk capacity but it had somehow made it into your hair. Disgusting, horrific week. But he made it up to you.
For him, he moved to LA for work reasons. He was famous, although he didn't like to admit it, nor did it really feel like it for him. You moved because of college, the moment you two graduated out of highschool, it was as if the universe worked hard to get you two closer. And, it worked. You guys were closer now than you were in school.
You would split the rent with your roommate, which was already an expensive bunch, considering this was LA. But Chris would constantly insist on helping you out financially, paying for most of your things when you would practically beg him not to. You had a hard time receiving stuff, but Chris had a problem with giving. You two balanced each other out in that aspect.
You hear a knock on the door, already knowing who it is. It doesn't take you long to reach it. "Why are you holding Fritos?" You ask, huffing a laugh at the weirdly large bag of chips in his hand as he enters your apartment and heads for your bedroom.
"'Cus I wanted Fritos." He answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world, flopping on your bed as you follow him to your room. You notice a few pairs of socks on the floor that you failed to pick up, doing so. "You know, I had to like, Uber here. You know how fucking crazy that is? Ubering to your place? Fucking embarassing." Chris complains, taking off his shoes and cuddling up in your bed.
"Why didn't you just ask Matt?" You wonder, folding your clothes. "Matt didn't want to. I need to get my drivers license, bro. Shit is getting ridiculous." He opens his bag of chips, and your head snaps up. "Chris." You warn as he looks you dead in the eye, a smirk playing on his lips as he slowly raises a chip to his mouth. 
"Chris, I swear to God if you drop a single crumb on my bed."
"I won't." He says, before dropping the chip back in the bag.
"I'm not hungry." He folds the chip bag and places it on your nightstand beside your bed. "You get what I mean though?" He asks, taking off his hat and running a hand through his hair. "Like, I cant ask Matt to fucking, I dont know, drive me to a hook-up or something." He huffs, exasperated from the imaginary scenario he created.
You sit beside him, nodding like you agree, grabbing the TV remote and opening up a streaming platform for movies on your TV. "Oh fuck, imagine I like, pull up to a bad bitches house in an Uber. That's so fucking wild." This time you laugh, "Ubering to get your shit sucked is crazy." You say, scrolling through the endless options of what to watch.
"You ever done that? Ubering to a sneaky links house or something?" Chris asks you, sitting up on your bed. You take a second to answer. "Well, I have my drivers license." You don't know why that would qualify as an answer, but you say it anyway. "But you don't have a car." Chris reminds you. "Right." You confirm, looking at your TV, pretending to be really interested in finding something to watch.
"So? Have you?" He questions with a chuckle, not really sure where you were going with that. "Chris, I'm a virgin." You grin at the irony. A second passes and he realizes you were being serious, his jaw drops. "You're joking."
You shake your head, turning to look at him. "But– you're like, a whore." He says, you scoff, "I'm not a whore?"
"Yeah, you are." He shrugs.
"No, I'm not. I literally just told you I'm a virgin." You put the remote down. "That's why I'm shocked, you would tell me about a new boy every week and then forget about them." He says. You pop a shoulder. "I just never felt comfortable enough with them."
"Oh." He mutters. "So you didn't bang?" He draws out.
"So I didn't bang." You confirm.
"You're nuts, you would say the most diabolical shit about them too." He points a finger at you. "I'm most definitely not." You push his finger down. "How old are you again, 19?"
"19 and untouched." You wink, he stares at you for a moment. "What? Can't wrap your head around the fact I've never been creampied?"
You watch Chris close his eyes, wait for a moment, then open them again. "I'd like for you to wrap your head around it."
You two burst out laughing.
This movie was devastatingly long and the Fritos on the bedside table were completely neglected.
You and Chris were staring at the TV, both of you pretending to be interested in what was going on. Truth was, you both were lost in your own train of thought.
Chris had resorted to an extra pillow over his lap with his mind racing in all different directions. In his defense, he was human. Once you admitted to him that you were a virgin, he could help but think of all the ways that he could strip that away from you. How easy it would be for him to just bend you over and take that purity away from you.
It wasn't the first time he'd thought of you this way, he couldn't help it. You were gorgeous, and he got lucky with the fact that you were interesting. You were probably the only girl he'd met with a soul as beautiful as her face, that's what made you so special to him.
His eyes quickly darted to yours, who were watching the movie with such intent, he saw the screen reflect in your eyes, a new scene playing. The room was dark, the only light being produced was from the illuminated TV, keeping the place a simple shade of dull blue. His sight drags down to your lips. Your full, plump lips.
Chris wonders if you've ever wrapped them around dick before, sucking just as attentively as you were watching that movie. Sliding your tongue across the tip as you slowly pushed the rest in your mouth, your eyebrows arching as you began to stroke the rest of him. Even then, you'd still be considered a virgin.
You turned to look at him, feeling his gaze on you for too long. He didn't bother looking back, holding your stare as you tried putting together what he was thinking of. "Chris?" You asked with the same lips he was just thinking of. "Hm?" He hums, his eyes lazily back on your mouth, studying every word you form. "You okay?"
He nods, you furrow your eyebrows. He was definitely lost in thought. You lower the volume of the movie and he looks back up at you. "Are you celibate?" He asks, out of nowhere. You're taken by surprise, but answer nonetheless. "Not really?"
"Not really." He repeats on his tongue, as if testing the way it would feel on there. "Okay." He says, voice as low as it could get. "You were just never comfortable?" You nod, confirming it. You watch as his eyes slowly brush over every part on your face, eventually resting on your eyes. Through the enlightenment of the TV screen, you watch his dark pupils dilate over his blue eyes. "Would you be comfortable with me?" He finally asks, voice low. You swallow.
He had multiple strands of hair fly messily in multiple directions, some over his forehead. You raise a hand to neat a messy one on his head down, using two fingers to get rid of any potential knots, soothing your hand through it as he bends his head down, letting you. "Yeah." You answer. "I would."
He lifts his head up, his grin soft but undeniable."You wanna test it out?" You felt your heart cage within itself, but as the second passed you realized you wouldn't want to lose it to anyone else. You have been waiting for this moment for a while, a really, really long and dreadful while.You stared at his fidgeting finger before looking back up at him. A simple nod does the trick, and a hand is on the side of your jaw, guiding your mouth to his. You've kissed before, he knew that, but he was still treating you like a delicate flower. His lips pressed against yours and his hand was soft against your skin. You kissed back harder, licking his lips, forcing them open, insinuating for him to let loose.
Both hands go to grab each side of your face this time, kissing you hungrily as he moves himself from beside you to in front of you. Your neck is cranned up as he sits up onto his knees. You raise your hands and slip them under his shirt, feeling his bare skin as they slide down his torso. He pulls away, immediately taking his shirt off.
You looked up at him, his gaze lingering harshly on you as he stared you down. You bit your lip as he slowly grasped the bottom hem of your T-shirt. "Arms up." He orders, and you lift them. He takes the shirt off of you, bunching it up and throwing it to the side of your room. You aren't sure what to do, you hadn't exactly worn a bra under that. You cross your arms over your chest for some sort of coverage, but Chris quickly laces his fingers around your wrist. "It's okay." He tells you, slowly dragging your arms down. "Are you okay?" He asks soft enough to send a shutter down your spine. "I'm okay." You confirm, he leans down to kiss you once more, pulling away just as soon as his lips meet yours, going to take all of you in. Your body felt hot, your chest feeling as if it was steaming the way he memorized each of your curves. He looked up at you, making direct eye contact as he began to take one tit in his mouth as the other was being caressed by his hand. You throw your head back, surprising yourself with a moan as he begins to give you open-mouthed kisses, his tongue grazing over your nipple, validating its hardness.
His mouth begins to trail back up to your collarbone, leaving desperate kisses until he's reached your neck as his empty hand trailed down the side of your hips, his thumbs curling onto the elastic of your pants, pulling them down as he bit down a hickey. You gripped onto his hair, pulling onto the section that fell above the back of his neck as he distracted your mouth with tongue-filled kisses, but you were extremely aware of the hand that had slipped into your panties, two fingers suddenly pressing against you. You whimper.
"Everything okay, princess?" He breathily asks, watching your face scrunch up as he begins to rub your cunt. "So wet for me, how long have you been dreaming of this?" He tries to catch your eyes but they're sewed shut, the soft noises coming from your mouth giving him all the answers you need. His soft and lengthy fingers suddenly pump into you, and you gasp. "Chris." You utter, feeling him pump in and out of you as his thumb grazes harshly onto your clit. You flinch. "Chris." You moan louder.
"That's right, say my name." He says as he pumps you faster, his other hand grabbing the secure of your jaw. He wanted to feel your mouth back on his, he wanted to feel your moans and whines on his mouth. The clench in your stomach reaches an all time high and your hips buckle. Your stomach loosens and you feel your loud moans muffle harder by Chris's refusal to leave your lips, you feel him smirk under the kiss as you cum all over his fingers. "Feel good?" He questions, your nodding is instant and he laughs at the quickness of your answer. Your hand follows his hair as he begins to lower himself, kissing your stomach, thighs, and then your pussy. His tongue trails down your slit, his mouth collecting what had just been your orgasm. Your thighs immediately close around him, your legs going over his shoulders and crossing at your ankles. It was safe to say you've never been eaten out. Until now. And it was heavenly.
Your hands push down on his head, feeling his nose press against you and a huff of laughter giving your pussy a breathy gust of air. "So needy." He hums, licking your folds.
Embarrassingly enough, you reached your second orgasm, pulling hard onto his hair. He looked up at you, smiling with his teeth as white liquid drooped down them and off his chin. He fixes his posture, sitting up but still between your legs.
Catching your breath, you glare at him. "Still a virgin though." He sings the last word happily, memorizing the image in front of him as his hands massaged your thighs.
"You gonna change that or what?" You finally muster up a few real words, challenging him. He raises an eyebrow, "Oh?"
"Take your pants off for me? Let me feel you, Chris." You tell him, sounding awfully like a whiney, desperate order. The smirk is still playing on his lips, looking at you through his messy hair. "And to think you'd had enough."
"You promised me something, remember?" You palm his dick through his sweatpants, feeling him rock hard against your hand. Instinctively, he pushes his hips into your hand, and you squeeze his large size, whimpers sneak from his mouth. "It's obvious you hadn't had enough, though."
Chris wastes no time shoving his pants off taking it right down with his boxers. His dick springs up and you need a moment to register. Okay, woah.
"Finally fuck me?" You wonder. His grip on your hips were tight, as if he was keeping himself from suddenly ramming himself into you, keeping in mind you were trusting him with your virginity. "Finally." He confirms, the idea of fucking you in his mind since the moment he was able to form a thought like that.
He slowly enters himself in you, and your hand clasps around your mouth, trying to keep yourself from screaming at the sudden stretch. He clicks his tongue, letting out a series of curse words. "Fuck, you are so tight." You answer him by pushing yourself onto his cock as he holds you down. You clench yourself around him and he audibly moans, slowly rocking his hips back and forth. Each thrust was long, slow, and wet, you soaked up each movement desperately.
With his hand still holding onto you, he drops his head to look at the sin you two were participating in, guiding your hips in and out of him. Each pull rhythmic as he pushed himself deeper into you as you clench, trying to get used to the feeling. Your whimpers got louder as he went faster, hypnotized by the scene in front of him. He wanted to keep this memory locked in his head forever, how beautiful you looked sprawled against your bed, moaning his name as he thrusted in and out of you, taking away your virginity.
For a moment it all seemed too good to be real, and he went faster, wanting to see just how the narrative in front of him would go. The thrusts harsher and quicker, you gripped the sheets hard and your moans grew louder. "Taking me so well, princess." He hit your G-spot three times too fast, and you practically blasted him with cum. You tried warning him, but he seemed lost in his own mind. As if on cue, he pulled out the moment you came all over his dick. "Fuck." He followed that up with your name, finishing as his orgasm splattered on your stomach and chest, where he'd specifically aim it there.
He flops down on the empty spot beside you, both you guys attempting to catch your breath. A few seconds of shocked but comfortable silence pass.
He turns his head to look at you. "Good or nah? Wanna try again?"
"What, like, take my virginity again?"
"How about we try a nice shot at my first ever aftercare, yeah? Then I'll consider it."
"Right, of course."
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omitea · 2 months
𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐍 . . .
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(.𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍.) the fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night; evening serenity
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. ft. g. satoru x fem! reader
. content. a peaceful evening with gojo satoru, along with the sound of rain pouring. 1.3k words, fluff, domesticity, lovesick gojo, a pinch of suggestiveness and angst, but pure fluffinesses for the heart. not rlly proofread.
. note. this took so long, but its what yall voted for so it better not flop!! and here @steleir & @satorisoup <3
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the faint sound of droplets pattered against the large window of your bedroom, quickly racing downwards as others soon came to follow. the humid air outside created a layer of fogginess on the surface– only for it to be washed away once another droplet falls yet again.
it was almost comparable to the man laying on your lap; eyes closed while tufts of white strands are entangled between your delicate fingers. in times where things go down a rougher path, he still finds a way to make the better out of them. it does nothing but make you proud to call him yours.
a soft yawn makes you snap out of your thoughts, causing you to halt your fingers from grazing its nails on his scalp. his eyes were puffy, laced with sleep and a small trail of a dried tear leading toward his ear. he looked so peaceful, rubbing away the tiredness from his face. your fingers found their way to the back of his neck– taking notes on how the hair has started to grow yet again. 
satoru heaves out a satisfied sigh before joining your figure that’s resting against the headboard. your legs feel slightly numb from having him sleep on them, but yet that feeling gets overpowered by the lingering presence of his warm body that was once laying there. you feel a lanky arm being draped around you, tugging you closer. the warmth makes you bask in the comfort of it all and you subconsciously snuggle deeper in his chest.
he smells like the sugary coffee he has during the days, a dash of his expensive shampoo and the musky smell of his body wash. the one he swears he hates– but yet uses it on the daily for you. you told him once that it made you feel cozy, as if you’re sitting in front of a fireplace in a wooden cabin far in the woods. he’d do anything you find comfort in.
“did you sleep well?” you hum, feeling his breath tickling your skin before a chaste kiss is pressed against your forehead. satoru huffed out a sound you could make out as an airy laugh. “oh, you don’t wanna know.”
you snorted, “really?”, while raising your eyebrows. a frown was etched on his face the moment you pinched his rosy cheeks. “you’re snoring tells me everything i need to know, you big baby.’’
a look of sheer horror and a pout following after, but you were quick to sweep in and kiss the corner of his lips. sweet, yet chapped– and dare you say there was a small spot of drool on his chin. you placed your hand on his jaw, caressing the stubbled skin. the feeling of your hands made him feel tingly. the same way whenever your nails would trace the red scars littered on his back. adding reminders to the fact that you trust him so deeply with your all; your mind, your body and most importantly, your heart. 
he treasures it so willingly, afraid it might break if he’s not careful enough. like those porcelain trinkets he gifted you when he came back after being away for a long time you dreaded too much. he knows you’re very much capable of handling certain things on your own– but he can’t stand there while you carry all sorts of burdens on your shoulders.
he melts into your touch, letting his mind wander freely as his lips twitch into a dopey smile. this makes the dimples appear– causing deep dents into his skin. your tongue itches to form words; to ask him what it is that he’s thinking about. a part of you wants to be selfish and know all his thoughts, but you decide to stay curious. although the lovesick expression says more than words can do. 
“i wish we could stay like this forever,” he whispered against your skin– voice slightly muffled. you could feel his heart picking up its speed, “just the two of us and the rain…”
you straightened your back, sitting up fully now. satoru didn’t voice things like these very often. “hey…what brought this up, hmm?” you couldn’t help but question. the hand that was once on his jaw traveled to his lap– toying with his larger and colder hands. 
the rain that was now pouring harder, almost drowned out his voice. a small, “nothing,” leaving his throat. a simple white lie as that may have some people discarding it like a receipt that will never be used, but not you. you’ve known him for way too long. as cliche as this sounds, you know him like the back of your hand.
his eyes faltered to the side, your gaze feeling heavy on his form. a single squeeze on his thigh made his eyes shift– a shining blue far from comparable with the crystalline droplets. although with glossy layers of tears.
ah, you thought. it’s the one thing that keeps him up on some nights. the ones where he seeks for your embrace, to engulf him fully as your sleepy voice lulls him back to sleep. “satoru, you’re not going anywhere,’’ you sighed deeply, “you’re the strongest, remember” at that, he tiredly smiles– placing his hands on your hips and giving them a slight squeeze. the encouraging smile you give tells him just what he needs to hear; that even the strongest can fear too. 
he dips his head to kiss your nose, your cheeks and then your lips. they still have that lingering taste of the honeyed ginger tea you drank out of your favorite mug. it sits on your nightstand– having gone cold along with the chilly breeze that weeps from under your bedroom door. the kiss is lazily executed, but it feels like home. he still makes you feel fuzzy inside– just like you remember seeing him for the first time in highschool. you bask in this moment of peace, of calmness– even if it’s just for a little bit. there’s not a single second you wanna waste, especially when your lifes are constantly on the line with the career that lies in your hands. 
a string of spit is the only thing separating your lips when you hastily part away. a hum rumbling in his chest and he places one final kiss on your glossy lips. his head moves towards your chest, hand cupping your breast as he inhales the laundry detergent seeping through the shirt you're wearing. “marry me, please.” 
a fit of giggles makes its way out of your throat and he can feel your chest shuddering with each one that erupts,’’we already are, ‘toru,’’ you meekly say. his hand grasps yours before his fingers start fidgeting with the wedding band that adorns your finger. a promise, no– a vow. a vow to you, whom he dedicates his whole heart to. to the person he gets to call his wife, whom he gets to wake up and sleep next to. you chose him, and for that he will be forever grateful. 
“well, can’t we get married again or something,’’ he huffed– snuggling deeper into you. “best part was taking that dress of y–”, he was met with a smack at the back of his head, which was enough to keep his mouth shut. he tried to muffle his chuckles in the crook of your neck and you could feel the forming grin against your skin.
satoru was a person that you could love easily. everything was easy with him– and he thought that about you too. not scared to accept him for whom he is, but to also love and adore him for it. 
“i love ya’, angel,’’ he murmured, eyes feeling heavy yet again. your nails started scratching his scalp, detangling some of the knots as your fingers weave through. “and i love you too, my pretty princess,’’ you laughed. one final groan could be heard as the room was filled with soft snoring yet again.
everywhere is home with satoru. if there was rain pouring, you’d still find his voice and warmth among the sound and earthy smell surrounding it all.
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©𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐀. please refrain from stealing my works !
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azriels-shadowsinger · 9 months
Confessions (Azriel x Reader) - Part Two
wc: 3.7k
warnings: smut! minors dni!
a/n: thank you so much for all the love on part 1!! hope yall enjoy!
Read Part One
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Once you are alone again, you immediately go in search of Azriel. Maybe you’re imagining it, but you swear your lips are still tingling from where he kissed you. You don’t even know what you would say to him after royally fucking up that entire conversation, but you have to try. His usual spots were no luck, as were his room and basically the rest of the House of Wind.
He’s gone. Fuck.
The next best option to to go find Mor and hopefully sort through some of the thoughts racing inside your head. You find her in her room, lounging on her bed reading. She gives you that same worried and apologetic look from earlier, but you stop her before she can apologize again.
“Don’t say anything. It's fine, I’m fine. But we need to talk, like right now.” You say anxiously and sit on her bed with her. After you repeat to her everything that Azriel had said, Mor is beaming from ear to ear.
“He really said that? Holy gods, y/n! What did he say when you told him you felt the same way?” Her eyes are wide with excitement.
“Well…. I didn’t. Feyre interrupted to check on me, and then he left before I could tell him anything. And now he’s nowhere to be found.” You sigh and try to hide the disappointment on your face.
“Oh y/n. I’m sorry.” She says softly and wraps an arm around you. “He just left? He didn’t even give you a chance to say how you feel?” She questions.
“Not exactly…” you draw back, embarrassed. “He was basically begging me to tell him I felt the same, but I completely froze and didn’t say anything.” I murmur and look at my hands, ashamed.
“Y/n!” Mor yells.
“I know, I know! I’m a gods damn idiot! This is what I have wanted for literally centuries, but once I finally get a chance… I completely fuck it up!” You flop back onto her bed in defeat, running your hands over your face. “I don’t know what happened! He kissed me, and I just froze! What is wrong with me?” You groan. Mor rubs a soothing hand on your arm.
“It will be okay. You said he wasn’t anywhere in the House of Wind, so he probably found some mission that sent him away for a few days, just like he always does when he is avoiding his problems.” She reassures. You nod in agreement. “In the meantime, you need to figure out what the hell you are even gonna say to him, because you really can’t fuck it up again." She chuckles, and you throw a pillow at her.
“Not helpful, Mor!” You laugh.
Days pass, and there is no word from Azriel. Rhys said he should be back by the end of the week and even used his daemati powers to request that he return earlier, but Azriel refused.
You try not to let his absence and your lingering anxiety about the situation bother you too much. On the outside, you go about your day as normal, but internally, you feel like a complete gods damn mess.
The weekend arrives, and you anxiously await any news that Azriel is back. You don’t even bother trying to be subtle, checking the hallway between your rooms every time you hear the slightest noise.
Soon it is well after midnight, and you begin to accept that he isn’t coming home any time soon. You wander down to the kitchens in search of something overly sweet to ease your sorrows. Several chocolate chunk cookies later, courtesy of Elain, you still don’t feel much better. You stare out the kitchen window while you eat, lost in thought of what to do now.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see something move. You turn around to look, but no one is there. You were about to call it a night and go back to your room when you see the shadows in the corner moving ever so slightly. Your breath catches in your throat and you stare at the wisps of darkness. Could it be?
Two small shadows dart out of the corner toward you. Having been caught, they move closer and swirl around your legs eagerly.
The cool sensation makes you giggle, and you look down at them, ignoring the ache in your chest that it wasn’t him. But he must be here somewhere if his shadows are back. You rush up to your room, shadows trailing behind you. Just as you turn onto your hallway, you see Azriel standing outside his door. He stops and stares at you for a moment, a pained look in his eyes. Before you can say anything, he quickly slips into his room and shuts the door.
Okay, ouch. You get that he might not want to talk, but he could at least be civil. The two shadows at your side linger for a moment before slipping under his door as well. Once again, you are alone.
Morning comes after a very poor night’s sleep. You wait until the sun peaks above the horizon before stepping into the hall and sitting on the floor against the wall, waiting for Azriel. Half an hour passes, and he still hasn’t emerged from his room. That’s unusual, he’s usually up to train by now. You knock on his door, but the other side is silent. He must already be gone.
You make your way to the training ring, and thankfully you found him there. Azriel and Cassian were sparring hand-to-hand in the ring, and it was apparently a very intense match since they were both glistening with sweat. Azriel faces away from you, so you can only see his shirtless back, but holy gods his back. You can’t help but stare as his broad shoulders move and his muscles ripple. Cassian finally notices you after several minutes and smirks at you, stopping the match. Azriel looks behind himself in confusion, but his expression immediately changes to panic when he sees you.
Well, it’s now or never. He will just keep evading you if you don’t talk to him now. You walk over to the training ring.
“Good morning, boys. Cass, do you mind if I step in and practice my sparring with Azriel? I’m a bit rusty and could use his help.” You ask sweetly, giving him a very obvious glare that says to leave. You’re not sure what all Azriel has told him, but he catches the hint immediately.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I have to, uh… go find Nesta.” He hurries off, leaving you alone with Azriel.
Azriel takes a step, like he wants to leave too, but you step in front of him.
“What do you want, y/n?” His prominent dark circles and sad eyes make your chest ache.
“I told you, I want to practice sparring. Just like we used to.” You give a hopeful smile and pull your hair up. He sighs in defeat and steps back into the ring with you. His shadows inch forward like they want to approach you, but ultimately stay by his side.
“Fine. But I don’t want to talk.” He mumbles. You nod and get into your fighting stance. He seems very apprehensive to attack first, so you make the first move. After a few minutes, the two of you get into the groove of it, moving so naturally with one another.
“You. Don’t have. To talk.” You say breathlessly between attempted punches. “But I’m gonna.” He obviously doesn’t like that, so he starts fighting back harder in an attempt to keep you from talking. You smirk at his increase in effort, dodging his punches. “Nice try. You forget who trained me.” The side of his mouth upticks ever so slightly.
“You’re right. That means I know all your moves.” He says smugly and avoids your attack. You try not to let his voice distract you, but damn, it’s so nice to finally hear him talk somewhat normally to you after so long.
“Last week, I didn’t-“ He swings at you, causing your words to cut off. You step aside and try again. "As I was saying-“ Another swing. You give him an annoyed glare and he just shrugs. “Azriel, will you please just let me ta-“ You dodge another attack. This is ridiculous, and it ends now. Quicker than he can react, you move behind him and knock his feet out from under him with one swift kick, immediately moving to pin his arms down and straddle his waist. Azriel half-heartedly fights back for a moment before giving up.
“Fine. You win. Can you let me go?” He avoids your gaze. You tighten your grip on his wrists. Azriel’s shadows wrap themselves around your legs, and you savor the familiar feeling of their chill.
“No. You’re gonna let me talk.” You and Azriel both know he could get out of your hold in a matter of seconds, but the fact that he doesn’t means he must be willing to hear you out. You take a deep breath and focus your spiraling thoughts. Azriel gives a silent nod, still looking anywhere but your eyes.
“Look, I messed up last week. I was still kinda freaked out about what happened with Mikael.” Azriel flinches at the name, his expression turning murderous.
“Fucking piece of shit got what he deserved.” Azriel mutters under his breath. You try not to think too hard about what that means, but the blood on his clothes last week makes it pretty clear what happened.
“Anyway, I was still freaked out, and then you were asking me to tell you if I meant what I said that night, and I just got embarrassed and panicked.” You take a deep breath. This is it. “I’ve spent centuries trying to hide my feelings from you. I even tried dating other males, but ultimately each relationship ended because I put you before them. And when you started spending more time with Elain, I got jealous and decided that I had to try and move on for real. So when you asked me to tell you how I felt, I just couldn’t handle the heartache. And then you kissed me, and every single thought left my brain. I heard you tell me how you felt, I heard you ask me to tell you I felt the same, but I couldn’t form the words Az.” He finally looks up at you, his eyes wide and hopeful. “And you left before I could get my shit together and tell you. So let me say it now. I have loved you, as more than my best friend, for longer than I can remember Az. I’m sorry I couldn’t figure out how to say that last week.” He looks surprised. "It's always been you.” You repeat the words he told you last week.
A moment passes. Then two. And then his hands are free from your grip, pulling you close to him and kissing you deeply. You don’t hesitate this time, kissing him back with just as much passion. Azriel’s hips lift slightly, making you suddenly very aware of your current position. You hesitantly move yourself to go from straddling his waist to straddling his hips, unsure of what exactly he wants to happen. He freezes for a moment, causing you to overthink and pull away slightly, but before you can pull back completely, Azriel’s hands grip your hips and pull them closer to his. He groans softly into your mouth, letting one hand move from your hip to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer.
One second, you are on top of him kissing, and the next he is flipping you onto your back, holding himself up with one hand next to your head while the other caresses your waist. His mouth begins to trail down your neck and onto the column of your throat, giving you rough kisses along the way. A small whimper leaves you, which only seems to encourage him more.
From across the training ring, you hear voices approaching. Shit, you both completely forgot where you are and how public this is. Azriel pulls away and quickly stands, reaching out a hand towards you to help you up. You wonder if the interruption will be the end of this heated moment between the two of you, but Azriel pulls you by the waist close to him.
“Your room or mine?” He asks with a strained voice. The voices get closer, and before you can answer, Azriel lifts you up with your legs around his waist and winnows you to his room.
Once you arrive inside Azriel’s room, he gently sets you on his bed and takes a step back, staring at you. You can’t tell what his expression says, but you suddenly feel very shy under his intense stare.
“Uh, you okay?” You ask hesitantly. He gives you a grin and nods.
“I’m great. More than great. I’m just taking a second to admire this moment because I’ve spent the pst week feeling like Prythian’s biggest idiot for confessing my feelings to you when you didn’t feel the same way.” He stalks closer to you, his grin transforming into a lustful smirk. “But now that I know you feel the same way…” he towers over you, gently pushing you back onto the bed as he moves above you. “I am going to savor this. Every. Single. Second.” He kisses up your neck between his last few words.
“Oh… uh, okay.” You blush hard as the words come out in a whisper and every thought leaves your brain. Well, every thought except for Azriel. His hands tangle into your hair as he kisses you, but unlike before, this kiss isn’t overly eager and desperate. It’s purposeful and passionate, but the hunger from before still lingers between the two of you. Azriel’s hands slowly slide up your waist, under your shirt. His fingers play with the hem for a moment.
“Is this okay?” He whispers in your ear and softly bites your earlobe. You nod in response, but he pulls back and puts a hand on your cheek. “I need to hear you say it. You need to tell me exactly how far you want to go. I don’t want to do something you aren’t comfortable with.”
“Az. Please, I need you. All of you.” You plead.
“Thank the gods.” He wastes no time slipping his hands under your shirt and bra. His fingers graze over your nipples softly, causing you to whimper quietly. Azriel pulls your shirt off and quickly unclasps your bra, throwing it across his room. His eyes darken as he stares at you. You instinctively try to cover yourself, but he immediately pins both of your wrists above your head with one of his hands. “Don’t you dare hide from me, sweetheart. You are fucking gorgeous.” His words come out low and gravelly, causing you to blush a deep shade of pink.
Azriel lowers his mouth to one nipple and sucks, biting gently, while he rolls the other one between his fingers. The sensation makes you let out a low moan. He switches, making sure to give both equal attention before moving lower.
“Can I trust you to keep your hands up there?” He asks gruffly.
“And if I don’t?” You challenge with a smirk. Azriel gives a low chuckle. You feel the familiar chill of his shadows moving up your arms and around your wrists, restraining you. Two more shadows start playing with your nipples and the cold feeling makes you arch your back.
“I always wondered how you would be in bed.” He lowers himself toward your stomach. “But it seems like you like to be a brat.” His eyes gleam with excitement. “And if this wasn’t the first time that I get to worship your body, believe me, I would fuck the brattiness right out of you.” His fingers play with the hem of your pants as he kisses down your navel. “But I’m gonna let that attitude slide just this once.” His filthy words send a rush of heat to your core.
His hot breath dances over your skin and he slowly drags down your pants and panties all at once. Azriel stares at your pussy with complete adoration in his eyes.
“You are so fucking stunning, sweetheart.” He groans and teases a finger around your entrance. “And so fucking wet. Gods y/n, you might have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen.” His fingers trail up to your clit and he circles it softly. Moans spill from your lips freely now as you buck your hips towards him. “Patience. I’m just getting started.” He smirks and spreads your legs wide, before lowering his mouth to your core.
Azriel switches between kitten licks to your clit and teasing your hole with his tongue. Your moans get louder as you become more desperate.
“More. Fuck, Az, more please.” You beg. He pushes one of his long fingers into your pussy and curls it, making you cry out.
“You like that, sweetheart?” He asks with a smug smirk, as if he doesn’t know the damn answer. His shadows continue to tease your nipples, while one trails down to circle your clit while Azriel fucks you with his fingers. You had never felt pleasure this good, this intense. Azriel returns to sucking your clit, occasionally grazing his teeth across it, causing you to throw your head back and moan loudly. The familiar feeling of pleasure builds in your core. As if he can tell you are close, he speeds up his fingers. “That’s it, y/n. Come for me.”
“Fuck Azriel!” You yell and clench around his fingers while grinding on his face. Your orgasm rips through you like an explosion. Azriel draws the feeling out longer with his fingers continuously moving inside you—slower now. “Az, please. I want you inside me. Now.” You whine. He looks up at you with a shit-eating grin, his chin wet with your arousal.
“I have waited a long fucking time to finally taste you, so I will stop once I get my fill.” He puts his tongues back on your clit and gives it a soft lick, causing your hips to buck at the intensified feeling. “Give me one more like this, sweetheart. I need you to cum on my face one more time before I’ll be satisfied.” He buries his face between your legs, eating you out like a male starved. This might be the hottest thing you have ever experienced. No male has ever been so eager to eat you out, especially not this well, and definitely never twice in a row.
It doesn’t take long for Azriel to bring you to the edge again. His fingers thrust inside your soaked cunt as he sucks your clit.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” Right as your release bursts inside you, Azriel moves his face back up to your mouth, keeping his fingers in your pussy and on your clit to coax you through the orgasm. His shadows release your hands, and you grab onto his shoulders as he swallows your moans with his kiss. You eventually come down from your high and take a steadying breath.
Azriel grins down at you like a kid on Winter Solstice who got every present he wanted. “You are breathtaking, y/n.” He kisses you again and moves his hips above yours. “Are you sure, sweetheart?” His gentle tone fills you with warmth.
“Please, Azriel. Please fuck me.” He groans at your words and lines his tip up with your entrance.
“Let me know if you need me to stop, okay?” You nod. He slowly pushes himself into you, one inch at a time. Fuck, you knew he was big, but this is something else. “Are you okay?” He asks. You nod and lift your hips to meet his, encouraging him to keep going. Azriel pushes himself entirely into you and gives a low moan.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so fucking good.” He starts to slowly move in and out, gradually picking up his pace until he is pounding into you, his eyes screwed shut in pleasure. “This pussy was fucking made for me.” He moans and drops his forehead onto yours. You feel your pleasure building again as his hand reaches down to rub your clit.
“I’m close, Az.” You moan into his shoulder. This causes him to slow down slightly, opting for agonizingly slow and deep thrusts.
“Not yet, y/n. I need to feel you more.”
“I have wanted this for so long.”
“So fucking long.”
“And now you’re mine.”
His eyes pour into yours intensely.
“I have loved you since I first met you, y/n.” He says in an intimately hushed tone.
“I love you too, Az. I have for so long.” Your words pull a moan from him, and he picks his pace back up, pounding his cock into you. His fingers return to your clit and he rubs circles, drawing out high-pitched moans from you.
“Cum for me, y/n. Fuck, please. Come on my cock, sweetheart.” It comes out more like a beg than a command. Your third orgasm causes you to clench around him and drag your nails down his back, probably leaving marks. A few more thrusts, and Azriel is spilling inside you, your name falling from his lips over and over.
You both lay there for a while, savoring the moment. After a minute, Azriel slowly pulls out of you, making you hiss from how sensitive your walls are. He heads to the bathroom and returns quickly with a wet cloth to clean you up. Once clean, he gets back into the bed and pulls you close to him. The two of you cuddle in silence for a while before he speaks up.
“I’m still convinced this is a dream.” He whispers in amazement while running his fingers through your hair.
“I’ll admit I’ve had similar dreams before.” You giggle. He turns you around to face him and raises an eyebrow.
“You’ve had wet dreams about me?” You blush hard and nod. “Fuck, that’s hot.” You giggle and bury your face in his chest as he pulls you closer.
“This isn’t a dream, Az. It’s real, and I really do love you.” You reassure him. You will tell him that a million times if that’s what it takes.
“I love you, y/n. So fucking much.” He hugs you tighter. The two of you doze off into a blissfully content sleep.
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omg okay i hope yall liked this!! also btw i have never published smut ever before so i apologize if it sucked lol.
i’m having a lot of fun getting back into writing fics so please send me requests if you have any bc i suck at coming up with ideas.
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sturniololoco · 4 months
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: Slight yelling/fighting if u squint, language, etc
At the beginning of this school year, I promised my brothers I would try my very hardest to do the best I could in school.
It wasn't looking good so far.
"SLS/N, c'mon! You have a test tomorrow!" Nick said, trying his hardest not to laugh as I attempted to do a handstand on my bed.
I flopped and rolled over, sighing. I got up and walked back to my seat next to him.
"Okay, what happened in France in 1889-" My brother began to say, but I cut him off.
"I hate the guy that made tests a thing." I blurt.
Nick sighed, shaking his head before going back to the flashcards he made for me.
Things like this kept happening between us and Nick was starting to get frustrated.
But I couldn't see that.
"SLS/N! Sit your ass down and listen." Nick shouted, scaring me as I was mid-spin in my rolly chair.
I stopped dead, my mouth zipping shut as I looked at him guiltily.
I had never heard Nick yell like that,
He was mad.
He continued on with his lecture, frustrated and mad nonetheless.
I swear I listened to the first three flashcards, but it all went downhill from there.
The only time I zoned back in was when Nick was aggressively standing up from his chair and arching out of my room.
"You're not even helping yourself! What's the point in me wasting my time!" He yelled as I heard him walk down the stairs.
As I heard a door being slammed from downstairs, I felt the tears well up in my eyes.
With shaking hands, I pick up the pile of cards and begin reading them between sobs, studying like Nick wanted me to do.
At this point, I was reading them on my floor, half crumpled, with tears flooding down my face like a river.
I hear a little knock on my door, and then Matt walks in and sits next to me silently.
Just his presence makes me even more upset, reminding me of how I let Nick down.
"Hey, you need to calm down, okay?" He says, grabbing my hand and making me look at him.
“N-No! I need to s-study!” I yell, slamming my flash card onto the carpet under me and bringing my hands to cover my eyes, wiling the tears not to fall.
“You can study after you’ve calmed down for me, okay?” He says, picking up the flashcards and putting them behind his back.
I nod, trying to suppress the sobs racking my body.
Once calmed down, Matt takes the cards from behind his back and shuffles them, saying,
"You know, I've always had really hard time with school too.”
I look up at him, focusing on the sound of his voice. It relaxes me as keeps talking.
“How about we make a deal. If you get above a C on your test tomorrow, we’ll all go out for an ice cream date after school.” He says, sticking his hand out for me to shake.
I nod and smile, grabbing his hand. But instead of shaking it, I pull him to me, hugging him tight.
I sat at my desk, leg bouncing up and down nervously and biting my nails as I waited for Matt to go get Nick.
My oldest triplets brother entered my room and walked over, kneeling in front of me.
“I’m sorry. I’ll listen now.” I say, staring back at him.
He gives me a small smile with makes my chest swell with relief.
“Oh so you’ll study because Matt promised ice cream?” He joked, shoving my arm out playfully, then picked up the cards.
We studied till 10:00, me focusing as had as I could. Nick tucked me into mute bed and turned my lamp off.
“Good luck on the test tomorrow kiddo.” He said, leaving to shut the door, allowing me to fall asleep.
“Nick! I got a B+!” I squealed as I hopped into the backseat next to my brother, shoving the test in his face.
He smiled and took the test from his face before giving me a hug.
“Great job bud, I’m so proud of you!” He said I to my ear.
“TO THE ICE CREAM STORE!” Chris yelled.
posting one a little early for yall! <3
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep
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luvangelbreak · 4 months
Deprived | Seventeen
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: smut (sorry I'm addicted now), oral (fem!receiving), slight overstimulation, mentions of abuse (domestic), swearing, mentions of drugs (weed) word count: 3.1k a/n: this one is an emotional rollercoaster yall i apologise
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pov: layla
“Go straight to my room. I’ll be there in a sec,” Matt whispered as he opened the front door. With a curt nod and wobbly feet, I bolted upstairs to his room and closed the door behind me.
I heard murmurs of voice downstairs and I sighed, pulling away from the door as I kicked my shoes off. The pulse between my legs hadn’t subsided and groaned, flopping back onto Matt’s bed.
My pants felt uncomfortable around my legs, the warmth of their heater making me start to sweat with the hoodie and jeans on. I decided I would take my pants off and hide under the covers till Matt was able to give me some shorts to wear.
I slid under the silky covers, mind racing with only thoughts of him as I moved my legs around, the material feeling smooth on my bare skin. The door swung open making me jump before I realised it was Matt and he closed the door behind him, locking it before turning to look at me.
“The second time you’ve been at my house and you act like you own the place already,” he teased with a smile and I shrugged, eyes heavy as I looked at him. The last of the sun was shining through his bedroom window, allowing enough light for me to see him perfectly.
“Not my fault you have a comfy bed,” I retorted as he shook his head, throwing his keys on his desk before walking over to me.
“My parents will kill me if they find out you’re high,” his tone shifted to slightly more concerned and I let my face drop, feeling bad that I was putting him through this.
“I’m sorry. I can go home,” I sat up, guilt flooding my body as his face softened before he shook his head.
“I told them you didn’t feel good and your dad wasn’t home so they won’t disturb us. Just don’t go downstairs till they fall asleep,” he answered before leaning forward, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as my worried gaze softened again.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered apologetically as my eyes fell to his lips before scanning his face.
“I’m glad you called me,” he smiled, leaning forward and placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled up at him before his eyes landed on my lap and I hadn’t realised the covers had slid forward from his movements, “Why aren’t you wearing pants?”
“My jeans were uncomfortable,” I whined, throwing my head back into the pillows and he smirked down at me.
“Do u want pants?” he asked and I shook my head, my eyes meeting his lips again.
“We’re just staying in here right?” I asked, sitting back up again as he hummed in response and I smiled at him, “Then there’s no need for pants.”
“Are you just trying to entice me right now?” he asked, a glimmer of teasing in his eyes and I gasped dramatically, throwing a hand to my chest.
“How dare you accuse me of such a thing?” I let my jaw drop and he smiled at me as he shook his head. I leaned forward, placing a kiss on his lips before mumbling, “But yes I am. Are you done being a morally right man?”
“You’re making it very hard to be one,” he whispered against my lips and I smiled, sliding the covers off of myself fully before I moved to straddle his waist, sliding my arms around his shoulders as the heat spread across my body. I trailed my lips from his, down his jawline to the spot on his neck that I sucked and bit in the car.
“Come on,” I enticed him further as I let one of my hands tangle in his hair, the other travelling down his clothes torso as his breathing quickened, “Have some fun, pretty boy.”
“Layls," he breathed hesitantly and I pursed my lips, pulling back to look at his face, "I'm not gonna fuck you right now."
"You don't have to," I leaned forward pressing a kiss to his lips, "There are lots of other options though."
"Fuck it," he mumbled, lifting me off of his lap and throwing me onto the bed with a thump as I let out a huff from the impact. He slid his hoodie over his head, discarding it on the floor aimlessly and I didn't even have a moment to register his torso before he grabbed my thighs, pulling me to the edge of the bed as he stood between them. He leaned down, placing a feverish kiss against my lips before he travelled down my neck and I sighed in content.
"Matt," I breathed out and he paused his movements, placing a hand over my mouth as he hooked his other hand under the waistband of my underwear.
"Can you stay quiet, pretty girl?" he whispered, a smirk plastered on his face and his sudden confidence had my thighs squeezing around his legs. I nodded, pursing my lips under his hand as I shifted my hips impatiently. He lifted his hand off of my mouth, still trailing his soft fingertips on the waistband of my underwear.
"Please," I whispered, grabbing his wrist that was near my underwear as he chuckled at me, dipping his head into my neck and biting across it making me let out a heavy sigh.
"So cute," he mumbled against my skin before dipping his hand under the waistband, a finger running against my core making me clench my jaw to stay quiet, "You make a sound and I stop."
"Fuck," I whispered, his dominance turning me on more than I expected. My mind was swirled as I trained my eyes on the ceiling, trying to focus on not making sounds as his fingers trailed circled around my clit bringing me pure ecstasy. As he continued his assault on my neck, he dipped a single finger into my pussy causing me to grip his wrist tightly to help myself not cry out in pleasure.
"You're doing so good, baby," he breathed against my neck heavily and I sighed, the praise making me want to moan loudly even more, "I know, pretty girl, I know."
"Matt," I whispered through gritted teeth and he hummed against my neck as he added another finger inside me as I gasped. My high was making it feel even more heavenly as his finger slid in and out of me at the perfect pace, his palm nudging my clit in the process as I gripped his wrist tightly, "Please."
"What do you want, baby?" he asked quietly against my skin before pulling up, looking at me with dilated pupils.
"I want your mouth. Please," I begged, rutting against his hand even more and he smirked down at me. Without another word, he pulled his fingers out of me making me whine from the loss of contact. It felt like he was moving at the speed of light and my brain couldn't keep up as he pulled my underwear off my legs. He grabbed my ankles as he knelt down on the floor, placing my thighs on his shoulders and he kissed along the sensitive skin.
He ran his tongue along my now dripping-wet slit and I let out a whine at the sensation, my senses being heightened to an extent I hadn't felt before because of the strain of weed. I felt the sting of a hand on my thigh before I looked down at him and he had hard eyes, scolding me for making a sound. I pursed my lips, my eyes half apologetic and half begging him to continue.
He continued holding my gaze as he wrapped his lips around the sensitive nub as I let out a heavy breath, my hand flying to his hair as my back arched at the sensation. As he swirled his tongue around me, the feeling of the knot in my stomach quickly rose as I panted into the air, convincing myself not to make a sound internally. He hummed against me as I let out a whimper, another slap to my thigh making me look down at him again and he kept his eyes trained on mine.
I admired everything about him, focusing my mind on anything but the feeling he was giving me with only his mouth as to not make a sound. I gripped his hair tightly, threading my fingers through the curls as I kept my eyes on his with my mouth hung open as pants left my mouth. I watched as his jaw clenched from his focus on giving me pleasure and his lips pressed around my soft skin, his blue eyes illuminated by the slither of sunlight peering through the bedroom window. His arms gripped my twitching thighs tightly as his fingers dug into my flesh and I sighed, feeling my climax approaching easily.
“I’m gonna-” I breathed out quickly before my back arched impossibly further off of the bed and I tugged on his hair, my high hitting me quicker than I anticipated. My legs shook on either side of his head, my heels digging into his back as he worked his mouth around me through my climax. I threw a hand over my mouth, whining into my palm from the overstimulation as he continued lapping up my wetness, “Matt!”
I squeaked out, pushing his head away as he pressed further into me as I gasped. He dragged out my orgasm as long as he could, gripping onto my thighs tightly as I squirmed in his grip, attempting to push his head away slightly but I didn’t put enough force because it felt too good to stop. When I finally decided I couldn’t take anymore, he noticed my change in body language and pulled away from me, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of my thigh as his hands unravelled from around my thighs and trailed up to my waist, giving my hips a gentle squeeze.
He caught his breath, looking up at me with heavy eyes as my wetness dripped from his mouth. He licked his lips before wiping his face with the back of his hand before I flopped my head back down on the bed. He slid my legs off of his shoulders, crawling over me and placing his hands on either side of my head.
“You okay, pretty girl?” he whispered as I peered up at him with heavy eyes and a dopey smile. I nodded lazily as he smiled down at me, “I wasn’t too harsh?”
“Nope,” I said popping the P as I sighed, wrapping my heavy legs around him as I pulled him down onto me, “Do you want me to-”
“It’s okay,” he whispered, pushing my hair out of my face before tucking it behind my ear as I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I just wanted it to be about you.”
“Are you sure?” I tilted my head, a small frown on my face as he continued smiling at me and nodding.
“Positive, baby,” he leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on my lips as I melted into his touch again. I instinctively rutted my hips into his before he trailed his hand down, pushing my waist against the bed, “Slow down there cowgirl.”
“Habit,” I shrugged with a cheeky smile and he shook his head. He pulled away from me and my face fell at the loss of contact before he picked up my underwear from the floor, gently sliding them onto my legs before I lifted my hips up to help him.
“You need anything?” he asked, leaning his hands on my bare thighs as I leaned back on my elbows.
“You,” I answered quickly and he chuckled before nodding. He climbed over to the side of the bed where it was pressed against the wall and I crawled under the covers beside him, laying my head on his chest as the fuzzy feeling in my brain subsided. The affects of my orgasm wore off as well as the weed as I listened to his steady heartbeat, his hand laying on my back as he traced circles on my skin that was exposed from the hoodie riding up.
“Can I ask you something?” Matt’s raspy voice broke the silence and I looked up at him, nodding gently before he sighed, his face serious as he looked down at me, “What uh- what really happened with your mom? I only know from rumours and I don’t know what to believe at that fuckin school.”
My breath caught in my throat at the mention of my mother and I avoided his gaze, looking down at his lips instead, “What have you heard?”
“A lot of different things. That she passed, she ran away, she got kidnapped,” he explained quietly, his voice full of hesitation as I sighed, laying my head back down on his head before he continued, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to overstep. I was just curious but if you don’t wanna talk about it I understand.”
He rambled on and I could feel the sympathy radiating off of him as I pursed my lips. I let my arm wrap around his torso as I stayed silent for a moment, pulling him closer to me.
“I was nine,” I whispered and I heard his breathing falter for a moment, before attempting to relax again, “I was talking to my sister on emails with my moms help when my dad came into the room. He started yelling and throwing shit everywhere, tell us we were stupid to talk to someone who doesn’t care about us.”
“Oh,” he whispered almost inaudibly and I inhaled sharply, remembering the day clearly as if it were yesterday.
“He hit me for the first time ever that night. He would always hit my mom but she said if he ever tried to hurt me she would call the police. That wasn’t true though because he beat her so badly that night that she didn’t leave the house for a week. I was so terrified of him from then on,” I explained weakly, not daring to look up at him as I spoke, pressing my cheek to his chest for comfort as he continued running his fingers along my back in silence, “I woke up a week later to a note on my bedside table from her. She said that she was leaving but she would be back for me when she knew it was safe enough for her. But she never came back.”
I chewed my bottom lip, my throat beginning to close as Matt sighed, holding me tighter against him as he whispered, “I’m so sorry, Layls.”
“I get it. I didn’t at the time, I hated her for leaving me behind but I know if she took me with her he would’ve found her and tried to get her locked up for kidnapping. Probably would’ve killed her if he was that angry,” I shrugged, tears springing to my eyes, “I just wish that she did come back, ya know? I spent the next 3 years looking out the front window every day just waiting for her to come help me but she just never did.”
I took a breath, a few tears slipping out of my eyes which I quickly wiped with the sleeve of my hoodie, embarrassed that I was crying in front of him, “I always understood why my sister left and never came back. By the time she would’ve been able to help me I was already old enough. But I just wanted my mom sometimes.”
My face was now set in a deep frown and I felt Matt’s lips press against the top of my head, his arm squeezing me against him as he mumbled, “I’m sorry, baby. I had no idea.”
“I just miss her,” I let more tears fall from my eyes, pulling him impossibly closer as the wetness traveled down my cheeks, landing on the skin of his chest as I didn’t dare look up at him.
“I know, baby. I know,” he mumbled against my hair comfortingly as he ran his hand up and down my back to soothe me, “It’s okay.”
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, quickly wiping my tears away as I sniffled, attempting to steady my breathing.
“Hey,” he said softly as his hand landed under my chin, pulling my face toward his. I looked up at him with teary eyes and I bit my lip to swallow the sadness, “Don’t you dare apologise. I’m here for you, pretty girl. Always.”
“I just hate crying in front of people. It makes me feel weak,” I whispered as a few more tears rolled down my face and he swiped his thumb across my cheeks to rid of them making me close my eyes from his gentle touch.
“You aren’t weak for having emotions. I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t express whatever you’re feeling around me,” he whispered, placing a delicate kiss on my forehead as I sighed, taking in a shaky breath before I opened my eyes again to look up at him.
“One minute I’m begging you to fuck me. Next thing you know I’m crying about my mother,” I snickered at the ridiculousness of the situation as his face broke out in a gentle smile, tucking my hair behind my ear.
“You keep me on my toes,” he chuckled, his chest vibrating under my chin as I smiled up at him.
“Thank you,” I whispered, reaching up to cradle his jaw with my hand as I ran my nails along the scruff of his cheeks.
“For what?” he asked quietly, a smile still resting on his lips as he wrapped both of his arms around my back.
“You’re the first person who’s ever made me feel safe,” I admitted, my voice shaking at the vulnerability I wasn’t adjusted to yet.
“Selfishly,” he began saying as his hand trailed under my hoodie and pressed against the warm skin of my back again, “I’m glad I can be the one to make you feel that way.”
“Selfishly,” I whispered as I leaned forward, my nose brushing against his, “I’m glad too.”
I leaned forward, a gentle kiss being held between us in a moment of pure intimacy, no external factors interrupting the moment of peace. I pulled away from the softness of his lips, a smile breaking through my lips as I gazed up at him.
This boy will be the death of me.
@ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix @lilsstvrn @sturniololol @dsturniolo @sturniolowhore @jebbie-project-blog @jaxyy219 @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @pinklittleflower @thatcrazybitch-69 @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn
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deftonesmatt · 2 months
𓆞 LET IT GO ࣪ 𓂃 C.S
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PAIRING: chris sturniolo x fem!reader
GENRE: smut and maybe FLUFFF
SUMMARY: the whole summary is just that chris has a wet dream as your cuddling (i hate doing summary's bro)
WARNINGS: swearing (sometimes), a little bit of plot but it's more of a blurb,oral (m receiving), some teasing, sub!chris, dom!reader, begging, praise and degradation, pet names (baby and ma) , mama/mommy kink, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up buddy), missionary,
AUTHOR'S NOTE: im writing more madi filipowicz and some matt sturniolo stuff so DONT WORRRYYY i love yall
also for my pookieluscious girlfran @chrissfawn 😊😊🤞🏼🤞🏼
you felt the sunlight from your window hitting ur face as chris' head was on your chest and your legs was wrapping around his legs, one of your hand playing with his hair, the other scrolling on tiktok with a low volume.
you suddenly heard a whine coming from chris' mouth which caused you to think he would be awake ”chris?” you asked unwrapping your legs from around him and placing ur phone somewhere on ur side desk. he started bucking his hips into the air while soft whimpers and whines came out of his mouth.
your mouth curved into a small smirk before going down and palming chris' bulge softly, he reacted fastly by bucking his hips and moaning. your hands went to the top of his pajama shorts and pulled them down, revealing his hardon and his tip oozing red with leaking precum. with your left hand you wrapped it on the bottom of his dick, spitting on it before taking the whole thing or at least trying to. with every touch had chris twitching and whimpering.
once you went down on him his eyes shot open and his lip quivered as he felt every touch you were making on him. you gagged a little as you tried taking all of him but mostly cause chris grabbed your hair motioning you in his dick. ”oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!” he yelled out as his body and dick twitched which told you everything you needed to know in that moment, you pulled off of him making him whine in return.
”why'd you stop, ma?” he looked at you up and down admiring your body for a quick minute ”i don't want you to cum yet, baby.” you grabbed the ends of your shirt and pulled it over your head, revealing yourself only in a bra.
your hands traveled down to your pajama pants and untying them before pulling them down as well with your panties. you threw them on the floor and the whole time chris was just admiring you from one spot he was in.
chris already took his shirt off and every chance he got he was kissing, covering your neck with purple bruises and biting the one spot on your neck making you moan a bit loudly. the boy with brown locks grabbed your shoulder and pushed you on the bed, lining himself with your entrance. no matter how many times you guys had sex you still felt like he was ruining you but only half of him was inside of you.
chris slowly but roughly thrust his hips into you and you look up at him as he whimpers. he placed his hand on your abdomen then suddenly started thrusting his hips up into you at a fast pace, ”FUCK!” moaning out as you bite into the palm of your hands harshly.
with every thrust you felt yourself getting closer and closer every second. your voice was breaking with every thrust he was making and your head leaned back on the pillow as the noises of chris' whimpering soothed your ears ”a-am i doing good mommy?” he asked while your fingers went in between your dripping folds ”doing so good for m-mommy.”,
you spread ur golden brown legs further apart from each other getting a whimper out of you riding your orgasm. the cold touch of chris' hands as he held ur hips makes you orgasm faster then you could imagine.
chris felt himself get close and his dick twitched while inside of you and he whimpers whenever his sticky wet seed fills your body. he pulls himself out watching both your guys cum drip out mostly dripping on your thigh, flopping on the bed.
he catches his breath and he finally calms down, he turns to face you and he quietly says ”i love you.” you smiled at that which made you kiss his forehead ”i love you too.”
A/N: this was kinda shit and short but bare w me im on writers block 😞😞
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi I am 🪷 Aron from couldninetonine
And I have a request for you if it ok.
Can I request yandere platonic sage , sky, time, warrior, four x child zoni reader.
Like the reader is rauru and queen Soni little baby half breed daughter. Half elf and half zoni. And they found her in her little bubble pod that a flower a lotus. And how they fell for her big doe eyes and big ears. And teaching her the ways and have her call them papa's and how they keep her safe. Please and thank you
omg hi! I love cloudninetonine! It is totally okay to request!
I haven't done a lot of platonic yandere, but this seems fun!
Imagine them calling the boys their papa bc her real dad is dead lmao-
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・❥・@lovanmari and @wayfayrr I got some DILF Sage for yall
・❥・Sage as a dad. First off-- who in their right mind is trusting him with a kid?
・❥・Nah, I kid, I kid. When he's given a child, one so small and innocent and one that he connects with? It burns something within him.
・❥・He was a child soldier (I think canonically BOTW Link was in the army by age twelve?), and when he sees this small child who's relying on him? He swears they'd have a better life than he ever had.
・❥・He absolutely refuses to let his child anywhere near anything sharp, too hot, too cold, explosive, etc.. If there's any chance at injury, his flower bud isn't going anywhere near it.
・❥・You know that his kid is eating like royalty. Every single day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And dessert. And you know that dessert is the best damned thing in the world.
・❥・Sage as a dad is probably just as unhinged, but in more protective way? Lynel look in their direction? Here kid, look at this butterfly, Papa will be right back- He's back within three minutes tops and look! He's got the fur for a new blanket for you!
・❥・Cece tries pinching your cheeks? He's glaring down at her, daring her to try.
・❥・Someone tries offering you a treat because your just so adorable? He knows his kid is cute, nice try. Nothing is getting past him. He's a bit of a helicopter parent.
・❥・Not a bit. It's a lot.
・❥・He loves playing with your big ears, ones that you'll grow into, flopping them about even as you get red-cheeked and angry at him.
・❥・He'll make it up to you eventually :)
・❥・He also spoils you absolutely rotten. He has his rules, yes, and expects you to follow them, but his rewards are things like trips to the Zora Domain or a sand seal ride in Gerudo. Never Eldin. Are you kidding that's an active volcano site?!?!
・❥・The sages are one-thousand percent your personal body guards. You don't go anywhere without your dad and at least one sage.
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・❥・Sky is absolutely smitten from the start.
・❥・You look at this man and tell me he's not dad shaped. You can't.
・❥・He doesn't even care to learn what a Zonai is. All he knows is there are none here and your all alone and your his now. He doesn't make the rules
・❥・He is also another protective dad, but he's a little more willing to let you experience the world around you. You wanna see those flowers over there? He's following! You wanna go for a dip in the river? Great idea, he's helping you! You can go explore, but never alone.
・❥・He absolutely introduces you to Crimson right away. Crimson is the perfect co-parent guardian. Crimson is always pulling you into her side, ruffling her feathers and grooming you.
・❥・Like you become Sky's kid and Crimson's chick. They are two halves of a whole soul so it makes sense.
・❥・HFHFDOFDHN imagine sleeping on Crimson's back while Sky leads the two of you through a forest or sum ;^;
・❥・Or soaring through the sky with you pointing at every cloud you pass and Sky harnessing you to his chest while Crimson flies much slower than normal.
・❥・Sky can cook basic things, but he definitely spends more time with village moms and elders learning more.
・❥・He for sure carves toys for you out of wood. Like trains or maybe a doll of Crimson.
・❥・You get the fluffiest blankets stuffed with Loftwing feathers
・❥・Groose is such a good uncle-sidebar. Even if Sky isn't...jazzed about letting you out of his sight, he will trust Groose. For an hour.
・❥・Which he is within earshot of for fifty seven minutes.
・❥・He's kind of torn between letting you be with Zelda-- who adores you-- and not. she's the reincarnate of Hylia. What if you get dragging into the wretched reincarnation curse as well?
・❥・He wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy let alone his fletchling.
・❥・Fi for sure has a beacon on you at all times.
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・❥・He's more...withdrawn when it comes to first meeting you
・❥・Afterall he's in a war.
・❥・but...so are you. And you are so much younger than he is.
・❥・and what self-respecting parent would let their child wander so far? None that deserve their child.
・❥・So you become his. He doesn't do take backsies.
・❥・When you stutter out that your old, irrelevant, unworthy father was a Zonai, he does take that with some caution.
・❥・But no one even knows what a Zonai is. Ravio has a general idea-- a race blessed by the gods-- but thats as far as he gets.
・❥・That's okay. You were his now and he didn't care what you were. You were perfect just the way you are <3
・❥・Wars as a dad is probably pretty strict. But he lets you out of his sight more than the previous two.
・❥・You get schooled and have friends, but are expected home right away.
・❥・He doesn't like your friends. Not a chance. But because he's such a public figure he needs to give you a semi normal life.
・❥・Which means those dumb friends and parent interventions and schooling and hours away when you could be spending time with him!?
・❥・He probably sneaks you out of school often to go for treats at a bakery or a swim in a river. What are they gonna do, tell the Hero no?!
・❥・Artemis loves you. He trusts her with you while he's dragged away for things he cannot control. She has the power of Sheik on her side and proved her worth to him in battle.
・❥・You definitely have a fairy on you at all times which reports back to him.
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・❥・Fours is so fun for one reason and one reason alone.
・❥・the minish.
・❥・They probably are the ones to alert him about your presence, giving their small knowledge of the Zonai race.
・❥・They chirp and chitter at him until he brings you back to the home he shares with his grandpa (Uncle? It's one of the two). The older male was out at the moment leaving Four to figure out what he's going to do with you.
・❥・Obviously he keeps you. No one else can handle such a task! You're so delicate and so rare and the minish already love you.
・❥・So your his. no ifs ands or buts.
・❥・The forge? Off Limits.
・❥・It's too hot with too many sharp pointy things and open flames and its dirty.
・❥・Not for his kid.
・❥・When it comes to cooking, he can do it, but like sky, he's not overly good.
・❥・but! You guys can learn together. Under his strict supervision. Where you sit at the counter. Away from the fires and knives. It's a bonding experience.
・❥・Back to the minish, they love you. They love playing with you and calling your attention away while your dad deals with someone whose watching you a little too closely.
・❥・They leave small trinkets for you all the time! Which four keeps in a box. Because you could choke.
・❥・He's also another one to make your toys! Little metal horses and wooden doll houses.
・❥・If he needs to run out for a few errands or something, he's not leaving you with anyone. Oh no not his kid. No, he's splitting. Two stay with you, three depending on the errand, while the other runs out.
・❥・You aren't allowed the Four sword. Ever.
・❥・He would never wish that upon you. Even if you love the colors and it helps you differentiate between green and red and blue and Violet.
・❥・Thats probably how you learn some of your colors in fact.
・❥・Even as you grow up, you cannot get away with anything. The minish are snitches and it would do you good to learn that. And fast.
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gothmoneyswag · 2 years
im just like reigen from mob psycho (hella swag and no hoes)
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sunnyyangie · 3 months
choi taeyang x f. reader
cw: cheating (not on theo/i dont condone this and yall shouldnt either), dom!theo, best friends/roommates to lovers, oral (r. rec.), penetration
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“you’re home early.” your best friend, taeyang, calls out from your shared living room. he pauses the kdrama he’s been binging recently and puts all of his attention on you.
you sighed heavily as you take your shoes off and make your way over to the boy, flopping down on the couch next to him. “he ‘forgot’.” you start, rage filling your body as you recall the events. “i showed up to dinner, told the host his name for the reservation, they said there was nothing written down for it. then i think, ‘oh, surely he made the reservation under my name then? right?’, nope. i looked stupid walking out of that restaurant. then he doesn’t even answer my calls, but sends a text saying he’s busy and he’ll talk to me later. mind you, it’s our eight month anniversary, why the fuck is he busy? i’m seriously done with him. and i know i’ve said that before but i swear i’ll break up with him when i see him next.”
you finish your rant with a hot face, convinced there was steam coming out of your ears. taeyang has a sad look on his face as he pulls you in for a tight hug. you melt into his arms, grateful he’s always been the person you can count on, especially when dealing with your boyfriend.
taeyang has heard everything pertaining to him. from when he first confessed to you, to the first date, and to when the two of you made it official. you had also told your best friend about all of your (mostly bad) sex stories with your boyfriend, and how he could never make you cum.
taeyang also knows this isn’t the first time your boyfriend has ditched you or just has been a bad person in general. taeyang has tried telling you to leave him after hearing countless stories of him of his horrible behaviors. you just really thought he would change so you never even considered leaving him.
“do you need anything? to feel better?” your friend asks.
you pull away and think. “i just wanna forget about him.”
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it was a blur. you’re not sure how you both got to his bedroom, or how your dress was already on the floor. how you were laying on his bed and how he was crawling on top of you.
“let me worship you like how you should be.” taeyang states, placing wet kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach. his fingers hook under your panties to slowly pull them off, tossing them on the floor.
he gently spreads your legs, licking his lips at the glistening sight. suddenly, he latches on to your clit, softly sucking while he massages your thighs. the two of you lock eyes, his deadly stare making you whine. “want your fingers. please.”
he hums against you and you shake in response. taeyang removes his mouth and says, “anything for my princess.” the nickname he had called you ever since you became close, since he was the prince, now giving you a newfound feeling to hearing him say it.
his lips attach to you once again as one of his fingers prods at your wet hole, easily slipping in. a second finger sliding into your warmth when he notices no signs of discomfort.
your sighs turn to soft moans, your hands finding home in his long hair, pulling at him so he can be closer. he switches between flicking his tongue and sucking at your clit while he curls his fingers inside of you.
“i’m close, please don’t stop, tae.” you whine, rocking your hips against his face, lost in the pleasure. taeyang groans against your pussy, the vibrations immediately sending you to your orgasm as you moan loudly.
while you calm down from your climax, taeyang leaves kisses up your body. he then focuses on your neck, sucking at your skin, leaving marks.
“you’re so good to me, taeyang.” you run your hands through his silky hair, softly scratching at his scalp.
he presses a kiss against a newly made hickey before he pulls back to look you in the eyes. “of course, y/nn. you deserve to be treated well, just like a princess.” taeyang places more kisses against the corner of your mouth and against your jawline.
“god, i’ve always loved when you called me that. he would always be so jealous of you and our connection, especially when he heard you call me nicknames.” you admitted. your boyfriend basically hated taeyang. you were very close to your roommate as he was your best friend, so naturally your very toxic boyfriend began to resent him, even moreso when you let taeyang call you princess.
“not surprised. he would barely even look my way whenever he would come over to be with you.”
you can recall the times that you and your boyfriend would be chilling in the living room; how taeyang would come home and the way that your boyfriend would completely ignore him.
“i’m sorry i let it happen. i mean, i really did try reassuring him and trying to get him to like you, but he was just so stubborn.” you explain to him. “i should’ve taken your advice, and, well, all my friends and family told me the same.”
taeyang kisses you, his soft lips feeling like heaven. “don’t apologize, baby. i’m just glad you’re finally done with him.” he kisses you once again. “now you can be all mine.” he flashes you a bright smirk.
“i’d like that a lot.” you blush. “you know, i still need to forget about him, could you continue helping?” you twist his hair in your fingers, biting your lip with a smile.
“of course, my princess, anything. whatever you want.” taeyang drags his fingers down your body to play with your clit, making you squirm.
“can you fuck me?” you look up at your best friend with big doe eyes.
taeyang curses under his breath, “fuck. yeah, baby. i’ll take care of you.” he slips out of his sweatpants and boxers, and you clench around air when your eyes meet his hard cock. knowing that you haven’t even touched him yet and he was already leaking made your cheeks warm.
he grabs a pillow and tells you to lift up, sliding the plush fabric underneath your back. “are you sure you want this?” he worries, sliding on a condom.
“yes, i’m positive.” you smile at him. “please, just help me forget him.”
taeyang nods, “i got you, y/nn.” he kisses you reassuringly. “let me know if you’re ever uncomfortable.”
he leans back to line his cock up with your pussy; the tip just prodding at your lips, teasing your hole. you wiggle your hips and whimper to get him to hurry. taeyang lets out a soft chuckle as he slowly pushes into you, the two of you softly sighing at the pleasure.
taeyang is slow with his movements. making sure you’re able to take him with every short thrust, before he dives a bit deeper each time.
when he presses fully into you, you bite back a moan, pressing a hand over your mouth. your best friend grabs your hand and presses it against the pillow that your head rests on. “wanna hear you moan for me, princess.” taeyang demands, pulling himself almost completely out of you before thrusting back in with a quicker pace.
you whine loudly at the feeling of his dick dragging against your walls and how he nearly hits your sweet spot. you’re certain your entire face is red with how hot it feels because of him. “tae, you feel so good, shit. fuck me so, ah, well.”
your free hand reaches for him and he leans in closer to you as you wrap your arm around his back to let your nails dig into his shoulder blades.
taeyang pants, hot breath on your neck as he leaves marks on you. “all mine.” you arch your back, your chest bumping into his at the way he’s been worshipping you.
he uses his free hand to grab your waist and pin you into the bed. feeling how his cock drags through your cunt, you moan as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“need more, yangie.” you plead. you’re close. butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“i got you, baby. fuck, i wish you could see how you look right now.” his hand presses against your stomach, your nerves on fire. “my pretty girl.” taeyang presses his thumb against your clit while still creating pressure on your belly. you writhe against his touch, this feeling foreign as your soon to be ex never gave you an experience like this before. “god, i can’t get enough of you.”
“i’m all yours now.” you barely manage to tell him through your whines. “you can always have me.”
he grunts, clearly affected by your words, and starts rubbing your clit. you sob out, the heat between your legs feeling hotter than ever. “come for me, princess. and scream my name.” his low voice makes everything inside of your unravel.
your loud moans of his name and a string of curse words fill the room as you reach your peak. feeling the way your pussy clenches around him sets his orgasm off with groans.
as he slows down once you’re both catching your breath, he lets his head fall into the crook of your neck, placing a few kisses to calm you down. you softly rub his back, knowing you’ve left countless scratch marks on taeyang.
“i’ll break up with him tomorrow so-“
your sentence is stopped with his lips colliding with yours. “we’ll talk about it in the morning, princess. for now, let’s just clean up and rest.” taeyang reassures you.
you smile at the boy and give him a soft, “okay,” as he gently lifts you up and leads you to the bathroom.
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pinkwright · 1 year
don't know why, just know i want u | shuri udaku.
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pairing — college!shuri x college!y/n
trope — best friends 2 lovers
inspo — james joint by rihanna
warnings — fingering (reader receiving), dom!shuri, reader praises shuri, they smoke weed!!, humiliation kink n i mean shuri laughs at reader a lot, dumbification, possessive!shuri, shuri is touchy n a lil mean, kissing, overstimulation, shuri’s kinda filthy like omg, shuri is mouthy, heightened senses shuri too, dirty talk, shuri’s kinda cocky, dacryphilia. i went simple this time lol so its quick.
a/n — u can definitely tell i like my music to leave my ears ringing LMFAO, it’s my birthday today haha so i decided to work on this for like the whole day as a gift 2 yall lol <3 also i swear a lot irl so the reader is gon do that too my bad anyway hope u enjoy!
⟢˚ @mbakuetshurisprincess @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @saintwrld @shurismainbxtch
i’d rather be smoking weed whenever we breathe. every time you kiss me. don’t say that you miss me, just come get me.
kiss it better pounds through your ears as you pack up your bag, wrapping up the charcoal sticks before placing them into their case. a tired sigh leaves your lips as you flick the bangs out of your face and haul the heavy art bag over your shoulder, and you’re shifting the weight to go to carry the large and smudge-prone drawing sitting on your desk when a hand slides across your lower back to the dip of your waist and squeezes softly.
the flinch that grips your body is unforgiving as you spin in the person’s grip but soon your eyes tightly shut in annoyance as you heave out a deep breath, your gaze dragging past the pretty smirking lips of your sly best friend to meet the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. she reaches her hands up and the tune blasting from your headphones fades out as she moves them to rest around your neck, her hands sliding across your skin when she lifts the hair caught beneath them.
“i always tell you to not fucking do that, shuri, oh my god.”
“and what do i always say about playing your music so loud that you’re not aware of your surroundings?”
her voice is chastising and firm in your ears, and it makes you blink before you give her a sheepish smile, “i was gonna remove the one ear when i left the studio.” she raises an eyebrow, the melody of the song is still audible in the now empty lecture studio, and you’re chuckling, raising your hand to playfully shove against her shoulder, “i’m serious, shuri!”
she shakes her head before stepping further into your space, pressing you against the desk as she leans over you, her cologne wrapping around your figure as her arm reaches for the drawing you were working on, your breath hitches and then, she’s gone, carrying the drawing carefully as she steps away from you.  
you clear your throat, avoiding her gaze, before straightening and making your way to the foyer, the warm air caressing your skin when you step outside onto the busy campus grounds. your voice is light as you talk to shuri, rambling on about your day as she listens attentively, letting the occasional hum slip out as you both journey on to your dorm.
you’re laughing when you reach the familiar door to your dorm, unlocking the door and allowing shuri to slip into the room and she places your artwork and the bag that she had swiftly swiped from you on the way, atop your desk. you watch her sigh before she flops heavily onto your bed, kicking off her shoes as she makes herself comfortable on the abundance of pillows decorating your bed. your eyes are rolling before you stride to your refrigerator to grab a pack of strawberries and blueberries as well as two cans of iced tea.
when your eyes settle on her, her dark gaze is already on you, following your movements like a cat would her prey, and you avoid eye contact as you walk toward her. her eyes are lidded as she sits up with her back against the wall your bed is pushed against, her long legs stretched against the covers as one of her arms is stretched above her head, pressing into the mountain of pillows atop your bed, while the other is laying lazily between her slightly spread legs.
the sight makes your heart pulse, the breath in your lungs feeling denser as you move to place the items on your side table, feeling her gaze burn into the heat of your skin. you exhale before turning to face her, “i thought you were trying to smoke at your place?” remembering her insistence to walk you to your room to drop off your belongings before you would both make your way to her apartment to let the smoke relax your tense muscles.
“come here.”
you hesitate before going to kneel beside her lithe frame, your heart pumping in your chest, and her tattooed hand shoots out to wrap around your thigh, her slim fingers curling just under the cheek of your ass, and your breath hitches. a smirk curls around her lips before she pulls you to straddle her, her other hand gripping your waist to steady you when you stumble into her from the force.
her fingers refuse to remain still against you, tracing your body like a canvas, and you’re sure she can hear the thrum of the blood in your veins, the unruly pace of the muscle in your chest and you look down at her lips to avoid her eyes, “thought we could just light one here, is that cool, s’thandwa?” her lips wrap around the words like she’s caressing them and it makes the heat inside you grow.
the silent nod of your head has her chuckling, removing her hand from your waist to gently curl around your throat, the warmth of her fingers wrapping beneath your jaw to lift your gaze to her. her eyes are smouldering as she regards you, her grip tightening slightly as your eyes flutter and your lips part.
the hem of your skirt rises against your skin when her hands drop to slide against the bare skin of your thighs, and you’re so wet, so embarrassed because you know you could leak on to her at any moment and there would be nothing to stop her feeling the depth of your affection for her, feeling the wetness of your cunt's craving for her.
the clouds in your mind clear slightly when she takes her hands off of you to reach into drawer of your bedside table, her stretch slightly shifting you on her, drawing a silent gasp from your lips, the material of her sweats barely brushing against you. she quickly rolls a joint for the both of you to share, expertly sealing it before she reaches for your lighter, sitting back up to face you, “open up for me, won’t you, baby?”
she places the joint between your glossy lips before going to light it, the intensity of her eyes keeping you in place as she watches you inhale the smoke. the atmosphere burns as the smoke passes between you, burns under the heaviness of your skin, floods your damp panties beyond redemption, and you’re sure she can feel it, feel just how much you drip for her.
the relaxing release of the tension in your muscles causes you to sink into her form, her hands getting more daring against you, sliding up the skin of your inner thighs, gripping the flare of your ribs just below your heaving breasts, her lips skimming the skin of your shoulder and running up the stretch of your neck. the room feels tight with tension, your mind screaming at you to give yourself to her, beg her to take you, own you like the predator inside her calls her to.
“you’re so pretty, shuri, the prettiest ever.” you mumble, your head tilting to gaze at the skin of her collarbone.
shuri’s smirking lazily, letting your praises sink into her skin, her hands tightening their grip on you before the one shifts up to grip your neck again, the joint forgotten in the ashtray, as she tilts your head up to look into her eyes, “want you to look at me when you say shit like that, angel. need those eyes on me while you tell me how pretty i am.”
the mean lilt in her command makes a sweet whimper escape your lips and you’re nodding frantically, murmuring about how pretty she is and she’s humming to your words, craving to make you cry, make you weep around your words while she drives her strap into the warmth between your legs. her hand is on your waist, pressing you down into her before she brings your face close enough to where your lips brush against hers and it makes your legs clench in desperation.
and shuri’s endeared by the action, wanting to see just how desperate you can get for her, for her love. her voice lulls your senses as she drops her hands to slide up your quivering thighs, “you gonna let me touch you, baby?”
the smirk on her face widens as your eyes shut when you nod, your nails digging into her shoulders as your hips buck against her thighs, she watches her hands lift the hem of your skirt until your panties are on display and her eyes flutter on a groan as she spots just how much you were soaking the material.
when she brushes the tips of her fingers against you through your underwear, you let out a soft gasp, the haze in your mind from the smoke enhancing your sensitivity and shuri smiles against your lips, speaking her words into you, “my poor princess, you've just been so fucking wet huh? dripping against me like i can’t smell when my pussy's calling out to me, baby.”
and you whimper so loud that shuri chuckles, her hand sliding into the band of your underwear to circle against your pulsing clit, drawing firm circles that have your head dizzy, your voice pleading as you gasp out, “please, please.. please.” she shushes you softly before sliding her fingers to circle around your entrance, laughing when your pussy clenches repeatedly, trying to invite her in, draw her into your warmth.
“yeah, this is my pussy, right angel?”
the dark tinge to her voice coaxes your head to drop into her neck, your hips stuttering as the heat licks at your throat pouring from your mouth in heavy, desperate pants, and her other hand slides to grab your ass, squeezing before guiding you to swallow her fingers, guiding you down her fingers like she was helping your pussy take the length of her strap and she grinds your hips against her hand.
"bast, s'thandwa, that's it, let me in, let this pussy know who she belongs to, hm?"
the sob you let out is filthy, thick with spit, and raspy as it flows into shuri’s ears, and she’s groaning into your temple, her fingers thrusting in and out of you, curling before she drags them out, your wetness sliding down her palm and she’s entranced by you. whispering about her desperate fucking girl and praising the clench of her pussy around her fingers, talking about how she never wants to leave the warmth of your walls, how they never want her to leave.
and your lungs are caving before you clench your thighs, your walls spasming unrelentingly as you cry out at your orgasm, your hips chasing the increasing pace of shuri’s fingers as she guides you through it, “just like that, baby, fuck yourself onto me like a greedy little slut.” she’s praising you, cooing into your ear as she whispers condescendingly about her dumb little baby being so good for her, thanking her pretty princess for letting her play with her pretty pussy.
“you’re gonna give me one more,” at your whimper in protest, she lifts your head to look into her eyes, “wasn’t a question, my love. you know i know what’s best for my baby, hm?”
the words make your hips buck against her fingers, the overstimulation causing you to gasp sharply, your hips stilling for a second before fucking back onto her uncontrollably, craving more but protesting it simultaneously. and she chuckles before bringing your lips to hers, slotting the pretty muscle between your parted lips, and you’re panting into her mouth, tears gathering in your eyes, the love she presses into your mouth making you whine.
the heat of her coaxes you to move your hips, her thumb moving to press against your clit as her fingers graze against the spongy tissue inside you, and she’s speaking encouragement into your skin, her lips skimming against the skin of your face, along the rise of your cheekbones, the soft bags of your eyes, sliding down the line of your jaw. a soft smile spreads across her lips when the salt of your tears presses into her senses, the warm drops of your pleasure lighting an ache inside her.
“keep crying for me, princess, let those dumb baby tears fall for me.”
the lump in your throat escapes at her command, wanting to please her, cry for her, let her know how much you love her, your sobs break into the atmosphere as your thighs clench tightly, your weeping pussy clenching so tightly it hurts, scratching at a part of your psyche that only she had access to, and you’re coming around her fingers, drowning her in your love.
“shuri, please, please, i’m coming for you, please.”
your voice is broken, breathy as your body trembles violently, the aftershocks of your orgasm prolonged by the queen’s unrelenting fingers, she hums praises against your now quivering lips, going to pull her fingers out of you even as they try to pull her back in, and she smiles, her pussy.
your eyes are shut when she pulls back to look at you, her gaze longing and lidded as she takes in your state and she can’t stop herself from leaning in to peck your lips, her fingers wiping your tears away before sliding to your shaking shoulders and gliding against your skin to ground you, to bring you back to her.
by the time you’re hiccupping, you’ve collected yourself enough to lift your eyes to look at her, your lashes clinging together like you do to her, and your heart clenches as you see the immense love that pours from her gaze, resisting the urge to look away, you push up instead and meet her lips in a sweet kiss, your thighs still trembling around her lap, making you both giggle into the comfort of each other's embrace.
too busy kissing to remember the snacks or the burning joint a few feet away from you.
how you live and love, like fuck rules? don’t care why just know i love you
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simpjaes · 6 months
22k and still not even to the first kiss yet. just a bunch of jake being insane for you.
this one rly is gonna be a long ass fic, yall better not let it flop i swear to god
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Harry Hook’s mother
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so i always flip flop for ideas about Harry’s mother, be it a fairy (Zarina), a mermaid, or *cough* Emma swan *cough* (that one is pure au tho) my favorite has to be, a mermaid. cuz g’damn no one is naturally that fucking pretty, there's some supernatural shit going on in that blood.
so Harry’s mom (unnamed atm) was a neverland mermaid, close with her pod, and she was a un-godly beautiful woman, with ocean blue eyes and unruly dark curly hair when it was dry. Hook took a liking to her, after seeing her attempt to drown his men and the lost boys several times. she was one of the strongest of the pod, her voice able to lure the fairies of pixie hollow. once, only a few months before hook was arrested and sent to the isle of the lost, she had been able to trap him with her voice and almost get him neck deep into the waters, her blue eyes never leaving his. he only survived because of Pan (that wretched boy, whom he now had some debt to for saving his life indirectly) 
but this sets off Hooks obsession with the mermaid, and just before he is arrested and sent to the isle, he captures her, not letting her speak as he explains to the new Auradon guard that she is his wife and he will not go willingly without her. and so the mermaid is torn away from her home, sobbing and screaming for her dear friends and family, leaving on in particular behind; her best friend Arella (cant stop this feeling only lore) 
a few moths later, she falls pregnant, and nine months later, gives birth to a fantastically healthy baby girl, blessed by the ocean gods and born of neverland blood. Harriet thrives, the ocean in her veins and a sneer on her lips. but the mermaid grows weaker as the years go by without the magic of neverland, and soon she can hardly move other than for short moments, bursts of energy if you will, her last dying breaths. she is grateful to Mr. Smee who takes her out to the waters and lets her swim around with her only daughter at the shore, her human feet wading in the slowly polluting isle water. 
and when Harriet is 2, the mermaid falls pregnant again, and she isn't sure how, she thought she wouldn't have any magic left to be able to carry another babe. but it doesn't matter, she will love this one as much as she loves her darling starfish.
she doesn't make it more than four months into her sons life, and 3 years into her only daughters life, before she is exhausted of all her magic, and dies, turning to nothing but sea foam. leaving behind two sea glass bracelets that are hidden within the pockets of her only two children, who have no idea if they will ever experience the ocean they way their mother did, but they swear they will honor it better than their father.
....yeah, ANGST MFS! 
in one of my first Headcanon posts for Harry, i mentioned his mom as a siren/mermaid, and thats why he never sings, cuz it does things to people.
anyway~ hope yall enjoyed~ i am very much taking name suggestions cuz idk how to name things. 
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