#if you like musicals and lady pirates listen to The Ballad of Anne and Mary
me listening to Mockery Manor for the 100th time: oh ho ho not quite Bette
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tryerofpods · 2 years
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Let's talk about The Ballad of Anne and Mary from @longcatmedia . I don't know about you, but I am a sucker for a good musical. And for pirates. So you know, much like a Gilbert and Sullivan play, The Ballad of Anne and Mary fits that bill to a T. It's 1721. Pirates Anne Bonny (Christina Bianco, theatrical actress, impressionist, and YouTube sensation) and Mary Read (Sooz Kempner, musical comedian and theatrical actress) are in Newgate Prison (England), they're the only surviving crew from the capture of the pirate ship, Revenge. Much like the punishment for everything from stealing bread to multiple homicide, the punishment for piracy on the high seas is death by hanging. Enter Nathaniel Mist (Karl Queensborough, lead role in the West End run of Hamilton, TV show--Enterprice). Nathaniel is a down at the heel reporter, whose last gambit for fame, not to mention cash, is a sensational pirate-pedia, if you will, on the history of piracy and a catelogue of the people and their ships. Mist is eager to talk to them and get their story. Especially under the urging of Mist's new acquaintance, Jonathan Barnet (John Henry Falle, writer and actor, knowns for short film, Mudman). Though once Mist finally gets authorization to interview the pair in prison, Barnet suddenly can't go, almost like he doesn't want them to know he's there... After some haggling, Anne agrees to tell their life stories to Mist, *if* he will pass notes between the ladies' cells It's a swashbuckling, story of two women living a life of adventure on their own terms, treasure, singing, and daring plots! Does it end happily, or with tears? What's the deal with Barnet? Will Mist finish his book? Well you'll have to listen and find out. It's only 5 30-40-ish minute episodes. So if you like, musicals, pirates, or strong female leads, then The Ballad of Anne and Mary is for you!
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