#if you read this you deserve a good night in w ya homies
It’s a tiny rant. Ignore it or don’t, I can’t tell you what to do.
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
Period Pains (Iwa, Suna, Bokuto)
Periods still stuck. Nothing has changed since part one. But these boys continue to comfort me when I feel like my heart, head, and stomach are going to explode :D. I hope they comfort you too!
A/N: It’s been rough homies. It really do be your own body that tries to attack you -_-. 
Warnings: EMETOPHOBIA (in Suna’s there’s a semi detailed description of vomiting); swearing; foot massage in Bokuto’s (Ik that makes some people uncomfy); gym bros. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime
It was common knowledge that you and Iwaizumi were two halves of one insane power couple. 
No questions asked, you both were generally independent when it came to taking care of your own matters, and you were both were pretty independent. 
But there were exceptions- moments where you would both lean on each other, using the other as an anchor and a crutch to get back up and stay on your feet. 
Your period was one of those times when times you needed your beloved boyfriend to play that role. 
Today was one of those days. 
You and Iwaizumi head over to the gym at around 6 am to get your early morning workout in before you go through with the rest of your day.
You had told Iwaizumi the night before, and he asked if you still wanted to “go gym” the next morning. 
You said yes, hoping that a solid workout would help with some of the cramps. 
And once you had got there, you had your hopes up. 
The first half of your workout was going really well, and you hadn’t thought of your cramps at all. 
But then it hit you while you were walking over to get your water bottle. 
You didn’t know why, but the cramps hit you hard. Instantly you went to the bathroom to try and compose yourself, but that wasn’t really helping either. 
You didn’t wanna bother Iwaizumi mid workout, so you tried to carry on. 
Unfortunately, that didn’t work out too well. 
As you tried to keep going, the cramps in your stomach got worse and worse, until you were pressing your stomach with your hands, curled over yourself on your yoga mat. 
Taking deep breaths, you tried to relieve the only worsening cramps. 
It wasn’t until a warm, firm hand caressed your back did you look up from your curled up form. 
“1 to 10.” Iwaizumi asks you with a soft voice. 
“4.” You say as you curl into yourself once more. 
It was the pain ranking system that you’d both been using since early on in your relationship. You knew exactly what he meant, and you were honestly thankful that he understood you were in pain by just looking at you. 
“Lying to me doesn’t do any good, ya know.” His words are harsh, yet the concern in his voice kills any intimidation that was supposed to come across. 
“Sounds right.” Iwa’s one arm wraps around you, digging into your side, his thumb massaging circles into the spot right above your left hip, while the other hand rubbed softer circles onto your lower belly. 
You felt your muscles untense as his hands worked away at your cramping stomach with deep pressure only he had the strength to apply. 
“What’s wrong with her?'' 
Both of you look up to see some guy (he seemed like a newbie, neither of you had seen him before) talking to your boyfriend. 
“What.” Iwa’s voice is dry, in shock at the fact that this dude was in your business. 
“Did she injure herself working out or something?” He asks, as if you were incapable of speaking for yourself. “Not being careful in the gym can be really dangerous, especially if you’re not trained.” He speaks in your direction this time. 
Iwaizumi Hajime (27) ATHLETIC TRAINER, now looked like he was ready to commit murder. 
Some of the regulars had now turned to watch, most giving the guy dirty looks.
A couple of you and Iwa’s closer gym bros step towards you both, making some preparations for Iwaizumi to swing. 
But before anyone can really say anything, your voice cuts through. 
“That’s real rich coming from you. The only thing that’s gonna cause an injury is your horrendous deadlift form.” 
Your boyfriend goes from a state of shock into a fit of snickers, the guys on the side also amused. The guy in front of you goes completely red. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about you bi-” 
“I actually think she’s right. I was a bit worried, too.” One of Iwa’s (very buff) friends stepped forward, smiling at you two before putting a hand a on the newbie’s shoulder. “Let’s go check it out.”
As you sigh out, your boyfriend stares at you with pride and amusement both bright in his eyes. “All that pain and you’re still able to come up with snarky comments.” 
As his hand returns to soothing circular motions, you dig your face into his chest. 
The soft touches from Iwa were enough to ease your pains, and allowed you to embrace your moment of vulnerability with your sweet boyfriend. 
“Let’s dip and get food, okay? And you can just rest at home. You deserve a break.”
“Weren’t you saying something about how the grind doesn’t stop-”
“It stops when your health is on the line. Let’s go.”
Suna Rintarou
When it comes to you being on your period, Suna is by far the most hands off while simultaneously being the most attentive. 
Suna wasn’t necessarily the biggest on PDA. But when it was just you two? He had no problem being all up against you.
The only situation Suna does not know how to navigate is when he can’t read someone’s moods or behaviors. Luckily for him, you were overly clear with his emotions and needs when you were on your period, even if those moods and needs were all over the place. 
Early on, when you got together, he was a bit surprised to see how bad your period could get.
He’d walked in to your room one day to see you in a fetal position, rolling around on the floor.
He’d seen you go a full day of eating only junk food, upset and trying to satiate all your cravings. 
He’d also seen you go without sleep because of how bad your cramps were.
Essentially, he’d learned you’d go through really bad health habits, and he’d assigned himself the roll of trying to make sure you maintained some regularity while on your period. 
He was ready for anything, so ready that he made it look effortless. 
When Suna came back from practice one day, he couldn't find you anywhere in your shared home. Which isn’t a problem, but he doesn’t recall you saying you were going anywhere....
It’s not till he lazily stalks over to the hallway and hears a horrible retching sound that he realizes you are still home. 
Swinging the door open, he finds you perched over the toilet, vomiting in what looks to be a super painful manner. 
“Rin...ta...r-oh fuck” you can barely get his name out before you start throwing up again. 
Your boyfriend takes a step into the bathroom, but you toss an intense ‘no’ his way with your hand. 
“It smells disgusting… and… I don’t want to be smothered right now…” you sigh as you breathe between your bouts of vomiting. 
He takes a deep breath, recomposing himself. He knows your period can get pretty bad, but he hasn’t seen it get this bad in a while. He obliges, but he doesn’t move from the doorway. 
As you start your next fit, Suna’s face remains blank, but his heart twists. 
He slowly approaches you, kneeling beside you. 
“I said to not.. To smother me....” your protest is weakened by your body inhibiting your ability to speak. 
Suna keeps a bit of space between you two, but he gently grabs your hair, pulling strand by strand, until its completely out of your face 
(alternatively, if you have short hair), Suna keeps a bit of space between you two, but he lets his hand gently rest on your back, rubbing in soothing circles . 
Your hand goes up to push him away, but he grabs your fist with his larger hand, weaving his fingers with yours, rubbing his thumb into the back of your hand. 
“I won’t smother, don’t worry. But I’m gonna be here.” He’s soft in his tone, unfazed despite the relative unpleasantness of the situation. 
As you finally stop, you fall back, your hands covering your eyes. 
As you lean back, your body giving out, your head finds its way onto the plush chest of your green eyed boyfriend. He doesn’t touch you, but just acts as a makeshift couch for you to lean on. 
“Rintarou.” “
“I need your touch.” 
Your words are blunt but effortlessly received as your boyfriend instinctively wraps his arms around you, languidly stroking your thigh with one hand and holding your stomach with the other. He adjusts you so that you’re pressed up against him. 
“Better, babe?” he asks as he backs up into the wall, loosening up as you relax against him. 
“Mmm.” You croon, sinking down against him. “I should  brush my teeth, I’m sorry you came back to this.”
“It’s fine. Get cleaned up. Wanna watch movies? I got Chinese takeout.” 
“I don’t want Chinese,” you comment.
 “What do you want?” 
 He sighs. “I’ll be back in 20.”
 “I love you.” you smile at him as you tell him what he already knows. 
He presses his nose into your hair, letting your conditioner’s scent fill his nose. “Mmm… and I love you.” 
“How much?” You ask.
“How much do I what?” 
“How much do you love me?” 
“Enough to get you pizza at 10 pm in the pouring rain.” 
“It’s raining??”
“...Nevermind I don’t want pizza anymore.”
“Well I want pizza now so I’m going.” He pulls himself up and out of the bathroom despite the way you tried to cling to his leg to keep him from leaving. 
Bokuto Koutarou
Bokuto is honestly the ideal boyfriend, especially when you are on your period. 
Early in your relationship, when you got on your period, you didn’t tell Bo. But he ended up learning the hard way. 
He’d come back from practice a bit later than usual and didn’t text you. Usually he didn’t, especially if he knew he’d only be a little late. But when he walked through the doors, instead of finding his usually happy, bubbly girlfriend who usually showered him with love, he was greeted with you crying. 
“W-why didn’t-t you text me, Kou? Do you-u not care about me?” 
He had nooo idea what was going on, and he was very panicked and sad. 
He felt like the rug was pulled out from under him when you proceeded to snuggle into his chest 2 minutes later, cries completely stopped. His little owl eyes were wide open and very confused. 
2 days later, he asked about the situation again, scared to bring it up.
But you were really embarrassed as you explained how you were on your period and could get extreme mood swings. You apologized and promised that you’d never do something wild like that again.
But Bo wasn’t content with your answer. 
He went and asked Akaashi if he knew anything about what periods were like (he was shy to ask you). 
Akaashi found the lovely statistic of “period pain being of equal pain levels of a heart attack” and Bokuto lost his shit. “
I’ve never had a heart attack, but they kill people! And they go for the hospital for those! And she apologized for being a little emotional… that doesn’t seem right, right Kaashi?”
Akaashi agrees, of course. And sends Bokuto off with the advice of “she’s always there for you. All you have to do is be there for her.” 
When the next time you had your period rolled around, and you found yourself a little emotional, you did your best to control it. But Bokuto was having none of it. 
“Baby, you don’t have to hide it! You can be emotional!! I don’t mind. You always help me when I’m emotional! I can do the same for you. I’ll take the best care of you, I promise!” 
You would honestly call it a turning point in your relationship, cause this was when you learned to start really depending on Bo. And you realized just how dependable he could really be. 
When Bokuto comes back from practice today, he finds you splayed out on the couch, koala-hugging a pillow, whimpering a “welcome home” between grunts of pain. 
Bokuto stays quiet as he walks up to the couch, dipping down to place a kiss on your cheek before stripping his sweaty t-shirt off as he walks off to take a shower. 
Once he comes out, fresh and clean, he throws on a comfortable t-shirt and shorts before coming back to find you on the couch. 
He grabs your legs, pulls them up, sits down, and then places them in his lap. “Baby, do you want a massage? I can press your legs.” 
“You don’t have to, Kou, it’s okay.” 
“I want to!” He cheers back as he starts to knead at your calves, moving down to your feet and slowly pressing over your socks. 
You sigh and huff, slowly relaxing as the soothing feeling of the pressure applied to your feet counteracts the pain you felt in your lower abdomen. 
While Bokuto concentrates intensely on massaging your calves again, he perks up at the sound of a sniffle.
 Swinging his head, he sees you slowly dissolving into sobs. 
Panicked, he slides your legs onto the couch and comes by your face. 
“Baby, did I press too hard? Did I hurt you? Please tell me.”
“No, no, Kou, you’re fine. I’m just- I’m so lucky and blessed to have such a loving amazing boyfriend~” you get the words out as tears stream down your face, turning to look him in his big, gorgeous, gold eyes. “I don’t deserve you, my love.”
Now, for reasons unknown, Bokuto finds himself crying as well. 
“Why are you crying!” You cry and laugh out at the same time. 
“Because I have such a sweet girlfriend who always showers me in love! Don’t say I don’t deserve you. You’re perfect for me.” 
Cheesy as the exchange was, it was really soft for you. Because you knew Bokuto, and you knew he meant every word exactly as is from the bottom of his heart. 
Crying while your laughs got lighter, you pull him in and kiss him all over his face. 
He laughs too, and holds your face as he pulls away, swiping the tears from under your eyes. “Your turn!!” 
After smothering you with kisses, he picks you up and carries you to your shared bedroom, so he can love on you more, with enough space for both of you to lay next each other and peacefully drift off to sleep. 
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A/N: Gym guys who don’t mind their business seriously bother me. I hope you all enjoyed! Requests and commentary are greatly appreciated :D 
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ravenofthefandoms · 5 years
Here are my thoughts on S8E2!
If you’re gonna post about an episode after watching the leak TAG UR SHIT I saw way too many spoilers and literally two hours before it aired. If you can’t tag ur shit then don’t post at all until it’s over. At least then most people have seen it. If you don’t tag ur shit then ur legally an asshole so be careful
ANYWAYS Thoughts from S8E2:
- Hi yeah did Dany kinda forget that her dad was the Mad King or is she just gonna act like she’s the only one with the right to want Jaime dead?
- Also I love how she’s like “your sister lied to me wut you gonna do about it”
- She needs to step oFF of Tyrion
- I hope Jaime really does slit Dany’s throat tbh how great would that be
- Bran is great fuckin hilarious
- God I love Sansa so freaking much 😭 she actually values her advisors opinions unlike another queen I know
- I love how Dany expects Jon to be like “yeah babe whatever you want” and then he’s like “nah Sansa’s right”
- Grey Worm I love you but you’re not intimidating buddy I’m sorry
- Jonno does a 10/10 walkout
- Tyrion you don’t deserve this work environment abuse go give your wisdom to someone else who deserves it
- Mmmmmmm Gendry what a man
- “It’s strong enough” what ur dick?
- “What do they smell like?” What kinda question is that wtf
- PSA: sharp objects handled by Arya Stark turn on Gendry pass it on
- Arya Stark, Queen of BDE
- Fuck yes I love this Bran and Jaime reunion
- Bran is like it’s chill tbh it’s like a good thing that you pushed me out the window and made me a cripple cuz now we’re here and I’m a magical motherfucker
- Bran is the most understanding person ever after he became the Three Eyed Raven
- “She’s your new queen too” mmm no
- Actually, contrary to popular belief Tyrion, it’s not hard to blame her
- Tyrion is both smart and a dumbass at the same time how the fuck
- Jaime’s like a dog who just heard a squirrel like “????brienne?????”
- Awww Brienne and Jaime are like the awkward high schoolers who have a thing for each other
- Why does Jorah still call her Khaleesi
- I’m glad Jorah isn’t a dumb bitch. Like he literally betrayed Dany to her brother’s killer and she still forgave him but Tyrion decides to trust his sister for once??? Nope he fucked up too bad not trustworthy
- Uhhh the position wasn’t Jorah’s to be stolen
- This scene is proof that Daensa will never happen and I am glad for it
- “I wish I could have that kind of faith in my advisors” uhh??? Maybe get some new advisors then??? You should trust them??? That’s why they’re your advisors????
- Uh no a) the northerners accept Sansa pretty well they actually like her and b) you’re not doing a damn good job of it dumb bitch
- Uh the family that destroyed Sansa was your family dumb bitch
- Is this bitch really making the excuse that she was manipulated?¿?
- This bitch big stupid
- This scene literally reminds me of high school like Dany literally reminds me of those fake ass bitches who were sickly sweet just to get what they want from me like wtf Dany is so obviously fake that it makes me cringe
- I love how he just ignores Dany and is like SANSA I WANNA SERVE U BB
- Suddenly I ship Theonsa
- This Theonsa hug is all I have ever needed in life
- Isn’t that the thief from Merlin?
- I love that little Irish girl who’s like “imma fight give me a sword” like is this Arya 2.0??
- I heart Gilly
- Tormund is like surprise bitch you getta hug me first
- Beric is basically that cool as fuck and chill as hell uncle
- “The big woman”
- We love a Jon Snow pep talk
- Bran is like “hi yeah I’d like to be uhhh bait”
- Damn Samwell you didn’t have to flex on us like that with that deep thinking aight
- Noooooo let Tyrion fight you ain’t his boss bitch (I mean you are but)
- Need it for what? Taking over the north?
- “No one’s ever tried” hehe I’m in danger
- Stark fam looking badass as fuck
- Walkout #2 isn’t as smooth but still acceptable
- “It’s a long story” bitch I got time start talking
- I CACKLED when those girls walked away from Missandei like I felt bad but that was just such a “you can’t sit with us” moment
- Ghost is that you homie????
- Awww the Nights Watch reunion made me tear up a lil
- I love this banter with my whole entire heart
- i miss grenn and pyp so much I’m crying grenn was my pre-Pod husband
- I love Lannister brother moments so much they are so pure
- Oprah is handing out redemption arcs left and right wOw
- CACKLINGGGGG “half a cup” pours in half the wine jug
- What a squad
- He’s the awkward kid who tells weird stories and then does weird shit
- “Kingslayer get it right” - Jaime on the inside
- Everyone just has a “wtf” look on their face and I’m dying
- I fucking love Sandor with my entire heart and soul
- “I fought for you didn’t I?” Touche you got her there
- “I’m not gonna sit with you old shits I’m gonna go fuck a bull I mean uhhhhh I gotta go ”
- Arya being lowkey jealous makes me cackle like a witch
- “Is that your first time?” “Well yeah Arya I don’t put leeches all over my dick every time I get home wtf”
- Arya having her first time be CONSENSUAL and with someone she loves makes me happy as fUCK
- All I want at this point in my life is for Podrick to hold me in his big strong arms like I just wanna cuddle him fUCK
- “Not a Ser?? Why the fuck not get outta here with that bullshit”
- “I never wanted to be a knight” Podrick: I call bULLSHIT
- Tormund is supportive of Brienne even when she’s dating another guy he doesn’t even care
- Podrick is Brienne’s proud son I am living for it
- Honestly Tormund just wants to see Brienne happy and successful and tbh I don’t think he would care if that meant that she was with Jaime
- I stg if anything happens to babygirl Lyanna i will throw fists she looks like such a little bad ass in her armor omg she’s adorable
- Yeah Jorah you don’t gotta wield it in Randals memory he was kind of an asshole
- Can Podrick sing me to sleep every night please holy fUCK
- Theonsa? Check. Gendrya? Check. Grey Worm and Missandei? Check. Podrick making my whole self thirsty for him? Check.
- Uhhh Daenerys are you not gonna be concerned that you were idk fuckin your nephew or maybe that you aren’t the last Targaryen???? Maybe something important like that not the Iron fucking Throne???
- This bitch really thinks that Bran and Sam were lying hAh she drank a lot of dumb bitch juice this episode
- Daenerys is like those anti-vaxxers or flat earthers who refuse to see the facts
- Fun fact: episode 3 is going to tear out my heart and soul, put them in a blender, and then fucken shook it until it exploded like a coke with a mento in it
- I read somewhere that said something to the effect of characters who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it and that sounds like Dany w/ the Mad King to me rn
- Honestly every time Dany talked in this episode I got pissed off so that’s not good
- This episode made my heart full and I’m going to cry
- Ummmmm in case y’all haven’t seen in Dan Portman (Podrick) posted on his Instagram and it may or may not be a spoiler and if it is then I’ll kill myself
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Meeting in a coffee shop? One of them is a hot tap and the other one a cold tap? The possibilities are endless!
Chapter 1- Introduction (13/05/2016)
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy guys! It's been a few days and I got so many positive review from the last fic I wrote that I decided to continue the Valonstrade storyline- but WITH A TWIST. Tens of people have been asking for it, and here it is! AUs- YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!1!
Chaptr 2- COFFEE SHOP AU (13/05/16)
Felix had been working that coffee machine for long time, almost all of the day in fact. He checked the clock and saw that it was five minuets to closing time- just enough time for the shop to close in time in five minutes. There was not a single soul in sight- the shop was like super empty. He worked in Starbucks and was a bit of a hipster tbh. He wore thick black glasses and a beanie over his mop of golden hair with added feathers and plaits, and he always ate off a wooden plank. So he was either a hipster or a viking. Yes, it was a good life for Felix, especially since he could work super fast thanks to his incredible cosmic powers.
It was raining much and he was glad he had brought his incredible cosmic umbrella for the walk back home. (He lived alone and without a car because he was orphan.) He pondered this with much Drama! and Angst! when he suddenly heard the door open. Sighing inside his angst-ridden head, he didn't look up as he continued to scrub the counter. Somebody who had the nerve to come in this late could wait while he finished cleaning up. It wouldn't take him long to give this loser a crappy cup of coffee and then show them the door.
"Excuse me, sir?" The voice he heard made him stop. It was soft and polite, which was weird cos the guy acted like such a cock to be arriving at this late hour. Felix looked up slowly and GASPED!!!!!! when he was met with a BEAUTIFUL SIGHT with his orbs that could see better because they were incredibly cosmic and math.
This man was soaked from head to foot, his wings glistening with water droplets that glistened. He had hair and a face, which were features that Felix looked for in a person to date. "Yes?" Felix replied stuttering a little because he was head over heels (his heels were glittery and green) for this winged man. He seemed to be nervous as well, because he was sweating a little. This might have been the rain but "I'm Lestrade. I... I've seen you here many times and wanted to get to know you." Felix gulped? "Why are you so late in coming here?" Felix asked. Lestrade shrug. "I was nervous." Felix laughed. "Oh, you didn't have to be Lestrade." His anger melted like ice on a hot day. "Hey, how about I get you a coffee?" Lestrade nodded.
"Thank you. I like tea because Britan. What do you enjoy?" "Oh, just a simple grande iced sugar-free vanilla latte with soy milk," Felix replied as he whipped them both up. (A/N- That one is my favourite- review if you agreh!) Felix took a sneaky look at Lestrade as he was making the coffee. He smirked at his cuteness and his orbs widened at his hotness. He knew this was going to be an interesting five minutes.
Chapter 3- COLLEGE WORK PILES UP (16/05/16)
Whew- what a week I had! I'm going to act annoyed about it but not actually say what it is because I crave attention and sympathy from complete strangers. URGH BAD WEEK. WORST DAY EVER. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Hope you enjoy my SECOND CHAPPER! It features song lyrics to express the feelings felt by Felix.
Work, work, work, work, work, work ~ Rihanna
Those meaningful lyrics were buzzing around Felix's head as he was cramming the night before a test. He hated studying and rarely did it because he always passed every test with at least 99.999999999999%. But this was different- it was his Incredible Math exam tomorrow and he needed to pass so he could enjoy the summer and sit on rooftops in the nighttime and have BANGIN' parties filled with Humour! with all his bestest friends. He had two tickets to see that new Victorian detective film and wanted to take his most bestest and loyal friend Jasper. He was so excited!
Because he studied so rarely (A/N- he mainly hung out at the skate park with his homies) he also spent very little time in the local library, which was where he was sat now. He looked around with much awe at all the books piled high. Bored, his orbs drifted to the corner of the room, where he saw a small boy with minature wings flopped in a chair. Because he had incredible cosmic powers, from here Felix could see that he was reading Wuthering Heights by Roald Dahl. Felix didn't know this kid. He had scruffy jeans and an oversized checkered shirt on- over a plain white t-shirt (A/N- OBSCURE BAND REFERENCE LOOK IT UP YOU HO). Felix looked down at his own clothes- black skinny jeans and a grey Van Halen t-shirt- covered by a black leather jacket (but it wasn't made from cows cos Felix is a vegantarian). Yes, Felix had more style, more friends and more cosmic abilities, but something about this kid made Felix curious. He decided to go an talk to him.
"Hello." Felix said as soon as he was just under a foot away from the shy boy. The shy boy looked up at Felix in confusion. He can’t have been much younger than Felix himself, but his small frame and wide orbs made him look young and vulnerable- especially since his wings hadn't yet grown big. "W-what do you want?" The shy boy asked shyly. Felix blinked twice, his orbs narrowing in shock. "Um... nothing. I just wanted to say hello." The boy cocked his head. "Oh." The boy went back to reading Tomb Raider. Felix flicked his blonde mane from his face and sighed. "I... haven't seen you around here much. What do you study?" The boy blinked. "Um.. Art." Felix screamed. "My friend Jasper studies that too!" The boy gulped loud. "Cullen? He gives wedgies to kids like me. He mean." "Maybe you deserved it." Felix said without thinking- his pride as a jock/emo overtook his manners and mild curiosity. The boy immediately looked Hurt! and Felix quickly went to correct himself. "I-" Before he could say anything else the boy got up. "Don't talk to me you PRICK!" He stood up and had tears in his orbs he ran away.
Felix watched after him in angst and decided not to follow- he had ruined whatever friendship he might have had with the shy Art student. Before he could go back to his studies, he noticed that the boy had left behind his library card in the kerfuffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Felix used his powers to make it zoom into his outstretched hand. Looking up much close he saw the boy's scruffy form in the picture and smiled. Then he saw the name- Lestrade Jones.
Turning it over, he saw that his dorm room number was written on the back so decided to pay him a visit. He needed to apologise. He also knew he was taking to that film- if he said yes.
Since this is an AU I won’t finish this idea and leave it on an annoying cliffhanger. Love ya! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I couldn't think of a word for "blood" so I just put the google definition in haha X3 (also for the sake of this canon I'd say this is set in like 1868 or something LOL)
It was the 30th October- the day before Lestradula's birthday. He was much excited for all the presents his friends would give him! (Hopefully lots of blood and also dark clothes and black hair dye and black orbliner and black nail varnish because he was an emu.) The only problem was he had no friends because all the friends that came round for dinner were the dinner.
He decided to take a stroll in the darkness because it was totally his aesthetic- he had multiple Tumblr blogs where he reblogged pictures of matt black paint and coffins. He was walking along listening to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-xWhG4UU_Y because why nOT HATERZ and it was his favourite vampire song to jam to as he walked alone down the winding dark roads with the spooky trees and hooting owls and stuff. (A/N- some of their other stuff is better but C'MON GUYS THIS IS SUCH A VAMPIRE LESTRADE SONG AMIRITE?????????????)
He hadn't been walking for long in the moody twilight (A/N- SUBTLE REFERENCE TO OTHER VAMPIRE RELATED LITERATURE) when he saw a hooded figure walking the other way. Taking action immediately, he swept his bat-like wings over his body, effectively disappearing into the darkness that was only illuminated by a new moon but luckily an eclipse was happening so it was very darker. He waited with bated breath (but not really cos he didn't breath cos he was undead) as he heard footsteps approaching- very slowly."My early morning snack had better hurry up!" Lestradula thought to himself. "It'll be breaking dawn at this rate!"
After what felt like an eternity (he would know cos he is undead) the man finally walked past Lestradula, allowing him to jump out with swift speed and unsheath his fangs- aiming for the man's bite-able neck. Before he could sink his teeth in, however, the man turned and blocked his attack with his arm, sending him hurling away. Lestradula snarled at this new foe. "WHO DARES DEFLECT LESTRADULA??" He asked in all caps. The man pulled back his hood to reveal an attractive face and a mane of long straggly blonde hair. He had a partial beard, it was just long enough to be rather unruly but not long enough to be likened to an old man. His orbs were golden and wolfish, and he scowled at Lestradula.
"IT IS I!" Lestradula hissed. "Who is I?" The man growled back at Lestradula, allowing him to finally click- he gasped. (if he could breathe air) "You're a werewolf!" The man nodded, his luscious mane flowing in the breeze of the midnight sun. "Damn right I am." Lestradula resisted the urge to kill him by asking his name. "My name? Felix." "Urgh that is such a dog name- you may as well be called Lucky or Spot!" Felix growled again. This man was intimidating and really annoying and not at all attractive or witty! "HOW DARE YOU!" he roared, resisting the urge to kill him. Lestradula cackled. "Do you want a belly rub?!" Felix went to punch Lestradula but he was too slow because it wasn't a full moon and Lestradula pulled his arms behind his back. He went to bite his neck but lingered. "I'll do it." He ignored the fact that Felix was a werewolf and (A/N- according to my most valuable sources) smelt like wet dog and was unappetising. "But I smell like wet dog to you- that's unappetising!" Felix responded, mildly scared for his life. "Besides, you're a disgusting vampire! And your wings are ugly! I would hate to be bitten by someone like you!"
Lestrade I mean Lestradula stepped back. The sun began to rise and as the light fell on him he started to glisten like glitter from a craft kit. Felix's orbs widened as he watched this odd creature. He had lied before. This vampire wasn't ugly- he was beautiful. He sighed internally for effect. Felix decided that the only thing that was good about him was his ability to fetch sticks foolishly thrown by unsuspecting humans (he then killed them). This vampire was something new- something different.
Lestradula regarded him one last time longngly but also sadly because he was rejected before turning on his heel. "Fine," he said bitterly, making Felix wince. He started to run off to suck the blood of twenty six unsuspecting virgin maidens when SUDDENLY........... "Wait! We aren't finished here IMMORTAL ENEMY!" Felix's shout made Lestradula turn on his heels in surprise. Felix resisted the urge to kill him by asking for his number.
Whew! That got a bit intense there. Also ASDFGHJKL VAMPIRE ROMANCES ARE MY FAVOURIT THINGS! I like this pretty unknown series by some chick called Stephenie Meyer. It's so underground and original you might not have heard of it. It was copied from my other gavourite book called 50 Shades of Grey though- Stephenie stole the entire plot so when it becomes big she might get sued.
Chapter 5- XX CHROMOSOME (10/06/16)
I swer that is the only thing i rememebr from Biology class in High School (cos I sat next to a cute boy called David D Davies and he was SO MEGA HAWT so I didn't really lurn much hahahaha This one was based off of a prompt by Voyagerisbetterthantherestoftrek2001- thanks for reading and reviewing! :3
LaStrade opened her delicate orbs and was greeted by the sun streaming in through the octogon-shaped window. Wincing at the ultraviolet light invisible to the human orb, she closed her them again, rolling onto her feminine stomach. Her wings provided shade as she begged to the tooth fairy for five more minutes. After a few more minuets of being sleep she knew she had to get up to see the kids. They were her's and Fiona's (who was the complete love of her life). They had been together for a while now!!!!!!!!! How they met would always be engraved into her memory. It was back when she was doing her topless volleyball course, before her life was changed 5eva. Smiling to herself at the memory, she thought more about the recent events in her life.
After the oldest boy, A-Man, was returned home after being stolen away by her half demon father Amelio, life had returned to relative normality. A-Man was embracing his demon powers and using them for good. He even started helping his mother Fiona with incredible cosmic based heroic activities such as killing demons and lighting barbeques. Jacey the Unruly Daughter had started high school and was as unruly as ever- getting detentions every night! And then there was Jesse James, who was thriving in middle school and dabbling in being an American outlaw/train robber. That just left LaStrade, who was a pretty cool Inspector for the police. The fact that she had awesome purple wings definitely helped. (A/N- some of you wanted pink wings but that is soooo boring LOL) Yes, she was loving life. The fact that Fiona was heavily pregnant with their latest child gave her so much happiness- she loved her family!
She heard the kids getting up for breakfast and decided it was time of her to get up as well. Opening her eyes again, she saw on the side Fiona's necklace that her Father had gifted to her before he was killed by Black Widow. Yes, she had had a hard life, what with her Mother- Grandmother Willow- being killed by her ex Amelio. (A/N- Fun fact! Amelio had an embarrassing birthmark on his neck that was shaped like a giraffe. He had gotten much ridicule for it.) Frowning in thought, LaStrade rolled over to see that Fiona was already awake and reading Alex's Adventures in Wonderland by Louise Carroll. LaStrade laughed because she was balancing the book on her gigantic stomach.
"Hey," LaStrade said lovingly, sitting up to peck her wife on the cheek. Fiona closed her book and turned to LaStrade, smiling weakly. "What's wrong?" LaStrade asked, worried. "Is it the baby?" Fiona shook her head eight times. "I had a dream about you getting killed by Amelio last night." Her eyes were filled with Angst!, which made LaStrade sad. "I came back to life though, didn't I? Your incredible cosmic powers made sure of it." Fiona looked down at her baby bump and nodded. LaStrade copied her, grinning suddenly. "Have you picked any more names yet? I don't think "Yellow Apple" is an appropriate name, my love." Fiona grinned and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you made that quite clear, my deer." She laughed. "Do you have any ideas?" LaStrade gulped. She did have one idea, but she didn't know how Fiona would feel about it. "Well... I was thinking maybe...... Willow." "After my Mother you mean?" LaStrade nodded? "If you don't like it we can totally-" Fiona kissed her softy, tears spilling picturesquely out of her soft azure orbs. "I love it. Thank you." LaStrade laughed. "I have been loving you this whole time." Fiona nodding. "I have been loving you too." They kissed again.
AAAAAAWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I think I'm getting the hang of this? TWO OF MY REVIEWERS SAY OTHERWISE BUT OH WELL I DON'T NEED DA HATERS IM NY LIFE OKAYS?????????? hOpe you liked that one anyways, I have a few more planned and then MAYBE another proper story? WHO KNOWS I MIGHT QUIT FOR TEN YEARS AGAIN AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ;3
Chapter 6- LIFE UPDATE (11/07/16)
Hey guys....
Over the past ten or so years, this fan fiction series has been the best thing ever. But I just don't think I can continue it. What with all the hate from BraveLittleToaster997 and the fact that my boyfriend recently broke up with me- I can’t do it. I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE ANYMORE ALSO I LOST MY JOB AND I HATE ALL OF YOU THANKS FOR NOTHING.
Thank you those who were NICE ENOUGH TO REVIEW AND WERE LOVELY, like SwanQueen4Life827. See you all NEVER.
Kudos! :3 <3
Chapter 7- BANNED (12/07/16)
I changed my mind. However this will be the last AU as I need time to think. Might not see you in a while.
Pernicious Of The Gray were getting pretty popular on the scene. Their hit song "Nothing but a Yellow Apple on sale" had squillions of views on YouTube and SoundCloud. The lead singer- Felix- was also big on tumblr and grindr and facebook and twitter and myspace and googleplus because of how hot he was. The bassist- Percy Jackson- had eight girfriends but his favourite was Ariel from The Little Mermaid. The keyboardist, Lestrade Jones, had a small fanbase of girls who liked how cute he was and photoshopped flower crowns onto his head for their tumblr blogs. The drummer was a girl called Amy who was kind of dating Felix in the past but they broke up and are cool now TOTALLY but he always loved her because of how hot and amazing and sexy and awesome she is because she is great and cool and totally awesome. There was also a triangle-player in the band called Black Widow but she didn't really do much it was more Amy cos Amy waas amwesone.
Felix and Amy had broken it off because Amy wanted someone better because of how cool she was which left Felic very angst-rdien and sad. You could tell because the songs he wrote were in a minor key and were much sad. Pecry tried to make him feel better by writing a song about Rainbows and water because he was obsessed with it?????????
One day Felix was tuning his guitar. It was black and had yellow lightning bolts on it and flames and also polka dots. It was the coolest guitar ever. Lestrade was playing the theme song to Sherlock on his keyboard. Percy and Black Widow and Amy weren't around because they weren't necessary for the plot. "What's up Felix?" He asked once he noticed the tears streaming down his chiseled, pale, perfect face. Felix sighed and turned away, putting his guitar on the sofa next to him. "I'm sad Amy dumped me. I thought we were great together." Lestrade sighed. He had secretly loved Felix for the past eight years but had kept it a secret so Felix would be happy with his girlfriend. Maybe now was the time to tell him? His wings ruffled in anticipation and nervousness as he considered doing it.
"Percy and Ariel are so happy together," Felix continued wistful. "The go zorbing and play golf and apparently their sex life is amazeballs." Lestrade nodding, but he secretly didn't want to hear about their sex life cos that would be gross. "Even Black Widow gets girls and boys, but she's been single for a while." His eyes lit up. "Hey! Do you think I should ask her on a date? She's cool right?" Lestrade blinked. "Well- you might ruin a good friendship." Felix sighed. "Yeah maybe, but... maybe she's been there all this time. Maybe she's been holding back because she didn't want to ruin #Famy." Lestrade gulped. "Yeah but... what if you ruin a good friendship and you could even break up the band!" Upon saying this, he realised what he was saying applied to #Valonstrade as well. The band was important- it was what bought the yellow apples and the crutons. He couldn’t risk ruining it now. Hopefully Felix and Black Widow would think the same. HOWEVER.... "I'm going to text her now. What can I lose? The band will be fine." Before Lestrade could stop him, Felix hit send.
Felix: Ayyyy bb wanna have sex w/me? We could also date? (12:56)
Black Widow: Felix! You finally noticed me! I have been loving you all this time! (12:56)
Felix: And I have been loving you too. <3 (12:57)
Felix showed Lestrade the messages, ecstasy etched on his face. (A/N- not the drug you IDOTS) Lestrade pretended to be happy. He pretended to be okay when they started dating and he pretended to be okay when Felix proposed a week later. He pretended to be okay when #Pariel and #BlackApple had a joint wedding. But he couldn't hide from the truth. He was gay for Felix. After a few months he slowly got over it and became happy for his friend. He knew that was the best thing to do. One day he met a boy and really liked him. "Hey, I'm Captain Jack Harkness. You're hot." Thus started the power couple and it lasted for many years until they both died but they died happy cos Lestrade found true love to get over his other true love Felix. (Also the band got more famous and they all were rich) THE END.
That was for all you non-Valonstrade shippers out there! I am still heavily shipping them but a different version felt necessary. I'm taking time off so I might not see you for a while. Kudos! :3 x
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darklarru · 7 years
all of them. just fckin.. all of them. every single question. 1-100. good luck comrade.
fuck u, here it is:
1.      Is a kiss considered cheating?
-if theykiss a boy idm.
2.      Have you ever faked orgasm?
3.      If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
4.      Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?
-I fuckinhope so
5.      Tell us some funny drunk story.
-oh man,ive only been smashed once, and it was a night full of regrets and a lot ofcheating and gay stuff happened.
6.      Why are you no longer together with your ex?
-u knowwhat. fuck my ex, he was a manipulative cheating cunt and he broke up with meover snapchat.
7.      If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? 
-bathtuband sleeping pills, im out painlessly.
8.      What are your current goals?
-be asuccessful bitch and build myself up.
9.      Do you like someone?
-wheneverI think of feelings I take a shot so idk..
10.   Who was the last person to disappoint you?
-my ex.
11.   Do you like your body?
-eh imgetting there
12.   Can you keep a diet?
-no lmao
13.   If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
-don’t discriminateagainst sex workers and treat them like actual people.
14.   Do you work?
-yep, gota retail job and everything.
15.   If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, whatwould it be?
-ayesalad, bc anything you cut up and put in a bowl is salad, so pizza salad, fruitsalad, ice cream salad, anything.
16.   Would you get a tattoo?
-hellyeah, im actually thinking about getting this floral one on my thigh, gottalike, tell my mum tho.
17.   Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
-theperson I love,,
18.   Can you drive?
Ive onlyhad like, one driving test ever.
19.   When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
-at therink on Friday? Someone said I was beautiful and that my ex didn’t deserve me:)
20.   What was the last thing you cried for?
-when I drinkI don’t cry, so ive been drinking a lot.
21.   Do you keep a journal?
-yep,serves as my receipts.
22.   Is life fun?
-ehhhhitll get there.
23.   Is farting in front of people irrelevant?
-I don’t reallycare, just warn me so I have time to get out of there.
24.   What’s your dream car?
-somethingI don’t have to use petrol for.
25.   Are grades in school important?
-justnail ur finals and ur good.
26.   Describe your crush.
-its tooearly homie
27.   What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?
28.   What was your last lie?
-im fine
29.   Dumbest lie you ever told? 
-idk, I normallytell the truth, its such an effort to lie.
30.   Is crying in front of people embarrassing?
-no I doit all the time lmao
31.   Something you did and you are proud of?
-Teamedup with my Best Friend and Absolutely Called the shit out of my Ex out andfuckin roasted him.
32.   What’s your favourite cocktail?
-I haven’tdelved into cocktails too much yet, ive been drinking straight.
33.   Something you are good at?
-iceskating?? idk
34.   Do you like small kids?
-I hatekids so much
35.   How are you feeling right now?
36.   What would you name your daughter/son?
-daughter:Lavender? Idk I just watched matilda and I was like what a pretty name, andboys: Christian?  
37.   What do you need to be happy?
-abillion dollars
38.   Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?
-my ex
39.   What was the last gift you received?
-does mycoworker buying everyone hot chocolates and frozen cokes during their shiftcount as a gift
40.   What was the last gift you gave?
-a fidgetcube?
41.   What was the last concert you went to?
-panic atthe disco in January :D
42.   Favourite place to shop at?
-ittotally was this gothic shop in Newtown, but then it moved and I don’t knowwhere it is anymore :/
43.   Who inspires you?
44.   How old were you when you first got drunk?
45.   How old were you when you first got high?
46.   When was your first kiss?
-when I was15? 16?
47.   Something you want to do until the end of this year?
-be amermaid, like fr, go follow mermaid_shelly on Instagram no joke.
48.   Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?
-dated myex
49.   Post a selfie.
-heres alink instead: http://darklarru.tumblr.com/post/161374174865/cat-cafe-aesthetic
50.   Who are you most comfortable around?
-my BestFriend
51.   Name one thing that terrifies you.
-to loseeverything I worked for
52.   What kind of books do you read?
-haventread a book in so long, but I like the fantasy genre
53.   What would you tell your 12 year old self?
-girl,girl, u gay as fuck
54.   What is your favourite flower?
55.   Any bad habits you have?
56.   What kind of people are you attracted to?
-peoplewho think the same as me
57.   What was the last thing you cried for?
-my ex :/
58.   Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?
-pickles,what r they doin, get outta here
59.   Are you in love?
-yeah imalways in love
60.   Something you find romantic?
61.   How long was your longest relationship? 
-like 3or 4 months
62.   What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
-wereso,, bitchy.
63.   What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? 
-they don’tknow what the fuck is up, they don’t listen, they always horny, theyre kindaviolent, theyre more hardcore and aggressive physically.
64.   What are you saving money for?
-anothermermaid tail,,, but also a house I guess
65.   How would you describe your bad side?
-emotional,angry, violent, temperamental, not thinking,, idk
66.   Are you actually a good person? Why?
-sometimesI guess, I try not to be shitty, but some people fuckin deserve it.
67.   What are you living for?
-a future
68.   Have you ever done anything illegal?
69.   Do you like your body?
70.   Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?
-notunless we were fighting
71.   Ever sent nudes?
72.   Have you ever cheated on someone?
-I cheatedon a guy with girl and I was very drunk, but then we said same sex cheating wasokay
73.   Favourite candy?
-redfrogs, gummy bears
74.   Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!
-imbarely on this hell site
75.   Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?
-adarkroomwas one of my Faves
76.   Favourite TV series?
-w.i.t.c.h.what a Classic
77.   Are you religious? Does God exist?
-yeah, imchill w god.
78.   What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?
-I haven’tread a book in so long yall.
79.   What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?
-kudos tothem who r doin it but I really love chicken.
80.   How long have you been on Tumblr?
-sinceyear 9, so like, 2013
81.   Do you like Chineese food?
-I am Chinese
82.   McDonalds or Subway?
83.   Vodka or whiskey?
-fuuuuuuck,,,fucking love vodka but it makes my face screw up in a bad expression, and I lovefireball whiskey, but like, vodka gets me fucked up faster.
84.   Alcohol or drugs?
-alcohol,don’t do drugs kids
85.   Ever been out of your province/state/country?
86.   Meaning behind your blog name?
-I lovetypos
87.   What gets you up in the morning?
88.   What are you scared of?
-a lot ofthings
89.   Last time you were insulted?
90.   Most traumatic experience ?
-my bf atthe time, was fuckin, chewin his toenails in his mouth, and I forgot bc he wasbein sweet n he stuck his tongue out to touch mine, n I stuck mine out too n I fuckni,,.,,,. touched the toenail w my mouth I nearly threw up, I felt my soul ejectfrom my body for a second.
91.   Perfect date idea?
-picnicdaate, and watching the stars and cuddling
92.   Favourite app on your phone?
-instagram?I check it the most.
93.   What colour are the walls in your room?
94.   Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
-daviddobrik tbh
95.   Share your favourite quote.
-ifsomeone tells you that they hurt you, you don’t get to decide that you didn’t.
96.   What is the meaning of life?
-when thestreets are empty and the moon is shining and nobody is awake and its chilly,but your alone and maybe the wind is blowing through the grass, or whatever.
97.   Do you like horror movies?
-fuck nah
98.   Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
-I signedup for Netflix and didn’t tell her.
99.   Do you feel lucky or special in a way?
-I amspecial
100. Can you keep a secret?
-ya justmake sure u tell me its important.
0 notes
ryanurzi · 6 years
prompt, but necessary love letters
in no particular order.
KK- You already know most of this, but I just wanted to put some of it in writing. It still baffles me that we can talk about nothing for so long. It’s like a never ending episode of Seinfeld.  Your phone calls keep me sane and your instagram memes keep me grounded. Even though we’re a couple hundred miles away, I don’t think we’ve ever been closer. “Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Listens” This is going to take you far. Even though we won’t be together this summer, we have to keep each other motivated. Thanks for being such a great friend.
JW- To my oldest friend, I’m so glad that I kicked you in the shin in 3rd grade. Thanks for sticking with me through my chump years in middle school. Even though we’re far apart now, I have no doubt in my mind that we’re going to be friends forever. When we hang out, all my stress melts away and I feel like I can just be that goofy kid I used to be. You’re the most honest and genuine person that I have ever met. Thank you for holding me accountable and telling when I’m being an idiot. I can say without doubt that I would not be who I am today without you. Thanks m8. Much love (PS. The Dream Killers will soon return to their former glory)
JM- Dear Mr. Sir,
You’re probably never going to read this because I don’t think you ever check your phone, but in the event that you do, know that I really appreciate you man. It’s so incredible that we can go months without talking while I’m away at school and then come back and pick up right where we left off. You’re an incredibly hard worker and one of the most talented people that I have ever met. If you can make it through three years of digital imaging, I’m positive that you can do anything that you want. Wherever you end up, I know that you’re going to change the world.
JR- Lemme just uhhh, appreciate you really quick. I’ve really really missed you this year man. I get so nostalgic every time I think of last summer. All the time that we’ve spent together has been so much fun. You’re kinda like my November. I can’t wait to see you again
LH- Damn buddy, what a time it has been. Just about every good memory that I have from 7th grade forward has you in it. Project W, turning off the Xbox on round 30 of Nuketown Zombies, plotting to kidnap Taylor, small groups on Wednesdays, senior sunrise, Yosemite, Long Beach. So crazy to think how far we’ve come. From chumps in middle school to now being people who are actually doing things with their lives. Weird to think about. Thanks for being there for me man.
LS- Wow. Crazy to think that we met only a couple months ago.  You’ve been so honest and open and kind and helpful and I can’t thank you enough for that. Your hugs kinda hurt but it’s so worth it to be your friend. I have so much admiration for how genuine you are with everyone that you meet. I aspire to be the kind of friend that you are. Short in stature, but big in heart. Thanks for the good times this semester and I very much look forward to this summer.
ATG- Homie, I’m so glad we met this year. It’s only been two weeks, but I already miss you like crazy. You’re one of those people that I feel like I could talk to forever. I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but you really inspire me. You’re so incredibly talented, but you’re also one of the most humble and down to earth people I’ve ever met. I feel like every time we hang out, I learn something new. Thanks for all the laughs, quotes, and music recommendations. Our nights out were definitely the highlight of this last year. I’m gonna miss you this summer, but next year is gonna be one hell of a time. We’re gonna get true jedi on every level of Lego Star Wars. Mark my words MF. Talk to you soon, ya beepis.
A葛涵 G- To be completely honest, I don’t really know what to say here. All I know is that I wanted to write one of these for you. Whenever I see you on the sidewalk and we shoot the shit, I just get kinda happy. I realize how weird that sounds (I don’t mean it to be), but it’s true. When we hang out, I feel like I can say dumb shit and make stupid jokes and have someone that gets it. It makes me feel like I’m home. I really appreciate it. Keep rockin’ the double baseball hats and instagram polls.
MS- I’ll start by saying thank you for helping me get the internship because it means more to me than you know. I’ll follow that up by saying thank you for handling everything with housing so well. That was definitely the most stressful thing that I had to deal with this year and I’d probably be sub-letting a bush from the Morlan bunny if it wasn’t for you. But also, thanks for being such a good friend this semester. You’re an incredible guy and getting to know you has been an absolute pleasure. Working with you and living with you is something that I’m sure will be a highlight of our college experience. Next year is going to be our best year yet.
JY- I feel like I can’t say anything here that won’t sound whack as f00k, but hey #timesup amiright. Your cow milking skills are unparalleled but your sandwich eating could use some work. Seriously though, thanks for being such a bro. You don’t know it, but you’ve really helped to remind me to not take everything seriously and to have a good time above all else. I’ve had a great time this semester and I have no doubt that next year will be even more incredible (especially since we’re all sleeping in the same room). Pound it.
CVA- I’m convinced that you’re the only person in the greater Los Angeles area that can rock a peacoat in the summer. But in all seriousness, I’m so glad we met this year. There’s never been a time that we’ve hung out that hasn’t been loads of fun. I am beyond excited for next year and the years to come. It’s gonna be so much fun living together next year, even though it’s only gonna be for a semester. Thanks for being a friend this year and thanks for catching me when I fall ;)
SB- 1st off, thanks for giving me this idea. I remember when I saw you post this on your page and thinking to myself that I had to do that for my friends. That was such a genuinely nice thing to do. I’ve never really seen a guy do something like that before. It really made me realize how great of a person you are. I seriously don’t understand how you stay so humble because you are one of the smartest and most talented people I know. It’s also still so crazy to me that you were in LOK, but I’ll keep it on the dl. I can’t wait for next year man. It’s gonna be the time of our lives.
MZ- First off, oh my god. Second, you are actually the nicest person I have ever met. I genuinely do not understand how you always stay so positive. I get tired just being around you; I can’t imagine being you. You have this special way about you that makes it impossible to be in a bad mood when we’re in the same room. It makes me feel like I’m at home when we’re together. You’ve been a great fraternity mother and an even greater friend. Even though we had to say goodbye the other day, we’ll be back together soon.
SM- Honey, I don’t even know where to start this one. I never would have guessed that we would have been this close. You spill the tea a little too much and I’m still not 100% positive that you don’t want to shag all the pledges, but it’s ok. You’re a perfect example of striking a balance between working hard and playing hard. This semester would have been a completely different story if it weren’t for you constantly inviting me out. You’re extremely dedicated and extremely talented while also being one of the most genuinely fun people that I’ve ever met. I can’t remember the last time a came across someone that cares as much about their friends as you. You’re so nice and caring that in retrospect, I don’t see how we couldn’t be this close.
MC- Ummm, yeaaaa… sir? I remember when we first met. I thought you were just super nice and outgoing for o-week and I was like, “Hey, this person is pretty cool.” And then we started hanging out and you were still super nice and outgoing and I was like, “Wow. I really respect this person.” There are very few people that I know that can be super nice all the time and super honest all the time. I feel like most people are one or the other but you are somehow both. Thanks for being such a consistently good person and sorry for calling you names (but let’s be honest, that name is just too perfect). It was and will be an absolute pleasure, forever and always.
AC- It still kind of blows my mind how well we get along despite how vastly different we are, but at this point, I don’t question it anymore. Thanks for teaching me how to cube and thanks for giving me an excuse to watch old movies all the time. Thanks for making me laugh and attempting to motivate me. Even though we don’t hang out as much as we used to, it doesn’t mean that we didn’t have some great times this past year. Thanks for being my friend when few others would be.
AO- What can you say about a girl like you… It’s been truly incredible getting to know you this year. You’re so nice and funny and talented and I definitely don’t deserve to be your friend. I know that I’m a total flake, but thanks for sticking with me. I’m gonna try to forget the terrible formal that I took you to, but our countless trips to Disneyland will be one thing from last year that I will remember forever. Even though we won’t be bumping into each other at the caf anymore, this friendship is far from over.
LM- You were the first person at Chapman that I really clicked with. I remember the first night that we met. We were at someone’s housewarming party on the third week of school and we left and talked on that backyard porch for a couple hours about dumb shit. I know that it was just dumb shit but that meant a lot to me. I was a little worried when I got here that I wouldn’t fit in but that made me feel at home. Thanks. We had some really good times this year and we’re gonna have some more this summer and next year. If you ever need anything, you know who to call.
JI- You are truly one of a kind. You’re also the cutest MF at Chapman. I’m kind of in love with you man. Thanks for being such a gracious host this semester and thanks for being such a great friend. You’re one of the most fun loving and genuine people I’ve ever met and I can tell that we’re going to be friends for a long long time (especially if my SSN is still hung up on your wall).
NP- M’lad. I am seriously so happy that we met this year. I really appreciate how enthusiastic you are. You bring new energy into every conversation that I have with you. I feel like I learn something new every time we talk. I just really enjoy being around you. And I don’t mean that in a weird kind of way; I just genuinely enjoy hanging out with you. I can’t wait for next year man. I’m sure that we will have many more good conversations.
AL- Sometimes I forget how long we’ve been friends. It was that one Thanksgiving all those years ago and then countless Tuesday nights and weekends in between. I’m sorry that I haven’t kept in great touch since I’ve been away, but I’m so thankful for all the time that we’ve spent together. Seeing your grad pics the other day made me so happy for you. It was so so so good seeing you the other day. I hope it won’t be too long before we see each other again.
JCG- To be completely honest, you’ve been a really important figure in my life these past few months. Before we met, I hadn’t had an honest, open conversation with anyone in a good while. And the fact that we’ve continued that past the opening stages of our relationship means a lot. Thanks for being that for me. I know that sometimes I speak a little too openly, but the times when we can just sit down and talk about our feelings are some of the most relaxing and relieving times I have at school. I’m glad that we’ll get to continue that this summer and for the rest of our lives. Miss you. Love you. See you soon.
BJ- The 11th hour friend of freshman year. I don’t know how it took us so long to meet but we’re here and that’s all that matters. Damn dude, there’s something special about us. You just get it. You’ve got such a strong creative vision that I know will take you far. I can tell that we’re going to be friends for a very long time. I very much look forward to collaborating with you and getting to know you more in the process. Grand is gonna pop off next year. My door and my line are open at all times. Thanks for being such a broe.
sunday, june 3, 2:55 am
0 notes