#also the original songs fuckin slap
yourheartinyourmouth · 4 months
me listening to Mockery Manor for the 100th time: oh ho ho not quite Bette
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
my hot take is that tangled is easily top 5 disney movies all time. that shit rules.
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nexus-nebulae · 7 months
shoutout to gotta go fast for being one of the best anime intros out there
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warmaidensrevenge · 8 months
It's not a never.
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Pairing: Eddie x best friend!Fem reader
A/N: Hey loves. Hope you all had a great week. Tonight's fic is part one of two. I hope all you like it. As always thanks for reading. Kay love ya byyyye.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,045
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Language, angst, sexual implications and not proof read.
Summary: New feelings? Yeah Eddie's got it bad.
Part 1
Eddie looked around the cafeteria table at his friends. “ Uhhhh you're joking…you gotta be joking…pfff that's hilarious.”
Everyone sat there in silence.
“ Guys? Seriously?! No way! No fuckin way!” He said, putting his hands up. “ Nope!”
He locked eyes with you and raised his brows. “ Common, you agree with me right?”
You averted your gaze to your lunch and shrugged. 
He looked at the imbecile that brought up the subject in the first place. “ You turned her against me!”
Gareth scoffed. “ Dude no. All I'm trying to say is that prom is like a highschool right of passage. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out.”
Eddie tuts and narrowed his eyes at him. “ Miss out on what exactly? Penguin suits?”
You answered his question. “ You guys don't have to wear tuxedos. You can wear all black. Like always.”
He shot you a look and you smiled at him.
He rolled his eyes. “ Okay how about shitty music?”
You answered again. “ They're bound to play something good.”
He gave snake eyes now to you and you stuck your tongue at him. 
“ Okay how about all of us are broke and we can't afford a limo?”
You opened your mouth to respond but he pressed his lips and widened his eyes at you.
Grant cleared his throat. “ Ehem. Well, you do have a van.”
Eddie licked his lips and looked at his lunch box. “ You guys are nuts. I'm admitting you all to Arkham…I-I can't believe you're trying to convince me to go to prom…Where the hell am I gonna find a date?”
“ Eddie, we're going together as a group. No dates.”
He looked up at you and you gave him a pout. God he hated when you did that. He could never say no when you put your lip out like that.
“Do you even own any dresses?” He asked sarcastically. 
When you beamed at him, he gave you a defeated look. You'd convinced him.
You smirked.“ Oh you'd be surprised what I have in my closet.” 
Eddie sat there and kept shaking his head while his friend talked about the plan for prom. 
He couldn't believe it. Eddie absolutely could not believe he was doing this. He was driving to a damn dance. It was the last thing in the world he thought he would be doing. Yet here he was. Pulling up to the last stop before prom. 
He lowered the music and parked in front of your house. He honked the horn and waited. 
A minute passes and he sees your mom open the door. She then motioned for them to come in.
Eddie sighed when he saw her waving a camera. This was not a night he wanted to remember. Or there to be any evidence of it ever happening. 
Everyone hopped out and walked to the house.
“ Oh my! You guys look sharp.” Victoria said, giving them each a hug.
Eddie grinned and gave her a warm embrace. “ Look who's talking. You look ravishing.”
Victoria playful slapped his chest. “ Oh you.”
“ Seriously Eddie? Dude, stop hitting on my mom.”
He turned his head to give you a smirk but instead his jaw nearly hit the floor. 
There was only one word to describe how you looked coming into the foyer in your off the shoulders black satin dress. 
That word along with your name in the same sentence was not normal. Well other than him saying (That nat 20 was beautiful y/n.)
But now you are beautiful. Not that he thought you were ugly or something. It's just he never thought about that at all. 
You were just one of the guys. A kid that liked to ride bikes and wrestle with boys. A kid that didn't care if you got dirty or cried when you scraped your knee. 
You were one of his best friends and up until now, he never saw you as anything more. 
“ Stop gawking dude.”
Your comment woke him up from his initial shock.
“ Ermmm. Y-you clean up alright kid.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “ Gee thanks. I appreciate that. You don't look awful yourself. I see you pulled out your funeral attire.”
He looked down at his black short sleeve button up and his uncle's black slacks. Along with his white Reeboks. 
“ Well you did say-” he looked up and you turned around and went to say hi to everyone else. 
You always did that. Whenever he was gearing up to argue, you would walk away. It always irritated the living fuck out of him. However, right now all he could do was smile to himself. 
Before the group pictures you had gotten each of them a white rose to pin on their shirt. Eddie watched you smile happily as you and your mom put them on.
When it was his turn, his heart started to race. You were so close to him, he could smell your perfume. It was sweet and floral. Playful yet sexy. Something he could smell forever. He could just bury his nose in your neck and die happily. 
He shook off the intruding thoughts and focused on your hands. 
“ OUCH!” He hissed.
You pulled your hands away and looked up at him worriedly. He grinned and thought your forehead looked so cute when you pinched your brows together like that. 
He grinned. “ Just kidding.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and mumbled under your breath. “ You dick.”
He chuckled and apologized.
You guys were sitting at a table near the exit in the gym. Talking amongst yourself. Eddie would have complained how they have been there for half an hour and the DJ has yet to play a passable song. Instead, he sat there wondering if he should ask you to dance. Would it be weird? No one else asked you yet. And he didn't think Gareth or Jeff would. Grant maybe. Because he liked all kinds of music and loved to dance. And he had a secret crush on you.
But Eddie had to beat him to the punch. He needed to know what it felt like to hold you close. 
Just as his mind went haywire, he felt you tap his thigh and began spelling something out.
‘U- ok?’
He glanced at you and nodded. He always did like how you guys secretly communicated. He put his arm on the back of your chair and started writing on your back with his thumb.
‘Yeah- u?’
He kept his thumb pressed against your skin. Loving the warmth radiating from it and how smooth it was.
You wrote back. ‘Hungry.’
He looked down at your salad plate and it was empty. While cursing at himself for declining his salad that he should have given you, he searched around for more food. 
He leaned in towards you when he found some. “I'll be right back.”
He got up and went for a plate when someone sat down in front of the one he was eyeing. He sighed and went on the hunt for another. It took a few minutes but eventually he was able to sneak one.  When he came back he saw that you and everyone else at the table had a dinner plate already.
You grinned at him. “ I spoke too soon. But I'll totally eat that one too.”
He shook his head. “ I think all of us are gonna need 3 servings of this. With how much the tickets cost, they could at least give us more than an ice cream scoop of potatoes and a chicken wing.”
You agreed with him and offered to take them out for burgers after.
You guys were in the middle of eating when yours and his song came on. You immediately put down your fork and wiped the corners of your mouth.
“ Mhmmm. Okay! Let's go.” You said standing up. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone looked at each other and got up too. Except him. 
“ Muuunnnnsooonn.” You sang out, walking backwards towards the dance floor. “ Common. This is our song dude. We have to.”
He chuckled while you pretended to cast out a line and start to reel him in. 
He had no choice. He had to join and belt out the song with you. 
What's goin on!”
While grabbing his hand, you started swaying with him and the others. 
“ And so I wake in the morning and I step outside. And I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream at the top of my lungs.
Eddie re-lived all the memories you and him had.
All the times he was bummed or sick. You would show up with food and sing that song. When you had a bad day at school or got anything less than a ‘A’ on an assignment, he would wrap his arms around you and rock you back and forth. Singing at the top of his lungs. Making you laugh like crazy. 
He liked hearing you laugh. Especially when you laughed so hard that you would let out a small snort. He also liked how your fingers felt, scratching his head when he had a headache. The way you hummed What's Up? always made him feel better. 
Even now, seeing you rock back and forth, singing your heart out. It made an alright night to one he'll never forget. 
A couple weeks went by and Eddie couldn't get you out of his head. After prom, everything went back to normal. Except his feelings. You weren't that kid anymore. You weren't just one of his best friends. 
In addition to being that, you were a girl who he wanted to hold. Maybe kiss and have sleepovers. Well, a different kind of sleepover than he was used to. 
He tried so hard to avoid you as much as possible during those weeks. But he eventually missed you, so he gave into whatever was taken over his heart.
All the times he hugged you hello and goodbye would last a little longer. He became more affectionate than he'd ever been. Random tickling you when it wasn't weird. Just so he could touch you. Or he constantly had his arm around your shoulders whenever you were together. 
He thought no one would notice since it was so close to graduation. But he was wrong. Apparently he was doing it so much that Gareth had to pull him aside and talk to him.
“ What the hell's going on man?”
Eddie's eyes went wide. The jig was up. “ Ermmm hmmm? What's up?”
Gareth crossed his arms and stood quiet. That's all he needed to do to get Eddie to talk. That and a stare down.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “ I…I don't know what happened…one minute she's who she's always been and the next, she's not.”
Gareth tilted his head to the side and remained silent.
Eddie clicked his tongue and shook his head. “ Look man, I don't know what I'm doing. All I know is that I feel different.”
Gareth straightened his head and raised his brows.
Eddie let out a long sigh. “ Fine! I like her. I like her, like her.”
Gareth smirked and put a hand on his shoulder. “ Welcome to the club.”
Eddie jerked his head back. “ What the hell does that mean?”
Gareth laughed. “ Dude! We all had a crush on her at some point. Remember when Jeff needed help with the spelling bee in the 6th grade?”
Eddie nodded.
“ Well she helped him for a whole 2 weeks. Jeff swore he loved her after that. And Grant…well you know he always liked her. But it really hit him when she decked Jenny for calling him fatso.”
Eddie was quiet for a second. “ W-what about you?”
Gareth put his hands in his pocket and gave him a thin lip smile. “Uhhhh…so I broke my arm once. Before you moved here…She helped me out a lot during that summer. She did my chores and helped cut up my food sometimes… You know, she was the only one who signed my cast.” He smiled. “ She's a great friend. She always has been. Honestly, I'm surprised it did happen to you sooner.”
Eddie licked his lips and put his hands in his back pockets. They had all liked you because you helped them out or defended their honor. But you hadn't done anything different with him. Besides you looking incredible at the dance, there was nothing that he could think of that made him like you like that.
“ S-so all of you guys still like her like that?”
Gareth shook his head. “ Nah man. I knew that it was just a crush. And Jeff, well Jeff's dating Connie. Grant…Grant still likes her. He even tried to kiss her.”
Eddie flexed his jaw. “ What?! When?!”
“ Prom.”
“ PROM?!”
“ DUDE!” Gareth hushed him up. “ Calm down. You left to get food and he tried. But she let him down gently. She said that she sees him as a brother. In fact, she sees all of us as family. And it would be weird if she dated any of us.”
Eddie's heart sank. Did you really think that about all of them or just the 3 stooges?
“ Look Munson, don't worry about it. It will go away.”
“ What-what if it doesn't?”
Gareth shrugged. “ Then talk to her. Maybe she can say something that will make you feel better about it.”
All of sudden Eddie felt hands on his hips.
“ Hey ladies! What are we gossiping about?”
He turned slightly to find you staring up at him. His heart fluttered seeing your amazing smile.
Gareth spoke up when Eddie couldn't answer.“ uhhhh nothing. Just talking about Mrs O'Donnells final.”
You huffed and grabbed his hand. Pulling it over your shoulders. Lacing your fingers with his. 
What did that mean? It was weird right? You and him were close. But now that he had feelings for you, everything you did seemed intimate.
“ Don't you guys worry, okay. I've helped both of you and you'll do fine. Then all of us are gonna walk the line and finally get the hell out of here.”
You looked up at him and beamed. Making him grin right back. 
There was a moment there where he thought that you felt the same for him. But that was squashed when you let go of his hand and hook your arm around Gareth’s. 
“ Now common. They're serving pizza and you know how I love pizza Fridays.”
He and Gareth chuckled and responded at the same time. “ More than us.”
You started for the cafeteria. “ You betcha!” 
A week later and Eddie still couldn't shake you. He just couldn't get past the thought of being with you. Or even if what he felt was just a hard core infatuation. But nothing could prepare him for the events of senior outing.
It wasn't camping or a field trip to Washington. It was a movie in the park. 
Sure, you guys could have rented a decent horror flick and binge out on snacks in your basement. But you argued that it was one of the last chances to hang out. So of course everyone went. 
Eddie was walking back with Jeff. Hauling bags of popcorn and drinks for everyone. As soon as he was close enough he caught your eye. You bit your lip and waved him over. 
He immediately felt butterflies in his stomach. 
When he sat down you scooted closer to him and covered his legs with a blanket you brought. 
You then grabbed your purse and pulled out his favorite candy.
He smiled and patted himself down. Pulling out a box of milk duds from his jacket pocket.
“ Awwww you remembered. Thanks.”
His eyes went wide when you gave him a peck on the cheek. 
He had only a second of shock before he tried to brush it off. “ Of-of course. I could never forget.”
You happily rocked side to side as you combined the candy and popcorn. Then you held out a bite for him. 
His heart started to race the closer your hand got to his mouth. 
He closed his eyes and let you feed him.
Under any other circumstances, this was totally normal. You were very affectionate. It actually annoyed him most of the time. However this time, it only served to make him think you actually did like him too.
As the movie he couldn't pay attention to kept playing, he tried not to think about his “crush”. But it was a battle he was losing. Every time you would laugh, it would warm his heart. Every time you guys reached for popcorn at the same time, your fingers would touch. All he wanted to do was hold your hand or pull you closer by your waist.
Then like a sign from above, the wind picked up. You moved closer to keep warm. Out of nowhere you rested your head on his shoulder and put your hand on his upper thigh. That's when his breath caught in his throat. He tried to clear it and ended up coughing. 
Without hesitation your reached over and lifted up your lemonade for him to take a sip.
He licked his lips and took a drink. After you put the cup down, you started tracing across his thigh. 
He gulped and nodded. “I uhh I'm gonna get us refills.”
He felt your eyes on him as he got up and grabbed your cup and his. 
While he walked to the snack bar he tried to talk down a chubby. This wasn't okay. The way you made him feel was agonizing. But in such a good fucking way.
When he hit the stand there was a huge line. 
Shit! He thought. 
By the time he got back to the spot, you had moved to sit between Gareth and Grant. That's when he noticed you wearing Grant's leather coat. He instantly got jealous. 
You looked up and gave him a small smile. “ Sorry Eddie. I got really cold while you were gone.”
He shook his head. “ It's cool. The line was long.”
Once he handed you your drink he plopped down and sulked.
Obviously his feelings weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
What the hell was he gonna do?
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agentcalypso · 3 months
⚡️my (mostly) coherent thoughts on the thunder saga, as promised⚡️
spoilers, obviously
the piano (athena's instrument) already telling us he has a plan before he even speaks
daughter? 🤨
the vocalllsssssssss
ohhh so that's how he learns abt scylla
ok this drags on a tiny bit near the end
having the first song of the saga called suffering when, in retrospect, this entire saga is odysseus suffering is just *chef's kiss*
not much to say abt this one but i love it
damn 0 to 100
ok but the (i think) electric brass implying odysseus is becoming more ruthless (and powerful) like the gods?
the way it descends on "while you were so focused on turning my men into snacks" augh
the "you didn't notice that your friends got snatched" almost sounds kinda playful like the "my name is nobody" bit from polyphemus but then it just DESCENDS into ruthlessness i love it
"i would take the suffering from you" vs "we won't take more suffering from you"
"i made a mistake like [sparing the sirens] it almost cost my life" AUGH
the woahs from remember them/my goodbye are back
i can't hear any guitar (acoustic or electric) in this entire song and i'm afraid of what that implies abt odysseus' mental state, morals, and sense of self
i kinda like this more than the original scene in the odyssey ngl
all in all a fuckin bop
i don't think bringing back the "forgive me" is gonna get him to forgive you buddy
also the "forgive me" is in a triplet - odysseus already knew he's become a liability
the way that scylla haunts the scene before she actually appears implying that she's stalking/circling? augh
the violin is going CRAZY i love it
scylla's voice is SO POWERFUL
love this all tbh
to preface this during the livestream i was yelling into a pillow by the end of this song so i wouldn't wake up my family so there's that
i feel bad for eurylochus dude is just trying to keep everyone alive and odysseus is telling him nothing lately
the growl in "I CAN'T" omg
also during the livestream the animatic for this song fucking SLAPPED
perimedes <3
"you relied on wit and then we died on it" A U G H
the danger motif is lingering
also this part reuses the melody from zeus' appearance in horse and the infant WE KNOW HE'S COMING BEFORE WE KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING
the fact odysseus still tries to save them :(
tbh i feel like poseidon and zeus' entrances in the song before theirs terrify you in opposite ways: poseidon you don't know who it is (partially since he didn't show up here in the original myth) since you have no context he just appears. zeus you just hear the thunder and you still know EXACTLY who it is
anyways this is an emotional rollercoaster
the first half of this song was just me kicking my feet and giggling over luke's voice ngl
"captain?" "i have to see her" "but we'll die" "i know" IM SJSBFHSHFBSHFB THE EMOTION IN THEIR VOICES
in conclusion
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papermint-airplane · 3 months
tag game
Thank you for the tag @bastardtrait hehehehehe
last song I listened to: Zombie by Everglow. I've been listening to it on repeat since it came out. It's so good omg. Like, I'm famously scared of zombies even though they don't exist but this song is amazing and the zombie screeches really push it up to 11/10 for me. 🧟‍♀️🧠 (Strobe warning for the music video)
favourite place: My bed lol. Also Sunset Valley. Nobody ever said it had to be a real place.
favourite book(s): The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. If you've only ever seen the movies (the decent one from 1960 or the absolute abomination slap in the face piece of shit from 2002 that didn't even fuckin try to follow the original story what even the hell was th--I'm fine, I'm ok) you're doing yourself a disservice. The book is a masterpiece. Three words: cannibalistic mole people.
currently reading: I'm not much of a reader these days because depression and anxiety killed my attention span unfortunately. 🙃 That being said, I've been reading a lot of smut on Ao3 recently. It's the same as amateur horror to me -- when it's good, it's great and when it's bad, it's better. 🤭
favourite tv show: Lots but right now, I'm thinking about rewatching Leverage for the 80th time. Great show especially if you enjoy heist comedies and schadenfreude at the expense of corrupt billionaires. 😈
favorite food: Rice. Not kidding. Any way you prepare it. White rice, black rice, brown rice, jasmine rice, basmati, just any rice at all. You can do almost anything to rice and it tastes amazing.
Hmmmmmmmm let's see who to tag...as always, ignore me if you've done this/don't want to do it. I'mma just throw some names out there. @happy-lemon, @coreene-simblr, @anamoon63, @bool-prop, @faeriefrolic, @thebramblewood, @kwimii999, @rebelangelsims, @simmreaper
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fantumbatcave · 1 year
A Ramble: Phantomime by Ghost
This is about my opinion on the EP "Phantomime" by the band Ghost. May not align with your opinions, but whatever. We're adults here. If you continue to read, you have accepted the incoherent ramblings of a Ghost fan (a Ghostie, a Sibling of Sin, Ghost parishioner, etc).
To understand the album’s name: 
From Dictionary.com. Phantom (noun): 1. An apparition or specter 2. An appearance or illusion without material substance, as a dream image, mirage, or optical illusion. 
Pantomime (noun): 1. The art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc., by gestures without speech.  2. A play or entertainment in which performers express themselves mutely by gestures, often to the accompaniment of music. 
And with that, you get Phantomime!
The cover art is absolutely breath-taking. It was sculpted by Hedi Xandt, whose artwork you can check out on instagram! (LINK) Very cyberpunk and cool! They're also in videos on Ghost's YouTube channel. (LINK)
In an interview, it’s said Tobias worked on cover songs while also working on IMPERA. Whenever he felt like his writing wasn’t doing too good, he’d do a song or two. Having a folder called "Covers", these five ended up being the final selection. If you have a moment, you can read it on this blog by slavghoul as well as many others! (LINK)
So, I’m gonna rank each song from first to last! All on what my vibes were feeling. Though, I feel I should say I’m not familiar with the originals. Keep that in mind. Anyway, here we go:
See No Evil by Television 
Great way to start the EP! Tobias’ vocals are amazing in this. Got me pumped up, makes me wanna dance! Can’t shake the idea of this being part of a Kingsman film soundtrack. I’d like to watch an action scene while this plays.
Rating: 4 Papas out of 5
Jesus He Knows Me by Genesis
This was being teased with Papa IV’s face that said “Jesus is Coming.” And sure enough, he froqueing did. Wink, wink. Love the instrumentals, again Tobias’ voice is amazing! This one obviously is my number one favorite for lots of reasons, one of them being that blasphemous music video (do not watch it with family).
Rating: 5 Papas and 1 disgusting Father Jim (call me 🤙🏽) out of 5
Hanging Around by The Stranglers
Damn. Tobias, you can get it– I mean… Awesome song! I imagine going for a drive and blasting this, chilling and singing along. *coughs* Tobias, you free tonight? Wanna hang around? For an hour or two… 
Rating: 4.5 Papas out of 5
Phantom Of The Opera by Iron Maiden
Took me a few more listens. Long songs tend to be a hit or miss for me. I had problems hearing the vocals when I first heard it on their YouTube channel. The instruments were louder than Tobias. Now that the EP is officially out, the vocals sound better. Overall, I don’t mind it. A song I would repeat only if I’m playing the EP on repeat. So, putting it in the middle.
Rating: 3 Papas out of 5
We Don’t Need Another Hero by Tina Turner
TINA TURNER! Excellent song to end the EP! I can definitely picture this being played on tour. It has that oomph, ya know? A song I’d imagine myself belting out in the shower, channeling my inner rock star. Not sure what else to say, besides that it fuckin slaps! 
Rating: 4.5 Papas out of 5
Out of all of Ghost’s EPs, this is my favorite. I was kinda worried I wasn’t going to like it after hearing POTO, but damn… Tobias pulled through as always. This was something he did for fun and you can definitely hear it. 
Take it with a grain of salt, but I read somewhere that the EPs kinda reflect the current Papa frontman. And this is definitely fitting for Papa IV’s character. 
Can’t wait to see what the next full album will be! 
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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gauntletqueen · 2 years
What’s your favorite song?
that's a very hard question!! I love so much music I wouldn't know how to pick one favorite. So I won't! I'll just give several that come to me right now, hope that's okay :3
Bright Blue Sky - TWRP One of the most uplifting songs by one of the most uplifting bands I fuckin LOVE TWRP they're easily one of my favorite musicians, they do everything in costumes and there's Fun Lore and also their music Fucking Slaps which is a nice bonus
Perfect Water - Blue Öyster Cult BÖC has such a mystical but intense quality to their music and it RULES it's perfect for imagining music videos of OCs n shit yall know the kind
Into Free - B'z B'z has tons of great songs but this is the best one BY FAR like it goes THE HARDEST. It was used as the title music in the original version of Dragon's Dogma and it's A Fucking Crime that they removed it like WHY would you??? Luckily there's mods.
The Rain Formerly Known As Purple - Chris Christodoulou I already talked about my love for this song extensively while streaming Risk of Rain 2 (which is the game this song is from) but GOD this song is transient. Unmatched.... Takes me places..........
Rebel Rebel - David Bowie OBVIOUSLY I love this song, it plays every day at 9pm, on-stream, when I take my E! It's my trans awakening song after all! It includes the lyrics "Your mom's not sure if you're a boy or a girl" which hit really hard and stuck with me for unknown reasons while I was still an egg hehe :> (it also includes the line "Hot tramp, I love you so" which I love for vague gender-goal reasons)
Hope this was good and gave a fun insight into my music taste, thank you for the question!
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crystal-methionine · 1 year
It’s time for my annual post about Eurovision and then disappearing from here for another year. So behold my rankings for the 2023 edition:
1. Finland 🇫🇮 - Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä
Oh Finland. So close to winning but a deserved 🥈. I wholly think that this song was a bit more original and stands out compared to Tattoo, but we all knew once Loreen was chosen by Sweden the the queen of Eurovision would take the crown.
2. Spain 🇪🇸 - EAEA by Blanca Paloma
5 pts. BITCH SERIOUSLY???!!! This was a masterclass of vocal performance with a touch of tradition, modernity, and ethnic music. Blanca killed it and the performance was so encapturing. I did not look away once. And then Europe have her only 5 pts (last place). I’m usually anti-jury but they at least put her 9th (could have been higher but better than fuckin last)
3. Sweden 🇸🇪 - Tattoo by Loreen
Way deserved 🥇. I listen to this and belt in the car. It was my #1 a good bit constantly switching between it and Finland. I remember thinking in the semi, what the point of even having the contest was bc she already won after performing. I do hate pulling the it’s Loreen card, but honestly when has she ever done wrong?? Perfectly fine with her winning it all.
4. Armenia 🇦🇲 - Future Lover by Brunette
Underrated imo. Also the dance break. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor in the semi. Vocally flawless both times. Amazing staging to boot. I understand this wasn’t everybody’s cup of tea. However, I think merit should have been awarded more.
5. Iceland 🇮🇸 - Power by Diljá
As already shown with Spain, we can’t have all the nice things can we, Europe? Vocal perfection. Rich gritty vocals and delicate. Is the song the best song lyrically, no. But the amount of performance prowess Diljá performed and stayed on point vocally was literally mind blowing. I knew she wasn’t going to qualify, but I so wanted her to. She deserved it more over some other countries *cough Poland*. The good news was she didn’t seem to care much and had a good time from what I was seeing.
6. Serbia 🇷🇸 - Samo Mi Se Spava by Luke Black
Like Armenia, I fully understand this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. This is one of my personal favorites that I may repeat once or twice if it comes on my playlist. The last minute of the song is my hype jam. The performance was good. I’ll agree to that there were better performers, but I have to rank the song this high given my replay count.
7. Israel 🇮🇱 - Unicorn by Noa Kirel
Is it my favorite, no. Do I hate the lyrics at times? Yes. It makes me think it’s supposed to be a track for a My Little Pony movie or something. Did the performance slap? Yes. She killed it, and I have to give props when they are due. Definitely ok with it in top 5.
8. Italy 🇮🇹 - Due Vite by Marco Mengoni
Is it a regular ye ole classic male ballad from Italy? Yes. Do I care? No. Did I love the performance? Yes? Would I break up with my partner and move to Italy and be with him? Absolutely (sorry babe, he’s so hot and if you had watched, you’d understand). Marco like in 2013 was vocally amazing and we had emotion. Idk what the trampoline people in the back were for, but tbh I didn’t pay them attention bc I was watching Marco.
9. Australia 🇦🇺 - Promise by Voyager
This song when it came out was my #1 until Cha Cha Cha and Tattoo came out. So happy they got a good result. They deserved it. Could have done better televote, but this year I agreed more with juries for the majority of the songs.
10. Slovenia 🇸🇮 - Carpe Diem by Joker Out
Oh you silly boys. You are the Miss Congeniality for sure. And on top of that, you should have been top 10. The performance was so fun and genuinely enjoyable. Vocally, they did well. I just fear that Slovenia always gets overlooked by everyone and that was why they stayed right side of the board this year.
11. Lithuania 🇱🇹 - Stay by Monika Linkyte
Lyrically felt and amazing voice. Glad she got her solo moment and just out of top 10. Loved the performance and she was so silly behind Finland all evening. Made me like her more.
12. Norway 🇳🇴 - Queen of Kings by Alessandra
Juries wtf? Why was this so low? She always did fairly well (maybe some whistle tones iffy). Glad she got a lot of televote points. Deserved top 10. I think for me it’s just I have heard it so many times that it’s not as impactful anymore.
13. Czechia 🇨🇿 - My Sister’s Crown by Vesna
I wasn’t sure vocally about this watching before the show concerts. However, they pulled it together though and the semi performance had me going. Deserved top 10. Well done ladies.
14. France 🇫🇷 - Évidemment by La Zarra
Vocally good. Performance was captivating. Idk why it was so low. It was quintessentially French, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
15. Austria 🇦🇹 - Who the Hell is Edgar? by Salena and Teya
I thought this was too weird off the bat, but it grew on me. Hearing the crowd do the Poes was fun and glad they seemed to enjoy themselves. I get what the song is about, but idk if others missed it. Maybe that’s why it was low on televote??
16. Portugal 🇵🇹 - Ai Coraçao by Mimicat
Yes yes yes. Portugal did everything they should have always, which is authenticity. Mimicat was a joy to watch sashay around the stage in her feather skirt. Stole my heart for sure.
17. Latvia 🇱🇻 - Aīja by Sudden Lights
Oh Latvia. I’m so sorry you were in the semi of death. I think you’d have qualified otherwise. Very nice song and good performance. Definitely was brought to life more live than studio cut. Keep going this direction please.
18. UK 🇬🇧 - I Wrote a Song by Mae Muller
Song is good but I think vocals let it down slightly. Glad UK is in a good direction given the last 2 years. Keep it up.
19. Estonia 🇪🇪 - Bridges by Alika
I can’t dock this song for anything besides just personal opinion. It’s not that I was bored with it but I just liked others more. But live, she nailed everything and so I understand top 10 for her. Good job Estonia.
20. Germany 🇩🇪 - Blood and Glitter by Lord of the Lost
Look at me putting Germany in a non-last 5 overall position. What is this universe? Tbh it wasn’t high on my list until tonight. They killed it on the stage and rocked it out. Idk why it was last but at least it wasn’t 0 points again so hey improvements???
21. Albania 🇦🇱 - Duje by Albina and Fam
Just like Portugal, authentic. I’m a sucker for ethnic songs and while it wasn’t on my radar until the live shows, I’m glad it did after. Happy they qualified.
22. Georgia 🇬🇪 - Echo by Iru
NQ? Really?? This was so impactful vocally, visually. I don’t get it but truth be told, I still have no idea what the lyrics are. Idk if it was accent or what. But I don’t really care. So beautiful and passionate. Georgia, keep this up even if it was a NQ this time.
23. Belgium 🇧🇪 - Because of You by Gustaph
So this song is ok. I like the beat and the vogueing. I like the nod to ballroom. I think the lyrics are cliche and it sets something off in my brain where I can’t enjoy it like other people do. Idk what it is but glad they’re happy with the result.
24. Cyprus 🇨🇾 - Break a Broken Heart by Andrew Lambrou
Basic. Good but basic. Vocal iffy sometimes but a qualifier for sure.
25. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - Heart of Steel by Tvorchi
Glad they made it but the song is just ok. Elevated slightly by adding Ukrainian verse, but I would have liked more tbh. For a year celebrating Ukraine, I felt that the show did more than song in doing that imo. Czechia even did more tbh.
26. Moldova 🇲🇩 - Soarele si Luna by Pasha Parfeni
I prefer his 2012 song to this. Idk what is with the tribal influence, but I was so confused at the performance and the vocal was ok. At least it was enjoyable.
27. Netherlands 🇳🇱 - Burning Daylight by Mia and Dion
The studio was my #2 forever. It was so promising. Until I heard it live first. It was so bad. They fixed it, but I think they were kinda dead in the water already given how little their own people cared or wanted to promote them or the song, which is sad bc lyrically it was so relatable and felt by me.
28. Switzerland 🇨🇭- Waterguns by Reno Forrer
There’s nothing wrong with this song or him or his voice or the performance. I just was bored of it from the get go. I will merit his voice. It’s outstanding, but the song does nothing much for me. Would rather have had Latvia.
29. Denmark 🇩🇰 - Breaking My Heart by Reiley
I rather like this song. But only studio. The love was a struggle. Couldn’t seem to find the key for very long before losing it. May have simply been too high for his register. Either way, I enjoy it when on the playlist. Reminds me of the tracks for Heartstopper on Netflix.
30. Malta 🇲🇹 - Dance by The Busker
Is it bad? No. Is it good? No. Kinda middle ground. Would I dance to it? Yeah. Wasn’t too upset with the song. Just there.
31. Greece 🇬🇷 - What They Say by Victor Vernicos
Greece. We need to talk. I get wanting to fish for diaspora votes, but you have to qualify first. I don’t have anything against the song or the artist, but this was not putting the best foot forward. It gave Shawn Mendes wannabe and not Greek productions like we’ve seen in the recent years. It wasn’t broke. Put it back.
32. Ireland 🇮🇪 - We Are One by Wild Youth
You remember how U2 forced an album on us? This sounded like it was from that. I have nothing against the song bc I like Coldplay and U2, but come on Ireland. Surely you can do better than play it safe. Give us JR Eurovision level of taste. Give us Irish language and make a girl belt like a syren banshee.
33. Croatia 🇭🇷 - Mama ŠČ by Let 3
I am only putting this this high. I don’t get the hype or the reasoning. It’s weird in a not pleasant way. Parts are catchy so this is what I can give it.
34. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - Tell Me More by TuralTuranX
See Greece but Beatles instead of Shawn. Put it back. NOW.
35. San Marino 🇸🇲 - Like an Animal by Piqued Jacks
Take the lyrics away and the screaming at the end and it’s not bad music. Kinda reminds me of 1970-80s rock like Queen for a bit but bring back Achille.
36. Poland 🇵🇱 - Solo by Blanka
Just no. There I was minding my business and then all of a sudden, I hear this grating, irritating Bejba. I really didn’t like the song or her. Liking posts hating on fellow contestants in your national final. Immediate bottom even if you have a good song (see Armenia 2014).
37. Romania 🇷🇴 - DGT by Theodor Andrei
There weren’t many options for Romania this year tbh. Just unfortunately picked one where the song was just bad. Theodor can sing tho so give him a new song and act and would be higher on this list.
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trashhole · 11 months
get to know 9 people ask game
tagged by @deadlysoupy hi. prepare for the oversharing because I love to hear my own voice but written and have zero restraint when it comes to shutting the hell up <3
last song listened to: homiefkinbet by sunday cruise currently reading: N/A but my favorite literary work is probably jackalope wives because it's fuckin weird, really based, and I have the attention span of a goldfish. also, jackalopes are awesome. sweet/spicy/savory: probably a combination of sweet and savory because mm kbbq marinade. and pad thai. and creamy carbonara buldak ramen...and I could really go on. the only reason I don't pick spicy is because SOME people (you know who you are irls) forced me to eat fire noodles and it was an awful experience. obsessions: (prepare for big paragraph!!!) my fandoms/blorbos (it rules my life a bit TOO much), art and making art of all kinds except baking which I am notably awful at unless it's pizza, trains but mostly from a cosmetic perspective, I'm superficial that way sorry/jjj, not obssesed but friends are a big part of my life, I can get very paranoid and hysterical about my friends well being (i cried when my besties moved away because what if a meteor hits them and I never see them again I wish I was kidding rn), my chicken gf pharma obviiii, staying up until 5am and getting 4 hours of sleep because I'm nuts and have zero sense of self-preservation, tetristetristetristetris, sorry I think I forgot to say Tetris I love Tetris did I say Tetris because I love Tetris btw korobeiniki metal version slaps, loudish music, especially surf punk/surf rock, shit bangs like you wouldn't believe, anti-fascism I hate fascism passionately, LORE for anything really but especially for original work(oc's, au's original stories, fan continuities, ect), it's so cool to see what peoples brains come up with, and probably more things but I think I'll stop here so I can sleep within the hour. relationship status: single, but a funny story is once in 10th grade I decided amino dating would be a good experience and got dumped because I didn't have Roblox after like 2 weeks of dating 💀 last thing I googled: ao3 (I accidentally deleted all my Google tabs on my phone) currently working on: catching up on homework, ratchet doodle, starbee, fixing my life schedule which has been flipped upside down (i woke up at 7pm the other day 😭😭😭), being more positive, being more social, learning social skills, being cringe and free!!!!, oil painting ok end bean spilling. I don't know people so I'm just going to tag @leefyberrybread ty for the ask soupy, hope you have a great week ^^
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countlessrealities · 1 year
Are there any instruments that you play? Do you sing? { For Evil Rick, SR and AR }
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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The guard and the black market dealer exchange a look at the query, the first already starting to look a little uneasy while the latter is smirking widely. Evil Rick's expression, instead, remains emotionless as per usual.
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"Uh, d-damn if that isn't a question tha-that brings back some old memories. A-At least for me. S-Someone still hasn't gotten over his punk phase," SR speaks up first, shooting a meaningful look in his best friend's direction and earning a snort in response. "I-I had my...Flesh Curtains phase, like most Ricks. B-But, uh, I was more of an instrument player than a singer. I-I left that part to Birdperson."
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"An-And with that he means tha-that his singing is shit," AR steps in with a snicker, clearly delighted to have the chance to tease the other in public. "I-I got him to do karaoke with me once an-and daaaamn, I-I'll regret it for the rest of my sorry life."
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"Hey! I-I'm not that bad!" The guard protests, but his embarrassed expression seems to tell another story. "I-I swear, AR, if you don't shut the fuck up..."
Of course, his words fall to deaf ears, as they often do whenever he is addressing them to that walking menace he calls his best friend. Now that he has gotten started the idiot won't shut up till he decides that he has had enough fun.
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"Y-Yes, you are, mate," the black market dealer argues back, unfazed by the unfinished threat. If something, it seems to have amused him even more. "B-But this guy," he points towards the other with his thumb, "can fuckin' rock a guitar. T-The drummers too, but fuck, y-you should see how he gets with a guitar in hand. I-I didn't recognise him the first time! H-he's real freakin' wild. L-Like, shit, his Mr Boring persona totally falls of an-and he becomes this unhinged dude w-who got some goddamn good moves an-and, lemme tell you, it's kinda hot. E-Especially when he..."
"G-God fuckin' dammit, AR! Shut. Up!"
"W-What? Don't tell me that y-you're that embarrassed of y-...mhpf!"
Whatever was supposed to come next is silenced by a gloved hand forcefully slapped over AR's mouth.
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"T-This idiot can sing...really well, I-I can't deny it...and he plays the bass," the guard finishes, answering the question in place of his best friend. "An-And he also writes song that are...good. An-And this is all two two of us are saying."
And with that, he grabs the younger version of himself by the collar and drags him away.
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A beat of silence.
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"I-I've never met Birdperson and Squanchy. For what I know, they never existed in my original dimension," Rick speaks up in a flat tone. "I-I never had a bad, never made myself look like a fool on stage. But...I do like certain kinds of music. A-Are there any instruments that I play? Yes. The piano, the organ and...I can do something with a guitar. D-Do you sing? Yes."
As soon as the last word is out of his mouth, he turns on his heels and stalks away. The exchange, in his eyes, is clearly over.
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
there’s 2 categories of lmam songs I listen to on repeat
lets make a music songs that are unironically beautiful and profound in their own way despite being made as a joke/goof song
flailing around on the side of the road
turn around and come down slowly
discarded in the thicket behind the outback steakhouse
can’t get you out of my head
echoes of wednesday
gentle light
the original wizard
the ocean is still there
song of green bastion
heartbreak at michael’s
heartbreak at michael’s reprise
let’s make a music songs that fuckin S L A P regardless of the level of goofs present.
madame zamporium’s wax emporium
alan rickman’s edible zoo
hunk night summer
fresh baby with a cola
iridescent all over
i told you that i was not a slug (but i lied)
witchs’ potluck
mr 1981
mourning ritual
well im on child
debutaunt ball
save 2 4 tony
proud egg mouth
Tobie’s Razor Scooter
Let Down My Better Dynamite
why dont you like our song title (slaps slightly less than the rest of them but the humor makes up for it)
arbor day
there there’s also these honorable mentions:
let’s make a music songs where the lore is better than the song (but the song isn’t nec. bad just the lore is better)
dr brims (gave me gender euphoria I didn’t know I needed)
haunted home (i almost put this in “slaps”, but the frequent “zoom” check ins, while genius in storytelling terms, kind of interrupt the Vibe of the music for me)
shan’t he shanty
rainbow trout eggs
the tale of the greazzy creek (i very much do not like the general audio experience of listening to this, but the lore, and hearing laura say “and alex pegnata, who’s just a fucking asshole!” in a bright nickelodeon announcer voice is fantastic)
wake up for big veg
medium rare
astral PI
Out There (also slaps hard, but the story is such an integral component to why it slaps)
21st blitheday (I listened to this episode on my 21st birthday. it felt nice. this fucking song gets stuck in my head so easily that i can no longer listen to it without committing to like 3 months of twENtY OnE!)
sybil’s night scare
dreamless + ratless randy’s (another one I can’t listen to without committing to weeks of it being stuck in my head)
dragon me to this wedding (the story is fucking hilarious but the way he sings it gives me puff the magic dragon flashbacks which is Traumatic for me in ways I can’t explain. I just listen to the podcast ep)
stinky bug
this is 44/60 of their songs. they have a good hit rate what can i say.
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undead-metalhead · 1 year
Tagged by @go-go-devil (on my main which is okay! And smart!) to list my 5 favorite cover songs.
Challenge mode: Not gonna use Ghost (bc obviously those rock) or Post-Modern Jukebox (bc they also rock).
"Africa" by Weezer/Weird Al . What, you think just because it has Weezer and Weird Al makes it a novelty song? Think it's silly haha? It actually fuckin slaps. There are a lot of heavy metal covers of this song too, and coincidentally they all slap as well.
"The Man Who Sold The World" by Nirvana (which I was too young to know was a cover! Chris Catalyst's version is good too but this one is Childhood for me)
Since we're mentioning Johnny Cash covers, "Rusty Cage"
When I was a young weeb, Charcoal Filter was one of my favorite j-pop bands. J-Rock? I don't know. But their cover of Green Day's "2000 Light Years Away" was one of my favorite songs. Oddly, I can't seem to find it on YouTube but I found a sample!
"The Boxer" by Mumford and Sons. The original Simon and Garfunkel is great, but who knew all it needed was some banjo to be excellent? It makes me feel every emotion.
Joke mention is Neebs Gaming Heavy Metal Cheers Theme. We love a good Screamo Simon.
Neebs' "Country Roads" cover is good too! This is a song meant to be sung with your best buds and this fucker understood the assignment!
Tagging @satanicbarrymanilow @nicxan @sharkbyt3drawsstuff @atticofthings @forgexcore @jovial-imp
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randomvarious · 1 year
Andrew McLauchlan - "Love Story (Edit)" Turbo Sampler (Vol.2) 2000 Techno
Plays: N/A on Spotify // 49 on YouTube
Andrew McLauchlan is more or less a techno one-hit wonder, but boy, oh boy, does that one hit of his fuckin' *bang,* man. Originally from Scotland, McLauchlan moved to London to start a small techno label called Figment in '98, who then released a double 12-inch EP compilation the following year called Chorusline, on which the original version of “Love Story” appears. But that track then got picked up by the larger, Manchester-based Bush Records in 2000, and they ended up spawning a “re-edit” version of "Love Story," which became extremely popular among techno crowds at the time.
And that particular re-edit really has to be one of the greatest techno bangers of the early 2000s, if not all time. McLauchlan basically samples a bunch of bits and pieces off of a dusty Brazilian samba record from the early 70s and re-arranges them all to yield his own wild, modern dancefloor masterpiece, pairing those different sampled parts with four-on-the-floor kickdrums and a hand-clap that forms a backbeat.
But it sounds like it takes some time for all of those samples to really start getting deployed, because pretty early on, McLauchlan actually laces this remarkable techno-samba sweat-fest frolic with a wandering piano line that appears to be one of his very own making. And that unpredictable piano piece has a way of effectively leading us from outside the party venue to the right-smack-dab-middle of its revelrous dancefloor.
Now, you might notice a discrepancy here between the fact that this is a very popular techno tune, but that its YouTube play count is extremely low. That's because this exact edit, as it appears on Turbo Records' Turbo Sampler (Vol.2), is just a shortened version of the full-length re-edit by a couple minutes, and has nowhere near the same amount of plays as some other YouTube uploads of the song. It's actually funny that "Love Story" is even included on a Turbo sampler in the first place, because the label never actually released the song themselves. But within that same year, it was also included on label owner Tiga's Mixed Emotions double-disc mix, and maybe that release helped to raise "Love Story"'s profile in North America, since it was definitely one of the mix's best tracks. And maybe because of that mix, people just naturally associate "Love Story" with Turbo too, which is why it's on their sampler? I'm just guessing here 🤷‍♂️.
But also, be wary of the misinfo that's floating around about this mesmerizing dance bop. Places like WhoSampled credit the song's samples to a track by Zé Catimba and Brasil Ritmo called "Martin Cererê" (sometimes written as "Martim Cererê"), but the website actually supplies the wrong version of the song. This version here, by G.R.E.S. Imperatriz Leopoldinense, a samba school in Rio de Janeiro that Zé Catimba himself co-founded, is the far more likely culprit 👇:
Either way, the two sampled vocal parts that form this tune's "chorus" make for the best parts. They represent subtle, infectious changes to the beat that ultimately lend to this track slapping as hard as it does. Whenever McLauchlan pumps those vocal samples in, the frenetically clanging keys that provide the lead melody throughout most of the track—different from the ones from his own piano piece—drop out, and so does the thumpiness of the kickdrum (though not always). It's a pair of small changes, but they're really vital to making this song as terrific as it is. Each "chorus" generates a small amount of anticipation for the listener as they wait for that kick drum thump and piano to return each time. And by the way, that underlying piano riff might be a looped-up sample of McLauchlan's own as well, since it doesn't sound like it comes from "Martin Cererê" 🤔.
So, If you’re looking to throw some kind of wild dance party with some Latin or international flair, then look no further than this song to be part its soundtrack. It’s a truly timeless work of art that could still stand as the jewel of any techno mix released today. Andrew McLauchlan really captured some lightning in a bottle at the turn of the millennium with this piece of uptempo, samba-sampled dance music. What a goddamn tune this one is!
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atomicsuperrobot · 2 years
Bloody Rain is such a weird fuckin song. For starters, it has no right going as hard as it does. For another, I can’t understand the lyrics bc of the weird fuckin fluctuating tempo makes formatting a proper translation short of slapping together a video impossible. And that’s leavin alone the lil bits that weren’t translated bc I assume that they were in English- at least they sound kind of like English?? I just can’t make them out, bc there’s like, a lot of heavy instrumentation that drowns most things out, at least at the current state my earbuds are in- they always had too much bass anyways, so idk if it’d’ve helped very much if they were still new. Anyways.
It’s kind of wild to me that this track even exists; how did it come about, even?? Like, I know it’s Shadow’s theme, right? But it wasn’t like, designed to be, I think? Certainly not in any official sense; until it was retroactively made official. And this was well after the series’ run, both the last season of the anime and the last chapter of the manga, iirc, right? Like this shit was no longer relevant anymore; I think it was like... 2019, 2020 at the most?? Like not even long before or after I even got into the series. It’s so bizarre; did Fuki just like “hey I’m gonna do This btw/I wanna do This is that okay?” and like. Do it?? And it slapped so hard that either the original author or someone involved in the anime (or both) declared it official??
I dunno man. It’s absolutely wild. Also hilarious thinking about someone who had somehow managed to hear the song before ever being exposed to the series proper, and therefore developing entirely the wrong idea about the tone of the series, lmao.
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ridgeworld2006 · 8 days
DAY 1- Firestarter: "it was mid but the ending was cool and the soundtrack fuckt" DAY 2- Prince of Darkness: "great buildup but the climax stinks. Lots of nice ideas in it though and a great soundtrack again" Day 6- Talk To Me: "the plot was kinda shit but the scares were nice and sickening, just the way i like em" Day 8- Videodrome: "super fucking weird but still actually really good. Wasn't too sure about it in the beginning but was sold by the end. Good body horror as well but i'd encourage anyone giving it a watch to look further than just that" Day 9- You Are Not My Mother: "mixed but fairly positive feelings. Horror was good and I liked the central concept as well as the lesbian love story, but the 'main' bully was SO over the top that anything involving her was hard to take seriously. The very end also felt a little pointless and slapped on." Day 15- Brain Damage: "an okay "so bad it's good" movie but nothing more" (i am SO full of shit for this... how can you see the blowjob scene and not recognize a masterpiece) Day 19- The Blob: ""What's ten million dead if it's keeping out the Russians?" SURPRISINGLY good! brian is hawt and actually CORRECT and hes never framed as being a dick for it AND him and meg DONT EVEN KISS AT THE END!!! IT'S A HALLOWEEN MIRACLE!!" Day 20- Motel Hell: "it was bad" (fucking duh idiot) "but in a "so bad it's good" way." (fucking duh idiot) "chainsaw duel whips ass" Day 22- Candyman: "holy shit this was good. Definitely another one that deserves another watchthrough to properly digest everything, and the horror is perfect along with the incredible soundtrack. feel the ending may be a little bit questionable but not really my place to say for sure i suppose" (ok... lol) Day 22 (again, making up for 21)- Candyman (2021): "This one felt more straightforward thematically (at least to me) and lines up startlingly well with some ideas i've been playing with myself. Not so much scary or disturbing like the original was, but what it lacks there it makes up for in being morbidly fascinating instead." Day 23- An American Werewolf in London: "late to add my commentary but it's not very good but is at least funny." (POST-MORTEM CLARIFICATION: THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS BEING "SO-BAD-ITS-GOOD") "Every line is like this: David: fuck... i can feel the werewolf coming inside me... whatserface: haha omg thats so crazy. ur so hot btw" Day 26- Puppet Master: "I was told the first one was good. i was lied to" Day 27- The Lighthouse: "another movie i should rewatch sometime to give it a deeper look. the first time a psychological thriller actually felt like a thriller to me lol. also the oceanic horror did it a hundred times better than lovecrafts dumb ass ever did just by having restraint" Day 29- The Wicker Man: "this is the best worst movie i've ever watched, hands down. it takes itself so seriously but is the goofiest fuckin shit ive ever seen put to screen. this movie definitely left its target audience cuz i was rooting for the townspeople the entire time. like yeah id do that too if i had to deal with this dude for an hour and 40 minutes" Day 31- FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S... "watched with friends, as expected it was bad but funny bad until the end where it got so stupid it actually made me mad. also i shit you not the credits music was the fnaf 1 song"
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