#ignoct masterpost
rsasai · 7 years
Ignoct Masterpost
Heaven of Cut Stars Series
Defy the Stars Rating: Explicit Status: In-Progress Summary: Ignis is given an Omen of the Stars. 
Now, armed with the knowledge of living through a world of unending night, there are choices to be made. Given the chance to change fate, Ignis will go to war with even the Gods to keep Noctis safe.
Melinoë Rating: Teen Warning: Not actually Ignoct, but world-building Summary: "His name was Regulus, the little king.
Ardyn had loved him, cherished him, worshipped him as any man would. Devotion in its highest form, in the form of the love a father could only have for his firstborn son. Even his Selene, his sweet Selene, was no comparison. She, whose face held the dawn in the dimple of her cheeks, held no sway to the little king."
In which a moral and good man is made into a monster.
A King's Wizard Rating: Teen Summary: Ignis deals with the Crown Prince's plans for a Halloween party, all the while dealing with his impending nuptials to the Countess Marilynn. Emotions bite more than gravel to the skin. If you listen closely enough, deep inside the little box where Ignis hides his feelings away from prying eyes, you can hear him screaming. 
A story of love and dreams, but also of the frailty of hope.
Sacramentum Rating: Teen Summary: "No, Ignis. You must promise this to me as a man to another, a man who is the father of the one you hold so dear." 
Ignis makes a promise to King Regis after the arrival of a foe in the room where the walls smell of death and the marble reminds him of childhoods long gone.
Chapter Fics
The Blood of Kings Rating: Mature Summary: Regis had a short affair with a married Lady Scientia, and while he cares for Ignis it was vital that no one ever suspect that Ignis is a royal bastard. If it came out it would muddy the line of succession and that would be disasterous with the crystal needing to be bound to his heir and the war with Nifheim heating up. 
So instead he ties Ignis to Noctis as an advisor, ensuring Ignis gets some of the deference he's due. Nobody expected Ignis and Noctis to fall in love.
"This was his sin, and this was his punishment."
Roads Rating: Gen Summary: Perhaps it was the magic of the Crystal inside it, but the Regalia… The Regalia was always more than a car. Regalia!POV fic (slight mentions of romance.)
There's a Noctis in My Pocket Rating: Teen Status: In-Progress Summary: Noctis has a very, very nasty run-in with an Imp in the Balouve Mines... and wakes to find either everything has gotten so much bigger... or is it that he's a whole lot smaller? 
FFXV Kink Meme fill for Noctis getting hit with a Mini Spell. Oh, sweet Etro, help him.
To the Moon and Stars Rating: Gen Status: In-Progress Summary: A series of drabbles focusing on the relationship between Ignis and Noctis as small children. Tooth-rotting fluff.
A Wayward Son Rating: Explicit Status: In-Progress Summary: "I would burn down all of Insomnia for you."
Noctis Lucis Caelum, the heir of the Lucis Crime Family, is running away from a past that left Insomnia's Abyss and its people with a noose around their necks. Given a choice between family and morality, he has never known which side to choose. 
Ignis Scientia, the hitman whose name is whispered from only dead men's lips, is running after Noctis. Given a choice between duty and Noctis, he has always known which side to choose. (Yakuza!inspired Ignoct)
Memory Lane Cafe Rating: Mature Status: In-Progress Summary: Ignis Scientia, owner of Memory Lane Cafe, has been content to watch the world pass him by with his one good eye. When a strangely familiar young man wanders into his cafe while looking for his missing cat, Ignis realizes that everything he's wanted, everything he's needed, is just a memory away. 
Reincarnation!Coffee Shop AU
A String of Pearls Rating: Teen  Status: In-Progress Summary: At the age of four, Noctis Lucis Caelum disappeared into the sea for seven days. When he returned, the only word he repeated was one he never forgot: Iggy.
A story of a love that traverses time, destinies, Walls, and oceans.(Siren!Ignis/Noctis)
Seeing is Believing  Rating: Gen Summary: Noctis gives one last gift to Ignis—his eyes.
Royalty Ride Rating: Explicit Summary: (Kink Meme Fill) Noctis somehow finds out that Ignis will occasionally hire prostitutes that look like him. He even has a routine for them: they arrive at the hotel first, hands and knees (because the face is never right) and ready for him, they can moan but not speak (because the voice is never right). So long as they look enough like Noctis from the back it's ok.
He trades places with the next one so he can finally have Ignis fuck him.
The First Rating: Gen Summary: Noctis and Ignis. A throne. A ring. A promise that will last an eternity.
Aquarius Rating: Teen Summary: "Ignis, tell me about the stars."
Ignis tells Noctis the story about Aquarius, the cupbearer of the Gods.
Flagrantiae Rating: Explicit Summary: Sequel to "Urere Sanguis"
Ignis woke with Noctis's mouth wrapped around his cock.
It took a moment for Ignis to realize the warm, wet feeling around his dick wasn't his own hand, caught between his boxer-briefs and searing hot skin. It had happened more than once in the years since Ignis hit puberty; masturbation was part of life, and Ignis had no issues with indulging in it early in the morning when dreams still clung to his senses.
Ever since he was a young man, it had always been one dream. One face, one mouth, one pair of blue eyes gazing up at him through thick black lashes.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Rating: Explicit Summary: This wasn't a dream. This was real, and the three men were there and their hands were warm and their tongues were blindingly hot, and this was a comfort that Noctis never once dared to expect from the Crystal.
The Crystal gives Noctis one night with the Ignis of his past, his present, and his future. 
Like Home Rating: Gen Summary: This place, the little hill that looked to the West toward a place that haunted Noctis's dreams, was a place of solace and comfort to Ignis... 
And of course he would be there. Especially today. 
Noctis takes care of Ignis when Ignis needs him the most.
Mr. Scientia Rating: Mature Summary: My will is steel. I shall not bend nor snap. Especially not for this bloody minx. Professor Ignis Scientia receives a rather sordid short story from one Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Garden Green Glow Rating: Explicit Summary: "Noct, this is hardly appropriate." "Nothing I do is appropriate, Specs."
During a ball that never seems to end, Noctis and Ignis sneak off to the gardens where positively indecent things occur.
Midnight Moon Rating: Explicit Warning: Noctis is a female in this. Don't bother bitching. Summary: The wedding between the Princess of Lucis and the King of Tenebrae is set in stone, and yet... Noctis deserves one night, a real wedding night, before she bows her neck at Niflheim's feet. And Ignis is more than willing to give that to her.
Taste of Metal Rating: Explicit Summary: Noctis took as much pleasure as Ignis could give in the twisted desire of metal upon flesh, of the sweet dragging of hard blade against the sensitive skin at Noctis's back. The red lines were like paint strokes against a pale, perfect canvas. Noctis could not see himself, could not truly understand how beautiful he was laid out against the black silk bedsheets. 
But Ignis wanted to let him know in other ways, even if Noctis could not see. No, it was Ignis's job to allow Noctis to feel it in every stroke of his blade.
"How does this feel, Noct?" 
Ignis is the master of daggers, and he knows exactly how to use them.
Fraxinea: Of Ash Rating: Mature Warning: Ignis/Aranea as well as Ignoct Summary: Ladies of Accordo are given three offerings in their birthing baths, and Lady Aranea is of no exception. It was too bad she was promised fire and had received only the charred ashes of an ember that had burned too hot for another before being snuffed out in the darkness.
Like Lambs Rating; Explicit Warning: Horror; evil!Noctis Summary: With the dawn rising, Ignis offers something to the crystal... An exchange. (and things are perfect until they aren't, and the blood red moon begins to sing its sweet promises.)
Urere Sanguis Rating: Explicit Summary: Ignis sees the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, a woman who steals his breath away--which is surprising because he has faithfully been in love with his charge since he was a child. He decides to take the jump and approach her, because her silky black hair and red dress that glitters under the lights. She looks so much like his prince....
"You are utterly ravishing, my dear."
Halo of Lace Rating: Explicit Summary: They were such a tiny thing, really--the soft black lace, the nip of fabric, the sweet curve of where it was meant to caress skin like a lover. Petite and delicate, feminine in a way that made Ignis bite the inside of his cheek when he reached down and picked the pair of women's knickers off Noctis's floor. 
He could tell they were lightly used, and it hurt more than he wanted to dare admit. They had never made a promise to one another, and the crown prince was eighteen and still learning about his own body and the touch of another.
(As of 10/31/2017)
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celesticidal · 5 years
Miri’s FFXV Masterpost
yours, uncharted - ~11k, E. romance, bad puns, frot, oral sex, ep Ignis v2 - baby's first ffxv fic, because a kink memer asked for a dashing, kingly Noct seducing the heck out of Ignis.  "Dashing" is relative, but Ignis is easy when it comes to Noct.
towing the line - ~12.5k, E. longing, five-fingered self discovery, allusions to underage mutual exploration, allergy panic, sweaty training session ust, confused teenage boys, friends to lovers, love confessions. Five times Noctis fantasized about having sex, and one time he got to have it.
one sentence fics
the good kind of black night - ~4.25k, E.  anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex, blindfolds.  Gratuitous plotless porn to thank a fave artist (sup @zva-redink) for quality art. c:
the land between tides - canon timeline series
the gutter and the garden - ~8k, T.  pre-ship, blood and gore, lucian magic headcanons, obnoxious teenagers. Cor accompanies Regis on a trip to Galahd to shore up relations, and a particular self-assured island boy makes a … presence of himself.
after you comes the flood - ~1.5k, T, Incomplete. I know you're supposed to finish the main series before you start going willy-nilly with the sidestories, but I'm real bad at linear anything tbh.
close to the ground - ~4k, M.  casual nudity, feelings-heavy character study.  Cor sends Nyx off to war.
fossil in stone - ~1.3k, M. mentions of child injury, mid-bang introspection (leaning super heavy on the introspection side).  Cor takes Nyx home for the first time.  For the Cor week prompt scars.
it's your heart - ~2k, T. grand romantic gestures, office banter, pre-cornyx.  In which Cor has a very fragrant morning, and Monica is a Helper.  For the cor week prompt flowers left on his doorstep with an anonymous note that says "i miss you, my love."
snippets and little bites  
unfinished things, au concepts, drabbles and whatnot (hosted on dreamwidth bc I'm too heckin lazy to go dig them up here, sorry)
star wars au
hzd au
one-sentence fics
kindred instruments (kings & guardians au, super super super rough concept) pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3
midlight - ~3.3k, T. soft and dreamy may-december, post-game, established relationship. Two years after the return of light, Vyv hires Prompto to cross Lucis and document the progress made; of course, he won't be going alone. Snapshots of dual catharsis.
primed - ~4.5k, T. teenage cor, war gore, child soldiers, big brother weskham and some real uncomfortable dudes.  This surly sword fetus is caught between not giving a fuck and giving every fuck, basically.  The beginning of a war road trip, for the cor week prompt traveling with regis+co.
everyone else and you - ~5.5k, T.  Various meme fills and unattached drabbles collected into one spot for easy archiving.  The first 3 are ignoct kisses; the last two are cornyx … iirc there are kisses there, too, and also tattoos and massages.  (I'm sorry I'm too lazy to list them separately.)
twitter microprompt drive, december edition - rated G to M.  lil' bit of angst, lil' bit of porn, silly love confessions, silly seasonal nonsense, fluff. 5 cornyx fills, 1 promcor fill, ranging from 100-500 words each.
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cottoncandyspider · 6 years
Final Fantasy XV AU Masterpost
A masterpost of all the AUs I’ve made posts for.
I just want to make things clear about the AUs that I have written out and shared with you guys; if you want to use them to write/draw/whatever, do it; that’s why they’re being shared.
If you like one of the AUs but not some of the details, change them.
Despite everything that’s written in an AU, you don’t have to adhere to all or any of it.
These are pretty much sandboxes for everyone to play in and the way they’re written is how Dallie and I like to view them. We even talk about ‘what ifs’ over on Discord for fun.
In Commonborn King, I have it stated that nobody outside of the family knows about their ancestry, not even Prompto, who’s been practically adopted by them. Dallie likes the idea of at least Clarus, Shield of the ruling monarch, knowing but he keeps the secret because Regis is his friend and the family just want to be left alone; they’re not bothering anybody and there’s no reason to shine that spotlight onto them.
What I’m saying is you can change whatever details about the AU that you want in order to write/draw/whatever what you want.
Don’t want the focus to be on Noctis, Ignis, or both? Swap your faves around and make them the focus.
Like the idea but want to focus on how other characters are affected by the setting? Go right ahead, that’s probably an awesome story.
Not into Ignoct and would rather write about your favorite ship instead? Do it. I might not be into the ship, but you are and that’s all that matters in your stories/art/whatever.
Take these AUs and treat them the same way we treat the canon; like it’s irrelevant and should be done this way!
All I ask is that you give credit to either Dallie ( @professor-lollipop ) or myself for the AU; some are mine, some are hers. We just helped each other to flesh them out.
Mention one of us in the post or link back to the AU that you took inspiration from.
Also, have fun!
Animal Charmer Noctis Noctis has a special connection with animals.
Reaper Ignis Ignis has been the Lucis Caelum family reaper for centuries.
Commonborn King Noctis is the descendant of a royal bastard that the royal family lost track of. He just so happens to also be the King of Kings that was prophesized to bring back the dawn.
Gondolier Noctis/Dragoon Ignis Fateswap AU, where Noctis is a gondolier in Altissia and Ignis is one of the dragoon bodyguards of the Niflheim Prince. Ignis may or may not have a thing for the cute gondolier.
Bakery AU, WIP Fateswap AU, where Ignis is the Prince of Lucis and Noctis and his family run a specialty bakery shop.
Author Ignis/Barista Noctis Modern AU, where Ignis is an author who writes detective mysteries and his friend, Noctis, is a barista at his favorite coffee shop.
Streamer/Youtuber Noctis, WIP Modern AU, where Noctis is a popular gamer on Youtube and Ignis is his video editor.
Hercules AU, WIP AU, where Ignis and Noctis are the reincarnated mortal forms of Ifrit and Shiva, respectively, and need to earn back their godhood.
Serial Killer AU, WIP Modern AU, where Ignis is a serial killer and Noctis is the ME who examines his victims.
Catdad AU, WIP AU, where Ignis isn’t Noctis’ advisor, but he does follow the prince on social media because he has a teensy little crush on him. Also, there are cats.
Mummy AU, WIP An interest in two very different interpretations of the same mythical figure leads to an ancient malevolent force being awakened.
High School AU, WIP (because everyone has to have one) Modern AU, where everyone's in high school, Ignis is the student council president, and Noctis is the invisible loner with a hopeless crush on him.
Stardust AU Noctis was a fallen star that fell in love with the Infernian, before the fall of Solheim and the Astral War.
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lhugbereth · 7 years
“Promptio on Ice” Masterpost
I’m admittedly getting a little carried away with this hockey player/figure skater AU, so here’s a masterpost of the all the different parts (in order). I’ll try to keep this updated. Expect lots more of this AU to come. No one can stop me now >:D 
Part 1  - Gladio falls hard for the mysterious skater at his rink 
Part 2 - “Toepick” ~<3
Part 3 - He’s beauty, he’s grace, he’ll spill coffee all in yo’ face
Part 4 - Hockey is not for Prompto. No no no. 
Part 5 - Prompto is flexible. Gladio is not. Ignis is a Bitch. 
Part 6 - Gladio is quite the romantic. Noct didn’t sign up for this shit. 
Part 7 -  Prompto gets injured, Gladio knows just how to fix him up <3
Part 8 - Luna shows up, and Promptio breaks the Internet
Part 9 - Kings versus Demons (Prompto side)
Part 10 - Kings versus Demons (Gladio side - warnings apply)
Part 11 - Prompto finds the perfect song for his new routine 
Part 12 - “Specs?” [Ignoct]
Part 13 - Noctis is in way over his head [Ignoct]
Part 14 - Sex on the Ice (NSFW <3) 
Part 15 - Perfectly Flawed
Part 16 - Noct and Iggy are the world’s biggest dorks
Part 17 - Dad’s can be hip, too, and they make great wingmen
Part 18 - The perfect (Ignoct) date
Special - Prom’s hockey lesson AKA dorks on the ice 
Part 19 - The Crystal Cup Gran Prix (and Promptio’s first fight)
Part 20 - Crystal Cup Gran Finale (”Better Together”) 
(And that’s the end, thanks for sticking around folks!) 
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Magic and Miracles Masterpost
Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 part 1 33 part 2 33 part 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 <- new chapter. 
Ships in this story. LUNYX Crowe/Libertus Sylva/Regis Ignoct Prompto/Cindy Tredd/Stella Titus Drautos/OC and all the way at the end Gilgamesh/OC. 
Ships that it starts out with Ravnea which changes to RaeLena (Ravus Nox Fleuret/Selena Ulric) Pelna/Selena that again changes to RaeLena and Pelna/OC Luche Lazarus/OC named Ada who belongs to the lovely @the-immortal-marshal and then it changes to Cor/Ada.
This story also contains A LOT OF NSFW like A LOT. and please read the warnings and descriptions for the sotry. 
Tagging @the-immortal-marshal @plasticbaggy1 @orangeotis @gam3rg1rl13 @warnjai-17 @shannoncoltrayn  @engrossedinthemost @danicon @whatisthisidefk @mystic-fawn @13grerocabrenis 
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faierius · 7 years
FFXV Fic Masterpost (September 25th 2017)
Let Me Get This Shot - (Part 1 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Prompto invites Noct on an early morning photo shoot. He says it’s for Luna, but Noct isn’t impressed.
Sunshowers - (Part 2 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Picks up right where Let Me Get This Shot ended, Prompto isn’t sure how he is supposed to feel about Noctis. When you’re already a mess inside, what’s one more problem?
Clear Skies - (Part 3 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Directly follows Sunshowers. Noctis and Prompto are new to relationships. They need to learn how to deal with their feelings. It’ll be weird. It’ll be awkward. But they have a few days to learn about each other.
Sunshine and Lace - (Part 4 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Prompto Argentum was no stranger to running a little late. Usually only a minute or two, ten at the most. He had never been in such a flat out hurry he didn’t look at what he put on in the morning. Nor had he ever just shoved his hand into a basket of clean laundry and donned whatever he pulled out without observation. Why hadn’t Ignis mentioned he washed Iris’ clothes along with theirs?
Touch Starved - (Part 1 of Molten Silver series. Promnis.) Ignis finds out about Prompto’s feelings for him. It’s an odd prospect…until he actually thinks about it.
Cicatrice - (Part 2 of Molten Silver series. Promnis.) Prompto shows Ignis his stretch marks for the first time. His reaction isn’t exactly what he was expecting.
Good Enough - (Part 3 of Molten Silver series. Promnis.) Just because you don't think you're good enough doesn't mean it's true. Beauty and love are in the eye of the beholder.
A Quiet Evening - (Gladnis) Gladio and Ignis clean up camp together after Noct and Prompto have gone to sleep. They just want to spend an evening enjoying the quiet.
Wake Up Call - (No pairing) Prompto decided to wake Noctis up with a wet willie.
Body Heat - (Part 1 of Burning Flowers series. Gladnis) Gladiolus Amicitia was a human space heater. Ignis Scientia was irritated he had not noticed before now.
Pyrexia - (Part 2 of Burning Flowers series. Gladnis) Directly follows Body Heat. After stress, spells, and confessions, Ignis’ immune system can’t take anymore. He doesn’t get sick often, but when he does, it’s not very nice.
An Afternoon at the Quay - (Promptio) Prompto ruins Gladio’s nap and insists the man pay attention to him.
Petals - (Cindy x Iris) Iris works hard. Cindy likes to reward her. Brothers are a pain in the ass.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too - (IgNoct) Noctis hates vegetables. Ignis finds a way to get him to eat some.
I’m Fine - (GladNoct) Noctis can only tell himself he's fine so many times. 
And Now For Something Completely Different - (Promptis) Prompto wants to be on top. Noctis lets him.
A Morning At The Cape - (IgNoct) Just another sweet morning moment at Cape Caem.
Story Time - (Promptio) Prompto likes to listen to Gladio read. Doesn't matter what type of book. Though sometimes the story can get waylaid for...other activities.
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stephicness · 7 years
Stephicness Writings Masterpost
I figured since I personally have a hard time myself trying to track down my writings, I’d compile them all together for you to be able to read and find the writings I’ve completed. (Really? This is all done in about a month and a half? Holy smokes!).
I’ll continue to update this as well as have this linked on my Tumblr profile page. c: Many thanks for all of your lovely support, guys!
Analytic Writings
Ravus Nox Fleuret -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154219110329/an-analysis-of-ravus-nox-fleuret
Ardyn Izunia -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154495974329/an-analysis-of-ardyn-izunia
Lunafreya vs Jenova -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154991353859/have-you-heard-of-the-theory-that-luna-is-or-she
Prompto the Victim -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155054257319/so-why-do-you-think-ardyn-chose-prompto-of-all
Gladio’s Mourning -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155320475699/the-amicitia-is-the-kings-shield-so-when-they
Ravus Guest Character -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155328502464/other-than-the-4-chocobros-if-you-could-pick-a
Magitek!Prompto Story? -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155350536384/i-saw-some-fan-art-recently-about-evil-mt-prompto
A Party with Ravus -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155596482094/so-like-i-read-a-post-that-said-stellas-character
The Fallen King -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155673563944/spoiler-warning-and-some-thoughts-this-morning
Niflheim History -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155939634804/how-do-you-think-what-does-ravus-thinks-about
How to Kill an Astral -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155953668949/there-was-ff-xv-ultimania-info-i-read-on-reddit
The Crystal -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155976085449/i-thought-empire-wanted-a-crystal-to-fight-off
Alternative Universes
Harry Potter AU -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155059038179/in-a-harry-potterau-which-houses-would-the-ff15
Band AU -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155213846609/bandau-if-noctis-and-the-others-were-actually-a
Ravus and the Oracles -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156224111674/that-would-definitely-be-interesting-if-ravus-was
General Cast
The Markets -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154923574484/if-you-can-introduce-something-from-your-culture
Babysitting -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154949302044/the-chocobros-have-been-tasked-with-taking-care-of
Tent Time -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154963133059/since-the-tent-looks-really-tiny-who-out-of-the
Drunkenness -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154987978979/very-drunk-ff15-characters-d
In-Passing -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154988605289/between-prompto-gladio-and-ignis-who-do-you
It Takes A King -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156597683904/i-m-horrible-person-but-i-want-ravus-as-quest
Daemon-Forged -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156704683794/can-you-write-a-scenario-about-the-chocobros
Guilty Pleasures -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156806249589/how-about-a-headcanon-for-the-chocobros-favorite
Sexuality and Some Booty -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156826902264/do-you-have-any-sort-of-sexuality-headcanons-for
The Blind Prince -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/157005553994/hey-stephy-u-i-know-you-have-a-lot-of-these
Ardyn Izunia
Two-Thousand Years Ago -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156701619149/hey-i-love-your-blog-and-your-writing-is
Prompto Argentum
Get Well Soon -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154966179559/prompto-is-sick-would-the-others-decide-to-wait
Gladiolus Amicitia
Fatherhood -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155508991034/papa-gladio-headcannons
Ignis Scientia
Getting Sick -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154964452609/iggy-is-sick-how-would-the-boys-handle-cooking
General Ignis Headcanons -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155324559849/ignis-scientia-headcanons
Ravus Nox Fleuret
Vampire AU -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155217053044/headcanons-about-ravus-if-he-were-a-vampire
The Fleuret Siblings
Sibling Rivalry -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156290556729/do-you-think-ravus-and-luna-fight-like-all
Ignis Scientia / Noctis Lucis Caelum (Ignoct)
OTP Ask Meme -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155974211029/ignoct-for-the-otp-ask
Gladiolus Amicitia / Ignis Scientia (Gladnis)
Relationship Thoughts -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154883644969/gladnis-who-developed-feelings-first-how-did
Sleeping -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154888207709/gladnis-who-throws-their-body-over-the-other
Flirting (Gladio’s Perspective) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154888693209/how-does-gladio-feel-when-other-people-flirt-with
Flirting (Ignis’s Perspective) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154888850754/how-does-iggy-feel-when-other-people-flirt-with
Fanfiction -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154903596114/gladnis-how-would-they-react-to-finding
Ardyn Izunia / Ravus Nox Fleuret
OTP Ask Meme -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155956206054/otp-ask-meme-ardynravus-3
Coping with Sadness -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156188419029/have-an-ask-thing-from-your-friendly-neighborhood
Ardyn Izunia / Loqi Tummelt
First Thoughts -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154904210664/i-think-ive-experienced-that-odd-ship-ardyn-x
Noctis Lucis Caelum / Ravus Nox Fleuret
OTP Ask Meme -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155958976529/it-might-be-a-little-early-for-this-one-but-otp
Nyx Ulric / Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Brother Dearest -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155541374619/what-if-nyx-have-survived-kingsglaive-events-and
The Chocobros
Disposable -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155725493954/please-consider-prompt-4-with-prompto-and-friends
Ravus Nox Fleuret / Reader
NSFW Blurb -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154543632249/nsfw-ravus-blurb
Hair -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155077772819/do-you-think-ravus-likes-his-hair-stroked-in-bed
Possessiveness -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155116138279/do-you-think-ravus-would-be-a-possessive-lover-or
Arm Stance -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155217633394/would-ravus-be-against-his-so-touching-his-arm
Tickling -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155287323419/what-is-ravuss-fav-place-to-tickle-his-so-and
First Date -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155292111419/your-blog-is-awesome-i-love-your-writing-style
Shades of Pink -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155456299059/hey-there-3-i-totally-love-your-hcscenarios
Dense -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155856059154/may-i-request-prompt-42-for-ravus-and-his-so
The Gala -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156349966989/my-friendsi-had-an-interesting-discussion
Noctis Lucis Caelum / Reader
Resting -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155860467374/okay-so-i-often-imagine-so-not-being-able-to
Small -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156595936429/could-you-write-22-youre-lucky-youre-cute
Rainy Days -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156706402969/heres-a-headcanon-for-you-how-would-noctis-and
Secret -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/157235502220/secret-noctis-lucis-caelum-x-reader-happy
Nyx Ulric / Reader
Seriously? -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156375422669/hi-steph-i-was-recommended-this-lovely-blog-of
Ignis Scientia / Reader
Ignis the Romantic -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155515945504/you-write-really-well-and-i-would-love-to-hear
Unrequited -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156008238634/please-consider-this-prompt-unrequited-ignis-x
Ardyn Izunia / Reader
Corrupt -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155568772499/corrupt-daemonardyn-headcanon-blurb-nsfw
Ardyn Izunia / Ravus Nox Fleuret
Fallen Angel! AU -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154389060794/hear-me-out-tho
Flowers -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154506137264/flowers-ardyn-izunia-x-ravus-nox-fleuret
Artistry -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154563184454/artistry-ardyn-izunia-x-ravus-nox-fleuret
A Last Resort -- http://archiveofourown.org/works/8942380
Beyond Repair -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154930279414/how-you-imagine-the-first-meeting-between-ardyn
A Double Date -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155119259764/how-would-a-double-date-between-corloqi-and
Plush -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155216249024/imagine-ardyn-giving-ravus-a-chocobo-plush-of-some
Trust -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156044491614/trust-ardyn-izunia-x-ravus-nox-fleuret
Ardyn Izunia / Loqi Tummelt
Morning Cuddles -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154913014589/i-saw-the-question-about-the-ardyn-x-loqi-ship-i
Ardyn Izunia / Ravus Nox Fleuret / Loqi Tummelt
Sugar-Coated -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154984171394/sugar-coated-ardyn-izunia-x-ravus-nox-fleuret-x
Deceiving -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155027525359/i-wonder-how-ardyn-would-react-if-he-caught-loqi
Ardyn Izunia / Prompto Argentum
Monsters -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155729029719/the-writing-prompt-post-dont-call-me-that
Cor Leonis / Loqi Tummelt
A Double Date -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155119259764/how-would-a-double-date-between-corloqi-and
The Fleurets
A Response -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155566390694/prompt-9-with-lunafreya-and-ravus-like-luna-calls
Parenting -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155933767294/plz-moar-papa-ravus-with-the-silly-surprise
Dressed to Impress -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156096986869/dressed-to-impress-ravus-and-kids-prompts
Gladiolus Amicitia / Ignis Scientia (Gladnis)
Fixation -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154883644969/gladnis-who-developed-feelings-first-how-did
The Dagger -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154908131564/how-do-you-think-gladio-would-react-to-ignis
The Shield -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154909890339/how-do-you-think-ignis-would-react-to-gladio
Ignition -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155051804574/gladnis-what-was-their-first-time-like-who
Scent -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155627007834/22-with-either-ignis-and-gladio-or-noctis-and
Contained -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155683042519/contained-nsfw-gladiolus-x-ignis-for
Spoiling You Silly -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155743130099/how-about-some-cute-and-fluffy-gladnis-with-gladio
Together -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156061558389/gladio-ignis-together
Locked-On -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156690427364/locked-on-gladiolus-amicitia-x-ignis-scientia
Gladiolus Amicitia / Ravus Nox Fleuret
Delightful -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155519568694/shut-up-im-a-delight-with-gladio-and-ravus-xd
Combatant -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155844105999/gladiolus-patting-ravus-hair-for-the-first-time
Noctis Lucis Caelum / Prompto Argentum (Promptis)
Pain -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156184645929/uhh-the-pairing-prompt-one-can-you-do-stop
Noctis Lucis Caelum / Ravus Nox Fleuret
Night -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155562208959/prompt-1-with-either-ravus-and-noctis-lets-say
Coffee Break -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155795399334/that-thing-with-noct-and-ravus-was-really-good
Night Terrors -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156107622974/fear-hush-with-noctis-and-ravus
Intruder -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156571023109/intruder-noctis-lucis-caelum-x-ravus-nox
Lick -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/157181021304/lick-with-noct-and-ravy-oli-that-lunafreya-and
Ravus Nox Fleuret / Loqi Tummelt
What Not To Do - http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155518136944/that-was-a-perfect-example-of-how-not-to-do
 Ardyn and Tabby Series
Headcanons and Notes
Ardyn and Tabby General Headcanons -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155322344424/ardyn-and-the-little-girl-headcanon-notes
Ardyn in Tabby’s Life -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155928142679/has-ardyn-met-tabby-as-a-baby-like-when-she
Revenge of the Tickle Monster -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155928623269/tab-an-ardyn-are-soo-sweet-so-a-question-for-the
Reactions -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156044765614/does-tabby-try-to-nom-ardyn-sense-he-gets-her-neck
Headcanons I -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156824214949/ardyn-tabby-headcannons-3
A Friend in Me (Prologue) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155226447389/love-the-blog-may-i-ask-for-ardyn-izunia-dad
Child’s Play -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155313612194/papa-ardyn-headcannons-an-how-he-would-play-with
Tickle-Me-Pink -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155506588724/tickle-me-pink-ardyn-and-tabby-asks
A Shadow Lingers -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155837280854/a-shadow-lingers-ardyn-and-tabby-asks
Little Fiend -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155961611434/little-fiend-ardyn-and-tabby-asks
With Care -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156348755179/with-care-ardyn-and-tabby-asks
40 notes · View notes
rsasai · 7 years
My Ignoct Masterpost
Heaven of Cut Stars Series
Defy the Stars Rating: Explicit Status: In-Progress Summary: Ignis is given an Omen of the Stars. 
Now, armed with the knowledge of living through a world of unending night, there are choices to be made. Given the chance to change fate, Ignis will go to war with even the Gods to keep Noctis safe.
Melinoë Rating: Teen Warning: Not actually Ignoct, but world-building Summary: "His name was Regulus, the little king.
Ardyn had loved him, cherished him, worshipped him as any man would. Devotion in its highest form, in the form of the love a father could only have for his firstborn son. Even his Selene, his sweet Selene, was no comparison. She, whose face held the dawn in the dimple of her cheeks, held no sway to the little king."
In which a moral and good man is made into a monster.
A King's Wizard Rating: Teen Summary: Ignis deals with the Crown Prince's plans for a Halloween party, all the while dealing with his impending nuptials to the Countess Marilynn. Emotions bite more than gravel to the skin. If you listen closely enough, deep inside the little box where Ignis hides his feelings away from prying eyes, you can hear him screaming. 
A story of love and dreams, but also of the frailty of hope.
Sacramentum Rating: Teen Summary: "No, Ignis. You must promise this to me as a man to another, a man who is the father of the one you hold so dear." 
Ignis makes a promise to King Regis after the arrival of a foe in the room where the walls smell of death and the marble reminds him of childhoods long gone.
Chapter Fics
The Blood of Kings Rating: Mature Summary: Regis had a short affair with a married Lady Scientia, and while he cares for Ignis it was vital that no one ever suspect that Ignis is a royal bastard. If it came out it would muddy the line of succession and that would be disasterous with the crystal needing to be bound to his heir and the war with Nifheim heating up. 
So instead he ties Ignis to Noctis as an advisor, ensuring Ignis gets some of the deference he's due. Nobody expected Ignis and Noctis to fall in love.
"This was his sin, and this was his punishment."
Roads Rating: Gen Summary: Perhaps it was the magic of the Crystal inside it, but the Regalia… The Regalia was always more than a car. Regalia!POV fic (slight mentions of romance.)
There's a Noctis in My Pocket Rating: Teen Status: In-Progress Summary: Noctis has a very, very nasty run-in with an Imp in the Balouve Mines... and wakes to find either everything has gotten so much bigger... or is it that he's a whole lot smaller? 
FFXV Kink Meme fill for Noctis getting hit with a Mini Spell. Oh, sweet Etro, help him.
To the Moon and Stars Rating: Gen Status: In-Progress Summary: A series of drabbles focusing on the relationship between Ignis and Noctis as small children. Tooth-rotting fluff.
A Wayward Son Rating: Explicit Status: In-Progress Summary: "I would burn down all of Insomnia for you."
Noctis Lucis Caelum, the heir of the Lucis Crime Family, is running away from a past that left Insomnia's Abyss and its people with a noose around their necks. Given a choice between family and morality, he has never known which side to choose. 
Ignis Scientia, the hitman whose name is whispered from only dead men's lips, is running after Noctis. Given a choice between duty and Noctis, he has always known which side to choose. (Yakuza!inspired Ignoct)
Seeing is Believing  Rating: Gen Summary: Noctis gives one last gift to Ignis—his eyes.
Mr. Scientia Rating: Mature Summary: My will is steel. I shall not bend nor snap. Especially not for this bloody minx. Professor Ignis Scientia receives a rather sordid short story from one Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Garden Green Glow Rating: Explicit Summary: "Noct, this is hardly appropriate." "Nothing I do is appropriate, Specs."
During a ball that never seems to end, Noctis and Ignis sneak off to the gardens where positively indecent things occur.
Midnight Moon Rating: Explicit Warning: Noctis is a female in this. Don't bother bitching. Summary: The wedding between the Princess of Lucis and the King of Tenebrae is set in stone, and yet... Noctis deserves one night, a real wedding night, before she bows her neck at Niflheim's feet. And Ignis is more than willing to give that to her.
Taste of Metal Rating: Explicit Summary: Noctis took as much pleasure as Ignis could give in the twisted desire of metal upon flesh, of the sweet dragging of hard blade against the sensitive skin at Noctis's back. The red lines were like paint strokes against a pale, perfect canvas. Noctis could not see himself, could not truly understand how beautiful he was laid out against the black silk bedsheets. 
But Ignis wanted to let him know in other ways, even if Noctis could not see. No, it was Ignis's job to allow Noctis to feel it in every stroke of his blade.
"How does this feel, Noct?" 
Ignis is the master of daggers, and he knows exactly how to use them.
Fraxinea: Of Ash Rating: Mature Warning: Ignis/Aranea as well as Ignoct Summary: Ladies of Accordo are given three offerings in their birthing baths, and Lady Aranea is of no exception. It was too bad she was promised fire and had received only the charred ashes of an ember that had burned too hot for another before being snuffed out in the darkness.
Like Lambs Rating; Explicit Warning: Horror; evil!Noctis Summary: With the dawn rising, Ignis offers something to the crystal... An exchange. (and things are perfect until they aren't, and the blood red moon begins to sing its sweet promises.)
Urere Sanguis Rating: Explicit Summary: Ignis sees the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, a woman who steals his breath away--which is surprising because he has faithfully been in love with his charge since he was a child. He decides to take the jump and approach her, because her silky black hair and red dress that glitters under the lights. She looks so much like his prince....
"You are utterly ravishing, my dear."
Halo of Lace Rating: Explicit Summary: They were such a tiny thing, really--the soft black lace, the nip of fabric, the sweet curve of where it was meant to caress skin like a lover. Petite and delicate, feminine in a way that made Ignis bite the inside of his cheek when he reached down and picked the pair of women's knickers off Noctis's floor. 
He could tell they were lightly used, and it hurt more than he wanted to dare admit. They had never made a promise to one another, and the crown prince was eighteen and still learning about his own body and the touch of another.
(As of 6/25/2017)
34 notes · View notes
lhugbereth · 6 years
Lhugy’s FFXV Doujin Masterpost
I’m been meaning to post this since I got back from Twinkle Mirage last month, but got hecka busy! This is a visual catalog of all the doujinshi I’ve collected from various events, shops, and online, sorted by ship and/or genre :) Take a peek through, and if there’s anything that catches your eyes, I’d be happy to get you more information. I can also recommend some doujin if you’re looking for anything in particular! 
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Ardyn/Noct, Ardyn/other
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Multiship (OT4, etc)
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Other ship
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General (no ship)
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108 notes · View notes
rsasai · 6 years
Ignoct Masterpost
Heaven of Cut Stars Series
Defy the Stars Rating: Explicit Status: In-Progress Summary: Ignis is given an Omen of the Stars.
Now, armed with the knowledge of living through a world of unending night, there are choices to be made. Given the chance to change fate, Ignis will go to war with even the Gods to keep Noctis safe.
Melinoë Rating: Teen Warning: Not actually Ignoct, but world-building Summary: "His name was Regulus, the little king.
Ardyn had loved him, cherished him, worshipped him as any man would. Devotion in its highest form, in the form of the love a father could only have for his firstborn son. Even his Selene, his sweet Selene, was no comparison. She, whose face held the dawn in the dimple of her cheeks, held no sway to the little king.“
In which a moral and good man is made into a monster.
A King’s Wizard Rating: Teen Summary: Ignis deals with the Crown Prince’s plans for a Halloween party, all the while dealing with his impending nuptials to the Countess Marilynn. Emotions bite more than gravel to the skin. If you listen closely enough, deep inside the little box where Ignis hides his feelings away from prying eyes, you can hear him screaming.
A story of love and dreams, but also of the frailty of hope.
Sacramentum Rating: Teen Summary: "No, Ignis. You must promise this to me as a man to another, a man who is the father of the one you hold so dear.“
Ignis makes a promise to King Regis after the arrival of a foe in the room where the walls smell of death and the marble reminds him of childhoods long gone.
Finished Chapter Fics
The Blood of Kings Rating: Mature Summary: Regis had a short affair with a married Lady Scientia, and while he cares for Ignis it was vital that no one ever suspect that Ignis is a royal bastard. If it came out it would muddy the line of succession and that would be disasterous with the crystal needing to be bound to his heir and the war with Nifheim heating up.
So instead he ties Ignis to Noctis as an advisor, ensuring Ignis gets some of the deference he’s due. Nobody expected Ignis and Noctis to fall in love.
“This was his sin, and this was his punishment.”
Roads Rating: Gen Summary: Perhaps it was the magic of the Crystal inside it, but the Regalia… The Regalia was always more than a car. Regalia!POV fic (slight mentions of romance.)
Work In Progress fics
The Bucket Vase List ***NEW*** Rating: Teen Summary: As young children, Ignis and Noctis make a bucket list—and start scratching things off that list as soon as possible. The adventures of two boys learning of life, of death, of love, and the beauty of all the spaces in between.
The Heart of the World is Fire ***NEW*** Co-authored with @faewritesthings Rating: Mature Summary: In the chaotic, Scourge-infested city of Gralea, a member of the anti-imperial resistance struggles against insurmountable odds.
A few blocks down, a new professor with a secret to keep settles into a life of self-exile, the magic of his past abandoned.
Their meeting will bring more than just a spark to the cold wastes of Niflheim. It will bring an inferno, beautiful and all-consuming, which will change the course of not only their lives, but of Eos itself.
Pray to the Wind and Stars ***NEW*** Rating: Teen Summary: After Altissia. After Gralea. After the Ring. After the Crystal. Ignis Scientia knew that he went against the Gods, that his very existence was tantamount to treason. But to Ignis, with the magic of the Oracles running through his veins and the whispering of a woman whose only sin was to believe in Gods who did not believe in her, it was worth it. If it kept Noctis safe, he would do anything. They would do anything.
Non Serviam ***NEW*** Rating: Explicit Summary: There is one purpose for guardian angels: To stay with their human until it is their time to pass into the Beyond. Some angels, though... their purpose is so much more. 
Ignis, the guardian angel of the Chosen King... He knows what he must do, but knowing the choice and accepting it are two vastly different things.
Guardian Angel AU based off of Soulmarshal's artwork
Khrēsmoi ***NEW*** Rating: Explicit Summary: The Ring of the Lucii burned against her skin, and Luna knew then that not even the gods were infallible. (Dark!Luna/Nyx and Ignoct)
There’s a Noctis in My Pocket Rating: Teen Summary: Noctis has a very, very nasty run-in with an Imp in the Balouve Mines… and wakes to find either everything has gotten so much bigger… or is it that he’s a whole lot smaller?
FFXV Kink Meme fill for Noctis getting hit with a Mini Spell. Oh, sweet Etro, help him.
To the Moon and Stars Rating: Gen Summary: A series of drabbles focusing on the relationship between Ignis and Noctis as small children. Tooth-rotting fluff.
A Wayward Son Rating: Explicit Summary: “I would burn down all of Insomnia for you.”
Noctis Lucis Caelum, the heir of the Lucis Crime Family, is running away from a past that left Insomnia’s Abyss and its people with a noose around their necks. Given a choice between family and morality, he has never known which side to choose.
Ignis Scientia, the hitman whose name is whispered from only dead men’s lips, is running after Noctis. Given a choice between duty and Noctis, he has always known which side to choose. (Yakuza!inspired Ignoct)
Memory Lane Cafe Rating: Mature Summary: Ignis Scientia, owner of Memory Lane Cafe, has been content to watch the world pass him by with his one good eye. When a strangely familiar young man wanders into his cafe while looking for his missing cat, Ignis realizes that everything he’s wanted, everything he’s needed, is just a memory away.
Reincarnation!Coffee Shop AU
A String of Pearls Rating: Teen Summary: At the age of four, Noctis Lucis Caelum disappeared into the sea for seven days. When he returned, the only word he repeated was one he never forgot: Iggy.
A story of a love that traverses time, destinies, Walls, and oceans.(Siren!Ignis/Noctis)
Royalty Ride Rating: Explicit Summary: (Kink Meme Fill) Noctis somehow finds out that Ignis will occasionally hire prostitutes that look like him. He even has a routine for them: they arrive at the hotel first, hands and knees (because the face is never right) and ready for him, they can moan but not speak (because the voice is never right). So long as they look enough like Noctis from the back it’s ok.
He trades places with the next one so he can finally have Ignis fuck him.
Sweet Dreams, Noct ***NEW*** Rating: Gen Summary: Prince Noctis experiences the embarrassing aftereffects of a nightmare, but Ignis is always there for Noct. Always.
Your Majesty ***NEW*** Rating: Gen Summary: With the dawn, Ignis finally gets the chance to speak the words he has always dreamed of saying. My Love Between the Stars  ***NEW*** Rating: Explicit Summary: A Crystmas Masquerade Ball of twirling golds and whites and reds.
But he—he is of midnight blues and soft velvet, and Noctis knows that he needs more than just a dance. Paper Face on Parade ***NEW*** Rating: Teen Summary: Time has passed since the Day of the Dawn, and Ignis Scientia has kept his promise to his King. Twenty years of loneliness, only punctuated with the bitterness of memories of a time long gone and a King long dead. But Ignis has stayed ever-faithful, ever loyal. (sequel to My Love Between the Stars)
A Thousand Words ***NEW*** Rating: Gen Summary: A thousand words would never be enough, and a thousand more would only be the beginning sentence of a love story.
A Special Morning ***NEW*** Rating: Gen Summary: It's a special morning when Noct wakes up before Ignis.  Favorite Treasures ***NEW*** Rating: Gen Summary: "This is my favorite."
Ignis slid his fingers over the surface of the book. No, not just his book—his favorite book. It was the one that his mother had read to him from when he was still inside her belly. It was the one she read to him when he was sick, or sad, or lonely. It was the one that she had tucked under his pillow the night before she died, promising that she would read him another story the next day.
She couldn't read stories to him anymore, but Ignis knew how to read now.
He could read them out loud... he could hold on to his treasure. Shoot Twice ***NEW*** Rating: Explicit Summary: Noctis brings Ignis to his favorite arcade and his equally favorite theater-style zombie shooter game.
For... reasons.
Of Winds and Rain ***NEW*** Rating: Teen Summary: On the last night of the World of Ruin, a King and his Retainer come to terms with their choices and the dawn. The Bells of Insomnia ***NEW*** Rating: Teen Summary: The memories of eight kisses over nearly three decades of life.
Seeing is Believing Rating: Gen Summary: Noctis gives one last gift to Ignis—his eyes.
The First Rating: Gen Summary: Noctis and Ignis. A throne. A ring. A promise that will last an eternity.
Aquarius Rating: Teen Summary: “Ignis, tell me about the stars.”
Ignis tells Noctis the story about Aquarius, the cupbearer of the Gods.
Flagrantiae Rating: Explicit Summary: Sequel to “Urere Sanguis”
Ignis woke with Noctis’s mouth wrapped around his cock.
It took a moment for Ignis to realize the warm, wet feeling around his dick wasn’t his own hand, caught between his boxer-briefs and searing hot skin. It had happened more than once in the years since Ignis hit puberty; masturbation was part of life, and Ignis had no issues with indulging in it early in the morning when dreams still clung to his senses.
Ever since he was a young man, it had always been one dream. One face, one mouth, one pair of blue eyes gazing up at him through thick black lashes.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Rating: Explicit Summary: This wasn’t a dream. This was real, and the three men were there and their hands were warm and their tongues were blindingly hot, and this was a comfort that Noctis never once dared to expect from the Crystal.
The Crystal gives Noctis one night with the Ignis of his past, his present, and his future.
Like Home Rating: Gen Summary: This place, the little hill that looked to the West toward a place that haunted Noctis’s dreams, was a place of solace and comfort to Ignis…
And of course he would be there. Especially today.
Noctis takes care of Ignis when Ignis needs him the most.
Mr. Scientia Rating: Mature Summary: My will is steel. I shall not bend nor snap. Especially not for this bloody minx. Professor Ignis Scientia receives a rather sordid short story from one Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Garden Green Glow Rating: Explicit Summary: “Noct, this is hardly appropriate.” “Nothing I do is appropriate, Specs.”
During a ball that never seems to end, Noctis and Ignis sneak off to the gardens where positively indecent things occur.
Midnight Moon Rating: Explicit Warning: Noctis is a female in this. Don’t bother bitching. Summary: The wedding between the Princess of Lucis and the King of Tenebrae is set in stone, and yet… Noctis deserves one night, a real wedding night, before she bows her neck at Niflheim’s feet. And Ignis is more than willing to give that to her.
Taste of Metal Rating: Explicit Summary: Noctis took as much pleasure as Ignis could give in the twisted desire of metal upon flesh, of the sweet dragging of hard blade against the sensitive skin at Noctis’s back. The red lines were like paint strokes against a pale, perfect canvas. Noctis could not see himself, could not truly understand how beautiful he was laid out against the black silk bedsheets.
But Ignis wanted to let him know in other ways, even if Noctis could not see. No, it was Ignis’s job to allow Noctis to feel it in every stroke of his blade.
“How does this feel, Noct?“
Ignis is the master of daggers, and he knows exactly how to use them.
Fraxinea: Of Ash Rating: Mature Warning: Ignis/Aranea as well as Ignoct Summary: Ladies of Accordo are given three offerings in their birthing baths, and Lady Aranea is of no exception. It was too bad she was promised fire and had received only the charred ashes of an ember that had burned too hot for another before being snuffed out in the darkness.
Like Lambs Rating; Explicit Warning: Horror; evil!Noctis Summary: With the dawn rising, Ignis offers something to the crystal… An exchange. (and things are perfect until they aren’t, and the blood red moon begins to sing its sweet promises.)
Urere Sanguis Rating: Explicit Summary: Ignis sees the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, a woman who steals his breath away–which is surprising because he has faithfully been in love with his charge since he was a child. He decides to take the jump and approach her, because her silky black hair and red dress that glitters under the lights. She looks so much like his prince….
"You are utterly ravishing, my dear.”
Halo of Lace Rating: Explicit Summary: They were such a tiny thing, really–the soft black lace, the nip of fabric, the sweet curve of where it was meant to caress skin like a lover. Petite and delicate, feminine in a way that made Ignis bite the inside of his cheek when he reached down and picked the pair of women’s knickers off Noctis’s floor.
He could tell they were lightly used, and it hurt more than he wanted to dare admit. They had never made a promise to one another, and the crown prince was eighteen and still learning about his own body and the touch of another.
(As of 3/3/2018)
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lhugbereth · 7 years
Ignoct Drabbles Masterpost
Whew! So I did 15 of these. I still have about...15 to go. But since it’s almost 2am and I have to be up for work in less than five hours, I’m gonna have to call it a night here. More tomorrow, one can hope!
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For now, here’s a list of the drabbles that are done: 
Heart (257 words) 
Gloves (170 words) 
Funambulism (words)
Sick (306 words)
Kitten (246 words) 
Nightmare (150 words)
Slowdance (302 words)
Collar (178 words) 
Touch (481 words, oops)
Kneel (169 words) 
Rain (206 words)
Devotion (140 words) 
Real (204 words)
Moon (203 words)
Regalia (254 words)
150 notes · View notes
lhugbereth · 7 years
Promptio on Ice - part 17
The New Year’s Eve Gala is here!
This isn’t in answer to any specific prompt this time, but rather in reply to an accumulation of asks and comments you guys have left on previous chapters. So prepare for all the Promptio and Ignoct fluff you can handle, and thanks for being patient :) 
(And here’s the masterpost -> Promptio on Ice) 
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Dads can be hip, too under the cut! v v v 
- “You look fine, dude, stop messing with it.” Prompto tries not to laugh as he whips out his comb again and works out the newest tangle in Noct’s bangs. He’s been tugging and twisting it between his fingers since they arrived at Caelum Via Hotel, his nerves single-handedly attempting to ruin all of Prompto’s hard work. “Trust me, Ignis won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”
- Noct somehow doubts that. Everyone at the New Year’s Eve Gala looks amazing that night, dressed in fine suits or elegant evening gowns. Dressed to impress the city’s most illustrious businessman (and subsequently the boss of nearly everyone in attendance), Regis Lucis Caelum - a.k.a. Dad. With all the bigwigs and fancy outfits, Noct is worried he won’t stand out even with his friend’s impressive style advice.
- “Yeah, well. He’ll have to show up first,” he says by means of deflection, and sees Prompto’s shoulders droop instantly. Ignis, of course, isn’t the only who has yet to arrive - Gladio, too, is late, and the blonde has spent the last half hour not-so-secretly checking his phone for signs of a text. The two of them are beginning to worry that they’re all dressed up with no one to show.
- A sudden clap on the shoulder breaks Noct’s mood instantly. He spins around and shoots his father a telling glare. “Daaad, whaddya want? Don’t you have more important people to bother?” Next to him, Prompto blinks owlishly.
- “Nonsense. I’ve always got time to bother my boy,” Regis Lucis Caelum grins, somehow making the act look exceptionally refined. “Are you having a good time?”
- A shrug. “Same as every year, I guess.”
- “Ah, but this year you have a friend, I see.” Regis extends a warm hand toward Prompto, smiles when he reaches out to shake it. “You must be Mr. Argentum. I’ve been very much looking forward to meeting you.”
- Prompto practically beams at him. “It’s such an honor, Mr. Noct’s Dad! I-I meant to thank you more, um, formally? For agreeing to sponsor me at the nationals next month! That was so totally cool of you, sir.”
- Smiling right down to the creases around his eyes, Regis pats the back of his hand. “Don’t thank me, thank Noctis here. He speaks very highly of you and your talents.”
- “Me? You sure he isn’t talking about Ignis?” Prompto snort-laughs before he can even register his words, but then it’s too late. Noct is gaping at him with a look of betrayal, and Regis raises an eyebrow before breaking into a howl of laughter that leaves his son even more red-faced than before. Luckily, Noctis is spared any further humiliation when a deep voice calls out from across the banquet hall.
- “Reggie!” An older man, hair the same salt-and-pepper shade as Noct’s father and shaved almost to the scalp, waves his hand as he approaches. Regis smiles and embraces the man, oblivious to the way Prompto is suddenly shrinking at his side. Behind them, Gladio shrugs and offers his boyfriend a thin smile. “And Noctis, it’s good to see you, lad. You’ve gotten shorter since last year, I think,” Clarus Amicitia chuckles, ruffling up Noct’s perfectly-groomed hair.
- Prompto’s heart is racing. He looks from Gladio to the man he knows only by name and reputation to be his father, and decides that he needs to make his escape fast. If Clarus recognizes him here - and how could he not after that damn selfie - he’ll probably be a dead man. Taking his momentary distraction as a chance at escape, Prompto starts to back away.
- Two steps later, however, he smacks right into the (surprisingly solid) form of Gladio’s little sister. “Hey, aren’t you Prompto?” she asks, and he feels his stomach drop as he nods. “You’re the one dating my stupid brother? Wow, he didn’t mention you were so cute.”
- “Can it, Iris.”
- “Prompto?” And then it happens. Clarus turns and casts his steely gaze on the blonde. Prompto is frozen to the spot, unable to look away, but also tense with the instinct to bolt. He can’t see Gladio, can’t tell if he’s ready to jump to his rescue or is scared just as shitless as he is when Clarus takes a step forward. “I was wondering if I was ever going to get a formal introduction. It’s high past time, considering how long you’ve known my son.”
- Even if Prompto could have said anything in that moment, he’s thankfully spared the chance to reply. The sudden arrival of a new guest has drawn the attention of the crowd around him - especially Noct’s, whose needy whimper cuts through the tension like a hot skate on ice. “Who is that?” Regis asks, a hint of amusement coloring his smile as they take in the sight of Ignis in full glory.
- Standing near the entrance, dressed in a sleek black three-piece with a violet undershirt, he cuts an impeccable figure. Even with his wrist still splinted beneath his jacket sleeve, he’s utterly perfect. Noctis has never seen his hair slicked back as it is now, the long strands flowing in a delicate curve down to his nape. In his arms, he holds a sizable bouquet of flowers - mostly roses, deep red, interspersed with several sylleblossoms from his home of Tenebrae. Noctis feels his knees begin to buckle.
- Over his shoulder, Regis takes the hint. “Clarus, come have a drink with me. Let's leave our boys to it, shall we?” He has an arm around his friend’s shoulders and is already leading him away. Clarus casts one last look at Prompto (as if to say we are not finished yet) before following Regis to the open bar. Perhaps this is what catches Ignis’ eye, because the moment he spots Noct he starts towards them.
- “Good evening,” he says smoothly, addressing Gladio and Prompto, too, although his gaze is fixed on Noct. Prompto offers a hasty greeting in return  - and then turns to make his escape at last, Gladio hot on his heels. Noct, meanwhile, is struggling to keep his jaw from scraping the floor as he looks Ignis up and down, then up again. “It's nice to see you, too, Noctis,” he smirks. “Here - for you. As a thank you for your help at the clinic last week.” Ignis holds out the bouquet of roses, making sure to let his hand linger when Noct’s fingers brush against it.
- Wide-eyed, Noct’s attention is now torn between the gorgeous flowers and the gorgeous man in front of him. “I-I, um. Thank you. But I thought...that's why you asked me to dinner?” His voice sounds strange to his own ears, too high and shaking.
- Ignis merely smiles, a slight curve forming at the corners of his mouth. “Well. I was actually hoping to make dinner into something a little more...personal.”
- “O-oh.”
- It's neither a ‘yes’ nor a ‘no,’ but internally Noct is screaming. There's so much he wants to say in that moment - about the flowers, about the dinner that sounds an awful lot like a date, about how good Ignis looks with his trim suit and burning emerald eyes - but the words get jammed in his throat. Silence follows (at least Ignis is able to read the telling blush on his cheeks) until the band starting up across the room pulls them both out of the moment. Ignis releases a breath and smiles, patting a hand on Noct’s arm.
- “Perhaps you'd better find somewhere to put those flowers. Sylleblossoms are notoriously thirsty.”
- Which is how Noct ends up alone in the bathroom several minutes later,  hunched over the counter while the bouquet soaks up water in the sink. He sighs at the mirror - taking in the sight of his mussed hair and bright, panicked eyes - and wonders how he ever thought he was ready for this.
- A sound from one of the stalls suddenly catches his attention. It sounds an awful lot like a sob, and a familiar one at that. A quick check under the stall doors tells him exactly where Prompto is hiding. “Hey, you okay in there?” he asks, and hears the way Prompto stiffens against the door.
- “Noct…? Y-yeah, I'm fine.”
- “Why aren't you with Gladio?” (Since he only saw one pair of feet, he certainly hopes the hockey player isn’t in there with him)
- “Oh, um. He's out there with his father and everyone so….”
- “Wait a sec - you're not in here because of Clarus, are you?”
- Prompto’s silence is answer enough. Though he tries not to laugh, Noct can't help but break into a grin at the thought. He’s known Clarus his whole life - knows that, like Gladio, he’s more bark than bite, especially off the ice, and that Prompto has no reason to be afraid. Yet, at the same time, he hinks he gets it. “Gladio’s probably worried about you. He wouldn’t want you to waste the whole party locked up in here.”
- (Yes, Noct is perfectly aware of the irony, as this is pretty much his plan for the evening, too)
- Thankfully, Prompto refrains from pointing that out. Instead, he slowly opens the door and steps out of the stall, where Noct can can see his eyes are red from crying. “I guess you're right. Hey, are those flowers from Iggy?” he asks, catching sight of the bouquet in the sink. Noct nods almost shyly. “Wow. He must really like you.”
- When Prompto smiles at him, a strained smile but a smile nonetheless, Noct feels his cheeks grow warm. Perhaps it’s time for both of them to make a reappearance at the party. Prom seems to think so, too, as he whips out his comb and quickly fixes their hair, dries his eyes, and locks his elbow with Noctis. Together they step out of the bathroom and head back out to find their dates.
- “Fancy meeting you here,” Gladio grins over the rim of his glass. Ignis smiles politely.
- “I suppose I have you to thank for inviting me. Dry martini, please, stirred,” he says to the bartender, before turning his attention back to Gladio beside him. “I almost decided not to come, but - “
- “But Noct, right?”
- A sharp look. “Pardon?”
- “Come on, Iggy. The flowers? The hair? Everyone sees the way you two look at each other.”
- “That isn’t - “ Clearing his throat, Ignis suddenly finds it difficult to make eye contact. “He is a charming young man, but I’m not sure we have the same intentions.”
- As the bartender hands over Iggy’s drink, Gladio leans forward to clink his whisky against the rim. He’s close, his eyes playful but somehow intimidating as he hovers in Ignis’ field of vision. “And just what are your intentions?” When Ignis doesn’t answer, he throws an arm around his shoulders and begins to lead him away from the bar. “Noct’s like a little bro to me. I’ve grown up with him, I look out for him. I gotta make sure you’re trying hard enough to get in his pants.”
- Ignis nearly chokes on a mouthful of gin. “Excuse me?!”
- Gladio stops walking. When he looks at Iggy this time, his expression is more serious, almost pleading. “Noct is hopelessly in love with you, but he’s also downright hopeless. Don’t wait. Make the first move.”
- It’s hard, it really is, to accept that a guy like Gladio might actually have some good advice in the romance department. But loathe as Ignis is to admit it, of the two of them, Gladio is currently the only one getting laid. So he sighs, takes a sip of his drink, and acknowledges that yes, doing so is probably in his best interests. Gladio seems satisfied, and claps him hard enough on the back to dislodge his glasses. “You can thank me later.”
- Ignis readjusts his specs with a glare. “Not likely.” But Gladio is already heading back to the bar, waving at several familiar faces and draining his glass to make room for a refill. Left alone and with nothing to do but go find Noctis, Iggy chugs back half of his own cocktail and sets off to begin the search.
- Bathroom behind them, Prompto and Noct reenter the banquet hall to find the party livelier than ever. Ignis is nowhere in sight, but Gladio, with his wild mane of hair and light-colored suit, is much easier to pick out from the crowd. To Prompto’s relief, he seems to be talking with his sister and some other young women near the bar, no sign of Clarus anywhere nearby. “Now’s your chance,” Noct grins, nudging him with his elbow.
- “What about you?”
- “Gonna go look for Iggy. Catch up with you later.” Prompto nods and watches as Noct heads toward the stage, probably to get a better view. The skater’s own target is right in front of him, however, and he’s ready to take his chance. Gladio hasn’t noticed him yet, can’t see him approach, which gives Prompto time to think about what he’s going to say. I’m sorry for running off, seems like a good start. Sorry for freaking out - understandably - when you showed up with your dad. Without warning me. Prompto’s fingers twitch at his sides. Maybe if someone had bothered to tell me I would have --
- “Prompto, was it?”
- He stops, whirls around, feels his heart leap into his chest at the sight of Clarus Amicitia glowering at him from the nearest open doorway. The man isn’t smiling. In one hand, he’s nursing a drink - something dark and potent-looking - and gripping the doorframe with the other.
- “M-m-m-mister Amicitia, s-s-sir!”
- “Hm.” Amber eyes, familiar and yet cooler than Gladio’s, paralyze him to the spot. “Enjoying your evening?”
- “Yes, sir.” It’s a lie and he’s certain Clarus can see right through him. “I was just going over to talk to Gladio and….”
- “Gladio. He’s a good boy. A good son.” There’s an odd light in Clarus’ eye as he sighs, and Prompto begins to wonder just how many of those cocktails he’s already had. “I put a hockey stick in his hands as soon as he was big enough to hold it up by himself. Bought him his first skates, taught him how to use ‘em. His mother and I raised him on the ice. We’ve always known he’d make something of himself.”
- Prompto swallows. “That’s...beautiful, sir.”
- “But then he went and got himself thrown out of the season - nearly beat a man to death on national television,” he says, closing his eyes. “Because of you.”
- What…? Did...did he hear that correctly? Was he the reason Gladio got into that fight with the Gralean player? Prompto’s head is spinning, he feels cornered, trapped. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t...understand….”
- “He told me what happened. What that man said, and what he threatened to do. And Gladio risked everything to defend you.” When Clarus reaches out,  Prompto mostly manages not to flinch. A heavy hand comes to rest on his shoulder, squeezes in time with the curve of his mouth. “Because I believe he truly loves you.”
- Several seconds pass in stunned silence. From the way Clarus is looking at him, it’s clear he can read into his wide-eyed stare, the flush coloring his cheeks. He’s waiting for an answer, no doubt. Something eloquent, maybe, profound. Something to make him appear worthy of such praise. Instead, Prompto (once he finds his voice) blurts out the only four words running through his mind in that moment.
- “I love him, too.”
- And then, while he stammers and stutters for a recovery (because that seems like the exact opposite thing he should be telling Gladio’s father, of all people!), Clarus’ smile merely grows. He silences Prompto with a half-hug, tugging him in with one arm and drowning out his whine with a deep, rumbling chuckle. “All I ask is that you make an honest man out of my son,” he says at last, and Prompto wonders if he’s actually conscious or merely dreaming this.
- Clarus releases him with a wink and a handshake. Prompto practically floats his way over to Gladio, grabs his arm without a word, and begins to lead him (at first struggling, but once he catches the look on Prom’s face he follows without question) to the stairwell at the back of the hall. The steps open up onto the roof, the garden of which is covered in a dusting of snow. More is falling from the dark sky, but it’s merely an excuse to get closer as Prompto leads Gladio further away from the noise of the party within.
- When at last they come to a halt, Prom finds himself immediately wrapped in large, familiar arms. “So,” Gladio hums into his ear. “You gonna tell me why we’re up here, or do I get to guess?”
- Prompto laughs and his breath is a puff of white on the winter air. “Whatever I did to deserve you, I’m so glad I did it.” He turns, slides his hands up to Gladio’s neatly-trimmed jawline, smiles into his eyes. “I love you, Gladiolus Amicitia.”
- “Wow, you only use my full name when you’re angry.”
- “Shut up.” Prompto kisses him, more teeth than lips since he can’t seem to stop grinning, and Gladio eagerly plays along. He tastes like whiskey and hors d'oeuvres (admittedly not the sexiest of combinations), but Prom doesn’t want to let go. It isn’t until they hear the fireworks start that Gladio finally pulls back.
- “...Happy New Year, babe,” he smirks, bringing their foreheads to rest together between them.
- Prompto smiles breathlessly. “Mm, you, too. See that gazebo over there?”
- “Yeah?”
- “Fuck me in it.”
- “Hell yeah.”
- The sounds of the city alight with celebration help to drown out their joined voices. Prompto reaches back to twist his fingers in Gladio’s dark hair, pulls him down over his shoulder and into another heated kiss even as their bodies press closer together. They both moan, Gladio tightens his grip on that slender waist. And when he comes, it’s surrounded by the warmth and taste and smell of Prompto, and without a doubt in the world.
- Noct spots Ignis out on the balcony almost instantly. He’s alone, which is good, and nursing a cocktail as he leans over the railing. Not wanting to surprise him, Noct clears his throat before approaching. “Hey, Specs.”
- “Noct?” Ignis turns and - is that relief on his face? “There you are. I’d all but given up looking for you.”
- “You were looking for me?” He joins him at the edge of the balcony. “Sorry, I was in the bathroom. Um. Getting water. For...the flowers.”
- A chuckle. “I should think a vase would do just fine next time.” Setting his drink on the railing, Ignis instead curls the fingers of his good hand around Noctis’ chin, holding him still while he leans closer. “But perhaps now is as good a time as any to have found each other. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
- Noct’s heart is pounding. His stomach is filled with the fluttering of a thousand butterflies and yet, this time, he’s determined not to miss his chance. “Y-yeah? Me, too.”
- Steel-green eyes flash in amusement. “By all means, you first.”
- “Specs…. Ignis, I -- “
- “Ah, Mr. Scientia! Noctis! Glad I found you!” Probably the last person Noct was expecting - or hoping - to see, Regis makes his way across the balcony toward the two young men, his face split in a half-drunken smile and his arms open wide.
- “Daaaad!!” As Ignis’ fingers slip away from his face, Noct isn’t sure what’s going to kill him first - the missed opportunity, or the humiliation of being cockblocked by his own father.
- “Noctis, please ‘chill.’” Regis says, very seriously, and Noct considers jumping over the rail. “I have some business to discuss with the coach of our new star skater.”
- “Mr. Caelum, you flatter me,” Ignis answers as smoothly as if he hadn’t been undressing the man’s son with his eyes mere moments before. “But I’m only one of his advisors. If you wish to speak to Cor Leonis, I can -- “
- “No, no, you’re the right one.” There’s something playful in the way Regis is smiling, his cheeks colored with more than just alcohol. Or, Noct thinks, maybe he’s just daft. “I was hoping you could be a sort of...point of contact. If we need to reach Prompto, or vice versa.”
- Ignis begins to nod, reaches for his pocket to pull out a business card, but Regis is quicker (even drunk). He nudges Noct’s arm and flashes a grin. “I’m no good with technology, so I’ll leave the exchange to Noctis, here. He’s always doing the ‘texting’ and the ‘tweetering’ - “
- (“Tweeting, Dad, gods!”)
- “-- and I thought perhaps you two could, er, stay in touch. For business.”
- Ignis forces himself to keep a straight face. It may be the most difficult thing he’s done in a long night of difficult things, but he manages. Noct is less successful, his expression a mask of shock and disbelief as he slowly withdraws his phone and holds it out to Iggy.
- The whole time, Regis looks as excited as a child in a candy shop.
- Midnight chimes. Fireworks burst overhead as the band strikes back up inside. As snow begins to fall harder, the three rejoin the party inside the banquet hall, and after a couple rounds of champagne Noct is even relaxed enough to ask Ignis for a dance. Iggy smiles, takes his hand, and they thoroughly enjoy themselves despite not knowing any of the moves.
- It’s the next morning that Noct bothers to check his phone again. Slightly hungover and still half-dressed in his own bed, he rubs the sleep from his eyes and swipes his screen to check the time. The first thing that appears is the contact page - opened to the form where Ignis input his phone number the night before. Noct smiles, finds himself blushing at name on the profile (“Specs”) and is about to close the app when something else catches his attention. In the “business” field, Ignis has typed not the name of his school or even his profession - but a message.
- “free tomorrow after 6”
- Noct’s heart soars right through the ceiling. Their dinner plans are on after all. Only two questions now remain: one, what should he wear?
- And two, how likely is Iggy to put out on the first date?
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lhugbereth · 7 years
KP- thanks tumblr, always a pal >:((( the message was basically Noctis watching Ignis perform in a professional event for the first time and being absolutely floored by how graceful and strong Ignis is, making everything look completely effortless. He knows Noctis is watching and shows off just a tiny bit and earns himself almost perfect scores in all his events ;)c
Hi KP! Sorry this took longer than expected.... I didn’t intend to write so much, but then fluff happened and I couldn’t stop x3 Actually, since Ignis doesn’t compete I changed it a youth sports charity event, and instead of perfect scores, he wins a prince’s heart instead. 
Just in time for a little holiday magic in August, I present you with “Noct and Iggy are total dorks and bond over sports cars and bad puns” 
(Part 16 of “Promptio on Ice” - here’s the masterpost!) 
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Dorky IgNoct under the cut! v v v 
- It starts with a text from Prompto, of all people. Noct is definitely glad they’ve started hanging out (Prom is into all the same video games and comics, is easy to talk to and a lot of fun), but he’s even worse than Gladio when it comes to teasing him about his crush on Ignis. Prompto’s known Iggy for a long time, works with him almost everyday, and recently started sending Noct stealthy photos snapped during training - Iggy stretching, Iggy standing, Iggy sitting on the bleachers. One particular pic was nothing but a close up of Iggy’s ass as he bent over the mat (followed by emojis of a peach and an eggplant which Noct isn’t sure he wants to understand). This routine seems to be Prompto’s way of helping out his new friend, and Noct both loves and hates him for it.
- But this time is different. There’s no photo attached to the message he’s sent, but it still gets Noct’s heart racing all the same. He reads it again, and again, just to be sure he isn’t dreaming.
>> Gladdy’s taking me to Lestallum for the festival this weekend!
- He’s been hearing about the event all week. It’s an local youth sports competition to raise money during the holidays, and apparently Ignis has been asked to be the opening performer. According to Prompto and Gladio, he’s been working hard to debut a new technique for the event. Now Noct is being offered a ticket up close and personal. He would have to be crazy to refuse.
- It turns out, though, that the seat is more ‘up close and personal’ than he expected. When he arrives at the arena on the day of the event, Ignis is already there and occupying the chair next to where Noctis is supposed to be sitting. Upon seeing him, Noct nearly loses his nerve completely. He looks good in a pair of long white pants over a tight-fitting blue-and-black leotard. Too good, in fact. There is no way he can do this! But before he can turn and run, Ignis spots him, smiles, and pats the open chair. He’s pretty much doomed.
- “Ah, Noct. I was wondering who Prompto would send in his place. Thank you for coming.”
- “Uh, yeah. N-no problem.” Noct swallows as he takes the seat, meets Iggy’s gaze fleetingly before staring down at his boots. “I heard you’re, like, a guest of honor or something?” He tries to smile, but his nerves get the better of it and it probably ends up as more of a cringe.
- Luckily, Ignis doesn’t seem bothered by it. “Well, something like that. I’m a bit out of practice, though, so don’t get your hopes up.” He follows this with a wink that makes Noctis very glad he’s already sitting down. Fortunately, he doesn’t get a chance to respond (he would have just said something totally lame, anyway, like I’m sure you’ll find a way to impress me) because suddenly they’re being approached by an energetic young woman with curly blond hair and a headset.
- "Sorry t’innerupt, fellas. Mr. Scientia, we're ready for ya to get set up now."
- "Thank you, Cindy. Noct," he smiles as he gets to his feet. "I trust you'll be watching?"
- Of course, I can't take my eyes off you. Noctis clears his throat, forces a polite nod. "You bet, Specs."
- When Ignis turns to follow Cindy back to the locker rooms, he has a certain lightness in his step that wasn't there before. Without even realizing it, he's smiling. Cindy, who is in charge of the local youth sports center and therefore that day’s events, has known Iggy long enough to notice both. "So who’s yer new beau?" she asks with a sly wink. Ignis refuses to meet her gaze.
- “A friend of Prompto, or rather, of Prompto’s boyfriend. I’ll admit I don’t know him very well yet.”
- “Well, maybe after t’day that’ll change.” They enter the locker room, and the din of the arena fades behind them. “Are ya still planning to show us somethin’ we ain’t never seen before?”
- Ignis doesn’t answer right away. He’s been working on his new move for a couple of weeks - an acrobatic-style twist off the bars at the end of his routine - but he isn’t sure he’s quite ready for it. With all the extra time he’s spent at the ice rink with Prompto, there hasn’t been much chance for him to practice alone. If he attempts it now, there’s a chance he might mess up - or worse, injure himself. But next to him Cindy is waiting for an answer, so he smiles, pats her hand, and offers a noncommittal We’ll see.
- Out in the arena, the music starts. Cindy rushes off to MC the event, and after a brief (but far-too flattering) introduction, Ignis steps out to a roar of applause. He wonders fleetingly if Noct is clapping, too, and the thought puts a rare, genuine smile on his face. Perhaps Cindy is right - this may be his chance to impress him, to get closer to him and finally unravel his mysteries.
- Perhaps over coffee. Or wine. Yes, definitely wine. And a nice dinner. Would Noct appreciate a good Tenebraen roast?
- Ignis nearly laughs aloud when he catches himself. Of all the things tobe thinking about at a time like this.... Shaking his head, he turns to the mat - there are three bars set up, each at different heights and spaced far enough apart for him to easily maneuver between them. At Cindy’s cue, he clears his mind, powders his gloves, and takes a deep breath at the edge of the mat. Then, to the sound of the audience’s cheers, he starts forward. A brisk run, keeping his knees bent and his back straight, pivots into his jump and grabs onto the first bar with both hands. It’s smooth, appears effortless and that, Ignis knows, is the most important illusion. More cheers fill the air as he begins to swing himself, using his long legs to build momentum until he’s able to jump to the next bar.
- Somewhere in the crowd, he hopes Noct’s heart is racing.
- Iggy continues his performance, flipping and spinning in the air as he jumps from one bar to the next and back again, so many times that the audience falls silent in awe. Everything is perfect, every twist of his lithe body, every precise move that has him latching onto his next target without fail. And then, just as he he’s feeling his limbs begin to tire, he nears the end of the routine. One last jump has him landing with both hands on the tallest of the three bars. His movements slow, then he gradually builds them up again, swinging faster and faster until he’s nearly spinning in a full arc. The next part is tricky - he needs to turn himself around at the very top, releasing the bar in mid-swing with one hand while pushing off with the other to send him twirling upwards through the air. In practice he’s only managed to succeed a handful of times, but….
- He has to try. Hundreds of eyes are watching. Noct is watching. Without much time to debate the risks, Ignis throws himself into the final move. From somewhere in the arena he can hear Cindy’s excited voice announcing the debut of a special technique, the moment they’ve all been waiting for. Ignis grits his teeth - he’s almost at the right momentum, just a few more swings - there. At the top of the bar he lets go and his arm flies out wide. At the same time, he tries to turn his other hand - but something is wrong. His fingers are slipping away until there’s nothing left to grip. The bar is gone from his reach and instead of pushing off, Ignis is suddenly falling, falling.
- He hits the mat with a thud and the crowd gasps in unison. Even Cindy’s voice trembles into the microphone, and then she’s running.
- Noct is faster. He reaches Ignis just at the gymnast is sitting up, wincing and hugging his left arm to his chest. Blue eyes go wide. “H-hey, don’t move. Just stay still.” Iggy looks at him, face red with embarrassment and pain, but he nods. Noct kneels down at his side, puts an arm around his shoulders for support as Cindy and some of the other staff finally arrive.
- “You okay, Mr. S?!”
- “Help me get him to the locker room.” Noct gestures for her to grab his other arm, and together they walk him off the mats. Someone else takes over as MC to keep the crowd from panicking at the show going, but the din of it is lost as soon as they’re out of the arena.
- “I’m fine, really. Both of you, please.” But Noct’s hold on him is firm, not letting go even after they’ve sat him down on a bench and Cindy’s rushed off to get him some water and painkillers.
- “Can I see it?” Ignis swallows. His wrist is throbbing with pain - he must have landed right on it when he fell - but he cautiously extends it out for Noct to take a look. Gentle fingers stroke over his swollen wrist, press just enough to make him wince but quickly pull back. “It doesn’t look broken. Probably sprained, but we’d better get you to a doctor. Do you mind…?” Noct pulls out his phone and, at a wary nod from Ignis, sends a quick text. Then Cindy comes back with water and aspirin, and Noct announces that he’ll be driving Iggy to a clinic.
- Driving? Clinic? There’s a half-formed protest on his lips but then Cindy is shoving a plastic cup between them and he’s powerless to argue. He waits for Noct to bring his car around back, then is carefully helped outside to it.
- If he thought Noct was an enigma before, now he’s thoroughly mired. The ‘car’ turns out to be a sleek, brand new, limited edition Audi R8 (Ignis has only ever dreamed of owning such a beautiful machine) and yet Noct somehow still manages to drive it like it doesn’t cost half a million dollars. He’s glad they’re going to a hospital because he’s convinced they’re going to need one with the way Noct takes each turn - but somehow (mostly due to quick thinking by other drivers) they manage to arrive in one piece. The pills Cindy gave him have kicked in by now, and Ignis is able to walk up to reception with only a little assistance.
- The young clerk automatically gives him a large stack of forms to fill out and tells him to take a number. One look around the waiting room tells him they’ll likely be there a while, but just as he turns to tell Noct that he should go, he sees the dark-haired young man already stalking up to the counter. “Dr. Yaegre is already expecting us,” he says. “Let her know we’re here.”
- Ignis looks as surprised as the clerk looks unimpressed. “Kid, we’re a hospital, not a nightclub. I don’t know who you think you are, but you can’t just - “
- “I’m Noctis Lucis Caelum and technically, I own this place. Call Dr. Yaegre and tell her we’re here.”
- There’s this little sound that Ignis makes in his throat. He isn’t sure what to call it - not a gasp, not a sigh, something more awed. He stares at Noct in sudden silence as the clerk hurries to get the phone. Lucis Caelum…. That makes Noct the son of Regis Caelum, the most powerful man in Insomnia and the owner of the Insomnia Kings hockey team. Which helps to explain the car and the company he keeps. It also, Iggy supposes, explains the way he’s so good at taking command, carrying himself very much indeed like the heir to a powerful family. But perhaps more than that, more than the pain his wrist and the whirlwind of the entire situation, Ignis finds himself left speechless by Noct’s sheer dominance. It is frankly the most arousing thing he’s ever seen, and it leaves him weaker at the knees than he was when they first walked in.
- The doctor is a lovely woman. Tells Ignis to call her Sania, hugs Noct as if he were her own son, and gestures them both to follow her down the hall. Several x-rays and tests later, she’s confirmed that Ignis’ wrist isn’t broken, but it is sprained, and quite badly. She’s going to have to splint it, and he’ll have to take a break from sports for at least a month, maybe more. The news isn’t as devastating to Ignis as he might have expected, perhaps because through it all he’s got Noct’s hand in his, giving him little reassuring squeezes as the doctor speaks. Although he knows this isn’t what Cindy intended, it seems she was right about this being his big chance after all.
- Sania leaves them to call a nurse for his splint. In her wake, Noct lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry, Ignis. What are you going to do for a whole month?”
- “I’ll manage. It will give me more time to focus on Prompto’s competition, at least.”
- They both smile. “Anyone ever tell you that you work too hard?”
- “I’ve been accused once or twice in my life, Mr. Caelum.” The use of his name has Noct wincing, which is...unexpected. Ignis frowns and reaches once more for his hand out of reflex. “...Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you feel you needed to hide who you really are?”
- “It’s just…. I don’t know.” With Iggy’s hand covering his on the arm of the chair, it’s a lot harder to think clearly. He keeps his eyes fixed on their fingers, not trusting himself to meet that beautiful emerald gaze. “Usually when people hear my dad’s name, they think they’re supposed to treat me like some kind of prince. It’s so frustrating sometimes.”
- “But you are a prince, Noct.”
- He suddenly looks up at him, blue eyes going wide, and Ignis can almost hear his heart breaking. He quickly shakes his head. “It’s not because of who your father is. It’s because of you. You’re brave. Caring. Commanding. Quite handsome.” Iggy adds a smile along with the last one, enjoying the flush of red spreading across soft cheeks. “I’m in your debt today. Perhaps you’d allow me to repay your kindness with dinner one evening?”
- “D-dinner? You mean…? Like, just the two of us?”
- “If you’d like, yes.”
- “Um. S-sure. Sounds nice.” Oh Six, am I dreaming? Is this real??
- “Lovely.”
- Noct can do little else but smile in return. Eventually the nurse enters their room and carefully splints Ignis’ wrist, finally running through a list of dos and don’ts before releasing him for the evening. Noct offers to give him a ride home - which he almost feels bad declining (his apartment is actually only a few blocks away) but he also values his life and so ultimately turns him down. They walk out together anyway. Dusk has fallen, and the air is thick with the threat of snow.
- “You sure you don’t need a ride? It’s getting cold.”
- “Thank you, but it would be far too much trouble. I...wouldn’t mind a bit of company on the way, though.”
- “You got it.” Noct shoves his hands into his coat pockets. Ignis walks a little closer to him as they head across the street. “Um. By the way. I’m really glad I got to watch you perform today.”
- A dry chuckle. “I’ll admit, it wasn’t exactly my greatest hour.” He holds up his wrist, the dark splint covering his palm and half of his forearm like a glove. “Still, it was heartening to know you were there.”
- “R-really?”
- “Of course. Especially since I was Noct expecting to see you.”
- “...Did you just…?”
- “Hm?”
- “Nothing.” Noct clears his throat, thankful that the approaching darkness hides his reddening cheeks. It doesn’t, however, hide the obnoxious grin plastered on his face. “Hey, Iggy?”
- “Yes, Noctis?”
- “I think...you were really Spec-tacular today.”
- “...Stop.”
- The moment Noct gets home, he flops onto his bed and quite literally squeals into his pillow. If Gladio or Prompto could see him now they would never let him live it down, but they can’t and so he doesn’t bother hiding his excitement. A date! A real date! With Ignis “Oozes-sex” Scientia himself! He’s got to pinch himself to make sure he isn’t somehow dreaming this all up. And then he texts Gladio to gloat.
>> Heh, ‘bout damn time. When’s your big night?
>> Um, we actually didn’t get that far….
>> You at least got his number, right?
>> …..SHIT
>> Smooth.
>>  Prom’s with you right?? Can’t he give it to me?
>> No can do, Witless Wonder
>> You gotta help a bro out!
>>  Prom says he can bring him along to your dad’s party this week ;) The rest is up to you
- Noct groans, letting his phone fall onto the mattress and then onto the floor. Some friends they are. How is he supposed to wait five whole days before he can talk to Iggy again? And then what is he loses his nerve? He can’t just whisk Ignis off to the hospital every time he wants to flirt with him….
- Five days. That’s how long he’s got to come up with a plan. And find something to wear that will catch the gymnast’s eye. If he’s going to do this, he’s gotta do it right.
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lhugbereth · 7 years
Wait you have a skater AU!? How have I not seen this?! Do you have a link?! Cause I have a need!
Eeee!!! I’m so happy you asked :D The hockey player/figure skater AU (aka Promptio on Ice) features Promptio as the main ship and Ignoct on the side *winkwink* Like everything else I write it isn’t finished yet, but here is a link to the Masterpost if you’d like to catch up! 
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faierius · 7 years
FFXV Fic Masterpost (August 1st, 2017)
Let Me Get This Shot - (Part 1 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Prompto invites Noct on an early morning photo shoot. He says it’s for Luna, but Noct isn’t impressed.
Sunshowers - (Part 2 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Picks up right where Let Me Get This Shot ended, Prompto isn’t sure how he is supposed to feel about Noctis. When you’re already a mess inside, what’s one more problem?
Clear Skies - (Part 3 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Directly follows Sunshowers. Noctis and Prompto are new to relationships. They need to learn how to deal with their feelings. It’ll be weird. It’ll be awkward. But they have a few days to learn about each other.
Sunshine and Lace - (Part 4 of Sunshine and Moonlight series. Promptis.) Prompto Argentum was no stranger to running a little late. Usually only a minute or two, ten at the most. He had never been in such a flat out hurry he didn’t look at what he put on in the morning. Nor had he ever just shoved his hand into a basket of clean laundry and donned whatever he pulled out without observation. Why hadn’t Ignis mentioned he washed Iris’ clothes along with theirs?
Touch Starved - (Part 1 of Molten Silver series. Promnis.) Ignis finds out about Prompto’s feelings for him. It’s an odd prospect…until he actually thinks about it.
Cicatrice - (Part 2 of Molten Silver series. Promnis.) Prompto shows Ignis his stretch marks for the first time. His reaction isn’t exactly what he was expecting.
A Quiet Evening - (Gladnis) Gladio and Ignis clean up camp together after Noct and Prompto have gone to sleep. They just want to spend an evening enjoying the quiet.
Wake Up Call - (No pairing) Gladio and Ignis clean up camp together after Noct and Prompto have gone to sleep. They just want to spend an evening enjoying the quiet.
Body Heat - (Part 1 of Burning Flowers series. Gladnis) Gladio and Ignis clean up camp together after Noct and Prompto have gone to sleep. They just want to spend an evening enjoying the quiet.
An Afternoon at the Quay - (Promptio) Prompto ruins Gladio’s nap and insists the man pay attention to him.
Petals - (Cindy x Iris) Iris works hard. Cindy likes to reward her. Brothers are a pain in the ass.
Pyrexia - (Part 2 of Burning Flowers series. Gladnis) Directly follows Body Heat. After stress, spells, and confessions, Ignis’ immune system can’t take anymore. He doesn’t get sick often, but when he does, it’s not very nice.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too - (IgNoct) Noctis hates vegetables. Ignis finds a way to get him to eat some.
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