#if you also needed the disclaimer these are just my personal intial thoughts. if you dont like them all you gotta do is scroll on by bud :]
rebloggedsunsox · 8 months
Thoughts I'm scrambling together as fast as I can just off the top of my head. Im back from the cinemas, and I first off can't say anything other than wow.
That post I made earlier about waiting a week to talk about it? I lied I'm talking now I can't not talk about it I can't wait the brainrot is far too strong LMAO so heres my ramble.
• The movie actually didn't feel out of place or too mashed together with series and new content at all. Some choices were definitely confusing from a game and lore background knowledge standpoint, but in its own universe and continuity it didn't hinder the overall quality of the movie. Still an extremely enjoyable time that didn't leave me frustrated or unsatisfied! And s big mention also to the fact that I went to see it with 2 friends - one who knew the lore like me, and one who didn't. The latter loved it as much as the former and I, no problems in understanding either! Lots of questions on what we knew afterwards, but no complaints all around!
• I think it's really good that they blatantly established that the animatronics, as kids and not when they were controlled by Afton, were just that: kids. They liked pictures and play and never wanted to hurt their new friend Abby. Golden Freddy is definitely a seperate problem that I'll get into, but they were all so cute together it warmed my heart so much :']]
• Mike was played very well by his actor (except for that one scene with Vanessa and the dry delivered "What are you scared of?" line), and I did grow to enjoy his character in the end. Definitely took me a while to get there though. I don't think his emotional connection with Abby was established very well in the beginning, but I think it was still remedied enough to be satisfying after everything had happened.
• The Balloon Boy bit was hilarious. He absolutely is that goddamn creepy, and they somehow MADE HIM CREEPIER in the film! I'm glad that he didn't end up posing an actual threat and stamping over the terror of the main 5, but I was definitely considering it in the back of my mind.
• Wow. Golden Freddy was intense. All the way through. From the phenomenal work of the child actor who played him throughout most of the movie, to the TERRIFYING animatronic who made its mark without even being in the movie that long? Wow. I'm definitely still confused about where the movie was trying to take the plot point of Golden Freddy's existence since a lot was left out and not really explained, but again, overall didn't make understanding the movie much harder. Just leaves me curious as to why they went with what they did. That scene at the very very end of Golden Freddy closing the door on Afton convulsing in the back room? Chilling. That actor played the part perfectly.
• CAMEOS!!!! Claps and cheers for Cory and the very brief Employees cameo! My theatre erupted into screams so loud that when MatPat was on screen in the diner, I kid you not I have 0 idea what he even said. Gonna have to rewatch it and see for myself. My friend who had no idea who he was got jumpscared by the theatre crowd itself and it was very, very funny.
• THE SONG!!! THE song for the end credits!!!! I broke out into singing so fast man, literally the best feeling and a wonderful way to bring the movie home right back to those who had been waiting for it for so long.
• The animatronics were incredible. Just amazing. All practical effects, fully built they were for most of that, right? Regardless, they really took my breath away in that movie. From their movements to expressions to their funny "haha uhoh robot moment" scenes. So so awesome.
• Vanessa's whole deal was probably where I was left the most confused. My whole crowd audibly gasped when she outright said that William was her father. So, the problem that I came to was,,,, basically all of it. Vanessa was told, by Afton, to make sure that Mike never found out what was happening at the pizzeria and to kill him if he got to close. Why hire him there then? Because he wanted to kill him himself? In order to get him to take Abby there to kill her? But non of that would have been something he was going to make happen if not by chance like how it did! She had no problem with Abby being there and playing with the animatronics one moment, and then made Mike ensure she was never going back the next. And the whole "I wont be much use to you if I go with you" said by Vanessa. I was assuming it was a Vanny mind control type sitch, but literally nothing happened? They argued, she shot him, he strangled her, he stabbed her, basically end of confrontation between them. She didn't do anything to hurt Abby or Mike at all? And her somehow knowing about Mike believing his dreams could change the past. Her connection was to Afton, not really the kids, right? Someone please tell me how they interpreted that whole thing, I really couldn't nail it down. Again, weirdly didn't damage my experience much? I guess I'm just used to some things not being understandable within the fnaf lore, huh. Im also just not hugely invested in Vanny/Vanessa's deal in the games either, so maybe that's why lol.
• Abby handing Bonnie the heart, and then Bonnie showing it to the others was the single sweetest thing oh my god. So adorable.
• It's me on the mirror. Glitching in the training video to show Golden Freddy. Mwah chef's kiss. Don't really know how the Its Me bit ties into this version of the lore but I really don't mind. The callouts made me giggle.
• That whole scene with the men trashing the place and getting murdered was madness. The tension was so thick, I love the atmosphere and how they really nailed it where it mattered in that part of the movie. The girl(Max?) Getting literally chomped in half was so unexpected. Poor Max, I can't believe she got roped into it. Also the???? Auntie said nothing about the disappearance of any of them either??? What???? Im only just realising that???? Why was she at all those court discussions with the lawyer again????
• No Honk Freddy's Nose bit. How dare they.
I'm gonna be thinking about this a lot, but thats all the points I have to make right now! I'll definitely comb over all my thoughts again, maybe post about them some more, we'll see. Really good all round, can't wait to watch it again when I get my hands on a copy of it!!! Id love to hear everyone elses thoughts on it too, and the possibility of a sequel? Thank you for reading!!
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alitgblog · 5 months
speculating what the s8 islanders will look like as an excuse to draw lol idk why im not going in order here's the sports physiologist
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ok so obviously my art style is a bit simpler than the game's and I didn't take a ton of time to render it but I think the elements are there and here's my reasoning (warning this is long lol)
the disclaimer is I read the application once and then started drawing so I think in my head I got it confused and thought this was gonna be the Bobby/Rafael cutesy fun guy of the season and rereading it now I realize I am wrong, but I still stand by certain choices.
Sports physio/cycling thing was a big thing for this. I think he shouldn't have very defined abs but the game will draw him like that. Cyclers tend to have skinnier torsos but bigger thighs/legs and I didn't draw the legs bc I'm lazy but know that in my head, he's got thick thighs. I didn't draw him with like a huge chest or arms also because of that, but because it's still LITG, he does have some definition on his arms, just not a lot. I really think I could see this guy working in sports physio.
And because he takes care of people for a living and is the "big romantic," I think he needs to look very charming, to a point where he's almost disarming. (This is where I got it in my head that he's the Bobby/Raf of the group bc lover boy vibes. Personality wise he feels like Rohan imo who is similar). Therefore I drew a lot of his features as very soft (softer jawline, fleshier nose) but also just big round eyes to draw you in. I looked at Tyrique from love island season 10 for a bit of inspo because I think he's got such a pretty face but still is pretty masculine, and he has big round eyes so that's why I did that.
I also decided on curly hair, in part because of my confusion with Bobby/Rafael, but also I think it adds to the charm because it's clearly styled but tries to look effortless. I used a younger picture of Dev Patel for it. That's also why he has a little bit of facial hair to help age him up but also works with the aesthetic I was going for. The piercings are fully a self indulgent add-in, I just it's attractive.
Ok so this is where it gets confusing because I did intially draw some sharper features on him and had a different color palette for his skin and hair. I was imagining him as "spicy white" just because Bobby and Raf are mixed so they would change it up just slightly for this guy. I think nothing that's too contrasting to make him look brooding like Joyo. So initially this was definitively a tanned white guy with curly reddish brown hair, some facial hair, and a defined nose, and then I was like this is really close to Rocco. So I changed some features and some colors and here we are now at ethnically ambiguous? I'm not gonna think too hard about the ethnicity of this character because this is fake and it's fusebox's problem when they release the real character.
Looking back, if I redrew the character, I'd go for full or half South Asian just because I did use dev patel as a hair reference. But also maybe just hopeful because aside from Angie, the other South Asian rep in recent memory I can think of is Marshall (messy), Ozzy (messier), and Suresh (messiest), so I just think we should get a cute one. (also Priya, Rohan, and Arjun who aren't nearly as bad but only one of those is a LI and they're sort of dead right now so)
anyway overall the process of drawing him was kind of a mess because I had confused some things in my head and like I said, was accidentally drawing Rocco (underrated design btw) but this was the first one I did and I don't think I'm right, this is just a fun little activity for me and he's the first one I drew so I wasn't very sure about a lot of things.
so if you read this far congrats for getting though my ramblings. The next ones I'm doing aren't nearly as complicated 😂😂
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hmm adhd sokka is very interesting bc I always read him as having autism! I do love a good analysis post tho
(disclaimer that i am not a medical professional)
there is a lot of overlap in my experience (i have both). like, intense interests, hyperfocusing, sensory issues, speech patterns/trains of thought that seem "strange", can be either. i think the main differences are:
autism is more associated with social difficulties - adhd people can have trouble socializing, but it's more about memory/focus issues having an impact on socializing (e.g. not paying attention to a conversation, accidentally ghosting) while autism is more about specifically your ability to relate to other people (high/low empathy)
autistic people are often very distressed when their schedules and routines deviate from the usual, while adhd people have trouble sticking to a schedule and a routine. to compensate for their difficulties, adhd people often create systems and adhere to them with the same rigor, but it's a different underlying cause. autism hates spontaneity, adhd is all spontaneity
with sokka, i lean adhd over autism because his whole jack-of-all-trades thing feels more adhd lack of focus. he can sometimes say kind of blunt and hurtful things, but i don't think it's because he has trouble understanding, i think he's just kind of a grump. plus adhd can make you impulsively blurt things out. he's a talker and seems to have no filter at times (even though he is repressing and hiding a lot). his main socially awkward moments are when he has a reason to be awkward, like talking to a pretty girl.
i also think reading him as adhd fits well with his relationship with aang. aang is very stereotypically adhd, unbothered by deadlines and schedules and impulsively pursuing what seems interesting and exciting. meanwhile, sokka felt a lot of responsibility at a young age and had to learn to compensate for his adhd in a way aang never did. he nags aang to stay on schedule because he sees his younger self in aang and thinks aang needs to "grow up" like he did. but instead aang teaches sokka to get in touch with his sense of fun again, teaches him he doesn't have to always be denying that part of himself. aang and sokka are not a duo you go to for executive functioning and thought-out plans, even though both of them are smart individually, because together, they let themselves just be the adhd unstructured weirdos they are.
also, not to always bring it back to the dilfs, but
piandao distracts him during a fight and then tells him to "concentrate on what you are doing". which is a bit of a dick move, but maybe the kind of thing you'd do if you were trying to teach a distractable person to stay focused
hakoda is established to have a similarly inventive mind to sokka and to have been a bit reckless and impulsive when he was young. sounds more adhd than autism (impulsivity/spontaneity over routine), and adhd & autism are often genetic
all that said - as someone with both i could see him being that way too. maybe he's kinda blunt sometimes because he's not reading the room and doesn't care to. he is very much someone who has plans and likes when people stick to them. he may appear more social, but he's someone who's wearing a mask a lot of the time, playing the role of silly goofy guy while thinking of himself as someone with serious responsibility. i'd love to hear why you intially read him as autistic! love me some neurodivergent headcanons
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geekwithoutafandom · 3 years
Thoughts on Buffy Summers:
Some of this is gonna sound like rehash from my intial BtVS post and of disclaimer of these are just intial thoughts from first watch through.
Buffy is probably the first major protagonist I've really identified with. To be honest I feel like this shows some personal growth as I'm lifetime side kick / best friend/ side character identifier. The idea of power, responsibility, or being chosen are things I eschew or take so seriously I want no more. I usually do not think enough of myself to be a lead character. To me it shows I'm actually taking some control and agency in my life.
Now high school Buffy is the version I identify most with. Being an only child of a single mother Buffy's dynamic with Joyce was something that really hit home with me. Their love, the closeness and the fights. Like even down to the "then don't come back" fight b/c I have a personal parallel for that. However I will say this their dynamic is not one of a recently divorced set of parents. Like season one is not consistent with that unless Buffy's dad was rarely around to begin with.
While I know Buffy is framed as could be popular if she wanted to be but has different priorities now. I think it important to note that she's designed flip a different trope on its head. That it's usually the pretty blonde girl that gets chased by the monster/murder. (This has lead to many debates with my best friend about female protagonists me: all the powerful protags are brunette I'm always stuck with being the dumb blonde her: what are you talking about all the cool protags are blonde I'm stuck being the brunette best friend) However Buffy being more drawn to the "outcast" kids is another thing I relate too. I'm a pretty vanilla personality I get a long with most people just fine but I'm shy ( and fat and uncoordinated) so I usually ended up with the misfits but honestly I liked it that way. Much like how Buffy's slaying made her feel like a weird outsider.
Buffy is not stupid she might speak like a teen girl, but when given the chance you can see her put pieces together, make quick in the moment decisions and even be insightful and get decent grades. Buffy's difficulty balancing school and slaying and the resulting trauma really parallels some one who struggling with a learning disability. We're not stupid we just have different needs. While didn't struggle with grades til college it still at times made me feel alienated from my peers (not smart enough for the gifted kids but "too smart" for everyone else)
I think it's also important to note that Buffy is a very insecure person I know Xander an Willow are a bit more visible with that flaw, but Buffy has it too. I mean almost all teens and young adults do irl too. She is constantly seeking validation in her romantic relationships and that weird prom queen arc. Also that whole inferiority complex about her superiority complex ugh I felt that's so real. Reminds me of the time in middle school where I thought I was gonna get an award and because I was like "I'm gonna get it it's me" I didn't want it. Also the class making up a special award for me like Buffy's class made for her thing happened too. This was separate from the first one.
I do think they lost the plot sometimes with Buffy's depression and trauma processing by season 6/7. Like these things make her an enigmatic and empathic character. But in the later seasons it kinda falls flat. Like I know irl plateaus happen and it's rough but I still think they could have made it more dynamic. Buffy definitely ends up being a narrative punching bag and later on so Dawn. Like that coupled with the amount of interviews from the time where SMG admits to Joss making her cry, how did we NOT realize he was an ass hat???
While early Buffy tends to deeply internalize, later Buffy also tends to act out sexually (similarities are ending here). When she spirals she attempts to keep everything private. This is where I really love here friendship with Willow. They are very much two sides of the same coin. Willow deals with a lot of insecurities and and trauma not too dissimilar to Buffy's. But she handles it very differently. Willow leans on what is an allegory for substances and tends to be a bit of hurricane. Which these are the two major camps for maladaptive behavior. You either implode or explode.
But it was nice to finally see what my best friend sees in me as she has previously compared me to Buffy...
However then I remember she didn't know me when my cousin died unexpectedly or when I had a major depressive episode.... And maybe this is a good lead in for a Willow post...
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concerningwolves · 6 years
Hi! I’m very new to writeblr and have practically just started developing my world but basically I am writing a story in which the main religion is Zoroastrianism. The story itself is set in ancient Persia when arranged marriages were extremely common. My protagonist, Mithra, is set to be in one with a close friend she has known from birth. However, Mithra is ace and the only person who knows this is her brother. I’d love to know your thoughts on ways I could highlight her inner conflict :)
Sorry for the delay in answering! I intially misunderstood the question. 
The Components of Inner Conflict
(disclaimer: although the examples below are written with the context of your story in mind, they are in no way attempts to write it for you and shouldn’t be used as such.)
Many of the technical elements of the craft are used by writers day in day out, intuitively and without even thinking. When needing to specifically point out a certain emotional state however, knowing and understanding them can be very helpful. 
Actions vs Thoughts
Consider how Mithra’s actions might contrast with her internal narrative voice. She may be giving a smile and thinking in a complete panic. To highlight what she is thinking, try to use shorter sentences for her actions/dialogue and longer sentences for what she is thinking internally.
Stops and Breaks
Going overboard won’t be very effective, but at times you should let yourself get a little happy with the punctuation - particularly emdashes, commas and full stops. Short paragraphs (one, or one and a half if you’re interrupting the flow) that read as fragmented can be used occasionally at moments when the conflict is at its most intense. For example:
This was the right thing to do. She knew that in her heart; her family would thank her and anyway, he was a friend. And yet. Marriage had other implications, ones that she couldn’t begin to contemplate, things that went against the grain of her nature, things that she couldn’t–
But no, such questions were useless. They would get her nowhere.
(Note: I’ve used a “–” instead of an emdash because I’m unable to get one on this keyboard).
This technique is also part of a larger collection of craft technicalities very useful to conveying different types of emotion. I’ve gone into one already in the above example.
Know how to use syntax
Here are the sentence structures and here are the sentence types. These links fail to cover the minor sentence, which is basically a sentence without a verb (”Dead end.”)
I’ve already talked about using shorter sentences vs longer sentences, but there is a lot more that you can do structurally to highlight inner conflict. In the example, the last sentence was exampler of asyndeton, where the word “and” is removed from a list.
Marriage had other implications, ones that she couldn’t begin to contemplate, things that went against the grain of her nature, things that she couldn’t–
Depending on context, asyndeton can either create excitement or fear. There is also polysyndeton which is where “and” or any other conjunction (but, or, if) is used in place of a comma. My Lit/Lang teacher told us that asyndeton is good for breathless emotion and polysyndeton is good for hard, strong emotion. If I were to re-write the original example using these two techniques and adding in some different emotions, it would read like this:
He was a friend; surely he would understand in time. But. She had a duty to her family, her family who didn’t know this intimate part of her, family who were clueless save for one of their number, her brother, who had said nothing. Her brother had been her one safeguard against situations like this, but what had he done when the time came? What good was it, to share such a secret and achieve nothing by it? Now would come the marriage and the bed and the duty and everything that she had never wanted for herself.
Throughout this paragraph, the emotional tone shifts from a breathless sort of panic and desperate conviction (her family, her family who didn’t know this intimate part of her, family who were clueless save for one of their number, her brother, who had said nothing) to something closer to anger (and and and). To make sure that you’ve gotten the balance right, read aloud and see how the words feel, with close focus on your breath as you say them.
In writing you have two main question groups, your rhetorical (ones that don’t want an answer) and your interrogative (ones that want an answer). Rhetorical questions can be used in both narrative and dialogue, but interrogatives are best kept to dialogue, unless a character is going to attempt to answer the question themself within the narrative. I wouldn’t advise that for inner conflict, because it’s too neat. In-narrative answering is best kept for sudden realisations in suspense, mysteries and thrillers.
A minor sentence (there’s syntax again) that simply reads as: Why? would be very effective to introduce a chunk of inner conflict-based narrative. It can come off as a demand, despairing, or a desperate bid to understand the situation depending on context. In the second example I used a rhetorical question as a volta from one tone to another, as emotions went from panicked confusion to anger/frustration.
If you’ve been with me for a while you’ll probably know that I kind of really love oxymorons. Deadened life, clockwork biology, frightening joy… Sticking two opposing or conflicting terms together in a description are super great.
This is everything that I could think of, so I hope that it’s what you were after! Good luck with your writing x
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supremeclownleader · 6 years
The D.I.C.E. Crew Headcanons (Part 1/2)
Part 2 here! My own art of them (maskless) is here! DRV3 spoilers for the whole game.
I would also like to start this off with a short disclaimer: I’m not a clown expert! I have been trying my best to check with different sources and learn as much as I can so that my interpretations of D.I.C.E. can be as accurate as Oma would have wanted. Most of the information is shallow and the links are to Wikipedia just to give you a general idea, but I strongly recommend checking out the sources referenced if you are interested in learning more.
Also, if you’re a clown enthusiast or a comic performer yourself and you have more information to provide, please don’t hesitate to add onto this or send me a message! I’m loving every second of my research!
DESIGN: Based on this guy from the motive video. He has light brown hair with his bangs covering the left side of his face. When masked, the bangs are styled over the mask. His sleeves are longer than everyone else’s, and his scarf is layered. HEADCANONS/PERSONALITY: Mime is Oma's right hand man and Oma’s closest friend. He is also the oldest member of D.I.C.E., at nineteen. Mime was a criminal before he met Oma; he has a history of stealing and has gotten into some pretty bad fights. He hides how close he is to Oma and the fact that he wants D.I.C.E. to get bigger from everyone. Mime is constantly making sure he looks cool. Because hes the oldest, everyone but Oma falls for it. All in all, Mime’s just a pretentious snake, exactly the kind of guy Oma finds admirable. THE NAME: Mime’s name comes from the popular Mime, of course! Mimes are traditionally silent artists who tell their story through expression work and movement. Oma gave him this name because of how, instead of outright lying, Mime deceives by withholding information (thus staying “silent”).
DESIGN: Based on the best dressed clown from the motive video. He wears a stereotypical red afro, though I gave him a shaved head underneath. He is undoubtedly the tallest and most muscular member of the group. His uniform and scarf seem to be pretty standard- they’re very similar to Oma’s. HEADCANONS/PERSONALITY: Bouffon is the big guy and he’s very close to Oma, but they don’t always get along smoothly. Bouffon’s never been afraid to stand up to Oma, whether by getting physical or verbally expressing disagreement. However, it's because Bouffon and Oma didn't get on for a while that they are so close; Oma has a lot of respect for him for thinking for himself. Bouffon is clearly into the clown aesthetic, just look at his canon outfit! When needed or wanted, Bouffon won’t hesitate to give their supreme leader piggyback rides. They have a similar childish yet dark sense of humor, too. If/When Oma moves D.I.C.E. towards more extreme criminal acts, Bouffon will be right behind him. Oma intially attempted to be friends with Gokuhara because he reminded Oma of Bouffon. However, Gokuhara quickly proved only his stature and penchant for giving piggyback rides were the only similarities to his old friend. Gokuhara’s naivety allowed him to be used by anyone- something Oma couldn’t respect and ultimately had to eliminate. THE NAME: A bouffon is a performance based around mockery at the expense of the performer. This is actually a really flattering name in Oma’s opinion! It’s mostly a reference to their shared sense of humor which he feels makes them outcasts in similar ways.
DESIGN: Based on this guy from the motive video. He appears bald in the canon image, but I find that an odd choice for a high school kid, so I gave him short black hair. He’s much heavier than the others. Under his jumpsuit, he wears a white top, and his scarf is very plain- a single piece of fabric tied in the back. HEADCANONS: Pantaloon's given the grocery lists. We know D.I.C.E. travels a lot so I imagine he gets good at finding deals while also keeping everything stocked but easy to move when needed. Though his main job is getting food/drinks, he also buys everything they need and is supposed to avoid stealing when he goes out (stealing is for special missions only). D.I.C.E. members cant be entertained by videogames unless they're handheld, and even then its difficult to reliably be able to charge electronics. The entertainment Panta gets everyone is cards. Everyone loves card games. Regular playing cards, TCGs, the whole crew (Oma included!) gets excited when Pantaloon as extra cash and they get cards! Oma seems to believe that Pantaloon has the best name because he often shortens it to Panta. This leads to a lot of teasing and Pantaloon honestly wishing he had any other code name. (Bonus: Oma saying “Panta, give me my Panta” and cackling like an idiot) THE NAME: In the Harlequinade, Pantaloon is a greedy but dumb merchant. Oma choose this name because of his role (gathering supplies) and for the Panta jokes. Also, because Pantaloon is friends with Harlequin and Pierrot and Oma suspects Pantaloon has a crush on Pierrot, he thought tying all their names to the Harlequinade was neat.
DESIGN: Based on this gal (Pierrot) and this guy (Harlequin) from the motive video. The girl has long brown hair with a braid on her left side and wears her bangs under her mask. She has a jumpsuit style uniform and a standard scarf. The guy has short black hair and also keeps his bangs under his mask. The top piece of his uniform is unique in that it has pockets. His uniform is an otherwise standard two-piece and scarf. HEADCANONS: Pierrot and Harlequin are siblings and they lean towards being... not very loyal. They joined D.I.C.E. to avoid staying in the orphanage and risk being seperated. Pierrot actually doesn't do much in D.I.C.E., she's the youngest and very shy. When she does go out she's never sent alone, and she's almost always with her brother. (Oma says they're more obedient if he lets them stay together) Harlequin is sent on a lot more dangerous missions to keep an eye out for authority figures who could get in the way. THE NAME: The siblings’ names both come from the Harlequinade. Harlequin’s name is seen by Oma as an insult, as Harlequin is supposed to be the protagonist and the one that the audience will cheer for. Harlequin is clever yet very forgiving. Aside from the cleverness, Oma sees the traits of the Harlequin as negative and doesn’t understand why a character who would be so passive in real life takes center stage. Pierrot is an eternally sad clown, much like the youngest D.I.C.E. member is a gloomy young girl. Pierrot is historically naive and tragic, other traits Oma associates with her. Mostly, though, her name was chosen for her closeness to Pantaloon and her brother Harlequin, who are all named after characters in the Harlequinade.
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