#uldren sov x oc
prince--ofnothing · 1 year
Sometimes you need something a little self indulgent. A little silly and goofy and cute.
He brought me.... Flowers.
He brought flowers; left them hanging on my door. I don't understand why, or what the gesture meant, but... Flowers. Of all gifts, he brought me flowers?
I know. I know I shouldn't be so critical. But *flowers??* Is he for real? When am I going to have the time to look after these? They're - - fuck - they're not even potted. It's a bouquet, wrapped in some kind of plastic. I can smell them from here, and they smell sweet. But that's beside the point. They're going to die, and even if the flowers were potted plants I wouldn't be able to look after them - I'm far too busy.
Flowers... Who does he think he's fooling by leaving dying plants hanging on my door?
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vasiliquemort · 1 year
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"I closed my eyes and flew, cold ice to spine – red-hot and heavy body to the chest. I felt thoughts slither moving back and forth, nutations such loving, delicate and sound, through veins and parts and sides of me, like sinful thought, like tender beast that courses through.
Such strange and chtone design behind the dark there was.
Such lovely one."
Amidst the canvas of adored, there is a bloom of gratitude and tone that's so demure and delicate and unobtrusive, deep, for loves and mistful dreams as glorious, delightful as @cinisekha's is<ззз
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thenamelessghosts · 8 months
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meetings and memories with Crow and Roan, Uldrens lover, Crows temporary mission partner, but gods do they both want more.
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vlassk · 2 months
Sorry, it's been 10 years since an update. Life's been HECTIC asf with work and life. I want to continue writing, but I feel as rn destiny's fanfics focus on Oc's a lot. Now I do have mine kind of In my fic already just changed a lot of things for neutrality, but would yall be more interested in Crow x OC continuing on or Crow x Y/n?
Oc would have a name for ghost and guardian along with more personality from their side
Let me know
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thefangirlthatwaited · 4 months
The City of Dreams and Crow's (Chapter 23) - A Destiny Universe Story
Uldren Sov x Original Character
True to his word, Uldren managed to smuggle a handful of books from the Techeuns library for me. When he arrived at my doorstep, the sight of those forbidden tomes filled me with an exhilaration I hadn’t felt in ages. 
“No one saw you?” I asked, my hand brushing the spin of the book, feeling the energy used to create them.
“Petra did, but she didn’t say anything.” I chewed my cheek, worrying about Petra. She was my friend, but like Sarli, I’d kept her in the dark about my powers. Could I trust her not to report what she saw to Mara?
 “Aurora?” Uldren said, snapping out of my daze. 
“Sorry, I was thinking about something.”
“Care to share?” He asked, putting the rest of the book down. 
“I’m always worried that my secret will get out.”
“Aurora, I won’t say a word-”
“You won’t, but...” I sighed, crashing onto the couch.
“You’ve been alone with this for so long, and I’m sorry. My sister... She can be difficult, but I promise you she means well.”
“It’s hard to believe that when I don’t know how she’d react to me.” 
Uldren took the book from my hand and pulled me close. “Can I ask you something?” I looked up and nodded. “Why do you think Mara is afraid of you?”
I pulled out of the embrace and pulled at my fingers. “Something Riven said...”
“Riven? When?!”
“On Ariel before you found me. She showed me her version of reality to get me to make a wish.”
Uldren grabbed my chin and made me look at him. “You can’t believe what Riven says.”
“I know. There’s more to it. I’ve heard your sister in my head.” Uldren flashed across Uldren’s face. “I didn’t do it on purpose. In moments when my emotions are high, I lose control.”
“Sorry,” Uldren said, feeling guilty for his reaction.
“It’s fine. But she has taken an interest in me because you wonder what lurks within me. I don’t want to risk it.”
Uldren tucked a stray hair behind my head and kissed my forehead. “I understand.”
I sink into Uldren’s hold and pick the book back up. “Hopefully, these books can help. If I could control my powers, maybe Mara wouldn’t see me as a threat.”
“Start with these for now. Once you’re done, I’ll switch them out.” Uldren replied. 
I flipped through the first book, and the first page had my mind spinning. “This is...” 
“Yeah. I tried to read it myself last night. Didn’t make a lick of sense to me.” 
“Hopefully, I can decipher it.” Each page was written in the same type of text.
“It is likely that the Techeuns wrote it in code. After all, they deal with the Ascendant Plain, and we can’t have that knowledge falling into the wrong hands.” 
“That’s true. Though I don’t know much about that either.” 
“It’s all here.” Uldren tapped the books.
“Thank you again, Uldren. This means more to me than you know.”
“I know. I hope it helps. I never want to see you like I did when I found you in that alley.” I wondered how crazy I looked to him, to anyone who would have walked by. “Speaking of that night...” He started to say before trailing off. 
I snapped the book closed and looked at Uldren. His tone worried me. “What is it?” 
“I’ve done my best to try and keep you out of this. But it’s now becoming a bigger issue. Rahil is swearing up and down that he did nothing wrong.” 
“And the women I saved,” I asked.
“Saying it was consent.” 
Full Chapter Ao3
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I’ll be better than you.
ao3 may be down but I’m still gonna find ways to post my silly little writings >:(
Also managed to find the edited version that’s up on ao3 so I didn’t have to rely on my original draft!!  Horrah!! 
Side note that sign language is its own language!  Any sign language depicted in this work is written in plain english both because I find it difficult to convey all the emotions and gestures in sign language into written english, and I'm still learning the language myself and don't want to accidentally mistranslate anything   (;v;)
This work takes place during season of the haunted, shortly after the first attempt at severing his nightmare.
Crow's body felt heavy.  The past weeks had taken a toll on everyone.  Between the nightmares and the seemingly endless patrols on the leviathan, he felt almost like a spirit wandering aimlessly for its purpose.  Commander Zavala had finally convinced him to rest.  Cal as well.  Hell, with how busy Crow had been he couldn’t even fathom what sorts of things Cal had been doing.
Cal passed out first.  He had made himself comfortable hugging Crow's chest and resting his head over his heart.  Crow held him, welcoming the warmth of his partner, but he couldn't find the willpower to join him in resting.  His mind still stirred, strong emotions lingering.
He just wished he could sleep.  Even if just for a little while.
Irritation clouded Crow's thoughts the moment he heard Uldren's voice from somewhere nearby.  "Don't you ever worry about him?"
Don't you have anything better to do?
Crow kept the comment to himself, taking Eris' advice to ignore Uldren's torment.  The nightmare walked out from the wall to his bedside.  His former self smiled, scanning him and Cal as if looking for something to jab at.  Crow instinctively placed a hand on Cal's back.
"He's so weak.  And yet, oh so volatile.  A dangerous combination, if you ask me."
Crow's jaw clenched.  Uldren caught the gesture immediately, "Have you thought about what would happen if you lost him?"
"I'm not going to."
"And why is that?"  Uldren seemed to lean closer.  A twisted smile curling on the nightmare's lips, "Remembering what happened last time you lost someone?"
"That wasn’t…"  Crow snapped his head to look Uldren in the eye.  He corrected himself and spoke through gritted teeth, "I'm not you.  I won't make the same mistakes you did."
"You say that now...But you forget how close he's already come to true death.  One of these days-"
Crow shouted with his whole body.  He didn't notice he had pushed hard against Cal's chest, jolting the younger hunter awake.  Crow's focus remained on his nightmare, "Cal isn't going anywhere and neither am I!  You might've been too weak to move on but I’m not.  Stop trying to make me feel so alone."
A satisfied grin rested on Uldren's face.  It disgusted Crow.
Uldren faded into the darkness.  Crow took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves.  As the room and its sensations returned to him, he looked down and froze.
Cal was watching him, wide eyed, and scared.  He was sat upright in front of him, tense and uneasy.  He seemed to be holding his breath.  Guilt pulled Crow's heart down to his gut.
"Cal I...I'm sorry I..."
Crow held up his hands defensively, but it made Cal flinch.  He lowered them, choosing instead to only draw one hand close to his chest to sign an apology.
Crow waited and watch Cal slowly unravel himself.  Hesitantly, Cal signed, "What was that?"
"Uldren"  Crow signed a reply.
Cal looked briefly back to where he had seen Crow shouting and back.  All that was there was the empty space of their bedroom.  Crow added, "It was nothing...He was just trying to annoy me."
Cal’s brows furrowed and his eyes seemed softer.  "What did he say?"
Crow laid back down, inviting Cal to do the same by shifting off to the side of the bed.  "The usual.  That I'm weak, that I killed people...he's very unoriginal"  Crow lied with a weak smile.
Cal seemed unconvinced.  His light green eyes studied Crow, watching his partner’s smile fade more and more.  "Are you okay?"
Crow took a long look at his partner.  He thought about Cal the first time they met.  He was so scared.  He looked starved, with dark circles of exhaustion and anxious glances every few seconds to see who was watching him.  He had seen Cal grow the past year.  Seen how much stronger he became.  He learned to control both the light and darkness within him, helped fight countless enemies, and even showed him a thing or two about being a guardian.
He thought about himself, of where he started.  Nameless at first, working for Spider and being treated like dirt.  Being saved by others time and time again because they chose to look beyond his face and see who he truly was.  He recalled the way Zavala used to look at him.  Then remembered how even through the uncertainty Zavala still offered him a hand.  That he still allowed him a place in the vanguard.  And with that trust, others learned to trust him as well. 
They, Cal and Crow, they were both forced to build themselves from the ground up.  They lied.  They fought.  They survived.  And they recovered.  Even though the memories of their pasts haunt them, they’re here now.  They’re alive.  And they are a million times better now than they were back then. 
"Yeah...I think so."
Cal finally joined him, keeping his nervous gaze on Crow’s hands in case there was anything else to say.  He wrapped an arm around Cal's shoulder, resting his cheek against Cal’s head.  No matter what Uldren said, he won't let it come between them.
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braindamagedrizz · 1 year
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A completed commission for my friend Fruzi601 over on discord, I absolutely had a blast drawing this and I'm still tickled how they chose a screenshot for their background instead of like a flat colour or pattern LOL Crow is so babygril <3
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honeybeegreenie · 11 months
Been a long ass time since I've posted on my account, and a long ass time since my first Destiny fic.
Here's the follow up.
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zephyrdagonheart · 1 year
I was trying to be normal about my OC x Canon stuff for Destiny but I just stayed up until 4:30am this morning drawing angst of my Uldren Sov x pre-risen Guardian ship so now I'm fighting back the flood but God didn't warn me to make a giant boat so if you see The Crow x Guardian or Eris Morn x Guardian on my page within the next couple days that's because I drowned in the flood or just decided to let the current take me. 💅✨
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vostara · 3 years
I Am Lost - 01
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Volume One: A New Guardian Component 01
pairing: - cayde-6 x female guardian x uldren sov - the crow x female guardian (eventual)
blurb: “The woman’s gaze drifts down to look at her hands. She moves her fingertips, intrigued by this odd sensation of feeling, of movement.”
word count: 2.8k+
When Verna awoke as a guardian, she knew nothing about what life is meant to be like as a Lightbearer. And though she has been told that learning about her past is a forbidden endeavor, she can’t help but feel drawn towards discovering who she once was. But her pursuit of the quest is interrupted by the growing chaos, by the Darkness spreading.
Begins with the events of Destiny 1 and will continue up to the current timeline (but hey, it’ll take awhile to get there). Verna is a void-using Hunter.
*This work is cross-posted on Ao3.
01 | … series masterlist
Tag List (Open): @mangovalkyrie
We called it the Traveler, and its arrival changed us forever. Great cities were built on Mars and Venus. Mercury became a garden world. Human lifespan tripled. It was a time of miracles. We stared out at the galaxy and knew that it was our destiny to walk in the light of other stars—but the Traveler had an enemy. A Darkness, which had hunted it for eons across the black gulfs of space. Centuries after our Golden Age began, this Darkness found us and that was the end of everything. But it was also the beginning. — The Speaker
Old Russia, Earth
A pale orange machine with golden engraving zooms around a wreckage of rusted, disintegrating vehicles. Searching amongst the ruins. He stops to scan a skeleton, slumped over in one of the cars. “Ouch,” he comments, blunt, before flying away. He pauses, looking off into the distance. And then, quick, he speeds off to investigate this new area of interest. Curiosity running strong within his circuits.
His scanner flicks on once again, scrutinizing the debris. “Is it possible?” For a moment, he feels an inkling of hope. His protective shell moves away from his main body—a metallic orb—pushed apart by a glowing sphere of blue light. “There you are!” He says, confirming his suspicions. Excited, the machine puts all of his energy into bringing the skeletal remains back to life.
In its place, a young woman appears. Tanned skin forms, surrounding the broken bones. Dark hair grows, cascading in loose waves down to her mid-back. And with her first inhale of breath, a blush of pink life spreads across her cheeks. Slowly, the woman opens her eyes, and winces at the invasion of light.
“Guardian,” the machine says. He moves closer to her, flying right up into her line of vision. “Guardian?” He repeats.
The woman blinks at him. She feels sluggish, confused. Her mind still busy trying to process the concept of life, existence.
“Eyes up, Guardian!” The strange object says, inching the slightest bit closer to her face.
She tilts her head in curiosity, finally noticing the talking robot.
“It worked… You’re alive!” He says. “You don’t know how long I’ve been looking for you. I’m a Ghost. Actually, now I’m your Ghost. And you…”
The woman’s gaze drifts down to look at her hands. She moves her fingertips, intrigued by this odd sensation of feeling, of movement.
“Well, you’ve been dead a long time,” the robot continues. “So, you’re going to see a lot of things you won’t understand.”
Something yells in the distance, drawing his attention towards it.
“This is Fallen territory,” he says. His optic eye shifts rapidly to glance around the area. He’s nervous, concerned. “We aren’t safe here. I have to get you to the City.” Briefly, he flies away, before turning back to the Guardian. “Hold still,” he says, disappearing.
The woman opens her mouth to speak—tries to call out for the machine to return—but no sound escapes.
“Don’t worry,” his voice says. The sound vibrates inside of her head, and it feels ever-so-slightly unsettling. “I’m still with you. We need to move, fast.”
Almost hesitant, the woman pulls herself up onto her feet. She surveys the world in front of her, overwhelmed by the sight of sparse greenery and spreading decay.
“We won’t survive long out in the open like this,” the Ghost gives her a verbal nudge. “Let’s get inside the Wall.”
She looks beyond the clumps of rusted metal, focusing on a building that’s crumbling in the distance. With unsteady steps, she walks towards it. She stumbles in the dry dirt, gradually adapting to process that’s involved in forcing her legs into motion.
“I didn’t bring you back just for you to die again,” Ghost says. “We need to move.”
Sensing the urgency, she picks up her pace. The woman climbs through the wreckage and jogs the rest of the way to the Wall. She enters through a large hole that greets her with darkness. An automatic light resting on her left shoulder switches on, illuminating the space. She climbs the staircase to her left, ascending up a couple flights of stairs. The woman is cautious as she travels further inside, careful to avoid cutting herself with the jagged, sharp edges of broken metal. She considers grasping onto the safety railings for support, but changes her mind upon noticing that they look as if they could snap between her fingers.
A skittering noise echoes throughout the building, pulling the woman’s attention to the dark ceiling.
“Quiet,” the Ghost says, half a step below a whisper. “They’re right above us.”
Making a deliberate effort to keep her footsteps light, the woman traverses further into the building in search of a way through. Eventually, she opens a door and steps into an open space.
The Ghost rematerializes beside her, and immediately begins to scan the area. “Hang tight,” he says. “Fallen thrive in the dark. We don’t. We need more light. I’ll see what I can do.” He zips away, flying deep into the darkness. “Another one of these hardened military systems and a few centuries of entropy working against me.”
As she stares into the pitch black, a rock of discomfort settles inside the depths of her stomach. Goosebumps bloom down the woman’s arms. She feels something watching her, examining her every move. But she can’t see the source.
The lights flicker on.
And illuminate the swarm of creatures moving across the adjacent bridges and walls. The woman’s eyes widen at the sight, caught off-guard by their six slender limbs, claw-like hands, and glowing blue eyes. The creatures—the Fallen—are dressed in spiked gray and silver armor, with purple cloaks draped over their heads.
The woman emits an involuntary gasp, taking a step back towards the door that she had walked in from.
“They’re coming for us,” the Ghost yells as he speeds his way back towards the woman.
“Yeah,” she responds. And for a brief moment, she is startled by the sound of her own voice. It’s coarse, strained, yet soft, quiet.
“Oh,” the Ghost pauses, stopping abruptly to look at her. “So you can speak!”
“Yeah,” she confirms, though she sounds as if she doubts this herself. Hearing hurried footsteps, she turns her attention back to the creatures that are gaining on them.
The Ghost turns to look back at the Fallen, and then rushes back to the woman. He scans a gate beside her, hacking into the system to unlock it. As the gate rises, he flies through and points a light at an object leaning against a metal crate. “Here,” he says. “I found a rifle. Grab it!”
She runs after him, quick to pick up the offered weapon.
“I hope you know how to use that thing,” he says.
Walking at a brisk pace down the hall, she detaches the rifle’s magazine and checks the amount of ammo stored inside. “You and me both,” she mumbles, clicking everything back into place. A group of Fallen soldiers jump in front of them, and the woman reacts on instinct, lodging a couple of rounds into each of their heads. Another Fallen appears, ready to strike. And, pulling out a knife from her thigh holster, she jabs the blade into the creature’s neck.
“I think you’ll be okay,” the Ghost says, watching as the fresh corpse collapses onto the ground.
The woman looks over at the Ghost, before continuing forward. Rifle raised and ready to fire. After walking through a disorientating maze of hallways and fighting off two hoards of Fallen soldiers, she stumbles into an open space with high ceilings. On the other side, a giant fan is slowly rotating behind a metal grate.
“The Fallen have a tighter hold on this place than I thought,” the Ghost comments. He heads towards the fan and looks down a new hallway. “Just a little bit further. Let’s hope there’s something left out there.”
She follows after him. “You don’t sound entirely confident.”
“I was fortunate enough to finally find you,” he says. “I don’t know how much more luck I’ve got left today.”
As the woman enters the hallway, she pauses to look back at where they had come from, double checking that none of the Fallen were hot on their heels.
All clear.
The Ghost and the woman follow the path. It leads them outside, into another field of rust and ruin.
“This was an old Cosmodrome,” the Ghost explains. “There’s got to be something we can fly out of here.”
“Cosmodrome?” The woman whispers. She takes in the sight, trying to process and understand this ever-growing pile of information.
“Right,” the Ghost turns to look at her. “You don’t know—”
His words are interrupted by the loud sound of something being launched in the distance. The woman and the Ghost whip their eyes towards its direction, watching as a smoking orange light—a flare—flies high up in the air. Gradually, it changes direction, curving towards a nearby tower.
“Incoming!” The Ghost warns, pulling the woman’s attention away from the flare.
A large portal of blue and white light forms in the sky. And through it, a ship appears and starts to descend. With the sound of a faint explosion, another ship flies through another portal. It heads towards them, landing closer than the first.
“Fallen ships!” The Ghost says. “This close to the surface?”
The woman unclips her magazine from the rifle and replaces it with a fresh one. “We should go.”
“Move!” The Ghost agrees.
She sprints across the courtyard, approaching the ship. As she nears, several Fallen leap out of the vehicle. Aiming her rifle, she shoots several of them dead before their feet can touch the ground. Moving at a quick, but steady, pace, she heads closer and continues her task of killing the creatures. Fighting her way around the swarm, she treks through the open courtyard, before entering a new building on the other side.
“I’m picking up signs of an old jumpship,” the Ghost says. “Could be our ticket out of here.”
“Here’s to hoping,” the woman mumbles.
They follow the hallways inside, pausing to kill the Fallen before these enemies are able to spot them. Eventually, they turn a corner and enter a wide, open room with a broken glass ceiling. Across the way, an old ship sits abandoned, collecting dirt and grime. It’s suspended above them, held up by multiple thick cables.
“There’s a ship!” The Ghost says.
The woman steps closer, her eyes glued to it. “It looks relatively intact,” she notes. A cluster of running footsteps storm in through the entrance behind her, and she pivots to shoot the Fallen. Once all is calm, she turns her attention back to the ship.
The Ghost reappears beside her. “Alright, let me see if I can get us out of here,” he flies up to the ship and begins to scan it. “It’s been here awhile,” he comments. “Hasn’t made a jump in centuries. We’re lucky the Fallen haven’t completely picked it clean.”
“Will it fly?” The woman asks.
The Ghost pauses and turns to look at her. “I can make it work,” he says. He turns back towards the ship and disappears as he slips inside of it. After a few moments, the ship’s lights flip on and its engine begins to rumble. Another moment goes by, and then the ship breaks itself free of cables as it raises to hover in the air.
“Would you look at that,” the woman says.
“Okay, it’s not going to break orbit, but it might just get us to the City. Now—about that transmat...”
Through a hole in the wall, several Fallen scurry into the room. “Might wanna put a rush on that,” the woman yells. She swings up her weapon, finger ready to pull the trigger.
“Bringing you in!”
Before she can fire a shot, the woman disappears in a cluster of blue lights. She reemerges inside the ship, disorientated and confused. As she stares at the different levers and buttons inside, the Ghost steers the jumpship out of the building and away from the enemies that are shooting at them.
“Let’s get you home,” he says.
The Ghost turns to look at her, but says nothing in return.
And unbeknownst to the duo, a stranger watches them from a distance.
The Last City, Earth
The trip “home” is shorter than the woman anticipates. Though, she was—admittedly—a bit distracted with her face pressed up against the windows of the ship. Eyes glued to the snow-capped mountains, vast forests, clear lakes, and crumbling cities that passed by beneath them. Breaking through the dark clouds of a thunderstorm, the ship is greeted with bright rays of warm sunshine. And, pressing her nose even further into the glass, the woman’s eyes widen at the sight of a giant orb floating in the distance. Below it, a towering grey building glimmers beneath the sun’s light.
When the ship approaches the location, the Ghost switches back on the transmat and teleports the woman down onto the courtyard below. Just as her feet touch the ground, the ship flies away and disappears behind the roof of the building.
“Welcome to the last safe City on Earth,” the Ghost says. “The only place the Traveler can still protect. It took centuries to build. Now, we’re counting every day it stands.”
The woman takes a step towards the balcony’s edge, wanting a better view of the City below.
“And this Tower is where the Guardians live,” the Ghost says, flying towards the main building.
She turns to follow him, but freezes in place. She’s stunned by the expansive entryways, tall pillars, glowing lights, and red flags billowing in the wind. Robots patrol the courtyard, sweeping the ground and collecting stray pieces of rogue trash. A group of children race across the steps, led by a young boy that’s clutching a large black ball between his small hands. As the laughing children sprint passed one of the cleaning robots, it cautions them to be careful and to slow down.
“You keep referring to Guardians,” the woman says. “Is that what I am?”
“And what does that entail?”
The Ghost hovers just out of her reach, his outer protective shell whirling in circles as he goes through an internal debate. “It’s normal for you to be confused,” he says, looking at her. “I’m sure that all of this is… a lot to take in all at once.”
The woman sighs, “Maybe just a little bit.”
Their conversation comes to a halt.
“Follow me,” the Ghost says, ending the long stretch of silence. “I’ll take you to—”
“Wait,” she interrupts. “I want to… I want to know who I am. Why can’t I remember anything? What even is this place? This… Tower?”
He drifts closer to her, meeting her gaze. “The answer to that is a bit complicated,” he says. “But who you are now is a Guardian, a new Guardian.”
“So,” the woman blinks, “I was once somebody else?”
“Yes and no,” the Ghost responds. “Your body—your face—it once belonged to somebody else. Beyond that, you are completely different.”
“So, you’re saying that I’ve been reincarnated?” She asks, looking down at her hands. The woman examines the bare skin, noticing long scars etched along the outside of her right forearm.
“Don’t think about it,” the Ghost says, nudging her arm back down to her side. “Pursuing knowledge about your past life is ill-advised. Forbidden, actually.”
“Do you know who I was?”
“Nothing at all?”
The Ghost stares at her.
But she continues to pry, “Not even a name?”
“Would you like a name?” He asks.
“‘Guardian’ feels a bit… impersonal,” she admits. “You probably have a name, don’t you?”
The top of the Ghost’s shell lowers, as if pulling itself down to represent a frown. “No,” he says. “I’ve only ever been ‘Ghost.’”
“Wouldn’t you like a name?”
“Oh!” The Ghost’s straightens out his shell. And his optic center appears to widen with brewing excitement. “You could gave me a name,” he suggests. “We could… do a trade. You name me and I’ll name you?”
For the first time, the woman feels amusement. “A fair proposal,” she smiles, “Tangerine?”
The Ghost flies around her head, contemplating the suggestion. “I like it,” he says, coming to a halt in front of her face. “My turn! What to name you,” his voice trails off, pondering his options. “Something strong? Pretty? Traditional? Unique? Do you have a preference, Guardian?”
“It’s up to you, Tangerine. That was the deal.”
Finally, he speaks, “What about Verna?”
She quirks an eyebrow, “Verna?”
“You don’t like it?” Tangerine’s shell spins rapidly, nervous. He starts to sink towards the ground, unsure and embarrassed. “I’m sorry, it’s just… it’s the first thing that I thought of. I can come up with something else if—”
She giggles softly, lifting the Ghost back up high into the air. “I like it,” the woman—Verna—says.
A/N: Thank you for reading! While I plan on keeping this story relatively close to the game itself, it will prioritize accuracy for the in-game cutscenes and spoken dialogue, and not any other miscellaneous written lore. This is simply because Destiny has an absolutely massive library of lore and I am simply a graduate student with little free time who has to write a novel for her thesis project.
Also, we'll be seeing some of Cayde-6 in the next chapter. ^^ I was hoping to squeeze him in for this one, but I felt that ending with Verna's name was a natural stopping point.
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Everything that you are || Crow x OC (inspired by Bridgerton EP 8)
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Fandom: Destiny
Pairing: Crow x OC
Warnings: none
Summary: Isabelle tells Crow that he can freely choose to love her and that it's his choice to make.
A/N: I simply loved this scene in Bridgerton so much that I had to write it into a scene with Isabelle and Crow. Can I get someone to draw this scene for me?
"Crow," Isabelle said, stepping closer to him just as the rain began to come down, "just because something is not perfect. . . Does not make it any less worthy of love."
They were both starting to get soaked, hair clinging to their skin in wet tendrils. Thunder boomed over head and lightening cracked.
"Savathûn made you believe otherwise by showing you what you did in your past," The warlock continued, "Your sister, Queen Mara, made you believe that you needed to be without fault and devoted to her in order to be loved, but she was wrong. . . Should you need any proof on the matter, then. . . then just look here."
Isabelle sniffed, looking away from Crow's gaze. She ran a pale blue hand through her wet pastel pink hair, then looked back at her husband. His clothes clung to him, you could see through the white button down he wore- showing off his defined muscles underneath.
Crow stayed silent, letting the Awoken female continue.
"I'm tired of pretending," She said, "and the lying. And I cannot continue acting as if I. . . As if I do not love you. Because I do."
Crow's eyes widened as he took a step towards her.
"I love all of you. Even the parts that you believe are too dark and too harmful. Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection. Every ounce of the man you were before and the man you are now. I love you."
Isabelle took Crow's hands in hers, "You may think you are too damaged and too broken to allow yourself to be happy, but you can choose different, Crow. You can choose to love me, as much as I love you. That should not be up to anyone else. That cannot be up to anyone else, it can only be up to you."
This time, Crow looked away as he pressed his lips together before turning back to Isabelle.
"Then I choose to love you. With everything I am. I love you, Isabelle Aubrey Sov."
He cupped her face and kissed her passionately as the rain fell around them. Isabelle smiled into it, tangling her fingers in his wet raven hair. Crow's hands slipped from Isabelle's face to her waist, fingers gripping her soaked warlock robes.
After a minute, they pulled away for some much needed oxygen, resting their foreheads against each other.
"Now, let's get inside either mine or your ship and change into some dry clothes," Isabelle stated, "Unless we both want a bloody cold."
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qbedience · 2 years
“Uldren Sov ... is mine.”
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echosong971 · 3 years
I'm gonna be scared to find out the answer but...how does Cayde finish Uldren off?
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….I don’t think you want to know.
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tacgnologist · 2 years
A quick little dialogue I put together at 3am.
More info about Corvus here.
Fastening the cover of his journal closed, Corvus lays his pen down gently beside it. Tonight's entry had been an especially emotional one, and the gradual mood shift had not been lost on his partner. Crow shifts upwards and onto the cowhide pillows on their shared bed and sighs. He wasn't exactly sure of what to say, only that he had to say something to comfort him, even if it was ultimately unnecessary. Corvus' mood shifts almost always gave way to humor or a comforting tone.
'Corvus, why don't...why don't you come lie down? You said it was going to be a short entry, and I've been lying here for…well, too long.'
Corvus lets a sigh slide out of him, and turns creakily in his wooden chair to face him, his face a little more downtrodden than usual. 
'How long have y'known I still had it? Ever since…y'know…she did what she did to you? With yer memories and all that?'
Crow stiffens slightly, knowing exactly what he meant, but choosing to play coy for the time being. The mere mention of that day still dredged up a myriad of emotions. He still wasn't quite ready to address all of them; at least not yet.
'I…I don't follow. Do you mean your journal, or those letters, or-'
At this, Corvus gets up, goes over to one of his horseshoe wall hooks, and pulls down an all too familiar cloak. It had been Uldren's, and something Corvus held desperately onto- not unlike the world's most valuable security blanket. It often was exactly that, but still served to be so much more.
He turns to face Crow with it. His hands were gripped tightly into the fabric, as if it threatened to fly away at any moment.
'This. I know you better'n that. How long have you known and ain't said nothin?'
Crow sifts through his words, deciding to choose carefully. On one hand, he prickles upward ready to defend himself, having been all too familiar on the receiving end of finger pointing and blame. On the other hand, he understands exactly why and how Corvus could be feeling 'found out'.
Corvus picks up on this, and gently softens himself. He sighs heavily, and sits on the edge of the bed with a modest mattress squeak, one leg folded so he could continue facing Crow. Gently taking his partner's hand, he levels his gaze with Crows; his composure serious and sincere.
'What I mean to say is…does it bother you? Have you not said nothin cause it does, or cause you're afraid somebody might be spiteful towards you, or just…'
Crow catches the corners of his own mouth sliding upwards into a smile, and eventually into a laugh he couldn't contain even if he tried. Corvus looks confused for a long moment, and waits for him to elaborate. He still holds his hand close.
'Oh, silly…it's endearing. You managed to hold onto that ragged thing for all this time, even when you had your own old uniform to hold onto.'
Corvus' brow furrows upward, and the grip on Crow's hand tightens. Tears form at the corners of his eyes, and he forces himself to look at the floor for a moment.
'Boy, well don't I feel like a fool. Here I was all torn outta shape thinkin I was settin you off, and worried I was settin off your boundaries, and-' He's cut short by a loving kiss, one that catches him and his slightly panicked breathing off guard.
Crow takes back his hand, and uses it to lean himself forward to deepen the kiss between them. It's Corvus' turn to stiffen up like a board, in more ways than one. A sly smile parts Crow's lips, and he threatens to bite; his free hand was more than tangled up in Corvus' pomaded hair. 
Anything to pull Corvus' mind off its negative descent, especially when it was unnecessary to begin with. 
After he's positive he's gotten his point across, he leans back, wiping his bottom lip clean from Corvus' black lipstick.
'Stop worrying about me, please. I…I've made peace with who I was. I need you to do the same.'
Even though he was slightly panting, Corvus listens intently. It was proving more than difficult to keep his mind on track…exactly Crow's point.
'I…I don't care if you wear his cloak. It's not mine anymore, it's his, and now it's yours. If it helps you cope…wear it.'
With a somber nod, Corvus lets out a deeply held breath. He has to dig for a moment, but finds the right words.
'I…for a long time…it's all I had of ya- I mean, him- to hold onto. Every time I though I got close enough to save him, it wasn't enough. He'd slip right through my fingers, and then…' He stops and swallows hard, his hands becoming fists in the cloak.
'Yeah…it seems kinda redundant to me to hold onto it when you're sittin right in front o' me. But…it does help me cope. Even when you're out in the field, you're right here, even if it ain't you, but him. Truth is…I ain't ready to let him go yet. Either of ya. It still…hurts real bad.'
With this, Crow gently takes Corvus' face. As he said how he felt, tears streamed down his cheeks- threatening to take his heavy eyeshadow with it. He lifts Corvus' face upward again, clearing away his tears with the pads of his thumbs.
'I know. I'm…not quite ready either. Everyone only saw part of it, the struggle on the outside. A few people see the inside. Some don't want to see it all.
You…you see all of me. You always have. I remember our time outside of Mara, outside of Joylon, outside of it all. You don't remember, but I do. You're a good man, Corvus, and a good partner. You've always had my back. Remember that. A silly little piece of fabric isn't going to change that.'
At this, Corvus wells up, and Crow presses himself firmly into his arms, allowing Corvus to cling to him completely. A long series of moments pass, until Corvus brings himself to calm back down the best he can.
'I love you, Crow, and I don't want you hurtin cause of anything outta your past from anyone, you hear me? I'll stab em right in the thigh and-'
Crow laughs, a beautiful sound in Corvus' ears. He takes the cloak, and starts to dry his partner's face with it. At first Corvus protests; the struggle ending with Crow batting his hands away and threatening to take it away from him should he not cooperate.
'I love you too, Corvus. Now go fix your makeup before I can steal your eyeliner again.'
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dein0nychus · 3 years
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I’m gettin’ jiggy with a rifle,
I pull the trigger with my eyes closed,
Hoping to hit you somewhere vital,
And when I miss you come and kiss me with a smile
(Sex With A Ghost- Teddy Hyde)
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stasis-wings · 3 years
Anya x Crow (Destiny 2) One Shot: Stargazing
Crow sighed deeply as he laid in the grass beside his warlock lover Anya. The two had stolen some time away from their duties to spend a night stargazing under the sky of the EDZ, a warm campfire crackling nearby as the two held hands beside one another.
"And to think I used to do this alone," Crow softly murmured in recollection. "The sky looks the same, but the company has definitely improved," he smiled adoringly over at her, gazing into her glowing blue eyes.
Even though the line was cheesy, Anya still felt her cheeks heat up as she blushed underneath his gaze. "I think Glint might have something to say to that," she playfully teased as she brushed some of her dark blue hair out of her face.
"Glint has a soft spot for you, though. Granted, he didn't always have it, but he does now. I don't think he'd be able to say your company isn't an improvement from before."
Anya grinned and leaned in so their lips were close, a breathless whisper away from touching. "That's sweet of Glint. I'll have to thank him," she softly chuckled.
Holding his face in her hands, she closed the gap between them and tenderly kissed her guardian lover. Crow wrapped his arms around her carefully, as if she would break if he held on too tightly. He pulled her closer so their bodies were right up against each other, close enough that she could comfortably lay her head on his chest when the kiss had ended.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," Anya sighed. No wars to fight, no orders to follow, just me and him and the Light burning brightly between us, she thought wistfully.
Forever. The word echoed in Crow's mind. He swallowed hard, unsure how to say what was on his mind. "I'm conflicted. About forever, not about staying like this. I could stay like this the rest of my life and not have a complaint, but... Well, on one hand I'm glad to be a guardian. I got to meet you, to play an important part in protecting the Traveler, Commander Zavala, and countless others. But if there's one thing I lament about being a guardian," he looked down at her with an earnest, loving smile on his face, "It's that we'll never truly be able to grow old together."
Anya's heart sweetly ached at the tenderness of his words. She hadn't necessarily thought about it like that; that they'd never be able to age. Of course, she'd noticed it before, but she hadn't paid it any mind when it came to her future with him. Still, it didn't change a thing for her. She reached a hand up and gently played with the white streak in his hair. "Well, I don't have to think too hard to imagine what you'd look like with gray hair," she pecked the tip of his nose in a playful kiss. "But I know what you mean. It'd be nice to someday truly settle down and live out our days together, but I guess retirement doesn't come easy for guardians. I know we can't grow old together, so how about we just grow together?"
Crow's arms wrapped around her and he gently nuzzled his face into her neck, planting soft kisses there and warmly chuckling at her hair comment. "I'd love nothing more, Icicle. For as long as you'll have me."
"And if I want you forever?" she asked in a whisper, as if sharing a secret between just the two of them under the dazzling night sky.
"Then that's how long I'll stay."
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