#if you see errors then no... you do not... those are artistic liberties
shwaim · 6 months
As per tradition, here's Gottschalk
From the Artfol Xmas challenge, I present to you, quickly made doodles:
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Unfortunately, he can't go outside...
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It's alright, it's not like he really wanted to, not really.
He can just stay indoors and read...
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But wait... What's that little creature that just appeared? It doesn't seem to be hostile...
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It grew in size just to give Gottschalk a little present to cheer him up!
Happy holidays and new year!
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missmaywemeetagain · 1 year
Broken Glass Chapter 2 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x OC Reader)
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Character/Fandom: Elvis Presley - Elvis (2022)
Read More Here - Broken Glass Masterlist! 💔🥂❤️‍🩹
Prompt: You are Dolores Cannava, a young Italian-American nurse desperate to make her own way in the world and break free of her dysfunctional mafia-connected family and traumatic past. Elvis Presley is just returning home from his two-year stint in the Army, looking more handsome than ever, but feeling the pressure to successfully find his way back to the stratospheric career he was forced to leave behind. In a twisted turn of fate, Elvis finds himself in the hospital where your paths cross. Forced to harbor his potentially career-ending secret and needing to escape a terrifying future in New York, you are pulled into his unusual world and must endure a begrudging fake relationship with Elvis in order to protect his reputation (and his life). 
TW: Hospitals, illness, cussing. The Colonel. Some historical inaccuracies.
Tags: Fake relationship. Slow burn. Angst. (Sort of) enemies to lovers. Hurt/Comfort.
Rating: PG (ish?) (but this story will eventually be Mature/NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)   ||     Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: Happy Broken Glass Wednesday, y'all! I'm going to try to put out a chapter a week on Wednesdays (we shall see if I can keep up lol). Thank you for your lovely responses to Chapter 1 and for giving this little fic a chance. ❤️
This chapter dives into some heavy stuff in that I've sped up the timeline and brought some of the serious health issues that Elvis experienced more prominently later in his life to the forefront in 1960. I've always wondered what might have happened if they had recognized his many complex conditions for what they were early in his life. Truth be told, I am endlessly fascinated by the medical conundrum that was Elvis and that he lived most of his life with some pretty severe shit that at the time no one understood or had names for. Of course, I simplify the shit out of it here and try to put them in laymen's terms. I've taken some major artistic liberties with history in that there is likely no way in 1960 they would have be able to diagnose, especially so quickly, his complex conditions. Also, I am not a medical professional, so I've done my best to describe things whist moving the plot along. I HIGHLY recommend reading Sally Hoedel's book Elvis: Destined to Die Young if you are interested in the specifics regarding E's health journey and how he ended up where he did in terms of that. It's a superbly researched and somewhat heartbreaking book that I think every Elvis fan should read. It certainly inspired part of this story.
As always, I love and live for your reactions, comments, asks, and reblogs, so thank you in advance for both reading and giving another one of my stories a chance! 
I imagined it with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat.
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch.
I’ve used the tag list from Pink Scarf, and added those who requested it, so please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
Story is cross-posted to my Wattpad and AO3, if you prefer those reading experiences! 
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Elvis winces as he cracks open his eyes just enough to see the sun blazing in on him. The infernal light pierces straight into his head, worsening the headache that already throbs against the inside of his skull. He quickly shuts his eyes again, cursing whoever thought it was a good idea to keep the curtains open on a sunny late winter’s day.
Gotta have Lamar cover those damn windows with something more than those flimsy-ass cutains, he thinks, already pissed off.
It takes him a moment to register where he is and why he’s there. That, in fact, the sun’s rays are rather weak and dim, making him wonder just what time it is. Holding the bridge of his nose against the pain in his head, he manages to squint his eyes open to find himself in a rather small hospital room.
Bits and pieces start to come back to him, though the days and nights run together into one big jumble. How he’d finally escaped the confines of his service in Germany, so damn excited to be coming home that he hadn’t properly slept in days. He’d just kept popping those great little pills he’d obtained from a more than generous pharmacist in Bad Nauheim and, fueled by those and pure restlessness to get back to the states, he’d managed to easily keep the smile on his face for the cameras in Germany and the UK.
But the flight over the Atlantic had him chewing his nails to the quick, his legs going a mile a minute. He feared flying ever since the emergency landing that he, Scotty, and Bill had to make in that small, dinky little plane back in the old days, when things had just started to kick up for them in the business. It was made worse by his mama being convinced that he was gonna die in a horrible, fiery crash, so he’d taken to trains and boats and cars as his main forms of transport. The U.S. Army wanted to get him home sooner rather than later, however, and if there was one thing he’d learned in the last two years, it’s that you don’t try to fight Uncle Sam.
Whether it was the flight or the pills or the lack of rest, he’d started to get queasy and dizzy on that pass over the ocean. Then, the scratchiness of his throat, the burn of his forehead, and the chilled sweat that began to stain his perfectly pressed and tailored uniform were the telltale signs of a bout of tonsilitis striking him at precisely the wrong time.
That’s where things get a little fuzzy. Between the pain behind his eyes and at the base of his skull and the heavy fatigue consuming him, it’s not coming to him as quickly as he’d like. His eyes begin to adjust to the sunlight, and he puts together enough to know whatever happened between that flight and landing in New York was enough to land him flat on his ass in the hospital.
New York. That explains all the racket, he thinks as the sounds below on the streets echo off the buildings, creating a cacophony unique to the big city.
The door to the little room swings open then, making him jump out of his skin. It’s as though his state of consciousness was magically communicated to the staff because in walks an older gentleman in a long, white coat, along with his daddy and the Colonel. Their faces are all different degrees of solemn, which sets a churning dread down into the pit of his stomach.
“Glad to see you’re awake, Mr. Presley. You’ve been asleep quite a while,” the doctor says, the man’s education only belying a hint of a New York accent. “You’ve had us a bit worried.”
“Mister Presley is my father, Doctor. Please call me Elvis,” he manages to croak out. The fire in his throat flames from the use, causing him to cough and sputter. There’s an uncomfortable heaviness in his chest that tightens with each breath, and that knot in his stomach coils ever tighter.
“Take it easy, son,” his daddy says softly, pouring a glass of water from the table against the wall and handing it to him. The action triggers a memory: a pretty, little dark-haired nurse all in white doing the same in the middle of the night.
Elvis is pulled from the memory as the doctor begins speaking in a serious tone: “Elvis, I’m Dr. Paulson. You had quite the fall in the airplane yesterday morning and hit your head. Do you remember?”
“No, sir.”
“Hmm, that isn’t unusual with a head injury of this type. You might find that your memory has some gaps, bit that is to be expected and will likely resolve with time. But your injury is not what has me concerned, young man, it’s the cause of your unconsciousness that is the real culprit, I’m afraid.”
“What do y’mean, sir? Just feels like a flare of the ol’ tonsils to me.” As soon as it’s out of his mouth, Elvis knows it’s not the whole truth. He’s never felt quite this terrible in his life, with the way he’s struggling for breath and his body aches from head to toe.
“Elvis, along with your fall, you also went into respiratory distress last night.” Suddenly, Elvis remembers the laughing fit, how he couldn’t catch his breath, how the air just couldn’t seem to fill his lungs as that pretty nurse held his hand. But he thinks maybe it happened before that, too, him gasping for breath as the roar of airplane engines rang in his ears. Icy fear runs down his spine at the remembrance of not being able to draw breath. His attention snaps back to the doctor as he continues.
“We’ve run some tests, and that, coupled with your family history…” the austere man hesitates, “Well, I’m afraid it’s not good news.”
The Colonel glances away and out the window at that, his mouth set in a frown Elvis has never seen before, but it’s the look of sadness on his daddy’s face that finally sets a wave of panic rolling through him.
“Lay it on me, Dr. Paulson,” Elvis says, steeling himself.
“You seem to have a condition that is affecting your lungs, heart, and liver, all of which are vital to our survival. Looking at your mother’s medical records, we think she may have been afflicted with the same condition, and possibly more family members on her side. In fact, it’s likely what caused her early demise,” Dr. Paulson explains.
At the mention of his mama, Elvis’ heart constricts, his barely buried grief stinging his eyes. He blinks away the tears as fast as he can, trying to follow what the doctor is saying.
“Along with that, your immune system also appears compromised, which would explain your frequent and severe bouts of fever and tonsilitis. Altogether, it’s a perfect storm that is likely to only get worse with time. Of course, medical science is improving every day, and there may be better treatments down the road…” Dr. Paulson trails off.
Dread falls over him like a heavy blanket. “What’re ya sayin’, sir?” Elvis asks quietly but is afraid to hear the answer he thinks he’s gonna get.
Dr. Paulson takes a deep breath. “Well, I’m sorry to say, but it’s likely these conditions are going to shorten your lifespan considerably.”
The words hang in the air like a suffocating dark cloud. His daddy’s face crumples and he turns away, while the Colonel winces—actually winces—at the words.
“So, y-y-you’re saying this gonna k-k-kill me? That I-I-I’m gonna die?” His vocal incredulousness covers how the sheer panic overcoming him sets his heart galloping. “I’m only 25, Doc…y-y-you gotta be w-wrong ‘bout this. I just spent two damn years in the Army, and they sure as hell didn’t say nothin’ about no ‘condition’!”
“This condition is very rare, Elvis, and we are learning more about it every day. I’m not saying it’ll be today, but considering the episode you’ve just had, this disease will factor critically into your overall health and survival going forward. It has already started a cascade of chronic health issues of varying severity that will worsen as you age, and in the end, this combination of factors will almost certainly be the thing that kills you.”
Hearing those words out of the doctor’s mouth sets him numb with disbelief. This can’t be fucking happening. Not when everything is gettin’ set to be back on track. Not when I got so much left to do.
“No disrespect, Doctor, but I-I-I don’t accept that. I w-want a second opinion,” Elvis shakes his head, the words popping out of his stubborn mouth before he has much chance to think on them, to actually consider the possible truth of them.
But a deep part of him knows.
He knows his mama died too young and that her illness didn’t make sense. He knows he’s got family who died before their time. But most of all, he knows how he feels, and something ain’t right.
“Colonel Parker and your father have said as much, so I will contact some specialists to meet you in Memphis upon your return. But in some ways, young man, this is a good thing,” Dr. Paulson intones softly.
“Now, how the hell d’ya figure that?!” Elvis rasps out, nearly belligerent. He’s not one to be disrespectful, usually, especially to a man of such education, but he feels like shit and the blazing red heat of his temper pushes in before he can stop it.
Dr. Paulson blinks at him with his brows raised, and Elvis feels a wave of shame crash over his already rolling fear and anger. His mama didn’t raise him to talk to people that way. He takes a breath.
“I-I-I’m sorry, sir,” Elvis apologizes deferentially. “I-I’m just h-havin’ a hard time with what y-you’re saying, is all.”
“That’s understandable. What I meant by it being a ‘good thing’ is that now we know what we are dealing with and can set you up with lifestyle changes that could both improve your quality of life and perhaps extend it. We can set you up with constant care in order to avoid…things taking a downturn.”
Elvis’ head is spinning, pounding, making him feel wildly out of control. “Lifestyle changes? Constant care? I ain’t no invalid, Dr. Paulson, I’ll tell you for sure.” He nearly growls the promise as he swings his legs over the side of the bed, meaning to walk the hell out of here and show this doctor just how wrong he is.
In the back of his mind, he realizes instantly how stupid it sounds, considering that the moment he stands, his entire body betrays him and sends him careening to the floor, if not for the doctor and his daddy grabbing him under each arm and hauling his ass back into the bed. There, he is faced with the terrible reality that he’s sicker than a dog with the world spinning out from under him in more ways than one.
“None of us want this to be true, son, but maybe you should listen to the doctor,” his father says quietly in his ear, putting a hand on his shoulder.
This is the last thing Elvis wants to do. He wants to kick and scream and rally himself well. I can prove them all wrong, he thinks, if only he could stop the world from spinning and his breath from wheezing and his body from aching.
Elvis can’t bear to look at anyone, choosing to stare up at the high, vaulted ceiling, blinking away the blast of dark spots in his eyes as he tries to catch his damn breath.
“What’s next?” he finally wheezes out, counting the dots on the ceiling tiles to keep him from floating away.
“Well, first we need to keep you in the hospital as long as it takes to get you stabilized before you can go home to Memphis.”
“Absolutely not!” the Colonel exclaims from near the window. “We’ve already kept the press at bay long enough with talks of flight delays and other nonsense. We can’t hold them back much longer. You listen here, that boy needs to make appearances, and he needs to look the picture of health doing so, or he’s not going to have a career to go back to!”
The doctor scoffs. “Mr. Parker, look at him—Elvis’ career is the least of his worries.”
“It’s Colonel Parker, Mr. Paulson,” he hisses, “and his career is most certainly your concern. You have your expertise, and I have mine, and I’m telling you right now, I didn’t spend two years keeping him in the public eye despite his service to have you flush it down the toilet. I’m sure you don’t want to be the doctor that doomed Elvis Presley. The one who ripped him away from his legions of loyal fans.” The threat is crystal clear, and by the resulting silence, the doctor seems somewhat shaken.
“Sir, there will be no career if the young man is dead.” The doctor’s words hang heavy, and Elvis closes his eyes, willing himself to be anywhere but here. But there is no escaping this. No amount of money, talent, or fame is gonna get him out of this one.
Finally, he brings himself to speak, “I ain’t givin’ up my career, Dr. Paulson. But I also feel like something the cat dragged in last night and can’t get outta this damned bed. So, we’re gonna need to figure out a compromise.”
Dr. Paulson stares at Elvis and the Colonel like they’ve lost their minds. Vernon stays characteristically silent.
“Anything short of you staying here until you at least recover from this episode will be against my medical advice. You are in too fragile a state to consider anything else,” Dr. Paulson says, almost pleadingly. “And with this condition, if you try to jump back into the breakneck lifestyle of a superstar, your life will be short indeed.”
Elvis sets his jaw. “Sir, no offense, but you don’t know me very well. I can do just about anythin’ I set my mind to. We’ve all worked very hard to get me where I am, and I ain’t ready to give that up just yet. I got too much to do. Now tell me, what do I gotta do to get you to let me outta this hospital?”
The doctor looks at him and shakes his head, silent. Finally, he relents. “First off, you have to be able to get out of bed and stand on your own two feet without collapsing.”
“Fine. I can do it.” Even the Colonel looks at him with a tinge of disbelief on that one. “Maybe not this instant, but I’ll do it.”
“Secondly, if you are able to do that and still choose to leave against advice, I recommend having a doctor with you at all times, someone who can monitor your vitals and give you care when you take a turn for the worse,” the doctor concedes, “which you most certainly will.”
“Done,” Elvis agrees quickly. Anything that will get him out of here and back home to his life.
“Now, listen here, my boy, there is no reasonable way to spin a doctor following you everywhere without the press having a field day. You could lose everything the minute the public knows you’re…sick,” the Colonel points at him, faltering on that last word.
He means ‘dying’ not ‘sick,’ an unwelcome voice in the back of his head adds. But Elvis understands the Colonel’s point. Even as private as he is, it’ll be difficult to go to a movie set or recording studio with a stuffy doctor in tow and not have anyone find out. Shit.
Dr. Paulson looks exasperated and crosses his arms. Colonel just glares. But it’s his daddy that finally pops up in the uncomfortable silence.
“What…what about a nurse? Elvis always has girls hanging around him…” Vernon trails off.
Silence fills the air. Elvis blinks slowly and can see the wheels turning in Colonel’s head, the way they do when he’s about ready to come up with the perfect plan, the perfect snow job.
“It…could work, if we get one young and pretty enough. Don’t love it because I wanted to keep Elvis publicly available in the eyes of his fans—no attachments—but looks like we may not have a choice. Better you taken than single and…” The Colonel chooses not to finish that sentence, but they all know the ending he’s avoiding, what he’s choosing not to say.
He races to continue, “But you’ve got to keep up appearances in public, my boy, since she’ll have to be a steady fixture in your life. No more frolicking around with every pretty thing with legs. No more girlfriends in every county, state, and country from here to Timbuktu. No one, girlfriends included, can know what we’re up to or all could be lost. Even your wild friends are going to have to believe this is real for it to work.”
Elvis’ heart begins to race with the thought of being so thoroughly confined to a relationship, especially with some random woman who he might not even be attracted to, physically or otherwise, even if it is just for show. He’s always hated the Colonel being in his private romantic business, knowing that the man has managed to somehow get rid of more than a few of his steadies with some unknown manipulations to keep him “unattached.” So, for Colonel to agree to this plan, Elvis realizes just how dire the situation is.
And God knows, he already has more girlfriends than he can handle as it is. He has yet to be reunited with Anita, pines for Priscilla from afar, and dragged Elisabeth from Germany and sent her ahead to Graceland, not to mention the multitude of other flings he indulges in. But he loves women, to a fault, and he doesn’t want to be tied down to just one (no matter how he tells his girls otherwise). Worrying his lower lip in his teeth, he realizes he doesn’t have much of a choice. He’ll have to find a way to make it work.
The Colonel must sense this from him. “Oh, come on now, my boy, we all know your talent for juggling women is near as good as your talent for performing. Think of it as a challenge to hone your acting craft. There are worse things than being made to spend time with a pretty girl,” Colonel drawls, daring to wink at him.
Elvis feels sick to his stomach with the dishonesty of it and with the oppressive feeling that his life is no longer his own. To be fair, he’d been feeling like the walls were closing in, pressing him into submission, since the moment he received his draft notice, but this...this is different. The hell of this knowledge strokes awake a deep, dark sliver of him that has always believed his time here is destined to be limited, that no one should achieve his level of fame and success without paying a terrible price. But the worst is the horrible thought that perhaps it should’ve been him who was supposed to die in the womb and not Jesse, and that all this had been a mistake from the start. Some sort of cosmic joke.
No, God wouldn’t do that. God has a plan. He has to, he thinks, banishing the shameful thought back into the dark recesses of him mind from whence it came. A lump forms in his parched throat and he gulps, trying to get it down, trying to chase away the demons that threaten at the edges of his vision. Please God, please, he prays, though he’s not entirely sure what for. Perhaps the prayer begs to know that this is all one of his damn night terrors, or maybe it’s to chase away the horrors inside his mind that seek to consume him whole.
A small part of him is tempted to throw in the towel and to just fade into obscurity. Lord knows he’s already achieved more of his fair share of fame and fortune, more than most achieve in a lifetime. Maybe he should just live out the rest of his now-shortened life in peace and quiet. Start a family with one of his girls like his mama so desperately wanted. He realizes this is what she feared all along—like she’d had some sort of maternal premonition that he had been living on borrowed time from the start.
But that feels like a prison of another sort. No, he loves music too damn much, the way it tingles in his soul, clicking into place like the pieces of a complex puzzle that only he has the ability to complete, and the performing electrifies him in such an addictive and indescribable way that he can’t fathom trying to give it up. And beyond all that, he knows he’s got it in him to be a great actor if given the chance.
Quittin’ isn’t an option, he thinks, even if it kills me. Better to burn bright doin’ what I love rather than have nothin’ to live for.
Blood pounds at the inside of his skull like a ticking clock, his mind spinning with the fear and rage of it all. He is in no space to make these decisions, he realizes, but because so many want him to keep going, to keep working, to keep living, he knows what he’s gotta do.
Elvis finally nods his agreement, adding pointedly, “As long as I get a say in who she is. There’s gotta be chemistry for this to work.”
Dr. Paulson shakes his head and throws his hands in disbelief at this insane plan. “I think the most important thing is that she is competent, not her looks or ‘chemistry.’ Not to mention, she’ll have to be single and willing to give up her entire life to not only care for you 24/7 but to also pretend to be your girlfriend. I hope you have plenty of money to throw at this problem, Elvis.”
The Colonel grins wickedly. “I think you underestimate the power Elvis has over young ladies, Doctor. I have no doubt you’ll help us find someone suitable.”
“In the next few days? You must be joking,” Dr. Paulson huffs.
The stabbing pain behind Elvis’ eyes gets worse with these considerations brought to light. Yes, he does well with women, but the reality of any girl in her right mind agreeing to such conditions feels slim.
It feels serendipitous, then, that it happens to be this exact moment when you walk through the door.
“L-L-Little bird,” Elvis says, his nickname for you somehow, by the grace of God, popping into his muddled brain the instant he sees you. The name stutters from his lips almost in awe.
God has a plan.
The rest of the men turn in unison to stare at you. Elvis watches as you stop short, your intelligent sky-blue eyes going wide with surprise, annoyance, and apprehension at the intimidating scene before you.
Your mouth opens with a retort, then closes quickly at the strange silence that follows. The men take you in, from head to toe, as you stand frozen in the doorway like a deer in headlights.
After a moment, you seem to remember why you came in the first place, shaking off the uncomfortable gazes of the men and finally clear your throat to speak. “Excuse me, I didn’t realize…I-I’m sorry to interrupt, but Nurse Hunt sent me to find you, Dr. Paulson. She said it was urgent.”
Dr. Paulson, Vernon, and Colonel one by one turn their heads to look at Elvis. Colonel’s wicked little smile turns the corners of his mouth when he sees the way Elvis’ eyes take you in, a little bit of life returning to his pale cheeks.
Of course, Elvis liked you from the moment he’d laid eyes on you yesterday. With your deep brunette hair and stunningly big, bright blue eyes, you instantly piqued his interest, as you fit his usual type well. Your olive skin and striking features are different though, and remind him a bit of a young Sophia Loren, the beautiful Italian actress who he’d met on the movie studio lot a few years back.
In the looks department, you’d fit the role quite well.
The only problem he can see is that you’d made your distain for him quite clear last night.  
“I’ll be right there, Nurse,” Dr. Paulson finally says, realizing you were waiting for any sort of response beyond staring. Relieved, you scurry away as quickly as you’d arrived.
“What do we know about Nurse—” Colonel starts the moment you leave.
“Cannava,” Elvis and Dr. Paulson say in tandem. Elvis is surprised your name falls off his tongue so easily, especially with how clouded his memory is.
“She’s the youngest to ever graduate our program here at Bellevue, and for that itself she is a standout. But being so young, she is still relatively inexperienced despite her excellent training,” the doctor warns, and seeing the look on the Colonel’s face wanting more, he continues, “Beyond that, I’d have to ask around.”
“She’ll never do it,” Elvis interjects with disappointment. “She doesn’t like me much.”
“Nonsense, my boy, I’ve never seen you anything but persistent in your need and ability to win a woman over,” Colonel says encouragingly, patting Elvis’ hand. “And perhaps it will work in our favor in her ability to remain…professional around you. Use that winning charm of yours to win her over. That and a healthy sum she can’t refuse.”
Elvis doesn’t even know your first name, but he can’t help the fact that he’s been drawn to you since the moment you met. The little flutter of his heart, the revealing sign of his already budding infatuation, loves the idea of you being his.
But she won’t be mine, not really, he reminds himself.
Either way, it’s a challenge he’s not quite sure he’s up for in his weakened state, but time is running short, and he doesn’t have much of a choice. He’s going to have to figure out a way to convince you this is a good idea.
“Find out everything you can,” Colonel orders the doctor, “and then bring her to me.”
What the Colonel wants, the Colonel gets.
And Elvis has the distinct feeling he’s already in over his head and is taking you with him, willing or not.
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I am sad to see people hating on the Chosen for being written by flawed humans. nobody was ever going to get things 100% right. I don't understand why we can't enjoy a depiction while recognizing it will need to take artistic liberties and will inevitably make errors. any imperfect vessel that presents the gospel to the best of its abilities.. still delivers the gospel to those who need to hear it. where do you land on this, after all this discourse?
I'm holding my ultimate opinion until the show is finished airing, since only then will we know if it does in fact present the true gospel. Even if it screws up somehow, there are some memorable moments on the show that I felt were good depictions of Biblical events. However, I wouldn't likely be recommending it to anyone if they failed to convey the gospel accurately. I feel the show is at its best when they are using 1-1 dialogue from the Bible, in my opinion, though I understand that can't be every minute.
Personally I don't see any problem with watching it with an open bible and an understanding that the show is not the scripture. Get what you can out of it in terms of historical nuance, it is quite well researched. It's definitely not a show to consume mindlessly, you have to think about it.
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sleepymarmot · 2 years
We head out into space, ready for anything, which is to say, for solitude, arduous work, self-sacrifice, and death. Out of modesty we don’t say it aloud, but from time to time we think about how magnificent we are. In the meantime—in the meantime, we’re not trying to conquer the universe; all we want is to expand Earth to its limits. Some planets are said to be as hot and dry as the Sahara, others as icy as the poles or tropical as the Brazilian jungle. We’re humanitarian and noble, we’ve no intention of subjugating other races, we only want to impart our values to them and in return, to appropriate their heritage. We see ourselves as Knights of the Holy Contact. That’s another falsity. We’re not searching for anything except people. We don’t need other worlds. We need mirrors. We don’t know what to do with other worlds. One world is enough, even there we feel stifled. We desire to find our own idealized image; they’re supposed to be globes, civilizations more perfect than ours; in other worlds we expect to find the image of our own primitive past. Yet on the other side there’s something we refuse to accept, that we fend off; though after all, from Earth we didn’t bring merely a distillation of virtues, the heroic figure of Humankind! We came here as we truly are, and when the other side shows us that truth—the part of it we pass over in silence—we’re unable to come to terms with it!
Stanisław Lem, Solaris (1961), trans. Bill Johnston (2011)
For my entire life, I pursued the perfection of form. I captured light, turned block into figure, bent the shape of noise until it was song. With each new creation, I thought that I was reflecting some deeper truth. I put those panes of Glass above Sculpture City not only to capture the energy of the sun, not only to showcase the brilliance of our art, but because I thought: ‘Here, this is the best monument I can make to color itself.’ I thought that what great artists, what great minds, did was to reach past the shadows of the material world and to the light of the real. The eternal. The universal. To symmetry, and composition, and rhythm, and harmony. These things that exist beyond the minds of humans. And these great people, I thought they dragged the universal, the real, back to the material world, to grace us all with beauty and clarity.
And then, after I deposed the tyrant king, I learned everything he had kept from us. About our history, about these, Divines of yours. They were impressive, truly, they opened my eyes and lifted my ambition. Why stop at a monument to color, or at trying to capture movement, when I could aim higher? Memorious, Anticipation, Grace, Liberty, Composure, Determination, Valor. Independence. There are so many things to aspire to, so many things to create. [...]
I have spoken to those who have no interest in words, and they have told me the truth. [...] The Iconoclasts have shown me my error. Beauty is not a thing that a person can simply retrieve from the realm of the ideal and use for their own ends. Your Divines do not reflect truth. They corrupt it. So long as you build them with you at the center, you hold them back. So long as we design them, so long as we are even considered in their design, we hold them back. For all of their beauty, for all of their impossibility, for all of their power, we could only have ever made them look like us.
Austin Walker, Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage 24: godspeed, glory Pt. 3 (2017)
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S3 ep4
Girl Stinky fighting Grandpa for Sal's honor 😍
So many Sams😲
Can the narrator pls shut up
"After they yanked it away they turned their attention on us." "actually I think they were more interested in me."
"Looks like it's time to boil the haggis" I love u Grandpa Stinky
"Need any help?" "No, I've been dreaming of this for years." *Continues to shoot Sam clones*
Skunkape loosing his mind
Oh geez, the dogglegangers kidnapped him
Girl Stinky still denying her obvious relationship with Sal
Oh hey I can make toast... Never mind then 😕
"Ah, I remember when I was a toaster."
Max and Grandpa are having a little too much fun shooting the clones
Why does Stinky have a picture of the DeSoto???
Well, the plan to turn into the DeSoto failed
I really didn't need to read minds to figure out how to get out, but I guess it was a good way to remind players of the tunnel
"Max is so powerful now... Soon he won't even need a partner."
Ew, Grandpa wants to sell clone meat 🤢
Sam struggling to not eat a fudgcicle is super relatable
Oh the tunnel is blocked. Knowing Girl she probably has a backup
I knew it.
"Happiness is a warm gun." "My gun is always warm... and a little bit moist." WHAT
*Gives clone a peanut butter ball* "Ew. It has peanut butter dog mouth. I hate when I do that."
Haha I made Sam eat a peanut butter ball now he's doing that dog lip smack thing
Oh hey, we can take a fudgcicle now. ...Oh, I know what to do!
Presidential Alert: The Stinky's are fighting!
Why does Girl Stinky's tunnel lead to a cloning facility?
The clone Sam approves of Sam's outfit
He stole Sam's hat!!!
"That's strange." yeah, you think!?
"--unholy army of sexually provocative Sam clones" What you just call them Max 👀
Cthulu tenticles!!!
They have spikes
"I'm thinking of a number between--" "Potato!" "That's uncanny."
"Momma sure does love a nicely turned Sam gam."
This episode is quickly turning into Max repeatedly saying how hot he thinks Sam is 👀
I guess let's explore the tunnels
Ooh the museum
Doctor Norrington? We get to meet him?
Nope :(
When they jumped back into the tunnels Max raised his hands up and Sam picked him up 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰
Back through the tunnels
The shadow physics are all messed up
Harry and Superball are trying to contact Momma. Can she not appear anymore?
Queen? Where are you?
"Keep your eyes peeled, Max." "Ugh, that's disgusting, Sam."
"What do you know about these scary--" "But dashing!" "--toy stealing Sam clones." oh max
"So you don't know where Momma Bosco is?" Sam says with a huge sad face
Superball my love
Max smokes Cuban cigars
"Yes sir, quite the coinkydink."
"I'm going to stand over here and try to shake off the memory of you saying balliwick." *,Literally stands in corner shaking his arms side to side* Max. I love you
*Harry insults Sam* *Max jumps to his defence*
"I'm afraid the contents on my mind is classified, sirs."
I'm going to find Sal
The hat thief stole the car!!!
Buster Blaster!!!
"Max." "that's what they call me at the manipedi." The boys get manicurs
I can't get to Sal or Buster Blaster because of the clones :(
Look a buster blaster's future and he's just floating through space shouting "This is totally awesome!"
Back to Stinky's
Flint Paper!!!
Flint's mind is just noir narrative... As it should be
Girl Stinky realized Max has been reading her mind
Sam and Max role-playing as Flint and Girl has me laughing
Girl tied Sam up into her lies
The fact that the boys don't realize who Mr. S is is astonishing
Great I have to find a cake. Back to Sal?
The clone Sam hugging the stuffed Bunny 🥰
Sam was doing the same to Max 😍
Love for legomorphs is stored in the dna
Oh hey I missed Charlie the first time
Max shares the creeped out feelings Charlie gives me. Good
Sal knows how to cook 💖
Sal is an artist 🥰
I love Sal
OMG is there actual blood on the cake
No! Don't eat Max!
Sam got a kiss from Stinky, lucky dog. I can't tell if he's surprised or grossed out 😂
Flint and Max are disgusted by the kiss
Oh to be kissed by Girl Stinky... or Sybil... Or Momma Bosco.
Sal doesn't want to kill. Good man
Girl and Sal are my new otp
Oh no, power het couple are possessed
Ok, I'm going back to boscotech for now to mess with Harry now that I have Charlie
Max really hamming it up
Oh hey, Max actually summoned Momma
Agent Superball just teleported?!
What is going on with him?
Also he has OTHER superiors
Momma are you hiding something?
"mmm-mm-mm, those shorts sure don't leave anything to the imagination, do they?"
Was Max right, does Momma have a thing for Sam?
Lol she was lying.
She seems to feel guilty about selling her cloning machines.
Max don't you dare mention the poppers in front of me!!!
It's pretty obvious it's Papierwaite
I like it when she spins
Oh, are we going to track down Bosco to get more DNA for her new body?
I'm going to take to Buster Blaster
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know anything about those Sam clones running around?" "THOSE ARE REAL?" "Yeah." "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!"
He gave us a letter to give to Momma from Bosco.
"See ya Buster." "I AM BECOME DEATH!"
Sam called Bosco "baby Bosco"
Oh hey, I probably should have tried reading Papierwaiite's mind already
Sam picked Max up so he could type in the code
Ew, Norrinton is a chest burster cthulu
Everyone keeps making fun of Sam's weight :(
Max's reaction to Norringron's grandson being named Junior is great
I used the destabilizer to look for the weapon and now Sam is crying profusely
That Romeo and Juliet reference tho
He's fine now
Well that was a lot of trial and error
Got the new toy and killed the tentacles
Time to get Momma a new body
Momma is bald. That's fine
Love that she's fully clothed even though that doesn't make any sense
Yay shooting things!
Oh no we made Sal fall
Momma is so excited to telport
Aw, she held Max's hand while Sam patted his head ❤️
She punched out Girl! Go Momma!
Ha, we made the clones dance.
Yay, we figured out where the toybox is.
I knew Charlie was going to be evil!
I hate evil dolls
The clones knocked the boys out
We're at the statue of liberty now???
Ew, she's got tenticles
Charlie wants to be reunited with Junior. Can't let that happen since it'll cause the apocalypse
Max is more concerned for Sam than the world
Charlie kidnapped Norrinton
Sam is still struggling against the thrall
Oh hey, got Charlie to let Sam talk
Let's mess with the sheet music
The liberty puzzel was fun
Oh shit, did Charlie just kill Norrington and Papierwaite
Ooooh, Max is all glowly
Ok, that last puzzel was kinda easy
Sam got his hat back!
Max, oh no he fell
Sam looked so scared
Oh Max, scared us for no reason
Oh God, he's scaring us for real now
OMG is this because he swallowed some demon yolk?
He's so big and Cthulu-y now!!!
Shut up narrator!
"Well, this is new." oh Sam
Wait the episode just ends there!?
Gaaahd now I have to stay up and play the next one or die from suspense.
After credits scene... Did we kill Sal!? Nooo!!!!
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woundjob · 3 years
bad-comic-art is so hit or miss for me because some of the stuff they post is like. very obviously stylistic choices taken out of context or minor errors that artists rushing to make weekly or monthly deadlines missed. followed immediately by genuinely very bad art. like some shit isnt gonna be colored all the way, or is gonna look like, unrealistic on purpose and doesnt deserve to be compared to like. rob liefeld
i actually saved this posts to my drafts bc i was like eh no use posting that, not my target audience, and then i found this
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an anon where someone was like hey man you really shouldnt be railing so hard on weekly comics, they arent gonna be perfect, and the mods responded “with well actually most comics are monthly” as if thats like a totally reasonable amount of time to ink and color like 50+ pages and make absolutely no mistakes. anatomy is hard, paneling is hard, small details in each panel are hard, making comics is HARD and its really disheartening to see people downplay exactly how much work it is to produce a comic book. and thats not even factoring in the absolute chump change comics creators are paid to do all that work!!
obviously when its like, big three or other wildly successful (cape) comics, or really dreadful work or repeat offenders like liefeld its like. yeah okay this deserves to be roasted, but girl i just dont think these people understand how much time and work goes into making a comic. if i were never allowed to make a mistake in coloring or realism or fuck, anatomy, especially with a fucking monthly deadline, id be stoned in the street. i make mistakes like that in shit that has NO deadlines for gods sake
anyway sorry this got rant-y, i doubt anyone who follows me even cares about this sort of thing but uhhh idk people who make comics are humans not machines and shouldnt be laughed at for making mistakes. creepy people, people who should know better, megacorporations, etc should definitely be criticized but those criticisms shouldnt extend to your everyday comics artists or heaven forbid someone taking artistic liberties
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
The Lord of the Manor (4)
Summary: Barok refuses to let anything get in his way this time: today he will go to visit his brother and pay his respects...
Content Warnings: suicide references (specifically suicidal thoughts), angst + me taking artistic liberties re: the van Zieks family
Other parts:  (1)  |  (2)  |  (3)  |
At some point he'd fallen asleep in Klint's room, though he couldn't remember the precise moment. He was propped up against the footboard with his legs tucked up close to his stomach. The first thing he noticed when he moved was a stiffness in his shoulders and neck. Hardly the most sensible way of sleeping...
Suddenly a loud rumble of thunder echoed overhead, causing the windows of the ancestral home to rattle. Clearly a storm had rolled in overnight.
After stretching until his bones cracked pleasingly, Barok drew back the curtains that covered the large bow windows of the master bedroom and looked out at the landscape. Rain pelted the earth in torrential sheets and lightning lanced across the sky as if momentarily tearing it. This was a most severe storm.
If he were the superstitious or god-fearing sort, then he might have considered that some form of divine force was trying to keep him away from his brother’s grave. Thankfully he was not so limited in his thoughts. Instead, Barok was incredibly stubborn and he had resolved to visit Klint’s grave that day – so that was what he would do.
Of course, taking Black Gale out in such hideous conditions was out of the question. He’d have to go for a ride on a more pleasant summer’s day, perhaps to the orchard or along the coast...
For now, he went to his room to dress in simple clothes and sturdy knee-high leather boots. The path to Klint’s grave would be muddy, so practical footwear was essential. He knew full well his clothes would become drenched quickly, so he donned a shirt and jacket of reasonable hardy material and breeches of similar quality. Once he was dressed, he made his way downstairs to the Grand Vestibule.
“M-My lord!” Harvey hurried over looking deeply concerned, “Surely you do not intend to go out in middle of this storm?”
“I’m going to visit Klint,” Barok replied as he took his cloak from the row of hangers by the door.
“Begging your pardon, my lord, but, surely it could wait until tomorrow? I’ve heard tell that this storm is merely passing on its way to Spain...”
“I appreciate your concern, Harvey, but you need not worry about me. I have to do this... I postponed my visit yesterday on account of factors outside of my control, I’ll be damned if I do that a second time...” an odious noble was one thing, a torrential storm was another. He had no qualms about leaving himself at the mercy of the elements.
“... If you’re sure, my lord...” the old butler had handled enough van Zieks’ lords during his tenure as a servant of the house to know that they were all of a similar stubbornness and driven by their sense of principles. If the young Lord had decided he must visit Klint’s grave then that is what he would do by hell or high water, “... Just do be careful out there and take shelter if the storm worsens....”
“Yes, I will promise you that much,” Barok said as he donned his cloak and opened the door. A sharp gust of wind violently tousled his hair as it howled through the air like a frenzied ghost. He lowered his head and stepped out into the squall, pulling the door shut despite the insistent push of the wind against him. Rain pelted down, taking but a few moments to soak his hair until it was clinging to his face. He ignored the hostile elements and pressed on in the direction of Klint’s grave.
By horse the journey was some 10 minutes away, on foot it was closer to 20 and his progress was slowed by the wind in his face and the unsteady earth beneath his feet. Despite that, he was able to navigate the familiar banks and pathways of the forest that had been a favoured haunt of his since he was a boy. Even with the gloom of the storm clouds over head, he knew the way like the back of his hand.
“Blast! Of all the times for a storm to hit!” he could hear Klint’s voice as his mind reflected on a time they’d been hunting and a similarly fierce squall had rolled in, “Come little wolf, we’ll need to find shelter!”
He nodded and followed behind as Klint led the way to a large bank that over hung like a roof, they crouched down and looked out from their semi-sheltered vantage point at the chaos, “It doesn’t look as though it’ll pass any time soon,” Barok observed.
“Mmmm, I think you’re right, so we might as well amuse ourselves in the meantime.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Well, I heard that someone came home late last night in quite an intoxicated state,” Klint was grinning impishly, “Care to tell me about your debauched night of revelry?”
“. . . .” Barok coughed, “I discovered that I’m not much for mixing drinks...”
“Ah... and what did my little brother mix?”
“.... Well, I might have tried to see what all the fuss with beer is about, before switching back to wine,” Barok massaged his temples as he recalled just how rotten he’d felt first thing that morning, “...I’m firmly of the view that beers, ales and stouts are not for me.”
“That was a fatal error of judgement on your part, have you never heard ‘grape or grain, but never the twain‘?”
“Apparently I missed that particular sermon on the subject of drinking...” Barok replied dryly, which only seemed to amuse Klint further as he laughed harder, “I doubt I’ll forget it in a hurry, however...”
“Sometimes the best lessons are the practical ones, Barok.”
“... Yes, perhaps they are...”
A bright flash of lightning and sharp crack of thunder roused him from his daydreams and reminded him that his focus ought to be on the journey ahead rather than a trip down memory lane. It wasn’t far to the family burial grounds; a small mercy at least. He covered the rest of the distance briskly, passing through the cast iron gates and along the path of cobblestones and dirt to the mausoleum where his brother slept. He opened the door and stepped inside, dripping water all over the stone floor as he went; his first act was to light the candles that were dotted around the room, which he did by taking the box of matches that were stored in an alcove by the door and striking one.
Soft candlelight twinkled around him, casting shadows across the walls that danced and swayed deliriously; their movements slowed once he closed the door to the tomb over enough to block out the wind.
Finally he was here, with Klint once more.
“... I’m sorry for my tardiness brother,” he said softly as he knelt down before the stone where his brother’s name was engraved, “... I found myself in the talons of Lady Darlington yesterday, and you nowhere in sight to distract her...” he snorted to himself at the thought, “I dare say you’d have found my performance quite amusing.”
His gaze lifted to the ceiling of the crypt, “... No doubt you’d scold me for coming here in such a bedraggled state, well, not so much that as willingly walking out into a storm. You’ll have to forgive me for that...”
For a while, he knelt in silence; his voice stilled in his throat as he wondered what had compelled him to come out in such hostile conditions. Eventually he found his voice, “I... no doubt I sound quite mad to you, but, I wonder if you’re still here with me... You know, there are rumours abound in the Capital that your ghost follows me wherever I go and exacts revenge upon those who escape my prosecuting them through some dint in the law.“
“It’s nonsense, isn’t it?” he looked down at the gravestone once more, as if holding out for some sort of sign, “... It has to be, surely, because I’d like to think if you truly were still here then you might show me by some means other than violence... And yet, I’m desperate enough that I’ll take it. I just can’t bear the thought that you’re gone.”
Klint had always been a symbol of what was right and just in his mind, so it did not sit well with him to picture his brother as a vengeful apparition whose sole purpose was to dispatch of the criminals who managed to worm their way out of the noose. Yet, when he first heard those wild tales whispered on the lips of the common folk and the nobility alike, how he wanted to believe it. No matter how much it cut against the grain of what his brother had embodied for him; it was better than accepting that he was dead.
Anything was better than that, surely.
“... Of course, the world goes on and the sun and the moon wheel through the sky as they always have, and those who once held you in such high regard slowly begin to forget you... but for me it’s as if time stopped five years ago. I... still cannot come to terms with the thought that you’re no longer here. So, if you are the Reaper, I hope you will stay by my side until my time comes...”
He’d contemplated joining his brother. Sometimes it felt like the only logical thing to do. The world seemed so cold and devoid of vibrancy without Klint in it. Like someone had stolen the sun. Of course, he couldn’t go through with it – at first he had to bring his brother’s killer to justice, it had consumed his every waking moment. He’d read the case file until he could recite it with his eyes closed; until he dreamt of the autopsy report.
Then, once he’d gotten some semblance of justice for Klint, his thoughts had started to wander to the notion that his purpose was now fulfilled and there was nothing left to keep him here; but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. It wasn’t what Klint would have wanted. If there were an afterlife, what kind of expression would his older brother wear when he arrived there prematurely? He could practically hear the disappointed words whenever he thought about it.
“Oh little wolf.... how could you?”
And it was that which stayed his hand.
Instead, he’d thrown himself into being a prosecutor; to following in Klint’s footsteps and maintaining his legacy. His brother had believed so deeply in justice and integrity, and he would honour that memory by doing his damnedest to hold the corrupt and evil to account for their crimes. It was all he could do.
And yet, he’d even failed at that. He ran away from the Old Bailey, too overwhelmed by the Reaper mythos and the gravity it put upon his shoulders...
“I hope you will forgive me, brother,” Barok murmured, voice strained as he tried to swallow back the desperate sadness in his core, “I’ve been a poor substitute for you... I was unable to save you from the Professor... and now I’m not even capable of continuing your legacy as a Prosecutor... Truth be told, I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m at such a loss.”
“I’m so tired, Klint...”
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darkfalcon-z · 3 years
how tall is Sun Wukong in the comparison between a human and another monkeys? let’s find out with me!
useful reference picture of rhesus macaques:
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(Disclaimer: do not feed wild monkeys! do not even touch them! the man is this picture is experience in feeding those animals and they know him well (and he still probably shouldn’t be doing this). The monkeys trust this man and he at least knows how to avoid inducing conflict between them. You can to be scratched and bitten and you can cause serious trouble for the monkeys who can start to fight over food).
the ones you see standing up are females, who are according to wikipedia supposed to average around 47 cm in body length, but estimating based on those picture those females stand at around 70 cm (unless that person is much shorter than me) I expect my error margin to be around 10 cm. I think length is only measured from the head to the base of the tail, so this is more accurate estimate on how tall those monkeys are when standing. Males are about 6 cm longer on average, so I’m guessing they maybe can be up to 10 cm taller.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yRhqaifA_Y (the screenshot was taken from this video, this channel is good for macaque references)
Of course everyone can use a little of artistic liberty in how depict the characters, but I thought it might be interesting for some people
below are sizes comparisons.
2′6 (76.2cm) to 5′10 (180.3 cm) , this comparison between would fit the height difference between a regular rhesus monkey and a relatively tall human man  quite well. Of course a monkey has very different proportions.
Now in the book the only information we have on how tall is Sun Wukong is less than for feet, which I assume can be anything from 3′6 to 3′11
3′6  the minimum I assumed
3′11 and this is the maximum
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respectively 2′6 (76.2 cm), 3′6 (106.7 cm), 3′11 (119.4 cm) and 5′11 (180.3 cm)
Now in the book the only information we have on how tall is Sun Wukong is less than for feet, which I assume can be anything from 3′6 to 3′11
3′6  the minimum I assumed
3′11 and this is the maximum
the comparison between minimum (3′6) and maximum (3′ 11) heights I assumed for Wukong. The difference is quite clear.
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and here’s with 12 feet tall (365.8 cm) Sha Wujing for a comparison. As Sha Wujing is a standard unit of measurement (this is an inside joke for me and two people who have maybe read my Fengshen Yanyi jokes).
as you can seen Wujong is less than a third of Sha Wujing, while most regular humans are only a half Sha Wujing or less.
In colusion Sun Wujong is a short king, but not from the perspective of the monkeys.
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ivesory · 4 years
10 Critical Parts of Guidance for Inventors
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There are no one-size-fits-all technique inventors can adhere to, and there is no inventing roadmap to success that will certainly work in all instances. Notwithstanding, several things can and should be understood if an inventor is most likely to seek to invent as greater than a pastime.
By understanding some fundamental yet crucial information first you will significantly elevate the possibilities of doing well. This is not to claim that you will not make errors; mistakes are inescapable. You will, nonetheless, make fewer mistakes if you provide thoughtful consideration to what it is you are attempting to do. Running off as well as a beginning without gratitude for the process will prove costly. Before continue reading visit https://theavtimes.com/2020/07/01/amazing-ways-inventhelp-can-assist-you-as-an-inventor/
What complies with are 10 crucial items of recommendations for inventors.
1. Locate Your Passion as an Inventor
If you are a major inventor as well as do not intend on giving up the very first time an obstacle is placed in front of you, then you require to concentrate on something for which you have a true passion. The factor here is basic: The act of inventing takes a great deal of time so you need to like it to make it function. There will certainly be both successes and also setbacks, and any straightforward inventor will inform you of the troubles that surpass the successes. What makes inventing gratifying is the quest for success as well as the challenge. If you are not enthusiastic concerning your invention and also the field of endeavor the possibility you will certainly do well is really low.
2. Inventors Must Become an Expert
The greatest blunder I see all inventors make is they hurry right into a field of venture without actually recognizing what they are entering, or to resolve the trouble in an industry they do not understand. Every brand-new moms and dad all of a sudden end up being an inventor in the baby products area, however exactly how lots of having any kind of idea regarding the difficult government security policies enforced on baby products? While passion is called for, knowledge is additionally needed. A successful inventor will certainly find out whatever they can around each aspect of the area, from the technology to business, to the competition.
3. The Goal is Not Simply to Obtain a Patent
The goal is not to develop an amazing invention, the goal is not to get a patent, the goal is practically universally to generate income. The cool invention and license are a means throughout, not the end in as well as of themselves. Do not obtain so caught up in the imaginative facet of inventing that they fall short to quit and also ask whether they must be investing the time, money, and power into the production. The moral of the story is that the most effective innovation can cause no financial benefit, while often small improvements can lead to financial riches. Therefore, it usually makes good sense for the inventor to concentrate on inventing to fix specific troubles, as well as not just inventing to develop something unique.
4. Method Inventing in a Business Responsible Way
Treat your invention from day one as if it will certainly be hugely effective because by the time you recognize that this is the invention that will certainly be wildly successful it will be as well late unless you have grown the seeks for success early. Don't drop in love with an invention that is falling short when you can relocate on to the next project, which might be the one that will be successful.
You may also like https://azbigmedia.com/business/want-to-be-a-successful-inventor-use-these-ideas-to-help/
5. Don't Underestimate the Importance of a Patent Search
If it looks like just incredibly narrow patent protection will certainly be offered it most likely makes more sense to just relocate on to your following invention because inventors constantly have the next invention. Patent searches are also superb learning devices since they permit you to uncover which aspects of your invention are most likely to add to patentability.
6. Don't Underestimate the Importance of an Internet Search
Over the years I have preached to inventors about the relevance of doing a patent search. Previously in my career, I would certainly listen to from inventors who would certainly say that they browsed the Internet extensively and can not find the invention so they want to relocate ahead. For goodness benefits, if you come up with an invention the initial thing you must do is see whether it exists and can be purchased online or in shops.
7. Certificate Inventions Not Ideas
Without a patent-pending, you do not have anything to license aside from a suggestion that does not have substantial boundaries. When you seek to license a concept alone you can easily scare business. Even listening to a concept without substantial borders as specified in a minimum of a provisional license application can terrify business to the point where some, possibly many, won't intend to do it. Furthermore, the additional you can create your idea the better and better it will certainly end up being. A suggestion may be worth a little to an extremely minimal number of individuals, yet an idea that has taken shape and has become an invention is worth also more as well as to even more people. An invention that has been defined in a provisional patent application is worth more. Famous inventor trainer Stephen Key discusses a submitted provisional license application creating "viewed possession," and he recommends his inventor pupils seriously make the effort as well as the power to define their ideas in concrete methods to create those regarded civil liberties with a provisionary filing. That is exceptional advice.
8. Set a Budget
Inventing and also commercializing can be exceptionally expensive, and also if you are an inventor that implies you are creative and also it is insane to assume that your current invention will be your last. Many inventors have a handful of inventions at any type of one point, so the difficulty they have is selecting which one to seek first. That being the case, and the inescapable truth that you may not rack up with the initial invention you pick, you need to set a budget and also constantly review via the process to ensure that it continues to make good sense to go after the invention. Spending time and money is something, yet spending good cash as well as your time once the search has been demonstrated to likely not be rewarding is absolutely nothing short of a catastrophe. I suggest you establish a spending plan, which you can reassess if points appear to be relocating forward in a favorable instruction. When you reach your budget restriction if there is no favorable energy you need to proceed to what is following. Do not throw your work away, you never know when it might become appropriate or you may have an advancement motivation.
9. Proof of Concept
At some point, it will certainly come to be required to verify your invention, which is called a proof of principle. While it is real that an invention with a proof of principle will be more important than one without such evidence, it is still required for inventors to be cautious. You might begin functioning with an artist who can sketch your invention first on paper.
10. Plausibly Estimate the Size of the marketplace
There is nothing wrong with dreaming, however, there is an extremely vital cautionary tale to be outlined the significant harm that can be done to possibility when inventors exaggerate the market dimension for their invention. You don't intend to be the one that with confidence declares: "Everyone is mosting likely to require to get this invention." No one ever attains 100% market share, and if that is what you expect you will be let down. If you are serious about establishing the real size of the market you will certainly investigate openly readily available info and dig through the data using practical assertions. According to U.S. Census information, in 2016 40.6 million individuals were living in poverty in the United States. The poverty line for a person was $12,228, while the poverty line for a household of 4 was $24,563. So precisely the amount of individuals can manage to purchase your invention? And then think about how many people could need the invention. Also check out https://theavtimes.com/2020/07/01/amazing-ways-inventhelp-can-assist-you-as-an-inventor/
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noshitshakespeare · 4 years
Bro to that Shakespeare is an idiot anon, like i dont think Shakespeare was aiming for historical accuracy when he wrote his historical plays... they're just like a entertaining story that is rooted in references that people might know. Like isn't Richard III aimed to be like insulting the plantagents (however u spell it) for tudor rulers? How was Shakespeare even meant to get info on ancient people like Cleo? Most writing we have on her from the time is biased, and not entirely accurate. Smh
(Anon is referencing this post)
Historical accuracy is an interesting question. The concept of history as an unbiased account of what happened in the past didn’t exist in Shakespeare’s time (at least not in the same way it does now, if it does now), so in some ways, it’s not really relevant even to think about it in those terms. There were histories, and people did trust them as relating in some way to truth, but it was common practice for such histories to full-on invent a general’s military speech supposedly given before a battle as so on. In other words, you find fictional speeches like the St Crispin’s Day speech in supposedly historical accounts from the time. 
Sir Philip Sidney’s Defense of Poesy is great for early modern ideas about this because he’s so aware of the limitations of historical accounts in his time. As he says, ‘even historiographers, although their lips sound of things done, and verity be written in their foreheads, have been glad to borrow both fashion and perchance weight of the poets’. People like him were aware that histories were already literary in some ways. He also knows that however much they try, the historian can never really truly recreate the past in complete accuracy: 
Now for the poet, he nothing affirms, and therefore never lies. For, as I take it, to lie is to affirm that to be true which is false; so as the other artists, and especially the historian, affirming many things, can, in the cloudy knowledge of mankind,
Sidney is defending poetry and drama by saying that they never claimed to be accurate history, and therefore can’t be blamed for inaccuracy or accused of lying. In contrast, the historian, in claiming certain things as true while not actually knowing, could sometimes end up claiming something false. So insightful people from Shakespeare’s time like Sidney knew perfectly well that historical accounts they had were not necessarily accurate. In fact he goes as far as to say, at one point, that historians are ‘loaded with old mouse-eaten records, authorizing himself for the most part upon other histories, whose greatest authorities are built upon the notable foundation of hearsay’. Histories are written based on other histories, which are based on rumours. 
Sidney is great on the question of entertainment too, asking of the fiction-haters,
do they not know that a tragedy is tied to the laws of poesy, and not of history; not bound to follow the story, but having liberty either to feign a quite new matter, or to frame the history to the most tragical convenience?
Poets (this includes playwrights, by the way, since that word didn’t exist until Ben Jonson coined it), unsurprisingly, have poetic license and the right to change things as fits what they’re writing. The fact that Sidney is defending this does point to the fact that the opponents of theatre and poetry did raise inaccuracy as a reason to disparage the arts, but I think his defence is spot-on. There’s simply no need for writers to aim for historical accuracy.
Of course, Shakespeare did have some sources for his histories (see this post for example) and Roman plays (mostly North’s translation of Plutarch's The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans). And they were about as accurate as anything anyone could get their hands on at the time. I would go as far as to say that in many instances, Shakespeare stays very true to his sources, so his so-called ‘errors’ are not even always attributable to him. 
On the question of Richard III, though... Even if there is a propagandist element to it, I tend to feel that reading the play simply on those terms is very reductive. It’s hard to know how much the anti-Plantagenet ideology is something Shakespeare picked up from his sources (Shakespeare’s sources were pretty propagandist). Also, if he wanted to present Richard as a straightforward villain, Shakespeare didn’t need to make him so engaging, charismatic and brave (he does choose to show the last king of England ever to have died in battle doing exactly that). Looking at Shakespeare’s sources doesn’t just reveal what he keeps, but what he chooses to emphasise or change, and that gives us more of a sense of what interests him thematically, taking us beyond questions of accuracy and political conformity.
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insomniaticgoblin · 3 years
Note: This is an old post I made on another blog ages ago but I'm still fucking pissed about this. This was back in September 2020, I believe. Could be sooner than September, but I'm not sure.
It was later on after making the post below, probably a couple weeks to a month when I asked my stepsister about the tattoo artist she hired. I had told her, before she got the tattoo, that there was one guy that she ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT GO TO to get ink done, he was well-known in the area for being a shit artist with shit skills.
Yeah, guess who she went to.
That's right. The exact guy that I specifically told her NOT to go to. Fucking pisses me off to this day.
I am fucking livid right now. There aren’t enough words in the world to describe how fucking pissed I am.
My stepsister wanted me to design a tattoo for her based off some doodles of creatures I’ve made (never posted them anywhere) so I did. I spent at least a week drawing it out and getting the colors right, getting everything perfect. I gave her the finished product last year.
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This is the finished design. He’s cute, right? (the lighting’s a little off so you can’t quite see how vibrant the colors are, but they’re pretty fucking vibrant).
Well, anyway, she finally got the tattoo done (I don’t know why in the fucking nine realms of hell she would get a tattoo during a pandemic but that’s beside the point.) She got it done a couple weeks ago and sent me the result but I wanted to wait until the skin healed because it looked a little raw, and…off. I thought maybe it was because she had just gotten it done.
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This is the tattoo (again, the lighting’s off but that’s because this was a picture she took).
Now, at first glance, one might think that it looks good. I know one of my friends did, in fact, he said there was nothing wrong with the tattoo. But there’s a lot wrong with it.
Here’s everything that’s wrong with it -
the colors are off. I’m not talking about the ink either. No, the bandages of the mummy are in chunks of green and pink whereas I did strips in most places.
the skin is supposed to be grey, not pink and green (the fingers of one hand and the face are green while the other hand and toes are pink). There’s no consistency.
The line work isn’t the best either. It’s not as noticeable as some of the other errors listed here but - the lines are shaky in most places, some are thicker, some thinner, a few lines don’t even connect, and there’s some fuzziness along the outer lines.
The shading is terrible. There’s chunks of black in there to act as shading but it looks terrible. The shading’s in the right areas where it should be but it’s patchy and splotchy and looks like it was slapped on there with little thought.
There are places that’re missing color. The eye is supposed to be yellow but instead it’s left blank. Same as with the skin around the heart, it’s supposed to be grey but it’s not. And it’s okay that those two spots aren’t colored in (well, not really) but what’s not okay is the other spots. On the stem of the flower, just above the ring of leaves, that was left blank too when it should have been green. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the bandages aren’t even fully colored, they’re supposed to be fully colored, not have blank spaces in there.
Now, it’s okay for a person to take some creative liberties with a work of art, I could understand if he had changed things up to make it look even better, but he didn’t and it looks terrible.
I may be overreacting but for fucking God’s sake, I put my fucking heart and soul in this design and he fucking butchered it, and now my stepsister has it permanently on her skin. The tattoo artist is supposed to be a fucking professional who should know how to do line work, colors, and shading, but he obviously doesn’t. It’s all basic-level knowledge and he fucked up.
I need a fucking break. Rant’s over, I’m out, gonna go calm myself down now.
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chainsawwrites · 4 years
@dailyrpc​ question 68: what would make you decline an application ?
So as someone who ran a full app RP that got up to 90 characters for a stretch of time, I think I’m in a pretty good position to answer this. To be quite honest we accepted almost every app we got (and I think most people do) but we did go through every app and I ended up with a bit of a process.
TL;DR: It’s mostly about red flags.
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1: Had we heard of you before?
First of all, we didn’t accept anyone we knew to cause trouble (and if you RP in the same fandom for a while, you know the names + other admins will warn you about particularly disastrous writers). We did this both through your alias + ooc info, but also through the blog you submitted your app from. Red flags included signs that you’d recently left an RP and immediately trash talked it, or had pages and pages of drama clearly visible.
Example: I’m talking to a friend from another RP about a girl named Heather who wrote a Greengrass OC that blatantly ignored other people’s limits when talking about sexual content, and then I see an app from someone named Heather for a Greengrass OC. 
Example: I click on the blog you applied from out of curiosity, and the first three pages are you fighting with anons who are calling you racist.
Example: I click on the blog you applied from, and it’s the blog for a character from your last RP. There’s a big monologue at the top asking people to message you to find out ‘what really happened’ when you got kicked out.
Second of all, we didn’t evaluate apps from our own friends not currently part of the RP-- those got passed onto other admins who weren’t friends w the person, or in some cases w close competition got identifying information stripped from them and sent to a friend who wasn’t in the RP who would tell us their thoughts.
2: Did you follow directions?
Artistic liberties are one thing, but if someone didn’t fill out the entire app or did so very incorrectly I took it as a red flag they’d likely argue over things like activity check. We’d of course reach out to the applicant to give them a chance to fix things, and if they weren’t jerks about it then it became no big deal. 
Example: You didn’t write down your time zone, wrote ‘male’ where you should have written your character’s pronouns, and are missing a para sample.
3: Is your writing coherent?
I work with nonnative speakers every day. I’m not and never have been a huge stickler for grammar and technically correct writing, but in a long-form literate RP we did need to make sure applicants’ writing was coherent. By that I mean-- if you wrote a paragraph, can I clearly understand what you mean or do your errors overwhelm the meaning?
Stronger writing skills often won out over weaker writing skills, but in our experience enthusiasm was a better predictor of who would stick around and make interesting/meaningful connections. If there wasn’t a massive difference in writing skill, I’d rather have an enthusiastic group member than someone with flawless purple prose.
Example: There is not a single punctuation mark or line break in a 300-word para sample.
4: Did reading this make me want to jump off a cliff? (TW: death, mental health)
People liked to do a few things in Harry Potter RP that ended up as massive red flags after reading a few hundred apps:
- Blonde Hufflepuff girl with no personality (except loving animals, gardening, and being incredibly pro-Order despite being from a super-rich pureblood family)
- Snape with mental health issues (these were uniformly gross; perhaps the peak of them was the ‘Snape had dissociative identity disorder and nothing was his fault’ app)
- Incredibly excessive trauma porn (and considering the RP took place in a literal war zone, the bar here was so fucking low. Dead parents? Cool. PTSD? Expected. Parents locked you in a cellar for fourteen years to drink your unicorn-animagus blood? That’s a bit far.)
- Marlene McKinnon with no personality except wanting to bang Sirius (invariably white blonde FC, except Mary Sue Badass this time)
5: Is it plagiarised?
We had a lot of problems with this, probably a lot more than you would expect. There’s just too much HP writing on the internet and it’s impossible to track down where a specific interpretation of Greyback came from, but it’s not that hard to trace back a para sample.
A few tips: don’t ask for an in-character paragraph sample, and encourage links to past RP blogs or copy-pasted self paras and the like. The blogs will give you a good idea of what the applicant will actually write, and the copy-pasted stuff is really easy to run through a plagiarism to see where else it’s been posted. 
Example: if you look here, you can see an online plagiarism checker linking something I wrote about seeing if something is plagiarised back to that post. 
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6: Does your character interpretation clash with established stuff in the group?
Say you’re applying as Alecto Carrow, and half your bio revolves around Amycus. Except we already have an Amycus and it’s clear you haven’t talked to them about any of the assumptions you’ve made. That’s probably not gonna work out.
This works the other way around too-- I loved seeing bios that took group-specific lore into account and tied a character into past events and the like. It’s also awesome to see an application that creates an area of lore we didn’t have. One of our writers basically created a whole side plot of what was going on in Belarus that a lot of other characters ended up using too.
7: Is your character interpretation good?
Honestly, if it’s gotten to this point it’d have to be pretty damn bad for me to say no. A pretty standard character is fine and still can be very fun to write against, so this only really came up if there was competition in an app.
What I personally looked for here wasn’t uniqueness so much as a very well thought out character. Seeing headcanons that were fully explained or mini-stories about the character, requests for changes with reasoning behind them, or explanations of why a character did certain things were great. A really unique character acting at random is not. 
When it really came down to it, what really would break a tie would be the feeling of which person you’d be more excited to write with. If I had to give one piece of advice on how to write a good application, it would be to convey that you know your character and you’re excited to be there.
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent (the mere existence of a post-canon verse is diverging from canon)/ fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. It depends on what you mean as popular. Whoever has ever played DA2 knows Orsino because he’s important to the plot (especially in act 3) but the opinions on him are conflicted. like they are on any morally gray character. Still, he is a side character who has like 5 scenes in the entire game, so I believe he’s not getting the attention he deserves.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Orsino certainly is not everyone’s cup of tea, I can say that much. Physical appearance-wise he is very attractive for what he is: a stressed/depressed middle-aged DA2 elf who has seen SomeShit™ in his life. He has aged way more graceful than what he could have, but still, he is in his late 40s/early 50s, which can be a deterrent factor to some; also, the elves in this game have distinctive inhuman-like features that people either love or hate. Personally, I think that there is harmony and beauty in his features, which makes him weirdly pretty to look at and i love the fact that they gave him an hourglass body shape. However, Orsino’s true beauty lies in his personality and his calm, collected, polite demeanor. His voice is another huge bonus.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. I mean... he’s a First Enchanter who keeps his knowledge on blood magic and necromancy a secret, there are hints that he’s a somniari mage throughout the game, he has some very badass scenes where he kicks the asses of bigger/stronger opponents than himself when he’s outnumbered AND he has one of the 2 boss battles in the finale of the game. There is no doubt that he is a force to be reckoned with in battle.
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK. I think he’s criminally underrated not just by the fandom, but even  the creators of the game, who gave him no backstory, only a handful of scenes and butchered his character just to add another boss battle.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. Meeting him along with Knight Commander Meredith and Viscount Dumar earns you an achievement (the “friends in high places” one). He is one of the main antagonists in the third and most crucial part of the game and you can either choose to side with him or oppose him.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. Lots of elements in the storyline depend on the protagonist’s political views on what’s going on in Kirkwall, and since Orsino is a prominent political figure, he is relevant to the protagonist’s views. He can be either an ally or an opponent, depending to what the protagonist’s views are. Also, he had been involved to the protagonist’s tragic loss of their mother -albeit indirectly-, since he was an informant of the murderer.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. He’s a controversial but VERY well-known public figure, to the point where he can be recognized in the streets -even if people have never seen him before, they can recognize the staff he carries, his distinctive robes and the fact that he’s an elf (an elven first enchanter is news in itself, so he doesn’t go by unnoticed). The protagonist has heard of him -along with rumors and gossip surrounding him- before he had the chance to meet him in person. He has such influence and people skills that he even carried out a rally to overturn the Knight Commander’s rule of the city and almost succeeded.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Depends on who you ask. Mage sympathizers see him as a brave advocate of his people’s rights who wouldn’t hesitate to put his life on the stake for them. The common folk and the city authorities see him as a potentially dangerous troublemaker and rebel.
How strictly do you follow canon? — I try to follow canon mostly in my canon verse, while taking some artistic liberties due to the lack of a concise backstory. In post-canon verses and au’s, I have taken all the insights on Orsino’s personality, views and way of thinking and I have adapted them to fit each verse’s context.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  For him ‘mage’ is not just a term describing his abilities, it is also a term describing his personality as a whole. He has that elegance, cultivation and mystical charm about him; he is morally grey yet charismatic; witty yet cunning and certainly not one to be toyed with. Despite the exterior of a powerful yet restrained scholar he maintains , however, there are many layers to him and each is darker than the last. He can be both the erudite conversation partner you’d like to have an existential conversation with over a glass of good wine, a trusted advisor you’d confide your problems to and a force to be reckoned with who would obliterate you or your enemies in battle, depending on the situation. Still, the First Enchanter has some very vulnerable sides too, but he tries to keep them to himself.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — In the main verse he’s a minor character; with not as much involvement in the protagonist’s life as other characters (such as the companions). He’s also kind of secluded and not in touch with whatever happens in real life -not just because he lives in the Circle, but because he has been institutionalized, like any other person who has been brought there from a very young age. Also, there is the age gap which can make him a bit harder to reach than someone younger.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  When I played DA2 for the first time, Orsino piqued my interest because he was the very definition of a tragic figure.  He was the only voice of reason in the madhouse that is Kirkwall; yet he was fighting alone for a just cause that was doomed. He had the whole city and the authorities against him; still, he did not give up trying to protect his people; and he did his best to refrain from violence until the bitter end. His death -a suicide, no matter how you cut it- was equally tragic as the life he led; it was seeing the bringer of hope for mages losing all hope himself and deciding to go fighting and not on his knees. That, combined with his sarcasm and sophistication convinced me that I had to do justice to this poor underappreciated soul and dig deeper into his character -even try to write an alternative ending for him. Hence, this blog was created.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My amazing roleplay partners with all the good work they put into their characters and the love they have shown me and my character so far. I love you guys <3
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok. Still, I would love to have more feedback to see how i can improve even more.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF Headcanons, metas, the works.
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. I am not sure what is meant by ‘drabbles’ but sure, I’d love to write more of those.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. All the time, especially before going to bed. That is where all those rp ideas come from.
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? Again, i don’t really get much feedback, so i am not that sure if I am doing any good and if my Orsino sounds genuine
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. I like how i have written some threads more than others, I’m not gonna lie.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA. I am a sensitive person in general, but not someone whose feelings are easily hurt/triggered or someone who takes things that are not my business to heart.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Criticism is welcome only when it is constructive; in the sense that there are clearly stated arguments as to what I do not do right and suggestions on how to improve. If someone sends me an ask like “i don’t like x just because” or anon hate, I am just going to ignore it.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — YES!!! YESS!!! YESS!!!!!!! I cannot stress enough how helpful it is for me to receive suggestions and questions that help me explore sides of my character i have not thought about so far! Even if your questions are the randomest things ever, i’d still LOVE to answer them. I have received some asks like “what would Orsino do in x situation” in the past and they were SO fun to write!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Of course! As I said, so far the opinion is supported beyond the ‘just because’, I will be happy to consider it. Anything that helps me broaden my perspective is welcome.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — I do not really mind; i am the first person to recognize that Orsino is a controversial figure and people may hate him for whatever reason. I might not agree with the hate, but each to their own I suppose.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — If they do not do it in the typical ‘grammar nazi’ style i’m chill with it. Grammatical errors tend to happen more often than not, just because i almost never proofread. *shrug*
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think so, yes. As I said, I am not easily annoyed, triggered or have my feelings hurt, and i am very excited to interact with new people. Still, i do recommend reading my verses/about/rules pages, if anything, to know what to expect from my portrayal and activity patterns.
tagged by: stolen from @theharellan tagging: @of-enormous-girth @oftevinter @the-old-and-the-hapless @soldier-of-visus @lathsuledin @redtemplarcommander​ @hisfavoritewolf​ @the-champions-of-the-just​ @lowtownbutcher​ @elderone​ @sworntoprotect​ @altuspavus​ @starkhavenprince​ @aqun--athlok​ @hornedchief​ @iamcole​
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Citizen Ghost
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And now, we get a flashback story.  Yeah, this episode is mostly one big flashback.  And it’s probably fitting that it we get this episode right after the one that shows the original movie being made in the animated reality.  According to this episode, that first mission at the Sedgewick Hotel and the battle with Gozer weren’t just Hollywood executives taking artistic liberties. Those events played out pretty much the same way in the TV show as well.
The episode opens with Cynthia Crawford, that reporter we saw briefly in When Halloween Was Forever (hey, props for recurring characters!), coming to the Firehouse.  It turns out that she’s planning on having an exclusive news story on the Ghostbusters and has therefore scheduled an interview with Peter, in order to learn more about who they are beyond the general public appearance.   Upon entering the Firehouse, she’s immediately greeted by Janine, who informs Cynthia that the Peter is upstairs.  But when Cynthia starts to head up, Janine warns her that she can’t go up there, and proceeds to count down from 30.  For some reason, Cynthia seems incapable of putting two and two together and thinks Janine is playing some sort of game.  Of course, when Janine is finished with her countdown, a loud explosion is heard upstairs.  And Janine announces that it’s now safe for Cynthia to go upstairs.
Apparently, the Ghostbusters are working on building this machine up in Egon’s lab.  I’ll be really honest, I have no idea what this machine is supposed to do.  But apparently, Winston doesn’t either. However, if memory serves, we previously saw Egon and Ray trying to build this thing before, back in When Halloween Was Forever. I wonder if they’re building up to something in a later episode.   (I THINK they are, but my overall memory of most of the remaining episodes is hazy at best.)  Either way, the tests they’re running on this Mystery Machine seem to be resulting in loud sonic booms.  Which prompts Peter to joke that they probably just took out Bayonne, NJ and they should aim for the Bronx this time.  To which Ray protests, stating he was born in the Bronx.  (I thought it was previously established that Ray was from Morrisville. Was Mama Stantz just visiting the Bronx for whatever reason when her water broke, prompting her to simply go to the nearest hospital instead of the one back home? Or is this a continuity error?) At this point, Cynthia interrupts the proceedings, and she and Peter head off to conduct the interview.
Of course, Peter being Peter, he decides to basically tell Cynthia his entire life story.  Until Cynthia reminds him that this interview was supposed to be about the inner workings of the Ghostbusters, not just him.  It’s at this moment that Slimer shows up on the scene.  Upon seeing him, Cynthia remarks how peculiar it is for a group of ghost catchers actually live with a ghost.  Peter agrees that it is strange, which prompts him to go into the whole backstory of how Slimer ended up living in the Firehouse.
It all goes back to the aftermath of the Ghostbusters’ battle with Gozer, with them returning to the destroyed Firehouse.  (Remember the Firehouse sustained heavy damages when the Containment Unit got shut down and exploded.)  And I have to complement the attention to detail, as the Ghostbusters are all covered in marshmallow goo.  Once they arrive back at the Firehouse, they begin to access the extent of the damage and begin plans to rebuild, with Egon announcing his intention to construct a new Containment Unit, only one bigger than before in order to combat the previous issue of possible overflow.  However, Egon states that their first order of business is to destroy their jumpsuits.  The reason being that the battle with Gozer resulted in the jumpsuits absorbing a high level of psychokinetic energy.  And, as luck would happen, Janine announces that their new uniforms had just arrived. Well, that sure was convenient, that they ordered new uniforms that arrive right when they need them.  Though this does explain the in-show reason why the Ghostbusters have different uniforms from the ones they wore in the movie. (The actual reason was because the show’s creators wanted to give each of the Ghostbusters’ uniforms a unique colorization so they could easily be identified from a distance.)
And so, the restoration of the Firehouse begins. Eventually, things have progressed to the point that the new Containment Unit is finished, with Egon conducting finalized checks on it to make sure everything is in working order.  He ends up recruiting Peter to assist him in double checking everything, but Peter is clearly not taking things seriously.  Which leads to the following exchange:
Egon: Transtator?
Peter: Check.
Egon: Field generator?
Peter: Check.
Egon: Ionization decay meter?
Peter: Check.
Egon: Plasmatic refractor? Anti-Ectoplasm destruct mechanism? Bipolar adjustor?
Peter: Check, check, and *yawn* check.
Egon: Transwarp drive?
Peter: Check.
Egon: AH-HA! Caught you! We don't have a transwarp drive!
Peter: If we don't have one, then it can't malfunction. If it's not malfunctioning, then nothing's wrong. And if nothing's wrong, then it checks, right?
Egon: *Pause* I'm not going to talk to you again for at least a week. It's not good for me. (Walks off)
Peter: Hey, don't make fun. This is how I got through college.
Have I mentioned I adore the dynamic between these two? Because I do.  Anyway, Egon also reminds Peter that he’d promised to destroy their original jumpsuits, and states that it has to be done immediately. Peter says that he’ll do so, but then proceeds to simply kick the box aside, deciding that he’ll get to that later. So of course, he ends up forgetting all about the jumpsuits, resulting in them lying next to the Containment Unit for weeks as the Firehouse continues to be rebuilt.
Eventually, the Firehouse is completely restored.  So the Ghostbusters and Janine decide to have a full-on turkey dinner in order to celebrate.  However, it turns out that someone has been secretly watching the Ghostbusters for some time now.  When he escaped the first Containment Unit with the other ghosts, the currently unnamed Slimer ended up sticking around, and has been pretty much spying on the Ghostbusters since then. But when he sees the turkey dinner laid out, Slimer’s characteristic ravenous appetite leads to him revealing his presence, with Slimer grabbing the turkey and trying to make a break for it.  Immediately, the Ghostbusters give chase, with Peter announcing he recognizes Slimer from the Sedgewick Hotel case (and he clearly still holds a grudge against Slimer for sliming him.)  Slimer’s multiple attempts at getting away are initially thwarted by the fact that the turkey he stole can’t pass through walls with him (which is a bit odd, as last episode clearly showed that Slimer could extract the honey peanuts from their bags without damaging the bag itself.  Maybe Slimer’s hand has to be completely closed around the food?).  Eventually though, Slimer decides to abandon the turkey in order to escape his pursuers. Once Slimer gets away, the Ghostbusters begin to speculate why Slimer chose to remain close to the Firehouse when all the other escaped ghosts made a break for it.  Janine speculates that perhaps the reason is that Slimer was lonely, and the Ghostbusters were probably the first people who paid any attention to him.  Although, the guys are all quick to dismiss this theory.
Nevertheless, as time goes on, Slimer continues to show up around the Firehouse.  And each of the Ghostbusters respond to his ongoing presence in different ways.  Egon saw his chance to closely study a ghost and Ray viewed Slimer’s presence as an opportunity to turn him into a pet.  Even Winston seemed to be accepting of Slimer. The only one who wasn’t on board was Peter, who still felt as if Slimer had it out for him and was just waiting for another chance to slime him again. For that reason, Ray was the one who chose to name the little ghost ‘Slimer,’ knowing that name would annoy Peter the most.
However, there’s of course more to the plot of this backstory than that.  It turns there was indeed a tiny crack in the Containment Unit that the overlooked (most likely because Peter hadn’t been taking Egon’s security checks seriously.) What’s more, Peter left the contaminated jumpsuits right next to that crack.  Because of that, the contaminated jumpsuits have been slowly absorbing even more ghostly energy.  Until one night, when the buildup of psychokinetic energy resulted in the old jumpsuits literally getting up and walking away, even taking on the ghostly appearance of their former wearers.  Complete with spectral versions of the Proton Packs. The Spectral Ghostbusters make their way upstairs and proceed to try and attack the sleeping Ghostbusters, but they fortunately wake up in time and manage to drive them off. Although, this just results in the Spectral Ghostbuters to become loose in the city.  And Egon, Ray and Winston quickly figure out who is to blame for this whole mess.  Because, yes, this whole thing is Peter’s fault, since he didn’t destroy the original jumpsuits like he was supposed to. (Even though it’s shown in present day that Peter is still trying to deny his fault, as he tells Cynthia that they’d decided it was nobody’s fault this happened.)
Regardless, days go by without any sign of the Spectral Ghostbusters.  So it’s pretty much business as usual as the Ghostbusters continue their ghost catching jobs.  But then, the Spectral Ghostbusters reappear.  This time, it becomes clear that the Spectral Ghostbusters have decided to completely replace the Ghostbusters, as there’s only room for one team of Ghostbusters in the city.  And they therefore are out to eliminate the Ghostbusters.  In order to brainstorm a way to combat the threat the Spectral Ghostbusters, the Real Ghostbusters gather at the Firehouse.  As they brainstorm, they theorize that the Spectral Ghostbusters’ Proton Packs shoot off a kind of ectoplasmic energy.  Egon comes up with two different solutions to solve things. Either they could figure out how to disarm the Spectral Ghostbusters or force them to fire off the Spectral Proton Packs until they run out of energy.  Because the Spectral Ghostbusters are entities of ectoplasmic energy as well.
Of course, the Spectral Ghostbusters are essentially the identical evil twins of the Real Ghostbusters.  So they therefore have a similar idea.  And this is proven when they sneak into the Firehouse while the Real Ghostbusters are talking and hijack the Ecto-1, where the Proton Packs had been stored.  Because of that, the Spectral Ghostbusters have ensured the Real Ghostbusters are completely unarmed.  Fortunately, Ray notices that they still have a spare Proton Pack, so they’re not completely defenseless.  But of course, there’s a catch.  The spare Proton Pack was only half-charged, so it wouldn’t last long against the Spectral Ghostbusters.
Therefore, there was only one solution. Upon noticing that the Spectral Ghostbusters indeed grow weaker the longer they fire off the Spectral Proton Packs, the Real Ghostbusters realize their best bet is if one of them draws their fire and forces them to keep firing until they run out of energy. Of course, this would most likely be a suicide mission, as a direct hit from one of the Spectral Proton Packs might kill a person.  When he hears Ray volunteering himself for the task, Slimer refuses to allow this, as he doesn’t want to see Ray get hurt.  Instead, Slimer himself flies toward the Spectral Ghostbusters, forcing them to continue firing while Slimer effortlessly dodges their attacks. Until he gets distracted by Peter cheering him on.  The moment Slimer is distracted, he gets hit.  Of course, Slimer isn’t harmed too badly, seeing as he’s a ghost and therefore already dead.  But the important thing is that he did what he was supposed to do, and the Spectral Ghostbusters’ energy has depleted to the point where the Real Ghostbusters can take them out, capturing the residual ghostly energy in a Ghost Trap.  Once the day is saved, Peter ultimately relents and agrees to allow Slimer to stay in the Firehouse, in light of how the little ghost helped save their lives.
With that, Peter finishes his story, and Cynthia thanks him for his time.  She announces that she thinks she’s gained enough information to complete her news story. And as night falls, the Ghostbusters gather around the TV to watch Cynthia’s report.  However, to their surprise, Cynthia has ultimately decided to not make her news segment about the Ghostbusters, but of Slimer.  At first, Peter displays his agitation at Slimer for stealing the limelight.  But he’s clearly not really angry, as he then just kinda shrugs and allows Slimer to continue eating his popcorn.
All-in-all, this was a good backstory, as it helped bridge the gap between the events of the movie and the TV show.  If I had to pick something to complain about, it was the show’s attempt to make this whole ‘all things considered, I’d rather be someone else’ joke into an ongoing thing. Because Janine, Peter and Slimer all attempt to make that joke within the first five minutes of the episode. Thankfully, that’s nipped in the bud rather quickly.  Which is good, as I don’t think it was that funny the first time.  Though it’s interesting to note that Janine mentions she’d rather be Meryl Streep.  Why her of all people?  I realize she’s a big movie star and all.  But of all the famous women in the world, why would Janine choose Meryl Streep? Were the 80s particularly good for her? Considering I personally didn’t become acquainted with her name until The Devil Wears Prada, I’m not really sure.
(Click here for more Ghostbusters reviews)
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i8seattle · 5 years
I have been capturing night sky images of Washington State for about 4 years now. These 14 images display my moments of good luck so far.
Palouse Falls
Park Butte Lookout and Mt Baker
Govan School House, Wilbur
Mount Larrabee, North Cascades
Camped along Baker River, North Cascades National Park
Sahale Camp, North Cascades National Park
Crystal Mountain Ski Resort
Liberty Bell, North Cascades Highway
First Beach, Olympic Coast
Mount Shuksan and Picture Lake
Milky Way over the North Cascades Highway
Winchester Lookout and the Northern Lights
Winchester Lookout at Dawn
Nighttime at Diablo Overlook
Capturing nice Milky Way shots is not difficult, technically. A decent camera, wide angle lens, tripod and remote are all that’s needed. The aperture, shutter speed, ISO and focus are all set. You can read more about the settings here.
The tricky part is getting yourself and camera to a spot far away from light pollution, on a night when there is a.) No moon in the sky and b.) No clouds covering up the stars!
Once you get that all figured out, then its a matter of practice, trail and error (lots of errors), and really just getting yourself out there.
The settings for these types of images were the same:
Milky Way shots: Aperture: f2/8 ; Shutter Speed: 30 seconds ; ISO 2,500 to 6,400
Star Trail Shots: Aperture: f2/8 ; Shutter Speed: 20 minutes ; ISO 100
Here are the details on each image.
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First Beach, Olympic Coast This is First Beach, in La Push, down the road from Forks. I used this huge stump to block the light pollution from the small village. This was taken in January, and the Milky Way is faint.
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Winchester Lookout at Dawn Late September, the Lookout had been battened down for the fall… Early sunrise created a split sky of colors, while my friends meditated with their I phone. They would have the phone “on” for just 2 or 3 seconds during my 30 exposure. The light in the lookout is from a very dim stand-up flashlight I put on the floor of the building
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Crystal Mountain Ski Resort The plan was to wander off from the resort and camp and takes pics. This was shot at about 2am, in late July. There are several satellites in this image. When using a wide angle lens you have to be very close to any foreground objects, or they will be very tiny in your image.
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Sahale Camp, North Cascades National Park This is the highest camp site in the North Cascades National Park, at more than 7,500 ft. The view is facing south. 30 second exposure, my friends in the tent had the light on for 1 -2 seconds. Any longer and the tent would be over exposed.
Night Sky Images of Washington State 2020 Calendar
These 14 images are now in production for the 2020 Calendar. I am working out the details on size and paper, my goal is to make them big and beautiful! Once I handle the details and figure the cost, I will update the Calendar Page. By the end of July I will have the 2020 calendars, ready to ship.
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  Palouse Falls is a wonderful spot for Night Sky Imaging, its very remote and scenic. Someone started a campfire in the basin that night, and that’s where the wonderful illumination comes from in this shot.
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Mount Larrabee, North Cascades This is a 20 minute exposure. The green glow along the horizon is the Aurora Borealis! This image was captured from atop Winchester Mountain.
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Nighttime at Diablo Overlook Here is a south facing view of Colonial Peak, from Diablo Overlook. The star trails are streaks across the frame. If you shoot pointing north the star trails form a circle.
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Milky Way over the North Cascades Highway at the Washington Pass Overlook. This image was taken on June 2nd, at about 1am. As the Earth rotates the Milky Way arcs across the sky. The tail lights from a car headed east, to Winthrop, provide the lighting for this pic.
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Mount Shuksan and Picture Lake This famous view of Mt Shuksan affords some nice reflective opportunities! Its easy to get to, and from there you can head up to Artist Point for more images of Mts. Shuksan and Baker.
Buying Prints
Prints are available for all images. Traditional paper prints of all sizes are possible. These come ready for matting and framing. Canvas Wrapped Prints of any styles and sizes are also available directly from the web site. Here is the link to the Night Sky Gallery. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. 360-809-0661.
Also, if you use the code: Summer19 you will receive 40% off your order!
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Govan School House. Located near Wilbur on Hwy 2, this remote abandoned building was perfect for night sky. We illuminated the inside with a Coleman Lantern and a few other orange/yellow lights. I would love to find some more old building or barns to do this again!
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Park Butte Lookout and Mt Baker. I brought a very dim flash light and hung it from the ceiling, I could barely see it from out side, and it provided plenty of light for me. It looks like the stars emanate from the crater on Mt Baker!
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Liberty Bell, North Cascades Highway. The Washington Pass Overlook is one of the best spots there is to capture night sky pics. Its VERY dark, the foreground is outstanding (Liberty Bell and the hairpin turn in the North Cascades Hwy) and its easy to park and get there in the dark.
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Camped along Baker River, North Cascades. I would start the 30 second exposure and yell to them: Turn it on! and then after 1 second, Turn it off! that was plenty of light on their faces and the tent. The gravel bars along Baker River are an easy distance and very dark spots for night sky.
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Winchester Lookout and the Northern Lights. For long exposures, if you point towards the North Star, all of the other stars will make concentric circles. The green and reddish glow is the Aurora Borealis.
Night Sky Photo Classes and Photo Tours
Currently I am scheduled to teach one more Night Sky Photo Class this year, through the North Cascades Institute. It is scheduled for Wednesday night, July 31, and you can find out more here, and register.
Night Sky Photo Tours are also available each month at the New Moon. I take individuals and groups to Drive-in locations, like the Washington Pass Overlook, or Artist Point. For those adventurous photographers who can carry a 30 lb backpack up hill for a while, there are back country locations we can visit, like the Park Butte or Winchester Mountain Lookouts. You can find out more here, and feel free to email or call if you have any questions.
Night Sky Images of Washington State I have been capturing night sky images of Washington State for about 4 years now. These 14 images display my moments of good luck so far.
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Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~ (Release #1)
Happy holidays, everyone!
It's been a long development process, but we've finally made it! Me and the rest of Stormsinger Studios are proud to bring you the first release of Homecoming!
After some extensive pre-release testing and a stream preview courtesy of our friend Deckerlink, we feel it's finally ready for the public. A lot of hard work and dedication has gone into this project, and I personally couldn't be more proud of the results so far. We hope all of you enjoy the experience as much as we've enjoyed making it!
As stated in previous posts, Homecoming is a radical reimagining of Morenatsu, so please understand what it actually is. Going in, be prepared for many in-progress elements, especially on the art side of things. Homecoming is a ground-up remake of the Morenatsu we love, and many artistic liberties have been taken with the source material. We know that isn't to everyone's preference, but the intent of Homecoming is to provide a new, updated experience for old fans and newcomers to Morenatsu. For most of us on the development team, Morenatsu was a first experience coming to terms with who we are, and we want to provide the best experience possible for people who are in the same situation as we were all those years ago. If even one person plays our game and learns to love themselves for who they are on the inside, well...I consider that a victory.
A-Anyway, links are after this next section, where I'm updating the FAQ I made way back when we first announced this project.
Have a good rest of the year!
~ Dzahn
+++++ FAQ +++++
1. What is Homecoming?
A. Homecoming is a ground-up recoding of what we've already finished for Revisited. We're also increasing the game's resolution to a widescreen format, so everything should look cleaner and more organized. Essentially, think of this as a soft reboot for the Revisited project and a remake for Morenatsu as a whole.
2. Why stop developing the old version?
A. We believed it was a necessary step forward. Many issues started mounting as we developed Revisited, such as pressure from hardcore fans of the original to not change, disregard for the hard work we've put into the project, and resulting bloated code/file size trying to accommodate everyone. Starting fresh gives us the opportunity to make the experience we can feel proud of, ensuring every aspect stays consistent and the best it can be.
3. Will this change the story?
A. Yes, quite a bit, but ideally still keeping enough that it "feels" like Morenatsu. Revisited originally started out as a project to bring Morenatsu to a more accessible platform and correct grammatical errors. Along the way, it morphed into a project that tried to update the stories and give them more emotional depth. The same quality of writing you see in Revisited will continue on into Homecoming. We are embracing the “adaptation” aspect of the project, though. This means that areas where we feel there needs to be a change, such as the inclusion of female sprites, we will be making adjustments. Entire routes from the original are being rewritten from scratch to match the quality of routes released later in the game's lifespan (Kounosuke, Shun, Kouya).
4. You keep using the word "adaptation". What do you mean by that?
A. Like when your favorite movie gets a modern remake, or an old classic television show gets a new revival, we see Homecoming as an opportunity to remake Morenatsu and give another spin on the classic storylines.
5. What does this mean for us who want the old art, music, and storylines?
We're making Homecoming because we love Morenatsu and feel another artistic direction will achieve the themes we're aiming for. We're not trying to spite anyone, as rumors have stated.
Other projects have popped up who meet the "don't change anything" expectations better than we ever could. Stormsinger Studios won't be the ones doing this for you, but if you want to experience the game the original creators intended, I highly recommend checking out rtlstien's Revival port: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/26153752/
6. When can we expect updates for Homecoming?
A. We're all very busy people. Even this first release took a lot longer than I anticipated. Since we're not on any payment plans like Patreon (and have no desire to be), game updates are going to be on the old fashioned "when it's done" schedule. We'll try to keep you up to date in places like FA and Twitter, but due to our crazy schedules it would be foolish to force strict deadlines.
7. What has changed going from Revisited to Homecoming?
A. Homecoming aims to remake Morenatsu with a different goal. We desire to make a game that connects with people personally, makes them feel like things will get better in life...because eventually everything does. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we're restructuring Morenatsu to better achieve that theme.
Coming from Revisited, Homecoming will feature new sprites, CGs, music, sound effects...basically, new everything! The resolution has increased to a widescreen format, so everything has the chance to look better and feel more modern. As stated before, the storylines have been updated to aim for a theme of "Hope". Finally, most Gallery features from Revisited will be ported over to Homecoming over time, though they won't necessarily be there at first.
8. Why is the protagonist an Arctic Fox now?
A. I get this one a lot, so I'll copy/paste my most recent answer to this question: I've been pretty apprehensive about the species change (and writing out humans in general) because I knew it would be hands down the most controversial aspect of the game. So far it's been very polarized, which I expected, but I've also seen plenty of people come around to the idea as the days progress.
I wanted to remove humans from the setting because it does two things for me: It makes worldbuilding easier with not having to explain why a vastly inferior species (humans, as written in the OG) are able to coexist with superpowered beastmen (allowing me to better justify reasons why these characters would love Hiroyuki in the first place), and the concept of "if everyone is furry, nobody is", which is to say that it's up to the reader to interpret everyone the way they wish. If you want to see the characters as abstracted humans, then you're more than able to. If you want to see them as humanoid representations of their species, you're more than welcome to as well.
In short, I made the decision to remove humans from the setting because I believe it gives me more room to write interesting characters and scenarios. It provides a different perspective on things that the original game didn't have, and I believe that's reason enough to justify the change. Keep in mind, Homecoming is a "remake" and not everything is going to be (or even intends to be) exactly the way it was in the source material.
== Additional response from Frostclaw: One of the biggest things people tend to ask is "Why an arctic fox?" and though Dzahn answered the reason we made him a kemono, it wasn't exactly stated why we made him an arctic fox in particular. The truth is, we were looking for a species that wasn't represented as much in Morenatsu. Ultimately, fox was chosen, which seemed to go well, as foxes generally tend to be cute, albeit rather silly. Given that it went with Hiroyuki's personality, it just seemed to fit. However, the suggestion to make him an arctic fox was mine, for a few reasons:
1. The yuki portion of his name. Yuki, as some people may or may not be aware, is Japanese for snow. 2. Arctic foxes are an uncommon sight in Japan (though you can see a few at Zao Fox Village). They aren't native to the region. 3. Hiroyuki is extremely sensitive to the heat. Since arctic foxes have a thicker coat of fur, it fits well to make Hiroyuki an arctic fox.
As it stands, Hiroyuki is a set species, and there are no plans to allow for a species change (as that would require intensive programming and rewrites of story elements). Additionally, his kitsune heritage also will be playing an important part to the story. I can't say much about it now, but please look forward to it sometime in the future.
+++++ Release 1 Features +++++
+ Game recoded from scratch, featuring updated art along with an increased resolution
+ Tons of new and remixed writing, including three "events" that were never seen in Revisited
+ New UI
+ Most of Act 1, will take you to the end of August 6th
+ A complete soundtrack with functioning Music Room
+ New options to tailor the experience to your needs, such as enhanced adult content controls
+++++ Downloads +++++
+++++ Cool Links +++++
Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/WTjM3S5
Homecoming Soundtrack Playlist (assorted):
Deckerlink's preview stream:
+++++ Our Pages +++++ DzahnDragon (Project Director, Lead Writer, Coder): https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dzahndragon/ https://dzahndragon.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/DzahnDragon https://www.twitch.tv/dzahndragon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHwk40OW_bVzPqP6GBTU1qQ Devilizer (Art Director and Assistant Writer): https://www.furaffinity.net/user/devilizer/ Lesli-Chu!? (Composer and Assistant Writer): https://www.furaffinity.net/user/leslichu/ https://soundcloud.com/user-141917326 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLjQbwdUtaxNekKAPzMx3Aw Frostclaw (~Revisited~ Manager and Assistant Writer): https://www.furaffinity.net/user/grompyryokin/ https://www.the-gcn.com/ HypoNova (Assistant Artist)
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