#ikemen theories
The Royal Archives Keith Characteristics
Welcome back you all to the sequel of Exploring Keith, after talking about what makes them switch I am at it again with a deep study about the characteristics of each side. 🧐
It seem from the knowledge we have collected until now that both sides are deeply involved in working for their Kingdom but in different ways.
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The surprise of his attendant show us that, as diligent Kind Keith is, Dark Keith seem to be an even harder worker than him, may hap because Kind Keith usually stop to help people around at the contrary of Dark Keith as shown in More Love with the Beast, where he plainly ignore the man on the ground, he swept in to save, only to continue looking for the cat with the keys for the handcuffs.
The attendant help us once more, revealing the fact that Dark Keith likes to plan dates while Kind Keith to improvise them, in this dialogue we discover also that not only the attendant knows of Keith sides, but that he is not pleased to see Dark Keith showing up.
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It seem another shared traits of theirs is to fidget with things, be it fingers or coins.
Dark Keith
He tap his fingers on surfaces to show anger or annoyance in a situation, like when the attendant is scolding him, same reason that push him to fidget with the coins, probably more out of boredom for wasting time in unproductive or not funny ways.
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Kind Keith
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He instead, kind sensitive man he is, fidget with the coins to keep at bay anxiety or nervousness, in an attempt to calm himself down enough to remain in control of the situation, without Dark Keith pushing him away and taking the lead.
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Dark Keith
Another sign Dark Keith likes to give as being in command of the situation is staring at the other with superiority, bordering in arrogance, leaning his back on the place where he is sitting on, showing either disinterest and haughtiness, like in Be my lover be my beast when the attendant is speaking to him, or deep interest, studying her reactions when they got locked together in the room To catch a bunny rabbit Epilogue, placing the arm on the nearest surface and lean his chin on his hand, be it on his fist or on his own fingers.
The sense of superiority, both physical and psychological he has, show off in in his posture, underlined by his crossing one knee over the other, considered a power move to show off dominance by taking more space and thus asserting one self in the situation, like he is doing with the attendant, remembering he is in charge being the Prince.
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Tagging @itsmyara @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @candied-boys Thank you for the support to this project 🤗
@aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @randonauticrap @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @itsjudesfault
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rou-luxe · 3 months
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shatcey · 1 month
While reading Ellis' Route, I noticed this William's line
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And knowing William, it seems to me that he pointed this out purposefully.
I have a feeling that this is very important. And, most likely, this will be explained in his route.
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godeaterazathoth · 3 months
my crack swan lake theory
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i want to go in more depth about this brain worm i have. this is terrible made and just rambling cuz i can't stop yapping to myself (i have no friends)
so as of what we know now, both twins are Odile (the Black Swan) and Rothbart's daughter. however i think this is a misdirect.
in the ballet Siegfried (the prince) is fooled by Rothbart and Odile, basically Rothbart has transformed Odile to look like Odette (the white swan), Siegfried vows his love to Odile, basically trapping Odette as a swan forever, so Siegfried and Odette chose to die together.
so my theory is basically that Ring is actually the white swan Odette transformed into the black swan Odile (maybe by Darius). we don't know the twins curses yet but it's implied that Nica may have the ability to manipulate people's emotions
"With the ability to freely manipulate affection, he toys with the romantic feelings in your heart."
just like how Odile fooled Siegfried into loving her. this connects to Nica's dislike of any deep affection. Odile is never loved, the one she loves cares for another, the only thing she can do is imitate Odette. those with curses are all aware of their fates and most embrace their end maybe Ring is avoiding fate by playing a different role.
in contrast Ring is described as ... "He acts hostile towards you as a puppet of Darius'" in the ballet Rothbart is the one who transforms Odette into a swan (we don't know why). maybe this ties to Darius's ability. also in Ring's introduction its states "The reason why he became a puppet despite his pure and adorable true nature is because... " maybe they made a deal ? idk maybe it has something to do with Nica's dislike of any kind of affection.
Odette is meant to be the romantic tragic heroin who's love leads to her death, perhaps to avoid this fate the twins have decided not to love anyone, not even each other. they do this in different ways, Nica plays with emotions and Ring discards his emotions to become a puppet.
i think it's interesting that Ring has a darker colour palette with more of an emphasize on black almost like hiding in plain sight.
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
IkeVil Act 2 Prologue Thoughts & Theories
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This will contain spoilers, and some 18+ remarks at the end, so MDNI. Please see under the cut. As usual, these are just my thoughts and feelings.This is a word salad. And not that this is important or anything, but I was totally listening to Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake while writing this.
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My first thought is: That's it?! With the Act 1 prologue being as long as it is, and even with other IkeSeries games like Pri, I felt it was too short. I was expecting and wanting more. Perhaps, Cybird will release more later, but I doubt it. Seems that they are keeping Vogel underwraps as much as they can. Less is more, maybe that's what they were thinking?
Next: The spotlight is on Vogel (as it should be), since they're apparently debuting with Roger's route. We're excited to meet them, still I didn't like that other than Victor and Harry (with his two lines of actual dialogue), no other Crown members had any lines. Their sprites just pop up (sans William because he's away per Victor), to show that they were present. Where is that amazing stare-off that went down in Roger's PV?
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Tell me this wasn't it! Hopefully, we get more of their first meeting within the first chapter of each of their main stories. Which leads me to......
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When Act 2 Takes Place: It takes place a week after Kate's tenure of being the Fairytale Keeper begins, and honestly, I LOVE that. We need a change of pace. Now, don’t get me twisted, there's nothing wrong with seeing her start her journey from the very beginning, but consider:
Act 2 is supposed to delve deeper into the topic of the Curse itself from what I understand. If that's the case, we need to move things along. It would make storytelling easier (I feel), if Kate has already spent a week with the villains and isn't completely ignorant about curses.
Also, we're moving further along in the routes, which tend to become progressively darker with each route passing (my opinion), not starting from the day after she arrives at the Castle will allow the writers to delve deeper into things, and give us more chapters for - hopefully - more lore.
I mean when Roger's route finally releases, I'd expect maybe some flashbacks in chapter one of the night after Kate bumps into them on their mission, and then she agrees to be his assistant. I don't personally want an entire chapter or three of that, and I would love to see Kate already with a week's worth of experience of working with Jude & Ellis (when Jude's route releases). I want her to be someone who is already capable, not stumbling around with (How do I prove myself?), we already know how she needs to do this, as she's demonstrated in their events. Let's skip that and get to the good stuff. Now about the new meat on the market.....
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Darius: Well, we all know that we can't trust him, and he's super interested in William for some reason. I'd love to see that meeting happen. His disappointed face made me chuckle when he was told that William was away, and you can clearly tell that he isn't a fan of Victor. WHY?? Is it the scones? Is it because Victor keeps his precious Cursed babies safe from those who may try to destroy his family? Can't wait for the explanation, because as Victor has said in the past, he doesn't want his time with Crown to end, and Darius seems like the one who is going to end it. I know Darius hasn't done anything yet, but I feel like I need to say this: Don't be mean to Vivi!
He seems to be focused on recruiting other cursed members into his "family", and his vision of the cursed and non-cursed joing hands together and work alongside each other (so he says).
He seems to be the big-bad (Gilbert tragic backstory vibes from this one?), I could be wrong, but that's what my gut tells me. I mean they all have one, but I feel like his is going to be twisted. A type that I am weak for.....so I am trying not to look at him at all.
Anyways....He's certainly angelic looking, and because he's wearing such an obviously painted smile, I would like to see him irked (not that I hate his character or anything), I just think it'd be funny as hell to see a blood vessel pop up on his forehead.
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Nica: Right, Nica is gorgeous and he is the one I look forward to the most out of the three. His sprite has teeth when it's a full smile (congrats, my man), and a part from him making a comment that he's happy that Kate is present because he doesn't want to be stuck with a bunch of guys, he's very sharp.
He discerned by himself the real reason why she was at the castle. Also, he seems to love money and power....my other weaknesses are men who enjoy those things (stares at Jude & Silvio).....he doesn't seem to have a tyrant attitude, but I look forward to learning more about him.
Also, I have a theory I believe he may be involved with Roger's betrayal of Ellis' cursed predecessor. In Roger's main route preview:
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Roger: Oh, me and…..this person……We aren’t friends. This person and I are strangers.
Mysterious Youth: ….Thank you. - “That’s enough”. (screen shakes)
Now, this could be Ring, but I think it's Nica also because of the relationship chart. I re-read the relationship chart. .
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So, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out and how off I am. On to our darling......
Ring: Beloved, sweet, cold, blunt and Disney Princess Ring. He is the next villain I look forward to the most. I mean, a shared cursed ability with your twin? Moody emo vibes? Adorably quiet and strong? Please, I love him and want to cuddle him. Not to mention that skin-tight, black turtle neck....yummy. A part from this, Ring doesn't seem to like making speculations based on limited information, and I appreciate that about him. I think it's also notable that is very upfront with everyone at Crown, that if they try to harm Vogel, he won't sit quietly. Love a man of action. My question is: Why is he Darius' puppet, but not Nica? Ok, last but not least......
Sprite Designs: As usual, Nana-sensei has incorporated symbolism of their fairytale group into their clothing with lots of sharp edges. Personally, I love her art style over all, I think it's beautiful. Of note, Darius has a feather as his belt buckle and I quite like that. His brooch on his neck is the recognizable symbol of Vogel (seems like a swan's head with feathers to me), and the brooch on his floofy coat looks like the face of a swan staring at me. *Ahem* And I think his little neck window could be bigger....just saying.
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Nica & Ring both have identical tassels, although they are different colors. One of their tassels likewise feature the symbol of Vogel, but the other looks like cross-hatch marks(?) Feathers(?). They apparently share the same curse, perhaps it represents their shared cursed since they are connected as twins??
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They also share swan-faced holster clasps. The one on Nica holds his gun holster, and Ring's holds a book holster (?).....it looks like a book holster. Is it a book about flowers? I mean, it could be a snack pouch, but really it looks like a book holster to me. Just saying.....
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Last, but not least, Nica's rings. My first thought: That's hot as hell. Next thought: Shit it's going to hurt like hell when he fingers Kate. This entire time I've been worried over William's and Jude's long ass fingernails cutting Kate up when they enter her, but this this amount of rings (assuming he doesn't remove them), that's going to scrape her so much inside. They're like a toture device.....wait.....maybe he's a sadist too? Oohh, yay if he is! Either way, he is a fan a jewelry.
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Well, that's it. There's a ton more that I could write about, but I'm sleepy and I'm rambling.
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[Master Lists]
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rawr-mortgage · 2 months
wait. wasn't it mentioned at one point in the game that it's impossible for two people to be afflicted with the same curse simultaneously?
so then why...
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do these bitches have the same curse, HUH? both cursed by Odile from Swan Lake??? weird especially since a curse is acquired over the course of a person's life rather than something you're born with. and there's never been any mention of certain families/bloodlines or genes being more susceptible to being cursed than others. I NEED ANSWERS!!!
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mrslelouch · 4 months
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This is my guess what the 3 new Villains are based on. I know they're more tales with Vogel in it but to me Der goldene Vogel by The Brothers Grimm fits so perfectly! (I really hope I am right!) This fairy tale is about the pursuit of a golden bird by a gardener's three sons. Which fairy tale do you guys think fits the new Villains? (Please kindly share 😊💕)
Here's the synopsis for the story for those who are curious:
Every year, a king's apple tree is robbed of one golden apple during the night. He sets his gardener's sons to watch, and though the first two fall asleep, the youngest stays awake and sees that the thief is a golden bird. He tries to shoot it, but only knocks a feather off.
The feather is so valuable that the king decides he must have the bird. He sends his gardener's three sons, one after another, to capture the priceless golden bird. The sons each meet a talking fox, who gives them advice for their quest: to choose an old and shabby inn over a rich and pleasant one. The first two sons ignore the advice and, in the pleasant inn, abandon their quest. The third son obeys the fox, so the fox advises him to take the bird in its wooden cage from the castle in which it lives, instead of putting it into the golden cage next to it, because this is a signal. But he disobeys, and the golden bird rouses the castle, resulting in his capture.
The king of the castle agrees to spare him and give him the golden bird only if he can retrieve the golden horse. The fox advises him to use a dark gray leather saddle rather than a golden one which is a signal again, but he fails again by putting a golden saddle on a horse, resulting in his capture by a different castle. This castle's king sent him after the princess from the golden castle. The fox advises him not to let her say farewell to her parents, but he disobeys, and the princess's father orders him to remove a hill in eight days as the price of his life. The fox removes it for him, and then, as they set out, he advises the son how to keep all the things he has won since then. It then asks the son to shoot it and cut off its head. When the son refuses, it warns him against buying gallows' flesh and sitting on the edge of rivers.
He finds that his older brothers, who have been carousing and living sinfully in the meantime, are to be hanged (on the gallows) and buys their liberty. They find out what he has done. When he sits on a river's edge, they push him in, take the bird, horse and princess and bring them to their father. However, all three grieve for the youngest son. The fox rescues the prince, and when he returns to his father's castle dressed in a beggar's cloak, the bird, the horse, and the princess all recognize him as the man who won them, and become cheerful again. His older brothers get punished for their bad deeds, and he marries the princess.
Finally, the third son cuts off the fox's head and feet at the creature's request. The fox is revealed to be a man, the brother of the princess who had been enchanted by a witch after being lost for great many years.
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errethebunny · 4 months
Before the timer goes out, I'd like to share some theories about what's about to come in ikevil
possible spoilers ahead
Usually, it is on act 2 that the ikemen team usually announces the new characters of the season.
As we experienced in Ikemen Vampire, and Ikemen Prince, the new characters usually come to antagonize some of the previous suitors.
Which makes me believe the characters that would be antagonized by the new bunch, will be the characters that didn't have their routes out yet: Roger, Jude and Victor. In that order.
Maybe in Roger's route, we will learn about some other cursed person Roger tried to cure and wasn't successful (hence why he's very adamant about NOT being a doctor anymore). Maybe he thought his friend died, and now surprise! Guess who's back?
As for their curse, my thoughts go to The Big Bad Wolf from Red Riding Hood.
Pretty cliche, I know, but like Snow White, Red Riding Hood also has a Hunter, which would be perfect to explain their relation to one another, as well as determining their dynamic as the two big bad guys hunting Mc.
Now for Jude, I don't really think the new guy will necessarily be related to Briar Rose. But I definitely can see some money related curse. Maybe Robin Wood? Maybe. Definitely something thief related I think
It could be interesting, a character that hates rich people like Jude, however since Jude is rich himself, the character could steal some of Jude's stuff. It could be funny lol
I could keep going, but I think Victor deserves his own post.
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kittygrimm88 · 11 months
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I have a theory that in all routes, Vlad has and is in love with MC. All different routes with other characters are just different timelines that Vlad has tried to see where is the most perfect to be, which is the real timeline. Reason why we never see in routes MC turned as a vampire, is because in eternal timeline MC is meant to be with Vlad and somehow ends up to be turned to actual pureblood vampire. As in other information that you can see from the game is that Comte is mentioned to be pureblood vampire when again Vlad is Greater Vampire, which in my mind could be that he is actually cabable to turn others to pure blooded vampires, if he so would wish.
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noodlersthesilly · 6 months
Okay, y’all. Serious question about Mitsuhide pertaining to one of his side stories, specifically “Romantic and Dramatic Full Love Bonus: Thank you for the Meal”. You get this from the Romantic Route.
(This post does go into darker themes, such as the idea of cannibalism.)
There’s one thing that really stands out to me here, and yes, I’m aware that this is a sensitive topic but I feel like we should talk about it, because I don’t remember it ever being addressed.
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So here, he admits that he’s lost his sense of taste—it’s not that he was born without it.
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This is where I’m getting suspicious. What sort of things would he eat that no one should have to? What was so incredibly traumatic that he lost his sense of taste and doesn’t want it back?
I know that this might be a bit of a stretch, but my first thought was cannibalism. He says flat out that he was starving, and ate whatever he could. When starving, we do things we’d like to think we never could.
I don’t think Mitsuhide would’ve killed someone for that, though. I think it was that he came across a corpse, and decided it was better to eat the dead than to starve.
Like I said, I know it’s a stretch, but I’m curious if anyone else ever had this thought. If not, what do you all theorise that he ate?
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The Royal Archives To wield a sword
Welcome fellow curious minds this is your majesty the Queen speaking, today and only for today the Royal Archives will be open to guest of all sort.
I always have adored to over analize everything and everyone from flms to books, to games such as these I have only recently discovered.
I absolutely love to explore characters and plot alike, during one of this journeys I happened to discover something, paying close attention to their poses, I noticed every prince wield the sword in a single distinctive manner that I find quite interesting to see as it reveal us something about their inner sides. 🧐
Luke is the only one who wield his long and heavy sword with both hands.
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This gesture, his pose, reveal he was being driven by heart, his grip is strong and his gaze fierce the gesture is overall a bit more rough and uncouthed than all the other princes, after all he was born and raised a commoner arriving to the castle only much later, not belonging nor desiring to fit in a role he not only did not want but lowkey despise too, his emotions are raw having the best of him to the point he lose control of himsef when lead by rage.
Chevalier on the contrary along the other princes wield his sword with only one hand.
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This gesture, his pose, reveal he was being driven by mind, his grip is strong and his gaze cold and calculating, seizing down his opponents in the palace like on the battlefield, in control of the situation lead by logical reasons.
The key difference between these two gestures and mindset is perfectly summarized in this phrase.
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Every prince has only one way to wield their swords except Keith, who, not so casually, happen to be have two sides who act and think independently from one another thus explaining a difference in the way he held his swords based on which side is in control when he was fighting.
Dark Keith
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Dark Keith wield it with one hand, driven by his scheming mind he knows what he is doing and why, use his sword with the intent to attack his enemies before they could do it.
Kind Keith
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Kind Keith wield it with both hands, driven by his kind heart, he knows what he has to do but is reluctant to do it, but he won't give up, use his sword to protect those he cares about, to defend both them and himself.
Here is Dark Keith fighting, even Licht noticed the difference, and he wield the sword with both hands, pretending to be Kind Keith.
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Tagging @itsmyara @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @candied-boys Thank you for the support to this project 🤗
@aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @randonauticrap @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @itsjudesfault
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rou-luxe · 2 months
William's curse...
I realized something horrifying.
As we know, William's curse is relatively new. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" was published in 1865. Someone said that Ikemen Villains takes place somewhere near 1900 (?)
Crown was founded 14 years ago when William was about 14. He's currently 28. According to Roger, there's an indefinite time between when a cursed person dies and when the curse is assigned to another person.
Without another person with the Queen of Hearts curse before William's birth, there's no possible reason why they would know his fate already. Thus, there was one other person with the Queen of Hearts curse before William.
35 years since "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" was published. 28 years since William was born.
The previous owner of the Queen of Hearts curse died seven years of age or younger. They died of their own self-righteousness before the age of seven. On top of that, their tragic fate is known and documented.
Doesn't that seem suspicious?
It certainly isn't helping the "Nica and Ring were experiments" theory...
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shatcey · 12 days
So… It's not the first time I've noticed this odd wording…
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"He calls himself"
Does that mean it's not his name? Is that just what he calls himself? Or maybe queen gave him that name? Then what is his real name?
If devs was really inspired by "Black butler", I don't even know what to think… Just no angels. I'm begging! I get the creeps just thinking about crying angels thanks to "Doctor Who", I don't need another creepy image!
Screenshot from Black weeding event. I noticed this a while ago, but just remembered and found a screenshot. Have no idea how my brain came back to this thought.
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candied-boys · 9 months
I have a WHOLE THEORY on the genetics of hair in the Rholodite family!!! Prepare yourself @drewadoodle !!
So Luke is the only one with the King's hair - red. It's probably the most recessive trait. It's likely that Luke's mom also had at least one parent with red hair or had red hair herself. Though she looked similar to Jin's mom who presumably had Jin's light brown hair, so Luke's mom could have had red as a recessive trait like rb or something.
So something like rr x rr is required to get red or possibly rr x r(?), and rr x anything else without r will be not red - hence all of the other brothers not having red hair.
If red is recessive, silver could dominate it. But from what we know about Tanzanite having 254 royal children - but only a few of them having silver hair - it cannot be the most dominant. And since it's *so* rare, silver could also be recessive. This would mean the twins' mother would have to have had ss, and ss x rr where both are recessive probably has a 50/50 chance of showing up.
Presumably everything else is dominant; brown, black, blonde, purple. Though we'd need a much bigger sample size to know for sure because all of those could be recessive and the mothers just happened to have purely recessive genes like the king 🤷🏼‍♀️
Please note, I have not studied genetics in... 15 years or more. So I could be very wrong.
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whatever-fanfics · 11 months
What if when MC came through the door they somehow established a bond with it. Le comte said that they were like an anomaly. They are intertwined with the door they are okay as long as the door is. They don’t change they don’t age, not a vampire but not quite human. But they aren’t immortal just, stuck, they still need sustenance but they don’t quite age. Yet if something’s wrong with the door then something’s wrong with MC. If the door is damaged MC gets sick.
Just a thought.
It really makes you wonder though, why just MC, why not Sebastian or any of the other residents, why not Comte. He’s the one who built it. Why not Vlad.
What if they couldn’t leave. Trapped in one place for as long as the door remained.
Just wondering.
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sachikoii · 5 months
My thoughts on what year ikevil is set
I just finished Harrison's route a few days ago so I wanted to share some of my thoughts 👀
SPOILERS AHEAD (just in case)
The premise of Ikemen Villain is that you are living in 19th century London. Crown works for the Queen. This would have to refer to the only female British monarch in that century, Queen Victoria, who reigned from 1837-1901 aka the Victorian era.
I think most people know by now that Arthur Conan Doyle (the non-vampire version) makes an appearance in Harrison's route. Harrison's day job is being an editor and he's also a big fan of mystery novels. He mentions enjoying Conan Doyle's novels and being excited for new releases.
Sherlock Holmes is also mentioned a few times in his route, and not just by Harrison. MC also references Watson (wish I had the screenshot for this, it was in the middle of Harrison's route 🥲). We can assume at this point that Sherlock Holmes has reached enough mainstream popularity as even regular, literate folk like MC vaguely know the characters.
Sherlock Holmes made his first appearance in 1887, meaning our setting is already quite late in the Victorian era. He became increasingly popular after having his short stories published in a magazine, beginning in 1891.
To add to this, Liam mentions Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (William's route, Chapter 2) and specifically says it is "a story released a few decades ago". That book was published in 1865. A few is usually considered to be 2 or more, confirming again that it is late in the 1800s (at least 1885).
Therefore, Ikevil takes place between 1891-1899. Of course, this assumes the timeline matches our timeline and it isn't in an alternate universe where things we know from history are sprinkled in here and there haha wouldn't that be funny 🙂
Honestly though, I do know that Cybird hasn't always been the most accurate when it comes to historical events (I wouldn't really expect that of them either). I just think it's fun to imagine that Ikevil and Ikevamp could be happening in the same universe ☺️ I would love to see a crossover event (I know there's one with Harrison and Arthur my two favs)
Let me know if you have a different perspective! I'm so curious if they added any other historical references in other routes. I just started William's and haven't done Liam's yet.
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