#iggy pop live 1996
lust-x-life · 8 months
Iggy Pop - Live Bizarre Festival - Aug.17 1996 (Exclusive WDR 2023 HD 10...
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chezzabellesworld · 2 months
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Almost famous
This is an interesting concept and it goes back to the beginning of time whenever there has been a rockstar there has been followers whenever there has been a group there has been groupies whenever there has been something that is big in the world from Nazi Germany to big group and supported whether it be good or bad as i’m showing you now that had massive supporters absolutely huge following but it wasn’t necessarily good and people know that it wasn’t good when it comes to music and rockstars and any kind of group not even like it doesn’t even have to be like Led Zeppelin when you think of this subject it could be Fleetwood Mac ,notoriously party animals also …. so what distinguishes these things and make them different? Nothing nothing distinguishes them it’s all about perception anyway and the thing that makes it I guess less controversial is there like oh they’re an artist they’re expressing that art. This goes for me in a massive way of how Marilyn Manson has got away almost with what he did to Rachel would especially if you wanna talk about the heart-shaped glasses video where he actually committed a sexual assault in the video, he was very telling who this man is and some of the interviews he gave at the time of the relationship.
Iggy Pop, Another big artist in the 60s and the 70s with the Stooges I think was part of the Sun strip the LA New York City life and London where they had groupies of course and groupies don’t come as women who sleep with the band they come with women who support the band who do their washing men their clothes who make their clothes who don’t get any credit for some other things that they do to help it all becomes from a group mentality, this is why I get angry and certain women are just called groupies especially in Nancy spud and yes she did hang around with groups and she did do certain things but she was extremely loyal to said they both are very young they weren’t even 22 by the time they died
I was making loads of mistakes at that age I had been in triangles I had cheated and just not just the ones I done things you would be ashamed of, but we are all young and that is the beauty that comes with you forgiveness as well looks fade and you see all the time on TikTok where beauty is the only currency that matters Which can give a very pessimistic outlook?
So why did this become such a massive thing? There were a groupies and they’re roughly around the same same age as the groups because a lot of these groups are very young you have to remember the Beatles started out when they were in their late early 20s same with the stones, but things were getting more debauchery you had Keith Moon blowing up toilets starting explosive drugs with plenty for drink was everywhere it wasn’t a bad thing back there necessarily and you weren’t didn’t exist. I’m afraid there were more prescription tablets available. This is an excuse but it’s part of the problem.
Also going back to Iggy Pop he wrote a song in 1996. It was released where he bragged about having sex with a 13-year-old sable star. He had her at 13. She got bored and ran away with a New York Doll something along those lyrics Saber walked away from the groupie life layer in life and became living in Nevada Las Vegas, I think she died of cancer but she was away from the life and never really interviews again,. Laurie Maddox doesn’t regret a thing. The thing is she can’t consent what she did because she was a minor and they were trafficking if they were moving these girls across state lines that is trafficking and they’re so many you could mention in this blog that I am doing, Tyler page Stephen Tyler, Jimmy Page, and Stephen Tyler practically brought the daughter Julia Holcombe of her mother. She was at a concert gig whatever when she was younger I do not know the age at the time but she was young so the mother which they call in America den mother I don’t know what that is but it sounds like a woman who takes young girls out if you wanna put it bluntly kind of like a Gislaine Maxwell. She had a relationship with Stephen and she ended up getting pregnant. He was really happy with her in the beginning and they were together. She was living with him and everything. I don’t know how long with this period of time was but he was away on tour things got worse. The family met her and I think she said the experience was bad, I guess then as well and to this day I suppose the family probably thought what is this intention with my son he’s famous and making a lot of money (I’m guessing). so he’s away on tour she’s pregnant. He hasn’t left a penny. She’s got no food in the house. She’s got one person I think or something of this sort bringing her bits of food and bits of money but you and far between now happens in the building and she has to learn how to roll into a fireplace to save old fireplaces to save her self or something in school, he didn’t want the pregnancy and I believe she had a abortion and she’s having the abortion or it’s just ended all that pain on the woman’s physical and emotional pain. Not to mention this man cares she said he didn’t care at all. He was there doing cocaine and then just offering her cocaine well she’s just lost something that she really wanted..
You can go to the hip-hop industry and we have a Corinne Steffens who released the whole book and many other books about the music industry and the predatory nature and the hip-hop industry is even more sexual and even more the butcher and the type of men and some of them are gay and closeted, like fingers up the booty and this is in the 90s or early to very early 2000s I think she said the experience of her being in the music industry was for 18 months but she ended up really bad on drugs and alcohol to the point where she ended up in the bathroom like comatose and nearly dying, it’s very dangerous out there especially young women entertainment industry what would we have? What would be entertained by? I do have respect for these people. I have respect for the ones who put in the effort and do what they give they give us this music which is a perfect gift this is why we have to separate the artist from actions but the same actions must be punished. All we need a whole massive system where this gets changed and a whole massive corporate thing would have to changed of the one percent in the world. I don’t know but I see it starting to happen with all these allegations from R. Kelly, Epstein to that list of Epstein flight logs to the start of it with Harvey Weinstein Bill Cosby Kevin Spacey, even the Johnny Depp and Amber trial where we see a window in today peoples lives and I saw something really interesting the other day which was fought from reading magazines back when I was a teenager in and up to my mid 20s until I realised there was a huge agenda as I was reading when I was reading if I read a story about 10% of it is going to be real and the rest of it is Fiction, the more I realise where is true it is blind items where you actually hear the whole truth of what this entertainment industry is really like so anyway me going off track as I usually do where I went to the point of titling this almost famous, these are the other percentage of people the ones who get given the bad name or the Scarlett letter, the ones who have their name dragged the mud, the ones who are drug addicts sluts, the l list goes on, to Britney Spears having a breakdown and being called fat when this woman had literally just lost the custody of her children been tarnished by her ex partner who was nothing before he met her and they expected this young girl who started out in the entertainment industry at 18 and he’s probably stunted at that age gave us her whole career her age she gave us all this. She gave us her while she was going probably through. Absolute hell I don’t even like to think about it
That the movement became a pariah against this going back to what I saying about magazines so they want that to be as sided media there’s always a side that always has to be a winner or a loser. That’s what keeps it going and that’s what keeps this battle continuing and it will never end there always has to be a winner and an underdog and a loser. With Israel or Palestine,.
As I stress the point of them calling these people who call out their industry and call out the bad and callout corporations companies people there are allowed to call these people mental crazy drug addicts has been but are they allowed to call them evil are they allowed to call them? Satanist? Are they allowed to call them? Jewish and I am going to say that because as soon as you call someone Jewish though your auntie Summit do you not think these people have been in this industry that long and who haven’t joined the 500 million club Know that there is good and bad. Why is it talked about so many times that if you go through certain or certain opportunities are open up for you because you were doing these things humiliation and rituals? No they just called you crazy but why is the story I ask you always always the same These people were almost famous they did so much and you can watch it in the film almost famous where these groupies get all these bad names and like sexual beings and nothing more than that with Nancy and I’ve read her mother‘s book she came from her good background I rich background Didn’t matter if she hadn’t she still wasn’t the person they were betraying her to be. She was mentally ill from the day she was born. I won’t being strangled by her and umbilical cord. Her mother said how much she struggled every day back in those days she would’ve been called schizophrenic but I believe she was autistic 100% I believe this?
Harder to be diagnosed with problems like that than it is men men are less likely to get diagnosed with things like borderline personality disorder and maybe any kind of mood disorder. Where is women are less likely to have anything that is cognitive I guess anyway I just thought I’d like to go onto my TikTok and you’ll see me talk about Desiree Washington Mike Tyson‘s rape victim. I may have done a story About him on here being similar chart to Wendy and Courtney but matters thank you. I am now going to do a podcast on mental health and mental health conditions and how they present? 
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Iggy Pop - Live - Germany 18 Aug 1996
Been on a big tear of Iggy and the Stooges lately.
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vetinarivimesy · 2 years
Hey, friendo, got any traisnpotting meta?
Oh can of worms there! Uh... I'm really not sure I've got anything intelligent to say about this masterpiece. Beware the likely long incoherent babbling of random factoids you probably already know, that I find interesting rather than anything resembling actual witty analysis!
So between the author Irvine Welsh's deliberately unflinching prose, and John Hodge, the screenwriter's, Literally A Doctor status the intimate knowledge of the realities of drug addiction and how to game the NHS and the utterly black gallows humour shared by doctors and Scots living next to the great big nuclear target that is trident... Well the humour is pitch black yet somehow hilarious.
I adore how they managed to capture the essence of the fact that Irvine Welsh used Scots/phonetic spellings of slang terms in a rare instance of othering the RP/'proper' English rather than the other way around.
I miss the duo that is a John Hodge script paired with Boyle's directorial style! I feel like Boyle's particular eye for framing a shot paired with that pitch black humour was a perfect combination.
I really wish I could work out where that infamous Newsnight episode mentioned on the Ewan McGregor TFI Friday 1996 interview was archived. The one where Jeremy Paxman shuts down the BBCs usual attempts to 'show both sides of a debate', in this case a planned segment about Trainspotting 'glorifying' drug use the week the film was due out (in 1996, in then still-Tory, not yet New Labour, Britain for some context). Apparently he just flat out stated, 'Well, I've watched the film, and it doesn't.' probably completely ruining the scheduling of the show. It sounds glorious.
I find it kinda hilarious/incredible, how, despite Trainspotting being regarded by many as one of the quintessential Britpop films... It doesn't include any tracks by one of the quintessential Britpop bands. Pulp are represented by Mile End playing over the prolonged sequence of Begbie annoying Renton in London, Blur get Sing and Closet Romantic... Oasis? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Nil points.
Because the Gallaghers thought it was genuinely a film about, well, the anorak hobby, trainspotting. The at the time self-proclaimed biggest band in the world missed out on featuring in a film that they then praised to the rooftops and back, and attended the premier festival-screening of, because they didn't bother to properly read the letter!
(Even more amusingly ironic given that McGregor's a bit of a fanboy of theirs, as evidenced by him singing that song and wearing that hair in A LIfe Less Ordinary.)
I also love how weirdly incestuous the Lou Reed-Iggy Pop-Bowie-Trainspotting link is. They only got the rights to use Perfect Day (a Bowie produced Lou Reed track from the album Transformer) because Bowie had watched and enjoyed the at-the-time obscure debut film from the newbie directing producing team that Danny Boyle put together for Shallow Grave. Without Bowie's say-so that Lou Reed track would have been wildly beyond their measely £1.5million budget.
Lust for Life (the eponymous single from the 1977 album from Bowie and Iggy’s ill-targeted attempt after being ‘very naughty boys’ to get clean... by going to live in Berlin... the then smack capital of Europe...) only got it’s eventual official music video in the 90s... And is mostly Trainspotting clips despite the song predating the film by a good two decades!
Which later comes almost full-circle when Ewan McGregor gets cast as 'absolutely not an Iggy-Pop/Lou Reed RPF OC please don't sue us' Curt Wild, opposite the absolutely not-Bowie character in the film that makes Bowie the villain of his own lifestory Velvet Goldmine.
I really need to sit down and rewatch The Pillow Book someday with an eye for the dramatic weightloss McGregor was undergoing as Trainspotting prepwork.
I simultaneously really hope Robert Carlyle gets the chance to make the Blade Artist, and look upon that project with fearful dread, given that Trainspotting was like bottled lightning. But Robert Carlyle is one of those actors who makes any project he's involved in instantly 527% better than it would have been without him, so I'd watch it regardless! The sheer amount of analysis of the Begbie character Carlyle's clearly put in really shows a level of care that I hope he gets to showcase.
I do wonder how Trainspotting watches in the alternative universe where Ewen Bremner got the chance to reprise his role as Mark Renton from the stageplay. Terribly, I can't imagine anyone else playing Spud Murphy anywhere near as well as he does... But he was OG Renton, and the stage version won all of the awards back in the day so he must have been terrific in the role.
Jonny Lee Miller's accent work being so convincing that Ewen Bremner had no idea he was English until the wrap party will forever remain an amusing anecdote. Not to mention the utter weirdness that must have been Angelina Jolie just casually hanging around on-set!
Watching the rest of Danny Boyle's filmography with hindsight knowledge about the Great Falling Out between him and McGregor over what went down surrounding Hollywood money ruining the behind the scenes on The Beach gets more than a little bit weird. Quite aside from sitting through The Beach wondering about what might have been (Tilda Swinton opposite McGregor in combative rival roles?! Dammit...), there's also the other films from the era they weren't talking to each other. I adore Cillian Murphy's performances in the two Boyle films he's involved with, I think he's one of the key parts that make Sunshine work, he's an utterly fantastic actor. And I sat through 28 Days Later when I was arguably far too young for it, and therefore terrified of RL zombies for years afterwards on the basis that he was in it... However, nowadays I can't help but watch 28 Days Later with half my brain going, huh I can almost picture how McGregor might have played this in another universe.
Watching Trance, with self-described "I'm cheaper than Ewan McGregor" (though I suspect that's no longer true) James McAvoy in the lead role also hits thoroughly strangely. Although I think Trance comes after they'd made steps to repair their relationship.
And some mildly cursed information, that no one will thank me for pointing out. One of the few things I feel that gives away Trainspotting's tiny shoestring budget is an annoying image issue. In both the otherwise gorgeous Renton-desperately-searching-for-a-loo shot outside that very grey but very brightly curtained block of flats, and the Spud-fucks-up-a-job-interview-good-and-proper scene, the image is subtly and unpleasantly vibrating. This occurs on and off during quite a few other moments in the film too, I'm guessing one of their cameras was somewhat worse for wear. I wish I'd never noticed it, becuase I cannot unnotice it!
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zeitundraum77 · 1 month
postpunk_80 Happy Birthday lan Robert Astbury (born 14 May
1962) is an English singer, best known as the lead vocalist, frontman and a founding member of the rock band the Cult. During various hiatuses from the Cult, Astbury fronted the short-lived band Holy Barbarians in 1996, and later from 2002 to 2007 served as the lead singer of Riders on the Storm, a Doors tribute band that also featured original Doors members Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger. Astbury replaced Rob Tyner during an MC5 reunion in 2003, and has contributed guest vocals on several recordings by other artists.lan Astbury was born in Heswall, Cheshire, [4] and is of Scottish and English descent. He moved with his family to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, from England in 1973 when he was
11. He attended Glendale Secondary School. [6] Astbury's early musical influences took root in Hamilton, where he became a fan of David Bowie, Iggy Pop and New York Dolls. He did not start performing until after his return to England.
In 1979, while living in Glasgow, Astbury was influenced by the Doors' song "The End", which he heard while watching the film Apocalypse Now, later describing this as "a religious experience"
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27fm · 1 year
Playlist 07.03.2023
Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash - If I Were A Carpenter (Duets - 2006 )
Elvis Presley & Ann Margaret - You're the Boss (Rare Elvis Duets - 2004)
Lemmy & Wendy O Williams - Stand by your man (Damage Case - 2006)
Iggy Pop - Candy (Brick By Brick - 1990)
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood - Lady Bird (Nancy & Lee - 2022)
Cindy & Bert - Caesar & Cleopatra (Die Singles - 1969)
Baxter Dury, Étienne de Crécy & Delilah Holliday - Walk Away (B.E.D - 2018)
Celeste & Paul Weller - You Do Something To Me (Live) (Single Track - 2019)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Henry Lee [feat. PJ Harvey] (Murder Ballads - 1996)
Leonard Cohen & Sharon Robinson - You Have Loved Enough (Ten New Songs - 2001)
Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg - Je t'aime... moi non plus (Jane Birkin et Serge Gainsbourg - 1969)
Willie Nelson Feat. Dolly Parton - From Here to the Moon and Back (Blue Smoke - 2014)
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araekniarchive · 3 years
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Mark Twain, Letters from the Earth; Letter VI
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Tom Petty, Won’t Back Down
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Arthur Miller, The Crucible / The Crucible (1996), dir. Nicholas Hytner
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Iggy Pop, I Wanna Live
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Margaret Atwood, The Robber Bride
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Russell Brand, My Booky Wook
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Tiananmen Square in 1989, taken by Jeff Widener
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Donny Jackson, boy
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Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) dir. Goran Dukić
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Mumford & Sons, Broken Crown
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himboskywalker · 4 years
I heard something about a list of all the movies where Ewan appears naked and that there is some serious stuff over his stuff and I am ashamed but also intrigued to ask what 👀
Sksksksksk you came to the right person. I’ve made a list before of Ewan McGregor’s naked filmography. But aside from the basic list,if you want my personal opinion the best of those films are Trainspotting 1 & 2,Velvet Goldmine,The Pillow Book, Young Adam,and Perfect Sense.
Velvet Goldmine(1998) is about the 1970s British glam rock scene and follows the career of a fixtionalized David Bowie (played by Jonathan Myers) and his musical partner and eventual lover,a fictionalized Iggy Pop (played by Ewan McGregor). The movie itself is great just for the soundtrack and exposure of the 70s-90s British underground music scenes. The film changed queer representation in film and is one of the best in lgbtq film history. And this is my favorite role Jonathan Myers has ever played,but we’re here for McGregor. His character is just joyfully filthy and raunchy and he’s this drugged out American rockstar who literally could not give one iota of a single shit. In a scene where Ewan’s character is singing a live rock performance (and it is Ewan singing) he strips down completely naked,dances and generally goes insane,and we see him full frontal nude through the scene. There’s also a couple gay sex scenes and he literally rails Christian Bail on a rooftop 10/10 film all around.
Trainspotting 1 & 2 (1996 & 2017) Okay I’ll be completely honest here. Trainspotting is on my top 5 favorite films of all time list and I think it has the best movie soundtrack ever made. For those of you who’ve never seen it it’s based off Irvine Welsh’s book and highlights the heroin crisis and general drug crisis in Glasgow during the 1990s. Glasgow was the heroine capital of the world at the time and this movie,just as a note,changed film history in many ways,and changed how the public perceived drug addiction at the time of its release. Ewan plays the protagonist who is trying to get clean but all of his insane friends keep dragging him back into their shenanigans. But you guys don’t want my filmography essay,we’re here for Ewan’s dick and boy is it there! Ewan may be buzz headed and heroine skinny and pale as death but I would still absolutely get it. Trainspotting made history for Ewan’s nude scene,and while it’s brief,the whole movie is totally worth it. Its sequel which came out in ‘17 is genuinely so fucking good and is one of the few sequels I’ve watched that I’m deeply glad got made. It wouldn’t be Trainspotting without a naked Ewan McGregor and in the sequel he’s 20 years older with hair and I’d call him daddy, so double win. 10/10
The Pillow Book(1994) I won’t lie,it’s a Godamn weird and absolute bonkers of a movie. It’s a foreign film about a Japanese woman who has the kink of writing calligraphy on people’s skin and having it done to her. It is a fascinating and very blunt examination of women’s sexuality,especially in such a restricted culture for the subject as Japan in the early 90s. Ewan plays a British translater who falls in love with her. So half this movie is him buck ass naked with Japanese letters just painted all over him. He also is getting railed by his male publisher and there’s a very interesting scene where he’s just like,proffered to the man naked and covered in writing? It’s wild and the movie ends horribly but Ewan is also gorgeous and young in it and naked or fucking in almost every scene he’s in. I don’t know how to rate this one because anything where you can watch Ewan’s dick hanging around for like 30 minutes is great,but also the rest of the movie is like having a really weird dream when you’re crossfaded.
Young Adam (2003) This film is NC17 and is basically Ewan’s character trying to fuck every woman he’s ever met. He plays an English barge worker who is involved with the death of a woman who floats to shore where he works. So the film revolves around this woman’s death while he’s also fucking his boss’s wife (Tilda Swinton). The full frontal nude scene is brief but when he’s not naked he’s fucking in clothes and Ewan’s chemistry with Swinton is just *chef’s kiss* I also love how this film is shot and beyond hearing Ewan McGregor moan I actually wanted to know how this movie ended. 8/10
Perfect Sense (2012) God I love this movie,God I love this movie. Okay this one is mostly on the list because of how beautiful Ewan is in it and how much I just love the whole film. He is full frontal in it very briefly and there are some truly fantastic sex scenes,but Jesus this movie just makes me cry. Ewan plays a chef in Glasgow who takes smoke breaks under (Eva Green’s) window. She can’t stand him at first but it’s chef Ewan McGregor and no one can resist that. But the main part of the film is actually the end of the world and it hits way too close to home right now with Covid because it’s a disease that slowly start knocking people’s senses out one by one. The film is just so gorgeous and a truly moving examination of love and what it means to be human,and how that definition can change for us. But seriously,this is one of my favorite roles for Ewan,and he’s so astoundingly gorgeous in this movie and you can see his actual real tattoo the whole time so 10/10
These are just my favorites from his (full frontal)naked filmography. If anyone is a McGregor fan in general my other absolute favorites of his are Big Fish,Moulin Rouge and Zoe. (And Star Wars but also duh)
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Where Have They Gone Now: Slash
Slash was born Saul Hudson in London, England in 1965. He was named after the cartoonist Saul Steinberg by his African American fashion designer mother, Olivia Hudson. Her client’s included some very famous rock stars including Ringo Starr, Janis Joplin, and David Bowie, whom she dated. His father, Arthur was a British artist, who designed album covers for artists such as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell. He would say this later about his unique background.
“As a musician, I've always been amused that I'm both British and black; particularly because so many American musicians seem to aspire to be British while so many British musicians, in the 'Sixties in particular, went to such great pains to be black." Around the age of five, he would move to Los Angeles eventually living off and on with his mother and grandparents after his parents separated in 1974. He was given the nickname Slash by one of his mother’s friends, actor Seymour Cassel, who would say that the young Saul was always darting around from place to place. With classmate, Steven Adler, Slash decided to form a band in 1979. Although the high school band never happened, he did learn an instrument at this time. The future Guns N’ Roses member began to take music lessons to learn bass guitar , but he soon switched to lead guitar after the first lesson. The two friends would finally put together a band with Duff McKagan called Road Crew in 1983. The band’s name originated from a popular song by Motörhead. The band was quickly disbanded by Slash himself due to a variety of reasons including no lead singer and Adler did not want to be there sometimes. One other thing to be noted was the fact that Slash had been a champion BMX rider as a teen, but when music came along he gave it up to concentrate on the guitar. He would sometimes practice his instrument as much as 12 hours a day.
The next band that Slash joined was Hollywood Rose, which featured future GNR members Izzy Stradlin and Axl Rose. The band was very short lived, so he moved on to a group called Black Sheep, as well as an audition for Poison. He was not chosen because he did not fit the image, but after the group became well known Slash did not hesitate to disparage the band every chance that he got. In the summer of 1985, Slash formally joined Guns N’ Roses. Before one of the shows in late 1985, he shoplifted a black felt top hat and a silver belt, which became his trademark headwear for the rest of his career. The guitarist wrapped the belt around the brim of the hat as a buckle. In 1993, upon the release of the cover album, The Spaghetti Incident, Slash wrote several songs that he hoped would be part of the follow up album to Use Your Illusion I and II. Both Axl Rose and Duff McKagan rejected all of his songs for any new album. The tensions in the band were at an all time high despite the unbelievable success of the group. By the fall of 1996, things had become obvious to Slash that any collaboration with Axl Rose was going to be pretty much impossible. He officially announced that he was leaving the band that same year. In his statement he would write, “Axl and I have not been capable of seeing eye to eye on Guns N' Roses for some time. We tried to collaborate, but at this point, I'm no longer in the band." Over the next 20 years, he would go into further detail on his reasons for leaving the band, which included the departures of Stradlin and Adler, Axl Rose’s chronic lateness to everything, and his desire to manipulate through legal channels control of the band.
In 1994, the guitarist had created Slash’s Snake Pit, which included Guns N’ Roses future ex-members Matt Sorum and Gilby Clark, as well as Mike Inez from Alice in Chains and Eric Dover from Jellyfish. In 1995, the group released its debut album, It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere, which received positive reviews and sold fairly well. The major quality pointed out was the fact that it did not follow the alternative music trend of the time. In 1996, he disbanded the group after a lengthy tour only to reform the group 3 years later in 1999 with new members. This album did not perform as well in sales nor with critics. The album received very mixed reviews, which led the band to opening for AC/DC during their 2000 tour instead of a bigger headlining tour. The group eventually did a theater tour, but they broke up in 2002. That same year, Matt Sorum and Duff McKagan, and Slash reunited for a tribute concert to Randy Castillo. This led to the creation of the band Velvet Revolver, which also included singer Scott Weiland. Izzy Stradlin had initially joined as well, but he soon quit because of the inclusion of a lead singer. They would go on to release the album Contraband in 2004, which debuted at number one on the US charts and sold 2 million copies. The song “Slither” would go on to win the band a Grammy for Best Rock Song. In the summer of 2007, they released their second album Libertad, which did not achieve the same kind of success as their debut. A year later the band fired Scott Weiland from the group due to his personal drug issues. The late singer had said that the band was officially broken up, but this was not the case. In 2010, the group began to record new material for a third album as they looked for a new singer. They could not agree upon one, so they went on hiatus again despite recording nine new demos. The band is still on hiatus to this day.
In September 2008, Slash began working on his debut solo album, which may sound strange because he had these other side projects as well. The guitarist would talk about doing his own album and the freedom that provided. It’s nice to “take a little bit of a break from all the politics and the democracy that is a band and just sort of do my own thing for a little bit.” The use of the word democracy might seem strange knowing his history with GNR. The album included a large roster of musical guests as well including Ozzy Osbourne, Fergie of The Black Eyed Peas, Adam Levine of Maroon 5, M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold, Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead, Dave Grohl, Chris Cornell and Iggy Pop. Former Guns N’ Roses members Izzy Stradlin, Duff McKagan, and Stephen Adler also collaborated on the album. Their continuing work together throughout the years speaks volumes to the fact that Axl Rose was probably the problem in Guns N’ Roses. The album would go onto reach number three on the Billboard charts in the US, which actually led to a follow up album with his new backing band called the Conspirators and singer, Myles Kennedy. He would release Apocalyptic Love in 2012 followed by a tour in 2014 opening for Aerosmith. In 2018, a third album was released by the band entitled Living the Dream. In 2016, something happened that some fans thought would never happen again. Slash reunited with Axl Rose for Guns N’ Roses. The first show was during the 2016 Coachella music festival in California. The subsequent tour was quite aptly named Not In This Lifetime.
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bestlivemusicvids · 4 years
Iggy Pop - “I Wanna Live” - live at the Bizarre Festival, Butzweilerhof, Cologne, Germany 18 Aug 1996 "I Wanna Live" is the first track from Naughty Little Doggie, the eleventh studio album by American rock singer Iggy Pop, released in 1996. The song was co-written with lead guitarist Whitey Kirst. 
Also in the band: Larry Mullins - drums, Hal Cragin - bass, and Pete Marshall - rhythm guitar  
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lust-x-life · 8 months
Iggy Pop - live Rockpalast Open Air Festival - june 22 1996 (HD 1080)
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alystayr · 4 years
Playlist musicale 2020 (1/2)
Liste des chansons (playlist 2020 - part. 1)
Mise à jour : 30 juin 2020
playlist 2020 (part.2), playlist 2020 (part. 1)
playlist 2019 (part.2), playlist 2019 (part. 1)
playlist 2018 (part. 2), playlist 2018 (part. 1)
playlist 2017 (part. 2), playlist 2017 (part. 1)
playlist 2016 (part. 2), playlist 2016 (part. 1)
playlist 2015
0-9 #
2Pac (Feat. Talent) - Changes (1998)
AC/DC - Who Made Who (1986)
Jeanne Added - Before The Sun (2018)
Aerosmith -  Janie's Got A Gun (1989)
The Afghan Whigs - Debonair (1993)
Damon Albarn - Everyday Robots (2014)
Alice In Chains - Would? (1992)
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) (2004)
Archive - Bullets (2009)
Arno - Putain Putain (1983)
Asaf Avidan - Lost Horse (2020)
the B52’s - Rock Lobster (1979)
Axel Bauer - Eteins La Lumière (1990)
Bauhaus - She's In Parties (1983)
The Beach Boys - Darlin’ (1967)
Beck - Wow (2016)
Bénabar - Dis-lui oui (2003)
Louis Bertignac - C'est fini (2018)
Björk - Oceania (2004)
Neal Black & The Healers - Before daylight (2014)
The Black Crowes - Remedy (1992)
The Black Keys - Psychotic Girl (2008)
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Let the Day Begin (2013)
blink-182 - First Date (2001)
Blur - Out Of Time (2003)
David Bowie - Modern Love (1983)
Georges Brassens - La non-demande en mariage (1966)
The Breeders - Glorious (1990)
James Brown - Living in America (from Rocky IV) (1986)
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (1985)
The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) (1965)
Cage The Elephant (Feat. Iggy Pop) - Broken Boy (2019)
Cake - Commissioning a Symphony in C (2001)
J.J. Cale - After Midnight (1972)
Cali - Elle M'a Dit (2003)
Johnny Cash (cover Merle Travis) - Sixteen Tons (1987)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! (2008)
Ray Charles - Georgia On My Mind (1960)
Cigarettes After Sex - You're All I Want (2020)
CocoRosie - Restless (2020)
Leonard Cohen - Happens to the Heart (2019)
Coolio (feat. L.V.) - Gangsta's Paradise (from Dangerous Minds) (1995)
The Coral - The Operator (2005)
Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (1970)
The Crimea - Opposite Ends (2005)
Christine and the Queens - La vita nuova (2020)
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Long Time Gone (1969)
Death In Vegas - Hands Around My Throat (2002)
Deftones - Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) (1997)
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again (1987)
dEUS - Roses (1996)
Dirty Pretty Things - Gin and Milk (2006)
Dope Lemon - Hey You (2019)
Baxter Dury - Slumlord (2019)
Jacques Dutronc - L'opportuniste (1969)
Bob Dylan - False Prophet (2020)
Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (1984)
Eels - Blinking Lights (For Me) (2005)
Billie Eilish - No Time To Die (2020)
Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky (1977)
Eminem - Darkness (2020)
Eurythmics - Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four) (1984)
Faith No More - Falling to Pieces (1989)
Mylène Farmer - Ainsi Soit Je (1988)
Feu! Chatterton - La Malinche (2015)
Izo FitzRoy - Red Line (2020)
Foals - Neptune (2019)
Peter Gabriel - Red Rain (1986)
Serge Gainsbourg - Elisa (1969)
Liam Gallagher - Once (2019)
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. (2005)
Grand Corps Malade - Je Viens De Là (2008)
La Grande Sophie - Une vie (2019)
Green Day - Father of All... (2020)
Johnny Hallyday (cover The Animals) - Le Pénitencier (1964)
George Harrison - My Sweet Lord (1970)
Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok (1984)
Heartless Bastards - Hold Your Head High (2009)
Hole - Malibu (1998)
How to Destroy Angels - The Space in Between (2010)
IAM (feat. Kalash) - Eldorado (2019)
Idir - A vava inouva (1976)
Interpol - Everything Is Wrong (2014)
Izïa - Trop vite (2019)
Jack The Ripper - I was born a cancer (2005)
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Just Like Honey (1985)
Janis Joplin - Me And Bobby McGee (1971)
Joy Division - Decades (1980)
Gene Kelly  - Singing In The Rain (1952)
The Kills - Tape Song (2008)
B.B. King - Sweet Little Angel (1956)
Eric Kinny (Feat. Danica Dora)  - Last Goodbye (2019)
Mark Lanegan - Bleed All Over (2020)
Led Zeppelin - The Ocean (1973)
Life - Bum Hour (2019)
Limp Bizkit - Nookie (1999)
Little Richard  Long Tall Sally (1955)
Lofofora - Les Gens (1999)
Emily Loizeau - Coconut Madam (2009)
Clara Luciani - La grenade (2018)
Stephen Malkmus - Shadowbanned (2020)
Manu - Entre deux eaux (2019)
Mesparrow - The Symphony (2013)
Metallica - Sad But True (1991)
Pat Metheny (cover The Beatles) - And I Love Her (2011/1964)
Joni Mitchell - Blue (1971)
Moloko - The Time Is Now (2000)
Barry Moore - The Tide (2019)
Morcheeba - Part of the Process (1998)
Ennio Morricone -  Et pour quelques dollars de plus (1965)
Morrissey - The Truth About Ruth (2020)
Alison Mosshart - Rise (2020)
Jean-Louis Murat - Si je m'attendais / Troie (2020)
Muse - Time Is Running Out (2003)
Yael Naim - Daddy (2020)
Willie Nelson - On The Road Again (1980)
Nine Inch Nails - Every Day is Exactly the Same (2005)
Noir Désir - Joey Part I (1989)
Nothing But Thieves - Forever & Ever More (2018)
Natalia Nykiel - Volcano (2019)
Agnes Obel - The Curse (2013)
Ozzy Osbourne (Feat. Elton John) - Ordinary Man (2020)
Paz - Ta peau (2020)
Pearl Jam - Dance Of The Clairvoyants (2020)
Pierre Perret - Lily (1977)
Lucky Peterson (cover Prince) - Purple Rain (1997)
Tom Petty - Runnin’ Down A Dream (1989)
Pink Floyd - Young Lust (1979)
Pixies - Catfish Kate (2019)
Pomme - Je sais pas danser (2019)
Iggy Pop - Loves Missing (2019)
Popa Chubby - Life Is a Beatdown (2004)
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (1957)
Eddy de Pretto - Kid (2018)
Puscifer - The Green Valley (2011)
Queen - The Show Must Go On (1991)
R.E.M. - Man On The Moon (1992)
Radiohead - House of Cards (2007)
Rage Against The Machine - Testify (1999)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh) (2006)
Lou Reed - Vicious (1972)
Catherine Ringer & Iggy Pop (cover Screamin' Jay Hawkins) - I Put A Spell On You (2018/1956)
Rival Sons - Jordan (2012)
The Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash (1968)
Saez - J'accuse (2010)
Santana (cover Tito Puente) - Oye Como Va (1956/1970)
Siouxsie And The Banshees - Happy House (1980)
Slipknot - Psychosocial (2008)
The Smashing Pumpkins - Rhinoceros (1991)
Patti Smith - Because the Night (1978)
The Smiths - Stretch out and Wait (1986)
Soan - Emily (2009)
MC Solaar - Nouveau Western (1994)
Alain Souchon - C'est déjà ça (1993)
Soundgarden - Outshined (1991)
Spoon - Can I Sit Next To You (2017)
Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia (from Philadelphia) (1993)
Steelers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You (from Reservoir Dogs) (1992)
Sting - Fragile (1987)
Joss Stone - Right To Be Wrong (2004)
The Stranglers - Skin Deep (1984)
The Strokes - At The Door (2020)
System Of A Down - Forest (2001)
Tame Impala - Breathe Deeper (2020)
Têtes Raides - Le phare (1992)
Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine - La fille du coupeur de joints (2015/1978)
Tool - Vicarious (2006)
Tricky -  Nothing’s Changed (2013)
The Twilight Singers - On The Corner (2011)
Twin Peaks - Making Breakfast (2014)
U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (1987)
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Crossfire (1989)
Tom Waits - Gun Street Girl (1985)
Muddy Waters - Rolling Stone (Catfish Blues) (1950)
Roger Waters (cover Pïnk Floyd) - Mother (1979/2020)
Weezer - Hero (2020)
Erika Wennerstrom - Extraordinary Love (2018)
Jack White - Lazaretto (2014)
Emily Jane White - Washed Away (2019)
The White Stripes - The Denial Twist (2005)
Woodkid - Goliath (2020)
Neil Young - Down by the River (1969)
Hans Zimmer - S.T.A.Y. (Interstellar theme song) (2014)
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rocksbackpages · 4 years
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alcalavicci · 4 years
[Jill: I looked at a lot of David Bowie stuff at the library, but couldn't find any reference to Dean Stockwell being with Bowie during the summer of 1975, when Iggy Pop was in the mental hospital (nor could I find Iggy Pop's biography). For that, I will have to wait until I can get a copy of that 'Q' magazine with the David Bowie interview. However, I did find quite a bit printed about Bowie during that time. Apparently he was living in Hollywood, hooked on cocaine, and pretty much going insane himself. A lot of the stories to come out of those days came from just one interviewer: 17 yr. old Cameron Crowe. One author has a theory that Bowie may have been putting on an act for Crowe's benefit. I'll type up the stuff I found. Basically, Bowie sounds paranoid delusional. Like Dennis Hopper. Just what DO Dean and his friends sit around and talk about?? :-)]
[From BOWIE: LOVING THE ALIEN by Christopher Sandford, 1996]
In Spring of 1975 Bowie moved from New York to Los Angeles. Bowie now drifted off into a binge of addiction, diabolism and madness. Bowie himself later admitted that the whole year was a blank, bulk-erased through substance abuse.
[From DAVID BOWIE: LIVING ON THE BRINK, by George Tremlett, 1996]
Readers familiar with other Bowie biographies will know that this period in his life - January 1974 to September 1975 - is treated oddly. There are stories that Bowie drew Black Magic symbols, saw disembodied beings, thought he was the new Messiah, kept bottles of his own urine in a fridge to use in occult rituals, thought a scriptwriter was a CIA agent, suspected The Rolling Stones of talking to him through their record sleeves, saw UFOs coming over every night at 6:15 pm.......and many, many more stories in similar vein.
The trouble with all these stories is that they are written second-hand, based on the writings of 17-year-old Cameron Crowe who managed to break through the Bowie security cordon with a tape recorder and followed him around for several days. Crowe then sold separate narratives to Rolling Stone and Playboy. Other writers have lifted this material without knowing what was true and what was not. Bowie frequently played with interviewers, and I suspect something like that happened to Crowe.
.........[However] Cocaine kept Bowie supercharged, pulling something extra from within, able to keep on working when others flagged. Bowie would veer emotionally, from tears to screams and howls of rage if he thought anyone might have let him down or taken him less seriously than he sometimes takes himself.
........Years later, he said "By the end of the week my whole life would be transferred into this bizarre, nihilistic, fantasy world." Crowe caught him like this, without realizing Bowie was still in control, not necessarily of every faculty, but still watching himself carefully.
.......When the filming schedule [for THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH] had to be delayed three months, Bowie accepted that and spent that time fooling around in Hollywood, staying with different friends, while the finances and production details were sorted out. This was the period when Bowie took more cocaine than any other, between late March 1975 when he left for Hollywood and his late June departure for New Mexico to begin work on the film.
......He committed himself totally to the film, with his free days spent visiting Taos, where D. H. Lawrence painted and wrote short stories.
.......A few days before his departure for New Mexico, Bowie found Iggy [Pop], abandoned and destitute, in the Neuropsychiatric Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. Iggy, a voluntary patient, was being treated for heroin addiction. Bowie visited him every day, forging the closest of all intangible bonds, for Iggy has that same high-tensile manic quality that sometimes comes with extreme intelligence.
[From BOWIE, by Jerry Hopkins, 1985]
Nic Roeg's film, THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH, had been delayed until June, giving David three months in which to drift.
.........David recalled some years later that "I was one of those people you see on the streets who suddenly stops and says, 'They're coming! They're coming!' Every day of my life back then I was capable of staying up indefinitely. My chemistry must have been superhuman. I'd stay up for seven or eight days on the trot! The Stones would be absolutely floored by me. They'd see me days later and find out that I hadn't been to bed! It was unreal, absolutely unreal.
"Of course, every day that you stayed up longer - and there's things that you have to do to stay up that long - the impending tiredness and fatigue produces that hallucinogenic state naturally. Well, HALF-naturally. By the end of the week my whole life would be transformed into this bizarre, nihilistic fantasy world of oncoming doom, mythological characters, and imminent totalitarianism.
"I was living in a house with Egyptian decor. It was one of those rent-a-house places, but it appealed to me because I had this more-than-passing interest in Egyptology, mysticism, the Cabala, all this stuff that is inherently misleading in life, a hodge-podge whose crux I've forgotten. But at the time it seemed transparently obvious what the answer to life was. So the house occupied a ritualistic position in my life."
It was during this frenetc period that David let Rolling Stone magazine's seventeen-year-old boy-genius Cameron Crowe follow him around with a tape recorder. The interview he got was staggering in its scope, and during the week or so he followed David he was never bored.
...........Right in the middle of a speech, David would suddenly leap to his feet and rush to a nearby picture window, where he quickly drew the shade. The Rolling Stone interviewer noticed a large Star of David had been inked on the shade, then circled. Underneath was the word AUM.
"I've got to do this," David explained. "I just saw a body fall."
He then rushed to the dresser and lit a black candle, and immediately blew it out to leave a thin trail of smoke floating upward.
"Don't let me scare the pants off you," David said. "It's only protection. I've been getting a little trouble from the neighbors."
..........By then David moved in with Michael Lippman, and for two months practiced occult rituals that made Lippman's hair stand on end.
He created huge, symbolic sculptures in his bedroom and painted all night in sprints of chemical energy. One sculpture had its vaguely human foot shoved through a world globe, a baby in its misshapen arms, a penis shaped from 3-D Hollywood postcards (a Mickey Mouse pencil sharpener on the end). Others were inflated with a bicycle pump.
Sometimes David disappeared for days. .....................Then in June Jimmy Osterberg [Iggy Pop] failed to show up at the recording studio. David called everywhere without success. Jimmy was his closest friend and David grew even more concerned. Finally he found his friend at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, a voluntary patient. Over the next several days David visited him.
It was with this warning experience fresh in his mind that David left Los Angeles in June to travel by train to New Mexico for the filming of THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH.
..................During the eleven-week shoot David visited some of the local sights, including the Carlsbad Caverns, the opera house in Santa Fe, and a Tibetan monastery near Taos.
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shefanispeculator · 5 years
Gwen Stefani Sound Track IMDB
Soundtrack (129 credits)
Huevitos en Fuga (performer: "Can't Stop the Feeling!") (filming) 2019
A Dog's Journey (writer: "JUST A GIRL")
9-1-1 (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2019) (writer - 1 episode, 2019) - Chimney Begins (2019) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited)
2019 Captain Marvel (writer: "Just a Girl")
2018 Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - The Day Time Ended (2018) ... (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited)
2018 Teen Spirit (writer: "Just a Girl")
2018 Britain's Got More Talent (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #12.10 (2018) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited)
Beat Shazam (TV Series) (writer - 4 episodes, 2017 - 2018) (performer - 2 episodes, 2017 - 2018) - Episode #2.1 (2018) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape") / (writer: "The Sweet Escape") - Episode #1.10 (2017) ... (writer: "Just a Girl") - Episode #1.9 (2017) ... (performer: "Cool") / (writer: "Cool") - Episode #1.1 (2017) ... (writer: "Hey Baby")
Granada Reports (TV Series) (performer - 2 episodes, 2018) (writer - 2 episodes, 2018) - 4 May 2018: Evening Bulletin (2018) ... (performer: "Rich Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Rich Girl" - uncredited) - 4 May 2018: Nightly Bulletin (2018) ... (performer: "Rich Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Rich Girl" - uncredited) The
Handmaid's Tale (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2018) (writer - 1 episode, 2018) - Baggage (2018) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "Hollaback Girl") The
Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (TV Series) (1 episode, 2014) (writer - 6 episodes, 2015 - 2018) (performer - 5 episodes, 2015 - 2017) - Blake Shelton/Scott Eastwood (2018) ... (writer: "Hollaback Girl") - Rebel Wilson/Paul Reiser/Gwen Stefani (2017) ... (performer: "Last Christmas") - Gwen Stefani/Justin Hartley/Johnny Bananas (2017) ... (performer: "Under the Christmas Lights") / (writer: "Under the Christmas Lights") - Margot Robbie/Stephen Moyer/Rachel Feinstein (2017) ... (writer: "My Gift Is You" - uncredited) - Blake Shelton/Scott Eastwood (2017) ... (writer: "Just a Girl" - uncredited) Show all 9 episodes
King of the Golden Sun (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) (writer - 1 episode) - Terrifying Tundra ... (performer: "Go Ahead And Break My Heart") / (writer: "Go Ahead And Break My Heart") 2017
Gwen Stefani's You Make It Feel Like Christmas (TV Movie) (performer: "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!") 2017
I'm a Celebrity... Extra Camp (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #2.22 (2017) ... (writer: "Just a Girl" - uncredited) 2017
A Bad Moms Christmas (performer: "You Make It Feel Like Christmas", "Jingle Bells") / (writer: "You Make It Feel Like Christmas") 2017
Tähdet, tähdet (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Hiphop (2017) ... (writer: "Hollaback Girl")
The Defiant Ones (TV Mini-Series documentary) (writer - 2 episodes, 2017) (performer - 1 episode, 2017) - Part 4 (2017) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl", "What You Waiting For" - uncredited) / (writer: "Hollaback Girl", "What You Waiting For" - uncredited) - Part 3 (2017) ... (writer: "Don't Speak", "Sometimes" - uncredited) 2017
Today at Wimbledon (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - 2017: Day 7 (2017) ... (writer: "Just a Girl" - uncredited) 2017
Glastonbury 2017 (TV Mini-Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Day 2, Part 2 (2017) ... (writer: "Hey Baby (Live at Glastonbury 2002)" - uncredited)
Car Share (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2017) (writer - 1 episode, 2017) - Episode #2.1 (2017) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape") / (writer: "The Sweet Escape")
Formula 1: Ten Sport (TV Series) (performer - 2 episodes, 2016 - 2017) (writer - 2 episodes, 2016 - 2017) - 2017 Australian Grand Prix - Practice (2017) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) / (writer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) - 2016 Australian Grand Prix - Qualifying (2016) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) / (writer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) 2017
Baby Driver ("Hollaback Girl") 2017
Everything Wrong with... (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - Everything Wrong with Trolls in 18 Minutes or Less (2017) ... (performer: "Hair Up') 2017
Good Morning Britain (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode dated 26 January 2017 (2017) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited)
Strictly Come Dancing (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2016) (writer - 1 episode, 2016) - The Semi-Final Results (2016) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) / (writer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) 2016
Lethal Weapon (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - Fashion Police (2016) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape") 2016 Trolls (performer: "Hair Up", "Move Your Feet", "I'm Coming Out", "Can't Stop the Feeling!", "What U Workin' With")
Who's Doing the Dishes? (TV Series) (performer - 3 episodes, 2016) (writer - 3 episodes, 2016) - Jake Quickenden (2016) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) / (writer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) - Charlotte Hawkins (2016) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) / (writer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) - Lady Colin Campbell (2016) ... (performer: "Rich Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Rich Girl" - uncredited)
Saturday Night Live (TV Series) (performer - 4 episodes, 2001 - 2016) (writer - 4 episodes, 1996 - 2016) - Peter Dinklage/Gwen Stefani (2016) ... (performer: "Make Me Like You", "Misery") / (writer: "Make Me Like You", "Misery") - Annette Bening/Gwen Stefani/Akon (2006) ... (performer: "Wind It Up") / (writer: "Wind It Up") - Ashton Kutcher/Gwen Stefani (2005) ... (performer: "Rich Girl", "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "Rich Girl", "Hollaback Girl") - Renée Zellweger/Eve (2001) ... (performer: "Let Me Blow Ya Mind") - Martin Short/No Doubt (1996) ... (writer: "Don't Speak", "Excuse Me Mr.") 2016
Tu cara me suena (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Semifinal 1 (2016) ... (writer: "Just A Girl") 2015
Southpaw (performer: "Kings Never Die")
Orange Is the New Black (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2015) (writer - 1 episode, 2015) - Bed Bugs and Beyond (2015) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2015) (writer - 1 episode, 2015) - The Gang Misses the Boat (2015) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) 2015 
The 57th Annual Grammy Awards (TV Special) (performer: "My Heart Is Open")
Guapas (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes, 2014) (performer - 1 episode, 2014) - Actos reflejos (2014) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) / (writer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) - La huída (2014) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) 2014
Paddington (lyrics: "Shine") 2014
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (performer: "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "Hollaback Girl")
Todd's Pop Song Reviews (TV Series documentary) (performer - 2 episodes, 2010 - 2014) (writer - 2 episodes, 2010 - 2014) - "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea Ft. Charli XCX (2014) ... (performer: "Rich Girl") / (writer: "Rich Girl") - Like a G6 (2010) ... (performer: "Luxurious") / (writer: "Luxurious") 2014
Tu cara me suena - Argentina (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #2.10 (2014) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2014
Coronation Street (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #1.8388 (2014) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) 2013-2014
My Mad Fat Diary (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes) - Inappropriate Adult (2014) ... (writer: "Just a Girl" - uncredited) - Big Wide World (2013) ... (writer: "Just a Girl" - uncredited) 2013
De wereld draait door (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode dated 1 November 2013 (2013) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) 2013
The Voice of the Philippines (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #1.17 (2013) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2013
That Music Show (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - 2005 vs. 1995 (2013) ... (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) 
The Great Australian Bake Off (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2013) (writer - 1 episode, 2013) - Cakes (2013) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) / (writer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) 2013
Waterloo Road (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - A Woman's Worth (2013) ... (performer: "Wind It Up") 2012
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (TV Series) (writer - 3 episodes) - Episode #21.46 (2012) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) - Episode #21.23 (2012) ... (writer: "Looking Hot" - uncredited) - Episode #20.129 (2012) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited)
Dancing with the Stars (TV Series) (writer - 4 episodes, 2006 - 2012) (performer - 1 episode, 2007) - Michael Jackson Week (2012) ... ("What You Waiting For") / (writer: "What You Waiting For") - Round 1: Part 3 (2008) ... (writer: "Hey Baby" - uncredited) - Round 6 (2007) ... (performer: "Cool") / (writer: "Cool") - Round 3 (2006) ... ("What You Waiting For?") / (writer: "What You Waiting For?")
The X Factor (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes, 2012) (performer - 1 episode, 2005) - Live Results Show 5 (2012) ... (writer: "Looking Hot" - uncredited) - Live Show 5 (2012) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) - Auditions 3 (2005) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) 2012
Glee (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - The Break-Up (2012) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) 2012
Teen Choice Awards 2012 (TV Special) (writer: "Settle Down") 2012
$ellebrity (Documentary) (performer: "The Sweet Escape") / (writer: "The Sweet Escape") 2010-2011
20 to 1 (TV Series documentary) (writer - 2 episodes) - Adults Only 20 to 1: Sizzling Supermodels (2011) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) - Greatest Sports Movies of All Time (2010) ... (writer: "Just a Girl" - uncredited) 2010/II
Dance Paradise (Video Game) (performer: "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "Hey Baby", "Hollaback Girl" - as G. Stefani) 2010
Dance Central (Video Game) (writer: "Hella Good")
Formula 1: BBC Sport (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2010) (writer - 1 episode, 2010) - The Japanese Grand Prix (2010) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) / (writer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited)
Dokonalý svet (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2010) (writer - 1 episode, 2010) - Promena (2010) ... (performer: "Just a Girl") / (writer: "Just a Girl") 2010
Somewhere (performer: "Cool") / (writer: "Cool")
Dancing with the Stars (TV Series) (writer - 3 episodes, 2009 - 2010) (performer - 1 episode, 2010) - Episode #10.5 (2010) ... (writer: "Hey Baby" - uncredited) - Episode #10.1 (2010) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) / (writer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) - Episode #9.6 (2009) ... (writer: "Rich Girl" - uncredited)
Dancing on Ice (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2010) (writer - 1 episode, 2010) - Episode #5.10 (2010) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape") / (writer: "The Sweet Escape") 2010
Doctor Who Confidential (TV Series documentary) (performer - 1 episode) - Allons-y! (2010) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) 2009
Guitar Hero 5 (Video Game) (writer: "Ex-Girlfriend")
Family Guy (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2009) (writer - 1 episode, 2009) - Three Kings (2009) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) 2009
Naor's Friends (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - The Prosecution (2009) ... (writer: "Rich Girl") 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic (performer: "Rich Girl") / (writer: "Rich Girl")
So You Think You Can Dance Canada (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2008) (writer - 1 episode, 2008) - Top 6 Results (2008) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "Hollaback Girl") 2008
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2 (Video Game) ("The Sweet Escape") 2008
Guitar Hero World Tour (Video Game) (writer: "Spiderwebs") 2008
Beverly Hills Chihuahua (performer: "Rich Girl") / (writer: "Rich Girl")
So You Think You Can Dance (TV Series) (performer - 4 episodes, 2005 - 2008) (writer - 1 episode, 2005) - Results Show: Two Dancers Eliminated (2008) ... (performer: "Wind It Up") - Top 10 Results (2006) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?") - Top 10 Perform (2006) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?") - Top 16 (2005) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "Hollaback Girl") 2008
Baby Mama (writer: "Don't Speak")
The Real Hustle (TV Series documentary) (performer - 1 episode, 2008) (writer - 1 episode, 2008) - Episode #5.3 (2008) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) / (writer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) 2008
Supersize vs Superskinny (TV Series documentary) (performer - 1 episode) - Episode #1.1 (2008) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape") 2007
Secret Lives (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - Sepon Amorin nuoli osuu napakymppiin (2007) ... (performer: "Rich Girl") 2007
Samantha Who? (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - Pilot (2007) ... (performer: "The Sweet Escape" - uncredited) 2005-2007 Idols (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes) - Top 12 (2007) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Top 11: Number 1 Hits from the 90s (2005) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2007
Idool 2007 (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes) - Grote Liveshow 8 - Rock (2007) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Grote Liveshow 7 - Unplugged (2007) ... (writer: "Just a Girl") 2007
It Takes Two (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #2.1 (2007) ... (writer: "The Sweet Escape") 2007
The Office (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Product Recall (2007) ... (writer: "Hollaback Girl") 2005-2007
Las Vegas (TV Series) (performer - 2 episodes) - Junk in the Trunk (2007) ... (performer: "Rich Girl") - Sperm Whales and Spearmint Rhinos (2005) ... (performer: "What Are You Waiting For") 2002-2007
Deutschland sucht den Superstar (TV Series) (writer - 4 episodes) - Top 20 - live: Die Frauen #1 (2007) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Zweite Top 20 Show (2005) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Mottoshow #2 - Rock und Popballaden (2003) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Erste Top 30 Show (2002) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2006 Lumines II (Video Game) (performer: "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "Hollaback Girl") 2006
CSI: NY (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - Murder Sings the Blues (2006) ... (performer: "Wind It Up") 2006
Bring It On: All or Nothing (Video) (performer: "What Ya Waiting For", "Rich Girl", "Hollaback Girl") / (writer: "What Ya Waiting For", "Rich Girl", "Hollaback Girl" - as Gwen Renee Stefani) 2006
A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story (TV Movie) (writer: "Hey Baby" - uncredited) 2006
Click (performer: "Cool" (2004)) / (writer: "Cool" (2004)) 2006
SingStar Rocks! (Video Game) (performer: "Cool") / (writer: "Cool") 2006
Gilmore Girls (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Bridesmaids Revisited (2006) ... (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) 2006
Last Holiday (performer: "Rich Girl", "Cool") / (writer: "Rich Girl", "Cool") 2006
The Eight (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - The Trojan Horse (2006) ... (writer: "Too Late" - uncredited) 2005
Idols! (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Workshop #2 (2005) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2004-2005
Australian Idol (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes) - Top 9 Performance Show: Idol's Choice (2005) ... (writer: "Sunday Morning") - Top 11 Performance Show: Pop (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2005
The Work of Director Mark Romanek (Video documentary) (performer: "Hella Good") / (writer: "Hella Good")
Entourage (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2005) (writer - 1 episode, 2005) - The Bat Mitzvah (2005) ... (performer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) / (writer: "Hollaback Girl" - uncredited) 2005
The Longest Yard ("Hella Good") 2002-2005 Idol (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes) - Episode #4.7 (2005) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Top 48 #6 (2002) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2003-2005
Idol - Jakten på en superstjerne (TV Series) (writer - 3 episodes) - Topp 50 #4 (2005) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Topp 11 - Ditt idol (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Topp 4 - Nummer 1-hiter (2003) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2005
Brit Awards 2005 (TV Special) (performer: "What Are You Waiting For?") / (writer: "What Are You Waiting For?") 2004
Super Secret Movie Rules (TV Series documentary) (writer - 1 episode) - Slashers (2004) ... (writer: "Underneath It All") 2004
Slovensko hladá SuperStar (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Druhé semifinále (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak")
The O.C. (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode, 2004) (writer - 1 episode, 2004) - The SnO.C. (2004) ... (performer: "Cool") / (writer: "Cool") 2004
One Tree Hill (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - The Trick Is to Keep Breathing (2004) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited)
Smallville (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes, 2002 - 2004) (performer - 1 episode, 2004) - Spell (2004) ... (performer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) / (writer: "What You Waiting For?" - uncredited) - Nocturne (2002) ... (writer: "Underneath It All" - uncredited) 2004
Idol (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - List-ettor (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2004
Cesko hledá SuperStar (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Sesté finále: Rock (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2004
Hrvatski Idol (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #1.14 (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2004/I
New York Minute (writer: "Hey Baby") 2004
Idol (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Top 6 - Ballads (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2004
50 First Dates (performer: "Slave to Love") / (writer: "Underneath It All") 2004
Idol stjörnuleit (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #1.10 (2004) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2003
Idols (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Episode #1.10 (2003) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 2003
Mayor of the Sunset Strip (Documentary) (writer: "Just A Girl") 2002
Sweet Home Alabama (writer: "Hella Good") 2002
No Doubt: Hella Good (Video short) (writer: "Hella Good") 2002 T
he Challenge (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Battle of the Seasons: Rush Hour (2002) ... (writer: "Hey Baby" - uncredited) 2002
Making the Video (TV Series documentary) (writer - 1 episode) - No Doubt: Hella Good (2002) ... (writer: "Hella Good") 2002
Un paso adelante (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - La caja de música (2002) ... (writer: "Hey Baby") 2001 F
riends (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode) - The One with the Stripper (2001) ... (performer: "Let Me Blow Ya Mind" - uncredited) 2001
Scary Movie 2 (performer: "Let Me Blow Ya Mind") 2001
King of the Hill (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Kidney Boy and Hamster Girl: A Love Story (2001) ... (writer: "Ex-Girlfriend", "Don't Speak", "Bathwater" - uncredited) 2000
Pay It Forward ("New") 1999
Go (writer: "New") 1998
Daria (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - See Jane Run (1998) ... (writer: "The Simple Kind of Life" - uncredited) 1998 Stars in Their Eyes (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes) - Live Grand Final 1998 (1998) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") - Episode #9.9 (1998) ... (writer: "Don't Speak") 1997
Bat Yam - New York (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode) - Ha-Dira (1997) ... (writer: "Don't Speak" - uncredited) 1997
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (writer: "Just a Girl") 1996
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (writer: "Snakes") 1995
Clueless ("JUST A GIRL") 1992
Police Story 3: Super Cop (writer: "OPEN THE GATE")
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teutloff-museum · 6 years
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Live fast. Die later. Iggy Pop’s survival is kind of miraculous, given his decades of heavy heroin and alcohol addiction. But no time for a Post Pop Depression, this raw bundle of energy celebrates his 71st birthday today. Photo: Bob Gruen, Iggy Pop live at Roseland NYC, 1996.
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