#ignore the fact that i cant draw trucks at all
nr1carambaceo · 4 months
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These 2 give so much siblings vibes
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And Zak burning cereal :3
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With raimondi above and a random ass cat
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
Got 19 asks, thanks ya’ll! :}
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The ask itself aside for a moment, If you told him that, it would make him really upset. He would 100% believe that you’re just messing with him and making fun of him.
He truly believes that he is unlovable because of his appearance, and that he cannot form any new relationships because of it. He feels that the only friends he will ever have are the Wreckers that knew him before he became disfigured and somehow aren’t disgusted by him now. Brown Suburban, being the only one he thinks..
He feels that partly why Brown Suburban is even still friends with him is that his vision isn’t great and he cant quite see just how ugly Bash has become. Which isn’t true, but he cant help thinking this way.
Despite actually becoming friends with the rest of team prime.. he can just.. he can just feel all the optics staring at him. He knows he’s a disaster and is ashamed. He feels like the rest of the team is only pretending to be friends with him as a form of pity.
Now, to the ask itself. I don’t think that’s all that odd. I built Bash Buggy to feel like a real being. So someone having a crush on him, jokingly or not means I did a good job. :}
Also, just an fyi.. every single character of mine besides Suburban, Red Van and Miata are single. ;}  
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Ah its alright, things just suck sometimes.
My new job has been helping a lot actually. I finally feel like I’m useful, so that’s a nice feeling. My job is confusing and it embarrasses me when I cant figure out what to do, but that feeling of being worth something drowns them out thankfully.
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No I don’t believe you have, why don’t you tell me about it? :}
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Oh don’t worry, Suburban will cover that. ;}
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I think it would be best to just.. leave Honda alone for now, and let her calm down on her own. <:/
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I’m so glad you liked the memes. I always just assumed no one wanted to see them, so it makes me happy to know that at least some people like them.
And I’m glad I made you feel better! You did the same for me. Getting asks always makes me feel better. <:}
And thank you for all the compliments!! I’m so flattered! (*ノ∀`*)
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Go for it. I wish you luck. 👍
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Its been great honestly. If feels really great to feel like I have a purpose now. Something I do finally matters enough to be paid for it. The job is confusing and will take a lot of time to learn and memorize. But honestly that’s drown out by the feeling that I’m finally worth something.
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A while back, Suburban got a strange patch of a few little cracks on his front windshield caused by driving though some branches. It looked somewhat like this. 👇
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Suburban is now in the hands of a relative that isn’t.. the most pleasant to be around to put it lightly. She has a history of being a real crank pot and just being a jerk to the others a lot of the time. Lets call her SD. (Suburban’s Driver)
I was out on the farm with SD, VD, (Vega’s Driver) and some others. Suburban was parked in front of the shop just hanging out by himself, so I climbed up on his hood to sit there with him and chill because I was bored.
Eventually I climbed up in his roof and sat criss cross on him. The Vega was parked some feet away which was where WD was. WD (White Trucks driver) was over by Vega and was leaning/sitting on the Vega’s hood and we were just chatting.
Then, from across the farm, SD starts crabbing at me to get off of Suburban. She didn’t say anything else. No reason why to get off, she just said to get off.
She’s always been a real crab to me. She knows Suburban is my favorite car so I just assumed that she was being a crank again and hogging the family Suburban. She only said to get off, not why, just to get off.
I thought that was unfair. So I turned around to VD, (Vega’s Driver) and asked if I could stay up there. I told him that SD was crabbing at me to get off and he thought the same thing. He’s like, “Yeah you can stay up there, don’t worry about SD. Just stay towards the edge of the roof to your keep weight off the middle.” So I was like “cool.” and stayed up there on top of Suburban and hung out and talked to WD some more. 
A little while later we were going to leave. I hop off of Suburban, and then me, WD and VD hop in Vega and drive home. SD finishes up what she was doing and climbs in Suburban to follow us home.
When we get home, SD’s real angry and says, “Come here!” and points at Suburban’s windshield. Suburban's cracks had expanded and now look something like this. 
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Me sitting on Suburban's roof had put enough pressure on his windshield to make his cracks worse. She got real mad at me for not listening to her but VD backed me up and said that he allowed me to stay up there.
If she hadn’t been a jerk to me so much through out my life, or at least had told me that sitting up there would hurt Suburban, I would have respected her and immediately hoped off. But she’s always been that way and she didn't tell me it would hurt him. How was I supposed to know that was going to happen? I had completely forgotten about the cracks and had no idea that Suburban couldn’t handle my weight.
And VD, the car guru of this family, said it was okay. He hadn’t thought about it too and just assumed, like I did, that she was being a crank pot again.
So, all of these things put together and summed up.. I ignored her demand to get off of Suburban and me sitting up there extended his cracks. Basically, I hurt him. Now that I have a job I plan to try to save up the money to replace his front cracked window, and his shattered back window as an apology..
Deep down. I feel like this plan is going to be more of an apology to Suburban than to her really. At least Suburban only hurt me once.
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Only one. She’s way more of a softie than she lets on.
You could give her a high five and she’d smile. You could smile at her and she’d smile back, like, it really doesn’t take much.
She’s so gentle at her core, and it honestly isn’t hard to make it show. :}
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As for the real life cars, Green Truck is repaired and is back on the road actually. His steering column has been successfully replaced and now my Volvo is sitting in his parking spot.
Green Truck actually picked me up from work two days as a matter of fact. It was pretty funny! I walked out thinking “Okay, look for Green Truck.” I look straight ahead and at the end of the row of cars sat a gigantic rusty green truck that poked out above the rest of the cars XD. He’s a big boy that’s for sure. 
Honda actually is broken down and in a shop last I heard.. hopefully she gets out soon. <:/
As for the characters, Green Trucks weak leg has been repaired and he can now be sent out on missions as a reliable soldier. This means that Red Van no longer has a confined-to-the-base-buddy unfortunately.. but at least Green Truck is feeling better. Mentally and physically.
Honda has been painting a lot more. Which is a.. good thing..? I mean, its her way of coping, but she’s been getting lost in the ink lately..
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Daww you’re welcome. Just returning the favor! I’m sure you’ve sent me a virtual hug or two at some point. :}
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Transformers: I... think it started a long time ago? Over the span of many years, every few months I would watch one of the Bayverse movies at random just because. I really liked the movies and sometime ago I was like “Okay. I love these movies and really want to know the story.”
So I rented all the movies and over the span of about maybe 2 weeks I watched every single Bayverse movie in order, also the Bumblebee movie. After that I wanted to watch one of the Transformers shows.
I picked Transformers: Prime because it was the only show that had an art style that I liked.. And now I’m here. I’m not done with the show yet. Drawing all of our cars as Transformers has always been an idea I’ve had. Officially getting onto the fandom was the little push I needed to make them a reality.
Gravity Falls: Sometime a long time ago after the show was completed, I stumbled into the fandom. I ended up really liking Stanford to the point I wanted to watch the show to learn more about him. So I did.
Pirates: Probably this disaster child, 👇
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Hooo man is this an unreasonably controversial subject. My thoughts on the virus COMPLETELY ASIDE, lets take a look at how the not real members of team prime would react.
I think they would all react the same way honestly. They’d be pretty freaked out and worried. To them, they hear that there’s some virus going around the entire planet, that’s some pretty scary stuff. But its not like they can do anything about it to be honest.. So they would just worry, ask the humans every now and again if its gotten any better and just.. kind’a wait it out with them.
They would feel a little bad to think this way, but they have much more pressing matters to worry about. They would be upset to hear that humans all around the world are sick and stressed.. but so are they. What can they really do? <:/
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Assuming that its FNAF 1 and everyone can actually play..
Suburban would be super nervous but determined to finish the game. After getting jump scared once he’d go,
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Miata and Jeepy would probably be the only ones who actually enjoy the game, would beat it, and would want to play it again later.
Escort probably wouldn’t play at all. What's he trying to do? Give himself a second heart attack?? But if he had to.. he’d play for a bit, but would dip after the first jump scare.
Brown Suburban would play the game stone faced and only raise his eyebrows when he got jump scared. He would most likely beat the game. Also, his favorite character is Freddy Fazbear because for some reason the bear reminds him of himself. 
U.M.Dragster would jump into it without fear, but would freak out as he kept getting jump scared. He’s too stubborn to quit, so he would probably keep trying and eventually win.
A.T.Dragster wouldn’t like playing it probably, but she is just as stubborn as her brother and would keep going until she won.
Green Truck wouldn’t be able to beat the game and would get jump scared a lot. But at least he’s a great sport and would have fun doing it.
Red Van would want to yeet the computer but is too gentle so she’d just freak out a lot.
White Truck would be scared the whole time but he’d give it his best shot. If he was determined enough he might just beat it, but probably not.
I feel like Beluga and Honda would be terrified and not be able to get past night 2. But hey, at least they both gave it their best shot right?
Ranger would probably shoot the computer after being jump scared.
Volvo would glitch slap the computer off the table. Scaring a medic is a big no no.
Bash Buggy couldn’t play because he cant see the screen. Buuuuuut, if he could see the screen.. he’d love the game and probably be the best at it. He would play it many times over again and would master the game pretty quickly.
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Uhm.. I believe not, sorry. <:{
In Escort’s story, I have discussed three ships.
The first ship was the one he was traveling on with Red Van and Suburban.
The second ship was the one he was tortured on after being kidnapped from the first ship. This ship was supposed to be full of my Decepticon OCs. I.e, Reaper, Blue Truck, Zippy, etc. No real Decepticons were supposed to be on it so.. no Bonecrusher. <:/
Then the third ship is the one that rescued him. It was an Autobot cargo ship that had more of my OCs on it. I.e Brown Suburban, Bash Buggy, Honda, the Dragsters etc.
So... no he wasn’t on any of Escorts ships.. <:/
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Oh, so he’s friendly? Well then yeah they’d like a hug!
I just saw the clip of him trying to kill Optimus and assumed he wouldn’t be too friendly. .
And sorry for not remembering him! <:{ Its been a long time since I watched the Bayverse movies and I never heard his name before... Not gonna lie though, his alt mode is pretty friggin cool.
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Like, just  L O O K  at it! Noice. 👌
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I don’t know if this is what you need to hear, but do it. I don’t care if the drawing is “bad” or “ugly”. Its fanart of my characters, which shows me that you love and appreciate them.
If you want to draw fanart but are afraid of being made fun of, then you don’t have to draw anything. But if you do, know that I will love and gush over what ever you make me. No matter how “bad” it is. :} ♡
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Escorts Ducky is named “Escorts Ducky”. :}
And in case you were wondering, Suburban's Ducky is named “Suburban’s Ducky.” :}
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mojavehearts · 5 years
Fallout 4 Companions react to Strong having a crush on Sole
(REQUESTED!!) (im cackling like a maniac already) 
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(I know I used this before but...This IS Sole and Strong)
some are them realising it and some are helping him come to the realisation  (some of the reacts even work together as one!)
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Cait watched as Strong stomped back and forth in front of Soles house in Sanctuary, at 4 am, on a Sunday. ‘’Oi buddy! can ya quit yer stompin?’’ she whispers out angrily, putting out her cigarette onto the side of one of the small shacks sole built Strong grumbles under his breath which makes Cait come striding up ‘’what is your problem?!’’ she was trying her best to whisper at least ‘’Strong doesn’t know!’’ he roars back she covers her ears and sighs ‘’Listen big guy, people are tryin to sleep and they cant with you stompin around’’ Strong grumbles again and points at soles door ‘’Strong cant be without master’’ ‘’what you like a lost puppy or somethin’? yer supposed to be a big mean ol’ supermutant’’ Cait scoffs, now leaning against soles house ‘’NO Strong does not want to be, without master near him, makes Strong MAD!’’ Cait’s eyes widen and she backs away slowly ‘’good lord, you better talk to MacCready about that...’’
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‘’Ah monsieur Strong!’‘ Curie waves strong over in a chirpy tune ‘‘How have our experiments gone so far? any pain? some memories? violent tendencies more than usual?’‘ Curie had gotten some data from some ‘hospital’ of sorts from New Vegas and was testing the medication in does on Strong so far nothing was different of course Strong was already more ‘Put Together’ compared to many supermutants and it had been a very small dose, ‘‘No strong want stop, making head fuzzy! weak!’‘ Curie nods and checks her chart ‘‘When does this usually happen or is it all the time?’‘ Strong stomps his feet slightly ‘‘If Strong is near master it becomes fuzzy! want to stop! need to be strong and protect Master’‘ Curie stops writing down in her notes and freezes ‘‘Oh Mon dieu’‘ 
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Codsworth is what he calls ‘Smart for an old bot’ he knew from the get go, hes still full of old world ideals so he isn't to keen on it, considering supermutants are known as violent brutes as well, but he warmed up to Strong (well as much as one possibly could if they weren’t sole) and it became quite entertaining for him to watch over a cup of tea and a nice book (he makes the tea for show, sadly he cant drink it) as strong ‘somehow’ gets red when with Sole, it really makes Codsworth rethink many things
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Danse...Isn’t exactly a fan of supermutants in general, that's just the way he’s  wired (haha get it...Ill go)
Strong would always try to size Danse up, whenever he would talk to Sole Strong would be there, either watching intensely with a violent glare or just interrupting whatever he could, so he went up to him and asked what his problem was, guessing it was because he used to be brotherhood and also because...Danse obviously wasn't a fan of him. Strong just stares him down and points a thick green finger to Danse’s chest poking it into him slightly ‘’Sole needs real man, not metal man’’ and walked off leaving Danse to be (the gif above)
You know that thing dogs do when they cover their eyes with their paws and or ears as well?...Yeah just that
One word nine letters  Terrified 
Deacon thought it was kinda cute at first when he would watch strong follow Sole around, in that scary sort of way...in that way where little girls sing ring around the rosy or your child stands beside your bed in the middle of the night and says nothing, but then he noticed things...different things, like how he would rarely let anyone else around Sole, and that one time where they went to the third rail and that person tried to hit on sole and he chucked a tantrum and set the third rail on fire and- OH MY GOD 
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Piper was making her usual rounds around Diamond City, trying to question whoever she could about her new piece ‘’Mirelurks and their MireQuirks’’ when suddenly she saw strong browsing the general supplies store she was confused why he was here alone, things may have changed since Sole came into play but he might still get given a hard time, he scratches his chin and Piper moves closer to greet him ‘’Master friend, Strong need gift for Master, Master gave Strong milk of human kindness’’ Piper thought this was very normal in fact and did help him pick out something, but then he turned to her and said ‘’How do humans show ‘E fec tion’ ‘’ and she froze ‘’Oh wow buddy i’m not the one for that um...Maybe Nicky can help he was married once well- when he was- when he wasn't- wait was he him- yes of course- um - but its- well-’’ Strong had enough of her blubbering and scoffs already walking off to see valentine, Soles gift in hand. Piper breathes out and then in deeply but then starts laughing softly, it was kind of cute really, but she didn’t think Supermutants could feel ..Love?, Piper had already found a new, and better article idea. SCORE
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Preston sighs softly, wiping the sweat away from under his hat, taking it off to fan himself with it he noticed the ground rumbling slightly beneath him ‘’Strong that you?’’ Preston turns to the direction of the rumbles and places his hat back on, sure enough he was met with big green mean fighting machine, strong. ‘’You know master, what does master like, besides blood and fighting’’ Preston purses his lips in slight confusion an audible ‘huh’ leaving his throat ‘’Strong want say sorry for Third Rail on fire, Mack Ree Dee says I should show sorry with actions’’ Preston scratches the side of his face and stares at the ground for a minute ‘’why don't you go to diamond city? check out the stuff there I’m sure they would like anything from the surplus store’’ Strong grunts in agreement and stomps away again behind Strong stood MacCready with a tilted head and raised eyebrows Preston looks at him completely confused until MacCready takes his two fingers and draws a heart, Preston stands there dumbfounded his gun falling from his hands
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It was a slow day for nick, seemed not many people needed help nowadays guess he had Sole to thank for this time off, but he was getting a bit restless with all this sitting around waiting for something, he felt kind of bad for wishing for things to happen but he was sick of the small ‘Lost my cat’ or ‘forgot where my nuka-cola truck was’ and sick of the fact all of those were deacon in different wigs, so when his door opened he was pretty excited he turns his head up quickly and is met with strong slowly trying to squeeze into the door, he struggled for a few minutes before sitting down, and then breaking the chair, but he still sat in place on top of the broken chair on the floor, nick chuckles and rubs at his temples why was the world against him ‘’Strong, great to see you...What do you need?’’ strong was quick to speak ‘’Paper send me but before that pwes ton and then before that mac ree dee and then before him irish lady, and now im here help strong now metal man!’’ nick rubs the lower part of his face and sighs ‘’so...Paper? sent you specifically?’’ strong nods with a grumble ‘’Alright..tell me what you need’’ it was better than seeing deacon in a long blonde wig talking in a high pitch voice about his cheating husband for 5 hours ‘’Strong been told to come to you because you were married and I need to know E fec tion’’ Nicks eyes widen slightly, the pupils whirrling vibrantly this had to be one of deacons tricks ‘’Affection? for whom’’ Strong slams a big green fist on the desk, breaking it, nick pretends the desk is still there for sanity sake and rests his arms in midair ‘’For Master! who else would be good enough for E fec tion’’ Nick could die at that moment ‘’Alright Deacon you can come out now’’ Strong roars angrily ‘’Bald man at settlement!’’ oh god so this was...Serious, nick takes a looooonnngggggg drag of a cigarette and sighs ‘’Alright...ill help ya’’
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(petition for me to just use Raymond Holt gifs for X6 considering they are basically,,The same person like the personalities are spot on omg)
All of the companions where sharing their opinions/outlooks on Strongs growing affections on sole/if Sole would return them and all that, Hancock threw in a few sexual jokes (making everyone groan in different tones) while everyone else already knew X6 did not, and he found it obscene 
‘‘x6, what do you think about it?’‘ Curie asks with her eyes full of curiosity, as always. 
‘‘What do you mean ‘Absolutely not?’’ Piper asks with a joking scoff 
‘‘it is ridiculous at best, there is no way’‘ the other companions sigh at him ‘‘hey it could be a real blossoming love my guy, they will have gorgeous half green babies’‘ Deacon says with a mouthful of carrot X6 looks at him in distaste and turns in his hair ‘‘X6! don't ignore us, stop being a grumpy pants you aren't in the institute anymore! love is real!’‘ Mac says excitedly X6 slowly turns his chair back and stares at him through his glasses
‘‘It might be, but not between sole and the supermutant, now before you complain, i am once again turning in my chair’‘
he will come around
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‘’MACK REE DEE!’’Strong stomped up to Mac at INCREDIBLE speed ‘’whoa there strong! you could flatten me buddy’’ he chuckled but he was literally terrified for his life seeing strong run like that ‘’Loud lady says you can help me’’ strong says bluntly ‘’help with what?’’ now mac was interested  ‘’I told her I didn’t want to be without Master and she tells me to see you little man’’ MacCready rubs his neck in confusion why would she send strong to him over nothing it was only natural that he would be if he considers Sole his Master ‘’After fire in Third Rail Master was upset at Strong, STRONG CANT STAND IT’’ Mac nodded slightly ‘’uh well...Sometimes a good ‘’hey I’m sorry’’ and some affection, maybe a hug and a gift can work?’’ strong seemed to like that idea ‘’I GO NOW’’ he roars ‘’whoa buddy wait! do you want me to tell Sole you’re leavin? I’m on my way to have dinner with her now’’ dinner!? Strong’s alarms went off in his head and he picks Mac up by his jacket snarling slightly ‘’Dinner?!’’ Maccready stares at strong, confused and terrified ‘’Um yeah...The thing people do to eat? she wanted Duncan and Shaun to meet formally? you were invited remember?’’ ‘’oh’’ strong slowly and gently (for a supermutant) and slightly dusts Mac off and turned away MacCready laughed softly at how strange he could be and then stopped dead in his tracks ‘’Wait what the fu- ‘’
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Once the institute was defeated Hancock and Sole both came up with the idea to have a party for everyone at the third rail, all of good neighbour was decorated from top to bottom with funny decor, synth scraps, all of that (much to x6′s dislike, he still went) everything was fine and dandy, everyone was partying it up, Magnolia switched It up for the night and was singing some upbeat party tunes, and then some random stumbled up to Sole, Hancock watched for a distance he knew Sole could handle themselves so he just watched silently, it was chill and all until Strong war cried, threw the person into some lit candles which then got caught on a decoration and set it on fire and then in shock some people bumped into each other and started fighting AND THEN as everything was going to shit Sole had to jump up to Strong to avoid the fire as it pooled around them, the way strong held onto Sole, told him enough whether supermutants could feel that kinda thing or not wasn't his business. Putting out his cigarette he sighs and decides to help in the chaos as Deacon walked into the third rail ‘’ I BROUGHT PIZZ- aaaa???!’’
Sole was sitting at dinner with Mac, Duncan and Shaun and turned towards the empty spot they had reserved for Strong with a sigh. They just continue to smile and eat, until the door gets fireman kicked down (I cannot stop with that) and strong appears Sole stands up and strong walks towards them, a pretty sweet looking belt in hand he throws it at sole and they catch it ‘’is this for me strong? well thanks! I-’’ then Strong picks them up and awkwardly  hugs them to his body sole struggles a little bit against him ‘’is this about the third rail? its alright strong I told you that I was just busy’’ Strong ‘’I’m trying to do human E fec tion’’ sole goes silent and then smiles softly ‘’thanks strong that’s really nice of you to do that for me, but you don’t have to I like you the way you are’’ strong slowly puts sole down and sole pats him on the arm 
Mac and Duncan just looked at each other awkwardly and kept eating the whole time
Bonus Bonus
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(I hope this was okay!! thank you so much for requesting I had a BLAST doing it!! xxx)
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
On the Precipice of Trust
Fff alright, time for my personal favorite of the three I’ll be posting this weekend. I hope you all will like it too!
Day 2: Scars
Dedicated to: @saenda for unknowingly encouraging me to finish this one. I took an educated guess that your tumblr name and Ao3 name are the same lol
Rating: T, because Qrow had to be an inappropriate asshole
Words: Almost 9k
Summary: When Clover mysteriously doesn't show up for mission assignments, Qrow fears another betrayal is on the horizon and decides to go investigate. Instead of finding the man scheming with General Ironwood, he discovers Atlas' famed boy scout is just a bit under the weather. 
But Qrow quickly realizes that there's more to the captain's sickness than just a simple cold. And even more to Clover himself, well hidden under all those cheerful smiles.
Ao3 Link: On the Precipice of Trust
Suspicion immediately wove into Qrow’s mind when Harriet went up to the mission board and started the announcement process.
“Alright everyone, I’m going to be assigning the missions for today!” Her voice boomed over the room.
Keeping his tone light and casual, he asked, “Where’s Mr. Lucky?”
“According to the General, he’s indisposed for today.” Harriet sidestepped, before turning to the board.
In the corner of his eye, he saw the various ways some of the kids reacted. Ruby sat up a little straighter. Blake’s left ear twitched. Yang started to curl a thread of her hair around her finger. All subtle, but all on the same wavelength.
This was what they had been waiting for.
As Yang, Blake and he crossed the courtyard towards the transport ships, Qrow spared the academy a look, then said, “Alright kiddos, I’m gonna vanish for a bit.”
“Right.” Yang’s tone betrayed her unease.
“It’s just-” She stopped, halting the rest of them. She looked towards him with a frown, “Do you really think the General will betray us?”
Qrow frowned, his gaze drifting towards the skyline. “I never thought Leo would. Or Oz. So, safe to say my judge of character is pretty shit.”
“Then am I just dumb?”
That had Qrow’s gaze snapping back to her.
Blake’s ears had fallen. “Yang…”
“I, just, feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t suspect him.” She offered hesitantly, rubbing her hand over her metal wrist.
He followed the movement, reaching out to place a hand over the metal limb. “You wanting to see the best in someone isn’t dumb, especially for someone who’s done so much for you. Actually, you share that quality with Summer.” He snorted in amusement. “Granted, you’re a little more careful. …A lot more, actually. Sums was the type to trust a pickpocket to hold her wallet.”
That earned him a chuckle and he took it as a personal victory.
“Believe me, I would like nothing more than to be wrong. That’s why being cautious is the smart thing to do.”
Yang sighed. “I wish we didn’t have to.”
“Maybe one day, we won’t have to.” Was his own offer of condolence. “You two get out of here. I’ll catch up with you if it turns out to be nothing.”
With that, they went their own ways. Yang and Blake to the transport that would take them to the Grimm extraction mission down in Mantle. Him in the sky on his unofficial reconnaissance mission.
Qrow was so tired of being betrayed. Of feeling like he had to second guess every action of every so-called friend. He didn’t want to suspect James. Hell, he especially didn’t want to suspect Clover – though, he’d be the first to say his decision on that wasn’t entirely sound, if his growing attraction to the handsome brunet had anything to say about it.
That was what was on his mind as he flew past the General’s office, finding it empty. He gave a squawk of annoyance, before starting to circle the building.
Maybe this was just what trust looked like during a time of war. Spying on their own allies at every hint of unusual behavior and second-guessing every word spoken. The more he thought about it, the more he had to wonder if it was going both ways. Were the Aceops offering to train the kids because they truly wanted to hone their skills, or were they secretly hoping one of them would trip up over intel that they could report back to James? Was Clover assigning their missions together because he enjoyed his company or because he could keep an eye on him?
The idea filled him with dread. It only worsened when he considered that to do that, James would have had to order it. A year ago, he would have said that was a ridiculous thought.
But things had changed so much since Beacon fell. With him. With the world. With – Clover.
Wait. Clover?!
Qrow canted to the left, circling back to the window he had just flown past. Another glimpse told him his sight had been true. He dared to draw in closer, landing on one of the fancy panes that decorated the window in crystal-shaped formations. He tucked his wings in so the wind couldn’t carry him away and peered into the room.
The man was shambling around a small studio not too unlike the accommodations Qrow himself had been provided upon his arrival. There were personal touches here and there that he noticed on first glance – a plotted plant right on the other side of the glass, a shelf full of books, a ship in a bottle displayed on a desk. His focus mostly remained on Clover though.
The other huntsman was a mess. He seemed to be walking with a deliberate slowness, an arm around his stomach as he carried a small cup to his bedside. His normally upkept hair was a disheveled tangle and his face seemed pale and gaunt. He hadn’t even gotten out of his nightwear, still in dark grey sweats, a green undershirt and – were those slippers? Shaped like goldfish?
If he wasn’t currently a bird, Qrow would have rolled his eyes.
The ridiculous smiley abominations didn’t last long, Clover kicking them off his feet as he climbed back into bed and huddled under the covers. He looked absolutely miserable. Sick as he obviously was, Qrow was pretty sure he could believe Clover wouldn’t be up to anything nefarious for the rest of the day – and probably not the rest of the week either.
Qrow spread his wings and let the wind currents take him away. He headed towards the docking bay, figuring he could join the girls on the mission now.
He didn’t think about Clover again until he was shuffling into the mess hall behind the girls. Not everyone had made it back yet, but Jaune practically pleading for Marrow and Elm to take some of the casserole he’d no doubt been given (seriously, that was the third one this week) reminded him quite suddenly of their missing leader and his poor state.
While Blake secured them a table and Yang and he got in line, he took out his scroll, sending out a quick message. You eat yet?
The response came only a few moments later. No, why?
So he was awake. Good.
How about some soup? I know you’re not feeling well.
He was almost at the front of the line before he got his answer. That would be good. And then, like an afterthought: Thank you.
Qrow dutifully ignored his eldest niece’s knowing look as he ordered the turkey sandwich and chicken noodle soup to go.
He couldn’t quite ignore her teasing tone as he joined her by the pick-up counter. “What’s wrong Uncle Qrow? Feeling a little under the weather?”
“Hush.” He bumped his shoulder against hers. “He’s got to eat.”
“Oh yes. I’m certain there’s no ulterior motive there at all.” Her grin was almost predatory.
Too bad for her he had played this game much longer then her – and was better at it too. He lent over, murmuring, “Yang, it’s called ‘having game’. And honestly? Considering my dinner dates often end in a nice roll in the hay and you can’t even get past hand-holding with your little pussy cat over there, you might just want to bow to the master here.”
Her eyebrows practically hit her hairline. “You’re the worst!”
“That’s not what Clover’s going to be saying.” His smirk grew. “In fact, he might just elect me as Remnant’s newest god.”
She buried her flaming face into her hands. “Oh my gods.”
“Yeah, exactly like that!”
All things told, he probably deserved the punch.
When he reached Clover’s room, he was surprised to find the door was already open a crack. He pushed it the rest of the way with his foot, announcing as he did, “Special delivery!”
Clover was in the same spot he’d been in this morning, huddled under his blankets on the bed – the only difference being he was sitting up at least. Despite the fact he was looking like death warmed over, he managed a smile in his direction. “Hey.”
Qrow grimaced at the hoarseness in his voice. That had to be painful. He kicked the door closed, heading across the room. “You sound like you swallowed a cheese grater.”
“You always this charming to invalids?” Clover joked.
“Nah, I reserve it only for optimistic assholes like you.”
That graced him with a small chuckle.
Qrow set the bag down on the nightstand, pulling out the container of soup and a plastic spoon. As he handed it over, he asked, “Seriously though, how are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck and, when the driver found out I was still alive, backed up over me again.” Clover set the container in his lap, pulling off the plastic top. “Thank you, again, for this. I probably won’t be able to finish it though.”
He waved it off, plopping down on the edge of the bed. “Don’t worry about it. Better you have something than nothing.”
“Suppose so.” He blew on the first spoonful, sipping on the broth. “How’d you know I was sick? I only told James.”
“Uh.” Shit. To make himself appear busy, he riffled through the bag for his sandwich, mind working on overdrive to come up with a plausible excuse. “You just didn’t look so hot after coming in yesterday, so I put two and two together.”
It was a gamble, but unlike their games of poker, this one actually paid off.
“I’m surprised you noticed. I’m usually more discreet.”
He shoved the first bite in his mouth. “You make it sound like you don’t want anyone to know when you’re sick. What’s wrong? Worried about people knowing the Captain of the Best isn’t as infallible as he seems?”
“Careful. If you keep being this observant, you’re going to reveal all my secrets.” He framed it like a joke, but there seemed to be a lack of humor in it.
Qrow paused, side-eyeing him. “You alright?”
“Hm? Oh. Yeah.” Clover sighed, slumping back against the headboard. “Just tired, I guess.”
That rose a weird set off alarm bells, and he couldn’t help but sweep an eye over the small studio, almost expecting an Apathy to be hiding in the corner. Of course there wasn’t, the room empty beyond themselves and whatever program was playing on the TV at such a low volume it was almost inaudible.
“It’s frustrating actually.”
He turned his attention back to the other. “What is?”
“Just that-” He frowned, then shook his head. “No, nevermind. It’s nothing.”
It was with way more satisfaction then he should have had against an ill man when he came back with, “Now who’s deflecting?”
Clover blinked, then chuckled weakly, seeming to slump further. “Got me there…” He stirred his soup, already having lost interest in it. “I was sick not too long ago. It was some real awful thing; my throat was so sore I could barely eat. Hardly could get out of bed, either. The day you guys landed was actually only my second day back.”
Qrow did some quick calculations. That was only six weeks ago. “That normal for you, boy scout?”
“Not really.” He sighed. “And this couldn’t be a worse time for it. We need to get Amity up and Mantle’s defenses fine-tuned and the newbies training is still behind and-”
“And maybe that’s the problem.”
Was he really going to have to spell it out? He rolled his eyes. People needed to learn when to half-ass it, like him.
“I mean, you’re overworking yourself, genius.” He could already see the argument brewing. Too bad for Clover, years of being a professor and having to deal with overachieving students had given him all the ammo he needed. “And yeah, I know. Everything you’ve got to do is important. But, so are you hotshot. So, maybe don’t run yourself into the ground?”
He thought about, but didn’t add, how thanks to him keeping tabs on nearly every single member of the Ace-ops, he also knew Clover almost never left his office until it was nearly midnight but was still the first to rise at dawn. That any tasks James didn’t have time for on his already overbooked schedule fell to him. That he was both running and assigning missions, handling reports and regimes, and somehow still managed to find time to provide Qrow with daily life advice that probably came from his desk calendar.
Overworked probably didn’t even begin to describe it.
Clover seemed to mull over his words quietly, running a hand over his chest with a grimace. “I know you’re right. But there’s still so much to do.”
“I think we can handle things for a few days.” He reassured.
“I don’t doubt you can. You’re all incredible. It’s just hard, knowing everyone else is giving their all while I’m just… here. Not contributing.” He ladled another spoonful of soup, raising it. “Oh! Maybe I can still do the paperwo-”
Without warning, a shake ran through Clover and his left hand suddenly spasmed, the utensil he’d been holding falling right back in the soup, splattering the bedsheets.
They both stared down at it, then Qrow gave him a look. “Might want to work on finishing dinner first, pal.”
He’d kindly let Clover pretend the flush that rose to his cheeks was only from fever.
They watched sci-fi dramas all night.
Or, Qrow did at least. Clover kept dozing off every few minutes. It was never for long, because whatever dreams his feverish mind was conjuring kept jerking him awake, one time hard enough he accidentally kicked Qrow in the leg. It was during one of these fitful tosses that an arm landed on his stomach with enough impact to knock the wind from him.
Clover startled, his eyes opening. After a few blearily blinks, he started to draw away. “Sorry, sorry-”
“It’s fine.” Qrow waved him down – it wasn’t like it had hurt – when something caught his eye. “Hey, wait.” Much to both their surprises, he caught Clover’s wrist, pulling the arm back towards him, staring intently on the marks he saw there. Raised, red bumps, starting at the joint and going down the length of his forearm. Like a rash almost.
They weren’t there before, were they?
“Does this hurt?” He asked, running a finger along the skin as lightly as he could. Hot to the touch, but hard to say if it was just from fever. “You’ve had the chicken pox, right?”
They didn’t look quite right for pox though. When his nieces had gotten it, their spots hadn’t turned the skin around them red and the blemish had covered the entire area of their body, not just patches. Still, he heard it was different for adults, almost dangerously so. He remembered Tai had quarantined him from the house, when Qrow revealed he had no idea if he’d ever caught it or not.
“Clover?” He asked as the silence stretched, glancing over at him to make sure he hadn’t drifted off again.
Wide green eyes stared back at him, the man only seeming to realize that he was waiting for something when their gazes met. “Oh, uh. No. I mean, yes. I mean – what was the question?”
That blush was also not from fever.
He may have felt proud, if Clover didn’t appear so out of it.
“You. Chicken pox. Had it?”
“Oh. Yeah, a’course. Hit all of us at once.” Qrow thought maybe he meant fellow classmates or siblings, until Clover added, mumbling the rest into his pillow. “Sister Lisa was so upset when she couldn’t take in anyone new at the sanctuary for almost a month.”
His brows furrowed. “Got a feeling you ain’t talking ���bout a church sanctuary.”
“No.” He shifted onto his side. “I mean, Sister Lisa was religious, but the only reason she called the home that was because she thought orphan was an ugly word. She was right, in a way. Learned not to let bad labels define me – so I could thank her for that lesson at least.” He gave a half-hearted shrug, wincing when he did.
Which gave Qrow the out he needed to bypass the uncomfortable conversation. “You alright?”
“Ugh.” He grunted, rubbing a hand over the muscle and trying to roll out the ache. The movement only seemed to cause him more pain. “You know those dolls, where you can move all the limb parts?”
“I feel like some kid got ahold of a voodoo version of me and pulled them all off.”
He snorted. “Hate to tell ya, but it was probably one of my kids.”
“Well, when I find them, I’m court martialing them.” Clover grumbled.
The poor joke still won a laugh. That then won a yawn.
Which didn’t go unnoticed even by a man on the verge of death. “You should go. It’s probably late.”
“Yeah, it is.” Qrow conceded reluctantly. “What about your arm?”
He rose the splotchy appendage to eye level, reporting, “Well I won’t be entering any beauty pageants anytime soon, that’s for sure.”
“It’s fine. I’m fine.” He waved him off, curling further into his blanket cocoon. “You don’t have to worry about me.”
Qrow regarded him skeptically, but ultimately didn’t pry. He knew what it was like, being mother-henned; and while Tai and Summer always meant well, it wasn’t always enough to combat the embarrassment that would often result from their good-hearted meddling. He wasn’t about to inflict that on his newfound friend that he maybe, kind of, liked.
A lot.
“Alright well,” He started as he finally slipped off the bed. “Try to feel better at least.”
“I will. I got all the luck in the world.”
Qrow gave him a look. “I’m going to let you get away with that smartassary only because you’re sick.”
“So kind and giving.” He joked. “And since you are, you’ll get the light, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He headed for the door, running his fingers down the dial that was next to it until the room darkened. As he stepped into the hall, he added. “Good night Clover.”
“Night. And thanks, for keeping me company.”
Qrow glanced back. The glow of the TV was just enough for him to catch the soft smile aimed his way that left his heart fluttering and his own mouth twitching upwards. “Yeah, anytime.”
As he shut the door and headed for his own room, he pulled out his scroll to set his alarm clock back an extra twenty minutes. He was sure Clover would appreciate breakfast too, right?
There were many things Qrow was – a morning person was not one of them. Those who knew him were very aware if it was before 9 AM to not bother him until he’d had at least one cup of coffee. If it was spiked, wait until noon; or better yet, just pretend he didn’t exist on the mortal plane at all. How he’d ever managed to survive as a school teacher outside of just sheer willpower was completely beyond him.
So it was a rare feeling to be so chipper first thing in the morning, strolling through the halls with a spring in his step, no one around to see except for the robotic janitors tidying up for the day. As he hit the last leg to his destination, he checked his messages, not surprised to see Clover hadn’t responded. He probably wasn’t even up yet.
Which was why he had brought nothing that wouldn’t keep until he got up. The tray he was carrying only had a banana, a bowl with a ‘just add hot water’ oatmeal package sitting in it and a similarly bundled up cup with a lemon tea bag and a honey packet. He set it down next to the door, knocking a few times. “Clover! Breakfast is by the door!”
He waited, pressing his ear against the metal.
Not even a stir.
Well, he could always peek in on him from the window. For altruistic purposes only, he told himself as he headed for the fire escape. When no emergency was going on, the doors were kept locked to prevent students from hiding in there whenever they wanted to skip class – but James had long ago given Qrow the override code, because they were some of the only windows in the entire facility that had latches on them and the one place which had cameras only pointing at the stairwell entrances.
Not really a blind spot, unless becoming a bird was an option.
It wasn’t long before the icy wind was under his wings and he was circling the building. He knew he’d found the right room when he spotted the bamboo plant sitting at its place in front of the window. He landed on one of the panes just as he had the day before.
There was just enough light from the rising sun to stretch into the darkened room, spreading halfway across the lump laying in the bed. Though the plant was blocking Clover’s upper half, Qrow noticed how the blankets at the end of the bed were spilling down the side, probably kicked off from the same feverish fits that had bothered him during the evening. Qrow also spotted how the man’s left pant leg had rolled up, revealing the same rash he’d seen before was now spreading along the calf. He twittered anxiously, hopping to a higher pane to get a good look at the man’s face.
Red took up his vision like a blooming scarlet rose.
He hopped off with a squawk of panic, speeding back to the window. In his panic, he shifted too soon, grunting as his ribs collided with the sill, knees cracking against the wall outside. Ignoring the sting, he scrambled over, landing inside and taking the stairs two at a time until he was stumbling back out in the hallway. As he sprinted down it, he yanked out his scroll, hitting redial on one of the top recent contacts.
It felt like forever before James answered, voice thick with exhaustion, “Qrow? What are-”
He cut him off with a shout, “James! I need you to give me the code to Clover’s room, now!”
“What?” The general seemed to snap to attention, tone shifting from sleepy to alarmed. “Why? What’s happening?”
“He’s bleeding!” The vision filled his head again. Red, so much red, pooling around Clover’s head and soaking his pillow. Like he’d been stabbed. Or shot. The image was so jarring, he almost missed the door, skidding to a stop and slamming his fist against it. If only Harbinger wasn’t still back at his place, he wouldn’t have even bothered with the call. “Give me the damn code already! Hurry!”
Rather than a verbal response, there was a click from the panel and then the door flung open seemingly by itself.
Qrow didn’t question it, rushing inside. He put his scroll onto speaker mode before tossing it on the bed as he rounded it. He pulled down the blankets to check for other wounds while his other hand pressed against the man’s pulse point. Everything looked normal, though he spotted more of that rash outbreaking along his collarbone.
“There’s a medical team on the way. Qrow, talk to me. What are his vitals?” His friend called.
“Heartbeat’s too fast and irregular.” He replied, grateful for something to focus on. He shifted to Clover’s face and, this close, he realized the blood wasn’t quite as copious as his fearful mind had conjured up. There was splatters of it here and there, like blots of red ink, and a circular splotch surrounding the middle to lower half of the man’s face. “Not losing as much blood as I thought.”
“Where’s the wound?”
He squinted, seeing a lot of it congealed onto his upper lip and announced faintly, “It’s uh… it’s a nosebleed.”
He was allowed to feel a little foolish for about two seconds, before James spoke up, “Is he awake?”
“That’s not normal. Clover’s a light sleeper, he should have woken up when you walked in.”
Qrow took that in, before he shook the man’s shoulder, softly at first then, when it failed to do anything, harder. “Clover? Hey, come on, get up.” The other man didn’t even seem to stir. “Nothing, he’s out cold.”
He heard James curse softly, the only sign of his own worry that he quickly stamped back down. “Breathing? Eyes?”
“Breathing’s labored, pretty raspy.” He gently pulled back an eyelid, seeing the pupil constrict as the light hit it. “But eyes are dilating.” That was good. That meant his mind was still working. He rested a hand along his chest, trying to feel if maybe fluid had built up in his lungs, only to frown when he noticed something else. “His heart’s not doing good James. It’s going way too fast. This can’t just be a sickness, right?”
“I don’t know.” He replied honestly. “But I’m forwarding this to the medical ward. They’ll know what to do.”
Qrow took a deep breath. “Okay. What else should I do?”
“Just stay with him. The team should be there soon to bring him down.” A pause. “And I’m right here too.”
Two emotions hit him in rapid succession. The first was relief, knowing he could count on James to keep him calm if Clover started to die right in front of him or something. The second was guilt. He’d spent so much time doubting James’ aims but, bullheaded methods aside, in the end, he was still a good man willing to look out for the people around him.
It made Qrow wonder how he’d ever jumped to the conclusions he had. Was he just becoming just like Oz? So suspicious of everyone around him, that he refused to trust anyone?
As he heard rapid footfalls coming down the hall, he made a silent vow to talk to Ruby after all this was over.
Throughout his travels, Qrow had met many people and, with a lifestyle like his, quite a few of those chance meetings were with folks in the medical profession. Yet, none of them quite matched the quick efficiency and brutal tongue-lashing of Dr. Callister. She was quite frankly a little intimidating, especially when after she was done commanding her staff to get this machine working or that test done, she whirled on him to grill him for all he was worth. And once he was done answering her questions, she promptly kicked him out of the room with sharp orders to stay out of her way or else.
That was why, when the General arrived, he found Qrow sulking outside in the hall like a delinquent waiting to be called in to the principal’s office.
“I see you’ve met Dr. Callister. She’s quite proficient, isn’t she?” James observed.
He did not at all appreciate the slight humor in his tone. “Woman’s a witch.” He pushed off from the wall, demanding, “And where have you been? It’s been, like, an hour!”
In answer, the man pulled out his scroll, the holo display showing a message having been received only minutes ago. “Updates take time and I had other arrangements to attend to, so I asked to be notified when something more concrete was known.”
He was tempted to call his friend out on turning a medical crisis into something he just ‘fit’ into his schedule, but the excited texts he’d been receiving from his nieces told him just what else his friend had been doing. “Like giving the kids the day off?”
“We don’t know whether Clover’s ailment is natural or not. Until we do, proper precautions aren’t ill-advised.” James replied.
Qrow frowned, mulling that over. Salem certainly would stand to gain a lot of headway by eliminating Clover, taking out the Ace-Op’s leader and James’ right hand in one fell swoop. It would completely shake the Atlas inner circle with an equal devastation to knocking down a load-bearing wall in a building. Yet, even if that was her aim, it didn’t really add up. If she had that kind of power, why stop at Clover? Why not just take out the headmaster himself? Or better yet, all of them?
He didn’t get a chance to broach his thoughts before the door was sliding open and the good doctor came marching out.
“Ah, Anora! So lovely to-”
“Don’t you Anora me, James.” She cut him off as she came to stand before him, her eyes ablaze. “Would you care to tell me why I was not properly informed of Captain Ebi’s condition sooner?”
“I, uh, well-”
Wow. And he thought Glynda was the only one who could strike James speechless.
“More importantly,” She continued on as if her commanding officer wasn’t even speaking, “Why was he allowed to go untreated six weeks ago?”
That drew the General to attention, a severe look crossing over his features. “He informed me he had gone to see you.”
“And yet, you failed to verify that with me?”
Having heard just about enough, Qrow cut in sharply, “Hey doc, if you didn’t happen to notice, the General’s been a bit busy handling – oh, I don’t know. Everything.” He waved a hand dismissively. “So the boy scout missed a doctor’s appointment, what’s the big deal?”
He kind of regret speaking when she whirled on him. “The big deal is Mr.-?”
“Mr. Qrow,” She continued without missing a beat, “Is that Clover is notorious for ignoring his own health needs to a near foolhardy degree. The General here is quite aware of that fact, and is supposed to inform me whenever I am to expect him in my office so that we assure he doesn’t skip it.”
He snorted. That sounded ridiculous. “What? Is he afraid of needles or something?”
“I believe we’re getting off track.” James intervened hurriedly. “Anora, what is Clover’s status?”
Oh. Qrow realized, side-eyeing his friend. There was something he didn’t want him to know.
His attention fell back to the doctor as she spoke up. “Currently stable. We’re managed to bring him back to consciousness, though he’s very disoriented and weak. It’s one of the most severe cases of Rheumatic fever I’ve ever seen.”
The only indication he had that whatever had just been said was bad was in the way James tensed up beside him.
“Uh, hey doc?” Qrow rubbed a hand over the back of his head. “Mind explaining that for those of us less cognitively gifted?”
By gods, the woman could smile. “It’s a disease that can develop when strep throat goes untreated. You recall informing me that Clover had expressed to you he’d been ill a few weeks ago as well, yes?”
“Yeah?” He also remembered the way Dr. Callister’s eyes had lit up in sudden realization over what he had believed to be entirely useless information.
“Well, six weeks ago, I also just happened to be dealing with a rather rampant number of cases of strep throat among the facility and students. Not unusual, it’s a highly contagious infection. But it can only be properly treated with antibiotics. Clover was among the ones afflicted, but because he failed to seek treatment, it resulted in a new complication.”
He frowned, not liking where this was going. “This Rue-fever thing?”
“Precisely. Everything you’d listed out matched up.” She rose a hand, ticking the fingers off as she listed them, “Fever. Rashes. Joint pain. Jerky movements. Nosebleeds. So, I had my staff do a throat swab, and we got a positive on the streptococcus bacteria. I’ve already got him on the first dose antibiotics.”
“That’s good then, right? Pop a few pills and he’ll be good as new.”
James was the one to speak up, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s… not so simple. Rheumatic fever damages the heart.”
He didn’t need to have a doctorate to know that was bad. “Wait, what?! So he was having a heart attack?”
The doctor shook her head. “Nothing quite so dramatic; at least, not right now. Though, the tissue decay can weaken the valves or muscle itself and that can cause future issues. Rest assured, we’re monitoring it closely and if further treatment is needed or even surgery-”
“-He’ll be in the best of care.”
Qrow felt like the whole world had shaken underneath him.
However, James, whose own heart was nothing more than metal and oil, merely nodded. “I know he will be Anora. Thank you for all your hard work.”
“As much as the flattery is appreciated, you’ll find it will get you nowhere.” She said, donning her rough exterior once more. “I am going to make it very clear this cannot happen again. So, I don’t know what sense you need to knock into that boy, but do it.”
“I… will discuss it with him.”
“See that you do. And give this one a raise.” She waved vaguely in Qrow’s direction. “Clover certainly would have been worse off had he not been around.”
He blinked. Now that was a sentence he never thought he’d hear.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me gentleman, I have my duties to attend to. I’ll inform you of any updates and when he’s ready for visitors.”
Without further ado, the woman about-faced, heading back to her office without so much as a dismissal. In the silence left in her wake, Qrow could only find one word to accurately describe the whole situation.
He glanced over at James, seeing the man sag some as he allowed himself to feel the weight of the world for a minute. Strangely, he was reminded of Oz; airing on an infallible image to most, but in private and trusted company, allowed for some of the cracks to show.
“Hey,” He reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You know this isn’t on you, right?”
A sigh. “The wellbeing of my team should always be a top priority. I should have known better.”
“You still can’t expect to control anyone’s choices. Clover was the one who decided.” And almost died for it, Qrow thought but didn’t add. “What’s his deal anyways? He’s not actually needle-phobic, is he?”
James chuckled softly. “No. And I’m afraid that’s not something I’m at liberty to share freely. Although…” He eyed him over thoughtfully. “You two have certainly grown close.”
“Uh, I wouldn’t say that.” He shifted away to lean back against the wall. “I mean, sure I guess we’ve talked a lot but, well, those rides to Amity are long and boring is all.”
“Qrow, in all the years I have known him, Clover has never been open to sharing with anyone when he’s ill.”
He knew what James was trying to imply, but the feeling of being ‘special’ to someone was so foreign it just felt uncomfortable to fathom. Besides, it wasn’t exactly like he’d come across that knowledge honestly. He slid down a bit, crossing his arms. “Was probably just the fever getting to his head.”
“I suppose anything’s possible.” He hummed. “I really must get back, but I’ll keep you updated on his condition.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“And Qrow?” The knowing look James shot him was more powerful than one from his revolver. “If you want to know for sure, I suggest you ask him yourself.”
As his friend retreated down the hall, Qrow was left wondering if he’d been talking about Clover’s strange phobia or his feelings for him.
His chance came 36 hours later. He was just dragging his feet through the doorway of the academy after a rather brutal series of Grimm extraction missions, when a ping on his scroll alerted him to the news.
Clover’s awake and doing well. Already gone to visit. He’s in room 7A.
He glanced up from James’ message, calling, “You kids go on ahead. I got something to take care of.”
“But Uncle Qrow!” Ruby said as she bounced on her heels, still hyped up on adrenalin. “Oscar says they have strawberry cake in the mess hall!”
“Save me a piece.” He waved over his shoulder as he headed down the hall. Faintly, he thought he may have heard Weiss’ muttering that she’d make no such promise if Nora arrived. He chuckled, certain his waistline wouldn’t miss the 60 grams of sugar.
Besides, Qrow found his appetite mysteriously disappearing as he approached the medical wing. He followed the directions given to him by the receptionist to room 7A, pausing outside the door in a panic as he wondered if maybe he should have brought something. Didn’t people usually buy gifts or flowers? Desperately, he snatched up the first thing he could spot – a handful of fake begonias sitting in a vase on a utility cart, before he made his way inside.
Streamlined for efficiency, the small room offered little beyond a window to look out at the night sky, a closet-sized bathroom, and a corner-mounted TV. The rest of the space was filled with the necessities every hospital seemed to have: a series of machines placed around or mounted onto walls, various jarred items like swabs and cotton balls organized on a counter, an IV stand, and a wheel-around bed. Which, of course, held only one occupant.
Clover was resting on his back, in nothing but a light green hospital gown that, oddly, seemed to suit him. Wires ran underneath the fabric and the steady beep that filled the air gave away where they were attached to. One arm had a steady IV drip going through it, but the other he had hovering above his face. His fingers were jerking about in such a manner it almost made him look possessed. So intent on what he was doing, he hadn’t even noticed he had a guest, until Qrow finally announced his presence.
“Trying to puppeteer your face?”
“Oh!” Clover started, head swiveling about, a brief jump to the heart monitor giving away his startlement. “Qrow! I, uh, wasn’t expecting you.”
“No one ever is.” He crossed over to plop into the only chair in the room. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m good. I’m great!” He said a little too quickly as he sat up with some effort. “Just have a lingering pins and needles effect in my arms and legs, but Dr. Callister says that’s normal.”
That explained the weird voodoo motions.
Before he could think to pry, Clover pointed down at the flowers, asking, “Are those for me?”
“Huh? Oh, right. Here!” Qrow practically shoved the bouquet in his face. “Get well and all that.”
Those unfairly fetching green eyes peered at him over the pale pink blossoms before reaching up to take them. “Thanks.” He brought them close, as if to smell them, only to pause in confusion. “They’re… fake?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, struggling for a plausible excuse that wasn’t ‘I stole them’. “Well yeah, I wasn’t sure if you were allergic so I, um…”
“Hedged your bets?” Clover supplied with a grin.
“Hah. Funny.” He made a mental note to never leave him, Tai and Yang in a room together. They’d probably have a pun off.
Chuckling, Clover dropped the flowers into his lap. “Well, it was very thoughtful.” He heaved a long sigh, resting back against his pillows. Despite all his assurances, he already looked exhausted.
Like the night before. Qrow took the easy out as he looked around the room. “Hey why don’t we try to finish up that season of Border Control? They were just about to unravel that cipher in the diary and – oh, there’s the remote.” He stretched his arm to reach the little stand by the bed, plucking the device from the plastic organizer it was housed in. He took note that it was filled with a few of Clover’s personal items, like his pin. As he pulled it back, the remote snagged the corner of it, tipping it over and spilling the contents across the table and floor. “Ah, shit!”
He overturned his own chair as he dove across the floor to catch the man’s scroll as it skidded over the edge. A second later, he was dinged on the head by the stupid pin and then the plastic organizer. He grumbled, rubbing his head in irritation as he picked himself up off the floor and started to put everything back together.
Clover still must have been delirious, because for some reason he found the whole thing hilarious.
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes. “Yuk it up hyena.”
He reached down to pick up a piece of paper that had been pushed off by everything else. The Atlas military insignia caught his eye. Try as he might, it was hard to miss the gigantic, scripted header, bolded for emphasis. He sucked in a breath as the words sunk in:
Letter of Reprimand
The room had gone quiet.
Beyond sneaking a peek at the familiar signature at the bottom, he didn’t dare delve into the paragraphs, merely setting it aside with a scoff. “Can’t believe Jimmy gave you a warning while you’re still recovering.”
“Yes, well,” Cover idly fiddled with the stem of one of the flowers, gaze distant. “It’s not anything I didn’t earn.”
“How so?” He asked, feigning ignorance as he righted the chair and sat back down.
“Remember when I told you I was sick a few weeks ago? Well that and this are related. And I maybe, kind of, didn’t show when the General ordered me to get checked out.”
Qrow lent forward, scanning his face as he asked, “You, boy scout? Disobeying an order? I don’t believe it. What could possibly get you to do that?”
For the first time since they’d met, he saw the easygoing attitude the man wore like a shield crack as Clover ran a hand over his face, his sigh bordering frustration. “I just – It’s really ridiculous. But I feel guilty, coming here.”
He blinked.
That was not at all what he had expected.
“Why?” When his question was only met with tentative silence, he backtracked, “I mean – I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be prying into your personal business. You don’t have to tell me.”
Clover shook his head. “It’s not that. I just, it’s really dumb, Qrow. You’re going to think I’m a moron.”
“Okay, let’s shake on it.” He held out a hand.
The soldier looked at it, then him, curiously.
“If it’s as dumb as you say it is, then I’ll tell you something stupid I’ve done in my life. Fair?”
Being a spy for as many years as he had had taught Qrow the unconscious skill of getting people to talk when his bird form wasn’t enough to get what he needed. Oftentimes, that involved getting people into a position where they both felt comfortable and loose, but not vulnerable. Bars tended to create that atmosphere quickly, and loosen the tongue twice as fast.
But sometimes, he reminded himself as Clover grasped his hand, his methods were more honest than others.
“Okay. Deal.” As he drew back, he took a moment to gather his thoughts, before finally saying, “Do you remember yesterday, when I told you about the sanctuary? Truth is, that was my home. It wasn’t terrible, or anything. We had beds and food and an okay school system. But…” His gaze dropped back to the flowers, rubbing the petals between his fingers.
A nervous habit, Qrow realized. Maybe that was why he wore so many trinkets.
“But?” He finally pushed as the quiet drew on.
“They… weren’t well funded back then, if I’m being completely honest. Especially the ones in Mantle. A lot of our furniture was rickety or uncomfortable. Almost every toy was broken. And I don’t think my clothes ever fit properly until I made it to the academy.” Clover grimaced. “I mean! Things are way better now, of course. James convinced the council years ago to shift the budget. Though, I may or may not have given him a… gentle suggestion on that.” He didn’t seem so hard up on this fact, puffing out in pride. It was kind of adorable. “I went by the old place a year ago. It’s all fixed up with new paint and everything! Even some playground equipment.”
“But that’s why you feel guilty coming here, because it’s too expensive?” He guessed, trying to work with the weaves of information he was being given. But something still didn’t feel quite right.
The way the other’s smile shifted tensely told him that feeling was spot on. “No. I mean, we didn’t have regular doctor’s appointments or anything, but Sister Lisa really did try her best to make sure we stayed healthy.” His hand clenched around a blossom. “Everyone except me.”
A terrible, sinking feeling filled him as the missing piece fell into place.
Qrow breathed out slow. “When did you find out you had a good luck semblance, Clover?”
“I’ve had it as long as I can remember.” His whole body slumped, like he’d finally lifted off a great weight and could finally relax. “I knew you’d understand.”
He did – or at least, he was starting to. There were a lot of textual accounts of kids, even toddlers, inadvertently unlocking semblances when under duress. Orphans were often the number one case of this particular phenomenon, as over half of them found their way into the system after Grimm attacks.
Qrow had been ironically lucky. His own semblance had come about when he was a teenager. He wasn’t entirely sure he would have survived his childhood had he found out sooner. But he remembered how easily he became the black sheep to his people. Every little thing that went wrong was suddenly his fault and any instance of someone falling ill was on him. Those events had still left their scars and misgivings, things that went deep and were hard to undo and some days all he could tell himself was that sometimes, bad things just happened.
Clover was the case of what one would do with someone with the opposite of that ability and discovered it young.
“So, when you’d get ill, your caretaker decided your luck was enough to keep you well. I’d bet you got in trouble if you even tried to take something for yourself too.” He surmised.
“Basically, yeah.” Sheepishly, he rubbed the side of his neck. “Told you it was stupid.”
He pressed his lips together, a protective anger spilling the words out in a heated rush, “I wouldn’t call it that. But I would call it child abuse.”
Sharp as it was, Clover didn’t flinch back. “Yeah. Yeah it was. But that’s not what I meant.” He rose his head, finally meeting his eyes. “Did you know I got my first and second demerit because I wouldn’t go to the regular checkups Atlas academy students are required to be present for? And, the first time I got sick when I actually had some money to blow, I went out and bought some aspirin. But I felt so awful for doing it, thinking I was taking it from someone who needed it, that I slipped it into some other kid’s bag.”
“But Clover, that’s-” Qrow tried, but Clover wasn’t done as he gestured wildly to the room around them.
“Even this place! I almost died, yet the longer I sit here the worse off I feel because I can’t stop thinking: what if someone else needs it more? It’s pathetic!” He pressed the palm of his hand against his forehead, tugging at his hair. “I’m thirty-nine year’s old! I should be over this. But I can’t-”
He never found out what Clover couldn’t do, because, without even thinking it entirely through, Qrow had reached out, grasping his other hand in both of his. “Hey, stop. Breathe for a second, okay?”
“But I-”
“Breathe, boy scout.” When it seemed the other was taking his advice, he lessened his iron grip some, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. “Now look, I might not know everything, but I sure as heck know this – you’re not less of a person just because you can’t get past a bad experience.” He chuckled humorlessly. “I should know. I got about half a dozen of those hang-ups.”
The side of Clover’s mouth twitched upwards. “Like accepting compliments.”
Well. He supposed it was only fair. “More like accepting praise. When I was a teenager, the people I was around sometimes literally beat the idea into me that I couldn’t do anything right, until I just thought that was the truth. It was so bad, that by the time I got to Beacon, being told I’d done a good job actually caused me to have these weird anxiety fits.”
Their grips changed, Clover now the one holding his hand.
“It took years of reconditioning to break that response and even now, I sometimes still struggle with accepting praise of any kind.” Qrow scanned the other’s face, reading nothing there but sympathy. “So yeah, some things are hard to get over, especially if it was caused by something that was supposed to make you special.”
It was almost funny to think that there was once a time he’d been excited to discover he had a semblance and what it was.
Clover sighed, head drooping. “What if I can’t ever get over it?”
“Then all you can do is learn to deal with it best you can. Just know that that’s okay.”
There was a long moment as he seemed to take that in, before finally saying, “Yeah, I’ll try to remember that. And…” He looked up. “Thanks, for listening.”
“Thanks for trusting me.” He replied, unconsciously squeezing his grip.
As one, they looked down at where their hands were joined.
Also as one, they both jerked away, faces flaming up.
“O-Oh, sorry I was just-”
“I didn’t mean to-”
Their voices stumbled together, only for them both to pause at the same moment, staring.
Then the room steadily filled with the combined sound of their embarrassed laughter, Clover trying to stifle his behind his hand while Qrow rubbed the back of his neck.
“Man, what a day right?” He was the first to say.
Clover’s smile was soft. “A surprisingly good one.”
“You’ve spent half of it unconscious so… yeah I guess it would be for you.”
He tossed a flower at him. “Oh stop. Come on, let’s watch that episode already.”
“Gladly.” This time Qrow got the remote without incident. He shifted his chair around to face the TV, placing it closer to the bed. As he started to scour through the listings for their show, he couldn’t help but say, “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Why trust me? This whole thing seems like something you’d rather keep under wraps and it’s not like we’ve known each other that long. For all you know, I’m gonna go blab this to everyone who frequents the water cooler.” He tilted his head back, asking again, “So, why me?”
Clover merely arched a brow. “Because we’re partners, aren’t we?”
“Doesn’t mean you owe me anything.”
“True.” He conceded. “But I have to trust you with way more on the field than I do with my personal life. Isn’t that why you told me what your semblance was?”
Qrow faltered, dropping his gaze to the tiled floor. “I just wanted you to be on guard when around me.”
“It was still hard for you, right?”
“Sure but still, what you told me wasn’t relevant to the job.”
“Neither was your sobriety.” Was the cheeky reply. “Yet, it’s all relevant to our relationship. I want to get closer to you Qrow.”
Oh. He flushed a bit, averting his face to hide the silly grin he could feel on his face.
“That’s not gonna happen if I don’t trust you. Sure, maybe you might go telling my secrets to the world, but if I don’t risk them, then nothing will ever go anywhere. And at its core, isn’t that what trust is? A risk.” Those words made him look up, the sincerity in Clover’s smile making his heart jump. “So… you willing to risk it with me?”
Was he? It had been a long time since he’d taken that step with anyone.
Yet as their gazes met once more, the fears that normally held him back seemed to crumble so easily in the wake of those kind teal eyes, guiding him in like a gentle ocean tide.
“Yeah.” He finally said. “I think I am.”
It wasn’t the only one he decided then and there it was time to take.
The next morning, Qrow strolled into Jimmy’s office, Ruby and Oscar at his heels.
The General had his head buried in a holographic replica of Amity Tower, scouring over the progress data – but at their entrance, he minimized the diagram, getting to his feet. “Ah, good morning. What brings you three here?”
Gut twisting with nerves, he paused at the foot of the stairs, looking between the kids that flanked either side of him.
Ruby smiled.
Oscar nodded.
He took a breath, then faced the man head on.
“Hey James. We gotta talk.”
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garrou · 5 years
garou arc timeline because i was having trouble parsing exactly how many days it lasted
all off the top of my head so i may have some points mixed up
day 1:
garou is introduced to the story. he beats up all of the criminals gathered by the hero association as well as the three heroes that were supposed to be acting as guards for the meeting
garou defeats tank top vegetarian
garou defeats tank top master and some of his underlings (did this happen on a different night ??)
day 2:
garou defeats several lower-class heroes he happens upon in the street
garou meets tareo for the first time
garou defeats golden ball and spring mustachio
garou meets saitama for the first time unknowingly, but is of course immediately dispatched with a chop to the shoulder and passes out for the night in the middle of the street
day 3:
garou wakes up in a pile of trash bags that he was apparently moved to in the night
garou meets tareo a second time
garou fights metal bat, ending in a draw
garou is first confronted by the monster association but declines their offer to join
garou seeks out watchdog man but has to withdraw from the fight
day 4 (and probably eventually late enough at night to technically leak into a fifth day):
garou wakes with a fever and plans to lie low for a few days, but tareo happens to be forced into the shed he’s staying at by his mean “friends” and they talk for a bit
garou is ambushed by several heroes but defeats them all despite being ill. tareo gets scared of him and runs away
genos fights garou but is interrupted by bang and bomb, who beat the shit out of garou. to his credit he keeps trucking the entire time
but regardless before either side can be victorious the bird costume guy just. picks him up by the arms. and flies away. garou screams at him and complains the entire time but eventually he passes out while they’re in the air
garou wakes up at some point mid-day in the monster association. they tell him to go outside and kill a hero. sword hands guy and bug guy are sent to tail him
garou eats an inhuman amount of food at a restaurant without paying and is followed by saitama (who forgot his wallet and used chasing after garou as an excuse to get out of it)
garou comes across tareo again and saves him from some bullies
saitama finds garou and garou tries to pick a fight with him but is knocked out immediately. tareo manages to wake him up shortly after, however
sword hands guy and bug guy show up and fight garou. garou tells tareo to run and holds his ground fairly well until a third monster shows up having captured tareo, which distracts him just long enough that sword hands guy lands a hit, which in turn is enough to put an end to whatever fumes garou is running on. garou gets cut to shit and is presumed dead by all present
tareo is taken back to the monster association hq
garou wakes up sometime in the late evening or night, completely vital again. at this point he’s not entirely human anymore, though he still looks it his regen abilities have skyrocketed and his clothing is fused to/a part of his body.
garou enters the monster association hq to look for tareo (though he wouldn’t admit that’s why)
garou begins eating monster corpses as he kills those he comes across, presumably because his transformation is using up so much energy that he’s starving All The Time
garou breaks into the cell that sword hands guy has taken tareo into and kills him and starts to lead tareo out
they come across rover but he gets them away by backing away slowly which surprisingly works
three other monsters attack them and garou takes care of them but not before they agitate rover
garou and tareo split up, tareo runs away while garou fights rover
rovers attacks end up landing garou in the room with gyorogyoro and orochi where he confronts them
garou fights orochi
??? (orochi wasn’t in the webcomic and this is as far as the manga has gotten so it’s unclear what’ll happen here to make up for the discrepancies)
garou resurfaces outside of the monster assoc hq to confront the remaining heroes, having begun to show physical signs of transformation into a monster
various s-class heroes try to confront him but all fail. saitama cant manage to catch him at this point and garou ignores saitama in favor of the s-classes
garou threatens to kill tareo if they don’t stop him. no one really makes any moves to stop him but eventually saitama intercepts
garou is still like “i’m gonna kill the kid over here if you don’t stop me!” and saitama points out that tareo isn’t even where he is headed, that he knows tareo isn’t in that direction, and that he is bluffing
garou and saitama fight sorta; garou can take saitamas punches pretty easy at this point. saitama calls him soft and points out that he’s holding back/going easy, i.e. that he isn’t fighting to kill
as they fight some s-class heroes gain vitality and garou acts surprised and saitamas like “dude. You Were Fighting Them Non Lethally. You Left Them Alive On Purpose.” which garou refuses to admit
garou gives his longass speech about his actual reasoning for doing what he’s doing—it’s not just that he wants to be a monster, his ultimate goal is to be a unifying factor for all mankind by being something everyone universally hates and fears; he naïvely believes that prejudice, war, crime, bullying, etc. will all be cast aside in favor of trying to defeat the God-Level Monster Garou. he demands to know why saitama is a hero, to which he of course replies it’s a hobby
garou gets pissed off at the fact saitamas motivation is so menial and that he can’t land any real hits on saitama and transforms further and then further again but he still can’t really do shit and he starts to lose steam and get to be more small and humanoid again
saitama really starts to dig into him at this point like he points out that what garou really wanted was to be a hero, but he thought it wasn’t going to work out so he settled on being a monster instead because “a monsters job is easier”
saitama punches away his monster form. literally punches it away and it crumbles and he’s like, inside there. what’s up with that
garou, seeing his purpose as being null, loses the will to go on
bang beats him up a little bit and he doesn’t bother to fight back, but he notes bang isn’t really trying to hurt him that hard
other heroes insist garou has to die, but tareo cries and insists he’s not a bad person because he’s saved him multiple times in just a few days
tareo’s support makes him realize he doesn’t really want to die here
garou escapes, with only saitama being able to actually process what direction he even went in bc he was moving so fast, and isn’t seen again in the webcomic for literally half a decade!
some unspecified time later idk a few days
king, while visiting an old abandoned dojo with a mummy, starts to go to a waterfall out back to get a drink but gets scared and runs away upon seeing garou is there
garou notices him somehow despite the fact that he’s sitting under a fuuuucking waterfall like hello? well that’s fine sweetie glad to see u again
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omgmicheal01me · 5 years
Why extreme messaging on Edmonton's anti-Trudeau billboards is concerning experts
EDMONTONOn a recent June day, a large billboard on the south side of Edmonton cast a shadow over the passing cars below. Is Trudeau leading us to civil war? asked the blood-red lettering emblazoned across a black background on the 10-foot-by-20-foot electronic sign. Above the main text was a series of phrases provided without context, among them: mass migration, firearms ban, normalizing pedophilia, eco-hysteria and globalism. The man behind the billboard, and another like it on the citys west side, sums it up: These are the kinds of things that people are talking about online, said Peter Downing. Downing is a former Mountie. His lobby group, Alberta Fights Back, also funded a billboard in February that asked Should Alberta Ditch Canada? Its pointing out the dysfunction and bringing it out in the public to have this discussion, he said. Some of the most heated topics on the internet including conspiracy theories and out-and-out falsehoods have morphed from right-wing message boards to the streets of the Alberta capital, often in the form of antipathy in Alberta toward Trudeau and the federal government. University of Alberta political science professor Jared Wesley said the Alberta election discourse validated some of the emotions that underlie the extreme messaging pushed by groups like Alberta Fights Back, and politicians have failed to step up and condemn them. Before social media, I think we lived in a time where establishment parties would snuff that out. They would either stifle it, or they would make public comments to the effect of, This is not who we represent, this is not what were about. But we havent seen any parties do that, Wesley said. The embers will keep burning until somebody snuffs them out. And I just dont get a sense from Alberta politicians that theyre interested in doing that. He said its unlikely these groups will have an impact on the federal election, as there is nothing the prime minister could do to win them over. These folks are not persuaded by knowledge, facts, evidence, law. But the messages cross a line from commentary to misinformation, and an Edmonton lawyer said that could land Downing in trouble. The notion of a firearms ban comes from a rumour spread by independent MP Tony Clement, who said in May that Trudeau was planning to announce a ban on all legal firearms during a womens conference. However Trudeau never announced a ban. The normalizing pedophilia point stems partly from a Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation document that contains a triangular logo, vaguely resembling one that the FBI has identified as being used by pedophiles to secretly discuss their sexual proclivities. Triangular logos are used by many companies and organizations, but Downing draws the pedophilia link based on a belief in the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy that influenced a 2016 shooting at a Washington, D.C., pizzeria. The conspiracy falsely suggests a number of high-ranking politicians are involved in child sex-trafficking rings. Media and defamation lawyer Sean Ward said while Canada has broad protections for people expressing opinions on matters of public interest, the defence of fair comment requires the comment or opinion to be based on facts. Theres obviously an expectation of heated political rhetoric, and perhaps a greater deference to criticism of public officials, but the people who are making comments about political figures are not immune from defamation actions, Ward said. There is still a legal risk where youre making those kinds of allegations if theyre not based on provable facts. A spokesperson for the prime ministers office declined to comment. At pro-oil Yellow Vest protests in Edmonton last winter, some held signs depicting violence against Trudeau. A quick scan of Yellow Vests Canadas Facebook page at the time showed commenters accusing the prime minister of treason and calling for his assassination. Mount Royal University political science professor Lori Williams said the garbled messaging on Downings billboard is reminiscent of the rhetoric from the truck convoy that drove from Alberta to Ottawa in February, when people with a range of political concerns diluted the messaging to the point that it wasnt clear what was going on. There obviously are some people in Alberta that are extremely angry, Williams said. This billboard tries to touch on a number of different issues and concerns, but theres no sort of coherent line that runs through them. And some of those will appeal to one group and be abhorrent to another group. Resentment toward Ottawa nothing new in this province has been stewing once more in Alberta since the 2014 recession, with some believing Trudeau has ignored the western provinces and obstructed progress on pipelines. Premier Jason Kenney frequently targeted Trudeau during his spring election campaign, disparagingly accusing NDP Leader Rachel Notley of forming an alliance with the prime minister. But even some of those who donated to Alberta Fights Back think Downing has gone too far. Elections Alberta records show Downing himself is the groups biggest financial contributor, but he has received $1,000 from the second-highest donor, former Wildrose Party candidate Sharon Maclise. Maclise said she donated to fund the February pro-separatism billboards but was surprised to learn about the latest ones. I do not endorse it and I would not have agreed for my money to be used for it, she said. That does not say that I like Justin Trudeau, but I think that is radical nonsense and I dont want to be associated with it and I am very upset. I didnt even know it was up. Alberta Fights Back paid to put the Trudeau signs up for a week at two major intersections in early June, sparking some shock and anger on social media. The ads have since run their course and have come down. Wesley said the groups extreme views only represent a small portion of the population a post-election poll conducted by U of A researchers found about 12 per cent of Albertans favour separation but added history tells us you cant ignore these things. You need to take a firm stance in favour of, in this case, staying in Canada. And I cant believe we have to say that, Wesley said. Theyre playing on emotions. And theyre getting attention for doing it. Kevin Maimann is an Edmonton-based reporter covering education and marijuana legalization. Follow him on Twitter: @TheMaimann
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