#if you sometimes browse the tag be warned that there are many big spoilers for tomorrow's chapter flitting around untagged
lily-ohfally · 8 months
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Meet Lily Oh'fally! A Rava, Viera living in Ul'dah and have lived there for 10 years. He takes care of 4 younger Viera whom he have come to call his family. Three younger sisters and a younger brother. He works hard for their sake, but sometimes he works a bit too hard...
⚠ BEFORE YOU FOLLOW -> My main blog is ieatsoapdotcom! -> R18 content, I tag stuff but if you're under 18 kindly leave👍 -> I'm not responsible for your browsing experience, if you don't like what I do just unfollow/block me♥ -> Potential triggers and spoilers will be tagged with the following: [Expansion] spoilers, ie. Heavensward spoilers [Potential trigger] warning, ie. violence warning Tag list found [Here]
Lily and his surrogate family hails from Golmore jungle, though they keep it somewhat vague when it comes to their past, whether it's because of trauma or lack of memories is anyones guess. After arriving in Thanalan, they lived outside the walls of Ul'dah for many moons. Lily did his best to create connections with the merchants, doing almost anything to earn them enough coin to live. Though, Ul'dah's hostility towards refugees made things more complicated, an Lalafellian merchant had taken a liking to Lily and helped him gain a respectable reputation. Their relationship grew into a familiar one, Lily still refer to him as Gramps.
Around his 18th summer, Lily met another viera, one who was much older than him and ended up becoming his mentor of sorts. A veena with the stage name Doll who worked at a "night venue" hidden away in one of Ul'dah's many alleyways. Lily ended up working at the same venue, though exclusively as a dancer. Doll threatened the owner that "if anyone lays a hand on him, I'll kill you", as he didn't want the young viera to be defiled. Lily had always been admiring the dancers on the streets, imitating their moves from the shadows as he too wanted to dance in front of a crowd, and so he ended up doing. Though the place was not quite what he had hoped for, he would still happily dance on stage, attracting large crowds and ended up earning almost 3 times what his day job provided. His love for dancing was obvious once he started moving on the stage, his movements fluid and flawless, his expression content and gentle, almost as if he had ended up in his own world.
Lily became very gil oriented after coming to Ul'dah. Thinking that enough gil would ease the burden on his siblings and make their lives easier. Though in trying to earn more and more, he would often work himself into exhaustion. Falling ill and passing out several times throughout his life, as he wanted his siblings to focus on studying and learning, rather than working and worrying. Though they know he means no harm, they also want to help him ease the burden.
Lily is uneducated and can barely read and write. His math skills are somewhat high in comparison, being able to save money is important after all. He's also feared as a customer on the streets of Ul'dah, as he is able to bargain well and is known for being a fearsome haggler. Though, loved he is too, as he often takes any job thrown his way by the merchants and traders.
His family is made up of Lily, Layla, Kanna, Rose and Violet. Lily: Male, 25-30*, 186cm, Rava. Layla: Female, 20-25*, 190cm, Rava. Kanna: Female, 17-22*, 173cm, Rava. Rose: Female, 15-20*, 169cm, Rava. Violet: Male, 14-18*, 167cm, Rava.
Additional information:
I ship Lily with Haurchefant!! Tag is HaurcheLily and I am very delusional about them ♥️
Lily's forest name was Raeja. He changed it to Lily because of Lily of the Valley's and his fondness of them.
He is generally modest, but when dancing or working he prefers wearing light/little clothes that doesn't get in the way or get dirty.
His main colors are Royal Purple and Metallic Red. Lily's favorite colors are purples with gold.
Compared to in-game, Lily has a lot of muscle!! Wide shoulders, big boobs and strong thighs!!
*Ages from ARR to EW. They MIGHT be changed around a bit in the future so nothing is totally set except for Lily being the oldest and Rose and Violet being the youngest.
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scifrey · 3 years
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WORDS FOR WRITERS: The Value of Fanfiction
There’s been a lot of chatter on social media these last few weeks, recycling that trashy, self-aggrandizing, tired old “hot take” that reading and writing fanfiction is somehow bad for you as a writer.
Before we go any further, let me give a clear and definitive answer to this take:
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No, reading and writing fanfiction will not make you and does not make you a bad reader or writer.
 Why? Here’s the TL;DR version:
1)      Reading and Writing, any kind of reading and writing, will make you a better reader and writer. And it’s enjoyable, to boot.
2)      Fanfiction has been around as long as Original Fiction, so we’d know if there was any negative impact by now (spoiler alert: there isn’t.)
3)      Practice is Practice, so matter what medium you get that practice in.
4)      Comprehending and writing fanfiction is harder than writing original fiction because you have to hold the Source Media Text in your head at the same time as you’re reading/writing a different story. It improves your understanding of storytelling.
5)      No hobby, no matter what it is, so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else or yourself, is bad. And that goes double for if you decide to keep it a hobby. Not every fanfic writer wants to write original fiction, and that’s just fine. Not every hobby has to be monetized.
 Okay. But what do they mean by “fanfiction”?
 “Fanfiction is fictional writing written by fans, commonly of an existing work of fiction. The author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from the original creator as a basis for their writing.”-- Wikipedia
 Basically – it’s when you take elements (setting, characters, major themes or ideas) of a Media Text (a novel, a movie, a podcast, a comic, etc.) and create a different story with those elements. You can write a missing scene, or an extended episode, or a whole new adventure for the characters of the Media Text. You can even crossover or fuse multiple Media Texts, or specific elements, to create a whole new understanding of the characters or their worlds.
 Similar to fanfic, you can also create fanart, fancomics, or fansongs (“filk”), fancostumes (“cosplay”), and fanfilms. These are called Fanworks or Fancrafts.
 Fanfiction is usually posted to online forums, journals, blogs, or story archives and shared for free among the public. Before the advent of the internet, fanfiction was often printed or typed, and hand-copied using photocopiers or ditto machines, and distributed for free (or for a small administration fee to cover materials) among fans at conventions, or through mail-order booklets (“zines”).
 Fanfiction has existed pretty much since the beginning of storytelling (A Thousand and One Nights, Robin Hood, and King Arthur all have different elements attributed to them by different authors retelling, twisting, adding to, or changing the stories; there’s no single-origin author of those tales.)
 There are billions on billions of fanfics out there in the world—and while a majority of them are romance stories, there are also adventures, comedies, dramas, thrillers, stories based on case files, stories about the emotional connection between characters when one is hurt and the other must care for them, historical retellings, etc. There are also stories for every age range and taste, though be sure to take heed of the tags, trigger warnings, and age range warnings as your browse the archives and digital libraries.
 As a reader, it’s your responsibility to curate your experience online.
 So why are people so afraid or derisive of fanfic?
 People who are hard on fanfic say that…
 ·       It sucks.
o   Well of course it sucks! As it’s a low-stakes and easy way to try out creative writing for the first time, the majority of fanfiction is overwhelmingly written by new and young writers. Everything you do when you first try it sucks a little bit. 
I’m sure no figure skater was able to immediately land perfect triple axels ten minutes after they strap on the skates for the first time in their lives. No knitter has ever made a flawlessly perfect jumper on their first try. No mathematician has ever broken the code to send a rocket into space after having just been taught elementary-school multiplication. So why on earth do people think that new writers don’t need to practice? I can promise you that Lin-Manuel Miranda’s first rap was probably pretty shaky.
·       It’s lazy or it’s cheating.
o   Listen, anyone who tells you that writing anything is lazy clearly has not sat down and tried to write anything. Writing is tedious. It is boring. It takes hours, and hours, and hours to get anything on the page, and then once it’s on the page you have to go back and edit it. UGH. There is nothing about being a writer—even a fanfic writer—that is lazy.
o   And anyone who tells you that trying to tell a fresh, new story within the limits and confines of a pre-existing world and have it make sense is cheating, then they have no freaking clue how hard it is to be creative with that kind of limitation placed on you. It’s harder when you have a set of rules you need to follow. What you do come up with is often extremely interesting and creative because of those limitations, not in spite of them.
o   The argument that using pre-made characters, settings, tropes, and worlds to make up a new story is cheating is also complete bunk. Do those same people also expect hockey players to whittle and plane themselves a whole new hockey stick from scratch before each game? No, of course not. And yeah, a baker can grow all their own wheat, grind the flour, raise the chickens and cows so they can get eggs and milk, distill the vanilla, etc. Or a baker can buy a box mix. Either way, you get a cake at the end of the process. Whether you write fanfic or original fiction, you still get a story at the end of the process.
·       It makes you a worse writer.
o   * annoying buzzer noise * Practicing anything does not make you worse at it. And reading stories that are not edited, expertly crafted, or “high art” will also not indoctrinate you into being a bad writer. If anything, figuring out why you don’t like a specific story, trope, or writing style is actually a great way to learn what kind of writer you want to be, and to learn different methods of constructing sentences, creating images, and telling tales. Or you know, just how much spelling and grammar matter.
·       It’s not highbrow or thoughtful enough.
o   Sometimes stories are allowed to be just comfort food. Not every book or story you read has to be haute cuisine or boringly nutritious. You are allowed to read stories because they’re exciting, or swoony, or funny, or just because you like them. Anyone who says differently is a snob and worth ignoring. (Besides, fun silly stories can also be packed with meaning and lessons—I mean, hello, Terry Pratchett, anyone?)
·       It makes you waste all your time on writing that can’t be monetized.
o   No time is wasted if you spend it doing something that brings you joy. Not every hobby needs to be a money-maker and not everyone wants to be a professional writer. You are allowed to write, and read, fanfic just for the fun of it.
·       It’s theft.
o   According to Fair Use Law, it’s not. As long as the fanfic writer (or artist, cosplayer, etc.) is not making money on their creation that directly impacts or cuts into the original creator’s profit, or is not repackaging/plagiarizing the original Media Text and profiting off it’s resale, then Fan Works are completely legal. So there.
 How, exactly, does fanfic make you a better writer?
 ·       teaches you to finish what you start.
o   The joy of being able to share your fic, either as you’re writing it, or afterward, is a big motivating factor for a lot of people. They finish because they get immediate feedback on it from their readers and followers. Lots of people have ideas for books, but how many of them do you know have actually sat down and written the whole thing?
o   Fanfic is also low-stakes; there’s nothing riding on whether you finish something or not, so you have to inspire yourself to get there without the outside (potentially negative) motivation of deadline or a failing grade if you don’t get the story finished. You end up learning how to motivate yourself.
o   Fanfic has no rules, so you write as much or as little as you want, stop wherever you think is a good place to end the story, write it out of order, or go back and write as many sequels or prequels as you like. Again, it’s totally low-stakes and is meant to be for fun, so you can noodle around with what it means to write a “whole” story and “complete” it, which teaches you how you like to write, and how you like to find your way to the finish line.
·       teaches you story structure.
o   Before you can sit down and write a story based on one of your favorite Media Texts, you’re likely to spend a lot of time consuming that text passively, or studying it actively. Either way, you’re absorbing how and why Media Text structures the stories it tells, and are learning how to structure your own from that.
o   Once you’re comfortable with the story structure the Media Text you’re working in is told, you’ll probably start experimenting with different ways stories can be told, and find the versions you like to work with best.
·       teaches you how to write characters consistently.
o   Fanfic is really hard because not only do you have to write your fave characters in a way that moves the story along, but they have to be recognizable as those fave characters.
o   This means you have to figure out their body language, verbal and physical tics, their motivations and they way the handle a crisis (fight, flight, or fawn?), and then make up the details you may need for your story that you may never see on screen/the page, like how they take their eggs or what their fave shampoo is, based on what you already know about them. That takes some top-notch detective work and character understanding to pull off.
o   Once you know how to do that, just making up a whole person yourself for original fiction is a breeze.
·       Teaches you how to hear and mimic a character/narrator voice.
o   You have to pay close attention to how an actor speaks, or how a character’s speech patterns, dialect, work choice, etc. is reflected on the page in order to be consistent in your story.
o   And all of this, in turn, teaches you how to build one for yourself.
o   I have a whole series of articles here about building a narrative voice, if you want to read more on constructing an original voice for your narrator.
·       Teaches you how to create or recreate a setting.
o   Again, like achieving character consistency, or mimicking a character or narrative voice, it takes work and paying attention in order to re-create a setting, time period, or geographical region in a fanfic—and if you’re taking your characters somewhere new, your readers will expect that setting to be equally rich as the one the Media Text is based in.
o   Which, again, teaches you how to then go and build an original one for yourself.
·       teaches how to take critique.
o   Professional writing is not a solitary pursuit. In fact, most writing is not entirely the work of an author alone. Like professional authors work with editors, critique partners, and proofreaders, some fanfiction writers will sometimes work with beta-readers or editors as well. This are friends or fanfic colleagues who offer to read your fanfic and point out plot, character, consistency, or story structure errors, or who offer to correct spelling and grammar errors. This is a great way to practice working with editors if you decide to pursue a professional career, and also a great way to make friends and strengthen your community and skill set if you don’t.
o   Many fanfic sites offer readers the opportunity to leave a comment on a fic, rather like a reviewer can leave a review on GoodReads or Amazon, or any other online store or blog, for a novel they’ve read. Sometimes these comments/reviews are 5 star and enthusiastic! Sometimes they are… not. The exact opposite in fact. As you get comments on your fanfic, and learn to ignore the ones that are just mean rather than usefully critical, you gain the Very Important Skill of learning to resist firing back at bad comments or reviews, while enjoying the good ones.  It also teaches you how to ignore drama or haters.
·       Teaches you how to exist within a like-minded community.
o   While the actual writing part of writing is solitary and sometimes tedious, nothing is ever published into a vacuum, whether it be fanfiction or original. Besides your editing/critique/beta reader group, you will also likely develop friendships, a support network, and mutuals. It’s always great to uplift, support, cheer on, and celebrate one another’s accomplishments and victories, whether the writing is fanfic or original.
·       Teaches you that it’s okay to write about things important to you, or your own identity.
o   You can change a characters ethnicity, cultural background, sexuality, religion, or disabilities to match yours, and talk about your lived life through the megaphone of that character. Or, you can insert original characters based on you, your desires, and experiences.
o   Once you’re comfortable writing in your #ownvoice in fanfic, you can approach it in original fiction, if you like.
o   See my article titled Your Voice Is Valid for more on this.
 What if I want to be a professional writer?
 Notice how I didn’t say “real writer”. Any writer who writes any kind of story is a ‘real’ writer. I mean, pinch yourself—you’re real, right? The difference is actually between being an “amateur” writer (a hobbyist who does not write for pay), and a “professional” (who is paid for their writing). Just because you only play shinny on the street with your friends, or in a house league on the weekends, it’s doesn’t mean  you’re not still as much of a hockey player as someone who plays in the NHL.
 Writing fanfiction before or at the same time as writing original fiction that you intend to sell is a great way to learn, or practice, everything I’ve mentioned above. If you read it widely, it will also expose you to different story telling styles, voices, and tropes than your reading of published fiction.
 ·       Can I sell my fanfic?
o   No. For fanfiction to remain under the umbrella of Fair Use Law, you cannot profit off your fanfiction. There’s some grey-area wiggle room around things like charging a small amount for a ‘zine or a PDF to cover administrative costs, but zero wiggleability around, say, selfpublishing your fanfic and charging heaps for it.
·       Can I “file off the serial numbers”?
o   “Filing of the series numbers” is when you take a fanfic you’ve written and essentially pull it apart, remove everything that’s clearly someone else’s Media Text, and reassembling the story so that it’s pretty much a completely original piece of creative writing.
o   Yes, you can sell these, provided your filing is rigorous enough that you aren’t likely to be dinged for plagiarism. It’s widely known that Cassandra Claire’s Shadowhunters was once Harry Potter fanfic, and that Fifty Shades of Gray was once Twilight fanfic. But did you know that my Triptych started life as an idea for a Stargate Atlantis fic? There’s lots of stories out there that were once full fics, or the idea for the novel was originally conceived for a fandom, but written as original instead.
o   So long as you’re careful to really rework the text so that it’s not just a find-name-replace-name rewrite, you should be fine.
o   Be aware, though, that the agents and editors you might pitch this novel to know how to Google. They may discover that this is a filed-off story, and depending on their backgrounds and biases, might be concerned about it. There’s no need to inform them of the novel’s origin straight off in your pitch/query letter, but you may want to have a frank discussion with them about it after it’s been signed so they can help you make sure that any lingering copywrited concepts or characters are thoroughly changed before publication.
o   Should you take down the original fic-version of the novel while you’re querying/shopping it? Well, that’s up to you, and whether you’re comfortable with an editor/agent potentially finding it.
·       Should I be ashamed of my fic, or take it down, or pretend I never wrote fic?
o   What? Why? No! I mean, I have hidden some of my most immature work, but I’ve left pretty much my whole catalogue of fanfic online and I don’t deny that I was/am a ficcer. Why? Because it’s a great repository of free stories that people can read before they buy one of my books, so they can get a taste of how and what I write. Also, you will be in good company. Lots and lots of writers who are published now-a-days started in fandom, including:
Steven Moffat
Seanan McGuire
Rainbow Rowell
Claudia Gray
Cory Doctorow
Marissa Meyer
Meg Cabot.
Naomi Novik
Neil Gaiman
Lev Grossman
S.E. Hinton
John Scalzi
The Bronte Sisters
Andy Weir
Sarah Rees Brennan
Marjorie M. Liu
Anna Todd
...and me, J.M. Frey
 How fanfic can harm.
 Like with anything else, there are ways that reading and writing fanfiction can actually harm you, or others, but it has nothing to do with the reading or writing of fanfiction in and of itself.
 ·       Some creators may prefer that you don’t (and may or may not follow up with legal action).
o   Anne Rice famously went after fanficcers in the 90s who wrote fanfic of her work, handing out Cease & Desist notices like confetti.
o   99% of creators don’t care. Those who do will generally have a notice on their websites or social media politely asking fancreators to refrain. Mostly this is due to their general discomfort over the idea of anyone else getting to play in their worlds. The best thing to do is respect that request, and find a different fandom to write in.
·       Flamewars and fandom fights leading to bullying and doxing.
o   Regrettably, just like any other community filled with people who have different favorites, opinions, and preferences, there will inevitably be clashes. It’s up to you to decide how to react to negative interactions, and how to model positive ones.
o   Don’t forget, you curate your online experience, so don’t be afraid of that block button.
o   Also, don’t be the jerk who goes after people for liking different aspects of the fandom. Everyone is entitled to interact and like a Media Text their own way. “Don’t yuck my yum,” as they say.
·       Trying to make money on other people’s IP/Media Text (law suits, etc.)
o   It doesn’t belong to you, so don’t try to make money on it.
o   There’s a grey area here in terms of selling prints/plushies/jewelry/etc. and there’s no hard line about where one copyright owner will draw the line, and another won’t. Warner Bros. owns the film rights for both Harry Potter and Hunger Games, but I’ve seen Harry Potter-themed bars spring up while fans wanting to make Hunger Game fanfilms have been shut down. A friend of mine sells hand-made fandom-inspired items at cons—there is no rhyme or reason to what she gets told to stop making and what she’s left alone on.
o   Best thing to do if you’re told to stop is just so stop, move on, and find a different fandom to be active in.
·       Writing Real Person Fanfic (“RPF”) can be considered a violation of consent.
o   This article sums it up pretty well, but basically… if you decide to write RPF, be aware that they person you are writing about is a real person, with real thoughts, and emotions, and they may feel violated by RPF. If you decide to write it, never send it to the people it’s about, and always clearly tag it so other can choose to engage with it, or avoid it.
o   Also be aware that it could ruin their love for what they do. For example: the friendships between the members of 1Direciton became strained and the band eventually disintegrated because people wouldn’t stop sending band members smutty stories or art of them having sex with one another, and it made them too uncomfortable to continue in the band.
·       Showing/sharing fanfic & fanart outside of its intended context. Fanworks are for fans, and there are definitely issues if…
o   It’s shown to celebrities/actors/creators.
  Shoving your fantasies onto the people who create or portray your fave characters is rude, and wrong, and also kinda gross. If they seek it out themselves, that’s one thing, but the same way you wouldn’t throw it at a complete stranger, don’t throw it at them. You may love the characters these people play, but they are not their characters, and they are not your friends.
  It may also really weird them out and ruin their love for what they do.
o   it’s shown to writers working on the series.
  There was a famous case where a fanficcer sent a story to a novelist, and the novelist was accused of plagiarism by the ficcer when their next novel in the series resembled the plot of that fanfic. There was a whole court case and everything.
  Because of this, writers of TV shows, books, etc. don’t want to (and often times, legally can’t) read your fanfic. They don’t want to get accidentally inspired by what you’ve written, or worse, have to throw out something because it resembles your fic too closely. Just let them write their stories the way they want, and if they choose to seek out fic, they will.
o   it’s mocked by celebrities.
  I’m not letting Alan Carr and Graham Norton off the hook. If it’s super rude and gross to shove fanworks at actors/writers/creators when you’re a creator, then it’s doubly rude for anyone to take a story or art made for a specific audience (the fans), by a specific community (the fans), lift it out of it’s context, and invite the public to mock it while also shoving it at the actor/celebrity in a place where they are literally cornered and can’t leave (i.e. the chat-show sofa). Man, it really steams me up when they do that. It’s rude and it’s tone-deaf, and it’s not fair.
  And most of the time they do it, they don’t even ask the artist or writer for permission, first, which is just…. Uuuuugggghhhh. It may be fanfic, but it was still created by someone, and you should always ask permission before publicly sharing something created by someone else.
 In Conclusion
 If someone tells you that reading or writing fanfic is bad for you as a creator, tell them to get bent.
Famous Fanfic
·       Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda
·       Wicked by Gregory Maguire
·       Wicked: the Musical by Stephen Schwartz
·       The Phantom of Manhattan by Fredrick Forsyth
·       A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman
·       Sherlock by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat
·       The Dracula Tape, by Fred Saberhaugen
·       Paradise Lost, John Milton
·       Inferno, by Dante
·       The Aeneid, by Virgil
·       Ulysses, by James Joyce
·       Romeo & Juliet, by William Shakespeare
·       The Once and Future King by T.H. White
·       A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, by Mark Twain
·       The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas
·       Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, by Seth Grahame-Smith
·       Phantom, a novel of his life by Susan Kaye
·       …and so many more.
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notwhelmedyet · 6 years
More than Meets the Eye, beginner’s guide / resources
This guide is long. Use the headings to find the information you need & if you’ve got resources this post lacks send them along!
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Has anyone pitched the comic More than Meets the Eye to you yet? It’s a very gay action-adventure comedic drama with robots and you would probably love it (especially if you’re lgbt and/or have good taste). Here’s a few posts/articles that will tell you why you’d love it:
This article review/retrospective was what got me to read MTMTE. (warning - it has a bunch of spoilers, that didn’t bother me but might bother you)
My semi-jokey MTMTE sales pitch
@zzxid’s salespitch with dancing rats
This full entire page of radical space socialist philosophy
15 Reasons Why MTMTE/the sequel is The Best Transformers Comic (warning - has spoilers, though some will prob go over your head as a new reader)
Kiss me, Chromedome - retrospective article by The Guardian, contains some spoilers
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How/Where to Read
Okay, maybe you’re convinced. Now you want to know how/where to read MTMTE. Got you covered:
Detailed guide by @gaymilesedgeworth: How to start reading Transformers Comics
My very short answer: just read MTMTE in trade paperback form. That way all the issues are in order and you get all the extra stuff (there are prose stories after a couple issues that are very important so don’t skip them!) They’re available that way as both physical and digital books.
Here’s some ways to get access, legally (US centric, sorry):
If your local library has Hoopla (digital library subscription service), you may have access to some of the MTMTE trades that way. They’d be here; but check if you library has Hoopla first.
Your local library very well might have physical copies, so check their website!
If not and you’re very patient you can often request inter-library loans (your library borrows the books from another library) or request your library purchase materials.
You can buy digital trades via either IDW or Comixology. Comixology also includes the first 5 volumes in their comics subscription service. I’ve seen the series go on sale on both of these sites at least 4 times in the past 6 months, so keep an eye out! (Sometimes IDW participates in humble bundles, which are great, but those sales are far more infrequent)
You can also buy them in trade form from wherever you can buy books/comics. US links: Amazon, B&N, Comic Store Locators
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Character Guides
So you’ve picked up this comic and oh boy there are a lot of robots. You’re a little intimidated. Maybe you’re having a hard time telling them apart.
If you have the paperback, there’s a guide to the characters on the back cover/the last page of the digital volume. See a copy here.
It’s okay if you keep reading not knowing who these robots are. For real. You’ll get the hang of it. Don’t worry if it takes you awhile and you’re confused. Everyone’s a little lost the first time through.
Some helpful posts in case you’re struggling:
Here’s a guide that matches appearance -> name, and one that matches name -> background info (both spoiler free for issues 1-22)
A visual guide by @squireofgeekdom​ and @kscinewt​: here
Another helpful visual character guide by @bluering8: here
If you’re confused and need help, please ask! I’m willing to answer questions, I know @gaymilesedgeworth has volunteered to answer new reader questions. (Willing to help out new readers? Lemme know and I’ll make this a list)
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Lore & Background Info
Okay, so maybe now you’ve gotten into it. You want more information, you want to know all the background lore, you want to dig deep. Awesome! Got you covered!
The holy grail of Transformers information, TFwiki. A slightly snarky, overly-minutely-detailed wiki for the digital age.
They’ve also got a tumblr if you’ve got questions.
And Chris McFeely, one of the main editors, runs a Youtube series called The Basics where he explains characters/concepts across continuities
The podcast Sound.wav has episodes talking about every issue of MTMTE in great detail.
The writer of More than Meets the Eye, James Roberts, answers fan questions on his twitter. I’ve archived a lot of those questions at @jrtweetsindex​.
More than Meets the Eye has a soundtrack, because of course it does. People have made playlists collecting it on spotify and youtube.
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Further Reading
I finished MTMTE, what’s next?
If you want the direct sequel to MTMTE, go straight to Lost Light, the sequel series. It’s still ongoing and (as of right now) 12 issues have been released. There are spoilers for it EVERYWHERE on Tumblr, fair warning.
There are also a bunch of other series within the IDW comics universe, depending on what you’re interested in.
@zandergb has a chronological listing of all the IDW comics
TFwiki summarizes the IDW comics line
alt chronological guide
another guide/reading order.
You don’t have to read all the books! If you want to just read Lost Light/MTMTE, you can do just that.
There’s also a bunch of animated series, which don’t exist in the same continuity as the IDW comics. Some of them are well liked.
@ponett has a guide that’ll help you decide which you’d enjoy
And here’s a brief guide by TFWiki
There’s also the Michael Bay movies which are awful and so is he. Not gonna recommend watching them, but if you wanted to learn about film theory by listening to Lindsay Ellis dissect them, there’s a youtube series for that.
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Fan Stuff
Okay...but what about fan content and fanfic and art and community events?
First thing to know: Transformers content is posted on tumblr under the tag Maccadam. (more detailed explanation why) A lot of mtmte content is also under ‘mtmte’, so look there too. I only use Maccadam if I think a post deserves to be seen by a lot of people but opinions vary.
Second thing to know - the sequel to MTMTE, Lost Light is still being published and you will see ALL SORTS OF SPOILERS for it on Tumblr. To mitigate the damage, try blocking “LL Spoilers” “Lost Light Spoilers” and “Wednesday Spoilers”. You cannot avoid it all, so if you don’t want anything spoiled, get caught up on both MTMTE and Lost Light before browsing around Tumblr.
Warning! A lot of Transformers fanfiction is smut. Please take a moment to integrate this fact into your understanding of the universe. If you can handle that, go ahead to AO3.
If you’re curious about all the terminology used in those fics, here’s a guide to it (not every writer uses every word, but this will get you started)
If you’re not into the idea of robots having sex, here’s a link to AO3 with my personal best-effort safe-search (no guarantees, relies upon people tagging properly)
And here’s a blog dedicated to recommending good sfw transformers fanfiction
If you want to know more about Transformers fanfic, I did a whole statistical survey of it, cause I’m a dork.
Here’s an old-school Transformers-only fanfic archive (I don’t see a category for IDW comics but maybe you can find somehing)
Fanart&Fanfic Events/Zines/Gift Exchanges/Collaborative Projects:
As many active projects as I could find - I’ll try to keep this one updated
Fan Artists:
(same warning as the fanfic - there’s a goodly amount of transformers pornographic art, be aware of that and block ‘nsfw’ if necessary)
There are a ton of active fanartists who draw IDW Transformers art. If you search a bit under ‘Maccadam’ you’ll find them.
@iaconlibrary reblogs a great deal of fanart & is a great place to start browsing
If you’re into roleplaying on tumblr @teletrans-comm-unit runs a master list of active rp blogs
Transformers: Lost and Found is a long-running independent game set on the Lost Light
TF:Galaxy appears to be a forum-based tf roleplay game
My Favorite Jokes:
The best amazon review
Emotional labor (nsfw-ish warning)
Bros with Vows
There are Transformers-specific conventions, which is pretty cool! I know nothing about them but tfwiki has some info: Official and Unofficial conventions.
Regrettable Opinions:
hey this is just a quick guide of things not to do so you don’t hurt other people in the community
Do not compare Megatron to Hitler. The comparison is both vapid and offensive, as Jewish members of this community have pointed out time and again.
Don’t say transphobic/homophobic/racist/antisemitic/sexist things. You’re better than that!
Don’t attack the creators of the books/harass them on social media/make bizarre unfounded accusations of them acting in bad faith
we’re really lucky that JRo and the other creators interact with us & answer questions and don’t you dare screw that up, I’m trusting you.
on a less serious but useful etiquette note: don’t tag creators into negative reviews of their work/people complaining about their work. It’s rude to the creator & the reviewer.
That was a short list but remember to also treat other people with respect & that it’s okay to disengage with content/people that upset you.
There’s a guide on Fanlore, but it’s freakishly outdated and doesn’t even mention the comics. If you’re a informed tf fan maybe you should update it. 😉
MTMTE is a pretty small community on Tumblr, but there are a few cool folks. Remember, ‘maccadam’ and ‘mtmte’ are your tags of choice
Various websites!
Since the transformers fandom is super old, there are a bunch of dedicated websites with traditional forums to chat on. (most of these are news sites that also contain forums) idk anything about them but maybe forums are your thing:
TFW2005 - big site with a large community but be warned there appear to be more than a few alarmingly bigoted people on that site
I’m gonna throw the IDW TF reddit on this list rather than make a new section
there’s at least two active discords at the moment. I know nothing about them or discord, but maybe one of them would be to your liking:
#1 - run by @zzxid
#2 - run by ??
The community is, like all fan communities, is a mix of good and bad, awkward and friendly, opinionated and goofy, self-serious and offensive. You won’t like or agree with everyone and there are some folks you should probably block.
Just find some people who share your general outlook & are interacting with the books in the same way you want to 💕
-Lynn. I have no qualifications to write this guide, I am not an authority of anything. I just really want you to love these books. Last updated on Dec 24, 2017, click through to check for any updates.
image descriptions below cut:
[image 1: Panel from MTMTE of Rewdind and Chromedome kneeling and holding hands while Chromedome says “Rewind, my love, it’s not for me to say.”]
[image 2: Fortress Maximus covered in small brightly colored robots shaped like various animals saying “Don’t worry, my friend, all taken care of.]
[image 3: Swerve holding a cartoonish drawing of Prowl and pointing at it, saying “No! Prowl with the head spikes and the cruel mouth and the - cross all the time! Epically, preemptively, existentially cross! And cold! Supercilious and cold! Imagine Ultra Magnus without the warmth and people skills. How can you not know who Prowl is?”]
[image 4: Trailgate in holomatter form, holding the first issue of More than Meets the Eye and saying: “Besides, I didn’t say I didn’t like it - I just don’t understand all the words. And it presumes a degree of familiarity with the Autobot/Decepticon war that I still don’t have...I suppose there’s always the wiki. Or tumblr...”
Cyclonus from off panel: “I told you to stay off Tumblr.”
Tailgate: “You’re right: spoilers. I want to enjoy it issue by issue - it only goes up to 43.”]
[image 5: Drift smiling a big fake smile and saying: “Anyway - let’s move on.”]
[image 6: A panel of Cyclonus gazing out the window in his dark and empty bedroom with a panel of narration: “Of course we’re not the only ones. This ship is a refuge for the emotionally inarticulate.”]
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felassan · 7 years
Tomorrow, beyond, [ME]: Andromeda & [you]
Okay squiddos, so - it seems like in terms of Mass Effect: Andromeda news/information, tomorrow (Feb 23rd) is gonna be big/good.
The press were recently given significant looks at the game. If shinobi is to be believed, “they got several hours of hands-on”, and the embargo lifts tomorrow, supposedly at 9am Eastern. That’s 2pm GMT (here is a timezone converter if you need one). Apparently, the press will be allowed to discuss everything they saw in their previews, including missions they played, side missions, gameplay, lore, all six squadmates and how the game begins (but not how Ryder becomes the Pathfinder). 
Even if shinobi can’t be taken at his word or he’s just “predicting” stuff which is obvious/otherwise known (he seems to do that sometimes), there’s other things floating around. IGN have tweeted about a long and thoughtful 2000 word ME:A preview article that should surface at some point tomorrow. [EDIT: UPDATE - This article is going live on IGN at 6am PT, and is reportedly spoiler-free, with the writer saying that she doesn’t discuss the story or narrative at all.] IGN are holding Unlocked (I think that’s a podcast) tomorrow at a specific time so that they can talk about Andromeda there too. Dev Ian Frazier tweeted that the press who saw chargen will be allowed to talk/answer questions about what they saw tomorrow. This Reddit user (who is presumably part of the press) is gearing up and taking questions for an AMA about what they saw during 3 hours of play, saying that they can post answers from 1am Australian eastern time on Friday morning (which is around 9am Eastern, you guessed it, tomorrow [if I’m calculating things right -!]). Beyond “tomorrow” specifically, there are more videos in the gameplay series to come (supposedly the next one may coming out on Friday), Jaal information coming at some point (people are speculating tomorrow for that based on the times the previous character profiles were put up), etc. 
Even if shinobi is just saying things, it’s definitely true that with the previews and such tomorrow, there could be spoilery information or things that some would consider spoilery among the news. And, tomorrow itself aside for a second, with stuff like PAX (March 10-12th, BioWare are going to have a panel there and they say it’s going to be big, Cora’s writer will be there [EDIT: UPDATE - the panel and Q&A is from 4-5pm local time on March 10th, and is stated to contain never-before-seen gameplay and new secrets about what lies beyond the Milky Way, but no spoilers]) on the horizon and the upcoming early access trial, we’re definitely entering the period where some spoilers are going to start flying around. Therefore for those of you who are intending to go dark or considering going dark, I’d say now might be a good time to do so (just my opinion). If you’re looking for an alternative, safer community to fill your “Mass Effect discussion” fix til the game comes out (sadly on Tumblr people can’t all be trusted to tag things properly, and there’s no moderation of that sort of thing), I think r/masseffect might be a good shout. From the sounds of things, it seems like the mods there will be doing their utmost to enforce and ensure that people can browse the sub without stumbling into blatant, poorly-handled spoiler titles and information.
[EDIT: UPDATE - Ian has tweeted more details about the potential for spoilers. Press played both early and mid-game content, so light spoilage is possible. Read carefully.]
Now, I would have had to make a post with the following housekeeping information and request at some point soon anyway, so off the back of the above, now is as good a time as any.
For those of you who feel you know enough already, want to discover the rest in-game as you play or who are otherwise concerned about spoilers, but want to keep reading my blog, here’s some essential housekeeping relating to spoilers: this is not a spoiler-free blog. However, starting from tomorrow because of the lifting embargo and stuff, I’ll be tagging spoilers with all of the following tags - “spoilers”, “spoiler”, “Mass Effect: Andromeda spoilers”, “Mass Effect: Andromeda spoiler”, “Mass Effect Andromeda spoilers”, “Mass Effect Andromeda spoilers”, “Andromeda spoilers”, “Andromeda spoiler”, “MEA spoilers” and “MEA spoiler” - in an effort to catch as much of them for as many of you as possible. Hopefully that list is extensive enough. Add to your blacklist as applicable. It’s hard for me to say right now what will constitute a spoiler for me to tag in the first place... Any further or detailed story information I’d class as a spoiler, same for specific details about missions and further information on characters (not including Jaal’s official character profile, if he gets one), basically anything not officially said or revealed by BioWare themselves in their marketing, and further down the line, all things I find out from playing the game after launch definitely - but I’ll try my best. Any leaked or supposedly-leaked information is already posted/discussed under a cut with pre-warnings - any more of these will be now be tagged with the same spoiler tags. Hopefully that helps you out somewhat with your experience of my blog, anyway. I’ll understand if you need to unfollow for a while or would rather be safe than sorry, etc. If you have any issues, questions or requests regarding this sort of thing, feel free to send me a message.
On that note, I actually don’t want to know much more about the game in terms of lore, characters and story than what I do right now, so I’ll be trying to avoid spoilery stuff myself. I definitely don’t really want to know stuff to do with characters/story that comes from sources other than BioWare’s official marketing (EXCEPTION: the list of LIs and their sexualities). With that in mind, from now on news/information posts might be patchy or otherwise not contain everything that’s come to light. I’ll be trying to navigate the spoiler minefield to find spoiler-free rundowns of new information put together by other people who don’t care about spoilers, and especially towards and following the early access trial and launch itself I’ll be limiting my time on Tumblr and other sites, stuff like that. I want to enjoy and discover the game as I play it just as you do. Also with that in mind, I’m turning off Anon asks from now until after I feel I’ve played through the game sufficiently (probably a week/some weeks or so after release). I’m doing that because in the past (DA:I) people have seen fit to send me spoilers on Anon, for whatever reason. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience caused by these things, especially the Anon thing (cause I love getting messages!). :( Because of this preference to not be spoiled I also have to ask that you don’t send me links to new leaks, send me asks discussing spoilers from articles that you haven’t seen me post about, ask me my thoughts on [x] story revelation that you haven’t seen me post about, tell me about your reaction to something that happened in your playthrough shortly after launch, etc until a reasonable amount of time since launch has passed or you see a post from me saying I’m turning on Anon asks again or that I’ve finished my initial playthroughs (something to that effect).
Closer to the trial and to launch I’ll reblog this information a couple of times. My liveblogging tag for the game is going to be “MJ in Andromeda”, so you may wish to blacklist this also.
Hopefully we can work together to keep the game unspoiled and our Tumblr site-experiences as regular and smooth as possible. :)
Thanks for reading, sry for the longpost, I know it was pretty damn dry.
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yona-chan · 5 years
Do you have any idea how many chapters in total manga of Akatsuki No Yona will be? PP
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(Hey anon! Sorry I can’t answer this ask privately - anonymous asks must be public, but nobody will know you sent it so don’t worry.) 
I’m not sure how many chapters total the AnY manga will be - I think only Kusanagi-sensei herself could fathom a rough number. If you’ll allow me to guess though, I have a hunch that AnY could have over 200, but will stop well before 250. I say this because the current arc is seeming like it’ll set up all the pieces needed for a final arc - if the current arc doesn’t end up being one giant final arc within itself. I feel as if we could reasonably get another 30-ish chapters, which will push the series over 200 total, but 250+ (to me) seems like it’d be way too many with what the story really has left in terms of mysteries/important plot threads to reveal and wrap up. I’d like to think that the end is in sight and the series won’t drag on and on. But, I have no say in the matter, so we’ll have to wait and see ;D
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