lust-x-life · 11 months
Iggy Pop - Live Bizarre Festival - Aug.17 1996 (Exclusive WDR 2023 HD 10...
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9cl · 5 months
Just watched traisnpotting with my friend and my mom. my friend brought me his cybershot camera and said i could keep it and use it since he doesn't really use it much. Bless the man !
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vetinarivimesy · 2 years
Hey, friendo, got any traisnpotting meta?
Oh can of worms there! Uh... I'm really not sure I've got anything intelligent to say about this masterpiece. Beware the likely long incoherent babbling of random factoids you probably already know, that I find interesting rather than anything resembling actual witty analysis!
So between the author Irvine Welsh's deliberately unflinching prose, and John Hodge, the screenwriter's, Literally A Doctor status the intimate knowledge of the realities of drug addiction and how to game the NHS and the utterly black gallows humour shared by doctors and Scots living next to the great big nuclear target that is trident... Well the humour is pitch black yet somehow hilarious.
I adore how they managed to capture the essence of the fact that Irvine Welsh used Scots/phonetic spellings of slang terms in a rare instance of othering the RP/'proper' English rather than the other way around.
I miss the duo that is a John Hodge script paired with Boyle's directorial style! I feel like Boyle's particular eye for framing a shot paired with that pitch black humour was a perfect combination.
I really wish I could work out where that infamous Newsnight episode mentioned on the Ewan McGregor TFI Friday 1996 interview was archived. The one where Jeremy Paxman shuts down the BBCs usual attempts to 'show both sides of a debate', in this case a planned segment about Trainspotting 'glorifying' drug use the week the film was due out (in 1996, in then still-Tory, not yet New Labour, Britain for some context). Apparently he just flat out stated, 'Well, I've watched the film, and it doesn't.' probably completely ruining the scheduling of the show. It sounds glorious.
I find it kinda hilarious/incredible, how, despite Trainspotting being regarded by many as one of the quintessential Britpop films... It doesn't include any tracks by one of the quintessential Britpop bands. Pulp are represented by Mile End playing over the prolonged sequence of Begbie annoying Renton in London, Blur get Sing and Closet Romantic... Oasis? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Nil points.
Because the Gallaghers thought it was genuinely a film about, well, the anorak hobby, trainspotting. The at the time self-proclaimed biggest band in the world missed out on featuring in a film that they then praised to the rooftops and back, and attended the premier festival-screening of, because they didn't bother to properly read the letter!
(Even more amusingly ironic given that McGregor's a bit of a fanboy of theirs, as evidenced by him singing that song and wearing that hair in A LIfe Less Ordinary.)
I also love how weirdly incestuous the Lou Reed-Iggy Pop-Bowie-Trainspotting link is. They only got the rights to use Perfect Day (a Bowie produced Lou Reed track from the album Transformer) because Bowie had watched and enjoyed the at-the-time obscure debut film from the newbie directing producing team that Danny Boyle put together for Shallow Grave. Without Bowie's say-so that Lou Reed track would have been wildly beyond their measely £1.5million budget.
Lust for Life (the eponymous single from the 1977 album from Bowie and Iggy’s ill-targeted attempt after being ‘very naughty boys’ to get clean... by going to live in Berlin... the then smack capital of Europe...) only got it’s eventual official music video in the 90s... And is mostly Trainspotting clips despite the song predating the film by a good two decades!
Which later comes almost full-circle when Ewan McGregor gets cast as 'absolutely not an Iggy-Pop/Lou Reed RPF OC please don't sue us' Curt Wild, opposite the absolutely not-Bowie character in the film that makes Bowie the villain of his own lifestory Velvet Goldmine.
I really need to sit down and rewatch The Pillow Book someday with an eye for the dramatic weightloss McGregor was undergoing as Trainspotting prepwork.
I simultaneously really hope Robert Carlyle gets the chance to make the Blade Artist, and look upon that project with fearful dread, given that Trainspotting was like bottled lightning. But Robert Carlyle is one of those actors who makes any project he's involved in instantly 527% better than it would have been without him, so I'd watch it regardless! The sheer amount of analysis of the Begbie character Carlyle's clearly put in really shows a level of care that I hope he gets to showcase.
I do wonder how Trainspotting watches in the alternative universe where Ewen Bremner got the chance to reprise his role as Mark Renton from the stageplay. Terribly, I can't imagine anyone else playing Spud Murphy anywhere near as well as he does... But he was OG Renton, and the stage version won all of the awards back in the day so he must have been terrific in the role.
Jonny Lee Miller's accent work being so convincing that Ewen Bremner had no idea he was English until the wrap party will forever remain an amusing anecdote. Not to mention the utter weirdness that must have been Angelina Jolie just casually hanging around on-set!
Watching the rest of Danny Boyle's filmography with hindsight knowledge about the Great Falling Out between him and McGregor over what went down surrounding Hollywood money ruining the behind the scenes on The Beach gets more than a little bit weird. Quite aside from sitting through The Beach wondering about what might have been (Tilda Swinton opposite McGregor in combative rival roles?! Dammit...), there's also the other films from the era they weren't talking to each other. I adore Cillian Murphy's performances in the two Boyle films he's involved with, I think he's one of the key parts that make Sunshine work, he's an utterly fantastic actor. And I sat through 28 Days Later when I was arguably far too young for it, and therefore terrified of RL zombies for years afterwards on the basis that he was in it... However, nowadays I can't help but watch 28 Days Later with half my brain going, huh I can almost picture how McGregor might have played this in another universe.
Watching Trance, with self-described "I'm cheaper than Ewan McGregor" (though I suspect that's no longer true) James McAvoy in the lead role also hits thoroughly strangely. Although I think Trance comes after they'd made steps to repair their relationship.
And some mildly cursed information, that no one will thank me for pointing out. One of the few things I feel that gives away Trainspotting's tiny shoestring budget is an annoying image issue. In both the otherwise gorgeous Renton-desperately-searching-for-a-loo shot outside that very grey but very brightly curtained block of flats, and the Spud-fucks-up-a-job-interview-good-and-proper scene, the image is subtly and unpleasantly vibrating. This occurs on and off during quite a few other moments in the film too, I'm guessing one of their cameras was somewhat worse for wear. I wish I'd never noticed it, becuase I cannot unnotice it!
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foxantoine · 7 years
whoo tanya you'e tall!! :D also yasss slavko's song yasss *starts dancing* :D ohh you rewatxhed trainspotting2 and i still didnt rewatch traisnpotting 1 and watch trianspotting2 xD
tall af lmaobtw T2 is GOOD
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la palabra que define hoy,  este corazón
cuando quieres creer en algo pero ya dejaste a dios
adios te digo, cuando por a calle llevo pintas de mendigo
cuando un domingo acabo pidiendo pegamento para este corazón herido
perdido soledad viaja conmigo, al menos las palabras me acompañan
hace frio por la calle, sin refugio, camino el mismo recorrido
dia tras dia pasan las compañias, soy un looser cuando mis gafas se empañan
¿por qué nadie nos enseña a seguir vivos?
¿por qué el mismo molde para todos los niños?
normal que este harto, que la universidad todo sea un engaño
tirando mas a lo que mas salida tendrá porque lo ideal, es 
dinero, un trabajo bien remunerado, un buen horario y da igual tus sueños
traisnpotting, la misma droga que todos queremos, que todos ya tenemos
un mundo donde una casa,un coche y la tele de plasma, es
aspirar a la buena vida, la buena rutina, hasta en la tumba acabar plasmado.
no soy pesimista, soy realista cuando veo que nadie es feliz,
que si, te dicen porque tienen bienes materiales,
un objeto mas felicidad que unos sentimientos, son tales
las emociones que abandonamos, que no expresamos,
somos sombras grises copias de modas pasajeras, 
cegados en buscar pareja, algo que nos llene y nos ponga rejas,
liberación todos queremos, pero nos atamos a nosotros mismos,
cuando digo que estamos todos perdidos, que unas zapas de nike
y tener en instagram un puto like, 
llena mas que ayudar a los demas, que pararse a saludar,
esta sociedad habitamos, esto es el mundo que representamos,
me incluyo, y por eso me frustro, pues soy fruto de ello,
pero no quiero reconocerlo, quiero escapar de todo esto,
hipocresia me rodea, pues quiero que mis letras entren por tu oreja
lleguen a tu mente, y te den poder,
que tus emociones se expresen, que empaticen de una puta vez,
¿Por qué nunca nos paramos? si cada día tenemos un nuevo atardecer.
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thedreamslife · 8 years
People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all that shit which is not to be ignored, but what they forget is the pleasure of it. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. After all, we're not fucking stupid. At least, we're not that fucking stupid.
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makeitmod · 12 years
1,000 years from now there will be no guys and no girls, just wankers. Sounds great to me.
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lust-x-life · 11 months
Iggy Pop - live Rockpalast Open Air Festival - june 22 1996 (HD 1080)
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lust-x-life · 2 years
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Iggy Pop - Monster Men
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lust-x-life · 4 years
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lust-x-life · 4 years
Die Toten Hosen featuring Iggy Pop - Wild Thing (Live Argentina 1996)
Die Toten Hosen & Iggy Pop - Wild Thing (live at Dr Jekyll, Buenos Aires Argentina 17-03-1996).- Quiero agradecer a Rojo y Negro, que por 1ra vez veo estas imágenes en vivo. Lo que hice fue.... al vídeo  le inserte el audio FM completo, y como el vídeo no esta completo , le agregue fotos tomadas por fans en la puerta del hotel donde se hospedaba Iggy, si ven con detalle, el atuendo es el mismo que uso para el recital, o sea un FUKIN  ROÑOSO, jejejejeje.-
 I want to thank Red and Black, for the 1st time I see these images live. What I did was ... I inserted the full FM audio to the video, and since the video is not complete, I added photos taken by fans at the door of the hotel where Iggy was staying, if you see in detail, the outfit is the Same as I use for the recital, that is, a ROÑOSO FUKIN, hehehehehe.-MOSTRAR MENOS
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lust-x-life · 4 years
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lust-x-life · 4 years
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lust-x-life · 4 years
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lust-x-life · 4 years
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lust-x-life · 5 years
IGGY POP - EPK 1996 1
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