#if you’re a mutual and you’re reading this ily and glad I got to meet you
pepsimaxolotl · 10 months
I often think about how different my life would be if I never roleplayed Pokémon via tumblr ask blogs as a teenager
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hy6ck · 3 years
yeonluv’s 2021 wrap up! <3
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happy new year everyone!! 
this year was full of a lot of unknowns and constant changes and i think we all had our fair share of struggles and problems but we made it! personally, this year was a ball of stress, not only because of covid, but applying to universities and scholarships, along with a lot of more personal emotional problems. i found myself struggling to keep up with school work, my job, and writing here and that caused me a lot of stress and anxiety. i had no motivation or inspiration, i often projected unrelated irl insecurities onto who i was here and found myself wanting to leave more times than i can count. though, the future of yeonluv has been really unclear, thank you for all sticking by me :’) you’ve all helped more than i can express in words and i have a lot of big things coming, including my collabs and my dream series i’ve talked about! thank you guys for everything mwah mwah
so in celebration of putting another crazy year behind us, here is my year end appreciation post!! 
firstly, a general thank you to everyone who follows me, likes my work or leaves feedback. you guys are the reason this place has been so enjoyable, thank you with all of my heart mwah mwah
second, mutuals!! <3 i’ve made so many friends this year and i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you so this is me sending you all of the love i can. i hope this year is amazing as all of you are <3
next are some personal messages to some of my mutuals (the ones i interact with/interact with me and talk to the most) but feel free to skip over it! please go check out all of their blogs too, they’re all incredible!! <3
eliza xx
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dani ! @wondersung : truly the loml, i would’ve deactivated a long time ago if it weren’t for you :’) thank you for always hyping up all of my projects regardless how small they are and helping me with ideas and headers for said projects. as much as i tease bully you, you really do mean a lot to me and i’m so happy and grateful that i got to meet you on this hellsite. i still haven’t changed my mind about fighting you but for now, i’ll love fight you (then verbally/physically fight u mwah) thank you for always making me smile and making my day, ily lots <33
mya ! @y2eo : one of my oldest mutuals on here!! your writing is always top tier and your humour is even better. i remember being so scared to talk to you because i thought you were Elite but i couldn’t be happier that we’re friends <3 i know we don’t talk as much as we used to but it always makes me smile when i see you on my dash. thank you for always making my day mwah mwah i hope your year is as sweet as you <33
soojin ! @honeymark : ahh soojin <33 one of my most famous mutuals hehe i remember screaming in my room when you messaged me one night and i had to pinch myself, i thought i was dreaming!!! i’ve always looked up to you as a writer and i love reading all of your amazing works, as well as your life stories! you’re one of the strongest people i know in every definition of that word and it always makes me so proud to be able to call you my moot <3 i hope your year brings many good things your way, sending lots of love as always <3
rina ! @milkdoie : rinaaaa i missed you while you were gone :’) you were another writer that i was really scared to approach at first (mostly bc blogs with pretty themes = intimidating in my mind) but i couldn’t be more glad that i did! i love talking with you and all of our conversations are memorable to me!! it always makes me happy seeing you on my dash and i hope we can talk more this year, love you lots <33
kriti ! @sainthwngs : BESTIE!! <3 i know school’s been kicking both of our butts so we haven’t been able to talk as much as we used to but i always hope you’re doing well and taking breaks <3 this year, i’ll be eighteen so i’ll finally be able to interact with your blog kjvdf i hope this year brings you nothing but good vibes!! thank you for always listening to my rambles about eric and checking in on me mwah mwah
brennan ! @seoulbinz : another mutual i’ve had for what feels like forever!! we met through a collab and i couldn’t be more glad that we did. you’ve helped me time after time and always pushed me to do what was best for me! i definitely would’ve impulsively deleted this blog a couple times if it weren’t for you :’) thank you for always putting up with my absolute nonsense complaints and put a smile on my face with your kind words!! ily lots my fellow purple n hyuck supremacist <3
fey ! @feyregels : fey <333 thank you for always sending me sweet asks or replying to my posts with your kind words, they never fail to put a smile on my face! i know i complain a lot but you’ve always given such good advice or told me that things would be okay and i always feel better after reading them :’) you’re the sweetest person on this site i swear, thank you for always cheering me up <3
ashley ! @renjunvrse​ : i know we only became mutuals recently but i feel liike i’ve known you forever :’) the rise of the 04 line!!! you’re the absolute sweetest human being ever and thank you for always matching my energy!! we bonded over cats n i think your cat is the cutest little thing on this planet :’) i hope we continue to grow closer and talk more!! and send each other pictures of our cats <3
roni ! @najaemism​ : first of all, i am still obsessed with ttds :’) but anyways!!! roni you lovely human, i feel beyond grateful that we’re moots mwah we haven’t talked much yet but i really hope we get closer in the new year!! i always love seeing you on my dash and all of your content puts a smile on my face. also your blog is the prettiest thing ever ugh i love anyways!! sending lots of love always! <3
elena ! @kyufiber​ : the #1 sunwoo simp <3 before we became mutuals, i looked up to you as like the peak of smaus and your humour is 1000/10, i loved seeing your ramble posts on my dash since they always made my day! i think i first followed you when you were nakyngs??? and i’ve read each of your smaus like seven times over, they’re amazing <3 you’re the first person i think of every time i see sunwoo and i always end up rb one for you sdvhs i hope we get to talk more and interact more in the new year <333
and to my mutuals who i didn’t get to talk to or interact with as much as i would’ve liked, 
minnie ! @changminurheart | matty ! @stealanity | coco ! @enluv | belle ! @sankyeom | liz ! @junityy | adi ! @wooyukh | nini ! @cherryutas | leona ! @pockyandme​ | isa ! @sseastar | qiu ! @stealerz 
i hope all of your years will go as you want them and that it’ll be better than the last! sending you all lots of love and i hope we can grow closer in the new year!! <33 thank you for making this year wonderful <3
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pockydays · 3 years
unravel me
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⤷ characters: tsukishima x gn!reader
⤷ synopsis: in which you notice tsukishima struggling to peel the tape off his fingers during study hall. what you didn’t notice, however, was how much he had the ability to find his way into every aspect of your life, until it was too late.
⤷ word count: 6.3k (longest fic to date woohoo!)
⤷ contains: fluff, slight angst, acquaintances to friends to lovers (?), mild language, my (insanely) wordy writing
⤷ a/n: i’m not even lying this took me weeks to write and it’s my baby :] most of the dialogue in this is probably hot shit but if you enjoyed please leave a like/reblog :3: mwah mwah ily all thank you for being patient with my slow ass <3 and thank you to my dear friend abby for beta reading the first chunk of this story, if you read this ily <3
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You've always considered yourself as someone who wasn't especially generous. But you weren’t incredibly selfish, either. You were in some sort of grey area, too indifferent to care about what society says about people who aren't willing to go so far as to sell their souls to the devil for the common good. But you weren't heartless, either. You cared, usually out of mutual convenience. Isn't that what everyone does? Ninety-nine percent of the time, helping others (undeniably) involves genuinely good intentions, but they coexist with selfish motives as well. Then what about that one percent?
That one percent, in fact, came to you in the most inconspicuous of times: during mid-day study hall.
You found yourself going through the motions of your everyday routine: walking into the classroom, saying hi to your friend in the third row, putting your bag on the desk, pulling out your chair, sitting down, taking out your notebook and pencils, and waiting for approximately thirty-nine seconds until a (supposedly attractive, or at least according to whispers among your female classmates, which was bold of them to assume that he even liked girls in that way — you weren’t one to burst their bubbles) tall blond guy with glasses walked through the door, and greet him with a nonchalant "hey" and a wave.
And after that, if he responded with a slightly snarkier tone than usual, you knew he was having an especially bad day (more likely than not, it was because of the volleyball teammates he often complained about). But as for the real reason why, your guess was as good as anybody else's. He probably had piss in his Cheerios every morning and his trousers in a twist until the end of time for all you knew.
But today was slightly different than usual. For one, a full minute had already passed after you took out your pencils and yesterday’s chemistry notes, and there was still no sign of him. For some unknown reason, you couldn't stop the worry gnawing its way into your conscience. You rested your chin in one hand and drummed your fingers on the desk with the other, trying not to think about your classmate with a sharp tongue and a glare that could kill. Of course, trying to not think about something is a form of thinking about it, so that didn’t exactly work out.
The bell suddenly rang, jolting you out of your thoughts as well as your seat. Tsukishima Kei was now officially late, according to the school rules. Thankfully, your study hall advisor was lenient and understanding enough to not mark anybody late if they arrived within a reasonable time as to not tarnish their transcript, but you knew Tsukishima well enough to know that he wouldn’t care about a single unsavory comment that would only have the slightest potential to alarm admissions officers in those money-hungry institutions.
That was one thing you admired about your classmate. His ability to judge what things to put his effort into and selectively choose what he could get away with doing half-assed was unparalleled. As far as you could tell, volleyball was something he didn’t deem as worthy to put his all into. You weren’t usually wrong in such judgements about people, but then again, you’d only been right, let’s say, a total of three out of three times. You weren’t sure if it was considered a really good or really bad track record, so you’d always kept those sort of assumptions to yourself.
“Not going to say hi to me today? That’s awfully rude of you,” a voice said, out of the blue. You tense, wondering who had the audacity to call you rude.
“What?” you asked incredulously before you could realize where the voice came from. “Oh, it’s you,” you said, recognizing his inhumanly tall frame and the pair of white headphones around his neck. I should’ve guessed; of course only he’s brash enough to say something like that. 
You rested your chin in your hands again, the tension in your body visibly dissipating. You were glad that it was just Tsukishima and not some other person, because they would be a pain in the ass to deal with. Plus, he was just about the only person you allowed to speak without a filter; one, because it’s fun verbally sparring with him, and two, it makes his stunned silence after you counter with an especially witty phrase all the more satisfying.
This time, though, he sat down at the desk to your left without a word. Usually, he would never pass up the chance to have another round of firing tasteful insults at you. Today was indeed slightly different than usual. 
As he clicked the top of his mechanical pencil, you couldn’t help but notice a flash of white one his hands out of the corner of your eye. Did he always have that on his hands or was I just horribly unobservant before?
Leaning over to his seat at a dangerous angle, you asked, “Hey, what’s up with your fingers? You have leprosy or something?” in hopes of lightening his supposedly gloomy mood.
“Shut up,” he muttered irritably. “If I had leprosy, my fingers would’ve fallen off by now and I would’ve put one in your lunch as a keepsake,” he added. Shifting away from you in his chair, he tried as much as possible to make his (in your opinion, unconventionally lanky) body as far away as possible from your general vicinity.
“Okay, okay, geez! At least tell me, because now I’m curious and it’s all your fault.”
“If I tell you, will you stop bothering me?” he asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“Maaybee...?” you replied slowly, trying to find an answer when a simple “yes” or “no” didn’t suffice.
“If you’re not going to stop bothering me, then I don’t have a reason to tell you, so no,” he frowned, crossing his arms self-righteously.
“Alright then, keep your secrets, mister. I don’t care whether you tell me or not.” Which wasn’t completely the truth, since some tiny part of your conscience thought that wrestling the answer from him was for the better. “But just know that I’ll continue to be my annoying self, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.” With that, you turned your attention back to your chemistry notes.
A few silent minutes passed before you leaned back over to his desk on the left.
“Hey mister, do you have some pencil lead? I think I ran out,” you whispered to Tsukishima.
He heaved what you thought was the biggest sigh in the universe before responding, “Point-five or point-seven?”
“Tsukishima, you wound me! I thought you knew that I write exclusively in point-five!” you exclaimed with a hand over your chest, feigning offense. 
He rolled his eyes, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him count out three pieces of lead. Three, that’s generous, you think to yourself as you suppress a small smile.
“Thanks, mister,” you whispered as you plucked the delicate sticks of graphite from his fingers. Taking a quick glance at his hands, you noticed that his fingers were wrapped in some sort of adhesive tape. Before Tsukishima could catch you looking for too long and make some snarky remark about how absolutely positively beautiful his hands were for you to be staring, you abruptly turn back to your notes and refill your (actually already lead-filled) pencil. If he wouldn’t answer your question, it wouldn’t hurt to take things into your own hands and figure it out for yourself, right? 
You looked back to the notebook in front of you, but with your curiousity still unsatiated, you couldn’t help the thoughts bouncing off the walls of your mind, competing for your undivided attention.
Ask him about it! a voice yelled.
Mind your own business, you creepy fuck! another (particularly foul-mouthed) one screamed.
At this point, you’d probably read the first line of your notebook about thirty times without comprehending a single thing, so you decided to give up and resort to banging your head lightly on your desk.
Apparently, 'lightly’ was an understatement, because a voice on your left hissed, “What’s your problem?!”
“Nothing,” you replied softly with your head still on the desk.
Tsukishima sighed in exasperation. “Well, now I’m curious and it’s all your fault,” he scoffed, using your own words from earlier.
Now it was your turn to sigh. Stubborn person number one meets equally stubborn person number two: one of life’s most aggravating experiences. 
“C’mon, let me see your hands,” you demanded, your own hand outstretched. You’ll say ‘no’ no matter what I ask.
“No.” Tsukishima pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and turned away.
Point proven.
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You had always considered yourself to be somewhat generous when circumstances permitted, yes. But being yourself around others was something you considered yourself to be quite good at, as well.
Sometimes you imagined what it would be like if people’s hearts had metaphorical layers of thread surrounding them, winding, twisting, wrapping, and sometimes tangling around and around the ugliest, scariest, or most precious parts of themselves. The people you met would either unravel a bit of your heart, even if just a little bit, or they would cause you to wind the threads of your heartstrings even more tightly. 
You had strings that were (sometimes laughably) effortless to unwind, but once someone got to the last layer of thread, they refused to unravel any further. In other words, you weren’t afraid to be ninety-nine percent yourself around everybody. But that one percent? You’d keep it safely tucked away behind the impenetrable fortress of that last previous layer of thread — for both the good of yourself and everyone else.
Sometimes, you also wondered what the threads wrapping around Tsukishima’s heart was like. Not because you particularly had more of an interest in him than your other classmates, but because he was a sort of enigma to you. You had countless questions: How hard is it to unravel those threads? and What lies beyond those tightly wound strings? and What did he have to hide that is so unsightly? et cetera, et cetera. He was a puzzle you wanted to piece together, although you weren’t sure what the finished product would look like, or if there even was a finished product. 
You had a lot more questions about Tsukishima than you did answers.
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You must’ve been deep in thought for a while, because it took an utterance of some rather coarse language to bring you back to reality.
“Fuck,” Tsukishima muttered, fiddling with the tape covering his fingers. It was evident, after about ten seconds of observing him, that he was getting nowhere. At this point, you were presented with two choices: to help him or to leave him to wallow in his own frustration and suffer. Admittedly, the latter option seemed rather entertaining, but for some unknown reason, you opted for the former.
“Here, let me help,” you said, hand extending in front of you as an offer. “You obviously aren’t getting anywhere, so let me put you out of your misery.”
“You better get it all off then,” he grumbled, outstretching his arm, letting it limply dangle in front of your face. Huh, I didn’t expect him to actually agree so easily.
You gently took his hand, and starting with his pinky finger, you worked your nails under the end of the tape. As the tape unraveled further, you couldn’t help but notice how elegant his hands were. They were long and slender in ways that yours weren’t — the magnum opus of all things relating to hands. If God played favorites, he certainly did when it came to Tsukishima’s hands. Geez, knock it off, you cringed inwardly. You’re literally worshipping his hands at this point.
“So, uh, why are your fingers covered in tape?” You hoped to break the awkward silence between the two of you, and asking him questions that he probably wouldn’t answer (especially to plebeians like you) seemed like the last resort.
“Volleyball practice,” he responded simply. 
Oh. I didn’t expect an actual response.
“This morning? You guys sometimes have practice early in the day, right?”
“Last evening,” he corrected.
“You had these on your hands for that long?! I see you’re finally getting serious about volleyball, my dude, but you have to be able to ask other people for help." People other than me, but if I’m your last resort, then I’d be happily obliged to help.
Tsukishima scowled, which, thankfully, you missed, busy undoing the tape around his fingers. At least you didn’t criticize him for being hypocritical regarding his attitude about volleyball, which was relieving. 
There was a substantial (and slightly awkward) pause as you peeled the white adhesive strip of cloth off of his fingers, working slowly enough so that it wouldn’t hurt, or so you hoped.
“There we go!” you exclaimed proudly as the last of the tape fell away from his fingers. He wiggled them experimentally, not unlike a newly hatched butterfly would flap its fresh new pair of wings. 
“Thanks,” he responded curtly. 
As if on cue, the bell rang, marking the end of study hall. It was time for chemistry class.
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Over the course of your next class, your mind with occupied with thoughts that weren’t even remotely related to chemistry. You almost had a close call with the teacher when he called on you to answer a question, but thankfully, your friend sitting next to you whispered the answer in your ear — though not before giving you a quizzical look. You were too embarrassed to say that you were actually thinking about why the hell you actually agreed to help the guy sitting the next seat over whom you should have absolutely nothing to do with.
I did not just touch his hands no no no — I did not just hold hands with Tsukishima Kei — It wasn’t really of my own volition and he looked like he really needed help and I was feeling generous and it conveniently benefited the both of us, right? He got to finally be free from his misery and I— I got to touch his hands—
Your thoughts spiraled out of control as you buried your face in your hands, and perhaps some of the threads around your heart unraveled themselves that day.
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Thus, after that day, your everyday routine changed in more ways than one. You would into the classroom, say hi to your friend in the third row, put your bag on the desk, pull out your chair, sit down, take out your notebook and pencils, and wait for approximately thirty-nine seconds until a tall blond guy with glasses walked through the door, and greet him with a nonchalant "hey" and a wave. If he still had tape around his fingers (which was quite often), you’d ask him if he needed help; he’d say yes, and you would spend the next however many minutes undoing the adhesive strips of cloth.
Today was no different. You carefully eased the tape away from Tsukishima’s fingers. When you got to the base of his ring finger, he hissed in pain. The skin there was red and raw as if it had been recently injured. Not as if, it had been.
“Sorry,” you whispered, wincing as if you were the one in pain. “How’d you get hurt?” This time, you were genuinely concerned for him, which was rare for anyone, especially him.
“The one time I put some more effort into volleyball as if it were actually worth something, it comes back to bite me,” he muttered, gritting his teeth.
You looked up from his hand. 
“I said, somehow I always give the things that I swear off from my life a second chance, it never, ever, works out,” he muttered through gritted teeth.
“Did anyone ever tell you that you can’t get better out of sheer will? You’re bound to slip and fall on your butt at least a few times. Or a lot,” you responded. 
“Nobody told me that falling would hurt this much, though,” he replied. He looked off to the side, too embarrassed to meet your gaze.
“It’ll get better, trust me. You just have to get back off your ass and stand up.”
You left the conversation at that and continued undoing the tape on his other hand. 
I want to kiss his hands like I’m greeting the crown prince of a foreign kingdom, you thought, lips twitching, fighting back a small smile.
Oh my God, stop it! you mentally slapped yourself. You had to restrain yourself from actually slapping yourself in the face. Meanwhile, the uniform you wore began to feel a bit too warm — it was quite convenient that Tsukishima couldn’t see your face at that moment.
Unbeknownst to you, however, Tsukishima's thoughts weren’t nearly as calm as his cool and collected exterior. 
After all, what was he supposed to do when he could feel your breath fanning on his hands (could he tell you were desperately trying to keep them steady?) and your meticulous fingers on his?
I must be going crazy, he thought.
He imagines holding your hand, and not because of that dumb finger tape-
He shook his head, as if to dislodge the idea from his memory. No, I’m definitely going crazy.
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“So, do you like him or something?” your best friend asked out of the blue during a sleepover, the both of you laying in the darkness on your sleeping bags.
“Who?” you asked, though you had an idea of who she was referring to. 
“Tsukishima. That guy who sits to your left during study hall.”
“No, why would I like him? I mean, how can you even tell if you like someone or not. It’s not like there’s a radar that detects crushes and blasts ‘OH MY GOD YOU’RE HOPELESSLY IN LOVE’ on speaker,“ you replied dryly.
“Do you feel different around him?” she asked.
“As in the cliché symptoms of love that you read in romance novels? Like you feel like your heart is going to burst out of your chest and you have to clutch your shirt like it’s gonna pop out onto the floor if you don’t? If that’s what you’re asking, then no.”
“I mean that could be a sign, but you don’t have to feel like that to like someone. I mean in the way that you’re willing to show them who you really are, including all the ugly parts of yourself that you wouldn’t show to other people.”
Of course not! you thought to yourself. There’s no way I would fall in love with someone that I argue with for fun, right? 
“Why do you always complain about those tryhards on your volleyball team? You can always quit, you know,” you asked after Tsukishima was in a particularly bad mood about something, presumably about volleyball (as it usually was). As per your daily schedule, you were unraveling his finger tape during study hall once again.
“Don’t they know that the more effort they put into something, the more it’ll hurt when they find out everything they believe in is a lie?” he asked.
You paused. Oh, it was an a genuine question, you realized. And he wants a genuine answer.
“Such as?” you asked, your mouth acting quicker than your mind. I probably shouldn’t have pried deeper into something that’s obviously his business.
He went ahead and responded anyway, but not before taking a deep breath.
“When I was little,” he began, “I looked up to my older brother a lot. I really respected him, you know? He was my idol; he was perfect and infallible in every way. He played volleyball in junior high, so it was only natural that I played the same sport he did. And he continued playing throughout high school, or so I thought.”
“Or so you thought?” you repeated.
“He lied to me.” With those four words, you heard years and years of resentment and bitterness through his shaking voice, barely above a whisper. 
“To be honest, I should’ve expected it,” he continued, laughing humorlessly at himself. “I was too enamored to realize that when he was trying to stop me from watching his games, he was also trying to stop me from finding out that he was a liar. He wasn’t even a starting player. Instead he was on the bench, cheering for the team he was supposedly on.”
As those words left his mouth, you realized how little you understood Tsukishima. No, it was honestly ridiculous how you could consider yourself his friend when all you did was unwind strips of tape from his fingers for a mere few minutes every day.
Despite that, you held his hands a little tighter.
“If you don’t mind, I had a similar experience in junior high as well. This girl that I was really close friends with apparently had a huge circle of friends outside of school, and she would tell me and my other friends about all the rich guy friends she had and how well they treated her and shit. But I found out years later that they were probably all made up so that she could have something to tell us. So that she could keep us in her friend group. I realized they were fake.”
You let go of his hands, your arms limp at the memory.
“And how are you two right now?” Tsukishima asked. “Your relationship, I mean.”
“Surprisingly, we’re still on good terms,” you said. “She still doesn’t know I found out. But despite her pretending to be someone else in front of us for all those years, I still don’t think she’s a bad person. I’m actually kinda glad she got the attention she wanted. But man, the past still hurts like a bitch,” you chuckled in an attempt to forget.
“I see,” he replied. With that, you picked up his hand once again, continuing to undo the tape around the rest of his fingers.
That day, both you and the once unyielding, stone-faced Tsukishima left the classroom knowing just a bit more about each other.
You didn’t know that day that Tsukishima had his first real conversation with his brother after ‘the incident’.
He didn’t know you gave that friend from junior high a call for the first time in two years.
And the threads around your hearts unwound themselves just a bit more.
“No, I don’t,” you finally responded after a long pause. “I don’t like him in that way. He’s just someone I can rant to about the shit that happened in junior high—”
“Say that again, but slower,” your friend interrupted.
“He’s someone that I can rant to about all the... stuff that happened in the past,” you repeated. Did she not hear me the first time?
“Exactly, that’s my point,” she responded. “You never talk about those things with anybody, and even when I bring it up, you just brush over it.”
The weight of what your friend was implying took far too long for your brain to register, but when it did—
“Oh shit, I think I might actually like Tsukishima.”
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It was in the classroom of your mid-day study hall where Tsukishima Kei stole your heart bit by bit through the conversations you had with him while unraveling his finger tape; it was where you opened your heart and he opened his. 
“You and Tsukishima aren’t a thing, right?” a voice asked you out of the blue in the hallway after the dismissal bell rang.
“What?” you asked, turning your head to see who it was. You recognized her, although you struggled to put a name to her face. “You sit in the back of our study hall classroom, right? And to answer your question, no, we are not a thing.” 
Such questions were becoming all the more frequent these days, and you had the same two-letter answer to all of them (although you secretly hoped you could answer yes, but how Tsukishima felt about you was a whole different story).
“Yeah, I do. But are you sure you two aren’t dating? Like you could just be going out with him and not know it,” she answered.
You held back a snort that almost escaped your lips. 
“No, I’m sure we aren’t,” you said with a sigh, trying to keep your tone remotely cordial. “Besides, I’m not sure if he even considers me as a friend.”
“Oh, I’m sure he considers you as more than that,” she replied with a tone you couldn’t quite decipher. “Trust me.”
You barely knew her, so you couldn’t say how credible her statement was (though you desperately wanted it to be true). You glanced at the clock, itching to end the conversation.
“Alright, then. I’ll take your word for it. I have to get home now though, seeya.”
“Seeya around then,” she replied with a wave. Why does that sound strangely ominous?
“Bye,” you answered, too mentally drained from the conversations that began with the same question: ”Oh my God are you dating Tsukishima?” (Answer: no, no you weren’t). Nonetheless, you couldn’t ignore the nagging voice in your head that you haven’t seen the last of her just yet.
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She appeared the very next day, in the same spot at the hallway after school ended. That’s... strange.
You decided to ignore how off-putting it was. Maybe it was her wide smile — so much so that you could see her dimples and her blinding white teeth. Or maybe it was the way she spoke, like she was trying to get something from you. Whatever it was, you didn’t have what she wanted.
“If you’re asking whether Tsukishima and I became a thing within the past twenty-four hours, then no,” you said in exasperation. She was now walking by your side with an odd spring in her step, a bit too close for comfort despite the empty hallway.
“No, that wasn’t my question,” she said with a chuckle. “You keep denying that Tsukishima doesn’t like you, but I think he does.”
You had to scoff at that.
“In what way?” 
“In that way,” she responded with a knowing glance. “You’re already in the talking stage with him! He never talks to anyone other than that one friend he has, so I’d say you’re off to a good start.”
“And that totally means that he’s in love with me.”
“Please, don’t lie to yourself. You’ve gotten farther than anybody has, even if they tried for their entire life. How did you do it?”
But I didn’t do anything, you thought. 
“I just talked to him about stuff,” you replied slowly. The look she gave you said go on, so you did. 
“I just talked to him about myself and deep stuff and shi— and such. I really didn’t do much, so I’m probably not the best person to ask. Why don’t you try and ask his friend Yamaguchi?”
“No, I think I’m good,” she said with an unreadable tone. “Well I gotta go, so see you tomorrow!”
“....Bye,” you replied halfheartedly. You tried to shake the unsettling feeling from your chest, but you couldn’t help thinking, What if he does like me back?
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The volleyball made a resounding smack against the court behind the middle blocker instead of his hands. Tsukishima clenched his fists, gritting his teeth. Another ball that I couldn’t block?
“Hey, use your smartass head for once and pay attention!” Kageyama yelled across the court.
Tsukishima ignored his taunts. 
“Oh, the smart mouth finally doesn’t have any words left to say? Finally some peace and quiet,” Kageyama muttered. 
Practice continued for far too long, but the whistle finally blew, signaling everyone that it was time to go home. Finally, Tsukishima thought. I don’t have to listen to the King spew nonsense anymore.
He and Yamaguchi gathered their belongings and made their way out of the gym.
“Something’s on your mind,” Yamaguchi commented as they walked back home side by side.
“No there isn’t,” Tsukishima replied a bit too quickly to sound convincing.
A long silence ensued, the two of them kicking pebbles on the road and twiddling their thumbs in the cool night air. The buzz of the electric street lamps felt much too loud, feeding off the tension in the air. 
“How can you tell that you like someone?” Tsukishima was the first to break the silence, but it was the question, not the fact that he was the one that spoke first, that was more jarring.
“So I was right,” Yamaguchi responded after a slight pause. He fought back a small smile and added, “I thought something bad happened that I didn’t know about, but it turns out that you’re just in love.”
The taller one of the two sighed. 
“I’m asking you to tell me if I... like someone in that way, not for you to tell me that I am, Tadashi.”
“I can’t make a judgement if you don’t tell me anything. Tell me.” Yamaguchi lightly punched his friends arm.
“There’s this... classmate of mine. They asked if I needed help peeling off my finger tape during study hall and I said yes.”
“I figured as such.”
“You always come into first period with your fingers still wrapped but it’s gone by the time practice starts. I always wondered why but I never got around to asking you. But I’m even more surprised at the fact that you actually agreed.”
“Yeah, I surprise even myself sometimes,” Tsukishima deadpanned. “Especially the fact that it would become something that they would ask pretty much every day, and I would say yes every time. I just don’t know whether I have feelings for them in that way or not.”
“Well, do you look forward to talking to them everyday?” Yamaguchi asked.
“Do you want them to know you for who you really are instead of what people think you are?”
“Does your mind wander to them all the time?”
“If you flipped a coin to decide whether you do like them or not, would your gut tell you the answer before you looked at whether it landed on head or tails?” 
Yes, Tsukishima answered silently, knowing he’d finally have to accept the truth: he was in love and there was nothing he could do about it.
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One thing you didn’t know about having a crush on someone was that you suddenly realize how often they appear in your life. You knew where you’d cross paths with him in the hallway before and after school, where his locker was, and worst of all, every goddamn love song reminded you of him. 
Even all the little mannerisms people had circled back to him: your friend would push her glasses up her nose the same way he did. Your mother would furrow her eyebrows like him when he was thinking about a particularly annoying math problem. Your English teacher would spin a pen between his fingers, just like him (although you had to admit that you preferred watching the latter do so; his hands were prettier). 
Maybe this was just some twisted manifestation of the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, but your brain couldn’t recall enough content from psychology class to be sure. Either way, you were going insane.
That is, until one rather unremarkable day; there was nothing out of the ordinary. Everything came and went according to schedule — the same time spent with Tsukishima during study hall and the same boring class lectures. But as soon as the dismissal bell rang, you were surprised to find that the girl who would pester you in the hallway asking about you and Tsukishima’s relationship status (you still didn’t know her name) as if anything had changed (which it had not, of course). 
Apparently, her presence had already become routine enough for you to notice her absence. 
It was a welcome change, though; it wasn’t like you wanted her to be around. No, you absolutely didn’t need her nosy questions. So you just shrugged it off and made your way to the school’s exit like you normally did.
But a very familiar voice from a nearby classroom made your ears perk up — coincidentally, from your study hall classroom. You peered into the room from the doorway.
“Um, I think I like you, Tsukishima! I’ve felt this way for a long time and I just had to tell you!” The same boisterous girl who only had one topic of conversation with you (Tsukishima, of course) now had her hands coyly clasped behind her back, in all likelihood holding something meant for him.
As soon as you heard those words leave her mouth, the world around you seemingly ground to a halt — and so did you. As if your body stopped functioning for a moment, your heart stopped and your brain took much too long to process what she said. 
What did it matter anyway? You didn’t take your chance and look where that got you.
You turned on your heel and half-walked half-ran outside the school.
The second thing you didn’t realize about having a crush on someone, you realized as you laid in the darkness in the middle of the night, is that it physically hurts. Someone might as well have put your heart in a jar of acid and screwed the lid shut — no matter how hard you tried, it still hurt. And hurt it did.
You felt a stray tear slide down your cheek, and you angrily punched your pillow. You didn’t even have the emotional capacity to be angry at the girl who confessed to him. It was too obvious that she liked him, from the way she would stand a bit straighter when you mentioned Tsukishima’s name to the way she seemed a bit too satisfied when you said that you weren’t dating him. Were you too much of an idiot to notice? 
But most importantly, you were angry at yourself. Why were you crying over someone who you knew wouldn’t like you in the way that you liked him? Maybe you were too much of an idiot to not think things through; you’d just assumed that your feelings for him were so intense that he had to like you back. In retrospect, that was a stupid idea. But then again, in retrospect, you were the idiot all along.
It was in the classroom of your mid-day study hall where Tsukishima Kei stole your heart. It was in the same classroom where you got your heart broken for the first time.
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The most annoying thing about the universe was that it was ruthlessly, unrelentingly cruel. The earth kept spinning even if your world stopped mid-orbit, too traumatized by loss to continue. 
This was the brutal irony that you came to realize in the classroom where it all began and ended, supposedly. The very next morning, you had to pick your sorry self out of bed after however many hours of sleep you were able to get and go to school. And now half the school day had gone by — it was study hall time once again. 
“Are you gonna help me get this off my fingers or not?” The voice that you wanted so desperately to get out of your mind after months of replaying in your head plagued you once again. Indeed, the universe was cruel.
“No,” you replied meekly with your head on the desk. “It’s been long enough for you to know how to do it yourself by now.”
“I insist.”
You hesitated. A second passed, then two.
Ever since you realized your feelings for the other boy with a cold stare and an even icier glare, you couldn’t help but be hyper aware of yourself, and today was no different.
You could hear your own heartbeat in your ears. Could he? (It wasn’t that obvious, was it?)
You could feel yourself getting warmer by the second. Could he tell? (You were too busy looking at his hands; so let’s hope not.)
You knew that your heart was tugging you in his direction, urging you to do something. Was his doing the same? (You scoffed at yourself — you went over this last night and came to the conclusion that no, there was no way he could ever like you back.)
But maybe you wanted to be wrong this time. Being proven wrong wasn’t something you particularly enjoyed, but you would rather take the pessimistic point of view in this circumstance so you wouldn’t get hurt. And yet you still got your heart broken. 
That didn’t stop your erratic heartbeat and staggered breaths whenever your fingers brushed over his, though. While slowly unwinding the tape down his fingers, you wondered how many threads he unwound from your heart for it to hurt so much when it broke. Too many for your emotions to be left undamaged by something like this, you reckoned. Not that it was his fault, of course. It was your own for becoming so naïve and vulnerable.
But, the universe was full of irony. While you had your head down, too embarrassed and dejected to say anything else, Tsukishima was thanking whatever gods existed that you couldn’t see how flustered he was. 
Turns out, even people with hearts of stone can fall prey to the symptoms of falling in love. With a million thoughts collectively running through your minds, he was the first to blurt out:
“I think I’m in love.”
You let go of his hands, the loose end of the tape still dangling. There were too many questions raised at the utterance of a single sentence: With whom? When? How? Why?
Before you could organize your thoughts and form a coherent sentence — as if he could read your mind and peer into your soul — Tsukishima answered:
“With you.”
And as soon as the last two words fell from his lips, the last of the threads surrounding your worn, beaten hearts unraveled themselves, and fell away.
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
Happy New Year
So, you all have inspired me. I told myself I wasn’t going to do one of these because this whole year has just been an emotional rollercoaster and New Years always brings out the cry baby in me. But fuck it, here we go. 
Six months. I’ve been on this platform for six months and god damn you have all stolen a piece of my heart. From reading your beautiful words to feeling like I’ve found bits of family all over the world. You all have become such a constant in my life and I don't know what I would do without you. 
@cutie1365​ Baby. I love you. Truly I do. You are the Yoda of Tumblr edict and I will forever be grateful to you. I had been silently fangirling over A Kid From Queens and had a little heart palpitation when we became mutuals. Also, sometimes I reread TWG and I internally cringe but you still managed to help me edit that trash and honestly you're an angel for that. I’m so glad that I met you. Thank you for existing. 
@whateveriwant you freaking rockstar, you. On His Shoulder was one of the first fics I ever read on here and holy mother of Satan that shit was good. I'm constantly in awe of your ability to make me cry, laugh, scream profanities at my phone. Thank you for being there for me, I hope you have a wonderful New Years! #buckymademegay
@drabblewithfrannybarnes You are something special, do you know that? Honestly, if the impressive masterlist wasn't enough, you're also an incredible mother, a superb author and always seem to make me lose my panties. I don’t know what I would do without My Dads Best Friend because that shit is hawt. You are hawt. And I’m so glad you exist. Thank you for making this platform such an enjoyable place to be. 
@justreadingfics Your fics honestly caused many a potential broken phone as I whipped it across the room in frustration and excitement. I literally had a mini book club for all of your works. I mean, from Looking For a Heart Beat that literally made me bawl my eyes out into my pillow at 4am to It’s a Deal that to this day gives me the jitters- you are flawless in everything you write. When I tell you that I spat my tea the day we became mutuals… I mean I passed away. You are such a Queen and I’m so excited to read whatever is next from you. 
@wkemeup Tumblr is a funny world. Chaotic is its energy because most of the reading I do is on here, so the writers we look up to and wait on baited breath to post become almost anglicised. Kas, you are very much that to me. I fall in love with every word you write. I break my heart and haphazardly repair it just so I can keep reading your literal poetry. Little Lion Man literally tore me into little pieces over and over but I could not put it down. I’m so honoured to be your mutual and honestly still a little bewildered. Thank you for everything, and happy, happy New Year. 
@sweeterthanthis I’m not going to cry. This is about the fics more than anything, but I very quickly realised our friendship is about so much more. I’m so thankful I got to meet you on this hellsite. You have so swiftly become such a constant in my life. You have helped me through some pretty dark shit, talked me through anxieties, virtually held my hand when things were rough. I truly consider you one of my closest friends. Honestly it’s hard to imagine a day where we go without talking or sending each other tiktoks (you're welcome btw). How I managed before I met this slutty goddess is beyond me.  Thank you for being here, Lau. Thank you for being the cumslut in a rather dismal world.  Is it biased to say Tis The Damn Season if my favourite of yours? Maybe so, but Come Home, Baby is a close second. I love you, but you know this. Happy fucking New Year, babes. 
And to all of my mutuals, thank you for making the past six months such an amazing ride. Thank you for sticking around, for leaving the sweetest comments (that I most definitely share with my partner because they make me so happy), for being such a unwavering support to me and my writing. You all truly deserve virtual hugs, but I’ll leave it with Happy New Year to each and every one of you. Ily xxx
@elatedmarvel @the-iceni-bitch @beskar-tano @thicc101q @blue-like-barnes @bitchassbucky @liquorlaughslove @firefly-in-darkness @silentsubspace819 @sergeantjbbarnes @sillygamingartghost @world-of-aus @thosekidswhohuntmonsters @jack-skellingtons-stuff @savior-adriana @thefallenbibliophilequote @livvy-barnes @alwaysbandslut @gotnofucks @baddie-barnes @rainbowkisses31 @pie-with-hunters @lookiamtrying @phantomas67 @hopeful-daydreaming @natasha-romanova-anon @bonkywobble @buckyownsmylife @starlightcrystalline @amythedvdhoarder @chrissquares @fistmebuckyskywalker @hypnotized-so-mesmerized @cocoamoonmalfoy @tuiccim @sassy-pelican @annestine @in-real-life-there-is-no-algebra @i-just-wanna-live-gc @jamesbuchananbarnesslut @yesfanficsaremylife @onespideyboi @ava-kedavra @y-napotat @adriannajackson @kalesrebellion @unusversuscanicula @hannahspanner98 @navegandoaciegas @hpandmcu177a @not-soplainjane @angrythingstarlight @rosebucketbarnes @iheartsebandchris @supergirl000983 @musicalkeys @duskholland @marvelmenappreciation @navybrat817 @artedimichelangelo @geminiparkers I tried really hard I didnt mean to poke your heart if I forgot you I’m sorry! 
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sugasugawarau · 4 years
200 milestone
This blog hit 200 during my semi-hiatus and I neglected to post this after because I still had matchups for my 100 and the mlist for Table for Two was posted meaning I’m a lil late 😹👍 but I do want to take the time to properly thank each and every one of you for sticking around!! Your support means the world to me I love u all 🥺💕 As a thank you, I’ll be doing matchups again and a lil smth to do with self-ships; read more about and join the event here!
From my previous milestone to now, I’ve also had the amazing opportunity to get to know more people so I want to take the time to thank some of my mutuals since I’m most likely going to be rlly bad at replying to messages and checking up on your posts with school starting up :,) (VERY lengthy hence read more)
— to the biggest lo5ers ik!
@kbh-ton; HAHA I bet you didn’t expect to be called out since you only use Tumblr for reblogging but here we are, bbq sauce on my (.)(.) 😍Just wanted to say that aside from being an amazing friend since grade 4 (except for when you bully me stop trying to kin Tsukishima so hard smh), I am immensely grateful for your support for all the dumb shit I do online and offering your thotz on a lot of my headcanons and other shit too because you’d think witnessing the bs I do irl would be enough to last you a lifetime 😹🤟 Ily and message me on ig or discord when u see this pp
And thanks to my other irl friends Emma (who doesn’t have Tumblr) and Yoshi (who doesn’t watch Haikyuu - lame ik 👎 - but has Tumblr and posts sexc art so check him out but don’t tell him I sent u or anything!! @/ashr00m) for not really knowing what I do here but being supportive nonetheless and inspiring a LOT of my text scenarios and being my best friends or whateveuh 👁👅👁 I’ll text them a proprer thank you in the gc and remind them that I love them too because it’s soft on main hrs too apparently 🙀
— to my wifeys (poly 🥰)
@tendouthighs; Codie, you were my first friend on tumblr and I want to take the time to thank you for posting that you were open to making friends here because without that I might not have ever gotten the courage to slide into your dms 🙈 You always brighten my day and your text scenarios are EVERYTHING, ily lovely! 💜
@pyblos; Lyra, you’re the Iwaizumi to my Oikawa, my wife in our very extensive reverse harem, and have been one of the most prominent people during my weird tumblr journey. You’ve been here since the early days of my blog and have been a constant source of love and support, I’m so glad to have met you and you’re so talented!! 😚💕(even if u bring out the 🔪 every once in a while HAHA) ilysm bb 🤍
@yeskoushi; Shan my babygork 😻🥺 we may have only started interacting recently but you’re so funny, kind, and talented. Not only is your writing top tier, your entire blog is pretty too just like you (insert the ur so sexy aha ha ha meme face here🥴) Never hesitate to reach out to me okay? Sending you good luck for sch and ily and imy 😿💕
— to my beautiful bbs!
@sneezefiction; Gracie, words can’t begin to describe how beautiful you are inside and out. Ilysm, I’m in awe with all you do - your fics and headcanons always make me soft, as if I’m being enveloped in a warm hug :,)) Thank you for also being here since my blog’s early days and most importantly for being you, and I’m so happy we met 💙
@baeshijima; Sophie!! We’ve only recently started talking as well but ilysm 🥰 I can’t thank you enough for being such a blessing and always remember that you deserve all of the kindness you give out x1000! I hope we get to know each other better and make sure you’re taking care of yourself 🥺💖
@heyhinata; Cal bb we also have only started interacting recently but omg ily and would fight anyone and anything for you, you’re so precious and funny how do you do it 😾💕 I’m vv glad we met and I’m so excited for your future works!!
@astereim; Rein, Mareina supremacy amirite 😼 SHFJAKDJ okay but honestly you’ve been one of the easiest people to talk to right from the start and also your writing is i m m a c u l a t e, I admire your characterization and dialogue sm and ily :,) 💙
@softforsaeko; Joy, ily ❤️ and I still don’t know how you can perfectly embody the word joy. Every time I see you on my dash I let out the most obnoxious cackles because you’re HILARIOUS (Fun fact my irl who has tumblr says that he’s also started immediately thinking of you when he sees Saeko, can’t wait for you guys to get married!!)
@agaassi @visaintes @miki-snake @drabblily @oii-sugasan @lcnelyinthesky @bearri-main @ranojiroa-san @ukaiscigarette @strawberrii-milktea @murdereddaydreams @keichan @bellesowl @fvrcore @noya-sannnn
I was scared to talk in the server when I first joined (I’m a pussy ik 😿) but I can say with confidence that I don’t regret it because I got to meet all of you wonderful and talented people. To everyone I’ve had the chance to talk to, thank you for making me laugh sm and ily!! And to everyone else in the server I haven’t interacted with yet, ilyt you’re all so sweet and I hope to get to know you better in the future 🤍
And thank you to @inloveinc @sa-suga @tsukkiscookies @cherryonigiri @oikawas-wh-re @tsuumu @haijme @honeykaashi @mirajanestrauss1999 @tris-does-stuff @sunnsflower @sleepykarabou @ksyescribe I hope we can to get to know each other better as well, ily, and please make sure you’re taking care of your beautiful + talented selves <3 This all applies to my new mutuals too !!
— to my inspirations!
@90s-belladonna @the-broken-halo-writer @indigohitoshi; Aixa, Corey and Issa, all three of you inspired me to make my own blog with your SMAUs and written works 🥺 I would like to thank you all sm for sharing your works and know that you’re all amazing !!💕
@sugardaddykenma @hina-wit-da-glock; Lin and Lola, I’m still dumbfounded that you both follow me tbh LMAO. You were both some of the first haikyuu blogs I followed and you always crack me up with your posts, rlly some of the coolest people on here. I adore you and wishing you the best in everything you do! 🥰
102 notes · View notes
sunasbabie · 4 years
okay so i know i said i wasn’t going to do this but fuck it.
to all my friends and followers here i want to say thank you you’ve made me really happy and i’m really glad that i met you!! i know i only created this blog less than a month ago but i can say i’m really glad i did cause i got to meet a lot of cool people. here’s to a great 2021 to all of us i love you guys 🤍
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to @rintarous​ @1tadori​ @fushigorou​ (i didn’t know which one to tag) omg my first friend on tumblr and the only person who knows my other blog lol,, i’m really glad i decided to talk to you months ago, ik we never really talked everyday back then but i’m so grateful to have stumbled upon your blog and be an anon and annoy you back then, and after i found out that you were a filipino too we just clicked more cause we’re both kinda wack 🤪 HAHA i remember what you told me when you asked me to reveal myself (i wanna post the screenshot but i decided against it HAHA) ily jan!
to @kenmaki​ gabieeee ahhh okay you’re honestly sooo kind from the moment i started to interact with you on anon, you never failed to make me smile. you’re just so pure and genuine. i love that i discovered your blog and to this day i still kinda remember how i became your anon hehe. i love you a lot gabrielle don’t forget that!
to @kurooskult​ mila my wife ahhh words cannot express how grateful i am to you, you have been such a great person to talk to about the most random things and i always love how funny your replies are, you truly deserve the title “the funniest person ever” HAHA. i’m so happy that i actually had the guts to come off anon after i made this blog because we became closer that way. i hope we become even greater friends this year! i love yaa mwahh
to @velvetfireworks​ rach omg you are one of the few people i look up to when it comes to writing not to mention you were the kindest person when i decided to dm you, i honestly thought you would ignore me ngl HAHA but you didn’t. i’m also really grateful that i became friends with you and i love talking about our days hehe. thank you for always saying yes when i ask if you want to beta read my fics!! ily rach!
to @rintarhoes​ @animatedrapture​ violet!!! ahhh i remember being an anon at your blog and just literally talking about suna all the time, also i went mia recently lol cause i got busy but i hope you know that i still wanted to thirst with you about our man 🥵,, also you are absolutely precious omg like i absolutely love you! 
to @miyasangel​ @rintaroll​ @sunakissses​ @datecho​ @a8mine​ @miitsurii​ ik we haven’t really interacted a lot but i really love all of you, i’m happy to have met such cool people like you guys,, also @tetsurolls​ i just wanted to say i absolutely love your blog even before lol i remember being an anon on your blog and always thirsting about iwa, you even made a fic out of one of the thirsts i sent you, i think it was the playboy iwa anyway ily !!! mwahh
and to all my other mutuals that i haven’t interacted before please know that love and appreciate all of you, i hope you all have a great new year 🤍 mwahh
xx, marga
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bubblegum-switch · 4 years
hello! idk if you’re still active on this blog but i saw a post saying you’d accept requests and headcanons?? you’re honestly one of my favorite blogs and your writing is adorable 💞 anyway, my request because voltron still owns my entire ass. i was thinking maybe pre established klance and errr, lance having a huge thing for tickling and not knowing how to tell keith he likes it, bc he’s worried that keith would be weirded out by it if he finds out but when does keith finds out, he’s not? 🥺
no i have not watched s8 and no i will not but i still love the characters SO much
Anyway absolutely I can do this yes. I haven’t written tickling in literally years (whoops) but I can only hope it’s improved since then. Also good lord ticklish!Lance still owns my whole heart so omg thank you for this amazing prompt, i hope you weren’t hoping for a full one-shot and are okay with a less-formal one this turned out longer than expected lmao
Also aaaaaaaaaaa your words are so kind, ily anon <3 I hope to remember this blog more often bc I’m so bored bc of quarantine and what better way to pass the time than to write?
Note: There’s like. no actual tickling in this bc I wrote it pretty much entirely around the confession itself but there’s still some teasy Keith which is always good. Also I wrote this from like 3:30-5am whoops
Also this isn't letting me put in a working Read More and I am sorry for the resulting long post
Rating: T, it gets suggestive in words but not actions and there’s nothing explicit
Lance bit his lip. It was Space Family Movie Night, and while it was a good movie that Hunk picked out, the scene that was currently playing was...
Well. The two main characters were having a (brief, but still) tickle fight on the protagonist’s bed. Lance had been hardly paying attention up to this point - it just wasn’t his kind of movie - but this... this scene had his eyes glued to the screen
He tried not to pay attention to Keith’s arm around his shoulders. He tried not to think about the fingers that absentmindedly twitched every so often. It was probably just a byproduct of his arm getting tired and wanting to move, but during this scene Lance was hyper-aware of those fingers.
None of the others seemed to pay much attention to the scene. To be fair, it wasn’t a major scene. It was objectively cute - the protagonist had a mutual crush on the other character, and they were finally getting close. But Lance couldn’t help but be minorly petrified by it. He tried to be nonchalant, but felt restless throughout it. He tried to hold still, but found himself drinking from his glass of water less calmly than he’d have liked to afterwards.
All too soon, his cup was empty. He extracted himself from Keith’s arm and walked to the kitchen both to refill his water and take a breath.
He looked out the window of the castleship at the vast expanse of stars as he turned on the sink’s faucet. After testing the temperature with his hand, he brought the glass to it, nearly overfilling it. He raised it to his lips and let the crystal-clear water cool him off from the inside-out.
After a few sips, he set it back down on the counter, looking out into the cosmos once more.
“Coming back soon?”
Lance jumped as he heard his boyfriend’s voice suddenly in the room with him.
“You startled me,” he chuckled nervously, picking his glass back up. “I’ll be back in in just a minute.” 
Keith smiled at him, then walked over to him, gently embracing him against the counter and following his gaze outside.
“I’m glad we did this,” Keith said softly into his shoulder. It was still a relatively new relationship between them. They had been dancing around their feelings for long enough, and about a week before they decided to cut their losses and give in.
“Me too,” Lance said, nuzzling into his arms, letting his earlier flustering dissipate from his mind.
“So, care to tell me why you left so suddenly?”
Lance could hear a gentle smile in Keith’s voice. “Hm?” he asked, feigning ignorance.
“You got up so quickly, are you alright?”
Lance thought quickly to cover himself. “Y-yeah, I just got thirsty all of a sudden.” He took another sip of water to cement his point.
“Well,” Keith pulled himself away and began turning to walk back to the lounge, “don’t keep me waiting too long, okay?”
“I’ll be back in soon,” Lance smiled warmly back at him. Crisis averted, for now at least.
It was movie night again, a week later. This time, Pidge had control of what they were watching. It was a spy movie of sorts, one Pidge said she used to watch all the time on Earth.
Lance was laying with his head in Keith’s lap, feet hanging over the arm of the loveseat they were in. He was more invested in this movie than the one Hunk showed the previous week.
When the protagonist was kidnapped by the enemy agents and woke up tied to a chair, a tiny warning bell went off in Lance’s head. Be on guard, it said.
When the head enemy agent approached the protagonist saying she had ways to make her talk, the warning bell got significantly louder. Logically, Lance figured it wasn’t going to be what he simultaneously hoped and feared it would be.
When the enemy spy walked around the back of the protagonist and extended her hands to the tied woman’s sides, Lance tensed up. Yep, here it comes.
Sure, the scene only lasted a few seconds before the enemy paused, threatened more, and the protagonist gave in, but it felt like an eternity to Lance. He quickly downed the juice in his glass, leapt up and went to the kitchen once again. 
“Come on, it’s not a big deal,” he said to his reflection in the window’s glass. He gripped the edge of the countertop. He felt that his face was probably glowing pink, and tried to shake his head to clear his mind.
“You should be able to handle 10 seconds just seeing it.” Lance set his head on the cool stone under his hands and groaned.
“So you’re obviously not okay,” a voice behind him spoke.
He jumped up and whipped around to, sure enough, see Keith standing across the kitchen. Lance noted he seemed to be fighting a smile.
“I’m fine,” Lance said shakily, filling his glass with water once more.
Keith’s trace of a smile melted away into a concerned frown as he closed the distance between them.
“Look,” he began. “Two weeks in a row you jumped up and ran out of the room. Is it me? Is it the movie choices? Do you now want to be touching me when we watch them?” The genuine concern in Keith’s voice hurt Lance to hear. 
“N-no, it’s not that,” Lance rushed to amend. “It’s just... uh...” and he quickly faltered. How was he going to explain this? It hadn’t ever come up between them, and it wasn’t exactly easy for Lance to talk about.
Keith’s face changed before Lance could continue, and for the life of him Lance couldn’t name the expression he now held.
“Is it something with tickling? You don’t like it, do you?”
Static was now the only thing in Lance’s mind. He flinched and felt his face grow warm as he fought back a smile with an attempt at a frown.
“Ah-n-no it’s not that I just - uh--”
“I can make sure there isn’t any content of it in movies from here on out,” Keith stepped closer and took Lance’s hand. “I want you to be comfortable, and if this helps it helps, right?”
Lance still couldn’t figure out the expression on his face. In the meantime, he was panicking. Oh god, Keith was saying things Lance didn’t want to hear. This was embarrassing, but for the wrong reasons. Keith was wildly incorrect, but Lance couldn’t bring him to tell him so.
The blue paladin only couldn’t handle those scenes because of everyone around him. If Lance let himself react naturally to it, surely they’d notice the squirming and stifled giggles coming from him.
He just couldn’t bring himself to tell Keith he not only enjoyed but loved being tickled. It just felt too weird to admit, plus he couldn’t exactly say The Word out loud which made things significantly more difficult.
“N-no, it’s not...” he bit his lip and avoided Keith’s gaze. He was so afraid his boyfriend would think him weird for it, especially the extent to which he loved it.
“Then what is it? You know you can tell me anything, right?” Keith squeezed his hand. 
Lance couldn’t meet his gaze. He tried his best to squeeze out the words anyway. 
“It’s not... that I don’t like it...” and he couldn’t speak any further. He could only hope that Keith could extrapolate far enough.
Lance felt a squeeze on his hand again as Keith laughed softly. “That’s it, Lance?”
“I’m sorry... I know it’s weird--”
“Look at me,” Keith interrupted, gently cupping Lance’s chin and turning his face to meet his own. The blue paladin still struggled to make eye contact. “There’s nothing weird about it.”
Lance stayed quiet, looking down at the floor.
Keith fondly rolled his eyes before pressing a kiss to Lance’s forehead. “If anything, it’s adorable. You like laughing and smiling so much, it’s only a natural progression.”
Lance snickered at his boyfriend’s logic.
“Oh? Was that a laugh?” Keith quickly responded, enjoying watching Lance blush deeply. “I wasn’t even doing anything!” he smiled, moving to pin him between himself and the counter. With a shift to a bit of a darker expression and an evil grin on his face, Lance knew things were going to be alright.
“But I can,” and Lance’s stomach was full of butterflies.
A nervous giggle spilled from his lips. “Not here,” he whispered back. “The others might hear.”
Keith leaned in close to his ear. “Then tell me, Lance, how much do you like it?”
A shiver went up and down Lance’s spine. The blue paladin grabbed his boyfriend’s wrists in  surge of energy and started leading him towards his bedroom, so they were out of earshot. 
Their impromptu “sparring sessions” were about to get a lot more interesting.
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adorablele · 4 years
describe all your mutuals and then assign them a position in a kpop group :)
i took a nap and then woke up to this in my inbox. that’s hot. idk who you are anon, but I like your brain.
OKAY MOOTS! i asked you guys what positions you would be in a kpop group to see if you saw yourself the same way I did lol,, and I got majority right! lowkey proud guys. I love talking to you all and I’m so happy to have met each of you.
Claire - @shimmershimmernct
so sweet she gives me a toothache
she’s considerate (throwing that keyboard question at me made my heart melt) 
renjun loves moomin, she loves studio ghibli
she reminds me of ten
multilingual queen and a main vocalist
i sense that she’d be a lil savage
and that she’d do acoustic covers
fans would admire her lower range
and ask her to sing in that tone more
would also help a lot with harmonizing
Dahlen - @jisvngy
alright lilick  🤮
so supportive!!
we talk about the randomest things
and i’m here for it
the way you use emojis
✨ amazing ✨
we moving to cali together and live off of maruchan since rent is expensive
you’re the hidden gem bby
like felix and minho
you came back!
most improved member!!
you worked hard for main dancer/rapper/singer (i see you in any of them tbh)!!!!
it’s not the same without you and everyone is happy you weren’t eliminated
Denise - @renjunlite
my fellow overachiever that procrastinates
i relate to that on so many levels
we’re new moots but she seems like a hard worker
has a kink for feedback and we love an improving queen
such a chill person
has exquisite taste (we stan flipped, atla and rice)
in terms of position
I would appoint her as the leader
she’s a well rounded person and honestly would be so good at everything
possibly like stray kids’ chan where she doesn’t get sleep
and regrets life choices of raising (how ever many number of people are in the group) children
at times the madnae 😌
i think she would be a main/lead vocalist
releasing covers here and there
and possibly original songs??
cuz girl your fake story used in the lecture in i can see you part 2 slayed
Eiko - @jeonginks
her humor is superb
and her perspective on literally everything are always wonderful to listen to (or read lol)  
her brain is *chef’s kiss*
i love talking to you omg
she’s so supportive too
would totally binge watch movies/shows with you
i picture her as a main rapper who’d produce some bars
could be chaotic with her members
and loud when it comes to cheering them on
but otherwise relatively chill
good at keeping her emotions in check
and she’s the friend that tells you to shut up because you’re too loud
kinda reminds me of doyoung in his relay cam at like 5 am
super chill and literally minding her own business but has to interrupt her sleep at five am because, oh right, she’s an idol
Leyna - @jisunqsgf
we share one braincell
so easy to talk to
could talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING
for DAYS
super kind
makes me bust uwus all the time
would most definitely scream together in public because we’re chaotic
^^ that us when we meet on the street in the philippines
i see her auditioning as a vocalist
but getting casted for a lead rapper and a sub vocalist
would appeal to fan service!!!
would do a lot of lives and love interacting with fans
popular, so the face of the group!!
Louna - @glossyjaems
okay a ball of ENERGY
and has CONFIDENCE that is GOALS (reminds me of jin)
super uplifting and hypes up everyone!!!
someone i could turn to if I’m feeling down
would adore going on walks with you and hanging out in the park
or waking up early/staying up to see the sunrise 
you’re THAT friend
I see her as the face of the group
cuz gurl you’re like tagged by everyone
and you lowkey remind me of jackson wang because of that
i also see you as a dancer, probably main since you’d be the face
kinda think you would secret date too ngl
but don’t worry i got your back if you ever do
Qiu - @juyeonzz
idk why you say you’re awkward
conversations with you are easy going omg
she’s so light-hearted and adorable!!
could see me talking to you late at night while looking at the stars
cuz our conversations be that chill and could go that deep
and possibly you could teach me more about astrology 👉👈
i picture her as a sub vocalist
definitely main dancer (I’m so glad I asked you if you had dance experience cuz I could’ve sworn that you did)
known to be a fangirl of a certain group (cough the boyz cough)
and fans live for their interaction
Yara - @kwantified
international baccalaureate 🤮🤮🤮
she’s so fun omg
would love to hang out with her late at night and clink our glasses filled with the strongest alcohol,, water
it would be filled with crackhead moments and serious moments honestly
a beautiful mess if you ask me
thought of her as vocalist
but also as a rapper
and then I thought of wendy
so she’s a vocalist
who’s lowkey good at rapping
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azoraahai · 5 years
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hi hello, it’s your fav chaotic disaster here! since it is nearing the end of the decade/2019 here ( i know some of y’all are already enjoying the new year bc timezones lol ) but i just wanted to take the time and mention a few peeps that really kept me grounded this year. this is not a follow forever bc im lazy as fuck so pls enjoy this mess of me rambling lol!
even if you aren’t tagged, there are special mentions for each group im under so please read if you have the time! please note that each and every single one of you has made 2019 so much better cuz we all know it was hella rough so im very thankful for all of you!
this is hella long so everything will be under the cut :)
oc mutuals ⤵
my one and only :: @daisyjohvson my ride or die, my best friend, my beautiful sister, my other half. there are no words that could articulate how much you mean to me. you are my person and nothing could ever change that. i know we both have been busy this year, but im so glad we always do our best to chat no matter what time it is for us. you are my everything and i adore and love you so fucking much. i hope 2020 will finally be the year we meet after being friends for almost five years. i wish you the best of luck for the start of a new decade babe xx.
satanic bitches 2/3 :: @freakingbradleys @fleetwoodmcs god, it still blows my mind that my two idols talk to me on a daily. amanda, kayla, you guys have brought such a new perspective into my life and i cannot thank either of you enough for it. you guys are so encouraging, thoughtful, amazing, and supportive. i know i can tell you guys anything and you would be super honest with me and i cannot explain how much i appreciate that. thank you both for enduring the mess of 2019 with me.
my chaotic twin :: @emiliachrstine emilia, my love, it has been a pleasure talking with you via tumblr and snapchat facetime. you have brought so much laughter in my day while i was at college and i am 100% sincere when i say i needed those talks sO MUCH! you know some of the challenges i was facing so i just wanted to say thank you for being so fun to talk to and always listening to my endless ranting ( especially the cLASS SIX FELONY bit ). im so thankful we got closer this year and i love you so so so so soooo much bb!
the enabler buddy :: @moirei first of all, i cant believe how much we’ve been talking recently! i’ve always wanted to talk to you more and im highkey upset that it took me this long to reach out to you again, but anyways, as john mulaney would say, tHe PaSt Is ThE pAsT. thank you for letting me ask you sooooo many questions about sw, enabling me with all of these spur of the moment ideas, and for being such a wonderful friend! you are so kind, encouraging, and helpful! thank you so much for everything bb!
long lost sister :: @nellie--crain rachel, honey, you are a light in my life. anytime you message me, i already feel 100000x happier. you are like an older sister to me and i love you to the moon and back! i love all of your ocs and our xovers so much ( especially robeck bc otp ) and i hope we come up with more stuff in the near future! i hope 2020 graces you with so much happiness and joy, my love!!
some of my ride or dies :: @chlobenet @peterparcour @hopemikaelsvns @thetenthdoctorscompanion @drewtanner @princes-jasmine @aaudace @killinbills thank you all for being so amazing, talented, and wonderful! you all have played a significant part in my 2019 and i hope you all know that!! y’all are so awesome seriously xx
the rest of my oc mutuals :: thank you guys for sticking around as my hyperfixations constantly change once i find a new thing lol. i hope to chat with you all some more in 2020 and the years to come! please remember that each and every one of you is talented, creative, and beautiful! i wish you all the best of luck for this upcoming year and know that i love and appreciate every single one of you!!
giffing mutuals ⤵
the other half braincell :: @yelenabelovaa fleur, my darling, what an honor it is to be your wife! we got so close sO FAST and i cant imagine my life without you. you’re the jake to my tom, and if that doesn’t explain how chaotic we are then idk what does. thank you for being there right away when my dog died unexpectedly like i cannot tell you how much i appreciated you on the phone with me until someone irl was there to help me. thank you for always being so selfless, kind, and an incredible friend. i love you so much and let’s hope we get to meet in 2020!!!
goddess of parallels :: @andthwip the fact that you follow me is still absolutely mind blowing! also the fact that you tag me in your gifs is eVEN MORE mind blowing! i’ve admired your work for quite a while and let me just say, your ideas are unmatched!! you have such an eye for detail like no one can do what you do!! thank you so much for being a great mutual and i hope 2020 will be a wonderful start of the decade for you xx
the clown :: @robertpattisons okay dont hate me for putting the clown lol its just your icon and i had to im sorry lmao!! anyways, laiba, hi bb! you are such a talented gif maker and im so glad we became mutuals this year! thank you for being so nice, helpful, and a great friend!! i love you lots and have a great 2020!!!!
chaotic duo :: @colins-farrells sakshi, darling, idk if i ever mentioned this to you but you made me feel so comfortable with my blog. i looked up to you and your amazing chaotic posts and i just wanted to thank you for that! you truly are amazing and ily bunches xx i hope 2020 will be epic for you!!
some of my amazing giffing mutuals :: @lzzieolsn @luke-skywalker @ageofultron @brolinjosh @rosiebetzler @bitony you all are so fucking talented like seriously!!!! thank you all for following my trash can of a blog bc i have admired ALL of you from afar and im still in shock about it!! i hope 2020 blesses you all with happiness, success, and joy!!! i love and adore each and every one of you!!!
the rest of my giffing mutuals :: thank you all for being so fucking nice to me! i only began giffing regularly at the beginning of this year and i made SO many wonderful mutuals ( aka you guys ) because of it! you all have been so helpful and supportive of me and i am so fucking grateful for that!!! 2020 is a new year and the start of a new decade for us!! i wish all of you can enjoy this new beginning!!!
to all of my followers ⤵
hi hello! if you got this far down, congrats!!! i just wanted to say i fucking love you guys so damn much!! no matter what im doing, my current hyperfixation, the ENDLESS amount of shitposting, y’all willingly stick with me and i seriously can’t thank you enough! i know i say that so much, but it’s honestly 100% true! i’ve reached INCREDIBLE milestones because of all of you!! so seriously, thank you! 2020 is a fresh start so let’s make this year fucking amazing!!!
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krisrix · 4 years
your puppy is SO cute kris omfg😭😭 what a baby 💕💕 and i just wanted to say i've been reading all your ask responses (im procrastinating my final research paper heh) and you're so cool for being so open about everything and the stories about you and your husband are so fun omfg and you're just so fkn awesome! (btw i finished with a 97% in my art appreciation class thanks to your kickass fanart in my presentation) oh! and i was wondering how the proposal went between you and your hubby ;) ily ❤
You are so sweet!! 🖤 I’m glad you’re enjoying my babbling~ And my silly dog~
CONGRATS on the 97%!!! So phenomenal. I’m honoured to have been a part of it.
I honestly don’t remember a proposal happening, I don’t think there was one. Once we decided we were going to date, that was kind of it. We were all in. Which is crazy, because I was only 17, and we hadn’t even spent any time together in person yet, but alas. We just sort of mutually understood it would happen, and then one day we were looking into paperwork for me to immigrate, etc. There is no romance in our relationship, 😂 
It was all very fast after that, despite how laissez-faire we were about the topic otherwise. Simon’s mom passed before I had a chance to meet her, and his dad got sick shortly after; in August 2011, even though I still had one more semester of university to finish, I travelled up to Montreal and we got married at the courthouse because we knew his dad wasn’t going to be with us much longer, and we wanted him to know Simon was going to be okay. Then a few days later, I had to go back to NY. Simon’s dad passed away a month after.
I didn’t move in with Simon until May of 2012. It was technically a gamble, marrying someone before you’ve even lived with them, but we weren’t all that concerned. And it super worked out, 🖤🤸‍♂️
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leggomylino · 5 years
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I saw someone else do one of these about a week ago, and it’s been on my mind to do one as well. It’s a very sweet gesture and I want to let all my mutuals know that not only do I see them and care about them, but I also really appreciate y’all as well! So without further ado, here’s my shoutout to each and every one of you! ->
@lovesickmark​ -> I’m pretty sure you’re like, the first person I really connected with on here? If not THE first then definitely one of the first. I know you’ve been going through a lot and I respect that; I’m cheering for you from the sidelines tho, just remember that! It’s been wonderful having you around so I hope you’re doing well and that you keep moving forward. <3
@jisungx2​ -> JOSIIIIIIIE >A< My INFP sister. I’m sure things have been kind of annoying and rough for you too, what with the holidays here and having to work Black Friday and most the rest of the season (holy cow I salute you and I’m really glad you didn’t die. Ily man.) It makes me so happy when you leave cute asks in my box like “hope you have a great day!” or “[enter cute chain mail here]”. You’re just very cute 😞😞 and I really wish you all the best this holiday season! I hope you’re taking care of yourself and remembering to take breaks when you need it. Remember the storage room excuse. Ily bro man.
@iiasha​ -> We haven’t been talking for very long but like, omgosh I love talking to you oops. 😂😅 Idk sis, I guess because most of my mutuals are a bit younger than me it’s nice to have someone who’s the same age I can relate to? And also someone to guide me through the confusing but quite entertaining world of the Seventeen fandom 💍 (I’m on my laptop and I couldn’t find the giant diamond emoji don’t @ me). ALSO! YOUR WRITING!! IS SO GOOD!!! Ugh I STILL gotta get to that Jimin alt. ending 😫😓 But I’ve been very invested in working and my language studies as of late while procrastinating on my other works rip. ANYWAY! I APPRECIATE YOU!! LET’S TALK MORE!!! YEEHAW!!!!
@joully​ -> You and I are still going to take over the kpop industry with our band, right? Shoot, what was the name of it again?? 😂😂 I don’t remember RIP...anyway, we don’t talk hardly as much but, I still see a lot of your posts and think about you! You’re really talented and I’m totally jelly of your piano skills 🥺🥺 Like dang I wish I could play half as good sis. Also, I’d really like to visit Germany one day! My dad’s best friend lives there, they met while he was travelling Europe in the army. He said we may go there one day and if we do, or if I just have to make my own adventure, I’d love to meet at a coffee shop and say hello. <3 Please continue taking care of yourself and come talk to me sometime! If you don’t, I will!! Lol 💕
@minniewoos​ -> 😎😎 <- SEE I REMEMBERED ❤️ I really hope your anatomy final went well! I bet it did <3 And if you haven’t taken it yet, you’re going to do great, I know! ^^ We haven’t talked for long but, I enjoy talking to you a lot. It’s always nice and appreciated to have another stay to bond with and just chat about how dumb boys can be but wow they sure are cute while doing it. Sigh. Anywho, I’m looking forward to talking with you more, and if you ever get a chance, I’m excited about getting to maybe study Korean together!  천천히 해 💓
@kpoptrashx2​ -> Luisa!!! We don’t really speak as often either 🤔 But I really appreciate that you’re always there to help me with my writing and give me pointers when I need it. Thank you so much for that! It’s truly very helpful because as a writer I have no idea how something is going to sound to others who have no idea what’s going on inside my head. ^^” Not only that but it’s a joy getting to chat with you as well. 💓 I hope you’re doing well and that we’ll get to catch up soon!
@hanniesunshine​ -> Omgosh sis I cannot wait for your story to come out! You know the one I’m talking about so I won’t accidentally spoil anything lol. But anyway! I hope you’re well and that you’re doing alright. We haven’t talked for very long but I had so much fun talking about your story with you, and I’m looking forward to chatting about even more stuff! 🥰
@bopping-to-my-kpop​ -> Sis you betta talk to me more or imma come after you 😤😤 Don’t test me I’ll dang sure hold another court case if I have to! And it’ll be totally rigged because I’ll be in charge of everything! The judge? It’s me. The jury? Also me~ Any outside opinions? I have influence in all of them! 💞 ...Nevertheless, I really hope that you’re well, and please know that you can come to me for anything :c Even if it’s just to take your mind off of something negative and you need a laugh. I’ll see what ridiculous shenanigans I can cook up for you, okay? You’re never a burden, I love helping people (esp. people I care about!) so please stop by anytime!! #westanemmainthishouse 🥀
@xxsanshinexx​ -> I haven’t talked to you in forever but I really hope you’re doing well! I haven’t seen many posts from you recently :(( Idk if you’re just busy or if I’m blind, but if you ever get a chance I’d love to catch up! Whatever you got going on please keep doing your best and remember to take your time as well. <3
@spuds-potato​ -> 🌟🌟🌟 B)) What’s poppin little sis? I hope you’re doing well as well, and I’m still waiting for my story 😤😤 Remember if Celi dies she’s dragging her bf down with her okay?! Okay. Some Romeo and Juliet action going on 😂😂 Aaaaaaanywho, I’ll have to pop in soon on Insta and you can tell me about your day! Remember boys are dumb and drink plenty of water~ 💗💗
@chanscoffee​ -> I know you’re super busy but I totally miss talking to you 😭😭 and I hope you’re well. I rarely use Snap but I need to hop on there sometime and maybe we can chat! Or on Insta. Idk we’ll see. Whatever you have going on just know I’m still supporting you and I’m here if ever you need someone. 💖
@daydream-jwoo​ -> Okay I’m telling you now imma be texting you soon! Seriously sis how have you been?! We have so much to catch up on! 😩😩 The holidays have managed to be both crazy and slow at the same time some how? Like time has been completely nonexistent and a total paradox lately. 🗿🗿 It’s wild. Anyway imma keep this one short bc it’s been so long and I’ll text you soon!! 💝💝
@thevampywarlock​ -> Give me a minute.........okay. *deep breath* AAAAH I THINK YOU’RE REALLY CUTE!?!?! ...Aaaaaanyway uwu” The stories you write are so cute and just, small wholesome things that you manage to extend and expand upon? Does that make sense? I really admire that. It’s like subtle but I definitely see it and eventually I’m going to come around to going on a reblogging spree \o7o/ But until then I hope you’ll consider stopping by and talking with me more? You’re a wonderful author and I think you have a kind heart. ^^ <3
@jisungsjheekies​ -> Oh sis. We gotta chat more too! Your stories are also very cute and well written and idk why but, I feel very compelled to support both you and @backhugsforhyunjin​ and whole squad. It’s very strange and I don’t mean to alarm anyone 😂😅 I just...can’t really explain it other than I feel like y’all are good people and I’d love to get to know you better. Anyway I’ll cut this short to avoid making anything unnecessarily weird, but, I’d really love to talk with you more! And I def support and appreciate you!!
@backhugsforhyunjin​ -> Sis you too, we def gotta chat more 😤 If you ever need anyone to talk to, I understand we aren’t close at all but I’m available to listen or give advice if you need it? 😅 Also, you’re a wonderful author as well. I really wish the best for you and hope to hear from you more in the future. If anything, please remember to take your time and know that there are people cheering for you! You got this, whatever it may be!!
@gaiyofanfiction​ -> Asdfghjkl now that we’re buds ofc I had to make you a part of this too 🤪🥳 I think we could use a team name, what do you think about #TurkeyDragons?  Bc the NCT float?? 😂😂 I like it honestly...but if you hate it lmk lmao. I hope we get to talk more soon and I’m really looking forward to an update of Twisted Karnival! One of the greatest fanfics I’ve ever read on here 😞✊ Of course with the Holiday season here updating isn’t super important, y’all pls take care of yourselves first and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! (p.s. if anyone else is reading I wish this for y’all as well!) ❤️🎄
. . . That was a lot. If I’ve forgotten anyone I sincerely apologize and I love and appreciate you as well! Please don’t be mad at me 😩😩 At the end of the day I really do love and appreciate all my followers and mutuals, y’all are all fantastic and I’m always rooting and cheering for you like the Mom in every Pokemon rpg ;-;-;-; Keep going and become the Pokemon Champion okay? And I mean really go kick Gary’s ass, because he’s an ass and needs his ass whooped after all the crap he puts you through in Red/Green. I can’t wait for a reboot to come up on Switch so I can kick his butt all over again 😤🤭🥴 Anyway x9,000, thanks for coming to my Appreciation Ted Talks and I sincerely hope you all have a wonderful day and rest of 2019, as well as a happy New Year and an amazing 2020! ...Dear son of a biscuit it’s gonna be 2020. Wow. Letting that sink in. Where’s the rewind button? Actually I’m not sure if I wanna go back maybe it’s best if we bury this year for the most part and start over 👀💧
OKAY THAT BEING SAID EVERYONE GO OUT AND TAKE DOWN GARY!!! ILY ALL WOO 화이팅!! LET’S GET THIS 2020 BREAD after a cup of eggnog and some holiday celebrations uwu Peace out and again I love y’all! 💝
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hellreads · 5 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kim Taehyung | V & Reader Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Reader Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff, Light Angst Series: Part 2 of Effervescence
Just like the fizz of a cola on a hot summer’s day, your encounter with Taehyung is short but sparkly sweet.
Getting married in three months, you and your girls attend Ultra Miami to cap your single life, a final hurrah of some sort. What you didn’t expect is meeting a beguiling boy with a boxy smile who gives you a festival you’ll forever reminisce.
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“Ephemeral love are like flowers in valleys, but everlasting love are like mountains.” ~ Arthy V. 
reading this second part of effervescence made me feel so many things but mostly sadness, despite MC and Taehyung spending a few days together it felt like a lifetime, it was like a meeting of two souls lost in this realm eventually finding each other because they were once intertwined in another life though not in this one, not anymore, because this is proof that we can’t always have the people we want in our lives, even if the feeling is mutual, even if you spend days even years together if it isn’t meant to be, it will never happen.
[SPOILERS AHEAD vv minimal, hopefully]
immersing into this one put me on a rollercoaster ride, the type of ride you wish would never end no matter how it makes you dizzy and intoxicated with every spin it puts you through, starting off with her girlfriends (to have my favorite celebrities as my BFFs here was a treat, each personality reminded me of certain roles they portrayed in dramas which was cute) bidding her goodbye to tend to their duties as they leave her to enjoy the festival on her own before she closes the chapter of her life as a single woman, because in three months she’ll be marrying “the love of her life”.
as soon as Taehyung entered the picture Aphrodite by RINI immediately played on loop in my head (the playlist/music recommendation is lovely tho *chef’s kiss* especially Lover’s Fire by Franco it’s so divine and will give you all the feels) he was a man on a mission, whipped as soon as he saw her having fun with her friends he came up to her with all the courage he mustered, it was now or never, it was an opportunity for them to get to know each other and maybe earn her affection and in return he’ll worship her, a goddess that came to him when he least expects it. I enjoyed every moment they spent together and made me forget she was getting married soon, everything felt like magic making me overlook her current situation, in my eyes and my heart they were meant to meet each other and learn a thing or two about each other and about life.
not wanting to spoil much of the beautiful moments the pair shared let me just share my thoughts about the stuff you can pick up here, first of all, let yourself get lost in the moment, do not overthink things, I know this is hard for people like me in particular because I overthink things making me lose every single second where I could’ve been enjoying stuff I might regret later but it’s better than thinking for the rest of my life of the what-ifs? secondly, age is just a number, it doesn’t matter when you’re in love, let go and let love in, the Noona romance theme here is something I enjoyed, though I think I am very much like her who'd rather fall for or date an Oppa rather than a boy years younger than me because even a year younger scares me, I have this mentality that I should date men at least a year older than me (I think the biggest age gap was seven years tho) because I always associated maturity with age and I had to learn the hard way, also,  I wanna be babied so I date older men but have this need to be on top and take control, anyway age and maturity isn’t really a thing that’s my point, do not let people judge you for the age difference, you’re the one in love and committing not them, their opinions shouldn’t matter. thirdly, life can be very unfair, no, life is truly unfair letting you meet people you never thought you’d change your life drastically in so many ways, even if it means sinning for a bit... in this case do I condemn her for letting go a bit? no, even if it was technically cheating, what if Taehyung was the one for her at least in one of her lives and this was a reunion of sorts before finally moving on??? and lastly “There are some secrets that we think we're keeping, but those secrets are actually keeping us. - Frank Warren” ~ “But some secrets are too delicious not to share. - Suzanne Collins” I think these sayings about secrets explain themselves well and if you read the whole story you’ll understand them much better.
and ofc my favorite bits will be shared, I cannot stop my effervescent heart for Kim Taehyung, sigh what are the odds that she would meet a young and handsome man months before her big day, a young man full of life and energy that will change her life for a few days, I adored the way they got along so easily as if they’ve known each other for a long time, he felt like home, it’s impossible not to be whisked away, because despite MC’s honesty about her relationship and upcoming marriage it wasn’t enough for the kid to back down, he clearly wants her and that made my heart jump way too many times but also hurt because this is just temporary, he’s just temporary, he will only remain a memory of Miami, every scene felt like it was pulled from some cheesy/romantic/heartbreaking drama where the male and female lead will never be together because time said so, because circumstance said so, because fate said so, the attraction, the dancing, the drinking, the piggyback rides, the tickling, the elevator ride, the push and pull with reckless abandon giving in only if for one night, the way Taehyung made her feel affected me so much it’s more than lust, the way he wants to take her, steal her, persuade her into choosing him, I was glad it was more than one night but was it really something to be glad about when you know the end will eventually take away this borrowed precious moment? nevertheless, they made every moment count, it was just them nobody else (the smut is proof that they just let go, 0 fucks given, as much as I wanna detail everything I want you to read it without any ideas on the things he’s done to her, all I can say is he’s a very generous lover, a pleaser who pays attention to every detail *wink*wink*).
then comes the part where they had to go back to reality, back to his idol life, back to the arms of her lover, I cried during their last night where he gave up sleep just to commit to memory every single thing about her, making sure he’ll never forget (tho I wondered if he had the same images on his phone as well?) his last favor, his uncontrollable tears, his genuine question it hit me like a tonne of bricks it was a sad conversation filled with so much emotion if I could change things for them I would, but that was their goodbye, the souvenir she left reminded me so much of her girl Sunny, I also noticed the maturity of both characters and how they handle love and relationships, Taehyung is obviously youthful, full of life, would risk it all, likes people easily but I think him falling in love was genuine, does it feel rushed? maybe? but I do know he did love her even if he only met her, after all, a lot of young people fall hard and fast, MC is obviously wise beyond her years, more cautious, guarded, though it was never clear if she only said those words out of pity or not I do believe she loved or at least cared for him, he’s the boy that gave color to her life, a color she never thought would make life beautiful, a bright color she’ll carry with her for the rest of her life, she may not be wise for engaging in an ephemeral affair with the boy but she did know it was just a passing love affair and that she’ll choose Joongki over and over, the other half that makes her whole.
ahhh thank you for this wonderful piece Fringe, I know some of my thoughts/interpretations may be wild or too much but everything you write just puts me in a trance where so many thoughts surround me and I have to get all of this out, thank you for writing again, for sharing with us your works, ily! | 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒
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natsumiheart · 6 years
I gotta say, I started following your blog after you made the 100 reasons why I ship saiouma post, because at the time I was getting alot of crap from people saying why do I ship the ship because they disliked it and they prefer other ships like oumota/saimota/oumeno or consider saiouma unhealthy/generally disliked it. I found your post to be kinda comforting really and I really enjoy reading your content. I love you + your blog, and am really grateful to you. Also sorry I spam your ask box
Aaaa I’m crying thank you so much ;; feel free to spam as much as you want dun worry about it! 😂
I’m honestly glad my blog feels like a safe space for fellow Saiouma shippers. I definitely know the feeling of getting a lot of crap from other people just because they otp something else (don’t get me started on those people from amino who shipped before the game came out then attack you just because Kokichi ended up having feelings for someone else). You can come to me anytime to assure you what they’re saying is wrong and is just a result of their insecurities towards their ship. To be honest, no ship with Kokichi is unhealthy, because Kokichi is not who they think he is. I believe in the end anyone who hates Saiouma just misunderstood Kokichi or Shuichi’s character. There’s a reason why most youtubers who have played the game end up acknowledging the existence of the ship after all.
When I started falling for the ship I had no dr friends who liked it so I was just fangirling on my own, reading fanfics on my own, drawing fanart and never showing anyone XD (it was sad really but it was fun to draw for my otp and being so happy about it) one day I decided maybe I should just post all that art onto dr amino as some huge art dump, but then still got some controversial comments everytime I posted something and didn’t get that much recognition. I already didn’t like that amino cause I wasn’t a huge fan of the dr fandom itself, don’t know if I was even considered a part of it. But those incidents where my friend had to keep stepping in to protect me just made me hate it to death. (thanks for protecting me @souda-nouda ;;)
I still post my drawings here and there but not as much, it’s all art dumps. Plus I never talk there, because 1. already hated the fandom and 2. one time I joined a chat and after someone (it was obv what their otp was but I’m not gonna mention it, dun wanna generalize those shippers because I’m sure not everyone is like that) noticed my Saiouma pfp they sent a “meme” ridiculing Saiouma 😂  basically a screenshot of the “you’re alone and always will be” scene with the caption “Oh I love Saiouma so much best ship” or something like that. I ended up never talking that much, was scared of being there and it was worse with my anxiousness. I ended up ranting to myself yet again then just keeping that rant in my notes, and later referred to that rant in an answer to an ask asking about how I feel towards the opinion that Saiouma is just onesided. You can find it here if you want to XD You can tell which parts I had to refer to my rant to.
But honestly, the worst one is when friends diss it in front of me with no regards for my feelings about it. When it’s others I can ignore but when it’s friends you can say “I take the beating” and laugh it off even though they’re seriously hurting me. (I know it’s just a ship, but it’s my otp for god’s sake 😂) The reason why I started disliking some ships even though I shipped them in the past is that of people trying to tell me why Saiouma sucks and why their ship is better. It was worse too when it was irl 😂 One of my only friends irl that knows danganronpa dissed my otp really badly when I had no one else and I just laughed it off 😂😂😂 (again won’t mention their ship, but it def affected my opinion on that ship and them as a person. tbh have come to seriously not like that ship at all, cause most fans of it treated Saiouma shippers the same way)
Life was like that for a while, the only one I could rant to was myself or my friend in class who knew nothing about danganronpa “I’m dying these fics are killing me and I have no one to talk to about it save me, Person B has the hanahaki disease and ran away! at this rate he’s gonna die on the streets!” poor friend
One day my friendo on kh amino for like two years now told me to post the drawings I’ve been hoarding to tumblr with her (hey @xs-xs ily thanks for dragging me to tumblr ;;💕💕💕) and she soon joined me on the ship becoming my first ever friend to have shipped Saiouma! I ended up legit spamming her with a bunch of fics that I read and loved and even a bunch of Saiouma artists I followed here on tumblr! Honestly, she helped me at such a rough time, bless her. I love her so much utcjgcfsyrehtsefxjd
my lil sis somehow joined me as well after playing the game pfpfp we fangirl together sometimes
You may laugh at me but I seriously feel safer on tumblr as a place to post these stupid drawings, I hate them, I want to get better constantly, but meeting fellow shippers and getting support for doing what I do just makes me so happy ;; and now I’m just so happy that I could you help you through something I’ve gone through as well. Because of this place I feel like I can just post drawings for me and my little circle of followers and mutuals who love the ship as well, and I ended up meeting really imp friends to me now that I speak to every day (hey @reichiroll and @my-own-special-atmosphere thank you so much for talking to me even though all I did at the time was just post drawings and was srsly new to tumblr 😂)
As you can see having been questioned multiple times as to why I ship them I ended up with tons of nights staying awake and just remembering each and every detail of why I loved the ship so much, why did I keep staying awake at night reading fanfictions of them? why did drawing them make me so happy even though I was going through such a rough time in my life? Why did I feel like I’m on cloud 9 just talking about them? Why did I want someone to talk to about it so badly? One day, I was left without internet, and away from home, I felt so horrible, but to make myself feel better I just whipped out my notes app again and just started typing the many reasons I shipped Saiouma.
It wasn’t supposed to be 100 tbh, and it almost ended up more than 100 (I didn’t mention all those cute moments between Shuichi and Kokichi before the fte starts, the “Shuichi you understand me I’m so happy I’m crying!”, the time they ran away from Kaito together, or the time Kokichi taught him stuff about lying. I don’t even think I mentioned the funny backhanded compliments in salmon team, like Kokichi wants to compliment Shuichi but doesn’t know how to so he does it in his own Kokichi way 😂 “no matter how many times I’m reborn I’m no match for the likes of you” and “You’re really amazing Shuichi” hhhhhh), it didn’t even take much time to write. but somehow (due to the unhealthy amounts of hours I spend thinking about Saiouma) I wrote all that, and somehow that post got a lot of notes proving to me that I was actually not alone. It made me so happy.
and that’s how that post came to be! XD It’s awesome that you’ve been here for that long ;;💕
Sorry for the sudden rant, you can already tell that I can’t help but rant alot XD your message hit me right in the heart, I almost started crying from happiness 😂 thanks again and as I said earlier spam me all you want, answering your asks is fun! and for the friends who I ended up tagging, hey sorry I just love you and can’t hold this love back XDDD
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harrysdimples · 6 years
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sooo...it’s the legend @btapants’ birthday and me and my main partner in crime daria @britneytshirt both came up with this idea and whipped up a lil somethin somethin for celine to read! we just want you to know how loved you are celine and how you influence us all to be better people! we all love you and had a few things to say :)
@bidonnas (aka mik):  i followed celine like ages ago bc i was looking for more harries to follow and she seemed so sweet and, like, a Quality™ blog and we've been mutuals for ages as well and we like sent each other asks for like ask games and tagged each other in tag games but we didn't start talking more until the first gc in like march of this year and i do not regret a single thing of entering that gc bc i got to meet my birlfriend, now my bife. we've just gotten closer over the past 6 months of being in so many different groupchats with each other and i love everything about her. she's funny, she's kind and sweet, and she loves mamma mia. i mean, who could ask for more?? fjdkgksdljkfg celine deserves the whole world and all the love in the world and i love her so so so much!!!!
@guccifloralsuits (aka violet):  Celine, you already know it but literally love you tons, you make my experience as a harrie stan so much brighter :) I'll always remember the #funkirk days and times we've been throught - from the discourse days to the crazy concerts & I can't wait to see what this next year for you & us brings! You're so easy to talk to and fun to share this experience with! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL MY LOVE TO YOU 💖
@annaonvinyl (aka essie): Celine, Celine... I believe we've been mutuals not for that long and i do remember checking my notifications and seeing that she followed me i kid you not when i say i nearly had a moment because i would constantly see her posts and people talking so nicely about her. i can now understand why people kept saying sweet things about Celine, i mean she's amazing! if you aren't following her please do me a favour, go to her blog and press that follow, just... do it. celine is so sweet and funny, her blog is the perfect mix of aesthetic and relatable and not to mention she's so freaking stunning? i mean... have you seen her? model material, i'm telling you. so in conclusion what i want to say is celine is gorgeous and so nice and i love her! tanti auguri bella! spero che tu abbia un bel anno davanti a te e tutto il meglio vada per te! goditi la giornata e sorridi molto (scusa il mio italiano arrugginito)
@signofthebis (aka petra): Happy birthday, Celine! ❤❤❤ You know why I followed you. Because of the tags you wrote under my bta pants gifset. And I knew in that moment... this is a person that gets it and I need her in my life. And then I was lucky enough to get into the biconic gc you started and I got to get to know you and wow? You're amazing. You're so funny and incredible and just... I stan forever??? You're truly a queen. ❤❤❤❤ One day your selfies are gonna kill me because you're that gorgeous. And honestly? What a way to go. So Celine, I hope you're having a wonderful day and may your life be filled with only the best of luck, may it be full of love and kindness because that's what you're giving to us and you deserve the same it in return. Ily ❤
@flowerfeasts (aka dani): I followed celine like a year ago because i used to see all my faves tagging her on my dash, so i thought she was very important and cool and i remember waiting like a few weeks to follow her cause i somehow thought that would increase the chances of her following me back? lmao anyway, i still think she is very cool and i LOVE her fashion sense and she is a libra! that means she is awesome
@harryandcats (aka lejla): CELINE MY ANGELBOO!!!! I’m sooo bad with words and tbh?? there’s not enough words to describe how much u mean to me anyway smh you’re one of the sweetest, funniest and smartest (let’s just not mention your posts and the things you say something BDJDNDNDB) and loveliest people I know!! you’re also so silly sometimes but in a very cute and endearing way bdndn I could talk to you about literally anything, be it something deep or something random like poptarts bxjdndn speaking of poptarts we truly gotta meet someday and you’ll have to buy me lots of things and in return you’ll get the biggest hug of your life!!!! sounds like a plan if you ask me anYWAY I lov u with my whole heart, you’re my love, my life, my wife, my gf, my bitch, my boo, but most importantly: my dumbass ✌🏻😔 I hope you have the loveliest day!!!! Happy Birthday, Celine!! 💗🌈💕
@harrysnotechanges (aka kristyna):  Celine 💕💕 you are so funny and such a kind and generous person (not to mention gorgeous, ugh it’s not fair). I’m pretty sure I first started following you because of your url (I mean how much more iconic could you get,,, and I couldn’t agree more, the bta pants were the best pants Harry has ever worn tbh) and I stayed because you’re just an amazing human being. Ily 💕💕💕 Happy birthday!
@gettingdizzy (aka sav): I LOVE CELINE she is super kind and funny and like a little sister to me!! talking to her always makes my day better :) im not even sure why i started following her we probably got put in a gc together or something but im so glad i did!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ILY
@nofoookingway (aka jess): Oh boy, lil Celine. The cutest bean I’ve ever seen. I know we don’t speak anymore bc I’m trash and got too overdramatic about a stupid lil thing, but I’m so glad that we still follow each other and I see you on my dash every day. Your posts never go without a typo, even if it’s just the tags, and that’s probably my favorite thing about you. You’re so expressive and so weird in the best of ways. I’m pretty sure you’re starting uni (if you’re not smack me), but I know you’re going to kill it. It’s hard af, and it’s gonna suck. You’re gonna hate it sometimes, but believe me when I say I know you can do it and that you will have a blast once you find your niche. If I can do it, you sure as hell can. I wholeheartedly believe that. Anyways, I hope your birthday is just as fun and amazing as you are. ilysm 💛💛
@leesh (aka leesh lol): HAPPY BIRTHDAY CELINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope u have the absolute best birthday ever bc it’s what she deserves and i hope harry makes an appearance again looking absolutely fabulous bc it’s also what she deserves (maybe wearing the bta pants? yes i’m putting it into existence!!!!). i honestly can’t rmbr how or why i started following you, maybe it was a gc or maybe i just liked ur blog, i have a terrible memory, but i am SO GLAD whatever the reason I DID. i love seeing ur posts on my dash and i love seeing what you’ve got to say and i also love talking to u in gc’s and stuff. ur a cool gal and i’m glad we had a chance to become mutuals and pals. again i hope u have the best way day ever and get spoilt rotten. i love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖✨
@kiwiintro (aka kayla):  Happy Birthday Celine Bean! I hope it's amazing I love u and you're so iconic and amazing and ur an actual Meme™️ sometimes anyways again I hope your birthday is amazing and have fun being 1(one) year older ❤
@harryftvans (aka teresa): celine my dearest witch princess and gentle air spirit happiest of birthday wishes to you!!! someone’s getting old lol anyway I wish u all the best and hope you have a great day and that a lot of other great days will follow because u only deserve happiness and love and ~good vibes~ in your life!! stay ur amazing self, you’re always so chill and laid back (which is nice in this hectic world gksndn) and even when you pull a zayn on us at the end of the day you’re always there for us, being supportive and it’s always a delight to talk to you and hear stories from you!!! great britain is blessed to have you for the next couple of months/years (hope u have a nice time at uni I believe in u) so yea enjoy your day hope it’s filled with lots of love and hugs!! i’m glad you’ve been brought into the world and i’m glad we were out in the same group chat I couldn’t imagine my days without u, love you v much💕
@pinkflaredpants (aka iris): No offence but it's been a whole ass year since we first heard medicine and still no fuckin studio version of sott.
@britneytshirt (aka daria): celine, remember the day we became mutuals? it’s definitely been a year(+) now, can you believe it’s been that long? i followed u not really expecting to be followed back and u followed me about .02 seconds later and honestly i was a lil shocked. so i put my insecurities aside and decided to text u and u said u just saw my url and liked it and followed me. like?! *harry voice* craziness right? anyway, i like to think of u as a little present from life. when we started talking i was very lonely and literally cried myself to sleep every other night and having a friend, you, to talk to made me realise nothing is ever that bad and in a way... gave me hope? you mean so much to me. you’re always fun to talk to, u always have the funniest things to say. and most importantly, i know i can always count on u for whatever, you’ll be there to listen to me. so thank u. i’m so grateful i have a celine in my life. i love u
me (aka moi): so....celine, where do I even start? from those very first few months when I joined this fandom in september last year we were close friends. we started our first conversation about old 1d memes and the rest is history. I don’t think there’s been a time in the last year or so where I haven’t spoken to you, and I really couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I look forward every day to chatting with you in the gc and i’m always just in awe of how accepting, loving, caring and truly inspiring you are as a person. I love hearing you speak italian in the rare voice messages you send, and especially your selfies (I will hold the belief that you should be a model to the grave I think tbh). you inspired me to love myself for who i am and we’ve grown as friends into something I never thought i’d reach. i’m never going to be able to fully articulate the weight you hold in my life or the impact you’ve had on me, and i’m bad at expressing my feelings anyway, but I just wanted you to know how LOVED you are, by me, and from everyone here. I can’t wait to eventually meet you once you’re settled over here and I can’t wait for the memories and shows we’ll make in the future. thank you for being you, and please never stop being your amazing self 💕
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jiflat · 6 years
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while my writing blog exploded, i realized i hit 300 on this blog! i haven’t been very active on this blog for a long time, and it’s just been a few months since i’ve started using it again, complete with a revamp. i’ve had this blog for years, and this is the first time i’ve ever really enjoyed coming on here, and it’s all thanks to the lovely friends i’ve made over the last few months. 
whether you came from my writing blog, or we just found each other on here, i want to thank you personally for making my experience on tumblr so much better ;; i know not all of my mutuals are on here but i was thinking of people i’ve spoken to because i’m shy and all but i hope to keep this going and to be able to make more friends on here :’) all of you, whether on this list or not, please stay in my life for a long time, and always be happy and healthy!
@regal-kleio: you’re my best friend so you automatically end up in this list no matter what. i love you bitch i ain’t gonna stop loving you bitch :’) thanks for putting up with all my fangirling and letting me ruin your dashboard’s aesthetic with a bunch of seventeen posts and my writing ily forever and always xoxo stay hydrated say hi to mags for me
@ccarats: my sweetie pie, angel bb whom i can’t remember life without anymore. i don’t know what i did to deserve this kind of wonderful friendship but i’m so honored to be in the soft trio with you. and to think this all started over a bad meme about how much seungcheol trash we are :’) it’s been such an honor to watch you as a writer in the last few months, and even more of an honor to get to know you and become your friend and get to scream with you about nonsense and i’M SO HAPPY TO HAVE A NIGHT OWL BUDDY WOW. i wish i could really put into words how much you brighten up my day but i guess this lil post will suffice for now. i loves youuuuu please stay in my life for a very long time thank you~<333
@fallingforcheol: my angel baby sweetie, whom i also can’t remember life without anymore. you’re such an angel??? how did i manage to snag such a friend??? wow. amazing. you’re so talented and so kind and perfect, i wonder if you ever get exhausted :’) but honestly i’ve been so happy and honored to be your friend and you make my days so much better. soft trio wouldn’t be the same without you babes our adorable fearless force. god how do i even do this you’re just perfect okay thank you for being my friend and for everything you do for me i can’t repay it back but you is stuck with me anyways bish. i loves you so much i can’t wait to cheer you on through all the cute boys you’ll encounter in college bb so pls stay in my life for a very long time i don’t know what to do without the soft trio anymore okay ily <33
@queerjunhui: MI AMIGA PRECIOSA HERMOSA LUZ DE MI VIDA thank you so much for always being so supportive and kind and lovely and just overall a perfect human???? i’ve done absolutely nothing to deserve you but you’re stuck with me kid you’re too angelic for me to not ever appreciate having you in my life now :’) i hope you always feel how absolutely loved and appreciated you are, especially amongst the content creator community because i know for a fact you keep a lot of us going and we wouldn’t be nearly as happy to do what we do with you specifically. ily bb~
@aigremoine: listen even though you torture me on the daily with jihoon, my life is so much brighter because of you and your incredible writing. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW WHAT A WORLD WITHOUT VEE IS LIKE ANYMORE OKAY I JUST APPRECIATE YOU AND YOU’RE SO WONDERFULLY TALENTED AND I WANT THE ENTIRE WORLD TO KNOW THAT YOU’RE THE BEST.
@boosoonhao: i’m still in awe that we’re mutuals tbh you’re like. a goddess? wow. amazing. truly. thank you for being my friend and for putting up with my soonyoung attacks :’) you’re such a wonderful writer and i am so constantly in awe at all of your ideas and work that i can’t believe you’re really out here blessing us with free content wow. amazing. you’re also so cool????? like wow shit i am so in awe. also whenever you shout out my writing blog i literally have to stop and blink away tears idk what i did to deserve you tbh. also i owe you a huge thanks for inviting me into the gc??? i’m so honored and thankful. ily aj!!! thank you for being such a wonderful human!
@sha-writes: what is my life without sha??? not relevant, probably. you’re so ashdjakshdka. and i’m just like. i’m really in a groupchat with the sha??? amazing. truly. you’re so kind and talented and i just want you to know i am always here to fangirl over your work and also really happy that i get to talk to someone like you :’) please continue to bless my dashboard and my life plsnthanku
@kingyu97: fee!!! my soccer buddy whom i adore more than i know how to put into words??? we don’t talk as much as i wish we did but you’re always so kind and great and funny and i love that i got to meet you and I’M SO GLAD I HAD SOMEONE TO YELL ABOUT THE WORLD CUP WITH HONESTLY. but anyways please keep blessing us with your incredible talent and please keep blessing me with ur friendship i can’t ask for much more than that :’)
@wonusbookshoppe: CJ!!! you sweet, sweet, adorable human whom i adore so much wow. every time you talk to me my heart is like T-T<333333333 honestly i just have so much respect for you as a writer and as a person and i love the fact that we’ve become friends and i hope i get to know you better because you’re just so great and such a bright light in my life rn :’)
@cheolmates: dooly! i connect dooly with angel tbh. you’re so wonderful and kind and i can’t believe we only recently became mutuals. -insert meme about how i’ve only had u for a day but if anything were to happen to u i’d murder everyone in this space- honestly though you’re always so kind and supportive of myself and the soft trio and it makes me tear up every time. literally our gc just holds dooly appreciation moments because you’re so wonderful. i hope we can get to know each other better from now on~ :’)
@justriqht: lauren!! even though we don’t talk much, whenever we do i’m so happy because you’re such a sweet human and you brighten up my day so much :’) please keep writing a lot you’re so incredibly talented and i really appreciate you so so much :’)
@chocojaehyun: most of our interactions happen in the gc but like??? you’re so wonderful???? and incredibly talented??? and i’m like. in awe of your existence??? even if you torture us with the cursed term i still love you so i’m just gonna keep appreciating your very existence for as long as you’ll let me :’)
@forevershua: ryan!!! one of the coolest humans??? you’re amazing and so so funny, i’m always amused whenever i see your comments on the gc hehe. i hope we can get to know each other better!!!
@lowqualityseventeen: shawna the cutest bub thank you for existing?? wow. you’re always so sweet on the gc and you’re so incredibly talented as a writer, i’m really in awe and i lovelovelove reading your stuff :’)
@custardheart: taylor being one of the kindest, sweetest humans alive??? highly likely. i really appreciate your presence in the gc and the interactions we manage to have when it isn’t exploding :’) you always have such kind words and are always so lively and funny and i just adore you so much and i hope we can become better friends~
@virryth: i know most of our chatting happens on my writing blog but listen here, i appreciate our jihoon trash sessions more than i can tell you. you’ve been so kind and supportive and i can’t put into words how much that has meant to me :’) thank you for being such a wonderful human.
@keyboardaegyo: sephie! i know we don’t talk much but the few interactions we do have always brighten up my day, and seeing you on my dashboard in general tbh. you’re so sweet and kind and you’re a really great writer. i really hope we can get to know each other better!
@urijeongcheol: okay i know we don’t talk about but every time we do i’m like !!!! grace!!! a wonderful, adorable, kind human being!!!! i’m so happy we became mutuals and if nothing else, i’m always really glad and happy to see you on my dashboard. i hope we’ll get to talk more often~
@mak-baes: listen i know we only recently started interacting but i already care about you so much okay we need to talk more and i hope that we do in the future! you’re such a great person and a very talented writer :’)
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ongie · 6 years
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this is tumblr user ongdan’s sappy 1 year blog anniversary post!!!
so i’ve had this blog for one year now and i’m??? genuinely shocked at how fast time has just flown by!!
through my one year on here, i’ve made so many amazing friends that i can talk to without shame, and i am so fucking appreciative of that. @ my mutuals, i love you all with my whole heart and i’m so happy all of you guys exist!!!!!
being on here allows me to be so much more open about myself - i can talk about the things i love without the fear of judgement, or be unapologetically gay even though i’m closeted in real life, among other things. 
this is so gross and sappy and i KNOW this is just a tumblr blog, but it’s also an outlet for me to vent and yell and talk to friends who live a 21 hour flight away. 
anyways i love u all, mutual or not, literally everyone that has followed me and rb-ed my gifs, added nice things in the tags, sent me asks and liked my content. i’m so grateful that i was able to start this blog because honestly my real life is ridiculously miserable and i rly enjoy having this blog.
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anyways, to (some of) my mutuals:
@leedaehwi ♡ @extraongdinary ♡ @park-woojin ♡ @00dreamgirl ♡ @guanlliver ♡ @woojinnies​ ♡ @hasungswoon ♡ @1kdn ♡ @hongjoongs ♡ @kimjaehwan ♡ @emperorhwangs  
@ggukheon: ace!!! my same-country buddy!!! you’re rly fun to talk to and i enjoy your company a lot!!! i love u!!!1
@jwy/@yoojung: hi luna!!! even though we don’t rly talk much on tumblr i enjoy all our little messages here and there on twt lol i really like talking to you and honestly u are…. so soft my heart uwus every time we talk!!!!!! thank u for being a part of my life!!!!! also have i mentioned. that u make amazing content ya ok
@nielwoon: even though i’ve only recently followed you, i’ve enjoyed every single of our conversations and i’m so glad that i was able to meet you :”) let’s talk more, and i love ur content a lot
@ongnable: jas!! hello!! we haven’t talked in a while, but i hope u are doing well!! you’re an amazing person, and even before we became mutuals you’ve always been so nice to me hsksk i don’t deserve u
@hynjaes: mare!! honestly i love when u rb my posts and add things in the tag hsks it always makes me rly happy!! we’ve barely even talked, but i rly just want to tell u that lol anyway i love ur content and even though i don’t know half the groups u blog about i enjoy ur content anyway lol
@parkwoojin/@jiwoos: alissa! !!!!! hello!!! my cherry blossom gf!! the alpha jihoon content creator!! this time i didn’t forget ur message :D ur dp is so cute lol anyway yes 1. i love ur content?? it’s always amazing!!! and 2. even though we started off a lil awkward, i’m glad that we’re nice and comfortable w each other now!! i’m happy that we’re closer now and that we can do the gif battle together hksks (thank fuck it isn’t an actual battle or i’d be last place LMAOO anyway) also u are super cute nd i love ur face!!! 
@wnnaone: haru!!!! my dude!!! hi!! talking to you i really fun and i’m glad we were able to do the gif battle together! your gifs are always rly pretty and i’m still thinking about ur huge shelf of albums lmao how do u do it… anyway u are also rly cute and ur face is amazing and i’m so glad i have a mutual like u!!!!! 
@wanna-one: merve!! my mother!!! thank you so much for always listening to me and showering me with so much love!!! i’m sorry if i fail to reciprocate sometimes bc i am Shit at being cheesy unless i’m in a weird mood hsslsls u always so good things about me and i never rly get to say it back so just so u know: i love u, u are amazing and sweet and funny and i am so happy that i got to meet u
@baejinsgirl: hi abia!!! ur love for baejin is so cute lol and i’ll never be over how quickly u gif shit wow i cannot relate hsksk anyway!! i’m so happy we are mutuals bc u are rly cute and funny and i rly enjoy being ur mutual!!! let’s talk often!!
@ilhoonsmj: SARAH!!! my pal!!!!!! hello!!!!!! this is probably the thousandth message of mine u are reading but bear w me ok. first of all, Bitch i miss u wow i can’t wait to meet u again irl!!!!!!!!! in just 2 weeks!!!!! and also secondly, i rly love talking to u lmao sometimes my lungs hurt from the shit u say like i’m still in disbelief that the fucking senior pastor of my church is ur fucking UNCLE and not just that… the uncle of ur weird religious side :///// thirdly, i love u and honestly i’m always surprised at how our conversations are so comfortable like it’s Never awkward and even though we have an age gap i feel rly comfy around u!!!! thanks for coming into my life bitch ily let’s talk more about ur weird family when we meet hskss
@daehwi: hello kenia!! my idol!!!!! the reason this blog is 1 year old now!! without u there is no me!!!! hsksk i’m kidding but seriously ur content is amazing and i’m so glad we are mutuals now!! and i’m happy we get to do the gif battle together!! u are still my idol btw
i only tagged my mutuals who (i think) have recently been active hsksk so sorry if i left u out!!!
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