#if you haven't listened to rusty quill gaming i highly recommend it
spectator-moon · 2 days
Okay. I rarely have issues with small fandoms.
If you haven't seen it, I highly highly highly recommend listening. That show metaphorically took my heart out and put it back in different.
So anyways if anybody knows anyone at all who cosplays for it, please let me know because I can't find anybody ;-;
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archaickobold · 4 years
It's so weird for me, 3 different fandoms I'm in have all put out a really nice happy episode recently and let me just say, I'm not complaining. Don't get me wrong, I love angst and hurt comfort but. Sanders Sides? Wonderful, I don't want to spoil anything but let me just say, pure serotonin. Tma? Ignoring this past week's episode that I couldn't listen to, jon and martin bein cute is always v good, and that I spy game lives in my head rent free still. Rqg? Again, ignoring the end of the latest episode, but Wilde was happy again?! And Hamid and Azu hugs! And Cel!! Always Cel! Do they need a hug? Absolutely, but at least they got to turn into a penguin- also I love Zolf he is my sad sea dad- basically aaaaaaaaa I'm getting all the nice fluffy things and its lovely :)
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asexual-society · 3 years
i saw your podcast reblog and wanted to ask for recommendations for podcasts with good ace rep?
specifically ones that aren’t graphic/horror, and really don’t deal with heavy themes in general. (fantasy + sci fi are preferred!)
(and any with gray ace rep if you can)
ty :3
Okay, so I'm going to list some podcasts I have personally listened to, some are horror-ish, but I felt like I had to mention, others aren't, because I like to talk about things I'm interested in and if I say *that's my opinion* enough times maybe people won't come for me, and I couldn't in good conscience recommend you a podcast I hate without telling you I hate it first. Speaking of!
The Penumbra Podcast is a favourite of many. Not me though. There is at least one aroace character that I know of in each of the storylines, but I couldn't get more than 6 episodes in because this podcast has kissing noises and lots of them. I couldn't tell you how prevalent the ace characters are because of this, although it is an otherwise very queer podcast, and as far as I'm aware it isn't graphic and is not a horror podcast, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong on any count.
Ars Paradoxica is a sci fi podcast and the main character, Sally Grissom, accidentally travels back in time to cold war-era America, and is explicitly aroace, so this might be right up your alley. I didn't love this one, but it was very interesting, and if it had a comprehensive wiki for each episode I probably would have listened to more, I just struggled to follow it. Not sure if other people also had this issue or if it's just a me thing. Let me know!
I'd like to give an honourable mention to Hello From The Hallowoods, which is horror-ish, I personally wouldn't consider it to be particularly gory, although there are some dark themes and a few episodes get particularly heavy. There are a couple of named ace characters and one aro character, and otherwise some absolutely incredible queer rep of all stripes and I absolutely love it.
A current favourite of mine is the Sheridan Tapes, which follows detective Sam Bailey as he investigates the disappearance of horror author, Anna Sheridan. It's a bit of a spooky horror one so may not be your cup of tea, but I hope someone else might like it because the main character is explitly grey ace and mlm and it is without a doubt the best aspec rep I have ever encountered (the main character also reads as grey/demiro too). At times it's a bit silly and sometimes some of the characters can be a little annoying, but I cannot stress enough, the rep is so good. If you (general you) like the Magnus Archives (also cannot recommend highly enough, but definitely not what you're looking for, no exaggeration, I cried for a week when it finished), and would like to listen to a podcast that is just like that, except generally worse in almost every way (affectionate), then this is the podcast for you!
There's also a bi, demi ace character in the Rusty Quill Gaming podcast, but I can imagine you might not want to wait over 150 odd episodes to get to it. If you are however a fan of ttrpgs and actual play podcasts, this is a really good one, there's some death and heavy themes but also I have never laughed so hard in my life as I did for the 3 weeks it took me to catch up with this last year (and there's a QPR!).
Off the top of my head I can't think of any others with ace rep I've listened to - I've heard good things about Old Gods of Appalachia, Wooden Overcoats, the Bright Sessions and the Strange Case of Starship Iris, but haven't been able to get into them myself and couldn't tell you much about them. I did find this list though!
If any of our followers have other recs, or think I'm being too harsh on tpp, please comment/send an ask in :)
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