#if you look at the last post i rbed before this i think you can trace exactly why i wrote it
melynnwater · 1 year
everyone and everything exists infinite times
there are as many categorizations as there are thoughts
for every stinkbug that has ever existed
you could sort them by any criteria
and there will be one on top and one on the bottom
there's a heaviest stinkbug. a friendliest stinkbug. a stinkbug who has turned at a right angle more than any other stinkbug.
there is a unique way to define everything
I can't believe you would swat the smoothest fly that has ever been. how dare you.
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seahydra · 3 months
strawberry, blue moon, and cotton candy?
HI I KNOW I RBED THIS ASK THING A FEW DAYS AGO I didn't forget about these I swear. I'll answer a couple of em while I'm up waiting ...
strawberry: before getting together, how did your F/O realize they had a crush on you? How did they act around you once they realized they were head over heels?
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It was just this I think. She immediately feels inclined to get to know me on a much deeper level. Starts texting like 30 times a day but is WAY tsundere about it. "About that show you said you liked... I watched it. If you want, you can come over to my room and we can talk about it... NOT because I wanna hear your thoughts or anything! I want you to hear mine! ...Wait, no, I mean-!"
blue moon: is your F/O very routine-oriented or do they like to go with the flow? How routine-oriented are you?
I think she is very very particular about how she does things. He has alarms set for times when the servers reset with every single game she plays so she can get online and complete her dailies. She plans her entire days around anime episode releases / manga updates / etc. If this is disturbed in any way he'll die.
Me? I like to have a general idea of what I'll be doing but ultimately I just do whatever I want whenever I want to www
cotton candy: post the last picture of your F/O that you saved!
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Anime screenshot of my wife (and my dear friend mammon is there too hi mammon) sitting in her stupid gamer chair in her evil looking room. Wifey you have the floor of a bathroom. I love you. Why do you have four monitors.
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piplupod · 1 year
I actually had no idea you had so many followers, didn't mean to make it feel super vague or weird I just know this person IRL so it caught my eye. my apologies for it coming off weird.
this is the link to screenshots, and the blog titles are vistorille and bloodlikefire
AH OKAY, yeah no we're not mutuals, idk how i started following that person to be entirely transparent fshdgjkl I recognize the url (the first url, not the second) but not the typing style of this person's original posts. the only thing I can think of is maybe I followed them way back in my witchblr days because I see they've rbed some stuff around that, and it feels like a blog I would've followed when I was 17/18/19 and waistdeep in that sort of thing (never radfeminism to be clear, just ... occultism and paganism stuff).
however yeah it looks like they've popped off on radfem/terf type bullshit recently (i did a quick blog search and scroll and everything seems to be from within the last week or two RIP and theres a bunch of trans inclusive posts before that ???) and they state they're a "trans inclusionary radfem" which is ??????
wish I'd seen this behaviour but apparently I haven't been actively refreshing my dash while they've been active or I missed all those posts in the sea of all the other posts FDSJKL
unfollowed and blocked though, thank you for bringing this to my attention! i genuinely appreciate it since I can't keep up with everything! (and obviously if anyone else sees me rbing from ppl like this lmk, just PLEASE give me a url to go check out so i can actually investigate)
also idk if it needs to be said but please don't any of y'all seeing this go send this person hate or anything on either of their blogs, just block them if you need to lmao. don't feed the trolls etc etc
EDIT: okay yeah thats a blog i followed back in 2018ish sdgjkl they changed their url but its a witchblr i followed back in the day RIP we hate to see old followings turn out to be nasty ppl :[
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Someone asked pinkrelish if the reader in her series was white, cause she rbed a bunch of fan art from different artists that depict reader as white, and someone sent in an ask saying the first anon might have gotten the wrong idea due to the fanart
But then a writer friend of theirs that had previously made a collage/moodboard type thing for them misinterpret the ask, thinking it was attacking the writer as well as the collage they made and kind of went on a rampage to “defend” their friend, made a post about how people need to get off anon and say something to have a conversation. When another poc user tried to reason with them in the comments of their post, saying the asks weren’t attacking anyone (I mean read them for yourself) they kept almost intentionally misinterpreting what they were saying, putting words into their mouth, told them that if they don’t like art/visuals that depict white readers, to simply block the people making them and it won’t be a problem, etc, then blocked them. Then they made a post about how they’re gonna stick up for their friends and “block bullshit” and kept reiterating that moodboards/fic headers/artworks are all usually self-inserts in a way and we can’t blame anyone for the fact that these things are so white washed. So yeah, that’s what happened 💀 the person who got the asks is quite a big writer so that’s prob why you got the asks too.
I almost wasn’t gonna respond to this, but that’s a bystander effect and I refuse to participate in that anymore lol.
Okay, so Pinkrelish is an incredibly talented writer, and I’ve been following along with her works before I even knew they had a tumblr! They have this gymnast!reader fic that I LOVE so much, which I came across on ao3 like last fall. I don’t know her personally, but I do know I have witnessed her reblog and support all the fanart she is sent and tagged in. We of course are aware that fanart is usually the artist self-inserting into the non-descriptive reader insert, which is 100% appropriate! That’s why we write, so whomever our audience is can see themselves in the works!
Obviously, POC have a lot harder of a time getting their art interacted with, but Alyson would support any form of fanart sent her way, it’s an honor as a writer to see people depicting themselves in what we write.
I’m not gonna touch too much on the other writer right now, because I don’t know a lot of the situation nor who it even was and I’m dyeing my hair rn so I can’t look around, but I hope they’ve been made aware this was not an attack and a counter attack was completely unnecessary. I do think it’s disparaging for POCs to voice things that concern them only to be shut down in a matter such as the one you described (because it looks like Pinkrelish responded positively, and in my opinion wonderfully, in terms of acknowledging the struggles of POCs on this hellsite so whatever aggression you said was on display from someone else was actually unneeded).
I will always encourage other people of color to speak up, because on anon or off anon (because I know that anon would have been clearly brutalized had they spoken from their account as implied, and so long as what is being said is mot hate), what you have to say matters. This is a place for conversation and we all need to be a little more open minded.
Alyson loves everyone though, so if you’re a POC and you’ve got some beautiful ass TYP fanart you’ve been afraid to post in this fandom for obvious reasons (and withholding from me), she’s the type of writer who would love to see it :)
(P.s., most writers would love fanart SO POST IT PLS)
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nnecrofancyy · 3 years
hey, im mikey, your local stray dog.
press “keep reading” to learn more about me! put on your reading glasses, buddy!
last updated: june 21, 2024, 7:01 A.M. EST
yo, i'm michael! it/he.
weird tmasc nb dog. mlm + pan + t4t + polyam. i am a digital artist, writer, furry, kinnie for fun, i'm real big into bugs and vulture culture, & i absolutely love horror. quite multifandom. i was raised by creepypasta, undertale, and batim. i am autistic & physically disabled in various ways.
this is my first & main blog on tumblr dot com! my previous username was sirfuzzbee, but i think i might've used the username smilingmidnight for a while before that. i forgor
my username is a necromancy pun. not necroph*lia, not Necrofancy by Scary Bitches, i am simply fancy about how i raise my skeletal army from the dead.
i reblog whatever the hell i want here. expect spam, repeated posts, and long posts. i love to spam and receive spam from my mutuals. i use likes to bookmark posts for later, & i reblog posts that i want others to see. all of my posts are (or should be) appropriately tagged for topics, images, gifs, common triggers, and eyestrain/loud sounds. if i miss something, please tell me. i will NOT tag for slurs, social issues, crises/global issues, etc. so don't whine in my askbox about my blog being depressing or offensive. there are other fish in the sea, so get off my scales. mutuals can ask me to tag specific triggers. it doesn't matter how specific, but i may forget sometimes. again, i do not tag for any slurs. you can filter them yourself or not look at my blog. i will use tonetags if needed, but i don't need them myself. i won't automatically know when to use tonetags so please tell me if you need them. i block very liberally. huge fan of curating my online experience however the fuck i want.
here are some of my blogs:
@necrostim - personalized stim blog (wip)
@creepsypastas - crp/slasher ask blog (inactive but i may revive it at some point. no motivation. sigh)
@genderfuckfreak - fun flags for fun queers (sparse activity cus low motivation)
planning on making a blog where i post my writing, art, & ocs. unsure about it, though.
here are some links you should check out:
my carrd
my pronouns page
my redbubble
i don't have a dni, but this blog is not a safe space for fans of h4rry p0tter, k1lling st4lking, or any kind of rpf. also fuck AI art and writing and if you use AI to finish incomplete fics then Get Off Of My Blog. + i will block accounts that only post n$fw, and i will also block anyone whose posts are frequently hidden by my filters. if i happen to recognize you as someone who reposts uncredited art on pinterest, run.
i do not use shinigami eyes because i use the tumblr app on mobile. please tell me if a post i RBed was originally posted by an active transphobic account. i do not inspect the blogs of every person i reblog from unless their icon or username stick out (/neg) to me.
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mwagneto · 2 years
Not to send too many asks but that Cherik post you RBed I keep looking at it. My brain goes brrrr ... I cannot afford to rewatch those movies now. I have just too many things to watch. Now the flag one too.
Followed you last year but RBed your stuff from even before. Does that count? 😂
Oh, have you watched David Tennant's Around the World in 80 Days? Cuz I'd like to know what you think of it.
you can never send too many asks dw<3 YEAH coz i went over to fagcrisis's house and made him watch every xman movie after finding out he's only seen first class so now i have brain rot again 😭 YEAH SORRY i have like a mile long rec list for real but yeah the newest thing is our flag means death coz I've deadass been so excited for it!!! and it's so fucking good it's even better than i thought and auurghh snarl hnrgh. I'm normal
i think it counts, i don't follow anyone but i "follow" them like I check their blogs and rb from them so if anyone can count that it'll be me lmao and no I haven't seen it but I've seen people talking about it, actually the whole reason I found out about ofmd finally dropping was coz i looked up if some period drama had gay characters and it took me to a 4chan post where someone was complaining about every show having a gay character and someone in the comments was like "yeah im just about to start ofmd and atw80d and I'm hopeful" or smtg. godspeed to him i guess
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
do you have an analysis on sokka's repression?
basically my entire blog. akkakasja i have rbed this post and made these two however the ones that are mine are way too short for my taste so! here’s a bunch of mainly subtextual proof that sokka self-represses like a fun little kendoll in a box made of masculinity and eldest sibling disease:
sokka won’t talk about his emotional distress whether it’s anger, sadness, grief, anything willingly, (except when it comes to identity issues and self-worth) and if someone explicitly asks he will give a vague answer and talk around the actual issue. mostly when talking about grief and claiming sokka actively supressed his grief over his mother’s death, we must take yue’s death as a reference.
sokka’s reaction to yue’s passing is the direct textual representation of the manner in which sokka grieves. it is shown this way for a reason; this is how he grieved kya. it’s merely making a reading the subtext when realizing sokka doesn’t talk about yue’s death even when he “think(s) about her all the time” as he expresses so during the swamp, for example. it’s safe to assume this is a practiced copying mechanism. he does not talk about yue directly to anyone unless he’s under pressure (as seen thru suki during the journey to ba sing se) and even then the information he gives is incredibly vague. he wouldn’t talk about her mother at all if it wasn’t in order to help katara. (and claiming katara’s grief towards kya was bigger or more real than sokka is incredibly disingenuous and kinda dehumanizing to both of their characters By The Way). sokka feels incredibly guilty as the vision of yue in the swamp calls him out on it, particularly using the term “protect” (coming back to this fun little word later). sokka could not protect yue, so yue had to die. he sees this tragedy as his absolute and entire fault — once again comparing it to katara, who not once blames herself for the murder of her mother, the same way sokka never blames anyone, not zhao, not zuko, no one but himself for yue’s passing.
sokka doesn’t believe it’s his place to rely on other people. rather he must be the one everyone can rely on. sokka was raised as a protector of his sister as the last living bastion of their culture, he was left as the only warrior (man) in his village at thirteen, who was apparently expected to hunt and fight the fire nation soldiers and protect the rest of the village. he internalized this role of the protector and provider and the so-called “man” and while incredibly sexist, it did put a certain pressure on his shoulders that doesn’t allow him to express his emotions because he internalized he needed to be strong, and even though he gets over his fundamental sexism by the fourth episode there’s this unconsious belief in him that emotions (girls womanhood etc etc) are weak, and sokka cannot afford to be weak.
this is visible as through the many many times “protect” is a key word in certified sokka character & arc defining moments. sokka’s idea of masculinity is the idea of the warrior and the protector and part of the source of his insecurities that manifest more clearly during “sokka’s master” is (apart from feeling unspecial) that he feels unworthy because of his supposed lack of utility in certain specific matters that only benders like the three radioactive preteens he’s trying to keep alive can handle. in his head the way he can protect equals his utility in the group and therefore his duty being fulfilled.
for this, sokka has things to do, people to keep safe and focused, a man to become, and he cannot afford an emotional crisis like katara or zuko can go on a revenge murder mission or curse the universe at the top of a mountain weekly. he only stops and actually thinks about how miserable he is when he feels he’s slowing the group down at times when he’s in the middle of an identity crisis (which is also caused by his wretched self-image of the man protector etc etc it's an old story). when it comes to grief and loss he never demands justice, he never asserts his grief even though he does suffer for it, even though he is absolutely not indifferent.
now, sokka being miserable as he is can easily be seen whenever he’s alone, or without aang or katara or toph to keep a light atmosphere even though they are constantly on the verge of dying, by yelling at incompetent adults or making conversation with the universe, or simply making self-depreciating comments. most of his jokes are merely a copying mechanism for when he feels emotionally distressed and a method of distraction and therefore protection towards aang, toph, and katara, or a self-aware joke at his own expanse for his own personal amusement. his jokes ground the situation, acknowledge the ridiculousness of it and make it more manageable and palatable for everyone involved. instead of panicking or losing his mind, he makes plans, he makes jokes. he tries his absolute best to keep the situation afloat, like a good leader should.
sokka complains about trivial, petty shit more than any other character in the show, but when it comes down to it, sokka never actually copes with stuff. when he is genuinely torn up about a situation, when something truly moves something in him, it doesn’t get much verbal acknowledgement from anyone. let's make a list: when yue dies, sokka never truly opens up about it until suki zuko comes around and even then it’s kinda vague. sokka forgets how his mother looked like but paranoically remembers the details of the flag that invaded his home the day she died. when sokka remembers the day his father left, he doesn’t bring it up at all, and he quietly reflects on it by the campfire instead. there’s plenty of signs that his nonbender status is something that makes him insecure long before he ever actually comes out and says it in sokka’s master. showing this in visual media can be a complicated thing, but honestly to god believing sokka plain doesn’t have much emotional depth or worse, thinking he “doesn’t care” is such a shallow and lazy analysis to make. so in conclusion # sokka antis dni
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innitnotfound · 2 years
Help me find a fic! This will be RBed if it's found, so check back if you wanna see it!
This is gonna be a REALLY long post so skip if you don't wanna read
Okay, so, DSMP fic, there's this world where everybody can shape shift into a different type of animal, I'm gonna list off everyone I remember:
-Tommy: He was a raccoon, and also main character
-Wilbur: He was a songbird I believe? I'm 99% he was but not 100%
-Niki: She was a dove, the summary was actually a paragraph about Niki was "better" because she was a dove and Tommy was just a gross raccoon (Last part about Tommy not exact, but it's close enough, it's also Tommy's self hatred talking)
-Techno: A pig (or hog? One of those too), I remember that pretty clearly
-Sapnap: Panda, obviously
-Karl: He was a bunny, I remember that for sure
-Quackity: Duck I believe, I remember he was a bird, but I'm 99% sure it was duck
-Dream: He was a dragon I believe? I don't think it ever said outright but I believe he was a dragon (ALSO DREAM ISN'T BAD IN THIS! Very important)
-George: Same thing that happened with Dream, Never specified (iirc) but I believe he was a frog
-Tubbo: Goat if I remember correctly?
-Ranboo: I'm 99% sure he was a black and white cat
-Jack Manifold: Black/Chocolate lab, I remember that
-Foolish: Same thing with George and Dream, But I believe he was a Lion
-Sally: a salmon obvi, I actually remember a tag where it was something like "so Sally being a salmon makes sense in this"
-Fundy: fox, obvi
-Not sure if Phil and Puffy were ever specified
-I don't believe Schlatt was in it and nobody anybody who came in after Eryn was in it either (Michael wasn't in it either)
Okay, so, scenes I remember:
-Sally and somebody else playing in the water at the beach(?) (wanna say it's sapnap but idk) Also it was animal forms
-Fundy shifting for the first time (basically everyone seeing what animal Fundy is)
-Sapnap (in animal form) "protecting" Karl (in animal form) while Quackity freaks TF out next to Karl (Again, animal form)
-Also Tommy (99% sure) calms Sapnap down, and says that he has to bring Karl to Ponk, and that Sapnap can come with (Obvi, he does), and then afterwards Sapnap apologizes for freaking out and thanks Tommy for calming him down
-I remember there was a scene where Tommy shifted for the first time, but don't remember specifics, I think there was a kitchen involved tho, and I think self hatred came immediately after
-Also I guess there's like some gathering place where everyone cuddles and shit? I think it's like a tree stump but idk, and Tommy REALLY wants it but he's not "nah, I'mma raccoon, they don't want me" (spoiler, they do)
-Tommy waking up to Wilbur and Phil(?) seeing him in raccoon form, and then I think this was the same scene that Tommy decided to run away (in raccoon form mind you)
-I believe it was snowing when he ran away
-Techno (in animal form) Finding Raccooninnit in a hollow tree trunk/in a hole in a tree trunk(?), And then bringing him home by carrying him on his back (still animals)
-Wilbur asking how long Tommy had been able to shape shift for, and Tommy saying something like "Since before Fundy could"
-Also everyone called Tommy something like "Feral raccoon" and he took it as a bad thing (spoiler, it wasn't)
-Also I'm pretty sure everyone else thought he didn't have a form but can't be sure
-Also Wilbur wasn't insane, I remember that
-(it's pretty much a "Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts" Au)
-Jack and Tommy looking at Lmanburg after Tommy ran off (I remember it being a crater but they might have just been high up)
-Dream and Tommy looking at clouds, again, After Tommy ran off, I specifically remember Dream being like "I would have found you, I mean if you really wanted to leave I would have let you but I would have found you", Also Dream was making the clouds into shapes, I remember Tommy noticing a ice cream shaped cloud and he's like "Dream's making the cloud's do weird shit again"
-i remember there was a party thrown for when they found out, and there was a cake with REALLY shitty decorations on it, and the cake had a raccoon on it and Techno says something like "Sorry it's late, a certain somebody forgot to tell us" (not exactly, but it's close enough), also I believe Tommy takes the raccoon part of the frosting but I'm not sure
Uh so yeah that's everything I remember! Hope y'all find it because I remember really liking it :(
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venusofsuburbia · 3 years
Would love to know your least favorite fashion/beauty trends of the last decade given that post you rbed abt how most ppl dress Like That
I want to start this off by saying I didn't hate every single thing I saw in that post. The fact that many people dress the same is not necessarily a heinous crime against fashion, just a simple lack of personal taste and style. However, there are a few actual prosecutable offenses that were committed en masse during the late 2000s and early 2010s:
Low rise jeans. They are the epitome of "just because you Ameri-can doesn't mean you Ameri-should", and besides, most people really really Ameri-can't. And that's okay! I have never in my life felt the need to show off my hipbones in a display of pubic dominance. Bonus points (and by that I mean negative points) if they're way too long and bunch unattractively around the ankles. It's not cute, it makes your legs look shorter, and it absolutely destroys your hems.
Visible thongs. Put. Them. Away. Ask yourself, "Is this truly what I want to say to everyone who meets me, before I've even opened my mouth? Do I want to tell them, without words, that I am the sort of person who walks around with my underwear hanging out like that is a normal and respectable thing adults do?" This trend is second only to the current, somehow more horrible trend of jeans with built-in thong straps.
Flip flops as anything but beachwear, and even then they're on thin fucking ice. Flip flops are not shoes. No matter how many sequins, how much embroidery, or how fancy the clothes they're paired with, thong sandals will never be anything other than awkward and juvenile at best.
Orange skin, but especially the kind that abruptly stops at the jawline. Please, for the love of all that is holy, just match your foundation to your skin tone. This was a difficult concept to grasp for girls of the late 2000s/early 2010s, especially as Jersey Shore reigned culturally supreme, but I pray the youths have learned from our mistakes.
The specific combination of thin scarf, Abercrombie hoodie, jeans, and Uggs that was worn by every basic blonde bitch at my high school. It's not offensive or tacky, and as teenage outfits go, it's not even all that bad. It's just basic, and it brings me back to high school, so for those two reasons I hate it.
I'm sure I will think of more later on, but rb this and tell me what I missed so we can hate it together.
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juuheizou · 4 years
hi take my overboard numbers again for the obscure asks: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 18, 23, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40
yES go as overboard as u want i honestly love it!! anywho!!
1. what’s your favorite way to dress?
comfortable and practical, but still all black and lowkey aesthetically goth. my autistic self can’t do the more elaborate looks w all kinds of horribly uncomfortable materials, but i don’t think i own a single article of clothing that isn’t at least a v dark grey and i do love my leather motorcycle jacket and army surplus boots. i’d probably dress more highkey alternative if accessorizing while autistic wasn’t such a (expensive when it’s not super spoons-consuming) game of trial and error.
3. what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?
the hatsune miku games. i just love rhythm and music games so much, and find them v calming to play.
6. what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?
ok now i know i’ve rbed this game before bc i’ve answered this exact question before, and i’m glad to get it again bc i’ve gotten over my trying-so-hard-to-be soft boi phase and changed my mind. i would choose metal
7. what song is your aesthetic?
lemme preface that musically i’m a metalhead but i lean more into goth aesthetics, so even though there are songs i like better, imma go with helena by misfits
8. what color do you think goes best with your personality?
14. do you like makeup?
idk. i almost never wear it and a full face of it is a sensory nightmare no matter how light, but sometimes it’s fun to screw around with fun eyeshadows (even though i only end up using black and some browns lmao) and lipsticks and i like to think i look manly but in a goth way w my poorly done raccoon eyes
18. what animal would you keep as a pet, if you could?
realistic answer: a big cuddly dog. fantasy answer: a fricking seal.
23. do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets?
soft and smooth
30. what instrument do you wish you could master?
guitar. i’m learning but i wish i had had access to one small enough for me to play comfortably when i was younger bc i’d be so much better at it now than i am. (ps, if it’s an option for u ash, look into models known for being particularly small and consider going electric. the fretboards tend to be slimmer and my ibanez mikro changed my 4′10 baby-handed life)
32. do you have any strange interests?
play piercing. i’m sure that one would get me canceled if i was relevant bc it’s considered an s&m thing and tumblr (surprisingly, lgbt tumblr) has really decided to turn against that community, but honestly it’s an art to me and i’d love to master it one day.
33. do you have any strange fears?
already answered, but i’ll give u another one. there ain’t shit i can do abt it that i don’t already do as best i can, but i have this weird fear of my teeth rotting out of my head and losing them. i have so many dreams abt it where it’s the only part i remember and every time my mouth feels gross i'm like “well this is it.”
lately though my dreams have stopped revolving around my teeth and instead started being abt my snake bites. like last night the only thing i remember of my dream was the part where one of my labret studs got caught in my teeth and the ball fell/disappeared and i ripped out the post, and putting the post back in hurt so much i started seeing black spots and almost passed out in my dream it was wild. so maybe just mouth trauma?? in general?? though i love looking at gruesome pictures of mouths that aren’t mine?? idk what that’s about
34. what food do you binge on when you’re lazy?
none really. i used to genuinely binge-eat (i’m sure i’d have been diagnosed w binge-eating disorder if there was a word for it at the time) p bad for years and years since i was a child and am making a deliberate effort to not do that anymore, so i’ll generally avoid the kitchen when it’s not mealtime. otherwise i would tear into my low-spoons meals until there was nothing left. haha sorry if this one was tmi.
36. do you have any impulsive movements? (twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.)
so very many.
40. do you like light blankets or heavy blankets?
heavy. if its too hot i’ll cool down by sleeping butt ass naked before i lighten my blankets
send me some obscure asks
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riddlerosehearts · 5 years
about that last reblog if anyone is curious (do NOT open the read more if you don’t want spoilers for the upcoming tangled the series episode “be very afraid”):
i read everything in that reddit link and the summaries for beginnings through day of the animals were completely accurate (and the person i rbed the post from confirmed that the summary for beginnings was correct and that they saw the post before the ep so it couldn’t have been edited after), so i have no reason to believe that the one for be very afraid isn’t.
now, here are some tags i left on a post about be very afraid yesterday:
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and here’s part of the episode summary on that reddit page:
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so. turns out i was right, what varian is looking at IS going to kill me and i can’t wait to see it! but of course eugene’s worst fear IS JUST A GODDAMN BAD HAIR DAY. varian’s worst fear is the very understandable and realistic fear of his dad never having been saved and everyone hating him for his past actions. and eugene’s. is. a. fucking. bad hair day. and i’m sorry but i’m starting to get genuinely upset and angry about this sort of thing, you can say “eugene already had his character arc in the movie!” all you want but that doesn’t mean he has to be reduced down to 45% comic relief, 45% trophy boyfriend (and a very good one! but still!), and 10% serious character for the show. it SHOULD NOT mean that.
eugene fitzherbert was an orphaned child who could have never escaped his miserable life. eugene fitzherbert could have lived his days out never truly feeling happy and fulfilled and just remaining as a criminal forever if rapunzel hadn’t shown him another way. eugene fitzherbert was nearly executed for his crimes. eugene fitzherbert had to watch the love of his life being tortured by gothel and begging “just let me heal him and i’ll never try to run away again”. eugene fitzherbert goddamn died and i guarantee that in what could’ve been his last moments he didn’t think rapunzel could magically bring him back considering he just chopped her hair off. his worst fear should NOT be a bad fucking hair day when varian’s actually gets to be something absolutely heartbreaking and i could excuse it if this wasn’t what happened nearly every single time eugene got used for anything, but are you kidding me. why does one of the original characters from the movie not seem to actually matter in this series. why are almost all of his scenes comic relief, i mean even his backstory episode was mostly comedic (and yes it was funny and i enjoyed it but i have no hope that we’re getting a serious backstory ep at this point and that really sucks imo) and also messed up his character anyway so WHAT IS THE POINT, I--
okay i’ll stop now but i’m just. i love this show so much but i’m so tired of the way eugene is treated and i cannot believe i came up with the dumbest possible idea for what eugene’s worst fear could be and it turns out that’s what it actually is. it seems like so much media lately has one or two characters that, even though these characters actually have a ton of potential, they tend to only treat as comic relief and never treat seriously except for maybe very occasionally because they either don’t know or don’t care how to balance that and i’m just so sad that eugene, along with his best friend lance, became that for this show. and look, i get that they wanna balance out the serious shit with comic relief, but you know how else they could’ve done that besides making eugene a fucking joke (and lance, but i’m slightly less mad about that if only because eugene is from the original movie and we know that much much worse things than bad hair have happened to him)? show us ruddiger and pascal’s worst fears and they’re, idk, whatever the fuck silly things racoons and chameleons could be scared of. just not eugene being scared of not having perfect hair as if he wasn’t a master criminal who was almost hanged and literally died jfc
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thelittlestspider · 5 years
Paper Heart fashion/aesthetic post - Carter
part two. previous. i was going to do tiffany for part 2, but i might save hers for last bc i really wanna do violet’s next. 
faceclaim: ????
i haven’t picked a faceclaim for carter yet bc i haven’t found someone that looks like how he looks in my head. the closest approximation i can think of is a combination of peter b parker from spiderverse
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and this thing i rbed for bella. the eyes, the brows, the chin. the expression. 
they both look very similar. a lot of people think they’re twins when they see them together (*spoiler* bella and carter have entertained the thought that they could possibly be full siblings, but they’ve never done anything about it. mostly bc they aren’t sure they want to know the answer. also before you get worried, carter and owen are not related. *end spoiler*). i know you’re gonna be like, “well if he looks like that, then why are people so bewildered by violet and tiffany’s attraction to him?” it’s kind of mixed up in people just not liking carter? like you know when someone is really pretty but they’re also really annoying and they test you. every. fucking. day? that’s carter to the people of salvation. 
carter’s style he shows to the general public of salvation is plaid shirts, jeans, and sneakers. he’s not really out to impress them? 
prior to being separated from his moms, carter just kind of dressed however he was feeling that day. sometimes he would wear t-shirts and jeans, overalls, dresses, a mixture of the two; his moms didn’t really care. when six comes into the picture things get a lot more strict for carter; six doesn’t let him dress however he wants, he puts him in “boy” clothes, doesn’t let him have makeup or anything that could get him mistaken for a girl. the ranch is the same way. he doesn’t really get to try to reconnect with this part of himself until probably a history of sorrow when he and nina are kind of forced to spend a lot of time together due to the group’s conflicting schedules. 
so anyway, this is public carter:
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private carter:
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i like to think when one of them is out shopping nina and carter will see a funny shirt and buy it like “i can’t wait to see the look on their face.” violet and tiffany are like “we gotta get in on this” and now they all have goofy shirts. 
i tried to find pics to match the green, thin strap pajama shirt and white shorts with pink hearts that joe sees carter wear in the summer fic, but i couldn’t find anything. it’s depressing. 
(carter trying to learn beauty stuff and failing vibes lol. he’s doing his best.)
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(this is very paper heart-era carter minus the implied pregnancy.)
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violixs · 2 years
AHH on breaks my social battery drains and i just sit in bed doing whatever until 4 am and wake up at 2 which is NOT GOOD BUT SKDJJSJS GOODJOB ON YOUR FOOTBALL MATCH MAE !! YOURE SO COOL i remember i attempted to play football in 3rd grader and tripped over my own feet and fell.. KAJSJSJS fun memories anyways IM SO GLAD YOURE GETTINF MORE INTERACTIONS I HOPE THEY KEEP COMING AND INCREASINGGF !! AH my ian ess?? LMAO my state has tests for a few subjects on the whole years content and it’s been very stressful preparing so i might not be as active on the weekends but i’ll definitely try !! i did. get to do my speech !! i’m glad i said it quietly so not a lot of people heard but my sister and her bus and but that’s who the speech were for and they gave me a big hug.. it wasn’t as bad as i was anticipated and i’m glad that my sister appreciated it <3 WAHH UNDERSTANDJNG HIS LIVE !! that is goals. VILLAIN YUTA WHAAAAT I HAVE NO HEARD OF HIS MOVIE YET UNTIL NOW ??&:!.!:&:&: and i can definitely see the writing growth i feel proud gettinf to see all your work overtime and getting to actually talk with u and interact with your writings !! AND YES I WILL DEF MAKE A LIST FOR ALL THE FICSS maybe i should scroll thru all my ultimate favs and reblog them ?? ( i started going on tumbler in 2021 and never understood the importance of re logging until i saw a post so now all these fics are just in my likes that need to be reblogged and the authors need to get sent an ask on how amazing their work is.. ILL GET ON THAT !!) ANYWAYS HOW WAS YOUE DAY MAE ?
i’ve been playing football since i was like… 6??? one of the world cups was cool so i asked to join a club and i have since then! tbh the loyalty is what’s keeping me going and not the sport but there are matches where u do rlly well and it makes u rlly happy so.. it’s worth it! don’t worry abt being ia anyyyy time esp for exams… god i do not even want to think abt mine they’re in like a month and it’s so much studying 😞 i hope yours go well lovely
YAYYYY THE SPEECH i’m so happy she enjoyed it and got to appreciate it :( i think it’s nicer that it wasn’t smth that everyone had to hear it just? makes it more special i think? i’m sure everyone loved it and u did amazing!!! ajhdjs I RBED A POST ABT IT SO U CAN SEE HOW HOT HE LOOKS IN THE TRAILER BUT i cannot wait. like his acting debut in one of the biggest movie franchises in japan???? IM SO PROUD OF HIM AH
and :,) u r the only day one on this account u are very special… u even witnessed my old ugly blog 🙈 ajhdjs but i will be looking forward to the rbs and make sure i check it out!! i remember i used to do the same on my old acc before i started writing but i RLY wish i would’ve interacted more bc if you do interact and leave rbs with comments or asks… it’s sm easier to make friends and talk to the ppl who are actually reading the writing and u just get to appreciate it all! so yes i will watch out <3
my day has! just started but it’s my last two days of holiday :,) i’m gonna absolutely smash the hyune fic today because my deadline is the 30th of april and i am determined to reach it but it’ll be hard ㅠㅠ i don’t feel too good so i might or might not go to football training tonight but ! today is just for relaxing and i am taking that very seriously 😁
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peachymanwhore · 3 years
hdhnsjw okay I just had this idea + you don't have to write it if you don't want to but b4 I forget: "I'm not done with you yet." from the most recent prompt list you've rbed with john maybe?
[ Prompt: "I'm not done with you yet." ]
[ Characters: John Winchester, Ozias Ashford ]
[ Warnings: n/a ]
Oz usually slept sprawled out on top of his kind-of-boyfriend-but-not-really and last night was no different, especially after they'd spent practically all night hunting down those bones.
Besides, waking up on top of John never got old. He always woke up with strong arms wrapped around his waist, and he always woke up warm and safe.
This morning, John's grip on him was looser than usual, giving him plenty of room to sit up- now straddling his partner's waist- and stretch, hearing a soft hum from the man under him.
"Mornin' sleepin' beauty," he purred when John's eyes opened, grinning at him as his lover's hands found his hips.
"You're up early," John muttered, closing his eyes again for a moment as he slowly, and very purposefully, ground his half hard dick against Oz's ass.
That, admittedly, drew a chuckle from the hunter. "Ooh, baby, awfully early to be cravin' me already," he teased, leaning down to press a quick kiss to his lips.
"Yeah, well, either you can ride me, or I can fuck you into this mattress."
Ah, the option for control. Of course Oz was going to take it.
"You just sit right there and enjoy the show," he very quickly told him, brushing a thumb over John's bottom lip before reaching back to pull down his lover's boxers (thank god the man produced too much heat to wear pants to bed).
He pulled them down to his thighs, just enough to release his now fully hard dick. Then he reached over to the nightstand, opened the top drew, and procured a bottle of lube.
"Now, when did you have the damn time to get that?" John asked as he popped it open, squirted a good amount into his hand, and moved so he was behind John's dick, making it easier for him to start lathering the lube onto it.
"A boy's gotta have some of his secrets, Johnny," Oz replied with a grin, pumping his hand up and down the length of John's member until it was thoroughly covered.
One he was sure there'd be no resistance, he pulled off his own boxers, lifted John's t-shirt just enough that nothing would get on it, and slowly lowered himself on his lover's dick.
Oz only sat there adjusting for a few seconds before he was slowly raising himself up, and lowering himself just as slow. John helped by gripping his hips, for once not tight enough to leave marks.
They kept with a lazy pace, taking their time instead of rushing through it like they usually did. It felt better that way, but it was mostly because they were still tired.
Though, by the time they came, they were both very much awake.
"I'll clean up-" Oz said, as he went to remove himself from John's lap, only to suddenly find himself pinned under the larger man, who grinned down at him before capturing him in a long kiss.
"Now, now, baby boy, where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet," John growled against his lips right before re-entering him.
Looks like they're in for a long morning.
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viridescent-lament · 4 years
someone paying an absurd amkunt of attention to my recent rbs may have noticed all the art i rbed is tagged with inspo and favorites. and that is because. i can look at so many things i love in all this art. and look at my art and realize i cant even begin to mimic that. i cant compare. 
im going to back up because theres a bit more i think. just a dump of things that have affected? my mood
a few days ago. i look at my face. i see bumps. i am very concerned (im supposed have a clear face because thats one of the few consistent compliments on my face thats the one measurable thing that i liked about it -)
i do a mask or two (a rare event, and a different maskni havent used before) it doesnt gok away. but while im looking. i realize i dont hate my face (at the time). i recognize several things that arent bad and some that are neutral. from this point on ive cokntinued to do an apricot scrub but those bumps remain (they were there befoe school but i suspect wearing a mask all day has worsened it.)
i work on an art piece for a few days. i am not happy wiuth it but it doesnt look bad.i post it before school.
now that im finihed with that piece i need something to do during school. i crochet. made a coaster in one bus ride to school, another between classwork, and most of one during a mostly free period, which was completed on the bus. (to be fair. its 5 rounds and described as quick to work up)
the first i give to my teacher before school. she is nice about it. notably, i offered it to a teacher i had last year first, who mentions she still has a doily i  gave to her last year, and she thinks of me when she sees it.
i gave the second to my art teacher. he is very nice about it, which is not unusual but always makes me :D
also during art. i work on a pinch pot and recieved positive feedback relating to it beijng a square and alsl me adding orbs to the corners. notably. i placed the pot on my friends desk and said something along the lines of 'i crave [feedback/attention]' (dont remember exact wording)
i try to finish the last coaster in last period to give to my teacher but fail. i do give it to my friend while we're in the bus and she has a very sweet reaction (involving gasping and compoiments and i noticed her staring at it for awhile after)
sometime after that on the bus ride i think about how nice positive feedback is and vaguely wish my friend from last year who always had an extreme good reaction to gifts and kind acts was still here.
the art has not had any feedback beyond the requester/my friend (who is the requester). thats not too bad but i dont rb it to main bcs i want to post the speedpaint first.
i start working on getting the speedpaint up. i need a song. i ask my sisters while we r outside about songs i can use. the twins are alsok planning 'celebration days' for mema. we end up singing and they stol and say my voice is good. a bit more singing and me being embarrassed and sinking to the floor with my hands covering my face at one point. i have been convinced to join them in singing a song for mema.
at this point i was excited. i am critical of my voice and have not sung much since third grade choir (i auditioned the next year but did not make it, which was discouraging for a small child).
next day. another apricot scrub to maybe get those bumps off. excited messing around with twins in morning. printing out pictures of myself at emmas request. and printing song lyrics. mema is mowing outside. i begin to practice. i doknt hate it. i stop and drink water. i try to memoripe lyrics, although i donot get ti the end. considering posting my singing on blog. twins go swimming. i take a small break. post speedpaint. 
twins come inside w kai. they are all in a bad mood. i try to start again, slightly nervous/embarrassed to sing in front of people. 'im a little pitchy' 'yeah you are' - kai. kais always like that but. emma also says its not good. notably emma is never like that. i dont really care cuz its obvious shes in a bad mood even without avas reassurance. 
ava convinces me tok play tea party. kai clinks spoon against ceramic cup and it hurts my ears. i tell her to stop and she does. kai tells me to go off my tablet. i cokntinue with the internal justification 'its overwhelming to focus on them only (not exact words)'. ear still hurts from cup clinking. small snarking between kai and i. twins and kais voice eventually becoming more and more irritating. i leave tea party.
later twins trying to get my attention and i answer aggressively and they say nevermind. internally i amthinkung that this isnt even overstimulation/bad noise (cant remember word for that) just me being annoyed at them for no reason. 
speedpaint has recieved no attention. i shoukdnt care but am slightly disappointed. i try going through open tabs to rrb things. all the art is amazing. i tag everything as inspo and favorites, because its all amazing. i keep noticing littke techniques that each piece does. two handle lineart color differnces better than i did on that request. one has a sketchiness to the lines that adds to it. one has beautiful flowers that i could never get. i think about improving. i dont know how. i cant figure out how to learn. and other self depreciation.
that self depreciation continues with my singing. i cant do it. im not good at singing. i cant memorize the words. etc. mema is out of the house and i try practicing again. i cant get myself to sing. i eventually tell twins i cant do it. 
throughout this. i try to listen to music. watch videos. something to blockbout the noise and get the right noise. nothing works. currently settled on a song that almost does it.
theres alot of internal emotion that i dont know how to describe. 
logically i know myart didnt get nktes bcs it was posted while my friends were offline. and art not getting notes is one thing thatas nkt even a major part of this. but.
i am disgusted by my face right now. i doknt know whats wrong with it. i dont know whats wrong with my body.
ive been thinking about cutting my hair. i like how it looks now. and have recieved a random compliment from somebody i dont know at school. who said i could really pull it off. but. i want to experiment. ill probably come back to this style. but i want to try some stuff.
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nightandstarlight · 7 years
Demeter, Apollo, Ares, Centaur, Siren, Nymph, Agamemnon, Jason, Sun Chariot, Caduceus, Aegis, Golden Fleece, Olympus, Tartarus, Elysium, Ogygia, The Labyrinth? :3c
Asdfghjkdhslñ so many omfg why iLY ((I have to say tho i didnt really think about having to answer more than one of these at a time before i rbed the qs and since im on mobile and theres no way im gonna remember all of them im probsbly gonna do one first and then like edit this post to add the rest or something so it might take a while))
‡Demeter: do you have any pets?
>Unfortunately i dont my dad never wanted us to have any :// last time i had an actual pet living in my house i think it was when i was like 10 y/o or so and they were a couple of turtles who used to escape all the goddamn time like we would literally find them on the street trying to get away from our house even tho we had a enormous backyard and we treated them as well as we possibly could?? idk they prolly hated us so my parents mightve given them away i dont even remember,,, and thenn like two years ago i think i got a pet sheep called peter.. Peter the sheep was only around for a week tho and he wasnt even officially my pet but i loved him as if he were i still miss him and think about him often.. basically that summer when we went to visit my dads brother in misiones we took him with us from my dads farm ? (not really my dads farm but i dont wanna get too sidetracked here lmao) to my uncles farm for breeding or whatever so it was a solid 6-7 drive with him in the bed of our truck and me just starting at him and trying to get attention goD i never thought id care about a sheep that much anyway once we got to misiones we couldnt take him straight away to my uncles farm for whatever logistics reason i never asked about because all it meant was that he would have to stay in my uncles backyard for a couple of days and i would get to spend more time with him !! so thats what happened !! I took tons of pics and recorded him doing nothing and loved him from afar and then i was there when we dropped him off at my uncles farm.. and then i never saw him again.. the saddest part is that weeks later when we were all back home my uncled called my dad to let him know that Peter wasnt even fit for breeding bc rumour has it he had a third testicule lmao so he was technically useless rip peter the sheep ,,, aaaand now that i live alone i really wanna get like a cat or something but i never learned how to take care of anything so im scared i wont know how to if i have to do it all by myself
if i could add tags to this on mobile id apologize for talking so much about peter instead of just answering the question but i cant soz
‡Apollo: What kind of music are you into?
>alt/pop/rock/indie/pop punk,, i dont really like defining it by genres because who knows for sure what do they even mean anymore but the second best way i have to describe my music taste is ~basic white girl who thinks shes special~ and that makes me feel even weirder,, if you want i could try to make a playlist once im back in my apartment like next week or so lmk
‡Ares: whats a big pet peeve of yours?
>probably when people dont listen,, (u mean deaf people?? thats pretty fucked up dude) no lmao i mean people who pretend to listen but dont care about what you have to say or even worse when theyre so self absorbed that they dont even try to act like theyre paying attention and just straight up talk on top of you or interrup you constantly and not even bc they have something important to say but just because they can like whyy ohh or even worse when they do all that and then have the nerve get angry/offended if you dont pay enough attention to them??? Boyyy oh boy i hate that but i *cough love my parents i love themm
‡Centaur: Last book you read?
>all the bright places by jennifer niven,, didnt actually read it but i listened to the audiobook a week ago so i think that counts,, and if audiobooks dont count i read Evenfall by Santino Hassel back in march
‡Siren: Last song you listened to?
>((when i answered this (at 3:30am) i wasnt listening to anything but)) spotify says it was devil in me by halsey,, rn (13:40) im listening to alone by halsey
‡Nymph: Last dream you remember?
>i cant remember any recent ones atm but a couple of weeks ago i dreamt i was dating veronica from riverdale?? I probably posted something on here about that and it was so sweeett other than that idk maybe something about my classmates i see some of them pretty often in my dreams and theyre usually really nice cause i almost never remember any bad dreams/nightmares
‡Agamemnon: whats an achievement that youre proud of?
>i cant think of anything rn maybe getting into uni or coming out to my mom
‡Jason: have you ever travelled abroad?
>nope,, the closest i was to leaving the country was in 2014 when i was gonna go with my english teacher and class to nyc i got my papers and everything ready but then everyone started to come up with reasons why they couldnt go so i was gonna have to go completly alone/with friends of my teacher and their students which i didnt know at all so i got scared and decided not to 3 i know (hope) i’ll get another chance to go tho
‡Sun Chariot: whats your favorite mythological creature
>umm maybe sirens or gorgons im not 100%sure
‡Caduceus: whats your favorite color
>too many for different purposes but mostly purple?
‡Aegis: whats your favorite book or series?
>all for the game by nora sakavic atm
‡Golden Fleece: whats your favorite animal?
>ive loved dolphins since i was a kid but felines are too perfect in too many ways they make me weak at the knees
‡Olympus: describe your dream job
>so i know id looove to have an office job really stable and monotonous and everything like translating books but i also know that im terrified of getting stuck? And i feel like a job like that doesnt really leave much room to grow professionally so even if at the time im happy with just doing that the idea of looking back one day and realizing i sat at a desk and did the same thing for 20 years is not the best (which is ironic bc im wasting my youth ™ doing exsclty that for free basically but yea idk ) Dream job as in actually ~dream~ job would have to be like whatever people did on that show extreme makeover home edition?? I used to be obsessed with that show when i was a kid and i still think its a great idea even if its not as extra and over the top like that was id love to help people that way i could also make this longer but its lowkey too personal
‡Tartarus: Whats a short term goal you hope to achieve?
>going back to therapy and not quitting this time? making friends? Id say improving myself as a person but i feel like thats more of a long term goal but not hating myself rn would be nice,, also something tangible would have to be passing my calc II final that i shouldve taken a year ago and didnt cause i got scared + too depressed to study properly lmaao
‡Elysium: if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
>telekinesis and or being able to teletransport sounds cool
‡Ogygia: describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?
>patient, better at comunication than i am, respectful but that should be obvious, loves puns and bad/dad jokes, loves me? Also loves kids and is okay with adopting cause i definitely wanna adopt childrepn someday
‡The Labyrinth: have you ever died and came back as a vampire?
>not sure if im allowed to talk about this but i bet no one is gonna read all this cause its wayy too long lmao also i dont care anyway so yes, yes i have
half a day later im done!!! i know its a lot I hope its not too boring tho lmao
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