#if you tell me I'm not obnoxious then I'm gonna find YOU obnoxious ok trust me there's no winning with this guy.
steorn · 1 year
really trying to exist without finding myself the most obnoxious person in the world.
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
back at it again with all my thoughts while watching Echoes of the Past
can't tell if lilith has already broken or if she's truly always loved watching paint dry but my money's on the former
oh my god, luz and lilith are huge fucking nerds over glyphs and i am here for it
lilith perhaps instead of thinking you know everything about history from being a scholar in the coven, perhaps you should consider that belos wiped shit from history
remember when we were all like, king and lilith will get along?? they certainly aren’t here.
"he called me ignorant!! me!?" lilith pls it's only been like 2 weeks since you left the coven
anyways between the fact that she briefly mentioned belos earlier and that she's appalled to be called ignorant i'm gonna say lilith definitely still has conflicted feelings about the emperor and the covens as a whole
anyways i think hooty is somehow even more obnoxious after becoming friends with lilith
it's lilith's fault we all had to listen to hooty remove himself.
eda in bathrobe 👀i am gay
"oh no not again" eda how many times has this happened
"this island shouldn't be here, it's not on any maps" yeah because someone probably doesn't want people to know about it
headcanon rn that eda taught luz to graffiti
"history mystery" LILITH YOU NERD I LOVE YOU
confirmed luz is actual sweetheart but we knew that
"who knows what other parts of history we scholars have missed" you didn't miss them!! i guarantee they've been erased on purpose by emperor asshat
love the subtle acknowledgements that eda is definitely just getting drunk off apple blood
pls all these guard things sitting in their holes in the wall is giving me enigma of amigara fault vibes and anything that reminds me of that makes me feel sick
"my lord" lilith pls no. i really think how quickly she switched over to believing him and calling him lord demonstrates just how much her time in the coven has made her susceptible to believing or trusting things with the slightest bit of proof
eda knows this thing can't get past the barrier so it's understandable she's not running, but i hate that lilith saw it coming to attack and just kinda braced herself. when eda tried to hurt her in ybos we assumed it was cause she felt she deserved it but now im wondering if just bracing herself to take whatever is coming is lilith's common response and if so that's concerning ok maybe I looked at this wrong and she’s just trying to protect Eda but still there’s a sense of be willing to get hurt there.
i, uh, wow, this does feel kinda messed up on eda's end for creating this fantasy for king and lying about it for years. i mean i think she had good intentions keeping it up, but uh yeah finding out a truth like that can mess a person up
"i can't tell what's real and what's fake" of all the characters i'd expect to make me cry, king wasn't at the top of my list but uh this line did it in for me. i mean that certainly sums up what uncovering repressed memories can feel like, or at least in my experience it does. it's really scary to remember things all of a sudden and not know what to believe anymore, even if it's stuff from your own mind. it can make you feel crazy, so i empathize with king a lot here
pls that was such a sweet interaction between eda and king
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they're using luz's new glyph combo!!
also is king like younger than Luz. if he was looking like a baby 8 years ago he can’t be much older than that.
nope nope nope i hate that they did in fact take the thing home
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beebubb · 3 years
Amari and William grossman friendship headcanons
They met at the institution. They were assigned partners for a project. Amari was always really serious so will didn't really talk to her sense she always seemed pissed off or just had a "done with your shit" expression
They lived in the same apartment. They were just 3 doors apart
How did the friendship start though?
It was the day to pay rent and hookman was threatening will and LJ again.
Amari was used to it but, hookman was being more of an asshole than usual and saying he was gonna evict them. So she stepped in
"um Mr. Landlord sir, i'll be paying for their rent this time. They helped me pay off a medical bill, that's why they don't have money right now.
She just lied so he would leave them alone. I mean, will wasn't a complete stranger to her so she kinda knew him, so she didn't mind paying this one time for their rent
Hookman didn't completely believe It sense, they barely had money to pay rent so how would they pay a medical bill? But he didn't care much, all he wanted was his rent money
Once she payed him both will's rent and her own, he finally went away
Will was actually kind of embarrassed to have one of his classmates pay for his rent but he was thankful
"thank you so much! You saved our asses!"
"it's no problem"
Will wanted to thank her and do something in return, so him and LJ invited her to the pub
Will: let's go for some drinks!
LJ: our treat!
Amari: no it's OK, besides I'm not much of a drinker
Will: but you payed for our rent! It's the least I can do!
Amari didn't really feel like going out but will was persistent, so she ended up going.
Will and LJ were well know in the pub but she noticed a lot of all the hate LJ would get, and all the annoyed looks and sighs they gave will
She didn't really get why. I mean, she had a lot of fun with the two of them. Yeah they would laugh a bit loudly at their jokes when they got a bit tipsy but they were really nice.
Drinking together and being partners for class became more usual for Will and amari and ended up being friends.
Amari was used to being alone in her apartment either doing school work or doing proxy work (she was lucky enough to be accepted early as a slenderman apprentice)
But with will, her days became more fun and even more tolerable
If you know her back story, you know will wasn't at all the type of person her family wanted amari to be friends with. But amari didn't really care. She was tierd of being the rich "perfect" girl most of her life. She wanted to actually get to choose her friends and have actual fun. So she didn't care if others thought will was annoying or obnoxious, she liked him and that's all the mattered.
She loved will's crackhead energy. All the things he did never failed to make her laugh
Will encouraged her to do the same things as him and it took a bit of convincing but she gave in
So after she got used to always joining Will, you could always find them doing shit like this
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Though what really sealed their friendship was when amari told will about her past
It all happened when they were hanging out at will's apartment
LJ: hey amari, why exactly did you come here to the underworld? From what you've told us, your life seemed pretty good!
Will: yeah! I mean you were rich! I would have loved living in a huge house and wearing designer clothes like you!
Amari: trust me, you live better than me, you wouldn't want what I have...
Will: why not?
Amari: it's just that... My family life was complicated
Will: why though? If you don't wanna tell us it's fine though!
Amari: it's just....
Remembering her family made her feel so angry so she immediately started ranting
Amari: I just HATED my fucking family! Nothing I ever did was Good for them! It was always amari do this, amari do that, I could never do anything I wanted! Or you can't be friends with her! She's poor! Or, you can't be friends with that boy! he's stupid! I always did everything they told me to! I was the top of my class, I learned to play "fancy" Instruments, took AP classes, didn't have any friends that weren't "up to my level" but yet it was never good enough! I was stuck in that damn house full of arrogant assholes!!
Will: holy shit... Amari I didn't know you ran away because of that! Your family was horrible!
Amari: I didn't run away because of that!
Will: then why?
Amari: it was because I killed this girl named katlyn....i just... hated her so much! My whole life I tried to make my damn family happy, but she just came along and they preferred her over me! They thought she was better than me just because she was a top student and always said "amari be more like katlyn!" I just hated her for that! She never struggled like I did! That's why I fucking killed her! I was so tierd of seeing her everyday just to remind me that I was nothing like her....
Will: was she an asshole to you too?
Amari: not... Really... She was actually really nice to me and even said she admired me... That's why I used that to have the advantage to get rid of her.... I made her believe I was her friend so she would trust me, and once she did, I killed her........
Will was shocked. he wasn't that surprised cause, who was he to judge anyways? He literally came to the underworld to kill
But amari stayed quiet while deep in thought and that's when she realized.
She was blinded by her own anger that she basically killed her very first friend
She had never thought about it untill now
Katlyn was nothing but nice to her. Yet she killed her. And that's when she realized that she always complained about her family being arrogant and narcissistic, yet she wasn't any better than them
The first time she killed her, she felt in control, something she never felt, that's why she enjoyed it so much, but now, she just felt so bad for it. She was no better than her family, she was so angry at herself that she didn't even know what to say anymore and just felt her eyes fill with tears
Will: ! Y-you don't need to cry!
Amari: I had no reason to kill her! Oh God... I....i made a mistake.... I'm a horrible person...I shouldn't have killed her! I'm no better than my damn family...
She just covered her face and let the tears run down
LJ just frowned but tried to comfort her
LJ: cmon kid don't say that! You are nothing like them!
Will: yeah! Maybe what you did wasn't exactly right but...it doesn't mean you're a bad person!
Amari: but I killed my only friend...
Will: not exactly! you have us! Maybe your friendship with katlyn didn't end well but, you're here now! You can start fresh! We'll be your friends!
LJ: yeah! And we're not saying that just because you payed our rent!
Amari smiled and chuckled a bit at LJ's remark
She felt accepted with them. Which was definetly something new.
But she loved it. Will was right, she had a new life in the underworld, and she could start fresh with actual friends
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aetheternity · 3 years
As the world caves in. (Farlen x reader)
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Synopsis: Farlen is a new member of the Survey Corps and you're attracted to him the second you lay eyes on him.
You'd been talking with Hange about it all night into the morning. The new recruits from the underground. You couldn't help it, when you wanted something you just had to have it no matter what.
"You're telling me he's not cute to you?" You asked as you leaned your back against the table, looking at Hange upside down.
"You always worry about the wrong things." Hange replied, with a strained smile.
"Doesn't matter.." You replied, seeing the group of three entering as you spoke. The three of them really never separated. It annoyed you a little that you couldn't find an opening to get him alone. "I'm gonna talk to them before you do!" You smirked and with that you were up.
"Y/N!!" You heard Hange hiss but the noise was quickly dissipating as you walked further into the crowd.
You slowed your pace a little staring in the opposite direction of Farlen, Isabel and Levi perfectly placing yourself at the right angle. And-
His cup clattered to the floor with a pretty obnoxious thud. You grunted, that wasn't quite what you had in mind..
"Geez, you can't watch where you're going?" He huffed, reaching down to pick up the empty cup.
"Yeah! What's up with you!" Isabel added
You smiled, leaning in a little closer. "Oh.. sorry, I didn't see you there. But now that I'm looking I'm intrigued."
His blue eyes widened and his lips parted staring at you with slightly furrowed brows. "You're.. Farlen aren't you? And you're Isabel and Levi?" You asked even though you knew pretty much everything that Mike and Erwin knew about them.
"Who's asking?" Isabel huffed, crossing her arms.
"I'm Y/N, I've been in the survey corps for almost two years now. I've heard a lot about you guys." You explained "Though I was never made aware of someone so cute joining our ranks."
"Eww." You heard Isabel whisper. Levi just glared, eyebrow slightly raised.
"I-I uh.. Me? You think I'm cute?.." Farlen asked
Now Levi's stare was turning into one of disbelief angled at Farlen. "Hmm." You just hummed as a reply leaning in closer to him. "Uggh I can't believe I ruined your shirt.. and spilled your drink. I'll go get you another one, ok." You remarked and with a little bounce you were walking away to get him a drink replacement.
You managed to find the table where the three of them were sitting easily though as soon as you approached the conversation between them seemed to die off.
"Here you go and listen if you need any help getting the stains out-" You leaned into his ear feeling a spark run through you at the sudden jolt of his body from your presence. "I'm always around."
And with that you circled on your heels, hips swaying right back to your table. You plopped down in front of Hange trying to ignore the roll of her eyes.
"You can't try to get with any of them. You should know that the commander is not gonna be happy about this."
"Aw let him not be happy. The man never smiles anyway."
"Not a shred of life preservation exists in you does it?" Hange laughed
You turned to look over at Farlen your chin resting on your palm. A little shocked that he was already looking at you. You sent him a wink and his skin bloomed pink as he swiveled around. You almost laughed.
"No one in this very room has a shred of life preservation. A wise woman once said, take as you may a sexy man while you're still young and before you get defiled by titans."
"You definitely just made that up." Hange replied, setting aside her book and picking up her cup of water.
"Jeez Hange it's so late at night. Aren't you tired?" You asked
Your feet were kicked up onto her desk as you stared down at the notes in front of you. Your yawn was the thing that actually made her look up from the mountain of books stacked in front of her.
"If you're tired take a break."
The chair clattered against the floor as you stood arms outstretched above your head. "I'll be back in a couple minutes." You remarked
Helping Hange so late at night wasn't exactly your favorite thing to do but you did love walking through the empty corridors at this time. Staring out at the deep blue of the night sky with stars dotted over it like a huge tapestry. Air filling your lungs from open windows and the soft flicker of candlelight keeping you company.
Though tonight you heard voices. Slightly inaudible but definitely more than one voice. You slipped around a corner, tilting your head as the sound grew. After a little more walking aimlessly you could fully hear the conversation and each person individually.
You smiled a little when you recognized Farlen's voice on the other side of the door. With zero hesitation you pushed it open. Farlen's eyes immediately widened and his mouth hung open while Levi and Isabel's faces scrunched up.
"What're we talking about?" You giggled playfully
"Don't you ever mind your business!" Isabel huffed, her cheeks puffing cutely.
You smiled at her. "I can't help it.. the gossip around here is amazing."
Before you could completely register his movements Levi was forcing you out of the room, shoving your shoulders back against thick walls. You winced at the sudden pressure and the pain flowing through the back of your neck.
"This has nothing to do with you. You should butt out while you still can."
You blinked at him, his dark eyes honestly intense enough that for a second you did feel a bit intimidated.
"Levi.." Farlen tried
Levi backed up slightly and Farlen stepped forward a little. "How much did you here?"
You giggled looking down at the ground. "What? About your plan to kill Erwin and steal some documents from him?"
"Now can I take her out?!" Isabel huffed but Farlen just pushed her back.
His blue eyes wavered a bit and he stepped a little closer. "How do you know that?"
"Lucky guess.."
"Don't fuck with me."
You sighed in mock defeat. "I didn't hear your conversation. I've known there was something off about you guys since day one but if I wanted to talk I would've already."
"Why would you not rat us out? What possible reason could you have for keeping our secret, you know your precious commander could die and it'll partially be your fault." Farlen said
You rolled your eyes bringing a hand smoothly up Farlen's arm, squeezing his shoulder blade a bit before resting your fingertips against the back of his neck, thumb softly stroking his jawline.
"I wasn't lying when I said I think you're cute Farlen so I couldn’t bare to see anything bad happen to you."
Isabel made a sound like she was gagging and she turned away. Farlen's hand came up to yours gripping it with surprising roughness he pulled it away from his face.
"We have a mission here. You need to stay out of it." He said letting go of your hand.
Levi gave you one last glare before they were all turning but your words made Farlen look back. "You should know at no point will you ever have to trust me. But I doubt anyone you ever meet will come at you with this much intensity completely based on pursuing a relationship." You turned and now Isabel and Levi were watching too. "Hope you succeed." You said 
And with that you were gone. Surprisingly you felt a pang in your chest. You couldn't help the grunt that slipped off your lips into the quiet hallway as you gripped your shirt between your fingertips increasing your pace.
By morning the stack of papers on Hange's desk had diminished slightly and honestly you were surprised. The mountain seemed completely unmovable but now you could see Hange's face without having to move your head.
"Ok!" Hange announced causing you to flinch. "We did a sizable amount of work!" She patted your head giving you a light thumbs up.
"Without a lick of sleep." You yawned
"You're off tonight so you can sleep then." Hange retorted, heading to the door.
"What about now??"
"Training starts right now. You head out I have to get these papers to the Commander."
You groaned loudly as you exited the cramped space. Though it felt nice to stretch the noises your back made when you did so were less than nice. You twisted your shoulders first to the left and then to the right as you walked, little details from last night flooding your memory.
It had been nice to not have them for a while. Your thoughts completely bombarded all night with paperwork and Hange's chatter. You didn't mind spending so much time with her, especially since Hange really was the only person in the survey corps you considered a friend.
Though your brain continually played everything over again on a steady loop. Farlen's words echoing off your skull.
We have a mission here. You need to stay out of it.
The same pang returned but slightly duller. You just ignored it. It took a few minutes to get your gear on and as soon as you did you rushed out to the clearing, feeling the wind brush past your face. The feeling soothing in comparison to the hot room you'd been in all night.
It only took a few minutes for you to get to the clearing. Immediately being called to do drills with your odm gear. You ran past Farlen who happened to be standing next to Isabel and this time you didn't say a word.
Two hours had passed and training was starting to slow as people jumped off their horses and sat themselves down to drink. You sat where you always did, on top of one of the fences to watch as everyone talked and sometimes laughed with each other.
"You don't hang out with anyone?" You jumped, hoping it didn't look as dorky as it felt. Farlen stood by your side, his soft blue eyes illuminated by the glaring sun that washed over every inch of territory around here.
"Hey." You replied looking back out towards the captains standing together conversing.
"Can I.. sit?" He pointed awkwardly to the fence by your side.
You nodded, bringing your water back up to your lips. You glanced over at him through the corner of your eye and he shrunk where he sat.
"Didn't know what you were gonna say before you came over here?"
"I don't.." Farlen sighed, playing with his fingers in his lap. "Look.. I.. it's good that you like me. I'm sorry. I've never had a girl or anyone feel this way towards me.."
"What makes you think I still do?" The flicker in his eyes as he looked back up to you made you waver. "Sorry I'm kidding."
He huffed with a playful roll of his eyes, looking back down to his hands. "Isabel and Levi don't want me to hang around you.. or to talk to you at all.."
It was hard not to say all the thoughts currently clouding your mind. Even if you knew you shouldn't say something you normally said it anyway but somehow you managed to suppress the urge.
"I.. I don't really know anything about girls or relationships or anything like that but at the moment I have to focus on my mission and once that's done.. me and Isabel and Levi are gonna leave this place.. I'm sorry."
You leaned closer to him. "What do you think of me?"
You giggled, "Now? In general? When we first met?"
He paused staring into your eyes. "Now.. I think you're.. close." You pressed a kiss to his cheek. "In general.. I'm not sure." He continued 
His hair clung messily to his forehead and you couldn't help but brush any stray hairs aside. His entire face seemed to not only flush color but heat as well. His gaze transfixed, not pulling away or moving closer.
"When we first met?"
He gulped, "Beautiful.."
"I.. thought you were beautiful."
Your smile was almost shitty as you reached over to his other cheek pressing a slightly longer kiss on it.
"You're not so bad yourself."
"I feel like you're trying to make this difficult." He hummed you were surprised when his forehead came down to rest on yours.
"If there's one thing I've learned from the Survey Corps-" You brushed your knuckles against his, slipping your thumb over the back of his hand. "It's do what you can while you still can."
You squeezed his hand once more separating yourself as Levi and Isabel started to approach. With one last shrug you were off.
There was a mission outside the walls tomorrow so you'd gone to bed incredibly early considering your usual track record.
Around what had to be 12 am you were awoken by a couple sharp knocks on the door of your shared room. Your roommate huffed in agitation and you slid out of bed. You wrenched open the door fully intent on letting the person on the other end have it-
"Hey.." Farlen exhaled as if he’d been holding his breath.
"Wh-" You paused rubbing your eye as you looked over at Isabel and Levi their scowls enough evidence that they were here against their will.
"I needed to see you again." Farlen explained
"Well, twelve am is the impromptu time for bringing your friends to someone's room." His face fell and heat rose to your cheeks. "Sorry, I get sarcastic when I'm sleepy."
"You were sleeping this early?" Isabel asked
You shrugged with a soft smile. "I don't have the endurance you guys do."
"She's not like us Isabel." Farlen muttered
"Is that why you like her?" Levi questioned though it sounded more like a statement.
Farlen's face turned probably the brightest red you'd ever seen. "Oh so you do like me?" You said smirk evident. 
"I've.. I said it before.."
"Not in those words." You moved closer and Isabel grunted.
"It's getting gross again.." She remarked "I hope you didn't bring us here to watch you make out with her."
"No! Shut up!"
You hummed. "Shame, though if you'd come alone we could've done a little more than make out." Your fingers played with the top button on his shirt shifting over to the collar, gaze never faltering from Farlen.
"Tell her already." Levi huffed, eyebrows pinching together.
"The mission is tomorrow. After the mission we're.. leaving we'll have succeeded in our mission." Farlen said You tilted your head backing away a bit."We'll be citizens though. Which means maybe.. you could come visit sometime?"
For the first time since you'd met them Isabel and Levi actually looked apologetic.. Isabel more her big eyes soft. Levi's face mostly the same as always though his eyes wavered.
"If you choose to come to us because you wanna visit Farlen, then me and Levi bro will be cool with that. Right Levi bro?"
Levi sighed but didn't say a word. You looked back to Farlen, his features twisted with concern as he took in your expression.
"I hope you'll be happy up here on the surface."
"Wait, what.."
"What kind of life did you want up here Farlen?" Your fingers crept into his hair pushing the strands aside to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Your free hand squeezed his wrist.
"A life where I'd be free with Isabel and Levi."
"And now?"
".. Now I want you too. I wanna see where it could go.."
You rested your head on his shoulder. "Do you think it's possible?"
You felt his chin swiping back and forth against the back of your head and you sighed. "You're right."
With one final squeeze to his chin you tugged yourself away from his warm grasp. "Good night guys." Your door was opening and then closing just as quickly.
It hadn't been raining when you guys first set out but by the smell of things you could tell it was gonna get dangerous out here soon.
"Split up in your groups! Don't lose sight of each other!" Erwin shouted over the onslaught of rain.
You could hear distant shouts and some fading gallops as the groups quickly followed orders. People are gonna start dropping fast you thought. You looked straight ahead catching Farlen's gaze as it fell back on you.
Right now the only people surrounding you were Isabel, Farlen and Levi. Gripping the reins on your house you trekked along with them keeping an even pace. The other's from your group had basically vanished and as much as Farlen's eyes boring holes into the back of your neck made you wanna do the same you stuck close.
Fate would do terrible things to those who strayed from the group.
"I'm going to grab the documents. Now while the storm is distracting everyone." You heard Levi yell to Farlen.
"You better not get hurt!"
"You got this Levi bro!" Isabel called in her normal playfully brash way.
Levi huffed and with a final "stay safe" he was speeding off.
"Should he really be going off by himself in a storm like this?" You asked, pulling your horse up next to Isabel.
"Don't worry Y/N, Levi bro is one of the toughest guys to come out of the underground. He'd never be beaten by titans or Erwin."
Farlen turned to look at you, "What if I stayed?"
"Huh? Stayed where?" Water was pouring down the hood of your cape into your eyes but you blinked it away.
"I could stay in the Survey Corps. We could stay in the survey corps!" Farlen announced
Isabel shook her head chaotically. "That wasn't in the plan Farlen!"
"You're not staying in the Corps for me!"
"If you have the option of a better life you should definitely take it."
"How will I know which version of life would be better for me? Nothing is completely decided yet and we can still talk to Levi and-"
"ISABEL!" You yanked at your horse’s reins not even slightly prepared for the way you were thrown off. Your horse skidding in the collected mud.
Isabel's scream was silenced almost immediately as a huge titan with long black hair gulped and then regurgitated her head, swallowing down her limps with ease.
"Piece of shit!" Farlen yelled
"Farlen no!"
Farlen landed on the grass with a hard thud. His eyes wide and mouth hung in a wide O. A gasp fell off his lips and you looked to him a shooting pain flooding your right side. You heard his gasp once more eyesight hazy.
"Farlen.." You breathed out suddenly taking in the harsh reality of spreading pain. Blood running cold down your legs. "You're even beautiful now."
(Omg guys thank you for almost 450 followers. 🥺 I really appreciate it.)
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Halloween Confessions
You have yearned to meet Sebastian from afar for years. When the stars aline and you are hired to do a contemporary dance routine at a Halloween Party that he will attend, will you have the courage to follow through and finally meet him? Tonight is all about Halloween and Confessions....now, where is the bar because your gonna need a stiff drink?
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Your body throbbed and your nerves were tattered at every end. Weeks you had trained with your partner and friend, Travis, for tonight's event. Although it was a friendly and "casual" party of sorts, every detail was designed to the tiniest measure.
Robert spared no expense in his endeavor to entertain his guests and was always generous to everyone associated. You were a contemporary dancer and met Robert years ago through your boss and close friend Travis. Robert's wife was a fan of So You Think You Can Dance and followed Travis' career and was thrilled when a performance was orchestrated for this evening. Tonight he had arranged a number for you and while you were no stranger to dancing, doing so in front of your crush was going to push you over the metaphorical edge.
Travis came up next to you with a smile. "So a little birdie told me that Sebastian came alone tonight. He and Sadie broke up months ago." He wiggled his eyebrows at you while you resisted the urge to hide under Robert's ridiculously overpriced armoire. "Fuck me. Please, shut the hell up. I know he's dress to kill as a Priest and my libido can't handle images of him right now." Travis let out a chuckle while adjusting your dress and applying the sinfully Red lipstick.
"Please, after he sees you doing the number he will undoubtedly pull you in the closest closet and have you confess your transgressions." The blush that rose up your bosom was enough the tint the heavens themselves it was so extensive. "Leave me, Travis! I will cut you... and not with affection!" He laughed as he held his hands up in surrender and walked out of the room. "I am going mingle and do some groundwork. You'll see, darling." After that, you waved him off while you and Jeremy did stretches and final touches.
Sebs Point of view
He sat in the living room with legs spread in his typical fashion, welcoming. Even if that was the last emotion, he felt at that instant. If anything he wanted every person of the female persuasion to leave him the fuck alone. Save the one woman who walked in and then instantly disappeared. Messy hair, sweet face, casual clothes. She was with Robert's dancer friend Travis, and there was something so natural and alluring about her that he couldn't quite pin, and pin he wanted to do indeed. He had an instant hard on that he couldn’t suppress when his eyes laid on her.
He felt his phone vibrate again from his pocket and growled in acknowledgment. Chris smirked from the seat across him and welcomed Travis as he sat down next to Sebastian, a mixed drink in hand. "Sadie callin' again?" Seb nodded wordlessly. "Yea, she won't take no for an answer, and it's been driving me insane." Seb turned to see Travis sitting there and smiled kindly at him. "Hey man. Nice to see you again." Travis agreed and shook his hand.
"Flying solo, Sebastian?" He nodded and thought this was the perfect time to ask about the girl he saw the blonde man with earlier. "Yea. Actually, I noticed you with a stunning woman earlier, not to sound like a creep. Where did she go off to?" Travis smirked deviously, and Sebastian caught it, unsure of what it implied. "Oh, Y/N. She had to ...work." Seb's face instantly frowned at the thought of missing the elusive beauty but hoping that if he stayed close to Travis tonight, he might be able to talk the man in arranging a meet with her.  He was sure that he came off as an ass, talking about Sadie then his friend. He had to make it up and make sure Travis knew he wasn't a prick.
Robert came out into the cleared area and clanked a utensil on his glass. "So my better half has introduced me to the art of dance and her lovely and remarkably talented friend Travis has a treat for us tonight." He beamed as he waved Travis up in front of everyone. "So I have a special treat for everyone here. She is one of my best friends, and I've had the privilege to dance with her on several occasions. I choreographed this routine special for tonight, so I hope that you enjoy it!"
You came out and met Travis when the lights were low. "Easy, darling. Just pretend I'm him." You smirked at his jest, but you knew that having him in the room with this song was already sending adrenaline through your body at accelerated speeds.  "Shut up and dance with me, Trav." He kissed your cheek playfully as the music started and the lights came up.
Link to Dance
While there was plenty of room, you felt Travis throw you exceptionally close to Sebastian on one move and made eye contact with him. His blue eyes were leaving marks over your skin wherever his orbs kissed your flesh.
Sebastian took a sharp intake of air, and you wanted to smother the gremlins in your stomach. The dance was a narcotic, and when the line hit of “Give Me all your love”, and your body was slung over Travis' muscular one, Seb's hands fisted at his sides in sheer possessiveness.
You were hoisted in the air, and then you spun down and around his body. Travis was facing Sebastian with a cold yet theatrical face as he slammed his hands around your body. Seb's body took a step towards you of its own volition, but Chris grabbed his arm holding him back. Sebastian snapped out of the lust infused haze he was drugged under and looked to his feet as both you and Travis ended the routine on the floor, amidst cheers and applause.
Both of you bowed and smiled as you thanked everyone and while you were talking to the Downeys you felt your body pulling you towards Sebastian, like a gravitational pull. It was all-consuming, and as soon as you could politely excuse yourself, you did, finding the bar and ordering a whiskey sour to assemble your thoughts... hopefully.
When you turned around to start walking you ran into the very person that made your body shutter and squirm with delight and unrestrained anxiety. Your drink spilling down his sinfully snug suit. He gasped at the cold liquid running down his pant legs while you cringed at the entire exchange. 
"Oh fuckity fuck!" You recoiled at your first meeting going so very well. All of the shameful times you had rehearsed it going straight out the window and shattering on the sidewalk. You caught Chris and Travis laughing and giving you an obnoxious thumbs-up behind Sebastian's head, while he was laughing at your outburst unbeknownst to the audience.
"I am so sorry, S-seb. Sir?" His eyes shot up to you, losing his laugh and garnering a smirk instead. His shoulders straightened and you pulled at your dress and tried to compose yourself under his scrutiny. You cleared your throat.
"That's ok. These things happen. Although, I would've thought you were far more graceful by your performance earlier." The sex appeal this man exuded was positively unfair, how he was so put together was just plain wrong. You were damn near ready to pull him into the closest closet and beg for forgiveness in varying forms while he was in this priest costume. He, however, was unaffected by you. You needed to pull your shit together if you wanted to get this man and make him yours 
"I-um. I'm not used to all of this--" You waved around to all of the drunken actors and actresses and noticed a few women cutting eyes at you and paused a moment, trying to will the intimidation away. "What? Bullshit?" He laughed, and it brought you back to the moment and the fact that your arms were still soaked and so were his pants.
He nodded towards the other side of the house. "C'mon, let's go get cleaned up." You swallowed hard as you followed this magnificent specimen of a man through the crowds. You started to lose him, but he took your small hand in his and closed your eyes for a moment. He leaned into your ear, over the music, "After I get you clean up, tell me I can have a dance?" His voice was low and gritty, and you didn't trust your voice, so you only nodded.
Sebastian meanwhile, didn't know what came over him, but as he saw you in that little red number standing so small and timid, he knew this was his chance. As you stood in front of him, he almost lost his words but when you said "sir" in a fit of pure anxiety, a switch was flipped, and he loved seeing how you unraveled in front of him.
He put on his best act to get you to follow him to someplace quiet to get cleaned up, trying to get his nerves to calm down long enough to form a plan after that. When you agreed to a dance he was fucking thrilled, just a few more minutes longer with you would be enough...for now. Hell, he would take every damn second he could press out of this scenario, every thrilling moment you would give him. Because that what this was, you were an adrenaline rush for him since seeing you dance. You were a drug for him since he saw you walk into the party.
He found the secluded bathroom and entered it, locking it behind you two.
You washed your hands and arms under the sink as he watched from the side, such a mundane task seeming so intense under his blue eyes. "So I'm
Y/N." He finally threw you that gorgeous smile you had seen before in the movies. "I'm Sebastian, but you can call me Seb, or sir ..if you like." He was smirking like the devil in a midnight mass now, and you dried your arms hiding the crimson shade and biting your lips.
"Sir? Is that because you want me to confess my sins to you?" His breathing had picked up as you took a small step closer to him, taking the damp, clean towel and drying off his hands. "What confessions would you like to make, darlin’?"
You shrugged innocently thinking to yourself. While you wanted to have a relationship with this man earnestly, you knew that the chance of that was slim. However, there was a chance of having a naughty time with him that you would never forget, so what the hell. Let go and throw some caution to the wind.
"Wouldn't you like to know, sir?" Your towel-clad hand traveled down to his wet pants and attempted to dry them, but he ripped the piece of fabric out of your hands and lifted you onto the expansive counter. 
"I do. Tell me your confession." He held your hands as your chest heaved against his, blue eyes begging you to ask for something, anything.
"I've thought about you. I’ve cum saying your name before." Your eyes dropped at the statement, but when he moaned at your words, you looked up and saw his jaw twitching. "Fuck me. How long?" You smirked just now truly realizing how turned on he was becoming from this revelation and the fact that he was most certainly a word man.
"Years, please. Sir. Can I have you tonight?" The only description of the sound that he emitted was a whine as his lips crashed on to yours with a force that was almost painful. He bit your lower lip as your legs wrapped around his torso and pulled his flush with your body. You felt the rigid and impressive length of his cock against your thigh and moaned as he rutted against you. "Fuck, doll. You're so responsive to me. I knew as soon as you walked in tonight, I needed you to be mine."
The words edged you on as you ran your slender fingers into his long mussed hair, tugging on it. "I'm all your, Seba." He growled at the new name you picked for him as you suckled on his sweet spot earning a delightful moan and securing a love bite. If you only had one fuck with him, you were going to make it memorable.
You slid down the counter and started unbuttoning his shirt taking off the collar and tossing it across the room while he watched you with lust blow eyes. "You are so fucking breathtaking; I could cum right now. Watching you undress me. Got me so hard, woman." You smirked as you roughly tugged the shirt off the expansive and broad shoulders then nipping and kissing down his chest and abs to his belt.
You made swift and impressive work with his pants, and as he stood in front of you in all his naked wonder, you wished you had time to work out all of your favorite fantasies on this work of art. Those thighs had many filled dreams alone for you. You licked your lips and focused on the intimidating but luscious cock dripping with precum in front of your face, begging for attention. "You don't have to, doll." As soon as he said those words you were all in. You yearned for more sweet nothings to fall from your intended lovers' lips.
You licked up the underside of his shaft while he let out a deep moan that bellowed from deep within him, vibrating out and making your pussy wet without even touching you. "You mouth is fucking divine. I can only imagine how the rest of you feels against me, underneath me." You hummed in response as you took as much of his length and girth in your mouth, allowing your hand to encompass the rest of him, leaving no part unloved.
Your head bobbed back and forth as you hollowed your cheeks out and forced your gag reflex to back the fuck down. He braced himself against the counter, and you pulled back.
He looked down at you with a lip in protest. "Don't be gentle with me, Seba." You went to take him back in your mouth, but he had other intentions and pulled you up against the broad naked chest. So roughly that the air was taken from you. His eyes looked wildly betwixt your own.
"Tell me you want me, Y/N." His voice was ragged, and his breath was strained with desire. "I-I want you. I need you." He bit his lip so hard you thought it would bleed in objection. "And you want it rough? My girl wants my cock hard?" You shook your head. "I'll take whatever you'll give me, sir. I'm yours."
He claimed your lips then, savagely and took your leotard and dress off your frame roughly. He dropped to his knees before you and without warning dove into your wet folds causing you to weep out. He looked up at you with a smirk you could feel and the quirked brow that only aroused you further. Your hands went to his hair as his hands dug into your thighs, guaranteeing bruises. "Ah-Sebastian. Your mouth feels so good on my cunt. Your lips are so sinful." He moved his head from side to side and your legs closed around his head and right before you came, you grabbed his hair pulling him up. "What is it, doll?" He seemed concerned that he had injured you and gently caressed your thighs causing you to smile because that was not the case. 
"I want to cum around your thick cock, please." He smiled salaciously. "That can be aranged, princess. I'm gonna wreck you." He lined up his cock and thrust into without warning, and you surrendered your head back, one hand on the counter and one hand on his rippled shoulder.
When you finally had enough senses to look back at your lover his eyes were on you, taking every bead of sweet and bare flesh in for his memory. You bit your lip, and when his eyes found yours, he gave you a particularly hard thrust and called out his name with praise.
"Your pussy is so tight just like it was made for me, baby. So sweet and snug. I can't wait to taste it again." His massive hand wrapped around you and pulled you close to his sweat-slicked torso. The grunts and moans alone only brought you that much closer to release. As if he knew, his fingers found your clit and flicked it just right causing you to bite his shoulder and he growled at the pain mixed with pleasure.
"Ah-Fuck, doll. Where have you been all my life?" His thrusts were getting sloppy as he drilled into you. "Cum inside me, Seba. I want to feel you. Give it to me. Now."
He grabbed your face. "Look at me! I want to see your face when you cum, and I want to see you when I make you mine. Understand me?" You tried to nod, but he held your face so firm you were unable to. "Yes, sir." He smiled and kissed you, his lips are what sent you over the edge of reason into the stars.
He pulled back, and his eyes were deep enough to swim in and lose yourself for all eternity. He let out a moan and said your name as he came inside, painting your velvet walls with his seed. As he finished, he lent in for a soft kiss and then laid his head against yours.
"I-I've....you are lovely, and that was extraordinary." He was out of breath and absolutely exhausted but took the time to take a washcloth to clean you up.
"Are you blushing? Even after all of that." You snickered at his observation. "Yes, well. This was a first for me. I mean one night stand?" He stopped what he was doing with a frown on his face and then silently nodded. "I see." He threw the washcloth in the hamper and handed you your dress while he began putting his clothes on.
There was an awkward silence, and you felt as though you had done something wrong but didn't know what to say or do to make it right.  "So... " You stood before him all dressed and went to open the door, and he was silent. You would be lying if you said that you didn't want to cry, you assumed that he wanted to just get this over with, so you would only do it for him instead.
"I guess, I'll let you get back to your friends then?" You walked out of the bathroom, leaving him there.
Sebastian watched you walk out and cursed to himself. He wanted you to stay with him; he wanted to talk to you. Fuck! Why did he have to sleep with you? You were just so fucking lovely and sexy and...
At that moment he knew he would be damned if he let you slip through his fingers with a handful of what-ifs. He ran down the hall and found you talking to Travis who had a concerned look on his face but a smile when he saw him approaching you.
"Y/N?" You turned around, and he could've sworn that there were unshed tears. "I-I think you promised me a dance?" You stood there a moment with confusion on your face, but as you took in Sebastian's face, you only saw a timid man asking a woman to dance, hoping that she would say yes. Gone was the alpha male who just dominated you in the loo.
"...ok." He gave you a genuine smile with a fleeting look to his feet then back to you, taking you to the dance floor.
Link to Song (If you like contemporary dance I love the choreography for this song) 
While you didn't like John Mayer, you were always a fan of the acoustic version of Slow Dancing in a Burning Room and as he pulled you close you were silently praying that this wasn't your song. The way his body held you to him and swayed to the rhythm felt hypnotic, but the words brought the tears back up.
"Hey, hey. You ok?" You frowned. "Oh, yea. Just this song. I fuckin hate Mayer but this song and you and ...dancing like this..." The words just flowed out of your mouth, and you covered it for a moment. He pulled your hand gently from your face and kept dancing but somehow pulled you closer.
"Confession?" You just looked at him, then nodded. "At the risk of scaring you off, I have a desire to know you. I know we started off unconventionally and for that, I can't say that I'm sorry because the moments that I spent with you in there, out here, they are burned into my memory. I need to know you and I am at your mercy." Your brow furrowed as you took in his words.
"What-What if I'm not who you think I am. I mean you seem to have some idea of me?" He put his forehead against yours. "Damn straight, darlin', I want you, and I don't care. Hell, I'm scared shitless too. You have me on a pedestal, and I don't deserve to be in your arms. Will you take me though? Take me as I am?" You smiled as he laid it all out before you.
"And how is that, sir?"  He stopped dancing. "As a shitty actor who only wants to make this lovely beautiful woman smile as often as I can?" You wrapped your arms around him. "Shitty actor? Never. And yes but only if you stop stepping on my toes and let me teach you how to dance properly."
"Fuck...seriously? I am so sorry, doll." You smirked as he looked down at your feet before pulling you in for a delicate and chaste kiss. "Also, you do know you're comin' home with me tonight?" Your hands threaded through his hair at his admission. "Oh thank goodness. I have like a dozen fantasies that I want to play out with your thighs alone." His eyes widened before he grabbed your hand and started walking to the front door with you laughing behind him. 
“Fucking hell, woman. I love your confessions.”
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warriorqueen1991 · 6 years
Requested By: Anonymous
Characters: Negan X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Pregnancy, Pregnancy sex, insecurities about pregnancy, language and some arguing lol
Notes: enjoy my beauties ♡♡ sorry it’s so long lol
You were staring down at the vacant crib, your hand running over the bulge of your stomach. Picking up the small stuffed bear you hugged it close to your chest, your life had been nothing but pain and misery before The Saviors found you.
Of course when you were introduced to Negan, he threw you off guard. He was loud, obnoxious, foul mouthed and violent. His bright smile, adorable dimples and childlike enthusiasm was a complete contrast to the violence and pure rage he could display at the drop of a hat.
You had decided early on, that the more space between you and the lead Savior the better.
But things change.
People change.
Life is strange and unpredictable, dangerous and wonderful.
Out of a series of perfectly strange events, you and Negan began to develop an odd relationship that soon lead to him asking your hand in marriage.
An offer you wanted desperately to accept.
But you couldn’t bare the thought of becoming insignificant in his eyes, to fade into the flock of wives he surrounded himself with.
The fact that he found you no more important than them tore your heart apart.
Life is strange.
“I don’t fuckin want them darlin…I just want you”.
You had stared at him in absolute shock, your hands shaking as he told you his plan.
Become a wife. Use the harem as a shield. Become Negan’s greatest secret.
His one weakness…
His plan was reckless and foolish, if his enemies found out about you he could lose everything. But with so much death and destruction surrounding every soul that had survived this world so far, you found it ridiculous to deny yourself a shot at happiness…
Even if it was brief.
So you became Negan’s wife…his one true wife, the others became your sisters, your shield maidens…the smoke screen in which you and Negan hid your love within.
But life is complicated.
You and Negan’s love burned with an intensity that could set the world on fire, but with that intensity came recklessness and before you knew it…
Looking down at your stomach, you smiled at the memory of telling Negan you were pregnant.
His brow had creased in confusion, his head tilting as if he thought he heard you wrong. You had never been so happy in your life, but at his silence fear set in and you began to panic.
Negan must of seen the happiness drain from your face because he quickly wrapped his arms around you.
“You…we…we’re gonna…?” shaking his head he chuckled “fuck”. His amused curse made you laugh, hugging him tighter you smiled letting the tears run down your face as he let out a pleased hum. His gloved hand running up through your hair, his lips kissing your head gently as he rocked you back and forth.
“We’re gonna be ok sweetheart”
That was seven months ago, Negan had trusted only himself and Simon to procure supplies for your baby’s arrival. Of course the wives knew but they were more than happy for you, Negan had made deals with all of them.
They could have their lives back, but only in secret.
Of course the damage had already been done to Dwight, but after a very long and private conversation with Sherry.
It seemed that maybe, just maybe the wounds could begin to heal.
But it would only be a matter of time before someone noticed the changes happening to your body, no form of camouflage was going to be able to hide the life growing within you anymore.
It didn’t help that your beloved husband seemed to be terrified of being intimate with you once you started showing.
Or maybe you were mistaking fear for disgust….
Maybe you were ruined to him.
The sound of the door opening made you flinch as you turned around to see him closing it slowly behind him, his soft smile making you blush as he made his way to you.
“Hey baby” his soft rumbling purr soothing your troubled mind like a warm bath.
Dropping the stuffed bear back into the crib you slowly reached out to wrap your arms around him “I missed you”.
He purred against your hair as his arms ran up and down your back “hmmm been thinking about you all fucking day sweetheart”. You smiled moving your hands so they could slide up under his shirt, his warm skin making you let out a deep sigh “s’not what I meant”.
Pulling away slightly, he looked down at you in concern “sweetheart I’m here, I haven’t gone anywhere”. You frowned “are…are you afraid of hurting the baby…or…or is it…” you rolled your lips “…me?”
Negan’s face twisted in confusion “I…I don't…”
Letting out a defeated sigh you shook your head as you pulled away from him “we haven’t had sex in months…”
Gesturing around the room you frowned “I miss being with you, I miss us…I miss us just lying in bed together afterwards, your fingertips against my skin. I miss how I feel when we’re together…I-I know it sounds petty an-and selfish but I just…”
You hadn’t noticed you were crying till his hands came up to cup your cheeks, his thumbs brushing the tears away with a deep frown.
“Honey your fucking gorgeous…” sliding his left hand down to rub over your stomach he smiled “…and this, the fact you’re lugging our fucking kid around….” he bit his lip “knowing we made this little guy together…” leaning down, he pulled your lips to his in a passionate but brief kiss.
“…That’s the sexist fucking thing I’ve ever seen…I mean fucking look at you!”
You blushed, dropping your chin so you could lean against his chest once more. His fingers running through your hair gently as he kissed the top of your head.
“Then why won’t you make love to me?”
You could feel him tense up at your question, this whole thing was making you feel ugly and pathetic. Pulling away from him once more, you grimaced as more tears streaked down your heated skin “you’re lying to me…”
Negan shook his head taking a step forward but you quickly retreated “I’m ruined to you…nothing more than a worn out sack carrying your baby”.
Negan’s loud bark made you flinch, your mouth snapping shut. He looked pissed but his features quickly softened as he took in your now trembling form. Scratching his brow with his thumb, he slowly approached you.
Letting out a shaky breath as his hands slid up your arms, you pressed your head against his chest with a quiet sob.
“Baby…you should fucking know me better than that”.
Lifting your gaze to him you quickly hid your face in his jacket at his heavy gaze “how pathetic is this….” you sniffled “how many wives have to beg their husband to sleep with them”.
His deep growl made you go to pull away again, but his large hands kept you still. “You’re not fucking pathetic, you’re not fucking worn out or fucking used up…you’re absolutely fucking gorgeous sweetheart and I'm…”
Pulling away from you so he could kiss your forehead, he looked at you in remorse as his hand cupped your cheek “I’m so fucking sorry baby, I’m so sorry I made you fucking feel this way…”
Placing your hand over his, you squeezed his fingers like you were scared he’d leave. You knew it was probably the hormones talking, but you had never felt so vulnerable in your life. You weren’t the kind of girl to cry easy, or doubt yourself but it felt good to know he still found you beautiful.
Reaching up to cup his face, you slowly pulled him to your lips in a heated kiss. You needed him more than life itself, you needed to feel safe, to be wrapped up in his arms…
To feel wanted.
Negan was panting heavily as his lips slid against your throat, his large hands dragging down your body before caressing your hips. You gasped gripping the leather on his sides as his beard scratched against you pleasantly, his stomach was rubbing against your baby bump in a soothing motion as he leaned over you.
You were pressed against the crib, your back arched slightly as he continued to mouth at the side of your neck. Raking your hands up his back you let out a loud almost desperate moan as you slid your right leg up and down his thigh.
Grunting breathlessly against your shoulder, his hands slid up your spine as he sealed his lips over yours. Biting against your skin before dragging his teeth over your heated flesh, he groaned as your hands dropped to his belt.
Growling in frustration as his hands moved to cease your movements, you writhed against him “Negan please…don’t make me beg….”
His soft chuckle made you smile before it quickly slipped into a frown as he pulled away from you, leaning your elbows on the cribs edge you let out a deep sigh “what are you doing?”
He smirked as he slid his jacket from his shoulders “I’m gonna give you what you need baby”. Breathing heavily as he approached you, your breath hitched as he dropped to his knees. His hands slowly dragging your dress up your thighs as he sucked against your skin, his lips parting slightly as he slid them up to the apex of your thighs.
Rolling your eyes back in pleasure as his tongue delved deep into your moist lips, you fisted his hair with a light moan. Letting him continue to give you pleasure for a moment, you soon shook your head giving his hair a light tug “ahhh…Negan…I-I want us to find pleasure together…please”.
Pulling his mouth from you with a deep purr he looked up at you with a smirk “thought you liked my fucking mouth on ya?”
You frowned closing your eyes, dropping your hand from his hair with a slight nod.
Negan sighed, pressing a loving kiss to your rounded belly “baby I’m sorry…it’s just…”
Looking down at him you smiled softly before using his shoulder to help you to your knees, your eyes meeting his in a longing gaze. “Your not gonna hurt him” you whisper running your hands through his hair “your not gonna hurt me…I promise”.
He was breathing heavily as his nose rubbed up against yours, his eyes heavy as his large hands gripped the sides of your flowing dress. “Y-you’ll tell me if I get too fuckin rough right?” his eyes pleaded for you to understand his fear, Negan was a rough man by nature. The thought of hurting something so small and fragile shook him to the core, you and the baby were his life.
If he hurt either of you, he’d never forgive himself.
Cupping his face you kissed him with deep and slow movements, his hands sliding down to squeeze your ass. Pulling back with a gasp your eyes lit up as he smiled fisting your dress at your hips.
The look in his eyes made something in you snap, moving his hands you quickly shucked the silky black fabric from your body. His eyes widening as he panted in front of you, grabbing his face you met him in a feverish kiss. His deep growls sending goosebumps up your spine as you clawed at his shirt.
Working your fingers into the fabric he grunted as you yanked on it, tearing the thin cloth down his spine before tossing it away. Running your hands down his hot skin, you roll your eyes back in pleasure as he groaned against your neck.
Sitting up higher on his knees, Negan cradled your head against him as you began sucking and biting at his chest. Your fingers fumbling with his belt as he fisted your hair with a grimace, his mouth dropping open as your lips sealed around his nipple sucking harshly.
Hearing his belt buckle knock against the hardwood floor had you gasping in anticipation as he yanked your head from his chest, his mouth sealing over your pulse point as he pushed himself against you.
Moaning incoherently you practically tore his button open yanking down his zipper as he bit your neck, wincing you flung your hands into his graying hair. Pulling desperately at the strands rolling your hips, your swollen belly denying you his touch making you whimper.
His deep chuckle had you smiling, the warm feeling of his body pressed against yours making you let out a blissful moan. His hands ran down your heated flesh to caress your stomach, your eyes falling shut as he kissed your breasts tenderly.
Gasping as he took your nipple into his mouth sucking gently, you cried out in pleasure fisting his hair as he moved to the other all the while still moving his hands over your stomach lovingly. You were so overstimulated at this point your whole body was trembling, Negan grunted as your right hand moved to drag him from his confines. His leaking erection sliding against your swollen stomach as he claimed your lips in a smoldering kiss, his heavy groans making you moan as he slid his fingers along your clit.
Whimpering in need you grabbed his arm as he got to his feet helping you off the floor, a loud surprised squeak left your mouth as he picked you up bridal style. Your arms wrapping around his neck as he made his way to the bed plopping you down on the covers with a heavy purr.
Swinging your legs off the edge you grabbed his pants tugging them down his hips with a wide smile as he urged you onto your back, kicking his pants off along with his boots and socks.
“Fuck your so fucking gorgeous”
You giggled blushing like a virgin bride as he ran his calloused hands up the back of your thighs lifting them up, his lips running down your calf as he rested your legs on his shoulders cupping your stomach.
Arching your back you gasped fisting the sheets as he finally entered your neglected core, his pained groan revealing just how much his absence had been torturing him as well. Rolling his hips against your thighs gently, he rolled his head back with a soft moan.
Writhing against the sheets your moans came out in desperate pants, Negan’s face twisted in pleasure as his fingers twitched against your stomach.
“Ahhhh fuck Negan, h-harder”
His movements ceased completely making you groan fisting your hair, squeezing your eyes shut as his heavy breathing echoed above you.
Looking up at him you shook your head “baby I’m fine, the baby’s fine…p-please…” Rolling your hips against him you whined “please”.
Moving his hands so he could spread your thighs further apart he groaned as he leaned over you, his stomach pressing against yours as your fingertips caressed his hair. “Y-yes…yes…oh god fuck yes” your breathy moans were driving him crazy as he gripped your thighs snapping his hips against you.
Gritting his teeth he growled as you pulled against his soft hair, your mouth was hanging open as he continued to grunt with each heavy thrust. “Oh my god…fuuuck…fuckin hell baby” you let out a breathy laugh at his loud pleasure filled ramblings.
Coating your chest in open mouthed kisses he groaned cupping the side of your tight stomach as you started to clench around him, your chest heaving as you cried out in pleasure. Negan was grunting and groaning in desperation as your hands gripped his hair, his cock ramming into your greedy folds with loud smacks.
“Sh-shit baby got another one for me?”
You nodded panting heavily as he rubbed his sweat slicked face against your stomach kissing it softly, grimacing at the flood of pleasure you let out a choked moan as he pulled himself from your pulsing heat before slamming back inside you.
Hissing through your grit teeth you clawed at his shoulders as he gave two more powerful thrusts before letting out a deep wailing grown, his hands raking up your stomach as his whole body tensed.
Your second orgasm flooded around him as your legs shook against his sweaty arms, closing his eyes as he let out tired grunts slowly releasing his hold on you. Your legs dropping to the floor with a pleased hum as he rested against you gently, his stomach clenching against yours as he caressed your slick skin.
Pulling his face to yours in a sloppy kiss you giggled as he jerked away from you, his eyes wide as a fluttering of kicks pressed against your stomach. His lips pulling back in a wide smile as he ran his hands over your sweaty stomach. Your unborn child’s tiny feet pressing against his hands as he chuckled “now look who the hell we woke up”.
You smiled biting your lip as he leaned down to kiss the rippling flesh, his eyes lifting to meet yours as he smiled.
“Your fucking perfect baby”
Caressing his face as he rested his chin against your stomach, you smiled as he closed his eyes rubbing your swollen stomach with a happy purr as your child continued to move around beneath him.
“I love you so much”
He chuckled “I love you more…both of you”. You both laughed as he shifted so he was lying next to you “sorry I fuckin made you think I didn’t fuckin want you anymore”. You rolled your lips as he rested his head against your chest “just talk to me next time ok?”
He nodded “I’m just so fuckin scared” you kissed his head “me too, but we’ll be fine baby as long as we’re together”.
“Together forever baby” he purred wrapping his arm around your belly as you both closed your eyes.
When he was with you it felt like you could take on the world.
“Together forever!”
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