#if you dont know the context of techno trying to take tubbo to dinner
macachee · 3 years
On your recent dsmp post, thank you for bringing up the fact that techno would’ve died in the explosion and that everyone else in pogtopia was just… alright with that?
Like I feel like so many people don’t acknowledge the fact that Techno had absolutely no idea that Wilbur wanted to blow up Manburg at this point and he thought he was doing a simple reconnaissance mission for them.
Now, you can probably forgive tommy on this front a bit cause he may have assumed Wilbur would’ve told him- but he also never talked to techno about his concerns about this? Or did he just assume that techno would be fine because he’s technoblade?
But I mean if techno had known the place was gonna blow up anyway (assuming wil could find the button lol) he might’ve been more inclined to do something drastic to get him and tubbo out of there. But at the end of the day he didn’t know that so he tried to do the thing that would continue the mission he thought he was on!
Yeah, Techno had absolutely no clue about the TNT; he was just as surprised as Niki when Wilbur told her about it. There is actually a screenshot of Techno in Technocord after someone brought this up, saying something along the lines of "wait, yeah, that would have killed me" so even Techno out of character didn't realize this, lol (I can't find the screenshot right now or else I would include it). Wilbur was going to wait for a time when Tubbo was not on the stage to set off the TNT. He did not have the same courtesy for Techno.
This is actually strategically a strange decision as well; Techno would lose his armor, his weapons, and perhaps some of his credibility if he did not survive, and considering he is by far their best fighter, it would not have ended well for the revolution. Perhaps another sign of how reckless Wilbur was being at the time, that he risked his strongest ally.
With how awful their communication normally is, I would not at all be surprised if Tommy assumed that Wilbur told Techno. It isn't the Dream SMP if they actually speak to each other for once. No matter how social Tommy is, he tends to bottle up his emotions, especially those relating to fear, and Techno does not seem the best person to talk about feelings with if you want to be reassured and not simply handed a meme.
We could also, as you said, consider this as another instance of Tommy seeing Techno as a perfect god who, true to his motto, " never dies," although it makes too many assumptions for me to use it in an argument.
If Techno actually knew about the button, he'd probably be much more insistent on taking Tubbo out to dinner and getting both of them off that stage. Of course, it may also have simply led him to trust Wilbur not to press the button while he was there (regardless if he would or not) or to kill Tubbo faster, as strategically and disregarding loss of life (the canon lives system was not yet canon) it was actually one of their best possible options. He would had to chose between Tubbo, a spy with little to nothing in his pockets, and Techno, the guy in full netherite and an inventory full of weapons. You can see why he might have eventually pulled the trigger instead of trying to get Tubbo out (after waiting for allies that never showed of course), no matter how horrifying it seems.
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