#if. novaturient
free-my-mindd · 1 year
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neonmetro · 27 days
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the-vickstorian · 4 months
Rest of the Papyri’s are finished for Novaturient! Next up is the sanses!
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yesterdayspromise · 23 days
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relistening to epic the musical was a mistake
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kalorphic · 2 years
Yes, you read that correctly. I, Ella, have actually updated Novaturient.
Word count: 4.3K (see I said small).
What’s been added:
Extended K section of the prologue.
Added a small part of chapter one (introducing Cody).
Next update:
Finish chapter one.
Mobile friendly.
A massive shoutout to Albie (@/zorlok-if) and Lin (@/linwritesif) for the customisation inspiration!! Albie’s pronoun template was literally a life saver.
Massive shoutout to Vahnya (@/outoftheblue-if) for the beautiful template!!
Massive shoutout to literally anyone who has ever helped me with coding. I love you all.
Hopefully the full chapter will be out soon, but I’m me, so no one hold their breath lol!
Please drop me an ask with bug/spelling/ella you fool that’s not cool reports <3
EDIT: FIXED BUG!! You can now choose the option to ‘choose when you meet them’.
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stephschoices · 10 months
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Had some missing Kalan thoughts tonight 🥰 @kalorphic
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interact-if · 9 months
Hello, i was wondering if yall could help me find an if from (i think) 2 yrs ago? It seemed to be based ok the movie Spy with Melissa McCarthy, MC was the spy ROs handler but ehen they go missing MC steps up to investigate. Another one of the ROs was a fellow Handler where i think it was kinda enemies to lover i think? I checked your revs under mystery, grief, and police/detective like genres and couldnt find anything.
Hi Anon :)
This sounds like Novaturient by @kalorphic. You can find the demo here!
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griffin-wood · 2 years
[send me a '!!' and I'll introduce an oc!]
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— tamara webb (novaturient by @kalorphic)
I'll start with one of my sunshiney gals, and here is Tamara! I think I've introduce her back then, but a lot of detail (I think) has been added and modified somehow? So, here it goes!
She's known as a sunshiney oc because she's literally the definition of sunshine. She radiates positive and well, chaotic energy. But, she tends to repressed her sadness a lot, in order to always stay as a sunshine. Well, this brings back to her childhood. She has a good childhood, however; her childhood is filled in the role of people pleasing especially her parents. She tend to be good in school, and all; however, her efforts never seem to be noticed. And there's where the feeling stems for, she always tries to please everyone but, when she fail to do so, the sunshine in her sorta disappear, but no one will ever witness her. And if she's in a room fill with people, she'll repressed it even more and just, blame herself in the end. She got the best confidence in front of others, but terrible towards herself. It's a whole issue she's working on here. But, enough the sob story; that's kinda her flaws, somehow. She's trying to grew out of it as we speak, but let's see! (SHE'S AN ACADEMIC VALIDATION CHILD GROWING UP)
Aside from that, she is a huge sweet tooth. She longed for desserts, she love a good tart, or a good cupcake especially during work. She tend to have some sweets laying around for the sake of it, and everyone who knows her tends to know; she always bring a couple of sweets to pass it to her lil cousins especially, and that's why she is the best cousin according to them.
Her personality, as it's mentioned; she's definitely the sunshine between the group. And in her family, also, she's just brightening up the room everytime she's there. But, in her line of work; well don't underestimate her skills. She may be petite but she is a badass. VERY.
In the game, she's romancing K! Let's just say it begins with a friendship, and stem into something more hehe. But, I think headcanon I have for them, she loves to leaves sticky notes of ily everywhere. Well, not literally, but just besides saying it, she loves to write it down, and also, they enjoy bicycle rides for dessert hunting together. And her bestie, I believe in the game would definitely be Reese. They are both chaotic together, but they bring the house down together 😌
I think that's all I have for now! Also, a song for her; daylight by Harry styles! I think it fits her a loooot! Also, for Tamara and kalan; well I have a whole playlist jsksks for them. But labyrinth by tswift and look after you by the fray sorta fits! Thank youuu for sending in and I'm sorry for the late replies ahh. 🥹❤️
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sugarcoatedboi · 1 year
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Last of the original pages til I get to continue working on the series Finally got a scene change as well!
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rarougrougrou · 1 year
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« Une personne qui restera à jamais dans ma mémoire, aussi longtemps que mon âme existera, sur ce Plan comme sur un Autre, est Elyios. Elyios. Un nom aussi lumineux que sa personne. Si je devais déterminer ce qui a le plus attiré mon regard le jour où je l'ai vue pour la première fois, parmi la couleur de ses yeux ou la luminance de son âme, j’en serais bien incapable de choisir. De l'or. Absolument partout, envahissant l'espace de telle sorte qu'il ne laissait plus place à rien d'autre. L'or Divin, l'or de l'exceptionnelle Destinée. Et, au milieu de tout cela, une petite once de blanc, celui de ces femmes pleines de courage et de force. Des teintes d'une chaleur infini, qui me donneraient l'envie de me noyer dedant. Je serais capable de la contempler des heures durant. Toutes les roses du monde ne pourraient être en mesure d'égaler la beauté de son essence. Et même Excalibur ne pourrait assez briller pour signifier la grandeur de son Destin si ses doigts gracieux venaient à en effleurer la lame. »
Ysengrin, quelque part durant Novaturient
Un cadeau d’anniversaire bien en retard pour @lehoedagan
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aramielles · 2 years
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honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago, innocence sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword, Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me i should know, i slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
parce que from eden c’est l’anthem de tecengrin hihi @rarougrougrou
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novaturinetandco · 4 months
Conducting a SWOT Analysis for Your Brand – Novaturient & Co
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Boost your brand with a thorough SWOT analysis. Novaturinet & Co provides expert strategic consultation and integration of business, marketing, and finance for success.
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neonmetro · 28 days
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finally putting the corporation heads in their own post ^_^
don't reference the drawings themselves for heights! here they are (from left to right)
aishire: 5'2", veraswamy: 5'10", ezra: 5'8", dante: 5'3", vergil: 5'9", beatrice: 5'11", lancelot: 6'2", estouls: 5'5", ilya: 5'9", junius: 5'4", beowulf: 5'9", ulysses: 5'7"
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the-vickstorian · 4 months
Novaturient is in WIP!
The work is going to get a full rewrite and characters are getting a redesigns as well. Currently in the process of designing and formatting personalities, plot, and ideas.
Going to be posting 4 character design per day (hopefully 😣). So here we have the designs for my ocs, Pyre and Blast, and as well with character designs for Hickory (Fellswap!Pap) and Cobalt (Swap!sans). Readers, thank you for your patience!
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canidaedreams64 · 5 months
i wanna try making one of my oc stories into a comic during summer this year...........................
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kalorphic · 1 year
cody when on their way to bully (affectionately) mc
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RIP MC 😭 you just know Cody’s about to come out with the most outrageous comments. All in the name of love though lol 👀
Thank you so much for this, I loved the Ciaran one and I love this one as well !! 😂🤍
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