#if you're here from my mischief days go read my other shit! it's young but it's so much fun
inked-out-trees · 2 years
happy 3000 to band(it)!
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to be honest i haven't thought about it for quite some time, but as i was going through my stats page a few weeks ago I noticed it was close, and well - lo and behold. thought maybe it was time for a little introspection.
in some ways it feels like the person who wrote that fic is so far divorced from the person who now commandeers thespiritscalling and writes tens-of-thousands-word aus on silly theatre stuff. some things change, some don't, etc - it's been such a wild amount of time since i even consumed newsies content at all. for one, i actually plan fics now and finish them before posting (the idea of writing myself into a corner and having it all published is horrifying, what was i thinking!!) and real moments slip in more subtly. even so i can read my dedication to hope and family inside this, even when i hadn't yet discovered that it would permeate every bit of me, and i must say it's quite comforting. knowing that those band camp shenanigans are somewhat immortalized and things are - at least for them - frozen in a state of hope and wellness.
i never got to finish my final year at band camp. i was there for about three days until a personal event brought me home again and soured summers for years to come. so in a way, band(it) was my last version of that camp. i find that just a little bit poetic. all the goofies that happened (and the many more that were just fantasies... how i wish spy day had been a real thing) now exist to remind me of the goodnesses, the exhilirations, and the overwhelming love inside those campus walls. so that's pretty cool.
anyway, thanks to band(it) for kickstarting my romance of multichapter fics, featuring my first (but not last and never only) self-insert npc because i'm self-indulgent like that, and as always helping me flex my word skills. love always.
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sexy-opium-ravioli · 11 months
Photo Booth
Universe: Resident Evil
wc: 1,791
Pairing: Stepbro!Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
Warnings: Not many, just the fact that Leon is your stepbrother and he is .5 of a little shit. Otherwise, this is a good, old fashioned fluff piece.
a/n: Hihi hello hello :) I've been trying to claw my way out of depression for a while, but here's some cute Leon content in the meantime!
@lipglossanon !! thank you for being such a wonderful writer, honestly reading you has been really inspiring as of late! and your characterization of the Leons you have are among my very favorite.
It not my best work by any means, but I hope anyone reading this enjoys <3
The liminal space of a mall was the place where you could see through a person, like light through glass. You'd get to see what stores they prefer to go to, what mall food they like to eat (or if they can't), what they buy vs what they don't. 
Or sometimes, as is the case with you and your weird, pseudo-freudian stepbrother-boyfriend Leon, you just get boba and mess around. 
There were other things you'd like to do with him, sure. Sometimes you two would catch a movie- or fuck each other until you're both sensitive and whimpering (as young lovers often do). Really depended on the day. 
But it was earlier in the morning and it was a free, clear Saturday, in the haze of a temperate spring. And, the last couple of days were kind of stressful. Keeping up separate social lives, exams, dealing with your shared parents- sometimes just being apart from each other was okay.
You were starting to suspect something in Leon. You didn't know what it was, really. Everything was in a haze with him- truer emotions he always hid behind something snarky and barbed. And since you could never really get an accurate read on him, you could only try to squint in the dark and decipher the signs in front of you. 
Still, something foundational was shifting. And there was a strange feeling in your stomach that had been there all morning, and it wasn't bad, per se; but it was constant and unusual. You sipped on your boba and started chewing. 
You and Leon were both sitting on public benches. The time was before most of the retail shops started setting up, only the food court was open. You laid your head on Leon's shoulder and closed your eyes while you both soaked in the sun's warmth. 
The mall was bright and quiet, not many were there yet. You still felt a bit sleepy, but it didn't seem like Leon minded resting either. There was a difference in the emotions you feel someone going through when you rest your head on their shoulder- and the way Leon's was giving into the weight of your head spelled relaxation. The both of you spent a bit of your morning like this. You lifted your head and glanced at how the sunlight reflected off of Leon's golden hair. How it also cut a shadow at the curve of his jaw. 
"You wanna walk around?" You asked with your voice low, not wanting to disrupt the quiet, alive whirring of the building. Leon looked at you, smiled a bit and nodded his head before getting up. 
When you caught up to pace with him, you decided to annoy him and cross pinkies. He retaliated by taking hold of your entire hand, and you tried not to make a big deal about it. Your heart was starting to beat really fast, though. 
You thought he would let go after a couple of seconds. He didn't. 
Exiting the first floor common area to the escalators surrounding it, you both enjoyed the warmth of a second floor perch. Leon hasn't let go of your hand yet, but you were joking around about other people you were seeing at the mall, or the vaguely strange sale ads you'd see posted on windows. 
It was light, conversation felt easy for once.
And then Leon saw something, and you watched the way his eyes captured a glint of absolute mischief. 
Your eyes followed the laser point focus of his- and oh. 
A photo booth. 
And before you knew it, the distance between you and the box was already halved from Leon practically yanking your arm off. It didn't hurt, so all you could do was laugh. 
Walking up to it, Leon already got his wallet out and was feeding the machine bills. You decided to slip in and look around inside. All photo booths look different- this one was pretty new and sparkly. 
Not long after, Leon swept the curtains and stepped in with a mean smirk. You got yourself ready, trying to make yourself look alright while Leon selected to start through the menu. 
You always felt a weird sort of anxiety in photo booths. They never gave anybody enough time to actually prepare for a photo, but Leon was already doing someth- "Hey-!"
He quickly stepped behind you, caged you in his arms, gave two hand horns, and made such a twisted face he actually did kind of resemble the devil, because in his heart of hearts, Leon S. Kennedy was a dork. 
You decided that if he was going to suffocate you with all the muscle he was trying to show off, you were going to get a picture of biting it. 
The bite wasn't too hard, but the quick noise that Leon gave was mostly out of being startled anyways. He quickly retaliated by flicking your arm before posing for the next- 
"Let's do a nicer one," you interject, quietly and quickly. You both prepare and in time, you're smiling together while Leon has his arm draped over your shoulders. It all happened so quickly and concisely that the warm feeling you got in your stomach from all the affectionate, silly, friendly contact was delayed. 
The countdown started again. Leon almost shoved you in front of him, but instead of putting his arms over your chest and neck and face, (being annoying about it), he placed them gently over your waist. And then when the camera flashed, he was kissing your cheek. 
You turned around in his arms, not really caring about the photos anymore. But he was the one that leaned down and kissed you gingerly, and with meaning. His lips were always so soft and smooth against yours-
The camera flashed. You two were together a little longer, and then you both separated. It was a few long seconds where time just stopped, and you could swear that if you opened the curtain and tried to find one of the rare morning pedestrians of the mall, they would be left unmoving. 
But all you could do was look at Leon. It didn't help that he was so pretty. But there was this weird flash of emotion in his eyes, that same one you couldn't read and he wasn't looking away-
The camera flash made you both jump a little, and then Leon gave a quiet, nervous laugh to himself that sparked yours. He looked at you again, an upward pull of his lips that didn't seem too mean anymore. "Better get those photos," 
"Yeah," you offer back, already leaving the booth. He followed you, and not long after, the booth started to give out a noise before producing two copies of the same strip. Leon quickly snatched them before you could even hope to grab them, and he held them out of your view after that. 
"Leon," He was snickering. That pretty smile he hasn't dropped for 5 minutes now has had its teasing quality reapplied. Irritation quickly bubbles back up in your throat. 
"Ugh, Leon, you-" He does that little shit older brother thing where he lets the strip creep just into your reach before yanking it away a couple of times, but he doesn't do it too much. He gives you one of the copies after starting to giggle at you. 
You shake your head, ready to be embarrassed at your own face or maybe even his, and- well, the first photo has you laughing. Your head is tilted backward and your eyes are closed, and the laughs pour out of your throat like smooth wine. 
"Leon you're such a dork,-"
"Oh ok! And we're not gonna talk about the absolutely feral thing latching itself to my arm-," 
"Noo~, we're not," You interrupt teasingly, and you take a look back at the pictures. The air swiftly changes from playful, easy and teasing to meaningful, endearing- kind of tense in a way. Leon looked beautiful, and you looked nice too, and now you just noticed that Leon is right behind you actively gauging your reaction. 
The third photo was almost too sweet and intimate to look at publicly, and you could feel the tips of your ears start to heat up. Leon's face is mostly obscured, sure, but the way you react to why it's obscured is so sweet and genuine it kind of embarrasses you. Your lips try to hide a smile and your eyes are cast downward and away from Leon- low, but not closed. One of your arms rests on the lean coils of muscle wrapped around your center, while the other reaches up for your hand to rest on his head. 
The fourth makes you inhale a little sharper, and you can now feel the high part of your cheekbones heat with your ears. Leon's chin is resting on your shoulder now, and you can't even imagine the shit-eating grin he must be wearing on his face. Well, both of your faces can't be seen by the camera, if that's any consolation to your poor, heated skin- you might melt ice at this point. 
You don't know why it has you so weirdly dizzy, but maybe it's the way Leon looks so boyish, almost soft kissing you. His head is so slightly tilted, and the way his body curls around yours is just so engaged-
The fifth one is sweet in a different way. It makes your heart instantly crackle and spark for hope, which any sort of tired rationality your dopamine abused brain has left is probably screaming at. 
There's that fear in your chest, but there's no denying the fact that there's a light glimmering in Leon's sea glass eyes that you haven't seen from him too many times. 
It's a look that makes your entire body feel warm, like your skin is being pricked by needles. At this point, you've stopped looking at the photos altogether and buried your face in your hands. It makes Leon's chin lift off your shoulder, and you hear a chuckle come from him, but nothing sarcastic. 
"C'mon, stores are opening soon, weirdo," And when he says that you realize that there's warmth behind his words. You lift your head and look at him, and he's scratching his nose but- is he blushing too? Oh. 
He is. 
Probably not as scorching hot as you, but still. He starts walking, you start walking with him. And then, he takes your hand like that entire thing just didn't happen, and you find that you can't really stop smiling. Even if you reduce it to the smallest pull of your lips, it's still on your face for a while longer. 
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windsweptinred · 3 months
Get To Know Me Game
Thank you for the tag @dream-of-the-bitchless. These were so random, I loved it. 😆❤️
Who was your first fictional crush?:
I'd say either Poison Ivy from the 90s Batman cartoon or Esmerelda from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. Cleverly disguised in my young mind as 'I want to be her.'
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
I'm pretty sure people who barely know of my existence here on ye oldie tumblr could still answer this one. 😅 But red.
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
Left in the Darkness by locamohita456. It's an AU fic that sees Desire captured instead of Dream. I can't begin to state how phenomenonal this fic is. But dear god mind the warnings on your way in, it's a hard read in places and left me doing a whole lot of wall staring.
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
You're getting the same thing my daughters friends get when they visit, which is pizza and icecream. I might even order in. A good time shall be had with no airs and graces expected.
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
I would have to say lions, but I admire kangaroos particular breed of tomfuckery. I learnt the other day they like to punch over astrophotographers camera/telescopes. And I love that. 😆
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
I believe the correct question is, which fictional villian do I not brush past? But I probably let Armitage Hux get away with the most daddy issue based war crimes. Did he wipe out an entire planet? ... Yes. Is he still my precious little baby... Also yes. I make no excuses, he's a little shit and I love him. 😆
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
I dunno... Bi Bush, wanders the moors dressed like Kate Bush in her most wuthered era. Most potential for crazy cat lady retirement plans. Life goals by the way. Just me and my hoard of moggies, meandering on the moors. The talk of the village Facebook group. 😆
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
The Sandman? 🤔 Well, considering I'd be heading straight for the Garden of Forking Ways to live out my life in its quiet, gothic landscape, I'd probably be fine. It's the most drama free location in the Sandman. Unless Destiny doesn't like visitors... Then it could turn into some weird, horticultural version of It Follows... 😨
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
"There was a goose that was porked by a ham,
I have a sausage as I am a man." 🤣
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
I feel angry for Medusa. Burn the world my darling, you've more then earnt the right.
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
Oooooo, let's see, I have three for Corinthiel
The Devil and the Huntsman by Daniel Pemberton
Air That I Breathe by the Hollies
I Was Made For Loving you by Kiss
Also to this day I can't hear Tender by Blur without thinking of Dreamling
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
It's not a song, it's a piece of music. But Dance of the Druids from Outlander by Bear McCreary.
Tagging @zigzag-wanderer, @mashumaru, @bobbole, @seiya-starsniper, @thelostkelpie and @marvagon to have a go if you wish to. 😊
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Nevertheless: Wishful Thinking [2]
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[completed] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
synopsis: why would the college flirt want anything to do with the innocent heartbreaker? a [somewhat] nevertheless au featuring tbz's eric son young jae
genre [per chapter]: SMUT *this series is a smut series so* please don't read if you're uncomfy. if you're underaged and you still wanna read, i'm not stopping you. i don't care because that's your responsibility to know what's fiction and what's not.
word count: 3.1k, half of which is definitely filth
taglist: @from-xero @taeyongandfree @ten-gift @louvyves @sweetutopia @yyyereum @jung-breadshop
{this is a work of fiction}
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it's one of those days that you look at a person and wonder "how did i get into this mess?"
eric's got his back plastered to the lockers, leg perched and his heel hooked onto one of the padlocks as he talks to his friends. he glances about and catches your gaze, the innocent glimmer in his eyes suddenly replaced with a predatorial glare.
everytime he sees you, he sees an opportunity - an opportunity to ruin the only other heartbreaker in school.
which he's already done once.
the sight of him cues the chills down your spine; flashes from some nights before zipping through your head like a fast-forwarded video.
eric brushes his hair out of his eyes, exposing his forehead. with a tiny smirk and his tongue poking the inside of his cheek, he looks down at his phone.
as his fingers fly across the screen and he hits send, yours vibrates in your pocket.
eric son: one night not enough?
you look back up and see him send one more message before shoving it into his pocket.
another message dings across your screen.
eric son: all you have to do is ask, princess
you look up from your phone screen to see eric moving off in his group of friends, giving you one last wink at that before he turns around.
the warmth emitting from your phone heats up in your palm when you tighten your grip around it, frustrated with yourself and frustrated with how easily he's got you wrapped around his finger.
"whew!" a sharp sigh exclaims from behind you, and you immediately attempt to erase the agitation off your face. turning to face your new company, you slide your phone back into your pocket.
"where were you?"
yujeong huffs and rests her weight on her hips, stretching to a side while yawning. "dealing with some girls sobbing over jung wooseok graduating. what about you?"
"what do you mean 'what about me'?" you turn to frown at her, arms crossing over your chest. "I've been here the entire time waiting for you."
"you think i didn't know where you disappeared off to? at wooseok's party?"
your heart stops.
she begins walking, and you follow quietly.
"i know you went home without telling me."
your lips part to heave a sigh of relief, but you stop yourself and feign surprise instead. "oh!"
"'oh', she says," yujeong rolls her eyes. "you could've at least told me."
yes, because i'd want you to know that i rejected wooseok AND got ruined by eric sohn in the same night.
"sorry," you suck your lips in between your teeth and cling to her arm. "i wasn't feeling well."
"pity," yujeong sniffles. "someone found cum stains on the floor outside wooseok's garage. you should've seen it for yourself."
"huh," you blink, refusing to turn to her. "what were we expecting from wooseok's graduation party?"
"point taken," yujeong shrugs, and you slide off her to comb through your ponytail. "anyway, someone told me you finally got down to talking to eric last night at the party. how did that go?"
"um," the name triggers a fight-or-flight response in you, but you can't have yujeong see right through that.
"yeah, i mean... if you're the 'innocent heartbreaker' and he's the 'vicious' one, then that must've been one hell of a conversation!"
"huh!" with your brows raised, you look at her with wide, surprised eyes. "who the hell coined that?"
"i'on't know, like, everybody?" yujeong frowns, finally turning into the cafeteria. "besides, you never really liked him... nor spoken to him. so it must've been a surprise to anyone to see you talking to him."
the crowd in the cafeteria stirs to life as more people follow in behind you and yujeong, the lunch crowd beginning to create a ruckus in the enclosed space.
"we just... you know, bumped into each other."
"I've always wondered how you guys never bumped into each other before the party," yujeong yawns again, pulling you aside to a table and sitting the both of you down. "i didn't think your dance crew was so well separated."
"we deal with different genres," you sit and rest your forearms on the table. "no reason to mix our teams."
"anyway, i heard new leadership positions are out today so keep a lookout for that."
"oh?" you turn to her. "what about you? did you get anything in baseball?"
"no shit, sherlock. you're looking at the new captain."
"oh!" with a bright squeal, you stand and throw your arms around her. "I'm so proud of you!"
"don't be sappy," yujeong uses her finger to push your forehead away from her. "but thanks."
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the stale air of the practice room guts you first, since you associate nothing else with this place except sweat tears and a couple of ankle twists.
the air conditioner whirs to life when you turn on the main control switch of the studio.
usually, you weren't the first one here and so you were more than surprised when you were. placing your bag down and fiddling with the sound system, you plug it into your phone turn up the jazz music since it's supposed to calm you down. the thought of the night before was far too aggressive and violent for you to stomach.
it's okay, you think. the rest will come soon and practise will ensue.
it's alright.
then the door clicks and you look up in the mirror to see eric in the reflection.
the thought zips through your neurons: something's wrong.
he shouldn't be here.
you look back down at your phone and feel your insides twitch at the sight of him. "this isn't your training slot."
"and you don't need to be here," eric smirks, drawing a frown across your face as you look up.
"what do you mean?"
eric smiles at you in the mirror, closing the door and locking it behind him.
now you finally turn around, watching as he strides to you with his hands in his back pockets.
"i cancelled practice."
"what do you mean you cancelled practice?"
"well," then he pauses just about a foot away from you, waves of uneasiness already flooding into your private space as you lean back against the countertop. "you're looking at the new captain."
you scoff, shaking your head in disapproval.
"so the first move you made after becoming captain was to cancel training? very mature of you," with a huff and a smirk of disbelief, you pull out your phone, the jazz music abruptly stopping as you reach down for your bag.
"aren't you gonna congratulate me?"
you glare at him through your lashes as you lift your bag, but he's looking at you with wide, puppy eyes instead.
"congratulations," the wry, insincere remark draws a smile across his face.
"where are you going?"
"home. where else?" you swing your bag over your shoulder and take a step around him.
but of course, he stops you by grabbing your arm and holding you back to the countertop where you were previously leaning on. you yank your arm out of his grip but he finds your waist and hoists you up onto the countertop, the cold surface brushing up your skirt.
goosebumps erupt all over your exposed rear, including the skin on your arms for him to see.
"dance practice is cancelled but that doesn't mean you can't stay and accompany me."
"wait-" the whimper hums through you when his hands find your rear under the material, cupping your flesh in his hot palms. dipping his lips into your jaw, he begins planting soft kisses, deliberately making each and every one of them audible by your ears.
huffing and panting out of frustration, you squirm under him, unable to move due to the pressure he's exerting on your hips.
"it's only the two of us, princess," he whispers into your ear, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand and your lips pull apart in a wince. "and what are you doing... wearing a skirt to dance practice?"
his hands are everywhere.
he's running them up and down your calves and thighs and gently pulling them further and further apart so he can slot himself between your knees.
on top of that, you were staring at your reflections in the mirror across the studio.
"i have an extra pair of leggings in my bag, for gods' sake."
eric chuckles devilishly, reeling backwards to look you in the eye.
"and what were you waiting for before you'd change into them?"
"for training to start?"
eric blinks, running his fingers through his hair again. resting his hands on the countertop's edge by your thighs, he leans in closer to you, eyes slightly hooded and searching yours as if looking for something.
"i heard you rejected wooseok."
the name drives a puncture through a lung, and the guilt surges through you again when you remember whose house it was that you let eric ruin you outside.
"that's none of your business."
a sly smirk stretches his lips apart, and he lifts his finger to pick at the buttons on your shirt. annoyance brings your hand up to his mischief and you grab his hand, holding it in place as you attempt to close your legs.
but he grabs your wrist with his free hand and pries it off his own, taking both your hands and sliding them over the rim of his joggers.
"for someone who's been dubbed the 'innocent heartbreaker', you're kind of feisty."
then he uses your fingers like puppets and pulls apart the drawstrings, loosening the material's hold around his pelvis.
"you wanna know what i think?"
"i think..." eric throws your arms over his shoulders and pulls you in closer, chest pressed against his with his lips brushing across the arch of your ear. "this 'innocent heartbreaker' image of yours? fake."
he pulls away, a disgustingly innocent smile wide across his face. it makes his eyes shine, and he's got an arrogant glimmer in his pupils as he reaches for your right knee, trailing a single finger up to your inner thigh.
"i think you use it to bait people into thinking that you're just a cute, pretty little girl..."
and he stops and harshly grips your thighs to yank you forward, just enough for most of your butt to remain on the countertop but your crotch to be over the edge.
"but in reality, you're just itching for someone to put you in your place."
he hears the gulp that's forced down your throat, and his hands come up to your jaw to hold your face still.
"isn't that right, princess?"
your mouth is dry.
your lips are dry.
and you open your mouth in a bid to hurl a string of vulgarities at him for coming at your title all too daringly, only for him to drop his hand to your throat and shove his lips between yours.
the pressure around your neck forces a groan up your throat, hands flying up to his shoulders to push him away (it was an attempt).
he releases your neck, lowering his hands to fiddle with your shirt's buttons while he attaches his lips to your jaw. using his nose to tilt your head to the side, you hear him take in your scent with a prolonged inhale.
eyes stuck to the ceiling lights, you're unsure whether the lights were blinding you, or you were just seeing stars.
the cool air finally kisses and blankets your chest when the top few buttons come undone, and before you can respond to the shivers that run through your body, eric's hands slide in between your thighs again.
the sudden, sensitive contact jolts your entire body, so eric anchors you down by grabbing your neck again.
"I'm sure you don't want the school to know that the 'innocent heartbreaker' isn't so innocent now, do you?"
he scoffs at the gulp he can feel in his grip and raises both brows when he pushes your underwear off your core. your pride flushes away when he finds nothing short of what he expected.
"oh, my," his tongue flies out and darts over his canine teeth, eyes locked onto yours as he presses his thumb onto your swollen need. "oh, princess... just ask."
your thighs are aching to close, but his hips are keeping them apart.
your hands are clawing into his arm, but it seems to be fuelling his pride even more.
he leans into you again, placing careful kisses along your collar bone and your jaw whilst resting his palms flat against the countertop.
"i'll give you the chance to watch yourself, hmm?"
and with that he trails his kisses down into your chest, hands sliding from the countertop and onto your thighs to hold them apart.
riling up the cotton of your skirt, his breath hits your core first, then the uneven texture of his tongue brushes across you.
he presses a kiss to your sensitivity first, then plunges his tongue into you. a sharp groan thrums through you, shivers drawing up your spine like sinful whispers.
his hair comes tangled between your fingers, thighs hung over his shoulders as eric moans and hums into you, the vibrations driving you over some edge you had forgotten even existed.
your hips buckle and jerk when he begins flicking his tongue against you, and your blurred vision lands on your reflection in the mirror.
eric son kneeling under you, with his head between your legs.
very quickly, your attention is torn away from the reflection and back down at him when he slides two fingers into you. focusing his tongue on your nub now, he begins pumping his fingers with ease and with a smirk plastered across his face.
you don't realise the mewls and whimpers you're giving him until he breaks off from your under, standing back up and pressing his lips to yours with his fingers still playing with you.
then he pulls away, and removes his fingers, bringing them up between your noses and flips his hand, allowing your neediness to glisten under the lighting.
"enjoying this, aren't you?" and with that smile on his face, he slides his fingers into his mouth, whirling his tongue all over his skin.
the lewd sight makes you cringe and writhe before him, so eric picks you up by your rear and walks the both of you to the mirror, turning you around to face yourself in the reflection.
"'wait'?" eric bites on his bottom lip, taking your right hand and pressing them into the mirror. "oh, princess... i can wait all day, but can you?"
the question tears through you in waves, your head turning back to the mirror and your eyes watching the fog coat around your fingers in the mirror.
his fingers are interlaced with yours, his palm over yours as he pulls his joggers off with his free hand. smirking and looking up at you, he stops to push your underwear off your core, then slides himself between your folds instead of into you.
the frustration builds up, erupting through your throat in the form of a groan mixed with a mewl, earning a sadistic chuckle from him.
he pulls your left wrist down to your lower back, keeping the other plastered to the mirror as he gently and slowly, teases you, sliding over you.
your heart and stomach are plunging with every slide he gives you, the throbbing down below driving you absolutely nuts.
it's making you tear up, and you cry out in agony as your fist clenches over your lower back.
he leans forward, careful to keep his lips in contact with your lobe as he whispers the words,
"your body's mine, princess."
and with a subtle lean-back, and one swift push, he bottoms out, burying himself entirely inside you.
your chest puffs as you suck in the harshest breath in your life, and your entire body shivers upon the fill.
"look at yourself," his husky voice is low and dangerous in your ear. you swallow your saliva, walls clenching around him as your legs begin to tremble.
he slides out, and pushes back in slowly, careful to make you live through every second and every inch of him as he does it.
'it' meaning drilling the sinful bliss through you.
so he picks up his pace every time he bottoms out, ensuring that your legs wouldn't give out under you.
but soon, the lewd noises of slapping and muffled moaning drowns out your thoughts, your eyes now tearing as you look down at the wooden flooring. multiple whimpers and mewls try to escape your throat but you suck your lips in between your teeth, every thrust jerking you forward.
"good girl," eric reminds you, taking the hand that was previously plastered to the mirror and gathering both your wrists on your lower back.
it forces you to straighten up, back arched away from his chest as he holds you close to the mirror, the bottom half of your ponytail messy over your unbuttoned top.
in the mirror, your skirt was blocking the view where he was fucking all senses out from you.
it was the messy, whored-out look on your face; the marks on your collarbone and the bouncing of your hair with your arms held behind you that made your knees weak.
eric leans over into your neck, locking eyes with you through the reflection as he kisses your jaw.
by some miracle, his hip buckles at an angle, and something explodes inside you. his free arm circles your waist in a bid to keep you upright atop your knees failing you, thighs flexing and trembling against his.
your body nearly goes limp under his hold, and he pulls out just in time to release on the flesh of your rear.
he huffs, sighing and blinking away his own climax. eric releases your wrists and pulls your underwear over your soreness now, still holding onto your waist to keep you from falling over.
eric smiles at you in the mirror when he catches your tired gaze, brushing the little strands of hair out of your eyes.
his palm runs from your waist and up your chest, gently pushing your head back onto his shoulder. nose delving into your jaw again, he side-eyes you in the mirror, pressing his lips onto your neck.
"wear your hair up more often, you look more..."
he takes your jaw and turns it to face him now, eyes glued to yours as he scans your face.
"oh, by the way... congratulations on becoming vice-captain."
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Flirt 2 ~ Shinsō Hitoshi (BNHA)
Requested By: --
A/N: i... this was supposed to be only around 1000 to 1500 words-- BUT SADLY THE GREMLINS IN MY MIND IS LIKE "1500 WORDS??? PFFT-- NAHHHHHH! HERE'S 2000!!!"
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Flirt | Flirt 2 | Flirt 3
The smell of sweet and freshly baked pastries mixed with the scent of newly brewed caffeine filled the air of the cafe. There was a jingle of bells as people come and go to the aswell as the chipper voice of the old yet sweet looking person behind the counter greeting everyone who entered a happy "welcome!"
The cafe was small. Not too small to feel cramped though, but rather small to feel all homey and relaxing, like those visits you go to your grandmother's home that were close to the countryside or seashore with their small, yet homey looking home that filled you up with warmness when you first entered. The nostalgia it gives off as you remember fond memories when you were younger in that place. CC Cafe was just like that. Small yet homey looking it was from its cream and brown that painted the interior of the walls of the cafe. Small trinkets and ornaments aswell as paintings here and there that decorated the walls of the cafe and it gave a rather unique look on it. Tables aligned each other perfectly and people occupied them with smiles.
There was a small area near the glass wall that you can see through to watch the streets that filled with people walking along. The area had a couples of cozy looking beanbags and two small tables with one bookshelf that were filled with books to pass the time. Two people currently occupied the area as they read a book they either brought or had taken off from the bookshelf, their orders on the small tables.
What really caught anyone's attention though was the animals walking around the cafe with no care in the world and even have the guest of the cafe have in their lap or next to their chair. Some even on top of the table which baffled [Name] if he had to be honest. The [Hair color] haired male never was one to come into these kinds of cafe frequently as it seemed to be a bit weird to visit a cat cafe when he already has a cat of his own. Yes, it was cute but kinda odd if he had to think about it. But when the [Hair color] haired looked at his companion, he couldn't help but throw his thoughts about the cafe away as a grin formed on his lips.
[Name] had brough Hitoshi to a cat cafe. A cafe where cats run around, both well behaved and either energetic to interact with guest or just lazing around on the seats that no one can really mind. It was a very cute and homey cafe and Hitoshi seemed to have forgiven him from being late earlier ago and also retracted his plans on making [Name] go broke by buying more expensive stuff to eat which the [Hair color] haired male and his wallet was thankful for.
The two young male's had already arrived at the cafe around thirty minutes ago and they had occupied themselves on a table near the windows. Their coats taken off and placed on the unoccupied chairs beside them as the cafe was rather warmer than outside. Their orders sitting on top of the table as neither of the two seemed to care to pick it up yet as the two were busy doing their own thing. [Name] couldn't help but feel proud for himself as he watched his indigo haired companion who sat on the opposite side of him was playing with a cute cat that has a lovely shade of white with brown spots in their body. From its collar that had a cute cat shaped pendant saying its name was Choco.
The atmosphere on the cafe was rather nice. There was mindless chatter from the other occupants and the sound of bells from the entrance of the cafe would jingle to notify people had come and go. The meowing of the cats and the giggles of young girls as they played with them. Every occupants enjoying the relazing atmosphere of the cafe. And Hitoshi and [Name] were no exemption from it.
"Woah!" [Name] let out in surprised as a cat had jumped into his lap and made itself comfortable and laid there. "You scared me there, little guy," [Name] mused. A small laugh leaving his lips as he adoringly pat the fat and orange tabby cat on his lap. [Name] looked at the collar of the cat on his lap as saw its name was Donut. "So, your name is Donut, huh?" The [Hair color] haired male said to himself as the cat let out a meow at him.
[Name] surprised yelp caused Hitoshi to spare him a glance to know what happened to have his friend to be noisy all of a sudden when he was uncharacteristically quiet, but then went back to the cat on his hand when he saw it was no big of a deal and just saw thay the [Hair color] haired male have a small cat problem.
It was nice and relaxing. After awhile of mindlessly petting the cat bamed Donut that made itself comfortable on his lap, [Name] decided to eat his orea cheesecake that he ordered. The [Hair color] haired male would occasionally spare a glance his indigo haired companion who was too busy to notice his glances. A soft and adoring smile on his lips as he watches Hitoshi be so relaxed and happy, not like his usual tired and brooding self. It made [Name] happy to know his friend was enjoying himself.
In a moment, [Name] felt something inside him burst as he saw Hitoshi just being all happy and adorable with the cat he was playing. Not a care in the world. No tiredness in his purple colored eyes but fondness as he played with Choco. [Name] paused at his eating just to admire his indigo haired companion. Hitoshi was his friend, yes, but Hitoshi was also someone who happened to capture his heart. [Name] liked Hitoshi. And he says that every single day.
"You seem to enjoy yourself, Hito-chan," [Name] commented as he watched Hitoshi paused on playing with the cat to give him a glance. There was a small smile on Hitoshi's lips as a soft taint of pink in his cheeks.
"Yeah... I am," Hitoshi had said as he looked back at the cat that purred when he patted its head. "Cats are... well... they are nice..."
[Name] couldn't help but smiled at how Hitoshi seemed to act so embarrassed and vulnerable. Cats were one of the indigo haired male's soft spot and he enjoys seeing his friend just be like this. Happy and nice. He was relaxed and wasn't thinking about how cruel the world is.
"Hito-chan is acting so cute today," [Name] had teased. "Well, Hito-chan is always cute, but today seemed to be more!" He continued as the indigo haired male flushed at his words for a moment then glared at the [Hair color] haired male.
"Shut up, weirdo," Hitoshi grumbled. "And stop calling me that!" He said as he went back to paying attention to Choco who meowed loudly from the lack of attention and not pay mind to his friend who let out a cry at his words. Hitoshi could only shake his head at his friend's overdramatic tendencies yet a small smile on his lips from amusement. No matter how many times he hangs out with the [Hair color] haired male, he still doesn't get why he was like this, overdramatic and had his heart on his sleeves. But nevertheless, the indigo haired male was rather thankful. [Name] was... a decent guy.
There was a comfortable silence between the two males. It was nice. Hitoshi continued to pay attention to Choco who purred at his affection and would occasionally take a drink from the drink he had ordered while [Name] had took out his phone awhile ago and seemed to by playing with it, yet he often looked at his indigo haired companion and smile on how cute and adorable Hitoshi was as he intercated with Choco. One hand patting the sleeping cat on his lap.
"Hey Hito-chan?" [Name] called out. Hitoshi hummed at [Name]'s call. Already tired on trying to correct the [Hair color] haired male to stop calling him on that ridiculous nickname. "You're purrfect," [Name] cheekily said as a grin formed on his lips when he saw Hitoshi froze for a second and then turned to look at him. A deadpanned look on the indigo haired male's face and it made the [Hair color] haired male burst up in laughter.
"What?" [Name] laughed. "Cat got your tongue?" He continued through his laughter and Hitoshi could only groan from the stupid puns his [Hair color] haired companion was throwing.
"Those were horrible," Hitoshi had grumbled as [Name] seemed to gather himself, still occasionally giggling like a mad man from his puns.
"Awe, come on, Hitoshi," [Name] pouted. The usage of his given name and not the stupid and ridiculous nickname made the indigo haired male perked up and looked at his [Hair color] haired friend. There was a smile on [Name]'s which was rather nice. It was that smile that gives you some warm feeling-- not that Hitoshi can really say as to him, that was the smile of a mischievous bastard because of the glint of mischief on those [Eye color] eyes of [Name]'s. "Don't be such a sourpuss, those were some paw-some jokes!"
Hitoshi regrets being [Name]'s friend. He regrets it so, so much.
The indigo haired male groaned at [Name] terrible jokes as the [Hair color] haired male laughed at his annoyance.
"You have got to be kitten me..." Hitoshi grumbled but then freezed in his place, eyes widening as his face flush in embarrassment. The indigo haired male let out a curse at himself as he wished the earth ate him whole right that moment when he heard [Name] laughed louder from his mistake. Due to the [Hair color] haired male's loudness, some patrons of the cafe turned to look at them which made Hitoshi flushed brighter in embarrassment.
"Oh my! H-hito-chan?!?" [Name] sputtered as he continued to laugh to his hearts continent. It took almost a whole five minutes to have the [Hair color] haired male gather himself back and shut up but the damage was already done. [Name] wiped some ears from his eyes as his stomach ache from laughing to hard. Donut, the cat that was sleeping on his lap had awakened and has hissed at him when he was laughing loudly but still stayed there.
"You gather your shit back now?" Hitoshi grumbled as he did not look [Name] in the eye and instead just focused on the cat on his lap.
"Oh, I'm fine," [Name] had chuckled. "I'm... feline fine," he said but then burst out laughing again which made the indigo haired male hissed at him.
"I swear, I'm going to leave you here," Hitoshi grumbled which made the [Hair color] haired male bit back his laughter and tried to composed himself. He just can't help himself. It made his day when Hitoshi unconsciously said a pun and he just... he found it adorable.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," [Name] chuckled as he shakes his head. "Sorry for laughing at you, Hito-chan," He apologized yet it seemed to be not sincere from his tone that seemed to be so carefree and happy.
"Whatever..." Hitoshi grumbled. The indigo haired male focused on Choco again as he didn't want to give himself further more embarrassment. [Name] already embarrassed him enough from earlier and now here in the cafe and he just want to slap the guy. Hitoshi decided to just buy more of that Chocolate Gateau which looked rather tasty and beautiful, perhaps more of the the Purin aswell as it looked rather mouthwatering. His [Hair color] did promised that he will pay for everything they will eat, so Hitoshi will make use of that opportunity. Nodding at his thoughts and pleased with his plan to make the poor [Hair color] haired bankrupt, Hitoshi did not see [Name] softly smiling at him.
There was a certain fondness on [Name]'s eyes color eyes as he watched Hitoshi looked rather pleased and happy, not knowing that the indigo haired male was planning for his wallet's demise but it seemed that it didn't matter for that moment when the [Hair color] haired male look at Hitoshi. The indigo haired male just made him feel things, Hitoshi didn't even have to do anything but just be himself. Chuckling at himself for thinking like a blushing school girl with her crush, [Name] really couldn't help himself.
"Hey Hito-chan?" He called to Hitoshi. The said male only hummed to his call. [Name] smiled and shakes his head at that. "I like you," the [Hair color] haired male confessed.
Hitoshi looked at [Name] and blinked. What did his friend just say? The indigo haired male raised a brow at his [Hair color] haired companion who gaved him a large grin. There was something inside the indigo haired male happen that he couldn't put his finger what but he knew for a certain that [Name] was just saying things. [Name], after all, always says things like these.
"Yeah... whatever," Hitoshi had brushed off the [Hair color] haired male's words as he rolled his eyes. The indigo haired male went back to paying attention to Choco and thinking of ordering some stuff again. Not seeing the falter of [Name]'s grin at his actions nor the flash of sadness on the [Eye color] eyes of his companion.
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bubbashawn · 4 years
High School Musical
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author: This is really not that great but I wanted to share a little something so here it is.
synopsis: Quarantine is upon you but you don’t know where to stay until a friend sets you up with Shawn Mendes himself.
warnings: it’s 1.9k of really bad writing. I’m sorry. Better news is I’m almost 3k into Fine Line part 1 and 800 into Vanity Fair part 2. Hope y’all have a little bit of a Shawn fill from this 😂 mention of anxiety and a corny pickup line.
“You know the university isn’t gonna be open for too much longer right?”
You love your best friend. Really, you do. But if Maddie mentioned the fact that you could be homeless soon, you might strangle her. The news was a constant reminder saying how colleges and schools across the world were being closed and everyone is expected to self quarantine.
You might be a bit dramatic in saying that you’d be homeless but after your mother kicked you out after you told her you’d be going to Toronto on a scholarship for literature and not her alma mater Cornell Law like she had planned, the idea of returning to your little boring hometown wasn’t an option.
“Tell me again why I can’t come stay with you?”
“You know I don’t have space plus my family can barely support itself much less another person.”
“I don’t need support financially, I just need shelter.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” she sighed at your crestfallen expression, “ask Brian?”
“He’s quarantining with his girlfriend in Los Angeles, they left a couple days ago.”
“He has hot friends, right?”
You started to ignore her as the ringing in your head increased. The headache of trying to find shelter caused so much stress and anxiety. You didn’t even notice the two of you were outside your room’s door until Maddie’s arms were wrapped around you. Whispering words of comfort.
“Give Brian a call,” she gave you a pointed look, “he grew up not far from here, so he probably has some half decent friend who’ll take you in.”
“I hate this.”
“I know, me too. I love you alright? Call Brian!”
She walked away offering one last squeeze on your shoulder before heading towards her room down the hall.
You groaned before opening the door in front of you. It’s not that you hate your roommates, it's just they can get loud and the pounding pain in your temple wasn’t going to ease off with all the noise. Grabbing your chunky knit blanket before smiling softly at the two girls partying in your room, you headed to the common room.
The space was awkwardly set up and left little room to stand when more than ten people were there but it was well past nine when you got there and no one seemed to be bothered to leave their rooms. You settled into the ugly green couch because it was by far the comfiest and pulled out your phone.
You hadn’t noticed how late it had really gotten until the soft glow of the sunset was gone and your face was illuminated by your phone screen.
Your phone ringer was going off with notifications. You ignored the texts from both Brian and Maddie to focus on the email quickly swiping your device open pausing the music immediately.
“Dear students and their families,” here it was, the from line reading University of Toronto, “We regret to inform you,” you could barely mumble the words much less read your eyes were watering too much. Everything was too blurry, “we regret to inform you that as of today March 13, 2020, all classes are canceled until further notice due to the virus…” your voice cut out while your eyes rescanned the email for key pieces you had missed. Canceled classes. Pack your things. Move out.
Everything was crashing and you huddled further into the armrest of the banged-up furniture you were sitting on.
“Fuck,” your phone was ringing again but you ignored whoever was calling you, too distracted by your breath closing in and the eerie question you couldn’t answer. What were you going to do?
You were freaked out, clutching your hand to your stomach trying to feel the rise and fall of your breath. Your eyes desperately opening and closing. What were you going to do?
“Shit,” your hand finding your phone when it started buzzing again and again, you threw it onto the ground, curling into yourself.
The panic had subsided barely when you realized your poor old phone was probably cracked if not broken from your frenzied tantrum. Your shaking hand grabbing it to assess the damage done.
“Fuck,” seeing multiple missed calls from friends, all aware of your situation, “fuck, fuck.”
You hesitantly answered when Brian tried you again.
“Y/N? You okay?”
“B-Brian? What am I, oh god, what am I going to do?”
“Hey, take a breath yeah?”
“Brian, I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“Yeah, that’s why I called,” he smiled softly when your breath started evening out, “I’ve got this friend who’ll probably go mad if he’s alone during quarantine. He gets in his head and stuff. He’s not some serial killer and is one of the nicest, genuine people I know. You might end up in Pickering, y’know where I grew up? But he’d be happy to let you stay.”
“I feel like I’d be imposing.”
“Don’t worry. He probably needs this more than you, believe me or not.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled when you sniffled, “I’ll give him a call, eh? Hold tight.”
Brian hung up.
To say you knew you’d end up outside an apartment building in downtown Toronto, you’d be lying. You had just slid out of the cab and found yourself enjoying the distant sight of the CN Tower praying that Brian’s friend had a decent view. More so that this friend wouldn’t kill you. As you moved closer to the doors, the glass showed a simplistic yet expensive interior and that was only the lobby.
The elevator had mirrors and the halls were so clean you’d probably be fine living in the hallway instead of the condo on the other side of the door you were staring at. Everything will be fine.
You knocked.
“Just a minute!” The shout was muffled from inside the room.
The door swung open not a moment later to reveal a young and astoundingly attractive male staring down at you. His curls were looped around his fingers when his hand brushed through his hair, a silver ring reflecting a flash of light. You took in his soft eyes, a scar on the apple of his cheek, his pillowy looking lips. In sweatpants and a knitted sweater he looked like pure heaven. You recognized him, of course you had, Shawn Mendes was not one to glance over even for an overworked student.
“Hi honey,” he looked down at you, “how did you get through? I thought the security was keeping out fans, it’s really not okay for you to be here.”
“Oh, um no. The security was very prompt so you shouldn’t run into any problems. And I’m not a fan, well I-I mean I am but that’s not why I’m here. Brian said you were expecting me? I have a keycard to your apartment which is how I got through the lobby. I didn’t want to just intrude by walking in though, I, um, I can come back later or call Brian for a different arrangement.”
“No,” he was smiling sheepishly, “no, sorry. You’re Y/N, right? Sorry I wasn’t thinking.”
You smiled and bit your nail shyly when he opened his door to let you into the spacious living room.
“I’m Shawn, by the way, and sorry for being an ass back there. We’ve had some run-ins with fans because of security issues the past few months so I was being cautious. Not that that’s an excuse or anything.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he was staring down at you, “really it’s okay. I should’ve had Brian let you know of my arrival or something. Honestly I didn’t know you were, well you…” you trailed off not knowing where that sentence was going.
Your eyes continued flitting back and forth between his enjoying the crinkles of smile lines you couldn’t see through a screen. You were so focused on the giant in front of you that your gaze almost missed the open floor to ceiling windows.
He definitely had a view.
You felt his eyes follow you when your figure shifted past him to stand closer to the sight of the city.
“Like the view?”
Your eyes snapped back onto him startled by his presence standing mere feet away. You smiled softly.
“It’s insane.”
“Yeah it’s the best view I’ve ever had. Especially right now.”
His eyes were on you but you let his stupid cliche and corny joke just giggling at his antics before turning back to his window.
It was in the early hours of the morning when Shawn started apologizing. Again.
“I’m so sorry. I feel so bad about earlier and you’re absolutely the sweetest person. I should’ve known and thought about the situation before jumping to conclusions. I swear my ego hasn’t gotten to my head that bad.”
“You need to stop apologizing,” he chuckled with you, “seriously it’s okay. And you’ve been nothing but kind to me since I’ve been here. I mean housewarming muffins? That’s the best. Plus I’m staying here with you so really I should be thanking you not listening to you say sorry.”
“It wasn’t okay for me to assume anything. Also brave of you to think the muffins were for you!”
“I’m enjoying them nonetheless,” he was smiling at you again, “stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“Smiling at me like that!”
“Like what?” He was chuckling again, “like what, Y/N?”
“Like that. You’re making me nervous.”
“Because you're way too kind and not hard to look at, I’m bound to be flustered by you.”
He just kept smiling down at you, his head tipping closer to your own. Jerk.
“I like making you blush.”
“You’re good at it. I barely know you and I’m probably in love with you.”
His head tilted back when he broke out in laughter exposing a perfect neck. He was literally perfect. The definition of perfection.
“You’re not,” his smile was full of mischief, “but I’ll get you to love me by the end of this.”
You leaned in your head enjoying how his breath hitched at your close proximity because he might affect you but you affected him just as much.
“Is that a bet?”
“Nope. A promise.”
He pressed his pillowy soft pink lips against the corner of your lips and enjoyed the taste of your coconut lip scrub that was now in his bathroom. He felt giddy.
“What will happen after quarantine?”
“You’ll move the rest of your stuff in, duh.”
He was being sassy.
“Mmhmm? And when will I meet the family?”
“I was thinking we could go there in a couple of days? I want to spend some time with them.”
“Wait really?”
“Yeah, I want to see them before we really hunker down. Is that okay with you?”
You smiled putting your arms around his neck the two of you far more comfortable in each other's presence than expected.
“Sounds good.”
“Ok,” he pressed his nose to yours lightly eyes gleaming in excitement, ecstatic at the idea of telling his family about the awesome girl in front of him “we’ll just stand six feet away.”
You both chuckled.
“Like we’re doing right now?”
“Baby, we’re in this together.”
“Yeah? Like High School Musical?”
“I’ll be your Troy.”
“You’re more of a Ricky.”
He gave you a look. Shawn’s ringlet curl flopping onto his forehead. Definitely a Ricky Bowen.
“I’m serious, we’re in this together.”
“I’m okay with that.”
And you were being truthful. You knew this situation was bringing you two closer much faster than normal but you hadn’t felt this safe in so long. Shawn was a stranger just hours ago but now he was already affecting your heart. You could see yourself falling in love with him by the end of all this. He might just keep his promise.
permanent taglist: @wholesomemendes @fallinallincurls @ashwarren32 @mendesficsxbombay @haute-shawn @turtoix @prncsnee @http-isabela
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
you're my golden hour (the color of my sky)
i miss going to concerts and when the fall festival in my city got officially canceled last week, i wrote lashton going to a festival to make me feel better. and then i started listening to Lorde and got emo. enjoy <3
ps special thanks to @calumcest bc i am having an absolute shit 24 hours but helen ur britpop playlist and that comment i found on the doc for this made me feel a bit better this morn x
LAST THING! i went ahead and made an ao3 (finally???) so if you prefer reading things there, you can head that way here
Ashton smiles, feeling the stretch in his cheeks from laughter and the sun that’s been shining on his face all day, and wonders if there was any way at all to top the feeling he’s experiencing right now.
It had been a long but good day. He watches the sun set over the desert horizon, his view waving from the heat from his spot on a quilt in the middle of the festival. Behind him he hears the beginning of some EDM set starting on the opposite side of the festival grounds, the earth just barely shaking from the bass. People pass him from behind as a large crowd begins to form some 100 feet in front of him. It had been a tiring and warm afternoon and evening, and while he was excited to hear this set, it wasn’t anyone he was a huge fan of, so he had made the executive decision to find a good spot back in the area that allowed chairs and sitting.
He watches flags and totems teeter around in the wind, the light breeze cooling the back of his neck. It was nearing the end of the second night of the festival and as he felt the dull ache in his ankles from walking and jumping around all day, he wonders to himself how the hell he is meant to manage another day of this. Maybe he would ask around once everyone got back to the house later in the night if anyone else was feeling their age and maybe wanted to head to the grounds a little ways into the afternoon for the last day? He sighs as he lifts his eyes toward the desert sky knowing that the answer would be a clap to his shoulder and the shaking of heads, his merry band and accompanying crew always somehow maintaining the energy level of 8 year olds when they came down for the festival.
Though he definitely did understand where they were coming from. He wasn’t sure how, but every time he found himself at a music festival (as a fan rather than a performer) the child-like, effortless joy of going to a show would surge through him. The big, sprawling crowds that if he saw in any other context would give him mountains of anxiety, felt like a breath of fresh air even as he snuck his large body between those around him to get closer to the action. The euphoria of a late night set, the only lights being those coming from the stage, with thousands of people all singing along to a song that meant something unique and new to each and every one of them. There was a special kind of magic brought into the world only by running around festival grounds in the desert with tens of thousands of people for a few days every spring. It was the kind of magic Ashton wished he could bottle up to save for cold, late autumn days when he was cooped up in his house, trying to remember what the memories really felt like.
He leans back then, clasping his hands behind his head to rest on, and recalls on the previous day. It had been awhile since the band had had the opportunity to go to a festival obligation-free and they were fully taking advantage of that chance. A house had been rented closer to the city where the festival was held, friends were invited, a grocery list divided up. They spend the Thursday night before the three day festival all trading stories of recent travels and adventures around a fire pit. It was fun to hear what mischief everyone had been up to while they were out on the road.
(Though if Ashton were being honest, he didn’t recall much of what was said following his trip to the kitchen with Luke about halfway through the night when the blonde had snuck in a kiss after shots with Calum. Ashton wasn’t sure if he was more shocked by the action or the lime juice that got left on his lips.)
The morning was spent divvying up snacks and sunscreen, emptying water bottles and tucking flasks into backpack pockets less likely to be checked by security. Or at least that’s what Calum and Ashton got up to while Luke and Michael pressed glitter stickers to their own faces before invading the kitchen to do the same to their boys. All in the spirit of the festival, the former two decided as they giggled while shooting stars and hearts were pressed to their cheeks.
They spend the day mostly just the four of them, the rest of their party having other people to catch up with or promotional obligations for their work to attend to. The merry band of Aussies would never admit it in front of anyone else but they really always preferred to attend shows just the four of them. There was a silent energy that wrapped around them when attending a concert, the same kind of whisper that had brought them together to make music together in the first place. They thrived on it, rode the feeling like a high of sorts.
That first night Michael and Calum decide they want to grab a drink just before the last set of the night is meant to start so they make the choice to just stick to the VIP section until the end of the show. Luke kept on glancing between Ashton, the direction Michael and Calum have just wandered toward, the crowd forming for the show, and back to Ashton so it doesn’t take long for the hazel-eyed boy to place a hand to Luke’s back and guide him in the direction of the sprawling crowd.
Luke had been sipping from a flask throughout the evening and was sufficiently loose and giggly as they find a spot in the middle of the crowd as darkness settled over the grounds. They’re talking through ideas for which sets they should hit the following day when the roar of the crowd picks up as a cue that something is about to happen. Ashton’s lifted his left hand to cup around his mouth to project his yells along with the rest of the crowd and when he moves to raise his right, he finds the limb stuck in place. He looks down to see Luke’s fingers tucked between his own and lifts his eyes to the dazed, happy look settled into the pale eyes of the slightly taller boy. He let a smile pull across his own face and his fingers squeeze around Luke’s hand as Lorde’s dreamy voice floats over the crowd, bright green lights illuminating their faces to tell them what she’d chosen to begin the set with.
Ashton had always felt a special kind of connection to the younger singer’s bright and exaggerated lyrics. The romanticization of youth and glittery nights that flow through her lyrics spoke to him in ways he always wished he could express in his somewhat younger years, the brilliance of being young and in love with everything something that their style of pop back in the day just couldn’t capture in quite the same light. Hearing the songs he was listening to in years prior, when he was pining after the boy just to his right, unable to express just how big his feelings were at the time, it all has his mind spinning.
She starts ‘Ribs’ up on the stage some ways in front of them, the gentle crooning of it drives you crazy, getting old feeling more poignant than normal in that particular moment. The lyrics feel heavy, though light at the same time, like his youth is drifting away in the desert wind while his age - though still quite young, Ashton does recognize - settles onto his shoulders like a heavy coat. It feels so scary, getting old floats through his mind when he feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist.
“Stop thinking so hard, old man,” Luke says in his ear above the crowd’s singing. He lets his lips pout against the little hoop through Ashton’s ear lobe before he continues. “It scares me too, but just...live in this for a bit.”
Ashton’s eyes close, the bright colored lights from the stage bleeding through his lids, and he sighs when he feels Luke’s stubble against his cheek when he moves to press a kiss to his temple before returning to bobbing along to the beat of the song. He’ll never understand the way the blonde is able to hear the racing of his thoughts though it's something he’s always been gifted with. Ashton is thankful for it, that Luke somehow knows exactly when to step in to ease his mind for a moment. He’s not sure what he would do without it.
They dance and yell and sing songs about being 19 despite being very solidly in their mid-20s for another hour before the set is over and the desert is lit up with the tall bright white lights above the grounds. They stumble into each other as they laugh and sing, eventually finding Michael and Calum along the way and pressure them into the same actions. Next thing they know, the four boys have piled into a car, repeatedly falling asleep against one another and the plushy seats of the car until they make it home.
The only sober one in the bunch, Ashton plants his boys at the kitchen island, making them all drink a few glasses of water and pass a bottle of aloe gel around to rub at the back of their necks to minimize the griping about sunburns the next day.
(It takes approximately three seconds of whining before Ashton gives in and pats the cool gel into Luke’s neck, chuckling at his whines at how cold it is. A babbling Calum leans his head against Ashton’s bicep while he performs the action, the brown-eyed boy telling him a story about some actor that him and Michael met backstage who bought them shots and knew one of their songs other than “She Looks So Perfect” and “Youngblood”.)
The remaining residents of the house have either ended up at after parties (how people can attend after parties on each night of the festival and still make it all the way to the end is wild, Ashton thinks) or at other houses in the area so Ashton makes sure to lock up after they all vacate the kitchen before heading up to his room on the next floor up.
He’s just slipped into the bed and clicked off the lamp when he hears his phone buzz on the bedside table. He squints against the light from the screen before his features soften as he opens up the picture Luke must have snapped of him toward the end of the Lorde set. He’s in the middle of laughing through the joy of hearing a song he loves, pink lights from the stage illuminating his face. The picture is accompanied by a caption that makes his heart drum some kind of hurried rhythm despite how simply its worded:
you looked so bright
Ashton sits up from the blanket as he hears a drum beat pick up from the stage up ahead, the crowd rising both in volume and height as those who were waiting get to their feet. The lovely breeze he had been enjoying while reminiscing on the day before dies off a bit as it gets blocked by those moving to stand. As a familiar guitar rhythm starts up, he closes his eyes and smiles, still caught up in this gorgeous, delicate moment that he feels so lucky to be somehow living in.
However, Ashton realizes then, as a water bottle gets placed in his lap and a second body drops to his right, that there was in fact a way to top how he was feeling just a few minutes before. The sun has just made its final descent below the horizon when he turns to see the smile spread across Luke’s sun-kissed cheeks.
“You were looking a little spaced out there, Ash,” Luke laughs as he pokes at Ashton’s cheek before shuffling a bit closer and wrapping his arms around the older boy’s neck and leaning in to press a kiss to the sun-warmed skin beside the condor just below his tangled black hair. The high of another music filled day and the tequila in Luke’s belly have him throwing caution to the California wind in terms of displaying his affection. Ashton figures the darkness provided by the hour and the low number of people that had come up to ask for photos throughout the weekend so far were enough justification to allow the tipsy, happy blonde to continue pecking at his neck. “Thinking about me?”
He giggles at Luke’s teasing words, feeling his cheeks warm some more than they already were. Ashton shifts some to get Luke to sit up and look at him. He can’t help the calloused hand that falls to his cheek, his thumb running along his cheekbone, beneath his tired, happy blue eyes. “Always.”
When Luke leans in to press his forehead against Ashton’s own, the crinkles beside his eyes just visible in the flashing lights from the stage far up ahead of them, he finds himself wishing he could bottle up this kind of magic too.
(What kind of magic this exactly is, he has yet to figure out. Though Ashton thinks he maybe might have a word for it. Maybe.)
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Forbidden || Chapter Three: Fallen and Ball Gown Talk
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"The plan is simple, gate crash their ether extraction party and gets out," Tori explained, pointing to her holographic map.
"Got it," Chloe said, twirling her knife between her fingers.
"That's it?" Isabelle asked, folding her arms as her ghost Hermione materialized by her left shoulder.
"Yes, hopefully," The female Exo Titan muttered.
"That's not reassuring," Hermione commented, floating to the other side of  Isabelle, her pink and purple shell glinting in the sunlight.
"Let's play it safe," Came Chloe's ghost, Moondance.
"Says the ghost whose Guardian's a reckless fool," Tori chuckled.
"You get a little reckless after going through three vanguards, one of them being my dad," Chloe stated, sheathing her knife.
"Touche," The Female Exo said.
Isabelle just rolled her eyes and summoned her sparrow, she just wanted to get this done and over with. Her latest book was waiting for her at home and she left off on a cliffhanger. "Come on girls, less bloody chit chat and more action," She said over her shoulder as she mounted her sparrow. 
"Knowing us, it's gonna be done in under ten minutes, you would think the Vanguard would give us something more, I don't know, challenging?" Chloe elaborated, summoning her sparrow and climbing onto it.
"Exactly, I for one would love to do a harder raid on Venus," Tori chuckled, she too climbing on her sparrow.
The trio zipped off towards the ether extraction. 
The planet this mission was on was Mars. It was mostly run by Cabal, but there were some Fallen here and there, not too much though. That was a good thing. Unlike the Cosmodrome, that place was littered with those scathing pirates. 
When the girls arrived at their destination. They jumped off their sparrows and crouched and crawled to the cliff edge just ahead. They laid on their stomachs. Isabelle got her Shepherd's Watch rifle ready, looking down her sights.
"They're just bloody milling about, for now, the Elinski haven't even started extracting yet," She said, watching the targets carefully.
"How many are there?" Chloe asked, loading ammunition into her hand cannon.
"Not many, about twenty or so," The Warlock answered.
"This is gonna be a walk in the park," Tori commented.
Isabelle chuckled and put her rifle over her shoulder. "If you move now the three of you can eliminate them without any problems," Percy, Tori's ghost, said materializing by Tori's shoulder.
"No reckless mishaps," Came Moondance, making Chloe let out a dry chuckle of her own. 
"Chloe, I'm serious, I'm getting tired of reviving you every five minutes," He said, appearing in front of his guardian, and the trio of females tried to contain their laughter. "I can't make any promises, buddy, but I'll try," The Huntress stated.
"Hermione, you wanna add something?" Isabelle asked as her little light appeared.
"Yes, the Fallen have started extracting ether, better hurry," She said.
The Warlock nodded and the girls moved silently down the cliffside. Isabelle and Chloe grabbed two Dregs from behind and dragged them behind a rock. The Huntress stabbed them for good measure. Isabelle pointed to Chloe and Tori then pointed right, then she pointed to herself and pointed left. The Huntress and Titan nodded went right. The warlock crept around a giant boulder grabbed and fusion grenade and tossing it to the nearest target, just as one of Chloe's swarm grenade landed in the middle of the extraction and started a commotion amongst the Eliksni. Vandals and Marauders put up their guard and started scouting the area.
"On my signal, we jump into action," Tori said over the comms.
"I'm ready when you are," Came Chloe.
"Same here," Isabelle replied, putting bullets into her rifle, "let's just get this over with so I can go home and read."
She watched as Tori jumped out from behind the boulder across the way and created a shield as she started firing her auto rifle. Isabelle got on top of the boulder she was behind and aimed down her sights, killing Dregs and Vandals left and right. She saw Chloe jump out from the corner of her lense, hand cannon blazing and knives everywhere.
When the Captain appeared, all three girls fired at him all at once. Taking him down easily. Lastly, they destroyed the ether extraction device. 
"Ramen on me?" The Huntress offered.
"Sure, why not," Tori obliged.
"But after we report to the Vanguard," Isabelle stated, as the three of them transmitted to the ship.
Isabelle, Chloe, and Tori walked out of the hanger and to the Hall of Guardians. They had to report back to the Vanguard about the ether extraction the Fallen were trying to do. Isabelle looked at the guardians they passed. Some were talking in small groups, others danced to nothing-in-particular, and some were just getting back from bounties and cashing them in. The trio passed Lord Shaxx, who was manning Crucible matches and looked like he was on his twelfth cup of coffee. Isabelle looked at Eris, who was muttering about Oryx coming back. Finally, the Vanguard was in full view. The Warlock watched as her best friends split off and went to their Vanguards. Chloe to Cayde and Tori to Zavala. Isabelle walked over to Ikora.
"Isabelle, how was the mission?" Ikora asked, looking up from the tablet she held.
"Oh, you know, way too easy, like taking candy from a baby," Isabelle replied.
"Good, I assume you and your fireteam were efficient enough to get the job done?"
"Yes, and yes, Hermione, Moondance, and Percy were the real help," The Awoken female said, mentioning hers and her friends' ghosts.
Ikora smiled, "That's good to hear, there is something I would like to talk to you about if you haven't already heard."
Isabelle furrowed her brows, "What is it? Did I do something. . . wrong?"
"No, no, it's just that Queen Mara Sov has invited the Vanguard and the guardians to a ball," The Warlock Vanguard explained.
"A ball?"
"Yes, but the Prince-- Uldren Sov-- has requested you to accompany him as his plus one."
Isabelle's jaw dropped, her cheeks flooding with warmth. Uldren wanted HER to be HIS plus one? She felt like she was dreaming, like actually dreaming. Hermione must have felt the wave of shock go through Isabelle because she appeared next to her. Isabelle straightened and shook her head. 
"Sorry, that's quite shocking, I thought the Awoken didn't like us, guardians, very well, especially Uldren," She said, her fingers find their way to her hair, tugging at the bubble-gum pink strands nervously.
"Queen Mara wishes to make us allies," Ikora stated, "and I see why do you?"
"Yes, because the enemy is growing ever so slowly and we want to be prepared for a possible attack, which, I guess, is why Mara wants this ball," Isabelle responded, "to extend her allies."
"Very well, my young pupil, I've taught you well," The Warlock Vanguard smiled, "You are dismissed."
Isabelle nodded and headed out of the Hall of Guardians, finding Chloe and Tori outside waiting for her. They were both exchanging a few words when the noticed Isabelle approach.
"Hey, Bookworm, did Ikora tell you about the ball?" Tori asked, her pink optics glowing brightly in the dimly lit Tower Plaza.
"Yes, and something quite shocking," The Warlock replied.
Isabelle could have sworn Chloe's human ears perked up at this, or was that just a hunter thing? But her icy, blue eyes were focused on her hand cannon as she started cleaning it.
"What is it?" The Huntress asked.
"Prince Uldren has asked for me to be his plus one to the ball," Isabelle admitted, her cheeks heating up.
The Huntress' head snapped up and the Titan stared in shock. It was clear that they were not expecting this to come out of Isabelle's mouth. She again started playing with her hair.
"Well, looks like your Prince Charming wants you after all," Chloe smirked, mischief flashing in her eyes.
"I doubt that," Isabelle rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"Chloe, wipe that shit-eatin' grin off your face!" Tori scolded, her southern accent coming out.
Isabelle laughed at this as the Huntress flipped Tori off. The Exo just rolled her optics, shaking her head lightly, "Real mature, Clo, real mature."
"Anyway, who wants to go down to the city tomorrow and shop for dresses, especially Izzy's," Chloe said.
"Me, what's so special about the dress I'll be wearing?" Isabelle asked, playing with her hair.
"Because you are going with a Prince as a date," The blue-haired female replied, putting her hand cannon in its holster and stowing the cleaning cloth in her pocket, "you need to look outstanding, absolutely gorgeous, but not too much, or else people will think you're trying to outdo their queen."
"Okay, and whom might I ask is gonna be your date, Chloe Faith?" The Warlock inquired, "though I have a bloody feeling I know who it is."
The last part was said under her breath.
"Cayde asked me, he said 'it'd be fun and that ya haven't gone out since Nathen cheated on ya and ya deserve to dance with a real man'," The Huntress just blushed lightly.
Everyone knew Cayde was head over heels for Chloe, even when Andal was still here. Isabelle knew Chloe felt the same way, but she backed off and cut herself from any type of romantic relationship because of how Nathen cheated on her and because her father was killed. But Isabelle was glad Chloe accepted the offer of going with the Hunter Vanguard.
"Anyway, who are you going with Tori?" The Huntress asked.
"I was thinking of maybe asking Amanda," The Exo replied, "just as friends though, I'm not looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend right now."
Tori was bisexual, and when she came out Isabelle happily supported her, along with Chloe. After all their best friends, why wouldn't they support her?
"Chloe, didn't you say something about paying for ramen?" The Warlock asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, now let's go before the shop closes and Cayde gets off duty," The blue-haired female exclaimed, ushering Isabelle and Tori over to the Bazaar.
The next day Isabelle woke to something nudging her shoulder. "Isabelle, it's time to get up, you told Chloe and Tori you would go shopping for ball gowns today," Hermoine said, still nudging the Awoken woman.
 She opened her eyes and found her ghost floating in front of her. Isabelle turned her head towards the window, early morning light poured through it. "Did I fall asleep reading again?" She asked, sitting up in bed and letting out a yawn.
 "Yes, I put a bookmark in the place where you left off and set the book on your nightstand," The Little Light answered, bobbing up and down whilst twirling in the air.
"Brilliant, what time is it?"
"Just a little past seven."
Isabelle nodded and got out of bed, trudging over to the bathroom where she ditched the white, cotton t-shirt and black shorts she was wearing and jumped into the shower. She let the warm water relax the tense muscles in her body from yesterday. Then she focused and washing her hair, making sure all the knots and tangles came out. Lastly, she washed her body and shaved her legs and underarm.
Getting out of the shower, Isabelle wrapped herself in a fuzzy, pink towel, as well as her hair. She walked over to the sink, brushed her teeth, and did a small amount of makeup. She unwrapped the towel from her hair and proceeded to blow-dry it. After her hair was dry, she ran a brush through it and put it in a side ponytail. Isabelle walked over to her closet and pulled out a light, long sleeve, black, turtle neck crop top, a maroon denim skirt, and a pair of black, knee-high boots. She put on the outfit, along with prescription glasses, and checked her phone.
A text message from Chloe.
Chloe: Meet up at Clara's Cafe before shopping?
Isabelle: What time?
Chloe: 8:30, sound good?
Isabelle: Yes, see you and Tori then.
Isabelle checked the time, 7:58, and put her phone in the pocket of her skirt and left the room. She made her way down the floating steps to the main floor. Chloe gave her enough time to grab a small breakfast consisting of a PopTart and a Honey Crisp Apple. She then grabbed her purse hanging by the apartment door and left, locking it tight, and texting Chloe she was on the way.
Isabelle made her way out of the Tower to the city below. This gave her enough time to get to Clara's Cafe, a popular place among the city's people and the guardians. She entered the small coffee shop and spotted Chloe and Tori at their usual table. Chloe was dressed in a snapback hat that read 'Hunter' across the front, a white crop top that showed off her shoulder to wrist tattoo sleeve, a pair of ripped, faded, skinny jeans, and black converses. Whilst Tori wore a black t-shirt, a red jacket, sweat pants, and a pair of plain sneakers. Isabelle took her seat next to Chloe.
"You look cute, Izzy," The Huntress said, sipping what looked like a green tea macchiato.
"Thanks," Isabelle said, opening her Kindle app on her phone.
A waitress came around and asked for Isabelle's order, which was her norm, a chamomile tea with extra honey. The waitress nodded and went to put the order in. The Warlock continued to read a book on the kindle app as Chloe and Tori talked about raids and what ones they wanted to do for the millionth time over. 
"Isabelle Aubrey Brigham, get off the phone and talk to us," Tori scolded.
Isabelle sighed and turned her phone off, putting it in her purse. "Come on, I was just getting to the good stuff!"
"Good stuff as in a vivid sex scene?" Chloe asked.
"No, not all the books I read have sex scenes in them," Isabelle scoffed, "let's change the topic, how's your sleep schedule, Clo, has it got any better?"
The Huntress' smirk immediately faded, and she looked down at her lap. "No, it hasn't, the nightmares are getting worse," She answered, her tone saddening.
"I'm sorry, Chloe, I wish we could help," Tori said, reaching over the table to put a hand on her friend's shoulder.
Isabelle gave rubbed Chloe's back. If anything more could be said about her best friend, it was that she suffered from nightmares often and had the worst sleeping schedule in history. Isabelle could visibly see the exhaustion on the Huntress' face. The dark circles under her blue eye were quite noticeable.
"One chamomile tea with extra honey," came the voice of the waitress.
"Yes, thank you, darling," Isabelle said, taking her drinking and sipping it lightly.
The waitress left to get the bill.
"You know, talking about my sleep schedule isn't important right now, finding our dresses for the ball is," Chloe stated, going back to her usual cocky self.
"Right, the ball," Isabelle muttered.
She still couldn't believe she was Uldren's date. It made her nervous and not many things made her nervous. But Uldren was royalty, a real prince, and Isabelle? She wasn't even royalty. Far from it actually, she was just a guardian. Just a normal, everyday guardian who loved the company of books more than anything else.
A few short minutes later, Tori ended up paying the bill and the girls left the cafe. They walked around the city streets trying to find a good dress shop. "I really hope I have enough bloody glimmer for this," Isabelle said as the trio entered an expensive-looking dress emporium.
"Welcome to L'amour De La Rose Dress Emporium," A silver and blue female Exo with a French accent said, "My name is Aimee-9, what can I help you with?"
Chloe stepped forward and smiled kindly, "My friends and I are looking gowns for a ball next week."
"What kind of gowns are you three looking for?" Aimee asked.
"I'm looking for something simple and elegant, in the color silver," Tori replied.
"I want a dress that's nothing flashy and doesn't draw attention to me, but elegant and enough for a Hunter Vanguard to drool," Chloe stated. 
Isabelle looked around. She didn't know what she wanted.  
"Miss, what would you like?" The silver and blue Exo asked.
The warlock opened her mouth to speak, but Chloe beat her to it, "She'll have one that's absolutely stunning and will have Prince Uldren begging for more!"
"Chloe, can you bloody shut it!" Isabelle spat, then took a deep breath, "I would like something elegant too, something lacy with a beautiful floral pattern and pink."
"Very well, I'll get some dresses you could choose from, please follow me," Aimee said, leading the girls to the fitting rooms.
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