#wolf: don’t say I love you I don’t like it. Jackson: ok. I don’t care. I love you.
badolmen · 5 months
writing toxic old man yaoi. if you even care
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nymphinia · 2 years
My thoughts on the G3 Monster High Movie (spoilers under ‘keep reading’)
Hi, so obviously this is going to contain spoilers for the new Monster High movie (which yes, is leaked, though its not fully edited so that’s not really something I plan to talk about since that’s not exactly fair LOL) and I just have many thoughts from being a fan from the beginning and seeing now what’s about to be the 2nd rebirth (reboot more proper term but eh) of Monster High. Again, spoilers of course and I just wanted to share my own opinions and hopefully interact with other folks who have seen it too and/or just want to talk about it :)
I’m not a professional reviewer or anything and I will avoid being overly rambling, apologies in advance! To start with a quick review of the plot itself, the movie begins with Clawdeen in the human world basically doing a Tony Hawk until she crashes into someone and oh no, exposes her wolf ears and scares everyone! I have to say and I don’t want to comment much on the placement editing but seeing the placement Clawdeen jumps is so funny it reminds me of Neil Breen movies. ANYWAY.
She’s a fresh little 15 year old and is accepted to Monster High, and the whole half human thing does come into play already with her dad being a human, and I guess Clawdeen’s mother is dead? The rest of the movie seems to hint at this, and half human/monster folk will change into their human form when they feel intense emotions like fear for example, which, ok I guess. That answers the question how anyone could even find out about the secret other than seeing Clawdeen’s dad. Cut past scenes music dances, the main trio meeting for the first time, first class, I feel silly I already forget the teachers name but he teaches about how terrible humans are and the whole Jekyll/Hyde situation (RIP Jackson and Holt, you will be dearly missed) and Clawdeen being led to believe by the teacher that Jekyll’s lab is still on campus and he had a ‘magic potion’ that would eradicate his human side, which prompts Clawdeen to search for it, Draculaura is counted in because of her love of witchcraft is found by Clawdeen and Frankie (which is by the way, is frowned upon by monsters) and eventually end up in trouble due to the witchcraft. But you know rules are made to be broken, they find a way into the lab to find out the teacher led them, knew Clawdeen was half human and then takes the potion for himself to not actually become “full monster” but (and I quote) “The Ultimate Monster” that literally steals monsters powers because turns out, he’s the son of Jekyll/Hyde and wants to commit the revenge that was originally stopped, but of course he was stopped too and Clawdeen ends up being accepted by everyone realizing being 100% monster doesn’t mean you don’t have the heart and soul of a monster. Confetti. Woot.
Plot thoughts: What I typed out is a very simplified version of course, but so far, in comparison to what Welcome to Monster High was, this is a much stronger start to rebooting the franchise. Plenty of the spirit of g1 monster high is in this for sure. Like from Freaky Fusion that never got expanded upon, Monster High is very old and rich with all sorts of history, it’s not magically built by Draculaura. I’m very interested where I assume the animated series will pick up on for telling any history, or in fact, another movie. The ending of the movie has implied there might already be another one in the making, hinting at vampire society. Not sure yet but I’m sure we’ll find out. Now onto characters, what I really cared about the most!
Clawdeen: While the half human change is certainly, something, in the context of the movie it makes sense. Even if it’s a little... meh at best? Her character isn’t too bad, she’s not the sassy original Clawdeen so it’s definitely a change, but it’s not bad at all, and I’d like to see where it goes. It’s not exactly mentioned if she’s super interested in fashion, again, we will have to see.
Frankie: I. LOVE. THEM!!!!! The writers really captured how quirky Frankie is, not just their personality and learning the world around them, but to even their limbs coming off and this time around Frankie knows what parts of people they have, it’s a very cool aspect and I also just adore how ND coded they are. Definitely plenty of g1 elements but the genius element added in from g2, but still full of freaky flaws. Also the fact they are openly nonbinary, chefs kiss. I hope Garrett is proud of them in this movie, it is just one step but it is a step at all. Definitely the best character!
Draculaura: Now she has a pretty dramatic change in character, she’s very closed off and a bit “snobby” (not sure what other word to really use tbh) but once Frankie and Clawdeen see her witchcraft and immediately find it cool, she opens up and shows she is caring. Definitely wildly different from g1 and g2 Draculaura’s personality, but it’s welcome. I also just want to say I’m glad that Dracula in g2 and g3 is such an old-timer/boomer, it’s a charm I’m actually glad carried over from the first reboot.
Cleo: Genuinely very glad she’s back to her queen bee roots. No fearleading leader (yet?) but I love the classic mean girl who also will do the right thing when it’s needed most. She doesn’t have as much screentime as the trio, but I really enjoyed her in this.
Deuce: Very interesting to see him more involved again, he like Cleo doesn’t have a ton of screentime either, but he’s very laid back and it was interesting to learn that he specifically was the first in his family to go to monster high, due to a stigma against gorgons. Definitely hoping more is expanded on that in the animated series too. No answer who Lyra is supposed to be, and also in terms of Clawdeen x Deuce, I can’t really tell if they’re going to push that or not. In some areas, it seems like they want to try and push that, but on the flipside, they really do just seem like friends. I’m not really the best to judge on it, but I do kinda hope it’s just a friends thing after all.
Lagoona: Sad she has so little time on screen!!! I definitely wanted more of her, I genuinely hope that she gets more time to shine in the animated series. It’s also a neat take to see her and Cleo as best ghoul friends, it’s really sweet. Again, can’t wait to see it more fleshed out in the future.
Ghoulia: Also not tons of screentime (but feels like more than Lagoona?) from what I can tell, she has that zombie quirkiness but it does feel strange she actually speaks instead of zombie moans... going to take getting some used to.
And last, Heath: He’s Heath LOL not much to say but he’s certainly there!
Not sure how to really finish this off since I wanted the bulk of my thoughts just out somewhere, if you read through all of this thank you! I’ve been kind of avoiding a lot of monster high fans in recent times due to how much fighting and drama there has been and many, many extreme reactions towards this reboot, it doesn’t feel worth my time to engage with it. There are critiques to be made so far, but a lot of things feel like out right bashing and the fact Garrett himself had to state stop with the harassment (since actors and even VAs are being harassed online) and he wants to support this project even without being on it is a bit sad. A lot of anger also feels extremely recycled from the first reboot that happened, which in hindsight, had its criticisms too absolutely but it’s very weird seeing posts online even go as far as say g2 did things better... when I know deep down all of us know how rushed it was and faded out terribly. I like to think this time around the franchise can be a phoenix rising from it’s ashes, we’re off to a much better start than last time, and personally I’m excited to see where everything goes. Again, if you read this far thank you!
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qayinie · 3 years
Okay, so since my newest 2021 hyperfixation is Teen Wolf (Sterek) I just need to rant a little about it here. particularly the shows obsession with implying through jokes and gibs that Stiles is into guys (and then not following through!)
just a few things i can think of at the top of my head (which happen all before the end of season 3 might I add!) is Stiles asking if he’s attractive to gay guys (which ok, valid question); when they visit the jungle and Stiles is seen being surrounded by drag queens, all of whom he at a later episode apparently liked so much that he not only got their phone numbers, but also decided they were a good group to call for help;  jokes about how his fashion-sense don’t match potential gayness (wtf?); Matt Daehler saying Derek and Stiles make a cute couple (when they have been paralysed and fucking forced to lie on top of each other); Caitlin asking if he likes girls (implying that he gives off gay vibes? i don’t know). 
and like, the thing that kind of rubs me the wrong way with these jokes (hints that the showrunners and actors are aware that Sterek is a big ship in the fandom?) is that they way they’re played off is as a sort of, “haha, look, people think this white kid is gay because (enter reasons I don’t even know? he’s a little geeky? talk a lot? at the start of the show he’s pretty skinny? point is, i don’t know the reasons, but they’re there) but he’s clearly not gay!” 
but the thing is that those kind of jokes are not funny because if Stiles is 100 % straight then the jokes are meant to make fun of queerness. and, yes, there are other queer representation within the show, with Danny, Ethan, Jackson, Emily and Caitlin, but they are not main characters. and it’s great that a character like Danny is so beloved by everyone in the show, and is obviously very smart and kind and his sexuality is just accepted. when Aiden and Ethan comes to school it’s just like, wow, these hot dudes; Lydia is going after the straight one and Danny is going after the gay one, no big deal. and don’t get me wrong, those things are important. the fact that it’s Aiden that dies and not Ethan is fucking huge (yes, thank you, let’s bury the bury your gays trope right now)! 
but the jokes about Stiles straightness/lack there of are still jokes at Stiles expense. because Stiles is a main character and obviously a main character can’t be gay! the audience is supposed to know that, so that they’ll scoff in amusement everytime someone implies Stiles could potentially be anything other than straight. 
and how we’re supposed to know that is because Stiles is obsessed with Lydia. now don’t get me wrong; i love Lydia. she’s amazing. but that’s like literally how the audience is supposed to know Stiles couldn’t possibly be gay; because he has an obsession with a girl who at the start of the show barely talks to him, isn’t at all in his social group and only dates hot jocks. that and the fact that Stiles bemoans his virginity and wouldn’t mind practically anyone to take it from him, you know, “classic lad-banter, lolz!” 
but the thing is, you can’t see on someone based on how they’re dressed if they’re queer. you can’t tell that they’re gay or straight because they have “classical gay or straight interests” which definitely makes them one or the other. sometimes people just are queer. queer people have traits, skills and values that should qualify them to be main characters. it’s not either or. 
and the thing is that everything that happens in canon is created by a team of people who decide how these characters are gonna react, how they’re going to feel, what they’re going to say; so the jokes about gayness in relation to Stiles are there for a reason. they’re there because people decided that they should be there. 
so, either, if we think about Stiles’ character, we either have a case of 100% straight Stiles, who gets made fun of for not acting straight enough, or we have a case of a teenager potentially not sure of his sexuality (because you know, teendom is the time to be super inward reflective and think about yourself and shit), who could potentially fall into something beyond a dichotomous, binary understanding of attraction. 
and option a sucks, because then all the good queer representation we get (Danny, my shining beacon! <3) is not enough. because then queerness is fine as long as you’re not super important, as long as you’re not a main character.
now, i don’t mean to shit on canon or other pairings. i’m not even saying this as a sort of “my ship is the best ship”, no. at the start of the show, Derek is too old for Stiles. he shouldn’t even be considered a viable option. but you know, a teen Stiles’ age who Stiles could develop a crush on for a while? and that crush could be treated as a sort of, “yeah, sure man, no one cares, that dude seems totally cool!” thing? then i’d feel less like the jokes are meant to show how totally insane it is that an MC could be queer. 
and Stiles don’t have gay, for crying out loud! bisexuality exists! it could literally be so easy as to have Stiles say something about liking a guy - even though that’s a total cop-out, but whatever - and he could still end up with Malia, and then Lydia. i’m not saying this to invalidate those ships (even though they’re not my thing, if they’re yours, than i’m happy for you), i’m saying it to validate that sexuality is not binary, and representation matters, and a running gag of the show shouldn’t be to make fun of an MC because “he seems kind of gay”. 
seriously, the decision-makers shouldn’t be using one of the most beloved character of the show as the punching bag of thinly veiled homophobic jeers.
i don’t know, am i the only one who thinks this?
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hypermania · 2 years
Ok random but who were some of your favorite ships and characters on teen wolf?
controversial opinion but we gotta get it out of the way up front: the only thing i really truly actively dislike is lydia/stiles. i think putting them together was the least interesting choice AND they did a shit job of it.
my fav canon pairing is malia/stiles and i’ll never be over how dirty the show did them. i’m still angry about it!
fav post-canon ship is derek/stiles and all the possibilities there. i would very hesitantly say it’s my number one ship but it’s... complicated. i am very particular about how i do and don’t enjoy it and a lot of that depends on how scott is treated (which seems irrelevant but if you’ve been in the fandom long enough, you know it’s not).
fav underrated pairing is allison/stiles. very into the idea of them finding comfort in each other despite knowing that 1.) it would never actually work out and 2.) it would hurt their closest friends.
i love the innocence of allison/scott and i truly think it was the best portrayal of first love i’ve ever seen.
i liked the idea of malia/scott and was actually really excited for it in the show but they did such a horrible job with it that it kind of ruined it for me. i would be perfectly okay with the movie pretending it never happened :)
scott/kira were cute but i have no strong emotions one way or another.
malia/kira, however, could’ve been IT and i think about that 4x01 dancing scene at least once a week.
isaac/scott... yes. they were so good for each other.
allison/isaac/scott could’ve been everything and then some and if the show cared at all about me they would’ve gone for it.
(allison/isaac was meh. i didn’t hate it but i wasn’t particularly interested either.)
the idea of scott/theo is hilariously entertaining and i am not against it happening in the future.
by the end of the show i was more than a little into liam/theo.
i’ve written extensively about the potential of a kira/stiles prank war and how that could evolve into something more.
perhaps my most controversial teen wolf opinion is that i was a little bit into ghost teen peter and lydia. if only he hadn’t turned out to... be peter. alas.
i loved jennifer/kali, of course, and i think the show did such a good job portraying how deep their feelings were without ever actually saying it. i don’t think about them often but whenever i’m reminded it hits me like a ton of bricks. MAYBE SHE JUST KEPT WALKING!!!
i think ethan/jackson was actually very cute, even if the idea of them being like super posh business boyfriends made zero sense. who cares. it was fun.
oh i used to be super into lydia/scott but the longer the show went on, the less i cared and i’m not sure why. there’s a lot of potential there. i think it’s because i became very lukewarm on lydia in general.
BUT!!! the most important ship will forever and always be scott/stiles. that’s the heart of the show and my truest love <3
as for characters: scott, malia, stiles, allison, derek, etc. i don’t really care about the younger kids they brought in. i also don’t really care all that much about erica and boyd in canon. i like them in fanon though. i didn’t care about isaac until he was gone. ummmm. yeah i think that’s a good overview? i have a LOT of feelings about teen wolf if you couldn’t tell lol
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theheightofdishonor · 3 years
Teen Wolf triads are something that can be so personal, so here’s a list of my faves 
The OG trio. The gang that dies together might not stay together, but they’re still iconic.
Any Scott/Stiles/X dynamic is brilliant, but few more than this one. These three have been there since the beginning and they’ve gone through so much together. There’s no Teen Wolf without them. 
They were the driving force in S1&2 and had some absolutely iconic moments together. Hate that there wasn’t more of them after that. 
Mostly based on S2/3. I was very invested in Isaac’s struggle to pick between these two. 
This triad’s dynamic completely changes between S2 and 3. In Season 2, Isaac, as part of Derek’s pack is a slightly antagonistic figure and it’s very much Scott&Stiles vs Isaac but in S3, Scott and Isaac grow closer while Isaac and Stiles erm, don’t. It’s very fun to watch. 
My ot3 and the only trio on this list that I 100% ship. 
Ayy, it’s the OG Hale Pack aka 3 teens bonding over being thrown headfirst into something they weren’t prepared for and Derek’s horrible leadership. Isaac should’ve ran away with Erica and Boyd for solidarity’s sake. 
Chris’s struggle between hating Isaac for dating his daughter and wanting to adopt him is hilarious. One of my favourites. 
 Who didn’t completely melt at Isaac joining the McCall fam? The scene where they’re ‘guarding’ Melissa was so cute. As a bonus, it made Stiles’s animosity towards Isaac that much stronger. Will forever hate that this trio was more or less non-existent in 3b even though I love Chris/Allison/Isaac. 
The non-dead Hales. Why oh why did Cora have to leave? Their family dynamic was great. 
I know they only had a couple scenes as a triad, but there was so potential. We love antagonism with underlying sexual tension. And ofc, the only thing better than 1 terrifying badass that can secretly be super sweet is 3 terrifying badasses. 
At one point, the only non-dead members of the Hale Pack (TW quickly amended that). I always think of the S3a Loft scene where Boyd and Isaac skip school to protect Derek. Despite how awful of an alpha Derek’s been, they still care about him and he cares about them (as actual people and not just betas that he needs for power like he did originally)
Yes it’s my 5th s3 based trio in a row, but can you blame me? This is 100% based off the classroom scene in 3x02. 
Although Lydia and Jackson were both awful in S1, their friendship with Allison and their immediately taking her under their wing was beyond precious. Additionally, it combines both the asshole-who’s-soft-towards-1-person- dynamic (jydia w/ allison) and assholes-who-secretly-care-about-each-other (jydia) And ofc, the underlying tension due to Jydia’s disdain towards Scott and later, Jackson and Allison’s experiences/knowledge of the supernatural. 
Comedy gold. Their scenes speak for themselves and we needed more. 
Their S6a dynamic is sooo underrated and should’ve been given more screen time. I loved watching Liam and Corey struggle to get along for Mason’s sake because they want him to be happy. It was all very wholesome and one of the few things that made 6a worth watching. 
Aka the best part of S4.Their dynamic is so fun and well-balanced and infinitely better because they’re a triad. You’ve got Scott and Liam figuring out their mentor/mentee relationship with Stiles co-parenting and preventing the Scott/Liam dynamic from turning unhealthy. (Liam and Scott’s S6 dynamic veered way too close to parent/child for my taste. They need Stiles to balance it out) It’s also hilarious how quickly Liam accepts being aggressively adopted by two idiots who are barely older than him. And Stiles takes so easily to playing older brother/co-parent. It’s adorable. They’re adorable. 
Very similar dynamic to Allison/Lydia/Cora due to Cora and Erica’s similar personalities but also not, which has a lot to do with Allison and Lydia’s reactions to Erica’s weaponized feminity. Also, there’s a lot more history between these girls and I want to know everything about what Erica thinks of Lydia after going to school with her for years. 
Of the top of my head, I can only remember that time where they were trapped under the Nemeton and that’s simply unacceptable. 
It’s a crime that this triad never got scenes. Especially after the Sheriff tried to arrest Kira. I know Melissa bitch slapped him but I wanted to watch these two badasses gang up on the Sheriff together. ( the Noshiko/Melissa dynamic would be so iconic.) 
Another triad that never shared scenes (obviously because Vic is dead) but their power would’ve been off the charts. I want to make a joke about milfs, but I’ll refrain. 
The Yukimura fam
Seemed appropriate since my last two also included. Noshiko.I love family dynamics and the Yukimuras are no exception. The attraction of this triad, for me, is mostly the dynamic between Kira and Noshiko and how Ken navigates between them. They’re also a trio that we didn’t see nearly enough of in S4 and 5. Like seriously, where were they? Noshiko’s on the dead pool, but she’s barely mentioned. (on a mostly unrelated note, how is the 900 yr old Kitsune worth less than a girl that just found about her kitsune powers?)
I don’t need to explain this one. The angst, the drama, Derek projecting Kate onto Allison and Allison trying to murder Derek and their evolution to reluctant allies with a good dash of Scallison and Scott navigating his own difficult relationship with Derek. Aka the complicated, tension fraught trio we all loved/should love. ( ok, I kind of explained it)
And here we have a two for one deal; two mentor/mentee dynamics in 1 triad. People much smarter than me have written about this trio in extensive detail, so all I’m saying is that Derek’s that one uncle who occasionally comes around and gives somewhat helpful advice. 
Braeden and Scott were great in S4. Braeden and Malia were great in S5. Scott and Malia are pretty great when they’re not in a relationship. Combine, and you get what had to be a kick-ass triad that’s sadly never canonly shown together (I think)
Not actually featured in the show, but Isaac deserves all the parental figures and I want to witness the surely epic custody battle between Chris and Melissa. 
That this trio is on here is actually pretty funny because I hate both Scalia and the forced Peter/Malia bonding in S6. But I loved the scene where Peter warned Malia not to fall in love with Scott because a) he has absolutely 0 right to advise her on anything and b) because of the history between Scott and Peter. In a way, a relationship with Malia is just another thing tying Scott to someone that’s repeatedly caused harm to him and his friends and was the initial cause for all the pain he’s suffered in the last couple years. I just find this dynamic worth exploring. 
The Hales 2.0. Derek and Malia deserve to bond over unwillingly being related to Peter, that scumbag. 
Stiles and Peter are so fun together and Stalia is my jam. Throw in an antagonistic Malia and Peter relationship and they’re entertaining as hell. Much more lighthearted than Malia/Scott/Peter.  
To clarify, this has nothing to do with a love triangle and everything to do with how their personalities play off each other. It’s one of those trios where together, they’re either terrifying or absolute morons. 
Admittedly, my version of this is very Sterek+Cora and the hilarity of Stiles and his attraction to Hales but it’s also 3x snark and you really can’t go wrong. 
It’s Melissa and her boys 1.0. This woman is by far the best parent on this show, and I love the specific dynamic among these three. Melissa might not always like Stiles, but she cares about him and there’s the mutual understanding that they both adore Scott and would do anything for him. Also, Mel being exasperated by the dumbass duo is always funny.  
Lowkey another custody battle because Kate and Chris do fight to be the bigger influence on Allison This is such a tragic trio to me, and the lesson here is basically that sometimes love isn’t enough. Chris and Kate both genuinely love Allison and she loves them too but can’t have both and at some point, she has neither. Kate and Chris care about each other, but that’s not enough either. In the end, they all lose each other. There’s no happy ending for them, at least not with each other. 
Stiles just has chemistry (not necessarily romantic) with all Hales and this trio really shines through in 3x01 and in S3 in general. “Chess is Stiles’s game” asgdhfjgh. I wanted more of that very specific dynamic. 
That was a hell lot longer than I thought it would be, but what can you do. Feel free to tell me your own opinions in the tags/comments.  
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domesticated-feral · 3 years
Ship Tag Game
Thank you @braedenhales for tagging me!! :D
Rules: answer these ten questions
Ultimate OTP: Stackson (Stiles/Jackson)
It was the fanfiction that did it to me and honestly, no regrets. Love this ship with all my heart. I cannot go back to life without stackson because it just ain’t worth it, chief.
A ship you’ll always love: Joshler (Twenty One Pilots)
I know, it’s an rpf ship. It was my first ship and I’ve grown out of the obsessive band fan phase but I still go back and read some fanfiction that literally shouldn’t be this good. Either way, part of me is in disagreement about shipping real people, but the other part loves this ship.
Current Obsession: A mix of Stackson, Stalia, Scerek, Scydia, Sceo, and Sciles (Stiles/Jackson, Stiles/Malia, Scott/Derek, Scott/Lydia, Scott/Theo, Scott/Stiles)
The way these ships occupy my mind 24/7 these days. Absolutely preposterous but at the same time, these are *chef’s kiss* level ships.
A ship you never thought you’d like: Steter (Stiles/Peter)
I don’t obsessively ship this pair, but I ship ‘em now. I just think they’re neat together!
A ship you liked but don’t like anymore: Sterek (Stiles/Derek)
Okay, okay, let’s backtrack here. It’s not that I necessarily don’t like them anymore, I used to hardcore ship them for like 3 months before I drifted away from the pairing. I still produce and consume content made about this ship, I think they’re neat, it’s just not one of my otps or ships that i care a great deal about. Neutral, mostly just neutral about it.
A ship you think should be canon: Scisaac (Scott/Isaac)
Istg, Jeff, c’mon. You could’ve done the fandom a huge favour by making sunshine himbo and snarky tree an item. Haha (Get it cause y’know, trees and sun.. aight I’ll stop talking now)
A canon ship you hate: Stydia (Stiles/Lydia)
It’s not that I hate-hate it, I just don’t really find them to be interconnecting puzzle pieces. And I’d kindly like to say that it’s not because I ship Sterek, but long story short, I really didn’t find them having much sustenance in their relationship. I didn’t even factor in that they were dating in 6B. Of course, 6A cinematics and ghost-cowboys (tbh I really like the ghost cowboys but they could’ve done better y’know) aside, all that love’s the reason why I remember him that got tied into Lydia’s banshee-ness just doesn’t really make me ship them? Idk. I would also like to mention the nice-guy thing Stiles had whilst crushing on her was creepy, pls, Stiles, you’re not that guy, pal. You’re not that kinda guy.
To end on a better note, I do like this ship as platonic and tbh they do look cute together. It’s just that it ain’t it for me sis.
A ship you’ve been shipping for years: Once again, it’s Joshler.
I started shipping them in late 2016 and was the only ship that I shipped for like a year before other bandom ships joined and left and then the Teen Wolf ships barged in here in the year of chaos, 2020.
A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about: Steter
Ok, I know I said that Steter was a ship I used to not ship and now do, but I just don’t care a great deal about it. Sure, I’ll read a fic or reblog a post about it from time to time, but it’s just on neutral ground.
Favourite Rarepair: Stacksoooonnnnn!!
My OTP, do I need to elaborate anymore on it? >:D
(thing that i noticed is that the first and last question’s answer is stackson. Ain’t that just terrific?)
Tagging, no pressure ofc: @scilessweetheart @nacreousgore @shyawkwardwriter @spikeface
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ohmotherwhatsthat · 3 years
My Calamity Jane
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Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows (The Lady Janies #3)
🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤍🤍🤍 (7.5/10)
Look, I feel like I need to preface this with the fact that I have one MAJOR pet peeve in life: Getting historical facts wrong
But my issue with this goes a little deeper. The real problem is that moment where someone proclaims something as being “historically accurate” and then its NOT
You know that moment the cast of the Percy Jackson movie said the movies were true to the books? Yeah. That kind of moment
That kind of moment might just be the reason I love the Lady Jane series so much.
In the realm of A Knights Tale and Xena, historical research is done, and then – promptly - thrown completely out the window. My major pet peeve in life can be bypassed simply by someone announcing: we’re going to make this as completely UN historically accurate as we possibly can.
Or, in the words of the authors themselves: “we adjusted a few ages, combined various historical figures to create our own characters, and generally messed around with things to suit our purposes … a lot”.
And so, we end up at My Calamity Jane – in which the wild west is just as wild, Calamity Jane has no ability to use a door, every moment feels like you’re on a road trip, oh and there’s werewolves.
And, in the way of the Lady Jane series, our authors seem to achieve the perfect balance of:
-        snarky, tired, and semi-informative narrators
-        moral and philosophical criticisms on:
-        who and what are referred to as ‘monsters’ in life
-        and judging people on what they are not who they are
-        Disney references
-        Western references
-        Many other references in general tbh
-        Found FamilyTM
-        Criticism of top hats
-        And romance (of course)
-        (also can i just say how much i love the cover and its little comments!) [ID:            1) “hold onto your hats”, 2) ain’t afraid of the big bad wolf, 3) messy hair,              don’t care, End ID]
All in all – the makings of a fantastic book!
Honestly though – I’d probably rate it something like 7.5/10
GREAT when I was reading it – but I didn’t love it as much as other’s by them, and it didn’t hold my attention quite as much as it could have
Favourite character:
Annie “no one got anywhere without some kind of ambition” Oakley.
Ok she’s fairly well tied with Frank Butler too. And Jane………… ok maybe they’re all kind of my favourite. I do love Annie’s character development though. Also I’m a sucker for Slytherin characters. Even if they’re semi-Gryffindor going to charge into situations because they have a point to prove and an unhealthy need to win. So we’re sticking with Annie.
Favourite quote:
Oh but there’s so MANY. And it depends on why its my favourite quote? Is it the one that made me laugh?
“That’s loads of time. A person could write a whole book in two hours.” (To which we, as the narrators, say no. A person can’t. And now we’re crying a little.) (Also in the running) “Would you please just let me threaten?”
Most relatable?
“This is a horrible idea!” Annie called again. “I don’t even have pockets!”
Most philosophical?
“You’re not as nice a person as you think you are”
So yes – far too many options. So I’ll just stick with the final line, and my appreciation for the general purpose of these books. “But none of them could have ever imagined a happier ending.”
(As with any of the books I read let me know if you have questions re triggers or sensitive topics and I’ll let you know if the book covers any of them)
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angelarmitage98 · 3 years
Teen Wolf preferences...
How you meet: (part 2)
3rd Person P.O.V:
Let's just say you were new to Beacon Hills High.
This would be your fourth school in the space of two months, don't get me wrong you liked your other schools, but your mother just wouldn't stop moving, she never seemed to find the right place for you both to live. Hopefully, this time will be the last time moving, it's always hard when you start a new school. Anyway, you had just arrived at school and decided to head straight in to find the office, which turned out to be quite easy to find.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the new student. I was wondering if I would be able to get my schedule please." You spoke softly, hoping that you'd get your schedule as quickly as you could.
"Oh, yes. Here you go, dear." The elderly women at the desk spoke in a nice welcoming tone.
"Thank you." After receiving your schedule you made your way to your lesson, bumping into someone on the way,
"Oh god, I'm sorry." You spoke sincerely, hoping whoever it was wouldn't get offended.
"Yeah, you better be..." He spoke with anger laced in his voice.
"You know what, I take it back, I'm not a sorry arsehole. Oh and do yourself a favour, take yourself on a trip to Oz and find a goddamn heart, because you're in desperate need of one." And with that, you walked away to find your lesson. Finally, you arrived at your lesson Biology. Gladly, you weren't late.
"So, the class we have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself." Asked your teacher.
"Umm, yeah sure. I'm (Y/N), I'm originally from (Your hometown) and this is my fourth school in the past two months. That's about it."
"Ok, thank you (Y/N). Take a seat please." You walked to your seat and ended up sitting behind the guy you bumped into earlier. He turned you with the biggest smirk on his face,
"Hi, I'm Jackson." He spoke like he was about to win the lottery by getting you to flirt back. But to his surprise your reply was...
"And I don't care. You're a jerk, who thinks he's better than everyone else, so do me a favour turn around and don't look at me again, ok, thanks. Bye." You were a challenge, but he loved it.
3rd Person P.O.V:
You had seen Isaac around a lot in school and he lived over the road from you. But the one thing is he had never noticed you, until today. Oh, so you thought. You were walking towards your house when you heard yelling and banging coming from inside Isaac's house, you didn't know what to make of it. You stayed frozen in your spot, wondering what might be happening, and whether or not Isaac was alright or not. You see after seeing Isaac around so many times you slowly started to develop feelings for him, which he, of course, would never know. A loud thud brought you back to reality you looked up to see Isaac sat on his porch crying. You decided you'd walk up to him to see if he was alright, as you got to him and touched his shoulder you saw him flinch in fear and as he moved you saw the big bruise forming on his face.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I saw you crying and was wondering if you were ok," you spoke with the most angelic voice hoping not to upset him further.
"I-I-I'm f-fine. I-It's nothing." His trembling voice spoke.
"It's ok not to be ok. If you want you can come to sit in my house with me, you don't have to tell me anything, but you look like you could use a shoulder to cry on and I'd be happy to be that shoulder if you'd let me."
"Umm, y-yeah, yeah the-that would b-be nice... thank you. I'm Isaac by the way." Isaac spoke, gaining his courage with each word he said.
"Your most welcome, and I know. I'm (Y/N)." you let out a little giggle.
"Really? You know who I am?" He smiled, for the first time in a long time.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I? Your Isaac Lahey, the mysterious and misunderstood guy, who's also extremely good-looking." You spoke with an embarrassed laugh. He laughed along with you and for the first in forever he genuinely felt happy and with you saying he was good-looking not only made his day but his entire year.
"Thank you, and I know who you are too, also you're not so bad your self." He spoke with total honesty.
"Thank you." You spoke, while a red tint formed its way on your cheek, and knowing that Isaac did notice you made your stomach swirl and your heartbeat at a thousand miles per hour.
His P.O.V:
I was sat on the couch at Derek's loft waiting for him to return from whatever it was he was up to when he walked through the door with the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. I don't know what it was but the minute I look into her eyes I felt an instant connection, could it be? Have I found my mate, I can smell that she's a werewolf, so what I'm feeling must mean that she is my mate... I wonder did she feel the same connection as I? I must make a move before she has the chance to leave without me at least introduce myself.
"Hmm, Derek... Did you bring me a present? She is rather delightful." Yes, Peter, you've still got it.
"Don't even think about it, Peter." Hmph, whatever, like I'm going to listen to old grumpypants.
"My name is, Peter... Peter Hale. Who might you be?" Hmmm, I bet her name is as beautiful as she is. Oh. My. God. What is happening to me. I'm going soppy.
"My name is (Y/N)... (Y/N) (Y/L/N), a pleasure to meet you, Peter Hale." Ohhh, darling, the pleasure is all mine. Pfft, I can't say that.
"It's a pleasure for everyone who sets foot before me." Wow, Peter nice going.
"Yeah, and you're a jerk. So, I take back it is a pleasure meeting you." Great Peter, you've messed up big time, oh great she's leaving.
And she's gone. Crap!
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jacks4eva · 3 years
reaction to the lost hero by rick riordan
imma be honest this is a long time coming, okay so here’s the timeline we’re looking at so you understand me. i read lightning thief in middle school, dropped it and read it again in ninth grade. then i read sea of monsters, but never started titan’s curse. then for some reason in 11th grade i bought the second book in heroes of olympus and started to read it and got confused so i started to read titan’s curse and got to when percy took artemis’s place and then dropped it...again. very sad that time considering it was LEGIT THE END SO CLOSE. anyway yesterday i read the whole thing again and the battle of the labrinyth in like 6-8 hours. idk i can’t remember if i started at 10pm or midnight but i finished at 6am. anyways today i read the last olympian, and now i’m starting the lost hero. i thought it’d be funny to do my reactions.
this timeline is just funny because i have read so many books, and yet the most popular ones like percy jackson and harry potter, didn’t wanna finish lol. i still haven’t finished goblet of fire yet i read 100 pages an hour and could probably finish it in a day. anyways.
let the reactions begin
okay i’ve heard of jason but i was not expecting a pov already
woah electrocution
he’s already got a love interest what
he said the coach is 5’0 i now imagine the coach as danny devito i have no choice
piper and leo yes i recognize these names
(i’ve seen a lot of posts about percy jackson okay)
i like leo i don’t like dylan
i love the starwars reference
oh look guys we got popular girls that are racist, can they get their asses beat in this pls
dylan is also racist for smiling-asswipe
we love the cherokee representation
i hate them so much can they please leave
“i had to say something” i like coach hedge is this bad
i hope percy is the storm but i just know i wouldn’t be that lucky
ofc dylan is a racist monster
danny devito never returned :(
who is the bulky dude
i’m sorry i’m laughing he’s a big scary dude with his head shaved and A RAINBOW TATTOO and his name is butch
oh so that’s why percy isn’t here
okay usually when reading i can form some kind of theory or connection but at this point i literally have no clue what is happening
i just knew as soon as he asked that he had abilities with fire but i was not expecting fire fingers
wow what a first impression “you should be dead”
wait so all i remember from the son of neptune was the beginning had percy alone i think and i’m not sure if he had his memory or maybe not and he was running away from monsters, so is what’s happening to jason similar to that? and WILL PERCY NOT BE FOUND IN THIS BOOK?
“That also was necessary. Long ago, your father gave me your life as a gift to placate my anger. He named you Jason, after my favorite mortal. You belong to me.
“Whoa,” Jason said. “I don’t belong to anyone.”
Now is the time to pay your debt, she said. Find my prison. Free me, or their king will rise from the earth, and I will be destroyed. You will never retrieve your memory.”
... okay theories, um a goat skin cloak was mentioned to have been owned by Zeus’s foster mother and that he owned it so the woman could either be the foster mother or Hera. If it was Hera, it would make sense that Zeus gave his son to placate her anger at his cheating or whatever. They are also trapped in Olympus, so prison would make sense. Hera was brought up a lot too, and according to wiki Hera persuaded Aphrodite to make her son make Medea fall in love with a mortal named Jason, so more than likely the lady is Hera. Their king will rise from earth could be the king from the battle of the labrynth, maybe. Or another king ya know there are so many.
Wait a minute
Something else I know about their names is Jason’s last name...JASON GRACE I thought it sounded familiar, because of Thalia Grace. Hah look at me being correct. That explains the flying and not being burnt by a lightning bolt—oh I’m stupid for not seeing it sooner.
Now just gotta figure out who Piper’s parent is.
Aha so I was right it was Hera.
Chiron not being able to give the information they need is kind of annoying.
Enceladus? So a giant offspring of Gaia, um...no bueno. Not a king tho.
“Child of lightning, beware the earth, The giants’ revenge the seven shall birth, The forge and dove shall break the cage, And death unleash through Hera’s rage.”
Okay theory time, child of lightning is obviously Jason. Beware the Earth...yeah no clue. The giants’ revenge the seven shall birth, the giants are probably the children of Gaia since that one giant was her child and it’s the seven are probably the seven half bloods from the great prophecy. The forge and dove shall break the cage, um maybe Leo is the forge since he’s hephaestus’s child (probably butchered the spelling). Doves are typically associated with aphrodite/venus, so idk about that. Maybe Piper is Venus’s child, I mean her God parent is her mom and it’d be funny since she was judging the other aphrodite kids. Also I assume Hera will kill whoever trapped her or someone involved since she’s so mad. Idk.
Could kill Drew btw.
Wait. This woman looks like Hera, her clothes are made of Earth and she said Leo would fight her children trying to wake her. They’re gonna try to wake Gaia, which would make sense that it said stay away from Earth if she’s the Earth Goddess
I like the wolves thing because Romulus and Remus, ya know the twin boys who were raised by wolf and started Rome.
“You are our saving grace, as always. The she-wolf curled her lip, as if she had just made a clever joke”
I mean yeah his last name is grace
“She must really like this Percy guy to search for him so hard, and that made Jason a little envious. Was anyone searching for him right now? What if somebody cared for him that much and was going out of her mind with worry, and he couldn’t even remember his old life?”
so what if Percy’s just chilling at the Roman version of camp halfblood without a clue to who he is? bro.
Imagine reading this and seeing all of things I get right and wrong and wanting to slam your head into a wall.
Okay like idk why Annabeth was freaking out we kind of knew they were siblings, I mean they have the same dad. Unless this is saying they have the same mom or are twins or something. That’d be cool. That’s probably what he’s saying tbh but still, could’ve emphasized it more than “that’s my sister” like dude.
Anyway, they look very different so that’s funny.
King Boreas? uh.
Oo French
Let’s see what I can translate from the very little duolingo I did. Bienvenu, maybe a greeting. Idk which tho. Je suis Piper, I am Piper. Et c’est Jason, fils de Zeus, and this is Jason, son of Zeus. Vous parlez francais? tres bien, you speak french? good. Hey not bad, not shockingly good but considering I did the duolingo lessons 4 years ago, not bad. Vrai? Truth? Yeah I just looked it up.
Danny devito is alive!
“Leo scratched his head. “Well, I dunno about Enchiladas—”
“Enceladus,” Piper corrected.”
Leo is me omfg
“Leo stepped out next. “You’re catching me, too, Superman. But I ain’t holding your hand.”
this made me laugh ok moving on
Uh fight a sea monster? bro is Jason just Percy 2.0
“Aphrodite’s message was clear: This one needs no improvement.
And Piper agreed.”
I wonder if you can hear me squealing from hundreds or thousands of miles away
Did you miss the fact that he’s thirty feet tall— I DIED
Who slew titan k-what now? So basically yes. Percy 2.0
Okay I recognize the name Hazel, and all I ask is that she is not involved with Jason because Jason and Piper are really freaking cute.
an exchange of leaders, SO THEY DID SWITCH THEM
The way I called it
anyways. time to read son of neptune
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anna-hawk · 3 years
Teen Wolf? 💕
Ok, this is gonna be lengthy 😅
my favorite female character
Lydia. She's smart, beautiful and cutting. I love her.
my favorite male character
Stiles. He's my soulmate. Not romantically wise but all the rest. He's funny, sassy, smart and the most loyal person there is. I love him to death and I despaired when I realized that he wouldn't be part of the 2nd part of the last season. To me he's the real star of this ridiculous show. Like it's often said : "You come for the hot guys, but you stay for the Stiles." I didn't care about the hot guys but more about the werewolf part, but I still stayed for "The Stiles".
my favorite book/season/etc
Season 3B. The best! What comes after is pretty much trash I'm afraid.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
When Stiles defeats the Nogitsune. The moment when Void!Stiles says : "I'm a thousand years old. You can't kill me." Only to be proven wrong. So intense and so good. Love this moment so much. Dylan O'Brien showed what a talented actor he is in that season.
my favorite cast member
JB Bourne. Ugh, he's so hot and seems so sweet.
my favorite ship
Stiles x Derek. One of my ultimate otp! I knew about the ship before I started watching but didn't expect to fall for them like I did.
a character I’d die defending
Peter! He might be the bad guy at first but I LOVE him. He pretends to be this heartless beast, but he cares for his family. Also, his sass is in hard competition with Stiles'. Put the two together and you'll find me rolling on the floor.
a character I just can’t sympathize with
Gerard. Dude, give it a rest already. You've lost multiple times, just stop!
a character I grew to love
Jackson. Such a jerk but he does grow on you. Seeing him again in the last season was one of the only highlights.
my anti otp
I don't think I have one. Maybe Stiles x Scott because to me they're like brothers. Otherwise I don't dislike any really.
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In the Heart Of the Wolf (WWE College au)
AN- This is my first attempt at a College AU. I hope you like it.
Chapter 1
Ashers POV
'Make a U turn as soon as possible.'
I groan as I look for somewhere to turn around. Forty god forsaken hours in all in the car, and I really needed to get out and stretch my legs. I probably should have sooner, but I wanted to get here as soon as I could.
'Turn left in 400 feet.'
As I turn I finally see the sign for the college. I saw signs directing cars in where to go, and thankfully there's not a lot of people here as only Freshman have to be here today. As I drove I looked around and saw it was a pretty nice campus, not that I knew what any of the buildings were for. I saw a parking lot where lots of other people were, so I took that was where I was supposed to be. I circled the parking lot about 3 times before finding a place to park. Once I did I climbed out of my car, practically falling over as my legs got used to standing.
"Ok, now what?" I whispered to myself looking around. I decided on following the crowd, and wiped some sweat off my forehead. I wasn't really used to being out in the sun a lot, and was dressed in black leggings with jean short shorts, and a black Umbrella Academy sweatshirt. Definitely not Florida summer weather. As I walked I found different tables with letters on idly for last name. "Ok, where is J?" I said to myself looking down the line. Thankfully there was only a few people at that table, so I walked right up.
Two girls were at the table, if I had to guess, they were at least sisters. Both had brown hair and the same face shape, but one had their hair straightened with a tad bit more makeup then the one with curled hair. "Hi! Name please?" The one with straight hair asked. "Oh, um Asher Jackson" I said quickly.
"Nice to meet you Asher. I'm Brie Bella, welcome to Palm Beach University!" The one with curled hair said, or I guess brie. "Found it! Oh, your in our housing unit!" The one with straight hair said. "Oh, I'm Nikki, by the way. Nikki Bella." So they were sisters. "Nice to meet you both." I said shaking there hands. Brie bent over looking for something as Nikki continued to talk. "So at PBU, instead of dorms, everyone gets a housing unit. So there's a group of guys and girls that all live in a big house, you'll get a room and then everyone shares like the kitchen, living area, and so forth." She explained as Brie sat up, holding a bag.
"This is a small gift for all the freshmen. It has a map of the campus, a schedule, your house key, and a few other things." She said hanging me the bag with a smile. "Nikki, text Drew or someone to get over here so they can help her find the house and get her things in." Brie said but Nikki just rolled her eyes. "Already did!" Just then a guy walked up. He was super tall, and had on a leather jacket.
"Hey lassies, what do y'all need?" He asked, his Scottish accent vary obvious. "This is Asher, she's in our house, so I figured you could help her find it and such." Brie said looking down to write something down. "Oh! I almost forgot, Asher, the house is 402. Drew will show you it." She said smiling up at me. I nodded and turned to the larger man. "Lead the way." He said motioning forward.
I walked quickly to my car, Drew following right behind me. Once at the car I turned to look at him. "You don't have to show me, I'm sure I'll find it eventually." I say quickly. "Don't worry about is dear, don't really have anything better to do. Sophomores don't have to be here until tomorrow." He said shrugging. "Do you want to drive and have me tell you where to go, or should I drive?" He asked.
"How about I let you drive and kidnap me." I said smiling a bit. He looked shocked for a moment before chuckling. "Your going to be fun, get in the car, I'll tell you where to go." After driving for about 5 minutes, he pointed at a large Blue house. "That's the one." I parked and popped the trunk so I could start to unload. I took two suitcases and drew grabbed two boxes. "There's probably someone in there that can grab the last of your things." He said walking up to the door, giving me no real choice but to follow him.
The door was propped open and we walked in. It lead right into a large living room with a L shaped couch. On my left I could see the dining room and past that was a kitchen. The whole thing was vary open, so if you're ere in the living room you could talk to someone in the kitchen. On the couch there were a few boys sitting playing video games. Two had long flowing black hair and one had short reddish brown hair. "Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose! Get off your asses and help this lovely girl get moved in!" Drew yelled at the boys. After pausing there game, the got up walked over to great us.
"You must be the one taking Natalias room." One of the boys with brown hair said. Now up close I could see one had brown hair and the other had more black. "Natalia moved?" Drew asked sounding surprised. "Ya, apparently all of us are 'Just to much!'" The one with reddish brown hair said making his voice squeaky to mock whoever Natalia is. He then turned to look at me. "You don't mind to much right?" He asked eyebrow raised.
"Most people use that word to describe me." I say smiling, making all four of them laugh. "She's a keeper." The one with Black hair said. He had a significantly lower voice then the rest of them.
"Well, I guess I can show her to her room, will you three go and grab the last of her things?" Drew asked. "Oh! They don't have to. I can make a few trips, it's no problem." I say trying to cut in, but the guy with Brown hair shakes his head. "Na. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't have to get her own things. We've got it, it's kinda the reason we're here a day early." He said before all three walked outside.
"Come on, your room is up on the third floor." Drew said already walking up the stairs. "Men are on the second floor, women on third. There's a communal bathroom on each floor, and the bottom floor has kitchen, living room, and a few extra rooms for rec activities and such. Out back is a pretty big yard, not much is set up, but tomorrow the rest of the people that live here should be here." He explains as we walk up the steps. I have no idea how he's walking up the steps, carrying two large boxes, and talking so much.
Once on the third floor he walks me down the hall. "That door is the bathroom, you share it with 9 other girls. And this is your room!" He said stopping at the last door in the hall. He balanced the boxes in one hand and opened the door. The room was pretty nice, an empty bed, a desk and chair, bookshelf, and dresser on each side of the room. There was a large window with a nice view of the campus. "Ok, the other three should be up here with your things. Um, they don't really care what you do with the room, make it yours. But don't like, paint the walls, or destroy the place. Your roommate will probably be here tomorrow. Any questions?"
I was a bit frazzled by all the information, but I did have one question. "So counting me, there's 10 girls in the house, and I'm guessing there's 10 boys, so..... 20 people live here?" I questioned. I was exactly shy, but I didn't LOVE people ether. And by how they all talk to each other they all clearly know each other. "Ya, but don't worry about it. You would be shocked by how empty the place can be. Plus, everyone gets along, and if anyone gives you shit, you've got a big scary dude to set them straight." He joked pointing at himself.
"I think you mean 4, but I can understand your mistake." I turn to see the three boys walking in. Some how they got all my shit in the house in one go. "Ya, I'm sure they'll be afraid of you Rollins." Drew said rolling his eyes. "Now, we should leave this fine girl be, she has things to do." He said walking out. I stoped the other three before they could. "I didn't catch your names." I pointed out.
"Seth Rollins." The one with brown hair said shaking my hand. "I'm Roman Reigns." The one with a deep voice said. "And that's Dean Ambrose." Roman said motioning over to the one with reddish brown hair who nodded to me. "Well, I'm Asher Jackson. Nice to meet all three of you." I say. They don't stick around to long and I turn to look at all the boxes I needed to unpack.
"This is the shity part." I mumble opening the first one. The first few boxes had clothes in it, and because I fold all my clothes except really nice things, it goes relatively quickly. Then I start to get to my personal items. I have a few pictures I put up of my family, and I put all my school supplies on the desk. I put everything I want on walls in a pile, I'll have to go to the story latter to get things to hang it up with, and I put my sheets on the bed. I set my Guitar in the corner of the room out of the way, not sure how much I'll use it. "Now, is there a target near by?" I ask myself turning my phone on and opening google maps. Luckily there was one about 5 minutes from campus.
I walk downstairs keys in hand planing on just a quick run to the store. "Hey Asher!" I turn to see Rollins in the kitchen a cup in his hand. "Where you off to?" He questioned taking a drink of the liquid I am choosing to believe is water. "Target. Need to get a few things." I say brushing some of my hair out of my face. "Mind if I come? This house has no food in it yet, and there's no way in hell Im listening to Ambrose complain about no food all night." I chuckle at him but nodded. He smiled and started to follow me out when a voice stopped us.
"Where you two sneaking off to?" Dean called from the couch. "Target ." Seth called back. Dean practically jumped over the couch at that. "Dude, I wanna come! You in Reigns?" Roman looked up from his phone with his eyebrow raised.
"Your joking right? I refuse to go to Target with you two ever again." He said shanking his head. I looked at the two of them a bit nervous. "Hold up. Red flag, why won't he go to Target with you guys?"
"Don't listen to him Asher, man doesn't know what he's talking about." Dean said pulling me by my shoulder towards the door. "He's just mad that me and Rollins know how to make a shopping trip fun." He said as walked to my car. I heard Roman yell a 'good luck' from in the house.
"You better not do anything stupid...." I mumbled getting in the car.
"Ok, go get what you guys need.Ill get what I need." I said as we walked into the building. I turned to look at the two of them, but they already had a cart and were rushing towards the food section.
I chuckled as I picked up a basket and went to look for what I needed. I ended up grabbing some thumb tacks and command strips. I was now standing in the hair dye section. I had dark brown hair, just like my brothers, and had wanted to dye it for a while now. What better time then the first week of college.
"Hey! You need any help?" I turned to see a girl with bleach blonde hair and pink highlights.
"I think I'm good. Just..... thinking about trying something new." I said shrugging. Her face lit up at that as she jumped up and down.
"Can I help you? I've been dyeing my hair since I was like 10!" She explained happily.
"Um... I guess?" I said a bit uneasy.
"Oh! My names Alexa! What's yours?" She said sticking out her hand. I shook it lightly before pulling my hand back.
"Nice to meet you Asher. What color were you thinking?" She asked motioning to the different boxes of hair dye.
"Not sure. Maybe a green or something." I said shrugging.
"Ok. Personally I think this one would go best with your skin tone and such, but we have a few other kinds you could try." She explained handing me a few different boxes. I ended up choosing the one she suggested.
"Thanks for the help." I said trowing it into my basket.
"No problem." She said giving me a smile before walking away. I wandered the store a bit looking for Seth and Dean, picking up a few random snacks as I did.
"Asher!" I turned to see Seth running and pushing the cart, with dean sitting in the cart, boxes of frozen pizza, ice cream, and beer were piled on top of him.
"Oh my god....." I whispered walking up to them. "W- I, Why?" I asked speechless motioning to the cart.
"Because why not." Dean said a big smile on his face. "Did you get what you needed?"
"Oh ya. I'm ready to go if you are." I said as we began to walk towards the front to check out.
"Hair dye?" Seth asked noting what was in my basket.
"Ya. I figured new school new me." I said shrugging.
"Great, you two." I looked up surprised to see the cashier glaring daggers into Seth and Dean. She wasn't quite short, but not tall ether. Her blond hair, from what I could tell, went to her mid back area, and the tips were dyed pink a bit like Alexas.
"Nice to see you too Natie." Seth mumbled putting his things up on the counter to be scanned.
"Your Natalia?" I asked remembering the name from earlier. She turned to me as though just realizing I was there.
"Um... ya. Who are you?"
"Asher Jackson. I'm moving into your old room." I explained.
"Oh, good luck. The people there are horrible! None of them know how to take anything seriously."
"We take things seriously, just not you." Dean mumbled making Natalia glare at him once again.
"Says the guy in a shopping cart. Let me just ring you up so you can get out of here sooner." She snapped. She quickly rang the boys up, then myself before practically shoving us out the store.
Once we were in the car I looked over at Seth who was next to me. "She's, quite the personality."
"You can say that." Seth chuckled as he buckled up and I started the car.
"What caused you guys to clearly hate each other?" I asked curiously. My parents always said that was my down fall. 'Curiosity killed the cat' they always said.
"You'll never meet a girl with a stick shoved so far up her ass or a silver spoon shoved so far down her throat." Dean said from the back, making Seth chuckle.
"You really shouldn't say that Dean." He mumbled making dean sit up a bit in his seat.
"Why? We both know daddy put the spoon down her through. I'm honestly surprised that she is actually working a job."
"I'm sorry, what am I missing?" I asked as I drove.
"Her dad is a pretty big alumni, she gets away with a lot in's school, expects everything to go her way," Seth explained.
"The only person who might get away with more is Orton." Dean said, as though that name meant something, and apparently it did because Seth sighed.
"Randy's not nearly as bad as you thin-"
"He left you like a you were a pile of shit Seth, quote defending him." Dean snapped, making me shift in my seat.
"Whatever." Seth mumbled turning his body towards the window so he wouldn't have to look at us. This was going to be an interesting year.
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
The one thing the anon with the borzoi fic dungeons analysis missed out was that, that book has a very very VERY big plothole, one commentor actually pointed it out, and that's when I realised it, so yeah, you could easily ignore the plothole but it still kinda messes with your head,
So I went to the story and read the comments... And I found the one mentioning the plot hole. I haven’t even finished reading the story, but I highly disagree that that’s a plot hole and that it ruins the whole story. I think it’s extremely nit-picky to even point that out.
And here’s the thing, anon... Don’t take this wrong way, but this is fanfiction. It’s not supposed to be perfect, it’s supposed to be entertaining. If that particular detail in that story bothered you so much that you couldn’t enjoy it anymore, that’s ok. Fair enough. We all have things that throw us off fics. Certainly happens for me, too, sometimes. But that’s not to say there’s something wrong with the story. It’s just that for YOU, personally, that one thing meant you couldn’t really get your mind off it. 
Fanfiction is not writing 101. I actually think Borzoi writes actual books, but that is totally unrelated to her writing fanfiction. I’m kind of against pointing these things out to authors, unless they explicitly ask for that kind of feedback. Fics are allowed to have plot holes. I changed half the mythology of The Originals to make Caroline get in a binding ceremony with Jackson in The Wolf 2. That could be called a plot hole as well. But I ask people to just accept it and roll with it for the sake of the story, and that’s basically how I take most things reading fics. If the showrunners don’t care about the numerous plot holes in the show’s lore, why should fic writers bother making stuff perfect? That’s kind of demanding a lot from someone who’s writing for free, for fun, and offering such awesomeness to us in exchange for nothing but our time and comments.
Borzoi is a truly, truly gifted writer. Probably one of the best in this fandom, just based on all I’ve read so far. I have no idea whether I’ll like Dungeons or not, but I’m sure that “plot hole” pointed out won’t be an issue for me. My inbox is always open for whatever, but I’m not a fan of dissing other people’s works. I wouldn’t appreciate to find out people are doing that to me out there and it upsets me a lot when I get asks pointing all of the little flaws in my writing, so I really don’t like doing this to other writers. 
So if you want to come over to gush over fanfiction and writers, I’m all for it. Whether it’s a fic I’ve read or not, or if you would just like to proclaim your love for someone else’s story, my inbox is open 24/7. I’m all for supporting other creators around here. But please try not to criticize other people’s works. Remember someone dedicated their time to write something totally for free just so we could enjoy it. I want to support people to create more, not make them discouraged. We never know what the person might be feeling on the other side and how harmful that sort of comment can be. I’ve deleted entire stories because of condescending “constructive criticism” that threw my confidence in the bin and made me hate everything I wrote. So nuh-uh. Sorry.
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seven-oomen · 3 years
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Hi, Ben!  I hope you are having a good day, today!  I’m glad your bloodwork came back good, and I hope your meds’ side effects are finally settling down some.  I saw that your punching bag came in.  I hope it helps!  That’s something I’ve yet to try using (the few gyms I’ve ever attended didn’t have them.)
So while restocking some of our bandanas at work, I started having thoughts about Peter losing a bet or something and having to wear one for a while whenever Noah takes him for a walk in wolf form.  The collage is a selection of some of my fave options (the Wiggle Butt one had me giggling for like a solid five minutes, ngl).  Theoretically this could also be a disguise to make him look more like a dog and less obviously a wolf (not sure it would really work, but people tend to be pretty oblivious at times.)
I’m glad you liked the DILF Club adopting the Winchesters thing (at least, I think I saw something about that?)  It was definitely one of those ideas that gave me all the warm fuzzies.  I’ve been trying to decide if they just take Baby when they take the boys (because it’s BABY, and I fully believe all three would know how to hotwire a car if need be, for various reasons), or if I’d rather they (probably mostly Peter) bought Dean a really beat up old Impala to restore himself, that’s free from any memories or influence from his dad.  And how it might affect Sam to not be the only “smart kid” in the family (and would that lead to Dean not dumbing himself down so much for his brother’s sake?)  And Chris could teach them hunter stuff, and Peter could show them where hunter biases and inaccuracies are, and about what the supernatural is really like, and Noah could teach them driving and classic rock and police procedure far better than their birth dad ever could.  And depending on the age gaps involved, Bobby could either be like “fuck, I forgot what it’s like to have actual friends” with a side of “making a fuck asshole dads club”, or he could figure out a few things about Chris and Noah (and possibly some of the stuff with Peter and Talia), and be like “Okay, so this is gonna be a mutual adoption of wayward idjits.  Deal with it."  I’m not sure how to bring in Cas without all the Armageddon/fighting God insanity, though.  Maybe he’s connected to a pagan god they encounter instead or something.  He wouldn’t need to show up for quite a while, though, so there’d be time to plan that out.
Also, that "sentiment is chemical weakness”, “you’re literally making them a card” quote thing is pretty much the exact mood I’m going for in Peter and Derek’s conversations in IYWTD.  XD  Which I really need to be working on, but my focus is all over the place today.  I also keep really wanting to write a little Valentine’s one-shot for my series, but I keep reminding myself I’ve got too much to do already.  It’s only somewhat helping.
That last preview was adorable, by the way.  ;D  I’d say that if it works, then it’s plenty smooth, frankly, and I don’t know that either of them have a leg to stand on, really.  XD  Sublty is none of them’s strong suit.  And Peter’s whole vibe of “goddamn, but I could watch you two all day” is kind of a fucking mood, tbh.  XD  I look forward to finding out what all shenanigans they manage to get up to before stumbling back to mildly traumatize their children.  ;D
And those are some excellent and admirable goals for this year!  Sending all the best energy for successful completion of as many as you wish!  I hope you’re feeling better today, and that things are going well overall!  (Eat, hydrate, and) Take care!  *Hugs to you both!*
Hey B! Glad you’re alright and I’m doing okay. I’ve started making lists again with things I need to clean, restarted my eating patterns, and restarted an exercise regime. We’ll see how that goes, but for now, I’m doing okay. 
Financially I’m not looking so hot, but eh, yeah I’m hoping next month will be better. Hopefully.
Also, those bandanas are everything omg <3
The wigglebutt XD Peter needs that one. *makes mental note to put that into the oUAT and TWITTB verses.* XD
Also needs the one for pets, attention, and cuddles, pretty much all of them. Omg these are amazing!
I mean Saarloos Wolfhonden (Saarloos Wolfdog, a Dutch breed) are a thing:
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So I feel like with a bandana, Peter could probably pass for one of these:
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He’s just a very big and broad version of one.
(Or that’s what Chris tells everyone who wants to hear it.)
Ok aaaaah, everything about that whole bit with our boys coming together and being adopted and Bobby making friends or adopting a couple more idjits, urgh!
I’m too tired to form many thoughts but, yes to all of it!
And I’m glad to hear you liked the preview for that one. I still hope to actually finish this chapter before the weekend starts and I’m trying hard. I think it’s gonna be real funny and sweet and also a bit sad. I mean they are going from one day of having sex out of boredom and repressed feelings to suddenly having to act like nothing is wrong. And then stuff with Chris happens and more shit happens and drama, drama, drama, and lots of Stilinski brother shenanigans (Stilinski twins and Liam) and they rope Scott, Isaac, and Jackson into it. And I have a few fun things planned for the universe. ^^
And thank you <3 I hope I manage to tick a few off as well, at the very least the writing and editing part and the bottom few and that alone would be amazing. Hopefully I can keep that up <3
I hope you’re doing okay B <3 and I’m sorry for the slighty shorter reply but I am exhausted right now and will be heading in early. It’s 9 pm but I am falling asleep.
Lots of love from me and Mo <3
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gguktarts · 4 years
decathect | jjk (2)
1. to withdraw one’s feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss
summary: if one thing was clear to you when you first met Jeon Jungkook, it was that he would never love you. at least, not the way you wanted him to.
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pairing: jjk x reader genre: unrequited love au || angst || little fluff if u Squint || drabble series word count: 2.2k parts:  « previous | 2 / ? | next » cw: kinda unhealthy depictions of a crush, & jk is a fuckboy w lots of tatts and long hair. note: well,, i don’t like this one bUT here yall go!!! breaky breaky eggs and heart bakey ey :’)
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Being late to class was the first of the signs, you should have known. It didn’t impact your grade in any way, but the reason behind it certainly stirred about some changes.
While Jungkook still remains a part of some of your days, lately it’s a less common occurrence. You figure maybe it’s his doing, that your face must have given you away that day, that he must have figured something out and that whatever he knows doesn’t sit well with him, but deep down you know it’s your fault.
It’s not that he’s avoiding you, but that you’re avoiding him–as well as the images that still haunt your memory. So, whenever you see him in the halls you turn and walk away just a tiny bit faster, and when you guys speak, you only voice out what’s necessary. It’s gotten to the point where you worry over him thinking you’re mad at him, when in fact you are not. You’re not upset that he kissed someone, how could you be? Jungkook is more of a stranger than he is a friend to you, and he owes you nothing. And it doesn’t matter that the constant reminder makes your heart drop all the way to your feet, nor that despite everything your stomach still battles the fluttering butterflies his smile cultivates and nurses. It’s actually that last part that annoys you out of all, the one that triggered your flight response.
Even now, sharing your favorite takeout at Tae’s, it’s clear you’re more closed off with him than usual – even when the subject is as ridiculous as VHS porn. Actual, physical VHS porn, all property of Taehyung. He apparently went on a shopping spree early in the morning, which explains the two thick tapes inches from his plate. They’re keeping the lot of you some extra company.
“I just can’t believe you bought more, honestly. And with real money,” you mutter in disbelief, amusement painting your tone. The fact that Tae not only owns (and buys) them but also keeps them in pristine condition is not something you understand. He doesn’t even have a VHS player. "You know the internet exists, right, babe? And with better quality.”
A look at the colorful cases makes you visibly cringe. There’s far too many freed titties and schoolgirl skirts for your liking. “They’re probably as bad as the old ones aren’t they…”
Tae’s eyes widen with a hint of betrayal; his chopsticks pointing at you in accusation. “They’re HISTORIC, ok? Like beanie babies... And they only cost 3 dollars each—”
"How would you know if hyung’s tapes are bad or not?” Jungkook’s voice interrupts, doing nothing but throwing you under the bus with the teasing question.
You blink, for a hot second forgetting you haven’t told Taehyung about that specific day a few months back. He was gone all day doing who knows what, while Namjoon and yourself, under the tight reign of curiosity and the profound liberty of a free evening, went over the most ridiculous titles he owns. It’s the sudden look of suspicion he gives you what brings back the fact to surface. Right. You’re the one with the VHS player. He knows that. 
From your peripheral Jungkook’s inquisitive gaze pierces your skin, distracting you from the way Namjoon’s posture straightens with the reminder. He hasn’t said a single word to stop you, though, so you take that as a sign.
“Joon and I watched them,” you confess quickly, slurping on some stir-fry noodles with a small, apologetic smile playing on your lips. “And I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, but Tae, they’re terrible. Except maybe… Eaten by the Big Bad Wolf, I guess.”
The name makes Jungkook break out in giggles, a sound so cute you have to press your lips together just to not grin along with him. Whining, Taehyung swats the younger’s arm before whipping his head to look between Joon and you, more pouty than angry.
“First of,” he begins, “Eaten by 2BW IS good. You guys are just uncultured about the rest. But more importantly, you two? Both?” 
None of you deny it. Joon simply grins apologetically and shrugs, far too busy gulping down his meat to do more than that— he knows Tae won’t do anything to him, he’s too valuable a roommate. Instead, you hear Jungkook voice out a tiny surprised “huh” before any words leave him. 
“I didn’t take you for the type to watch porn, Y/N.”
You still mid bite, eyebrow raised as you’re forced to glance his way. “Because I’m a girl?”
“No, it’s just… you don’t strike me as a sexual one, I guess?”
He doesn’t say it to hurt you, you know that. It’s not like his phrasing should hurt you either, but somehow, it still does. It’s easy for you to skip past all you should be thankful for—that he doesn’t sexualize you, that he doesn’t consider you an option for the fuck-and-go experiences he tends to have, and that maybe, just maybe, therefore you’re not seen as disposable. All of those, while in ways reassuring, are drowned out by a single underlying fact: in a world where Jungkook knows not love but lust, where his touch is reserved for only the bright who catch his eye, you’re but a white dwarf to his starry gaze, all but faded and extinguished. Nearly a dead star, you’re empty of whatever he searches for, of whatever he wants, and so what little he gives you are never meant to get.
The thought rings around your eardrums enough seconds for your smile to drop and your teeth to clench, but you’re quick to put on a mask of vague confusion and annoyance. Even your tone comes out dry.
“Jee, thanks? I’m flattered I can contain my hormones in check.”
“It’s because you’re never here when she’s ovulating–she gets hornly as hell,” Tae counters just when the youngest opens his mouth, eyes on him before they settle on you. His gaze goes soft, as if asking if you’re okay in between the jabs, speaking the words he isn’t. But you’re too busy almost choking, heat spreading from your ears and along your cheeks, to notice it. The thought that he spoke to shut Jungkook up not crossing your mind. “I don’t really understand why you never do anything about it, love. Could literally be getting love-fucked right about now.”
“Taehyung, what the fuck?” you squeak, embarrassment threatening to consume you, but thankful nonetheless it’s a type of distraction. You don’t see Jungkook blink in confusion, nor his repeated whisper of Tae’s new word. You focus on the way Namjoon pinches Tae’s arm. It earns him a glare and a yelp.
“Leave her alone, man,” Joon chides, making you smile again without entirely understanding the look they briefly share. 
“What? She knows I love her,” Tae says, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He’s always quick to butter you up with it. “You do know that, don’t you?”
“Yes. But if we could just shift the topic to something besides my non-existent love life I’d love that even more." 
"What?” Joon opens his mouth after a blink, suddenly intrigued because as far as he’s concerned, you were practically dating last you spoke to him about that. Only, you weren’t–aren’t, and even if he is on your side in this conversation, he’s too big of an information hoarder (read: gossip) to let it go from the get go. “But I thought the date with Jaebum went okay?”
You give him a look. “Date? We were studying for our midterms, like I told you.”
“Oh, I thought– but he looks so interested in you…”
Taehyung nods along, “Yea, whenever he sees me he asks about you.”
“Wait, are we talking about Jackson-hyung’s friend?” Jungkook asks, tone mildly curious. You drown the words out, but his voice still makes your throat close up for a few seconds longer.
“Yup,” Namjoon confirms, “You know him?" 
"Never actually talked to him, but Yugyeom hangs with him from time to time. Seems nice enough,” Jungkook shrugs, turning to you with a soft, encouraging smile. “I don’t know if he likes you but if you’re interested I could ask–”
“I’m not,” you snap, jaw clenching. Your fingers stiffly hold onto the chopsticks, a flimsy attempt at ignoring the way your bones hold your heart before it slips and falls. And it does fall, because you can already feel the sickening feeling pooling and spreading from your stomach and along your limbs. You notice it so quickly that you remind yourself, like a mantra, that this is ridiculous, that you shouldn’t even be feeling this way. Yes, he doesn’t like you. You knew that already, Y/N. Going from point A to point B, it’s logical he doesn’t care if you date anyone, that he encourages it as long as you’re into it. But you don’t want his kindness.
Hurt flashes over Jungkook’s gaze as you stare him down, but it’s gone so quickly you’re unsure if it was there in the first place. Still, the thought you might have caused it doesn’t sit well with you. It quickly forms a lump in your throat, making you swallow before softening your features.
“I’m– I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like an ass,” your voice comes out a whisper, and you turn back to your plate. Jungkook’s own “it’s okay,” is too soft your ears. You know you have to behave normally, quickly. So you press your lips together and offer them a dramatic sigh to at least begin to sound believable. 
“I’d just rather none of you did anything. I already know he likes me, he’s asked me out before,” you confess, voice somehow unwavering. It gives the push you need to put on a mask of indifference as you look head on, not at Jungkook but at Joon. He looks surprised, but remains quiet. “And no, I didn’t accept. He is nice, but I–I don’t like anyone like that at the moment.”
It takes effort to finish the lie, to hide the sting in front of them–in front of him– but you have more than one tell. And Taehyung knows each and every one very well. The soft rebuke, the intensified interest in your noodles as the lie flowed through your lips. Tae knows you, sometimes better than you know yourself, and he knows he has to do what he does best: he shifts the tone. 
“That’s okay. You’re too good for him anyways. But none of that matters because I just remembered something I find absurdly unforgivable,” Taehyung says, face going completely serious. His eyes are fixed on you with such intensity you wonder if he’s about to tell you the secrets of the universe, or his mom’s secret strawberry cheesecake recipe, which seems less likely. Instead he lets out the shrillest whine, “you did not tell me you love me back. Now explain to me, how am I supposed to continue on? What will inspire me now, huh?”
And just like that, the tense air begins to clear out.
“Eh, you’ll live,” you joke, physically unable to push back the tiny smile lighting up your face at his antics.
“Not like you’ve painted anything in ages, anyway,” Namjoon adds, teasing. 
“Well, if I had any of my own paint,” Tae mutters, giving Jungkook a pointed look, “maybe I’d find some inspiration.”
Jungkook scoffed, “I have two tubes total, not your entirely collection, hyung.”
“Yes, but you have my favorite ones! Amethyst Shards and Indigo Fields are so hard to find, too…”
“I’m almost done with them anyways, just pass by tomorrow and pick them up,” Jungkook snickers, eyes crinkling at the other’s pout.
“Fine, but show me what you’re working on.”
Taking the moment to drift away, you grab the already empty plates and take them to the kitchen. It’s Namjoon’s turn to wash the dishes so you leave them be, and return to both of your boys huddled around Jungkook’s extended hand, phone on display. 
You don’t know what you expected to see, but it’s definitely not the portrait of the girl he was kissing the other day. She’s laying on her side, naked on a bed of violets, and you can’t deny she’s beautiful. Your heart sinks further than before as you take in the level of detail he poured into his work, into her. The way her hair falls over her arms and tangles with the leafs underneath, the way a form of innocence is reflected on her eyes. They’re elements you see only because he sees them. Did she change his mind about relationships? Does he like her, just the way you like him? You don’t know– you don’t know anything at all. 
You feel like puking your insides out. And you’re aware you’re at the end of the rope for the day, that the thin line is about to break, and that you can’t hold back the water pooling behind your eyes for much longer. So like usual, you try to flee.
At the very least you compliment his work, genuinely amazed by his ability, but that’s the last you can do before the masks starts to crack. You don’t register his grateful smile, nor anything after that, really. You just give Tae an offhand excuse you don’t really process, and without waiting for any sort of response you scurry out of the room, vision blurry.
By the time you’re inside safer walls, tears have already stained your cheeks.
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badmoon--rising · 3 years
This episode had cast commentary too and it was beautiful. They keep making Dylan say stuff in Crystal’s place bc she was absent from both recordings and he turned her british in this ep
The way they edited this “previously on” was really well done gotta be honest. Also I still love how Derek was like “I fucking hate Stiles so much” and then literally not a minute later was like “GO GET OUT OF THERE MY UNCLE IS THE ALPHA” they’re just good
State state state state state state state
Hate the way Jackson pats Scott’s face sjfkdkfk I don’t like Colton or his acting but he plays a good jerk
Derek nooooooo :( he doesn’t want this to happen
Peter’s like here watch me take a really painful shower
Stiles scrambling in
CAN I JUST SAY I love the score during the scene where Allison sees the flashbang arrowhead in the garage. It has such great tension and it morphs in such a cinematic way like it’s telling the story too. I also love the way they keep that score in season 3 but with a matured change to it. UGH sometimes teen wolf good
Jackson drive fast car out of angst
How did Allison know Lydia made out with Scott?? I mean I refuse to let that be canon but also wh
Chris what is wrong with you. Please get out of the cult you’re so scary
Stiles bisexual moments compilation
SNDKFKSNFK dude. My jeep.
AAAAAAWWWWWWWWW “I cant protect anyone” [looks at Stiles] THEY LOVE EACH OTHERRRRRRRR
I legitimately don’t understand how Jackson is supposed to be a sympathetic character. He’s literally just rich and entitled I cannot care about him
3B parallels. I love how they call back to moments like these trying to reclaim some normalcy it’s really good writing
Tyler Posey said in the cast commentary that the taser gag was one of his favorite gags to do
SHDKSKKF love the way that he says “well.......... yea”
This hug................. they look like such kids here they make me so sad..... they were so young Allison was so young :((((((
WHY was Stiles so excited about the milk
Ok I’m just gonna say it, it’s absolutely horrible character writing to suggest Stiles would get his dad drunk like this. Like for the love of god can the teen wolf writers pay attention to their own characters’ history?? I could go on and on about this but I won’t in here lmao. Maybe in another post bc there’s a lot of reasons why this doesn’t make any sense. Sometimes teen wolf good and sometimes teen wolf bad
The way that the whiskey is so obviously iced tea
How the fuck does a teacher have Scott’s personal cell phone number. Also when did Scott get a new cell phone?
:( through the dark :( the lyrics make me so sad
God they never talk about it. That’s where Stiles gets it from.
Scott you’re the cutest motherfucker I love you
Ughhh Allison feels so unsafe Everywhere literally everybody around her is lying to her constantly no wonder she’s so fucked up
God the way Scott doesnt open the door is really well done UGHHH it feels so creepy
aaaaaaaaaannndd PENIS HALE
Peter I’ll fucking kill you myself I don’t give a shit. Him being like “you ever heard of world war II” and then is like “also I’m not hitler”
Hi Derek ily
Scott I’m so sorry your entire life is a disaster
Derek being like welcome to my humble abode go inside and let me bite you a little
God i don’t care about you Jackson Derek was right
Derek “I’m going to kill you NEVERMIND ILL RISK MY LIFE TO SAVE YOURS” Hale
Scott :(((((
Mostly? .......mostly. Love that line delivery. Deaton is one of the coolest characters ever
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neverleaveyoubehind · 4 years
Teen Wolf : 1x01 “Wolf Moon”
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OMG they look so young! This whole episode has made me feel so old, I can’t believe that it’s been 9 years since this aired. I still remember watching this after middle school and now, it’s been almost a decade, I’m in college , I’m a full adult, unbelievable!
Let’s proceed with the actual reaction, though.
The first scene it’s surprisingly good, I mean, the way it starts all somber with the creepy music, you see all the police department and the Sheriff arriving to the woods, all the police dogs barking , the fog ,... I really liked it. Actually, I had forgotten about this scene in particular.
Like, we actually get to see the Sheriff a little bit, in my mind we weren’t introduced to the Sheriff until later in the episode. That was cool, knowing that he’s the first important character we see (even though you need to be paying a lot of attention to see that it’s him, because they just focus on showing his arm or something like that )
Suddenly, the music changes into an upbeat song, and we are in Scotts house. (God, seeing Scott fixing the Lacrosse stick gave me ALL the nostalgic feelings I could handle) Tyler Posey looks so young, like a little baby, he changes so much during the years. Not like Dylan who looks exactly the same but , with longer hair 9 years later.
Anyway, we have baby Scott (that’s how I will be referring to him for the next 2 seasons aprox) working out , being teenagery , brushing his teeth (his sink worried me a bit, maybe they should think about investing in a new one ‘cause that one looks nasty) Then, he hears a noise and freaks out. BTW, Scotts hair is a whole situation, it’s way too long for such a small face.
He freaks out, gets out of the house with a baseball bat,which might have been the highlight of my day (also,the baseball bat as a deathly weapon was Scott’s idea first ,ladies and gentlemen, let’s take that into consideration) and we are finally introduced to Stiles.
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What better way to introduce him than having him hanging for his first 2 minutes on screen? (he being completely unfazed by it, and carrying the conversation like nothing was wrong, is my favorite thing in the world and the reason why I love Stiles so much) if this whole scene isn’t the reason why everyone kept watching the pilot, Idk what to tell you.
Ok, then, after the best interaction ever, Stiles has somewhat convinced Scott to go look for the body in the woods. Because, yes people, there’s a body , this body is missing a half and Stiles wants to find it. Like, of course he does, this man thinks he’s a detective or something (And yes, I did say a half because we don’t know which part is missing) So, in what has to be the most teenager/peer pressure way (reluctantly following your best friend trough the woods with a murderer on the loose) our story begins.
We have Stiles and Scott walking around trying to find the body (every sentence that leaves Dylan's mouth during this episode is gold, that's really my opinion) Scotty is worried about the prospect of founding not only the body but, the murderer, Stiles is living his best life, joking around, walking way too fast for our asthmatic baby Scott, and that's how they get separated.
We properly meet one of the best characters of the show, the sheriff Stilinski, after Stiles gets scared by another deputy that thinks he’s the murderer, and Stiles leaves with his dad. So, now we have us a baby Scott walking alone, in the dark, back home.
He’s walking for a bit, with creppy background music and various animal noises (the music and the ambiance of this show are great. Props to the music team, honestly) Then, he reaches a clearing in the middle of the forest, takes out his inhaler, and when he is about to use it, a bunch of deer bump into him causing him to fall to the ground and drop the inhaler. (I bet he was more worried about dying crushed by deer than losing it, though) When the deer have gone their merry way,and he no longer thinks he’s going to die, he gets up and starts looking for the inhaler with the light of his cell phone (with the light of the screen to be precise. Scotty isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed), but he doesn’t find his inhaler, he finds... The body (the upper part, in case someone was wondering)
Then, Scotty jumps back from the scare, and falls down a hill. When he gets up, a huge black monster attacks him and baby Scott gets bitten!
(The CGI of the first season is truly horrifying but, don’t panic my friends, it will get better)
Baby Scott runs as good as he can manage ,after being bitten by an unknown huge thing and having lost his inhaler,through the woods until he reaches the road, where he is almost hit by a car (our homeboy Scotty is having a really bad night)
The fact that he gets almost run over by Allison and her mom , who aren’t even in the show yet is amazing. Jeff did truly love this 2 because their storyline is truly wonderful, their whole relationship is handled with such care and a lot of attention to details. It makes my heart soft.
They go to school, Jackson looks like an asshole and turns out to be an asshole, normal High School shit. Scotty shows Stiles his bandage and tells him that a wolf bit him, then Stiles proceeds to laugh his ass off because there hasn’t been wolfs in California in like 60 years (Stiles is the kind of person that knows that type of thing) and , baby Scott tells him that he found the body.
Then this whole hilarious scene happens:
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They go to class and Scotty starts hearing a phone ringing and turns out he’s the only one hearing it (obviously dude, you’re a werewolf) because it’s the phone of a new girl that’s outside of the High School waiting for the headmaster (I guess, I though someone else was but maybe that hasn’t happened,yet) this new girl is talking on the phone with her mom and she realizes that she forgot to bring a pen (really? You forget to bring a pen to your first day of High School? Someone wasn’t prepared)
So the headmaster brings the new girl to Scotty’s class , her name is Allison, and baby Scott has a crush on her the second he sees her (puppy love has never been more fitting )
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Then, he does that whole thing of giving her a pen that she didn’t ask for (if I was Allison I’d be creeped out that someone just gave me a pen after I said outside of the building that I didn’t have one but, IDK, maybe it’s just me)
Anyway, Lydia and Allison become BFFs ,they have Lacrosse practice (we hear the Lacrosse background music for the first time) and surprise, Baby Scott didn’t suck (we also meet Coach aka the most important person of Beacon Hills high school) After school Stiles and Scott go back to the wood to look for the body and the inhaler (seriously, do this kids never learn?) while Stiles jokes about Scotty being a werewolf,and Derek Hale makes his first appearance (God Derek looks like Edward Cullen in this episode) he gives Scott his inhaler back and tells them to get out of his property (like an old man)
Stiles tells Scotty that almost all of Derek’s family died in a fire in his house and baby Scott leaves to go to work. He goes to feed the cats and they freak out, Allison comes to the vet hysterical with a dog she run over , this cutie moment happens :
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Baby Scott is in love, so he asks her out to Lydia’s party that friday, Allison is also in love so she says yes. Scotty goes to sleep feeling on cloud nine and wakes up in the middle of the woods (it was a full moon the night before) he sees the big monster that attacked him the other night starts running and ends up falling in someone’s pool (Baby Scott is way to ripped for an asthmatic little kid but, ok)
He goes to school , Jackson interrogates him about steroids (fuck off Jackson, no one likes you. Well, maybe Lydia, but that’s it) Scotty freaks out about sleepwalking 40 miles into the woods, they go to Lacrosse practice and Scotty makes first line so he’s going to be playing in their first Lacrosse game of the year ,Stiles is suspicious because Scott was awful at Lacrosse like 2 days ago , and suddenly he’s a pro (like he should be, honestly, people should listen to Stiles more)
Stiles goes home researches a freaking ton about lycanthropy and werewolfs and decides that yes, his best friend is a werewolf (just like that, that was his first option and he stuck to it) he calls Scotty, tells him that he should cancel his date with Allison just in case he tries to kill her but Scott ignores him.
Melissa and baby Scott have a nice mother-son moment before his first ever date (with a lot more mentions of teenage pregnancies and underage sex for what one would expect from a first date)
Baby Scott takes Allison to the party, everything is going great, until it isn’t. Suddenly Scott starts feeling the bloodlust and the changes that Stiles had warned him about, so he leaves the party (leaving Allison alone without as mush as an apology, and without a way to get back home) Do not fear, though. Derek offers to take her home so everything’s great.
Scotty goes home while having a whole freak out and tells Stiles (who has followed him because he’s the best friend anyone could ever have) that Derek is the werewolf that bit him. Stiles tells Scotty that Derek took Allison home, Baby Scott leaves to have a fucking argument with Derek, and Stiles goes to Allison’s house (Allison was just fine so Stiles leaves)
Scotty and Derek get attacked by werewolf hunters (needless to say, Scotty won’t be sleeping in a while)
In the morning Stiles picks him up from the woods. At school Scotty apologizes to Allison, she forgives him because they are in love (or stupid , if I had been left like that in the first date I wouldn’t have forgiven him) and we are introduced to Allison’s dad
Wait, did I say Allison’s dad? I meant the werewolf hunter that tried to kill him the night before.
Wow that was a roller coaster of emotions ! What did you guys think? Did you remember all of what actually happens ? Did you also realize that you’ve been mixing what happens in each season together into one big season? Because I did
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