#if you're safely able to be public about it and want to for educational or visibility purposes that's one thing
the-last-teabender · 2 years
Talking about and destigmatizing mental illness is not the same thing as giving away sensitive information about your mental health that other people could use against you, and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is sus af. If anything, advocating for mental health and self-care goes hand-in-hand with advocating for privacy on those exact same matters.
If someone is offended by you not listing off all your triggers and sensitive psychological information in a publicly accessible forum, or even just to them specifically when you prefer not to, ask yourself why.
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
"You Have to Live Your Life:" Responses to Common COVID Minimizing Phrases - Published Aug 6, 2024
If you're still COVIDing, you've likely heard phrases, like "it's mild now," or "you have to live your life," repeated over and over. You might be wondering, "what do I even say here? How do I respond to this?" I've listed some of the most common minimizing phrases and some potential responses to them. Feel free to adapt these and make them your own. I've included a variety of responses with different tones, depending on how much you want to be #saltingthevibes.
I want to recognize you might not always have the time or emotional energy to get into these discussions. Some people unfortunately aren't engaging in good faith, so it's important to be able to discern for yourself when you want to have these conversations. You don't always have to educate people, it can be exhausting! For those times when you want to respond but are at a loss for words in the moment, here are some ideas to get you started.
Starting off with one of my (least) favorites:
"You have to live your life!"
"I am living my life. Wearing a mask doesn't stop me from living my life, it makes it possible for me to do the things I love more safely."
"I'd love to be able to get out and do more things, but unfortunately that's not safe for me because so few people are masking."
"I would be a lot harder to live my life if COVID disabled me."
"Living my life means protecting my health, in the short and long term."
"I've adapted how I live my life based on the research about all of the long term health effects of a COVID infection."
"How long are you going to keep doing this for?"
"I'll probably always wear a mask in public spaces, when you know better you do better!"
"There's no expiration date on keeping myself safe and protecting my health."
"When we've widely implemented clean air standards and there's a sterilizing vaccine for COVID, then I might update my current precautions."
"I really wish I didn't have to do this either! But given what I know about COVID and Long COVID, this is the best choice for me."
"How long are you going to keep doing this for? It seems like you're sick all the time now, it sounds really unpleasant."
"We have to live with COVID."
"I'm glad you agree the government has done a terrible job trying to mitigate the spread!"
"To me, living with COVID means doing what we can to protect ourselves, not just giving up entirely."
"We also have to live with car accidents, that's why I wear my seatbelt to protect myself."
"What if we didn't have to? What if we collectively did more to clean the air and create safer living conditions for all of us?"
"Unfortunately you're right, that's why I'll continue to mask to keep myself and my community safer."
"It's mild now/it's just a cold/flu."
"Many illnesses seem like 'just a cold/flu' when you're first infected, but can still have long term health consequences, like mono or HIV."
"You can develop Long COVID even if your initial symptoms are mild or asymptomatic."
"I'm not as worried about the initial symptoms of the acute infection, I'm more concerned about the significant risk of Long COVID."
"You're lucky your symptoms weren't very severe initially. For me, COVID was a lot worse than a cold."
"I don't want to get sick with a cold either."
"I got it X times and I'm fine!"
"I'm sorry to hear you've had so many infections. COVID can cause silent damage throughout our bodies, it might be a good idea to go in for a check up with your doctor."
"I'm glad you're feeling fine so far, but my experience has been different."
"Your risk of Long COVID increases with each infection, so I'm doing what I can to avoid getting it."
"I hear that in your experience, a COVID infection hasn't been a big deal. Unfortunately not everyone is so lucky and many are dealing with significant Long COVID symptoms."
"You're young and healthy, you'll be fine/ only the vulnerable need to worry."
"I used to think the same thing! It turns out I have some underlying risk factors that mean an infection could be very harmful to me."
"Everyone is at risk of Long COVID, and your risk increases with each infection."
"You cannot know someone's health status by looking at them. A lot of young people are high risk as well."
"I don't appreciate you making assumptions about my health status."
"Did you know more than 75% of Americans have at least one risk factor? More than 40% have two or more, and almost 20% have three or more! Being high risk is more common than you think."
"There are actually a lot of factors that can make someone high risk, like a history of smoking, depression, asthma, ADHD, and more!"
"Kids don't get COVID/it's mild for kids."
"Unfortunately many studies show that rates of Long COVID in kids is similar to the rates in adults."
"COVID is the 8th leading cause of death in children in the US."
"Kids can be high risk for COVID, like if they have asthma, ADHD, autism, diabetes, or other common health issues."
"Kids don't deserve to be repeatedly infected with an illness that we know causes long term damage."
"I'd encourage you to read some of the stories about kids with Long COVID, it's heartbreaking for them and their families."
"Long COVID is rare."
"I'm curious where you learned that, because that doesn't fit into my understanding of Long COVID."
"Studies show rates around 20% of adults infected will go on to develop Long COVID, and many studies show higher rates. Your risk increases with each infection."
"Even if you're right, I'm not willing to risk it."
"Have you noticed an increase in weird symptoms or health issues in your circle? Fatigue, headaches, GI issues, stroke, heart attack, blood clots and a ton of other issues can all be caused by a COVID infection."
"It's more common than you might think, there are over 200+ possible symptoms and it can look different in everyone."
"My doctor doesn't wear a mask."
"Yikes! How unfortunate your doctor isn't up to date on the science and isn't doing more to protect their patients."
"It's too bad how many doctors don't stay up to date with important health information."
"Doctors also used to smoke cigarettes in healthcare facilities and recommend them to patients. Just goes to show you doctors aren't always right."
"The medical field scorned the doctor who recommended they start washing their hands... I'm seeing a lot of parallels here."
"Unfortunately it can take many years for practices like these to become more mainstream."
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matan4il · 3 months
Can't stop thinking about that poor French girl. Most of my friends didn't even have their periods at 12. We have been screaming ourselves HOARSE for months that "globalize the intifada" is going to come back to bite us...and now it's beginning to. They didn't listen to us then and they won't now. Instead, they let a child pay the price for the crime of being Jewish.
I remember back in early April I walked by a protest and I told a cop there what the phrase meant. She didn't even deign to look at me, instead she told me where I could counter-protest. That is not what I was asking about. No one is protecting us, yet they wonder why we feel safer and have an attachment to our home.
I haven't been able to visit home since the war started, I'll be there Sunday finally. And I can guarantee that I will be moving comfortable there, despite my half baked plan and no official place to stay.
I just don't know what we are supposed to be doing anymore. עד מתי??????
I can't stop thinking about that girl either.
I can't stop thinking about what it means that she knew she wasn't safe telling her boyfriend at the time that she's Jewish. I can't stop thinking about the fact that she was right, as he proved. I can't stop thinking about the kind of environment she grew up in, where she had grown so accustomed to antisemitic attitudes being the rule, that she didn't see that guy's antisemitism for the red flag that it is, and didn't stay away from him.
And I wanna make it clear, it is ABHORRENT that Jews should have to stop and consider just how much they're going to lose out on socially because of antisemitism. But it IS hard to constantly lose and miss out and be depraved of social rewards that others get just because you're Jewish, especially when you're 12 years old. So this responsibility lies on the hellish environments that push Jews to have to decide between being included and being safe.
That the specific way that this girl's abusers were violent with her for her Jewishness was sexual, committed by at least one person she intimately trusted, done as a group, and (from what I've gathered) in public, just makes the whole thing even worse, and I cannot stop grieving what was taken away from her, and what she will have to deal with for the rest of her life.
And I've heard from multiple sources that the perpetrators' phones had anti-Israel material on them. It was easy to guess, but it's still chilling to have that confirmed.
I am SO sorry that you had that experience of a cop not giving a damn about our safety as Jews. But yes, we absolutely cannot rely on anyone else for our protection, it's a part of why we need Israel. And there's only one place in the world where we can be safely and effortlessly ourselves as Jews. I'm so glad for you that you're coming home, and I also hope that if fellow Israelis see this, that maybe they can reach out and help, too.
אם יש כאן במקרה ישראלים, השמיעו קול!
As for what we can do, we can continue to live even when they don't want us to, we can go on supporting each other, we can thrive even when they think they've taken that option from us, we absolutely should educate ourselves continuously when our haters are relying on people's ignorance, and we must speak up where and how we can. Even if our reach is small, it's better than being silent. Not to mention, sometimes one person listening to you, if they're the right one, can make a much bigger difference than we could imagine.
I'm sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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k9emote · 3 months
Hey there K9 :) Just wanted to share this since you said the ones who were wronged and wanted to talk to you and explain their side of the story could I'm just here sharing my friends message that's all/lh
Hey K9. This is Prox. I want to keep my own blog free from asks and such, so I’m having a friend post this in my honor. Please read it all the way through. It’s my side of the story regarding your recent apology post.
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I hear you, Proxy.
I'm sorry for misunderstanding some of what you did.
I still think, in any context, having OC's with number names is not okay. My opinion won't change on that but to each their own. Those are my boundaries and I've spoken enough about it already.
Thank you for apologizing about how you spoke to me. We were both tired, and both were nasty towards each other. stuff happens, and I forgive you.
I'm glad you've been educated about proshippers, and thank you for apologizing about the demonization of dog breeds. I hope you're able to grow from your fear of them and experience just how sweet they can be.
As far as I can remember, we NEVER said "I hope proxy kills themselves" or ANYTHINGGG like that because that's disgusting and I'd fucking never. If me or my mods said anything like that, I am so so sorry. I'm pretty sure the closest thing I might've said about that is "if you ignore victims kys" which is pretty broad but I understand can look like it's targeted at you and I am so sorry. I hope you are safe, genuinely.
I have used harmful coping mechanisms in the past, I admit. And I am working daily on fixing those. I've been doing a lot bettet as of recent.
Thank you for reaching out respectfully.
I hope you are well, and I hope that anyone who decides to harass you or ANYONE blocks me and dies in a hole.
oh and one note I forgot to add - that person who was complaining to us has since been banned for using autism as an excuse to use numbers to organize their simply plural. (they couldn't reclaim number names, and number organization is very much ramcoa related. ) and refused every other option we gave them. (lettering, just naming it "unknown name", etc.) It very much came across as valuing their comfort over victims voices, and we reacted very angrily. You can see the entire conversation here.
we have since apologized for speaking angrily, and have bettered ourselves in that department. We and our staff have grown, and the public ban channel is no longer active as I've stated in previous posts.
Edit: they have since fixed this and educated themselves.
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I hope that you had a great week and that the long weekend is going great!
Sorry I’m sending you an anon ask, I don’t like doing it because I would rather have a debate around this, but as often with unpopular (one might say controversial in some space) opinion, I know I may be branded as someone I don’t feel I am.
My question will be about the laïcité in Quebec. To sum it up, so you can have a good idea of what my position is before asking you my questions, I don’t not support the full laïcité, French-style, like I don’t support it in hospitals, public administration, like if you want to display your religion as a doctor, I think that you should be able to, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your job (i.e. refusing to practice an abortion because of your religion is not ok, in my opinion).
But for the schools, to be transparent, I am a teacher near Montréal, I teach in secondary, and I’d be inclined to agree with the laïcité of the public school. All of it. I feel like the school system should be a safe space for all kids, and by letting religion, and religious practices inside a public school, we are failing at this mission. I don’t care if you are religious, the job of a school and a teacher is to teach you, regardless of your personal beliefs. Like if you’re a Christian and you don’t want to believe in evolution, well that’s your choice, but you’re still gonna learn about it because this is the reality of our world, and your beliefs system shouldn’t interfere with that. And I don’t want, as a teacher to have to put disclaimer in front of all my classes.
So my question is: why are people (especially left leaning people) so against it? Because education is usually one of the center piece of the fight for tolerance and acceptance but I feel like we’re failing at providing a safe space for kids that grow up in extremely religious household and that would like to get out of it but don’t because of family and peer pressure.
I am not stupid, so if the answer is : because it disproportionately target people from specific faiths that may have to wear visible clothing (i.e. Muslim and Jewish), I guess you are right, but I think it is more important to provide a safe space for kids that want to escape religions.
I may have a bias, as I grew up in a very religious household (evangelical Christians) and my dad was a pastor so I never really had a say in it. I got out of it in the university, but I really wish the public school system would have helped me get out of it sooner.
If you read all of it, I hope I didn’t bother you too much with what could basically be my life story at this point. Thank you!
PS: as you can guess my first language is French, and I really am not an English teacher so sorry if my broken English is awful to read.
"Just as a preface, I'm not the usual person who answers the asks, I'm one of the two people helping the usual admin run the blog while they recover from injury. This is important because I'll be addressing some of my experiences growing up Muslim in Quebec, experiences that the admin is not trying to speak to and is leaving for me to address. First off, I do want to note you're speaking from the perspective of the privileged group causing religious oppression as opposed to the receiving end. As someone who was growing up 'Christian' trying to escape religious impositions from your father, you're not in a situation where your religion is being oppressed and suppressed systematically, nor are you suffering under presumption your religion is inherently violent. This is why your comment on your opinion being "unpopular" makes no sense. Your opinion is not unpopular, it is in fact supported by the CAQ and their adherents. Second, the left does not support this because the interests of the right in making such laïcité laws was never to protect children from religious imposition. When I went to private school, where those rules were strictly enforced only onto Jewish and Muslim students but not to Christians wearing cross necklaces (although ostensibly those rules applied to them too), the result wasn't anyone's religious beliefs being protected nor was anyone tolerated, as I was bombarded by homophobic harassment and bullying from our Christian peers and accepted by my Muslim peers. The result was alienation of the Muslim and Jewish students. You should remember that is the original intent of this legislation is not to protect anyone's rights but to remove them. They are telling Muslims "Leave your religion at the door, or you're not a part of society." This is the practical impact of this legislation, and nothing else. You are harming more students than you are 'saving''. Additionally, your worry that Muslims having a prayer room somewhere in the building is a religious imposition on other students, in your imaginary likely atheist ones, is based in islamophobia. The idea that parents can somehow enforce their children to practice at school just because there is a room that allows them to literally makes no sense either. Your concerns are misplaced." "Removing Muslims' ability to have a room to pray in at their school does not remove any mechanism by which parents can use to force their child to perform religious duties they do not want to do. But what it does is continue the operation of an increasingly hostile and alienating system in Quebec that wants Muslims to know they're not welcome in their own country. Would you seek the outlawing of abortion because many men force their partners to undergo them when they don't want to? No? Why? Because it's a basic human right to have access to that service. And just because people impose it on people in their family as part of their abuse doesn't mean it should be removed as an option for everybody, the majority of whom want to use it for legitimate and sincere reasons."
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ask-ikevamp-charles · 22 days
NSFW content rules/boundaries
< This potentially may never be used if no one ends up sending something that falls under this BUT it’s important it’s here just in case. Better to be safe than sorry 😊 >
[ This is a role play blog so role playing is allowed. If there’s something specific you’d like to act out, please talk to me and I will do it if I’m comfortable. I am 21+ so NSFW with limitations is allowed. 
Sexual topics: flirting and suggestive questions/comments are okay. Sexual questions/comments can also be educational/informative, I’m very comfortable with the topic in such discussions. ]
These ^ NSFW rules can be found on the original rules of this blog. Here I will explain more in detail what it means. I decided to put the rules/boundaries in question form because it seemed easier to make things clear. Will be adjusted if needed.
Is the admin really that comfortable with NSFW based content?
Yes, I did an entire semester project on it for one of my college classes (public speaking) 😂 The professor said if we could make the topic fit the project prompt and rules, we could use basically any topic. Had to run it by him, I got approved and BAM! It was all so interesting that I continue to research these things in my free time. Also, I enjoy reading erotica, it’s fun 😂
What falls under NSFW interaction?
Any exchange where you insert yourself into an explicit sexual question/prompt. 
Ex: An exchange discussing how you’d like the character to do something sexual with you or vice versa.
Ex: If you have built your own story with the character through exchanges and you want to add sexual topics.
How explicit can the roleplay get? 
At the moment, I think I’ll stick to writing as explicitly as Cybird does for their spicy scenes. If there are any changes I’ll update here. 
I have a role-play idea I want to act out with Charles, how can I set that up? (Both anon & non-anon)
Simple, DM me and tell me what you're thinking. If I feel I can create a good scene and I'm comfortable with what you're suggesting, we can set it up. 
How do I know if something I said made the admin uncomfortable?
Easy, I’ll tell you immediately. 
Something the admin said in my response pushed past my limits, what do I do? 
Easy, tell me immediately. Don’t just ignore my response. I can’t understand or correct the situation or apologize if you don’t communicate with me. With ALL sexual topics, in ANY situation, communication is important. I always try my best to word things as best I can while not crossing boundaries while also being in character, I can mess up sometimes, so please just be honest and tell me 😊. That being said, if you want to engage in prompt role play, you need to clearly tell me your hard limits in DM.
Can I simply ask Charles if he’s interested in something without age verification? 
Yes. You will receive a simple yes or no based response, nothing more specific. 
Ex: Charles, would you be interested in having sex with a guy? - Yes! I’m open to it 😊
Can I ask Charles about his thoughts on certain kinks/philias without age verification?
While sex ed is taught in middle/high school, it's not ever anything related to kinks. It's usually safe sex basics and reproduction stuff (at least thats what I remember). 
Can I send flirty/suggestive things without age verification? 
Yes. If I deem something is pushing this rule to its limit, my response will serve to tone down the question. 
Requirement for NSFW interaction if you are sending an anonymous ask: 
Use something to identify yourself to sign off your ask (emoji, letter, random word)
DM me so I can see age (18+👍🏻 , specific age is not needed) make sure to include the sign off used in your ask so I know which one is yours.
You can remain publicly anonymous but it’s important I am able to verify that you’re an adult. If you’re a minor and you interact with the blog despite the clear MDNI, that’s on you and your lack of responsibility. I apologize if this comes off rude but I’m following the age rating of the games themselves. These games have explicit age ratings; because of lots of different topics btw, not just sexual.
Don’t take the character response as a sex ed lesson; always inform yourself on whatever you’re curious about. Talk to experts or experienced individuals and do your own research, if you’re a curious minor talk to trusted adults.
If you don’t use the anonymous feature then none of this applies to you, feel free to ask/comment/prompt whatever you’re comfortable with. 
Here are some examples of kinks I’m comfortable with. I can’t realistically list off every single kink so if you’re curious about a specific philia/kink just send in an ask or DM me about it and I’ll tell you if I’m comfortable:
👍🏻 Kinks  
Blindfold Sex
Breath Play
Humiliation/Degradation/Praise Kink 
Role Play (I know it’s a role play blog but this category means professor/college student, doctor/nurse, boss/assistant etc.)
 Temperature Play 
👎🏻 Kinks (I won’t write for these either because I’m not on board with it or because I don’t have enough writing experience with it)
Anal sex 
Foot Fetish 
Golden showers 
I understand it's a lot of rules to keep in mind and some might feel uncomfortable DMing me because they don't want to reveal their account. However, these rules are meant to help keep things as safe as possible online. All DMs are completely confidential. 
If you’re still unsure about something regarding this please don’t hesitate to DM me or send an ask. I tried to think of the most important points but it’s possible I missed something.
Thank you 🌙
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser distributed thousands of dollars to low-income moms with no strings attached as part of an "equitable economic recovery strategy" to offset the costs of childcare. In at least one case, the taxpayer dollars were used to fund a lavish trip to Miami. 
The direct cash payments were part of a pilot program to determine whether the flush of cash could demonstrate "economic improvements among participants." "Additional cash has allowed women to achieve further financial stability, financial security, food security, and health insurance coverage," Bowser's office had claimed.
But an economic policy expert told Fox News Digital the policies were a misdirection of funds that should otherwise be used for public safety and education. 
All 132 mothers who participated in the program were able to choose whether to receive monthly payments of $900 or to get $10,800 in a lump sum, which was "a unique feature of D.C.’s pilot," according to The Washington Post. 
"Quite often these handouts actually trap people in a cycle of poverty," Joel Griffith, an economic research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital. "This is not helping people build long-term wealth and to have long-term economic prosperity."
One recipient – Canethia Miller – told The Post that she took the money and spent most of it on a lavish trip to Miami. 
"Some of it I just left alone. The other side is, I wanted to blow it. I wanted to have fun," Miller said. "[My kids] got to experience something I would never have been able to do if I didn’t have that money."
Miller blew it on a "five-day, $6,000 trip to Miami," which included "a boat tour [that] exposed them to million-dollar homes and luxury yachts." 
"In what she called a rare moment of self-indulgence, Miller spent $180 ahead of the vacation to get her own hair and nails done," The Post reported. She also took her kids shopping and got them new outfits and toys for the trip.
Griffith said that the D.C. mayor would have been better off spending money on reducing crime.
"Spending money on what effectively is a lotto for city residents is the wrong thing to be doing. I think what parents want, whether single moms, single dads or married couples, is a safe city," he added. "What the mayor could do is take these resources that they're going to be distributing randomly to single moms. And you could hire, by my calculations, 25 full-time police officers. That would go a long way in some of these neighborhoods where you can't even walk safely at night." 
In January 2022, Democratic Mayor Bowser allocated $1.5 million to a direct cash transfer pilot program called "Strong Families, Strong Future DC" that was intended "to support maternal health and advance economic mobility." 
"This program is about supporting new and expectant moms with cash so that they can have the autonomy and flexibility to make the best choices for them and their baby," Bowser said. 
The Strong Families, Strong Future DC pilot was at "the heart of our equitable economic recovery strategy," Bowser added.
But some of the issues arose when the mothers were uncertain about how to spend the cash.
Building generational wealth generally requires a solid educational background, which in D.C. is lackluster, Griffith said. 
"[As a resident of D.C.], you're likely to graduate with a subpar education. And we're talking about sometimes an inability to do basic math and basic reading comprehension. And those are the core skills that in a work ethic that allow people to succeed in this country, even if they don't come from a wealthy family," he added. 
Miller seemed to share a similar sentiment when she told The Post, "A lot of communities in my area don’t know the financial gain of credit, saving for your kids; that’s why we’re broke, that’s why we don’t have nothing to pass down or no house to give down. I’m trying to get to the level where I’m passing something down that really matters, so I can be set and my kids can be set, and they don’t need to push so hard like I’m doing now."
Altogether, Miller saved $50 from the program.
"She opened up a savings account, aiming to keep at least $50 in it. She used the remaining $4,000 or so from the pilot in a matter of months, mostly on bills and a used car," The Washington Post reported.
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I fully believe that Adrien had less freedom when his Mom was around, and that losing her was the final straw pushing him to rebel.
I know if Emilie comes back in Cannon she's almost guaranteed to be a perfect Mom who's presence automatically fixes everything wrong with the Agreste family, but hear me out
Emilie and Gabriel are the Carrot and the Stick. Get someone to do something by offering a reward, and if they refuse that, threaten punishment as motivation instead.
Gabriel often uses the treat of taking Adrien out of school to get him to comply. That's just cannon. He's the Stick.
Emilie, in my mind, often used a more gentle approach with paltry rewards to keep Adrien happy at home. Not agreeing to let him go to school or go out more, but using kind words and 'compromises'. She was the Carrot.
Adrien's dialogue at the end of Chameleon actually got me to think this. Him telling Marinette that 'as long as they both knew, they'd be able to get through everything'
That just raised a red flag for me. It sounded like he was parroting what Emilie could have said to him to keep him from rebelling against Gabriel.
'I know you want to go to school dear, but you know how worried it would make your father and I. But you know, he gets worried about me leaving the house too often as well. As long as we've got each other here at home, we'll be fine! Now, how about we go watch a movie?'
Something like that.
And without Emilie's Carrot, Adrien doesn't have that kind presence to keep him from getting fed up with Gabriel's authoritarian rule, and he finally has enough and sneaks out to go to school.
Of course, cannon is going to be completely different from this, but it makes sense to me.
Both of the Agreste parents worked together to keep Adrien tightly controlled; Gabriel made the rules, and Emilie enforced them, but with gentle manipulation.
Honestly it's kinda the vibe I'm going for? Not exactly but both make and enforce rules, Emilie is 100% on board with the things that they're doing and even has rules and restrictions of her own that Gabriel agrees with, she's just better at the... technically manipulation but not intentional manipulation?
Like. Like the 'going to school thing'. Where Gabriel just says 'no' outright, Emilie gives reasons that sound good. "We just want to make sure you're safe", "Public school won't have as good education as private tutoring! One teacher to nearly 20 students? You'd basically be learning on your own anyway! But this comes without classmates that can be distractions or delinquents who drag you down further.", "If you want social interaction I'm sure that Chloé can hang out with you! Or maybe Felix? We can enroll you in fencing classes and a youth basketball team and you can make friends of your own!"
She's better at that sort of thing. And it is done with the best of intentions(as is Gabriel's actions).
And the thing I always compare Gabriel and Emilie to are actually Tarot Cards.
Gabriel is The Emperor.
The Emperor represents Fatherhood. Authority, control, structure. The Emperor is filled with wisdom and understanding of how the world works, and does what he can to keep his empire(his life and family) stable.
If the card is reversed, it becomes tyrany, rigidity, and coldness. Not just being in control, but demanding obedience. The firm guiding hand begins to strangle its empire and lead to all involved suffering.
Emilie is the Empress.
The Empress is mothering, nurturing. She loves her empire(her family). She cares for them, and gives them all they want to succeed.
But in reverse, she is codependence, smothering. Allowing something to grow means giving it room to explore and expand. Can she do that while keeping the empire(family) safe and happy?
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citynewsglobe · 10 days
[ad_1] Setting Your Finances Making a funds is step one within the home-buying course of. Calculate your funds for purchasing a home by assessing your earnings, financial savings, and present monetary tasks. Begin by calculating your month-to-month bills and figuring out areas the place it can save you extra. This consists of trimming pointless prices and reallocating funds to your future residence buy. Using a mortgage calculator can help you in evaluating your monetary preparedness by means of the usage of totally different simulations involving numerous down funds and rates of interest. It is strongly recommended that you just search steering from a monetary advisor to regulate your funds to match your long-term monetary aims, comparable to saving for retirement and emergencies. Securing Financing Upon getting a funds, it’s time to safe financing. Getting pre-approved for a mortgage permits you to set up a sensible funds and signifies to sellers that you're a dedicated purchaser. This course of includes submitting monetary paperwork comparable to tax returns, pay stubs, and financial institution statements. Establishments like TheMLSonline can join you with lenders who will consider your credit score rating, revenue, and different components to find out your eligibility for a mortgage. Previous to making use of, it's essential to overview your credit score report and resolve any issues which will forestall your approval. Looking for totally different mortgage choices, comparable to fixed-rate or adjustable-rate mortgages, will help you discover the most effective phrases and rates of interest. Discovering the Proper Property With financing in place, you can begin looking for properties. Think about what’s necessary to you in a house, comparable to location, dimension, and facilities. This step includes itemizing must-haves and nice-to-haves, comparable to proximity to colleges, public transportation, and native facilities like parks and purchasing facilities. Working with an actual property agent can simplify this course of and supply entry to listings that meet your standards. A educated agent can provide insights into neighborhood tendencies, native market circumstances, and potential developments. The New York Occasions studies that market tendencies can considerably have an effect on your shopping for expertise, so staying knowledgeable is essential. As an illustration, understanding whether or not it’s a purchaser’s or vendor’s market can affect the way you method negotiations and make gives. Moreover, consulting with Roofing Contractors – Positive Roofing and Siding may be helpful when evaluating a property’s situation, notably the roof, to make sure you’re making a sound funding. Making an Supply When you discover a property you want, it’s time to make a suggestion. This consists of discussing worth and circumstances with the vendor. Sticking to your funds is crucial whereas additionally being prepared for counteroffers. Your actual property agent will help create a aggressive provide with an affordable worth, circumstances, and a closing schedule. Having pre-approval for a mortgage can improve your provide by displaying sellers that you'll be able to full the acquisition. Moreover, together with an earnest cash deposit, usually 1-2% of the house’s buy worth, reveals your dedication to the transaction. If the vendor gives a special provide, be prepared to debate and cut price on the worth, repairs, and different phrases till a mutually agreeable deal is reached. Steps to Making an Supply: Assessment the market worth of comparable properties to find out a good provide worth. Set a most worth based mostly in your funds and persist with it to keep away from overspending. Ship your proposal by means of your actual property agent, ensuring to incorporate mandatory paperwork and pre-approval letters. Be ready for negotiations and counteroffers; keep versatile however agency in your key phrases. The Inspection Course of
After a suggestion is accepted, the house inspection is a vital step.It aids in detecting any attainable issues with the property previous to finishing the acquisition. Throughout the inspection, an expert will consider the property’s construction, roofing, plumbing, electrical techniques, and extra. An inspection can reveal mandatory repairs, which you'll be able to negotiate with the vendor to deal with. In accordance with CNBC, this step can prevent from future complications and bills. For instance, discovering important points like basis issues or outdated electrical wiring can have an effect on your resolution to proceed with the acquisition or renegotiate the phrases. Attending the inspection, asking questions, and understanding the inspector’s report is smart. Closing the Deal The closing course of includes finalizing your mortgage, signing paperwork, and paying closing prices. This stage requires a radical overview of the closing disclosure, which outlines the phrases of your mortgage, together with rates of interest, month-to-month funds, and complete prices. Your lender and actual property agent will help you in navigating this course of to ensure every part is in correct order. As soon as accomplished, you’ll obtain the keys to your new residence and turn out to be a home-owner. Typical closing prices embody appraisal, mortgage origination, title insurance coverage, and escrow charges. Setting apart funds to arrange for these prices upfront will help easy the closing course of. Furthermore, it's also necessary to do a closing inspection of the property to verify that every one repairs have been carried out as agreed and that the property is within the desired state. Commonplace Closing Prices Embrace: Appraisal charges Mortgage origination charges Title insurance coverage Escrow charges Transferring In After closing, it’s time to maneuver into your new residence. Plan your transfer fastidiously by organizing your belongings, hiring movers, and establishing utilities. Make a transferring guidelines that features updating your deal with with the put up workplace, transferring accounts and companies, and notifying family and friends of your new location. Take into consideration making a ground structure to find out the position of your furnishings and objects, which might simplify the unpacking course of. Scheduling your transfer throughout much less busy occasions, comparable to mid-week or off-peak seasons, can prevent cash and scale back stress. Keep in mind to handle important duties comparable to altering the locks, establishing residence safety techniques, and exploring your new neighborhood to familiarize your self with native facilities. Last Ideas Shopping for your first house is a major milestone. By adhering to those directions and consulting with an expert, you may confidently and simply navigate the method. Preparation and persistence are essential to discovering the right residence for you and your loved ones. Pleased residence searching! [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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ask-ikevamp-faust · 22 days
NSFW content rules/boundaries
< This potentially may never be used if no one ends up sending something that falls under this BUT it’s important it’s here just in case. Better to be safe than sorry 😊 >
[ This is a role play blog so role playing is allowed. If there’s something specific you’d like to act out, please talk to me and I will do it if I’m comfortable. I am 21+ so NSFW with limitations is allowed. 
Sexual topics: flirting and suggestive questions/comments are okay. Sexual questions/comments can also be educational/informative, I’m very comfortable with the topic in such discussions. ]
These ^ NSFW rules can be found on the original rules of this blog. Here I will explain more in detail what it means. I decided to put the rules/boundaries in question form because it seemed easier to make things clear. Will be adjusted if needed.
Is the admin really that comfortable with NSFW based content?
Yes, I did an entire semester project on it for one of my college classes (public speaking) 😂 The professor said if we could make the topic fit the project prompt and rules, we could use basically any topic. Had to run it by him, I got approved and BAM! It was all so interesting that I continue to research these things in my free time. Also, I enjoy reading erotica, it’s fun 😂
What falls under NSFW interaction?
Any exchange where you insert yourself into an explicit sexual question/prompt. 
Ex: An exchange discussing how you’d like the character to do something sexual with you or vice versa.
Ex: If you have built your own story with the character through exchanges and you want to add sexual topics.
How explicit can the roleplay get? 
At the moment, I think I’ll stick to writing as explicitly as Cybird does for their spicy scenes. If there are any changes I’ll update here. 
I have a role-play idea I want to act out with Faust, how can I set that up? (Both anon & non-anon)
Simple, DM me and tell me what you're thinking. If I feel I can create a good scene and I'm comfortable with what you're suggesting, we can set it up.
How do I know if something I said made the admin uncomfortable?
Easy, I’ll tell you immediately. 
Something the admin said in my response pushed past my limits, what do I do? 
Easy, tell me immediately. Don’t ignore the response. I can’t understand or correct the situation or apologize if you don’t communicate with me. With ALL sexual topics, in ANY situation, communication is important. I always try my best to word things as best I can while not crossing boundaries while also being in character, I can mess up sometimes, so please just be honest and tell me 😊. That being said, if you want to engage in prompt role play, you need to clearly tell me your hard limits in DM.
Can I simply ask Faust if he’s interested in something without age verification? 
Yes. You will receive a simple yes or no based response, nothing more specific. 
Ex: Faust, do you like large and small breasts? - Both are fine (saw this question in some other ask blogs 😂)
Can I ask Faust about his thoughts on certain kinks/philias without age verification?
While sex ed is taught in middle/high school, it's not ever anything related to kinks. It's usually safe sex basics and reproduction stuff (at least thats what I remember).
Can I send flirty/suggestive things without age verification? 
Yes. If I deem something is pushing this rule to its limit, my response will serve to tone down the question.
Requirement for NSFW interaction if you are sending an anonymous ask: 
Use something to identify yourself to sign off your ask (emoji, letter, random word)
DM me so I can see age (18+👍🏻 , specific age is not needed) make sure to include the sign off used in your ask so I know which one is yours.
You can remain publicly anonymous but it’s important I am able to verify that you’re an adult. If you’re a minor and you interact with the blog despite the clear MDNI, that’s on you and your lack of responsibility. I apologize if this comes off rude but I’m following the age rating of the games themselves. These games have explicit age ratings; because of lots of different topics btw, not just sexual.
Don’t take the character response as a sex ed lesson; always inform yourself on whatever you’re curious about. Talk to experts or experienced individuals and do your own research, if you’re a curious minor talk to trusted adults.
If you don’t use the anonymous feature then none of this applies to you, feel free to ask/comment/prompt whatever you’re comfortable with. 
Here are some examples of kinks I’m comfortable with. I can’t realistically list off every single kink so if you’re curious about a specific philia/kink just send in an ask or DM me about it and I’ll tell you if I’m comfortable:
👍🏻 Kinks  
Blindfold Sex
Breath Play
Humiliation/Degradation/Praise Kink 
Role Play (I know it’s a role play blog but this category means professor/college student, doctor/nurse, boss/assistant etc.)
 Temperature Play 
👎🏻 Kinks (I won’t write for these either because I’m not on board with it or because I don’t have enough writing experience with it)
Anal sex 
Foot Fetish 
Golden showers 
I understand it's a lot of rules to keep in mind and some might feel uncomfortable DMing me because they don't want to reveal their account. However these rules are meant to help keep things as safe as possible online. All DMs are completely confidential.
If you’re still unsure about something regarding this please don’t hesitate to DM me or send an ask. I tried to think of the most important points but it’s possible I missed something.
Thank you 🌙
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
"You Have to Live Your Life:" Responses to Common COVID Minimizing Phrases - Published Aug 6, 2024 By: Olivia Belknap
If you're still COVIDing, you've likely heard phrases, like "it's mild now," or "you have to live your life," repeated over and over. You might be wondering, "what do I even say here? How do I respond to this?" I've listed some of the most common minimizing phrases and some potential responses to them. Feel free to adapt these and make them your own. I've included a variety of responses with different tones, depending on how much you want to be #saltingthevibes.
I want to recognize you might not always have the time or emotional energy to get into these discussions. Some people unfortunately aren't engaging in good faith, so it's important to be able to discern for yourself when you want to have these conversations. You don't always have to educate people, it can be exhausting! For those times when you want to respond but are at a loss for words in the moment, here are some ideas to get you started.
Starting off with one of my (least) favorites:
"You have to live your life!"
"I am living my life. Wearing a mask doesn't stop me from living my life, it makes it possible for me to do the things I love more safely." "I'd love to be able to get out and do more things, but unfortunately that's not safe for me because so few people are masking." "I would be a lot harder to live my life if COVID disabled me." "Living my life means protecting my health, in the short and long term." "I've adapted how I live my life based on the research about all of the long term health effects of a COVID infection."
"How long are you going to keep doing this for?"
"I'll probably always wear a mask in public spaces, when you know better you do better!" "There's no expiration date on keeping myself safe and protecting my health." "When we've widely implemented clean air standards and there's a sterilizing vaccine for COVID, then I might update my current precautions." "I really wish I didn't have to do this either! But given what I know about COVID and Long COVID, this is the best choice for me." "How long are you going to keep doing this for? It seems like you're sick all the time now, it sounds really unpleasant."
"We have to live with COVID."
"I'm glad you agree the government has done a terrible job trying to mitigate the spread!" "To me, living with COVID means doing what we can to protect ourselves, not just giving up entirely." "We also have to live with car accidents, that's why I wear my seatbelt to protect myself." "What if we didn't have to? What if we collectively did more to clean the air and create safer living conditions for all of us?" "Unfortunately you're right, that's why I'll continue to mask to keep myself and my community safer."
"It's mild now/it's just a cold/flu."
"Many illnesses seem like 'just a cold/flu' when you're first infected, but can still have long term health consequences, like mono or HIV." "You can develop Long COVID even if your initial symptoms are mild or asymptomatic." "I'm not as worried about the initial symptoms of the acute infection, I'm more concerned about the significant risk of Long COVID." "You're lucky your symptoms weren't very severe initially. For me, COVID was a lot worse than a cold." "I don't want to get sick with a cold either."
"I got it X times and I'm fine!"
"I'm sorry to hear you've had so many infections. COVID can cause silent damage throughout our bodies, it might be a good idea to go in for a check up with your doctor." "I'm glad you're feeling fine so far, but my experience has been different." "Your risk of Long COVID increases with each infection, so I'm doing what I can to avoid getting it." "I hear that in your experience, a COVID infection hasn't been a big deal. Unfortunately not everyone is so lucky and many are dealing with significant Long COVID symptoms."
"You're young and healthy, you'll be fine/ only the vulnerable need to worry."
"I used to think the same thing! It turns out I have some underlying risk factors that mean an infection could be very harmful to me." "Everyone is at risk of Long COVID, and your risk increases with each infection." "You cannot know someone's health status by looking at them. A lot of young people are high risk as well." "I don't appreciate you making assumptions about my health status." "Did you know more than 75% of Americans have at least one risk factor? More than 40% have two or more, and almost 20% have three or more! Being high risk is more common than you think." "There are actually a lot of factors that can make someone high risk, like a history of smoking, depression, asthma, ADHD, and more!"
"Kids don't get COVID/it's mild for kids."
"Unfortunately many studies show that rates of Long COVID in kids is similar to the rates in adults." "COVID is the 8th leading cause of death in children in the US." "Kids can be high risk for COVID, like if they have asthma, ADHD, autism, diabetes, or other common health issues." "Kids don't deserve to be repeatedly infected with an illness that we know causes long term damage." "I'd encourage you to read some of the stories about kids with Long COVID, it's heartbreaking for them and their families."
"Long COVID is rare."
"I'm curious where you learned that, because that doesn't fit into my understanding of Long COVID." "Studies show rates around 20% of adults infected will go on to develop Long COVID, and many studies show higher rates. Your risk increases with each infection." "Even if you're right, I'm not willing to risk it." "Have you noticed an increase in weird symptoms or health issues in your circle? Fatigue, headaches, GI issues, stroke, heart attack, blood clots and a ton of other issues can all be caused by a COVID infection." "It's more common than you might think, there are over 200+ possible symptoms and it can look different in everyone."
"My doctor doesn't wear a mask."
"Yikes! How unfortunate your doctor isn't up to date on the science and isn't doing more to protect their patients." "It's too bad how many doctors don't stay up to date with important health information." "Doctors also used to smoke cigarettes in healthcare facilities and recommend them to patients. Just goes to show you doctors aren't always right." "The medical field scorned the doctor who recommended they start washing their hands... I'm seeing a lot of parallels here." "Unfortunately it can take many years for practices like these to become more mainstream."
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riversofmars · 1 year
Le prompts: Songbird [alt. if you're stuck: spring]
Ohh nice one! Hope you like this!!
Remember to keep voting Liv/Helen in @drwho-shipbracket's poll and sent in a prompt if you like!
Songbird (Rating: T)
Helen’s father would often call her mother bird names as terms of endearment. Starling, lark or dove… It took Helen a while to figure out what it all meant, particularly at the tender age of seven where she was beginning to form opinions of her own, as well as wants and dreams. It was when she found her love for reading, her curiosity and early ambition, and it was also the first time her father found serious fault with her.
“Girls don’t need to bother with education, you’re better served learning how to cook and how to make yourself look presentable. No-one likes a woman with strong opinions.”
The penny dropped when Helen had taken herself to her room in tears and her mother had offered her nothing but a thin-lipped smile. In her father’s world - which was what their home was for all intents and purposes - women were meant to be songbirds: Lovely to look at with only things to say that pleased the ears of men. God forbid they had opinions, wishes and dreams of their own…
That was also the night Helen decided that that was not what would become of her. Every day she bore witness to the way her mother bent this way and that to please her father and she admired her for it. It wasn’t something Helen thought herself capable of, even if she hadn’t been able to put it in such clear terms back then. It started with little acts of rebellion in the safety of her bedroom: Reading into the early hours. The public library was on her way to school and by the time she was old enough to go by herself, there was no stopping her.
She would appease her father, that was one of the lessons she had learned from her mother. It didn’t do to put yourself in danger for the sake of it. It was the only lesson of hers she had ever taken completely seriously. When she was told to help with the cooking or the cleaning, her mind was far off, contemplating the book she’d been reading the previous night or better yet: dreaming up a better future that she knew was out there for her. If only she could hold on…
There were so many things she had done to keep herself safe over the years as she’d picked her battles. Education had been one thing, particularly when she’d had teachers on her side who advocated for her intelligence and potential. That was something her father had had to make concessions on and in turn, Helen had had to make concessions of her own in other ways to keep the balance of things. She sang in the church choir. She dressed up in her Sunday best so her father might be pleased... The acts of rebellion followed when she was older, after mass, behind the boathouse… Her father would never find out about Jean, Helen wouldn’t have taken the risk, but that didn’t mean she didn’t spare a thought to the blue tits on the nearby tree as she allowed Jean to push her hand up her skirt. She longed to be as free as the birds were, and not the kind her father liked to keep at home.  
There was freedom to be had once she’d flown the nest. Helen had enjoyed those first few nights in her flat in Tooting. It was small and sparse as she didn’t have much beyond the essentials, but it was her own and she was free. That was the illusion she indulged, at least until the reality of her day-to-day caught up with her. She’d had such high hopes when she had finished university and been accepted to work at the National Museum. Once she got there, however, she found she was back in a cage, though a gilded one. Where on the face of it, she looked to have accomplished her dreams, the reality of it was far more sobering. While before, she’d had things to work towards, the expectation of a better future urging her on, she now found herself stuck in a system, her wings clipped, expected to perform and sing but never spread her wings and fly.
Not until one fateful afternoon where her future had felt all but lost. And in the whirlwind of events that followed, not only her cage was prised open, so was her heart.
Now, Helen stood atop a cliff in the Kaldoran desert, with the wind in her hair and her wife by her side.
“So? What do you think?” Liv prompted, pulling the linguist from her thoughts.
“Hm?” Helen looked around to find the med-tech look at her expectantly.
”It’s just, you’re not saying anything…” Liv observed with a frown.
“Oh sorry, I was just… off with the fairies,” the linguist answered with a wistful smile and pushed the musings on the twists and turns her life had taken to one side. She dedicated her attention to the incredible view. “It really is quite, quite beautiful.”
“Just wait till the sun sets. You won’t believe the view of the stars!” The med-tech burst into a grin and cast a glance towards the horizon where the sun was beginning to set. They had set up camp on a wide cliff, far away from anyone. Kaldor City stood in the distance and the glider they had arrived in at the bottom of the mountain they’d climbed for the last few hours. It was a rest break in between Liv’s busy shifts at Kaldor city hospital and Helen had taken the day off from her work at the university as well. It only seemed right as it was their wedding anniversary.
“I reckon I will, we’ve been to enough of them,” the linguist gave back easily and Liv laughed:
“I suppose so,” she conceded, looking out into the desert. “I used to love it here so much… coming here with my dad… I’m so glad to be able to take you now.”
“I would have loved to meet him, your dad…” Helen replied softly, as she knew it was an emotional matter for her wife. It was for her as well, as she considered her relationship with her own father and how different their experiences were. She wouldn’t have wanted Liv to meet her father. There would have been no point. He wouldn’t have known how to be happy for her, regardless of the matter of gender.
“He would have loved you,” the med-tech observed affectionately and all Helen could do was nod as she felt the sting of the past she thought she’d made her peace with. Her silence didn’t go unnoticed and Liv asked: “Helen, is everything okay?”
“It’s just… you must have felt so free, coming up here with him…” the linguist observed as she watched two birds shooting above their heads, birds of prey that danced through the air together, almost like a couple, and Helen thought she could see herself and her wife in them. She had come so far. “I never… I always felt trapped,” she admitted. She didn’t need to elaborate. They had talked about her past enough over the years and Liv nodded as she understood her perfectly.  
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” she said and Helen shrugged.
“We can’t choose our family, can we?”
“We can’t choose where we start, no…” Liv conceded and reached for her wife’s hand. “But we can choose how we carry on… and eventually you hopefully… find what you need and the future you want.”
“Thank you for breaking into my office,” Helen leaned against her, resting her head against the side of hers and the med-tech smiled:
“Thank you for taking a leap of faith after we did.”
“That’s what happens when you open a songbird’s cage. They fly to freedom,” the linguist replied. At last, she found herself without confinements and only the binds she’d chosen herself. Like the ring on her finger. Or the woman beside her. “I love you, Liv…” She told her and her wife smiled:
“I love you, too, Helen. Today and every other day we’re given.”
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Plano, Texas Travel Guide
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Plano is a great place to live, work and play. From its friendly neighborhoods and beautiful homes to its excellent school system, Plano has it all.
Plano is an affluent city with a population of about 271,000.
Plano is an affluent city with a population of about 271,000. The city has been ranked as one of the best places to live in America by multiple publications and websites. Plano's motto is "A great place to call home."
Plano was voted one of the Top 5 Best Places to Live in the United States by Money magazine in 2006 and 2008.
Plano is a great place to live. It's one of the safest cities in America and has been voted one of the Top 5 Best Places to Live in the United States by Money magazine three times, most recently in 2006 and 2008.
Plano was also named America's Top 100 Places to Live by CNN/Money Magazine, which cited its "excellent schools" as well as its "easy access to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport." The city offers plenty for families with children including an extensive park system (including some great playgrounds), an excellent recreation center with pools and ice skating rinks where you can skate year round! You'll also find many festivals throughout the year celebrating everything from arts and crafts to music festivals featuring local bands like The Polyphonic Spree! If you're looking for something more adventurous than just hanging out at home then try kayaking down Coleto Creek Park where you can take your own boat or rent one there instead! Or maybe go hiking along White Rock Trail which leads through forested areas before ending up at beautiful Lake Highlands Park with picnic tables overlooking waterfalls where people come to visit after work during summer months because it gets so crowded!
Plano was also named one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People by America's Promise Alliance (APA) in 2003, 2004, and 2005.
Plano was also named one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People by America's Promise Alliance (APA) in 2003, 2004, and 2005. The APA is a national organization that promotes youth development and achievement in communities across the country.
In addition to its focus on education, Plano also supports many other programs for children and families including:
With its well-manicured parks and excellent educational system, Plano offers families a wonderful place to live and play.
Plano has a lot of parks and recreation facilities, including the largest municipal park in Texas. The city also boasts an excellent school system, which consistently ranks among the best in the state. Plano is a great place for families with children who are looking for an affordable and safe place to raise their kids.
Plano offers a great city life experience.
Plano offers a great city life experience. The city has a population of nearly 300,000 people, but it still has the feel of a small town. Residents can enjoy all that Dallas has to offer while still being able to maintain their own identity and culture within Plano's borders.
Plano is also known for its excellent schools, making it an ideal place for families with children who want to raise them in an environment with plenty of opportunities for learning and play. Many families choose to live in one of Plano's many neighborhoods with strong school systems such as Preston Ridge Elementary School or Richardson ISD (which includes Richardson High School).
Finally, there are many parks throughout the city where you can go exercising or just relax on a bench under some shade trees!
AC Repair Services are available in Plano, TX
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AC Repair in Plano TX needs to be done by a company that is licensed and professional. Plano AC Repair is your guaranteed source for all of your air conditioning needs. We are going to make sure you get the best AC service in town!
On The Spot Air Conditioning & Heating Plano is a full-service HVAC repair and installation company. Client satisfaction is one of their primary objectives, which makes them an invaluable resource for anyone in the Plano area seeking home comfort. Whether you need air conditioning services or a new heating system, On The Spot can help.
On The Spot Air Conditioning & Heating Plano
2761 N Hillbrier Cir, Plano, TX 75075, United States
(972) 645-3631
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jamesplumbingaz · 2 years
Gilbert, AZ: The Best Small Town In America
Gilbert, Arizona is the best small town in America. Its residents enjoy a high quality of life with affordable housing, good schools and low crime rates. The city has also become a popular destination for retirees and young families alike. There are many reasons why people choose to move here, but one thing is certain: once you're here, you won't want to leave!
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The Best Small Town In America
You can't go wrong in Gilbert, Arizona. It's the best small town in America, and the best place to live, raise a family, retire or just get away from it all.
You know how some people love to talk about how great their hometown is? Well that's what we're doing here today. But unlike them (or maybe because of them), we've got facts to back up our claims:
Gilbert has been named "America's Safest City" by Forbes magazine for six consecutive years—and again in 2016!
It was also rated as one of America's Top 10 Best Cities for Families by Realtor.com.
In addition to being recognized by several publications as one of America's most desirable places to live, Gilbert has earned national recognition for its thriving economy and low unemployment rate—due largely in part to having an educated workforce along with its proximity to Phoenix International Airport (PHX).
Best Places To Live
Gilbert is a great place to live if you're looking for a laid-back city with plenty of opportunities for your family. The crime rate is low, and the cost of living is also low, so you can afford to raise your family in Gilbert without breaking the bank. If you retire with a nice nest egg, Gilbert's low cost of living will allow you to stretch that money further than most people could expect. And if your kids are growing up and moving out on their own? Well, good schools mean they'll be able to get an education from one of Arizona's best school districts and go off into their bright future knowing that they're already ahead of the curve thanks to their parents' choice in hometowns!
The Best Places To Retire
Gilbert is a great place to retire. Do you want to live in a safe community, with low crime and high quality of life? Gilbert is the place for you!
Gilbert has great weather.
The crime rate in Gilbert is extremely low. You can feel safe walking around while carrying your wallet.
The cost of living in Gilbert is much lower than most other parts of the country and especially Arizona, so your retirement savings will last longer than they would elsewhere.
Best Neighborhoods In Gilbert
Gilbert is a great place to live. Not only does the town offer its residents a low cost of living, high quality of life, and good job market, but it also has some of the best schools in Arizona.
In addition to its amazing schools and low crime rate, Gilbert has something for everyone: from families with children to retirees looking for a new lifestyle. If you're looking for an affordable place with excellent public services that's safe and welcoming then you'll fit right in here!
Best Gilbert Schools
Gilbert’s school system is one of the best in Arizona. There are a variety of public schools to choose from, including 12 elementary schools, four junior high schools and six high schools—and that’s not even counting private and charter schools.
If you’re looking for a small town feel with big-city amenities, Gilbert is ideal for you. Its proximity to Phoenix allows residents easy access to entertainment options like professional sports teams and world-class museums while still offering peace and quiet in the suburbs. The best part? A good education system means your kids will be well prepared when they leave home for college or their first job.
Gilbert, AZ deserves the title of "Best Small Town in America".
Gilbert is a great place to live. The cost of living is very low, the crime rate is very low and the schools are some of the best in Arizona. If you want to raise a family this town has it all. There are plenty of parks, golf courses and places for kids to play. The weather here is fantastic especially in the summer months so when it gets really hot outside there are lots of pools where you can cool off and relax with friends or family members. It's also a great place for retirees because there are many activities available for people who don't work anymore but still want something fun to do during their free time like yoga classes at studios located around town or seniors clubs where older adults can meet up once per week over lunch at different restaurants around town.
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James Plumbing is a trusted plumber in Gilbert and we will provide you with a service that is fast, reliable and professional. Ask us about our emergency solutions.
James Plumbing is a family-owned and operated Gilbert and Chandler plumbing services. We provide a large assortment of residential and commercial plumbing services, including drain cleaning, sewer and gas line repair, pipe replacement and relining, water pressure boosters, water heater repair or replacement. We are licensed, bonded and insured.
James Plumbing 1777 S Oak St Gilbert, AZ 85233 480-716-0109 https://jamesplumbinggilbert.com/
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safe2boat · 2 years
How to increase the safety of your boat
California Approved Boating Course are trained throughout the nation for all kinds of entertainment for sailors and sailors of any age. Like several complex tasks, watercraft handling is part of art and scientific research. The art of boat handling is developed with time and also method. Scientific research is established through great watercraft managing education and learning, which, if done appropriately, can pilot one's craft safely and effectively within understanding in a relatively brief period. It's the perfect place to start if you're new to boating, have only been on the water a few times, and want some refresher training. This course will help you learn everything from properly operating your boat to staying safe when out on the water.
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Taking California Boating Safety Certificate Our team of experts is here to help you understand the rules, regulations, equipment, and safety tips necessary to operate safely on the water. Whether a new driver or an experienced captain, our staff will walk you through everything you need to know about staying safe on the water. With online overviews, you can obtain diverse compounds free to help you recognize the idea of using potential in your own time. You can also seek neighboring car guidelines and regulations with online directories. Our certified instructors will guide you through lessons and tests designed to help you pass the state safety exam as quickly and easily as possible. After completing our coursework, you'll be able to use our California boating safety certificate in any state where it is required by law.
Participating in a lesson or course is more than researching how to perform an automobile, steer at the wheels, or act at the clutch. When you're taking at the difficulty of discovering the capacities to make use of, you need to capture which you should, in addition, find means to be a responsible driving force who cares no longer easiest for yourself yet likewise for others who're on the street with you. Protective utilizing is one form of using that uses your important data on the right as well as safe usage.
There ought to be auxiliary substances provided through the way of ways of the University for its Offered Making Use of instructions. There should be auto as well as public lawful responsibility coverage as well. 
For More Info :-
California Approved Boater Card Course
California Approved Boater Card Online
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aakrutihousing · 2 years
Why is the best place to buy a 3 bhk luxury apartments in Nallagandla
The Nallagandla project is being developed by a real estate company named DHI Group. Nallagandla is located beyond Nandi hills. The project is divided into several phases; the first phase is under construction and the others are at the planning stage. Nallagandla is a small township which will have all the amenities that a resident would need. With such features, 3 bhk luxury apartments in Nallagandla is the best place to buy.
Nallagandla is a great location for 3bhk apartments
Nallagandla is a great location for 3bhk apartments for a number of reasons. First, it is centrally located in Hyderabad, making it easy to commute to anywhere in the city. Second, it is a relatively new neighborhood, so the apartments are modern and well-maintained. Third, there are many green spaces and parks in Nallagandla, making it a pleasant place to live. Finally, the prices of 3bhk apartments in Nallagandla are very reasonable.
If you're looking for a 3bhk apartment in Hyderabad, Nallagandla is the perfect place to start your search. You're sure to find an apartment that meets your needs and budget in this vibrant and growing neighborhood.
Nallagandla has good access to public transport  with BMTC buses plying through the locality.
 The Outer Ring Road (ORR) is also close by, making it easier for people to commute to work. In addition, there are a number of schools and colleges in the locality, which is a plus point for families with children. Overall, 3 bhk  flats in Nallagandla is a good option for those looking to buy an apartment in Hyderabad.
Nallagandla has a variety of shopping and dining options  to offer its residents.
Nallagandla is a great place to live for many reasons, but one of the best things about it is the variety of shopping and dining options that are available. Whether you're looking for a casual lunch spot or a fine dining experience, you'll be able to find what you're looking for in Luxury Apartments in Nallagandla. There are also several retail shops in the area, so you can easily do your shopping without having to travel far from home.
Nallagandla is a safe and secure neighbourhood
Nallagandla is a safe and secure neighbourhood in Hyderabad. It is well-connected to other parts of the city and has all the necessary amenities nearby. There are several schools, hospitals and shopping centres in the locality.
The people of Nallagandla are friendly and welcoming.
The village is located in the middle of nowhere, and it's hard to find on a map. It's one of those places that's off the beaten path, but that's what makes it so special.
Nallagandla is a small village in India with a population of just over 1,000 people. Despite its small size, the village has a lot to offer visitors. There are several temples and shrines dotting the landscape, as well as beautiful hiking trails through rice fields and jungle.
The villagers are very friendly and welcoming, always offering visitors tea or food. I had the opportunity to visit Nallagandla last year and I was blown away by how hospitable everyone was. It really is a hidden gem in India!
There is a strong sense of community in Nallagandla .
This is evident in the way that neighbours help each other out and look out for one another.
It is also clear in the way that people come together to celebrate festivals and special occasions.
Nallagandla is a great place to live, work and raise a family 5. Nallagandla has a number of parks and green spaces 6, which makes it a very pleasant place to live. There are also a number of schools in the area 7, so families have plenty of choice when it comes to education. And, with a number of businesses 8 located in Nallagandla, there are plenty of job opportunities for residents.
We hope you enjoyed our article about why  3bhk apartments in Nallagandla is the best place to buy a 3bhk apartment. We know that you want to live in a place that is safe and secure, but also one that is convenient to everything you or your family might need. Nallagandla is a perfect place for you to live because of the amenities that are available, such as schools, hospitals, and restaurants. The real estate in Nallagandla is very affordable, especially when compared to other places in Hyderabad. So if you are looking to buy a 3bhk apartment in Hyderabad, then Nallagandla is the place to be.
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