#ik They’re not that old but hey. the life expectancy of their business isn’t great so they’re old in my books.
badolmen · 8 months
writing toxic old man yaoi. if you even care
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
hey cozy! ik requests are closed at the moment so u dont have to answer this im only sending it so i dont forget the idea! u can answer once requests are open again haha so like what about hcs for la squadra members actually playing yakuza? im not a yakuza player but my friend is and im trying to get into it!
La Squadra playing Yakuza 0 HC’s
AAA! Anon I love you for requesting this!! I know the niche in the Yakuza and JJBA venn diagram is kinda small :0 but here we go regardless because this mixture has literally been my shit for a year so far!! Hc’s for them playing Yakuza 0 since that’s a very nice entry point 💖✨(also deffo give the game a try it will BREAK UR HEART)
also maybe Yakuza 0 spoilers?
Risotto will be hard to convince to do anything fun or relaxing since he’s always working. After a loooooot of nagging he will finally give in and say he’ll play a chapter or two.
Silent standoff with Kiryu because Risotto can R E L A T E.
Is surprised that he likes the fighting mechanics and quickly picks up the combos, literally obliterates enemies with his skills.
Gets sucked into the story and will play more than two chapters because he just needs to know what the fuck is going on.
Risotto is BAD at the karaoke mini game at first, not really having much experience with games in general, especially rhythm games. He gets a little better over time but still can’t get over a 92 score.
When he gets to Majima he will  R E L A T E again. He feels a connection between the complicated situations in the game and his own work life, he’s glad that it’s fictional because he’s already feeling a bit stressed thinking about being in those situations.
Will finish the game pretty quickly, doesn’t do too much side quests or minigames because he loves the story too much. He does like the Cabaret Club Czar minigame, he enjoys talking to the girls but won’t finish it. Ignores the existence of Pocket Racing.
Is into casually gaming every once in a while and is open to the game but isn’t really sure he will like the story.
Oh but he falls hard. He’s totally in love with this game, literally loses his shit at the end of every chapter.
Will get distracted and play way too much side content instead of the main story despite wanting to know what happens next. Will also ragequit if he can’t get the hit in baseball or grab the plushy in the claw machine.
Likes the silliness of the side quests but gets a little whiplashed from the emotional tone changes in the main story.
POCKET RACING IS HIS SHIT! Will complete the Real Estate business thing just so he can spend all his money on car parts.
Is pretty good at karaoke and will start randomly singing the songs throughout the day. Also really loves Cabaret Club Czar and grind till he finishes it. 
Formaggio is a loud gamer, will say his thoughts out loud and attract an audience from his housemates.
Is a literal mess at the end. WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THINGS?
Doesn’t really game but like Risotto will finally cave so whoever’s nagging will finally shut up.
Is suspicious of every character and what their part is in the story. Has a bunch of predictions at the start, actually got a few things right before knowing what was up.
Really loves Nishiki and wishes he could be friends with him in real life. Does still think he’s hotter than Nishiki even though he has great hair.
Doesn’t bother too much with doing a lot of side quests and finds it really annoying he can’t run through the map without getting into a fight every 2 seconds.
Oof he doesn’t really like Majima but gets where he comes from, just doesn’t really relate to him.
Gets annoyed by Kiryu’s denseness sometimes.
Enjoys the story but doesn’t really get emotionally attached.
Even though he will have enjoyed it, he won’t play any other games from the franchise, he has better stuff to do.
Prosciutto is not a gamer AT ALL, has a hard time getting into it and barely understands the controls.
Will offer live snide commentary about the stupid stuff that happens.
He does enjoy going ham every once in a while once he gets beast mode.
He tries out almost everything available sidecontent-wise and eating at restaurants just to see what it’s like.
Does get bored easily and doesn’t care if he finishes the game or not.
Well shit... he dropped the game before he even got into it.
Don’t bother him again with playing games unless it’s cards, he’s an old man like that.
Pesci enjoys gaming every once in a while and is actually pretty good at them. He can really lose himself in them, fully concentrated and having a lot of fun.
He loves Kiryu and looks up to him, he can relate to Kiryu being a bit lost as well. Majima on the other hand is very cool to him but he doesn’t really get his transition.
Will love playing Cabaret Club and completes it. He truly does his best to talk with the hostesses, making it practice for when he actually has to talk to girls.
Has a crush on all of the girls, if they’re somewhat nice to him he’ll think about them for days.
Pesci is pretty good at fighting in the Colosseum as well, enjoying being able to focus on successfully beating the hell out of those idiots.
Wants to swoop Makoto off her feet and speed off to safety. Cheers her on quietly and cries whenever bad things happen.
Absolutely crushed by the ending but will still want to continue playing the other games in the franchise.
Did someone say new hyper-fixation? Because it sure sounded like it!!
Melone plays to game from start to end fully into it and only wanting more. In between jobs he’ll spend most of his time playing, fully immersed.
He wants to 100% the game at any cost, so he will do premium adventure to get all the achievements.
Sometimes he isn’t even having fun anymore, just doing the things he needs to get that 100%. Will have heard every single karaoke song a million times and still listens to them by choice.
He looooves playing Cabaret Club Czar and doesn’t even need a guide to know how to get the most out of his hostesses. He’d actually love to manage a hostess club now that he thinks about it.
Will get a crush on Majima, will cry at all the horrible stuff that happens and he will stan him even harder in the end.
Melone is already planning his trip to Tokyo for a thorough tour of Kabukicho (Kamurocho), won’t even need a guide since he’s memorised the map.
He will also purchase all the other games available in the franchise. Honestly he’s never been this into any game before but he’s so glad to have found it.
Just like Formaggio he is a loud gamer. This game will get on his nerves, especially since he isn’t immediately good at fighting.
No matter how angry he gets he will NOT quit! Gritting his teeth and slamming the controller but HE WILL CONTINUE FUUU-
Can relate to Majima a lot, sometimes he feels like another pawn in a game he has no power in. Maybe it inspires him to be more rebellious or let go of mental restraints.
He will try for hours on end to get a 100 in karaoke. When he finally gets it, expect a loooot of yelling and whooping.
Secretly loves dressing up the hostesses but is too embarrassed to play too much Cabaret Club in case someone walks by.  
Ghiaccio will also get annoyed at Kiryu’s sporadic stupidity.
He’ll also spend a lot of time on Pocket Circuit but he won’t finish it once it gets hard, unlike the fighting in the game, he will quit this minigame.
He won’t let anyone see or know but he sobbed like a baby at the ending. He really liked the story and got attached to these wonderfully weird characters.
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heyymonkey2 · 7 years
First Night Back in Fuuga Ch 32: The Ground Has Shifted
AO3 Link to Chapter 32
Summary: Yona, Hak, and Soo-Won try to acclimate to their new relationships to the palace
“You have remarkable observation skills,” though Ik-Soo isn’t watching Soo-Won as he says this.
Instead, Ik-Soo sits adjacent to this foreign visitor whom Kija brought back to his village. Both Ik-Soo and Soo-Won watch forward from an outdoor table where they’ve been having lunch as the villagers celebrate Kija’s return out on the lawn before them.
“Oh?” Soo-Won asks innocently with a hand scratching behind his head, then a little seriously, “I’m beginning to see you and I have some things in common.”
Ik-Soo doesn’t react, just stares forward with peace in those eyes that no one can see, “I won’t pretend we’re not in Kouka. Even if they weren’t throwing a festival for Kija, you would have easily connected this was once his home.”
“After the shoes,” Soo-Won glances down at the handwoven straw sandals on his feet, “My expectations for you to be forward were low. I’m impressed.”
“Expectations are a dangerous thing to hold.”
Soo-Won takes a deep breath. A little blonde boy beams as he chases two friends, then turns in pause when he sees Soo-Won’s harrowed expression watching him. Soo-Won closes his eyes at the painful, nostalgic feelings at war inside him.
“In patience we gain strength,” Ik-Soo encourages.
“Whatever it is you’re trying to achieve with me… I don’t believe in the same things you do, Priest.”
Ik-Soo is unmoved, “And yet in your heart you’re desperate to comprehend how she with a single look could make your heart stop and freeze your feet to the ground as though you had become a statue.”
Soo-Won snaps his head over to look at Ik-Soo, but the priest has already risen and started walking away. How did he…? Ik-Soo trips over nothing, then rises with a friendly wave to the children that he’s really OK.
Soo-Won again stares at his sandals -- hard, then rises and follows after Ik-Soo.
The once and still king walks with a slight limp due to his healing wounds, but he catches right up.
“Where are you going?”
“To pray.”
Soo-Won sighs, “May I leave with them? The dragons. Or am I intended to be a captive here? I don’t wish to stay in this place. I need to go back.”
Ik-Soo continues down a path into the woods along a river, “You need air. I think you’re missing the big picture.”
“Your foolish philosophies are getting us nowhere.”
“They got us right here,” Ik-Soo stops and gestures around at the foliage.
“This is the very definition of nowhere.”
Ik-Soo as casually as ever, “Until you are able to see beyond, you won’t be able to find your way back.”
“Did you not just moments ago compliment my ability to observe?”
“Ah, yes, you’re brilliant.”
Soo-Won throws a hand to his forehead. This man is an idiot.
“But you overlook almost everything.”
“You’ve existed in a very small world, Soo-Won. On details that pertain to it, you are incredibly focused. But until you let go of your obsession with all that you had and knew, your world will stay the same. I think it’s probably a very painful place to be right now. Why not come on a walk outside instead? It’s beautiful out here.”
Ik-Soo begins walking again. Soo-Won calls after in frustration.
“You’re wasting both of our time and putting the princess in danger. I need to speak with her. She and Hak must be to the palace by now. There are things there that--”
“The princess will not be harmed.”
“We don’t know that,” and yet as Soo-Won begins to follow once more, he finds himself questioning whether Ik-Soo actually could know that… maybe even feeling relief if he did, “How did you know… about the way she looked at me?”
Ik-Soo stops and sits at the edge of a pool of water the river gently spills over into. Soo-Won joins beside him.
“I once served at the palace, many years ago.”
Only the sound of the water.
“I understand you know what that means.”
“I told you that I, too, do not believe in what you do,” Soo-Won clarifies, fully understanding now they are also speaking about his father Yu-Hon and when he threw all the priests out of the palace.
Ik-Soo again is not visibly discouraged, “Faith is a personal journey -- I have no business on yours. I’m simply here to help you. There are things that happened at the palace at that time that I will reveal to you. You can decide on your own to trust my words or not.”
Soo-Won stares at this man… suddenly not wanting to be somewhere else. Just here -- listening.
“You’ll have to earn each one.”
Soo-Won receives those words with dread. He hasn’t sat still this long since he can remember. He feels like jumping out of his skin already. And he needs to talk to her. It’s all he’s been thinking about. That and the pain.
“Then after all has been revealed… what exactly? I’ll know something I didn’t before and you’ll let me leave?”
“You’ll see. Patience.”
Soo-Won stares forward over the calm water and wonders about how quickly he can draw the secrets from this man. How quickly he can get back to Yona to warn her.
“Min-Soo!” Yona throws her arms around her old friend at the door. She turns back toward her room, “Look -- Hak, it’s like old times!”
“Well…” Hak watches Min-Soo nearly fall over from Yona’s hug -- he’s clearly still healing from his wound.
Yona brightly continues, “We were just about to head out. Can we help you with something?”
“General Joo-Doh sent me to find you. When you weren’t in the King’s chambers, he got pretty rattled.”
Hak sighs, “You can tell General Joo-Doh we survived the night without him hovering over us. And we’ll be sleeping in this room from now on. He’s not invited.”
Min-Soo’s cheeks go a little pink, “Of course.”
“Hey,” Hak calls after, freezing Min-Soo mid-turn, “It’s good to see you.”
After a returning smile, Min-Soo disappears.
Hak and Yona walk down the hall together and it’s a little weird because they’re side by side -- which they most often weren’t in the palace before -- and not touching -- which is rare of them anywhere lately. So with a bite of her lower lip, Yona sneaks a hand across and grabs Hak’s. When his wry smile creeps up, she glows.
“Kyo-Ga came already. He’d like to speak with me about coronation.”
“Whatever you said at camp seemed to really work with that guy. If he had the power, I’d say he’d put a crown on your head right here.”
“To be honest, it makes me a little uncomfortable.”
“I’m glad. Me, too.”
“I trust him. I just think… sometimes we can’t even trust ourselves if we let our ambitions get ahead of us.”
“With all the generals, they’re capable of being great men if you lead them well.”
Hak pauses to sit on a bench under an arch for this one, “Did you know this was one of my favorite napping spots?”
“No… that’s really irrelevant, Hak.”
“I’m asking you not to ruin my memory of this spot with whatever you’re about to stay.”
“You’re so mean, Hak! I’m going to say something… good.”
He raises his eyebrows in suspicion, “OK Princess, go on…”
“We’ve been discussing who to appoint as the new Water Tribe general. I’ve decided. Just as we agreed that I should be involved leading the generals because of my unique contributions in peace and negotiation, I think that Lili should become a general because of her bravery, open-minded views on how things are done, and how much her tribe respects her.”
Hak scratches his chin and considers, “That’s all true, though it’s hard to get past that she doesn’t fight.”
“I know. I’ve already thought about it and… well, you taught me. Maybe Wind warriors have a knack for that? If she spent some time with Tae-Woo, he could train her which would mean he’d spend more time at the palace. I’m sure she could teach him some things, as well.”
Hak sighs, “He’s not gonna like that. At all. But she’s loyal to you and that means a lot to me. As it is, I’m already gonna have my hands full figuring out who’s not loyal and still in the Sky Tribe.”
That sentiment affects Yona more than she expects. She stiffens… “Now that I think about it, maybe we should wait to see a doctor? Who knows what could spread before the coronation.”
There’s a pain in Hak’s expression as he looks up at her, holding her hand in his, “I hate this.”
“Once Mundok is here, he’ll know what to do.”
Hak kisses the top of her sweet hand, “OK. ...then I think you have some dragons to go see.”
Yona smiles great big, but-- “You’re not coming with?”
“I’ll be right behind you,” Hak smiles back up at Yona to calm her, “There’s something I need to do first.”
She nods, then, “I can’t wait to stuff you all full of delicious things at lunch!”
“Palace food -- that I have missed,” Hak confesses.
Yona leans forward and they kiss gently, deeply for a long heartfelt moment before Yona pulls back with happy eyes, reluctantly drops his hand, and heads down the hall toward the other loves of her life.
Hak watches after her wondering if he can even let himself allow her to walk to their room on her own. ...he rises and follows at a distance -- the answer is no, no he can’t.
How the hell am I gonna do this when there are two of them?!
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