diana-andraste · 2 months
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Farewell, night that I was, your own sepulchre, but which, the shadow surviving, will metamorphose into Eternity.
Stéphane Mallarmé, Igitur, trans. Mary Ann Caws
Photograph by Wallace Berman
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aschenblumen · 10 months
El Infinito finalmente se libera de la familia, que lo ha padecido –viejo espacio–, no hay azar. Ella ha tenido razón en negarlo –su vida– para que él haya sido lo absoluto. Eso debía realizarse dentro de las combinaciones del Infinito con lo Absoluto. Necesaria — extrae la Idea. Locura útil. Uno de los actos del universo acaba de realizarse allí. Solamente queda el soplo, fin de la palabra y gesto – sopla la vela del ser, por la que todo ha existido. Prueba.
—Stéphane Mallarmé, «[Argumento]» en Igitur o la locura de Elbehnon. Traducción de Agustín Larrauri.
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Igitur E subiecti fictis (fictens) mihi cuncti.]
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noodledogs · 2 years
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Set of 3 pieces I did for Igitur's Body Dreams
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fierifiction · 2 years
Igitur E subiecti fictis (fictens) mihi cuncti. a mihin i fotis, sibi mihin (nayhihin). As a whole, mihin is an order of things, i.e., the things that constitute mihin. An order of elements is a monstrosity.
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catilinas · 10 months
yesterdays e-pistulae experience:
“this is cicero’s last letter to atticus”
“after this, they were always close enough to see each other in person”
:’’’) writing that footnote was like. i was thinking about all the letters where cicero tells atticus he’s writing it over whichever course at dinner and how now they could just. actually have dinner together. if only for another year
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My guy please how do you pronounce your user/ how to address you bc i love the funky little letters but my brain is not computing them /lh
It’s pronounced “in-oom-bruh-poon-yah-bee-moose”
Latin vowel pronunciations, since it’s a Latin phrase XDDD
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latin-phrases-showdown · 11 months
Round 1 Poll 30
Gaudeamus igitur
"Let's rejoice, then / So let us rejoice"
Originally a drinking song, Gaudeamus igitur is a song (and its first line) still sung today in (at least European) academic circles. Where I'm from, it is traditionally sung at upper secondary school and university graduation ceremonies. And also sometimes at drinking parties centered around singing. It goes kinda hard when sung in the latter context.
Amicus curiae
"Friend of the court"
Legal brief submitted by a person not a party to the case
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Do you think they sing Gaudeamus at yumenosaki graduations?
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itsaskingquestions · 2 years
Ubi sunt, qui ante nos / In mundo fuere?
“Where are those who, before us, existed in the world?”
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Gaudeamus Igitur! "#Joy is the serious business of Heaven." - C.S. Lewis
#GaudeteSunday #ThirdSundayOfAdvent #AdventWeek3 #TheSeasonOfJoy
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German wikipedia why must you hurt me so
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Switzerland, dated 1906
Ceramic, inscribed "JUVENES DUM SUMUS GAUDEAMUS IGITUR. The pewter lid engraved with student name and date.
Koller Auctions
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las-microfisuras · 29 days
No nos pidas la palabra que escuadre cada lado de nuestro ánimo informe, y con letras de fuego lo proclame y resplandezca como un croco perdido en medio de un polvoriento prado.
¡Ah, el hombre que se va seguro, de los demás y de sí mismo amigo, sin preocuparse de su sombra, que la canícula imprime sobre un desconchado muro!
No nos pidas la fórmula que mundos pueda abrirte, sí alguna sílaba seca y torcida como una rama. Solo eso podemos hoy decirte, lo que no somos, lo que no queremos.
Eugenio Montale, en Huesos de sepia, Igitur 2000. Versión de Carlo Frabetti,
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noodledogs · 2 years
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Cover art I made for Igitur's Tuxarumba
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saikolikes · 9 months
“Si vis pacem, te ipsum vince”: the meaning behind Erina’s banner
I’m sure most people have noticed it, as it was shown firstly in the trailer and then in the opening: “Si vis pacem, te ipsum vince” seems to be the official motto of Persona 5 Tactica, and is indeed present on Erina’s banner when she uses Flag of Freedom.
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The slogan is in latin, it roughly translates as “If you want peace, you must conquer yourself,” and it’s an alteration tailored to the game from the most commonly known “Si vis pacem, para bellum” (If you want peace, prepare for war).
What most don’t know (myself included before digging deeper to make this post), is that even the “original” phrase wasn’t exactly born as such and is itself an adaptation of a wider paragraph from a military treaty — Vegetius’ De Re Militari or “Epitome of military science” (the following quote comes from the beginning of Book 3):
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum; qui uictoriam cupit, milites inbuat diligenter; qui secundos optat euentus, dimicet arte, non casu.
From what I read, the author does a sort of introduction by citing war masters from the past, including Athens and Sparta, and declares his task in compiling all their teachings in one place. Then, he concludes by saying “Therefore, the one who desires peace shall be ready for war; the one who longs for victory shall diligently instruct his soldiers; the one who’s after success shall fight following the art of war, not chance.”
The concept here is clear: you can’t search for and uphold peace without being skilled in battle and ready to fight for that peace if need be… which is a pretty interesting message in the wider scheme of Tactica.
(Warning for story spoilers from here onwards)
I didn’t reflect on it much as I was playing, especially because the game never gives you any “official” translation of what’s written on Erina’s banner. But as I went back to thinking about it, I realised just how fitting this alteration is. The whole deal with Salmael is peace should be the ultimate goal for mankind, a state of existence where no conflict is necessary—on the contrary, conflict is viewed as a bad thing, because it causes hurt and is ultimately harmful. So it makes perfect sense that “Si vis pacem, para bellum” is something that goes against Salmael’s philosophy.
What bothers me, instead, is that it perfectly fits what Erina represents, as is and without any alteration: she battles Marie like rebels do tyrants because the peace in the Kingdom has been disrupted and she wants it back. Putting metaphors aside, Toshiro is the one that realises that only by opposing his father and his fiancé he can right the wrongs that his family committed, and eventually find peace within himself. “Si vis pacem, para bellum” is actually already tailored on what the game is about, so thinking back about the alteration they made, I can’t quite explain it.
It has to be said, though, that “Si vis pacem, te ipsum vince” is also fitting. Reconciling with one’s Shadow self, tame it and embrace it is what awakening a Persona is all about and what Toshiro does later on in the story, so to have “If you want peace, you must conquer yourself” written on Erina’s banner is also a really nice touch!
I guess my main point here is that both phrases go well with the story’s themes and plot, but I do have to say, removing “para bellum” kind of ends up reinforcing Salmael’s point, which is that war (=conflict) isn’t necessary. It ultimately serves P5’s whole narrative that puts individuals at the center of societal changes without questioning too much what role society at large plays: it is acknowledged society needs reform, but reforming passes through righteous people and removing bad apples rather than dismantling and rebuilding anew a system that is designed to be exploitative. More so that “te ipsum” is a bit like saying “you yourself” so I’d argue that a really great emphasis is put on the person/individual. Also worth noting that “te ipsum” is specifically male-gendered as “ipsum” is accusative cause (direct object) for both male (“ipse) and neutral (“ipsum”) pronouns, but “te” is accusative case for the pronoun “tu” which can only be used referring to a person; this means that if the phrase was to be female-gendered it would be “te ipsam vince”. So it really seems to be tailored to Toshiro.
I think what they did with Tactica’s motto is cool (if anything because it let me put my high school diploma at use again after 7 years lol) and definitely a nice addition that shows this game was made with a decent level of care for being a spinoff… at the same time, I can’t help but find a subtle contradiction in the alteration they made.
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